HDR_SOURCE_DIR=or1200 TOOLCHAIN=$(PRONOC_WORK)/toolchain/or1k-elf IHEX2MIF =$(PRONOC_WORK)/toolchain/bin/ihex2mif IHEX2BIN =$(PRONOC_WORK)/toolchain/bin/ihex2bin BIN2HEX =$(PRONOC_WORK)/toolchain/bin/bin2str BIN2MIF=$(PRONOC_WORK)/toolchain/bin/bin2mif BIN2MEM=$(PRONOC_WORK)/toolchain/bin/bin2mem OR32_TOOL_PREFIX=${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/or1k-elf- OR32_LD=$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)ld OR32_AS=$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)as OR32_CC=$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)gcc OR32_AR=$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)ar OR32_OBJDUMP=$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)objdump OR32_OBJCOPY=$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)objcopy OR32_LIB1=${TOOLCHAIN}/lib/gcc/or1k-elf/5.2.0 LIBRARIES = -L${OR32_LIB1} -L. -L./$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR) -lorlib -lgcc MARCH_FLAGS ?=-msoft-mul -msoft-div -msoft-float CFLAGS ?= -g -nostdlib -O2 $(MARCH_FLAGS) LDFLAGS ?= -Tlink.ld -e 256 #RAMSIZE=3FFF # Sources to go into the liborpsoc.a support library COMPILE_SRCS=$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/exceptions.c $(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/int.c $(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/mmu.S $(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)-utils.c $(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/cache.S all: image.ihex lib: #compile all source code $(OR32_CC) -Wall $(CFLAGS) -c $(COMPILE_SRCS) -I./$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/include/ #add them to liborlib.a $(OR32_AR) -cvq liborlib.a *.o crt0.o: ./$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/crt0.S $(OR32_CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ./$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/crt0.S -I./$(HDR_SOURCE_DIR)/include/ #compile main file using liborlib.a main.o: lib main.c $(OR32_CC) -Wall $(CFLAGS) -c main.c -o main.o image: crt0.o main.o link.ld Makefile $(OR32_LD) $(LDFLAGS) -Map image.map -N -o image crt0.o main.o $(LIBRARIES) image.lst: image $(OR32_OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@ image.ihex: image image.lst # Convert the ELF file to an IHEX file mkdir -p ./RAM $(OR32_OBJCOPY) -O ihex image image.ihex # Generate a MIF & BIN files from the IHEX file # $(IHEX2MIF) -f image.ihex -e $(RAMSIZE) -o RAM/ram0.mif # $(IHEX2MIF) -f image.ihex -o RAM/ram0.mif $(IHEX2BIN) -i image.ihex -o RAM/ram0.bin $(BIN2MIF) -f RAM/ram0.bin -o RAM/ram0.mif -w 32 $(BIN2MEM) -f RAM/ram0.bin -o RAM/ram0.mem -w 32 $(BIN2HEX) -f RAM/ram0.bin -h rm *.o clean: rm -f image.ihex image image.lst image.bin image.srec image.map image.ram image.hex RAM/* *.o *.a

Error running this command: diff -w -U 5 "/tmp/lGAS1Z" ""

diff: : No such file or directory