Subversion Repositories open8_urisc
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 250 to Rev 251
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 250 → Rev 251
197,9 → 197,9
BRN_C1, DBNZ_C1, JMP_C1, JMP_C2, |
-- Loads |
LDA_C1, LDA_C2, LDA_C3, LDA_C4, LDI_C1, |
LDO_C1, LDX_C1, LDX_C2, LDX_C3, LDX_C4, |
LDO_C1, LDO_C2, LDX_C1, LDX_C2, LDX_C3, LDX_C4, |
-- Stores |
STA_C1, STA_C2, STA_C3, STO_C1, STO_C2, STX_C1, STX_C2, |
STA_C1, STA_C2, STA_C3, STO_C1, STO_C2, STO_C3, STX_C1, STX_C2, |
-- 2-cycle math |
MUL_C1, UPP_C1, |
-- Stack |
60,7 → 60,8
); |
port( |
Open8_Bus : in OPEN8_BUS_TYPE; |
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE |
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE; |
Write_Fault : out std_logic |
); |
end entity; |
110,6 → 111,8
signal RAM_Rd_En_q : std_logic := '0'; |
signal RAM_Rd_Data : DATA_TYPE := OPEN8_NULLBUS; |
signal Write_Fault_d : std_logic := '0'; |
begin |
Write_Protect_On : if( Write_Protect )generate |
126,6 → 129,8
RAM_Rd_En_d <= RAM_Addr_Match and Rd_En; |
RAM_Wr_En_d <= RAM_Addr_Match and RAM_Region_Match and Wr_En; |
Write_Fault_d <= RAM_Addr_Match and (not RAM_Region_Match) and Wr_En; |
RAM_proc: process( Reset, Clock ) |
begin |
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then |
139,6 → 144,9
RAM_Rd_En_q <= '0'; |
Rd_Data <= OPEN8_NULLBUS; |
Write_Fault <= '0'; |
elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then |
WPR_Reg_Sel_q <= WPR_Reg_Sel_d; |
171,6 → 179,9
null; |
end case; |
end if; |
Write_Fault <= Write_Fault_d; |
end if; |
end process; |
62,7 → 62,8
); |
port( |
Open8_Bus : in OPEN8_BUS_TYPE; |
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE |
Rd_Data : out DATA_TYPE; |
Write_Fault : out std_logic |
); |
end entity; |
115,6 → 116,8
signal RAM_Rd_En_q : std_logic := '0'; |
signal RAM_Rd_Data : DATA_TYPE := OPEN8_NULLBUS; |
signal Write_Fault_d : std_logic := '0'; |
begin |
Write_Protect_On : if( Write_Protect )generate |
131,6 → 134,8
RAM_Rd_En_d <= RAM_Addr_Match and Rd_En; |
RAM_Wr_En_d <= RAM_Addr_Match and RAM_Region_Match and Wr_En; |
Write_Fault_d <= RAM_Addr_Match and (not RAM_Region_Match) and Wr_En; |
RAM_proc: process( Reset, Clock ) |
begin |
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then |
145,6 → 150,9
RAM_Rd_En_q <= '0'; |
Rd_Data <= OPEN8_NULLBUS; |
Write_Fault <= '0'; |
elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then |
WPR_Reg_Sel_q <= WPR_Reg_Sel_d; |
185,6 → 193,9
null; |
end case; |
end if; |
Write_Fault <= Write_Fault_d; |
end if; |
end process; |
25,11 → 25,11
-- Description: Provides a multi-state status LED controller |
-- |
-- LED Modes: |
-- 0x00 - LED is fully off |
-- 0x01 - LED is fully on |
-- 0x02 - LED is dimmed to 50% |
-- 0x03 - LED Toggles at 1Hz |
-- 0x04 - LED fades in and out |
-- 0x0 - LED is fully off |
-- 0x1 - LED is fully on |
-- 0x2 - LED is dimmed to 50% |
-- 0x3 - LED Toggles at 1Hz |
-- 0x4 - LED fades in and out |
-- |
-- Revision History |
-- Author Date Change |
44,6 → 44,7
entity status_led is |
generic( |
Sys_Freq : real; |
Reset_Level : std_logic |
); |
port( |
56,18 → 57,38
architecture behave of status_led is |
signal Dim50Pct_Out : std_logic; |
-- hold the supplied integer. |
function ceil_log2 (x : in natural) return natural is |
variable retval : natural; |
begin |
retval := 1; |
while ((2**retval) - 1) < x loop |
retval := retval + 1; |
end loop; |
return retval; |
end function; |
signal Half_Hz_Timer : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); |
constant HALF_HZ_PRD : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := |
conv_std_logic_vector(500000,16); |
signal One_Hz_Out : std_logic; |
signal Dim50Pct_Out : std_logic := '0'; |
constant TAP1 : integer := 16; |
constant TAP2 : integer := 21; |
constant TAP3 : integer := 22; |
constant TAP4 : integer := 23; |
constant Init_Seed : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := x"000001"; |
signal d0 : std_logic := '0'; |
signal LFSR_poly : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) := (others => '0'); |
signal Cycle_Toggle : std_logic; |
constant TIMER_MSB : integer range 9 to 20 := 18; |
signal Fade_Timer1 : std_logic_vector(TIMER_MSB downto 0); |
signal Fade_Timer2 : std_logic_vector(TIMER_MSB downto 0); |
signal Fade_Out : std_logic; |
signal Fade_Timer1 : std_logic_vector(TIMER_MSB downto 0) := |
(others => '0'); |
signal Fade_Timer2 : std_logic_vector(TIMER_MSB downto 0) := |
(others => '0'); |
signal Fade_Out : std_logic := '0'; |
begin |
83,7 → 104,7
when "010" => |
LED_Out <= Dim50Pct_Out; |
when "011" => |
LED_Out <= One_Hz_Out; |
LED_Out <= Cycle_Toggle; |
when "100" => |
LED_Out <= Fade_out; |
when others => null; |
91,12 → 112,15
end if; |
end process; |
d0 <= LFSR_poly(TAP4) xnor LFSR_poly(TAP3) xnor |
LFSR_poly(TAP2) xnor LFSR_poly(TAP1); |
Timer_proc: process( Clock, Reset ) |
begin |
if( Reset = Reset_Level )then |
Dim50Pct_Out <= '0'; |
Half_Hz_Timer <= (others => '0'); |
One_Hz_Out <= '0'; |
LFSR_poly <= Init_Seed; |
Cycle_Toggle <= '0'; |
Fade_Timer1 <= (others => '0'); |
Fade_Timer2 <= (others => '0'); |
Fade_out <= '0'; |
103,10 → 127,9
elsif( rising_edge(Clock) )then |
Dim50Pct_Out <= not Dim50Pct_Out; |
Half_Hz_Timer <= Half_Hz_Timer - 1; |
if( Half_Hz_Timer = 0 )then |
Half_Hz_Timer <= HALF_HZ_PRD; |
One_Hz_Out <= not One_Hz_Out; |
LFSR_poly <= LFSR_poly(22 downto 0) & d0; |
if( LFSR_poly = Init_Seed )then |
Cycle_Toggle <= not Cycle_Toggle; |
end if; |
Fade_Timer1 <= Fade_Timer1 - 1; |