Subversion Repositories ethmac
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- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 363 to Rev 362
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 363 → Rev 362
File deleted
File deleted
\ No newline at end of file
1,34 → 1,2
VERILOG_FILES = eth_clockgen.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_cop.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_crc.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_defines.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_fifo.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_maccontrol.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_macstatus.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_miim.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_outputcontrol.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_random.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_receivecontrol.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_registers.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_register.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_rxaddrcheck.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_rxcounters.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_rxethmac.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_rxstatem.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_shiftreg.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_spram_256x32.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_transmitcontrol.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_txcounters.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_txethmac.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_txstatem.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_wishbone.v |
VERILOG_FILES += eth_top.v |
VERILOG_FILES += xilinx_dist_ram_16x32.v |
config: |
configurator eth_defines.v |
.PHONY: ethmac.v |
ethmac.v: $(VERILOG_FILES) |
vppreproc --simple $(VERILOG_FILES) > ethmac.v |
1,5 → 1,2
config: |
make -C rtl/verilog config |
ethmac.v: |
make -C rtl/verilog ethmac.v |