1 |
145 |
lanttu |
2 |
-- Title : N2H2 TX with variable latency support
3 |
-- Project :
4 |
5 |
-- File : n2h2_tx.vhd
6 |
-- Author : kulmala3
7 |
-- Created : 30.03.2005
8 |
-- Last update: 2011-02-02
9 |
-- Description: Bufferless transmitter for N2H2. new version to be used
10 |
-- with memories of all latencies.
11 |
12 |
13 |
-- step_counter2.vhd
14 |
15 |
-- Copyright (c) 2005
16 |
-- New version of TX. uses step_counter2.vhd, supports streaming.
17 |
18 |
-- Revisions :
19 |
-- Date Version Author Description
20 |
-- 30.03.2005 1.0 AK Created
21 |
22 |
23 |
library ieee;
24 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
25 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
26 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
27 |
28 |
entity n2h2_tx is
29 |
30 |
generic (
31 |
-- legal values because of SOPC Builder £@££@ crap.
32 |
data_width_g : integer := 32;
33 |
addr_width_g : integer := 32;
34 |
amount_width_g : integer := 16);
35 |
36 |
port (
37 |
clk : in std_logic;
38 |
rst_n : in std_logic;
39 |
-- Avalon master read interface
40 |
avalon_addr_out : out std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
41 |
avalon_re_out : out std_logic;
42 |
avalon_readdata_in : in std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0);
43 |
avalon_waitrequest_in : in std_logic;
44 |
avalon_readdatavalid_in : in std_logic;
45 |
46 |
-- hibi write interface
47 |
hibi_data_out : out std_logic_vector(data_width_g-1 downto 0);
48 |
hibi_av_out : out std_logic;
49 |
hibi_full_in : in std_logic;
50 |
hibi_comm_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
51 |
hibi_we_out : out std_logic;
52 |
53 |
-- DMA conf interface
54 |
tx_start_in : in std_logic;
55 |
tx_status_done_out : out std_logic;
56 |
tx_comm_in : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
57 |
tx_hibi_addr_in : in std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
58 |
tx_ram_addr_in : in std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
59 |
tx_amount_in : in std_logic_vector(amount_width_g-1 downto 0)
60 |
61 |
62 |
end n2h2_tx;
63 |
64 |
architecture rtl of n2h2_tx is
65 |
66 |
type control_states is (idle, transmit_addr, transmit, hfull);
67 |
signal control_r : control_states;
68 |
constant addr_offset_c : integer := data_width_g/8;
69 |
70 |
component step_counter2
71 |
generic (
72 |
step_size_g : integer;
73 |
width_g : integer
74 |
75 |
port (
76 |
clk : in std_logic;
77 |
rst_n : in std_logic;
78 |
en_in : in std_logic;
79 |
value_in : in std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0);
80 |
load_in : in std_logic;
81 |
value_out : out std_logic_vector(width_g-1 downto 0));
82 |
end component;
83 |
84 |
signal addr_cnt_en_r : std_logic;
85 |
signal addr_cnt_value_r : std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
86 |
signal addr_cnt_load_r : std_logic;
87 |
signal addr_r : std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
88 |
signal amount_cnt_en_r : std_logic;
89 |
signal amount_cnt_value_r : std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
90 |
signal amount_cnt_load_r : std_logic;
91 |
signal amount_r : std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
92 |
93 |
signal addr_amount_eq : std_logic;
94 |
95 |
signal addr_to_stop_r : std_logic_vector(addr_width_g-1 downto 0);
96 |
signal avalon_re_r : std_logic;
97 |
signal start_re_r : std_logic;
98 |
99 |
signal hibi_write_addr_r : std_logic;
100 |
signal data_src_sel : std_logic;
101 |
signal hibi_we_r : std_logic;
102 |
signal hibi_stop_we_r : std_logic;
103 |
104 |
105 |
begin -- rtl
106 |
107 |
108 |
-- 1) waitrequest affects the data reading
109 |
-- 2) readdatavalid data write to hibi
110 |
-- 3) avalon side read must control the amount of data
111 |
-- 4) whenever readdatavalid is asserted, data is written to HIBI
112 |
-- 5) HIBI full is problematic. A counter must be added to see from which
113 |
-- address we have succesfully read the data so far. We cannot
114 |
-- save the data to register, because we are unaware of the latency.
115 |
-- So when full comes, the read process from avalon must be started
116 |
-- again.
117 |
-- 6) write and read signals should be asynchronously controlled by
118 |
-- signals from hibi and avalon in order to react as fast as possible.
119 |
-- 7) after full the write should be ceased. readdatavalid from older data
120 |
-- should be taken care of. Write continues only after read enable has
121 |
-- been asserted again?
122 |
-- 8) read from avalon must proceed as fast as possible. for example,
123 |
-- start already when writing address to hibi. (at least one clock
124 |
-- cycle latency expected, should be safe). Or after full.
125 |
-- 9) data to hibi comes from either register input (address) or
126 |
-- straight from the memory. mux is needed.
127 |
128 |
129 |
hibi_comm_out <= tx_comm_in;
130 |
-- minus here and and addition in first store? could reduce the
131 |
-- cricital path...
132 |
avalon_addr_out <= addr_r;
133 |
134 |
addr_counter2_1 : step_counter2
135 |
generic map (
136 |
step_size_g => addr_offset_c,
137 |
width_g => addr_width_g)
138 |
port map (
139 |
clk => clk,
140 |
rst_n => rst_n,
141 |
en_in => addr_cnt_en_r,
142 |
value_in => addr_cnt_value_r,
143 |
load_in => addr_cnt_load_r,
144 |
value_out => addr_r
145 |
146 |
147 |
addr_cnt_load_r <= (tx_start_in or hibi_full_in);
148 |
addr_cnt : process (tx_ram_addr_in, amount_r, tx_start_in)
149 |
begin -- process addr_cnt
150 |
if tx_start_in = '1' then
151 |
-- addr from input
152 |
addr_cnt_value_r <= tx_ram_addr_in;
153 |
154 |
-- addr from counter
155 |
addr_cnt_value_r <= amount_r;
156 |
end if;
157 |
end process addr_cnt;
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
amount_counter2_1 : step_counter2
162 |
generic map (
163 |
step_size_g => addr_offset_c,
164 |
width_g => addr_width_g)
165 |
port map (
166 |
clk => clk,
167 |
rst_n => rst_n,
168 |
en_in => amount_cnt_en_r,
169 |
value_in => amount_cnt_value_r,
170 |
load_in => amount_cnt_load_r,
171 |
value_out => amount_r
172 |
173 |
-- amount counted only when data is written
174 |
amount_cnt_en_r <= hibi_we_r and (not data_src_sel);
175 |
-- hibi_we depends on readdatavalid and full + control signal for
176 |
-- address writing
177 |
-- start address writing right when the signal comes in.
178 |
-- no old readdatavalids should be written if full is short.
179 |
hibi_we_out <= hibi_we_r;
180 |
hibi_we_r <= ((data_src_sel) or (avalon_readdatavalid_in and (not hibi_stop_we_r)))
181 |
and (not hibi_full_in);
182 |
183 |
data_src_sel <= tx_start_in or hibi_write_addr_r;
184 |
hibi_av_out <= data_src_sel;
185 |
186 |
addr_data : process (tx_hibi_addr_in, avalon_readdata_in, data_src_sel)
187 |
begin -- process addr_data
188 |
if data_src_sel = '1' then
189 |
hibi_data_out <= (others => '0');
190 |
hibi_data_out(addr_width_g-1 downto 0) <= tx_hibi_addr_in;
191 |
192 |
hibi_data_out <= avalon_readdata_in;
193 |
end if;
194 |
end process addr_data;
195 |
196 |
-- if we're reading and not forced to wait,
197 |
-- increase the address. we want to cease reading if hibi goes full
198 |
-- (reload address)
199 |
addr_cnt_en_r <= (avalon_re_r and (not avalon_waitrequest_in)) and
200 |
(not hibi_full_in);
201 |
avalon_re_out <= avalon_re_r;
202 |
-- read enable depends on the amount transferred, if a
203 |
-- transmission is ongoing. shoot as soon as possible,
204 |
-- whenever new transmission is assigned.
205 |
-- CHECK OUT THIS ONE! could be used to fasten n2h2 up!
206 |
avalon_re_r <= start_re_r;-- or (tx_start_in and (not hibi_full_in));
207 |
208 |
comparison : process (addr_r, addr_to_stop_r)
209 |
begin -- process comparison
210 |
-- addr_offset added here, because addr_to_stop process caused two
211 |
-- back-to-back adders, now they should be in parallel
212 |
if addr_r = addr_to_stop_r then
213 |
addr_amount_eq <= '1';
214 |
215 |
addr_amount_eq <= '0';
216 |
end if;
217 |
end process comparison;
218 |
219 |
addr_to_stop : process (tx_amount_in, tx_ram_addr_in)
220 |
begin -- process addr_to_stop
221 |
addr_to_stop_r <= tx_ram_addr_in + conv_std_logic_vector(
222 |
conv_integer(tx_amount_in)*addr_offset_c, addr_width_g);
223 |
-- conv_integer(tx_amount_in+1)*addr_offset_c, data_width_g);
224 |
end process addr_to_stop;
225 |
226 |
amount_cnt_value_r <= tx_ram_addr_in;
227 |
amount_cnt_load_r <= tx_start_in;
228 |
229 |
main : process (clk, rst_n)
230 |
begin -- process main
231 |
if rst_n = '0' then -- asynchronous reset (active low)
232 |
control_r <= idle;
233 |
start_re_r <= '0';
234 |
hibi_write_addr_r <= '0';
235 |
tx_status_done_out <= '1';
236 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '0';
237 |
238 |
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then -- rising clock edge
239 |
case control_r is
240 |
when idle =>
241 |
hibi_write_addr_r <= '0';
242 |
start_re_r <= '0';
243 |
tx_status_done_out <= '1';
244 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '1';
245 |
246 |
if tx_start_in = '1' then
247 |
-- avalon read address
248 |
-- address which contents written to hibi
249 |
tx_status_done_out <= '0';
250 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '0';
251 |
252 |
if hibi_full_in = '0' then
253 |
-- address will be transferred in this clock cycle
254 |
control_r <= transmit;
255 |
start_re_r <= '1';
256 |
257 |
hibi_write_addr_r <= '1';
258 |
control_r <= transmit_addr;
259 |
end if;
260 |
end if;
261 |
262 |
when transmit_addr =>
263 |
-- if we're here, hibi was full
264 |
if hibi_full_in = '0' then
265 |
-- we wrote the addr
266 |
start_re_r <= '1';
267 |
control_r <= transmit;
268 |
hibi_write_addr_r <= '0';
269 |
270 |
start_re_r <= '0';
271 |
control_r <= transmit_addr;
272 |
hibi_write_addr_r <= '1';
273 |
end if;
274 |
275 |
when transmit =>
276 |
if hibi_full_in = '1' then
277 |
start_re_r <= '0';
278 |
control_r <= hfull;
279 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '1';
280 |
281 |
start_re_r <= '1';
282 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '0';
283 |
control_r <= transmit;
284 |
end if;
285 |
286 |
-- if addr_amount_eq = '1' and hibi_full_in = '0' then
287 |
if addr_amount_eq = '1' and hibi_we_r = '1' then
288 |
control_r <= idle;
289 |
-- stopped transferring
290 |
tx_status_done_out <= '1';
291 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '1';
292 |
end if;
293 |
294 |
when hfull =>
295 |
if hibi_full_in = '0' and avalon_readdatavalid_in = '0' then
296 |
-- datavalid has to go down before proceed.
297 |
-- so we make sure that no invalid data is written
298 |
-- when there's a short full.
299 |
start_re_r <= '1';
300 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '0';
301 |
control_r <= transmit;
302 |
303 |
start_re_r <= '0';
304 |
hibi_stop_we_r <= '1';
305 |
control_r <= hfull;
306 |
end if;
307 |
308 |
when others => null;
309 |
end case;
310 |
end if;
311 |
end process main;
312 |
313 |
end rtl;