
* Amber ARM-compatible core

Issue List
tepq mode change #6
Closed Botao opened this issue almost 12 years ago
Botao commented almost 12 years ago

teqp doesnot change mode appropriately. Please refer to the following code & comment.

start_point: mov r0, #0x00000002 @ teqp pc, r0 @ set irq mode 10, should be firq mode 01 ldr sp, AdrIRQStack @ set the irq stack pointer

mov r0, #0x00000003             @
teqp    pc, r0                  @ set supervisor mode 11, should be firq mode 01
ldr sp, AdrSVCStack             @ set the supervisor stack pointer
Botao commented almost 12 years ago

Type your text here

Botao commented almost 12 years ago

It doesnot look like a bug. Please ignore / delete this bug report entry. Thx.

csantifort closed this almost 12 years ago

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