1 |
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2 |
-- mips_pkg.vhdl -- Configuration constants & utility types and functions
3 |
4 |
5 |
-- Here's where you define the memory map of the system, in the implementation
6 |
-- of function decode_addr.
7 |
-- You need to change that function to change the memory map, independent of any
8 |
-- additional address decoding you may do out of the FPGA (e.g. if you have more
9 |
-- than one chip on any data bus) or out of the MCU module (e.g. when you add
10 |
-- new IO registers).
11 |
-- Please see the module c2sb_demo and mips_mcu for examples of memory decoding.
12 |
13 |
14 |
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library ieee;
15 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
16 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
17 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
18 |
19 |
package mips_pkg is
20 |
21 |
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---- Basic types ---------------------------------------------------------------
22 |
23 |
subtype t_word is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
24 |
25 |
26 |
---- System configuration constants --------------------------------------------
27 |
28 |
-- True to use standard-ish MIPS-1 memory map, false to use Plasma's
29 |
-- (see implementation of function decode_addr below).
30 |
constant USE_MIPS1_ADDR_MAP : boolean := true;
31 |
32 |
-- Reset vector address minus 4 (0xfffffffc for Plasma, 0xbfbffffc for mips1)
33 |
constant RESET_VECTOR_M4 : t_word := X"bfbffffc";
34 |
35 |
-- Trap vector address (0x0000003c for Plasma, 0xbfc00180 for mips1)
36 |
constant TRAP_VECTOR : t_word := X"bfc00180";
37 |
38 |
39 |
---- Address decoding ----------------------------------------------------------
40 |
41 |
-- Note: it is the cache module that does all internal address decoding --------
42 |
43 |
-- This is the slice of the address that will be used to decode memory areas
44 |
48 |
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subtype t_addr_decode is std_logic_vector(31 downto 24);
45 |
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46 |
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-- Part of the memory area attribute: the type of memory determines how the
47 |
-- cache module handles each block
48 |
72 |
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subtype t_memory_type is std_logic_vector(7 downto 5);
49 |
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-- These are all the types the cache knows about
50 |
constant MT_BRAM : t_memory_type := "000";
51 |
constant MT_IO_SYNC : t_memory_type := "001";
52 |
constant MT_SRAM_16B : t_memory_type := "010";
53 |
constant MT_FLASH_16B : t_memory_type := "011";
54 |
constant MT_DDR_16B : t_memory_type := "100";
55 |
constant MT_UNMAPPED : t_memory_type := "111";
56 |
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57 |
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-- Wait state counter -- we're supporting static memory from 10 to >100 ns
58 |
subtype t_wait_state_count is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
59 |
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60 |
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-- 'Attributes' of some memory block -- used when decoding memory addresses
61 |
type t_range_attr is record
62 |
mem_type : t_memory_type;
63 |
writeable : std_logic;
64 |
cacheable : std_logic;
65 |
wait_states : t_wait_state_count;
66 |
end record t_range_attr;
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
64 |
ja_rd |
---- More basic types and constants --------------------------------------------
71 |
72 |
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subtype t_addr is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
73 |
subtype t_dword is std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
74 |
subtype t_regnum is std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
75 |
type t_rbank is array(0 to 31) of t_word;
76 |
subtype t_pc is std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
77 |
64 |
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-- This is used as a textual shortcut only
78 |
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constant ZERO : t_word := (others => '0');
79 |
64 |
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-- control word for ALU
80 |
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type t_alu_control is record
81 |
logic_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
82 |
shift_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
83 |
shift_amount : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
84 |
neg_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
85 |
use_arith : std_logic;
86 |
use_logic : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
87 |
cy_in : std_logic;
88 |
use_slt : std_logic;
89 |
arith_unsigned : std_logic;
90 |
end record t_alu_control;
91 |
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-- Flags coming from the ALU
92 |
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type t_alu_flags is record
93 |
inp1_lt_zero : std_logic;
94 |
inp1_eq_zero : std_logic;
95 |
inp1_lt_inp2 : std_logic;
96 |
inp1_eq_inp2 : std_logic;
97 |
end record t_alu_flags;
98 |
99 |
12 |
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-- 32-cycle mul/div module control. Bits 4-3 & 1-0 of IR.
100 |
subtype t_mult_function is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
101 |
constant MULT_NOTHING : t_mult_function := "0000";
102 |
constant MULT_READ_LO : t_mult_function := "1010"; -- 18
103 |
constant MULT_READ_HI : t_mult_function := "1000"; -- 16
104 |
constant MULT_WRITE_LO : t_mult_function := "1011"; -- 19
105 |
constant MULT_WRITE_HI : t_mult_function := "1001"; -- 17
106 |
constant MULT_MULT : t_mult_function := "1101"; -- 25
107 |
constant MULT_SIGNED_MULT : t_mult_function := "1100"; -- 24
108 |
constant MULT_DIVIDE : t_mult_function := "1111"; -- 26
109 |
constant MULT_SIGNED_DIVIDE : t_mult_function := "1110"; -- 27
110 |
111 |
37 |
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-- Computes ceil(log2(A)), e.g. address width of memory block
112 |
-- CAN BE USED IN SYNTHESIZABLE CODE as long as called with constant arguments
113 |
function log2(A : natural) return natural;
114 |
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115 |
64 |
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-- Decodes a memory address, gives the type of memory
116 |
-- CAN BE USED IN SYNTHESIZABLE CODE, argument does not need to be constant
117 |
function decode_addr(addr : t_addr_decode) return t_range_attr;
118 |
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end package;
121 |
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122 |
package body mips_pkg is
123 |
124 |
function log2(A : natural) return natural is
125 |
126 |
for I in 1 to 30 loop -- Works for up to 32 bit integers
127 |
if(2**I > A) then
128 |
129 |
end if;
130 |
end loop;
131 |
132 |
end function log2;
133 |
134 |
64 |
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-- Address decoding for Plasma-like system
135 |
function decode_addr_plasma(addr : t_addr_decode) return t_range_attr is
136 |
137 |
138 |
case addr(31 downto 27) is
139 |
72 |
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when "00000" => return (MT_BRAM ,'0','0',"000"); -- useg
140 |
when "10000" => return (MT_SRAM_16B ,'1','1',"000"); -- kseg0
141 |
when "00100" => return (MT_IO_SYNC ,'1','0',"000"); -- kseg1 i/o
142 |
when others => return (MT_UNMAPPED ,'0','0',"000"); -- stray
143 |
64 |
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end case;
144 |
145 |
end function decode_addr_plasma;
146 |
147 |
-- Address decoding for MIPS-I-like system
148 |
function decode_addr_mips1(addr : t_addr_decode) return t_range_attr is
149 |
150 |
151 |
case addr(31 downto 27) is
152 |
72 |
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when "00000" => return (MT_SRAM_16B ,'1','1',"011"); -- useg
153 |
when "10000" => return (MT_SRAM_16B ,'1','1',"000"); -- kseg0
154 |
--when "10100" => return (MT_IO_SYNC ,'1','0',"000"); -- kseg1 i/o
155 |
when "00100" => return (MT_IO_SYNC ,'1','0',"000"); -- kseg1 i/o
156 |
when "10110" => return (MT_FLASH_16B,'0','0',"011"); -- kseg1 flash
157 |
when "10111" => return (MT_BRAM ,'0','0',"000"); -- kseg1 boot rom
158 |
when others => return (MT_UNMAPPED ,'0','0',"000"); -- stray
159 |
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end case;
160 |
161 |
end function decode_addr_mips1;
162 |
163 |
164 |
function decode_addr(addr : t_addr_decode) return t_range_attr is
165 |
166 |
167 |
return decode_addr_mips1(addr);
168 |
169 |
return decode_addr_plasma(addr);
170 |
end if;
171 |
172 |
end function decode_addr;
173 |
174 |
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end package body;