
Project maintainers


Name: ccsds_rxtxsoc
Created: May 20, 2011
Updated: Jul 2, 2017
SVN Updated: Jun 16, 2017
SVN: Browse
Latest version: download (might take a bit to start...)
Statistics: View
Bugs: 1 reported / 1 solved
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Other project properties

Category:System on Chip
Development status:Alpha
Additional info:
WishBone compliant: Yes
WishBone version: n/a
License: Others


Software Defined Radio RX/TX.

Consultative Committee for Space Data System (CCSDS) specifications compliant.

This is part of a larger project (EurySPACE) to implement Nasa Space Telecommunication Radio Systems (STRS) architecture for flexibility, reconfigurability and upgradability.

=> developped and supported by Euryece Telecom:

Protocol Description

Open System Interconnection (OSI) philosophy : reduced to 5 layers as CCSDS Space Communications Protocols Reference Model

Emitter (TX) description:
- Application Layer: Lossless Data Compression or Image Data Compression + CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) or Space Communications Protocol Specifications - File Protocol (SCPS-FP) / FTP
- Transport Layer: CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) or Space Communications Protocol Specifications - File Protocol (SCPS-TP) / FTP or User Data Protocol (UDP) + Space Communications Protocol Specifications - Security Protocol (SCSP-SP) or IPSEC
- Network Layer: Space Packet Protocol or Space Communications Protocol Specifications - Network Protocol (SCPS-NP) or IP-v4 or IP-v6
- Data Link Layer - Protocol Sublayer: Telemetry (TM) Space Data Link Protocol or Telecommand (TC) Space Data Link Protocol or Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS) Space Data Link Protocol or Proximity-1
- Data Link Layer - Synchronization and Channel Coding Sublayer: Telemetry (TM) Synchronisation and Channel Coding or Telecommand (TC) Synchronisation and Channel Coding or Proximity-1
- Physical Layer: RF and Modulation Systems or Proximity-1

Receiver (RX) description:
- Physical Layer: Demodulation - implementation of "Autonomous Software-Defined Radio Receivers for Deep Space Applications" recommandations from Jon Hamkins and Marvin K. Simon