
Subversion Repositories open8_urisc

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 209 to Rev 210
    Reverse comparison

Rev 209 → Rev 210

37,6 → 37,8
-- GP flags.
-- Seth Henry 03/18/20 Added the ceil_log2 function, since it is used in
-- memory sizing calculations.
-- Seth Henry 04/09/20 Added the I bit to the exported flags for use in
-- memory protection schemes.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
63,12 → 65,13
-- Note: INTERRUPT_BUNDLE must be exactly the same width as DATA_TYPE
subtype EXT_GP_FLAGS is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
subtype EXT_GP_FLAGS is std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
constant EXT_GP4 : integer := 0;
constant EXT_GP5 : integer := 1;
constant EXT_GP6 : integer := 2;
constant EXT_GP7 : integer := 3;
constant EXT_ISR : integer := 0;
constant EXT_GP4 : integer := 1;
constant EXT_GP5 : integer := 2;
constant EXT_GP6 : integer := 3;
constant EXT_GP7 : integer := 4;
constant OPEN8_NULLBUS : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
194,6 → 194,14
-- only the core ALU flags (Z, N, and C). Also
-- brought out copies of the GP flags for external
-- connection.
-- Seth Henry 04/09/20 Added a compile time setting to block interrupts
-- while the I bit is set to avoid reentering ISRs
-- This may slightly affect timing, as this will
-- potentially block higher priority interrupts
-- until the lower priority ISR returns or clears
-- the I bit.
-- Also added the I bit to the exported flags for
-- use in memory protection schemes.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
214,6 → 222,7
Enable_Auto_Increment : boolean := false; -- Modify indexed instr
BRK_Implements_WAI : boolean := false; -- BRK -> Wait for Int
Enable_NMI : boolean := true; -- Force INTR0 enabled
Sequential_Interrupts : boolean := false; -- Interruptable ISRs
RTI_Ignores_GP_Flags : boolean := false; -- RTI restores all flags
Default_Interrupt_Mask : DATA_TYPE := x"FF"; -- Enable all Ints
Reset_Level : std_logic := '0' ); -- Active reset level
278,6 → 287,7
signal i_Ints : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := x"00";
signal Pending : INTERRUPT_BUNDLE := x"00";
signal Wait_for_FSM : std_logic := '0';
signal Wait_for_ISR : std_logic := '0';
895,6 → 905,7
Int_Req <= '0';
Pending <= x"00";
Wait_for_FSM <= '0';
Wait_for_ISR <= '0';
if( Enable_NMI )then
Int_Mask <= Default_Interrupt_Mask(7 downto 1) & '1';
907,7 → 918,7
end loop;
Flags <= x"00";
GP_Flags <= x"0";
GP_Flags <= (others => '0');
elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then
1036,7 → 1047,13
Pending <= i_Ints or Pending;
if( Wait_for_FSM = '0' )then
if( Sequential_Interrupts )then
Wait_for_ISR <= Flags(PSR_I);
Wait_for_ISR <= '0';
end if;
if( Wait_for_FSM = '0' and Wait_for_ISR = '0' )then
if( Pending(0) = '1' )then
Pending(0) <= '0';
1238,7 → 1255,7
end case;
GP_Flags <= Flags(7 downto 4);
GP_Flags <= Flags(7 downto 3);
end if;
end process;
52,48 → 52,48
entity o8_rtc is
Sys_Freq : real;
Reset_Level : std_logic;
Sys_Freq : real;
Reset_Level : std_logic;
Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
uSec_Tick : out std_logic;
Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
uSec_Tick : out std_logic;
Bus_Address : in ADDRESS_TYPE;
Wr_Enable : in std_logic;
Wr_Data : in DATA_TYPE;
Rd_Enable : in std_logic;
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
Bus_Address : in ADDRESS_TYPE;
Wr_Enable : in std_logic;
Wr_Data : in DATA_TYPE;
Rd_Enable : in std_logic;
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
Interrupt_PIT : out std_logic;
Interrupt_RTC : out std_logic
Interrupt_PIT : out std_logic;
Interrupt_RTC : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture behave of o8_rtc is
constant User_Addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 3)
:= Address(15 downto 3);
alias Comp_Addr is Bus_Address(15 downto 3);
signal Addr_Match : std_logic;
constant User_Addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 3)
:= Address(15 downto 3);
alias Comp_Addr is Bus_Address(15 downto 3);
signal Addr_Match : std_logic;
alias Reg_Addr is Bus_Address(2 downto 0);
signal Reg_Addr_q : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
alias Reg_Addr is Bus_Address(2 downto 0);
signal Reg_Addr_q : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal Wr_En : std_logic;
signal Wr_Data_q : DATA_TYPE;
signal Rd_En : std_logic;
signal Wr_En : std_logic;
signal Wr_Data_q : DATA_TYPE;
signal Rd_En : std_logic;
constant DLY_1USEC_VAL: integer := integer(Sys_Freq / 1000000.0);
constant DLY_1USEC_WDT: integer := ceil_log2(DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1);
constant DLY_1USEC : std_logic_vector :=
conv_std_logic_vector( DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1, DLY_1USEC_WDT);
constant DLY_1USEC_VAL : integer := integer(Sys_Freq / 1000000.0);
constant DLY_1USEC_WDT : integer := ceil_log2(DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1);
constant DLY_1USEC : std_logic_vector :=
conv_std_logic_vector( DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1, DLY_1USEC_WDT);
signal uSec_Cntr : std_logic_vector( DLY_1USEC_WDT - 1 downto 0 )
:= (others => '0');
signal uSec_Tick_i : std_logic;
signal uSec_Cntr : std_logic_vector( DLY_1USEC_WDT - 1 downto 0 )
:= (others => '0');
signal uSec_Tick_i : std_logic;
type PIT_TYPE is record
timer_cnt : DATA_TYPE;
139,7 → 139,8
signal rtc : RTC_TYPE;
signal interval : DATA_TYPE;
signal mask_pit_int : std_logic;
signal update_interval: std_logic;
signal new_interval : DATA_TYPE;
signal shd_tens : DATA_TYPE;
signal shd_secs : DATA_TYPE;
153,228 → 154,230
uSec_Tick <= uSec_Tick_i;
Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0';
uSec_Tick <= uSec_Tick_i;
Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0';
Interrupt_PIT <= pit.timer_ro;
Interrupt_RTC <= rtc.frac_ro;
Interrupt_PIT <= pit.timer_ro;
Interrupt_RTC <= rtc.frac_ro;
io_reg: process( Clock, Reset )
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
uSec_Cntr <= (others => '0');
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
uSec_Cntr <= (others => '0');
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
pit.timer_cnt <= x"00";
pit.timer_ro <= '0';
pit.timer_cnt <= x"00";
pit.timer_ro <= '0';
rtc.frac <= DECISEC;
rtc.frac_ro <= '0';
rtc.frac <= DECISEC;
rtc.frac_ro <= '0';
rtc.tens_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.tens_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.tens_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.tens_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.secs_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.secs_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.secs_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.secs_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.mins_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.mins_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.mins_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.mins_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.hours_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.hours_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.hours_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.hours_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.dow <= (others => '0');
rtc.dow <= (others => '0');
shd_tens <= (others => '0');
shd_secs <= (others => '0');
shd_mins <= (others => '0');
shd_hours <= (others => '0');
shd_dow <= (others => '0');
shd_tens <= (others => '0');
shd_secs <= (others => '0');
shd_mins <= (others => '0');
shd_hours <= (others => '0');
shd_dow <= (others => '0');
update_rtc <= '0';
update_shd <= '0';
update_ctmr <= (others => '0');
update_rtc <= '0';
update_shd <= '0';
update_ctmr <= (others => '0');
interval <= x"00";
mask_pit_int <= '0';
interval <= x"00";
update_interval <= '0';
new_interval <= x"00";
Wr_Data_q <= (others => '0');
Reg_Addr_q <= (others => '0');
Wr_En <= '0';
Rd_En <= '0';
Wr_Data_q <= (others => '0');
Reg_Addr_q <= (others => '0');
Wr_En <= '0';
Rd_En <= '0';
elsif( rising_edge( Clock ) )then
uSec_Cntr <= uSec_Cntr - 1;
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
uSec_Cntr <= uSec_Cntr - 1;
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
if( uSec_Cntr = 0 )then
uSec_Cntr <= DLY_1USEC;
uSec_Tick_i <= '1';
uSec_Cntr <= DLY_1USEC;
uSec_Tick_i <= '1';
end if;
-- Periodic Interval Timer
pit.timer_cnt <= pit.timer_cnt - uSec_Tick_i;
pit.timer_ro <= '0';
if( or_reduce(pit.timer_cnt) = '0' )then
pit.timer_cnt <= interval;
pit.timer_ro <= or_reduce(interval) and -- Only issue output on Int > 0
(not mask_pit_int); -- and we didn't just update it
pit.timer_cnt <= pit.timer_cnt - uSec_Tick_i;
pit.timer_ro <= '0';
if( update_interval = '1' )then
pit.timer_cnt <= new_interval;
elsif( or_reduce(pit.timer_cnt) = '0' )then
pit.timer_cnt <= interval;
pit.timer_ro <= or_reduce(interval);
end if;
-- Fractional decisecond counter - cycles every 10k microseconds
rtc.frac <= rtc.frac - uSec_Tick_i;
rtc.frac_ro <= '0';
rtc.frac <= rtc.frac - uSec_Tick_i;
rtc.frac_ro <= '0';
if( or_reduce(rtc.frac) = '0' or update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.frac <= DECISEC;
rtc.frac_ro <= not update_rtc;
rtc.frac <= DECISEC;
rtc.frac_ro <= not update_rtc;
end if;
-- Decisecond counter (lower)
rtc.tens_l <= rtc.tens_l + rtc.frac_ro;
rtc.tens_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.tens_l <= rtc.tens_l + rtc.frac_ro;
rtc.tens_l_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.tens_l <= shd_tens(3 downto 0);
rtc.tens_l <= shd_tens(3 downto 0);
elsif( rtc.tens_l > x"9")then
rtc.tens_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_l_ro <= '1';
rtc.tens_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_l_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Decisecond counter (upper)
rtc.tens_u <= rtc.tens_u + rtc.tens_l_ro;
rtc.tens_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.tens_u <= rtc.tens_u + rtc.tens_l_ro;
rtc.tens_u_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.tens_u <= shd_tens(7 downto 4);
rtc.tens_u <= shd_tens(7 downto 4);
elsif( rtc.tens_u > x"9")then
rtc.tens_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_u_ro <= '1';
rtc.tens_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.tens_u_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Second counter (lower)
rtc.secs_l <= rtc.secs_l + rtc.tens_u_ro;
rtc.secs_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.secs_l <= rtc.secs_l + rtc.tens_u_ro;
rtc.secs_l_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.secs_l <= shd_secs(3 downto 0);
rtc.secs_l <= shd_secs(3 downto 0);
elsif( rtc.secs_l > x"9")then
rtc.secs_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_l_ro <= '1';
rtc.secs_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_l_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Second counter (upper)
rtc.secs_u <= rtc.secs_u + rtc.secs_l_ro;
rtc.secs_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.secs_u <= rtc.secs_u + rtc.secs_l_ro;
rtc.secs_u_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.secs_u <= shd_secs(7 downto 4);
rtc.secs_u <= shd_secs(7 downto 4);
elsif( rtc.secs_u > x"5")then
rtc.secs_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_u_ro <= '1';
rtc.secs_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.secs_u_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Minutes counter (lower)
rtc.mins_l <= rtc.mins_l + rtc.secs_u_ro;
rtc.mins_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.mins_l <= rtc.mins_l + rtc.secs_u_ro;
rtc.mins_l_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.mins_l <= shd_mins(3 downto 0);
rtc.mins_l <= shd_mins(3 downto 0);
elsif( rtc.mins_l > x"9")then
rtc.mins_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_l_ro <= '1';
rtc.mins_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_l_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Minutes counter (upper)
rtc.mins_u <= rtc.mins_u + rtc.mins_l_ro;
rtc.mins_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.mins_u <= rtc.mins_u + rtc.mins_l_ro;
rtc.mins_u_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.mins_u <= shd_mins(7 downto 4);
rtc.mins_u <= shd_mins(7 downto 4);
elsif( rtc.mins_u > x"5")then
rtc.mins_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_u_ro <= '1';
rtc.mins_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.mins_u_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Hour counter (lower)
rtc.hours_l <= rtc.hours_l + rtc.mins_u_ro;
rtc.hours_l_ro <= '0';
rtc.hours_l <= rtc.hours_l + rtc.mins_u_ro;
rtc.hours_l_ro <= '0';
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.hours_l <= shd_hours(3 downto 0);
rtc.hours_l <= shd_hours(3 downto 0);
elsif( rtc.hours_l > x"9")then
rtc.hours_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_l_ro <= '1';
rtc.hours_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_l_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Hour counter (upper)
rtc.hours_u <= rtc.hours_u + rtc.hours_l_ro;
rtc.hours_u <= rtc.hours_u + rtc.hours_l_ro;
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.hours_u <= shd_hours(7 downto 4);
rtc.hours_u <= shd_hours(7 downto 4);
end if;
rtc.hours_u_ro <= '0';
rtc.hours_u_ro <= '0';
if( rtc.hours_u >= x"2" and rtc.hours_l > x"3" )then
rtc.hours_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_u_ro <= '1';
rtc.hours_l <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_u <= (others => '0');
rtc.hours_u_ro <= '1';
end if;
-- Day of Week counter
rtc.dow <= rtc.dow + rtc.hours_u_ro;
rtc.dow <= rtc.dow + rtc.hours_u_ro;
if( update_rtc = '1' )then
rtc.dow <= shd_dow(2 downto 0);
rtc.dow <= shd_dow(2 downto 0);
elsif( rtc.dow = x"07")then
rtc.dow <= (others => '0');
rtc.dow <= (others => '0');
end if;
-- Copy the RTC registers to the shadow registers when the coherency
-- timer is zero (RTC registers are static)
if( update_shd = '1' and or_reduce(update_ctmr) = '0' )then
shd_tens <= rtc.tens_u & rtc.tens_l;
shd_secs <= rtc.secs_u & rtc.secs_l;
shd_mins <= rtc.mins_u & rtc.mins_l;
shd_hours <= rtc.hours_u & rtc.hours_l;
shd_dow <= "00000" & rtc.dow;
update_shd <= '0';
shd_tens <= rtc.tens_u & rtc.tens_l;
shd_secs <= rtc.secs_u & rtc.secs_l;
shd_mins <= rtc.mins_u & rtc.mins_l;
shd_hours <= rtc.hours_u & rtc.hours_l;
shd_dow <= "00000" & rtc.dow;
update_shd <= '0';
end if;
mask_pit_int <= '0';
update_interval <= '0';
Reg_Addr_q <= Reg_Addr;
Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data;
Reg_Addr_q <= Reg_Addr;
Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data;
Wr_En <= Addr_Match and Wr_Enable;
update_rtc <= '0';
Wr_En <= Addr_Match and Wr_Enable;
update_rtc <= '0';
if( Wr_En = '1' )then
case( Reg_Addr_q )is
when "000" =>
interval <= Wr_Data_q;
mask_pit_int <= '1';
new_interval <= Wr_Data_q;
update_interval <= '1';
when "001" =>
shd_tens <= Wr_Data_q;
shd_tens <= Wr_Data_q;
when "010" =>
shd_secs <= Wr_Data_q;
shd_secs <= Wr_Data_q;
when "011" =>
shd_mins <= Wr_Data_q;
shd_mins <= Wr_Data_q;
when "100" =>
shd_hours <= Wr_Data_q;
shd_hours <= Wr_Data_q;
when "101" =>
shd_dow <= Wr_Data_q;
shd_dow <= Wr_Data_q;
when "110" =>
update_rtc <= '1';
update_rtc <= '1';
when "111" =>
update_shd <= '1';
386,31 → 389,31
-- Coherency timer - ensures that the shadow registers are updated with
-- valid time data by delaying updates until the rtc registers have
-- finished cascading.
update_ctmr <= update_ctmr - or_reduce(update_ctmr);
update_ctmr <= update_ctmr - or_reduce(update_ctmr);
if( rtc.frac_ro = '1' )then
update_ctmr <= (others => '1');
update_ctmr <= (others => '1');
end if;
Rd_En <= Addr_Match and Rd_Enable;
Rd_En <= Addr_Match and Rd_Enable;
if( Rd_En = '1' )then
case( Reg_Addr_q )is
when "000" =>
Rd_Data <= interval;
Rd_Data <= interval;
when "001" =>
Rd_Data <= shd_tens;
Rd_Data <= shd_tens;
when "010" =>
Rd_Data <= shd_secs;
Rd_Data <= shd_secs;
when "011" =>
Rd_Data <= shd_mins;
Rd_Data <= shd_mins;
when "100" =>
Rd_Data <= shd_hours;
Rd_Data <= shd_hours;
when "101" =>
Rd_Data <= shd_dow;
Rd_Data <= shd_dow;
when "110" =>
when "111" =>
Rd_Data <= update_shd & "0000000";
Rd_Data <= update_shd & "0000000";
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
35,6 → 35,8
------------------ -------- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Seth Henry 07/28/11 Design Start
-- Seth Henry 12/19/19 Renamed Tmr_Out to Interrupt
-- Seth Henry 04/09/20 Modified timer update logic to reset the timer on
-- interval write.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
47,69 → 49,75
entity o8_sys_timer is
Sys_Freq : real;
Reset_Level : std_logic;
Sys_Freq : real;
Reset_Level : std_logic;
Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
uSec_Tick : out std_logic;
Clock : in std_logic;
Reset : in std_logic;
uSec_Tick : out std_logic;
Bus_Address : in ADDRESS_TYPE;
Wr_Enable : in std_logic;
Wr_Data : in DATA_TYPE;
Rd_Enable : in std_logic;
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
Interrupt : out std_logic
Bus_Address : in ADDRESS_TYPE;
Wr_Enable : in std_logic;
Wr_Data : in DATA_TYPE;
Rd_Enable : in std_logic;
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE;
Interrupt : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture behave of o8_sys_timer is
constant User_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := Address;
alias Comp_Addr is Bus_Address(15 downto 0);
signal Addr_Match : std_logic := '0';
signal Wr_En : std_logic := '0';
signal Wr_Data_q : DATA_TYPE := OPEN8_NULLBUS;
signal Rd_En : std_logic := '0';
signal Rd_En_q : std_logic := '0';
constant User_Addr : ADDRESS_TYPE := Address;
alias Comp_Addr is Bus_Address(15 downto 0);
signal Addr_Match : std_logic := '0';
signal Wr_En : std_logic := '0';
signal Wr_Data_q : DATA_TYPE := OPEN8_NULLBUS;
signal Rd_En : std_logic := '0';
signal Rd_En_q : std_logic := '0';
signal Interval : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
signal Timer_Cnt : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
signal Interval : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
signal Update_Interval : std_logic;
signal New_Interval : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
signal Timer_Cnt : DATA_TYPE := x"00";
constant DLY_1USEC_VAL: integer := integer(Sys_Freq / 1000000.0);
constant DLY_1USEC_WDT: integer := ceil_log2(DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1);
constant DLY_1USEC : std_logic_vector :=
constant DLY_1USEC_VAL : integer := integer(Sys_Freq / 1000000.0);
constant DLY_1USEC_WDT : integer := ceil_log2(DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1);
constant DLY_1USEC : std_logic_vector :=
conv_std_logic_vector(DLY_1USEC_VAL - 1, DLY_1USEC_WDT);
signal uSec_Cntr : std_logic_vector( DLY_1USEC_WDT - 1 downto 0 )
:= (others => '0');
signal uSec_Tick_i : std_logic := '0';
signal uSec_Cntr : std_logic_vector( DLY_1USEC_WDT - 1 downto 0 )
:= (others => '0');
signal uSec_Tick_i : std_logic := '0';
uSec_Tick <= uSec_Tick_i;
Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0';
uSec_Tick <= uSec_Tick_i;
Addr_Match <= '1' when Comp_Addr = User_Addr else '0';
io_reg: process( Clock, Reset )
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
Wr_En <= '0';
Wr_Data_q <= x"00";
Rd_En <= '0';
Interval <= x"00";
Wr_En <= '0';
Wr_Data_q <= x"00";
Rd_En <= '0';
Interval <= x"00";
Update_Interval <= '0';
New_Interval <= x"00";
elsif( rising_edge( Clock ) )then
Wr_En <= Addr_Match and Wr_Enable;
Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data;
Wr_En <= Addr_Match and Wr_Enable;
Wr_Data_q <= Wr_Data;
Update_Interval <= '0';
if( Wr_En = '1' )then
Interval <= Wr_Data_q;
New_Interval <= Wr_Data_q;
Update_Interval <= '1';
end if;
Rd_Data <= (others => '0');
Rd_En <= Addr_Match and Rd_Enable;
Rd_Data <= (others => '0');
Rd_En <= Addr_Match and Rd_Enable;
if( Rd_En = '1' )then
Rd_Data <= Interval;
Rd_Data <= Interval;
end if;
end if;
end process;
117,14 → 125,14
uSec_Tick_i_proc: process( Clock, Reset )
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
uSec_Cntr <= (others => '0');
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
uSec_Cntr <= (others => '0');
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
elsif( rising_edge( Clock ) )then
uSec_Cntr <= uSec_Cntr - 1;
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
uSec_Cntr <= uSec_Cntr - 1;
uSec_Tick_i <= '0';
if( uSec_Cntr = 0 )then
uSec_Cntr <= DLY_1USEC;
uSec_Tick_i <= '1';
uSec_Cntr <= DLY_1USEC;
uSec_Tick_i <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
132,14 → 140,14
Interval_proc: process( Clock, Reset )
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then
Timer_Cnt <= x"00";
Interrupt <= '0';
Timer_Cnt <= x"00";
Interrupt <= '0';
elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then
Interrupt <= '0';
Timer_Cnt <= Timer_Cnt - uSec_Tick_i;
Interrupt <= '0';
Timer_Cnt <= Timer_Cnt - uSec_Tick_i;
if( or_reduce(Timer_Cnt) = '0' )then
Timer_Cnt <= Interval;
Interrupt <= or_reduce(Interval); -- Only trigger on Int > 0
Timer_Cnt <= Interval;
Interrupt <= or_reduce(Interval); -- Only trigger on Int > 0
end if;
end if;
end process;

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