Issue List
Untitled bug #32
Closed drgbie opened this issue over 12 years ago
drgbie commented over 12 years ago

Hi, I tried to implement Plasma_Cpu on the Spartan-3A FPGA Starter Kit XC3S700A. I just change the spartan3e.ucf, but while the mapping, there is this error; MapLib:30 - LOC constraint N11 on SF_A<23> is invalid: No such site on the device. To bypass this error set the environment variable 'XIL_MAP_LOCWARN'.

I replaced the UCF constraints for the StrataFlash address pins, which correspond to the Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash (SF) Spartan 3E, with the UCF constraints for the Flash address pins Parallel NOR Flash PROM (NF)which correspond to the Spartan-3A FPGA Starter Kit XC3S700A.

Thank you drgbie

rhoads closed this over 12 years ago

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