use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; sub generate_topology_top_v { my ($self,$info,$dir)=@_; #create topology top file my $name=$self->object_get_attribute('save_as'); my $r; my $top="$dir/${name}"; open my $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); my $param_str ="\tparameter TOPOLOGY = \"$name\", \tparameter ROUTE_NAME = \"${name}_DETERMINISTIC\""; my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; my @ports= @{$self->object_get_attribute('Verilog','Router_ports')}; # foreach my $d (@parameters){ # $param_str = $param_str.",\n\tparameter $d->{param_name} = $d->{value}"; # } my @ends=get_list_of_all_endpoints($self); my @routers=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $MAX_P=0; foreach my $p (@routers){ my $Pnum=$self->object_get_attribute("$p",'PNUM'); $MAX_P =$Pnum if($Pnum>$MAX_P ); } my $NE= scalar @ends; my $NR= scalar @routers; #step 2 add routers my @nodes=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $i=0; my $ports="\treset, \tclk"; my $wires='', my $routers=''; foreach my $p (@ends){ my $instance= $self->object_get_attribute("$p","NAME"); $ports=$ports.",\n\t//$instance"; $wires=$wires." /******************* * $instance *******************/ "; $wires=$wires."\tinput smartflit_chanel_t ${instance}_chan_in;\n"; $wires=$wires."\toutput smartflit_chanel_t ${instance}_chan_out;\n"; $ports=$ports.",\n\t${instance}_chan_in,\n\t${instance}_chan_out"; foreach my $d (@ports){ my $range = ($d->{pwidth} eq 1)? " " : " [$d->{pwidth}-1 : 0]"; my $type=$d->{type}; my $ctype= ($type eq 'input')? 'output' : 'input'; if( $d->{endp} eq "yes"){ #$wires=$wires."\t$type $range ${instance}_$d->{pname};\n"; #$wires=$wires."\t$ctype $range ${instance}_$d->{pconnect};\n"; #$ports=$ports.",\n\t${instance}_$d->{pname},\n\t${instance}_$d->{pconnect}"; } } } foreach my $p (@nodes){ my ($wire,$router) = get_router_instance_v($self,$p,$i,$NE,$NR,$MAX_P); $wires=$wires.$wire, $routers=$routers.$router; $i++; } my $assign=""; foreach my $p (@ends){ my $instance= $self->object_get_attribute("$p","NAME"); my $pname= "Port[0]"; my $connect = $self->{$p}{'PCONNECT'}{$pname}; if(defined $connect){ my ($cname,$pnode)=split(/\s*,\s*/,$connect); my $cinstance= $self->object_get_attribute("$cname","NAME"); my ($cp)= sscanf("Port[%u]","$pnode"); #$assign = $assign."//Connect $instance output ports 0 to $cinstance input ports $cp\n"; my $cpplus=$cp+1; foreach my $p (@ports){ my $w=$p->{pwidth}; my $range = ($w eq 1)? " " : "[$w-1 : 0 ]"; my $crange = ($w eq 1)? "[$cp]" : "[($cpplus*$w)-1 : $cp*$w ]"; my $cport = "${cinstance}_$p->{connect}"; my $port ="${instance}_$p->{pconnect}"; if($p->{type} eq 'input' ){ # $assign= $assign."\t\tassign $port $range = $cport $crange;\n" if($p->{endp} eq "yes"); }else{ # $assign= $assign."\t\tassign $cport $crange= $port $range;\n" if($p->{endp} eq "yes"); } } #@port } } print $fd " module ${name}_noc import pronoc_pkg::*; ( $ports ); function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=(number <=1) ? 1: 0; while(2**log2object_get_attribute("$rname","NAME"); my $Pnum=$self->object_get_attribute("$rname",'PNUM'); #read ruter parameters and ports my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; my @ports= @{$self->object_get_attribute('Verilog','Router_ports')}; my $wires_v=" /******************* * $instance *******************/ \twire ${instance}_clk; \twire ${instance}_reset; \twire [RAw-1 : 0] ${instance}_current_r_addr; \tsmartflit_chanel_t ${instance}_chan_in [$Pnum-1 : 0]; \tsmartflit_chanel_t ${instance}_chan_out [$Pnum-1 : 0]; "; my $router_v=" /******************* * $instance *******************/ router_top #( .P($Pnum) ) $instance ( .clk(${instance}_clk), .reset(${instance}_reset), .current_r_addr (${instance}_current_r_addr), .chan_in (${instance}_chan_in), .chan_out (${instance}_chan_out) ); "; $router_v= $router_v." \t\tassign ${instance}_clk = clk; \t\tassign ${instance}_reset = reset; \t\tassign ${instance}_current_r_addr = $current_r; "; for (my $i=0;$i<$Pnum; $i++){ my $pname= "Port[${i}]"; my $connect = $self->{$rname}{'PCONNECT'}{$pname}; my $iplus=$i+1; if(defined $connect){ my ($cname,$pnode)=split(/\s*,\s*/,$connect); my $cinstance= $self->object_get_attribute("$cname","NAME"); my $ctype = $self->object_get_attribute("$cname",'TYPE'); my ($cp)= sscanf("Port[%u]","$pnode"); $router_v = $router_v."//Connect $instance port $i to $cinstance port $cp\n"; if($ctype ne 'ENDP'){ $router_v.=" \t\tassign ${instance}_chan_in [$i] = ${cinstance}_chan_out [$cp];\n"; }else{ $router_v.=" \t\tassign ${instance}_chan_in [$i] = ${cinstance}_chan_in;\n"; $router_v.=" \t\tassign ${cinstance}_chan_out = ${instance}_chan_out [$i];\n"; } my $cpplus=$cp+1; #{name=> "flit_in_all", type=>"input", width=>"PFw", connect=>"flit_out_all", pwidth=>"Fw" }, foreach my $p (@ports){ my $w=$p->{pwidth}; my $range = ($w eq 1)? "[$i]" : "[($iplus*$w)-1 : $i*$w ]"; my $crange = ($ctype eq 'ENDP') ? '' : ($w eq 1)? "[$cp]" : "[($cpplus*$w)-1 : $cp*$w ]"; my $cport = ($ctype eq 'ENDP') ? "${cinstance}_$p->{pname}" : "${cinstance}_$p->{connect}"; my $port ="${instance}_$p->{name}"; if($ctype eq 'ENDP' && $p->{endp} eq "no" && $p->{type} eq 'input' ){ # $router_v= $router_v."\t\tassign $port $range = 0;\n"; }else{ if($p->{type} eq 'input' ){ # $router_v= $router_v."\t\tassign $port $range = $cport $crange;\n"; }else{ # $router_v= $router_v."\t\tassign $cport $crange= $port $range;\n"; } } } #@port }else { $router_v = $router_v."//Connect $instance port $i to ground \t assign ${instance}_chan_in [$i]= {SMARTFLIT_CHANEL_w{1'b0}};\n"; foreach my $p (@ports){ my $w=$p->{pwidth}; my $range = ($w eq 1)? "[$i]" : "[($iplus*$w)-1 : $i*$w ]"; if($p->{type} eq 'input' ){ # $router_v= $router_v."\t\tassign ${instance}_$p->{name} $range = \{$w\{1'b0\}\};\n"; } } } } return ($wires_v,$router_v); } #******************* # generate_topology_top_genvar_v #******************** sub generate_topology_top_genvar_v{ my ($self,$info,$dir)=@_; #create topology top file my $name=$self->object_get_attribute('save_as'); my $r; my $top="$dir/${name}"; open my $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); my $param_str ="\tparameter TOPOLOGY = \"$name\", \tparameter ROUTE_NAME = \"${name}_DETERMINISTIC\""; my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; my @ports= @{$self->object_get_attribute('Verilog','Router_ports')}; foreach my $d (@parameters){ $param_str = $param_str.",\n\tparameter $d->{param_name} = $d->{value}"; } my @ends=get_list_of_all_endpoints($self); my @routers=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $MAX_P=0; foreach my $p (@routers){ my $Pnum=$self->object_get_attribute("$p",'PNUM'); $MAX_P =$Pnum if($Pnum>$MAX_P ); } my $NE= scalar @ends; my $NR= scalar @routers; my @nodes=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $i=0; my $ports="\treset, \tclk, \tchan_in_all, \tchan_out_all "; my $ports_def=" \tinput reset; \tinput clk; \tinput smartflit_chanel_t chan_in_all [NE-1 : 0]; \toutput smartflit_chanel_t chan_out_all [NE-1 : 0]; //all routers port \tsmartflit_chanel_t router_chan_in [NR-1 :0][MAX_P-1 : 0]; \tsmartflit_chanel_t router_chan_out [NR-1 :0][MAX_P-1 : 0]; \twire [RAw-1 : 0] current_r_addr [NR-1 : 0]; "; my $router_wires=""; my $endps_wires=""; foreach my $d (@ports){ my $range = ($d->{width} eq 1)? " " : " [$d->{width}-1 : 0]"; my $pdef_range = ($d->{pwidth} eq 1)? "[NE-1 : 0]" : "[(NE*$d->{pwidth})-1 : 0]"; my $endp_range = "[$d->{pwidth}-1 : 0]"; my $type=$d->{type}; my $ctype= ($type eq 'input')? 'output' : 'input'; if( $d->{endp} eq "yes"){ #$ports_def=$ports_def."\t$type $pdef_range $d->{name};\n"; #$ports_def=$ports_def."\t$ctype $pdef_range $d->{connect};\n"; #$ports=$ports.",\n\t$d->{name},\n\t$d->{connect}"; } if($d->{width} eq 1){ #$router_wires=$router_wires. "\twire [NR-1 :0] router_$d->{name};\n"; #$router_wires=$router_wires. "\twire [NR-1 :0] router_$d->{connect};\n"; }else{ #$router_wires=$router_wires. "\twire $range router_$d->{name} [NR-1 :0];\n"; #$router_wires=$router_wires. "\twire $range router_$d->{connect} [NR-1 :0];\n"; } if( $d->{endp} eq "yes"){ if($d->{pwidth} eq 1){ #$endps_wires=$endps_wires. "\twire [NE-1 :0] ni_$d->{pname};\n"; #$endps_wires=$endps_wires. "\twire [NE-1 :0] ni_$d->{pconnect};\n"; }else{ #$endps_wires=$endps_wires. "\twire $endp_range ni_$d->{pname} [NE-1 :0];\n"; #$endps_wires=$endps_wires. "\twire $endp_range ni_$d->{pconnect} [NE-1 :0];\n"; } } } #step 2 add routers my $Tnum=1; my $routers=' genvar i; generate '; my $offset=0; my $assign=""; my $assign_h=""; my $init_h=""; my %new_h; my $addr=0; for ( my $i=2;$i<=12; $i++){ my $n= $self->object_get_attribute("ROUTER${i}","NUM"); $n=0 if(!defined $n); if($n>0){ for(my $rr=0; $rr<$n; $rr=$rr+1) { my $pos= ($offset==0)? $rr : $rr+$offset; $new_h{"TNUM_${pos}"}="$Tnum"; $new_h{"RNUM_${pos}"}="$rr"; $init_h.="router${Tnum}[$rr]->current_r_addr=$addr;\n"; $addr++; } $offset+= $n; $Tnum++; } } $offset=0; for ( my $i=2;$i<=12; $i++){ my $n= $self->object_get_attribute("ROUTER${i}","NUM"); $n=0 if(!defined $n); if($n>0){ my $router_pos= ($offset==0)? 'i' : "i+$offset"; #my $instant=get_router_genvar_instance_v($self,$i,$router_pos,$NE,$NR,$MAX_P); $routers=$routers." \tfor( i=0; i<$n; i=i+1) begin : router_${i}_port_lp router_top #( .P($i) ) router_${i}_port ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .current_r_addr($router_pos), .chan_in (router_chan_in\[$router_pos\]), .chan_out (router_chan_out\[$router_pos\]) ); \tend "; for ( my $j=0;$j<$n; $j++){ my $rname ="ROUTER${i}_$j"; my ($ass_v,$ass_h)=get_wires_assignment_genvar_v($self,$rname,0,\%new_h); $assign=$assign.$ass_v; $assign_h.=$ass_h; } $offset+= $n; } } $routers.="endgenerate\n"; print $fd " module ${name}_noc_genvar import pronoc_pkg::*; ( reset, clk, chan_in_all, chan_out_all ); function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=(number <=1) ? 1: 0; while(2**log2$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd " void topology_connect_all_nodes (void){ $assign_h } void topology_init(void){ $init_h } "; close $fd; add_info($info,"$top file is created\n "); } sub get_router_genvar_instance_v{ my ($self,$Pnum,$router_pos,$NE,$NR,$MAX_P)=@_; #read ruter parameters and ports my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; my @ports= @{$self->object_get_attribute('Verilog','Router_ports')}; my $router_v=" router_top #( .P($Pnum) ) router_${Pnum}_port ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .current_r_addr($router_pos), .chan_in (router_chan_in\[$router_pos\]), .chan_out(router_chan_out\[$router_pos\]) ); "; return $router_v; } sub get_wires_assignment_genvar_v{ my ($self,$rname,$reverse,$cref)=@_; $reverse = 0 if(!defined $reverse); my $instance= $self->object_get_attribute("$rname","NAME"); my $Pnum=$self->object_get_attribute("$rname",'PNUM'); #read ruter parameters and ports my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; my @ports= @{$self->object_get_attribute('Verilog','Router_ports')}; my $assign=""; my $ass_h=""; my @ends=get_list_of_all_endpoints($self); my @routers=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $pos = get_scolar_pos($rname,@routers); my $type = "ROUTER"; if(!defined $pos){ $pos = get_scolar_pos($rname,@ends); $type = "ENDP"; } my %rinfo = %{$cref} if (defined $cref); for (my $i=0;$i<$Pnum; $i++){ my $pname= "Port[${i}]"; my $connect = $self->{$rname}{'PCONNECT'}{$pname}; my $iplus=$i+1; if(defined $connect){ my ($cname,$pnode)=split(/\s*,\s*/,$connect); my $cinstance= $self->object_get_attribute("$cname","NAME"); my $ctype = $self->object_get_attribute("$cname",'TYPE'); my ($cp)= sscanf("Port[%u]","$pnode"); $assign.="//Connect $instance input ports $i to $cinstance output ports $cp\n"; $ass_h.="//Connect $instance input ports $i to $cinstance output ports $cp\n"; my $cpos =($ctype eq 'ENDP')? get_scolar_pos($cname,@ends) : get_scolar_pos($cname,@routers); my $cpplus=$cp+1; my $cposplus = $cpos+1; my $posplus=$pos+1; #{name=> "flit_in_all", type=>"input", width=>"PFw", connect=>"flit_out_all", pwidth=>"Fw" }, my $TNUM_pos = $rinfo{"TNUM_${pos}"}; my $RNUM_pos = $rinfo{"RNUM_${pos}"}; my $TNUM_cpos = $rinfo{"TNUM_${cpos}"}; my $RNUM_cpos = $rinfo{"RNUM_${cpos}"}; #$assign = $assign."//connet $instance input port $i to $cinstance output port $cp\n"; if($type ne 'ENDP' && $ctype eq 'ENDP'){ $assign= $assign."\t\tassign router_chan_in \[$pos\]\[$i\] = chan_in_all \[$cpos\];\n" if($reverse==0); $assign= $assign."\t\tassign chan_in_all \[$cpos\] = router_chan_in \[$pos\]\[$i\];\n" if($reverse==1); $assign= $assign."\t\tassign chan_out_all \[$cpos\] = router_chan_out \[$pos\]\[$i\];\n" if($reverse==0); $assign= $assign."\t\tassign router_chan_out \[$pos\]\[$i\] = chan_out_all \[$cpos\];\n" if($reverse==1); $ass_h.= "\tconnect_r2e($TNUM_pos,$RNUM_pos,$i,$cpos);\n" if (defined $TNUM_pos); }elsif ($type ne 'ENDP' && $ctype ne 'ENDP'){ $assign= $assign."\t\tassign router_chan_in \[$pos\]\[$i\] = router_chan_out \[$cpos\]\[$cp\];\n" if($reverse==0); $assign= $assign."\t\tassign router_chan_out \[$cpos\]\[$cp\] = router_chan_in \[$pos\]\[$i\];\n" if($reverse==1); $ass_h.= "\tconect_r2r($TNUM_pos,$RNUM_pos,$i,$TNUM_cpos,$RNUM_cpos,$cp);\n" if (defined $TNUM_pos); } }else { my $TNUM_pos = $rinfo{"TNUM_${pos}" }; my $RNUM_pos = $rinfo{"RNUM_${pos}" }; $assign = $assign."//Connect $instance port $i to ground\n"; $ass_h.="//Connect $instance port $i to ground\n"; $assign= $assign."\t\tassign router_chan_in \[$pos\]\[$i\] ={SMARTFLIT_CHANEL_w{1'b0}};\n " if($reverse==0); $assign= $assign."\t\tassign router_chan_out \[$pos\]\[$i\] ={SMARTFLIT_CHANEL_w{1'b0}};\n " if($reverse==1); $ass_h.= "\tconnect_r2gnd($TNUM_pos,$RNUM_pos,$i);\n" if (defined $TNUM_pos); } } return ($assign,$ass_h); } sub generate_routing_v { my ($self,$info,$dir)=@_; my @ends=get_list_of_all_endpoints($self); my @routers=get_list_of_all_routers($self); ######################### # conventional_routing ######################### #create routing file my $name=$self->object_get_attribute('save_as'); my $rname=$self->object_get_attribute('routing_name'); my $Vname="T${name}R${rname}"; my $r; my $top="$dir/${Vname}_conventional_routing.v"; open my $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); my $route_str="\talways@(*)begin \t\tdestport=0; \t\tcase(src_e_addr) //source address of each individual NI is fixed. So this CASE will be optimized by the synthesizer for each endpoint. "; foreach my $src (@ends){ my $PNUM=$self->object_get_attribute($src,"PNUM"); my $src_num=get_scolar_pos($src,@ends); my %route; $route_str=$route_str."\t\t$src_num: begin \t\t\tcase(dest_e_addr) "; foreach my $dst (@ends){ my $dest_num = get_scolar_pos($dst,@ends); my $ref = $self->object_get_attribute('Route',"${src}::$dst"); next if(!defined $ref); my @path = @{$ref}; my ($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes($self,$path[1],$path[2] ); #print " ($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes($self,$path[1],$path[2] );\n"; $route{$p1} = (defined $route{$p1})? $route{$p1}.",$dest_num" : "$dest_num"; } foreach my $q (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %route){ $route_str=$route_str."\t\t\t$route{$q}: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= $q; \t\t\tend "; } $route_str=$route_str." \t\t\tdefault: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= {DSTPw{1\'bX}}; \t\t\tend \t\t\tendcase\n\t\tend//$src_num\n"; } $route_str=$route_str." \t\tdefault: begin \t\t\tdestport= {DSTPw{1\'bX}}; \t\tend \t\tendcase\n\tend\n"; print $fd "module ${Vname}_conventional_routing #( \tparameter RAw = 3, \tparameter EAw = 3, \tparameter DSTPw=4 ) ( \tdest_e_addr, \tsrc_e_addr, \tdestport ); \tinput [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr; \toutput reg [DSTPw-1 :0] destport; $route_str endmodule "; close($fd); add_info($info,"$top file is created\n "); ################## # look_ahead_routing ################### #create routing file $top="$dir/${Vname}_look_ahead_routing.v"; open $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); $route_str="\talways@(*)begin \t\tdestport=0; \t\tcase(current_r_addr) //current_r_addr of each individual router is fixed. So this CASE will be optimized by the synthesizer for each router. "; foreach my $router (@routers){ my $PNUM=$self->object_get_attribute($router,"PNUM"); my $router_num=get_scolar_pos($router,@routers); my %route; $route_str=$route_str."\t\t$router_num: begin \t\t\tcase({src_e_addr,dest_e_addr}) "; # for each src-dest check if $router include in path foreach my $src (@ends){ foreach my $dst (@ends){ my $ref = $self->object_get_attribute('Route',"${src}::$dst"); next if(!defined $ref); my @path = @{$ref}; my $loc= get_scolar_pos($router,@path); next if(!defined $loc);# this router does not exist in path skip it my $next_router1=$path[$loc+1]; my $next_router2=$path[$loc+2]; next if(!defined $next_router2); my ($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes($self,$next_router1,$next_router2); next if(!defined $p1); my $src_num=get_scolar_pos($src,@ends); my $dest_num = get_scolar_pos($dst,@ends); $route{$p1} = (defined $route{$p1})? $route{$p1}.",{E$src_num,E$dest_num}" : "{E$src_num,E$dest_num}"; #print "@path\n"; #print "(current_router, next_router1, next_router2)=($router, $next_router1, $next_router2)\n"; #print "($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes(\$self,$next_router1,$next_router2)\n"; #print "\$route{$p1} ={E$src_num,E$dest_num}\n"; #print"***************************\n"; } } foreach my $q (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %route){ $route_str=$route_str."\t\t\t$route{$q}: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= $q; \t\t\tend "; } $route_str.="\t\t\tdefault: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= {DSTPw{1\'bX}}; \t\t\tend \t\t\tendcase\n\t\tend//$router_num\n"; } $route_str.="\t\tdefault: begin \t\t\tdestport= {DSTPw{1\'bX}}; \t\tend \t\tendcase\n\tend\n"; my $localparam=""; my $i=0; foreach my $src (@ends){ $localparam= $localparam."localparam [EAw-1 : 0]\tE$i=$i;\n"; $i++; } print $fd " /******************* * ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing *******************/ module ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing #( \tparameter RAw = 3, \tparameter EAw = 3, \tparameter DSTPw=4 ) ( \treset, \tclk, \tcurrent_r_addr, \tdest_e_addr, \tsrc_e_addr, \tdestport ); \tinput [RAw-1 :0] current_r_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr; \toutput [DSTPw-1 :0] destport; \tinput reset,clk; reg [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr_delay; reg [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr_delay; always @(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin dest_e_addr_delay<={EAw{1'b0}}; src_e_addr_delay<={EAw{1'b0}}; end else begin dest_e_addr_delay<=dest_e_addr; src_e_addr_delay<=src_e_addr; end end ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_comb #( .RAw(RAw), .EAw(EAw), .DSTPw(DSTPw) ) lkp_cmb ( .current_r_addr(current_r_addr), .dest_e_addr(dest_e_addr_delay), .src_e_addr(src_e_addr_delay), .destport(destport) ); endmodule /******************* * ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_comb *******************/ module ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_comb #( \tparameter RAw = 3, \tparameter EAw = 3, \tparameter DSTPw=4 ) ( \tcurrent_r_addr, \tdest_e_addr, \tsrc_e_addr, \tdestport ); \tinput [RAw-1 :0] current_r_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr; \toutput reg [DSTPw-1 :0] destport; $localparam $route_str endmodule "; close($fd); add_info($info,"$top file is created\n "); ######################### # conventional_routing_genvar ######################### #create routing file $top="$dir/${Vname}_conventional_routing_genvar.v"; open $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); $route_str="\tgenerate "; foreach my $src (@ends){ my $PNUM=$self->object_get_attribute($src,"PNUM"); my $src_num=get_scolar_pos($src,@ends); my %route; $route_str=$route_str."\tif(SRC_E_ADDR == $src_num) begin : SRC$src_num \t\talways@(*)begin \t\t\tdestport= 0; \t\t\tcase(dest_e_addr) "; foreach my $dst (@ends){ my $dest_num = get_scolar_pos($dst,@ends); my $ref = $self->object_get_attribute('Route',"${src}::$dst"); next if(!defined $ref); my @path = @{$ref}; my ($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes($self,$path[1],$path[2] ); #print " ($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes($self,$path[1],$path[2] );\n"; $route{$p1} = (defined $route{$p1})? $route{$p1}.",$dest_num" : "$dest_num"; } foreach my $q (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %route){ $route_str=$route_str."\t\t\t$route{$q}: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= $q; \t\t\tend "; } $route_str=$route_str."\t\t\tdefault: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= {DSTPw{1\'bX}}; \t\t\tend \t\t\tendcase\n\t\tend\n\tend//SRC$src_num\n\n"; } $route_str=$route_str."\tendgenerate\n"; print $fd "module ${Vname}_conventional_routing_genvar #( \tparameter RAw = 3, \tparameter EAw = 3, \tparameter DSTPw=4, \tparameter SRC_E_ADDR=0 ) ( \tdest_e_addr, \tdestport ); \tinput [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr; \toutput reg [DSTPw-1 :0] destport; $route_str endmodule "; close($fd); add_info($info,"$top file is created\n "); ################## # look_ahead_routing_genvar ################### #create routing file $top="$dir/${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_genvar.v"; open $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); $route_str="\talways@(*)begin \t\tdestport=0; \t\tcase(current_r_addr) //current_r_addr of each individual router is fixed. So this CASE will be optimized by the synthesizer for each router. "; $route_str="\tgenerate\n"; foreach my $router (@routers){ my $PNUM=$self->object_get_attribute($router,"PNUM"); my $router_num=get_scolar_pos($router,@routers); my %route; $route_str=$route_str."\tif(CURRENT_R_ADDR == $router_num) begin :R$router_num \t\talways@(*)begin \t\t\tdestport= 0; \t\t\tcase({src_e_addr,dest_e_addr}) "; # for each src-dest check if $router include in path foreach my $src (@ends){ foreach my $dst (@ends){ my $ref = $self->object_get_attribute('Route',"${src}::$dst"); next if(!defined $ref); my @path = @{$ref}; my $loc= get_scolar_pos($router,@path); next if(!defined $loc);# this router does not exist in path skip it my $next_router1=$path[$loc+1]; my $next_router2=$path[$loc+2]; next if(!defined $next_router2); my ($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes($self,$next_router1,$next_router2); next if(!defined $p1); my $src_num=get_scolar_pos($src,@ends); my $dest_num = get_scolar_pos($dst,@ends); $route{$p1} = (defined $route{$p1})? $route{$p1}.",{E$src_num,E$dest_num}" : "{E$src_num,E$dest_num}"; #print "@path\n"; #print "(current_router, next_router1, next_router2)=($router, $next_router1, $next_router2)\n"; #print "($p1,$p2)= get_connection_port_num_between_two_nodes(\$self,$next_router1,$next_router2)\n"; #print "\$route{$p1} ={E$src_num,E$dest_num}\n"; #print"***************************\n"; } } foreach my $q (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %route){ $route_str=$route_str."\t\t\t$route{$q}: begin \t\t\t\tdestport= $q; \t\t\tend "; } $route_str=$route_str."\t\t\tendcase\n\t\tend\n\tend//R$router_num\n\n"; } $route_str=$route_str."\tendgenerate\n"; print $fd " /***************************** * ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_genvar ******************************/ module ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_genvar #( \tparameter RAw = 3, \tparameter EAw = 3, \tparameter DSTPw=4, \tparameter CURRENT_R_ADDR=0 ) ( \tdest_e_addr, \tsrc_e_addr, \tdestport, \treset, \tclk ); \tinput [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr; \toutput [DSTPw-1 :0] destport; \tinput reset,clk; reg [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr_delay; reg [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr_delay; always @(posedge clk)begin if(reset)begin dest_e_addr_delay<={EAw{1'b0}}; src_e_addr_delay<={EAw{1'b0}}; end else begin dest_e_addr_delay<=dest_e_addr; src_e_addr_delay<=src_e_addr; end end ${name}_look_ahead_routing_genvar_comb #( .RAw(RAw), .EAw(EAw), .DSTPw(DSTPw), .CURRENT_R_ADDR(CURRENT_R_ADDR) ) lkp_cmb ( .dest_e_addr(dest_e_addr_delay), .src_e_addr(src_e_addr_delay), .destport(destport) ); endmodule /******************* * ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_genvar_comb ********************/ module ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing_genvar_comb #( \tparameter RAw = 3, \tparameter EAw = 3, \tparameter DSTPw=4, \tparameter CURRENT_R_ADDR=0 ) ( \tdest_e_addr, \tsrc_e_addr, \tdestport ); \tinput [EAw-1 :0] dest_e_addr; \tinput [EAw-1 :0] src_e_addr; \toutput reg [DSTPw-1 :0] destport; $localparam $route_str endmodule "; close($fd); add_info($info,"$top file is created\n "); } sub generate_connection_v{ my($self,$info,$dir)=@_; #create connection top file my $name=$self->object_get_attribute('save_as'); my $r; my $top="$dir/${name}"; open my $fd, ">$top" or $r = "$!\n"; if(defined $r) { add_colored_info($info,"Error in creating $top: $r",'red'); return; } print $fd autogen_warning(); print $fd get_license_header($top); my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; my @ports= @{$self->object_get_attribute('Verilog','Router_ports')}; my @ends=get_list_of_all_endpoints($self); my @routers=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $MAX_P=0; foreach my $p (@routers){ my $Pnum=$self->object_get_attribute("$p",'PNUM'); $MAX_P =$Pnum if($Pnum>$MAX_P ); } my $NE= scalar @ends; my $NR= scalar @routers; my @nodes=get_list_of_all_routers($self); my $i=0; my $ports="\treset, \tclk, \tstart_i, \tstart_o, \ter_addr, \tcurrent_r_addr, \tchan_in_all, \tchan_out_all, \trouter_chan_in, \trouter_chan_out "; my $ports_def=" \tinput reset; \tinput clk; \tinput start_i; \toutput [RAw-1 : 0] er_addr [NE-1 : 0]; // provide router address for each connected endpoint \toutput [RAw-1 : 0] current_r_addr [NR-1 : 0]; // provide each router current address ; \toutput [NE-1 : 0] start_o; \toutput smartflit_chanel_t chan_in_all [NE-1 : 0]; \tinput smartflit_chanel_t chan_out_all [NE-1 : 0]; \tinput smartflit_chanel_t router_chan_in [NR-1 :0][MAX_P-1 : 0]; \toutput smartflit_chanel_t router_chan_out [NR-1 :0][MAX_P-1 : 0]; "; my $router_wires=""; my $endps_wires=""; foreach my $d (@ports){ my $range = ($d->{width} eq 1)? " " : " [$d->{width}-1 : 0]"; my $pdef_range = ($d->{pwidth} eq 1)? "[NE-1 : 0]" : "[$d->{pwidth}-1 : 0]"; my $pdef_range2 = ($d->{pwidth} eq 1)? "" : "[NE-1 : 0]"; #$ports=$ports.",\n\trouter_$d->{name},\n\trouter_$d->{connect}"; my $type=$d->{type}; my $ctype= ($type eq 'input')? 'output' : 'input'; if( $d->{endp} eq "yes"){ #$ports_def=$ports_def."\t$type\t$pdef_range ni_$d->{pname} $pdef_range2;\n"; #$ports_def=$ports_def."\t$ctype\t$pdef_range ni_$d->{pconnect} $pdef_range2;\n"; #$ports=$ports.",\n\tni_$d->{pname},\n\tni_$d->{pconnect}"; } if($d->{width} eq 1){ #$ports_def=$ports_def. "\t$type\t[NR-1 :0] router_$d->{name};\n"; #$ports_def=$ports_def. "\t$ctype\t[NR-1 :0] router_$d->{connect};\n"; }else{ #$ports_def=$ports_def. "\t$type\t$range router_$d->{name} [NR-1 :0];\n"; #$ports_def=$ports_def. "\t$ctype\t$range router_$d->{connect} [NR-1 :0];\n"; } } my $routers=' genvar i; generate '; my $offset=0; my $assign=""; for ( my $i=2;$i<=12; $i++){ my $n= $self->object_get_attribute("ROUTER${i}","NUM"); $n=0 if(!defined $n); if($n>0){ my $router_pos= ($offset==0)? 'i' : "i+$offset"; my $instant=get_router_genvar_instance_v($self,$i,$router_pos,$NE,$NR,$MAX_P); $routers=$routers." \tfor( i=0; i<$n; i=i+1) begin : router_${i}_port_lp \t\t$instant \tend "; for ( my $j=0;$j<$n; $j++){ my $rname ="ROUTER${i}_$j"; my ($ass_v, $ass_h)= get_wires_assignment_genvar_v($self,$rname,1); $assign=$assign.$ass_v; } $offset+= $n; } } foreach my $end (@ends){ #$assign=$assign.get_wires_assignment_genvar_v($self,$end,1); } $assign=$assign."\n"; my $pos=0; $assign.="//The router address connected to each endpoint\n"; foreach my $end (@ends){ my $connect = $self->{$end}{'PCONNECT'}{'Port[0]'}; my ($Rname,$Rport)=split(/\s*,\s*/,$connect); my $R = get_scolar_pos($Rname,@routers); my $rname = $self->object_get_attribute("$Rname","NAME"); my $tname = $self->object_get_attribute("$end","NAME"); $assign=$assign."\tassign er_addr [$pos] = $R; //$tname -> $rname\n"; $pos++; } $assign=$assign."\n"; $pos=0; foreach my $router (@routers){ my $rname = $self->object_get_attribute("$router","NAME"); $assign=$assign."\tassign current_r_addr [$pos] = $pos; // $rname\n"; $pos++; } print $fd " module ${name}_connection import pronoc_pkg::*; ( $ports ); function integer log2; input integer number; begin log2=(number <=1) ? 1: 0; while(2**log2object_get_attribute('save_as'); my $rname=$self->object_get_attribute('routing_name'); my $Vname="T${name}R${rname}"; ##################################### # custom_ni_routing #################################### my $str=" //do not modify this line ===${Vname}=== if(TOPOLOGY == \"$name\" && ROUTE_NAME== \"$rname\" ) begin : $Vname ${Vname}_conventional_routing #( .RAw(RAw), .EAw(EAw), .DSTPw(DSTPw) ) the_conventional_routing ( .dest_e_addr(dest_e_addr), .src_e_addr(src_e_addr), .destport(destport) ); end endgenerate "; my $file = "$dir/../common/custom_ni_routing.v"; #check if ***$name**** exist in the file unless (-f $file){ add_colored_info($info,"$file dose not exist\n",'red'); return; } my $r = check_file_has_string($file, "===${Vname}==="); if ($r==1){ add_info($info,"The instance ${Vname}_conventional_routing exists in $file. This file is not modified\n ",'blue'); }else{ my $text = read_file_cntent($file,' '); my @a = split('endgenerate',$text); save_file($file,"$a[0] $str $a[1]"); add_info($info,"$file has been modified. The ${Vname}_conventional_routing has been added to the file\n ",'blue'); } ##################################### # custom_lkh_routing #################################### $str=" //do not modify this line ===${Vname}=== if(TOPOLOGY == \"$name\" && ROUTE_NAME== \"$rname\" ) begin : ${Vname} ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing #( .RAw(RAw), .EAw(EAw), .DSTPw(DSTPw) ) the_lkh_routing ( .current_r_addr(current_r_addr), .dest_e_addr(dest_e_addr), .src_e_addr(src_e_addr), .destport(destport), .reset(reset), .clk(clk) ); end endgenerate "; $file = "$dir/../common/custom_lkh_routing.v"; unless (-f $file){ add_colored_info($info,"$file dose not exist\n",'red'); return; } $r = check_file_has_string($file, "===${Vname}==="); if ($r==1){ add_info($info,"The instance ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing exist in $file. This file is not modified\n ",'blue'); }else{ my $text = read_file_cntent($file,' '); my @a = split('endgenerate',$text); save_file($file,"$a[0] $str $a[1]"); add_info($info,"$file has been modified. The ${Vname}_look_ahead_routing has been added to the file\n ",'blue'); } } sub add_noc_instance_v{ my ($self,$info,$dir)=@_; my $name=$self->object_get_attribute('save_as'); ##################################### # add connection #################################### my $ports="\t\t.reset(reset), \t\t.clk(clk), \t\t.start_i(start_i), \t\t.start_o(start_o), \t\t.er_addr(er_addr), \t\t.current_r_addr(current_r_addr), \t\t.chan_in_all(chan_in_all), \t\t.chan_out_all(chan_out_all), \t\t.router_chan_in(router_chan_in), \t\t.router_chan_out(router_chan_out) "; my $str=" //do not modify this line ===${name}=== if(TOPOLOGY == \"$name\" ) begin : T$name ${name}_connection connection ( $ports ); end endgenerate "; #my $file = "$dir/../common/"; #check if ***$name**** exist in the file #unless (-f $file){ # add_colored_info($info,"$file dose not exist\n",'red'); # return; #} #my $r = check_file_has_string($file, "===${name}==="); #if ($r==1){ #add_info($info,"The instance ${name}_connection exists in $file. This file is not modified\n ",'blue'); #}else{ #my $text = read_file_cntent($file,' '); # my @a = split('endgenerate',$text); # save_file($file,"$a[0] $str $a[1]"); # add_info($info,"$file has been modified. The ${name}_connection has been added to the file\n ",'blue'); #} ##################################### # add NoC #################################### my $param_str ="\t\t.TOPOLOGY(TOPOLOGY), \t\t.ROUTE_NAME(ROUTE_NAME)"; my @parameters=@{$self->object_get_attribute ('Verilog','Router_param')}; foreach my $d (@parameters){ $param_str = $param_str.",\n\t\t.$d->{param_name}($d->{param_name})"; } $ports="\t\t.reset(reset), \t\t.clk(clk)"; $str=" //do not modify this line ===${name}=== if(TOPOLOGY == \"$name\" ) begin : T$name ${name}_noc_genvar the_noc ( .reset(reset), .clk(clk), .chan_in_all(chan_in_all), .chan_out_all(chan_out_all) ); end endgenerate "; my $file = "$dir/../common/"; #check if ***$name**** exist in the file unless (-f $file){ add_colored_info($info,"$file dose not exist\n",'red'); return; } my $r = check_file_has_string($file, "===${name}==="); if ($r==1){ add_info($info,"The instance ${name}_noc exists in $file. This file is not modified\n ",'blue'); }else{ my $text = read_file_cntent($file,' '); my @a = split('endgenerate',$text); save_file($file,"$a[0] $str $a[1]"); add_info($info,"$file has been modified. The ${name}_noc has been added to the file\n ",'blue'); } } 1

Error running this command: diff -w -U 5 "" "/tmp/3ILk12"

diff: : No such file or directory