Subversion Repositories System09
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 120 to Rev 121
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 120 → Rev 121
0,0 → 1,43
#PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE |
#PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments |
# System Clock |
NET clk_i LOC="AH15"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI # USER_CLK |
# |
# |
NET SW2_N LOC="AJ6"; # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI # GPIO_SW_C |
NET SW3_N LOC="AK7"; # Bank 18, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI # GPIO_SW_E |
# |
# |
#NET ps2_clk LOC="T26"; # Bank 15, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors # KEYBOARD_CLK |
#NET ps2_dat LOC="T25"; # Bank 15, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors # KEYBOARD_DATA |
# |
# UART |
# |
NET RS232_RXD LOC="AG15"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI # FPGA_SERIAL1_RX |
NET RS232_TXD LOC="AG20"; # Bank 4, Vcco=3.3V, No DCI # FPGA_SERIAL1_TX |
# |
# LED |
# |
NET S<0> LOC="H18"; # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI # GPIO_LED_0 |
NET S<1> LOC="L18"; # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI # GPIO_LED_1 |
NET S<2> LOC="G15"; # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI # GPIO_LED_2 |
NET S<3> LOC="AD26"; # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors # GPIO_LED_3 |
NET S<4> LOC="G16"; # Bank 3, Vcco=2.5V, No DCI # GPIO_LED_4 |
NET S<5> LOC="AD25"; # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors # GPIO_LED_5 |
NET S<6> LOC="AD24"; # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors # GPIO_LED_6 |
NET S<7> LOC="AE24"; # Bank 21, Vcco=1.8V, DCI using 49.9 ohm resistors # GPIO_LED_7 |
# |
# Timing Constraints |
# |
NET "clk_i" TNM_NET="clk_i"; |
TIMESPEC "TS_clk"=PERIOD "clk_i" 10 ns HIGH 50 %; |
0,0 → 1,9
vhdl work "../VHDL/bit_funcs.vhd" |
vhdl work "../../src/sys09bug/sys09s3s.vhd" |
vhdl work "../VHDL/trap.vhd" |
vhdl work "../VHDL/timer.vhd" |
vhdl work "../VHDL/datram.vhd" |
vhdl work "../VHDL/cpu09.vhd" |
vhdl work "../VHDL/ACIA_Clock.vhd" |
vhdl work "../VHDL/acia6850.vhd" |
vhdl work "System09_Xilinx_ML506.vhd" |
0,0 → 1,9
work |
0,0 → 1,1391
--===========================================================================---- |
-- |
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E System09 - SOC. |
-- |
-- www.OpenCores.Org - February 2007 |
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license |
-- |
-- File name : System09_Xilinx_ML506.vhd |
-- |
-- Purpose : Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chip |
-- Designed with Xilinx Virtex-5. |
-- Implemented With Xilinx ML506 FPGA board. |
-- *** Note *** |
-- This configuration can run Flex9 however it only has |
-- 32k bytes of user memory and the VDU is monochrome |
-- This configuration also lacks a DAT so cannot use |
-- the RAM Disk features of SYS09BUG. |
-- |
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164 |
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned |
-- ieee.std_logic_arith |
-- ieee.numeric_std |
-- unisim.vcomponents |
-- |
-- Uses : mon_rom (sys09bug_rom4k_b16.vhd) Sys09Bug Monitor ROM |
-- cpu09 (cpu09.vhd) CPU core |
-- ACIA_6850 (acia6850.vhd) ACIA / UART |
-- ACIA_Clock (ACIA_Clock.vhd) ACIA clock. |
-- keyboard (keyboard.vhd) PS/2 Keyboard interface |
-- (ps2_keyboard.vhd) |
-- (keymap_rom_slice.vhd) Key map table |
-- vdu8_mono (vdu8_mono.vhd) Monochrome VDU |
-- (char_rom2k_b16.vhd) |
-- (ram2k_b16.vhd) |
-- timer (timer.vhd) Interrupt timer |
-- trap (trap.vhd) Bus condition trap logic |
-- flex_ram (flex9_ram8k_b16.vhd) Flex operating system |
-- ram_32K (ram32k_b16.vhd) 32 KBytes of Block RAM |
-- |
-- |
-- Author : John E. Kent |
-- dilbert57@opencores.org |
-- |
-- Memory Map : |
-- |
-- $0000 - User program RAM (32K Bytes) |
-- $C000 - Flex Operating System memory (8K Bytes) |
-- $E000 - ACIA (SWTPc) |
-- $E010 - Reserved for FD1771 FDC (SWTPc) |
-- $E020 - Keyboard |
-- $E030 - VDU |
-- $E040 - IDE / Compact Flash interface |
-- $E050 - Timer |
-- $E060 - Bus trap |
-- $E070 - Reserced for Parallel I/O (B5-X300) |
-- $E080 - Reserved for 6821 PIA (?) (SWTPc) |
-- $E090 - Reserved for 6840 PTM (?) (SWTPc) |
-- $F000 - Sys09Bug monitor Program (4K Bytes) |
-- |
--===========================================================================---- |
-- |
-- Revision History: |
--===========================================================================-- |
-- Version 0.1 - 20 March 2003 |
-- Version 0.2 - 30 March 2003 |
-- Version 0.3 - 29 April 2003 |
-- Version 0.4 - 29 June 2003 |
-- |
-- Version 0.5 - 19 July 2003 |
-- prints out "Hello World" |
-- |
-- Version 0.6 - 5 September 2003 |
-- Runs SBUG |
-- |
-- Version 1.0- 6 Sep 2003 - John Kent |
-- Inverted SysClk |
-- Initial release to Open Cores |
-- |
-- Version 1.1 - 17 Jan 2004 - John Kent |
-- Updated miniUart. |
-- |
-- Version 1.2 - 25 Jan 2004 - John Kent |
-- removed signals "test_alu" and "test_cc" |
-- Trap hardware re-instated. |
-- |
-- Version 1.3 - 11 Feb 2004 - John Kent |
-- Designed forked off to produce System09_VDU |
-- Added VDU component |
-- VDU runs at 25MHz and divides the clock by 2 for the CPU |
-- UART Runs at 57.6 Kbps |
-- |
-- Version 2.0 - 2 September 2004 - John Kent |
-- ported to Digilent Xilinx Spartan3 starter board |
-- removed Compact Flash and Trap Logic. |
-- Replaced SBUG with KBug9s |
-- |
-- Version 3.0 - 29th August 2006 - John Kent |
-- Adapted to XSA-3S1000 board. |
-- Removed DAT and miniUART. |
-- Used 32KBytes of Block RAM. |
-- |
-- Version 3.1 - 15th January 2007 - John Kent |
-- Modified vdu8 interface |
-- Added a clock divider |
-- |
-- Version 3.2 - 25th February 2007 - John Kent |
-- reinstated ACIA_6850 and ACIA_Clock |
-- Updated VDU8 & Keyboard with generic parameters |
-- Defined Constants for clock speed calculations |
-- |
-- Version 3.3 - 1st July 2007 - John Kent |
-- Made VDU mono to save on one RAMB16 |
-- Used distributed memory for Key Map ROM to save one RAMB16 |
-- Added Flex RAM at $C000 to $DFFF using 4 spare RAMB16s |
-- Added timer and trap logic |
-- Added IDE Interface for Compact Flash |
-- Replaced KBug9s and stack with Sys09Bug. |
-- |
-- Version 4.0 - 1st February 2008 - John kent |
-- Replaced Block RAM with SDRAM Interface |
-- Modified Hold timing for SDRAM |
-- Added CF and Ethernet interface |
-- via the 16 bit peripheral bus at $E100 |
-- |
--===========================================================================-- |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
use ieee.numeric_std.all; |
library unisim; |
use unisim.vcomponents.all; |
entity system09 is |
port( |
clk_i : in Std_Logic; -- 100MHz Clock input |
-- CLKB : in Std_Logic; -- 50MHz Clock input |
SW2_N : in Std_logic; -- Master Reset input (active low) |
SW3_N : in Std_logic; -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low) |
-- PS/2 Keyboard |
-- ps2_clk : inout Std_logic; |
-- ps2_dat : inout Std_Logic; |
-- CRTC output signals |
-- vga_vsync_n : out Std_Logic; |
-- vga_hsync_n : out Std_Logic; |
-- vga_blue : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- vga_green : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- vga_red : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
-- RS232 Port |
RS232_RXD : in Std_Logic; |
RS232_TXD : out Std_Logic; |
-- RS232_CTS : in Std_Logic; |
-- RS232_RTS : out Std_Logic; |
-- SDRAM side |
-- SDRAM_clkfb : in std_logic; -- feedback SDRAM clock after PCB delays |
-- SDRAM_clkout : out std_logic; -- clock to SDRAM |
-- SDRAM_CKE : out std_logic; -- clock-enable to SDRAM |
-- SDRAM_CS_N : out std_logic; -- chip-select to SDRAM |
-- SDRAM_RAS_N : out std_logic; -- SDRAM row address strobe |
-- SDRAM_CAS_N : out std_logic; -- SDRAM column address strobe |
-- SDRAM_WE_N : out std_logic; -- SDRAM write enable |
-- SDRAM_BA : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- SDRAM bank address |
-- SDRAM_A : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- SDRAM row/column address |
-- SDRAM_D : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data from SDRAM |
-- SDRAM_DQMH : out std_logic; -- enable upper-byte of SDRAM databus if true |
-- SDRAM_DQML : out std_logic; -- enable lower-byte of SDRAM databus if true |
-- Peripheral I/O bus $E100 - $E1FF |
-- PB_RD_N : out std_logic; |
-- PB_WR_N : out std_logic; |
-- PB_A : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); |
-- PB_D : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
-- IDE Compact Flash $E100 - $E13F |
-- ide_dmack_n : out std_logic; |
-- ide_cs0_n : out std_logic; |
-- ide_cs1_n : out std_logic; |
-- Ethernet $E140 - $E17F |
-- ether_cs_n : out std_logic; |
-- ether_aen : out std_logic; -- Ethernet address enable not |
-- ether_bhe_n : out std_logic; -- Ethernet bus high enable |
-- ether_clk : in std_logic; -- Ethernet clock |
-- ether_rdy : in std_logic; -- Ethernet ready |
-- ether_irq : in std_logic; -- Ethernet irq - Shared with BAR6 |
-- Slot 1 $E180 - $E1BF |
-- slot1_cs_n : out std_logic; |
-- slot1_irq : in std_logic; |
-- Slot 2 $E1C0 - $E1FF |
-- slot2_cs_n : out std_logic; |
-- slot2_irq : in std_logic; |
-- CPU Debug Interface signals |
-- cpu_reset_o : out Std_Logic; |
-- cpu_clk_o : out Std_Logic; |
-- cpu_rw_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_vma_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_halt_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_hold_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_firq_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_irq_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_nmi_o : out std_logic; |
-- cpu_addr_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
-- cpu_data_in_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- cpu_data_out_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- Disable Flash |
-- FLASH_CE_N : out std_logic |
-- Status 7 segment LED |
S : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) |
); |
end system09; |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Architecture for System09 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
architecture rtl of system09 is |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- constants |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- SDRAM |
constant MEM_CLK_FREQ : natural := 100_000; -- operating frequency of Memory in KHz |
constant SYS_CLK_DIV : real := 2.0; -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0) |
constant PIPE_EN : boolean := false; -- if true, enable pipelined read operations |
constant MAX_NOP : natural := 10000; -- number of NOPs before entering self-refresh |
constant MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS : boolean := false; -- if true, allow an active row in each bank |
constant DATA_WIDTH : natural := 16; -- host & SDRAM data width |
constant NROWS : natural := 8192; -- number of rows in SDRAM array |
constant NCOLS : natural := 512; -- number of columns in SDRAM array |
constant HADDR_WIDTH : natural := 24; -- host-side address width |
constant SADDR_WIDTH : natural := 13; -- SDRAM-side address width |
constant SYS_CLK_FREQ : natural := ((MEM_CLK_FREQ*2)/integer(SYS_CLK_DIV*2.0))*1000; -- FPGA System Clock |
constant CPU_CLK_FREQ : natural := 25_000_000; -- CPU Clock (Hz) |
constant CPU_CLK_DIV : natural := (SYS_CLK_FREQ/CPU_CLK_FREQ); |
constant VGA_CLK_FREQ : natural := 25_000_000; -- VGA Pixel Clock |
constant VGA_CLK_DIV : natural := ((MEM_CLK_FREQ*1000)/VGA_CLK_FREQ); |
constant BAUD_RATE : integer := 57600; -- Baud Rate |
constant ACIA_CLK_FREQ : integer := BAUD_RATE * 16; |
constant TRESET : natural := 300; -- min initialization interval (us) |
constant RST_CYCLES : natural := 1+(TRESET*(MEM_CLK_FREQ/1_000)); -- SDRAM power-on initialization interval |
type hold_state_type is ( hold_release_state, hold_request_state ); |
-- Dummy signals to replace unused ports |
signal FLASH_CE_N : std_logic; |
signal ps2_clk, ps2_dat : std_logic; |
signal ether_cs_n, ether_aen, ether_bhe_n, ether_clk, ether_rdy, ether_irq : std_logic; |
signal slot1_cs_n, slot1_irq, slot2_cs_n, slot2_irq : std_logic; |
signal SDRAM_BA : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); |
signal SDRAM_A : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); |
signal SDRAM_D : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
signal PB_RD_N, PB_WR_N : std_logic; |
signal PB_A : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); |
signal PB_D : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
signal ide_dmack_n, ide_cs0_n, ide_cs1_n: std_logic; |
signal vga_vsync_n, vga_hsync_n : std_logic; |
signal vga_blue, vga_green, vga_red : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
signal RS232_CTS, RS232_RTS : std_logic; |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Signals |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
signal rom_cs : Std_logic; |
signal rom_data_out : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); |
-- Flex Memory & Monitor Stack |
signal flex_cs : Std_logic; |
signal flex_data_out : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); |
-- ACIA/UART Interface signals |
signal acia_data_out : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); |
signal acia_cs : Std_Logic; |
signal acia_irq : Std_Logic; |
signal acia_clk : Std_Logic; |
signal rxd : Std_Logic; |
signal txd : Std_Logic; |
signal DCD_n : Std_Logic; |
signal RTS_n : Std_Logic; |
signal CTS_n : Std_Logic; |
-- keyboard port |
signal keyboard_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal keyboard_cs : std_logic; |
signal keyboard_irq : std_logic; |
-- RAM |
signal ram_cs : std_logic; -- memory chip select |
signal ram_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal ram_rd_req : std_logic; -- ram read request (asynch set on ram read, cleared falling CPU clock edge) |
signal ram_wr_req : std_logic; -- ram write request (set on rising CPU clock edge, asynch clear on acknowledge) |
signal ram_hold : std_logic; -- hold off slow accesses |
signal ram_release : std_logic; -- Release ram hold |
-- CPU Interface signals |
signal cpu_reset : Std_Logic; |
signal cpu_clk : Std_Logic; |
signal cpu_rw : std_logic; |
signal cpu_vma : std_logic; |
signal cpu_halt : std_logic; |
signal cpu_hold : std_logic; |
signal cpu_firq : std_logic; |
signal cpu_irq : std_logic; |
signal cpu_nmi : std_logic; |
signal cpu_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
signal cpu_data_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal cpu_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- Dynamic Address Translation |
signal dat_cs : std_logic; |
signal dat_addr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- Video Display Unit |
signal vdu_cs : std_logic; |
signal vdu_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal vga_red_o : std_logic; |
signal vga_green_o : std_logic; |
signal vga_blue_o : std_logic; |
-- timer |
signal timer_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal timer_cs : std_logic; |
signal timer_irq : std_logic; |
-- trap |
signal trap_cs : std_logic; |
signal trap_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal trap_irq : std_logic; |
-- Peripheral Bus port |
signal pb_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
signal pb_cs : std_logic; -- peripheral bus chip select |
signal pb_wru : std_logic; -- upper byte write strobe |
signal pb_wrl : std_logic; -- lower byte write strobe |
signal pb_rdu : std_logic; -- upper byte read strobe |
signal pb_rdl : std_logic; -- lower byte read strobe |
signal pb_hold : std_logic; -- hold peripheral bus access |
signal pb_release : std_logic; -- release hold of peripheral bus |
signal pb_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- hold counter |
signal pb_hold_state : hold_state_type; |
signal pb_wreg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- lower byte write register |
signal pb_rreg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- lower byte read register |
-- Peripheral chip selects on Peripheral Bus |
signal ide_cs : std_logic; -- IDE CF interface |
signal ether_cs : std_logic; -- Ethernet interface |
signal slot1_cs : std_logic; -- Expansion slot 1 |
signal slot2_cs : std_logic; -- Expansion slot 2 |
signal rst_i : std_logic; -- internal reset signal |
-- signal clk_i : std_logic; -- internal master clock signal |
signal lock : std_logic; -- SDRAM clock DLL lock indicator |
-- signals that go through the SDRAM host-side interface |
signal opBegun : std_logic; -- SDRAM operation started indicator |
signal earlyBegun : std_logic; -- SDRAM operation started indicator |
signal ramDone : std_logic; -- SDRAM operation complete indicator |
signal rdDone : std_logic; -- SDRAM read operation complete indicator |
signal wrDone : std_logic; -- SDRAM write operation complete indicator |
signal hAddr : std_logic_vector(HADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host address bus |
signal hDIn : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM |
signal hDOut : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM |
signal hRd : std_logic; -- host-side read control signal |
signal hWr : std_logic; -- host-side write control signal |
signal hUds : std_logic; -- host-side upper data strobe |
signal hLds : std_logic; -- host-side lower data strobe |
signal rdPending : std_logic; -- read operation pending in SDRAM pipeline |
type ram_type is (ram_state_0, |
ram_state_rd1, ram_state_rd2, |
ram_state_wr1, |
ram_state_3 ); |
signal ram_state : ram_type; |
-- signal BaudCount : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); |
signal CountL : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); |
signal clk_count : natural range 0 to CPU_CLK_DIV; |
signal Clk25 : std_logic; |
signal vga_clk : std_logic; |
----------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- CPU09 CPU core |
-- |
----------------------------------------------------------------- |
component cpu09 |
port ( |
clk: in std_logic; |
rst: in std_logic; |
vma: out std_logic; |
addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
rw: out std_logic; -- Asynchronous memory interface |
data_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
data_in: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
irq: in std_logic; |
firq: in std_logic; |
nmi: in std_logic; |
halt: in std_logic; |
hold: in std_logic |
); |
end component; |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- 4K Block RAM Monitor ROM |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
component mon_rom |
Port ( |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
cs : in std_logic; |
rw : in std_logic; |
addr : in std_logic_vector (11 downto 0); |
data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); |
data_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) |
); |
end component; |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- 8KBytes Block RAM for FLEX9 |
-- $C000 - $DFFF |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
component flex_ram |
Port ( |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
cs : in std_logic; |
rw : in std_logic; |
addr : in std_logic_vector (12 downto 0); |
data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); |
data_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) |
); |
end component; |
----------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- 6850 Compatible ACIA / UART |
-- |
----------------------------------------------------------------- |
component acia6850 |
port ( |
clk : in Std_Logic; -- System Clock |
rst : in Std_Logic; -- Reset input (active high) |
cs : in Std_Logic; -- miniUART Chip Select |
rw : in Std_Logic; -- Read / Not Write |
addr : in Std_Logic; -- Register Select |
data_in : in Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus In |
data_out : out Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0); -- Data Bus Out |
irq : out Std_Logic; -- Interrupt |
RxC : in Std_Logic; -- Receive Baud Clock |
TxC : in Std_Logic; -- Transmit Baud Clock |
RxD : in Std_Logic; -- Receive Data |
TxD : out Std_Logic; -- Transmit Data |
DCD_n : in Std_Logic; -- Data Carrier Detect |
CTS_n : in Std_Logic; -- Clear To Send |
RTS_n : out Std_Logic ); -- Request To send |
end component; |
----------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- ACIA Clock divider |
-- |
----------------------------------------------------------------- |
component ACIA_Clock |
generic ( |
SYS_CLK_FREQ : integer := SYS_CLK_FREQ; |
); |
port ( |
clk : in Std_Logic; -- System Clock Input |
ACIA_clk : out Std_logic -- ACIA Clock output |
); |
end component; |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- PS/2 Keyboard |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
component keyboard |
generic( |
KBD_CLK_FREQ : integer := CPU_CLK_FREQ |
); |
port( |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
cs : in std_logic; |
rw : in std_logic; |
addr : in std_logic; |
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
irq : out std_logic; |
kbd_clk : inout std_logic; |
kbd_data : inout std_logic |
); |
end component; |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Video Display Unit. |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
component vdu8 |
generic( |
VDU_CLK_FREQ : integer := CPU_CLK_FREQ; -- HZ |
VGA_CLK_FREQ : integer := VGA_CLK_FREQ; -- HZ |
VGA_HOR_CHARS : integer := 80; -- CHARACTERS |
VGA_VER_CHARS : integer := 25; -- CHARACTERS |
VGA_PIX_PER_CHAR : integer := 8; -- PIXELS |
VGA_LIN_PER_CHAR : integer := 16; -- LINES |
VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH : integer := 40; -- PIXELS |
VGA_HOR_SYNC : integer := 96; -- PIXELS |
VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH : integer := 24; -- PIXELS |
VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH : integer := 13; -- LINES |
VGA_VER_SYNC : integer := 2; -- LINES |
VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH : integer := 35 -- LINES |
); |
port( |
-- control register interface |
vdu_clk : in std_logic; -- CPU Clock - 25MHz |
vdu_rst : in std_logic; |
vdu_cs : in std_logic; |
vdu_rw : in std_logic; |
vdu_addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); |
vdu_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
vdu_data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- vga port connections |
vga_clk : in std_logic; -- VGA Pixel Clock - 25 MHz |
vga_red_o : out std_logic; |
vga_green_o : out std_logic; |
vga_blue_o : out std_logic; |
vga_hsync_o : out std_logic; |
vga_vsync_o : out std_logic |
); |
end component; |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Timer module |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
component timer |
port ( |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
cs : in std_logic; |
rw : in std_logic; |
addr : in std_logic; |
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
irq : out std_logic |
); |
end component; |
------------------------------------------------------------ |
-- |
-- Bus Trap logic |
-- |
------------------------------------------------------------ |
component trap |
port ( |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
cs : in std_logic; |
rw : in std_logic; |
vma : in std_logic; |
addr : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
irq : out std_logic |
); |
end component; |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Dynamic Address Translation Registers |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
component dat_ram |
port ( |
clk : in std_logic; |
rst : in std_logic; |
cs : in std_logic; |
rw : in std_logic; |
addr_lo : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
addr_hi : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); |
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) |
); |
end component; |
-- |
-- Clock buffer |
-- |
component BUFG |
Port ( |
i: in std_logic; |
o: out std_logic |
); |
end component; |
begin |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Instantiation of internal components |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
my_cpu : cpu09 port map ( |
clk => cpu_clk, |
rst => cpu_reset, |
vma => cpu_vma, |
addr => cpu_addr(15 downto 0), |
rw => cpu_rw, |
data_out => cpu_data_out, |
data_in => cpu_data_in, |
irq => cpu_irq, |
firq => cpu_firq, |
nmi => cpu_nmi, |
halt => cpu_halt, |
hold => cpu_hold |
); |
my_rom : mon_rom port map ( |
clk => cpu_clk, |
rst => cpu_reset, |
cs => rom_cs, |
rw => '1', |
addr => cpu_addr(11 downto 0), |
data_in => cpu_data_out, |
data_out => rom_data_out |
); |
--my_flex : flex_ram port map ( |
-- clk => cpu_clk, |
-- rst => cpu_reset, |
-- cs => flex_cs, |
-- rw => cpu_rw, |
-- addr => cpu_addr(12 downto 0), |
-- data_out => flex_data_out, |
-- data_in => cpu_data_out |
-- ); |
my_acia : acia6850 port map ( |
clk => cpu_clk, |
rst => cpu_reset, |
cs => acia_cs, |
rw => cpu_rw, |
addr => cpu_addr(0), |
data_in => cpu_data_out, |
data_out => acia_data_out, |
irq => acia_irq, |
RxC => acia_clk, |
TxC => acia_clk, |
RxD => rxd, |
TxD => txd, |
DCD_n => dcd_n, |
CTS_n => cts_n, |
RTS_n => rts_n |
); |
my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock |
generic map( |
) |
port map( |
clk => Clk_i, |
acia_clk => acia_clk |
); |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- PS/2 Keyboard Interface |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
--my_keyboard : keyboard |
-- generic map ( |
-- ) |
-- port map( |
-- clk => cpu_clk, |
-- rst => cpu_reset, |
-- cs => keyboard_cs, |
-- rw => cpu_rw, |
-- addr => cpu_addr(0), |
-- data_in => cpu_data_out(7 downto 0), |
-- data_out => keyboard_data_out(7 downto 0), |
-- irq => keyboard_irq, |
-- kbd_clk => ps2_clk, |
-- kbd_data => ps2_dat |
-- ); |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Video Display Unit instantiation |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
--my_vdu : vdu8 |
-- generic map( |
-- VGA_LIN_PER_CHAR => 16, -- LINES |
-- VGA_HOR_SYNC => 96, -- PIXELS |
-- VGA_VER_SYNC => 2, -- LINES |
-- ) |
-- port map( |
-- |
-- -- Control Registers |
-- vdu_clk => cpu_clk, -- 12.5 MHz System Clock in |
-- vdu_rst => cpu_reset, |
-- vdu_cs => vdu_cs, |
-- vdu_rw => cpu_rw, |
-- vdu_addr => cpu_addr(2 downto 0), |
-- vdu_data_in => cpu_data_out, |
-- vdu_data_out => vdu_data_out, |
-- |
-- -- vga port connections |
-- vga_clk => vga_clk, -- 25 MHz VDU pixel clock |
-- vga_red_o => vga_red_o, |
-- vga_green_o => vga_green_o, |
-- vga_blue_o => vga_blue_o, |
-- vga_hsync_o => vga_hsync_n, |
-- vga_vsync_o => vga_vsync_n |
-- ); |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Timer Module |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
my_timer : timer port map ( |
clk => cpu_clk, |
rst => cpu_reset, |
cs => timer_cs, |
rw => cpu_rw, |
addr => cpu_addr(0), |
data_in => cpu_data_out, |
data_out => timer_data_out, |
irq => timer_irq |
); |
---------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Bus Trap Interrupt logic |
-- |
---------------------------------------- |
my_trap : trap port map ( |
clk => cpu_clk, |
rst => cpu_reset, |
cs => trap_cs, |
rw => cpu_rw, |
vma => cpu_vma, |
addr => cpu_addr, |
data_in => cpu_data_out, |
data_out => trap_data_out, |
irq => trap_irq |
); |
my_dat : dat_ram port map ( |
clk => cpu_clk, |
rst => cpu_reset, |
cs => dat_cs, |
rw => cpu_rw, |
addr_hi => cpu_addr(15 downto 12), |
addr_lo => cpu_addr(3 downto 0), |
data_in => cpu_data_out, |
data_out => dat_addr(7 downto 0) |
); |
cpu_clk_buffer : BUFG port map( |
i => Clk25, |
o => cpu_clk |
); |
vga_clk_buffer : BUFG port map( |
i => Clk25, |
o => vga_clk |
); |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- |
-- Process to decode memory map |
-- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
mem_decode: process( cpu_addr, cpu_rw, cpu_vma, |
dat_addr, |
rom_data_out, |
flex_data_out, |
acia_data_out, |
keyboard_data_out, |
vdu_data_out, |
pb_data_out, |
timer_data_out, |
trap_data_out, |
ram_data_out |
) |
begin |
cpu_data_in <= (others=>'0'); |
dat_cs <= '0'; |
rom_cs <= '0'; |
flex_cs <= '0'; |
acia_cs <= '0'; |
keyboard_cs <= '0'; |
vdu_cs <= '0'; |
timer_cs <= '0'; |
trap_cs <= '0'; |
pb_cs <= '0'; |
ide_cs <= '0'; |
ether_cs <= '0'; |
slot1_cs <= '0'; |
slot2_cs <= '0'; |
ram_cs <= '0'; |
if cpu_addr( 15 downto 8 ) = "11111111" then |
cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out; |
dat_cs <= cpu_vma; -- write DAT |
rom_cs <= cpu_vma; -- read ROM |
-- |
-- Sys09Bug Monitor ROM $F000 - $FFFF |
-- |
elsif dat_addr(3 downto 0) = "1111" then -- $XF000 - $XFFFF |
cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out; |
rom_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- IO Devices $E000 - $E7FF |
-- |
elsif dat_addr(3 downto 0) = "1110" then -- $XE000 - $XEFFF |
case cpu_addr(11 downto 8) is |
-- |
-- SWTPC peripherals from $E000 to $E0FF |
-- |
when "0000" => |
case cpu_addr(7 downto 4) is |
-- |
-- Console Port ACIA $E000 - $E00F |
-- |
when "0000" => -- $E000 |
cpu_data_in <= acia_data_out; |
acia_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Reserved |
-- Floppy Disk Controller port $E010 - $E01F |
-- |
-- |
-- Keyboard port $E020 - $E02F |
-- |
when "0010" => -- $E020 |
cpu_data_in <= keyboard_data_out; |
keyboard_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- VDU port $E030 - $E03F |
-- |
when "0011" => -- $E030 |
cpu_data_in <= vdu_data_out; |
vdu_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Reserved SWTPc MP-T Timer $E040 - $E04F |
-- |
when "0100" => -- $E040 |
cpu_data_in <= (others=> '0'); |
-- |
-- Timer $E050 - $E05F |
-- |
when "0101" => -- $E050 |
cpu_data_in <= timer_data_out; |
timer_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Bus Trap Logic $E060 - $E06F |
-- |
when "0110" => -- $E060 |
cpu_data_in <= trap_data_out; |
trap_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Reserved SWTPc MP-ID PIA Timer/Printer Port $E080 - $E08F |
-- |
-- |
-- Reserved SWTPc MP-ID PTM 6840 Timer Port $E090 - $E09F |
-- |
-- |
-- Remaining 6 slots reserved for non SWTPc Peripherals |
-- |
when others => -- $E0A0 to $E0FF |
null; |
end case; |
-- |
-- XST-3.0 Peripheral Bus goes here |
-- $E100 to $E1FF |
-- Four devices |
-- IDE, Ethernet, Slot1, Slot2 |
-- |
when "0001" => |
cpu_data_in <= pb_data_out; |
pb_cs <= cpu_vma; |
case cpu_addr(7 downto 6) is |
-- |
-- IDE Interface $E100 to $E13F |
-- |
when "00" => |
ide_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Ethernet Interface $E140 to $E17F |
-- |
when "01" => |
ether_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Slot 1 Interface $E180 to $E1BF |
-- |
when "10" => |
slot1_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Slot 2 Interface $E1C0 to $E1FF |
-- |
when "11" => |
slot2_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Nothing else |
-- |
when others => |
null; |
end case; |
-- |
-- $E200 to $EFFF reserved for future use |
-- |
when others => |
null; |
end case; |
-- |
-- Flex RAM $0C000 - $0DFFF |
-- |
elsif dat_addr(7 downto 1) = "0000110" then -- $0C000 - $0DFFF |
cpu_data_in <= flex_data_out; |
flex_cs <= cpu_vma; |
-- |
-- Everything else is RAM |
-- |
else |
cpu_data_in <= ram_data_out; |
ram_cs <= cpu_vma; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- 16-bit Peripheral Bus |
-- 6809 Big endian |
-- ISA bus little endian |
-- Not sure about IDE interface |
-- |
peripheral_bus: process( clk_i, cpu_reset, cpu_rw, cpu_addr, cpu_data_out, |
pb_cs, pb_wreg, pb_rreg ) |
begin |
pb_wru <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and (not cpu_addr(0)); |
pb_wrl <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and cpu_addr(0) ; |
pb_rdu <= pb_cs and cpu_rw and (not cpu_addr(0)); |
pb_rdl <= pb_cs and cpu_rw and cpu_addr(0) ; |
pb_a <= cpu_addr(5 downto 1); |
-- |
-- Register upper byte from CPU on first CPU write |
-- and lower byte from the peripheral bus on first CPU read |
-- |
if cpu_reset = '1' then |
pb_wreg <= (others => '0'); |
pb_rreg <= (others => '0'); |
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i ='1' then |
if pb_wru = '1' then |
pb_wreg <= cpu_data_out; |
end if; |
if pb_rdu = '1' then |
pb_rreg <= pb_d(7 downto 0); |
end if; |
end if; |
-- |
-- Peripheral bus read and write strobes are |
-- Syncronized with the 50 MHz clock |
-- and are asserted until the peripheral bus hold is released |
-- |
if cpu_reset = '1' then |
pb_wr_n <= '1'; |
pb_rd_n <= '1'; |
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i ='1' then |
if pb_hold = '1' then |
pb_wr_n <= not pb_wrl; |
pb_rd_n <= not pb_rdu; |
else |
pb_wr_n <= '1'; |
pb_rd_n <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
-- |
-- The peripheral bus will be an output |
-- the registered even byte on data(15 downto 8) |
-- and the CPU odd bytes on data(7 downto 0) |
-- on odd byte writes |
-- |
if pb_wrl = '1' then |
pb_d <= pb_wreg & cpu_data_out; |
else |
pb_d <= (others => 'Z'); |
end if; |
-- |
-- On even byte reads, |
-- the CPU reads the low (even) byte of the peripheral bus |
-- On odd byte reads, |
-- the CPU reads the registered (odd byte) input from the peripheral bus |
-- |
if pb_rdu = '1' then |
pb_data_out <= pb_d(15 downto 8); |
elsif pb_rdl = '1' then |
pb_data_out <= pb_rreg; |
else |
pb_data_out <= (others => '0'); |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Hold Peripheral bus accesses for a few cycles |
-- |
peripheral_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, pb_rdu, pb_wrl ) --, ether_rdy ) |
begin |
if cpu_reset = '1' then |
pb_release <= '0'; |
pb_count <= "0000"; |
pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state; |
elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then |
-- |
-- The perpheral bus hold signal should be generated on |
-- 16 bit bus read which will be on even byte reads or |
-- 16 bit bus write which will be on odd byte writes. |
-- |
case pb_hold_state is |
when hold_release_state => |
pb_release <= '0'; |
if (pb_rdu = '1') or (pb_wrl = '1') then |
pb_count <= "0100"; |
pb_hold_state <= hold_request_state; |
elsif (pb_rdl = '1') or (pb_wru = '1') then |
pb_release <= '1'; |
pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state; |
end if; |
when hold_request_state => |
if pb_count = "0000" then |
-- if ether_rdy = '1' then |
pb_release <= '1'; |
pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state; |
-- end if; |
else |
pb_count <= pb_count - "0001"; |
end if; |
when others => |
null; |
end case; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Compact Flash Control |
-- |
compact_flash: process( ide_cs, cpu_addr ) |
begin |
ide_cs0_n <= not( ide_cs ) or cpu_addr(4); |
ide_cs1_n <= not( ide_cs and cpu_addr(4)); |
ide_dmack_n <= '1'; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Interrupts and other bus control signals |
-- |
interrupts : process( SW3_N, |
pb_cs, pb_hold, pb_release, ram_hold, |
-- ether_irq, |
acia_irq, |
keyboard_irq, |
trap_irq, |
timer_irq |
) |
begin |
pb_hold <= pb_cs and (not pb_release); |
cpu_irq <= acia_irq or keyboard_irq; |
cpu_nmi <= trap_irq or not( SW3_N ); |
cpu_firq <= timer_irq; |
cpu_halt <= '0'; |
cpu_hold <= pb_hold or ram_hold; |
FLASH_CE_N <= '1'; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Flash 7 segment LEDS |
-- |
my_led_flasher: process( clk_i, rst_i, CountL ) |
begin |
if rst_i = '1' then |
CountL <= "000000000000000000000000"; |
elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then |
CountL <= CountL + 1; |
end if; |
-- S(7 downto 0) <= CountL(23 downto 16); |
end process; |
-- |
-- Generate CPU & Pixel Clock from Memory Clock |
-- |
my_prescaler : process( clk_i, clk_count ) |
begin |
if rising_edge( clk_i ) then |
if clk_count = 0 then |
clk_count <= CPU_CLK_DIV-1; |
else |
clk_count <= clk_count - 1; |
end if; |
if clk_count = 0 then |
clk25 <= '0'; |
elsif clk_count = (CPU_CLK_DIV/2) then |
clk25 <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Reset button and reset timer |
-- |
my_switch_assignments : process( rst_i, SW2_N, lock ) |
begin |
rst_i <= not SW2_N; |
cpu_reset <= rst_i or (not lock); |
end process; |
-- |
-- RS232 signals: |
-- |
my_acia_assignments : process( RS232_RXD, RS232_CTS, txd, rts_n ) |
begin |
rxd <= RS232_RXD; |
cts_n <= RS232_CTS; |
dcd_n <= '0'; |
RS232_TXD <= txd; |
RS232_RTS <= rts_n; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Pin assignments for ethernet controller |
-- |
my_ethernet_assignments : process( clk_i, cpu_reset, ether_cs ) |
begin |
ether_cs_n <= not ether_cs; |
ether_aen <= not ether_cs; -- Ethernet address enable not |
ether_bhe_n <= '1'; -- Ethernet bus high enable - 8 bit access only |
end process; |
-- |
-- I/O expansion slot assignments |
-- |
my_slot_assignments : process( slot1_cs, slot2_cs) |
begin |
slot1_cs_n <= not slot1_cs; |
slot2_cs_n <= not slot2_cs; |
end process; |
-- |
-- VGA ouputs |
-- |
my_vga_assignments : process( vga_red_o, vga_green_o, vga_blue_o ) |
begin |
VGA_red(0) <= vga_red_o; |
VGA_red(1) <= vga_red_o; |
VGA_red(2) <= vga_red_o; |
VGA_green(0) <= vga_green_o; |
VGA_green(1) <= vga_green_o; |
VGA_green(2) <= vga_green_o; |
VGA_blue(0) <= vga_blue_o; |
VGA_blue(1) <= vga_blue_o; |
VGA_blue(2) <= vga_blue_o; |
end process; |
-- |
-- SDRAM read write control |
-- |
my_sdram_rw : process( clk_i, cpu_reset, |
opBegun, ramDone, |
ram_state, |
ram_rd_req, ram_wr_req ) |
begin |
if( cpu_reset = '1' ) then |
hRd <= '0'; |
hWr <= '0'; |
ram_hold <= '0'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_0; |
elsif( falling_edge(clk_i) ) then |
-- |
-- ram state machine |
-- |
case ram_state is |
when ram_state_0 => |
if ram_rd_req = '1' then |
ram_hold <= '1'; |
hRd <= '1'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_rd1; |
elsif ram_wr_req = '1' then |
ram_hold <= '1'; |
hWr <= '1'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_wr1; |
end if; |
when ram_state_rd1 => |
if opBegun = '1' then |
hRd <= '0'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_rd2; |
end if; |
when ram_state_rd2 => |
if ramDone = '1' then |
ram_hold <= '0'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_3; |
end if; |
when ram_state_wr1 => |
if opBegun = '1' then |
ram_hold <= '0'; |
hWr <= '0'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_3; |
end if; |
when ram_state_3 => |
if ram_release = '1' then |
ram_state <= ram_state_0; |
end if; |
when others => |
hRd <= '0'; |
hWr <= '0'; |
ram_hold <= '0'; |
ram_state <= ram_state_0; |
end case; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- SDRAM Address and data bus assignments |
-- |
my_sdram_addr_data : process( cpu_addr, dat_addr, |
cpu_data_out, hDout ) |
begin |
hAddr(23 downto 19) <= "00000"; |
hAddr(18 downto 11) <= dat_addr; |
hAddr(10 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(11 downto 1); |
hUds <= not cpu_addr(0); |
hLds <= cpu_addr(0); |
if cpu_addr(0) = '0' then |
hDin( 7 downto 0) <= (others=>'0'); |
hDin(15 downto 8) <= cpu_data_out; |
ram_data_out <= hDout(15 downto 8); |
else |
hDin( 7 downto 0) <= cpu_data_out; |
hDin(15 downto 8) <= (others=>'0'); |
ram_data_out <= hDout( 7 downto 0); |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- Hold RAM until falling CPU clock edge |
-- |
ram_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, ram_hold ) |
begin |
if ram_hold = '1' then |
ram_release <= '0'; |
elsif falling_edge(cpu_clk) then |
ram_release <= '1'; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- CPU read data request on rising CPU clock edge |
-- |
ram_read_request: process( hRd, cpu_clk, ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_release ) |
begin |
if hRd = '1' then |
ram_rd_req <= '0'; |
elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then |
if (ram_cs = '1') and (cpu_rw = '1') and (ram_release = '1') then |
ram_rd_req <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
-- |
-- CPU write data to RAM valid on rising CPU clock edge |
-- |
ram_write_request: process( hWr, cpu_clk, ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_release ) |
begin |
if hWr = '1' then |
ram_wr_req <= '0'; |
elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then |
if (ram_cs = '1') and (cpu_rw = '0') and (ram_release = '1') then |
ram_wr_req <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
status_leds : process( rst_i, cpu_reset, lock ) |
begin |
S(0) <= rst_i; |
S(1) <= cpu_reset; |
S(2) <= lock; |
S(3) <= countL(23); |
S(7 downto 4) <= "0000"; |
end process; |
--debug_proc : process( cpu_reset, cpu_clk, cpu_rw, cpu_vma, |
-- cpu_halt, cpu_hold, |
-- cpu_firq, cpu_irq, cpu_nmi, |
-- cpu_addr, cpu_data_out, cpu_data_in ) |
--begin |
-- cpu_reset_o <= cpu_reset; |
-- cpu_clk_o <= cpu_clk; |
-- cpu_rw_o <= cpu_rw; |
-- cpu_vma_o <= cpu_vma; |
-- cpu_halt_o <= cpu_halt; |
-- cpu_hold_o <= cpu_hold; |
-- cpu_firq_o <= cpu_firq; |
-- cpu_irq_o <= cpu_irq; |
-- cpu_nmi_o <= cpu_nmi; |
-- cpu_addr_o <= cpu_addr; |
-- cpu_data_out_o <= cpu_data_out; |
-- cpu_data_in_o <= cpu_data_in; |
--end process; |
end rtl; --===================== End of architecture =======================-- |
0,0 → 1,83
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<!-- ISE source project file created by Project Navigator. --> |
<!-- --> |
<!-- This file contains project source information including a list of --> |
<!-- project source files, project and process properties. This file, --> |
<!-- along with the project source files, is sufficient to open and --> |
<!-- implement in ISE Project Navigator. --> |
<!-- --> |
<!-- Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. --> |
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</file> |
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<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
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</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="../VHDL/acia6850.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="../VHDL/bit_funcs.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="../VHDL/cpu09.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="../VHDL/datram.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="../VHDL/timer.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="../VHDL/trap.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="System09_Xilinx_ML506.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
<association xil_pn:name="BehavioralSimulation"/> |
</file> |
<file xil_pn:name="ml506.ucf" xil_pn:type="FILE_UCF"> |
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation"/> |
</file> |
</files> |
<properties> |
<property xil_pn:name="Auto Implementation Top" xil_pn:value="false"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Device" xil_pn:value="xc5vsx50t"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Device Family" xil_pn:value="Virtex5"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Implementation Top" xil_pn:value="Architecture|system09|rtl"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Implementation Top Instance Path" xil_pn:value="/system09"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="PROP_DesignName" xil_pn:value="system09"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Package" xil_pn:value="ff1136"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Preferred Language" xil_pn:value="VHDL"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Simulator" xil_pn:value="Modelsim-SE Mixed"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Speed Grade" xil_pn:value="-3"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Synthesis Tool" xil_pn:value="XST (VHDL/Verilog)"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Top-Level Source Type" xil_pn:value="HDL"/> |
<property xil_pn:name="Verbose Property Persistence" xil_pn:value="false"/> |
</properties> |
<bindings/> |
<libraries/> |
<partitions> |
<partition xil_pn:name="/system09"/> |
</partitions> |
</project> |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes :
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.xst
--- rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.xst (nonexistent)
+++ rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.xst (revision 121)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+set -tmpdir "xst/projnav.tmp"
+set -xsthdpdir "xst"
+-ifn system09.prj
+-ifmt mixed
+-ofn system09
+-ofmt NGC
+-p xc5vsx50t-3-ff1136
+-top system09
+-opt_mode Speed
+-opt_level 1
+-power NO
+-iuc NO
+-lso system09.lso
+-keep_hierarchy NO
+-netlist_hierarchy as_optimized
+-rtlview Yes
+-glob_opt AllClockNets
+-read_cores YES
+-write_timing_constraints NO
+-cross_clock_analysis NO
+-hierarchy_separator /
+-bus_delimiter <>
+-case maintain
+-slice_utilization_ratio 100
+-bram_utilization_ratio 100
+-dsp_utilization_ratio 100
+-lc off
+-reduce_control_sets off
+-verilog2001 YES
+-fsm_extract YES -fsm_encoding Auto
+-safe_implementation No
+-fsm_style lut
+-ram_extract Yes
+-ram_style Auto
+-rom_extract Yes
+-mux_style Auto
+-decoder_extract YES
+-priority_extract YES
+-shreg_extract YES
+-shift_extract YES
+-xor_collapse YES
+-rom_style Auto
+-auto_bram_packing NO
+-mux_extract YES
+-resource_sharing YES
+-async_to_sync NO
+-use_dsp48 auto
+-iobuf YES
+-max_fanout 100000
+-bufg 32
+-register_duplication YES
+-register_balancing No
+-slice_packing YES
+-optimize_primitives NO
+-use_clock_enable Auto
+-use_sync_set Auto
+-use_sync_reset Auto
+-iob auto
+-equivalent_register_removal YES
+-slice_utilization_ratio_maxmargin 5
Index: rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.ise
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.ise
--- rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.ise (nonexistent)
+++ rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/system09.ise (revision 121)
Property changes :
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/Makefile
--- rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/Makefile (revision 120)
+++ rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/Makefile (revision 121)
@@ -30,30 +30,40 @@
MKFRAGS := ../../mkfiles
export MKFRAGS
+BRAM_TYPE := b16
+export BRAM_TYPE
# User-modifiable variables
# This name must match the name of the design in Xilinx ISE (case
# sensitive).
-DESIGN_NAME := my_system09
+DESIGN_NAME := system09
# Constraint file (unfortunately it cannot be extracted from ISE)
-UCF_FILE := my_system09.ucf
+UCF_FILE := ml506.ucf
# Technology family (unfortunately it cannot be extracted from ISE)
FAMILY := virtex5
# List of ROM VHDL files
+.PHONY: roms
+ @$(MAKE) -C ../../Tools/as09
+ @$(MAKE) -C ../../Tools/s19tovhd
@$(MAKE) -C ../../src/sys09bug sys09s3s.vhd
@$(MAKE) -C ../../src/Flex9 flex9ram.vhd
# You should not need to edit anything below this line
# XESS Tools
-XSLOAD := C:/Progra~1/XSTOOLs/xsload.exe
+ifeq "$(findstring CYGWIN_NT,$(shell uname -s))" "CYGWIN_NT"
+XESSPATH := $(shell cygpath "$(XSTOOLS_BIN_DIR)")
+XSLOAD := "$(XESSPATH)/xsload.exe"
include ../../mkfiles/xilinx_rules.mk
@@ -60,56 +70,22 @@
-all: roms bit
+.PHONY: all
+all: bit
-roms: $(ROMFILES)
+.PHONE: tcl
+tcl: roms $(DESIGN_NAME).tcl
+ @$(ECHO) "Regenerating $(DESIGN_NAME).xst and $(DESIGN_NAME).prj from $(DESIGN_NAME).tcl"
+ $(XILINX_NORMAL)/bin/$(XILINX_PLAT)/xtclsh system09.tcl rebuild_project
- @$(ECHO) "XST_FILE = '$(XST_FILE)'"
- @$(ECHO) "PRJ_FILE = '$(PRJ_FILE)'"
- @$(ECHO) "PART = '$(PART)'"
- @$(ECHO) "DEVICE = '$(DEVICE)'"
- @$(ECHO) "SPEED = '$(SPEED)'"
- @$(ECHO) "UCF_FILE = '$(UCF_FILE)'"
- @$(ECHO) "BSD_FILE = '$(BSD_FILE)'"
- @$(ECHO) "TMPDIR = '$(TMPDIR)'"
+.PHONY: bit
bit: roms $(DESIGN_NAME).bit
-prom: $(DESIGN_NAME).mcs
+.PHONY: impact
+impact: roms bit do_impact
-xsload: $(DESIGN_NAME).bit
- @$(ECHO)
- @$(ECHO) "======= Downloading bitstream to XSA-3S1000 using XSLOAD (parallel) ="
- $(XSLOAD) -p 0 -b xsa-3s1000 -fpga $<
+prom: roms $(DESIGN_NAME).mcs
-usbxsload.bit: $(DESIGN_NAME).bit
- @$(ECHO)
- @$(ECHO) "======= Generating special bitstream with StartUpClk=JtagClk ========"
- $(GREP) -v StartUpClk $(BITGEN_OPTIONS_FILE) >tmp.ut
- $(ECHO) "-g StartUpClk:JtagClk" >>tmp.ut
- $(BITGEN) $(BITGEN_FLAGS) -f tmp.ut $(DESIGN_NAME).ncd usbxsload.bit
-usbxsload: usbxsload.bit
- @$(ECHO)
- @$(ECHO) "======= Downloading bitstream to XSA-3S1000 using XSLOAD (USB) ======"
- $(XSLOAD) -usb 0 -b xsa-3s1000 -fpga usbxsload.bit
-impact: $(DESIGN_NAME).bit
- @$(ECHO)
- @$(ECHO) "======= Downloading bitstream to XSA-3S1000 using Impact ============"
- -@$(RM) $(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- @$(ECHO) "setMode -bscan" >>$(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- @$(ECHO) "setCable -p auto" >>$(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- @$(ECHO) "addDevice -p 1 -file $(BSD_FILE)" >>$(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- @$(ECHO) "assignFile -p 1 -file $<" >>$(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- @$(ECHO) "program -p 1" >>$(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- @$(ECHO) "quit" >>$(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
- $(IMPACT) -batch $(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd
.PHONY: help
@$(ECHO) "Use this Makefile to regenerate the entire System09 bitstream"
@@ -143,10 +119,27 @@
-$(MAKE) -C ../../src/sys09bug clean
-$(MAKE) -C ../../src/Flex9 clean
- -$(RM) *.ncd *.ngc *.ngd *.twr *.bit *.mcs *.stx *.ucf.untf *.mrp
- -$(RM) *.ncl *.ngm *.prm *_pad.txt *.twx *.log *.syr *.par *.exo *.xpi
- -$(RM) *.cmd_log *.ngr *.bld *_summary.html *.nc1 *.pcf *.bgn
+ -$(RM) *.ncd *.ngc *.ngd *.twr *.bit *.mcs *.stx *.ucf.untf *.mrp *.ptwx *_map.map
+ -$(RM) *.ncl *.ngm *.prm *_pad.txt *.twx *.log *.syr *.par *.exo *.xpi *.xrpt *.xml
+ -$(RM) *.cmd_log *.ngr *.bld *_summary.html *.nc1 *.pcf *.bgn tmp.ut
-$(RM) *.pad *.placed_ncd_tracker *.routed_ncd_tracker *_pad.csv *.drc
- -$(RM) *.pad_txt $(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd *.unroutes
- -$(RMDIR) _ngo _xmsgs
+ -$(RM) *.pad_txt $(DESIGN_NAME)_impact.cmd *.unroutes $(DESIGN_NAME)_vhdl.prj
+ -$(RMDIR) _ngo _xmsgs xst xlnx_auto_0_xdb xst_tmp_dirs
+.PHONY: cleanall
+cleanall: clean
+ -$(MAKE) -C ../../Tools/as09 clean
+ -$(MAKE) -C ../../Tools/s19tovhd clean
+ @$(ECHO) "XST_FILE = '$(XST_FILE)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "PRJ_FILE = '$(PRJ_FILE)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "PART = '$(PART)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "DEVICE = '$(DEVICE)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "SPEED = '$(SPEED)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "UCF_FILE = '$(UCF_FILE)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "BSD_FILE = '$(BSD_FILE)'"
+ @$(ECHO) "TMPDIR = '$(TMPDIR)'"
0,0 → 1,499
# |
# Project automation script for system09 |
# |
# Created for ISE version 11.1 |
# |
# This file contains several Tcl procedures (procs) that you can use to automate |
# your project by running from xtclsh or the Project Navigator Tcl console. |
# If you load this file (using the Tcl command: source system09.tcl), then you can |
# run any of the procs included here. |
# |
# This script is generated assuming your project has HDL sources. |
# Several of the defined procs won't apply to an EDIF or NGC based project. |
# If that is the case, simply remove them from this script. |
# |
# You may also edit any of these procs to customize them. See comments in each |
# proc for more instructions. |
# |
# This file contains the following procedures: |
# |
# Top Level procs (meant to be called directly by the user): |
# run_process: you can use this top-level procedure to run any processes |
# that you choose to by adding and removing comments, or by |
# adding new entries. |
# rebuild_project: you can alternatively use this top-level procedure |
# to recreate your entire project, and the run selected processes. |
# |
# Lower Level (helper) procs (called under in various cases by the top level procs): |
# show_help: print some basic information describing how this script works |
# add_source_files: adds the listed source files to your project. |
# set_project_props: sets the project properties that were in effect when this |
# script was generated. |
# create_libraries: creates and adds file to VHDL libraries that were defined when |
# this script was generated. |
# create_partitions: adds any partitions that were defined when this script was generated. |
# set_process_props: set the process properties as they were set for your project |
# when this script was generated. |
# |
set myProject "system09" |
set myScript "system09.tcl" |
# |
# Main (top-level) routines |
# |
# |
# run_process |
# This procedure is used to run processes on an existing project. You may comment or |
# uncomment lines to control which processes are run. This routine is set up to run |
# the Implement Design and Generate Programming File processes by default. This proc |
# also sets process properties as specified in the "set_process_props" proc. Only |
# those properties which have values different from their current settings in the project |
# file will be modified in the project. |
# |
proc run_process {} { |
global myScript |
global myProject |
## put out a 'heartbeat' - so we know something's happening. |
puts "\n$myScript: running ($myProject)...\n" |
if { ! [ open_project ] } { |
return false |
} |
set_process_props |
# |
# Remove the comment characters (#'s) to enable the following commands |
# process run "Synthesize" |
# process run "Translate" |
# process run "Map" |
# process run "Place & Route" |
# |
puts "Running 'Implement Design'" |
if { ! [ process run "Implement Design" ] } { |
puts "$myScript: Implementation run failed, check run output for details." |
project close |
return |
} |
puts "Running 'Generate Programming File'" |
if { ! [ process run "Generate Programming File" ] } { |
puts "$myScript: Generate Programming File run failed, check run output for details." |
project close |
return |
} |
puts "Run completed." |
project close |
} |
# |
# rebuild_project |
# |
# This procedure renames the project file (if it exists) and recreates the project. |
# It then sets project properties and adds project sources as specified by the |
# set_project_props and add_source_files support procs. It recreates VHDL libraries |
# and partitions as they existed at the time this script was generated. |
# |
# It then calls run_process to set process properties and run selected processes. |
# |
proc rebuild_project {} { |
global myScript |
global myProject |
project close |
## put out a 'heartbeat' - so we know something's happening. |
puts "\n$myScript: Rebuilding ($myProject)...\n" |
set proj_exts [ list ise xise gise ] |
foreach ext $proj_exts { |
set proj_name "${myProject}.$ext" |
if { [ file exists $proj_name ] } { |
file delete $proj_name |
} |
} |
project new $myProject |
set_project_props |
add_source_files |
create_libraries |
create_partitions |
puts "$myScript: project rebuild completed." |
run_process |
} |
# |
# Support Routines |
# |
# |
# show_help: print information to help users understand the options available when |
# running this script. |
# |
proc show_help {} { |
global myScript |
puts "" |
puts "usage: xtclsh $myScript <options>" |
puts " or you can run xtclsh and then enter 'source $myScript'." |
puts "" |
puts "options:" |
puts " run_process - set properties and run processes." |
puts " rebuild_project - rebuild the project from scratch and run processes." |
puts " set_project_props - set project properties (device, speed, etc.)" |
puts " add_source_files - add source files" |
puts " create_libraries - create vhdl libraries" |
puts " create_partitions - create partitions" |
puts " set_process_props - set process property values" |
puts " show_help - print this message" |
puts "" |
} |
proc open_project {} { |
global myScript |
global myProject |
if { ! [ file exists ${myProject}.xise ] } { |
## project file isn't there, rebuild it. |
puts "Project $myProject not found. Use project_rebuild to recreate it." |
return false |
} |
project open $myProject |
return true |
} |
# |
# set_project_props |
# |
# This procedure sets the project properties as they were set in the project |
# at the time this script was generated. |
# |
proc set_project_props {} { |
global myScript |
if { ! [ open_project ] } { |
return false |
} |
puts "$myScript: Setting project properties..." |
project set family "Virtex5" |
project set device "xc5vsx50t" |
project set package "ff1136" |
project set speed "-3" |
project set top_level_module_type "HDL" |
project set synthesis_tool "XST (VHDL/Verilog)" |
project set simulator "Modelsim-SE Mixed" |
project set "Preferred Language" "VHDL" |
project set "Enable Message Filtering" "false" |
project set "Display Incremental Messages" "false" |
} |
# |
# add_source_files |
# |
# This procedure add the source files that were known to the project at the |
# time this script was generated. |
# |
proc add_source_files {} { |
global myScript |
if { ! [ open_project ] } { |
return false |
} |
puts "$myScript: Adding sources to project..." |
xfile add "../../src/sys09bug/sys09s3s.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/ACIA_Clock.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/acia6850.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/bit_funcs.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/cpu09.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/datram.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/timer.vhd" |
xfile add "../VHDL/trap.vhd" |
xfile add "System09_Xilinx_ML506.vhd" |
xfile add "ml506.ucf" |
# Set the Top Module as well... |
project set top "rtl" "system09" |
puts "$myScript: project sources reloaded." |
} ; # end add_source_files |
# |
# create_libraries |
# |
# This procedure defines VHDL libraries and associates files with those libraries. |
# It is expected to be used when recreating the project. Any libraries defined |
# when this script was generated are recreated by this procedure. |
# |
proc create_libraries {} { |
global myScript |
if { ! [ open_project ] } { |
return false |
} |
puts "$myScript: Creating libraries..." |
# must close the project or library definitions aren't saved. |
project save |
} ; # end create_libraries |
# |
# create_partitions |
# |
# This procedure creates partitions on instances in your project. |
# It is expected to be used when recreating the project. Any partitions |
# defined when this script was generated are recreated by this procedure. |
# |
proc create_partitions {} { |
global myScript |
if { ! [ open_project ] } { |
return false |
} |
puts "$myScript: Creating Partitions..." |
# must close the project or partition definitions aren't saved. |
project save |
} ; # end create_partitions |
# |
# set_process_props |
# |
# This procedure sets properties as requested during script generation (either |
# all of the properties, or only those modified from their defaults). |
# |
proc set_process_props {} { |
global myScript |
if { ! [ open_project ] } { |
return false |
} |
puts "$myScript: setting process properties..." |
project set "Compiled Library Directory" "\$XILINX/<language>/<simulator>" |
project set "Global Optimization" "Off" -process "Map" |
project set "Pack I/O Registers/Latches into IOBs" "Off" -process "Map" |
project set "Place And Route Mode" "Route Only" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Number of Clock Buffers" "32" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Max Fanout" "100000" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Use Clock Enable" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Use Synchronous Reset" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Use Synchronous Set" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Placer Effort Level" "Standard" -process "Map" |
project set "LUT Combining" "Off" -process "Map" |
project set "Combinatorial Logic Optimization" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Starting Placer Cost Table (1-100)" "1" -process "Map" |
project set "Power Reduction" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Register Duplication" "Off" -process "Map" |
project set "Reduce Control Sets" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Case Implementation Style" "None" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Decoder Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Priority Encoder Extraction" "Yes" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Mux Extraction" "Yes" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "RAM Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "ROM Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "FSM Encoding Algorithm" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Logical Shifter Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Optimization Goal" "Speed" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Optimization Effort" "Normal" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Resource Sharing" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Shift Register Extraction" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "XOR Collapsing" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Other Bitgen Command Line Options" "" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Generate Detailed Package Parasitics" "false" -process "Generate IBIS Model" |
project set "Show All Models" "false" -process "Generate IBIS Model" |
project set "Target UCF File Name" "" -process "Back-annotate Pin Locations" |
project set "Ignore User Timing Constraints" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Use RLOC Constraints" "Yes" -process "Map" |
project set "Other Map Command Line Options" "" -process "Map" |
project set "Use LOC Constraints" "true" -process "Translate" |
project set "Other Ngdbuild Command Line Options" "" -process "Translate" |
project set "Ignore User Timing Constraints" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Other Place & Route Command Line Options" "" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Use DSP Block" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "BPI Reads Per Page" "1" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin Busy" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Clk (Configuration Pins)" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "UserID Code (8 Digit Hexadecimal)" "0xFFFFFFFF" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin CS" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "DCI Update Mode" "As Required" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin DIn" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin Done" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create ASCII Configuration File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create Binary Configuration File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create Bit File" "true" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Enable BitStream Compression" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Run Design Rules Checker (DRC)" "true" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Enable Cyclic Redundancy Checking (CRC)" "true" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create IEEE 1532 Configuration File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create ReadBack Data Files" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin Init" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin M0" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin M1" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin M2" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin Program" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Power Down Device if Over Safe Temperature" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Rate" "2" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Configuration Pin RdWr" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Retain Configuration Status Register Values after Reconfiguration" "true" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "SelectMAP Abort Sequence" "Enable" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "JTAG Pin TCK" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "JTAG Pin TDI" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "JTAG Pin TDO" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "JTAG Pin TMS" "Pull Up" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Unused IOB Pins" "Pull Down" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Watchdog Timer Mode" "Off" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Security" "Enable Readback and Reconfiguration" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Done (Output Events)" "Default (4)" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Drive Done Pin High" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Enable Outputs (Output Events)" "Default (5)" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Wait for DCI Match (Output Events)" "Auto" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Wait for DLL Lock (Output Events)" "Default (NoWait)" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Release Write Enable (Output Events)" "Default (6)" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "FPGA Start-Up Clock" "CCLK" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Enable Internal Done Pipe" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Allow Logic Optimization Across Hierarchy" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Optimization Strategy (Cover Mode)" "Area" -process "Map" |
project set "Maximum Compression" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Generate Detailed MAP Report" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Map Slice Logic into Unused Block RAMs" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Trim Unconnected Signals" "true" -process "Map" |
project set "Create I/O Pads from Ports" "false" -process "Translate" |
project set "Macro Search Path" "" -process "Translate" |
project set "Netlist Translation Type" "Timestamp" -process "Translate" |
project set "User Rules File for Netlister Launcher" "" -process "Translate" |
project set "Allow Unexpanded Blocks" "false" -process "Translate" |
project set "Allow Unmatched LOC Constraints" "false" -process "Translate" |
project set "Use Bonded I/Os" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Add I/O Buffers" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Global Optimization Goal" "AllClockNets" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Keep Hierarchy" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Register Balancing" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Register Duplication" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Asynchronous To Synchronous" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Automatic BRAM Packing" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "BRAM Utilization Ratio" "100" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Bus Delimiter" "<>" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Case" "Maintain" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Cores Search Directories" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Cross Clock Analysis" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "DSP Utilization Ratio" "100" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Equivalent Register Removal" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "FSM Style" "LUT" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Generate RTL Schematic" "Yes" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Generics, Parameters" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Hierarchy Separator" "/" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "HDL INI File" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "LUT Combining" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Library Search Order" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Netlist Hierarchy" "As Optimized" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Optimize Instantiated Primitives" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Pack I/O Registers into IOBs" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Power Reduction" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Read Cores" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Slice Packing" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "LUT-FF Pairs Utilization Ratio" "100" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Use Synthesis Constraints File" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Verilog Include Directories" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Verilog 2001" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Verilog Macros" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Work Directory" "C:/Users/dgb/Desktop/FPGA/System09/rtl/System09_Xilinx_ML506/xst" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Write Timing Constraints" "false" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Other XST Command Line Options" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Timing Mode" "Performance Evaluation" -process "Map" |
project set "Generate Asynchronous Delay Report" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Generate Clock Region Report" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Generate Post-Place & Route Power Report" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Generate Post-Place & Route Simulation Model" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Power Reduction" "false" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Place & Route Effort Level (Overall)" "Standard" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Equivalent Register Removal" "true" -process "Map" |
project set "Placer Extra Effort" "None" -process "Map" |
project set "Power Activity File" "" -process "Map" |
project set "Retiming" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Synthesis Constraints File" "" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Mux Style" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "RAM Style" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Encrypt Bitstream" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Output File Name" "system09" -process "Generate IBIS Model" |
project set "Timing Mode" "Performance Evaluation" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Cycles for First BPI Page Read" "1" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Enable Debugging of Serial Mode BitStream" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create Logic Allocation File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Create Mask File" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Watchdog Timer Value" "0x000000" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Allow SelectMAP Pins to Persist" "false" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Enable Multi-Threading" "false" -process "Map" |
project set "Move First Flip-Flop Stage" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Move Last Flip-Flop Stage" "true" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "ROM Style" "Auto" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Safe Implementation" "No" -process "Synthesize - XST" |
project set "Power Activity File" "" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "Extra Effort (Highest PAR level only)" "None" -process "Place & Route" |
project set "AES Initial Vector" "" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Key 0 (Hex String)" "" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Input Encryption Key File" "" -process "Generate Programming File" |
project set "Fallback Reconfiguration" "Enable" -process "Generate Programming File" |
puts "$myScript: project property values set." |
} ; # end set_process_props |
proc main {} { |
if { [llength $::argv] == 0 } { |
show_help |
return true |
} |
foreach option $::argv { |
switch $option { |
"show_help" { show_help } |
"run_process" { run_process } |
"rebuild_project" { rebuild_project } |
"set_project_props" { set_project_props } |
"add_source_files" { add_source_files } |
"create_libraries" { create_libraries } |
"create_partitions" { create_partitions } |
"set_process_props" { set_process_props } |
default { puts "unrecognized option: $option"; show_help } |
} |
} |
} |
if { $tcl_interactive } { |
show_help |
} else { |
if {[catch {main} result]} { |
puts "$myScript failed: $result." |
} |
} |