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    from Rev 64 to Rev 109
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Rev 64 → Rev 109

0,0 → 1,38
I still have some important hints to you regarding this.
minsoc_top.v: on line 817 you should also include:
assign wb_gpio_err_o = 1'b0; (otherwise simulation might drive crazy and prob real life if it doesn't "automatically" be set to 0.
You probably missed it since these are gathered together around line 358 for uart, spi and start_up. And I forgot myself to add it for Ethernet.
On gpio_defines.v, the GPIO_IOS definition I'd set directly to 32. Instantiation would be instead of GPIO_IOS + 1, GPIO_IOS only. Is there any problem regarding this? The definitions generally are more human friendly than coding, so the register definitions of reg [GPIOS_IOS-1:0] which considers 0 to be something is let for the implementation. That's more or less standard I'd say. It is the same as when you define the address width on minsoc_defines.v you define it and I implement it considering the necessary -1s.
GPIO_LINES32 instead of GPIO_LINES31.
I'd substitute the whole minsoc_spartan_3a_starter_kit_ios.v. Instead of it, place a bidirectional port on minsoc_top if GPIO is enabled.
`ifdef GPIO
, gpio_io
inout [GPIO_IOS-1:0] gpio_io;
// GPIO tri-state
// I hope this works without generate, otherwise it is also easy but I'd first try this way
integer iterate;
for (iterate = 0; iterate < GPIO_IOS; iterate = iterate + 1)
assign gpio_io[iterate] = ext_pad_oe_o[iterate] ? ext_pad_o[iterate] : 1'bZ;
assign ext_pad_i = gpio_io;
And then only define the pins for the inout port on the ucf file. Like this:
NET "gpio_io(31)" LOC = "a1(pin number)" | DRIVE = 12 | SLEW = SLOW;
NET "gpio_io(30)" LOC = "a1(pin number)" | DRIVE = 12 | SLEW = SLOW;
NET "gpio_io(0)" LOC = "a1(pin number)" | DRIVE = 12 | SLEW = SLOW;
After that you only need the definition GPIO on minsoc_defines.v. Of course, interrupt and address you also still need.
0,0 → 1,326
//// ////
//// WISHBONE GPIO Definitions ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the GPIO project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// GPIO IP Definitions. ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// Nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Damjan Lampret, ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.8 2003/12/17 13:00:52 gorand
// added ECLK and NEC registers, all tests passed.
// Revision 1.7 2003/12/01 17:10:44 simons
// ifndef directive is not supported by all tools.
// Revision 1.6 2003/11/06 13:59:07 gorand
// added support for 8-bit access to registers.
// Revision 1.2 2003/10/02 18:54:35 simons
// GPIO signals muxed with other peripherals, higland_board fixed.
// Revision 2003/06/24 09:09:23 simons
// This files were moved here from toplevel folder.
// Revision 2003/06/11 18:51:13 simons
// Initial import.
// Revision 1.5 2002/11/11 21:36:28 lampret
// Added ifdef to remove mux from clk_pad_i if mux is not allowed. This also removes RGPIO_CTRL[NEC].
// Revision 1.4 2002/05/06 18:25:31 lampret
// negedge flops are enabled by default.
// Revision 1.3 2001/12/25 17:12:35 lampret
// Added RGPIO_INTS.
// Revision 1.2 2001/11/15 02:24:37 lampret
// Revision 1.1 2001/09/18 18:49:07 lampret
// Changed top level ptc into gpio_top. Changed defines.v into gpio_defines.v.
// Revision 1.1 2001/08/21 21:39:28 lampret
// Changed directory structure, port names and drfines.
// Revision 1.3 2001/07/15 00:21:10 lampret
// Registers can be omitted and will have certain default values
// Revision 1.2 2001/07/14 20:39:26 lampret
// Better configurability.
// Revision 1.1 2001/06/05 07:45:26 lampret
// Added initial RTL and test benches. There are still some issues with these files.
// Number of GPIO I/O signals
// This is the most important parameter of the GPIO IP core. It defines how many
// I/O signals core has. Range is from 1 to 32. If more than 32 I/O signals are
// required, use several instances of GPIO IP core.
// Default is 16.
`define GPIO_IOS 31
//depending on number of GPIO_IOS, define this...
// for example: if there is 26 GPIO_IOS, define GPIO_LINES26
`define GPIO_LINES31
// Undefine this one if you don't want to remove GPIO block from your design
// but you also don't need it. When it is undefined, all GPIO ports still
// remain valid and the core can be synthesized however internally there is
// no GPIO funationality.
// Defined by default (duhh !).
// Define to register all WISHBONE outputs.
// Register outputs if you are using GPIO core as a block and synthesizing
// and place&routing it separately from the rest of the system.
// If you do not need registered outputs, you can save some area by not defining
// this macro. By default it is defined.
// Define to register all GPIO pad outputs.
// Register outputs if you are using GPIO core as a block and synthesizing
// and place&routing it separately from the rest of the system.
// If you do not need registered outputs, you can save some area by not defining
// this macro. By default it is defined.
// Implement aux feature. If this define is not defined also aux_i port and
// RGPIO_AUX register will be removed
// Defined by default.
// If this is not defined clk_pad_i will be removed. Input lines will be lached on
// positive edge of system clock
// if disabled defines GPIO_NO_NEGEDGE_FLOPS, GPIO_NO_CLKPAD_LOGIC will have no effect.
// Defined by default.
//`define GPIO_CLKPAD
// Define to avoid using negative edge clock flip-flops for external clock
// (caused by NEC register. Instead an inverted external clock with
// positive edge clock flip-flops will be used.
// This define don't have any effect if GPIO_CLKPAD is not defined and if GPIO_SYNC_IN_CLK is defined
// By default it is not defined.
// If GPIO_NO_NEGEDGE_FLOPS is defined, a mux needs to be placed on external clock
// clk_pad_i to implement RGPIO_CTRL[NEC] functionality. If no mux is allowed on
// clock signal, enable the following define.
// This define don't have any effect if GPIO_CLKPAD is not defined and if GPIO_SYNC_IN_CLK is defined
// By default it is not defined.
// synchronization defines
// Two synchronization flops to input lineis added.
// system clock synchronization.
// Add synchronization flops to external clock input line. Gpio will have just one clock domain,
// everithing will be synchronized to wishbone clock. External clock muas be at least 2-3x slower
// as systam clock.
// Add synchronization to input pads. synchronization to external clock.
// Don't hawe any effect if GPIO_SYNC_CLK_WB is defined.
//`define GPIO_SYNC_IN_CLK
// Add synchronization flops between system clock and external clock.
// Only possible if external clock is enabled and clock synchroization is disabled.
// Undefine if you don't need to read GPIO registers except for RGPIO_IN register.
// When it is undefined all reads of GPIO registers return RGPIO_IN register. This
// is usually useful if you want really small area (for example when implemented in
// FPGA).
// To follow GPIO IP core specification document this one must be defined. Also to
// successfully run the test bench it must be defined. By default it is defined.
// Full WISHBONE address decoding
// It is is undefined, partial WISHBONE address decoding is performed.
// Undefine it if you need to save some area.
// By default it is defined.
// Strict 32-bit WISHBONE access
// If this one is defined, all WISHBONE accesses must be 32-bit. If it is
// not defined, err_o is asserted whenever 8- or 16-bit access is made.
// Undefine it if you need to save some area.
// By default it is defined.
// added by gorand :
// if GPIO_STRICT_32BIT_ACCESS is not defined,
// depending on number of gpio I/O lines, the following are defined :
// if the number of I/O lines is in range 1-8, GPIO_WB_BYTES1 is defined,
// if the number of I/O lines is in range 9-16, GPIO_WB_BYTES2 is defined,
// if the number of I/O lines is in range 17-24, GPIO_WB_BYTES3 is defined,
// if the number of I/O lines is in range 25-32, GPIO_WB_BYTES4 is defined,
`define GPIO_WB_BYTES4
//`define GPIO_WB_BYTES3
//`define GPIO_WB_BYTES2
//`define GPIO_WB_BYTES1
// WISHBONE address bits used for full decoding of GPIO registers.
`define GPIO_ADDRHH 7
`define GPIO_ADDRHL 6
`define GPIO_ADDRLH 1
`define GPIO_ADDRLL 0
// Bits of WISHBONE address used for partial decoding of GPIO registers.
// Default 5:2.
// Addresses of GPIO registers
// To comply with GPIO IP core specification document they must go from
// address 0 to address 0x18 in the following order: RGPIO_IN, RGPIO_OUT,
// If particular register is not needed, it's address definition can be omitted
// and the register will not be implemented. Instead a fixed default value will
// be used.
`define GPIO_RGPIO_IN 4'h0 // Address 0x00
`define GPIO_RGPIO_OUT 4'h1 // Address 0x04
`define GPIO_RGPIO_OE 4'h2 // Address 0x08
`define GPIO_RGPIO_INTE 4'h3 // Address 0x0c
`define GPIO_RGPIO_PTRIG 4'h4 // Address 0x10
`define GPIO_RGPIO_AUX 4'h5 // Address 0x14
`define GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL 4'h6 // Address 0x18
`define GPIO_RGPIO_INTS 4'h7 // Address 0x1c
`define GPIO_RGPIO_ECLK 4'h8 // Address 0x20
`define GPIO_RGPIO_NEC 4'h9 // Address 0x24
`endif // GPIO_CLKPAD
// Default values for unimplemented GPIO registers
// RGPIO_CTRL bits
// To comply with the GPIO IP core specification document they must go from
// bit 0 to bit 1 in the following order: INTE, INT
0,0 → 1,1135
//// ////
//// WISHBONE General-Purpose I/O ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the GPIO project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// Implementation of GPIO IP core according to ////
//// GPIO IP core specification document. ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// Nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Damjan Lampret, ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.17 2004/05/05 08:21:00 andreje
// Bugfixes when GPIO_RGPIO_ECLK/GPIO_RGPIO_NEC disabled, gpio oe name change and set to active-high according to spec
// Revision 1.16 2003/12/17 13:00:52 gorand
// added ECLK and NEC registers, all tests passed.
// Revision 1.15 2003/11/10 23:21:22 gorand
// bug fixed. all tests passed.
// Revision 1.14 2003/11/06 13:59:07 gorand
// added support for 8-bit access to registers.
// Revision 1.13 2002/11/18 22:35:18 lampret
// Bug fix. Interrupts were also asserted when condition was not met.
// Revision 1.12 2002/11/11 21:36:28 lampret
// Added ifdef to remove mux from clk_pad_i if mux is not allowed. This also removes RGPIO_CTRL[NEC].
// Revision 1.11 2002/03/13 20:56:28 lampret
// Removed zero padding as per Avi Shamli suggestion.
// Revision 1.10 2002/03/13 20:47:57 lampret
// Ports changed per Ran Aviram suggestions.
// Revision 1.9 2002/03/09 03:43:27 lampret
// Interrupt is asserted only when an input changes (code patch by Jacob Gorban)
// Revision 1.8 2002/01/14 19:06:28 lampret
// Changed registered WISHBONE outputs wb_ack_o/wb_err_o to follow WB specification.
// Revision 1.7 2001/12/25 17:21:21 lampret
// Fixed two typos.
// Revision 1.6 2001/12/25 17:12:35 lampret
// Added RGPIO_INTS.
// Revision 1.5 2001/12/12 20:35:53 lampret
// Fixing style.
// Revision 1.4 2001/12/12 07:12:58 lampret
// Fixed bug when wb_inta_o is registered (GPIO_WB_REGISTERED_OUTPUTS)
// Revision 1.3 2001/11/15 02:24:37 lampret
// Revision 1.2 2001/10/31 02:26:51 lampret
// Fixed wb_err_o.
// Revision 1.1 2001/09/18 18:49:07 lampret
// Changed top level ptc into gpio_top. Changed defines.v into gpio_defines.v.
// Revision 1.1 2001/08/21 21:39:28 lampret
// Changed directory structure, port names and drfines.
// Revision 1.2 2001/07/14 20:39:26 lampret
// Better configurability.
// Revision 1.1 2001/06/05 07:45:26 lampret
// Added initial RTL and test benches. There are still some issues with these files.
// synopsys translate_off
`include "timescale.v"
// synopsys translate_on
`include "gpio_defines.v"
module gpio_top(
// WISHBONE Interface
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_adr_i, wb_dat_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_stb_i,
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o, wb_inta_o,
// Auxiliary inputs interface
// External GPIO Interface
ext_pad_i, ext_pad_o, ext_padoe_o
, clk_pad_i
parameter dw = 32;
parameter aw = `GPIO_ADDRHH+1;
parameter gw = `GPIO_IOS;
// WISHBONE Interface
input wb_clk_i; // Clock
input wb_rst_i; // Reset
input wb_cyc_i; // cycle valid input
input [aw-1:0] wb_adr_i; // address bus inputs
input [dw-1:0] wb_dat_i; // input data bus
input [3:0] wb_sel_i; // byte select inputs
input wb_we_i; // indicates write transfer
input wb_stb_i; // strobe input
output [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o; // output data bus
output wb_ack_o; // normal termination
output wb_err_o; // termination w/ error
output wb_inta_o; // Interrupt request output
// Auxiliary Inputs Interface
input [gw-1:0] aux_i; // Auxiliary inputs
// External GPIO Interface
input [gw-1:0] ext_pad_i; // GPIO Inputs
input clk_pad_i; // GPIO Eclk
`endif // GPIO_CLKPAD
output [gw-1:0] ext_pad_o; // GPIO Outputs
output [gw-1:0] ext_padoe_o; // GPIO output drivers enables
// GPIO Input Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_in; // RGPIO_IN register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_in; // No register
// GPIO Output Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_out; // RGPIO_OUT register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_out; // No register
// GPIO Output Driver Enable Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_oe; // RGPIO_OE register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_oe; // No register
// GPIO Interrupt Enable Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_inte; // RGPIO_INTE register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_inte; // No register
// GPIO Positive edge Triggered Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_ptrig; // RGPIO_PTRIG register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_ptrig; // No register
// GPIO Auxiliary select Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_aux; // RGPIO_AUX register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_aux; // No register
// GPIO Control Register (or no register)
reg [1:0] rgpio_ctrl; // RGPIO_CTRL register
wire [1:0] rgpio_ctrl; // No register
// GPIO Interrupt Status Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_ints; // RGPIO_INTS register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_ints; // No register
// GPIO Enable Clock Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_eclk; // RGPIO_ECLK register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_eclk; // No register
// GPIO Active Negative Edge Register (or no register)
reg [gw-1:0] rgpio_nec; // RGPIO_NEC register
wire [gw-1:0] rgpio_nec; // No register
// Synchronization flops for input signals
reg [gw-1:0] sync ,
ext_pad_s ;
wire [gw-1:0] ext_pad_s ;
// Internal wires & regs
wire rgpio_out_sel; // RGPIO_OUT select
wire rgpio_oe_sel; // RGPIO_OE select
wire rgpio_inte_sel; // RGPIO_INTE select
wire rgpio_ptrig_sel;// RGPIO_PTRIG select
wire rgpio_aux_sel; // RGPIO_AUX select
wire rgpio_ctrl_sel; // RGPIO_CTRL select
wire rgpio_ints_sel; // RGPIO_INTS select
wire rgpio_eclk_sel ;
wire rgpio_nec_sel ;
wire full_decoding; // Full address decoding qualification
wire [gw-1:0] in_muxed; // Muxed inputs
wire wb_ack; // WB Acknowledge
wire wb_err; // WB Error
wire wb_inta; // WB Interrupt
reg [dw-1:0] wb_dat; // WB Data out
reg wb_ack_o; // WB Acknowledge
reg wb_err_o; // WB Error
reg wb_inta_o; // WB Interrupt
reg [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o; // WB Data out
wire [gw-1:0] out_pad; // GPIO Outputs
reg [gw-1:0] ext_pad_o; // GPIO Outputs
wire [gw-1:0] extc_in; // Muxed inputs sampled by external clock
wire [gw-1:0] pext_clk; // External clock for posedge flops
reg [gw-1:0] pextc_sampled; // Posedge external clock sampled inputs
reg [gw-1:0] nextc_sampled; // Negedge external clock sampled inputs
reg [gw-1:0] nextc_sampled; // Negedge external clock sampled inputs
`endif // GPIO_CLKPAD
// All WISHBONE transfer terminations are successful except when:
// a) full address decoding is enabled and address doesn't match
// any of the GPIO registers
// b) wb_sel_i evaluation is enabled and one of the wb_sel_i inputs is zero
// WB Acknowledge
assign wb_ack = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & !wb_err_o;
// Optional registration of WB Ack
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
wb_ack_o <= #1 1'b0;
wb_ack_o <= #1 wb_ack & ~wb_ack_o & (!wb_err) ;
assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack;
// WB Error
assign wb_err = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (!full_decoding | (wb_sel_i != 4'b1111));
assign wb_err = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & !full_decoding;
assign wb_err = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_sel_i != 4'b1111);
assign wb_err = 1'b0;
// Optional registration of WB error
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
wb_err_o <= #1 1'b0;
wb_err_o <= #1 wb_err & ~wb_err_o;
assign wb_err_o = wb_err;
// Full address decoder
assign full_decoding = (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_ADDRHH:`GPIO_ADDRHL] == {`GPIO_ADDRHH-`GPIO_ADDRHL+1{1'b0}}) &
assign full_decoding = 1'b1;
// GPIO registers address decoder
assign rgpio_out_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_OUT) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_oe_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_OE) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_inte_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_INTE) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_ptrig_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_PTRIG) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_aux_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_AUX) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_ctrl_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_ints_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_INTS) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_eclk_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_ECLK) & full_decoding;
assign rgpio_nec_sel = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS] == `GPIO_RGPIO_NEC) & full_decoding;
// Write to RGPIO_CTRL or update of RGPIO_CTRL[INT] bit
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_ctrl <= #1 2'b0;
else if (rgpio_ctrl_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_ctrl <= #1 wb_dat_i[1:0];
else if (rgpio_ctrl[`GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL_INTE])
rgpio_ctrl[`GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL_INTS] <= #1 rgpio_ctrl[`GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL_INTS] | wb_inta_o;
assign rgpio_ctrl = 2'h01; // RGPIO_CTRL[EN] = 1
// Write to RGPIO_OUT
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_out <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_out_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_out <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_out [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_out = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_OUT; // RGPIO_OUT = 0x0
// Write to RGPIO_OE.
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_oe <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_oe_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_oe <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_oe [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_oe = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_OE; // RGPIO_OE = 0x0
// Write to RGPIO_INTE
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_inte <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_inte_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_inte <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_inte [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_inte = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_INTE; // RGPIO_INTE = 0x0
// Write to RGPIO_PTRIG
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_ptrig <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_ptrig_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_ptrig <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_ptrig [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_ptrig = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_PTRIG; // RGPIO_PTRIG = 0x0
// Write to RGPIO_AUX
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_aux <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_aux_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_aux <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_aux [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_aux = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_AUX; // RGPIO_AUX = 0x0
// Write to RGPIO_ECLK
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_eclk <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_eclk_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_eclk <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_eclk [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_eclk = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_ECLK; // RGPIO_ECLK = 0x0
// Write to RGPIO_NEC
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_nec <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_nec_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_nec <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
if ( wb_sel_i [3] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [gw-1:24] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:24] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [23:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [23:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [2] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [gw-1:16] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:16] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [15:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [15:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [1] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [gw-1:8] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:8] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [7:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [7:0] ;
if ( wb_sel_i [0] == 1'b1 )
rgpio_nec [gw-1:0] <= #1 wb_dat_i [gw-1:0] ;
assign rgpio_nec = `GPIO_DEF_RGPIO_NEC; // RGPIO_NEC = 0x0
// synchronize inputs to systam clock
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
sync <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
ext_pad_s <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
end else begin
sync <= #1 ext_pad_i ;
ext_pad_s <= #1 sync ;
assign ext_pad_s = ext_pad_i;
`endif // GPIO_SYNC_IN_WB
// Latch into RGPIO_IN
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_in <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
rgpio_in <= #1 in_muxed;
assign rgpio_in = in_muxed;
// external clock enabled
// synchronized to system clock
// (one clock domain)
reg sync_clk,
clk_s ,
clk_r ;
wire pedge ,
nedge ;
wire [gw-1:0] pedge_vec ,
nedge_vec ;
wire [gw-1:0] in_lach ;
assign pedge = clk_s & !clk_r ;
assign nedge = !clk_s & clk_r ;
assign pedge_vec = {gw{pedge}} ;
assign nedge_vec = {gw{nedge}} ;
assign in_lach = (~rgpio_nec & pedge_vec) | (rgpio_nec & nedge_vec) ;
assign extc_in = (in_lach & ext_pad_s) | (~in_lach & pextc_sampled) ;
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
sync_clk <= #1 1'b0 ;
clk_s <= #1 1'b0 ;
clk_r <= #1 1'b0 ;
end else begin
sync_clk <= #1 clk_pad_i ;
clk_s <= #1 sync_clk ;
clk_r <= #1 clk_s ;
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
pextc_sampled <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
end else begin
pextc_sampled <= #1 extc_in ;
assign in_muxed = (rgpio_eclk & pextc_sampled) | (~rgpio_eclk & ext_pad_s) ;
// external clock enabled
// not synchronized to system clock
// (two clock domains)
reg [gw-1:0] syn_extc ,
extc_s ;
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
syn_extc <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
extc_s <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
end else begin
syn_extc <= #1 extc_in ;
extc_s <= #1 syn_extc;
wire [gw-1:0] extc_s ;
assign extc_s = syn_extc ;
reg [gw-1:0] syn_pclk ,
ext_pad_spc ;
always @(posedge clk_pad_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
syn_pclk <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
ext_pad_spc <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
end else begin
syn_pclk <= #1 ext_pad_i ;
ext_pad_spc <= #1 syn_pclk ;
wire [gw-1:0] ext_pad_spc ;
assign ext_pad_spc = ext_pad_i ;
`endif // GPIO_SYNC_IN_CLK
always @(posedge clk_pad_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
pextc_sampled <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
end else begin
pextc_sampled <= #1 ext_pad_spc ;
assign extc_in = pextc_sampled;
wire clk_n;
assign clk_n = !clk_pad_i;
reg [gw-1:0] syn_nclk ,
ext_pad_snc ;
always @(posedge clk_n or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
syn_nclk <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
ext_pad_snc <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
end else begin
syn_nclk <= #1 ext_pad_i ;
ext_pad_snc <= #1 syn_nclk ;
wire [gw-1:0] ext_pad_snc ;
assign ext_pad_snc = ext_pad_i ;
`endif // GPIO_SYNC_IN_CLK
always @(posedge clk_n or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
nextc_sampled <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
end else begin
nextc_sampled <= #1 ext_pad_snc ;
assign extc_in = (~rgpio_nec & pextc_sampled) | (rgpio_nec & nextc_sampled) ;
reg [gw-1:0] syn_nclk ,
ext_pad_snc ;
always @(negedge clk_n or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
syn_nclk <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
ext_pad_snc <= #1 {gw{1'b0}} ;
end else begin
syn_nclk <= #1 ext_pad_i ;
ext_pad_snc <= #1 syn_nclk ;
wire [gw-1:0] ext_pad_snc ;
assign ext_pad_snc = ext_pad_i ;
`endif // GPIO_SYNC_IN_CLK
always @(negedge clk_pad_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i) begin
nextc_sampled <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
end else begin
nextc_sampled <= #1 ext_pad_snc ;
assign extc_in = (~rgpio_nec & pextc_sampled) | (rgpio_nec & nextc_sampled) ;
assign in_muxed = (rgpio_eclk & extc_s) | (~rgpio_eclk & ext_pad_s) ;
`endif // GPIO_SYNC_CLK_WB
assign in_muxed = ext_pad_s ;
`endif // GPIO_CLKPAD
// Mux all registers when doing a read of GPIO registers
always @(wb_adr_i or rgpio_in or rgpio_out or rgpio_oe or rgpio_inte or
rgpio_ptrig or rgpio_aux or rgpio_ctrl or rgpio_ints or rgpio_eclk or rgpio_nec)
case (wb_adr_i[`GPIO_OFS_BITS]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_out;
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_oe;
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_inte;
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_ptrig;
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_nec;
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_eclk;
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_aux;
wb_dat[1:0] = rgpio_ctrl;
wb_dat[dw-1:2] = {dw-2{1'b0}};
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_ints;
default: begin
wb_dat[dw-1:0] = rgpio_in;
// WB data output
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
wb_dat_o <= #1 {dw{1'b0}};
wb_dat_o <= #1 wb_dat;
assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat;
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
rgpio_ints <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
else if (rgpio_ints_sel && wb_we_i)
rgpio_ints <= #1 wb_dat_i[gw-1:0];
else if (rgpio_ctrl[`GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL_INTE])
rgpio_ints <= #1 (rgpio_ints | ((in_muxed ^ rgpio_in) & ~(in_muxed ^ rgpio_ptrig)) & rgpio_inte);
assign rgpio_ints = (rgpio_ints | ((in_muxed ^ rgpio_in) & ~(in_muxed ^ rgpio_ptrig)) & rgpio_inte);
// Generate interrupt request
assign wb_inta = |rgpio_ints ? rgpio_ctrl[`GPIO_RGPIO_CTRL_INTE] : 1'b0;
// Optional registration of WB interrupt
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
wb_inta_o <= #1 1'b0;
wb_inta_o <= #1 wb_inta;
assign wb_inta_o = wb_inta;
// Output enables are RGPIO_OE bits
assign ext_padoe_o = rgpio_oe;
// Generate GPIO outputs
assign out_pad = rgpio_out & ~rgpio_aux | aux_i & rgpio_aux;
assign out_pad = rgpio_out ;
// Optional registration of GPIO outputs
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
ext_pad_o <= #1 {gw{1'b0}};
ext_pad_o <= #1 out_pad;
assign ext_pad_o = out_pad;
// When GPIO is not implemented, drive all outputs as would when RGPIO_CTRL
// is cleared and WISHBONE transfers complete with errors
assign wb_inta_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_ack_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i;
assign ext_padoe_o = {gw{1'b1}};
assign ext_pad_o = {gw{1'b0}};
// Read GPIO registers
assign wb_dat_o = {dw{1'b0}};
0,0 → 1,36
NET "clk" LOC = E12; # 50 MHz on-board clock oscillator
NET "reset" LOC = T14; # Push Button BTN_NORTH
# UART Peripheral
NET "uart_stx" LOC = E15; # RS232 Serial port ( DTE Connector )
NET "uart_srx" LOC = F16; #
NET "io_pins<0>" LOC = R20;
NET "io_pins<1>" LOC = T19;
NET "io_pins<2>" LOC = U20;
NET "io_pins<3>" LOC = U19;
NET "io_pins<4>" LOC = V19;
NET "io_pins<5>" LOC = V20;
NET "io_pins<6>" LOC = Y22;
NET "io_pins<7>" LOC = W21;
NET "i_pins<0>" LOC = V8;
NET "i_pins<1>" LOC = U10;
NET "i_pins<2>" LOC = U8;
NET "i_pins<3>" LOC = T9;
NET "i_pins<4>" LOC = T16;
NET "i_pins<5>" LOC = U15;
#NET "i_pins<6>" LOC = ;
NET "i_pins<7>" LOC = T15;
# Pin constraints including the IOSTANDARD and DRIVE
# Reference : Spartan-3A/3AN FPGA Starter Kit Board User Guide ( UG334 v1.1 )
#NET "uart_stx" LOC = E15 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33 | DRIVE = 8 | SLEW = SLOW ;
#NET "uart_srx" LOC = F16 | IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
0,0 → 1,130
// Define FPGA manufacturer
//`define GENERIC_FPGA
//`define ALTERA_FPGA
// Define FPGA Model (comment all out for ALTERA)
//`define SPARTAN2
//`define SPARTAN3
//`define SPARTAN3E
`define SPARTAN3A
//`define VIRTEX
//`define VIRTEX2
//`define VIRTEX4
//`define VIRTEX5
// Memory
`define MEMORY_ADR_WIDTH 13 //MEMORY_ADR_WIDTH IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE LESS THAN 12, memory is composed by blocks of address width 11
//Address width of memory -> select memory depth, 2 powers MEMORY_ADR_WIDTH defines the memory depth
//the memory data width is 32 bit, memory amount in Bytes = 4*memory depth
// Memory type (uncomment something if ASIC or generic memory)
//`define AVANT_ATP
//`define VIRAGE_SSP
// TAP selection
//`define GENERIC_TAP
`define FPGA_TAP
// Clock Division selection
`define FPGA_CLOCK_DIVISION //Altera ALTPLL is not implemented, didn't find the code for its verilog instantiation
//if you selected altera and this, the GENERIC_CLOCK_DIVISION will be automatically taken
// Define division
`define CLOCK_DIVISOR 5 //in case of GENERIC_CLOCK_DIVISION the real value will be rounded down to an even value
//in FPGA case, check minsoc_clock_manager for allowed divisors
// Reset polarity
//`define NEGATIVE_RESET; //rstn
`define POSITIVE_RESET; //rst
// Start-up circuit (only necessary later to load firmware automatically from SPI memory)
//`define START_UP
// Connected modules
`define UART
//`define ETHERNET
`define GPIO
// Ethernet reset
//`define ETH_RESET 1'b0
`define ETH_RESET 1'b1
// GPIO Pins
`define GPIO_NUM_INPUT 4'd8
`define GPIO_NUM_OUTPUT 4'd0
`define GPIO_NUM_BIDIR 4'd8
// Interrupts
`define APP_INT_RES1 1:0
`define APP_INT_UART 2
`define APP_INT_RES2 3
`define APP_INT_ETH 4
`define APP_INT_PS2 5
`define APP_INT_GPIO 6
`define APP_INT_RES3 19:7
// Address map
`define APP_ADDR_DEC_W 8
`define APP_ADDR_DECP_W 4
`define APP_ADDR_PS2 `APP_ADDR_DEC_W'h94
0,0 → 1,224
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 11:51:27 10/29/2009
// Design Name:
// Module Name: minsoc_spartan_3a_starter_kit_ios
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module minsoc_spartan_3a_starter_kit_ios
// Signals from GPIO Core
// Signals driving external pins
parameter gpio_num = 32;
parameter i_line_num = 8;
parameter o_line_num = 8;
parameter io_line_num= 8;
input [gpio_num-1:0] ext_pad_o;
input [gpio_num-1:0] ext_pad_oe;
output [gpio_num-1:0] ext_pad_i;
input [i_line_num-1:0] i_pins;
output [o_line_num-1:0] o_pins;
inout [io_line_num-1:0] io_pins;
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_0 (
.O(ext_pad_i[0]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[0]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[0]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[0]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_1 (
.O(ext_pad_i[1]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[1]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[1]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[1]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_2 (
.O(ext_pad_i[2]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[2]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[2]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[2]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_3 (
.O(ext_pad_i[3]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[3]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[3]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[3]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_4 (
.O(ext_pad_i[4]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[4]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[4]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[4]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_5 (
.O(ext_pad_i[5]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[5]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[5]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[5]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_6 (
.O(ext_pad_i[6]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[6]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[6]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[6]) // 3-state enable input
.DRIVE(12), // Specify the output drive strength
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), // Specify the I/O standard
.SLEW("SLOW") // Specify the output slew rate
) IOBUF_inst_7 (
.O(ext_pad_i[7]), // Buffer output
.IO(io_pins[7]), // Buffer inout port (connect directly to top-level port)
.I(ext_pad_o[7]), // Buffer input
.T(~ext_pad_oe[7]) // 3-state enable input
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_0 (
.O(ext_pad_i[8]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[0]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_1 (
.O(ext_pad_i[9]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[1]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_2 (
.O(ext_pad_i[10]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[2]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_3 (
.O(ext_pad_i[11]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[3]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_4 (
.O(ext_pad_i[12]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[4]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_5 (
.O(ext_pad_i[13]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[5]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
/* PUSH Button NORTH is RESET.
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_6 (
.O(ext_pad_i[14]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[6]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
.IBUF_DELAY_VALUE("0"), // Specify the amount of added input delay for // the buffer, "0"-"16" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IFD_DELAY_VALUE("AUTO"), // Specify the amount of added delay for input // register, "AUTO", "0"-"8" (Spartan-3E/3A only)
.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT") // Specify the input I/O standard
)IBUF_inst_7 (
.O(ext_pad_i[15]), // Buffer output
.I(i_pins[7]) // Buffer input (connect directly to top-level port)
0,0 → 1,1105
`include "minsoc_defines.v"
`include "or1200_defines.v"
`include "gpio_defines.v"
module minsoc_top (
//JTAG ports
, jtag_tdi,jtag_tms,jtag_tck,
//SPI ports
`ifdef START_UP
, spi_flash_mosi, spi_flash_miso, spi_flash_sclk, spi_flash_ss
//UART ports
`ifdef UART
, uart_stx,uart_srx
// Ethernet ports
, eth_col, eth_crs, eth_trste, eth_tx_clk,
eth_tx_en, eth_tx_er, eth_txd, eth_rx_clk,
eth_rx_dv, eth_rx_er, eth_rxd, eth_fds_mdint,
eth_mdc, eth_mdio
// GPIO ports
`ifdef GPIO
// I/O Ports
input clk;
input reset;
// SPI controller external i/f wires
`ifdef START_UP
output spi_flash_mosi;
input spi_flash_miso;
output spi_flash_sclk;
output [1:0] spi_flash_ss;
`ifdef UART
output uart_stx;
input uart_srx;
// Ethernet
output eth_tx_er;
input eth_tx_clk;
output eth_tx_en;
output [3:0] eth_txd;
input eth_rx_er;
input eth_rx_clk;
input eth_rx_dv;
input [3:0] eth_rxd;
input eth_col;
input eth_crs;
output eth_trste;
input eth_fds_mdint;
inout eth_mdio;
output eth_mdc;
`ifdef GPIO
input [`GPIO_NUM_INPUT-1:0] i_pins;
output [`GPIO_NUM_OUTPUT-1:0] o_pins;
inout [`GPIO_NUM_BIDIR-1:0] io_pins;
input jtag_tdi;
input jtag_tms;
input jtag_tck;
output jtag_tdo;
output jtag_vref;
output jtag_gnd;
assign jtag_vref = 1'b1;
assign jtag_gnd = 1'b0;
wire rstn;
assign rstn = ~reset;
assign rstn = reset;
// Internal wires
// Debug core master i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_dm_adr_o;
wire [31:0] wb_dm_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_dm_dat_o;
wire [3:0] wb_dm_sel_o;
wire wb_dm_we_o;
wire wb_dm_stb_o;
wire wb_dm_cyc_o;
wire wb_dm_ack_i;
wire wb_dm_err_i;
// Debug <-> RISC wires
wire [3:0] dbg_lss;
wire [1:0] dbg_is;
wire [10:0] dbg_wp;
wire dbg_bp;
wire [31:0] dbg_dat_dbg;
wire [31:0] dbg_dat_risc;
wire [31:0] dbg_adr;
wire dbg_ewt;
wire dbg_stall;
wire [2:0] dbg_op; //dbg_op[0] = dbg_we //dbg_op[2] = dbg_stb (didn't change for backward compatibility with DBG_IF_MODEL
wire dbg_ack;
// RISC instruction master i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_rim_adr_o;
wire wb_rim_cyc_o;
wire [31:0] wb_rim_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_rim_dat_o;
wire [3:0] wb_rim_sel_o;
wire wb_rim_ack_i;
wire wb_rim_err_i;
wire wb_rim_rty_i = 1'b0;
wire wb_rim_we_o;
wire wb_rim_stb_o;
wire [31:0] wb_rif_dat_i;
wire wb_rif_ack_i;
// RISC data master i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_rdm_adr_o;
wire wb_rdm_cyc_o;
wire [31:0] wb_rdm_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_rdm_dat_o;
wire [3:0] wb_rdm_sel_o;
wire wb_rdm_ack_i;
wire wb_rdm_err_i;
wire wb_rdm_rty_i = 1'b0;
wire wb_rdm_we_o;
wire wb_rdm_stb_o;
// RISC misc
wire [19:0] pic_ints;
// Flash controller slave i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_fs_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_fs_dat_o;
wire [31:0] wb_fs_adr_i;
wire [3:0] wb_fs_sel_i;
wire wb_fs_we_i;
wire wb_fs_cyc_i;
wire wb_fs_stb_i;
wire wb_fs_ack_o;
wire wb_fs_err_o;
// SPI controller slave i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_sp_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_sp_dat_o;
wire [31:0] wb_sp_adr_i;
wire [3:0] wb_sp_sel_i;
wire wb_sp_we_i;
wire wb_sp_cyc_i;
wire wb_sp_stb_i;
wire wb_sp_ack_o;
wire wb_sp_err_o;
// SPI controller external i/f wires
wire spi_flash_mosi;
wire spi_flash_miso;
wire spi_flash_sclk;
wire [1:0] spi_flash_ss;
// SRAM controller slave i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_ss_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_ss_dat_o;
wire [31:0] wb_ss_adr_i;
wire [3:0] wb_ss_sel_i;
wire wb_ss_we_i;
wire wb_ss_cyc_i;
wire wb_ss_stb_i;
wire wb_ss_ack_o;
wire wb_ss_err_o;
// Ethernet core master i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_em_adr_o;
wire [31:0] wb_em_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_em_dat_o;
wire [3:0] wb_em_sel_o;
wire wb_em_we_o;
wire wb_em_stb_o;
wire wb_em_cyc_o;
wire wb_em_ack_i;
wire wb_em_err_i;
// Ethernet core slave i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_es_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_es_dat_o;
wire [31:0] wb_es_adr_i;
wire [3:0] wb_es_sel_i;
wire wb_es_we_i;
wire wb_es_cyc_i;
wire wb_es_stb_i;
wire wb_es_ack_o;
wire wb_es_err_o;
// Ethernet external i/f wires
wire eth_mdo;
wire eth_mdoe;
// UART16550 core slave i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_us_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_us_dat_o;
wire [31:0] wb_us_adr_i;
wire [3:0] wb_us_sel_i;
wire wb_us_we_i;
wire wb_us_cyc_i;
wire wb_us_stb_i;
wire wb_us_ack_o;
wire wb_us_err_o;
// UART external i/f wires
wire uart_stx;
wire uart_srx;
// GPIO core slave i/f wires
wire [31:0] wb_gpio_dat_i;
wire [31:0] wb_gpio_dat_o;
wire [31:0] wb_gpio_adr_i;
wire [3:0] wb_gpio_sel_i;
wire wb_gpio_we_i;
wire wb_gpio_cyc_i;
wire wb_gpio_stb_i;
wire wb_gpio_ack_o;
wire wb_gpio_err_o;
// Interface to GPIO core - Device specific core
wire [`GPIO_IOS:0] ext_pad_o;
wire [`GPIO_IOS:0] ext_pad_i;
wire [`GPIO_IOS:0] ext_pad_oe_o;
// Reset debounce
reg rst_r;
reg wb_rst;
// Global clock
wire wb_clk;
// Reset debounce
always @(posedge wb_clk or negedge rstn)
if (~rstn)
rst_r <= 1'b1;
rst_r <= #1 1'b0;
// Reset debounce
always @(posedge wb_clk)
wb_rst <= #1 rst_r;
// Clock Divider
minsoc_clock_manager #
clk_adjust (
// Unused WISHBONE signals
assign wb_us_err_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_fs_err_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_sp_err_o = 1'b0;
// Unused interrupts
assign pic_ints[`APP_INT_RES1] = 'b0;
assign pic_ints[`APP_INT_RES2] = 'b0;
assign pic_ints[`APP_INT_RES3] = 'b0;
assign pic_ints[`APP_INT_PS2] = 'b0;
// Ethernet tri-state
assign eth_mdio = eth_mdoe ? eth_mdo : 1'bz;
assign eth_trste = `ETH_RESET;
// RISC Instruction address for Flash
// Until first access to real Flash area,
// CPU instruction is fixed to jump to the Flash area.
// After Flash area is accessed, CPU instructions
// come from the tc_top (wishbone "switch").
`ifdef START_UP
reg jump_flash;
reg [3:0] rif_counter;
reg [31:0] rif_dat_int;
reg rif_ack_int;
always @(posedge wb_clk or negedge rstn)
if (!rstn) begin
jump_flash <= #1 1'b1;
rif_counter <= 4'h0;
rif_ack_int <= 1'b0;
else begin
rif_ack_int <= 1'b0;
if (wb_rim_cyc_o && (wb_rim_adr_o[31:32-`APP_ADDR_DEC_W] == `APP_ADDR_FLASH))
jump_flash <= #1 1'b0;
if ( jump_flash == 1'b1 ) begin
if ( wb_rim_cyc_o && wb_rim_stb_o && ~wb_rim_we_o ) begin
rif_counter <= rif_counter + 1'b1;
rif_ack_int <= 1'b1;
always @ (rif_counter)
case ( rif_counter )
4'h0: rif_dat_int = { `OR1200_OR32_MOVHI , 5'h01 , 4'h0 , 1'b0 , `APP_ADDR_FLASH , 8'h00 };
4'h1: rif_dat_int = { `OR1200_OR32_ORI , 5'h01 , 5'h01 , 16'h0000 };
4'h2: rif_dat_int = { `OR1200_OR32_JR , 10'h000 , 5'h01 , 11'h000 };
4'h3: rif_dat_int = { `OR1200_OR32_NOP , 10'h000 , 16'h0000 };
default: rif_dat_int = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_rif_dat_i = jump_flash ? rif_dat_int : wb_rim_dat_i;
assign wb_rif_ack_i = jump_flash ? rif_ack_int : wb_rim_ack_i;
assign wb_rif_dat_i = wb_rim_dat_i;
assign wb_rif_ack_i = wb_rim_ack_i;
// TAP<->dbg_interface
wire jtag_tck;
wire debug_tdi;
wire debug_tdo;
wire capture_dr;
wire shift_dr;
wire pause_dr;
wire update_dr;
wire debug_select;
wire test_logic_reset;
// Instantiation of the development i/f
adbg_top dbg_top (
// JTAG pins
.tck_i ( jtag_tck ),
.tdi_i ( debug_tdi ),
.tdo_o ( debug_tdo ),
.rst_i ( test_logic_reset ), //cable without rst
// Boundary Scan signals
.capture_dr_i ( capture_dr ),
.shift_dr_i ( shift_dr ),
.pause_dr_i ( pause_dr ),
.update_dr_i ( update_dr ),
.debug_select_i( debug_select ),
// WISHBONE common
.wb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
// WISHBONE master interface
.wb_adr_o ( wb_dm_adr_o ),
.wb_dat_i ( wb_dm_dat_i ),
.wb_dat_o ( wb_dm_dat_o ),
.wb_sel_o ( wb_dm_sel_o ),
.wb_we_o ( wb_dm_we_o ),
.wb_stb_o ( wb_dm_stb_o ),
.wb_cyc_o ( wb_dm_cyc_o ),
.wb_ack_i ( wb_dm_ack_i ),
.wb_err_i ( wb_dm_err_i ),
.wb_cti_o ( ),
.wb_bte_o ( ),
// RISC signals
.cpu0_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.cpu0_addr_o ( dbg_adr ),
.cpu0_data_i ( dbg_dat_risc ),
.cpu0_data_o ( dbg_dat_dbg ),
.cpu0_bp_i ( dbg_bp ),
.cpu0_stall_o( dbg_stall ),
.cpu0_stb_o ( dbg_op[2] ),
.cpu0_we_o ( dbg_op[0] ),
.cpu0_ack_i ( dbg_ack ),
.cpu0_rst_o ( )
// JTAG TAP controller instantiation
tap_top tap_top(
// JTAG pads
.tdo_padoe_o( ),
// TAP states
.test_logic_reset_o( test_logic_reset ),
// Select signals for boundary scan or mbist
// TDO signal that is connected to TDI of sub-modules.
// TDI signals from sub-modules
.debug_tdo_i(debug_tdo), // from debug module
.bs_chain_tdo_i(1'b0), // from Boundary Scan Chain
.mbist_tdo_i(1'b0) // from Mbist Chain
`elsif FPGA_TAP
altera_virtual_jtag tap_top(
minsoc_xilinx_internal_jtag tap_top(
.tck_o( jtag_tck ),
.debug_tdo_i( debug_tdo ),
.tdi_o( debug_tdi ),
.test_logic_reset_o( test_logic_reset ),
.run_test_idle_o( ),
.shift_dr_o( shift_dr ),
.capture_dr_o( capture_dr ),
.pause_dr_o( pause_dr ),
.update_dr_o( update_dr ),
.debug_select_o( debug_select )
`endif // !FPGA_TAP
`endif // !GENERIC_TAP
// Instantiation of the OR1200 RISC
or1200_top or1200_top (
// Common
.rst_i ( wb_rst ),
.clk_i ( wb_clk ),
`ifdef OR1200_CLMODE_1TO2
.clmode_i ( 2'b01 ),
`ifdef OR1200_CLMODE_1TO4
.clmode_i ( 2'b11 ),
.clmode_i ( 2'b00 ),
// WISHBONE Instruction Master
.iwb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.iwb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
.iwb_cyc_o ( wb_rim_cyc_o ),
.iwb_adr_o ( wb_rim_adr_o ),
.iwb_dat_i ( wb_rif_dat_i ),
.iwb_dat_o ( wb_rim_dat_o ),
.iwb_sel_o ( wb_rim_sel_o ),
.iwb_ack_i ( wb_rif_ack_i ),
.iwb_err_i ( wb_rim_err_i ),
.iwb_rty_i ( wb_rim_rty_i ),
.iwb_we_o ( wb_rim_we_o ),
.iwb_stb_o ( wb_rim_stb_o ),
// WISHBONE Data Master
.dwb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.dwb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
.dwb_cyc_o ( wb_rdm_cyc_o ),
.dwb_adr_o ( wb_rdm_adr_o ),
.dwb_dat_i ( wb_rdm_dat_i ),
.dwb_dat_o ( wb_rdm_dat_o ),
.dwb_sel_o ( wb_rdm_sel_o ),
.dwb_ack_i ( wb_rdm_ack_i ),
.dwb_err_i ( wb_rdm_err_i ),
.dwb_rty_i ( wb_rdm_rty_i ),
.dwb_we_o ( wb_rdm_we_o ),
.dwb_stb_o ( wb_rdm_stb_o ),
// Debug
.dbg_stall_i ( dbg_stall ),
.dbg_dat_i ( dbg_dat_dbg ),
.dbg_adr_i ( dbg_adr ),
.dbg_ewt_i ( 1'b0 ),
.dbg_lss_o ( dbg_lss ),
.dbg_is_o ( dbg_is ),
.dbg_wp_o ( dbg_wp ),
.dbg_bp_o ( dbg_bp ),
.dbg_dat_o ( dbg_dat_risc ),
.dbg_ack_o ( dbg_ack ),
.dbg_stb_i ( dbg_op[2] ),
.dbg_we_i ( dbg_op[0] ),
// Power Management
.pm_clksd_o ( ),
.pm_cpustall_i ( 1'b0 ),
.pm_dc_gate_o ( ),
.pm_ic_gate_o ( ),
.pm_dmmu_gate_o ( ),
.pm_immu_gate_o ( ),
.pm_tt_gate_o ( ),
.pm_cpu_gate_o ( ),
.pm_wakeup_o ( ),
.pm_lvolt_o ( ),
// Interrupts
.pic_ints_i ( pic_ints )
// Startup OR1k
`ifdef START_UP
OR1K_startup OR1K_startup0
spi_flash_top #
assign wb_fs_dat_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_fs_ack_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_sp_dat_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_sp_ack_o = 1'b0;
// Instantiation of the SRAM controller
minsoc_onchip_ram_top #
.adr_width(`MEMORY_ADR_WIDTH) //16 blocks of 2048 bytes memory 32768
onchip_ram_top (
// WISHBONE common
.wb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.wb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
// WISHBONE slave
.wb_dat_i ( wb_ss_dat_i ),
.wb_dat_o ( wb_ss_dat_o ),
.wb_adr_i ( wb_ss_adr_i ),
.wb_sel_i ( wb_ss_sel_i ),
.wb_we_i ( wb_ss_we_i ),
.wb_cyc_i ( wb_ss_cyc_i ),
.wb_stb_i ( wb_ss_stb_i ),
.wb_ack_o ( wb_ss_ack_o ),
.wb_err_o ( wb_ss_err_o )
// Instantiation of the UART16550
`ifdef UART
uart_top uart_top (
// WISHBONE common
.wb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.wb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
// WISHBONE slave
.wb_adr_i ( wb_us_adr_i[4:0] ),
.wb_dat_i ( wb_us_dat_i ),
.wb_dat_o ( wb_us_dat_o ),
.wb_we_i ( wb_us_we_i ),
.wb_stb_i ( wb_us_stb_i ),
.wb_cyc_i ( wb_us_cyc_i ),
.wb_ack_o ( wb_us_ack_o ),
.wb_sel_i ( wb_us_sel_i ),
// Interrupt request
.int_o ( pic_ints[`APP_INT_UART] ),
// UART signals
// serial input/output
.stx_pad_o ( uart_stx ),
.srx_pad_i ( uart_srx ),
// modem signals
.rts_pad_o ( ),
.cts_pad_i ( 1'b0 ),
.dtr_pad_o ( ),
.dsr_pad_i ( 1'b0 ),
.ri_pad_i ( 1'b0 ),
.dcd_pad_i ( 1'b0 )
assign wb_us_dat_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_us_ack_o = 1'b0;
// Instantiation of the GPIO
`ifdef GPIO
gpio_top #( .gw(`GPIO_IOS + 1) )
gpio_top_inst (
// WISHBONE common
.wb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.wb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
// WISHBONE slave
.wb_adr_i ( wb_gpio_adr_i[4:0] ),
.wb_dat_i ( wb_gpio_dat_i ),
.wb_dat_o ( wb_gpio_dat_o ),
.wb_we_i ( wb_gpio_we_i ),
.wb_stb_i ( wb_gpio_stb_i ),
.wb_cyc_i ( wb_gpio_cyc_i ),
.wb_ack_o ( wb_gpio_ack_o ),
.wb_sel_i ( wb_gpio_sel_i ),
// Interrupt request
.wb_inta_o ( pic_ints[`APP_INT_GPIO] ),
// GPIO external signals
.ext_pad_o ( ext_pad_o ),
.ext_pad_i ( ext_pad_i ),
.ext_padoe_o( ext_pad_oe_o )
minsoc_spartan_3a_starter_kit_ios #( .gpio_num(`GPIO_IOS + 1),
) minsoc_spartan_3a_starter_kit_ios_inst_0 (
.ext_pad_o( ext_pad_o ),
.ext_pad_oe( ext_pad_oe_o ),
.ext_pad_i( ext_pad_i ),
.i_pins( i_pins ),
.i_pins( ),
.o_pins( o_pins ),
.o_pins( ),
.io_pins( io_pins )
.io_pins( )
assign wb_gpio_dat_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_gpio_ack_o = 1'b0;
// Instantiation of the Ethernet 10/100 MAC
eth_top eth_top (
// WISHBONE common
.wb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.wb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
// WISHBONE slave
.wb_dat_i ( wb_es_dat_i ),
.wb_dat_o ( wb_es_dat_o ),
.wb_adr_i ( wb_es_adr_i[11:2] ),
.wb_sel_i ( wb_es_sel_i ),
.wb_we_i ( wb_es_we_i ),
.wb_cyc_i ( wb_es_cyc_i ),
.wb_stb_i ( wb_es_stb_i ),
.wb_ack_o ( wb_es_ack_o ),
.wb_err_o ( wb_es_err_o ),
// WISHBONE master
.m_wb_adr_o ( wb_em_adr_o ),
.m_wb_sel_o ( wb_em_sel_o ),
.m_wb_we_o ( wb_em_we_o ),
.m_wb_dat_o ( wb_em_dat_o ),
.m_wb_dat_i ( wb_em_dat_i ),
.m_wb_cyc_o ( wb_em_cyc_o ),
.m_wb_stb_o ( wb_em_stb_o ),
.m_wb_ack_i ( wb_em_ack_i ),
.m_wb_err_i ( wb_em_err_i ),
// TX
.mtx_clk_pad_i ( eth_tx_clk ),
.mtxd_pad_o ( eth_txd ),
.mtxen_pad_o ( eth_tx_en ),
.mtxerr_pad_o ( eth_tx_er ),
// RX
.mrx_clk_pad_i ( eth_rx_clk ),
.mrxd_pad_i ( eth_rxd ),
.mrxdv_pad_i ( eth_rx_dv ),
.mrxerr_pad_i ( eth_rx_er ),
.mcoll_pad_i ( eth_col ),
.mcrs_pad_i ( eth_crs ),
.mdc_pad_o ( eth_mdc ),
.md_pad_i ( eth_mdio ),
.md_pad_o ( eth_mdo ),
.md_padoe_o ( eth_mdoe ),
// Interrupt
.int_o ( pic_ints[`APP_INT_ETH] )
assign wb_es_dat_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_es_ack_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_em_adr_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_em_sel_o = 4'h0;
assign wb_em_we_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_em_dat_o = 32'h0000_0000;
assign wb_em_cyc_o = 1'b0;
assign wb_em_stb_o = 1'b0;
// Instantiation of the Traffic COP
minsoc_tc_top #(`APP_ADDR_DEC_W,
) tc_top (
// WISHBONE common
.wb_clk_i ( wb_clk ),
.wb_rst_i ( wb_rst ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 0
.i0_wb_cyc_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i0_wb_stb_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i0_wb_adr_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i0_wb_sel_i ( 4'b0000 ),
.i0_wb_we_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i0_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i0_wb_dat_o ( ),
.i0_wb_ack_o ( ),
.i0_wb_err_o ( ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 1
.i1_wb_cyc_i ( wb_em_cyc_o ),
.i1_wb_stb_i ( wb_em_stb_o ),
.i1_wb_adr_i ( wb_em_adr_o ),
.i1_wb_sel_i ( wb_em_sel_o ),
.i1_wb_we_i ( wb_em_we_o ),
.i1_wb_dat_i ( wb_em_dat_o ),
.i1_wb_dat_o ( wb_em_dat_i ),
.i1_wb_ack_o ( wb_em_ack_i ),
.i1_wb_err_o ( wb_em_err_i ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 2
.i2_wb_cyc_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i2_wb_stb_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i2_wb_adr_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i2_wb_sel_i ( 4'b0000 ),
.i2_wb_we_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i2_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i2_wb_dat_o ( ),
.i2_wb_ack_o ( ),
.i2_wb_err_o ( ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 3
.i3_wb_cyc_i ( wb_dm_cyc_o ),
.i3_wb_stb_i ( wb_dm_stb_o ),
.i3_wb_adr_i ( wb_dm_adr_o ),
.i3_wb_sel_i ( wb_dm_sel_o ),
.i3_wb_we_i ( wb_dm_we_o ),
.i3_wb_dat_i ( wb_dm_dat_o ),
.i3_wb_dat_o ( wb_dm_dat_i ),
.i3_wb_ack_o ( wb_dm_ack_i ),
.i3_wb_err_o ( wb_dm_err_i ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 4
.i4_wb_cyc_i ( wb_rdm_cyc_o ),
.i4_wb_stb_i ( wb_rdm_stb_o ),
.i4_wb_adr_i ( wb_rdm_adr_o ),
.i4_wb_sel_i ( wb_rdm_sel_o ),
.i4_wb_we_i ( wb_rdm_we_o ),
.i4_wb_dat_i ( wb_rdm_dat_o ),
.i4_wb_dat_o ( wb_rdm_dat_i ),
.i4_wb_ack_o ( wb_rdm_ack_i ),
.i4_wb_err_o ( wb_rdm_err_i ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 5
.i5_wb_cyc_i ( wb_rim_cyc_o ),
.i5_wb_stb_i ( wb_rim_stb_o ),
.i5_wb_adr_i ( wb_rim_adr_o ),
.i5_wb_sel_i ( wb_rim_sel_o ),
.i5_wb_we_i ( wb_rim_we_o ),
.i5_wb_dat_i ( wb_rim_dat_o ),
.i5_wb_dat_o ( wb_rim_dat_i ),
.i5_wb_ack_o ( wb_rim_ack_i ),
.i5_wb_err_o ( wb_rim_err_i ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 6
.i6_wb_cyc_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i6_wb_stb_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i6_wb_adr_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i6_wb_sel_i ( 4'b0000 ),
.i6_wb_we_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i6_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i6_wb_dat_o ( ),
.i6_wb_ack_o ( ),
.i6_wb_err_o ( ),
// WISHBONE Initiator 7
.i7_wb_cyc_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i7_wb_stb_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i7_wb_adr_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i7_wb_sel_i ( 4'b0000 ),
.i7_wb_we_i ( 1'b0 ),
.i7_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.i7_wb_dat_o ( ),
.i7_wb_ack_o ( ),
.i7_wb_err_o ( ),
// WISHBONE Target 0
.t0_wb_cyc_o ( wb_ss_cyc_i ),
.t0_wb_stb_o ( wb_ss_stb_i ),
.t0_wb_adr_o ( wb_ss_adr_i ),
.t0_wb_sel_o ( wb_ss_sel_i ),
.t0_wb_we_o ( wb_ss_we_i ),
.t0_wb_dat_o ( wb_ss_dat_i ),
.t0_wb_dat_i ( wb_ss_dat_o ),
.t0_wb_ack_i ( wb_ss_ack_o ),
.t0_wb_err_i ( wb_ss_err_o ),
// WISHBONE Target 1
.t1_wb_cyc_o ( wb_fs_cyc_i ),
.t1_wb_stb_o ( wb_fs_stb_i ),
.t1_wb_adr_o ( wb_fs_adr_i ),
.t1_wb_sel_o ( wb_fs_sel_i ),
.t1_wb_we_o ( wb_fs_we_i ),
.t1_wb_dat_o ( wb_fs_dat_i ),
.t1_wb_dat_i ( wb_fs_dat_o ),
.t1_wb_ack_i ( wb_fs_ack_o ),
.t1_wb_err_i ( wb_fs_err_o ),
// WISHBONE Target 2
.t2_wb_cyc_o ( wb_sp_cyc_i ),
.t2_wb_stb_o ( wb_sp_stb_i ),
.t2_wb_adr_o ( wb_sp_adr_i ),
.t2_wb_sel_o ( wb_sp_sel_i ),
.t2_wb_we_o ( wb_sp_we_i ),
.t2_wb_dat_o ( wb_sp_dat_i ),
.t2_wb_dat_i ( wb_sp_dat_o ),
.t2_wb_ack_i ( wb_sp_ack_o ),
.t2_wb_err_i ( wb_sp_err_o ),
// WISHBONE Target 3
.t3_wb_cyc_o ( wb_es_cyc_i ),
.t3_wb_stb_o ( wb_es_stb_i ),
.t3_wb_adr_o ( wb_es_adr_i ),
.t3_wb_sel_o ( wb_es_sel_i ),
.t3_wb_we_o ( wb_es_we_i ),
.t3_wb_dat_o ( wb_es_dat_i ),
.t3_wb_dat_i ( wb_es_dat_o ),
.t3_wb_ack_i ( wb_es_ack_o ),
.t3_wb_err_i ( wb_es_err_o ),
// WISHBONE Target 4
.t4_wb_cyc_o ( ),
.t4_wb_stb_o ( ),
.t4_wb_adr_o ( ),
.t4_wb_sel_o ( ),
.t4_wb_we_o ( ),
.t4_wb_dat_o ( ),
.t4_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.t4_wb_ack_i ( 1'b0 ),
.t4_wb_err_i ( 1'b1 ),
// WISHBONE Target 5
.t5_wb_cyc_o ( wb_us_cyc_i ),
.t5_wb_stb_o ( wb_us_stb_i ),
.t5_wb_adr_o ( wb_us_adr_i ),
.t5_wb_sel_o ( wb_us_sel_i ),
.t5_wb_we_o ( wb_us_we_i ),
.t5_wb_dat_o ( wb_us_dat_i ),
.t5_wb_dat_i ( wb_us_dat_o ),
.t5_wb_ack_i ( wb_us_ack_o ),
.t5_wb_err_i ( wb_us_err_o ),
// WISHBONE Target 6
.t6_wb_cyc_o ( ),
.t6_wb_stb_o ( ),
.t6_wb_adr_o ( ),
.t6_wb_sel_o ( ),
.t6_wb_we_o ( ),
.t6_wb_dat_o ( ),
.t6_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.t6_wb_ack_i ( 1'b0 ),
.t6_wb_err_i ( 1'b1 ),
// WISHBONE Target 7
.t7_wb_cyc_o ( wb_gpio_cyc_i ),
.t7_wb_stb_o ( wb_gpio_stb_i ),
.t7_wb_adr_o ( wb_gpio_adr_i ),
.t7_wb_sel_o ( wb_gpio_sel_i ),
.t7_wb_we_o ( wb_gpio_we_i ),
.t7_wb_dat_o ( wb_gpio_dat_i ),
.t7_wb_dat_i ( wb_gpio_dat_o ),
.t7_wb_ack_i ( wb_gpio_ack_o ),
.t7_wb_err_i ( wb_gpio_err_o ),
// WISHBONE Target 8
.t8_wb_cyc_o ( ),
.t8_wb_stb_o ( ),
.t8_wb_adr_o ( ),
.t8_wb_sel_o ( ),
.t8_wb_we_o ( ),
.t8_wb_dat_o ( ),
.t8_wb_dat_i ( 32'h0000_0000 ),
.t8_wb_ack_i ( 1'b0 ),
.t8_wb_err_i ( 1'b1 )
//initial begin
// $dumpvars(0);
// $dumpfile("dump.vcd");
0,0 → 1,225
#include "../support/support.h"
#include "../support/board.h"
#include "../support/spr_defs.h"
#include "../drivers/uart.h"
#include "gpio.h"
void gpio_init(gpio_t *gpio, long instance_num, unsigned long base_addr)
int i = MIN_GPIO_BIT;
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
gpio->instance_num = instance_num;
gpio->base_addr = (unsigned char*)base_addr;
for ( ;i<=MAX_GPIO_BIT;i++)
gpio->vectors[i].vec = NULL;
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_config_bit(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned long bit, iotype_t io)
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
if ( io == IO_INPUT ) {
gpio->io_config |= (1 << bit);
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OE_REG_OFFSET) &= (~(1 << bit));
} else {
gpio->io_config &= (~(1 << bit));
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OE_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_set_bit(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned long bit, unsigned long val)
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
if ( val != 0 )
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OUT_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OUT_REG_OFFSET) &= (~(1 << bit));
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_get_bit(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned long bit, unsigned long *val)
unsigned long temp;
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
temp = *(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + IN_REG_OFFSET);
*val = (temp & (1 << bit))? 1 : 0;
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_add_interrupt(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned int bit, edge_t edge,void (*func)() )
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
if ( ( gpio->io_config &(1 << bit)) != 0 ) { // Port bit is configured as IO_INPUT
// Disable the interrupts
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET) &= (~0x01);
// Enable the interrupt bit
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + INTE_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
// Enable the edge type
if ( edge == POS_EDGE )
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + PTRIG_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + PTRIG_REG_OFFSET) &= (~(1 << bit));
// Set the function vector
gpio->vectors[bit].vec = func;
int_add( 6, gpio_interrupt, gpio );
// Re-enable the global control bit
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET) |= 0x01;
} else {
// Port is configured as IO_OUTPUT
uart_print_str("gpio pin is not an input pin.\n");
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_interrupt(gpio_t *gpio)
int i;
unsigned long int interrupt_status;
if ( (*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET)) & 0x02 )
// Interrupt is pending here
interrupt_status = *(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + INTS_REG_OFFSET);
// Prioritize from lower bits(0) to higher ones(31)
for ( i=MIN_GPIO_BIT; i<=MAX_GPIO_BIT; i++ ) {
if ( (interrupt_status & (1<<i)) ) {
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + INTS_REG_OFFSET) &= (~( 1 << i ));
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET) &= (~0x02);
void hello_east()
uart_print_str("Hello from PUSH Button EAST.\n");
void hello_west()
uart_print_str("Hello from PUSH Button WEST.\n");
void hello_south()
uart_print_str("Hello from PUSH Button SOUTH.\n");
#define MAX_COUNT 10
int main()
gpio_t gpio_1;
unsigned long t0, t1, t2, t3;
unsigned long count = 0;
gpio_init( &gpio_1, 1, GPIO_BASE );
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_4, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_5, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_6, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, IO_OUTPUT);
while ( count++ < MAX_COUNT ) {
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_4, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_4, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_5, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_5, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_6, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_6, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, 1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, 0 );
0,0 → 1,13
#include "../support/support.h"
#include "../support/board.h"
#include "../drivers/tick.h"
extern int tick_int;
void udelay(void)
while (!tick_int);
0,0 → 1,76
#ifndef __GPIO_H__
#define __GPIO_H__
#define MIN_GPIO_BIT 0
#define MAX_GPIO_BIT 31
#define IN_REG_OFFSET 0x00
#define OUT_REG_OFFSET 0x04
#define OE_REG_OFFSET 0x08
#define INTE_REG_OFFSET 0x0C
#define PTRIG_REG_OFFSET 0x10
#define AUX_REG_OFFSET 0x14
#define CTRL_REG_OFFSET 0x18
#define INTS_REG_OFFSET 0x1C
#define ECLK_REG_OFFSET 0x20
#define NEC_REG_OFFSET 0x24
typedef struct vector_t_
void (*vec)();
} vector_t;
typedef struct gpio_t_
volatile unsigned char *base_addr;
unsigned int instance_num;
unsigned int io_config;
vector_t vectors[TOTAL_GPIO_BITS];
} gpio_t;
typedef enum iotype_t_
} iotype_t;
typedef enum edge_t_
} edge_t;
#define LED_0 0x00
#define LED_1 0x01
#define LED_2 0x02
#define LED_3 0x03
#define LED_4 0x04
#define LED_5 0x05
#define LED_6 0x06
#define LED_7 0x07
#define DIP_0 0x08
#define DIP_1 0x09
#define DIP_2 0x0A
#define DIP_3 0x0B
#define PUSH_EAST 0x0C
#define PUSH_WEST 0x0D
#define PUSH_NORTH 0x0E
#define PUSH_SOUTH 0x0F
void gpio_init(gpio_t *, long, unsigned long);
void gpio_config_bit(gpio_t *, unsigned long, iotype_t);
void gpio_set_bit(gpio_t *, unsigned long, unsigned long);
void gpio_get_bit(gpio_t *, unsigned long, unsigned long *);
void gpio_add_interrupt(gpio_t *, unsigned int, edge_t,void (*func)() );
void gpio_interrupt(gpio_t *gpio);
0,0 → 1,26
include ../support/
drivers = ../drivers/libdrivers.a
cases = gpio-nocache gpio-icdc
common = ../support/libsupport.a ../support/except.o
all: $(cases)
gpio-nocache: gpio.o udelay.o ../support/reset-nocache.o $(common) $(drivers)
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $(GCC_LIB_OPTS) -T ../support/orp.ld $? -o $@.or32
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-objcopy -O binary $@.or32 $@.bin
../utils/bin2hex $@.bin 1 -size_word > $@$(FLASH_MEM_HEX_FILE_SUFFIX).hex
../utils/bin2vmem $@.bin > $@.vmem
gpio-icdc: gpio.o udelay.o ../support/reset-icdc.o $(common) $(drivers)
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $(GCC_LIB_OPTS) -T ../support/orp.ld $? -o $@.or32
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-objcopy -O binary $@.or32 $@.bin
../utils/bin2hex $@.bin 1 -size_word > $@$(FLASH_MEM_HEX_FILE_SUFFIX).hex
../utils/bin2vmem $@.bin > $@.vmem
gpio.o: gpio.c
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $? -c -o $@
udelay.o: udelay.c
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $? -c -o $@
0,0 → 1,351
#include "../support/support.h"
#include "../support/board.h"
#include "../support/uart.h"
#include "../support/spr_defs.h"
#include "gpio.h"
void uart_print_str(char *);
void uart_print_long(unsigned long);
// Dummy or32 except vectors
void buserr_except(){}
void dpf_except(){}
void ipf_except(){}
void lpint_except(){}
void align_except(){}
void illegal_except(){}
/*void hpint_except(){
void dtlbmiss_except(){}
void itlbmiss_except(){}
void range_except(){}
void syscall_except(){}
void res1_except(){}
void trap_except(){}
void res2_except(){}
void uart_interrupt()
char lala;
unsigned char interrupt_id;
interrupt_id = REG8(UART_BASE + UART_IIR);
if ( interrupt_id & UART_IIR_RDI )
lala = uart_getc();
void uart_print_str(char *p)
while(*p != 0) {
void uart_print_long(unsigned long ul)
int i;
char c;
for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
c = (char) (ul>>((7-i)*4)) & 0xf;
if(c >= 0x0 && c<=0x9)
c += '0';
c += 'a' - 10;
void uart_print_short(unsigned long ul)
int i;
char c;
char flag=0;
for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
c = (char) (ul>>((7-i)*4)) & 0xf;
if(c >= 0x0 && c<=0x9)
c += '0';
c += 'a' - 10;
if ((c != '0') || (i==7))
void gpio_init(gpio_t *gpio, long instance_num, unsigned long base_addr)
int i = MIN_GPIO_BIT;
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
gpio->instance_num = instance_num;
gpio->base_addr = (unsigned char*)base_addr;
for ( ;i<=MAX_GPIO_BIT;i++)
gpio->vectors[i].vec = NULL;
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_config_bit(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned long bit, iotype_t io)
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
if ( io == IO_INPUT ) {
gpio->io_config |= (1 << bit);
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OE_REG_OFFSET) &= (~(1 << bit));
} else {
gpio->io_config &= (~(1 << bit));
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OE_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_set_bit(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned long bit, unsigned long val)
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
if ( val != 0 )
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OUT_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + OUT_REG_OFFSET) &= (~(1 << bit));
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_get_bit(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned long bit, unsigned long *val)
unsigned long temp;
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
temp = *(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + IN_REG_OFFSET);
*val = (temp & (1 << bit))? 1 : 0;
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_add_interrupt(gpio_t *gpio, unsigned int bit, edge_t edge,void (*func)() )
if ( gpio != NULL ) {
if ( ( gpio->io_config &(1 << bit)) != 0 ) { // Port bit is configured as IO_INPUT
// Disable the interrupts
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET) &= (~0x01);
// Enable the interrupt bit
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + INTE_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
// Enable the edge type
if ( edge == POS_EDGE )
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + PTRIG_REG_OFFSET) |= (1 << bit);
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + PTRIG_REG_OFFSET) &= (~(1 << bit));
// Set the function vector
gpio->vectors[bit].vec = func;
int_add( 6, gpio_interrupt, gpio );
// Re-enable the global control bit
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET) |= 0x01;
} else {
// Port is configured as IO_OUTPUT
uart_print_str("gpio pin is not an input pin.\n");
} else {
// Print the error msgs here
uart_print_str("gpio inst in NULL.\n");
void gpio_interrupt(gpio_t *gpio)
int i;
unsigned long int interrupt_status;
if ( (*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET)) & 0x02 )
// Interrupt is pending here
interrupt_status = *(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + INTS_REG_OFFSET);
// Prioritize from lower bits(0) to higher ones(31)
for ( i=MIN_GPIO_BIT; i<=MAX_GPIO_BIT; i++ ) {
if ( (interrupt_status & (1<<i)) ) {
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + INTS_REG_OFFSET) &= (~( 1 << i ));
*(unsigned long*)(gpio->base_addr + CTRL_REG_OFFSET) &= (~0x02);
void hello_east()
uart_print_str("Hello from PUSH Button EAST.\n");
void hello_west()
uart_print_str("Hello from PUSH Button WEST.\n");
void hello_south()
uart_print_str("Hello from PUSH Button SOUTH.\n");
#define MAX_COUNT 10
int main()
gpio_t gpio_1;
unsigned long t0, t1, t2, t3;
unsigned long count = 0;
gpio_init( &gpio_1, 1, GPIO_BASE );
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_4, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_5, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_6, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, IO_OUTPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_0, IO_INPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_1, IO_INPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_2, IO_INPUT);
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_3, IO_INPUT);
uart_print_str("Demo 1 : Check for running LED patterns on board ...\n");
while ( count++ < MAX_COUNT ) {
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_4, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_4, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_5, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_5, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_6, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_6, 0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, 1 );
udelay( 100000 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_7, 0 );
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, PUSH_EAST, IO_INPUT);
gpio_add_interrupt( &gpio_1, PUSH_EAST, POS_EDGE, hello_east );
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, PUSH_WEST, IO_INPUT);
gpio_add_interrupt( &gpio_1, PUSH_WEST, POS_EDGE, hello_west );
gpio_config_bit( &gpio_1, PUSH_SOUTH, IO_INPUT);
gpio_add_interrupt( &gpio_1, PUSH_SOUTH, POS_EDGE, hello_south );
uart_print_str("Demo 2 : Press the DIP switches and watch corresponding LED glow ...\n");
while (1) {
gpio_get_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_0, &t0 );
gpio_get_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_1, &t1 );
gpio_get_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_2, &t2 );
gpio_get_bit( &gpio_1, DIP_3, &t3 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_0, t0 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_1, t1 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_2, t2 );
gpio_set_bit( &gpio_1, LED_3, t3 );
0,0 → 1,17
#include "../support/support.h"
#include "../support/board.h"
void udelay(unsigned long);
void udelay(unsigned long usecs)
unsigned long i;
unsigned long cycles = usecs / (IN_CLK / 1000000 );
unsigned long mem_dummy;
volatile unsigned long* ptr = &mem_dummy;
for ( i=0; i< cycles; i++)
*ptr = 0xABCD;
0,0 → 1,76
#ifndef __GPIO_H__
#define __GPIO_H__
#define MIN_GPIO_BIT 0
#define MAX_GPIO_BIT 31
#define IN_REG_OFFSET 0x00
#define OUT_REG_OFFSET 0x04
#define OE_REG_OFFSET 0x08
#define INTE_REG_OFFSET 0x0C
#define PTRIG_REG_OFFSET 0x10
#define AUX_REG_OFFSET 0x14
#define CTRL_REG_OFFSET 0x18
#define INTS_REG_OFFSET 0x1C
#define ECLK_REG_OFFSET 0x20
#define NEC_REG_OFFSET 0x24
typedef struct vector_t_
void (*vec)();
} vector_t;
typedef struct gpio_t_
volatile unsigned char *base_addr;
unsigned int instance_num;
unsigned int io_config;
vector_t vectors[TOTAL_GPIO_BITS];
} gpio_t;
typedef enum iotype_t_
} iotype_t;
typedef enum edge_t_
} edge_t;
#define LED_0 0x00
#define LED_1 0x01
#define LED_2 0x02
#define LED_3 0x03
#define LED_4 0x04
#define LED_5 0x05
#define LED_6 0x06
#define LED_7 0x07
#define DIP_0 0x08
#define DIP_1 0x09
#define DIP_2 0x0A
#define DIP_3 0x0B
#define PUSH_EAST 0x0C
#define PUSH_WEST 0x0D
#define PUSH_NORTH 0x0E
#define PUSH_SOUTH 0x0F
void gpio_init(gpio_t *, long, unsigned long);
void gpio_config_bit(gpio_t *, unsigned long, iotype_t);
void gpio_set_bit(gpio_t *, unsigned long, unsigned long);
void gpio_get_bit(gpio_t *, unsigned long, unsigned long *);
void gpio_add_interrupt(gpio_t *, unsigned int, edge_t,void (*func)() );
void gpio_interrupt(gpio_t *gpio);
0,0 → 1,26
include ../support/
cases = gpio-nocache gpio-icdc
common = ../support/libsupport.a ../support/except.o
all: $(cases)
gpio-nocache: gpio.o udelay.o ../support/reset-nocache.o $(common)
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $(GCC_LIB_OPTS) -T ../support/orp.ld $? -o $@.or32
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-objcopy -O binary $@.or32 $@.bin
../utils/bin2hex $@.bin 1 -size_word > $@$(FLASH_MEM_HEX_FILE_SUFFIX).hex
../utils/bin2vmem $@.bin > $@.vmem
gpio-icdc: gpio.o udelay.o ../support/reset-icdc.o
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $(GCC_LIB_OPTS) -T ../support/orp.ld $? -o $@.or32 $(common)
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-objcopy -O binary $@.or32 $@.bin
../utils/bin2hex $@.bin 1 -size_word > $@$(FLASH_MEM_HEX_FILE_SUFFIX).hex
../utils/bin2vmem $@.bin > $@.vmem
gpio.o: gpio.c
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $? -c -o $@
udelay.o: udelay.c
$(OR32_TOOL_PREFIX)-gcc $(GCC_OPT) $? -c -o $@
0,0 → 1,45
# Xanthopoulos Constantinos
# Some useful function for my scripts
function cecho
echo -e "\033[1m\033[33m$1\033[0m"
function cnecho
echo -e -n "\033[0m\033[33m$1\033[0m"
function errormsg
echo -e "\033[1m\033[31mError: $1\033[0m\n";
exit 1;
function execcmd
# Print Message
echo -e "\033[35m$1\033[0m"
# Execute command
echo $2
if [ $DEBUG -ne 1 ];
eval $2;
# Check Execution
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo -e "\033[32mSuccessfully \"$1\"\033[0m\n";
errormsg "$1";
exit 1;
if [ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]
cecho "Debug mode on! Nothing will actually run";
0,0 → 1,4
# TODO list for the setup script
* Install ftdi drivers according to the $ENV
* Test it in cygwin and freebsd.
0,0 → 1,132
# Author: Constantinos Xanthopoulos
# This script install MinSOC tree
# under a specific directory.
# ===== CONFIGURATIONS =====
# ==========================
# Where should I put the dir. minsoc?
# ex. /home/conx/Thesis/
# This variable should be set to trunk
# or to stable.
# This variable should take one of
# the following values depending
# to your system: linux, cygwin, freebsd
# ===================================
# ===== SCRIPT ======
# ===================
# Debug ?
export DEBUG=0;
# User check!
if [ `whoami` = "root" ];
errormsg "You shouldn't be root for this script to run.";
# Wizard
if [ -z ${DIR_TO_INSTALL} ]
cnecho "Give full path (ex. /home/foo/): ";
# Directory exists?
if [ ! -d ${DIR_TO_INSTALL} ]
errormsg "Directory doesn't exist. Please create it";
# Which Version?
if [ -z ${VERSION} ]
while [ "$VERSION" != "trunk" -a "$VERSION" != "stable" ]
cnecho "Select MinSOC Version [stable/trunk]: "
if [ -z ${ENV} ]
while [ "$ENV" != "linux" -a "$ENV" != "cygwin" -a "$ENV" != "freebsd" ]
cnecho "Select build environment [linux/cygwin/freebsd]: "
read ENV;
# Checkout MinSOC
if [ "${VERSION}" = "trunk" ]
execcmd "Download minsoc" "svn co -q minsoc"
execcmd "Download minsoc" "svn co -q minsoc"
cd minsoc/rtl/verilog
execcmd "Checkout adv_jtag_bridge" "svn co -q adv_debug_sys"
execcmd "Checkout ethmac" "svn co -q ethmac"
execcmd "Checkout openrisc" "svn co -q or1200"
execcmd "Checkout uart" "svn co -q uart16550"
cecho "I will now start to compile everything that's needed";
cd ${DIR_TO_INSTALL}/minsoc/sw/utils
echo $PWD
execcmd "Make utils" "make"
cd ../support
execcmd "Make support tools" "make"
cd ../drivers
execcmd "Make drivers" "make"
cd ../uart
execcmd "Make UART" "make"
# adv_jtag_bridge install
cd ${DIR_TO_INSTALL}/minsoc/rtl/verilog/adv_debug_sys/Software/adv_jtag_bridge
# FIXME: install FTDI headers for all build environments
#cecho "Installing FTDI headers! You will be asked to give root pass"
#execcmd "Install FTDI headers" "su -c \"aptitude install libftdi-dev\"";
if [ `grep "INCLUDE_JSP_SERVER=true" Makefile` != "" ]
cecho "Switching off the adv_jtag_bridge JSP_SERVER option";
sed 's/INCLUDE_JSP_SERVER=true/INCLUDE_JSP_SERVER=false/' Makefile > TMPFILE && mv TMPFILE Makefile
if [ "${ENV}" != "cygwin" ]
cecho "Setting the right build environment";
execcmd "Make adv_jtag_bridge" "make"
cecho "Installation Finised"
setup/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: setup/ =================================================================== --- setup/ (nonexistent) +++ setup/ (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Xanthopoulos Constantinos +# Installing OR GNU Toolchain. +# Only tested in Debian Squeeze. + + +# ===== CONFIGURATIONS ===== +# ========================== + +# Where will I put the binaries? +# ex. /opt/openrisc/bin +DIR_TO_INSTALL=""; + +# Debian's kernel architecture {32,64} +# ex. KERNEL_ARCH="32" +KERNEL_ARCH="" + +# ===== SCRIPT ====== +# =================== +export DEBUG=0; +. + +if [ `whoami` == "root" ]; +then + errormsg "You shouldn't be root for this script to run."; +fi; + +if [ ! -d $DIR_TO_INSTALL ] +then + errormsg "Directory doesn't exist. Please create it"; +fi; + +execcmd "Change permissions" "chmod 777 $DIR_TO_INSTALL"; + +cd $DIR_TO_INSTALL; + +if [ $KERNEL_ARCH == "32" ]; +then + execcmd "Download toolchain (it may take a while)" "wget"; +elif [ $KERNEL_ARCH == "64"]; +then + execcmd "Download toolchain (it may take a while)" "wget"; +else + errormsg "Not a correct architecture. Check Configurations"; +fi + +execcmd "Un-tar" "tar xf *bz2"; + +execcmd "Adding toolchain to PATH" "echo \"PATH=\\\$PATH:$DIR_TO_INSTALL/or32-elf/bin/\" >> /home/$(whoami)/.bashrc;"; + +cecho "Install completed"
setup/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: initialized_onchip_ram/minsoc_onchip_ram_top_altera.v =================================================================== --- initialized_onchip_ram/minsoc_onchip_ram_top_altera.v (nonexistent) +++ initialized_onchip_ram/minsoc_onchip_ram_top_altera.v (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Generic Wishbone controller for //// +//// Single-Port Synchronous RAM //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of memory library available from //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// This Wishbone controller connects to the wrapper of //// +//// the single-port synchronous memory interface. //// +//// Besides universal memory due to onchip_ram it provides a //// +//// generic way to set the depth of the memory. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Raul Fajardo, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Revision History +// +// Revision 1.1 2009/10/02 16:49 fajardo +// Not using the oe signal (output enable) from +// memories, instead multiplexing the outputs +// between the different instantiated blocks +// +// +// Revision 1.0 2009/08/18 15:15:00 fajardo +// Created interface and tested +// +`include "minsoc_defines.v" + +`define mem_init_file "uart-nocache.mif" //specific memory initalization file name, which can be intel hex(.hex) or Altera mif file + //if no initalization file used, give a name of "UNUSED" + +module minsoc_onchip_ram_top ( + wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, + + wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o, wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, + wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o +); + +// +// Parameters +// +parameter adr_width = 13; //Memory address width, is composed by blocks of aw_int, is not allowed to be less than 12 +localparam aw_int = 11; //11 = 2048 +localparam blocks = (1<<(adr_width-aw_int)); //generated memory contains "blocks" memory blocks of 2048x32 2048 depth x32 bit data + +// +// I/O Ports +// +input wb_clk_i; +input wb_rst_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f +// +input [31:0] wb_dat_i; +output [31:0] wb_dat_o; +input [31:0] wb_adr_i; +input [3:0] wb_sel_i; +input wb_we_i; +input wb_cyc_i; +input wb_stb_i; +output wb_ack_o; +output wb_err_o; + +// +// Internal regs and wires +// +wire we; +wire [3:0] be_i; +wire [31:0] wb_dat_o; +reg ack_we; +reg ack_re; +// +// Aliases and simple assignments +// +assign wb_ack_o = ack_re | ack_we; +assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (|wb_adr_i[23:adr_width+2]); // If Access to > (8-bit leading prefix ignored) +assign we = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & wb_we_i & (|wb_sel_i[3:0]); +assign be_i = (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i) * wb_sel_i; + +// +// Write acknowledge +// +always @ (negedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) +begin +if (wb_rst_i) + ack_we <= 1'b0; + else + if (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & wb_we_i & ~ack_we) + ack_we <= #1 1'b1; + else + ack_we <= #1 1'b0; +end + +// +// read acknowledge +// +always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) +begin + if (wb_rst_i) + ack_re <= 1'b0; + else + if (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & ~wb_err_o & ~wb_we_i & ~ack_re) + ack_re <= #1 1'b1; + else + ack_re <= #1 1'b0; +end + +`ifdef ALTERA_FPGA //only for altera memory initialization + +//2^adr_width x 32bit single-port ram. +altsyncram altsyncram_component ( + .wren_a (we), + .clock0 (wb_clk_i), + .byteena_a (be_i), + .address_a (wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:2]), + .data_a (wb_dat_i), + .q_a (wb_dat_o), + .aclr0 (1'b0), + .aclr1 (1'b0), + .address_b (1'b1), + .addressstall_a (1'b0), + .addressstall_b (1'b0), + .byteena_b (1'b1), + .clock1 (1'b1), + .clocken0 (1'b1), + .clocken1 (1'b1), + .clocken2 (1'b1), + .clocken3 (1'b1), + .data_b (1'b1), + .eccstatus (), + .q_b (), + .rden_a (1'b1), + .rden_b (1'b1), + .wren_b (1'b0)); + defparam + altsyncram_component.clock_enable_input_a = "BYPASS", + altsyncram_component.clock_enable_output_a = "BYPASS", + altsyncram_component.init_file = `mem_init_file, + altsyncram_component.intended_device_family = "Stratix III", + altsyncram_component.lpm_hint = "ENABLE_RUNTIME_MOD=NO", + altsyncram_component.lpm_type = "altsyncram", + altsyncram_component.operation_mode = "SINGLE_PORT", + altsyncram_component.outdata_aclr_a = "NONE", + altsyncram_component.outdata_reg_a = "UNREGISTERED", + altsyncram_component.power_up_uninitialized = "FALSE", + altsyncram_component.read_during_write_mode_port_a = "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ", + altsyncram_component.numwords_a = (1<>(j+1)); k=k+1) begin : MUX + if (j==0) begin + mux2 # + ( + .dw(32) + ) + mux_int( + .sel( wb_adr_i[aw_int+2+j] ), + .in1( int_dat_o[k*2] ), + .in2( int_dat_o[k*2+1] ), + .out( mux_out[k] ) + ); + end + else begin + mux2 # + ( + .dw(32) + ) + mux_int( + .sel( wb_adr_i[aw_int+2+j] ), + .in1( mux_out[(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>(j-1)))+k*2] ), + .in2( mux_out[(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>(j-1)))+k*2+1] ), + .out( mux_out[(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>j))+k] ) + ); + end + end + end +endgenerate + +//last output = total output +assign wb_dat_o = mux_out[mux_out_nr-1]; + +//(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>j)): +//-Given sum of 2^i | i = x -> y series can be resumed to 2^(y+1)-2^x +//so, with this expression I'm evaluating how many times the internal loop has been run + +wire [blocks-1:0] bank; + +generate +genvar i; + for (i=0; i < blocks; i=i+1) begin : MEM + + assign bank[i] = wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:aw_int+2] == i; + + //BANK0 + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_0 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[7:0]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][7:0]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[0]) + ); + + + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_1 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[15:8]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][15:8]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[1]) + ); + + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_2 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[23:16]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][23:16]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[2]) + ); + + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_3 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[31:24]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][31:24]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[3]) + ); + + end +endgenerate +`endif + +endmodule + +module mux2(sel,in1,in2,out); + +parameter dw = 32; + +input sel; +input [dw-1:0] in1, in2; +output reg [dw-1:0] out; + +always @ (sel or in1 or in2) +begin + case (sel) + 1'b0: out = in1; + 1'b1: out = in2; + endcase +end + +endmodule Index: initialized_onchip_ram/ =================================================================== --- initialized_onchip_ram/ (nonexistent) +++ initialized_onchip_ram/ (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +""" +***************************************************************************** + * + H E A D E R I N F O R M A T I O N * + * +***************************************************************************** +Project Name : SysPy (System Python) + + +File Name : + +Created by : Evangelos Logaras + + +***************************************************************************** + * + C O P Y R I G H T N O T I C E * + * +***************************************************************************** + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + version 2.1 of the License, a copy of which is available from + + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + +***************************************************************************** + * + D E S C R I P T I O N * + * +***************************************************************************** + + Generates block_ram.init file from binary images. Binary images are first converted in hex files + using bin2hex.c file, provided with the ORPSoC v2 project. bin2hex executable must exist in the same folder with this script. + + Currently init file is generated for Xilinx's RAMB16_S9 BRAMs + + Usage: python (Python 2.6) +""" + +import commands +import sys + + +# Python's variable declarations +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +y = ' ' +mem_arr = [] +block_ram_num = 4 +block0 = [] +block1 = [] +block2 = [] +block3 = [] +block_ram = [block3, block2, block1, block0] +init_arr = [] +mem_size2 = 8192 +mem_count = 0 +bram_count = -1 +init_count = -1 +hex_count = 0 +zero_pad = '' +filename = '' +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Exceptions' class +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +class MyExceptions(Exception): + def __init__(self, value): + self.value = value + def __str__(self): + return repr(self.value) +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Raising exception if a *.bin file is not provided as an argument +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +filename = sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1] + +if (filename.find(".bin") == -1): + raise MyExceptions("*.bin file required") +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +i = filename.find(".bin") + +filename = filename[:i] + +# Deleting old *.hex and *.bin files +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +commands.getoutput("rm " + filename + ".hex") +commands.getoutput("rm " + filename + ".init") +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +## Calling bin2hex executable to convert *.bin file to *.hex +commands.getoutput("./bin2hex " + filename + ".bin 4 > "+ filename + ".hex") + +# Opening the *.hex and the *.init file +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hexFile = open(filename + ".hex", 'r') +initFile = open(filename + ".init", 'w') +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Reading the *.hex file and appending its contents to mem_arr[] +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +y = ' ' +hex_count = 0 +while(y): + hex_count = hex_count + 1 + if (hex_count == 127): + mem_arr.append("00000000") + + y = hexFile.readline() + mem_arr.append(y) +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Reading mem_arr[] and creating the contents of BRAMs +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +for i in range(len(mem_arr)): + bram_count = bram_count + 1 + if (bram_count < 32): + block_ram[0].append(mem_arr[i][6:8]) + block_ram[1].append(mem_arr[i][4:6]) + block_ram[2].append(mem_arr[i][2:4]) + block_ram[3].append(mem_arr[i][0:2]) + + elif (bram_count >= 32): + bram_count = 0 + + init_count = init_count + 1 + + if (init_count >= 64): + init_count = 0 + mem_count = mem_count + 1 + + hex_init_count = str(hex(init_count)) + hex_init_count = hex_init_count[2:] + hex_init_count = hex_init_count.upper() + if (init_count < 16): + hex_init_count = '0' + hex_init_count + + + for j in range((block_ram_num - 1), -1, -1): + if (j == (block_ram_num - 1)): + init_arr.append(";\ndefparam MEM[" + str(mem_count) + "].block_ram_" + str(j) + ".INIT_" + hex_init_count + " = 256'h") + block_ram[j].reverse() + for k in range(len(block_ram[j])): + init_arr.append(block_ram[j][k].replace("\n", '')) + else: + init_arr.append(";\ndefparam MEM[" + str(mem_count) + "].block_ram_" + str(j) + ".INIT_" + hex_init_count + " = 256'h") + block_ram[j].reverse() + for k in range(len(block_ram[j])): + init_arr.append(block_ram[j][k].replace("\n", '')) + + block_ram[0] = [] + block_ram[1] = [] + block_ram[2] = [] + block_ram[3] = [] + + block_ram[0].append(mem_arr[i][6:8]) + block_ram[1].append(mem_arr[i][4:6]) + block_ram[2].append(mem_arr[i][2:4]) + block_ram[3].append(mem_arr[i][0:2]) + + +if (bram_count != -1): + init_count = init_count + 1 + hex_init_count = str(hex(init_count)) + hex_init_count = hex_init_count[2:] + hex_init_count = hex_init_count.upper() + if (init_count < 16): + hex_init_count = '0' + hex_init_count + + if (init_count == 0): + for j in range(64 - 2 * bram_count): + zero_pad = zero_pad + '0' + else: + for j in range(64 - 2 * bram_count): + zero_pad = zero_pad + '0' + + for j in range((block_ram_num - 1), -1, -1): + init_arr.append(";\ndefparam MEM[" + str(mem_count) + "].block_ram_" + str(j) + ".INIT_" + hex_init_count + " = 256'h") + block_ram[j].reverse() + init_arr.append(zero_pad) + for k in range(len(block_ram[j])): + init_arr.append(block_ram[j][k].replace("\n", '')) + +init_arr.append(';') +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Writing BRAMs contetns to *.init file +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +i = init_arr[0].find(";/n") + +init_arr[0] = init_arr[0][i + 2:] + +for i in range(len(init_arr)): + initFile.write(init_arr[i]) +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Closing the *.hex and the *.init file +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +hexFile.close() +initFile.close() +#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index: initialized_onchip_ram/minsoc_onchip_ram_top_xilinx.v =================================================================== --- initialized_onchip_ram/minsoc_onchip_ram_top_xilinx.v (nonexistent) +++ initialized_onchip_ram/minsoc_onchip_ram_top_xilinx.v (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Generic Wishbone controller for //// +//// Single-Port Synchronous RAM //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of memory library available from //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// This Wishbone controller connects to the wrapper of //// +//// the single-port synchronous memory interface. //// +//// Besides universal memory due to onchip_ram it provides a //// +//// generic way to set the depth of the memory. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Raul Fajardo, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Revision History +// +// Revision 1.1 2009/10/02 16:49 fajardo +// Not using the oe signal (output enable) from +// memories, instead multiplexing the outputs +// between the different instantiated blocks +// +// +// Revision 1.0 2009/08/18 15:15:00 fajardo +// Created interface and tested +// +`include "minsoc_defines.v" + +module minsoc_onchip_ram_top ( + wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, + + wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o, wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, + wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o +); + +// +// Parameters +// +parameter adr_width = 13; //Memory address width, is composed by blocks of aw_int, is not allowed to be less than 12 +localparam aw_int = 11; //11 = 2048 +localparam blocks = (1<<(adr_width-aw_int)); //generated memory contains "blocks" memory blocks of 2048x32 2048 depth x32 bit data + +// +// I/O Ports +// +input wb_clk_i; +input wb_rst_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f +// +input [31:0] wb_dat_i; +output [31:0] wb_dat_o; +input [31:0] wb_adr_i; +input [3:0] wb_sel_i; +input wb_we_i; +input wb_cyc_i; +input wb_stb_i; +output wb_ack_o; +output wb_err_o; + +// +// Internal regs and wires +// +wire we; +wire [3:0] be_i; +wire [31:0] wb_dat_o; +reg ack_we; +reg ack_re; +// +// Aliases and simple assignments +// +assign wb_ack_o = ack_re | ack_we; +assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (|wb_adr_i[23:adr_width+2]); // If Access to > (8-bit leading prefix ignored) +assign we = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & wb_we_i & (|wb_sel_i[3:0]); +assign be_i = (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i) * wb_sel_i; + +// +// Write acknowledge +// +always @ (negedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) +begin +if (wb_rst_i) + ack_we <= 1'b0; + else + if (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & wb_we_i & ~ack_we) + ack_we <= #1 1'b1; + else + ack_we <= #1 1'b0; +end + +// +// read acknowledge +// +always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) +begin + if (wb_rst_i) + ack_re <= 1'b0; + else + if (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & ~wb_err_o & ~wb_we_i & ~ack_re) + ack_re <= #1 1'b1; + else + ack_re <= #1 1'b0; +end + +//Generic (multiple inputs x 1 output) MUX +localparam mux_in_nr = blocks; +localparam slices = adr_width-aw_int; +localparam mux_out_nr = blocks-1; + +wire [31:0] int_dat_o[0:mux_in_nr-1]; +wire [31:0] mux_out[0:mux_out_nr-1]; + +generate +genvar j, k; + for (j=0; j>(j+1)); k=k+1) begin : MUX + if (j==0) begin + mux21 # + ( + .dw(32) + ) + mux_int( + .sel( wb_adr_i[aw_int+2+j] ), + .in1( int_dat_o[k*2] ), + .in2( int_dat_o[k*2+1] ), + .out( mux_out[k] ) + ); + end + else begin + mux21 # + ( + .dw(32) + ) + mux_int( + .sel( wb_adr_i[aw_int+2+j] ), + .in1( mux_out[(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>(j-1)))+k*2] ), + .in2( mux_out[(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>(j-1)))+k*2+1] ), + .out( mux_out[(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>j))+k] ) + ); + end + end + end +endgenerate + +//last output = total output +assign wb_dat_o = mux_out[mux_out_nr-1]; + +//(mux_in_nr-(mux_in_nr>>j)): +//-Given sum of 2^i | i = x -> y series can be resumed to 2^(y+1)-2^x +//so, with this expression I'm evaluating how many times the internal loop has been run + +wire [blocks-1:0] bank; + +generate +genvar i; + for (i=0; i < blocks; i=i+1) begin : MEM + + assign bank[i] = wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:aw_int+2] == i; + + //BANK0 +/* minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_0 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[7:0]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][7:0]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[0]) + ); +*/ + RAMB16_S9 block_ram_0( + .CLK(wb_clk_i), + .SSR(wb_rst_i), + .ADDR(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .DI(wb_dat_i[7:0]), + .DIP(1'b0), + .EN(be_i[0]), + .WE(we & bank[i]), + .DO(int_dat_o[i][7:0]), + .DOP() + ); + +/* + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_1 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[15:8]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][15:8]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[1]) + ); +*/ + RAMB16_S9 block_ram_1( + .CLK(wb_clk_i), + .SSR(wb_rst_i), + .ADDR(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .DI(wb_dat_i[15:8]), + .DIP(1'b0), + .EN(be_i[1]), + .WE(we & bank[i]), + .DO(int_dat_o[i][15:8]), + .DOP() + ); +/* + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_2 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[23:16]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][23:16]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[2]) + ); +*/ + RAMB16_S9 block_ram_2( + .CLK(wb_clk_i), + .SSR(wb_rst_i), + .ADDR(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .DI(wb_dat_i[23:16]), + .DIP(1'b0), + .EN(be_i[2]), + .WE(we & bank[i]), + .DO(int_dat_o[i][23:16]), + .DOP() + ); + +/* + minsoc_onchip_ram block_ram_3 ( + .clk(wb_clk_i), + .rst(wb_rst_i), + .addr(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .di(wb_dat_i[31:24]), + .doq(int_dat_o[i][31:24]), + .we(we & bank[i]), + .oe(1'b1), + .ce(be_i[3]) + ); +*/ + RAMB16_S9 block_ram_3( + .CLK(wb_clk_i), + .SSR(wb_rst_i), + .ADDR(wb_adr_i[aw_int+1:2]), + .DI(wb_dat_i[31:24]), + .DIP(1'b0), + .EN(be_i[3]), + .WE(we & bank[i]), + .DO(int_dat_o[i][31:24]), + .DOP() + ); + + end +endgenerate + +`ifdef BLOCK_RAM_INIT +`include "block_ram.init" +`endif + +endmodule + +module mux21(sel,in1,in2,out); + +parameter dw = 32; + +input sel; +input [dw-1:0] in1, in2; +output reg [dw-1:0] out; + +always @ (sel or in1 or in2) +begin + case (sel) + 1'b0: out = in1; + 1'b1: out = in2; + endcase +end + +endmodule Index: synthesis_makefile/guideTop.pdf =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: synthesis_makefile/guideTop.pdf =================================================================== --- synthesis_makefile/guideTop.pdf (nonexistent) +++ synthesis_makefile/guideTop.pdf (revision 109)
synthesis_makefile/guideTop.pdf Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: synthesis_makefile/Makefile =================================================================== --- synthesis_makefile/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ synthesis_makefile/Makefile (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +ROOT = /home/mdhicks2/Desktop/softPatch/baseSoC +MINSOC = $(ROOT)/minsoc +MINSOC_RTL = $(MINSOC)/rtl/verilog +UART_RTL = $(ROOT)/uart16550/rtl/verilog +ADV_DEBUG_ROOT = $(ROOT)/adv_debug_sys/Hardware +DEBUG_RTL = $(ADV_DEBUG_ROOT)/adv_dbg_if/rtl/verilog +XIL_DEBUG_RTL = $(ADV_DEBUG_ROOT)/xilinx_internal_jtag/rtl/verilog +OR1200_RTL = $(ROOT)/or1200/rtl/verilog + +help: + @echo " all: Synthesize and implement the SoC, then generate a bit stream" + @echo " soc: Synthesize the SoC" + @echo " translate: Convert the SoC's ngc file to an ngd file for mapping" + @echo " map: Express the SoC netlist in the target hardware" + @echo " par: Place the target hardware, then route the wires" + @echo " bitgen: Generate a programming file for the target FPGA" + @echo " clean: Delete all superfluous files generated by Xilinx tools" + @echo " distclean: Delete all generated files" + @echo " uart: Synthesize the UART" + @echo " debug: Synthesize the debug interface" + @echo " xilDebug: Synthesize the Xilinx JTAG user interface" + @echo " or1200: Synthesize the OR1200 processor" +all: minsoc_top.ngc minsoc.ngd minsoc.ncd minsoc_par.ncd minsoc.bit +soc: minsoc_top.ngc +translate: minsoc.ngd +map: minsoc.ncd +par: minsoc_par.ncd +bitgen: minsoc.bit + +distclean: + rm -f _xmsgs xst *.{ngc,ncd,ngd,bit,xst,xrpt,srp,lso,log} +clean: + rm -f _xmsgs xst *.{xst,xrpt,srp,lso,log} + +minsoc_top.ngc: $(MINSOC_RTL)/*.v buildSupport/*.xst buildSupport/*.prj #uart_top.ngc adbg_top.ngc xilinx_internal_jtag.ngc or1200_top.ngc + xst -ifn "buildSupport/minsoc_top.xst" + rm -f minsoc_top_xst.xrpt + rm -f minsoc_top.srp + rm -f minsoc_top.lso + rm -rf _xmsgs + rm -rf xst +uart: uart_top.ngc +uart_top.ngc: $(UART_RTL)/*.v buildSupport/uart_top.xst buildSupport/uart_top.prj + xst -ifn "buildSupport/uart_top.xst" + rm -f uart_top_xst.xrpt + rm -f uart_top.srp + rm -f uart_top.lso + rm -rf _xmsgs + rm -rf xst +debug: adbg_top.ngc +adbg_top.ngc: $(DEBUG_RTL)/*.v buildSupport/adbg_top.xst buildSupport/adbg_top.prj + xst -ifn "buildSupport/adbg_top.xst" + rm -f adbg_top_xst.xrpt + rm -f adbg_top.srp + rm -f adbg_top.lso + rm -rf _xmsgs + rm -rf xst +xilDebug: xilinx_internal_jtag.ngc +xilinx_internal_jtag.ngc: $(XIL_DEBUG_RTL)/*.v buildSupport/xilinx_internal_jtag.xst buildSupport/xilinx_internal_jtag.prj + xst -ifn "buildSupport/xilinx_internal_jtag.xst" + rm -f xilinx_internal_jtag_xst.xrpt + rm -f xilinx_internal_jtag.srp + rm -f xilinx_internal_jtag.lso + rm -rf _xmsgs + rm -rf xst +or1200: or1200_top.ngc +or1200_top.ngc: $(OR1200_RTL)/*.v buildSupport/or1200_top.xst buildSupport/or1200_top.prj + xst -ifn "buildSupport/or1200_top.xst" + rm -f or1200_top_xst.xrpt + rm -f or1200_top.srp + rm -f or1200_top.lso + rm -rf _xmsgs + rm -rf xst +minsoc.ngd: $(MINSOC)/backend/ml509.ucf minsoc_top.ngc + ngdbuild -p xc5vlx110t-ff1136-3 -uc $(MINSOC)/backend/ml509.ucf -aul -aut minsoc_top.ngc minsoc.ngd + rm -rf netlist.lst + rm -rf minsoc.bld + rm -rf minsoc*.xrpt + rm -rf xlnx_auto_0_xdb + rm -rf _xmsgs +minsoc.ncd : minsoc.ngd + map -bp -timing -cm speed -equivalent_register_removal on -global_opt speed -logic_opt on -mt 2 -ol high -power off -register_duplication on -retiming on -w -xe n minsoc.ngd + rm -rf + rm -rf minsoc.mrp + rm -rf minsoc.ngm + rm -rf minsoc.pcf + rm -rf minsoc.psr + rm -rf minsoc*.xml + rm -rf minsoc_top*.xrpt + rm -rf _xmsgs +minsoc_par.ncd: minsoc.ncd + par -mt 4 -ol high -w -xe n minsoc.ncd minsoc_par.ncd + rm -rf minsoc_par.pad + rm -rf minsoc_par.par + rm -rf minsoc_par.ptwx + rm -rf minsoc_par.unroutes + rm -rf minsoc_par.xpi + rm -rf minsoc_par_pad* + rm -rf minsoc_top*.xrpt + rm -rf _xmsgs +minsoc.bit: minsoc_par.ncd + bitgen -d -w minsoc_par.ncd minsoc.bit + rm -rf minsoc.bgn + rm -rf *.xwbt + rm -rf *.xml + rm -rf *.log + rm -rf _xmsgs Index: minsoc_tc_top_B3.v =================================================================== --- minsoc_tc_top_B3.v (nonexistent) +++ minsoc_tc_top_B3.v (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,1883 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Xess Traffic Cop //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the OR1K test application //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// This block connectes the RISC and peripheral controller //// +//// cores together. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// - nothing really //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Damjan Lampret, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2002 OpenCores //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// CVS Revision History +// +// $Log: tc_top.v,v $ +// Revision 1.4 2004/04/05 08:44:34 lampret +// Merged branch_qmem into main tree. +// +// Revision 1.2 2002/03/29 20:57:30 lampret +// Removed unused ports wb_clki and wb_rst_i +// +// Revision 2002/03/21 16:55:44 lampret +// First import of the "new" XESS XSV environment. +// +// +// + +// synopsys translate_off +`include "timescale.v" +// synopsys translate_on + +// +// Width of address bus +// +`define TC_AW 32 + +// +// Width of data bus +// +`define TC_DW 32 + +// +// Width of byte select bus +// +`define TC_BSW 4 + +// +// Width of WB target inputs (coming from WB slave) +// +// data bus width + ack + err +// +`define TC_TIN_W `TC_DW+1+1 + +// +// Width of WB initiator inputs (coming from WB masters) +// +// cyc + stb + address bus width + +// byte select bus width + we + data bus width +// +`define TC_IIN_W 1+1+1+`TC_AW+`TC_BSW+1+`TC_DW + +// +// Traffic Cop Top +// +module minsoc_tc_top ( + wb_clk_i, + wb_rst_i, + + i0_wb_cyc_i, + i0_wb_stb_i, + i0_wb_adr_i, + i0_wb_sel_i, + i0_wb_we_i, + i0_wb_dat_i, + i0_wb_dat_o, + i0_wb_ack_o, + i0_wb_err_o, + i0_wb_cti_i, + i0_wb_bte_i, + + i1_wb_cyc_i, + i1_wb_stb_i, + i1_wb_adr_i, + i1_wb_sel_i, + i1_wb_we_i, + i1_wb_dat_i, + i1_wb_dat_o, + i1_wb_ack_o, + i1_wb_err_o, + i1_wb_cti_i, + i1_wb_bte_i, + + i2_wb_cyc_i, + i2_wb_stb_i, + i2_wb_adr_i, + i2_wb_sel_i, + i2_wb_we_i, + i2_wb_dat_i, + i2_wb_dat_o, + i2_wb_ack_o, + i2_wb_err_o, + i2_wb_cti_i, + i2_wb_bte_i, + + i3_wb_cyc_i, + i3_wb_stb_i, + i3_wb_adr_i, + i3_wb_sel_i, + i3_wb_we_i, + i3_wb_dat_i, + i3_wb_dat_o, + i3_wb_ack_o, + i3_wb_err_o, + i3_wb_cti_i, + i3_wb_bte_i, + + i4_wb_cyc_i, + i4_wb_stb_i, + i4_wb_adr_i, + i4_wb_sel_i, + i4_wb_we_i, + i4_wb_dat_i, + i4_wb_dat_o, + i4_wb_ack_o, + i4_wb_err_o, + i4_wb_cti_i, + i4_wb_bte_i, + + i5_wb_cyc_i, + i5_wb_stb_i, + i5_wb_adr_i, + i5_wb_sel_i, + i5_wb_we_i, + i5_wb_dat_i, + i5_wb_dat_o, + i5_wb_ack_o, + i5_wb_err_o, + i5_wb_cti_i, + i5_wb_bte_i, + + i6_wb_cyc_i, + i6_wb_stb_i, + i6_wb_adr_i, + i6_wb_sel_i, + i6_wb_we_i, + i6_wb_dat_i, + i6_wb_dat_o, + i6_wb_ack_o, + i6_wb_err_o, + i6_wb_cti_i, + i6_wb_bte_i, + + i7_wb_cyc_i, + i7_wb_stb_i, + i7_wb_adr_i, + i7_wb_sel_i, + i7_wb_we_i, + i7_wb_dat_i, + i7_wb_dat_o, + i7_wb_ack_o, + i7_wb_err_o, + i7_wb_cti_i, + i7_wb_bte_i, + + t0_wb_cyc_o, + t0_wb_stb_o, + t0_wb_adr_o, + t0_wb_sel_o, + t0_wb_we_o, + t0_wb_dat_o, + t0_wb_dat_i, + t0_wb_ack_i, + t0_wb_err_i, + t0_wb_cti_o, + t0_wb_bte_o, + + t1_wb_cyc_o, + t1_wb_stb_o, + t1_wb_adr_o, + t1_wb_sel_o, + t1_wb_we_o, + t1_wb_dat_o, + t1_wb_dat_i, + t1_wb_ack_i, + t1_wb_err_i, + t1_wb_cti_o, + t1_wb_bte_o, + + t2_wb_cyc_o, + t2_wb_stb_o, + t2_wb_adr_o, + t2_wb_sel_o, + t2_wb_we_o, + t2_wb_dat_o, + t2_wb_dat_i, + t2_wb_ack_i, + t2_wb_err_i, + t2_wb_cti_o, + t2_wb_bte_o, + + t3_wb_cyc_o, + t3_wb_stb_o, + t3_wb_adr_o, + t3_wb_sel_o, + t3_wb_we_o, + t3_wb_dat_o, + t3_wb_dat_i, + t3_wb_ack_i, + t3_wb_err_i, + t3_wb_cti_o, + t3_wb_bte_o, + + t4_wb_cyc_o, + t4_wb_stb_o, + t4_wb_adr_o, + t4_wb_sel_o, + t4_wb_we_o, + t4_wb_dat_o, + t4_wb_dat_i, + t4_wb_ack_i, + t4_wb_err_i, + t4_wb_cti_o, + t4_wb_bte_o, + + t5_wb_cyc_o, + t5_wb_stb_o, + t5_wb_adr_o, + t5_wb_sel_o, + t5_wb_we_o, + t5_wb_dat_o, + t5_wb_dat_i, + t5_wb_ack_i, + t5_wb_err_i, + t5_wb_cti_o, + t5_wb_bte_o, + + t6_wb_cyc_o, + t6_wb_stb_o, + t6_wb_adr_o, + t6_wb_sel_o, + t6_wb_we_o, + t6_wb_dat_o, + t6_wb_dat_i, + t6_wb_ack_i, + t6_wb_err_i, + t6_wb_cti_o, + t6_wb_bte_o, + + t7_wb_cyc_o, + t7_wb_stb_o, + t7_wb_adr_o, + t7_wb_sel_o, + t7_wb_we_o, + t7_wb_dat_o, + t7_wb_dat_i, + t7_wb_ack_i, + t7_wb_err_i, + t7_wb_cti_o, + t7_wb_bte_o, + + t8_wb_cyc_o, + t8_wb_stb_o, + t8_wb_adr_o, + t8_wb_sel_o, + t8_wb_we_o, + t8_wb_dat_o, + t8_wb_dat_i, + t8_wb_ack_i, + t8_wb_err_i, + t8_wb_cti_o, + t8_wb_bte_o + + +); + +// +// Parameters +// +parameter t0_addr_w = 4; +parameter t0_addr = 4'd8; +parameter t1_addr_w = 4; +parameter t1_addr = 4'd0; +parameter t28c_addr_w = 4; +parameter t28_addr = 4'd0; +parameter t28i_addr_w = 4; +parameter t2_addr = 4'd1; +parameter t3_addr = 4'd2; +parameter t4_addr = 4'd3; +parameter t5_addr = 4'd4; +parameter t6_addr = 4'd5; +parameter t7_addr = 4'd6; +parameter t8_addr = 4'd7; + +// +// I/O Ports +// +input wb_clk_i; +input wb_rst_i; +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 0 +// +input i0_wb_cyc_i; +input i0_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i0_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i0_wb_sel_i; +input i0_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i0_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i0_wb_dat_o; +output i0_wb_ack_o; +output i0_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i0_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i0_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 1 +// +input i1_wb_cyc_i; +input i1_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i1_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i1_wb_sel_i; +input i1_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i1_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i1_wb_dat_o; +output i1_wb_ack_o; +output i1_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i1_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i1_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 2 +// +input i2_wb_cyc_i; +input i2_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i2_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i2_wb_sel_i; +input i2_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i2_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i2_wb_dat_o; +output i2_wb_ack_o; +output i2_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i2_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i2_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 3 +// +input i3_wb_cyc_i; +input i3_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i3_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i3_wb_sel_i; +input i3_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i3_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i3_wb_dat_o; +output i3_wb_ack_o; +output i3_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i3_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i3_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 4 +// +input i4_wb_cyc_i; +input i4_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i4_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i4_wb_sel_i; +input i4_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i4_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i4_wb_dat_o; +output i4_wb_ack_o; +output i4_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i4_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i4_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 5 +// +input i5_wb_cyc_i; +input i5_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i5_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i5_wb_sel_i; +input i5_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i5_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i5_wb_dat_o; +output i5_wb_ack_o; +output i5_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i5_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i5_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 6 +// +input i6_wb_cyc_i; +input i6_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i6_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i6_wb_sel_i; +input i6_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i6_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i6_wb_dat_o; +output i6_wb_ack_o; +output i6_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i6_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i6_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 7 +// +input i7_wb_cyc_i; +input i7_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i7_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i7_wb_sel_i; +input i7_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i7_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i7_wb_dat_o; +output i7_wb_ack_o; +output i7_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i7_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i7_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 0 +// +output t0_wb_cyc_o; +output t0_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t0_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t0_wb_sel_o; +output t0_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t0_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t0_wb_dat_i; +input t0_wb_ack_i; +input t0_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t0_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t0_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 1 +// +output t1_wb_cyc_o; +output t1_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t1_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t1_wb_sel_o; +output t1_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t1_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t1_wb_dat_i; +input t1_wb_ack_i; +input t1_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t1_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t1_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 2 +// +output t2_wb_cyc_o; +output t2_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t2_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t2_wb_sel_o; +output t2_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t2_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t2_wb_dat_i; +input t2_wb_ack_i; +input t2_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t2_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t2_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 3 +// +output t3_wb_cyc_o; +output t3_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t3_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t3_wb_sel_o; +output t3_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t3_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t3_wb_dat_i; +input t3_wb_ack_i; +input t3_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t3_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t3_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 4 +// +output t4_wb_cyc_o; +output t4_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t4_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t4_wb_sel_o; +output t4_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t4_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t4_wb_dat_i; +input t4_wb_ack_i; +input t4_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t4_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t4_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 5 +// +output t5_wb_cyc_o; +output t5_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t5_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t5_wb_sel_o; +output t5_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t5_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t5_wb_dat_i; +input t5_wb_ack_i; +input t5_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t5_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t5_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 6 +// +output t6_wb_cyc_o; +output t6_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t6_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t6_wb_sel_o; +output t6_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t6_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t6_wb_dat_i; +input t6_wb_ack_i; +input t6_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t6_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t6_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 7 +// +output t7_wb_cyc_o; +output t7_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t7_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t7_wb_sel_o; +output t7_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t7_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t7_wb_dat_i; +input t7_wb_ack_i; +input t7_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t7_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t7_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 8 +// +output t8_wb_cyc_o; +output t8_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t8_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t8_wb_sel_o; +output t8_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t8_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t8_wb_dat_i; +input t8_wb_ack_i; +input t8_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t8_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t8_wb_bte_o; + + +// +// Internal wires & registers +// + +// +// Outputs for initiators from both mi_to_st blocks +// +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi0_wb_dat_o; +wire xi0_wb_ack_o; +wire xi0_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi1_wb_dat_o; +wire xi1_wb_ack_o; +wire xi1_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi2_wb_dat_o; +wire xi2_wb_ack_o; +wire xi2_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi3_wb_dat_o; +wire xi3_wb_ack_o; +wire xi3_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi4_wb_dat_o; +wire xi4_wb_ack_o; +wire xi4_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi5_wb_dat_o; +wire xi5_wb_ack_o; +wire xi5_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi6_wb_dat_o; +wire xi6_wb_ack_o; +wire xi6_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] xi7_wb_dat_o; +wire xi7_wb_ack_o; +wire xi7_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi0_wb_dat_o; +wire yi0_wb_ack_o; +wire yi0_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi1_wb_dat_o; +wire yi1_wb_ack_o; +wire yi1_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi2_wb_dat_o; +wire yi2_wb_ack_o; +wire yi2_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi3_wb_dat_o; +wire yi3_wb_ack_o; +wire yi3_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi4_wb_dat_o; +wire yi4_wb_ack_o; +wire yi4_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi5_wb_dat_o; +wire yi5_wb_ack_o; +wire yi5_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi6_wb_dat_o; +wire yi6_wb_ack_o; +wire yi6_wb_err_o; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] yi7_wb_dat_o; +wire yi7_wb_ack_o; +wire yi7_wb_err_o; + +// +// Intermediate signals connecting peripheral channel's +// mi_to_st and si_to_mt blocks. +// +wire z_wb_cyc_i; +wire z_wb_stb_i; +wire [`TC_AW-1:0] z_wb_adr_i; +wire [`TC_BSW-1:0] z_wb_sel_i; +wire z_wb_we_i; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] z_wb_dat_i; +wire [`TC_DW-1:0] z_wb_dat_t; +wire z_wb_ack_t; +wire z_wb_err_t; +wire [2:0] z_wb_cti_i; +wire [1:0] z_wb_bte_i; + +// +// Outputs for initiators are ORed from both mi_to_st blocks +// +assign i0_wb_dat_o = xi0_wb_dat_o | yi0_wb_dat_o; +assign i0_wb_ack_o = xi0_wb_ack_o | yi0_wb_ack_o; +assign i0_wb_err_o = xi0_wb_err_o | yi0_wb_err_o; +assign i1_wb_dat_o = xi1_wb_dat_o | yi1_wb_dat_o; +assign i1_wb_ack_o = xi1_wb_ack_o | yi1_wb_ack_o; +assign i1_wb_err_o = xi1_wb_err_o | yi1_wb_err_o; +assign i2_wb_dat_o = xi2_wb_dat_o | yi2_wb_dat_o; +assign i2_wb_ack_o = xi2_wb_ack_o | yi2_wb_ack_o; +assign i2_wb_err_o = xi2_wb_err_o | yi2_wb_err_o; +assign i3_wb_dat_o = xi3_wb_dat_o | yi3_wb_dat_o; +assign i3_wb_ack_o = xi3_wb_ack_o | yi3_wb_ack_o; +assign i3_wb_err_o = xi3_wb_err_o | yi3_wb_err_o; +assign i4_wb_dat_o = xi4_wb_dat_o | yi4_wb_dat_o; +assign i4_wb_ack_o = xi4_wb_ack_o | yi4_wb_ack_o; +assign i4_wb_err_o = xi4_wb_err_o | yi4_wb_err_o; +assign i5_wb_dat_o = xi5_wb_dat_o | yi5_wb_dat_o; +assign i5_wb_ack_o = xi5_wb_ack_o | yi5_wb_ack_o; +assign i5_wb_err_o = xi5_wb_err_o | yi5_wb_err_o; +assign i6_wb_dat_o = xi6_wb_dat_o | yi6_wb_dat_o; +assign i6_wb_ack_o = xi6_wb_ack_o | yi6_wb_ack_o; +assign i6_wb_err_o = xi6_wb_err_o | yi6_wb_err_o; +assign i7_wb_dat_o = xi7_wb_dat_o | yi7_wb_dat_o; +assign i7_wb_ack_o = xi7_wb_ack_o | yi7_wb_ack_o; +assign i7_wb_err_o = xi7_wb_err_o | yi7_wb_err_o; + +// +// From initiators to target 0 +// +tc_mi_to_st #(t0_addr_w, t0_addr, + 0, t0_addr_w, t0_addr) t0_ch( + .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), + .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), + .i0_wb_cyc_i(i0_wb_cyc_i), + .i0_wb_stb_i(i0_wb_stb_i), + .i0_wb_adr_i(i0_wb_adr_i), + .i0_wb_sel_i(i0_wb_sel_i), + .i0_wb_we_i(i0_wb_we_i), + .i0_wb_dat_i(i0_wb_dat_i), + .i0_wb_dat_o(xi0_wb_dat_o), + .i0_wb_ack_o(xi0_wb_ack_o), + .i0_wb_err_o(xi0_wb_err_o), + .i0_wb_cti_i(i0_wb_cti_i), + .i0_wb_bte_i(i0_wb_bte_i), + + .i1_wb_cyc_i(i1_wb_cyc_i), + .i1_wb_stb_i(i1_wb_stb_i), + .i1_wb_adr_i(i1_wb_adr_i), + .i1_wb_sel_i(i1_wb_sel_i), + .i1_wb_we_i(i1_wb_we_i), + .i1_wb_dat_i(i1_wb_dat_i), + .i1_wb_dat_o(xi1_wb_dat_o), + .i1_wb_ack_o(xi1_wb_ack_o), + .i1_wb_err_o(xi1_wb_err_o), + .i1_wb_cti_i(i1_wb_cti_i), + .i1_wb_bte_i(i1_wb_bte_i), + + .i2_wb_cyc_i(i2_wb_cyc_i), + .i2_wb_stb_i(i2_wb_stb_i), + .i2_wb_adr_i(i2_wb_adr_i), + .i2_wb_sel_i(i2_wb_sel_i), + .i2_wb_we_i(i2_wb_we_i), + .i2_wb_dat_i(i2_wb_dat_i), + .i2_wb_dat_o(xi2_wb_dat_o), + .i2_wb_ack_o(xi2_wb_ack_o), + .i2_wb_err_o(xi2_wb_err_o), + .i2_wb_cti_i(i2_wb_cti_i), + .i2_wb_bte_i(i2_wb_bte_i), + + .i3_wb_cyc_i(i3_wb_cyc_i), + .i3_wb_stb_i(i3_wb_stb_i), + .i3_wb_adr_i(i3_wb_adr_i), + .i3_wb_sel_i(i3_wb_sel_i), + .i3_wb_we_i(i3_wb_we_i), + .i3_wb_dat_i(i3_wb_dat_i), + .i3_wb_dat_o(xi3_wb_dat_o), + .i3_wb_ack_o(xi3_wb_ack_o), + .i3_wb_err_o(xi3_wb_err_o), + .i3_wb_cti_i(i3_wb_cti_i), + .i3_wb_bte_i(i3_wb_bte_i), + + .i4_wb_cyc_i(i4_wb_cyc_i), + .i4_wb_stb_i(i4_wb_stb_i), + .i4_wb_adr_i(i4_wb_adr_i), + .i4_wb_sel_i(i4_wb_sel_i), + .i4_wb_we_i(i4_wb_we_i), + .i4_wb_dat_i(i4_wb_dat_i), + .i4_wb_dat_o(xi4_wb_dat_o), + .i4_wb_ack_o(xi4_wb_ack_o), + .i4_wb_err_o(xi4_wb_err_o), + .i4_wb_cti_i(i4_wb_cti_i), + .i4_wb_bte_i(i4_wb_bte_i), + + .i5_wb_cyc_i(i5_wb_cyc_i), + .i5_wb_stb_i(i5_wb_stb_i), + .i5_wb_adr_i(i5_wb_adr_i), + .i5_wb_sel_i(i5_wb_sel_i), + .i5_wb_we_i(i5_wb_we_i), + .i5_wb_dat_i(i5_wb_dat_i), + .i5_wb_dat_o(xi5_wb_dat_o), + .i5_wb_ack_o(xi5_wb_ack_o), + .i5_wb_err_o(xi5_wb_err_o), + .i5_wb_cti_i(i5_wb_cti_i), + .i5_wb_bte_i(i5_wb_bte_i), + + .i6_wb_cyc_i(i6_wb_cyc_i), + .i6_wb_stb_i(i6_wb_stb_i), + .i6_wb_adr_i(i6_wb_adr_i), + .i6_wb_sel_i(i6_wb_sel_i), + .i6_wb_we_i(i6_wb_we_i), + .i6_wb_dat_i(i6_wb_dat_i), + .i6_wb_dat_o(xi6_wb_dat_o), + .i6_wb_ack_o(xi6_wb_ack_o), + .i6_wb_err_o(xi6_wb_err_o), + .i6_wb_cti_i(i6_wb_cti_i), + .i6_wb_bte_i(i6_wb_bte_i), + + .i7_wb_cyc_i(i7_wb_cyc_i), + .i7_wb_stb_i(i7_wb_stb_i), + .i7_wb_adr_i(i7_wb_adr_i), + .i7_wb_sel_i(i7_wb_sel_i), + .i7_wb_we_i(i7_wb_we_i), + .i7_wb_dat_i(i7_wb_dat_i), + .i7_wb_dat_o(xi7_wb_dat_o), + .i7_wb_ack_o(xi7_wb_ack_o), + .i7_wb_err_o(xi7_wb_err_o), + .i7_wb_cti_i(i7_wb_cti_i), + .i7_wb_bte_i(i7_wb_bte_i), + + + .t0_wb_cyc_o(t0_wb_cyc_o), + .t0_wb_stb_o(t0_wb_stb_o), + .t0_wb_adr_o(t0_wb_adr_o), + .t0_wb_sel_o(t0_wb_sel_o), + .t0_wb_we_o(t0_wb_we_o), + .t0_wb_dat_o(t0_wb_dat_o), + .t0_wb_dat_i(t0_wb_dat_i), + .t0_wb_ack_i(t0_wb_ack_i), + .t0_wb_err_i(t0_wb_err_i), + .t0_wb_cti_o(t0_wb_cti_o), + .t0_wb_bte_o(t0_wb_bte_o) + +); + +// +// From initiators to targets 1-8 (upper part) +// +tc_mi_to_st #(t1_addr_w, t1_addr, + 1, t28c_addr_w, t28_addr) t18_ch_upper( + .wb_clk_i(wb_clk_i), + .wb_rst_i(wb_rst_i), + .i0_wb_cyc_i(i0_wb_cyc_i), + .i0_wb_stb_i(i0_wb_stb_i), + .i0_wb_adr_i(i0_wb_adr_i), + .i0_wb_sel_i(i0_wb_sel_i), + .i0_wb_we_i(i0_wb_we_i), + .i0_wb_dat_i(i0_wb_dat_i), + .i0_wb_dat_o(yi0_wb_dat_o), + .i0_wb_ack_o(yi0_wb_ack_o), + .i0_wb_err_o(yi0_wb_err_o), + .i0_wb_cti_i(i0_wb_cti_i), + .i0_wb_bte_i(i0_wb_bte_i), + + .i1_wb_cyc_i(i1_wb_cyc_i), + .i1_wb_stb_i(i1_wb_stb_i), + .i1_wb_adr_i(i1_wb_adr_i), + .i1_wb_sel_i(i1_wb_sel_i), + .i1_wb_we_i(i1_wb_we_i), + .i1_wb_dat_i(i1_wb_dat_i), + .i1_wb_dat_o(yi1_wb_dat_o), + .i1_wb_ack_o(yi1_wb_ack_o), + .i1_wb_err_o(yi1_wb_err_o), + .i1_wb_cti_i(i1_wb_cti_i), + .i1_wb_bte_i(i1_wb_bte_i), + + .i2_wb_cyc_i(i2_wb_cyc_i), + .i2_wb_stb_i(i2_wb_stb_i), + .i2_wb_adr_i(i2_wb_adr_i), + .i2_wb_sel_i(i2_wb_sel_i), + .i2_wb_we_i(i2_wb_we_i), + .i2_wb_dat_i(i2_wb_dat_i), + .i2_wb_dat_o(yi2_wb_dat_o), + .i2_wb_ack_o(yi2_wb_ack_o), + .i2_wb_err_o(yi2_wb_err_o), + .i2_wb_cti_i(i2_wb_cti_i), + .i2_wb_bte_i(i2_wb_bte_i), + + .i3_wb_cyc_i(i3_wb_cyc_i), + .i3_wb_stb_i(i3_wb_stb_i), + .i3_wb_adr_i(i3_wb_adr_i), + .i3_wb_sel_i(i3_wb_sel_i), + .i3_wb_we_i(i3_wb_we_i), + .i3_wb_dat_i(i3_wb_dat_i), + .i3_wb_dat_o(yi3_wb_dat_o), + .i3_wb_ack_o(yi3_wb_ack_o), + .i3_wb_err_o(yi3_wb_err_o), + .i3_wb_cti_i(i3_wb_cti_i), + .i3_wb_bte_i(i3_wb_bte_i), + + .i4_wb_cyc_i(i4_wb_cyc_i), + .i4_wb_stb_i(i4_wb_stb_i), + .i4_wb_adr_i(i4_wb_adr_i), + .i4_wb_sel_i(i4_wb_sel_i), + .i4_wb_we_i(i4_wb_we_i), + .i4_wb_dat_i(i4_wb_dat_i), + .i4_wb_dat_o(yi4_wb_dat_o), + .i4_wb_ack_o(yi4_wb_ack_o), + .i4_wb_err_o(yi4_wb_err_o), + .i4_wb_cti_i(i4_wb_cti_i), + .i4_wb_bte_i(i4_wb_bte_i), + + .i5_wb_cyc_i(i5_wb_cyc_i), + .i5_wb_stb_i(i5_wb_stb_i), + .i5_wb_adr_i(i5_wb_adr_i), + .i5_wb_sel_i(i5_wb_sel_i), + .i5_wb_we_i(i5_wb_we_i), + .i5_wb_dat_i(i5_wb_dat_i), + .i5_wb_dat_o(yi5_wb_dat_o), + .i5_wb_ack_o(yi5_wb_ack_o), + .i5_wb_err_o(yi5_wb_err_o), + .i5_wb_cti_i(i5_wb_cti_i), + .i5_wb_bte_i(i5_wb_bte_i), + + .i6_wb_cyc_i(i6_wb_cyc_i), + .i6_wb_stb_i(i6_wb_stb_i), + .i6_wb_adr_i(i6_wb_adr_i), + .i6_wb_sel_i(i6_wb_sel_i), + .i6_wb_we_i(i6_wb_we_i), + .i6_wb_dat_i(i6_wb_dat_i), + .i6_wb_dat_o(yi6_wb_dat_o), + .i6_wb_ack_o(yi6_wb_ack_o), + .i6_wb_err_o(yi6_wb_err_o), + .i6_wb_cti_i(i6_wb_cti_i), + .i6_wb_bte_i(i6_wb_bte_i), + + .i7_wb_cyc_i(i7_wb_cyc_i), + .i7_wb_stb_i(i7_wb_stb_i), + .i7_wb_adr_i(i7_wb_adr_i), + .i7_wb_sel_i(i7_wb_sel_i), + .i7_wb_we_i(i7_wb_we_i), + .i7_wb_dat_i(i7_wb_dat_i), + .i7_wb_dat_o(yi7_wb_dat_o), + .i7_wb_ack_o(yi7_wb_ack_o), + .i7_wb_err_o(yi7_wb_err_o), + .i7_wb_cti_i(i7_wb_cti_i), + .i7_wb_bte_i(i7_wb_bte_i), + + + .t0_wb_cyc_o(z_wb_cyc_i), + .t0_wb_stb_o(z_wb_stb_i), + .t0_wb_adr_o(z_wb_adr_i), + .t0_wb_sel_o(z_wb_sel_i), + .t0_wb_we_o(z_wb_we_i), + .t0_wb_dat_o(z_wb_dat_i), + .t0_wb_dat_i(z_wb_dat_t), + .t0_wb_ack_i(z_wb_ack_t), + .t0_wb_err_i(z_wb_err_t), + .t0_wb_cti_o(z_wb_cti_i), + .t0_wb_bte_o(z_wb_bte_i) + +); + +// +// From initiators to targets 1-8 (lower part) +// +tc_si_to_mt #(t1_addr_w, t1_addr, t28i_addr_w, t2_addr, t3_addr, + t4_addr, t5_addr, t6_addr, t7_addr, t8_addr) t18_ch_lower( + + + .i0_wb_cyc_i(z_wb_cyc_i), + .i0_wb_stb_i(z_wb_stb_i), + .i0_wb_adr_i(z_wb_adr_i), + .i0_wb_sel_i(z_wb_sel_i), + .i0_wb_we_i(z_wb_we_i), + .i0_wb_dat_i(z_wb_dat_i), + .i0_wb_dat_o(z_wb_dat_t), + .i0_wb_ack_o(z_wb_ack_t), + .i0_wb_err_o(z_wb_err_t), + .i0_wb_cti_i(z_wb_cti_i), + .i0_wb_bte_i(z_wb_bte_i), + + .t0_wb_cyc_o(t1_wb_cyc_o), + .t0_wb_stb_o(t1_wb_stb_o), + .t0_wb_adr_o(t1_wb_adr_o), + .t0_wb_sel_o(t1_wb_sel_o), + .t0_wb_we_o(t1_wb_we_o), + .t0_wb_dat_o(t1_wb_dat_o), + .t0_wb_dat_i(t1_wb_dat_i), + .t0_wb_ack_i(t1_wb_ack_i), + .t0_wb_err_i(t1_wb_err_i), + .t0_wb_cti_o(t1_wb_cti_o), + .t0_wb_bte_o(t1_wb_bte_o), + + .t1_wb_cyc_o(t2_wb_cyc_o), + .t1_wb_stb_o(t2_wb_stb_o), + .t1_wb_adr_o(t2_wb_adr_o), + .t1_wb_sel_o(t2_wb_sel_o), + .t1_wb_we_o(t2_wb_we_o), + .t1_wb_dat_o(t2_wb_dat_o), + .t1_wb_dat_i(t2_wb_dat_i), + .t1_wb_ack_i(t2_wb_ack_i), + .t1_wb_err_i(t2_wb_err_i), + .t1_wb_cti_o(t2_wb_cti_o), + .t1_wb_bte_o(t2_wb_bte_o), + + .t2_wb_cyc_o(t3_wb_cyc_o), + .t2_wb_stb_o(t3_wb_stb_o), + .t2_wb_adr_o(t3_wb_adr_o), + .t2_wb_sel_o(t3_wb_sel_o), + .t2_wb_we_o(t3_wb_we_o), + .t2_wb_dat_o(t3_wb_dat_o), + .t2_wb_dat_i(t3_wb_dat_i), + .t2_wb_ack_i(t3_wb_ack_i), + .t2_wb_err_i(t3_wb_err_i), + .t2_wb_cti_o(t3_wb_cti_o), + .t2_wb_bte_o(t3_wb_bte_o), + + .t3_wb_cyc_o(t4_wb_cyc_o), + .t3_wb_stb_o(t4_wb_stb_o), + .t3_wb_adr_o(t4_wb_adr_o), + .t3_wb_sel_o(t4_wb_sel_o), + .t3_wb_we_o(t4_wb_we_o), + .t3_wb_dat_o(t4_wb_dat_o), + .t3_wb_dat_i(t4_wb_dat_i), + .t3_wb_ack_i(t4_wb_ack_i), + .t3_wb_err_i(t4_wb_err_i), + .t3_wb_cti_o(t4_wb_cti_o), + .t3_wb_bte_o(t4_wb_bte_o), + + .t4_wb_cyc_o(t5_wb_cyc_o), + .t4_wb_stb_o(t5_wb_stb_o), + .t4_wb_adr_o(t5_wb_adr_o), + .t4_wb_sel_o(t5_wb_sel_o), + .t4_wb_we_o(t5_wb_we_o), + .t4_wb_dat_o(t5_wb_dat_o), + .t4_wb_dat_i(t5_wb_dat_i), + .t4_wb_ack_i(t5_wb_ack_i), + .t4_wb_err_i(t5_wb_err_i), + .t4_wb_cti_o(t5_wb_cti_o), + .t4_wb_bte_o(t5_wb_bte_o), + + .t5_wb_cyc_o(t6_wb_cyc_o), + .t5_wb_stb_o(t6_wb_stb_o), + .t5_wb_adr_o(t6_wb_adr_o), + .t5_wb_sel_o(t6_wb_sel_o), + .t5_wb_we_o(t6_wb_we_o), + .t5_wb_dat_o(t6_wb_dat_o), + .t5_wb_dat_i(t6_wb_dat_i), + .t5_wb_ack_i(t6_wb_ack_i), + .t5_wb_err_i(t6_wb_err_i), + .t5_wb_cti_o(t6_wb_cti_o), + .t5_wb_bte_o(t6_wb_bte_o), + + .t6_wb_cyc_o(t7_wb_cyc_o), + .t6_wb_stb_o(t7_wb_stb_o), + .t6_wb_adr_o(t7_wb_adr_o), + .t6_wb_sel_o(t7_wb_sel_o), + .t6_wb_we_o(t7_wb_we_o), + .t6_wb_dat_o(t7_wb_dat_o), + .t6_wb_dat_i(t7_wb_dat_i), + .t6_wb_ack_i(t7_wb_ack_i), + .t6_wb_err_i(t7_wb_err_i), + .t6_wb_cti_o(t7_wb_cti_o), + .t6_wb_bte_o(t7_wb_bte_o), + + .t7_wb_cyc_o(t8_wb_cyc_o), + .t7_wb_stb_o(t8_wb_stb_o), + .t7_wb_adr_o(t8_wb_adr_o), + .t7_wb_sel_o(t8_wb_sel_o), + .t7_wb_we_o(t8_wb_we_o), + .t7_wb_dat_o(t8_wb_dat_o), + .t7_wb_dat_i(t8_wb_dat_i), + .t7_wb_ack_i(t8_wb_ack_i), + .t7_wb_err_i(t8_wb_err_i), + .t7_wb_cti_o(t8_wb_cti_o), + .t7_wb_bte_o(t8_wb_bte_o), + + +); + +endmodule + +// +// Multiple initiator to single target +// +module tc_mi_to_st ( + wb_clk_i, + wb_rst_i, + i0_wb_cyc_i, + i0_wb_stb_i, + i0_wb_adr_i, + i0_wb_sel_i, + i0_wb_we_i, + i0_wb_dat_i, + i0_wb_dat_o, + i0_wb_ack_o, + i0_wb_err_o, + i0_wb_cti_i, + i0_wb_bte_i, + + i1_wb_cyc_i, + i1_wb_stb_i, + i1_wb_adr_i, + i1_wb_sel_i, + i1_wb_we_i, + i1_wb_dat_i, + i1_wb_dat_o, + i1_wb_ack_o, + i1_wb_err_o, + i1_wb_cti_i, + i1_wb_bte_i, + + i2_wb_cyc_i, + i2_wb_stb_i, + i2_wb_adr_i, + i2_wb_sel_i, + i2_wb_we_i, + i2_wb_dat_i, + i2_wb_dat_o, + i2_wb_ack_o, + i2_wb_err_o, + i2_wb_cti_i, + i2_wb_bte_i, + + i3_wb_cyc_i, + i3_wb_stb_i, + i3_wb_adr_i, + i3_wb_sel_i, + i3_wb_we_i, + i3_wb_dat_i, + i3_wb_dat_o, + i3_wb_ack_o, + i3_wb_err_o, + i3_wb_cti_i, + i3_wb_bte_i, + + i4_wb_cyc_i, + i4_wb_stb_i, + i4_wb_adr_i, + i4_wb_sel_i, + i4_wb_we_i, + i4_wb_dat_i, + i4_wb_dat_o, + i4_wb_ack_o, + i4_wb_err_o, + i4_wb_cti_i, + i4_wb_bte_i, + + i5_wb_cyc_i, + i5_wb_stb_i, + i5_wb_adr_i, + i5_wb_sel_i, + i5_wb_we_i, + i5_wb_dat_i, + i5_wb_dat_o, + i5_wb_ack_o, + i5_wb_err_o, + i5_wb_cti_i, + i5_wb_bte_i, + + i6_wb_cyc_i, + i6_wb_stb_i, + i6_wb_adr_i, + i6_wb_sel_i, + i6_wb_we_i, + i6_wb_dat_i, + i6_wb_dat_o, + i6_wb_ack_o, + i6_wb_err_o, + i6_wb_cti_i, + i6_wb_bte_i, + + i7_wb_cyc_i, + i7_wb_stb_i, + i7_wb_adr_i, + i7_wb_sel_i, + i7_wb_we_i, + i7_wb_dat_i, + i7_wb_dat_o, + i7_wb_ack_o, + i7_wb_err_o, + i7_wb_cti_i, + i7_wb_bte_i, + + + t0_wb_cyc_o, + t0_wb_stb_o, + t0_wb_adr_o, + t0_wb_sel_o, + t0_wb_we_o, + t0_wb_dat_o, + t0_wb_dat_i, + t0_wb_ack_i, + t0_wb_err_i, + t0_wb_cti_o, + t0_wb_bte_o + +); + +// +// Parameters +// +parameter t0_addr_w = 2; +parameter t0_addr = 2'b00; +parameter multitarg = 1'b0; +parameter t17_addr_w = 2; +parameter t17_addr = 2'b00; + +// +// I/O Ports +// +input wb_clk_i; +input wb_rst_i; +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 0 +// +input i0_wb_cyc_i; +input i0_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i0_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i0_wb_sel_i; +input i0_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i0_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i0_wb_dat_o; +output i0_wb_ack_o; +output i0_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i0_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i0_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 1 +// +input i1_wb_cyc_i; +input i1_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i1_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i1_wb_sel_i; +input i1_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i1_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i1_wb_dat_o; +output i1_wb_ack_o; +output i1_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i1_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i1_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 2 +// +input i2_wb_cyc_i; +input i2_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i2_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i2_wb_sel_i; +input i2_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i2_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i2_wb_dat_o; +output i2_wb_ack_o; +output i2_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i2_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i2_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 3 +// +input i3_wb_cyc_i; +input i3_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i3_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i3_wb_sel_i; +input i3_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i3_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i3_wb_dat_o; +output i3_wb_ack_o; +output i3_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i3_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i3_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 4 +// +input i4_wb_cyc_i; +input i4_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i4_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i4_wb_sel_i; +input i4_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i4_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i4_wb_dat_o; +output i4_wb_ack_o; +output i4_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i4_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i4_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 5 +// +input i5_wb_cyc_i; +input i5_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i5_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i5_wb_sel_i; +input i5_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i5_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i5_wb_dat_o; +output i5_wb_ack_o; +output i5_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i5_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i5_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 6 +// +input i6_wb_cyc_i; +input i6_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i6_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i6_wb_sel_i; +input i6_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i6_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i6_wb_dat_o; +output i6_wb_ack_o; +output i6_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i6_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i6_wb_bte_i; + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 7 +// +input i7_wb_cyc_i; +input i7_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i7_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i7_wb_sel_i; +input i7_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i7_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i7_wb_dat_o; +output i7_wb_ack_o; +output i7_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i7_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i7_wb_bte_i; + + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target +// +output t0_wb_cyc_o; +output t0_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t0_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t0_wb_sel_o; +output t0_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t0_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t0_wb_dat_i; +input t0_wb_ack_i; +input t0_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t0_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t0_wb_bte_o; + +// +// Internal wires & registers +// +wire [`TC_IIN_W-1:0] i0_in, i1_in, + i2_in, i3_in, + i4_in, i5_in, + i6_in, i7_in; +wire [`TC_TIN_W-1:0] i0_out, i1_out, + i2_out, i3_out, + i4_out, i5_out, + i6_out, i7_out; +wire [`TC_IIN_W-1:0] t0_out; +wire [`TC_TIN_W-1:0] t0_in; +wire [7:0] req_i; +wire [2:0] req_won; +reg req_cont; +reg [2:0] req_r; +// +// Group WB initiator 0 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i0_in = {i0_wb_cyc_i, i0_wb_stb_i, i0_wb_adr_i, + i0_wb_sel_i, i0_wb_we_i, i0_wb_dat_i, i0_wb_cti_i, i0_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i0_wb_dat_o, i0_wb_ack_o, i0_wb_err_o} = i0_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 1 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i1_in = {i1_wb_cyc_i, i1_wb_stb_i, i1_wb_adr_i, + i1_wb_sel_i, i1_wb_we_i, i1_wb_dat_i, i1_wb_cti_i, i1_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i1_wb_dat_o, i1_wb_ack_o, i1_wb_err_o} = i1_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 2 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i2_in = {i2_wb_cyc_i, i2_wb_stb_i, i2_wb_adr_i, + i2_wb_sel_i, i2_wb_we_i, i2_wb_dat_i, i2_wb_cti_i, i2_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i2_wb_dat_o, i2_wb_ack_o, i2_wb_err_o} = i2_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 3 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i3_in = {i3_wb_cyc_i, i3_wb_stb_i, i3_wb_adr_i, + i3_wb_sel_i, i3_wb_we_i, i3_wb_dat_i, i3_wb_cti_i, i3_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i3_wb_dat_o, i3_wb_ack_o, i3_wb_err_o} = i3_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 4 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i4_in = {i4_wb_cyc_i, i4_wb_stb_i, i4_wb_adr_i, + i4_wb_sel_i, i4_wb_we_i, i4_wb_dat_i, i4_wb_cti_i, i4_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i4_wb_dat_o, i4_wb_ack_o, i4_wb_err_o} = i4_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 5 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i5_in = {i5_wb_cyc_i, i5_wb_stb_i, i5_wb_adr_i, + i5_wb_sel_i, i5_wb_we_i, i5_wb_dat_i, i5_wb_cti_i, i5_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i5_wb_dat_o, i5_wb_ack_o, i5_wb_err_o} = i5_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 6 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i6_in = {i6_wb_cyc_i, i6_wb_stb_i, i6_wb_adr_i, + i6_wb_sel_i, i6_wb_we_i, i6_wb_dat_i, i6_wb_cti_i, i6_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i6_wb_dat_o, i6_wb_ack_o, i6_wb_err_o} = i6_out; + +// +// Group WB initiator 7 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i7_in = {i7_wb_cyc_i, i7_wb_stb_i, i7_wb_adr_i, + i7_wb_sel_i, i7_wb_we_i, i7_wb_dat_i, i7_wb_cti_i, i7_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i7_wb_dat_o, i7_wb_ack_o, i7_wb_err_o} = i7_out; + + +// +// Group WB target 0 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t0_wb_cyc_o, t0_wb_stb_o, t0_wb_adr_o, + t0_wb_sel_o, t0_wb_we_o, t0_wb_dat_o, t0_wb_cti_o, t0_wb_bte_o} = t0_out; +assign t0_in = {t0_wb_dat_i, t0_wb_ack_i, t0_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Assign to WB initiator i/f outputs +// +// Either inputs from the target are assigned or zeros. +// +assign i0_out = (req_won == 3'd0) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i1_out = (req_won == 3'd1) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i2_out = (req_won == 3'd2) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i3_out = (req_won == 3'd3) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i4_out = (req_won == 3'd4) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i5_out = (req_won == 3'd5) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i6_out = (req_won == 3'd6) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign i7_out = (req_won == 3'd7) ? t0_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; + +// +// Assign to WB target i/f outputs +// +// Assign inputs from initiator to target outputs according to +// which initiator has won. If there is no request for the target, +// assign zeros. +// +assign t0_out = (req_won == 3'd0) ? i0_in : + (req_won == 3'd1) ? i1_in : + (req_won == 3'd2) ? i2_in : + (req_won == 3'd3) ? i3_in : + (req_won == 3'd4) ? i4_in : + (req_won == 3'd5) ? i5_in : + (req_won == 3'd6) ? i6_in : + (req_won == 3'd7) ? i7_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; + +// +// Determine if an initiator has address of the target. +// +assign req_i[0] = i0_wb_cyc_i & + ((i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[1] = i1_wb_cyc_i & + ((i1_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i1_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[2] = i2_wb_cyc_i & + ((i2_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i2_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[3] = i3_wb_cyc_i & + ((i3_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i3_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[4] = i4_wb_cyc_i & + ((i4_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i4_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[5] = i5_wb_cyc_i & + ((i5_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i5_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[6] = i6_wb_cyc_i & + ((i6_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i6_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); +assign req_i[7] = i7_wb_cyc_i & + ((i7_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr) | + multitarg & (i7_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t17_addr)); + +// +// Determine who gets current access to the target. +// +// If current initiator still asserts request, do nothing +// (keep current initiator). +// Otherwise check each initiator's request, starting from initiator 0 +// (highest priority). +// If there is no requests from initiators, park initiator 0. +// +assign req_won = req_cont ? req_r : + req_i[0] ? 3'd0 : + req_i[1] ? 3'd1 : + req_i[2] ? 3'd2 : + req_i[3] ? 3'd3 : + req_i[4] ? 3'd4 : + req_i[5] ? 3'd5 : + req_i[6] ? 3'd6 : + req_i[7] ? 3'd7 : 3'd0; + +// +// Check if current initiator still wants access to the target and if +// it does, assert req_cont. +// +always @(req_r or req_i) + case (req_r) // synopsys parallel_case + 3'd0: req_cont = req_i[0]; + 3'd1: req_cont = req_i[1]; + 3'd2: req_cont = req_i[2]; + 3'd3: req_cont = req_i[3]; + 3'd4: req_cont = req_i[4]; + 3'd5: req_cont = req_i[5]; + 3'd6: req_cont = req_i[6]; + 3'd7: req_cont = req_i[7]; + endcase + +// +// Register who has current access to the target. +// +always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) + if (wb_rst_i) + req_r <= #1 3'd0; + else + req_r <= #1 req_won; + +endmodule + +// +// Single initiator to multiple targets +// +module tc_si_to_mt ( + + i0_wb_cyc_i, + i0_wb_stb_i, + i0_wb_adr_i, + i0_wb_sel_i, + i0_wb_we_i, + i0_wb_dat_i, + i0_wb_dat_o, + i0_wb_ack_o, + i0_wb_err_o, + i0_wb_cti_i, + i0_wb_bte_i, + + t0_wb_cyc_o, + t0_wb_stb_o, + t0_wb_adr_o, + t0_wb_sel_o, + t0_wb_we_o, + t0_wb_dat_o, + t0_wb_dat_i, + t0_wb_ack_i, + t0_wb_err_i, + t0_wb_cti_o, + t0_wb_bte_o, + + t1_wb_cyc_o, + t1_wb_stb_o, + t1_wb_adr_o, + t1_wb_sel_o, + t1_wb_we_o, + t1_wb_dat_o, + t1_wb_dat_i, + t1_wb_ack_i, + t1_wb_err_i, + t1_wb_cti_o, + t1_wb_bte_o, + + t2_wb_cyc_o, + t2_wb_stb_o, + t2_wb_adr_o, + t2_wb_sel_o, + t2_wb_we_o, + t2_wb_dat_o, + t2_wb_dat_i, + t2_wb_ack_i, + t2_wb_err_i, + t2_wb_cti_o, + t2_wb_bte_o, + + t3_wb_cyc_o, + t3_wb_stb_o, + t3_wb_adr_o, + t3_wb_sel_o, + t3_wb_we_o, + t3_wb_dat_o, + t3_wb_dat_i, + t3_wb_ack_i, + t3_wb_err_i, + t3_wb_cti_o, + t3_wb_bte_o, + + t4_wb_cyc_o, + t4_wb_stb_o, + t4_wb_adr_o, + t4_wb_sel_o, + t4_wb_we_o, + t4_wb_dat_o, + t4_wb_dat_i, + t4_wb_ack_i, + t4_wb_err_i, + t4_wb_cti_o, + t4_wb_bte_o, + + t5_wb_cyc_o, + t5_wb_stb_o, + t5_wb_adr_o, + t5_wb_sel_o, + t5_wb_we_o, + t5_wb_dat_o, + t5_wb_dat_i, + t5_wb_ack_i, + t5_wb_err_i, + t5_wb_cti_o, + t5_wb_bte_o, + + t6_wb_cyc_o, + t6_wb_stb_o, + t6_wb_adr_o, + t6_wb_sel_o, + t6_wb_we_o, + t6_wb_dat_o, + t6_wb_dat_i, + t6_wb_ack_i, + t6_wb_err_i, + t6_wb_cti_o, + t6_wb_bte_o, + + t7_wb_cyc_o, + t7_wb_stb_o, + t7_wb_adr_o, + t7_wb_sel_o, + t7_wb_we_o, + t7_wb_dat_o, + t7_wb_dat_i, + t7_wb_ack_i, + t7_wb_err_i, + t7_wb_cti_o, + t7_wb_bte_o + + +); + +// +// Parameters +// +parameter t0_addr_w = 3; +parameter t0_addr = 3'd0; +parameter t17_addr_w = 3; +parameter t1_addr = 3'd1; +parameter t2_addr = 3'd2; +parameter t3_addr = 3'd3; +parameter t4_addr = 3'd4; +parameter t5_addr = 3'd5; +parameter t6_addr = 3'd6; +parameter t7_addr = 3'd7; + +// +// I/O Ports +// + +// +// WB slave i/f connecting initiator 0 +// +input i0_wb_cyc_i; +input i0_wb_stb_i; +input [`TC_AW-1:0] i0_wb_adr_i; +input [`TC_BSW-1:0] i0_wb_sel_i; +input i0_wb_we_i; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] i0_wb_dat_i; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] i0_wb_dat_o; +output i0_wb_ack_o; +output i0_wb_err_o; +input [2:0] i0_wb_cti_i; +input [1:0] i0_wb_bte_i; +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 0 +// +output t0_wb_cyc_o; +output t0_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t0_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t0_wb_sel_o; +output t0_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t0_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t0_wb_dat_i; +input t0_wb_ack_i; +input t0_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t0_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t0_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 1 +// +output t1_wb_cyc_o; +output t1_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t1_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t1_wb_sel_o; +output t1_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t1_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t1_wb_dat_i; +input t1_wb_ack_i; +input t1_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t1_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t1_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 2 +// +output t2_wb_cyc_o; +output t2_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t2_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t2_wb_sel_o; +output t2_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t2_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t2_wb_dat_i; +input t2_wb_ack_i; +input t2_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t2_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t2_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 3 +// +output t3_wb_cyc_o; +output t3_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t3_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t3_wb_sel_o; +output t3_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t3_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t3_wb_dat_i; +input t3_wb_ack_i; +input t3_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t3_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t3_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 4 +// +output t4_wb_cyc_o; +output t4_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t4_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t4_wb_sel_o; +output t4_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t4_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t4_wb_dat_i; +input t4_wb_ack_i; +input t4_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t4_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t4_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 5 +// +output t5_wb_cyc_o; +output t5_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t5_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t5_wb_sel_o; +output t5_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t5_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t5_wb_dat_i; +input t5_wb_ack_i; +input t5_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t5_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t5_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 6 +// +output t6_wb_cyc_o; +output t6_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t6_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t6_wb_sel_o; +output t6_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t6_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t6_wb_dat_i; +input t6_wb_ack_i; +input t6_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t6_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t6_wb_bte_o; + +// +// WB master i/f connecting target 7 +// +output t7_wb_cyc_o; +output t7_wb_stb_o; +output [`TC_AW-1:0] t7_wb_adr_o; +output [`TC_BSW-1:0] t7_wb_sel_o; +output t7_wb_we_o; +output [`TC_DW-1:0] t7_wb_dat_o; +input [`TC_DW-1:0] t7_wb_dat_i; +input t7_wb_ack_i; +input t7_wb_err_i; +output [2:0] t7_wb_cti_o; +output [1:0] t7_wb_bte_o; + + +// +// Internal wires & registers +// +wire [`TC_IIN_W-1:0] i0_in; +wire [`TC_TIN_W-1:0] i0_out; +wire [`TC_IIN_W-1:0] t0_out, t1_out, + t2_out, t3_out, + t4_out, t5_out, + t6_out, t7_out; +wire [`TC_TIN_W-1:0] t0_in, t1_in, + t2_in, t3_in, + t4_in, t5_in, + t6_in, t7_in; +wire [7:0] req_t; + +// +// Group WB initiator 0 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign i0_in = {i0_wb_cyc_i, i0_wb_stb_i, i0_wb_adr_i, + i0_wb_sel_i, i0_wb_we_i, i0_wb_dat_i, i0_wb_cti_i, i0_wb_bte_i}; +assign {i0_wb_dat_o, i0_wb_ack_o, i0_wb_err_o} = i0_out; +// +// Group WB target 0 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t0_wb_cyc_o, t0_wb_stb_o, t0_wb_adr_o, +t0_wb_sel_o, t0_wb_we_o, t0_wb_dat_o, t0_wb_cti_o, t0_wb_bte_o} = t0_out; +assign t0_in = {t0_wb_dat_i, t0_wb_ack_i, t0_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 1 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t1_wb_cyc_o, t1_wb_stb_o, t1_wb_adr_o, +t1_wb_sel_o, t1_wb_we_o, t1_wb_dat_o, t1_wb_cti_o, t1_wb_bte_o} = t1_out; +assign t1_in = {t1_wb_dat_i, t1_wb_ack_i, t1_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 2 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t2_wb_cyc_o, t2_wb_stb_o, t2_wb_adr_o, +t2_wb_sel_o, t2_wb_we_o, t2_wb_dat_o, t2_wb_cti_o, t2_wb_bte_o} = t2_out; +assign t2_in = {t2_wb_dat_i, t2_wb_ack_i, t2_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 3 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t3_wb_cyc_o, t3_wb_stb_o, t3_wb_adr_o, +t3_wb_sel_o, t3_wb_we_o, t3_wb_dat_o, t3_wb_cti_o, t3_wb_bte_o} = t3_out; +assign t3_in = {t3_wb_dat_i, t3_wb_ack_i, t3_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 4 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t4_wb_cyc_o, t4_wb_stb_o, t4_wb_adr_o, +t4_wb_sel_o, t4_wb_we_o, t4_wb_dat_o, t4_wb_cti_o, t4_wb_bte_o} = t4_out; +assign t4_in = {t4_wb_dat_i, t4_wb_ack_i, t4_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 5 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t5_wb_cyc_o, t5_wb_stb_o, t5_wb_adr_o, +t5_wb_sel_o, t5_wb_we_o, t5_wb_dat_o, t5_wb_cti_o, t5_wb_bte_o} = t5_out; +assign t5_in = {t5_wb_dat_i, t5_wb_ack_i, t5_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 6 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t6_wb_cyc_o, t6_wb_stb_o, t6_wb_adr_o, +t6_wb_sel_o, t6_wb_we_o, t6_wb_dat_o, t6_wb_cti_o, t6_wb_bte_o} = t6_out; +assign t6_in = {t6_wb_dat_i, t6_wb_ack_i, t6_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Group WB target 7 i/f inputs and outputs +// +assign {t7_wb_cyc_o, t7_wb_stb_o, t7_wb_adr_o, +t7_wb_sel_o, t7_wb_we_o, t7_wb_dat_o, t7_wb_cti_o, t7_wb_bte_o} = t7_out; +assign t7_in = {t7_wb_dat_i, t7_wb_ack_i, t7_wb_err_i}; + +// +// Assign to WB target i/f outputs +// +// Either inputs from the initiator are assigned or zeros. +// +assign t0_out = req_t[0] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t1_out = req_t[1] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t2_out = req_t[2] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t3_out = req_t[3] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t4_out = req_t[4] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t5_out = req_t[5] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t6_out = req_t[6] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; +assign t7_out = req_t[7] ? i0_in : {`TC_IIN_W{1'b0}}; + +// +// Assign to WB initiator i/f outputs +// +// Assign inputs from target to initiator outputs according to +// which target is accessed. If there is no request for a target, +// assign zeros. +// +assign i0_out = req_t[0] ? t0_in : + req_t[1] ? t1_in : + req_t[2] ? t2_in : + req_t[3] ? t3_in : + req_t[4] ? t4_in : + req_t[5] ? t5_in : + req_t[6] ? t6_in : + req_t[7] ? t7_in : {`TC_TIN_W{1'b0}}; + +// +// Determine which target is being accessed. +// +assign req_t[0] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t0_addr_w] == t0_addr); +assign req_t[1] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t1_addr); +assign req_t[2] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t2_addr); +assign req_t[3] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t3_addr); +assign req_t[4] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t4_addr); +assign req_t[5] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t5_addr); +assign req_t[6] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t6_addr); +assign req_t[7] = i0_wb_cyc_i & (i0_wb_adr_i[`TC_AW-1:`TC_AW-t17_addr_w] == t7_addr); + +endmodule Index: eth_transf_linux/eth1_mac_recv.c =================================================================== --- eth_transf_linux/eth1_mac_recv.c (nonexistent) +++ eth_transf_linux/eth1_mac_recv.c (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +#include + +#include + +//packet socket +#include +#include +#include + +//protocol +#include + +//netdevice stuff +#include +#include + +//file open stuff +#include +#include +#include + +//arp stuff +//#include + +#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6 +typedef unsigned char MacAddress[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; + +int main() +{ + int socket_id, new_sock, iRet = -1; + int addrlen, bytesread, nfound =0; + + int i = 0; + + MacAddress localMac = {0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x41, 0x36, 0xD3}; +// MacAddress localMac = {0xD3, 0x36, 0x41, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00}; + + char buf[256]; + + struct sockaddr_ll my_addr; + + struct ifreq ethreq; + + int if_index; + + //create packet socket from type sock_dgram where headers are automatically thrown out + if ( ( socket_id = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, htons(ETH_P_ALL) ) ) < 0 ) + { + perror("socket"); + exit(1); + } + else + { + printf("Socket has been created: socket_number %d\n", socket_id); + } + + + //GET ethreq for if "eth1" + strncpy(ethreq.ifr_name,"eth1",IFNAMSIZ); + ioctl(socket_id, SIOCGIFFLAGS, ðreq); + //SET promisc mode for if ethreq +// ethreq.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; +// ioctl(socket_id, SIOCSIFFLAGS, ðreq); + //request index + ioctl(socket_id, SIOCGIFINDEX, ðreq); + + if_index = ethreq.ifr_ifindex; + + printf("This is the index of the interface: %d\n", if_index ); + + memset(&my_addr, '0', sizeof(my_addr) ); + + my_addr.sll_family = AF_PACKET; + my_addr.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL); //defaults to socket protocol + my_addr.sll_ifindex = if_index; +// my_addr.sll_hatype = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER); +// my_addr.sll_pkttype = PACKET_OTHERHOST; + my_addr.sll_halen = 6; + memcpy( &(my_addr.sll_addr), localMac, MAC_ADDR_LEN ); + + //request hw_addres + ioctl(socket_id, SIOCGIFHWADDR, ðreq); + + printf("This is the address of my card: %d\n", my_addr.sll_addr[5] ); + + //bind to interface goten from ioctl SIOCGIFHWADDR directive (otherwise all packets are recved) + if ( bind( socket_id, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, sizeof(my_addr) ) ) + { + perror("bind"); + exit(1); + } + + struct sockaddr_ll from; + int fromlen; + + fromlen = sizeof(from); + + for (;;) + { + iRet = recvfrom(socket_id, buf, 256, 0, &from, &fromlen); + if ( iRet == -1 ) + { + perror("recvfrom"); + exit(1); + } + else + { + printf("Received %d bytes of data.\n", iRet); + printf("This is the received data:\n"); + for ( i = 0; i < iRet; i++) + printf("Byte %d: %X\n", i, (int)buf[i]); + printf("End of transmission!\n"); + } + } + + return 0; +} + Index: eth_transf_linux/eth1_mac_snd.c =================================================================== --- eth_transf_linux/eth1_mac_snd.c (nonexistent) +++ eth_transf_linux/eth1_mac_snd.c (revision 109) @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +#include + +#include + +//packet socket +#include +#include +#include + +//protocol +#include + +//netdevice stuff +#include +#include + +//file open stuff +#include +#include +#include + +//arp stuff +//#include + +#define MAC_ADDR_LEN 6 +typedef unsigned char MacAddress[MAC_ADDR_LEN]; + +int main() +{ + int socket_id, new_sock, iRet = -1; + int addrlen, bytesread, nfound =0; + + int i = 0; + + MacAddress localMac = {0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x41, 0x36, 0xD3}; + MacAddress extMac = {0x55, 0x47, 0x34, 0x22, 0x88, 0x92}; +// MacAddress extMac = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; + + char buf[256]; + + struct sockaddr_ll my_addr; + + struct ifreq ethreq; + + int if_index; + + if ( ( socket_id = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, htons(ETH_P_ALL) ) ) < 0 ) + { + perror("socket"); + exit(1); + } + else + { + printf("Socket has been created: socket_number %d\n", socket_id); + } + + + //GET ethreq for if "eth1" + strncpy(ethreq.ifr_name,"eth1",IFNAMSIZ); + ioctl(socket_id, SIOCGIFFLAGS, ðreq); + //SET promisc mode for if ethreq +// ethreq.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; +// ioctl(socket_id, SIOCSIFFLAGS, ðreq); + //request index + ioctl(socket_id, SIOCGIFINDEX, ðreq); + if_index = ethreq.ifr_ifindex; + + printf("This is the index of the interface: %d\n", if_index ); + + memset(&my_addr, '0', sizeof(my_addr) ); + + my_addr.sll_family = AF_PACKET; + my_addr.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL); //defaults to socket protocol + my_addr.sll_ifindex = if_index; +// my_addr.sll_hatype = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER); +// my_addr.sll_pkttype = PACKET_OTHERHOST; + my_addr.sll_halen = 6; + memcpy( &(my_addr.sll_addr), localMac, MAC_ADDR_LEN ); + + //request hw_addres + ioctl(socket_id, SIOCGIFHWADDR, ðreq); + + printf("This is the address of my card: %d\n", my_addr.sll_addr[5] ); + + if ( bind( socket_id, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, sizeof(my_addr) ) ) + { + perror("bind"); + exit(1); + } + + struct sockaddr_ll addr_to; + int addr_toLen; + + addr_toLen = sizeof(addr_to); + + memset(&addr_to, '0', sizeof(addr_to) ); + + addr_to.sll_family = AF_PACKET; + addr_to.sll_ifindex = if_index; + addr_to.sll_halen = 6; + memcpy( &(addr_to.sll_addr), extMac, MAC_ADDR_LEN ); + + for (i=0; i<256 ; i++ ) + buf[i] = 0; + + //first 2 bytes are gathered with length and are ignored + buf[0] = 0xAA; + buf[1] = 0xAA; + //now it gets to fpga: send opcode 0xBA8 + buf[2] = 0xBA; + buf[3] = 0x87; + //opcode sent + buf[4] = 0xAA; + buf[5] = 0xAA; + buf[6] = 0xAA; + buf[7] = 0xAA; + buf[8] = 0xAA; + buf[9] = 0xAA; + buf[10] = 0xAA; + buf[11] = 0xAA; + +// for (;;) +// { + iRet = sendto(socket_id, buf, 46, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &addr_to, addr_toLen); + if ( iRet == -1 ) + { + perror("sendto"); + exit(1); + } + else + { +// printf("%s\n", buf); + printf("Data sent!\nExiting...\n"); + } +// } + + return 0; +} +

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