
Subversion Repositories ft816float

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 5 to Rev 6
    Reverse comparison

Rev 5 → Rev 6

0,0 → 1,105
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2007-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpCompare.v
// - floating point comparison unit
// - parameterized width
// - IEEE 754 representation
// Compares two fgloating point numbers and returns a status output.
// Bit:
// 0: 1 = equal, 0=not equal
// 1: 1 = less than,
// 2: 1 = magnitude less than
// 3: 1 = unordered (nan in compare)
// ============================================================================
module fpCompare(a, b, o, nanx);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB = WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB = WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
input [WID-1:0] a, b;
output [3:0] o;
reg [3:0] o;
output nanx;
// Decompose the operands
wire sa;
wire sb;
wire [EMSB:0] xa;
wire [EMSB:0] xb;
wire [FMSB:0] ma;
wire [FMSB:0] mb;
wire az, bz;
wire nan_a, nan_b;
fpDecompose #(WID) u1(.i(a), .sgn(sa), .exp(xa), .man(ma), .fract(), .xz(), .mz(), .vz(az), .inf(), .xinf(), .qnan(), .snan(), .nan(nan_a) );
fpDecompose #(WID) u2(.i(b), .sgn(sb), .exp(xb), .man(mb), .fract(), .xz(), .mz(), .vz(bz), .inf(), .xinf(), .qnan(), .snan(), .nan(nan_b) );
wire unordered = nan_a | nan_b;
wire eq = (az & bz) || (a==b); // special test for zero
wire gt1 = {xa,ma} > {xb,mb};
wire lt1 = {xa,ma} < {xb,mb};
wire lt = sa ^ sb ? sa & !(az & bz): sa ? gt1 : lt1;
always @(unordered or eq or lt)
o[0] = eq;
o[1] = lt;
o[2] = lt1;
o[3] = unordered;
// an unorder comparison will signal a nan exception
//assign nanx = op!=`FCOR && op!=`FCUN && unordered;
assign nanx = 1'b0;
module fpCompare_tb();
wire [3:0] o1,o2,o3,o4;
fpCompare #(32) u1 (.a(32'h80000000), .b(32'h00000000), .o(o1), .nanx() ); // -0 to +0
fpCompare #(32) u2 (.a(32'h3F800000), .b(32'hBF800000), .o(o2), .nanx() ); // 1 to -1
fpCompare #(32) u3 (.a(32'hC1200000), .b(32'h41C80000), .o(o3), .nanx() ); // -10 to 25
fpCompare #(32) u4 (.a(32'h42C80000), .b(32'h43520000), .o(o4), .nanx() ); // 100 to 210
0,0 → 1,124
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpdivr2.v
// Radix 2 floating point divider primitive
// ============================================================================
module fpdivr2
#( parameter WID = 24 )
input clk,
input ld,
input [WID-1:0] a,
input [WID-1:0] b,
output reg [WID*2-1:0] q,
output [WID-1:0] r,
output done
localparam DMSB = WID-1;
reg [DMSB:0] rx [2:0]; // remainder holds
reg [DMSB:0] rxx;
reg [7:0] cnt; // iteration count
wire [DMSB:0] sdq;
wire [DMSB:0] sdr;
wire sdval = 1'b0;
wire sdbz;
reg willGo0;
//specialCaseDivider #(WID) u1 (.a(a), .b(b), .q(sdq), .r(sdr), .val(sdval), .dbz(sdbz) );
initial begin
rx[0] = 0;
always @(posedge clk)
if (ld)
cnt <= sdval ? 8'b10000000 : WID*2-2;
else if (!done)
cnt <= cnt - 1;
always @(posedge clk)
if (ld) begin
rxx <= 0;
if (sdval)
q <= {sdq,{WID{1'b0}}};
q <= {a,{WID{1'b0}}};
else if (!done) begin
willGo0 = {rxx ,q[WID*2-1 ]} > b;
rx[0] = willGo0 ? {rxx ,q[WID*2-1 ]} - b : {rxx ,q[WID*2-1 ]};
q[WID*2-1:1] <= q[WID*2-1-1:0];
q[0] <= willGo0;
rxx <= rx[0];
// correct remainder
assign r = sdval ? sdr : rx[2][DMSB] ? rx[2] + b : rx[2];
assign done = cnt[7];
module fpdivr2_tb();
reg rst;
reg clk;
reg ld;
reg [6:0] cnt;
wire ce = 1'b1;
wire [23:0] a = 24'h0_4000;
wire [23:0] b = 24'd101;
wire [45:0] q;
wire [23:0] r;
wire done;
initial begin
clk = 1;
rst = 0;
#100 rst = 1;
#100 rst = 0;
always #20 clk = ~clk; // 25 MHz
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
cnt <= 0;
else begin
ld <= 0;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if (cnt == 3)
ld <= 1;
$display("ld=%b q=%h r=%h done=%b", ld, q, r, done);
fpdivr2 #(24) divu0(.clk(clk), .ld(ld), .a(a), .b(b), .q(q), .r(r), .done(done) );
0,0 → 1,162
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpRound.v
// - floating point rounding unit
// - parameterized width
// - IEEE 754 representation
// This unit takes a normalized floating point number in an
// expanded format and rounds it according to the IEEE-754
// standard. NaN's and infinities are not rounded.
// This module has a single cycle latency.
// Mode
// 0: round to nearest even
// 1: round to zero (truncate)
// 2: round towards +infinity
// 3: round towards -infinity
// ============================================================================
module fpRound(rm, i, o);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB = WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB = WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
input [2:0] rm; // rounding mode
input [WID+3:0] i; // intermediate format input
output [WID-1:0] o; // rounded output
// variables
wire so;
wire [EMSB:0] xo;
reg [FMSB:0] mo;
wire [EMSB:0] xo1 = i[EMSB+FMSB+5:FMSB+5];
wire [FMSB+4:0] mo1 = i[FMSB+4:0];
wire xInf = &xo1;
wire dn = !(|xo1); // denormalized input
assign o = {so,xo,mo};
wire g = i[2]; // guard bit: always the same bit for all operations
wire r = i[1]; // rounding bit
wire s = i[0]; // sticky bit
reg rnd;
// Compute the round bit
// Infinities and NaNs are not rounded!
always @(xInf,rm,g,r,s,so)
case ({xInf,rm})
4'd0: rnd = (g & r) | (r & s); // round to nearest even
4'd1: rnd = 0; // round to zero (truncate)
4'd2: rnd = (r | s) & !so; // round towards +infinity
4'd3: rnd = (r | s) & so; // round towards -infinity
default: rnd = 0; // no rounding if exponent indicates infinite or NaN
// round the number, check for carry
// note: inf. exponent checked above (if the exponent was infinite already, then no rounding occurs as rnd = 0)
// note: exponent increments if there is a carry (can only increment to infinity)
// performance note: use the carry chain to increment the exponent
wire [MSB+2:0] rounded = {xo1,mo1[FMSB+4:2]} + rnd;
wire carry = mo1[FMSB+4] & !rounded[FMSB+2];
assign so = i[WID+3];
assign xo = rounded[MSB+2:FMSB+3];
always @(rnd or xo or carry or dn or rounded or mo1)
4'b0xx0: mo = mo1[FMSB+3:3]; // not rounding, not denormalized, => hide MSB
4'b0xx1: mo = mo1[FMSB+4:4]; // not rounding, denormalized
4'b1000: mo = rounded[FMSB+1:1]; // exponent didn't change, number was normalized, => hide MSB
4'b1001: mo = rounded[FMSB+2:2]; // exponent didn't change, but number was denormalized, => retain MSB
4'b1010: mo = rounded[FMSB+2:2]; // exponent incremented (new MSB generated), number was normalized, => hide 'extra (FMSB+2)' MSB
4'b1011: mo = rounded[FMSB+2:2]; // exponent incremented (new MSB generated), number was denormalized, number became normalized, => hide 'extra (FMSB+2)' MSB
4'b11xx: mo = 0; // number became infinite, no need to check carry etc., rnd would be zero if input was NaN or infinite
// Round and register the output
module fpRoundReg(clk, ce, rm, i, o);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB = WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB = WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
input clk;
input ce;
input [1:0] rm; // rounding mode
input [WID+2:0] i; // expanded format input
output reg [WID-1:0] o; // rounded output
wire [WID-1:0] o1;
fpRound #(WID) u1 (.rm(rm), .i(i), .o(o1) );
always @(posedge clk)
if (ce)
o <= o1;
module fpRound_tb();
wire [31:0] o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6;
fpRound u1 (3'd1, 36'h0, o1); // zero for zero
fpRound u2 (3'd1, 36'h444444444, o2); //
fpRound u3 (3'd1, 36'h444444444, o3); //
0,0 → 1,239
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpMul.v
// - floating point multiplier
// - two cycle latency
// - can issue every clock cycle
// - parameterized width
// - IEEE 754 representation
// Floating Point Multiplier
// Properties:
// +-inf * +-inf = -+inf (this is handled by exOver)
// +-inf * 0 = QNaN
// ============================================================================
module fpMul (clk, ce, a, b, o, sign_exe, inf, overflow, underflow);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB =
WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB =
WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
localparam WX = 3;
localparam FX = (FMSB+1)*2-1; // the MSB of the expanded fraction
localparam EX = FX + WX + EMSB + 1;
input clk;
input ce;
input [WID:1] a, b;
output [EX+1:0] o;
output sign_exe;
output inf;
output overflow;
output underflow;
reg [EMSB:0] xo1; // extra bit for sign
reg [FX+WX:0] mo1;
// constants
wire [EMSB:0] infXp = {EMSB+1{1'b1}}; // infinite / NaN - all ones
// The following is the value for an exponent of zero, with the offset
// eg. 8'h7f for eight bit exponent, 11'h7ff for eleven bit exponent, etc.
wire [EMSB:0] bias = {1'b0,{EMSB{1'b1}}}; //2^0 exponent
// The following is a template for a quiet nan. (MSB=1)
wire [FMSB:0] qNaN = {1'b1,{FMSB{1'b0}}};
// variables
reg [FX+WX:0] fract1,fract1a;
wire [FX+WX:0] fracto;
wire [EMSB+2:0] ex1; // sum of exponents
wire [EMSB :0] ex2;
// Decompose the operands
wire sa, sb; // sign bit
wire [EMSB:0] xa, xb; // exponent bits
wire [FMSB+1:0] fracta, fractb;
wire a_dn, b_dn; // a/b is denormalized
wire az, bz;
wire aInf, bInf, aInf1, bInf1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// First clock
// - decode the input operands
// - derive basic information
// - calculate exponent
// - calculate fraction
// -----------------------------------------------------------
fpDecompose #(WID) u1a (.i(a), .sgn(sa), .exp(xa), .fract(fracta), .xz(a_dn), .vz(az), .inf(aInf) );
fpDecompose #(WID) u1b (.i(b), .sgn(sb), .exp(xb), .fract(fractb), .xz(b_dn), .vz(bz), .inf(bInf) );
// Compute the sum of the exponents.
// correct the exponent for denormalized operands
// adjust the sum by the exponent offset (subtract 127)
// mul: ex1 = xa + xb, result should always be < 1ffh
assign ex1 = (az|bz) ? 0 : (xa|a_dn) + (xb|b_dn) - bias;
if (WID==64) begin
reg [35:0] p00,p01,p02;
reg [35:0] p10,p11,p12;
reg [35:0] p20,p21,p22;
always @(posedge clk)
if (ce) begin
p00 <= fracta[17: 0] * fractb[17: 0];
p01 <= fracta[35:18] * fractb[17: 0];
p02 <= fracta[52:36] * fractb[17: 0];
p10 <= fracta[17: 0] * fractb[35:18];
p11 <= fracta[35:18] * fractb[35:18];
p12 <= fracta[52:36] * fractb[35:18];
p20 <= fracta[17: 0] * fractb[52:36];
p21 <= fracta[35:18] * fractb[52:36];
p22 <= fracta[52:36] * fractb[52:36];
fract1 <= {p02,36'b0} + {p01,18'b0} + p00 +
{p12,54'b0} + {p11,36'b0} + {p10,18'b0} +
{p22,72'b0} + {p21,54'b0} + {p20,36'b0}
else if (WID==32) begin
reg [35:0] p00,p01;
reg [35:0] p10,p11;
always @(posedge clk)
if (ce) begin
p00 <= fracta[17: 0] * fractb[17: 0];
p01 <= fracta[23:18] * fractb[17: 0];
p10 <= fracta[17: 0] * fractb[23:18];
p11 <= fracta[23:18] * fractb[23:18];
fract1 <= {p11,p00} + {p01,18'b0} + {p10,18'b0};
// Status
wire under1, over1;
wire under = ex1[EMSB+2]; // exponent underflow
wire over = (&ex1[EMSB:0] | ex1[EMSB+1]) & !ex1[EMSB+2];
delay2 #(EMSB+1) u3 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(ex1[EMSB:0]), .o(ex2) );
delay2 #(FX+WX+1) u4 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(fract1), .o(fracto) );
delay2 u2a (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(aInf), .o(aInf1) );
delay2 u2b (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(bInf), .o(bInf1) );
delay2 u6 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(under), .o(under1) );
delay2 u7 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(over), .o(over1) );
// determine when a NaN is output
wire qNaNOut;
delay2 u5 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i((aInf&bz)|(bInf&az)), .o(qNaNOut) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Second clock
// - correct xponent and mantissa for exceptional conditions
// -----------------------------------------------------------
wire so1;
delay3 u8 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(sa ^ sb), .o(so1) );// two clock delay!
always @(posedge clk)
if (ce)
5'b1xxxx: xo1 = infXp; // qNaN - infinity * zero
5'b01xxx: xo1 = infXp; // 'a' infinite
5'b001xx: xo1 = infXp; // 'b' infinite
5'b0001x: xo1 = infXp; // result overflow
5'b00001: xo1 = 0; // underflow
default: xo1 = ex2[EMSB:0]; // situation normal
always @(posedge clk)
if (ce)
4'b1xxx: mo1 = {1'b0,qNaN|3'd4,{FMSB+1{1'b0}}}; // multiply inf * zero
4'b01xx: mo1 = 0; // mul inf's
4'b001x: mo1 = 0; // mul inf's
4'b0001: mo1 = 0; // mul overflow
default: mo1 = fracto;
delay3 u10 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(sa & sb), .o(sign_exe) );
delay1 u11 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(over1), .o(overflow) );
delay1 u12 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(over1), .o(inf) );
delay1 u13 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(under1), .o(underflow) );
assign o = {so1,xo1,mo1};
module fpMul_tb();
reg clk;
wire ce = 1'b1;
wire sgnx1,sgnx2,sgnx3,sgnx4,sgnx5,sgnx6;
wire inf1,inf2,inf3,inf4,inf5,inf6;
wire of1,of2,of3,of4,of5,of6;
wire uf1,uf2,uf3,uf4,uf5,uf6;
wire [57:0] o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6;
wire [35:0] o11,o12,o13;
wire [31:0] o21,o22,o23;
initial begin
clk = 0;
always #10 clk <= ~clk;
fpMul u1 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .a(0), .b(0), .o(o1), .sign_exe(sgnx1), .inf(inf1), .overflow(of1), .underflow(uf1));
fpMul u2 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .a(0), .b(0), .o(o2), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .inf(inf2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
// 10x10
fpMul u3 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .a(32'h41200000), .b(32'h41200000), .o(o3), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .inf(inf2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
// 21*-17
fpMul u4 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .a(32'h41a80000), .b(32'hc1880000), .o(o4), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .inf(inf2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
// -17*-15
fpMul u5 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .a(32'hc1880000), .b(32'hc1700000), .o(o5), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .inf(inf2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
fpNormalize u11 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o3, o11);
fpNormalize u12 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o4, o12);
fpNormalize u13 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o5, o13);
fpRound u21 (3'd1, o11, o21); // zero for zero
fpRound u22 (3'd1, o12, o22); //
fpRound u23 (3'd1, o13, o23); //
0,0 → 1,81
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpDecompose.v
// - decompose floating point value
// - parameterized width
// - IEEE 754 representation
// ============================================================================
module fpDecompose(i, sgn, exp, man, fract, xz, mz, vz, inf, xinf, qnan, snan, nan);
parameter WID=32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB = WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB = WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
input [MSB:0] i;
output sgn;
output [EMSB:0] exp;
output [FMSB:0] man;
output [FMSB+1:0] fract; // mantissa with hidden bit recovered
output xz; // denormalized - exponent is zero
output mz; // mantissa is zero
output vz; // value is zero (both exponent and mantissa are zero)
output inf; // all ones exponent, zero mantissa
output xinf; // all ones exponent
output qnan; // nan
output snan; // signalling nan
output nan;
// Decompose input
assign sgn = i[MSB];
assign exp = i[MSB-1:FMSB+1];
assign man = i[FMSB:0];
assign xz = !(|exp); // denormalized - exponent is zero
assign mz = !(|man); // mantissa is zero
assign vz = xz & mz; // value is zero (both exponent and mantissa are zero)
assign inf = &exp & mz; // all ones exponent, zero mantissa
assign xinf = &exp;
assign qnan = &exp & man[FMSB];
assign snan = &exp & !man[FMSB] & !mz;
assign nan = &exp & !mz;
assign fract = {!xz,i[FMSB:0]};
0,0 → 1,208
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpNormalize.v
// - floating point normalization unit
// - two cycle latency
// - parameterized width
// This unit takes a floating point number in an intermediate
// format and normalizes it. No normalization occurs
// for NaN's or infinities. The unit has a two cycle latency.
// The mantissa is assumed to start with three whole bits on
// the left. The remaining bits are fractional. The three whole bits
// result from a MAC (multiply accumulate) operation. The result from
// a MAC can vary from 0 to 8 which requires three whole digits.
// The width of the incoming format is reduced via a generation
// of sticky bit in place of the low order fractional bits.
// On an underflowed input, the incoming exponent is assumed
// to be negative. A right shift is needed.
// ============================================================================
module fpNormalize(clk, ce, under, i, o);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB =
WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB =
WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
localparam WX = 3; // Three whole digits
localparam FX = (FMSB+1)*2-1; // the MSB of the expanded fraction
// Fraction + Three whole bits
localparam EX = FX + WX + EMSB + 1; // The MSB of the exponent
input clk;
input ce;
input under;
input [EX+1:0] i; // expanded format input
output [WID+3:0] o; // normalized output + guard, sticky and round bits, + 1 whole digit
wire [EMSB:0] infXp = {EMSB+1{1'b1}}; // simple constant - value of exp for inifinity
// variables
wire so;
wire so1 = i[EX+1]; // sign doesn't change
// Since the there are *three* whole digits in the incoming format
// the number of whole digits needs to be reduced. If the MSB is
// set, then increment the exponent by two and no shift is needed.
// Otherwise if the next MSB is set, increment the exponent by one,
// and shift left once.
wire [EMSB:0] xo;
wire [EMSB:0] xo1a = i[EX:FX+WX+1];
wire incExp2 = i[FX+WX-1]|i[FX+WX-2];
// Allow an extra bit for exponent overflow
// Add two to exponent to shift the decimal place left twice.
// (Gives 1 leading whole digit).
wire [EMSB+1:0] xo1b = xo1a + 2;
wire [EMSB:0] xo1;
wire [EMSB:0] xo2;
wire xInf1a = &xo1a[EMSB:0];
// If there was a carry from the addition and we were in the underflow
// state, then the number became normal again. Clear the carry bit.
// Otherwise if the exponent overflowed and it's not the underflow
// state, then set the exponent to infinity. Othwerise just keep the
// remaining exponent bits - the result is still underflowed.
assign xo1 = (under & xo1b[EMSB+1]) ? xo1b[EMSB:0] :
(xInf1a & !under) ? infXp : xo1b[EMSB+1] ? infXp : xo1b;
wire xInf = &xo1 & !under;
wire under1 = under & !xo1b[EMSB+1]; // keep trakc of renormallzation
// shift mantissa left by one to reduce to a single whole digit
// if there is no exponent increment
wire [FMSB+1+3:0] mo; //GRS+1whole digit
wire [FX+WX:0] mo1 = xInf & incExp2 ? 0 : // set mantissa to zero for infinity
wire [FX+WX:0] mo2;
wire [7:0] leadingZeros2;
// Adjust the operand to the leading zero counter by left aligning it
// by padding trailing zeros. This is a constant shift that doesn't take
// any hardware.
if (WID==64) begin
wire [127:0] mo1a = {mo1,{127-(FX+3){1'b0}}};
cntlz128Reg clz0 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(mo1a), .o(leadingZeros2) );
else begin // 32 bits
wire [63:0] mo1a = {mo1,{63-(FX+3){1'b0}}};
cntlz64Reg clz0 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(mo1a), .o(leadingZeros2) );
assign leadingZeros2[7] = 1'b0;
// compensate for leadingZeros delay
wire xInf2;
delay1 #(EMSB+1) d2(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xo1), .o(xo2) );
delay1 #(1) d3(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xInf), .o(xInf2) );
// If the exponent underflowed, then the shift direction must be to the
// right regardless of mantissa bits; the number is denormalized.
// Otherwise the shift direction must be to the left.
wire rightOrLeft2; // 0=left,1=right
delay1 #(1) d8(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(under1), .o(rightOrLeft2) );
// Compute how much we want to decrement by. We can't decrement by
// more than the exponent as the number becomes denormal when the
// exponent reaches zero.
wire [7:0] lshiftAmt2 = leadingZeros2 > xo2 ? xo2 : leadingZeros2;
// compute amount to shift right
// at infinity the exponent can't be incremented, so we can't shift right
// otherwise it was an underflow situation so the exponent was negative
// shift amount needs to be negated for shift register
wire [EMSB:0] nxo2 = -xo2;
wire [7:0] rshiftAmt2 = xInf2 ? 0 : nxo2 > FMSB+WX ? FMSB+WX+1 : nxo2; // xo2 is negative !
// sign
// the output sign is the same as the input sign
delay1 #(1) d7(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(so1), .o(so) );
// exponent
// always @(posedge clk)
// if (ce)
assign xo =
xInf2 ? xo2 : // an infinite exponent is either a NaN or infinity; no need to change
rightOrLeft2 ? 0 : // on a right shift, the exponent was negative, it's being made to zero
xo2 - lshiftAmt2; // on a left shift, the exponent can't be decremented below zero
// mantissa
delay1 #(FX+WX+1) d4(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(mo1), .o(mo2) );
wire [FX+WX:0] mo2a;
// Now do the shifting
assign mo2a = rightOrLeft2 ? mo2 >> rshiftAmt2 : mo2 << lshiftAmt2;
// always @(posedge clk)
// if (ce)
// If infinity is reached then set the mantissa to zero
wire gbit = mo2a[FMSB+3];
wire rbit = mo2a[FMSB+2];
wire sbit = |mo2a[FMSB+1:0];
assign mo = {mo2a[FX+WX:FMSB+3],gbit,rbit,sbit};
assign o = {so,xo,mo};
module fpNormalize_tb();
reg clk;
wire [35:0] o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6;
initial begin
clk = 0;
always #10 clk = ~clk;
// input =
// 23*2 + 3 + 8 + 1 = 58 bits
fpNormalize #(32) u1 (clk, 1'b1, 1'b0, 58'h0, o1); // zeor should result in a zero
fpNormalize #(32) u2 (clk, 1'b1, 1'b0, 58'h1FE123456781234, o2); // Nan should be a Nan
fpNormalize #(32) u3 (clk, 1'b1, 1'b1, 58'h000001234567890, o3); // denomral should be denormal
fpNormalize #(32) u4 (clk, 1'b1, 1'b1, 58'h1F0001234567890, o4); // denomral should be denormal (underflow exp is neg)
fpNormalize #(32) u5 (clk, 1'b1, 1'b0, 58'h0FF000000000000, o5); // the value 4
fpNormalize #(32) u6 (clk, 1'b1, 1'b0, 58'h104900000000000, o6); // the value 100
0,0 → 1,243
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpAddsub.v
// - floating point adder/subtracter
// - two cycle latency
// - can issue every clock cycle
// - parameterized width
// - IEEE 754 representation
// This adder/subtractor handles denormalized numbers.
// It has a two cycle latency.
// The output format is of an internal expanded representation
// in preparation to be fed into a normalization unit, then
// rounding. Basically, it's the same as the regular format
// except the mantissa is doubled in size, the leading two
// bits of which are assumed to be whole bits.
// ============================================================================
module fpAddsub(clk, ce, rm, op, a, b, o);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB = WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB = WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
localparam WX = 3;
localparam FX = (FMSB+1)*2-1; // the MSB of the expanded fraction
localparam EX = FX + WX + EMSB + 1;
input clk; // system clock
input ce; // core clock enable
input [2:0] rm; // rounding mode
input op; // operation 0 = add, 1 = subtract
input [WID-1:0] a; // operand a
input [WID-1:0] b; // operand b
output [EX+1:0] o; // output
// variables
wire so; // sign output
wire [EMSB:0] xo; // de normalized exponent output
reg [EMSB:0] xo1; // de normalized exponent output
wire [FX+WX:0] mo; // mantissa output
reg [FX+WX:0] mo1; // mantissa output
// There's an extra bit output in the mantissa to allow for three whole
// digits which the normalizer uses.
assign o = {so,xo,mo};
// operands sign,exponent,mantissa
wire sa, sb;
wire [EMSB:0] xa, xb;
wire [FMSB:0] ma, mb;
wire [FMSB+1:0] fracta, fractb;
wire [FMSB+1:0] fracta1, fractb1;
// which has greater magnitude ? Used for sign calc
wire xa_gt_xb = xa > xb;
wire xa_gt_xb1;
wire a_gt_b = xa_gt_xb || (xa==xb && ma > mb);
wire a_gt_b1;
wire az, bz; // operand a,b is zero
wire adn, bdn; // a,b denormalized ?
wire xaInf, xbInf;
wire aInf, bInf, aInf1, bInf1;
wire aNan, bNan, aNan1, bNan1;
wire [EMSB:0] xad = xa|adn; // operand a exponent, compensated for denormalized numbers
wire [EMSB:0] xbd = xb|bdn; // operand b exponent, compensated for denormalized numbers
fpDecompose #(WID) u1a (.i(a), .sgn(sa), .exp(xa), .man(ma), .fract(fracta), .xz(adn), .vz(az), .xinf(xaInf), .inf(aInf), .nan(aNan) );
fpDecompose #(WID) u1b (.i(b), .sgn(sb), .exp(xb), .man(mb), .fract(fractb), .xz(bdn), .vz(bz), .xinf(xbInf), .inf(bInf), .nan(bNan) );
// Figure out which operation is really needed an add or
// subtract ?
// If the signs are the same, use the orignal op,
// otherwise flip the operation
// a + b = add,+
// a + -b = sub, so of larger
// -a + b = sub, so of larger
// -a + -b = add,-
// a - b = sub, so of larger
// a - -b = add,+
// -a - b = add,-
// -a - -b = sub, so of larger
wire realOp = op ^ sa ^ sb;
wire realOp1;
wire op1;
// Find out if the result will be zero.
wire resZero = (realOp && xa==xb && ma==mb) || // subtract, same magnitude
(az & bz); // both a,b zero
// Compute output exponent
// The output exponent is the larger of the two exponents,
// unless a subtract operation is in progress and the two
// numbers are equal, in which case the exponent should be
// zero.
always @(xaInf,xbInf,resZero,xa,xb,xa_gt_xb)
xo1 = (xaInf&xbInf) ? xa : resZero ? 0 : xa_gt_xb ? xa : xb;
// Compute output sign
reg so1;
always @*
case ({resZero,sa,op,sb}) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
4'b0000: so1 <= 0; // + + + = +
4'b0001: so1 <= !a_gt_b; // + + - = sign of larger
4'b0010: so1 <= !a_gt_b; // + - + = sign of larger
4'b0011: so1 <= 0; // + - - = +
4'b0100: so1 <= a_gt_b; // - + + = sign of larger
4'b0101: so1 <= 1; // - + - = -
4'b0110: so1 <= 1; // - - + = -
4'b0111: so1 <= a_gt_b; // - - - = sign of larger
4'b1000: so1 <= 0; // A + B, sign = +
4'b1001: so1 <= rm==3; // A + -B, sign = + unless rounding down
4'b1010: so1 <= rm==3; // A - B, sign = + unless rounding down
4'b1011: so1 <= 0; // +A - -B, sign = +
4'b1100: so1 <= rm==3; // -A + B, sign = + unless rounding down
4'b1101: so1 <= 1; // -A + -B, sign = -
4'b1110: so1 <= 1; // -A - +B, sign = -
4'b1111: so1 <= rm==3; // -A - -B, sign = + unless rounding down
delay2 #(EMSB+1) d1(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xo1), .o(xo) );
delay2 #(1) d2(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(so1), .o(so) );
// Compute the difference in exponents, provides shift amount
wire [EMSB:0] xdiff = xa_gt_xb ? xad - xbd : xbd - xad;
wire [6:0] xdif = xdiff > FMSB+3 ? FMSB+3 : xdiff;
wire [6:0] xdif1;
// determine which fraction to denormalize
wire [FMSB+1:0] mfs = xa_gt_xb ? fractb : fracta;
wire [FMSB+1:0] mfs1;
// Determine the sticky bit
wire sticky, sticky1;
redor64 u1 (.a(xdif), .b({mfs,2'b0}), .o(sticky) );
// register inputs to shifter and shift
delay1 #(1) d16(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(sticky), .o(sticky1) );
delay1 #(7) d15(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xdif), .o(xdif1) );
delay1 #(FMSB+2) d14(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(mfs), .o(mfs1) );
wire [FMSB+3:0] md1 = ({mfs1,2'b0} >> xdif1)|sticky1;
// sync control signals
delay1 #(1) d4 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(xa_gt_xb), .o(xa_gt_xb1) );
delay1 #(1) d17(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(a_gt_b), .o(a_gt_b1) );
delay1 #(1) d5 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(realOp), .o(realOp1) );
delay1 #(FMSB+2) d5a(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(fracta), .o(fracta1) );
delay1 #(FMSB+2) d6a(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(fractb), .o(fractb1) );
delay1 #(1) d7 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(aInf), .o(aInf1) );
delay1 #(1) d8 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(bInf), .o(bInf1) );
delay1 #(1) d9 (.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(aNan), .o(aNan1) );
delay1 #(1) d10(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(bNan), .o(bNan1) );
delay1 #(1) d11(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(op), .o(op1) );
// Sort operands and perform add/subtract
// addition can generate an extra bit, subtract can't go negative
wire [FMSB+3:0] oa = xa_gt_xb1 ? {fracta1,2'b0} : md1;
wire [FMSB+3:0] ob = xa_gt_xb1 ? md1 : {fractb1,2'b0};
wire [FMSB+3:0] oaa = a_gt_b1 ? oa : ob;
wire [FMSB+3:0] obb = a_gt_b1 ? ob : oa;
wire [FMSB+4:0] mab = realOp1 ? oaa - obb : oaa + obb;
always @*
3'b1xx: mo1 = {1'b0,op1,{FMSB-1{1'b0}},op1,{FMSB{1'b0}}}; // inf +/- inf - generate QNaN on subtract, inf on add
3'bx1x: mo1 = {1'b0,fracta1[FMSB+1:0],{FMSB{1'b0}}};
3'bxx1: mo1 = {1'b0,fractb1[FMSB+1:0],{FMSB{1'b0}}};
default: mo1 = {mab,{FMSB-1{1'b0}}}; // mab has an extra lead bit
delay1 #(FX+WX+1) d3(.clk(clk), .ce(ce), .i(mo1), .o(mo) );
module fpAddsub_tb();
reg clk;
wire ce = 1'b1;
wire [2:0] rm = 3'b0;
wire [57:0] o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6;
wire [35:0] o11,o12,o13;
wire [31:0] o21,o22,o23;
initial begin
clk = 1'b0;
always #10 clk = ~clk;
fpAddsub u1 (clk, ce, rm, 1'b0, 32'h0, 32'h0, o1); // zero plus zero
fpAddsub u2 (clk, ce, rm, 1'b1, 32'h0, 32'h0, o2); // zero minus zero
fpAddsub u3 (clk, ce, rm, 1'b0, 32'h3F000000, 32'h3F000000, o3); // .5 + .5
fpAddsub u4 (clk, ce, rm, 1'b0, 32'h43520000, 32'h41700000, o4); // 210+15
fpAddsub u5 (clk, ce, rm, 1'b1, 32'hC3520000, 32'hC1700000, o5); // -210- -15
fpNormalize u11 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o3, o11);
fpNormalize u12 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o4, o12);
fpNormalize u13 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o5, o13);
fpRound u21 (3'd1, o11, o21); // zero for zero
fpRound u22 (3'd1, o12, o22); //
fpRound u23 (3'd1, o13, o23); //
0,0 → 1,194
// ============================================================================
// __
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2006-2016 Robert Finch, Stratford
// \ __ / All rights reserved.
// \/_// robfinch<remove>
// ||
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
// fpDiv.v
// - floating point divider
// - parameterized width
// - IEEE 754 representation
// Floating Point Divider
// Properties:
// +-0 / +-0 = QNaN
// ============================================================================
module fpDiv(clk, ce, ld, a, b, o, done, sign_exe, overflow, underflow);
parameter WID = 32;
localparam MSB = WID-1;
localparam EMSB = WID==80 ? 14 :
WID==64 ? 10 :
WID==52 ? 10 :
WID==48 ? 10 :
WID==44 ? 10 :
WID==42 ? 10 :
WID==40 ? 9 :
WID==32 ? 7 :
WID==24 ? 6 : 4;
localparam FMSB = WID==80 ? 63 :
WID==64 ? 51 :
WID==52 ? 39 :
WID==48 ? 35 :
WID==44 ? 31 :
WID==42 ? 29 :
WID==40 ? 28 :
WID==32 ? 22 :
WID==24 ? 15 : 9;
localparam WX = 3;
localparam FX = (FMSB+1)*2-1; // the MSB of the expanded fraction
localparam EX = FX + WX + EMSB + 1;
input clk;
input ce;
input ld;
input [MSB:0] a, b;
output [EX+1:0] o;
output done;
output sign_exe;
output overflow;
output underflow;
// registered outputs
reg sign_exe;
reg inf;
reg overflow;
reg underflow;
reg so;
reg [EMSB:0] xo;
reg [FX+WX:0] mo;
assign o = {so,xo,mo};
// constants
wire [EMSB:0] infXp = {EMSB+1{1'b1}}; // infinite / NaN - all ones
// The following is the value for an exponent of zero, with the offset
// eg. 8'h7f for eight bit exponent, 11'h7ff for eleven bit exponent, etc.
wire [EMSB:0] bias = {1'b0,{EMSB{1'b1}}}; //2^0 exponent
// The following is a template for a quiet nan. (MSB=1)
wire [FMSB:0] qNaN = {1'b1,{FMSB{1'b0}}};
// variables
wire [EMSB+2:0] ex1; // sum of exponents
wire [FX+WX:0] divo;
// Operands
wire sa, sb; // sign bit
wire [EMSB:0] xa, xb; // exponent bits
wire [FMSB+1:0] fracta, fractb;
wire a_dn, b_dn; // a/b is denormalized
wire az, bz;
wire aInf, bInf;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// - decode the input operands
// - derive basic information
// - calculate exponent
// - calculate fraction
// -----------------------------------------------------------
fpDecompose #(WID) u1a (.i(a), .sgn(sa), .exp(xa), .fract(fracta), .xz(a_dn), .vz(az), .inf(aInf) );
fpDecompose #(WID) u1b (.i(b), .sgn(sb), .exp(xb), .fract(fractb), .xz(b_dn), .vz(bz), .inf(bInf) );
// Compute the exponent.
// - correct the exponent for denormalized operands
// - adjust the difference by the bias (add 127)
// - also factor in the different decimal position for division
assign ex1 = (xa|a_dn) - (xb|b_dn) + bias + FMSB + 1;
// check for exponent underflow/overflow
wire under = ex1[EMSB+2]; // MSB set = negative exponent
wire over = (&ex1[EMSB:0] | ex1[EMSB+1]) & !ex1[EMSB+2];
// Perform divide
// could take either 1 or 16 clock cycles
fpdivr2 #(FMSB+2) u2 (.clk(clk), .ld(ld), .a(fracta), .b(fractb), .q(divo[(FMSB+1)*2-1:0]), .r(), .done(done));
assign divo[FX+WX:(FMSB+1)*2] = 0;
// determine when a NaN is output
wire qNaNOut = (az&bz)|(aInf&bInf);
always @(posedge clk)
if (ce) begin
if (done) begin
3'b1xx: xo = infXp; // NaN exponent value
3'bx1x: xo = 0; // divide by inf
3'bxx1: xo = infXp; // divide by zero
default: xo = ex1; // normal or underflow: passthru neg. exp. for normalization
3'b1xx: mo = {1'b0,qNaN[FMSB:0]|{aInf,1'b0}|{az,bz},{FMSB+1{1'b0}}};
3'bx1x: mo = 0; // div by inf
3'bxx1: mo = 0; // div by zero
default: mo = divo; // plain div
so = sa ^ sb;
sign_exe = sa & sb;
overflow = over;
underflow = under;
module fpDiv_tb();
reg clk;
reg ld;
wire ce = 1'b1;
wire sgnx1,sgnx2,sgnx3,sgnx4,sgnx5,sgnx6;
wire inf1,inf2,inf3,inf4,inf5,inf6;
wire of1,of2,of3,of4,of5,of6;
wire uf1,uf2,uf3,uf4,uf5,uf6;
wire [57:0] o1,o2,o3,o4,o5,o6;
wire [35:0] o11,o12,o13;
wire [31:0] o21,o22,o23;
wire done0,done1,done2,done3,done4,done5,done6;
initial begin
clk = 0;
ld = 0;
#20 ld = 1;
#40 ld = 0;
always #10 clk <= ~clk;
fpDiv u1 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .ld(ld), .a(0), .b(0), .o(o1), .done(done1), .sign_exe(sgnx1), .overflow(of1), .underflow(uf1));
fpDiv u2 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .ld(ld), .a(0), .b(0), .o(o2), .done(done2), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
// 10/10
fpDiv u3 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .ld(ld), .a(32'h41200000), .b(32'h41200000), .done(done3), .o(o3), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
// 21/-17
fpDiv u4 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .ld(ld), .a(32'h41a80000), .b(32'hc1880000), .done(done4), .o(o4), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
// -17/-15
fpDiv u5 (.clk(clk), .ce(1'b1), .ld(ld), .a(32'hc1880000), .b(32'hc1700000), .done(done5), .o(o5), .sign_exe(sgnx2), .overflow(of2), .underflow(uf2));
fpNormalize u11 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o3, o11);
fpNormalize u12 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o4, o12);
fpNormalize u13 (clk, ce, 1'b0, o5, o13);
fpRound u21 (3'd1, o11, o21); // zero for zero
fpRound u22 (3'd1, o12, o22); //
fpRound u23 (3'd1, o13, o23); //

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