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- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 761 to Rev 762
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 761 → Rev 762
0,0 → 1,642
#!/usr/bin/perl -w |
# unicode-muncher.pl -- generate Unicode database for java.lang.Character |
# Copyright (C) 1998, 2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
# |
# This file is part of GNU Classpath. |
# |
# GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) |
# any later version. |
# |
# GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
# General Public License for more details. |
# |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
# along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the |
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA |
# 02110-1301 USA. |
# |
# Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is |
# making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and |
# conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole |
# combination. |
# |
# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you |
# permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an |
# executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent |
# modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under |
# terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked |
# independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that |
# module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from |
# or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend |
# this exception to your version of the library, but you are not |
# obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this |
# exception statement from your version. |
# Code for reading UnicodeData-3.0.0.txt and SpecialCasing-2.txt to generate |
# the code for gnu.java.lang.CharData. The relevant files can be found here: |
# |
# http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.0-Update/UnicodeData-3.0.0.txt |
# http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.0-Update/SpecialCasing-2.txt |
# |
# Inspired by code from Jochen Hoenicke. |
# author Eric Blake <ebb9@email.byu.edu> |
# |
# Usage: ./unicode-muncher <UnicodeData.txt> <SpecialCasing> <CharData.java> |
# where <UnicodeData.txt> is obtained from www.unicode.org (named |
# UnicodeData-3.0.0.txt for Unicode version 3.0.0), <SpecialCasing> |
# is obtained from www.unicode too (named SpecialCasing-2.txt for Unicode |
# version 3.0.0), and <CharData.java> is the final location for the Java |
# interface gnu.java.lang.CharData. As of JDK 1.4, use Unicode version 3.0.0 |
# for best results. |
## |
## Convert a 16-bit integer to a Java source code String literal character |
## |
sub javaChar($) { |
my ($char) = @_; |
die "Out of range: $char\n" if $char < -0x8000 or $char > 0xffff; |
$char += 0x10000 if $char < 0; |
# Special case characters that must be escaped, or are shorter as ASCII |
return sprintf("\\%03o", $char) if $char < 0x20; |
return "\\\"" if $char == 0x22; |
return "\\\\" if $char == 0x5c; |
return pack("C", $char) if $char < 0x7f; |
return sprintf("\\u%04x", $char); |
} |
## |
## Convert the text UnicodeData file from www.unicode.org into a Java |
## interface with string constants holding the compressed information. |
## |
my @TYPECODES = qw(Cn Lu Ll Lt Lm Lo Mn Me Mc Nd Nl No Zs Zl Zp Cc Cf |
SKIPPED Co Cs Pd Ps Pe Pc Po Sm Sc Sk So Pi Pf); |
my $NOBREAK_FLAG = 32; |
my $MIRRORED_FLAG = 64; |
my %special = (); |
my @info = (); |
my $titlecase = ""; |
my $count = 0; |
my $range = 0; |
die "Usage: $0 <UnicodeData.txt> <SpecialCasing.txt> <CharData.java>" |
unless @ARGV == 3; |
$| = 1; |
print "GNU Classpath Unicode Attribute Database Generator 2.1\n"; |
print "Copyright (C) 1998, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"; |
# Stage 0: Parse the special casing file |
print "Parsing special casing file\n"; |
open (SPECIAL, "< $ARGV[1]") || die "Can't open special casing file: $!\n"; |
while (<SPECIAL>) { |
next if /^\#/; |
my ($ch, undef, undef, $upper) = split / *; */; |
# This grabs only the special casing for multi-char uppercase. Note that |
# there are no multi-char lowercase, and that Sun ignores multi-char |
# titlecase rules. This script omits 3 special cases in Unicode 3.0.0, |
# which must be hardcoded in java.lang.String: |
# \u03a3 (Sun ignores this special case) |
# \u0049 - lowercases to \u0131, but only in Turkish locale |
# \u0069 - uppercases to \u0130, but only in Turkish locale |
next unless defined $upper and $upper =~ / /; |
$special{hex $ch} = [map {hex} split ' ', $upper]; |
} |
close SPECIAL; |
# Stage 1: Parse the attribute file |
print "Parsing attributes file"; |
open (UNICODE, "< $ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open Unicode attribute file: $!\n"; |
while (<UNICODE>) { |
print "." unless $count++ % 1000; |
chomp; |
s/\r//g; |
my ($ch, $name, $category, undef, $bidir, $decomp, undef, undef, $numeric, |
$mirrored, undef, undef, $upcase, $lowcase, $title) = split ';'; |
$ch = hex($ch); |
next if $ch > 0xffff; # Ignore surrogate pairs, since Java does |
my ($type, $numValue, $upperchar, $lowerchar, $direction); |
$type = 0; |
while ($category !~ /^$TYPECODES[$type]$/) { |
if (++$type == @TYPECODES) { |
die "$ch: Unknown type: $category"; |
} |
} |
$type |= $NOBREAK_FLAG if ($decomp =~ /noBreak/); |
$type |= $MIRRORED_FLAG if ($mirrored =~ /Y/); |
if ($numeric =~ /^[0-9]+$/) { |
$numValue = $numeric; |
die "numValue too big: $ch, $numValue\n" if $numValue >= 0x7fff; |
} elsif ($numeric eq "") { |
# Special case sequences of 'a'-'z' |
if ($ch >= 0x0041 && $ch <= 0x005a) { |
$numValue = $ch - 0x0037; |
} elsif ($ch >= 0x0061 && $ch <= 0x007a) { |
$numValue = $ch - 0x0057; |
} elsif ($ch >= 0xff21 && $ch <= 0xff3a) { |
$numValue = $ch - 0xff17; |
} elsif ($ch >= 0xff41 && $ch <= 0xff5a) { |
$numValue = $ch - 0xff37; |
} else { |
$numValue = -1; |
} |
} else { |
$numValue = -2; |
} |
$upperchar = $upcase ? hex($upcase) - $ch : 0; |
$lowerchar = $lowcase ? hex($lowcase) - $ch : 0; |
if ($title ne $upcase) { |
my $titlechar = $title ? hex($title) : $ch; |
$titlecase .= pack("n2", $ch, $titlechar); |
} |
$direction = 0; |
while ($bidir !~ /^$DIRCODES[$direction]$/) { |
if (++$direction == @DIRCODES) { |
$direction = -1; |
last; |
} |
} |
$direction <<= 2; |
$direction += $#{$special{$ch}} if defined $special{$ch}; |
if ($range) { |
die "Expecting end of range at $ch\n" unless $name =~ /Last>$/; |
for ($range + 1 .. $ch - 1) { |
$info[$_] = pack("n5", $type, $numValue, $upperchar, |
$lowerchar, $direction); |
} |
$range = 0; |
} elsif ($name =~ /First>$/) { |
$range = $ch; |
} |
$info[$ch] = pack("n5", $type, $numValue, $upperchar, $lowerchar, |
$direction); |
} |
close UNICODE; |
# Stage 2: Compress the data structures |
printf "\nCompressing data structures"; |
$count = 0; |
my $info = (); |
my %charhash = (); |
my @charinfo = (); |
for my $ch (0 .. 0xffff) { |
print "." unless $count++ % 0x1000; |
$info[$ch] = pack("n5", 0, -1, 0, 0, -4) unless defined $info[$ch]; |
my ($type, $numVal, $upper, $lower, $direction) = unpack("n5", $info[$ch]); |
if (! exists $charhash{$info[$ch]}) { |
push @charinfo, [ $numVal, $upper, $lower, $direction ]; |
$charhash{$info[$ch]} = $#charinfo; |
} |
$info .= pack("n", ($charhash{$info[$ch]} << 7) | $type); |
} |
my $charlen = @charinfo; |
my $bestshift; |
my $bestest = 1000000; |
my $bestblkstr; |
die "Too many unique character entries: $charlen\n" if $charlen > 512; |
print "\nUnique character entries: $charlen\n"; |
for my $i (3 .. 8) { |
my $blksize = 1 << $i; |
my %blocks = (); |
my @blkarray = (); |
my ($j, $k); |
print "shift: $i"; |
for ($j = 0; $j < 0x10000; $j += $blksize) { |
my $blkkey = substr $info, 2 * $j, 2 * $blksize; |
if (! exists $blocks{$blkkey}) { |
push @blkarray, $blkkey; |
$blocks{$blkkey} = $#blkarray; |
} |
} |
my $blknum = @blkarray; |
my $blocklen = $blknum * $blksize; |
printf " before %5d", $blocklen; |
# Now we try to pack the blkarray as tight as possible by finding matching |
# heads and tails. |
for ($j = $blksize - 1; $j > 0; $j--) { |
my %tails = (); |
for $k (0 .. $#blkarray) { |
next unless defined $blkarray[$k]; |
my $len = length $blkarray[$k]; |
my $tail = substr $blkarray[$k], $len - $j * 2; |
if (exists $tails{$tail}) { |
push @{$tails{$tail}}, $k; |
} else { |
$tails{$tail} = [ $k ]; |
} |
} |
# tails are calculated, now calculate the heads and merge. |
for $k (0 .. $#blkarray) { |
next unless defined $blkarray[$k]; |
my $tomerge = $k; |
while (1) { |
my $head = substr($blkarray[$tomerge], 0, $j * 2); |
my $entry = $tails{$head}; |
next BLOCK unless defined $entry; |
my $other = shift @{$entry}; |
if ($other == $tomerge) { |
if (@{$entry}) { |
push @{$entry}, $other; |
$other = shift @{$entry}; |
} else { |
push @{$entry}, $other; |
next BLOCK; |
} |
} |
if (@{$entry} == 0) { |
delete $tails{$head}; |
} |
# a match was found |
my $merge = $blkarray[$other] |
. substr($blkarray[$tomerge], $j * 2); |
$blocklen -= $j; |
$blknum--; |
if ($other < $tomerge) { |
$blkarray[$tomerge] = undef; |
$blkarray[$other] = $merge; |
my $len = length $merge; |
my $tail = substr $merge, $len - $j * 2; |
$tails{$tail} = [ map { $_ == $tomerge ? $other : $_ } |
@{$tails{$tail}} ]; |
next BLOCK; |
} |
$blkarray[$tomerge] = $merge; |
$blkarray[$other] = undef; |
} |
} |
} |
my $blockstr; |
for $k (0 .. $#blkarray) { |
$blockstr .= $blkarray[$k] if defined $blkarray[$k]; |
} |
die "Unexpected $blocklen" if length($blockstr) != 2 * $blocklen; |
my $estimate = 2 * $blocklen + (0x20000 >> $i); |
printf " after merge %5d: %6d bytes\n", $blocklen, $estimate; |
if ($estimate < $bestest) { |
$bestest = $estimate; |
$bestshift = $i; |
$bestblkstr = $blockstr; |
} |
} |
my @blocks; |
my $blksize = 1 << $bestshift; |
for (my $j = 0; $j < 0x10000; $j += $blksize) { |
my $blkkey = substr $info, 2 * $j, 2 * $blksize; |
my $index = index $bestblkstr, $blkkey; |
while ($index & 1) { |
die "not found: $j" if $index == -1; |
$index = index $bestblkstr, $blkkey, $index + 1; |
} |
push @blocks, ($index / 2 - $j) & 0xffff; |
} |
# Phase 3: Generate the file |
die "UTF-8 limit of blocks may be exceeded: " . scalar(@blocks) . "\n" |
if @blocks > 0xffff / 3; |
die "UTF-8 limit of data may be exceeded: " . length($bestblkstr) . "\n" |
if length($bestblkstr) > 0xffff / 3; |
{ |
print "Generating $ARGV[2] with shift of $bestshift"; |
my ($i, $j); |
open OUTPUT, "> $ARGV[2]" or die "Failed creating output file: $!\n"; |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
/* gnu/java/lang/CharData -- Database for java.lang.Character Unicode info |
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
*** This file is generated by scripts/unicode-muncher.pl *** |
This file is part of GNU Classpath. |
GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) |
any later version. |
GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the |
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA |
02110-1301 USA. |
Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is |
making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and |
conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole |
combination. |
As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you |
permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an |
executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent |
modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under |
terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked |
independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that |
module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from |
or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend |
this exception to your version of the library, but you are not |
obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this |
exception statement from your version. */ |
package gnu.java.lang; |
/** |
* This contains the info about the unicode characters, that |
* java.lang.Character needs. It is generated automatically from |
* <code>$ARGV[0]</code> and |
* <code>$ARGV[1]</code>, by some |
* perl scripts. These Unicode definition files can be found on the |
* <a href="http://www.unicode.org">http://www.unicode.org</a> website. |
* JDK 1.4 uses Unicode version 3.0.0. |
* |
* The data is stored as string constants, but Character will convert these |
* Strings to their respective <code>char[]</code> components. The field |
* <code>BLOCKS</code> stores the offset of a block of 2<sup>SHIFT</sup> |
* characters within <code>DATA</code>. The DATA field, in turn, stores |
* information about each character in the low order bits, and an offset |
* into the attribute tables <code>UPPER</code>, <code>LOWER</code>, |
* <code>NUM_VALUE</code>, and <code>DIRECTION</code>. Notice that the |
* attribute tables are much smaller than 0xffff entries; as many characters |
* in Unicode share common attributes. The DIRECTION table also contains |
* a field for detecting characters with multi-character uppercase expansions. |
* Next, there is a listing for <code>TITLE</code> exceptions (most characters |
* just have the same title case as upper case). Finally, there are two |
* tables for multi-character capitalization, <code>UPPER_SPECIAL</code> |
* which lists the characters which are special cased, and |
* <code>UPPER_EXPAND</code>, which lists their expansion. |
* |
* \@author scripts/unicode-muncher.pl (written by Jochen Hoenicke, |
* Eric Blake) |
* \@see Character |
* \@see String |
*/ |
public interface CharData |
{ |
/** |
* The Unicode definition file that was parsed to build this database. |
*/ |
String SOURCE = \"$ARGV[0]\"; |
/** |
* The character shift amount to look up the block offset. In other words, |
* <code>(char) (BLOCKS.value[ch >> SHIFT] + ch)</code> is the index where |
* <code>ch</code> is described in <code>DATA</code>. |
*/ |
int SHIFT = $bestshift; |
/** |
* The mapping of character blocks to their location in <code>DATA</code>. |
* Each entry has been adjusted so that the 16-bit sum with the desired |
* character gives the actual index into <code>DATA</code>. |
*/ |
String BLOCKS |
for ($i = 0; $i < @blocks / 11; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 10) { |
last if @blocks <= $i * 11 + $j; |
my $val = $blocks[$i * 11 + $j]; |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* Information about each character. The low order 5 bits form the |
* character type, the next bit is a flag for non-breaking spaces, and the |
* next bit is a flag for mirrored directionality. The high order 9 bits |
* form the offset into the attribute tables. Note that this limits the |
* number of unique character attributes to 512, which is not a problem |
* as of Unicode version 3.2.0, but may soon become one. |
*/ |
String DATA |
my $len = length($bestblkstr) / 2; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 11; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 10) { |
last if $len <= $i * 11 + $j; |
my $val = unpack "n", substr($bestblkstr, 2 * ($i * 11 + $j), 2); |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is the attribute table for computing the numeric value of a |
* character. The value is -1 if Unicode does not define a value, -2 |
* if the value is not a positive integer, otherwise it is the value. |
* Note that this is a signed value, but stored as an unsigned char |
* since this is a String literal. |
*/ |
String NUM_VALUE |
$len = @charinfo; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 11; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 10) { |
last if $len <= $i * 11 + $j; |
my $val = $charinfo[$i * 11 + $j][0]; |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is the attribute table for computing the single-character uppercase |
* representation of a character. The value is the signed difference |
* between the character and its uppercase version. Note that this is |
* stored as an unsigned char since this is a String literal. When |
* capitalizing a String, you must first check if a multi-character uppercase |
* sequence exists before using this character. |
*/ |
String UPPER |
$len = @charinfo; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 11; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 10) { |
last if $len <= $i * 11 + $j; |
my $val = $charinfo[$i * 11 + $j][1]; |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is the attribute table for computing the lowercase representation |
* of a character. The value is the signed difference between the |
* character and its lowercase version. Note that this is stored as an |
* unsigned char since this is a String literal. |
*/ |
String LOWER |
$len = @charinfo; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 13; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 12) { |
last if $len <= $i * 13 + $j; |
my $val = $charinfo[$i * 13 + $j][2]; |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is the attribute table for computing the directionality class |
* of a character, as well as a marker of characters with a multi-character |
* capitalization. The direction is taken by performing a signed shift |
* right by 2 (where a result of -1 means an unknown direction, such as |
* for undefined characters). The lower 2 bits form a count of the |
* additional characters that will be added to a String when performing |
* multi-character uppercase expansion. This count is also used, along with |
* the offset in UPPER_SPECIAL, to determine how much of UPPER_EXPAND to use |
* when performing the case conversion. Note that this information is stored |
* as an unsigned char since this is a String literal. |
*/ |
$len = @charinfo; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 17; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 16) { |
last if $len <= $i * 17 + $j; |
my $val = $charinfo[$i * 17 + $j][3]; |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is the listing of titlecase special cases (all other characters |
* can use <code>UPPER</code> to determine their titlecase). The listing |
* is a sorted sequence of character pairs; converting the first character |
* of the pair to titlecase produces the second character. |
*/ |
String TITLE |
$len = length($titlecase) / 2; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 11; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 10) { |
last if $len <= $i * 11 + $j; |
my $val = unpack "n", substr($titlecase, 2 * ($i * 11 + $j), 2); |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is a listing of characters with multi-character uppercase sequences. |
* A character appears in this list exactly when it has a non-zero entry |
* in the low-order 2-bit field of DIRECTION. The listing is a sorted |
* sequence of pairs (hence a binary search on the even elements is an |
* efficient way to lookup a character). The first element of a pair is the |
* character with the expansion, and the second is the index into |
* UPPER_EXPAND where the expansion begins. Use the 2-bit field of |
* DIRECTION to determine where the expansion ends. |
*/ |
my @list = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %special; |
my $expansion = ""; |
my $offset = 0; |
$len = @list; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 5; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 4) { |
last if $len <= $i * 5 + $j; |
my $ch = $list[$i * 5 + $j]; |
print OUTPUT javaChar($ch); |
print OUTPUT javaChar($offset); |
$offset += @{$special{$ch}}; |
$expansion .= pack "n*", @{$special{$ch}}; |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT <<EOF; |
; |
/** |
* This is the listing of special case multi-character uppercase sequences. |
* Characters listed in UPPER_SPECIAL index into this table to find their |
* uppercase expansion. Remember that you must also perform special-casing |
* on two single-character sequences in the Turkish locale, which are not |
* covered here in CharData. |
*/ |
$len = length($expansion) / 2; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 11; $i++) { |
print OUTPUT $i ? "\n + \"" : " = \""; |
for $j (0 .. 10) { |
last if $len <= $i * 11 + $j; |
my $val = unpack "n", substr($expansion, 2 * ($i * 11 + $j), 2); |
print OUTPUT javaChar($val); |
} |
print OUTPUT "\""; |
} |
print OUTPUT ";\n}\n"; |
close OUTPUT; |
} |
print "\nDone.\n"; |
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/jar.in
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/jar.in (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/jar.in (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+#! @SHELL@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation
+# Written by Paolo Bonzini.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+# or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# POSIX and NLS nuisances, taken from autoconf.
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ emulate sh
+ # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+ case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in *posix*) set -o posix;; esac
+BIN_SH=xpg4; export BIN_SH # for Tru64
+DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi
+if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
+if test "${LC_MESSAGES+set}" = set; then LC_MESSAGES=C; export LC_MESSAGES; fi
+if test "${LC_CTYPE+set}" = set; then LC_CTYPE=C; export LC_CTYPE; fi
+# Also make sure CDPATH is empty, and IFS is space, tab, \n in that order.
+# Be careful to avoid that editors munge IFS
+(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH
+IFS=" "" ""
+: ${TMPDIR=/tmp}
+: ${ZIP="@ZIP@"}
+: ${UNZIP="@UNZIP@"}
+# Emit a usage message and exit with error status 1
+usage () {
+ cat >&2 <&2
+ (exit 1); exit 1
+# Usage: copy SRC DEST
+# Copy file SRC to directory DEST, which is the staging area of the jar file.
+# Fail if it is already present or if it is not a regular file.
+copy () {
+ if test -f "$1"; then
+ # A simple optimization. Optimistically assuming that ln will work
+ # cuts 60% of the run-time!
+ if ln "$1" "$2"/"$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if test -f "$2"/"$1"; then
+ error "$1": Duplicate entry.
+ fi
+ dir=`dirname "$1"`
+ $mkdir_p "$2"/"$dir"
+ ln "$1" "$2"/"$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 || cp "$1" "$2"/"$1"
+ elif test -e "$1"; then
+ error "$1": Invalid file type.
+ else
+ error "$1": File not found.
+ fi
+# Make a temporary directory and store its name in the JARTMP variable.
+make_tmp () {
+ test -n "$JARTMP" && return
+ {
+ JARTMP=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/jarXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` &&
+ test -n "$JARTMP" && test -d "$JARTMP"
+ } || {
+ (umask 077 && mkdir "$JARTMP")
+ } || exit $?
+ trap 'exit_status=$?
+ if test -n "$JARTMP"; then rm -rf "$JARTMP"; fi
+ exit $exit_status' 0
+# Usage: make_manifest destfile kind [source-manifest]
+# Create a manifest file and store it in destfile. KIND can be "default",
+# or "user", in which case SOURCE-MANIFEST must be specified as well.
+make_manifest () {
+ dir=`dirname "$1"`
+ $mkdir_p "$dir"
+ case $2 in
+ default)
+ cat > "$1" <<\EOF
+Manifest-Version: 1.0
+Created-By: @VERSION@
+ ;;
+ user)
+ cp "$3" "$1"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Usage: set_var var [value]
+# Exit with an error if set_var was already called for the same VAR. Else
+# set the variable VAR to the value VALUE (or the empty value if no parameter
+# is given).
+set_var () {
+ if eval test x\$set_$1 = xset; then
+ error Incompatible or repeated options.
+ else
+ eval $1=\$2
+ eval set_$1=set
+ fi
+# Process the arguments, including -C options, and copy the whole tree
+# to $JARTMP/files so that zip can be invoked later from there.
+make_files () {
+ change=false
+ if $process_response_files; then
+ if test $# = 0; then
+ while read arg; do
+ make_files_1 "$arg"
+ done
+ else
+ for infile
+ do
+ exec 5<&0
+ exec 0< $infile
+ while read arg; do
+ make_files_1 "$arg"
+ done
+ exec 0<&5
+ exec 5<&-
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ for arg
+ do
+ make_files_1 "$arg"
+ done
+ fi
+ cd "$old_dir"
+# Usage: make_files_1 ARG
+# Process one argument, ARG.
+make_files_1 () {
+ if $change; then
+ change=false
+ if cd "$1"; then
+ return
+ else
+ (exit 1); exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ case "$1" in
+ -C)
+ change=:
+ ;;
+ -C*)
+ cd `expr "$1" : '-C\(.*\)' `
+ return
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if test -d "$1"; then
+ $mkdir_p "$JARTMP"/files/"$1"
+ find "$1" | while read file; do
+ if test -d "$file"; then
+ $mkdir_p "$JARTMP"/files/"$file"
+ else
+ copy "$file" "$JARTMP"/files
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ copy "$1" "$JARTMP"/files
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ cd "$old_dir"
+# Same as "jar tf $1".
+jar_list () {
+ $UNZIP -l "$1" | \
+ sed '1,/^ ----/d;/^ ----/,$d;s/^ *[0-9]* ..-..-.. ..:.. //'
+# Same as "jar tvf $1".
+jar_list_verbose () {
+ $UNZIP -l "$1" | \
+ @AWK@ 'BEGIN { yes = 0 }
+ /^ ----/ { yes = !yes; next }
+ yes {
+ size=$1
+ split ($2, d, "-")
+ split ($3, t, ":")
+ d[3] += (d[3] < 80) ? 2000 : 1900
+ timestamp=d[3] " " d[1] " " d[2] " " t[1] " " t[2] " 00"
+ gsub (/^ *[0-9]* ..-..-.. ..:.. /, "")
+ printf "%6d %s %s\n", size, strftime ("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", mktime (timestamp)), $0
+ }'
+# mkdir -p emulation based on the mkinstalldirs script.
+func_mkdir_p () {
+ for file
+ do
+ case $file in
+ /*) pathcomp=/ ;;
+ *) pathcomp= ;;
+ esac
+ IFS=/
+ set fnord $file
+ shift
+ errstatus=0
+ for d
+ do
+ test "x$d" = x && continue
+ pathcomp=$pathcomp$d
+ case $pathcomp in
+ -*) pathcomp=./$pathcomp ;;
+ esac
+ if test ! -d "$pathcomp"; then
+ mkdir "$pathcomp" || lasterr=$?
+ test -d "$pathcomp" || errstatus=$lasterr
+ fi
+ pathcomp=$pathcomp/
+ done
+ done
+ return "$errstatus"
+# Detect mkdir -p
+# On NextStep and OpenStep, the `mkdir' command does not
+# recognize any option. It will interpret all options as
+# directories to create, and then abort because `.' already
+# exists.
+if mkdir -p --version . >/dev/null 2>&1 && test ! -d ./--version; then
+ mkdir_p='mkdir -p'
+ mkdir_p='func_mkdir_p'
+ test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p
+ test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version
+# Process the first command line option.
+case "$1" in
+ -*) commands=`echo X"$1" | sed 's/^X-//' ` ;;
+ *) commands="$1"
+# Operation to perform on the JAR file
+# First -C option on the command line
+# Base directory for -C options
+# JAR file to operate on
+# default for no {m,M} option, user for "m" option, none for "M" option
+# "-0" if the "0" option was given
+# true if the "v" option was given
+# true if the non-standard "@" option was given
+# An exec command if we need to redirect the zip/unzip commands' output
+while test -n "$commands"; do
+ # Process a letter at a time
+ command=`expr "$commands" : '\(.\)'`
+ commands=`expr "$commands" : '.\(.*\)'`
+ case "$command" in
+ c)
+ set_var mode create
+ ;;
+ t)
+ set_var mode list
+ ;;
+ x)
+ set_var mode extract
+ ;;
+ u)
+ set_var mode update
+ ;;
+ f)
+ test $# = 0 && usage
+ # Multiple "f" options are accepted by Sun's JAR tool.
+ jarfile="$1"
+ test -z "$jarfile" && usage
+ shift
+ ;;
+ m)
+ test $# = 0 && usage
+ # Multiple "m" options are accepted by Sun's JAR tool, but
+ # M always overrides m.
+ test "$manifest_kind" = default && manifest_kind=user
+ manifest_file="$1"
+ test -z "$manifest_file" && usage
+ shift
+ ;;
+ 0)
+ store=-0
+ ;;
+ v)
+ verbose=:
+ ;;
+ i)
+ # Not yet implemented, and probably never will.
+ ;;
+ M)
+ manifest_kind=none
+ ;;
+ C)
+ test $# = 0 && usage
+ cur_dir="$1"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ @)
+ process_response_files=: ;;
+ *)
+ usage ;;
+ esac
+set -e
+case "X$jarfile" in
+ X)
+ # Work on stdin/stdout. Messages go to stderr, and if we need an input
+ # JAR file we save it temporarily in the temporary directory.
+ make_tmp
+ $mkdir_p "$JARTMP"/out
+ jarfile="$JARTMP"/out/tmp-stdin.jar
+ out_redirect='exec >&2'
+ case $mode in
+ update|extract|list)
+ if $process_response_files && test $# = 0; then
+ error Cannot use stdin for response file.
+ fi
+ cat > "$JARTMP"/out/tmp-stdin.jar
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ X*/*)
+ # Make an absolute path.
+ dir=`dirname "$jarfile"`
+ jarfile=`cd $dir && pwd`/`basename "$jarfile"`
+ ;;
+ X*)
+ # Make an absolute path from a filename in the current directory.
+ jarfile=`pwd`/`basename "$jarfile"`
+ ;;
+# Perform a -C option if given right away.
+cd "$cur_dir"
+case $mode in
+ unknown)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ extract)
+ make_tmp
+ # Extract the list of files in the JAR file
+ jar_list "$jarfile" > "$JARTMP"/list
+ # If there are files on the command line, expand directories and skip -C
+ # command line arguments
+ for arg
+ do
+ if $skip; then
+ skip=false
+ continue
+ fi
+ case "$arg" in
+ -C) skip=: ;;
+ -C*) ;;
+ *)
+ escaped=`echo "X$arg" | sed 's/^X//; s/[].[^$\\*]/\\\\&/g' `
+ grep "^$escaped/" "$JARTMP"/list >> "$JARTMP"/chosen || :
+ grep "^$escaped\$" "$JARTMP"/list >> "$JARTMP"/chosen || :
+ esac
+ done
+ test -f "$JARTMP"/chosen || cp "$JARTMP"/list "$JARTMP"/chosen
+ # Really execute unzip
+ if $verbose; then
+ sort < "$JARTMP"/chosen | uniq | xargs $UNZIP -o "$jarfile" | \
+ sed -ne 's/^ creating/ created/p' -e 's/^ inflating/extracted/p'
+ else
+ sort < "$JARTMP"/chosen | uniq | xargs $UNZIP -o "$jarfile" > /dev/null
+ fi
+ ;;
+ create)
+ make_tmp
+ $mkdir_p "$JARTMP"/out
+ $mkdir_p "$JARTMP"/files
+ # Do not overwrite the JAR file if something goes wrong
+ tmp_jarfile="$JARTMP"/out/`basename "$jarfile"`
+ # Prepare the files in the temporary directory. This is necessary to
+ # support -C and still save relative paths in the JAR file.
+ make_files ${1+"$@"}
+ if test $manifest_kind != none; then
+ make_manifest "$JARTMP"/files/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF $manifest_kind "$manifest_file"
+ fi
+ # Really execute zip
+ if $verbose; then
+ (eval $out_redirect; cd "$JARTMP"/files && $ZIP -rv "$tmp_jarfile" $store .)
+ else
+ (cd "$JARTMP/files" && $ZIP -r "$tmp_jarfile" $store . > /dev/null)
+ fi
+ test "$jarfile" = "$tmp_jarfile" || mv "$tmp_jarfile" "$jarfile"
+ ;;
+ update)
+ make_tmp
+ $mkdir_p "$JARTMP"/files
+ make_files ${1+"$@"}
+ # Same as above, but zip takes care of not overwriting the file
+ case $manifest_kind in
+ none)
+ $verbose && (eval $out_redirect; echo removing manifest)
+ $ZIP -d "$jarfile" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF > /dev/null 2>&1 || :
+ ;;
+ *)
+ make_manifest "$JARTMP"/files/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF $manifest_kind "$manifest_file"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if $verbose; then
+ (eval $out_redirect; cd "$JARTMP"/files && $ZIP -ruv "$jarfile" $store .)
+ else
+ (cd "$JARTMP"/files && $ZIP -ru "$jarfile" $store . > /dev/null)
+ fi
+ ;;
+ list)
+ # Everything's done in the functions
+ if $verbose; then
+ jar_list_verbose "$jarfile"
+ else
+ jar_list "$jarfile"
+ fi ;;
+if test "$out_redirect" != :; then
+ # Cat back to stdout if necessary
+ case $mode in
+ create|update) cat "$JARTMP"/out/tmp-stdin.jar ;;
+ esac
+exit 0
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/encodings.pl
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/encodings.pl (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/encodings.pl (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# encodings.pl - Download IANA text and compute alias list.
+# Assumes you are running this program from gnu/gcj/convert/.
+# Output suitable for direct inclusion in IOConverter.java.
+# Map IANA canonical names onto our canonical names.
+%map = (
+ 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' => 'ASCII',
+ 'ISO_8859-1:1987' => '8859_1',
+ 'UTF-8' => 'UTF8',
+ 'Shift_JIS' => 'SJIS',
+ 'Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese' => 'EUCJIS',
+ 'UTF16-LE' => 'UnicodeLittle',
+ 'UTF16-BE' => 'UnicodeBig'
+ );
+if ($ARGV[0] eq '')
+ $file = 'character-sets';
+ if (! -f $file)
+ {
+ # Too painful to figure out how to get Perl to do it.
+ system 'wget -o .wget-log http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets';
+ }
+ $file = $ARGV[0];
+# Include canonical names in the output.
+foreach $key (keys %map)
+ $output{lc ($key)} = $map{$key};
+open (INPUT, "< $file") || die "couldn't open $file: $!";
+$body = 0;
+$current = '';
+while ()
+ chop;
+ $body = 1 if /^Name:/;
+ next unless $body;
+ if (/^$/)
+ {
+ $current = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ ($type, $name) = split (/\s+/);
+ # Encoding names are case-insensitive. We do all processing on
+ # the lower-case form.
+ my $lower = lc ($name);
+ if ($type eq 'Name:')
+ {
+ $current = $map{$name};
+ if ($current)
+ {
+ $output{$lower} = $current;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($type eq 'Alias:')
+ {
+ # The IANA list has some ugliness.
+ if ($name ne '' && $lower ne 'none' && $current)
+ {
+ $output{$lower} = $current;
+ }
+ }
+close (INPUT);
+foreach $key (sort keys %output)
+ print " hash.put (\"$key\", \"$output{$key}\");\n";
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/showval.java
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/showval.java (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/showval.java (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Show a value given class name and constant name.
+/* Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation
+ This file is part of libgcj.
+This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
+Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for
+details. */
+/* Written by Tom Tromey . */
+// Use like this to print a `static final' value (integers only, not
+// strings yet):
+// java showval java.awt.geom.AffineTransform.TYPE_IDENTITY
+// Prints result like:
+// In conjunction with a keyboard macro you can do a number of
+// constants very easily.
+import java.lang.reflect.*;
+public class showval
+ public static void main (String[] args)
+ {
+ int ch = args[0].lastIndexOf ('.');
+ String className = args[0].substring (0, ch);
+ String constName = args[0].substring (ch + 1);
+ try
+ {
+ Class klass = Class.forName (className);
+ Field field = klass.getField (constName);
+ System.out.println (constName + " = " + field.getInt (null));
+ }
+ catch (Throwable _)
+ {
+ System.out.println (_);
+ }
+ }
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-decomp.pl
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-decomp.pl (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-decomp.pl (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# unicode-decomp.pl - script to generate database for java.text.Collator
+# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of libjava.
+# This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
+# Libjava License. Please consult the file "LIBJAVA_LICENSE" for
+# details.
+# Code for reading UnicodeData.txt and generating the code for
+# gnu.java.lang.CharData. For now, the relevant Unicode definition files
+# are found in libjava/gnu/gcj/convert/.
+# Usage: ./unicode-decomp.pl [-n]
+# where is obtained from www.unicode.org (named
+# UnicodeData-3.0.0.txt for Unicode version 3.0.0), and
+# is the final location of include/java-chardecomp.h.
+# As of JDK 1.4, use Unicode version 3.0.0 for best results.
+# If this exits with nonzero status, then you must investigate the
+# cause of the problem.
+# Diagnostics and other information to stderr.
+# With -n, the files are not created, but all processing still occurs.
+# These maps characters to their decompositions.
+my %canonical_decomposition = ();
+my %full_decomposition = ();
+# Handle `-n' and open output files.
+if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '-n')
+ shift @ARGV;
+ $ARGV[1] = '/dev/null';
+die "Usage: $0 " unless @ARGV == 2;
+open (UNICODE, "< $ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open Unicode attribute file: $!\n";
+# Process the Unicode file.
+$| = 1;
+my $count = 0;
+print STDERR "Parsing attributes file";
+while ()
+ print STDERR "." unless $count++ % 1000;
+ chomp;
+ s/\r//g;
+ my ($ch, undef, undef, undef, undef, $decomp) = split ';';
+ $ch = hex($ch);
+ if ($decomp ne '')
+ {
+ my $is_full = 0;
+ my @decomp = ();
+ foreach (split (' ', $decomp))
+ {
+ if (/^\<.*\>$/)
+ {
+ $is_full = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ push (@decomp, hex ($_));
+ }
+ my $s = pack "n*", @decomp;
+ if ($is_full)
+ {
+ $full_decomposition{$ch} = $s;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $canonical_decomposition{$ch} = $s;
+ }
+ }
+# Now generate decomposition tables.
+open DECOMP, "> $ARGV[1]" or die "Can't open output file: $!\n";
+print STDERR "\nGenerating tables\n";
+print DECOMP <
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/MakeCharTables.java
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/MakeCharTables.java (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/MakeCharTables.java (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+/* MakeCharTables.java - converts gnu.java.lang.CharData into
+ include/java-chartables.h
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GNU Classpath.
+GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+02110-1301 USA.
+Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
+making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
+conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
+As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
+permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
+executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
+modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
+terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
+independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
+module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
+or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
+this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
+obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
+exception statement from your version. */
+import gnu.java.lang.CharData;
+public class MakeCharTables implements CharData
+ public static void main(String[] args)
+ {
+ System.out.println("/* java-chartables.h -- Character tables for java.lang.Character -*- c++ -*-\n"
+ + " Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
+ + " *** This file is generated by scripts/MakeCharTables.java ***\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "This file is part of GNU Classpath.\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
+ + "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
+ + "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)\n"
+ + "any later version.\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n"
+ + "WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
+ + "General Public License for more details.\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
+ + "along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the\n"
+ + "Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n"
+ + "02110-1301 USA.\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is\n"
+ + "making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and\n"
+ + "conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole\n"
+ + "combination.\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you\n"
+ + "permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an\n"
+ + "executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent\n"
+ + "modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under\n"
+ + "terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked\n"
+ + "independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that\n"
+ + "module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from\n"
+ + "or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend\n"
+ + "this exception to your version of the library, but you are not\n"
+ + "obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this\n"
+ + "exception statement from your version. */\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "#ifndef __JAVA_CHARTABLES_H__\n"
+ + "#define __JAVA_CHARTABLES_H__\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "// These tables are automatically generated by scripts/MakeCharTables.java.\n"
+ + "// This is in turn parsing gnu.java.lang.CharData, which is generated by\n"
+ + "// scripts/unicode-muncher.pl. The Unicode data comes from\n"
+ + "// www.unicode.org; this header is based on\n"
+ + "// " + SOURCE + ". JDK 1.4 uses Unicode version 3.0.0.\n"
+ + "// DO NOT EDIT the tables. Instead, fix the upstream scripts and run\n"
+ + "// them again.\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "// The data is stored in C style arrays of the appropriate CNI types, to\n"
+ + "// guarantee that the data is constant and non-relocatable. The field\n"
+ + "// \n"
+ + "// characters within
+# Unicode 4.0.0 support by Anthony Balkissoon
+# Usage: ./unicode-to-chartables.pl
+# where is obtained from www.unicode.org (named
+# UnicodeData-4.0.0.txt for Unicode version 4.0.0),
+# is obtained from www.unicode too (named SpecialCasing-4.0.0.txt for Unicode
+# version 4.0.0), and is the final location for the header file
+# java-chartables.h. As of JDK 1.5, use Unicode version 4.0.0
+# for best results.
+## Return the given variable interpreted as a 16 bit signed number.
+sub cShort($) {
+ my ($char) = @_;
+ return unpack "s", pack "I", $char;
+## Convert the text UnicodeData file from www.unicode.org into a header file
+## interface with arrays holding the compressed information.
+my @TYPECODES = qw(Cn Lu Ll Lt Lm Lo Mn Me Mc Nd Nl No Zs Zl Zp Cc Cf
+ SKIPPED Co Cs Pd Ps Pe Pc Po Sm Sc Sk So Pi Pf);
+my $NOBREAK_FLAG = 32;
+my $MIRRORED_FLAG = 64;
+my %special = ();
+# infoArray is an array where each element is a list of character information
+# for characters in a plane. The index of each list is equal to the plane
+# that it corresponds to even though most of these lists will currently be
+# empty. This is done so that that this script can be easily modified to
+# accomodate future versions of Unicode.
+my @infoArray = \((), (), (), (), (), (), (), (),
+ (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ());
+# info is a reference to one of the lists in infoArray, depending on which
+# plane we're currently parsing.
+my $info;
+# largeNums is an array of numerical values that are too large to fit
+# into the 16 bit char where most numerical values are stored.
+# What is stored in the char then is a number N such that (-N - 3) is
+# the index into largeNums where the numerical value can be found.
+my @largeNums = ();
+my $titlecase = "";
+my $count = 0;
+my $range = 0;
+die "Usage: $0 "
+ unless @ARGV == 3;
+$| = 1;
+print "GNU Classpath Unicode Attribute Database Generator 2.1\n";
+print "Copyright (C) 1998, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n";
+# Stage 0: Parse the special casing file
+print "Parsing special casing file\n";
+open (SPECIAL, "< $ARGV[1]") || die "Can't open special casing file: $!\n";
+while () {
+ next if /^\#/;
+ my ($ch, undef, undef, $upper) = split / *; */;
+ # This grabs only the special casing for multi-char uppercase. Note that
+ # there are no multi-char lowercase, and that Sun ignores multi-char
+ # titlecase rules. This script omits 3 special cases in Unicode 3.0.0,
+ # which must be hardcoded in java.lang.String:
+ # \u03a3 (Sun ignores this special case)
+ # \u0049 - lowercases to \u0131, but only in Turkish locale
+ # \u0069 - uppercases to \u0130, but only in Turkish locale
+ next unless defined $upper and $upper =~ / /;
+ $special{hex $ch} = [map {hex} split ' ', $upper];
+close SPECIAL;
+## Stage 1: Parse the attribute file
+print "Parsing attributes file";
+open (UNICODE, "< $ARGV[0]") || die "Can't open Unicode attribute file: $!\n";
+while () {
+ print "." unless $count++ % 1000;
+ chomp;
+ s/\r//g;
+ my ($ch, $name, $category, undef, $bidir, $decomp, undef, undef, $numeric,
+ $mirrored, undef, undef, $upcase, $lowcase, $title) = split ';';
+ $ch = hex($ch);
+ # plane tells us which Unicode code plane we're currently in and is an
+ # index into infoArray.
+ my $plane = int($ch / 0x10000);
+ my $planeBase = $plane * 0x10000;
+ $info = \@{$infoArray[$plane]};
+ my ($type, $numValue, $upperchar, $lowerchar, $direction);
+ $type = 0;
+ while ($category !~ /^$TYPECODES[$type]$/) {
+ if (++$type == @TYPECODES) {
+ die "$ch: Unknown type: $category";
+ }
+ }
+ $type |= $NOBREAK_FLAG if ($decomp =~ /noBreak/);
+ $type |= $MIRRORED_FLAG if ($mirrored =~ /Y/);
+ if ($numeric =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ $numValue = $numeric;
+ # If numeric takes more than 16 bits to store we want to store that
+ # number in a separate array and store a number N in numValue such
+ # that (-N - 3) is the offset into the separate array containing the
+ # large numerical value.
+ if ($numValue >= 0x7fff) {
+ $numValue = -3 - @largeNums;
+ push @largeNums, $numeric;
+ }
+ } elsif ($numeric eq "") {
+ # Special case sequences of 'a'-'z'
+ if ($ch >= 0x0041 && $ch <= 0x005a) {
+ $numValue = $ch - 0x0037;
+ } elsif ($ch >= 0x0061 && $ch <= 0x007a) {
+ $numValue = $ch - 0x0057;
+ } elsif ($ch >= 0xff21 && $ch <= 0xff3a) {
+ $numValue = $ch - 0xff17;
+ } elsif ($ch >= 0xff41 && $ch <= 0xff5a) {
+ $numValue = $ch - 0xff37;
+ } else {
+ $numValue = -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $numValue = -2;
+ }
+ $upperchar = $upcase ? hex($upcase) - $ch : 0;
+ $lowerchar = $lowcase ? hex($lowcase) - $ch : 0;
+ if ($title ne $upcase) {
+ my $titlechar = $title ? hex($title) : $ch;
+ $titlecase .= pack("n2", $ch, $titlechar);
+ }
+ $direction = 0;
+ while ($bidir !~ /^$DIRCODES[$direction]$/) {
+ if (++$direction == @DIRCODES) {
+ $direction = -1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $direction <<= 2;
+ $direction += $#{$special{$ch}} if defined $special{$ch};
+ if ($range) {
+ die "Expecting end of range at $ch\n" unless $name =~ /Last>$/;
+ for ($range + 1 .. $ch - 1) {
+ $info->[$_ - $planeBase] = pack("n5", $type, $numValue, $upperchar,
+ $lowerchar, $direction);
+ }
+ $range = 0;
+ } elsif ($name =~ /First>$/) {
+ $range = $ch;
+ }
+ # Store all this parsed information into the element in infoArray that info
+ # points to.
+ $info->[$ch - $planeBase] = pack("n5", $type, $numValue, $upperchar, $lowerchar,
+ $direction);
+close UNICODE;
+## Stage 2: Compress the data structures
+printf "\nCompressing data structures";
+$count = 0;
+# data is a String that will be used to create the DATA String containing
+# character information and offsets into the attribute tables.
+my @data = ();
+# charhashArray is an array of hashtables used so that we can reuse character
+# attributes when characters share the same attributes ... this makes our
+# attribute tables smaller. charhash is a pointer into this array.
+my @charhashArray = ({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {});
+my $charhash = ();
+# charinfoArray is an array of arrays, one per plane, for storing character
+# information. charinfo is a pointer into this array.
+my @charinfoArray = \((), (), (), (), (), (), (), (),
+ (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ());
+my $charinfo;
+# charlen is an array, one element per plane, that tells us how many unique
+# character attributes there are for that plane.
+my @charlen = ();
+for my $plane (0 .. 0x10) {
+ $info = \@{$infoArray[$plane]};
+ my $planeBase = $plane * 0x10000;
+ $charhash = \%{$charhashArray[$plane]};
+ $charinfo = \@{$charinfoArray[$plane]};
+ for my $ch ($planeBase .. $planeBase + 0xffff) {
+ my $index = $ch - $planeBase;
+ print "." unless $count++ % 0x1000;
+ $info->[$index] = pack("n5", 0, -1, 0, 0, -4) unless defined $info->[$index];
+ my ($type, $numVal, $upper, $lower, $direction) = unpack("n5", $info->[$index]);
+ if (! exists $charhash->{$info->[$index]}) {
+ # If we entered this loop that means the character we're looking at
+ # now has attributes that are unique from those that we've looked
+ # at so far for this plane. So we push its attributes into charinfo
+ # and store in charhash the offset into charinfo where these
+ # attributes can later be found.
+ push @{$charinfo}, [ $numVal, $upper, $lower, $direction ];
+ $charhash->{$info->[$index]} = @{$charinfo} - 1;
+ # When the file is generaged, the number we just stored in charhas
+ # will be the upper 9 bits in the DATA String that are an offset
+ # into the attribute tables.
+ }
+ $data[$plane] .= pack("n", ($charhash->{$info->[$index]} << 7) | $type);
+ }
+ $charlen[$plane] = scalar(@{$charinfoArray[$plane]});
+# the shift that results in the best compression of the table. This is an array
+# because different shifts are better for the different tables for each plane.
+my @bestshift;
+# an initial guess.
+my $bestest = 1000000;
+my @bestblkstr;
+my @blksize = ();
+for my $plane (0 .. 0x10) {
+ print "\n\nplane: $plane\n";
+ print "Unique character entries: $charlen[$plane]\n";
+ $bestest = 1000000;
+ for my $i (3 .. 8) {
+ my $blksize = 1 << $i;
+ my %blocks = ();
+ my @blkarray = ();
+ my ($j, $k);
+ print "shift: $i";
+ for ($j = 0; $j < 0x10000; $j += $blksize) {
+ my $blkkey = substr $data[$plane], 2 * $j, 2 * $blksize;
+ if (! exists $blocks{$blkkey}) {
+ push @blkarray, $blkkey;
+ $blocks{$blkkey} = $#blkarray;
+ }
+ }
+ my $blknum = @blkarray;
+ my $blocklen = $blknum * $blksize;
+ printf " before %5d", $blocklen;
+ # Now we try to pack the blkarray as tight as possible by finding matching
+ # heads and tails.
+ for ($j = $blksize - 1; $j > 0; $j--) {
+ my %tails = ();
+ for $k (0 .. $#blkarray) {
+ next unless defined $blkarray[$k];
+ my $len = length $blkarray[$k];
+ my $tail = substr $blkarray[$k], $len - $j * 2;
+ if (exists $tails{$tail}) {
+ push @{$tails{$tail}}, $k;
+ } else {
+ $tails{$tail} = [ $k ];
+ }
+ }
+ # tails are calculated, now calculate the heads and merge.
+ for $k (0 .. $#blkarray) {
+ next unless defined $blkarray[$k];
+ my $tomerge = $k;
+ while (1) {
+ my $head = substr($blkarray[$tomerge], 0, $j * 2);
+ my $entry = $tails{$head};
+ next BLOCK unless defined $entry;
+ my $other = shift @{$entry};
+ if ($other == $tomerge) {
+ if (@{$entry}) {
+ push @{$entry}, $other;
+ $other = shift @{$entry};
+ } else {
+ push @{$entry}, $other;
+ next BLOCK;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@{$entry} == 0) {
+ delete $tails{$head};
+ }
+ # a match was found
+ my $merge = $blkarray[$other]
+ . substr($blkarray[$tomerge], $j * 2);
+ $blocklen -= $j;
+ $blknum--;
+ if ($other < $tomerge) {
+ $blkarray[$tomerge] = undef;
+ $blkarray[$other] = $merge;
+ my $len = length $merge;
+ my $tail = substr $merge, $len - $j * 2;
+ $tails{$tail} = [ map { $_ == $tomerge ? $other : $_ }
+ @{$tails{$tail}} ];
+ next BLOCK;
+ }
+ $blkarray[$tomerge] = $merge;
+ $blkarray[$other] = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $blockstr;
+ for $k (0 .. $#blkarray) {
+ $blockstr .= $blkarray[$k] if defined $blkarray[$k];
+ }
+ die "Unexpected $blocklen" if length($blockstr) != 2 * $blocklen;
+ my $estimate = 2 * $blocklen + (0x20000 >> $i);
+ printf " after merge %5d: %6d bytes\n", $blocklen, $estimate;
+ if ($estimate < $bestest) {
+ $bestest = $estimate;
+ $bestshift[$plane] = $i;
+ $bestblkstr[$plane] = $blockstr;
+ }
+ }
+ $blksize[$plane] = 1 << $bestshift[$plane];
+ print "best shift: ", $bestshift[$plane];
+ print " blksize: ", $blksize[$plane];
+my @blocksArray = \((), (), (), (), (), (), (), (),
+ (), (), (), (), (), (), (), (), ());
+for my $plane (0 .. 0x10) {
+ for (my $j = 0; $j < 0x10000; $j += $blksize[$plane]) {
+ my $blkkey = substr $data[$plane], 2 * $j, 2 * $blksize[$plane];
+ my $index = index $bestblkstr[$plane], $blkkey;
+ while ($index & 1) {
+ die "not found: $j" if $index == -1;
+ $index = index $bestblkstr[$plane], $blkkey, $index + 1;
+ }
+ push @{$blocksArray[$plane]}, ($index / 2 - $j) & 0xffff;
+ }
+## Stage 3: Generate the file
+for my $plane (0 .. 0x10) {
+ die "UTF-8 limit of blocks may be exceeded for plane $plane: " . scalar(@{$blocksArray[$plane]}) . "\n"
+ if @{$blocksArray[$plane]} > 0xffff / 3;
+ die "UTF-8 limit of data may be exceeded for plane $plane: " . length($bestblkstr[$plane]) . "\n"
+ if length($bestblkstr[$plane]) > 0xffff / 3;
+ print "\nGenerating $ARGV[2].";
+ my ($i, $j);
+ open OUTPUT, "> $ARGV[2]" or die "Failed creating output file: $!\n";
+ print OUTPUT <blocks stores the offset of a block of 2SHIFT
+// characters within (char) (blocks[p][off >> SHIFT[p]] + off) is the index where
+ * data.
+ * Each entry has been adjusted so that a modulo 16 sum with the desired
+ * character gives the actual index into 2 && $plane != 14);
+ print OUTPUT "static const jchar data", $plane, "[] = {\n";
+ my $len = length($bestblkstr[$plane]) / 2;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 10; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 9) {
+ last if $len <= $i * 10 + $j;
+ my $val = unpack "n", substr($bestblkstr[$plane], 2 * ($i * 10 + $j), 2);
+ print OUTPUT $val, ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "static const int data_length[] = {\n ";
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14){
+ print OUTPUT "-1, ";
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUTPUT length($bestblkstr[$plane]) / 2, ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n";
+ print OUTPUT < 2 && $plane != 14);
+ print OUTPUT "static const jshort numValue", $plane, "[] = {\n";
+ $len = @{$charinfoArray[$plane]};
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 13; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 12) {
+ last if $len <= $i * 13 + $j;
+ my $val = $charinfoArray[$plane]->[$i * 13 + $j][0];
+ print OUTPUT cShort($val), ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "static const int numValue_length[] = {\n ";
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14){
+ print OUTPUT "-1, ";
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUTPUT scalar(@{$charinfoArray[$plane]}), ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n";
+ print OUTPUT < 2 && $plane != 14);
+ print OUTPUT "static const jshort upper", $plane, "[] = {\n";
+ $len = @{$charinfoArray[$plane]};
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 13; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 12) {
+ last if $len <= $i * 13 + $j;
+ my $val = $charinfoArray[$plane]->[$i * 13 + $j][1];
+ print OUTPUT cShort($val), ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "static const int upper_length[] = {\n ";
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14){
+ print OUTPUT "-1, ";
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUTPUT scalar(@{$charinfoArray[$plane]}), ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n";
+ print OUTPUT < 2 && $plane != 14);
+ print OUTPUT "static const jshort lower", $plane, "[] = {\n";
+ $len = @{$charinfoArray[$plane]};
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 13; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 12) {
+ last if $len <= $i * 13 + $j;
+ my $val = $charinfoArray[$plane]->[$i * 13 + $j][2];
+ print OUTPUT cShort($val), ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "static const int lower_length[] = {\n ";
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14){
+ print OUTPUT "-1, ";
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUTPUT scalar(@{$charinfoArray[$plane]}), ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n";
+ print OUTPUT < 2 && $plane != 14);
+ print OUTPUT "static const jbyte direction", $plane, "[] = {\n";
+ $len = @{$charinfoArray[$plane]};
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 19; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 18) {
+ last if $len <= $i * 19 + $j;
+ my $val = $charinfoArray[$plane]->[$i * 19 + $j][3];
+ $val >>= 2;
+ if ($val < 0 || $val > 18){
+ $val = -1;
+ }
+ print OUTPUT cShort($val), ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "static const int direction_length[] = {\n ";
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14){
+ print OUTPUT "-1, ";
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUTPUT scalar(@{$charinfoArray[$plane]}), ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n";
+ print OUTPUT <upper to determine their titlecase). The listing
+ * is a sequence of character pairs; converting the first character of the
+ * pair to titlecase produces the second character.
+ */
+static const jchar title[] = {
+ $len = length($titlecase) / 2;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len / 10; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT $i ? "\n " : " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 9) {
+ last if $len <= $i * 10 + $j;
+ my $val = unpack "n", substr($titlecase, 2 * ($i * 10 + $j), 2);
+ print OUTPUT $val, ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n };";
+ print OUTPUT "\n/** Length of title. */\nstatic const int title_length = ", $len;
+ print OUTPUT <
stores the offset of a block of 2data
. The data field, in turn, stores\n"
+ + "// information about each character in the low order bits, and an offset\n"
+ + "// into the attribute tables upper
, lower
+ + "// numValue
, and direction
. Notice that the\n"
+ + "// attribute tables are much smaller than 0xffff entries; as many characters\n"
+ + "// in Unicode share common attributes. Finally, there is a listing for\n"
+ + "// title
exceptions (most characters just have the same title\n"
+ + "// case as upper case).\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "// This file should only be included by natCharacter.cc\n"
+ + "\n"
+ + "/**\n"
+ + " * The character shift amount to look up the block offset. In other words,\n"
+ + " * (char) (blocks[ch >> SHIFT] + ch)
is the index where\n"
+ + " * ch
is described in data
+ + " */\n"
+ + "#define SHIFT " + SHIFT);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * The mapping of character blocks to their location in data
+ + " * Each entry has been adjusted so that a modulo 16 sum with the desired\n"
+ + " * character gives the actual index into data
+ + " */",
+ char.class, "blocks", BLOCKS);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * Information about each character. The low order 5 bits form the\n"
+ + " * character type, the next bit is a flag for non-breaking spaces, and the\n"
+ + " * next bit is a flag for mirrored directionality. The high order 9 bits\n"
+ + " * form the offset into the attribute tables. Note that this limits the\n"
+ + " * number of unique character attributes to 512, which is not a problem\n"
+ + " * as of Unicode version 3.2.0, but may soon become one.\n"
+ + " */",
+ char.class, "data", DATA);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * This is the attribute table for computing the numeric value of a\n"
+ + " * character. The value is -1 if Unicode does not define a value, -2\n"
+ + " * if the value is not a positive integer, otherwise it is the value.\n"
+ + " */",
+ short.class, "numValue", NUM_VALUE);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * This is the attribute table for computing the uppercase representation\n"
+ + " * of a character. The value is the difference between the character and\n"
+ + " * its uppercase version.\n"
+ + " */",
+ short.class, "upper", UPPER);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * This is the attribute table for computing the lowercase representation\n"
+ + " * of a character. The value is the difference between the character and\n"
+ + " * its lowercase version.\n"
+ + " */",
+ short.class, "lower", LOWER);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * This is the attribute table for computing the directionality class\n"
+ + " * of a character. At present, the value is in the range 0 - 18 if the\n"
+ + " * character has a direction, otherwise it is -1.\n"
+ + " */",
+ byte.class, "direction", DIRECTION);
+ convertString("/**\n"
+ + " * This is the listing of titlecase special cases (all other character\n"
+ + " * can use upper
to determine their titlecase). The listing\n"
+ + " * is a sequence of character pairs; converting the first character of the\n"
+ + " * pair to titlecase produces the second character.\n"
+ + " */",
+ char.class, "title", TITLE);
+ System.out.println();
+ System.out.println("#endif /* __JAVA_CHARTABLES_H__ */");
+ }
+ private static void convertString(String header, Class type,
+ String name, String field)
+ {
+ System.out.println();
+ System.out.println(header);
+ System.out.println("static const j" + type.getName() + " " + name
+ + "[] = {");
+ char[] data = field.toCharArray();
+ int wrap;
+ if (type == char.class)
+ wrap = 10;
+ else if (type == byte.class)
+ wrap = 21;
+ else if (type == short.class)
+ wrap = 13;
+ else
+ throw new Error("Unexpeced type");
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += wrap)
+ {
+ System.out.print(" ");
+ for (int j = 0; j < wrap; j++)
+ {
+ if (i + j >= data.length)
+ break;
+ System.out.print(" ");
+ if (type == char.class)
+ System.out.print((int) data[i + j]);
+ else if (type == byte.class)
+ System.out.print((byte) data[i + j]);
+ else if (type == short.class)
+ System.out.print((short) data[i + j]);
+ System.out.print(",");
+ }
+ System.out.println();
+ }
+ System.out.println(" };\n"
+ + "/** Length of " + name + ". */\n"
+ + "static const int " + name + "_length = "
+ + data.length + ";");
+ }
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-to-chartables.pl
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-to-chartables.pl (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-to-chartables.pl (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# unicode-to-chartables.pl -- generate Unicode database for java.lang.Character
+# Copyright (C) 1998, 2002, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Classpath.
+# GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 USA.
+# Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
+# making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
+# combination.
+# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
+# permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
+# executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
+# modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
+# terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
+# independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
+# module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
+# or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
+# this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
+# obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
+# exception statement from your version.
+# Code for reading UnicodeData-4.0.0.txt and SpecialCasing-4.0.0.txt to generate
+# the code for java-chartables.h. The relevant files can be found here:
+# http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.0-Update/UnicodeData-4.0.0.txt
+# http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.0-Update/SpecialCasing-4.0.0.txt
+# Inspired by code from Jochen Hoenicke.
+# author Eric Blake data
. The data field, in turn, stores
+// information about each character in the low order bits, and an offset
+// into the attribute tables upper
, lower
+// numValue
, and direction
. Notice that the
+// attribute tables are much smaller than 0xffff entries; as many characters
+// in Unicode share common attributes. Finally, there is a listing for
+// title
exceptions (most characters just have the same title
+// case as upper case).
+// This file should only be included by natCharacter.cc
+ * The array containing the numeric values that are too large to be stored as
+ * chars in NUM_VALUE. NUM_VALUE in this case will contain a negative integer
+ * N such that LARGENUMS[-N - 3] contains the correct numeric value.
+ */
+ print OUTPUT "static const jint largenums[] = {\n ";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @largeNums; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT $largeNums[$i], ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "}";
+ print OUTPUT <ch
is described in data
, where off
+ * is ch & 0xffff and p
is the plane the character belongs to.
+ */
+ print OUTPUT "static const int shift[] = {\n ";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @bestshift; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT $bestshift[$i], ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "}";
+ print OUTPUT <data
+ */
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ # The following if statement handles the cases of unassigned planes
+ # specially so we don't waste space with unused Strings. As of
+ # Unicode version 4.0.0 only planes 0, 1, 2, and 14 are used. If
+ # you are updating this script to work with a later version of
+ # Unicode you may have to alter this if statement.
+ next if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14) ;
+ print OUTPUT "static const jchar blocks", $plane, "[] = {\n";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < @{$blocksArray[$plane]} / 10; $i++) {
+ print OUTPUT " ";
+ for $j (0 .. 9) {
+ last if @{$blocksArray[$plane]} <= $i * 10 + $j;
+ my $val = $blocksArray[$plane]->[$i * 10 + $j];
+ print OUTPUT $val, ", ";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n\n";
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "static const int blocks_length[] = {\n ";
+ for ($plane = 0; $plane <= 0x10; $plane++) {
+ if ($plane > 2 && $plane != 14){
+ print OUTPUT "-1, ";
+ }
+ else {
+ print OUTPUT scalar(@{$blocksArray[$plane]}), ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUTPUT "};\n";
+ print OUTPUT <
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/classes.pl
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/classes.pl (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/classes.pl (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# classes.pl - A perl program to generate most of the contents of
+# javaprims.h automatically.
+# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software
+# Foundation
+# This file is part of libgcj.
+# This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
+# Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for
+# details.
+# Usage: cd /classpath/lib ; perl ../../scripts/classes.pl.
+use DirHandle;
+if (-d 'java')
+ # Ok here.
+elsif (-d '../java')
+ chdir ('..');
+ die "couldn't find java directory\n";
+&scan ('java', 2);
+exit 0;
+sub scan
+ local ($dir, $indent) = @_;
+ local (@subdirs) = ();
+ local (%classes) = ();
+ local ($d) = new DirHandle $dir;
+ local (*JFILE);
+ local ($name);
+ if (defined $d)
+ {
+ while (defined ($name = $d->read))
+ {
+ next if $name eq 'CVS';
+ next if $name eq '.svn';
+ next if $name eq '.';
+ next if $name eq '..';
+ if ($dir eq 'java'
+ && $name ne 'lang'
+ && $name ne 'util'
+ && $name ne 'io')
+ {
+ # We only generate decls for java.lang, java.io, and
+ # java.util.
+ next;
+ }
+ if (-d ($dir . '/' . $name))
+ {
+ push (@subdirs, $name);
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless $name =~ s/\.class$//;
+ $classes{$name} = 1;
+ }
+ undef $d;
+ }
+ local ($spaces) = ' ' x $indent;
+ local ($classname);
+ ($classname = $dir) =~ s/^.*\///;
+ print $spaces, "namespace ", $classname, "\n";
+ print $spaces, "{\n";
+ foreach (sort keys %classes)
+ {
+ print $spaces, " class ", $_, ";\n";
+ }
+ print "\n" if scalar @classes > 0 && scalar @subdirs > 0;
+ local ($first) = 1;
+ foreach (sort @subdirs)
+ {
+ print "\n" unless $first;
+ $first = 0;
+ &scan ("$dir/$_", $indent + 2);
+ }
+ print $spaces, "}\n";
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-blocks.pl
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-blocks.pl (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/unicode-blocks.pl (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# unicode-blocks.pl -- Script to generate java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Classpath.
+# GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 USA.
+# Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
+# making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and
+# conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
+# combination.
+# As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
+# permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
+# executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
+# modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
+# terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
+# independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
+# module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from
+# or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend
+# this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
+# obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this
+# exception statement from your version.
+# Code for reading Blocks.txt and generating (to standard out) the code for
+# java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock, for pasting into java/lang/Character.java.
+# You should probably check that the results are accurate to the
+# specification, but I made sure it works OOB for Unicode 3.0.0 and JDK 1.4.
+# As the grammar for the Blocks.txt file is changing in Unicode 3.2.0, you
+# will have to tweak this some for future use. For now, the relevant
+# Unicode definition files are found in libjava/gnu/gcj/convert/.
+# author Eric Blake
+# usage: unicode-blocks.pl
+# where is obtained from www.unicode.org (named Blocks-3.txt
+# for Unicode version 3.0.0).
+die "Usage: $0 " unless @ARGV == 1;
+open (BLOCKS, $ARGV[0]) || die "Can't open Unicode block file: $!\n";
+# A hash of added fields and the JDK they were added in, to automatically
+# print @since tags. Maintaining this is optional (and tedious), but nice.
+my %additions = ("SYRIAC" => "1.4",
+ "THAANA" => "1.4",
+ "SINHALA" => "1.4",
+ "MYANMAR" => "1.4",
+ "ETHIOPIC" => "1.4",
+ "CHEROKEE" => "1.4",
+ "OGHAM" => "1.4",
+ "RUNIC" => "1.4",
+ "KHMER" => "1.4",
+ "MONGOLIAN" => "1.4",
+ "BRAILLE_PATTERNS" => "1.4",
+ "KANGXI_RADICALS" => "1.4",
+ "YI_SYLLABLES" => "1.4",
+ "YI_RADICALS" => "1.4",
+ );
+print <<'EOF';
+ /**
+ * A family of character subsets in the Unicode specification. A character
+ * is in at most one of these blocks.
+ *
+ * This inner class was generated automatically from
+ * ) {
+ next if /^\#/;
+ my ($start, $end, $block) = split(/; /);
+ next unless defined $block;
+ chomp $block;
+ $block =~ s/ *$//;
+ if (! $seenSpecials and $block =~ /Specials/) {
+ # Special case SPECIALS, since it is two disjoint ranges
+ $seenSpecials = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($block =~ /Surrogates/) {
+ # Special case SURROGATES_AREA, since it one range, not three
+ # consecutive, in Java
+ $seenSurrogates++;
+ if ($seenSurrogates == 1) {
+ $surrogateStart = $start;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($seenSurrogates == 2) {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ $start = $surrogateStart;
+ $block = "Surrogates Area";
+ }
+ }
+ # Special case the name of PRIVATE_USE_AREA.
+ $block =~ s/(Private Use)/$1 Area/;
+ (my $name = $block) =~ tr/a-z -/A-Z__/;
+ push @names, $name;
+ my $since = (defined $additions{$name}
+ ? "\n * \@since $additions{$name}" : "");
+ my $extra = ($block =~ /Specials/ ? "'\\uFEFF', " : "");
+ print <
, by some perl scripts.
+ * This Unicode definition file can be found on the
+ * http://www.unicode.org website.
+ * JDK 1.4 uses Unicode version 3.0.0.
+ *
+ * @author scripts/unicode-blocks.pl (written by Eric Blake)
+ * @since 1.2
+ */
+ public static final class UnicodeBlock extends Subset
+ {
+ /** The start of the subset. */
+ private final char start;
+ /** The end of the subset. */
+ private final char end;
+ /**
+ * Constructor for strictly defined blocks.
+ *
+ * @param start the start character of the range
+ * @param end the end character of the range
+ * @param name the block name
+ */
+ private UnicodeBlock(char start, char end, String name)
+ {
+ super(name);
+ this.start = start;
+ this.end = end;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Unicode character block which a character belongs to.
+ *
+ * @param ch the character to look up
+ * @return the set it belongs to, or null if it is not in one
+ */
+ public static UnicodeBlock of(char ch)
+ {
+ // Special case, since SPECIALS contains two ranges.
+ if (ch == '\uFEFF')
+ return SPECIALS;
+ // Simple binary search for the correct block.
+ int low = 0;
+ int hi = sets.length - 1;
+ while (low <= hi)
+ {
+ int mid = (low + hi) >> 1;
+ UnicodeBlock b = sets[mid];
+ if (ch < b.start)
+ hi = mid - 1;
+ else if (ch > b.end)
+ low = mid + 1;
+ else
+ return b;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+my $seenSpecials = 0;
+my $seenSurrogates = 0;
+my $surrogateStart = 0;
+my @names = ();
+while (
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/makemake.tcl
--- or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/makemake.tcl (nonexistent)
+++ or1k-gcc/libjava/scripts/makemake.tcl (revision 762)
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+# Helper to enforce array-ness.
+proc makearray {name} {
+ upvar $name ary
+ set ary(_) 1
+ unset ary(_)
+global is_verbose
+set is_verbose 0
+# Verbose printer.
+proc verbose {text} {
+ global is_verbose
+ if {$is_verbose} {
+ puts stderr $text
+ }
+# This maps a name to its style:
+# * bc objects in this package and all its sub-packages
+# are to be compiled with the BC ABI. It is an error
+# for sub-packages to also appear in the map.
+# * bcheaders
+# as bc, but generate header files and compile with CNI.
+# * package
+# objects in this package (and possibly sub-packages,
+# if they do not appear in the map) will be compiled en masse
+# from source into a single object, using the C++ ABI.
+# * ordinary
+# objects in this package (and possibly sub-packages
+# if they do not appear in the map) will be compiled one at
+# a time into separate .o files.
+# * ignore
+# objects in this package are not used. Note however that
+# most ignored files are actually handled by listing them in
+# 'standard.omit'
+# * interpreter
+# objects in this package (and possibly sub-packages,
+# if they do not appear in the map) are only compiled if
+# the interpreter is enabled. They are compiled as with the
+# 'package' specifier.
+# If a package does not appear in the map, the default is 'package'.
+global package_map
+set package_map(.) package
+# These are ignored in Classpath.
+set package_map(gnu/test) ignore
+set package_map(gnu/javax/swing/plaf/gtk) ignore
+set package_map(gnu/gcj/tools/gc_analyze) ignore
+set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/swing) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/aelfred2) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/dom) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/libxmlj) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/pipeline) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/stream) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/transform) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/util) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/validation) bc
+set package_map(gnu/xml/xpath) bc
+set package_map(javax/imageio) bc
+set package_map(javax/xml) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/beans) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/util/prefs/gconf) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/awt/dnd/peer/gtk) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/qt) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/awt/peer/x) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/util/prefs/gconf) bc
+set package_map(gnu/javax/sound/midi) bc
+set package_map(gnu/javax/sound/sampled/gstreamer) ignore
+set package_map(org/xml) bc
+set package_map(org/w3c) bc
+set package_map(org/relaxng) bc
+set package_map(javax/rmi) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/IOP) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/PortableServer) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/CosNaming) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/CORBA_2_3) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/Messaging) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/stub) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/CORBA) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/PortableInterceptor) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/DynamicAny) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/SendingContext) bc
+set package_map(org/omg/Dynamic) bc
+set package_map(gnu/CORBA) bc
+set package_map(gnu/javax/rmi) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/lang/management) bcheaders
+set package_map(java/lang/management) bc
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/management) bc
+set package_map(gnu/javax/management) bc
+set package_map(gnu/java/math) bc
+# parser/HTML_401F.class is really big, and there have been complaints
+# about this package requiring too much memory to build. So, we
+# compile it as separate objects. But, we're careful to compile the
+# sub-packages as packages.
+set package_map(gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser) ordinary
+set package_map(gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/models) package
+set package_map(gnu/javax/swing/text/html/parser/support) package
+# More special cases. These end up in their own library.
+# Note that if we BC-compile AWT we must update these as well.
+set package_map(gnu/gcj/xlib) package
+set package_map(gnu/awt/xlib) package
+# These packages should only be included if the interpreter is
+# enabled.
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/event) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/event/filters) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/exception) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/id) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/processor) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/transport) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/util) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/classpath/jdwp/value) interpreter
+set package_map(gnu/gcj/jvmti) interpreter
+# Some BC ABI packages have classes which must not be compiled BC.
+# This maps such packages to a grep expression for excluding such
+# classes.
+global exclusion_map
+makearray exclusion_map
+# set exclusion_map(java/awt) AWTPermission
+# This maps a package name to a list of corresponding .java file base
+# names. The package name will either appear as a key in package_map,
+# or it will be '.' for the default.
+global name_map
+makearray name_map
+# This maps a java file base name, like 'java/lang/Object.java', to
+# the source directory in which it resides. We keep a layer of
+# indirection here so that we can override sources in Classpath with
+# our own sources.
+global dir_map
+makearray dir_map
+# An entry in this map means that all .properties files in the
+# corresponding directory should be ignored.
+global properties_map
+makearray properties_map
+# logging.properties is installed and is editable.
+set properties_map(java/util/logging) _
+# We want to be able to load xerces if it is on the class path. So,
+# we have to avoid compiling in the XML-related service files.
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory) _
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory) _
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.TransformerFactory) _
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/org.relaxng.datatype.DatatypeLibraryFactory) _
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementationSourceList) _
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/org.xml.sax.driver) _
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/javax.sound.sampled.spi.AudioFileReader.in) ignore
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/javax.sound.sampled.spi.MixerProvider) ignore
+set properties_map(META-INF/services/javax.sound.sampled.spi.MixerProvider.in) ignore
+# List of all properties files.
+set properties_files {}
+# List of all '@' files that we are going to compile.
+set package_files {}
+# List of all '@' files that we are going to compile if the
+# interpreter is enabled.
+set interpreter_package_files {}
+# List of all header file variables.
+set header_vars {}
+# List of all header file variables for interpreter packages.
+set interpreter_header_vars {}
+# List of all BC object files.
+set bc_objects {}
+# List of regexps for matching ignored files.
+set ignore_rx_list {}
+# Return true if a given file should be ignored.
+# The argument is the path name including the package part.
+proc ignore_file_p {file} {
+ global ignore_rx_list
+ foreach rx $ignore_rx_list {
+ if {[regexp -- $rx $file]} {
+ verbose "ignoring $file for $rx"
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+# Read a '.omit' file and update the internal data structures.
+proc read_omit_file {name} {
+ global ignore_rx_list
+ set fd [open $name r]
+ while {! [eof $fd]} {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ # Classpath's entries bogusly start with "../".
+ if {[string match ../* $line]} {
+ set line [string range $line 3 end]
+ }
+ if {$line != ""} {
+ lappend ignore_rx_list $line
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+# Classify a single source file.
+proc classify_source_file {basedir file} {
+ global package_map name_map dir_map
+ if {[ignore_file_p $file]} {
+ return
+ }
+ set seen [info exists dir_map($file)]
+ set dir_map($file) $basedir
+ set pkg $file
+ while {1} {
+ if {[info exists package_map($pkg)]} {
+ # If the entry is 'package', then set up a new entry for the
+ # file's package.
+ if {$package_map($pkg) == "package"} {
+ set pkg [file dirname $file]
+ set package_map($pkg) package
+ }
+ verbose "classify succeeded: $file -> $pkg"
+ if {! $seen} {
+ lappend name_map($pkg) $file
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ set pkg [file dirname $pkg]
+ }
+ error "can't happen"
+# Scan a directory and its subdirectories for .java source files or
+# .properties files. Note that we keep basedir and subdir separate so
+# we can properly update our global data structures.
+proc scan_directory {basedir subdir} {
+ global dir_map properties_map properties_files
+ set subdirs {}
+ set files {}
+ set here [pwd]
+ cd $basedir/$subdir
+ foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain *]] {
+ if {[string match *.java $file]} {
+ lappend files $subdir/$file
+ } elseif {[string match *.properties $file]} {
+ if {! [info exists properties_map($subdir)]} {
+ # We assume there aren't any overrides.
+ lappend properties_files $basedir/$subdir/$file
+ }
+ } elseif {[string match *.css $file]} {
+ # Special case for default.css needed by javax.swing.text.html.
+ lappend properties_files $basedir/$subdir/$file
+ } elseif {[file isdirectory $file]} {
+ lappend subdirs $subdir/$file
+ } elseif {$subdir == "META-INF/services"} {
+ # Service files are generally included as properties.
+ if {! [info exists properties_map($subdir/$file)]} {
+ lappend properties_files $basedir/$subdir/$file
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cd $here
+ # Recurse first, so that we don't create new packages too eagerly.
+ foreach dir $subdirs {
+ scan_directory $basedir $dir
+ }
+ foreach file $files {
+ classify_source_file $basedir $file
+ }
+# Scan known packages beneath the base directory for .java source
+# files.
+proc scan_packages {basedir} {
+ foreach subdir {gnu java javax org sun com META-INF} {
+ if {[file exists $basedir/$subdir]} {
+ scan_directory $basedir $subdir
+ }
+ }
+# Emit a rule for a 'bc' package.
+proc emit_bc_rule {package} {
+ global package_map exclusion_map bc_objects
+ if {$package == "."} {
+ set pkgname ordinary
+ } else {
+ set pkgname $package
+ }
+ set varname [join [split $pkgname /] _]_source_files
+ set loname [join [split $pkgname /] -].lo
+ set tname [join [split $pkgname /] -].list
+ puts "$loname: \$($varname)"
+ # Create a temporary list file and then compile it. This works
+ # around the libtool problem mentioned in PR 21058. classpath was
+ # built first, so the class files are to be found there.
+ set omit ""
+ if {[info exists exclusion_map($package)]} {
+ set omit "| grep -v $exclusion_map($package)"
+ }
+ puts "\t@find \$(srcdir)/classpath/lib/$package -name '*.class'${omit} > $tname"
+ puts -nonewline "\t\$(LTGCJCOMPILE) -fsource-filename=\$(here)/classpath/lib/classes "
+ if {$package_map($package) == "bc"} {
+ puts -nonewline "-fjni "
+ }
+ # Unless bc is disabled with --disable-libgcj-bc, $(LIBGCJ_BC_FLAGS) is:
+ # -findirect-dispatch -fno-indirect-classes
+ puts "\$(LIBGCJ_BC_FLAGS) -c -o $loname @$tname"
+ puts "\t@rm -f $tname"
+ puts ""
+ # We skip these because they are built into their own libraries and
+ # are handled specially in Makefile.am.
+ if {$loname != "gnu-java-awt-peer-qt.lo" && $loname != "gnu-java-awt-peer-x.lo"} {
+ lappend bc_objects $loname
+ }
+# Emit a rule for a 'package' package.
+proc emit_package_rule_to_list {package package_files_list} {
+ global package_map exclusion_map $package_files_list
+ if {$package == "."} {
+ set pkgname ordinary
+ } else {
+ set pkgname $package
+ }
+ set varname [join [split $pkgname /] _]_source_files
+ set base $pkgname
+ set lname $base.list
+ set dname $base.deps
+ if {$pkgname == "java/lang"} {
+ # Object and Class are special cases due to an apparent compiler
+ # bug. Process is a special case because we don't build all
+ # concrete implementations of Process on all platforms.
+ set omit "| tr ' ' '\\012' | fgrep -v Object.class | fgrep -v Class.class | egrep -v '\(Ecos\|Posix\|Win32\)Process' "
+ } else {
+ set omit ""
+ }
+ # A rule to make the phony file we are going to compile.
+ puts "$lname: \$($varname)"
+ puts "\t@\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(dir \$@)"
+ puts "\techo \$(srcdir)/classpath/lib/$package/*.class $omit> $lname"
+ puts ""
+ puts "-include $dname"
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+ if {$pkgname != "gnu/gcj/xlib" && $pkgname != "gnu/awt/xlib"
+ && $pkgname != "gnu/gcj/tools/gcj_dbtool"} {
+ lappend $package_files_list $lname
+ }
+proc emit_package_rule {package} {
+ global package_files
+ emit_package_rule_to_list $package package_files
+proc emit_interpreter_rule {package} {
+ global interpreter_package_files
+ emit_package_rule_to_list $package interpreter_package_files
+# Emit a rule to build a package full of 'ordinary' files, that is,
+# one .o for each .java.
+proc emit_ordinary_rule {package} {
+ global name_map package_files
+ foreach file $name_map($package) {
+ # Strip off the '.java'.
+ set root [file rootname $file]
+ # Look for all included .class files. Assumes that we don't have
+ # multiple top-level classes in a .java file.
+ set lname $root.list
+ set dname $root.deps
+ puts "$lname: classpath/$file"
+ puts "\t@\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(dir \$@)"
+ puts "\techo \$(srcdir)/classpath/lib/${root}*.class> $lname"
+ puts ""
+ puts "-include $dname"
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+ lappend package_files $lname
+ }
+# Emit a package-like rule for a platform-specific Process
+# implementation.
+proc emit_process_package_rule {platform} {
+ set base "java/process-$platform"
+ set lname $base.list
+ set dname $base.deps
+ puts "$lname: java/lang/${platform}Process.java"
+ puts "\t@\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(dir \$@)"
+ puts "\techo \$(srcdir)/classpath/lib/java/lang/${platform}Process*.class > $lname"
+ puts ""
+ puts "-include $dname"
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+# Emit a source file variable for a package, and corresponding header
+# file variable, if needed.
+proc emit_source_var {package} {
+ global package_map name_map dir_map header_vars interpreter_header_vars
+ if {$package == "."} {
+ set pkgname ordinary
+ } else {
+ set pkgname $package
+ }
+ set uname [join [split $pkgname /] _]
+ set varname ${uname}_source_files
+ puts -nonewline "$varname ="
+ makearray dirs
+ foreach base [lsort $name_map($package)] {
+ # Terminate previous line.
+ puts " \\"
+ # Having files start with './' is ugly and confuses the automake
+ # "dirstamp" code; see automake PR 461.
+ set ndir $dir_map($base)/
+ if {$ndir == "./"} {
+ set ndir ""
+ }
+ puts -nonewline "${ndir}${base}"
+ set dirs($dir_map($base)) 1
+ }
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+ if {$package_map($package) != "bc"} {
+ # Ugly code to build up the appropriate patsubst.
+ set result "\$(patsubst %.java,%.h,\$($varname))"
+ # We use -decreasing so that classpath/external will be stripped
+ # before classpath.
+ foreach dir [lsort -decreasing [array names dirs]] {
+ if {$dir != "."} {
+ set result "\$(patsubst $dir/%,%,$result)"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$package == "." || $package == "java/lang"} {
+ # Ugly hack.
+ set result "\$(filter-out java/lang/Object.h java/lang/Class.h,$result)"
+ }
+ puts "${uname}_header_files = $result"
+ puts ""
+ if {$pkgname != "gnu/gcj/xlib" && $pkgname != "gnu/awt/xlib"} {
+ if {$package_map($package) == "interpreter"} {
+ lappend interpreter_header_vars "${uname}_header_files"
+ } else {
+ lappend header_vars "${uname}_header_files"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Pretty-print a Makefile variable.
+proc pp_var {name valueList {pre ""} {post ""}} {
+ puts ""
+ puts -nonewline "$name ="
+ foreach val $valueList {
+ puts " \\"
+ puts -nonewline " ${pre}${val}${post}"
+ }
+ puts ""
+global argv
+if {[llength $argv] > 0 && [lindex $argv 0] == "-verbose"} {
+ set is_verbose 1
+# Read the proper .omit files.
+read_omit_file standard.omit.in
+read_omit_file classpath/lib/standard.omit.in
+# Scan classpath first.
+scan_packages classpath
+scan_packages classpath/external/sax
+scan_packages classpath/external/w3c_dom
+scan_packages classpath/external/relaxngDatatype
+scan_packages classpath/external/jsr166
+# Resource files.
+scan_packages classpath/resource
+# Now scan our own files; this will correctly override decisions made
+# when scanning classpath.
+scan_packages .
+# Files created by the build.
+classify_source_file classpath gnu/java/locale/LocaleData.java
+classify_source_file classpath gnu/java/security/Configuration.java
+classify_source_file classpath gnu/classpath/Configuration.java
+puts "## This file was automatically generated by scripts/makemake.tcl"
+puts "## Do not edit!"
+puts ""
+foreach package [lsort [array names package_map]] {
+ if {$package_map($package) == "ignore"} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {! [info exists name_map($package)]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ emit_source_var $package
+ if {$package_map($package) == "bc"} {
+ emit_bc_rule $package
+ } elseif {$package_map($package) == "bcheaders"} {
+ emit_bc_rule $package
+ } elseif {$package_map($package) == "ordinary"} {
+ emit_ordinary_rule $package
+ } elseif {$package_map($package) == "package"} {
+ emit_package_rule $package
+ } elseif {$package_map($package) == "interpreter"} {
+ emit_interpreter_rule $package
+ } else {
+ error "unrecognized type: $package_map($package)"
+ }
+emit_process_package_rule Ecos
+emit_process_package_rule Win32
+emit_process_package_rule Posix
+puts "if INTERPRETER"
+pp_var interpreter_packages_source_files $interpreter_package_files
+pp_var interpreter_header_files $interpreter_header_vars "\$(" ")"
+puts ""
+puts "else"
+puts ""
+puts "interpreter_packages_source_files="
+puts ""
+puts "interpreter_header_files="
+puts ""
+puts "endif"
+lappend package_files {$(interpreter_packages_source_files)}
+lappend header_vars interpreter_header_files
+pp_var all_packages_source_files $package_files
+pp_var ordinary_header_files $header_vars "\$(" ")"
+pp_var bc_objects $bc_objects
+pp_var property_files $properties_files
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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