1 |
18 |
unneback |
2 |
//// ////
3 |
//// Arithmetic functions ////
4 |
//// ////
5 |
//// Description ////
6 |
//// Arithmetic functions for ALU and DSP ////
7 |
//// ////
8 |
//// ////
9 |
//// To Do: ////
10 |
//// - ////
11 |
//// ////
12 |
//// Author(s): ////
13 |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org ////
14 |
//// ORSoC AB ////
15 |
//// ////
16 |
17 |
//// ////
18 |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
19 |
//// ////
20 |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
21 |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
22 |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
23 |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
24 |
//// ////
25 |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
26 |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
27 |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
28 |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
29 |
//// later version. ////
30 |
//// ////
31 |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
32 |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
33 |
34 |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
35 |
//// details. ////
36 |
//// ////
37 |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
38 |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
39 |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
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//// ////
41 |
42 |
43 |
// signed multiplication
44 |
module vl_mults (a,b,p);
45 |
parameter operand_a_width = 18;
46 |
parameter operand_b_width = 18;
47 |
parameter result_hi = 35;
48 |
parameter result_lo = 0;
49 |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a;
50 |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b;
51 |
output [result_hi:result_lo] p;
52 |
wire signed [operand_a_width-1:0] ai;
53 |
wire signed [operand_b_width-1:0] bi;
54 |
wire signed [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result;
55 |
56 |
assign ai = a;
57 |
assign bi = b;
58 |
assign result = ai * bi;
59 |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo];
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
module vl_mults18x18 (a,b,p);
64 |
input [17:0] a,b;
65 |
output [35:0] p;
66 |
67 |
# (.operand_a_width(18), .operand_b_width(18))
68 |
mult0 (.a(a), .b(b), .p(p));
69 |
70 |
71 |
// unsigned multiplication
72 |
module vl_mult (a,b,p);
73 |
parameter operand_a_width = 18;
74 |
parameter operand_b_width = 18;
75 |
parameter result_hi = 35;
76 |
parameter result_lo = 0;
77 |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a;
78 |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b;
79 |
output [result_hi:result_hi] p;
80 |
81 |
wire [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result;
82 |
83 |
assign result = a * b;
84 |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo];
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
// shift unit
89 |
// supporting the following shift functions
90 |
// SLL
91 |
// SRL
92 |
// SRA
93 |
`define SHIFT_UNIT_MULT # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7))
94 |
module vl_shift_unit_32( din, s, dout, opcode);
95 |
input [31:0] din; // data in operand
96 |
input [4:0] s; // shift operand
97 |
input [1:0] opcode;
98 |
output [31:0] dout;
99 |
100 |
parameter opcode_sll = 2'b00;
101 |
//parameter opcode_srl = 2'b01;
102 |
parameter opcode_sra = 2'b10;
103 |
//parameter opcode_ror = 2'b11;
104 |
105 |
wire sll, sra;
106 |
assign sll = opcode == opcode_sll;
107 |
assign sra = opcode == opcode_sra;
108 |
109 |
wire [15:1] s1;
110 |
wire [3:0] sign;
111 |
wire [7:0] tmp [0:3];
112 |
113 |
// first stage is multiplier based
114 |
// shift operand as fractional 8.7
115 |
assign s1[15] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd7;
116 |
assign s1[14] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd6;
117 |
assign s1[13] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd5;
118 |
assign s1[12] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd4;
119 |
assign s1[11] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd3;
120 |
assign s1[10] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd2;
121 |
assign s1[ 9] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd1;
122 |
assign s1[ 8] = s[2:0]==3'd0;
123 |
assign s1[ 7] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd1;
124 |
assign s1[ 6] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd2;
125 |
assign s1[ 5] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd3;
126 |
assign s1[ 4] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd4;
127 |
assign s1[ 3] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd5;
128 |
assign s1[ 2] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd6;
129 |
assign s1[ 1] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd7;
130 |
131 |
assign sign[3] = din[31] & sra;
132 |
assign sign[2] = sign[3] & (&din[31:24]);
133 |
assign sign[1] = sign[2] & (&din[23:16]);
134 |
assign sign[0] = sign[1] & (&din[15:8]);
135 |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte3 ( .a({sign[3], {8{sign[3]}},din[31:24], din[23:16]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[3]));
136 |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte2 ( .a({sign[2], din[31:24] ,din[23:16], din[15:8]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[2]));
137 |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte1 ( .a({sign[1], din[23:16] ,din[15:8], din[7:0]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[1]));
138 |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte0 ( .a({sign[0], din[15:8] ,din[7:0], 8'h00}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[0]));
139 |
140 |
// second stage is multiplexer based
141 |
// shift on byte level
142 |
143 |
// mux byte 3
144 |
assign dout[31:24] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[3] :
145 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] :
146 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[1] :
147 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? tmp[0] :
148 |
149 |
150 |
// mux byte 2
151 |
assign dout[23:16] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[2] :
152 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] :
153 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[0] :
154 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} :
155 |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[3] :
156 |
157 |
158 |
// mux byte 1
159 |
assign dout[15:8] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[1] :
160 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[0] :
161 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? {8{1'b0}} :
162 |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} :
163 |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] :
164 |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[3] :
165 |
166 |
167 |
// mux byte 0
168 |
assign dout[7:0] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[0] :
169 |
(sll) ? {8{1'b0}}:
170 |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] :
171 |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[2] :
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
// logic unit
177 |
// supporting the following logic functions
178 |
// a and b
179 |
// a or b
180 |
// a xor b
181 |
// not b
182 |
module vl_logic_unit( a, b, result, opcode);
183 |
parameter width = 32;
184 |
parameter opcode_and = 2'b00;
185 |
parameter opcode_or = 2'b01;
186 |
parameter opcode_xor = 2'b10;
187 |
input [width-1:0] a,b;
188 |
output [width-1:0] result;
189 |
input [1:0] opcode;
190 |
191 |
assign result = (opcode==opcode_and) ? a & b :
192 |
(opcode==opcode_or) ? a | b :
193 |
(opcode==opcode_xor) ? a ^ b :
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
module vl_arith_unit ( a, b, c_in, add_sub, sign, result, c_out, z, ovfl);
199 |
parameter width = 32;
200 |
parameter opcode_add = 1'b0;
201 |
parameter opcode_sub = 1'b1;
202 |
input [width-1:0] a,b;
203 |
input c_in, add_sub, sign;
204 |
output [width-1:0] result;
205 |
output c_out, z, ovfl;
206 |
207 |
assign {c_out,result} = {(a[width-1] & sign),a} + ({a[width-1] & sign,b} ^ {(width+1){(add_sub==opcode_sub)}}) + {{(width-1){1'b0}},(c_in | (add_sub==opcode_sub))};
208 |
assign z = (result=={width{1'b0}});
209 |
assign ovfl = ( a[width-1] & b[width-1] & ~result[width-1]) |
210 |
(~a[width-1] & ~b[width-1] & result[width-1]);
211 |