Subversion Repositories open8_urisc
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 151 to Rev 153
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 151 → Rev 153
74,9 → 74,6
------------------ -------- --------------------------------------------------- |
-- Seth Henry 07/19/06 Design Start |
-- Seth Henry 01/18/11 Fixed BTT instruction to match V8 |
-- Seth Henry 06/14/11 Fixed STO instruction to avoid register corruption |
-- Fixed interrupt logic to avoid address corruption |
-- when interrupt coincides with branch instruction |
library ieee; |
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; |
584,7 → 581,6
signal Pending_D : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := (others => '0'); |
signal Pending : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := (others => '0'); |
signal Wait_for_FSM : std_logic := '0'; |
signal Mask : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others => '0'); |
signal ISR_D, ISR_Q : ADDRESS_TYPE := (others => '0'); |
type INT_HIST is array (0 to 8) of integer range 0 to 7; |
594,13 → 590,13
signal Hist_Ptr : integer range 0 to 8 := 0; |
begin |
Int_Mask <= Mask & '1'; |
ISR <= ISR_Q; |
Int_Mask_proc: process( Mask, Interrupts, INT_Ctrl ) |
Int_Mask_proc: process( Int_Mask, Interrupts, INT_Ctrl ) |
variable S_Mask : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
begin |
S_Mask := Mask & '1'; |
S_Mask := Int_Mask; |
for i in 0 to 7 loop |
i_Ints(i) <= (Interrupts(i) or INT_Ctrl.Soft_Ints(i)) |
and S_Mask(i); |
679,7 → 675,7
Int_Req <= '0'; |
Pending <= x"00"; |
Wait_for_FSM <= '0'; |
Mask <= Default_Interrupt_Mask(7 downto 1); |
Int_Mask <= Default_Interrupt_Mask(7 downto 1) & '1'; |
for i in 0 to 8 loop |
History(i) <= 0; |
696,16 → 692,16
elsif( Int_Trig = '1' )then |
Wait_for_FSM <= '1'; |
end if; |
if( INT_Ctrl.Mask_Set = '1' )then |
Mask <= INT_Ctrl.Mask_Data(7 downto 1); |
end if; |
ISR_Q <= ISR_D; |
if( Int_Trig = '1' )then |
History(Hist_Ptr+1) <= Hist_Level; |
Hist_Ptr <= Hist_Ptr + 1; |
elsif( Int_RTI = '1' and Hist_Ptr > 0 )then |
Hist_Ptr <= Hist_Ptr - 1; |
end if; |
if( INT_Ctrl.Mask_Set = '1' )then |
Int_Mask <= INT_Ctrl.Mask_Data(7 downto 1) & '1'; |
end if; |
ISR_Q <= ISR_D; |
if( Int_Trig = '1' )then |
History(Hist_Ptr+1) <= Hist_Level; |
Hist_Ptr <= Hist_Ptr + 1; |
elsif( Int_RTI = '1' and Hist_Ptr > 0 )then |
Hist_Ptr <= Hist_Ptr - 1; |
end if; |
end if; |
end if; |
end process; |
1334,10 → 1330,16
-- states to avoid corruption due to incomplete instruction execution |
if( Int_Req = '1' )then |
if( CPU_State = INSTR_DECODE or CPU_State = WAIT_FOR_INT )then |
CPU_Next_State <= ISR_C1; |
-- Reset all of the sub-block controls to IDLE, to avoid unintended |
-- operation due to the current instruction |
ALU_Ctrl.Oper <= ALU_IDLE; |
Cache_Ctrl <= CACHE_IDLE; |
SP_Ctrl.Oper <= SP_IDLE; |
-- Rewind the PC by 3 to compensate for the pipeline registers |
PC_Ctrl.Oper <= PC_INCR; |
-- Rewind the PC by 3 to compensate for the pipeline registers |
PC_Ctrl.Offset <= x"FF"; |
CPU_Next_State <= ISR_C1; |
end if; |
end if; |
39,7 → 39,7
subtype DATA_TYPE is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); |
-- Note: INTERRUPT_BUNDLE must be exactly the same width as DATA_TYPE |
constant DATA_WIDTH : integer := 8; |
-- Component declaration |
component Open8_CPU is |
generic( |