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- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 805 to Rev 807
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Rev 805 → Rev 807
0,0 → 1,531
/* |
Delay-slot exception bit (DSX) test. |
Generate some exceptions in delay slots and not in delay slots |
and confirm the SR[DSX] bit gets set. |
Just synchronous exceptions for now (a bit trickier to test |
asynchronous ones like timer and interrupts.) |
Set r10 to hold whether we are expecting SR[DSX] to be set or |
not. Exceptions will advance the PC by 0x8 to step over both |
the jump/branch and instruction causing an exception. |
Julius Baxter <juliusbaxter@gmail.com> |
*/ |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2012 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#include "spr-defs.h" |
#include "board.h" |
#define TEST_DSX_AND_RETURN ; \ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_EPCR_BASE /* Get EPC */ ; \ |
l.nop 2 /* Report PC for diagnostic purpose */ ; \ |
/* Check SR[DSX] was as expected */ ; \ |
l.mfspr r8,r0,SPR_SR /* Get SR */ ; \ |
l.andi r8,r8,SPR_SR_DSX /* Clear all bits except DSX */ ; \ |
l.xor r8,r8,r10 /* r8 will be >0 if error */ ; \ |
l.sfne r8,r0 ; \ |
l.bf test_fail ; \ |
l.nop ; \ |
/* Check if we were in delay slot, if so just advance by 8, else 4 */ ; \ |
l.addi r3,r3,4 /* Step two instructions past where ; \ |
exception occurred */ ; \ |
l.srli r8,r10,11 /* If we were in delay slot, add extra ; \ |
4 to PC (0x2000>>11=4)*/ ; \ |
l.add r3,r3,r8 ; \ |
l.mtspr r0,r3,SPR_EPCR_BASE ; \ |
l.rfe |
/* =================================================== [ exceptions ] === */ |
.section .vectors, "ax" |
/* ---[ 0x100: RESET exception ]----------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0x100 |
l.movhi r0, 0 |
/* Clear status register */ |
l.ori r1, r0, SPR_SR_SM |
l.mtspr r0, r1, SPR_SR |
/* Clear timer */ |
l.mtspr r0, r0, SPR_TTMR |
/* Init the stack */ |
.global stack |
l.movhi r1, hi(stack) |
l.ori r1, r1, lo(stack) |
l.addi r2, r0, -3 |
l.and r1, r1, r2 |
/* Jump to program initialisation code */ |
.global _start |
l.movhi r4, hi(_start) |
l.ori r4, r4, lo(_start) |
l.jr r4 |
l.nop |
/* ---[ 0x200: BUS error ]------------------------------------------------ */ |
.org 0x200 |
.global _bus_handler |
_bus_handler: |
/* ---[ 0x600: ALIGN error ]------------------------------------------------ */ |
.org 0x600 |
.global _align_handler |
_align_handler: |
/* ---[ 0x700: ILLEGAL INSN exception ]------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0x700 |
.global _illinsn_handler |
_illinsn_handler: |
/* ---[ 0x900: DTLB exception ]--------------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0x900 |
.global _dtlb_handler |
/* ---[ 0xe00: TRAP error ]------------------------------------------------ */ |
.org 0xe00 |
.global _trap_handler |
_trap_handler: |
/* =================================================== [ text section ] === */ |
.section .text |
/* =================================================== [ start ] === */ |
.global _start |
_start: |
/* r2 is test counter - put in r3 and will be printed out for each |
successful call to test_func */ |
l.movhi r2,0 |
l.movhi r9,hi(test_fail) |
l.ori r9,r9,lo(test_fail) |
/* Alignment exception tests */ |
/* This test should _NOT_ set DSX, so clear r10 */ |
l.movhi r10,0 |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfeq r0,r0 |
l.bf test_func |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfne r0,r0 |
l.bnf test_func |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.j test_func |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.jal test_func |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jr r5 |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jalr r5 |
/* Should cause an alignment error */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
/* Make some calls to the functions which will trigger exceptions |
to check that the DSX bit is not set */ |
l.ori r10,r0,0 |
l.jal align_func |
l.nop |
/* Illegal instruction exception tests */ |
/* This test should _NOT_ set DSX, so clear r10 */ |
l.movhi r10,0 |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfeq r0,r0 |
l.bf test_func |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfne r0,r0 |
l.bnf test_func |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.j test_func |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.jal test_func |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jr r5 |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jalr r5 |
/* Should cause an illegal insn error */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
/* Make some calls to the functions which will trigger exceptions |
to check that the DSX bit is not set */ |
l.ori r10,r0,0 |
l.jal illegal_insn_func |
l.nop |
/* Bus error exceptions */ |
/* This test should _NOT_ set DSX, so clear r10 */ |
l.movhi r10,0 |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfeq r0,r0 |
l.bf test_func |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfne r0,r0 |
l.bnf test_func |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.j test_func |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.jal test_func |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jr r5 |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jalr r5 |
/* This should cause a bus error */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
/* Make some calls to the functions which will trigger exceptions |
to check that the DSX bit is not set */ |
l.ori r10,r0,0 |
l.jal bus_err_func |
l.nop |
/* Trap instruction exception tests */ |
/* This test should _NOT_ set DSX, so clear r10 */ |
l.movhi r10,0 |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfeq r0,r0 |
l.bf test_func |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfne r0,r0 |
l.bnf test_func |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.j test_func |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.jal test_func |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jr r5 |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jalr r5 |
/* Should cause an trap error */ |
l.trap 0 |
/* Make some calls to the functions which will trigger exceptions |
to check that the DSX bit is not set */ |
l.ori r10,r0,0 |
l.jal trap_func |
l.nop |
/* DMMU miss test */ |
/* Check if we have a DMMU */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_UPR |
l.andi r3,r3,SPR_UPR_DMP |
l.sfeq r3,r0 |
/* Flag set if no DMMU */ |
l.bf dmmu_test_done |
l.nop |
/* Just enabling the DMMU with no valid match match registers should |
be enough to determine number of DMMU entries - hold this value in r3 */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_DMMUCFGR |
l.andi r4,r3,SPR_DMMUCFGR_NTS |
l.srli r4,r4,SPR_DMMUCFGR_NTS_OFF |
l.ori r6,r0,1 |
l.sll r3,r6,r4 |
/* Setup the Data MMU's TLBS - invalidate them */ |
l.movhi r4, hi(SPR_DTLBMR_BASE(0)) |
l.ori r4, r4, lo(SPR_DTLBMR_BASE(0)) |
/* DTLB invalidate loop */ |
1: |
l.mtspr r4, r0, 0x0 |
l.addi r4, r4, 0x1 |
l.sfeq r3, r0 |
l.bnf 1b |
l.addi r3, r3, -1 |
.extern lo_dmmu_en |
/* Now enable the DMMU */ |
l.movhi r4, hi(lo_dmmu_en) |
l.ori r4, r4, lo(lo_dmmu_en) |
l.jalr r4 |
l.nop |
/* Now any data access should cause a miss */ |
/* This test should _NOT_ set DSX, so clear r10 */ |
l.movhi r10,0 |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfeq r0,r0 |
l.bf test_func |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.sfne r0,r0 |
l.bnf test_func |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.j test_func |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.jal test_func |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jr r5 |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* This test should_ set DSX, so put SPR_SR_DSX in r10 */ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.movhi r5,hi(test_func) |
l.ori r5,r5,lo(test_func) |
l.jalr r5 |
/* This should cause a DLTB miss */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
/* Make some calls to the functions which will trigger exceptions |
to check that the DSX bit is not set */ |
l.ori r10,r0,0 |
l.jal dtlb_func |
l.nop |
/* Now disable DMMU */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_SR |
l.xori r3,r3,SPR_SR_DME |
l.mtspr r0,r3,SPR_ESR_BASE |
l.movhi r9,hi(dmmu_test_done) |
l.ori r9,r9,lo(dmmu_test_done) |
l.mtspr r0,r9,SPR_EPCR_BASE |
l.rfe |
dmmu_test_done: |
/* Check if we have an instruction cache */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_UPR |
l.andi r3,r3,SPR_UPR_ICP |
l.sfeq r3,r0 |
/* Flag set if no icache */ |
l.bf test_ok |
l.nop |
/* Now repeat the tests with caches enabled if they weren't */ |
l.mfspr r1,r0,SPR_SR |
l.andi r1,r1,SPR_SR_ICE |
l.sfeq r0,r1 /* Set flag if caches not enabled */ |
l.bf restart_with_caches_enabled |
l.nop |
test_ok: |
l.movhi r3,0x8000 |
l.ori r3,r3,0x000d |
l.nop 2 |
l.or r3,r0,r0 |
l.nop 1 |
test_func: |
/* A test function to call, just return */ |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop 2 /* print out whatever is in r3 */ |
test_fail: |
l.movhi r3,0xbaaa |
l.ori r3,r3,0xaaad |
l.nop 2 |
l.ori r3,r0,1 |
l.nop 1 |
align_func: |
/* DSX should _not_ be set on exception here */ |
l.lwz r1,1(r0) |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop |
illegal_insn_func: |
/* DSX should _not_ be set on exception here */ |
.word 0xef000000 |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop |
bus_err_func: |
/* DSX should _not_ be set on exception here */ |
l.lwz r1,-4(r0) |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop |
trap_func: |
/* DSX should _not_ be set on exception here */ |
l.trap 0 |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop |
dtlb_func: |
/* DSX should _not_ be set on exception here */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r0) |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop |
restart_with_caches_enabled: |
l.jal _cache_init |
l.nop |
l.j _start |
l.nop |
0,0 → 1,289
/* |
Test correct delay-slot exception bit (DSX) behavior on |
instruction-fetch related exceptions. |
The only case where DSX is set on instruction-fetch related |
exception is when instructions in delay slots occur in a new |
page which needs to be mapped. |
In this test we will trigger an instruction MMU miss for an |
instruction in a delay slot. To do this, we need to have a |
branch instruction as the very last instruction of a page, |
with the delay slot instruction being on a new unmapped page. |
Set r10 to hold whether we are expecting SR[DSX] to be set or |
not. Exceptions will advance the PC by 0x8 to step over both |
the jump/branch and instruction causing an exception. |
Julius Baxter <juliusbaxter@gmail.com> |
*/ |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2012 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
#include "spr-defs.h" |
#include "board.h" |
/* =================================================== [ exceptions ] === */ |
.section .vectors, "ax" |
/* ---[ 0x100: RESET exception ]----------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0x100 |
l.movhi r0, 0 |
/* Clear status register */ |
l.ori r1, r0, SPR_SR_SM |
l.mtspr r0, r1, SPR_SR |
/* Clear timer */ |
l.mtspr r0, r0, SPR_TTMR |
/* Init the stack */ |
.global stack |
l.movhi r1, hi(stack) |
l.ori r1, r1, lo(stack) |
l.addi r2, r0, -3 |
l.and r1, r1, r2 |
/* Jump to program initialisation code */ |
.global _start |
l.movhi r4, hi(_start) |
l.ori r4, r4, lo(_start) |
l.jr r4 |
l.nop |
/* ---[ 0x200: BUS error ]------------------------------------------------ */ |
.org 0x200 |
l.j test_fail |
l.nop |
/* ---[ 0x600: ALIGN error ]------------------------------------------------ */ |
.org 0x600 |
l.j test_fail |
l.nop |
/* ---[ 0x700: ILLEGAL INSN exception ]------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0x700 |
l.j test_fail |
l.nop |
/* ---[ 0x900: DTLB exception ]--------------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0x900 |
l.j test_fail |
l.nop |
/* ---[ 0xa00: itlb miss ]---------------------------------------------- */ |
.org 0xa00 |
/* First check if we're expecting a miss in a delay slot - check r10 */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_EEAR_BASE /* Get EPC */ |
l.nop 2 /* Report PC for diagnostic purpose */ |
/* Check SR[DSX] was as expected */ |
l.mfspr r8,r0,SPR_SR /* Get SR */ |
l.andi r8,r8,SPR_SR_DSX /* Clear all bits except DSX */ |
l.xor r8,r8,r10 /* r8 will be >0 if error */ |
l.sfne r8,r0 |
l.bf test_fail |
l.nop |
/* Simple itlb miss handler - install 1-1 mappings on misses */ |
l.mfspr r12,r0,SPR_EEAR_BASE /* Get the PC of the exception */ |
l.srli r13,r12,13 /* Get the page number, divide by 8K, store in r13 */ |
/* Set up the match registers */ |
l.movhi r14,hi(SPR_ITLBMR_VPN) |
l.ori r14,r14,lo(SPR_ITLBMR_VPN) |
l.and r14,r12,r14 /* Mask in the VPN */ |
l.ori r15,r14,SPR_ITLBMR_V /* Set this match as valid */ |
/* Write it into the appropriate match register, way 0 only */ |
l.mtspr r13,r15,SPR_ITLBMR_BASE(0) |
/* Set up the translate register - no restrictions */ |
l.ori r15,r14,ITLB_PR_NOLIMIT |
/* Write it into the appropriate translate register */ |
l.mtspr r13,r15,SPR_ITLBTR_BASE(0) |
/* MMU setup should now be complete, let's go back */ |
l.rfe |
/* ---[ 0xe00: TRAP error ]------------------------------------------------ */ |
.org 0xe00 |
l.j test_fail |
l.nop |
/* =================================================== [ text section ] === */ |
.section .text |
/* =================================================== [ start ] === */ |
.global _start |
_start: |
/* First initialise the instruction MMU */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_IMMUCFGR |
l.andi r4,r3,SPR_IMMUCFGR_NTS |
l.srli r4,r4,SPR_IMMUCFGR_NTS_OFF |
l.ori r6,r0,1 |
l.sll r3,r6,r4 |
/* Setup the IMMU's TLBs - invalidate them */ |
l.movhi r4, hi(SPR_ITLBMR_BASE(0)) |
l.ori r4, r4, lo(SPR_ITLBMR_BASE(0)) |
/* ITLB invalidate loop */ |
1: |
l.mtspr r4, r0, 0x0 |
l.addi r4, r4, 0x1 |
l.sfeq r3, r0 |
l.bnf 1b |
l.addi r3, r3, -1 |
/* Enable MMU - we should get a miss for this page */ |
l.movhi r10,0 /* Clear r10 - not expecting to be in a delay slot |
when this TLB miss occurs */ |
.extern lo_immu_en |
/* Now enable the IMMU */ |
l.movhi r4, hi(lo_immu_en) |
l.ori r4, r4, lo(lo_immu_en) |
l.jalr r4 |
l.nop |
/* Copy the 2 instructions from the ljr9_function function to |
places which should cause TLB misses in the delay slot */ |
l.movhi r6,hi(ljr9_function) |
l.ori r6,r6,lo(ljr9_function) |
/* r13 should have the page number we're in from the TLB miss we caused |
when enabling the immu. Take that and add 16 to determine the page |
boundary we'll play with */ |
l.addi r4,r13,16 |
/* Calculate the physical address for this page */ |
l.slli r8,r4,13 |
/* Copy our function to the last 2 instructions of the page before */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r6) |
l.sw -8(r8),r1 |
l.lwz r1,4(r6) |
l.sw -4(r8),r1 |
/* Call it - we should _not_ have DSX set on the itbl miss */ |
l.movhi r10,0 |
l.addi r1,r8,-8 |
/* Report value */ |
l.or r3,r1,r1 |
l.nop 2 |
l.jalr r1 |
l.nop |
/* Tests finish */ |
/* Now do what we've done for the miss but put delay slot instruction |
in the new page */ |
/* Calculate the physical address for this page */ |
l.slli r8,r4,13 |
/* Copy our function to the last 2 instructions of the page before */ |
l.lwz r1,0(r6) |
l.sw -4(r8),r1 |
l.lwz r1,4(r6) |
l.sw 0(r8),r1 |
/* Clear insn cache for this area (need to if it's enabled so we |
don't get the cached instructions from the previous test) */ |
l.mtspr r0,r8,SPR_ICBIR |
l.addi r1,r8,-4 |
l.mtspr r0,r1,SPR_ICBIR |
/* Jump to (r8-0x4) - we _should_ have DSX set on the itbl miss as |
the jump instruction will be on the last instruction of the previous |
page (already mapped in ITLB) and the delay slot will be the first |
instruction on the next page, which is unmapped at this stage and |
should cause an ITLB miss*/ |
l.ori r10,r0,SPR_SR_DSX |
l.addi r1,r8,-4 |
/* Report value */ |
l.or r3,r1,r1 |
l.nop 2 |
l.jalr r1 |
l.nop |
/* TODO - track and check the number of TLB misses we should |
have incurred */ |
/* Now repeat the tests with caches enabled if they weren't */ |
l.mfspr r1,r0,SPR_SR |
l.andi r1,r1,SPR_SR_ICE |
l.sfeq r0,r1 /* Set flag if caches not enabled */ |
l.bf restart_with_caches_enabled |
l.nop |
test_ok: |
l.movhi r3,0x8000 |
l.ori r3,r3,0x000d |
l.nop 2 |
l.or r3,r0,r0 |
l.nop 1 |
test_fail: |
l.movhi r3,0xbaaa |
l.ori r3,r3,0xaaad |
l.nop 2 |
l.ori r3,r0,1 |
l.nop 1 |
restart_with_caches_enabled: |
/* Disable IMMU before restart*/ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_SR |
l.xori r3,r3,SPR_SR_IME |
l.mtspr r0,r3,SPR_ESR_BASE |
l.movhi r9,hi(.L1) |
l.ori r9,r9,lo(.L1) |
l.mtspr r0,r9,SPR_EPCR_BASE |
l.rfe |
.L1: |
l.jal _cache_init |
l.nop |
/* Actually we won't want dcache enabled as we'll be reading |
and writing instructions around the shop so will not want them |
being cached */ |
l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_SR |
l.xori r3,r3,SPR_SR_DCE |
l.mtspr r0,r3,SPR_SR |
l.j _start |
l.nop |
/* A simple function, which we will copy the instructions of |
to different parts of memory */ |
ljr9_function: |
l.jr r9 |
l.nop |