
Subversion Repositories i2c_master_slave

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 6 to Rev 7
    Reverse comparison

Rev 6 → Rev 7

0,0 → 1,385
-- VHDL Architecture rada_comp_lib.i2c_master_v01.arc
-- Created:
-- by - elis@(ELIS-WXP)
-- at - 15:30:47 01/03/2009
-- using Mentor Graphics HDL Designer(TM) 2008.1 (Build 17)
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
ENTITY i2c_master_v01 IS
CLK_FREQ : natural := 25000000;
BAUD : natural := 100000
sys_clk : IN std_logic;
sys_rst : IN std_logic;
start : IN std_logic;
stop : IN std_logic;
read : IN std_logic;
write : IN std_logic;
send_ack : IN std_logic;
mstr_din : IN std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
sda : INOUT std_logic;
scl : INOUT std_logic;
free : OUT std_logic;
rec_ack : OUT std_logic;
ready : OUT std_logic;
core_state : OUT std_logic_vector (5 DOWNTO 0); --for debug purpose
mstr_dout : OUT std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0)
-- Declarations
END i2c_master_v01 ;
ARCHITECTURE arc OF i2c_master_v01 IS
constant FRAME : natural := 11; -- number of bits in frame: start, stop, 8 bits data, 1 bit acknoledge
-- constant BAUD : natural := 100000;
constant FULL_BIT : natural := ( CLK_FREQ / BAUD - 1 ) / 2;
constant HALF_BIT : natural := FULL_BIT / 2;
constant GAP_WIDTH : natural := FULL_BIT * 4;
signal i_free : std_logic;
signal i_ready : std_logic;
signal i_sda_mstr : std_logic;
signal i_scl_mstr : std_logic;
signal i_scl_cntr : natural;
signal i_bit_cntr_mstr : natural range 0 to 7;
signal i_ack_mstr : std_logic;
signal i_mstr_rd_data : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 );
signal i_mstr_ad : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0 ); --latched address and data
alias fld_rd_wr : std_logic is i_mstr_ad( 0 ); --1 - read, 0 - write
type i2c_master_state is ( mstr_idle, mstr_start_cnt , mstr_active , mstr_wait_first_half , mstr_wait_second_half ,
mstr_wait_full , mstr_wait_ack , mstr_wait_ack_second_half , mstr_wait_ack_third_half ,
mstr_wait_ack_fourth_half , mstr_rd_wait_low , mstr_rd_wait_half , mstr_rd_read , mstr_stop ,
mstr_rd_wait_ack_bit , mstr_rd_wait_ack , mstr_rd_get_ack , mstr_restart , mstr_gap , mstr_stop_1 ,
mstr_rd_wait_last_half , mstr_restart_clk_high );
signal stm_mstr : i2c_master_state;
signal i_in_state : natural;
sda <= i_sda_mstr;
scl <= i_scl_mstr;
free <= i_free;
ready <= i_ready;
rec_ack <= not i_ack_mstr;
core_state <= conv_std_logic_vector( i_in_state , 6 );
process( sys_clk , sys_rst )
if ( sys_rst = '1' ) then
stm_mstr <= mstr_idle;
i_free <= '0';
i_ready <= '0';
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
i_scl_mstr <= 'Z';
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_bit_cntr_mstr <= 7;
i_ack_mstr <= '1';
i_mstr_rd_data <= ( others => '0' );
mstr_dout <= ( others => '0' );
i_mstr_ad <= ( others => '0' );
i_in_state <= 0;
elsif rising_edge( sys_clk ) then
case stm_mstr is
when mstr_idle =>
i_free <= '1';
i_ready <= '0';
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
i_scl_mstr <= 'Z';
if ( start = '1' ) then
stm_mstr <= mstr_start_cnt;
i_free <= '0';
stm_mstr <= mstr_idle;
end if;
when mstr_start_cnt =>
i_sda_mstr <= '0';
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_start_cnt;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_active;
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
end if;
when mstr_active =>
i_ready <= '1';
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
i_sda_mstr <= '0';
i_bit_cntr_mstr <= 7;
i_in_state <= 1;
if ( read = '1' ) then
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_low;
i_ready <= '0';
i_in_state <= 3;
elsif ( write = '1' ) then
i_in_state <= 2;
i_mstr_ad <= mstr_din;
i_ready <= '0';
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_first_half;
elsif ( stop = '1' ) then
i_in_state <= 4;
i_ready <= '0';
stm_mstr <= mstr_stop_1;
elsif ( start = '1' ) then
i_in_state <= 5;
i_ready <= '0';
stm_mstr <= mstr_restart;
end if;
--##### WRITE ########
when mstr_wait_first_half =>
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_second_half;
i_sda_mstr <= i_mstr_ad( i_bit_cntr_mstr );
end if;
when mstr_wait_second_half =>
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_second_half;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_full;
end if;
when mstr_wait_full =>
if ( i_scl_cntr < FULL_BIT ) then
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_full;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
if ( i_bit_cntr_mstr >= 1 ) then
i_bit_cntr_mstr <= i_bit_cntr_mstr - 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_first_half;
elsif ( i_bit_cntr_mstr = 0 ) then
--i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_ack;
end if;
end if;
--#### ACKNOWLEDGE ###
when mstr_wait_ack =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_ack_second_half;
end if;
when mstr_wait_ack_second_half =>
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_ack_third_half;
end if;
when mstr_wait_ack_third_half =>
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
i_ack_mstr <= to_x01( sda );
stm_mstr <= mstr_wait_ack_fourth_half;
end if;
when mstr_wait_ack_fourth_half =>
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
stm_mstr <= mstr_active;
end if;
--###### READ ########
when mstr_rd_wait_low =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
if ( i_scl_cntr < FULL_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_low;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_half;
end if;
when mstr_rd_wait_half =>
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_half;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_mstr_rd_data <= i_mstr_rd_data( 6 downto 0 ) & to_x01( sda );
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_read;
end if;
when mstr_rd_read =>
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_read;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
if ( i_bit_cntr_mstr > 0 ) then
i_bit_cntr_mstr <= i_bit_cntr_mstr - 1;
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_low;
i_mstr_ad <= ( others => '0' );
mstr_dout <= i_mstr_rd_data;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_ack;
end if;
end if;
when mstr_rd_wait_ack =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_ack;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= not send_ack;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_get_ack;
end if;
when mstr_rd_get_ack =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_get_ack;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
--i_ack_mstr <= sda;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_ack_bit;
end if;
when mstr_rd_wait_ack_bit =>
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
if ( i_scl_cntr < FULL_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_ack_bit;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_last_half;
end if;
when mstr_rd_wait_last_half =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_rd_wait_last_half;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= 'Z';
stm_mstr <= mstr_active;
end if;
--######## STOP ########
when mstr_stop_1 =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
i_sda_mstr <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_stop_1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_stop;
end if;
when mstr_stop =>
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
i_sda_mstr <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_stop;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= '1';
stm_mstr <= mstr_gap;
end if;
when mstr_gap =>
if ( i_scl_cntr < GAP_WIDTH ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_gap;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_in_state <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_idle;
end if;
--###### RESTART ######
when mstr_restart =>
i_scl_mstr <= '0';
i_sda_mstr <= '1';
i_ready <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < FULL_BIT ) then
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
stm_mstr <= mstr_restart;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
i_sda_mstr <= '1';
stm_mstr <= mstr_restart_clk_high;
end if;
when mstr_restart_clk_high =>
i_scl_mstr <= '1';
i_sda_mstr <= '1';
i_ready <= '0';
if ( i_scl_cntr < HALF_BIT ) then
stm_mstr <= mstr_restart_clk_high;
i_scl_cntr <= i_scl_cntr + 1;
i_scl_cntr <= 0;
stm_mstr <= mstr_start_cnt;
end if;
when others => stm_mstr <= mstr_idle;
end case;
end if;
end process i2c_master;

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