Subversion Repositories minsoc
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 148 to Rev 151
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 148 → Rev 151
0,0 → 1,953
`include "minsoc_bench_defines.v" |
`include "minsoc_defines.v" |
`include "or1200_defines.v" |
`include "timescale.v" |
module minsoc_bench(); |
localparam RESET_LEVEL = 1'b1; |
localparam RESET_LEVEL = 1'b0; |
`else |
localparam RESET_LEVEL = 1'b1; |
`endif |
reg clock, reset; |
//Debug interface |
wire dbg_tms_i; |
wire dbg_tck_i; |
wire dbg_tdi_i; |
wire dbg_tdo_o; |
wire jtag_vref; |
wire jtag_gnd; |
//SPI wires |
wire spi_mosi; |
reg spi_miso; |
wire spi_sclk; |
wire [1:0] spi_ss; |
//UART wires |
wire uart_stx; |
reg uart_srx; |
//ETH wires |
reg eth_col; |
reg eth_crs; |
wire eth_trst; |
reg eth_tx_clk; |
wire eth_tx_en; |
wire eth_tx_er; |
wire [3:0] eth_txd; |
reg eth_rx_clk; |
reg eth_rx_dv; |
reg eth_rx_er; |
reg [3:0] eth_rxd; |
reg eth_fds_mdint; |
wire eth_mdc; |
wire eth_mdio; |
// |
// TASKS registers to communicate with interfaces |
// |
reg design_ready; |
reg uart_echo; |
`ifdef UART |
reg [40*8-1:0] line; |
reg [12*8-1:0] hello; |
reg new_line; |
reg new_char; |
reg flush_line; |
`endif |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
reg [7:0] eth_rx_data [0:1535]; //receive buffer ETH (max packet 1536) |
reg [7:0] eth_tx_data [0:1535]; //send buffer ETH (max packet 1536) |
localparam ETH_HDR = 14; |
localparam ETH_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH = 1518;//only able to send up to 1536 bytes with header (14 bytes) and CRC (4 bytes) |
`endif |
// |
// Testbench mechanics |
// |
reg [7:0] program_mem[(1<<(`MEMORY_ADR_WIDTH+2))-1:0]; |
integer initialize, ptr; |
reg [8*64:0] file_name; |
integer firmware_size; // Note that the .hex file size is greater than this, as each byte in the file needs 2 hex characters. |
integer firmware_size_in_header; |
reg load_file; |
initial begin |
reset = ~RESET_LEVEL; |
clock = 1'b0; |
eth_tx_clk = 1'b0; |
eth_rx_clk = 1'b0; |
design_ready = 1'b0; |
uart_echo = 1'b1; |
minsoc_top_0.clk_adjust.clk_int = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.clk_adjust.clock_divisor = 32'h0000_0000; |
`endif |
uart_srx = 1'b1; |
eth_col = 1'b0; |
eth_crs = 1'b0; |
eth_fds_mdint = 1'b1; |
eth_rx_er = 1'b0; |
eth_rxd = 4'h0; |
eth_rx_dv = 1'b0; |
//dual and two port rams from FPGA memory instances have to be initialized to 0 |
init_fpga_memory(); |
load_file = 1'b0; |
load_file = 1'b1; |
`endif |
`ifdef START_UP |
load_file = 1'b1; |
`endif |
//get firmware hex file from command line input |
if ( load_file ) begin |
if ( ! $value$plusargs("file_name=%s", file_name) || file_name == 0 ) begin |
$display("ERROR: Please specify the name of the firmware file to load on start-up."); |
$finish; |
end |
// We are passing the firmware size separately as a command-line argument in order |
// to avoid this kind of Icarus Verilog warnings: |
// WARNING: minsoc_bench_core.v:111: $readmemh: Standard inconsistency, following 1364-2005. |
// WARNING: minsoc_bench_core.v:111: $readmemh(../../sw/uart/uart.hex): Not enough words in the file for the requested range [0:32767]. |
// Apparently, some of the $readmemh() warnigns are even required by the standard. The trouble is, |
// Verilog's $fread() is not widely implemented in the simulators, so from Verilog alone |
// it's not easy to read the firmware file header without getting such warnings. |
if ( ! $value$plusargs("firmware_size=%d", firmware_size) ) begin |
$display("ERROR: Please specify the size of the firmware (in bytes) contained in the hex firmware file."); |
$finish; |
end |
$readmemh(file_name, program_mem, 0, firmware_size - 1); |
firmware_size_in_header = { program_mem[0] , program_mem[1] , program_mem[2] , program_mem[3] }; |
if ( firmware_size != firmware_size_in_header ) begin |
$display("ERROR: The firmware size in the file header does not match the firmware size given as command-line argument. Did you forget bin2hex's -size_word flag when generating the firmware file?"); |
$finish; |
end |
end |
// Initialize memory with firmware |
initialize = 0; |
while ( initialize < firmware_size ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.onchip_ram_top.block_ram_3.mem[initialize/4] = program_mem[initialize]; |
minsoc_top_0.onchip_ram_top.block_ram_2.mem[initialize/4] = program_mem[initialize+1]; |
minsoc_top_0.onchip_ram_top.block_ram_1.mem[initialize/4] = program_mem[initialize+2]; |
minsoc_top_0.onchip_ram_top.block_ram_0.mem[initialize/4] = program_mem[initialize+3]; |
initialize = initialize + 4; |
end |
$display("Memory model initialized with firmware:"); |
$display("%s", file_name); |
$display("%d Bytes loaded from %d ...", initialize , firmware_size); |
`endif |
// Reset controller |
repeat (2) @ (negedge clock); |
reset = RESET_LEVEL; |
repeat (16) @ (negedge clock); |
reset = ~RESET_LEVEL; |
`ifdef START_UP |
// Pass firmware over spi to or1k_startup |
ptr = 0; |
//read dummy |
send_spi(program_mem[ptr]); |
send_spi(program_mem[ptr]); |
send_spi(program_mem[ptr]); |
send_spi(program_mem[ptr]); |
//~read dummy |
while ( ptr < firmware_size ) begin |
send_spi(program_mem[ptr]); |
ptr = ptr + 1; |
end |
$display("Memory start-up completed..."); |
$display("Loaded firmware:"); |
$display("%s", file_name); |
`endif |
// |
// Testbench START |
// |
design_ready = 1'b1; |
$display("Running simulation: if you want to stop it, type ctrl+c and type in finish afterwards."); |
fork |
begin |
`ifdef UART |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
$display("Testing Ethernet firmware, this takes long (~15 min. @ 2.53 GHz dual-core)..."); |
$display("Ethernet firmware encloses UART firmware, testing UART firmware first..."); |
test_uart(); |
test_eth(); |
$display("Stopping simulation."); |
$finish; |
`endif |
`endif |
`ifdef TEST_UART |
$display("Testing UART firmware, this takes a while (~1 min. @ 2.53 GHz dual-core)..."); |
test_uart(); |
$display("Stopping simulation."); |
$finish; |
`endif |
`endif |
end |
begin |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
get_mac(); |
if ( { eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+1] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+2] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+3] } == 32'hFF2B4050 ) |
$display("Ethernet firmware started correctly."); |
`endif |
`endif |
end |
join |
end |
// |
// Modules instantiations |
// |
minsoc_top minsoc_top_0( |
.clk(clock), |
.reset(reset) |
//JTAG ports |
`ifdef GENERIC_TAP |
, .jtag_tdi(dbg_tdi_i), |
.jtag_tms(dbg_tms_i), |
.jtag_tck(dbg_tck_i), |
.jtag_tdo(dbg_tdo_o), |
.jtag_vref(jtag_vref), |
.jtag_gnd(jtag_gnd) |
`endif |
//SPI ports |
`ifdef START_UP |
, .spi_flash_mosi(spi_mosi), |
.spi_flash_miso(spi_miso), |
.spi_flash_sclk(spi_sclk), |
.spi_flash_ss(spi_ss) |
`endif |
//UART ports |
`ifdef UART |
, .uart_stx(uart_stx), |
.uart_srx(uart_srx) |
`endif // !UART |
// Ethernet ports |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
, .eth_col(eth_col), |
.eth_crs(eth_crs), |
.eth_trste(eth_trst), |
.eth_tx_clk(eth_tx_clk), |
.eth_tx_en(eth_tx_en), |
.eth_tx_er(eth_tx_er), |
.eth_txd(eth_txd), |
.eth_rx_clk(eth_rx_clk), |
.eth_rx_dv(eth_rx_dv), |
.eth_rx_er(eth_rx_er), |
.eth_rxd(eth_rxd), |
.eth_fds_mdint(eth_fds_mdint), |
.eth_mdc(eth_mdc), |
.eth_mdio(eth_mdio) |
`endif // !ETHERNET |
); |
`ifdef VPI_DEBUG |
dbg_comm_vpi dbg_if( |
.SYS_CLK(clock), |
.P_TMS(dbg_tms_i), |
.P_TCK(dbg_tck_i), |
.P_TRST(), |
.P_TDI(dbg_tdi_i), |
.P_TDO(dbg_tdo_o) |
); |
`else |
assign dbg_tdi_i = 1; |
assign dbg_tck_i = 0; |
assign dbg_tms_i = 1; |
`endif |
// |
// Firmware testers |
// |
`ifdef UART |
task test_uart(); |
begin |
@ (posedge new_line); |
$display("UART data received."); |
hello = line[12*8-1:0]; |
//sending character A to UART, B expected |
$display("Testing UART interrupt..."); |
uart_echo = 1'b0; |
uart_send(8'h41); //Character A |
@ (posedge new_char); |
if ( line[7:0] == "B" ) |
$display("UART interrupt working."); |
else |
$display("UART interrupt failed. B was expected, %c was received.", line[7:0]); |
uart_echo = 1'b1; |
if ( hello == "Hello World." ) |
$display("UART firmware test completed, behaving correctly."); |
else |
$display("UART firmware test completed, failed."); |
end |
endtask |
`endif |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
task test_eth(); |
begin |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+0] = 8'hBA; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+1] = 8'h87; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+2] = 8'hAA; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+3] = 8'hBB; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+4] = 8'hCC; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+5] = 8'hDD; |
$display("Sending an Ethernet package to the system and waiting for the data to be output through UART..."); |
send_mac(6); |
repeat(3+40) @ (posedge new_line); |
$display("Ethernet test completed."); |
end |
endtask |
`endif |
// |
// Regular clocking and output |
// |
always begin |
#((`CLK_PERIOD)/2) clock <= ~clock; |
end |
initial begin |
$dumpfile("../results/minsoc_wave.lxt2"); |
$dumpvars(); |
end |
`endif |
// |
// Functionalities tasks: SPI Startup and UART Monitor |
// |
`ifdef START_UP |
task send_spi; |
input [7:0] data_in; |
integer i; |
begin |
i = 7; |
for ( i = 7 ; i >= 0; i = i - 1 ) begin |
spi_miso = data_in[i]; |
@ (posedge spi_sclk); |
end |
end |
endtask |
`endif |
//UART |
`ifdef UART |
task uart_send; |
input [7:0] data; |
integer i; |
begin |
uart_srx = 1'b0; |
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i = i + 1 ) begin |
uart_srx = data[i]; |
end |
uart_srx = 1'b0; |
uart_srx = 1'b1; |
end |
endtask |
//UART Monitor (prints uart output on the terminal) |
// Something to trigger the task |
initial |
begin |
new_line = 1'b0; |
new_char = 1'b0; |
flush_line = 1'b0; |
end |
always @ (posedge clock) |
if ( design_ready ) |
uart_decoder; |
task uart_decoder; |
integer i; |
reg [7:0] tx_byte; |
begin |
new_char = 1'b0; |
new_line = 1'b0; |
// Wait for start bit |
while (uart_stx == 1'b1) |
@(uart_stx); |
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i = i + 1 ) begin |
tx_byte[i] = uart_stx; |
end |
//Check for stop bit |
if (uart_stx == 1'b0) begin |
//$display("* WARNING: user stop bit not received when expected at time %d__", $time); |
// Wait for return to idle |
while (uart_stx == 1'b0) |
@(uart_stx); |
//$display("* USER UART returned to idle at time %d",$time); |
end |
// display the char |
if ( uart_echo ) |
$write("%c", tx_byte); |
if ( flush_line ) begin |
line = ""; |
flush_line = 1'b0; |
end |
if ( tx_byte == "\n" ) begin |
new_line = 1'b1; |
flush_line = 1'b1; |
end |
else begin |
line = { line[39*8-1:0], tx_byte}; |
new_char = 1'b1; |
end |
end |
endtask |
//~UART Monitor |
`endif // !UART |
//~UART |
// |
// TASKS to communicate with interfaces |
// |
// |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
reg [31:0] crc32_result; |
task get_mac; |
integer conta; |
reg LSB; |
begin |
conta = 0; |
LSB = 1; |
@ ( posedge eth_tx_en); |
repeat (16) @ (negedge eth_tx_clk); //8 bytes, preamble (7 bytes) + start of frame (1 byte) |
while ( eth_tx_en == 1'b1 ) begin |
@ (negedge eth_tx_clk) begin |
if ( LSB == 1'b1 ) |
eth_rx_data[conta][3:0] = eth_txd; |
else begin |
eth_rx_data[conta][7:4] = eth_txd; |
conta = conta + 1; |
end |
LSB = ~LSB; |
end |
end |
end |
endtask |
task send_mac; //only able to send up to 1536 bytes with header (14 bytes) and CRC (4 bytes) |
input [31:0] length; //ETH_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH 1518 |
integer conta; |
begin |
if ( length <= ETH_PAYLOAD_MAX_LENGTH ) begin |
eth_tx_data[0] = 8'h55; |
eth_tx_data[1] = 8'h47; |
eth_tx_data[2] = 8'h34; |
eth_tx_data[3] = 8'h22; |
eth_tx_data[4] = 8'h88; |
eth_tx_data[5] = 8'h92; |
eth_tx_data[6] = 8'h3D; |
eth_tx_data[7] = 8'h4F; |
eth_tx_data[8] = 8'h1A; |
eth_tx_data[9] = 8'hBE; |
eth_tx_data[10] = 8'h68; |
eth_tx_data[11] = 8'h72; |
//LEN |
eth_tx_data[12] = length[7:4]; |
eth_tx_data[13] = length[3:0]; |
//DATA input by task caller |
//PAD |
for ( conta = length+14; conta < 60; conta = conta + 1 ) begin |
eth_tx_data[conta] = 8'h00; |
end |
gencrc32(conta); |
eth_tx_data[conta] = crc32_result[31:24]; |
eth_tx_data[conta+1] = crc32_result[23:16]; |
eth_tx_data[conta+2] = crc32_result[15:8]; |
eth_tx_data[conta+3] = crc32_result[7:0]; |
send_rx_packet( 64'h0055_5555_5555_5555, 4'h7, 8'hD5, 32'h0000_0000, conta+4, 1'b0 ); |
end |
else |
$display("Warning: Ethernet packet is to big to be sent."); |
end |
endtask |
task send_rx_packet; |
input [(8*8)-1:0] preamble_data; // preamble data to be sent - correct is 64'h0055_5555_5555_5555 |
input [3:0] preamble_len; // length of preamble in bytes - max is 4'h8, correct is 4'h7 |
input [7:0] sfd_data; // SFD data to be sent - correct is 8'hD5 |
input [31:0] start_addr; // start address |
input [31:0] len; // length of frame in Bytes (without preamble and SFD) |
input plus_drible_nibble; // if length is longer for one nibble |
integer rx_cnt; |
reg [31:0] eth_tx_data_addr_in; // address for reading from RX memory |
reg [7:0] eth_tx_data_data_out; // data for reading from RX memory |
begin |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
eth_rx_dv = 1; |
// set initial rx memory address |
eth_tx_data_addr_in = start_addr; |
// send preamble |
for (rx_cnt = 0; (rx_cnt < (preamble_len << 1)) && (rx_cnt < 16); rx_cnt = rx_cnt + 1) |
begin |
eth_rxd = preamble_data[3:0]; |
preamble_data = preamble_data >> 4; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
// send SFD |
for (rx_cnt = 0; rx_cnt < 2; rx_cnt = rx_cnt + 1) |
begin |
eth_rxd = sfd_data[3:0]; |
sfd_data = sfd_data >> 4; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
// send packet's addresses, type/length, data and FCS |
for (rx_cnt = 0; rx_cnt < len; rx_cnt = rx_cnt + 1) |
begin |
eth_tx_data_data_out = eth_tx_data[eth_tx_data_addr_in[21:0]]; |
eth_rxd = eth_tx_data_data_out[3:0]; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
eth_rxd = eth_tx_data_data_out[7:4]; |
eth_tx_data_addr_in = eth_tx_data_addr_in + 1; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
if (plus_drible_nibble) |
begin |
eth_tx_data_data_out = eth_tx_data[eth_tx_data_addr_in[21:0]]; |
eth_rxd = eth_tx_data_data_out[3:0]; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
eth_rx_dv = 0; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
endtask // send_rx_packet |
//CRC32 |
localparam [31:0] CRC32_POLY = 32'h04C11DB7; |
task gencrc32; |
input [31:0] crc32_length; |
integer byte, bit; |
reg msb; |
reg [7:0] current_byte; |
reg [31:0] temp; |
begin |
crc32_result = 32'hffffffff; |
for (byte = 0; byte < crc32_length; byte = byte + 1) begin |
current_byte = eth_tx_data[byte]; |
for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit = bit + 1) begin |
msb = crc32_result[31]; |
crc32_result = crc32_result << 1; |
if (msb != current_byte[bit]) begin |
crc32_result = crc32_result ^ CRC32_POLY; |
crc32_result[0] = 1; |
end |
end |
end |
// Last step is to "mirror" every bit, swap the 4 bytes, and then complement each bit. |
// |
// Mirror: |
for (bit = 0; bit < 32; bit = bit + 1) |
temp[31-bit] = crc32_result[bit]; |
// Swap and Complement: |
crc32_result = ~{temp[7:0], temp[15:8], temp[23:16], temp[31:24]}; |
end |
endtask |
//~CRC32 |
`endif // !ETHERNET |
//Generate tx and rx clocks |
always begin |
#((`ETH_PHY_PERIOD)/2) eth_tx_clk <= ~eth_tx_clk; |
end |
always begin |
#((`ETH_PHY_PERIOD)/2) eth_rx_clk <= ~eth_rx_clk; |
end |
//~Generate tx and rx clocks |
// |
// TASK to initialize instantiated FPGA dual and two port memory to 0 |
// |
task init_fpga_memory; |
integer i; |
begin |
`ifdef OR1200_RFRAM_TWOPORT |
`ifdef OR1200_XILINX_RAMB4 |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<8); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ramb4_s16_s16_0.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ramb4_s16_s16_1.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.ramb4_s16_s16_0.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.ramb4_s16_s16_1.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
end |
`elsif OR1200_XILINX_RAMB16 |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<9); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ramb16_s36_s36.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.ramb16_s36_s36.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`elsif OR1200_ALTERA_LPM |
`ifndef OR1200_ALTERA_LPM_XXX |
$display("Definition OR1200_ALTERA_LPM in or1200_defines.v does not enable ALTERA memory for neither DUAL nor TWO port RFRAM"); |
$display("It uses GENERIC memory instead."); |
$display("Add '`define OR1200_ALTERA_LPM_XXX' under '`define OR1200_ALTERA_LPM' on or1200_defines.v to use ALTERA memory."); |
`endif |
`ifdef OR1200_ALTERA_LPM_XXX |
$display("...Using ALTERA memory for TWOPORT RFRAM!"); |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.altqpram_component.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.altqpram_component.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`else |
$display("...Using GENERIC memory!"); |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`endif |
`elsif OR1200_XILINX_RAM32X1D |
$display("Definition OR1200_XILINX_RAM32X1D in or1200_defines.v does not enable FPGA memory for TWO port RFRAM"); |
$display("It uses GENERIC memory instead."); |
$display("FPGA memory can be used if you choose OR1200_RFRAM_DUALPORT"); |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`else |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`endif |
`elsif OR1200_RFRAM_DUALPORT |
`ifdef OR1200_XILINX_RAMB4 |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<8); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ramb4_s16_0.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ramb4_s16_1.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.ramb4_s16_0.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.ramb4_s16_1.mem[i] = 16'h0000; |
end |
`elsif OR1200_XILINX_RAMB16 |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<9); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.ramb16_s36_s36.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.ramb16_s36_s36.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`elsif OR1200_ALTERA_LPM |
`ifndef OR1200_ALTERA_LPM_XXX |
$display("Definition OR1200_ALTERA_LPM in or1200_defines.v does not enable ALTERA memory for neither DUAL nor TWO port RFRAM"); |
$display("It uses GENERIC memory instead."); |
$display("Add '`define OR1200_ALTERA_LPM_XXX' under '`define OR1200_ALTERA_LPM' on or1200_defines.v to use ALTERA memory."); |
`endif |
`ifdef OR1200_ALTERA_LPM_XXX |
$display("...Using ALTERA memory for DUALPORT RFRAM!"); |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.altqpram_component.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.altqpram_component.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`else |
$display("...Using GENERIC memory!"); |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`endif |
`elsif OR1200_XILINX_RAM32X1D |
`ifdef OR1200_USE_RAM16X1D_FOR_RAM32X1D |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<4); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
end |
`else |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<4); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_0.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_1.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_2.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_0.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_1.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_2.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_3.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_4.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_5.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_6.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.xcv_ram32x8d_3.ram32x1d_7.mem[i] = 1'b0; |
end |
`endif |
`else |
for ( i = 0; i < (1<<5); i = i + 1 ) begin |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_a.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
minsoc_top_0.or1200_top.or1200_cpu.or1200_rf.rf_b.mem[i] = 32'h0000_0000; |
end |
`endif |
`endif |
end |
endtask |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,188
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Wishbone Single-Port Synchronous RAM //// |
//// Memory Model //// |
//// //// |
//// This file is part of memory library available from //// |
//// http://www.opencores.org/cvsweb.shtml/minsoc/ //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// This Wishbone controller connects to the wrapper of //// |
//// the single-port synchronous memory interface. //// |
//// Besides universal memory due to onchip_ram it provides a //// |
//// generic way to set the depth of the memory. //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Raul Fajardo, rfajardo@gmail.com //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Revision History |
// |
// |
// Revision 1.0 2009/08/18 15:15:00 fajardo |
// Created interface and tested |
// |
`include "timescale.v" |
module minsoc_memory_model ( |
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, |
wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o, wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, |
wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o |
); |
// |
// Parameters |
// |
parameter adr_width = 2; |
// |
// I/O Ports |
// |
input wb_clk_i; |
input wb_rst_i; |
// |
// WB slave i/f |
// |
input [31:0] wb_dat_i; |
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
input [31:0] wb_adr_i; |
input [3:0] wb_sel_i; |
input wb_we_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
output wb_ack_o; |
output wb_err_o; |
// |
// Internal regs and wires |
// |
wire we; |
wire [3:0] be_i; |
wire [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
reg ack_we; |
reg ack_re; |
// |
// Aliases and simple assignments |
// |
assign wb_ack_o = ack_re | ack_we; |
assign wb_err_o = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & (|wb_adr_i[23:adr_width+2]); // If Access to > (8-bit leading prefix ignored) |
assign we = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & wb_we_i & (|wb_sel_i[3:0]); |
assign be_i = (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i) * wb_sel_i; |
// |
// Write acknowledge |
// |
always @ (negedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) |
begin |
if (wb_rst_i) |
ack_we <= 1'b0; |
else |
if (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & wb_we_i & ~ack_we) |
ack_we <= #1 1'b1; |
else |
ack_we <= #1 1'b0; |
end |
// |
// read acknowledge |
// |
always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) |
begin |
if (wb_rst_i) |
ack_re <= 1'b0; |
else |
if (wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i & ~wb_err_o & ~wb_we_i & ~ack_re) |
ack_re <= #1 1'b1; |
else |
ack_re <= #1 1'b0; |
end |
minsoc_onchip_ram # |
( |
.aw(adr_width) |
) |
block_ram_0 ( |
.clk(wb_clk_i), |
.rst(wb_rst_i), |
.addr(wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:2]), |
.di(wb_dat_i[7:0]), |
.doq(wb_dat_o[7:0]), |
.we(we), |
.oe(1'b1), |
.ce(be_i[0])); |
minsoc_onchip_ram # |
( |
.aw(adr_width) |
) |
block_ram_1 ( |
.clk(wb_clk_i), |
.rst(wb_rst_i), |
.addr(wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:2]), |
.di(wb_dat_i[15:8]), |
.doq(wb_dat_o[15:8]), |
.we(we), |
.oe(1'b1), |
.ce(be_i[1])); |
minsoc_onchip_ram # |
( |
.aw(adr_width) |
) |
block_ram_2 ( |
.clk(wb_clk_i), |
.rst(wb_rst_i), |
.addr(wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:2]), |
.di(wb_dat_i[23:16]), |
.doq(wb_dat_o[23:16]), |
.we(we), |
.oe(1'b1), |
.ce(be_i[2])); |
minsoc_onchip_ram # |
( |
.aw(adr_width) |
) |
block_ram_3 ( |
.clk(wb_clk_i), |
.rst(wb_rst_i), |
.addr(wb_adr_i[adr_width+1:2]), |
.di(wb_dat_i[31:24]), |
.doq(wb_dat_o[31:24]), |
.we(we), |
.oe(1'b1), |
.ce(be_i[3])); |
endmodule |
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: vpi/dbg_comm_vpi.v
--- vpi/dbg_comm_vpi.v (nonexistent)
+++ vpi/dbg_comm_vpi.v (revision 151)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_comm_vpi.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor (igorm@opencores.org) ////
+//// Gyorgy Jeney (nog@sdf.lonestar.net) ////
+//// Nathan Yawn (nathan.yawn@opencores.org) ////
+//// Raul Fajardo (rfajardo@gmail.com) ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: dbg_comm_vpi.v,v $
+// Revision 1.2.1 2009/09/08 14:57 rfajardo
+// Changed clock and reset outputs to inputs for minsoc
+// $Log: dbg_comm_vpi.v,v $
+// Revision 1.2 2009/05/17 20:55:57 Nathan
+// Changed email address to opencores.org
+// Revision 1.1 2008/07/26 17:33:20 Nathan
+// Added debug comm module for use with VPI / network communication.
+// Revision 1.1 2002/03/28 19:59:54 lampret
+// Added bench directory
+// Revision 2001/11/04 18:51:07 lampret
+// First import.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/09/24 14:06:13 mohor
+// Changes connected to the OpenRISC access (SPR read, SPR write).
+// Revision 1.2 2001/09/20 10:10:30 mohor
+// Working version. Few bugs fixed, comments added.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+`include "timescale.v"
+`define JP_PORT "4567"
+`define TIMEOUT_COUNT 6'd20 // 1/2 of a TCK clock will be this many SYS_CLK ticks. Must be less than 6 bits.
+ module dbg_comm_vpi (
+ P_TMS,
+ P_TCK,
+ P_TDI,
+ );
+ //parameter Tp = 20;
+ input SYS_CLK;
+ output P_TMS;
+ output P_TCK;
+ output P_TRST;
+ output P_TDI;
+ input P_TDO;
+ reg [4:0] memory; // [0:0];
+ wire P_TCK;
+ wire P_TRST;
+ wire P_TDI;
+ wire P_TMS;
+ wire P_TDO;
+ reg [3:0] in_word_r;
+ reg [5:0] clk_count;
+ // Handle commands from the upper level
+ initial
+ begin
+ in_word_r = 5'b0;
+ memory = 5'b0;
+ $jp_init(`JP_PORT);
+ #5500; // Wait until reset is complete
+ while(1)
+ begin
+ #1;
+ $jp_in(memory); // This will not change memory[][] if no command has been sent from jp
+ if(memory[4]) // was memory[0][4]
+ begin
+ in_word_r = memory[3:0];
+ memory = memory & 4'b1111;
+ clk_count = 6'b000000; // Reset the timeout clock in case jp wants to wait for a timeout / half TCK period
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Send the output bit to the upper layer
+ always @ (P_TDO)
+ begin
+ $jp_out(P_TDO);
+ end
+ assign P_TCK = in_word_r[0];
+ assign P_TRST = in_word_r[1];
+ assign P_TDI = in_word_r[2];
+ assign P_TMS = in_word_r[3];
+ // Send timeouts / wait periods to the upper layer
+ always @ (posedge SYS_CLK)
+ begin
+ if(clk_count < `TIMEOUT_COUNT) clk_count[5:0] = clk_count[5:0] + 1;
+ else if(clk_count == `TIMEOUT_COUNT) begin
+ $jp_wait_time();
+ clk_count[5:0] = clk_count[5:0] + 1;
+ end
+ // else it's already timed out, don't do anything
+ end
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: sim_lib/fpga_memory_primitives.v
--- sim_lib/fpga_memory_primitives.v (nonexistent)
+++ sim_lib/fpga_memory_primitives.v (revision 151)
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+module lpm_ram_dq (
+ address,
+ inclock,
+ outclock,
+ data,
+ we,
+ q
+parameter lpm_width = 8;
+parameter lpm_widthad = 11;
+parameter lpm_indata = "REGISTERED"; //This 4 parameters are included only to avoid warnings
+parameter lpm_address_control = "REGISTERED"; //they are not accessed inside the module. OR1200 uses this
+parameter lpm_outdata = "UNREGISTERED"; //configuration set on all its instantiations, so this is fine.
+parameter lpm_hint = "USE_EAB=ON"; //It may not be fine, if you are adding this library to your
+ //own system, which uses this module with another configuration.
+localparam dw = lpm_width;
+localparam aw = lpm_widthad;
+input [aw-1:0] address;
+input inclock;
+input outclock;
+input [dw-1:0] data;
+input we;
+output [dw-1:0] q;
+reg [dw-1:0] mem [(1<