Dec 10, 2003<< Caution >> It may cause inconsistency between RTL and synthesized net that default value of EX_KEEP_CYC is set to "x" in 'decode.v'. I believe such inconsistency is derived from only EX_KEEP_CYC. But just to make sure, I avoid every substitution of "x" except for "default" statement whose "case" describes all logic spaces. I updated following files; 'decode.v', 'mem.v', 'datapath.v'.
Aug 31, 2003Add a simple Brouchure. Add a verilog source list "test.txt" for verilog simulation in CVS directory verification/tools. (See page 24 of Aquarius.pdf.)
Jul 21, 2003Add a new application which calculates the Circular Constant (Pi) with long figures to verilfy the quality of Aquarius. And, update the Aquarius documents.
Jul 13, 2003First Release Version Uploaded.
Jul 12, 2003Project started