1 |
3 |
yannv |
2 |
-- Company:
3 |
-- Engineer:
4 |
5 |
-- Create Date: 12:27:16 02/09/2009
6 |
-- Design Name:
7 |
-- Module Name: coremem - Behavioral
8 |
-- Project Name:
9 |
-- Target Devices:
10 |
-- Tool versions:
11 |
-- Description:
12 |
13 |
-- Dependencies:
14 |
15 |
-- Revision:
16 |
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
17 |
-- Additional Comments:
18 |
-- TODO: Convert to use Xilinx instantiation, because the 18-bit wide memory
19 |
-- gets converted to 4 1k*16 and 1 4k*2, wasting a block ram.
20 |
-- This is because Xilinx tools do not automatically use the parity bits.
21 |
22 |
23 |
library IEEE;
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
---- For instantiating Xilinx block RAMs
31 |
--library UNISIM;
32 |
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
33 |
34 |
entity coremem is
35 |
Port ( A : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 11);
36 |
37 |
-- The PDP-1 can write to high 6 bits, low 12 bits, or both.
38 |
-- To emulate this we need a higher clock to do load-modify-store.
39 |
-- TODO: Actually, the PDP-1 rewrites after every read, giving it the
40 |
-- opportunity to read-modify-write itself, and does so for Index.
41 |
-- So the memory is simpler, runs load/store at double rate,
42 |
-- but the CPU needs a matching redesign.
43 |
44 |
ENABLE : in STD_LOGIC := '1';
45 |
DI : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 17);
46 |
-- DO defaults to jump to 0 instruction
47 |
DO : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (0 to 17) := o"76_4200" -- match core(0)!
48 |
49 |
end coremem;
50 |
51 |
architecture Behavioral of coremem is
52 |
constant ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 12;
53 |
constant DATA_WIDTH : integer := 18;
54 |
55 |
subtype word is std_logic_vector(0 to DATA_WIDTH-1);
56 |
-- important: if downto is used, the code lines must be written backwards!
57 |
type coremodule is array (0 to 2**ADDR_WIDTH-1) of word;
58 |
59 |
-- only works for very small initial programs.
60 |
impure function loadcore (filename : in string) return coremodule is
61 |
FILE corefile : text is in filename;
62 |
variable coreline : line;
63 |
variable core : coremodule := (others=>o"00_0000");
64 |
variable addr : integer := 0;
65 |
66 |
--file_open(corefile, filename, READ_MODE);
67 |
for addr in coremodule'range loop
68 |
--while (not endfile(corefile)) and (addr<2**ADDR_WIDTH) loop
69 |
if not endfile(corefile) then
70 |
readline (corefile, coreline);
71 |
oread (coreline, core(addr));
72 |
--addr := addr+1;
73 |
end if;
74 |
end loop;
75 |
-- FIXME this isn't very robust, it breaks if there's an empty line
76 |
77 |
return core;
78 |
end function;
79 |
80 |
---- Xilinx IP generator version
81 |
--component xilinx_core
82 |
--port (
83 |
-- clka: IN std_logic;
84 |
-- wea: IN std_logic_VECTOR(0 downto 0);
85 |
-- addra: IN std_logic_VECTOR(11 downto 0);
86 |
-- dina: IN std_logic_VECTOR(17 downto 0);
87 |
-- douta: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(17 downto 0));
88 |
--end component;
89 |
--signal wea: std_logic_vector(0 to 0);
90 |
91 |
---- Synplicity black box declaration
92 |
--attribute syn_black_box : boolean;
93 |
--attribute syn_black_box of xilinx_core: component is true;
94 |
95 |
signal core: coremodule :=
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
-- tape reader test program
100 |
--o"73_0001", -- read paper alphanumeric with wait
101 |
--o"76_0000", -- NOP
102 |
--o"66_6777", -- shift left 9 bits
103 |
--o"66_6001", -- and 1 bit, leaving the read byte at
104 |
-- -- left edge of IO register
105 |
--o"60_0003", -- infinite loop to light AWAKE
106 |
107 |
-- counter test program (loads result into IO for display)
108 |
--o"60_0003", -- jump past constant
109 |
--o"00_0001", -- constant one
110 |
--o"00_0000", -- variable
111 |
--o"40_0001", -- add one to AC
112 |
--o"24_0002", -- store in memory
113 |
--o"22_0002", -- load into IO
114 |
115 |
--o"60_0000", -- jump back to start of program
116 |
117 |
-- tape read in emulation (see readin.mac)
118 |
8#0000# => o"60_7700", -- jump to program
119 |
8#7700# => o"73_0002", -- read paper binary
120 |
8#7701# => o"32_7706", -- deposit instruction just read
121 |
8#7702# => o"20_7706", -- read into AC
122 |
8#7703# => o"26_7710", -- deposit address into DIO for comparison
123 |
8#7704# => o"50_7710", -- skip read if instruction not DIO
124 |
8#7705# => o"73_0002", -- read word to be deposited
125 |
8#7706# => o"76_0400", -- overwritten instruction; initially halt
126 |
8#7707# => o"60_7700", -- repeat the loop
127 |
8#7710# => o"32_0000", -- deposit IO for comparison
128 |
129 |
others => o"60_0000"
130 |
131 |
132 |
-- signal unused : coremodule :=
133 |
-- (
134 |
-- o"60_0010", -- jump past constants and variables
135 |
-- o"37_7400", -- value to switch direction on
136 |
-- o"00_0000", -- unused
137 |
-- o"00_0400", -- step -- addr 0003
138 |
139 |
-- o"00_0000", -- variable
140 |
-- o"00_0000", -- padding
141 |
-- o"00_0000", -- padding
142 |
-- o"00_0000", -- padding
143 |
144 |
-- o"76_4200", -- clear AC and IO -- addr 0010 (start)
145 |
-- o"40_0003", -- add step to AC -- addr 0011 (loop)
146 |
-- o"24_0004", -- store AC to variable
147 |
-- o"22_0004", -- load count to IO
148 |
-- o"76_1000", -- complement AC
149 |
-- o"73_0007", -- display, with waiting
150 |
-- o"76_1000", -- switch AC back
151 |
-- o"52_0001", -- skip next instruction if AC=endpoint
152 |
-- o"60_0011", -- jump to beginning of loop
153 |
-- o"20_0001", -- load endpoint
154 |
-- o"76_1000", -- complement it
155 |
-- o"24_0001", -- store it back
156 |
-- o"20_0003", -- load step
157 |
-- o"76_1000", -- complement it
158 |
-- o"24_0003", -- store it back
159 |
-- o"20_0004", -- load count again
160 |
-- o"60_0011", -- jump back to loop
161 |
-- others => o"00_0000"
162 |
-- );
163 |
164 |
165 |
process (CLK)
166 |
167 |
if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
168 |
if (enable = '1') then
169 |
if (WE = '1') then
170 |
core(conv_integer(A)) <= DI;
171 |
end if;
172 |
DO <= core(conv_integer(A));
173 |
end if;
174 |
end if;
175 |
end process;
176 |
177 |
--xil_core : xilinx_core
178 |
-- port map (
179 |
-- clka => clk,
180 |
-- wea => wea,
181 |
-- addra => a,
182 |
-- dina => di,
183 |
-- douta => do);
184 |
end Behavioral;
185 |