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-- Copyright (c)2006, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, 2020 Jeremy Seth Henry
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-- All rights reserved.
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-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
5 |
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
6 |
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7 |
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
8 |
-- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
9 |
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
10 |
-- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution,
11 |
-- where applicable (as part of a user interface, debugging port, etc.)
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-- VHDL Units : o8_cpu
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-- Description: VHDL model of a RISC 8-bit processor core loosely based on the
26 |
-- : V8/ARC uRISC instruction set. Requires Open8_pkg.vhd
27 |
-- :
28 |
-- Notes : Generic definitions
29 |
-- :
30 |
-- : Program_Start_Addr sets the initial value of the program
31 |
-- : counter.
32 |
-- :
33 |
-- : ISR_Start_Addr sets the location of the interrupt service
34 |
-- : vector table. There are 8 service vectors, or 16 bytes, which
35 |
-- : must be allocated to either ROM or RAM.
36 |
-- :
37 |
-- : Stack_Start_Address sets the initial (reset) value of the
38 |
-- : stack pointer. Also used for the RSP instruction if
39 |
-- : Allow_Stack_Address_Move is false.
40 |
-- :
41 |
-- : Allow_Stack_Address_Move, when set true, allows the RSP to be
42 |
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-- : programmed via thet RSP instruction. If enabled, the
43 |
-- : instruction changes into TSX or TXS based on the flag
44 |
-- : specified by Stack_Xfer_Flag. If the flag is '0', RSP will
45 |
-- : copy the current stack pointer to R1:R0 (TSX). If the flag
46 |
-- : is '1', RSP will copy R1:R0 to the stack pointer (TXS). This
47 |
-- : allows the processor to backup and restore stack pointers
48 |
-- : in a multi-process environment. Note that no flags are
49 |
-- : modified by either form of this instruction.
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-- :
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-- : Stack_Xfer_Flag instructs the core to use the specified ALU
52 |
-- : flag to alter the behavior of the RSP instruction when
53 |
-- : Allow_Stack_Address_Move is set TRUE, otherwise it is ignored.
54 |
-- : While technically any of the status bits may be used, the
55 |
-- : intent was to use FL_GP[1,2,3,4], as these are not modified
56 |
-- : by ordinary ALU operations.
57 |
-- :
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-- : The Enable_Auto_Increment generic can be used to modify the
59 |
-- : indexed instructions such that specifying an odd register
60 |
-- : will use the next lower register pair, post-incrementing the
61 |
-- : value in that pair. IOW, specifying STX R1 will instead
62 |
-- : result in STX R0++, or R0 = {R1:R0}; {R1:R0} + 1
63 |
-- :
64 |
-- : BRK_Implements_WAI modifies the BRK instruction such that it
65 |
-- : triggers the wait for interrupt state, but without triggering
66 |
-- : a soft interrupt in lieu of its normal behavior, which is to
67 |
-- : insert several dead clock cycles - essentially a long NOP
68 |
-- :
69 |
-- : Enable_NMI overrides the mask bit for interrupt 0, creating a
70 |
-- : non-maskable interrupt at the highest priority. To remain
71 |
-- : true to the original core, this should be set false.
72 |
-- :
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-- : RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags alters the set of flag bits restored
74 |
-- : after an interrupt. By default, all of the flag bits are put
75 |
-- : back to their original state. If this flag is set true, only
76 |
-- : the lower four bits are restored, allowing ISR code to alter
77 |
-- : the GP flags persistently.
78 |
-- :
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-- : Default_Interrupt_Mask sets the intial/reset value of the
80 |
-- : interrupt mask. To remain true to the original core, which
81 |
-- : had no interrupt mask, this should be set to x"FF". Otherwise
82 |
-- : it can be initialized to any value. Note that Enable_NMI
83 |
-- : will logically force the LSB high.
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-- :
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-- : Reset_Level determines whether the processor registers reset
86 |
-- : on a high or low level from higher logic.
87 |
-- :
88 |
-- : Architecture notes
89 |
-- : This model deviates from the original ISA in a few important
90 |
-- : ways.
91 |
-- :
92 |
-- : First, there is only one set of registers. Interrupt service
93 |
-- : routines must explicitely preserve context since the the
94 |
-- : hardware doesn't. This was done to decrease size and code
95 |
-- : complexity. Older code that assumes this behavior will not
96 |
-- : execute correctly on this processor model.
97 |
-- :
98 |
-- : Second, this model adds an additional pipeline stage between
99 |
-- : the instruction decoder and the ALU. Unfortunately, this
100 |
-- : means that the instruction stream has to be restarted after
101 |
-- : any math instruction is executed, implying that any ALU
102 |
-- : instruction now has a latency of 2 instead of 0. The
103 |
-- : advantage is that the maximum frequency has gone up
104 |
-- : significantly, as the ALU code is vastly more efficient.
105 |
-- : As an aside, this now means that all math instructions,
106 |
-- : including MUL (see below) and UPP have the same instruction
107 |
-- : latency.
108 |
-- :
109 |
-- : Third, the original ISA, also a soft core, had two reserved
110 |
-- : instructions, USR and USR2. These have been implemented as
111 |
-- : DBNZ, and MUL respectively.
112 |
-- :
113 |
-- : DBNZ decrements the specified register and branches if the
114 |
-- : result is non-zero. The instruction effectively executes a
115 |
-- : DEC Rn instruction prior to branching, so the same flags will
116 |
-- : be set.
117 |
-- :
118 |
-- : MUL places the result of R0 * Rn into R1:R0. Instruction
119 |
-- : latency is identical to other ALU instructions. Only the Z
120 |
-- : flag is set, since there is no defined overflow or "negative
121 |
-- : 16-bit values"
122 |
-- :
123 |
-- : Fourth, indexed load/store instructions now have an (optional)
124 |
-- : ability to post-increment their index registers. If enabled,
125 |
-- : using an odd operand for LDO,LDX, STO, STX will cause the
126 |
-- : register pair to be incremented after the storage access.
127 |
-- :
128 |
-- : Fifth, the RSP instruction has been (optionally) altered to
129 |
-- : allow the stack pointer to be sourced from R1:R0.
130 |
-- :
131 |
-- : Sixth, the BRK instruction can optionally implement a WAI,
132 |
-- : which is the same as the INT instruction without the soft
133 |
-- : interrupt, as a way to put the processor to "sleep" until the
134 |
-- : next external interrupt.
135 |
-- :
136 |
-- : Seventh, the original CPU model had 8 non-maskable interrupts
137 |
-- : with priority. This model has the same 8 interrupts, but
138 |
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-- : allows software to mask them (with an additional option to
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-- : override the highest priority interrupt, making it the NMI.)
140 |
-- :
141 |
-- : Lastly, previous unmapped instructions in the OP_STK opcode
142 |
-- : were repurposed to support a new interrupt mask.
143 |
-- : SMSK and GMSK transfer the contents of R0 (accumulator)
144 |
-- : to/from the interrupt mask register. SMSK is immediate, while
145 |
-- : GMSK has the same overhead as a math instruction.
146 |
147 |
-- Revision History
148 |
-- Author Date Change
149 |
------------------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------
150 |
-- Seth Henry 07/19/06 Design Start
151 |
-- Seth Henry 01/18/11 Fixed BTT instruction to match V8
152 |
-- Seth Henry 07/22/11 Fixed interrupt transition logic to avoid data
153 |
-- corruption issues.
154 |
-- Seth Henry 07/26/11 Optimized logic in ALU, stack pointer, and data
155 |
-- path sections.
156 |
-- Seth Henry 07/27/11 Optimized logic for timing, merged blocks into
157 |
-- single entity.
158 |
-- Seth Henry 09/20/11 Added BRK_Implements_WAI option, allowing the
159 |
-- processor to wait for an interrupt instead of the
160 |
-- normal BRK behavior.
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-- Seth Henry 12/20/11 Modified core to allow WAI_Cx state to idle
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-- the bus entirely (Rd_Enable is low)
163 |
-- Seth Henry 02/03/12 Replaced complex interrupt controller with simpler,
164 |
-- faster logic that simply does priority encoding.
165 |
-- Seth Henry 08/06/13 Removed HALT functionality
166 |
-- Seth Henry 10/29/15 Fixed inverted carry logic in CMP and SBC instrs
167 |
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-- Seth Henry 12/19/19 Renamed to o8_cpu to fit "theme"
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-- Seth Henry 03/09/20 Modified RSP instruction to work with a CPU flag
169 |
-- allowing true backup/restore of the stack pointer
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-- Seth Henry 03/11/20 Split the address logic from the main state machine
171 |
-- in order to simplify things and eliminate
172 |
-- redundancies. Came across and fixed a problem with
173 |
-- the STO instruction when Enable_Auto_Increment is
174 |
-- NOT set.
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-- Seth Henry 03/12/20 Rationalized the naming of the CPU flags to match
176 |
-- the assembler names. Also fixed an issue where
177 |
-- the I bit wasn't being cleared after interrupts.
178 |
-- Simplified the program counter logic to only use
179 |
-- the offset for increments, redefining the
180 |
-- original modes as fixed offset values.
181 |
-- Modified the ALU section with a new ALU operation
182 |
-- for GMSK. This allowed the .data field to be
183 |
-- removed and Operand1 used in its place, which
184 |
-- simplified the logic a great deal.
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jshamlet |
-- Seth Henry 03/16/20 Added CPU_Halt input back, only now as an input to
186 |
-- the instruction decode state, where it acts as a
187 |
-- modified form of the BRK instruction that holds
188 |
-- state until CPU_Halt is deasserted. This has a
189 |
-- much smaller impact on Fmax/complexity than the
190 |
-- original clock enable, but imposes a mild impact
191 |
-- due to the need to reset the instruction pipeline
192 |
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jshamlet |
-- Seth Henry 03/17/20 Added generic to control whether RTI full restores
193 |
-- the flags, including the general purpose ones, or
194 |
-- only the core ALU flags (Z, N, and C). Also
195 |
-- brought out copies of the GP flags for external
196 |
-- connection.
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198 |
library ieee;
199 |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
200 |
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
201 |
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
202 |
use ieee.std_logic_misc.all;
203 |
204 |
library work;
205 |
use work.Open8_pkg.all;
206 |
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entity o8_cpu is
208 |
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209 |
Program_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000"; -- Initial PC location
210 |
ISR_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"FFF0"; -- Bottom of ISR vec's
211 |
Stack_Start_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"03FF"; -- Top of Stack
212 |
Allow_Stack_Address_Move : boolean := false; -- Use Normal v8 RSP
213 |
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Stack_Xfer_Flag : integer := PSR_GP4; -- GP4 modifies RSP
214 |
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Enable_Auto_Increment : boolean := false; -- Modify indexed instr
215 |
BRK_Implements_WAI : boolean := false; -- BRK -> Wait for Int
216 |
Enable_NMI : boolean := true; -- Force INTR0 enabled
217 |
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RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags : boolean := false; -- RTI restores all flags
218 |
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Default_Interrupt_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"FF"; -- Enable all Ints
219 |
Reset_Level : std_logic := '0' ); -- Active reset level
220 |
221 |
Clock : in std_logic;
222 |
Reset : in std_logic;
223 |
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CPU_Halt : in std_logic := '0';
224 |
Interrupts : in INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := x"00";
225 |
188 |
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GP_Flags : out EXT_GP_FLAGS;
226 |
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227 |
Address : out ADDRESS_TYPE;
228 |
Rd_Data : in DATA_TYPE;
229 |
Rd_Enable : out std_logic;
230 |
Wr_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
231 |
Wr_Enable : out std_logic );
232 |
end entity;
233 |
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architecture behave of o8_cpu is
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236 |
constant INT_VECTOR_0 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr;
237 |
constant INT_VECTOR_1 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+2;
238 |
constant INT_VECTOR_2 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+4;
239 |
constant INT_VECTOR_3 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+6;
240 |
constant INT_VECTOR_4 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+8;
241 |
constant INT_VECTOR_5 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+10;
242 |
constant INT_VECTOR_6 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+12;
243 |
constant INT_VECTOR_7 : ADDRESS_TYPE := ISR_Start_Addr+14;
244 |
245 |
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signal CPU_Next_State : CPU_STATES := IPF_C0;
246 |
signal CPU_State : CPU_STATES := IPF_C0;
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signal CPU_Halt_Req : std_logic;
249 |
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signal Cache_Ctrl : CACHE_MODES := CACHE_IDLE;
251 |
252 |
signal Opcode : OPCODE_TYPE := (others => '0');
253 |
signal SubOp, SubOp_p1 : SUBOP_TYPE := (others => '0');
254 |
255 |
signal Prefetch : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
256 |
signal Operand1, Operand2 : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
257 |
258 |
signal Instr_Prefetch : std_logic := '0';
259 |
260 |
signal PC_Ctrl : PC_CTRL_TYPE;
261 |
signal Program_Ctr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000";
262 |
263 |
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signal ALU_Ctrl : ALU_CTRL_TYPE;
264 |
signal Regfile : REGFILE_TYPE;
265 |
signal Flags : FLAG_TYPE;
266 |
signal Mult : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000";
267 |
268 |
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signal SP_Ctrl : SP_CTRL_TYPE;
269 |
signal Stack_Ptr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000";
270 |
271 |
signal DP_Ctrl : DATA_CTRL_TYPE;
272 |
273 |
signal INT_Ctrl : INT_CTRL_TYPE;
274 |
signal Ack_D, Ack_Q, Ack_Q1: std_logic := '0';
275 |
signal Int_Req, Int_Ack : std_logic := '0';
276 |
signal Int_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
277 |
signal ISR_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := x"0000";
278 |
signal i_Ints : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := x"00";
279 |
signal Pending : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := x"00";
280 |
signal Wait_for_FSM : std_logic := '0';
281 |
282 |
283 |
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-- Address bus selection/generation logic
287 |
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288 |
289 |
185 |
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Address_Logic: process(CPU_State, Regfile, SubOp, SubOp_p1, Operand1,
290 |
Operand2, Program_Ctr, Stack_Ptr, ISR_Addr )
291 |
169 |
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variable Reg, Reg_1 : integer range 0 to 7 := 0;
292 |
variable Offset_SX : ADDRESS_TYPE;
293 |
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295 |
if( Enable_Auto_Increment )then
296 |
Reg := conv_integer(SubOp(2 downto 1) & '0');
297 |
Reg_1 := conv_integer(SubOp(2 downto 1) & '1');
298 |
299 |
Reg := conv_integer(SubOp);
300 |
Reg_1 := conv_integer(SubOp_p1);
301 |
end if;
302 |
303 |
Offset_SX(15 downto 0) := (others => Operand1(7));
304 |
Offset_SX(7 downto 0) := Operand1;
305 |
306 |
case( CPU_State )is
307 |
308 |
when LDA_C2 | STA_C2 =>
309 |
Address <= Operand2 & Operand1;
310 |
311 |
when LDX_C1 | STX_C1 =>
312 |
Address <= (Regfile(Reg_1) & Regfile(Reg));
313 |
314 |
when LDO_C1 | STO_C1 =>
315 |
Address <= (Regfile(Reg_1) & Regfile(Reg)) + Offset_SX;
316 |
317 |
when ISR_C1 | ISR_C2 =>
318 |
Address <= ISR_Addr;
319 |
320 |
when PSH_C1 | POP_C1 | ISR_C3 | JSR_C1 | JSR_C2 | RTS_C1 | RTS_C2 | RTS_C3 =>
321 |
Address <= Stack_Ptr;
322 |
323 |
when others =>
324 |
Address <= Program_Ctr;
325 |
326 |
end case;
327 |
328 |
end process;
329 |
330 |
331 |
-- Combinatorial portion of CPU finite state machine
332 |
-- State Logic / Instruction Decoding & Execution
333 |
334 |
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State_Logic: process(CPU_State, Flags, Int_Mask, CPU_Halt_Req, Opcode,
336 |
182 |
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SubOp , SubOp_p1, Operand1, Operand2, Int_Req )
337 |
variable Reg : integer range 0 to 7 := 0;
338 |
339 |
169 |
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CPU_Next_State <= CPU_State;
340 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_IDLE;
341 |
342 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Oper <= PC_INCR;
343 |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_IDLE;
344 |
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ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_IDLE;
346 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= ACCUM;
347 |
348 |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_IDLE;
349 |
350 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_RD_MEM;
351 |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= ACCUM;
352 |
353 |
INT_Ctrl.Mask_Set <= '0';
354 |
INT_Ctrl.Soft_Ints <= x"00";
355 |
INT_Ctrl.Incr_ISR <= '0';
356 |
Ack_D <= '0';
357 |
358 |
182 |
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Reg := conv_integer(SubOp);
359 |
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360 |
case CPU_State is
361 |
362 |
-- Initial Instruction fetch & decode
363 |
364 |
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when IPF_C0 =>
365 |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C1;
366 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
367 |
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368 |
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when IPF_C1 =>
369 |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C2;
370 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
371 |
169 |
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372 |
187 |
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when IPF_C2 =>
373 |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
374 |
169 |
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Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
375 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
376 |
169 |
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377 |
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when IDC_C0 =>
378 |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
379 |
169 |
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Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
380 |
381 |
case Opcode is
382 |
when OP_PSH =>
383 |
CPU_Next_State <= PSH_C1;
384 |
385 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV1;
386 |
169 |
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DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_REG;
387 |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
388 |
389 |
when OP_POP =>
390 |
CPU_Next_State <= POP_C1;
391 |
392 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV2;
393 |
169 |
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SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_POP;
394 |
395 |
when OP_BR0 | OP_BR1 =>
396 |
CPU_Next_State <= BRN_C1;
397 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
398 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
399 |
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400 |
185 |
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401 |
169 |
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when OP_DBNZ =>
402 |
CPU_Next_State <= DBNZ_C1;
403 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
404 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
405 |
169 |
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ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_DEC;
406 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
407 |
408 |
when OP_INT =>
409 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
410 |
187 |
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-- Make sure the requested interrupt is actually enabled first.
411 |
-- Also, unlike CPU_Halt, the INT instruction is actually being
412 |
-- executed, so go ahead and increment the program counter before
413 |
-- pausing so the CPU restarts on the next instruction.
414 |
169 |
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if( Int_Mask(Reg) = '1' )then
415 |
187 |
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CPU_Next_State <= WAI_Cx;
416 |
169 |
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INT_Ctrl.Soft_Ints(Reg) <= '1';
417 |
end if;
418 |
419 |
when OP_STK =>
420 |
case SubOp is
421 |
when SOP_RSP =>
422 |
185 |
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PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
423 |
181 |
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if( not Allow_Stack_Address_Move )then
424 |
187 |
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-- The default behavior for this instruction is to simply
425 |
-- repoint the SP to the HDL default
426 |
185 |
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SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_CLR;
427 |
181 |
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end if;
428 |
187 |
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if( Allow_Stack_Address_Move and
429 |
Flags(Stack_Xfer_Flag) = '1' )then
430 |
-- If RSP is set to allow SP moves, and the specified flag
431 |
-- is true, then signal the stack pointer logic to load
432 |
-- from R1:R0
433 |
185 |
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SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_SET;
434 |
181 |
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end if;
435 |
187 |
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if( Allow_Stack_Address_Move and
436 |
Flags(Stack_Xfer_Flag) = '0')then
437 |
-- If RSP is set to allow SP moves, and the specified flag
438 |
-- is false, then signal the ALU to copy the stack pointer
439 |
-- to R1:R0
440 |
185 |
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ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_RSP;
441 |
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end if;
442 |
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443 |
when SOP_RTS | SOP_RTI =>
444 |
185 |
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CPU_Next_State <= RTS_C1;
445 |
190 |
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Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_IDLE;
446 |
185 |
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SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_POP;
447 |
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448 |
when SOP_BRK =>
449 |
if( BRK_Implements_WAI )then
450 |
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-- If BRK_Implements_WAI, then jump to the WAI_Cx and
451 |
-- increment the PC similar to an ISR flow.
452 |
CPU_Next_State <= WAI_Cx;
453 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
454 |
187 |
jshamlet |
455 |
-- If Break is implemented normally, back the PC up by
456 |
-- 2 and return through IPF_C0 in order to execute a 5
457 |
-- clock cycle delay
458 |
CPU_Next_State <= BRK_C1;
459 |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV2;
460 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
461 |
462 |
when SOP_JMP =>
463 |
185 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= JMP_C1;
464 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
465 |
169 |
jshamlet |
466 |
when SOP_SMSK =>
467 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
468 |
169 |
jshamlet |
INT_Ctrl.Mask_Set <= '1';
469 |
470 |
when SOP_GMSK =>
471 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
472 |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_GMSK;
473 |
169 |
jshamlet |
474 |
when SOP_JSR =>
475 |
CPU_Next_State <= JSR_C1;
476 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
477 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_PC;
478 |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= PC_MSB;
479 |
169 |
jshamlet |
480 |
when others => null;
481 |
end case;
482 |
483 |
when OP_MUL =>
484 |
CPU_Next_State <= MUL_C1;
485 |
181 |
jshamlet |
-- Multiplication requires a single clock cycle to calculate PRIOR
486 |
-- to the ALU writing the result to registers. As a result, this
487 |
-- state needs to idle the ALU initially, and back the PC up by 1
488 |
-- We can get away with only 1 extra clock by pre-fetching the
489 |
-- next instruction, though.
490 |
169 |
jshamlet |
491 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV1;
492 |
181 |
jshamlet |
-- Note that both the multiply process AND ALU process need the
493 |
-- source register for Rn (R1:R0 = R0 * Rn). Assert ALU_Ctrl.reg
494 |
-- now, but hold off on the ALU command until the next state.
495 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_IDLE;
496 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
497 |
498 |
when OP_UPP =>
499 |
CPU_Next_State <= UPP_C1;
500 |
501 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV1;
502 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= Opcode;
503 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
504 |
505 |
when OP_LDA =>
506 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDA_C1;
507 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
508 |
509 |
when OP_LDI =>
510 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDI_C1;
511 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
512 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
513 |
169 |
jshamlet |
514 |
when OP_LDO =>
515 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDO_C1;
516 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
517 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV2;
518 |
169 |
jshamlet |
519 |
when OP_LDX =>
520 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDX_C1;
521 |
181 |
jshamlet |
522 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV2;
523 |
169 |
jshamlet |
524 |
when OP_STA =>
525 |
CPU_Next_State <= STA_C1;
526 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
527 |
528 |
when OP_STO =>
529 |
CPU_Next_State <= STO_C1;
530 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
531 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV2;
532 |
169 |
jshamlet |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_REG;
533 |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= ACCUM;
534 |
535 |
when OP_STX =>
536 |
CPU_Next_State <= STX_C1;
537 |
538 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV2;
539 |
169 |
jshamlet |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_REG;
540 |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= ACCUM;
541 |
542 |
when others =>
543 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
544 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= Opcode;
545 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
546 |
547 |
end case;
548 |
549 |
186 |
jshamlet |
if( Int_Req = '1' )then
550 |
CPU_Next_State <= ISR_C1;
551 |
187 |
jshamlet |
end if;
552 |
553 |
if( CPU_Halt_Req = '1' )then
554 |
CPU_Next_State <= WAH_Cx;
555 |
end if;
556 |
557 |
-- If either of these override conditions are true, the decoder needs
558 |
-- to undo everything it just setup, since even "single-cycle"
559 |
-- instructions will be executed again upon return.
560 |
if( Int_Req = '1' or CPU_Halt_Req = '1' )then
561 |
-- In either case, we want to skip loading the cache, as the cache
562 |
-- will be invalid by the time we get back.
563 |
186 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_IDLE;
564 |
187 |
jshamlet |
-- Rewind the PC by 3 to put the PC back to the current instruction,
565 |
-- compensating for the pipeline registers.
566 |
186 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV3;
567 |
-- Reset all of the sub-block controls to IDLE, to avoid unintended
568 |
187 |
jshamlet |
-- operation due to the current instruction.
569 |
186 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_IDLE;
570 |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_IDLE;
571 |
187 |
jshamlet |
-- Interrupt logic outside of the state machine needs this to be set
572 |
-- to DATA_RD_MEM, while CPU_Halt considers this a "don't care".
573 |
186 |
jshamlet |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_RD_MEM;
574 |
187 |
jshamlet |
-- If an INT/SMSK instruction was going to be executed, it will get
575 |
-- executed again when normal processing resumes, so axe their
576 |
-- requests for now.
577 |
INT_Ctrl.Mask_Set <= '0';
578 |
INT_Ctrl.Soft_Ints(Reg) <= '0';
579 |
186 |
jshamlet |
end if;
580 |
581 |
169 |
jshamlet |
582 |
-- Program Control (BR0_C1, BR1_C1, DBNZ_C1, JMP )
583 |
584 |
585 |
when BRN_C1 =>
586 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
587 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
588 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
589 |
169 |
jshamlet |
if( Flags(Reg) = Opcode(0) )then
590 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
591 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_IDLE;
592 |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= Operand1;
593 |
end if;
594 |
595 |
when DBNZ_C1 =>
596 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
597 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
598 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
599 |
if( Flags(PSR_Z) = '0' )then
600 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
601 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_IDLE;
602 |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= Operand1;
603 |
end if;
604 |
605 |
when JMP_C1 =>
606 |
CPU_Next_State <= JMP_C2;
607 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER2;
608 |
609 |
when JMP_C2 =>
610 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
611 |
169 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Oper <= PC_LOAD;
612 |
613 |
614 |
-- Data Storage - Load from memory (LDA, LDI, LDO, LDX)
615 |
616 |
617 |
when LDA_C1 =>
618 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDA_C2;
619 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER2;
620 |
621 |
when LDA_C2 =>
622 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDA_C3;
623 |
624 |
when LDA_C3 =>
625 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDA_C4;
626 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
627 |
169 |
jshamlet |
628 |
when LDA_C4 =>
629 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDI_C1;
630 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
631 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
632 |
169 |
jshamlet |
633 |
when LDI_C1 =>
634 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
635 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
636 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
637 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_LDI;
638 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
639 |
640 |
when LDO_C1 =>
641 |
181 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= LDX_C2;
642 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
643 |
182 |
jshamlet |
if( Enable_Auto_Increment and SubOp(0) = '1' )then
644 |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP;
645 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp(2 downto 1) & '0';
646 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
647 |
648 |
when LDX_C1 =>
649 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDX_C2;
650 |
182 |
jshamlet |
if( Enable_Auto_Increment and SubOp(0) = '1' )then
651 |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP;
652 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp(2 downto 1) & '0';
653 |
181 |
jshamlet |
end if;
654 |
169 |
jshamlet |
655 |
when LDX_C2 =>
656 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDX_C3;
657 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
658 |
181 |
jshamlet |
659 |
when LDX_C3 =>
660 |
CPU_Next_State <= LDX_C4;
661 |
182 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
662 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
663 |
169 |
jshamlet |
664 |
181 |
jshamlet |
when LDX_C4 =>
665 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
666 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
667 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
668 |
181 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_LDI;
669 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= ACCUM;
670 |
671 |
672 |
-- Data Storage - Store to memory (STA, STO, STX)
673 |
674 |
when STA_C1 =>
675 |
CPU_Next_State <= STA_C2;
676 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER2;
677 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_REG;
678 |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
679 |
680 |
when STA_C2 =>
681 |
CPU_Next_State <= STA_C3;
682 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
683 |
169 |
jshamlet |
684 |
when STA_C3 =>
685 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C2;
686 |
169 |
jshamlet |
687 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
688 |
169 |
jshamlet |
689 |
when STO_C1 =>
690 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
691 |
169 |
jshamlet |
692 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
693 |
182 |
jshamlet |
if( Enable_Auto_Increment and SubOp(0) = '1' )then
694 |
CPU_Next_State <= STO_C2;
695 |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP;
696 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp(2 downto 1) & '0';
697 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
698 |
699 |
when STO_C2 =>
700 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C1;
701 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
702 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP2;
703 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp(2 downto 1) & '1';
704 |
705 |
when STX_C1 =>
706 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C1;
707 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
708 |
182 |
jshamlet |
if( Enable_Auto_Increment and SubOp(0) = '1' )then
709 |
CPU_Next_State <= STX_C2;
710 |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP;
711 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp(2 downto 1) & '0';
712 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
713 |
714 |
when STX_C2 =>
715 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C2;
716 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
717 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP2;
718 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp(2 downto 1) & '1';
719 |
720 |
721 |
-- Multi-Cycle Math Operations (UPP, MUL)
722 |
723 |
724 |
-- Because we have to backup the pipeline by 1 to refetch the 2nd
725 |
181 |
jshamlet |
-- instruction/first operand, we have to return through PF2. Also, we
726 |
-- need to tell the ALU to store the results to R1:R0 here. Note that
727 |
-- there is no ALU_Ctrl.Reg, as this is implied in the ALU instruction
728 |
169 |
jshamlet |
when MUL_C1 =>
729 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C2;
730 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
731 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_MUL;
732 |
733 |
when UPP_C1 =>
734 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C2;
735 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
736 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_UPP2;
737 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp_p1;
738 |
739 |
740 |
-- Basic Stack Manipulation (PSH, POP, RSP)
741 |
742 |
when PSH_C1 =>
743 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C1;
744 |
169 |
jshamlet |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_PUSH;
745 |
746 |
when POP_C1 =>
747 |
CPU_Next_State <= POP_C2;
748 |
749 |
when POP_C2 =>
750 |
CPU_Next_State <= POP_C3;
751 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
752 |
169 |
jshamlet |
753 |
when POP_C3 =>
754 |
CPU_Next_State <= POP_C4;
755 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
756 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
757 |
169 |
jshamlet |
758 |
when POP_C4 =>
759 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IDC_C0;
760 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_INSTR;
761 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
762 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_POP;
763 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= SubOp;
764 |
172 |
jshamlet |
765 |
169 |
jshamlet |
766 |
-- Subroutines & Interrupts (RTS, JSR)
767 |
768 |
187 |
jshamlet |
when WAI_Cx => -- For soft interrupts only, halt the Program_Ctr
769 |
169 |
jshamlet |
770 |
186 |
jshamlet |
if( Int_Req = '1' )then
771 |
CPU_Next_State <= ISR_C1;
772 |
187 |
jshamlet |
-- Rewind the PC by 3 to put the PC back to would have been the next
773 |
-- instruction, compensating for the pipeline registers.
774 |
186 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_REV3;
775 |
-- Reset all of the sub-block controls to IDLE, to avoid unintended
776 |
-- operation due to the current instruction
777 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_RD_MEM;
778 |
end if;
779 |
169 |
jshamlet |
780 |
187 |
jshamlet |
when WAH_Cx => -- Holds until CPU_Halt_Req is deasserted.
781 |
782 |
if( CPU_Halt_Req = '0' )then
783 |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
784 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_RD_MEM;
785 |
end if;
786 |
787 |
when BRK_C1 => -- Debugging (BRK) Performs a 5-clock NOP.
788 |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
789 |
790 |
169 |
jshamlet |
when ISR_C1 =>
791 |
CPU_Next_State <= ISR_C2;
792 |
INT_Ctrl.Incr_ISR <= '1';
793 |
794 |
when ISR_C2 =>
795 |
CPU_Next_State <= ISR_C3;
796 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_FLAG;
797 |
798 |
when ISR_C3 =>
799 |
CPU_Next_State <= JSR_C1;
800 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
801 |
182 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_STP;
802 |
185 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= conv_std_logic_vector(PSR_I,3);
803 |
169 |
jshamlet |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_PUSH;
804 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_PC;
805 |
182 |
jshamlet |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= PC_MSB;
806 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Ack_D <= '1';
807 |
808 |
when JSR_C1 =>
809 |
CPU_Next_State <= JSR_C2;
810 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER2;
811 |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_PUSH;
812 |
DP_Ctrl.Src <= DATA_WR_PC;
813 |
182 |
jshamlet |
DP_Ctrl.Reg <= PC_LSB;
814 |
169 |
jshamlet |
815 |
when JSR_C2 =>
816 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
817 |
169 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Oper <= PC_LOAD;
818 |
182 |
jshamlet |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_PUSH;
819 |
169 |
jshamlet |
820 |
when RTS_C1 =>
821 |
CPU_Next_State <= RTS_C2;
822 |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_POP;
823 |
824 |
when RTS_C2 =>
825 |
CPU_Next_State <= RTS_C3;
826 |
-- if this is an RTI, then we need to POP the flags
827 |
if( SubOp = SOP_RTI )then
828 |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_POP;
829 |
end if;
830 |
831 |
when RTS_C3 =>
832 |
CPU_Next_State <= RTS_C4;
833 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
834 |
835 |
when RTS_C4 =>
836 |
CPU_Next_State <= RTS_C5;
837 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER2;
838 |
839 |
when RTS_C5 =>
840 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C0;
841 |
169 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Oper <= PC_LOAD;
842 |
185 |
jshamlet |
-- if this is an RTI, then we need to clear the I bit
843 |
169 |
jshamlet |
if( SubOp = SOP_RTI )then
844 |
CPU_Next_State <= RTI_C6;
845 |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_OPER1;
846 |
185 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_CLP;
847 |
ALU_Ctrl.Reg <= conv_std_logic_vector(PSR_I,3);
848 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
849 |
850 |
when RTI_C6 =>
851 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Next_State <= IPF_C1;
852 |
185 |
jshamlet |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= PC_NEXT;
853 |
169 |
jshamlet |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_RFLG;
854 |
855 |
when others =>
856 |
857 |
end case;
858 |
859 |
end process;
860 |
861 |
862 |
-- Registered portion of CPU finite state machine
863 |
864 |
182 |
jshamlet |
865 |
169 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Regs: process( Reset, Clock )
866 |
variable Offset_SX : ADDRESS_TYPE;
867 |
188 |
jshamlet |
variable i_Ints : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := x"00";
868 |
169 |
jshamlet |
variable Index : integer range 0 to 7 := 0;
869 |
variable Sum : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := "000000000";
870 |
variable Temp : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0) := "000000000";
871 |
872 |
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
873 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_State <= IPF_C0;
874 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Opcode <= OP_INC;
875 |
SubOp <= ACCUM;
876 |
SubOp_p1 <= ACCUM;
877 |
Operand1 <= x"00";
878 |
Operand2 <= x"00";
879 |
Instr_Prefetch <= '0';
880 |
Prefetch <= x"00";
881 |
882 |
187 |
jshamlet |
CPU_Halt_Req <= '0';
883 |
884 |
191 |
jshamlet |
885 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Wr_Enable <= '0';
886 |
Rd_Enable <= '1';
887 |
888 |
Program_Ctr <= Program_Start_Addr;
889 |
Stack_Ptr <= Stack_Start_Addr;
890 |
891 |
Ack_Q <= '0';
892 |
Ack_Q1 <= '0';
893 |
Int_Ack <= '0';
894 |
895 |
Int_Req <= '0';
896 |
Pending <= x"00";
897 |
Wait_for_FSM <= '0';
898 |
if( Enable_NMI )then
899 |
Int_Mask <= Default_Interrupt_Mask(7 downto 1) & '1';
900 |
901 |
Int_Mask <= Default_Interrupt_Mask;
902 |
end if;
903 |
904 |
905 |
for i in 0 to 7 loop
906 |
188 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(i) <= x"00";
907 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end loop;
908 |
Flags <= x"00";
909 |
910 |
188 |
jshamlet |
GP_Flags <= x"0";
911 |
912 |
169 |
jshamlet |
elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then
913 |
187 |
jshamlet |
914 |
CPU_Halt_Req <= CPU_Halt;
915 |
916 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Wr_Enable <= '0';
917 |
191 |
jshamlet |
918 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Rd_Enable <= '0';
919 |
920 |
921 |
-- Instruction/Operand caching for pipelined memory access
922 |
923 |
CPU_State <= CPU_Next_State;
924 |
case Cache_Ctrl is
925 |
926 |
Opcode <= Rd_Data(7 downto 3);
927 |
SubOp <= Rd_Data(2 downto 0);
928 |
SubOp_p1 <= Rd_Data(2 downto 0) + 1;
929 |
if( Instr_Prefetch = '1' )then
930 |
Opcode <= Prefetch(7 downto 3);
931 |
SubOp <= Prefetch(2 downto 0);
932 |
SubOp_p1 <= Prefetch(2 downto 0) + 1;
933 |
Instr_Prefetch <= '0';
934 |
end if;
935 |
936 |
when CACHE_OPER1 =>
937 |
Operand1 <= Rd_Data;
938 |
939 |
when CACHE_OPER2 =>
940 |
Operand2 <= Rd_Data;
941 |
942 |
943 |
Prefetch <= Rd_Data;
944 |
Instr_Prefetch <= '1';
945 |
946 |
when CACHE_IDLE =>
947 |
948 |
end case;
949 |
950 |
951 |
-- Program Counter
952 |
953 |
Offset_SX(15 downto 8) := (others => PC_Ctrl.Offset(7));
954 |
Offset_SX(7 downto 0) := PC_Ctrl.Offset;
955 |
956 |
case PC_Ctrl.Oper is
957 |
when PC_INCR =>
958 |
Program_Ctr <= Program_Ctr + Offset_SX - 2;
959 |
960 |
when PC_LOAD =>
961 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Program_Ctr <= Operand2 & Operand1;
962 |
169 |
jshamlet |
963 |
when others =>
964 |
965 |
end case;
966 |
967 |
968 |
-- (Write) Data Path
969 |
970 |
case DP_Ctrl.Src is
971 |
972 |
973 |
974 |
when DATA_RD_MEM =>
975 |
Rd_Enable <= '1';
976 |
977 |
when DATA_WR_REG =>
978 |
Wr_Enable <= '1';
979 |
Wr_Data <= Regfile(conv_integer(DP_Ctrl.Reg));
980 |
981 |
when DATA_WR_FLAG =>
982 |
Wr_Enable <= '1';
983 |
Wr_Data <= Flags;
984 |
985 |
when DATA_WR_PC =>
986 |
Wr_Enable <= '1';
987 |
Wr_Data <= Program_Ctr(15 downto 8);
988 |
182 |
jshamlet |
if( DP_Ctrl.Reg = PC_LSB )then
989 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Wr_Data <= Program_Ctr(7 downto 0);
990 |
end if;
991 |
992 |
when others =>
993 |
994 |
end case;
995 |
996 |
997 |
-- Stack Pointer
998 |
999 |
case SP_Ctrl.Oper is
1000 |
when SP_IDLE =>
1001 |
1002 |
1003 |
181 |
jshamlet |
when SP_CLR =>
1004 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Stack_Ptr <= Stack_Start_Addr;
1005 |
1006 |
181 |
jshamlet |
when SP_SET =>
1007 |
Stack_Ptr <= Regfile(1) & Regfile(0);
1008 |
1009 |
169 |
jshamlet |
when SP_POP =>
1010 |
Stack_Ptr <= Stack_Ptr + 1;
1011 |
1012 |
when SP_PUSH =>
1013 |
Stack_Ptr <= Stack_Ptr - 1;
1014 |
1015 |
when others =>
1016 |
1017 |
1018 |
end case;
1019 |
1020 |
1021 |
-- Interrupt Controller
1022 |
1023 |
-- The interrupt control mask is always sourced out of R0
1024 |
if( INT_Ctrl.Mask_Set = '1' )then
1025 |
if( Enable_NMI )then
1026 |
Int_Mask <= Regfile(conv_integer(ACCUM))(7 downto 1) & '1';
1027 |
1028 |
Int_Mask <= Regfile(conv_integer(ACCUM));
1029 |
end if;
1030 |
end if;
1031 |
1032 |
-- Combine external and internal interrupts, and mask the OR of the two
1033 |
-- with the mask. Record any incoming interrupts to the pending buffer
1034 |
i_Ints := (Interrupts or INT_Ctrl.Soft_Ints) and
1035 |
1036 |
172 |
jshamlet |
1037 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Pending <= i_Ints or Pending;
1038 |
1039 |
if( Wait_for_FSM = '0' )then
1040 |
if( Pending(0) = '1' )then
1041 |
1042 |
Pending(0) <= '0';
1043 |
elsif( Pending(1) = '1' )then
1044 |
1045 |
Pending(1) <= '0';
1046 |
elsif( Pending(2) = '1' )then
1047 |
1048 |
Pending(2) <= '0';
1049 |
elsif( Pending(3) = '1' )then
1050 |
1051 |
Pending(3) <= '0';
1052 |
elsif( Pending(4) = '1' )then
1053 |
1054 |
Pending(4) <= '0';
1055 |
elsif( Pending(5) = '1' )then
1056 |
1057 |
Pending(5) <= '0';
1058 |
elsif( Pending(6) = '1' )then
1059 |
1060 |
Pending(6) <= '0';
1061 |
elsif( Pending(7) = '1' )then
1062 |
1063 |
Pending(7) <= '0';
1064 |
end if;
1065 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Wait_for_FSM <= or_reduce(Pending);
1066 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
1067 |
1068 |
-- Reset the Wait_for_FSM flag on Int_Ack
1069 |
Ack_Q <= Ack_D;
1070 |
Ack_Q1 <= Ack_Q;
1071 |
Int_Ack <= Ack_Q1;
1072 |
if( Int_Ack = '1' )then
1073 |
Wait_for_FSM <= '0';
1074 |
end if;
1075 |
1076 |
Int_Req <= Wait_for_FSM and (not Int_Ack);
1077 |
1078 |
-- Incr_ISR allows the CPU Core to advance the vector address to pop the
1079 |
-- lower half of the address.
1080 |
if( INT_Ctrl.Incr_ISR = '1' )then
1081 |
ISR_Addr <= ISR_Addr + 1;
1082 |
end if;
1083 |
1084 |
1085 |
-- ALU (Arithmetic / Logic Unit)
1086 |
1087 |
Index := conv_integer(ALU_Ctrl.Reg);
1088 |
Sum := (others => '0');
1089 |
Temp := (others => '0');
1090 |
1091 |
case ALU_Ctrl.Oper is
1092 |
when ALU_INC => -- Rn = Rn + 1 : Flags N,C,Z
1093 |
Sum := ("0" & x"01") +
1094 |
("0" & Regfile(Index));
1095 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Sum(7 downto 0));
1096 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1097 |
209 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Sum(7);
1098 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1099 |
1100 |
when ALU_UPP => -- Rn = Rn + 1
1101 |
Sum := ("0" & x"01") +
1102 |
("0" & Regfile(Index));
1103 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1104 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1105 |
1106 |
when ALU_UPP2 => -- Rn = Rn + C
1107 |
Sum := ("0" & x"00") +
1108 |
("0" & Regfile(Index)) +
1109 |
185 |
jshamlet |
1110 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1111 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1112 |
1113 |
when ALU_ADC => -- R0 = R0 + Rn + C : Flags N,C,Z
1114 |
Sum := ("0" & Regfile(0)) +
1115 |
("0" & Regfile(Index)) +
1116 |
185 |
jshamlet |
1117 |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Sum(7 downto 0));
1118 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1119 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Sum(7);
1120 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1121 |
1122 |
when ALU_TX0 => -- R0 = Rn : Flags N,Z
1123 |
Temp := "0" & Regfile(Index);
1124 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1125 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1126 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1127 |
1128 |
when ALU_OR => -- R0 = R0 | Rn : Flags N,Z
1129 |
Temp(7 downto 0) := Regfile(0) or Regfile(Index);
1130 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1131 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1132 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1133 |
1134 |
when ALU_AND => -- R0 = R0 & Rn : Flags N,Z
1135 |
Temp(7 downto 0) := Regfile(0) and Regfile(Index);
1136 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1137 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1138 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1139 |
1140 |
when ALU_XOR => -- R0 = R0 ^ Rn : Flags N,Z
1141 |
Temp(7 downto 0) := Regfile(0) xor Regfile(Index);
1142 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1143 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1144 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1145 |
1146 |
when ALU_ROL => -- Rn = Rn<<1,C : Flags N,C,Z
1147 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Temp := Regfile(Index) & Flags(PSR_C);
1148 |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1149 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Temp(8);
1150 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1151 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1152 |
1153 |
when ALU_ROR => -- Rn = C,Rn>>1 : Flags N,C,Z
1154 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Temp := Regfile(Index)(0) & Flags(PSR_C) &
1155 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index)(7 downto 1);
1156 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1157 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Temp(8);
1158 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1159 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1160 |
1161 |
when ALU_DEC => -- Rn = Rn - 1 : Flags N,C,Z
1162 |
Sum := ("0" & Regfile(Index)) +
1163 |
("0" & x"FF");
1164 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Sum(7 downto 0));
1165 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1166 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Sum(7);
1167 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1168 |
1169 |
when ALU_SBC => -- Rn = R0 - Rn - C : Flags N,C,Z
1170 |
Sum := ("0" & Regfile(0)) +
1171 |
("1" & (not Regfile(Index))) +
1172 |
185 |
jshamlet |
1173 |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Sum(7 downto 0));
1174 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1175 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Sum(7);
1176 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1177 |
1178 |
when ALU_ADD => -- R0 = R0 + Rn : Flags N,C,Z
1179 |
Sum := ("0" & Regfile(0)) +
1180 |
("0" & Regfile(Index));
1181 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1182 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Sum(7 downto 0);
1183 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Sum(7 downto 0));
1184 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Sum(7);
1185 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1186 |
when ALU_STP => -- Sets bit(n) in the Flags register
1187 |
Flags(Index) <= '1';
1188 |
1189 |
when ALU_BTT => -- Z = !R0(N), N = R0(7)
1190 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= not Regfile(0)(Index);
1191 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Regfile(0)(7);
1192 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1193 |
when ALU_CLP => -- Clears bit(n) in the Flags register
1194 |
Flags(Index) <= '0';
1195 |
1196 |
when ALU_T0X => -- Rn = R0 : Flags N,Z
1197 |
Temp := "0" & Regfile(0);
1198 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Temp(7 downto 0));
1199 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Temp(7);
1200 |
169 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Temp(7 downto 0);
1201 |
1202 |
when ALU_CMP => -- Sets Flags on R0 - Rn : Flags N,C,Z
1203 |
Sum := ("0" & Regfile(0)) +
1204 |
("1" & (not Regfile(Index))) +
1205 |
1206 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Sum(7 downto 0));
1207 |
Flags(PSR_C) <= Sum(8);
1208 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Sum(7);
1209 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1210 |
when ALU_MUL => -- Stage 1 of 2 {R1:R0} = R0 * Rn : Flags Z
1211 |
Regfile(0) <= Mult(7 downto 0);
1212 |
Regfile(1) <= Mult(15 downto 8);
1213 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Mult);
1214 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1215 |
when ALU_LDI => -- Rn <= Data : Flags N,Z
1216 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Operand1);
1217 |
Flags(PSR_N) <= Operand1(7);
1218 |
Regfile(Index) <= Operand1;
1219 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1220 |
when ALU_POP => -- Rn <= Data
1221 |
185 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(Index) <= Operand1;
1222 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1223 |
when ALU_RFLG =>
1224 |
188 |
jshamlet |
Flags(3 downto 0) <= Operand1(3 downto 0);
1225 |
if( not RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags )then
1226 |
Flags(7 downto 4)<= Operand1(7 downto 4);
1227 |
end if;
1228 |
169 |
jshamlet |
1229 |
185 |
jshamlet |
when ALU_RSP =>
1230 |
181 |
jshamlet |
Regfile(0) <= Stack_Ptr(7 downto 0);
1231 |
Regfile(1) <= Stack_Ptr(15 downto 8);
1232 |
1233 |
185 |
jshamlet |
when ALU_GMSK =>
1234 |
Flags(PSR_Z) <= nor_reduce(Int_Mask);
1235 |
Regfile(0) <= Int_Mask;
1236 |
1237 |
169 |
jshamlet |
when others =>
1238 |
1239 |
end case;
1240 |
1241 |
188 |
jshamlet |
GP_Flags <= Flags(7 downto 4);
1242 |
1243 |
169 |
jshamlet |
end if;
1244 |
end process;
1245 |
1246 |
182 |
jshamlet |
1247 |
-- Multiplier Logic
1248 |
1249 |
-- We need to infer a hardware multipler, so we create a special clocked
1250 |
-- process with no reset or clock enable
1251 |
1252 |
1253 |
Multiplier_proc: process( Clock )
1254 |
1255 |
if( rising_edge(Clock) )then
1256 |
Mult <= Regfile(0) *
1257 |
186 |
jshamlet |
1258 |
end if;
1259 |
end process;
1260 |
1261 |
end architecture;