
Subversion Repositories openrisc

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 852 to Rev 859
    Reverse comparison

Rev 852 → Rev 859

66,7 → 66,7
id_void, id_insn, ex_void,
ex_insn, ex_freeze, wb_insn, wb_freeze, id_pc, ex_pc, wb_pc, branch_op,
spr_dat_npc, rf_dataw, ex_flushpipe,
du_stall, du_addr, du_dat_du, du_read, du_write, du_except_stop,
du_stall, du_addr, du_dat_du, du_read, du_write, du_except_stop, du_flush_pipe,
du_except_trig, du_dsr, du_dmr1, du_hwbkpt, du_hwbkpt_ls_r, du_dat_cpu,
du_lsu_store_dat, du_lsu_load_dat,
abort_mvspr, abort_ex,
153,6 → 153,7
output [dw-1:0] rf_dataw;
output [dw-1:0] du_lsu_store_dat;
output [dw-1:0] du_lsu_load_dat;
input du_flush_pipe;
// Data (DC) interface
442,7 → 443,9
534,7 → 537,8
69,7 → 69,7
cust5_op, cust5_limm, id_pc, ex_pc, du_hwbkpt,
multicycle, wait_on, wbforw_valid, sig_syscall, sig_trap,
force_dslot_fetch, no_more_dslot, id_void, ex_void, ex_spr_read,
ex_spr_write, du_flush_pipe,
id_mac_op, id_macrc_op, ex_macrc_op, rfe, except_illegal, dc_no_writethrough
136,8 → 136,8
output rfe;
output except_illegal;
output dc_no_writethrough;
input du_flush_pipe;
// Internal wires and regs
244,10 → 244,10
// Flush pipeline
assign if_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush;
assign id_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush;
assign ex_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush;
assign wb_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush;
assign if_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush | du_flush_pipe;
assign id_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush | du_flush_pipe;
assign ex_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush | du_flush_pipe;
assign wb_flushpipe = except_flushpipe | pc_we | extend_flush | du_flush_pipe;
// EX Sign/Zero extension of immediates
64,7 → 64,7
ex_freeze, branch_op, ex_insn, id_pc,
spr_dat_npc, rf_dataw,
du_dsr, du_dmr1, du_stall, du_addr, du_dat_i, du_dat_o,
du_read, du_write, du_except_stop, du_hwbkpt,
du_read, du_write, du_except_stop, du_hwbkpt, du_flush_pipe,
spr_cs, spr_write, spr_addr, spr_dat_i, spr_dat_o,
// External Debug Interface
106,6 → 106,7
output du_write; // Debug Unit Write Enable
input [13:0] du_except_stop; // Exception masked by DSR
output du_hwbkpt; // Cause trap exception (HW Breakpoints)
output du_flush_pipe; // Cause pipeline flush and pc<-npc
input spr_cs; // SPR Chip Select
input spr_write; // SPR Read/Write
input [aw-1:0] spr_addr; // SPR Address
164,6 → 165,41
assign du_read = dbg_stb_i && !dbg_we_i;
assign du_write = dbg_stb_i && dbg_we_i;
// After a sw breakpoint, the replaced instruction need to be executed.
// We flush the entire pipeline and set the pc to the current address
// to execute the restored address.
reg du_flush_pipe_r;
reg dbg_stall_i_r;
assign du_flush_pipe = du_flush_pipe_r;
// Register du_flush_pipe
always @(posedge clk or `OR1200_RST_EVENT rst) begin
if (rst == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
du_flush_pipe_r <= 1'b0;
else begin
du_flush_pipe_r <= (dbg_stall_i_r && !dbg_stall_i && |du_except_stop);
// Detect dbg_stall falling edge
always @(posedge clk or `OR1200_RST_EVENT rst) begin
if (rst == `OR1200_RST_VALUE) begin
dbg_stall_i_r <= 1'b0;
else begin
dbg_stall_i_r <= dbg_stall_i;
reg dbg_ack;
// Generate acknowledge -- just delay stb signal
64,7 → 64,7
id_branch_addrtarget, ex_branch_addrtarget, muxed_b, operand_b,
flag, flagforw, ex_branch_taken, except_start,
epcr, spr_dat_i, spr_pc_we, genpc_refetch,
genpc_freeze, no_more_dslot, lsu_stall
genpc_freeze, no_more_dslot, lsu_stall, du_flush_pipe, spr_dat_npc
105,10 → 105,12
input [31:0] epcr;
input [31:0] spr_dat_i;
input spr_pc_we;
input [31:0] spr_dat_npc;
input genpc_refetch;
input genpc_freeze;
input no_more_dslot;
input lsu_stall;
input du_flush_pipe;
parameter boot_adr = `OR1200_BOOT_ADR;
126,7 → 128,7
// Address of insn to be fecthed
assign icpu_adr_o = !no_more_dslot & !except_start & !spr_pc_we
assign icpu_adr_o = !no_more_dslot & !except_start & !spr_pc_we & !du_flush_pipe
& (icpu_rty_i | genpc_refetch) ?
icpu_adr_i : {pc[31:2], 1'b0, ex_branch_taken|spr_pc_we};
165,14 → 167,14
always @(pcreg or ex_branch_addrtarget or flag or branch_op or except_type
or except_start or operand_b or epcr or spr_pc_we or spr_dat_i or
except_prefix or du_flush_pipe)
casez ({spr_pc_we, except_start, branch_op}) // synopsys parallel_case
{2'b00, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_NOP}: begin
casez ({du_flush_pipe, spr_pc_we, except_start, branch_op}) // synopsys parallel_case
{3'b000, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_NOP}: begin
pc = {pcreg + 30'd1, 2'b0};
ex_branch_taken = 1'b0;
{2'b00, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_J}: begin
{3'b000, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_J}: begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: BRANCHOP_J: pc <= ex_branch_addrtarget %h"
182,7 → 184,7
pc = {ex_branch_addrtarget, 2'b00};
ex_branch_taken = 1'b1;
{2'b00, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_JR}: begin
{3'b000, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_JR}: begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: BRANCHOP_JR: pc <= operand_b %h",
192,7 → 194,7
pc = operand_b;
ex_branch_taken = 1'b1;
{2'b00, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_BF}:
{3'b000, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_BF}:
if (flag) begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
212,7 → 214,7
pc = {pcreg + 30'd1, 2'b0};
ex_branch_taken = 1'b0;
{2'b00, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_BNF}:
{3'b000, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_BNF}:
if (flag) begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
232,7 → 234,7
pc = {ex_branch_addrtarget, 2'b00};
ex_branch_taken = 1'b1;
{2'b00, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE}: begin
{3'b000, `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE}: begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("%t: BRANCHOP_RFE: pc <= epcr %h",
242,9 → 244,18
pc = epcr;
ex_branch_taken = 1'b1;
{2'b01, 3'b???}: begin
{3'b100, 3'b???}: begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("Reload breaked ins at : %h.", spr_dat_npc);
// synopsys translate_on
pc = spr_dat_npc;
ex_branch_taken = 1'b1;
{3'b001, 3'b???}: begin
`ifdef OR1200_VERBOSE
// synopsys translate_off
$display("Starting exception: %h.", except_type);
// synopsys translate_on
288,7 → 299,7
else if (spr_pc_we) begin
pcreg_default <= spr_dat_i[31:2];
else if (no_more_dslot | except_start | !genpc_freeze & !icpu_rty_i
else if (du_flush_pipe | no_more_dslot | except_start | !genpc_freeze & !icpu_rty_i
& !genpc_refetch) begin
pcreg_default <= pc[31:2];
665,6 → 665,7
// Connection IMMU and CPU internally
926,6 → 927,7
// For Trace buffer

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