
Subversion Repositories ethmac

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 260 to Rev 261
    Reverse comparison

Rev 260 → Rev 261

43,6 → 43,10
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.9 2002/11/19 17:35:35 mohor
// AddressMiss status is connecting to the Rx BD. AddressMiss is identifying
// that a frame was received because of the promiscous mode.
// Revision 1.8 2002/02/16 07:15:27 mohor
// Testbench fixed, code simplified, unused signals removed.
92,7 → 96,7
module eth_rxethmac (MRxClk, MRxDV, MRxD, Reset, Transmitting, MaxFL, r_IFG, HugEn, DlyCrcEn,
RxData, RxValid, RxStartFrm, RxEndFrm, ByteCnt, ByteCntEq0, ByteCntGreat2,
ByteCntMaxFrame, CrcError, StateIdle, StatePreamble, StateSFD, StateData,
MAC, r_Pro, r_Bro,r_HASH0, r_HASH1, RxAbort, AddressMiss
MAC, r_Pro, r_Bro,r_HASH0, r_HASH1, RxAbort, AddressMiss, PassAll, ControlFrmAddressOK
parameter Tp = 1;
113,6 → 117,9
input r_Pro; // promiscuous enable
input [31:0] r_HASH0; // lower 4 bytes Hash Table
input [31:0] r_HASH1; // upper 4 bytes Hash Table
input PassAll;
input ControlFrmAddressOK;
output [7:0] RxData;
output RxValid;
output RxStartFrm;
196,14 → 203,15
// Rx Address Check
eth_rxaddrcheck rxaddrcheck1
(.MRxClk(MRxClk), .Reset( Reset), .RxData(RxData),
.Broadcast (Broadcast), .r_Bro (r_Bro), .r_Pro(r_Pro),
.ByteCntEq6(ByteCntEq6), .ByteCntEq7(ByteCntEq7), .ByteCntEq2(ByteCntEq2),
.ByteCntEq3(ByteCntEq3), .ByteCntEq4(ByteCntEq4), .ByteCntEq5(ByteCntEq5),
(.MRxClk(MRxClk), .Reset( Reset), .RxData(RxData),
.Broadcast (Broadcast), .r_Bro (r_Bro), .r_Pro(r_Pro),
.ByteCntEq6(ByteCntEq6), .ByteCntEq7(ByteCntEq7), .ByteCntEq2(ByteCntEq2),
.ByteCntEq3(ByteCntEq3), .ByteCntEq4(ByteCntEq4), .ByteCntEq5(ByteCntEq5),
.HASH0(r_HASH0), .HASH1(r_HASH1),
.CrcHash(CrcHash[5:0]), .CrcHashGood(CrcHashGood),.StateData(StateData),
.Multicast(Multicast), .MAC(MAC), .RxAbort(RxAbort),
.RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm), .AddressMiss(AddressMiss)
.CrcHash(CrcHash[5:0]), .CrcHashGood(CrcHashGood), .StateData(StateData),
.Multicast(Multicast), .MAC(MAC), .RxAbort(RxAbort),
.RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm), .AddressMiss(AddressMiss), .PassAll(PassAll),
41,6 → 41,10
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.45 2002/11/19 17:33:34 mohor
// AddressMiss status is connecting to the Rx BD. AddressMiss is identifying
// that a frame was received because of the promiscous mode.
// Revision 1.44 2002/11/13 22:21:40 tadejm
// RxError is not generated when small frame reception is enabled and small
// frames are received.
232,7 → 236,7
MRxClk, RxData, RxValid, RxStartFrm, RxEndFrm, RxAbort,
// Register
r_TxEn, r_RxEn, r_TxBDNum, TX_BD_NUM_Wr,
r_TxEn, r_RxEn, r_TxBDNum, TX_BD_NUM_Wr, r_RxFlow,
// Interrupts
240,6 → 244,7
// Rx Status
InvalidSymbol, LatchedCrcError, RxLateCollision, ShortFrame, DribbleNibble,
ReceivedPacketTooBig, RxLength, LoadRxStatus, ReceivedPacketGood, AddressMiss,
// Tx Status
RetryCntLatched, RetryLimit, LateCollLatched, DeferLatched, CarrierSenseLost
304,6 → 309,8
input LoadRxStatus; // Rx status was loaded
input ReceivedPacketGood;// Received packet's length and CRC are good
input AddressMiss; // When a packet is received AddressMiss status is written to the Rx BD
input r_RxFlow;
input ReceivedPauseFrm;
// Tx Status signals
input [3:0] RetryCntLatched; // Latched Retry Counter
468,8 → 475,8
reg WB_ACK_O;
wire [7:0] RxStatusIn;
reg [7:0] RxStatusInLatched;
wire [8:0] RxStatusIn;
reg [8:0] RxStatusInLatched;
reg WbEn, WbEn_q;
reg RxEn, RxEn_q;
1348,7 → 1355,7
wire [8:0] TxStatusInLatched = {TxUnderRun, RetryCntLatched[3:0], RetryLimit, LateCollLatched, DeferLatched, CarrierSenseLost};
assign RxBDDataIn = {LatchedRxLength, 1'b0, RxStatus, 5'h0, RxStatusInLatched};
assign RxBDDataIn = {LatchedRxLength, 1'b0, RxStatus, 4'h0, RxStatusInLatched};
assign TxBDDataIn = {LatchedTxLength, 1'b0, TxStatus, 2'h0, TxStatusInLatched};
2364,7 → 2371,7
assign RxStatusIn = {AddressMiss, RxOverrun, InvalidSymbol, DribbleNibble, ReceivedPacketTooBig, ShortFrame, LatchedCrcError, RxLateCollision};
assign RxStatusIn = {ReceivedPauseFrm, AddressMiss, RxOverrun, InvalidSymbol, DribbleNibble, ReceivedPacketTooBig, ShortFrame, LatchedCrcError, RxLateCollision};
always @ (posedge MRxClk or posedge Reset)
2435,7 → 2442,7
RxB_IRQ <=#Tp 1'b0;
if(RxStatusWrite & RxIRQEn)
RxB_IRQ <=#Tp ReceivedPacketGood & ~RxError;
RxB_IRQ <=#Tp ReceivedPacketGood & (~RxError) & (~r_RxFlow); // When r_RxFlow is set, RXC irq is set.
RxB_IRQ <=#Tp 1'b0;
41,6 → 41,10
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.8 2002/11/19 17:34:52 mohor
// AddressMiss status is connecting to the Rx BD. AddressMiss is identifying
// that a frame was received because of the promiscous mode.
// Revision 1.7 2002/09/04 18:41:06 mohor
// Bug when last byte of destination address was not checked fixed.
67,7 → 71,8
ByteCntEq2, ByteCntEq3, ByteCntEq4, ByteCntEq5,
ByteCntEq6, ByteCntEq7, HASH0, HASH1,
CrcHash, CrcHashGood, StateData, RxEndFrm,
Multicast, MAC, RxAbort, AddressMiss
Multicast, MAC, RxAbort, AddressMiss, PassAll,
parameter Tp = 1;
92,6 → 97,8
input [47:0] MAC;
input [1:0] StateData;
input RxEndFrm;
input PassAll;
input ControlFrmAddressOK;
output RxAbort;
output AddressMiss;
137,7 → 144,7
AddressMiss <= #Tp 1'b0;
else if(ByteCntEq7 & RxCheckEn)
AddressMiss <= #Tp (~(UnicastOK | BroadcastOK | MulticastOK));
AddressMiss <= #Tp (~(UnicastOK | BroadcastOK | MulticastOK | (PassAll & ControlFrmAddressOK)));
41,6 → 41,9
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.3 2002/01/23 10:28:16 mohor
// Link in the header changed.
// Revision 1.2 2001/10/19 08:43:51 mohor
// eth_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done because of the
// simulation of the few cores in a one joined project.
71,9 → 74,10
module eth_receivecontrol (MTxClk, MRxClk, TxReset, RxReset, RxData, RxValid, RxStartFrm,
RxEndFrm, RxFlow, ReceiveEnd, MAC, PassAll, DlyCrcEn, TxDoneIn,
RxEndFrm, RxFlow, ReceiveEnd, MAC, DlyCrcEn, TxDoneIn,
TxAbortIn, TxStartFrmOut, ReceivedLengthOK, ReceivedPacketGood,
TxUsedDataOutDetected, Pause, ReceivedPauseFrm
TxUsedDataOutDetected, Pause, ReceivedPauseFrm, AddressOK,
LoadRxStatus, SetPauseTimer
parameter Tp = 1;
90,7 → 94,6
input RxFlow;
input ReceiveEnd;
input [47:0]MAC;
input PassAll;
input DlyCrcEn;
input TxDoneIn;
input TxAbortIn;
98,9 → 101,12
input ReceivedLengthOK;
input ReceivedPacketGood;
input TxUsedDataOutDetected;
input LoadRxStatus;
output Pause;
output ReceivedPauseFrm;
output AddressOK;
output SetPauseTimer;
reg Pause;
reg AddressOK; // Multicast or unicast address detected
136,7 → 142,6
wire ByteCntEq16; // ByteCnt = 16
wire ByteCntEq17; // ByteCnt = 17
wire ByteCntEq18; // ByteCnt = 18
wire SetPauseTimer; //
wire DecrementPauseTimer; //
wire PauseTimerEq0; //
wire ResetSlotTimer; //
271,7 → 276,7
LatchedTimerValue[15:0] <= #Tp 16'h0;
if(~PassAll & DetectionWindow & ReceivedPauseFrmWAddr & ByteCntEq18)
if(DetectionWindow & ReceivedPauseFrmWAddr & ByteCntEq18)
LatchedTimerValue[15:0] <= #Tp AssembledTimerValue[15:0];
419,7 → 424,7
if(ByteCntEq16 & TypeLengthOK & OpCodeOK)
ReceivedPauseFrm <=#Tp 1'b1;
ReceivedPauseFrm <=#Tp 1'b0;
41,6 → 41,10
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.5 2002/11/21 00:14:39 mohor
// TxDone and TxAbort changed so they're not propagated to the wishbone
// module when control frame is transmitted.
// Revision 1.4 2002/11/19 17:37:32 mohor
// When control frame (PAUSE) was sent, status was written in the
// eth_wishbone module and both TXB and TXC interrupts were set. Fixed.
79,10 → 83,10
module eth_maccontrol (MTxClk, MRxClk, TxReset, RxReset, TPauseRq, TxDataIn, TxStartFrmIn, TxUsedDataIn,
TxEndFrmIn, TxDoneIn, TxAbortIn, RxData, RxValid, RxStartFrm, RxEndFrm, ReceiveEnd,
ReceivedPacketGood, ReceivedLengthOK, TxFlow, RxFlow, PassAll, DlyCrcEn, TxPauseTV,
ReceivedPacketGood, ReceivedLengthOK, TxFlow, RxFlow, DlyCrcEn, TxPauseTV,
MAC, PadIn, PadOut, CrcEnIn, CrcEnOut, TxDataOut, TxStartFrmOut, TxEndFrmOut,
TxDoneOut, TxAbortOut, TxUsedDataOut, WillSendControlFrame, TxCtrlEndFrm,
ReceivedPauseFrm, ControlFrmAddressOK, LoadRxStatus, SetPauseTimer
111,10 → 115,10
input ReceivedLengthOK; // Length of the received packet is OK
input TxFlow; // Tx flow control (from registers)
input RxFlow; // Rx flow control (from registers)
input PassAll; // Pass All received frames (from registers)
input DlyCrcEn; // Delayed CRC enabled (from registers)
input [15:0] TxPauseTV; // Transmit Pause Timer Value (from registers)
input [47:0] MAC; // MAC address (from registers)
input LoadRxStatus;
output [7:0] TxDataOut; // Transmit Packet Data (to TxEthMAC)
output TxStartFrmOut; // Transmit packet start frame (output to TxEthMAC)
127,6 → 131,8
output WillSendControlFrame;
output TxCtrlEndFrm;
output ReceivedPauseFrm;
output ControlFrmAddressOK;
output SetPauseTimer;
reg TxUsedDataOutDetected;
reg TxAbortInLatched;
238,10 → 244,11
.MTxClk(MTxClk), .MRxClk(MRxClk), .TxReset(TxReset), .RxReset(RxReset), .RxData(RxData),
.RxValid(RxValid), .RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm), .RxFlow(RxFlow),
.ReceiveEnd(ReceiveEnd), .MAC(MAC), .PassAll(PassAll), .DlyCrcEn(DlyCrcEn), .TxDoneIn(TxDoneIn),
.ReceiveEnd(ReceiveEnd), .MAC(MAC), .DlyCrcEn(DlyCrcEn), .TxDoneIn(TxDoneIn),
.TxAbortIn(TxAbortIn), .TxStartFrmOut(TxStartFrmOut), .ReceivedLengthOK(ReceivedLengthOK),
.ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood), .TxUsedDataOutDetected(TxUsedDataOutDetected),
.Pause(Pause), .ReceivedPauseFrm(ReceivedPauseFrm)
.Pause(Pause), .ReceivedPauseFrm(ReceivedPauseFrm), .AddressOK(ControlFrmAddressOK),
.LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .SetPauseTimer(SetPauseTimer)
41,6 → 41,9
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.42 2002/11/21 00:09:19 mohor
// TPauseRq synchronized to tx_clk.
// Revision 1.41 2002/11/19 18:13:49 mohor
// r_MiiMRst is not used for resetting the MIIM module. wb_rst used instead.
490,7 → 493,7
.r_HASH0(r_HASH0), .r_HASH1(r_HASH1), .r_TxPauseRq(r_TxPauseRq),
.r_TxPauseTV(r_TxPauseTV), .RstTxPauseRq(RstTxPauseRq), .TxCtrlEndFrm(TxCtrlEndFrm),
.StartTxDone(StartTxDone), .TxClk(mtx_clk_pad_i), .RxClk(mrx_clk_pad_i),
531,7 → 534,7
.RxData(RxData), .RxValid(RxValid),
.RxStartFrm(RxStartFrm), .RxEndFrm(RxEndFrm),
.ReceiveEnd(ReceiveEnd), .ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood),
.PassAll(r_PassAll), .TxFlow(r_TxFlow),
.RxFlow(r_RxFlow), .DlyCrcEn(r_DlyCrcEn),
.MAC(r_MAC), .PadIn(r_Pad | PerPacketPad),
.PadOut(PadOut), .CrcEnIn(r_CrcEn | PerPacketCrcEn),
541,7 → 544,8
.TxEndFrmOut(TxEndFrmOut), .TxUsedDataOut(TxUsedData),
.TxDoneOut(TxDone), .TxAbortOut(TxAbort),
.WillSendControlFrame(WillSendControlFrame), .TxCtrlEndFrm(TxCtrlEndFrm),
.ReceivedPauseFrm(ReceivedPauseFrm), .ControlFrmAddressOK(ControlFrmAddressOK),
.LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .SetPauseTimer(SetPauseTimer)
620,7 → 624,7
.StateSFD(RxStateSFD), .StateData(RxStateData),
.MAC(r_MAC), .r_Pro(r_Pro), .r_Bro(r_Bro),
.r_HASH0(r_HASH0), .r_HASH1(r_HASH1), .RxAbort(RxAbort),
.AddressMiss(AddressMiss), .PassAll(r_PassAll), .ControlFrmAddressOK(ControlFrmAddressOK)
770,8 → 774,56
wire LatchedMRxErr;
reg RxAbort_latch;
reg RxAbort_sync1;
reg RxAbort_sync2;
reg RxAbort_wb;
reg RxAbortRst_sync1;
reg RxAbortRst;
// Synchronizing RxAbort to the WISHBONE clock
always @ (posedge mrx_clk_pad_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
RxAbort_latch <= #Tp 1'b0;
else if(RxAbort | (ShortFrame & ~r_RecSmall) | LatchedMRxErr & ~InvalidSymbol | (ReceivedPauseFrm & (~r_PassAll)))
RxAbort_latch <= #Tp 1'b1;
else if(RxAbortRst)
RxAbort_latch <= #Tp 1'b0;
always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
RxAbort_sync1 <= #Tp 1'b0;
RxAbort_wb <= #Tp 1'b0;
RxAbort_wb <= #Tp 1'b0;
RxAbort_sync1 <= #Tp RxAbort_latch;
RxAbort_wb <= #Tp RxAbort_sync1;
always @ (posedge mrx_clk_pad_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
RxAbortRst_sync1 <= #Tp 1'b0;
RxAbortRst <= #Tp 1'b0;
RxAbortRst_sync1 <= #Tp RxAbort_wb;
RxAbortRst <= #Tp RxAbortRst_sync1;
// Connecting Wishbone module
eth_wishbone wishbone
803,7 → 855,7
// Register
.r_TxEn(r_TxEn), .r_RxEn(r_RxEn), .r_TxBDNum(r_TxBDNum),
.TX_BD_NUM_Wr(TX_BD_NUM_Wr), .r_RxFlow(r_RxFlow),
.MRxClk(mrx_clk_pad_i), .RxData(RxData), .RxValid(RxValid),
811,13 → 863,14
.Busy_IRQ(Busy_IRQ), .RxE_IRQ(RxE_IRQ), .RxB_IRQ(RxB_IRQ),
.RxAbort(RxAbort | (ShortFrame & ~r_RecSmall) | LatchedMRxErr & ~InvalidSymbol | ReceivedPauseFrm & ~r_PassAll),
.InvalidSymbol(InvalidSymbol), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .RxLength(RxByteCnt),
.RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame), .DribbleNibble(DribbleNibble),
.ReceivedPacketTooBig(ReceivedPacketTooBig), .LoadRxStatus(LoadRxStatus), .RetryCntLatched(RetryCntLatched),
.RetryLimit(RetryLimit), .LateCollLatched(LateCollLatched), .DeferLatched(DeferLatched),
.CarrierSenseLost(CarrierSenseLost),.ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood), .AddressMiss(AddressMiss)
.CarrierSenseLost(CarrierSenseLost),.ReceivedPacketGood(ReceivedPacketGood), .AddressMiss(AddressMiss),
`ifdef ETH_BIST
840,7 → 893,7
.RxStateSFD(RxStateSFD), .RxStateData(RxStateData), .RxStatePreamble(RxStatePreamble),
.RxStateIdle(RxStateIdle), .Transmitting(Transmitting), .RxByteCnt(RxByteCnt),
.RxByteCntEq0(RxByteCntEq0), .RxByteCntGreat2(RxByteCntGreat2), .RxByteCntMaxFrame(RxByteCntMaxFrame),
.MRxD(MRxD_Lb), .LatchedCrcError(LatchedCrcError), .Collision(mcoll_pad_i),
.CollValid(r_CollValid), .RxLateCollision(RxLateCollision), .r_RecSmall(r_RecSmall),
.r_MinFL(r_MinFL), .r_MaxFL(r_MaxFL), .ShortFrame(ShortFrame),
41,6 → 41,11
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.13 2002/11/13 22:30:58 tadejm
// Late collision is reported only when not in the full duplex.
// Sample is taken (for status) as soon as MRxDV is not valid (regardless
// of the received byte cnt).
// Revision 1.12 2002/09/12 14:50:16 mohor
// CarrierSenseLost bug fixed when operating in full duplex mode.
100,7 → 105,7
module eth_macstatus(
MRxClk, Reset, ReceivedLengthOK, ReceiveEnd, ReceivedPacketGood, RxCrcError,
MRxErr, MRxDV, RxStateSFD, RxStateData, RxStatePreamble, RxStateIdle, Transmitting,
RxByteCnt, RxByteCntEq0, RxByteCntGreat2, RxByteCntMaxFrame, ReceivedPauseFrm,
RxByteCnt, RxByteCntEq0, RxByteCntGreat2, RxByteCntMaxFrame,
InvalidSymbol, MRxD, LatchedCrcError, Collision, CollValid, RxLateCollision,
r_RecSmall, r_MinFL, r_MaxFL, ShortFrame, DribbleNibble, ReceivedPacketTooBig, r_HugEn,
LoadRxStatus, StartTxDone, StartTxAbort, RetryCnt, RetryCntLatched, MTxClk, MaxCollisionOccured,
129,7 → 134,6
input RxByteCntEq0;
input RxByteCntGreat2;
input RxByteCntMaxFrame;
input ReceivedPauseFrm;
input [3:0] MRxD;
input Collision;
input [5:0] CollValid;
41,6 → 41,9
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.23 2002/11/19 18:13:49 mohor
// r_MiiMRst is not used for resetting the MIIM module. wb_rst used instead.
// Revision 1.22 2002/11/14 18:37:20 mohor
// r_Rst signal does not reset any module any more and is removed from the design.
153,7 → 156,7
LinkFail, r_MAC, WCtrlDataStart, RStatStart,
UpdateMIIRX_DATAReg, Prsd, r_TxBDNum, TX_BD_NUM_Wr, int_o,
r_HASH0, r_HASH1, r_TxPauseTV, r_TxPauseRq, RstTxPauseRq, TxCtrlEndFrm,
StartTxDone, TxClk, RxClk, ReceivedPauseFrm
StartTxDone, TxClk, RxClk, SetPauseTimer
parameter Tp = 1;
244,7 → 247,7
input StartTxDone;
input TxClk;
input RxClk;
input ReceivedPauseFrm; // sinhroniziraj tale shit da bo delal interrupt. Pazi na PassAll bit
input SetPauseTimer;
reg irq_txb;
reg irq_txe;
262,7 → 265,9
reg SetRxCIrq_rxclk;
reg SetRxCIrq_sync1, SetRxCIrq_sync2, SetRxCIrq_sync3;
reg SetRxCIrq;
reg ResetRxCIrq_sync1, ResetRxCIrq_sync2;
reg ResetRxCIrq_sync1;
reg ResetRxCIrq_sync2;
reg ResetRxCIrq_sync3;
wire Write = Cs & Rw;
wire Read = Cs & ~Rw;
781,10 → 786,10
SetRxCIrq_rxclk <=#Tp 1'b0;
if(ReceivedPauseFrm & r_RxFlow)
if(SetPauseTimer & r_RxFlow)
SetRxCIrq_rxclk <=#Tp 1'b1;
if(ResetRxCIrq_sync2 & (~ResetRxCIrq_sync3))
SetRxCIrq_rxclk <=#Tp 1'b0;
829,20 → 834,24
ResetRxCIrq_sync1 <=#Tp SetRxCIrq_sync2;
always @ (posedge TxClk or posedge Reset)
always @ (posedge RxClk or posedge Reset)
ResetRxCIrq_sync2 <=#Tp 1'b0;
ResetRxCIrq_sync2 <=#Tp SetRxCIrq_sync1;
ResetRxCIrq_sync2 <=#Tp ResetRxCIrq_sync1;
always @ (posedge RxClk or posedge Reset)
ResetRxCIrq_sync3 <=#Tp 1'b0;
ResetRxCIrq_sync3 <=#Tp ResetRxCIrq_sync2;
// Interrupt generation
always @ (posedge Clk or posedge Reset)

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