
Subversion Repositories mod_sim_exp

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 94 to Rev 95
    Reverse comparison

Rev 94 → Rev 95

70,19 → 70,17
signal bit_counter_0_i : std_logic;
signal bit_counter_15_i : std_logic;
signal next_bit_i : std_logic := '0';
signal start_cycle_i : std_logic := '0';
signal start_cycle_del_i : std_logic;
signal done_i : std_logic;
signal running_i : std_logic;
signal start_multiplier_i : std_logic;
signal start_multiplier_del_i : std_logic;
signal mult_done_del_i : std_logic;
signal e0_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal e1_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal e0_bit_i : std_logic;
signal e1_bit_i : std_logic;
signal e_bits_i : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
90,96 → 88,113
signal cycle_counter_i : std_logic;
signal op_sel_sel_i : std_logic;
signal op_sel_i : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal exponent_shift_i : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal read_buffer_i : std_logic;
signal read_buffer_i_d : std_logic;
done <= done_i;
-- the two exponents
e0_i <= buffer_din(15 downto 0);
e1_i <= buffer_din(31 downto 16);
done <= done_i;
read_buffer <= read_buffer_i;
-- generate the index to select a single bit from the two exponents
SYNC_BIT_COUNTER: process (clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
bit_counter_i <= 15;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if start = '1' then -- make sure we start @ bit 0
bit_counter_i <= 15;
elsif next_bit_i = '1' then -- count
if bit_counter_i = 0 then
bit_counter_i <= 15;
bit_counter_i <= bit_counter_i - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process SYNC_BIT_COUNTER;
-- signal when bit_counter_i = 0
bit_counter_0_i <= '1' when bit_counter_i=0 else '0';
bit_counter_15_i <= '1' when bit_counter_i=15 else '0';
-- the bits...
e0_bit_i <= e0_i(bit_counter_i);
e1_bit_i <= e1_i(bit_counter_i);
e_bits_i <= e0_bit_i & e1_bit_i;
e_bits_0_i <= '1' when (e_bits_i = "00") else '0';
-- operand pre-select
with e_bits_i select
op_sel_i <= "00" when "10", -- gt0
"01" when "01", -- gt1
"10" when "11", -- gt01
"11" when others;
-- select operands
op_sel_sel_i <= '0' when e_bits_0_i = '1' else (cycle_counter_i);
op_sel <= op_sel_i when op_sel_sel_i = '1' else "11";
-- process that drives running_i signal ('1' when in autorun, '0' when not)
RUNNING_PROC: process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
running_i <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
running_i <= start or (running_i and (not done_i));
end if;
end process RUNNING_PROC;
-- ctrl logic
start_multiplier_i <= start_cycle_del_i or (mult_done_del_i and (cycle_counter_i) and (not e_bits_0_i));
read_buffer <= start_cycle_del_i and bit_counter_15_i and running_i; -- pop new word from fifo when bit_counter is back at '15'
start_multiplier <= start_multiplier_del_i and running_i;
-- start/stop logic
start_cycle_i <= (start and (not buffer_empty)) or next_bit_i; -- start pulse (external or internal)
done_i <= (start and buffer_empty) or (next_bit_i and bit_counter_0_i and buffer_empty); -- stop when buffer is empty
next_bit_i <= (mult_done_del_i and e_bits_0_i) or (mult_done_del_i and (not e_bits_0_i) and (not cycle_counter_i));
-- generate the index to select a single bit from the two exponents
SYNC_BIT_COUNTER : process (clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
bit_counter_i <= 15;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if start = '1' then -- make sure we start @ bit 0
bit_counter_i <= 15;
elsif next_bit_i = '1' then -- count
if bit_counter_i = 0 then
bit_counter_i <= 15;
bit_counter_i <= bit_counter_i - 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process SYNC_BIT_COUNTER;
-- process for delaying signals with 1 clock cycle
DEL_PROC: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
start_multiplier_del_i <= start_multiplier_i;
start_cycle_del_i <= start_cycle_i;
mult_done_del_i <= multiplier_done;
end if;
end process DEL_PROC;
-- process for delaying signals with 1 clock cycle
CYCLE_CNTR_PROC: process(clk, start, reset)
if start = '1' or reset = '1' then
cycle_counter_i <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if (e_bits_0_i = '0') and (multiplier_done = '1') then
cycle_counter_i <= not cycle_counter_i;
elsif (e_bits_0_i = '1') and (multiplier_done = '1') then
cycle_counter_i <= '0';
cycle_counter_i <= cycle_counter_i;
end if;
end if;
end process CYCLE_CNTR_PROC;
-- process that implements the shift register for the exponents
-- more performant than former mux implementation
EXP_SHIFTER : process (clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
exponent_shift_i <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
read_buffer_i_d <= read_buffer_i; -- delay read_buffer signal one clock
if read_buffer_i_d = '1' then -- after new buffer read, shift in new bits
exponent_shift_i <= buffer_din;
elsif next_bit_i = '1' then -- count
exponent_shift_i(31 downto 1) <= exponent_shift_i(30 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end process EXP_SHIFTER;
-- signal when bit_counter_i = 0
bit_counter_0_i <= '1' when bit_counter_i = 0 else '0';
bit_counter_15_i <= '1' when bit_counter_i = 15 else '0';
-- the bits...
e0_bit_i <= exponent_shift_i(15);
e1_bit_i <= exponent_shift_i(31);
e_bits_i <= e0_bit_i & e1_bit_i;
e_bits_0_i <= '1' when (e_bits_i = "00") else '0';
-- operand pre-select
with e_bits_i select
op_sel_i <= "00" when "10", -- gt0
"01" when "01", -- gt1
"10" when "11", -- gt01
"11" when others;
-- select operands
op_sel_sel_i <= '0' when e_bits_0_i = '1' else (cycle_counter_i);
op_sel <= op_sel_i when op_sel_sel_i = '1' else "11";
-- process that drives running_i signal ('1' when in autorun, '0' when not)
RUNNING_PROC : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
running_i <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
running_i <= start or (running_i and (not done_i));
end if;
end process RUNNING_PROC;
-- ctrl logic
start_multiplier_i <= start_cycle_del_i or (mult_done_del_i and (cycle_counter_i) and (not e_bits_0_i));
read_buffer_i <= start_cycle_del_i and bit_counter_15_i and running_i; -- pop new word from fifo when bit_counter is back at '15'
start_multiplier <= start_multiplier_del_i and running_i;
-- start/stop logic
start_cycle_i <= (start and (not buffer_empty)) or next_bit_i; -- start pulse (external or internal)
done_i <= (start and buffer_empty) or (next_bit_i and bit_counter_0_i and buffer_empty); -- stop when buffer is empty
next_bit_i <= (mult_done_del_i and e_bits_0_i) or (mult_done_del_i and (not e_bits_0_i) and (not cycle_counter_i));
-- process for delaying signals with 1 clock cycle
DEL_PROC : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
start_multiplier_del_i <= start_multiplier_i;
start_cycle_del_i <= start_cycle_i;
mult_done_del_i <= multiplier_done;
end if;
end process DEL_PROC;
-- process for cycle counter
CYCLE_CNTR_PROC : process(clk, start, reset)
if start = '1' or reset = '1' then
cycle_counter_i <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if (e_bits_0_i = '0') and (multiplier_done = '1') then
cycle_counter_i <= not cycle_counter_i;
elsif (e_bits_0_i = '1') and (multiplier_done = '1') then
cycle_counter_i <= '0';
cycle_counter_i <= cycle_counter_i;
end if;
end if;
end process CYCLE_CNTR_PROC;
end Behavioral;
79,11 → 79,11
architecture Behavioral of mont_ctrl is
signal start_d : std_logic; -- delayed version of start input
signal start_d : std_logic; -- delayed version of start input
signal start_pulse : std_logic;
signal auto_start_pulse : std_logic;
signal start_multiplier_i : std_logic;
signal start_up_counter : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; -- used in op_sel at multiplier start
signal start_multiplier_i : std_logic;
signal start_up_counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "1000"; -- used in op_sel at multiplier start
signal calc_time_i : std_logic; -- high ('1') during multiplication
91,96 → 91,104
signal y_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- the operand used as y input
signal x_sel_buffer : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- x operand as specified by fifo buffer (autorun)
signal auto_done : std_logic;
signal start_auto : std_logic;
signal auto_done : std_logic;
signal start_auto : std_logic;
signal auto_multiplier_done_i : std_logic;
signal multiplier_ready_d : std_logic;
-- Processes related to starting and stopping the multiplier
-- generate a start pulse (duration 1 clock cycle) based on ext. start sig
START_PULSE_PROC: process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
start_d <= start;
end if;
end process START_PULSE_PROC;
start_pulse <= start and (not start_d);
start_auto <= start_pulse and run_auto;
-- Processes related to starting and stopping the multiplier
-- generate a start pulse (duration 1 clock cycle) based on ext. start sig
START_PULSE_PROC : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
start_d <= start;
end if;
end process START_PULSE_PROC;
start_pulse <= start and (not start_d);
start_auto <= start_pulse and run_auto;
-- to start the multiplier we first need to select the x_operand and
-- clock it in the x shift register
-- the we select the y_operand and start the multiplier
-- start_up_counter
-- default state : "1000"
-- at start pulse counter resets to 0 and counts up to "1000"
START_MULT_PROC : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
start_up_counter <= "1000";
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if start_pulse = '1' or auto_start_pulse = '1' then
start_up_counter <= "0000";
elsif start_up_counter(3) /= '1' then
start_up_counter <= start_up_counter + '1';
start_up_counter <= "1000";
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- to start the multiplier we first need to select the x_operand and
-- clock it in the x shift register
-- the we select the y_operand and start the multiplier
-- select operands (autorun/single run)
x_sel <= x_sel_buffer when (run_auto = '1') else x_sel_single;
y_sel <= "11" when (run_auto = '1') else y_sel_single; -- y is operand3 in auto mode
-- clock operands to operand_mem output (first x, then y)
with start_up_counter(3 downto 2) select
op_sel <= x_sel when "00", -- start_up_counter="00xx" (first 4 cycles)
y_sel when others; --
load_x <= (not start_up_counter(2)) and start_up_counter(1) and start_up_counter(0); -- latch x operand if start_up_counter="x011"
-- start multiplier when start_up_counter="x111"
start_multiplier_i <= start_up_counter(2) and start_up_counter(1) and start_up_counter(0);
start_multiplier <= start_multiplier_i;
-- signal calc time is high during multiplication
CALC_TIME_PROC : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
calc_time_i <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if start_multiplier_i = '1' then
calc_time_i <= '1';
elsif multiplier_ready = '1' then
calc_time_i <= '0';
calc_time_i <= calc_time_i;
end if;
end if;
end process CALC_TIME_PROC;
calc_time <= calc_time_i;
-- what happens when a multiplication has finished
-- delay result writeback
RES_DEL_PROC : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
multiplier_ready_d <= multiplier_ready;
load_result <= multiplier_ready_d;
end if;
end process;
-- ignore multiplier_ready when in automode, the logic will assert auto_done when finished
done <= ((not run_auto) and multiplier_ready) or auto_done;
-- Processes related to op_buffer cntrl and auto_run mode
-- start_auto -> start autorun mode operation
-- auto_start_pulse <- autorun logic starts the multiplier
-- auto_done <- autorun logic signals when autorun operation has finished
-- x_sel_buffer <- autorun logic determines which operand is used as x
-- check buffer empty signal
-- multiplier_ready is only passed to autorun control when in autorun mode
auto_multiplier_done_i <= (multiplier_ready and run_auto);
-- start_up_counter
-- default state : "100"
-- at start pulse counter resets to 0 and counts up to "100"
START_MULT_PROC: process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
start_up_counter <= "100";
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if start_pulse = '1' or auto_start_pulse = '1' then
start_up_counter <= "000";
elsif start_up_counter(2) /= '1' then
start_up_counter <= start_up_counter + '1';
start_up_counter <= "100";
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- select operands (autorun/single run)
x_sel <= x_sel_buffer when (run_auto = '1') else x_sel_single;
y_sel <= "11" when (run_auto = '1') else y_sel_single; -- y is operand3 in auto mode
-- clock operands to operand_mem output (first x, then y)
with start_up_counter(2 downto 1) select
op_sel <= x_sel when "00", -- start_up_counter="00x" (first 2 cycles)
y_sel when others; --
load_x <= start_up_counter(0) and (not start_up_counter(1)); -- latch x operand if start_up_counter="x01"
-- start multiplier when start_up_counter="x11"
start_multiplier_i <= start_up_counter(1) and start_up_counter(0);
start_multiplier <= start_multiplier_i;
-- signal calc time is high during multiplication
CALC_TIME_PROC: process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
calc_time_i <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if start_multiplier_i = '1' then
calc_time_i <= '1';
elsif multiplier_ready = '1' then
calc_time_i <= '0';
calc_time_i <= calc_time_i;
end if;
end if;
end process CALC_TIME_PROC;
calc_time <= calc_time_i;
-- what happens when a multiplication has finished
load_result <= multiplier_ready;
-- ignore multiplier_ready when in automode, the logic will assert auto_done when finished
done <= ((not run_auto) and multiplier_ready) or auto_done;
-- Processes related to op_buffer cntrl and auto_run mode
-- start_auto -> start autorun mode operation
-- auto_start_pulse <- autorun logic starts the multiplier
-- auto_done <- autorun logic signals when autorun operation has finished
-- x_sel_buffer <- autorun logic determines which operand is used as x
-- check buffer empty signal
-- multiplier_ready is only passed to autorun control when in autorun mode
auto_multiplier_done_i <= (multiplier_ready and run_auto);
autorun_control_logic : autorun_cntrl port map(
clk => clk,
reset => reset,

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