
Subversion Repositories qaz_libs

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 50 to Rev 49
    Reverse comparison

Rev 50 → Rev 49

0,0 → 1,92
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# // ////
# // Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
# // ////
# // This source file may be used and distributed without ////
# // restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
# // removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
# // the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
# // ////
# // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
# // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
# // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
# // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
# // later version. ////
# // ////
# // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
# // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
# // PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
# // details. ////
# // ////
# // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
# // Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
# // from ////
# // ////
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
import sys
# import sv_video
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("^^^ | py_raw_to_frame |")
print('Number of arguments:', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.')
print('Argument List:', str(sys.argv))
# dataSend = np.arange(1, 9 + 1, dtype=np.uint32)
# tiny_frame = np.arange(32, 32 + 32, dtype=np.uint32)
# data_list = tiny_frame.flatten()
# data_list = tiny_frame.tolist()
# sv_video.py_list_to_c_array(data_list)
# ---------------------------------------------------------
v_frames = 1
v_width = 8
v_height = 16
# # fname = sys.argv[0]
# fname = 'count.raw'
# print("file name: ", fname)
# with open(fname, 'r') as infile:
# data = np.fromfile(infile, dtype='uint16').reshape(v_frames, v_height, v_width)
# np.set_printoptions(formatter={'int':hex})
# for i in range(v_frames):
# print(data[i])
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# im = ax.imshow(data[i], cmap='gray')
# ax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[])
# fig.colorbar(im)
# from __future__ import print_function
# with open('out.txt', 'w') as f:
# print('qqq\n', file=f)
# print(data[0], file=f)
# f = open('out.txt','w')
# print >>f,'some Text'
# print >>f, data[0].flatten()
# for i in range(v_frames*v_height*v_width):
# print >>f, data[0].flatten()[i]
# data = np.arange(v_frames*v_width*v_height, dtype='uint16')
# data = data.reshape(v_frames, v_height, v_width)
# f = open('count.raw','r')
data = np.fromfile('count.raw', dtype='uint16')
# with open('') as fp:
# for line in fp:
# print line
0,0 → 1,617
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg;
typedef enum
} avf_direction_t;
typedef struct
avf_direction_t direction;
int delay = 0;
} avf_tile_config_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import q_pkg::*;
import video_frame_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class avf_config_class;
int width;
int height;
int bytes_per_pixel;
int bits_per_pixel;
int pixels_per_clk;
string name;
int vertical_blanking;
avf_tile_config_t tile[];
int width,
int height,
int bytes_per_pixel,
int bits_per_pixel,
int pixels_per_clk,
string name,
int vertical_blanking,
avf_tile_config_t tile[]
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.bytes_per_pixel = bytes_per_pixel;
this.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
this.pixels_per_clk = pixels_per_clk; = name;
this.vertical_blanking = vertical_blanking;
this.tile = tile;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
input avf_direction_t direction,
output frame_coordinate_t inc
RIGHT_DOWN: inc = '{ 1, 1};
RIGHT_UP: inc = '{ 1, -1};
LEFT_DOWN: inc = '{-1, 1};
LEFT_UP: inc = '{-1, -1};
default: $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR!!! Incorrect AVF direction.", $time );
endtask: avf_direction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
input avf_direction_t direction,
output frame_coordinate_t start,
output frame_coordinate_t inc,
output int x_end,
output int y_end,
output int x_eol
RIGHT_DOWN: start = '{0 , 0 };
RIGHT_UP: start = '{0 , height - 1 };
LEFT_DOWN: start = '{width - 1 , 0 };
LEFT_UP: start = '{width - 1 , height - 1 };
default: $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | [%04d, %04d] | ERROR!!! Incorrect AVF direction.", $time, start.x, start.y );
avf_direction(direction, inc);
x_end = (start.x + (width * inc.x));
y_end = (start.y + (height * inc.y));
inc.x *= pixels_per_clk; // increment stride by number of outputs
x_eol = x_end - inc.x;
endtask: avf_calculate
endclass: avf_config_class
class avf_tx_bfm_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, PIXELS_PER_CLK, AVF_U)
extends blocking_transmission_q_class #(video_frame_class);
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * PIXELS_PER_CLK; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_B = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * 8; // bits per pixel on TDATA
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_if;
string avf_name = "";
string avf_type = "";
avf_config_class c_h;
avf_tile_config_t tile;
video_frame_class f_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void axis_default;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tvalid <= 0;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tdata <= 'hx;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tlast <= 'hx;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser <= 'hx;
endfunction: axis_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
output_pixels(input int l, input int p);
for(int i = 0; i < PIXELS_PER_CLK; i++)
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tdata[i*AVF_B +: AVF_B] <= f_h.lines[l].pixel[p + i];
endtask: output_pixels
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
avf_tx(input avf_direction_t direction, input int unsigned avf_delay);
frame_coordinate_t start;
frame_coordinate_t inc;
int x_end;
int y_end;
int x_eol;
int pixel_count = 0;
int l;
int p;
repeat(avf_delay) @(avf_axis_if.cb_m);
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tvalid <= 1; // assert first pixel
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[0] <= 1;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[1] <= 1;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[2] <= 0;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tlast <= 0;
output_pixels(start.y, start.x);
for(l = start.y; y_end != l; l = l + inc.y)
for(p = start.x; x_end != p; p = p + inc.x)
if((l == start.y) & (p == start.x)) // first pixel already asserted
@(avf_axis_if.cb_m iff avf_axis_if.cb_m.tready)
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tvalid <= 1;
output_pixels(l, p);
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[0] <= 0;
if(p == start.x)
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[1] <= 1;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[1] <= 0;
if(p == x_eol)
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tlast <= 1;
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tlast <= 0;
if((l == y_end - 1) && (p == x_eol))
avf_axis_if.cb_m.tuser[2] <= 1;
endtask: avf_tx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
avf_tx(tile.direction, tile.delay);
endtask: avf_fork_tx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event tx_frame_done;
task automatic
transmit(ref Q_T tr_h);
f_h = tr_h;
wait fork;
repeat(c_h.vertical_blanking) @(avf_axis_if.cb_m);
endtask: transmit
int index,
avf_config_class c_h,
input string avf_type,
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_if
this.avf_axis_if = avf_axis_if;
this.c_h = c_h;
this.tile = c_h.tile[index];
this.avf_name = $sformatf("%s%0d",, index);
this.avf_type = avf_type.toupper();
f_h = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: avf_tx_bfm_class
class avf_rx_bfm_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, PIXELS_PER_CLK, AVF_U)
extends blocking_receiver_q_class #(video_frame_class);
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * PIXELS_PER_CLK; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_B = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * 8; // bits per pixel on TDATA
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_if;
string avf_name = "";
string avf_type = "";
avf_config_class c_h;
avf_tile_config_t tile;
video_frame_class f_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void axis_default;
avf_axis_if.cb_s.tready <= 1;
endfunction: axis_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
set_tready(input tready);
avf_axis_if.cb_s.tready <= tready;
endtask: set_tready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
avf_rx(input avf_direction_t direction);
frame_coordinate_t start;
frame_coordinate_t inc;
int x_end;
int y_end;
int x_eol;
int pixel_count = 0;
int l;
int p;
wait(avf_axis_if.cb_s.tuser[0] & avf_axis_if.cb_s.tvalid & avf_axis_if.cb_m.tready);
for(l = start.y; y_end != l; l = l + inc.y)
for(p = start.x; x_end != p; p = p + inc.x)
wait(avf_axis_if.cb_s.tvalid & avf_axis_if.cb_m.tready);
for(int i = 0; i < PIXELS_PER_CLK; i++)
f_h.lines[l].pixel[p + i] = avf_axis_if.cb_s.tdata[i*AVF_B +: AVF_B];
if(p == x_eol)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | [%04d, %04d] | %s_%s | ERROR! x_eol without tlast | x_eol = %04d | 0x%06x", $time, p, l, avf_name, avf_type, x_eol, f_h.lines[l].pixel[p]);
if(p != x_eol)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | [%04d, %04d] | %s_%s | ERROR! tlast without x_eol | x_eol = %04d | 0x%06x", $time, p, l, avf_name, avf_type, x_eol, f_h.lines[l].pixel[p]);
endtask: avf_rx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
endtask: avf_fork_rx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event rx_frame_done;
virtual task
receive(ref Q_T tr_h);
wait fork;
tr_h = f_h.clone();
endtask: receive
int index,
avf_config_class c_h,
input string avf_type,
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_if
this.avf_axis_if = avf_axis_if;
this.c_h = c_h;
this.tile = c_h.tile[index];
this.avf_name = $sformatf("%s%0d",, index);
this.avf_type = avf_type.toupper();
f_h = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: avf_rx_bfm_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class avf_tx_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U);
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * OUTPUTS_PER_TILE; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_B = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * 8; // bits per pixel on TDATA
int number_of_tx_tiles;
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if[];
avf_tx_bfm_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U) tx_bfm_h[];
video_frame_class clone_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task automatic
string pattern,
int pixel = 0
"constant": foreach(tx_bfm_h[i]) tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.make_constant(pixel);
"counting": foreach(tx_bfm_h[i]) tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.make_counting();
"horizontal": foreach(tx_bfm_h[i]) tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.make_horizontal();
"vertical": foreach(tx_bfm_h[i]) tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.make_vertical();
"random": foreach(tx_bfm_h[i]) tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.make_random();
default: $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! %s pattern not supported", $time, pattern);
endtask: make_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task
input int unsigned count
endtask: wait_for_tx_frames
function new
avf_config_class c_h,
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if[]
this.number_of_tx_tiles = $size(avf_axis_out_if);
this.avf_axis_out_if = avf_axis_out_if;
this.tx_bfm_h = new[number_of_tx_tiles];
tx_bfm_h[i] = new(i, c_h, "TX", avf_axis_out_if[i]);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: avf_tx_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class avf_rx_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U);
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * OUTPUTS_PER_TILE; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_B = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * 8; // bits per pixel on TDATA
int number_of_rx_tiles;
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if[];
avf_rx_bfm_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U) rx_bfm_h[];
video_frame_class clone_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task
input int unsigned count
endtask: wait_for_rx_frames
function new
avf_config_class c_h,
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if[]
this.number_of_rx_tiles = $size(avf_axis_in_if);
this.avf_axis_in_if = avf_axis_in_if;
this.rx_bfm_h = new[number_of_rx_tiles];
rx_bfm_h[i] = new(i, c_h, "RX", avf_axis_in_if[i]);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: avf_rx_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg
0,0 → 1,166
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package avf_agent_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import video_frame_pkg::*;
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class avf_agent_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE = 1, AVF_U = 3);
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * OUTPUTS_PER_TILE; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_B = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * 8; // bits per pixel on TDATA
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if[];
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if[];
avf_config_class c_h;
avf_tx_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U) tx_h;
avf_rx_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U) rx_h;
video_frame_class clone_h;
video_frame_class sent_f_h;
video_frame_class rx_f_h;
mailbox #(video_frame_class) q[];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task
string pattern = "",
int pixel = 0
if(pattern != "")
tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel);
clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.clone();
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern);
endtask: queue_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task automatic
int mismatch_count;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
mismatch_count =, rx_f_h);
endtask: compare_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task set_tready(input tready);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endtask: set_tready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task flush_sent_frame;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endtask: flush_sent_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task rx_flush_frame;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endtask: rx_flush_frame
function void init(avf_config_class c_h);
rx_h = new(c_h, avf_axis_in_if);
tx_h = new(c_h, avf_axis_out_if);
this.q = new[$size(avf_axis_out_if)];
this.q[i] = new();
endfunction: init
function new
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if[],
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if[]
this.avf_axis_in_if = avf_axis_in_if;
this.avf_axis_out_if = avf_axis_out_if;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: avf_agent_class
endpackage: avf_agent_class_pkg
0,0 → 1,105
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
axis_if axis_out[AVF_TILES],
axis_if axis_in[AVF_TILES]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axis_video_frame_bfm_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, AVF_OUTPUTS) f_tx_h[AVF_TILES];
for(genvar j = 0; j < AVF_TILES; j++)
f_tx_h[j] = new(axis_out[j]);
.avf_name($psprintf("AVF_%0d", j)),
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axis_video_frame_bfm_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, AVF_OUTPUTS) f_rx_h[AVF_TILES];
for(genvar j = 0; j < AVF_TILES; j++)
f_rx_h[j] = new(axis_in[j]);
.avf_name($psprintf("AVF_%0d", j)),
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,134
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
ref axis_video_frame_bfm_class f_tx_h[AVF_TILES],
ref axis_video_frame_bfm_class f_rx_h[AVF_TILES]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam AVF_VERTICAL_BLANKING = 20;
task automatic
endtask: init_avf_rx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input int unsigned count
endtask: wait_for_rx_frames
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
semaphore get_frame_semaphore = new(1);
logic get_frame_active = 0;
task automatic
if(get_frame_semaphore.try_get() == 0)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Already getting a frame.", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | getting a frame.", $time);
get_frame_active = 1;
wait fork;
get_frame_active = 0;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | Got a frame.", $time);
endtask: get_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import video_frame_pkg::*;
function automatic
int compare_frame;
int mismatch_count[AVF_TILES];
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
mismatch_count[i] = f_rx_h[i], f_tx_h[i].f_h);
endfunction: compare_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,171
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
ref axis_video_frame_bfm_class f_tx_h[AVF_TILES],
ref axis_video_frame_bfm_class f_rx_h[AVF_TILES]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam AVF_VERTICAL_BLANKING = 20;
task automatic
f_tx_h[i].avf_vertical_blanking = AVF_VERTICAL_BLANKING;
f_tx_h[0].run_tx_q(RIGHT_DOWN, 0);
f_tx_h[1].run_tx_q(RIGHT_UP, 0);
f_tx_h[2].run_tx_q(LEFT_DOWN, 0);
f_tx_h[3].run_tx_q(LEFT_UP, 0);
endtask: init_avf_tx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import video_frame_pkg::*;
video_frame_class clone_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
string pattern,
int pixel = 0
"constant": foreach(f_tx_h[i]) f_tx_h[i].f_h.make_constant(pixel);
"counting": foreach(f_tx_h[i]) f_tx_h[i].f_h.make_counting();
"horizontal": foreach(f_tx_h[i]) f_tx_h[i].f_h.make_horizontal();
"vertical": foreach(f_tx_h[i]) f_tx_h[i].f_h.make_vertical();
"random": foreach(f_tx_h[i]) f_tx_h[i].f_h.make_random();
default: $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! %s pattern not supported", $time, pattern);
endtask: make_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
string pattern = ""
if(pattern != "")
clone_h = f_tx_h[i].f_h.clone();
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern);
endtask: queue_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input int unsigned count
endtask: wait_for_tx_frames
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic put_frame_active = 0;
semaphore put_frame_semaphore = new(1);
task automatic
if(put_frame_semaphore.try_get() == 0)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Already put a frame.", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | Putting a frame.", $time);
put_frame_active = 1;
f_tx_h[0].avf_fork_tx(RIGHT_DOWN, 0);
f_tx_h[1].avf_fork_tx(RIGHT_UP, 0);
f_tx_h[2].avf_fork_tx(LEFT_DOWN, 0);
f_tx_h[3].avf_fork_tx(LEFT_UP, 0);
wait fork;
put_frame_active = 0;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | Put a frame.", $time);
endtask: put_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
27,6 → 27,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class video_frame_class;
logger_class log;
rand int frame_id;
rand int pixels_per_line;
rand int lines_per_frame;
58,6 → 59,7
function new;
this.log = new;
this.frame_id = 0;
endfunction: new
70,6 → 72,7
int pixels_per_clk = 1,
string name = ""
this.pixels_per_line = pixels_per_line;
this.lines_per_frame = lines_per_frame;
this.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
110,6 → 113,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void make_constant(int pixel);$sformatf("%m"));
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
125,6 → 129,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void make_counting(int offset = 0);$sformatf("%m"));
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
140,6 → 145,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void make_horizontal();$sformatf("%m"));
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
155,6 → 161,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void make_vertical();$sformatf("%m"));
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
170,6 → 177,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void make_random();$sformatf("%m"));
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
185,6 → 193,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(video_frame_class from);$sformatf("%m"));
this.frame_id = from.frame_id;
this.pixels_per_line = from.pixels_per_line;
this.lines_per_frame = from.lines_per_frame;
203,6 → 212,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function video_frame_class clone;$sformatf("%m"));
clone = new();
endfunction: clone
209,6 → 219,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function video_frame_class catenate_horizontally(video_frame_class tail);$sformatf("%m"));
if(this.lines_per_frame != tail.lines_per_frame)
237,6 → 248,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void shift_right(ref line_s column);$sformatf("%m"));
for(int p = pixels_per_line - 1; p > 0; p--)
246,127 → 258,114
this.lines[l].pixel[0] = column.pixel[l];
endfunction: shift_right
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function int compare_line
// ( int line
// , int max_mismatches
// , video_frame_class to
// );
// int mismatch_count = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function int compare_line
( int line
, int max_mismatches
, video_frame_class to
int mismatch_count = 0;
// if(to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel)
// begin
// log.error($sformatf("to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel | %s", name));
// return(-3);
// end
if(to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel)
log.error($sformatf("to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel | %s", name));
// foreach(this.lines[line].pixel[p])
// if(to.lines[line].pixel[p] != this.lines[line].pixel[p])
// begin
if(to.lines[line].pixel[p] != this.lines[line].pixel[p])
// if(max_mismatches > 0)
// mismatch_count++;
if(max_mismatches > 0)
// log.error($sformatf("mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h | %s",
// line, p, to.lines[line].pixel[p], this.lines[line].pixel[p], name));
log.error($sformatf("mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h | %s",
line, p, to.lines[line].pixel[p], this.lines[line].pixel[p], name));
// if(mismatch_count > max_mismatches)
// return(mismatch_count);
// end
if(mismatch_count > max_mismatches)
// return(mismatch_count);
// endfunction: compare_line
endfunction: compare_line
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function int compare(int max_mismatches, video_frame_class to);
// int mismatch_count = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function int compare(int max_mismatches, video_frame_class to);
int mismatch_count = 0;$sformatf("%m"));
// if(to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line)
// begin
// log.error($sformatf("to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line | %s", name));
// return(-1);
// end
if(to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line)
log.error($sformatf("to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line | %s", name));
// if(to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame)
// begin
// log.error($sformatf("to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame | %s", name));
// return(-2);
// end
if(to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame)
log.error($sformatf("to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame | %s", name));
// if(to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel)
// begin
// log.error($sformatf("to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel | %s", name));
// return(-3);
// end
if(to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel)
log.error($sformatf("to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel | %s", name));
// foreach(this.lines[l])
// begin
// foreach(this.lines[l].pixel[p])
// if(to.lines[l].pixel[p] != this.lines[l].pixel[p])
// begin
// if(max_mismatches > 0)
// mismatch_count++;
if(to.lines[l].pixel[p] != this.lines[l].pixel[p])
if(max_mismatches > 0)
// log.error($sformatf("mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h | %s", l, p, to.lines[l].pixel[p], this.lines[l].pixel[p], name));
log.error($sformatf("mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h | %s", l, p, to.lines[l].pixel[p], this.lines[l].pixel[p], name));
// if(mismatch_count > max_mismatches)
// return(mismatch_count);
// end
// end
if(mismatch_count > max_mismatches)
// return(mismatch_count);
// endfunction: compare
endfunction: compare
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function void print_line(int line, int pixel, int count);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void print_line(int line, int pixel, int count);$sformatf("%m"));
// for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// log.display($sformatf("%4h @ frame[%4h][%4h] | %s", this.lines[line].pixel[(pixel + i)], line, (pixel + i), name));
// endfunction: print_line
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
log.display($sformatf("%4h @ frame[%4h][%4h] | %s", this.lines[line].pixel[(pixel + i)], line, (pixel + i), name));
endfunction: print_line
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function void print_config();
// log.display($sformatf("%m | frame_id = %06d | %s", frame_id, name));
// log.display($sformatf("%m | pixels_per_line = %06d | %s", pixels_per_line, name));
// log.display($sformatf("%m | lines_per_frame = %06d | %s", lines_per_frame, name));
// log.display($sformatf("%m | bits_per_pixel = %06d | %s", bits_per_pixel, name));
// log.display($sformatf("%m | pixels_per_clk = %06d | %s", pixels_per_clk, name));
// log.display($sformatf("%m | pattern = %s | %s", pattern, name));
// endfunction: print_config
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void print_config();
$display($sformatf("%m | frame_id = %06d | %s", frame_id, name));
$display($sformatf("%m | pixels_per_line = %06d | %s", pixels_per_line, name));
$display($sformatf("%m | lines_per_frame = %06d | %s", lines_per_frame, name));
$display($sformatf("%m | bits_per_pixel = %06d | %s", bits_per_pixel, name));
$display($sformatf("%m | pixels_per_clk = %06d | %s", pixels_per_clk, name));
$display($sformatf("%m | pattern = %s | %s", pattern, name));
log.display($sformatf("%m | frame_id = %06d | %s", frame_id, name));
log.display($sformatf("%m | pixels_per_line = %06d | %s", pixels_per_line, name));
log.display($sformatf("%m | lines_per_frame = %06d | %s", lines_per_frame, name));
log.display($sformatf("%m | bits_per_pixel = %06d | %s", bits_per_pixel, name));
log.display($sformatf("%m | pixels_per_clk = %06d | %s", pixels_per_clk, name));
log.display($sformatf("%m | pattern = %s | %s", pattern, name));
endfunction: print_config
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function string convert2string(int grid=8);
string s0, s1;
string s;
string f ="";
int nibbles = ( bits_per_pixel % 4 == 0)
? bits_per_pixel / 4
: (bits_per_pixel / 4) + 1;
string fs = $sformatf("%%s%%%0d.h" , (bits_per_pixel % 4 == 0)
? bits_per_pixel / 4
: (bits_per_pixel / 4) + 1
s = $sformatf("[%4.d]", l);
s = {s, $sformatf(fs, (p % grid == 0) ? "!" : "|", this.lines[l].pixel[p])};
foreach(this.lines[l]) begin
s0 = $sformatf("[%4.d]", l);
foreach(this.lines[l].pixel[p]) begin
s1 = $sformatf("%.h", this.lines[l].pixel[p]);
s1 = s1.substr(nibbles, s1.len()-1);
s0 = {s0, (p % grid == 0) ? "!" : "|", s1};
f = {f, s0, "|\n"};
f = {f, s, "|\n"};
return f;
endfunction: convert2string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: video_frame_class
57,4 → 57,4
endfunction : init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: video_frame_config
26,6 → 26,7
package video_frame_pkg;
import logger_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct
49,4 → 50,4
`include "video_frame_class.svh"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: video_frame_pkg
25,17 → 25,17
//// ////
class spi_driver #(N)
class spi_driver
extends uvm_driver #(spi_sequence_item);
`uvm_component_param_utils(spi_driver #(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual spi_if #(N) vif;
virtual spi_if vif;
function void set_default;
vif.sclk <= 0;
vif.ss_n <= '1;
vif.ss_n <= 1;
vif.mosi <= 'x;
endfunction: set_default
51,8 → 51,7
index = 0;
vif.ss_n <= ~(1 << item.ss_index);
vif.ss_n <= 0;
vif.mosi <= item.mosi_data[index];
#(vif.period / 2);
76,7 → 75,7
#(vif.period / 2);
vif.ss_n <= '1;
vif.ss_n <= 1;
90,4 → 89,4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass : spi_driver
35,7 → 35,6
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic miso_data[]; // data from slave to master
logic mosi_data[]; // data from master to slave
int ss_index = 0;
bit read;
bit write;
57,34 → 56,38
mosi_data[i] = 0;
endfunction : init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void load_mosi_from_file(string file_name);
byte buffer;
integer fd;
integer code;
integer size;
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer);
// spi_sequence_item tested;
// bit same;
fd = $fopen(file_name, "rb");
code = $fseek(fd, 0, 2); // SEEK_END
size = $ftell(fd);
code = $rewind(fd);
data_width = size*8;
mosi_data = new[data_width];
write = 1;
// if (rhs==null)
// `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | comparison to a null pointer");
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) begin
code = $fread(buffer, fd);
mosi_data[i*8 +: 8] = {>>{buffer}};
// if (!$cast(tested,rhs))
// same = 0;
// else
// same = super.do_compare(rhs, comparer);
// return same;
// endfunction : do_compare
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void load_mosi_from_byte_array(byte byte_array[]);
mosi_data[i*8 +: 8] = {>>{byte_array[i]}};
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
// spi_sequence_item item;
// assert(rhs != null) else
// `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | copy null transaction");
// super.do_copy(rhs);
// assert($cast(item,rhs)) else
// `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | failed cast");
// delay = item.delay;
// command = item.command;
// wr_full = item.wr_full;
// rd_empty = item.rd_empty;
// wr_data = item.wr_data;
// rd_data = item.rd_data;
// count = item.count;
// endfunction : do_copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function string convert2string();
99,7 → 102,8
s0 = {s0, s1};
if(read) begin
data = {>>{miso_data}};
109,7 → 113,8
s0 = {s0, s2};
if(write) begin
data = {>>{mosi_data}};
123,4 → 128,4
endfunction : convert2string
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass : spi_sequence_item
25,24 → 25,32
//// ////
class spi_agent #(N=1)
class spi_agent
extends uvm_agent;
`uvm_component_param_utils(spi_agent #(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual spi_if #(N) vif;
spi_driver #(N) driver_h;
virtual spi_if vif;
spi_driver driver_h;
spi_sequencer sequencer_h;
// spi_monitor monitor_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
driver_h = spi_driver #(N)::type_id::create("driver_h", this);
// super.build_phase(phase);
driver_h = spi_driver::type_id::create("driver_h", this);
// monitor_h = spi_monitor ::type_id::create("monitor_h", this);
sequencer_h = spi_sequencer::type_id::create("sequencer_h", this);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
// super.connect_phase(phase);
driver_h.vif = vif;
// monitor_h.vif = vif;
52,4 → 60,4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass : spi_agent
25,7 → 25,8
//// ////
interface spi_if #(N=1);
import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import tb_spi_pkg::*;
32,7 → 33,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic sclk;
logic [N-1:0] ss_n;
logic ss_n;
logic mosi;
logic miso;
28,12 → 28,28
package tb_spi_pkg;
import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import bfm_pkg::*;
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// localparam W = 16;
// localparam D = 8;
// localparam UB = $clog2(D);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// typedef enum {FIFO_RD, FIFO_WR, FIFO_BOTH, FIFO_NULL} fifo_command_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
`include "spi_sequence_item.svh"
typedef uvm_sequencer #(spi_sequence_item) spi_sequencer;
`include "spi_driver.svh"
// `include "spi_monitor.svh"
// `include "spi_scoreboard.svh"
`include "spi_agent.svh"
// `include "tb_env.svh"
// `include "s_debug.svh"
// `include "t_top_base.svh"
// `include "t_debug.svh"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage : tb_spi_pkg
31,4 → 31,4
`include "random_delay.svh"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage : tb_pkg
0,0 → 1,106
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package bfm_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum
} traffic_type_e;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class delay_class;
rand int unsigned delay = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void set_delay(traffic_type_e kind = REGULAR);
NONE: delay = 0;
REGULAR: assert(this.randomize() with{delay dist {0 := 60, [1:3] := 30, [4:7] := 10};});
default: delay = 0;
endfunction: set_delay
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function int next(traffic_type_e kind = REGULAR);
endfunction: next
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: delay_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class transaction_class #(parameter type TR_T);
delay_class delay_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void random;
endfunction: random
function new;
delay_h = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual function void copy(TR_T from);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function automatic TR_T clone;
TR_T child;
clone = new();
$cast(child, this);
endfunction: clone
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: transaction_class
endpackage: bfm_pkg
0,0 → 1,136
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package logger_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum
} logger_severity_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class logger_class;
logger_severity_t verbosity = WARNING;
bit log_debug = 0;
string time_string;
int error_count = 0;
int max_error_display = 8;
bit stop_at_max_error = 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
set_verbosity(logger_severity_t level);
verbosity = level;
endfunction: set_verbosity
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
log_debug = 1;
endfunction: debug_enable
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void debug(string message);
time_string = $sformatf("??? %16.t | ", $time);
if(log_debug == 1)
$display({time_string, message});
endfunction: debug
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void display(string message);
time_string = $sformatf("--- %16.t | ", $time);
$display({time_string, message});
endfunction: display
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void info(string message);
time_string = $sformatf("^^^ %16.t | ", $time);
if(verbosity >= INFO)
$display({time_string, message});
endfunction: info
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void warning(string message);
time_string = $sformatf("*** %16.t | ", $time);
if(verbosity >= WARNING)
$display({time_string, message});
endfunction: warning
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void error(string message);
time_string = $sformatf("!!! %16.t | ", $time);
if(error_count > max_error_display)
if(verbosity >= ERROR)
$display({time_string, message});
endfunction: error
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void fatal(string message);
if(verbosity >= FATAL)
$fatal(1, message);
endfunction: fatal
endclass: logger_class
endpackage: logger_pkg
0,0 → 1,147
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package q_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class q_base_class #(parameter type Q_T = logic);
Q_T tr_h;
mailbox #(Q_T) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual task run_q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task put(ref Q_T tr_h);
endtask: put
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task get(ref Q_T tr_h);
endtask: get
function new;
this.q = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: q_base_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class nonblocking_transmission_q_class #(parameter type Q_T = logic)
extends q_base_class #(Q_T);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual task transmit(ref Q_T tr_h);
pure virtual task idle();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic run_q;
if(q.try_get(tr_h) != 0)
endtask: run_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: nonblocking_transmission_q_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class blocking_transmission_q_class #(parameter type Q_T = logic)
extends q_base_class #(Q_T);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual task transmit(ref Q_T tr_h);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_q;
endtask: run_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: blocking_transmission_q_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class blocking_receiver_q_class #(parameter type Q_T = logic)
extends q_base_class #(Q_T);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual task receive(ref Q_T tr_h);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_q;
endtask: run_q
endclass: blocking_receiver_q_class
endpackage: q_pkg
1,6 → 1,6
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2019 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
25,62 → 25,82
//// ////
`timescale 1ps/1ps
import tb_clk_pkg::*;
N = 1,
realtime PERIODS[N],
realtime ASSERT_TIME = (PERIODS[0] * 5) + (PERIODS[0] / 3)
parameter PERIOD = 0,
parameter ASSERT_TIME = 0
output bit tb_clk[N],
output bit tb_aresetn,
output bit tb_reset[N]
output clock,
output reg reset
timeunit 1ns;
timeprecision 100ps;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void assert_reset(realtime reset_assert=ASSERT_TIME);
task assert_reset
input time reset_assert
reset = 1;
$display( "-#- %16.t | %m | reset asserted!", $time );
reset = 0;
$display( "-#- %16.t | %m | reset deasserted!", $time );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task timeout_stop
input time timeout
$display("-#- %16.t | %m | timeout_stop at %t", $time, timeout);
tb_aresetn = 0;
tb_aresetn = 1;
#(timeout) $stop;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
bit disable_clks[N];
for(genvar j = 0; j < N; j++) begin
tb_clk[j] = 0;
#(PERIODS[j]/2) tb_clk[j] = ~tb_clk[j];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
for(genvar j = 0; j < N; j++) begin
bit reset = 1;
assign tb_reset[j] = reset;
tb_clk_class tb_clk_c;
tb_clk_if tb_clk_driver();
assign clock = tb_clk_driver.clk;
time reset_assert = (PERIOD * 5) + (PERIOD / 3);
logic init_done = 0;
always @(posedge tb_clk[j] or negedge tb_aresetn)
reset = 1;
reset = 0;
reset = 1;
tb_clk_c = new( tb_clk_driver );
if( PERIOD != 0 )
tb_clk_c.init_basic_clock( PERIOD );
if( ASSERT_TIME != 0 )
assert_reset( ASSERT_TIME );
else if( reset_assert != 0 )
assert_reset( reset_assert );
init_done = 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,230
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
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//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package tb_bfm_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_nonblocking_transaction_q_class #(parameter type T = logic);
T tr_h;
mailbox #(T) q;
semaphore q_semaphore;
function new;
this.q = new();
this.q_semaphore = new(1);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event start;
event done;
virtual task automatic
ref T tr_h
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Task not defined |", $time);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task automatic
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Task not defined |", $time);
endtask: idle
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ref T tr_h
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ", $time);
endtask: put
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
if(q_semaphore.try_get() == 0)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Aready active |", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m is active |", $time);
run_q_fork : fork
if(q.try_get(tr_h) != 0)
endtask: run_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | initialization", $time);
endfunction: init
endclass: tb_nonblocking_transaction_q_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(parameter type T = logic);
T tr_h;
mailbox #(T) q;
semaphore q_semaphore;
function new;
this.q = new();
this.q_semaphore = new(1);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event start;
event done;
virtual task automatic
ref T tr_h
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Task not defined |", $time);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ref T tr_h
endtask: put
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
if(q_semaphore.try_get() == 0)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! Aready active |", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m is active |", $time);
this.q = new();
run_q_fork : fork
endtask: run_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | initialization", $time);
endfunction: init
endclass: tb_blocking_transaction_q_class
endpackage: tb_bfm_pkg
0,0 → 1,55
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
import tb_clk_pkg::*;
parameter PERIOD = 0
output clock
tb_clk_class tb_clk_c;
tb_clk_if tb_clk_driver();
assign clock = tb_clk_driver.clk;
tb_clk_c = new( tb_clk_driver );
if( PERIOD != 0 )
tb_clk_c.init_basic_clock( PERIOD );
0,0 → 1,110
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
`timescale 1ps/1ps
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
interface tb_clk_if;
logic clk = 0;
logic enable = 0;
time period;
event clk_rise;
event clk_fall;
modport tb_m
output clk
endinterface: tb_clk_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual tb_clk_if tb;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual tb_clk_if tb
this.tb = tb;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
time period
tb.period = period;
tb.enable = 1;
$display( "^^^ %16.t | %m | Starting clock with period %t.", $time, period );
if( tb.enable )
#(period/2) tb.clk = 1;
-> tb.clk_rise;
#(period/2) tb.clk = 0;
-> tb.clk_fall;
endtask: init_basic_clock
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic enable
tb.enable = enable;
$display( "^^^ %16.t | %m | Clock Enable = %h.", $time, enable );
endtask: enable_clock
endclass: tb_clk_class
0,0 → 1,118
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
`timescale 1ps/1ps
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
interface tb_clk_if;
logic clk = 0;
logic enable = 0;
time period;
event clk_rise;
event clk_fall;
modport tb_m
output clk
endinterface: tb_clk_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
package tb_clk_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual tb_clk_if tb;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual tb_clk_if tb
this.tb = tb;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
time period
tb.period = period;
tb.enable = 1;
$display( "^^^ %16.t | %m | Starting clock with period %t.", $time, period );
if( tb.enable )
#(period/2) tb.clk = 1;
-> tb.clk_rise;
#(period/2) tb.clk = 0;
-> tb.clk_fall;
endtask: init_basic_clock
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic enable
tb.enable = enable;
$display( "^^^ %16.t | %m | Clock Enable = %h.", $time, enable );
endtask: enable_clock
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tb_clk_class
endpackage: tb_clk_pkg
0,0 → 1,99
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
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//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
N, // PCIe IP data in width in bytes
S // data out size divisor
riffa_chnl_if chnl_in,
riffa_chnl_if chnl_out
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
riffa_chnl_xx_downsizer #(.N(N), .S(S))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
riffa_chnl_xx_upsizer #(.N(N/S), .S(S))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,137
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
N, // PCIe IP data in width in bytes
S // data out size divisor
input xx_in,
output ack_in,
input last_in,
input [31:0] len_in,
input [30:0] off_in,
input [(8*N)-1:0] data_in,
input data_valid_in,
output data_ren_in,
output last_out,
output reg [31:0] len_out,
output reg [30:0] off_out,
output [(8*N/S)-1:0] data_out,
output data_valid_out,
input data_ren_out,
input reset,
input clk
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// synthesis translate_off
a_divisor: assert(S > 1) else $fatal;
a_data_mod: assert(N % S == 0) else $fatal;
// synthesis translate_on
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [(8*N)-1:0] wr_data = data_in;
wire wr_full;
wire wr_en = data_ren_in & data_valid_in;
wire rd_empty;
wire [(8*N)-1:0] rd_data;
wire rd_en;
tiny_sync_fifo #(.W((8*N)))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam M_A = $clog2(S);
localparam M_D = 2 ** M_A;
localparam M_NW = (N*8)/ S;
wire [M_A-1:0] select;
riffa_chnl_xx_downsizer_fsm #(.N(N), .S(S), .M_A(M_A))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [M_NW-1:0] mux_in [M_D-1:0];
recursive_mux #(.A(M_A), .W(M_NW))
tdata_mux_i(.data_in(mux_in), .data_out(data_out), .*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
begin: rd_data_gen
for(genvar j = 0; j < M_D; j++)
assign mux_in[j] = rd_data[j*M_NW +: M_NW];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
reg last_in_r;
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if(xx_in & ack_in)
last_in_r <= last_in;
len_out <= len_in;
off_out <= off_in;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
assign last_out = (select == S - 1) ? last_in_r : 0; // need to fix
assign data_ren_in = ~wr_full;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,118
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
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//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
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//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
N, // PCIe IP data in width in bytes
S, // data out size divisor
input rd_empty,
input data_ren_out,
output rd_en,
output data_valid_out,
output reg [M_A-1:0] select,
input reset,
input clk
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire almost_last_word;
// state machine binary definitions
enum reg [2:0]
GET_WORD_IN = 3'b001,
MUX_WORD_OUT = 3'b010,
LAST_WORD_OUT = 3'b100
} state, next_state;
// state machine flop
always_ff @(posedge clk)
state <= GET_WORD_IN;
state <= next_state;
// state machine
GET_WORD_IN: if(~rd_empty)
next_state <= MUX_WORD_OUT;
next_state <= GET_WORD_IN;
MUX_WORD_OUT: if(rd_empty)
next_state <= GET_WORD_IN;
else if(almost_last_word & data_ren_out)
next_state <= LAST_WORD_OUT;
next_state <= MUX_WORD_OUT;
LAST_WORD_OUT: if(~data_ren_out)
next_state <= LAST_WORD_OUT;
next_state <= MUX_WORD_OUT;
default: next_state <= GET_WORD_IN;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
assign almost_last_word = (select == S - 2);
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if(reset | (state == GET_WORD_IN))
select <= 0;
else if(data_valid_out & data_ren_out)
select <= select + 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire changing_state = (state != next_state);
assign rd_en = (state == LAST_WORD_OUT) & changing_state;
assign data_valid_out = (state != GET_WORD_IN) & ~rd_empty;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,73
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
N, // PCIe IP data in width in bytes
S // data out size multiplier
input xx_in,
output ack_in,
input last_in,
input [31:0] len_in,
input [30:0] off_in,
input [(8*N)-1:0] data_in,
input data_valid_in,
output data_ren_in,
output last_out,
output [31:0] len_out,
output [30:0] off_out,
output [(8*N*S)-1:0] data_out,
output data_valid_out,
input data_ren_out,
input reset,
input clk
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// synthesis translate_off
a_multiplier: assert((S > 1) & (S % 2 == 0))else $fatal;
// synthesis translate_on
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,146
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_100mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz;
wire tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire clk = tb_clk;
wire reset;
sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, reset);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import tb_riffa_register_file_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus(.*);
riffa_register_if #(.N(N), .B(B)) r_if(.*); // dword sized (32 bit) registers
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
riffa_register_file #(.N(N), .B(B))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
for(genvar j = 0; j < r_if.RC; j++)
assign r_if.register_in[j] = r_if.register_out[j];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
tb_riffa_register_file_class #(.N(N)) a_h;
a_h = new(chnl_bus);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int rx_count = 0;
wire rx_en = chnl_bus.rx_data_valid & chnl_bus.rx_data_ren;
always_ff @(posedge chnl_bus.rx_clk)
rx_count = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int tx_count = 0;
wire tx_en = chnl_bus.tx_data_valid & chnl_bus.tx_data_ren;
always_ff @(posedge chnl_bus.tx_clk)
tx_count = 0;
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
0,0 → 1,92
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
`timescale 1ps/1ps
module the_test(input tb_clk, input tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import tb_riffa_register_file_pkg::*;
import riffa_agent_class_pkg::*;
import riffa_bfm_class_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_the_test;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert test below
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
tb_top.a_h.queue_tx_random(RW*B, 0, 1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
tb_top.a_h.queue_rx(RW*B, 0, 1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
tb_top.a_h.tr_h = new(RW, 0, 1);
tb_top.a_h.tr_h.constant(RW, 0, 1, 1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
$display("^^^ %16.t | q.num() = %d", $time, tb_top.a_h.tx_q.num());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert test above
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,70
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package tb_riffa_register_file_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import riffa_agent_class_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam N = 16; // width of the bus in bytes
localparam RW = (N/4); // width of the bus in 32 bit words
localparam B = 5; // number of register banks
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_riffa_register_file_class #(N)
extends riffa_agent_class #(.N(N));
function new(virtual riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus);;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tb_riffa_register_file_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: tb_riffa_register_file_pkg
7,6 → 7,7
# setup environment
do ../../../../scripts/
set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga
set env(SIM_TB) tb_riffa_register_file
radix -hexadecimal
18,8 → 19,18
sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib
sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim
vlog -f ./tb_files.f
vlog -f ./files.f
# compile simulation files
vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f
# simulation $root
vlog ./$env(SIM_TB)
vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv
# compile test last
vlog ./
# run the sim
3,8 → 3,9
quit -sim
# vsim -suppress 12110 -novopt work.tb_top
vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top
vsim -novopt work.tb_top
# log all signals
log /* -r
log -r *
0,0 → 1,14
1,5 → 1,13
vlog -f ./tb_files.f
vlog -f ./files.f
# compile simulation files
vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f
# simulation $root
vlog ./$env(SIM_TB)
vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv
# compile test last
vlog ./
0,0 → 1,220
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package axis_bfm_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import q_pkg::*;
import bfm_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axis_tr_class #(N, I, D, U)
extends transaction_class #(axis_tr_class #(N, I, D, U));
rand logic [(8*N)-1:0] tdata;
rand logic [N-1:0] tstrb;
rand logic [N-1:0] tkeep;
rand logic tlast;
rand logic [I-1:0] tid;
rand logic [D-1:0] tdest;
rand logic [U-1:0] tuser;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(TR_T from);
// delay_class delay_h;
this.tdata = from.tdata;
this.tstrb = from.tstrb;
this.tkeep = from.tkeep;
this.tlast = from.tlast;
this.tid = from.tid;
this.tdest = from.tdest;
this.tuser = from.tuser;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axis_tr_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axis_tx_bfm_class #(N, I, D, U)
extends blocking_transmission_q_class #(axis_tr_class #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)));
virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out;
function void set_default;
axis_out.cb_m.tvalid <= 0;
axis_out.cb_m.tdata <= 'bx;
axis_out.cb_m.tstrb <= 'bx;
axis_out.cb_m.tkeep <= 'bx;
axis_out.cb_m.tlast <= 'bx;
axis_out.cb_m.tid <= 'bx;
axis_out.cb_m.tdest <= 'bx;
axis_out.cb_m.tuser <= 'bx;
endfunction: set_default
task tx_transaction(axis_tr_class #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) tr_h);
repeat(tr_h.delay_h.delay) @(axis_out.cb_m);
axis_out.cb_m.tvalid <= 1;
axis_out.cb_m.tdata <= tr_h.tdata;
axis_out.cb_m.tstrb <= 0;
axis_out.cb_m.tkeep <= 0;
axis_out.cb_m.tlast <= tr_h.tlast;
axis_out.cb_m.tid <= 0;
axis_out.cb_m.tdest <= 0;
axis_out.cb_m.tuser <= tr_h.tuser;
// @(axis_out.cb_m iff axis_out.cb_m.tready);
endtask: tx_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event tx_done;
task automatic transmit(ref Q_T tr_h);
endtask: transmit
task init;
endtask: init
function new(virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out);
this.axis_out = axis_out;
tr_h = new();
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axis_tx_bfm_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axis_rx_bfm_class #(N, I, D, U)
extends blocking_receiver_q_class #(axis_tr_class #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)));
virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in;
function void set_tready(bit value);
axis_in.cb_s.tready <= value;
endfunction: set_tready
task rx_transaction(axis_tr_class #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) tr_h);
repeat(tr_h.delay_h.delay) @(axis_in.cb_s);
axis_in.cb_s.tready <= 1;
// @(axis_in.cb_s iff axis_in.cb_s.tvalid);
tr_h.tdata <= axis_in.cb_s.tdata;
tr_h.tstrb <= axis_in.cb_s.tstrb;
tr_h.tkeep <= axis_in.cb_s.tkeep;
tr_h.tlast <= axis_in.cb_s.tlast;
tr_h.tid <= axis_in.cb_s.tid;
tr_h.tdest <= axis_in.cb_s.tdest;
tr_h.tuser <= axis_in.cb_s.tuser;
axis_in.cb_s.tready <= 0;
endtask: rx_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event rx_frame_done;
virtual task receive(ref Q_T tr_h);
tr_h = new();
endtask: receive
task init;
endtask: init
function new (virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in);
this.axis_in = axis_in;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endfunction: new
endclass: axis_rx_bfm_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axis_bfm_pkg
0,0 → 1,158
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package tb_axis_to_axi4_agent_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_memory_pkg::*;
import axis_bfm_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_axis_to_axi4_agent_class #(N, A, I, D, U);
axi4_memory_class #(A, N, I) m_h;
axis_tx_bfm_class #(N, I, D, U) s_h;
memory_tr_class #(A, N, I) m_tr_h;
axis_tr_class #(N, I, D, U) s_tr_h;
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in;
mailbox #(memory_tr_class #(A, N, I)) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task wait_for_sof;
@(posedge axis_in.cb_s.tuser);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endtask: wait_for_sof
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task wait_for_dma_done(int bvalid_count);
@(axi4_m.cb_s iff axi4_m.cb_m.bvalid & axi4_m.cb_s.bready);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endtask: wait_for_dma_done
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task random_transaction(int addr, int size, int stride);
m_tr_h = new();
m_tr_h.random(addr, size);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | = %x", $time,;
for(int i = 0; i <; i += N)
s_tr_h = new();
for(int k = 0; k < N; k++)
s_tr_h.tdata[k*8 +: 8] =[i + k];
if(i == 0)
s_tr_h.tuser = 'b1;
s_tr_h.tuser = 'b0;
if(i + N <
s_tr_h.tlast = 1'b0;
s_tr_h.tlast = 1'b1;
wait_for_dma_done(size / stride);
endtask: random_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic compare(int offset);
byte data[];
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | q.num = %d", $time, q.num);
$display("^^^ %16.t | s_h.q.num = %d", $time, s_h.q.num);
$display("^^^ %16.t | = %d", $time,;
if(q.try_get(m_tr_h) == 0)
$display("!!! %16.t | ERROR!!! try_get(m_tr_h) == 0", $time);
data = new[];
m_h.dump_words(offset, data);
if(data[i] !=[i])
$display("!!! %16.t | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", $time);
$display("!!! %16.t | %x ", $time, i);
$display("!!! %16.t | %x | %x |", $time, data[i],[i]);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | done!", $time);
endtask: compare
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m,
virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
this.axis_in = axis_in;
m_h = new(axi4_m);
s_h = new(axis_in);
q = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tb_axis_to_axi4_agent_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: tb_axis_to_axi4_agent_class_pkg
0,0 → 1,144
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_200mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_200mhz;
wire tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(5_000)) tb(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire tb_rst_s;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s;
sync_reset_i(aclk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import tb_axis_upsizer_class_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) axis_in(.*);
axis_if #(.N(AVF_N * S), .U(AVF_U * S)) axis_out(.*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
.N(AVF_N), // data bus width in bytes
.I(1), // TID width
.D(1), // TDEST width
.U(AVF_U), // TUSER width
.S(S), // tdata size multiplier
.USE_TSTRB(0), // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable
.USE_TKEEP(0), // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable
.BYTES_PER_TUSER(0) // bytes per tuser bit. Set to 0 for transfer based.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axis_checker #(.N(AVF_N * S), .I(1), .D(1), .U(AVF_U))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axis_if #(.N(AVF_N * S), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if(.*);
assign axis_out.tready = avf_axis_in_if.tready;
assign avf_axis_in_if.tvalid = axis_out.tvalid;
assign avf_axis_in_if.tdata = axis_out.tdata;
assign avf_axis_in_if.tuser = {axis_out.tuser[(AVF_U*S)-1], axis_out.tuser[1:0]};
assign avf_axis_in_if.tlast = axis_out.tlast;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
tb_axis_upsizer_class a_h;
a_h = new(.avf_axis_in_if(avf_axis_in_if), .avf_axis_out_if(axis_in));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
0,0 → 1,129
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package tb_axis_upsizer_agent_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import video_frame_pkg::*;
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_axis_upsizer_agent_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_N, AVF_U, S);
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N * S), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if;
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if;
avf_config_class c_h;
avf_tx_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_U) tx_h;
avf_rx_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE * S, AVF_U) rx_h;
video_frame_class clone_h;
video_frame_class sent_f_h;
video_frame_class rx_f_h;
mailbox #(video_frame_class) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task
string pattern = "",
int pixel = 0
if(pattern != "")
tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel);
clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[0].f_h.clone();
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern);
endtask: queue_frame
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual task automatic
int mismatch_count;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
mismatch_count =, rx_f_h);
endtask: compare_frame
function void init(avf_config_class in_c_h, avf_config_class out_c_h);
rx_h = new(in_c_h, '{avf_axis_in_if});
tx_h = new(out_c_h, '{avf_axis_out_if});
this.q = new();
endfunction: init
function new
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N * S), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if,
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if
this.avf_axis_in_if = avf_axis_in_if;
this.avf_axis_out_if = avf_axis_out_if;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tb_axis_upsizer_agent_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: tb_axis_upsizer_agent_class_pkg
0,0 → 1,114
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package tb_axis_upsizer_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
import tb_axis_upsizer_agent_class_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam WIDTH = 32; // tile width
localparam HEIGHT = 16; // tile height
localparam OUTPUTS_PER_TILE = 1; // outputs per tile
localparam BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 2;
localparam BITS_PER_PIXEL = 16;
localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = 20;
localparam S = 4; // tdata size multiplier
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * OUTPUTS_PER_TILE; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_U = 3; // TUSER width
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_axis_upsizer_class
extends tb_axis_upsizer_agent_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE, AVF_N, AVF_U, S);
avf_config_class in_c_h;
avf_config_class out_c_h;
avf_tile_config_t tile_config[];
function new
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N * S), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_in_if,
virtual axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) avf_axis_out_if
);, avf_axis_out_if);
this.tile_config = new[1];
this.tile_config[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN;
this.in_c_h = new
.pixels_per_clk(OUTPUTS_PER_TILE * S),
this.out_c_h = new
super.init(in_c_h, out_c_h);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tb_axis_upsizer_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: tb_axis_upsizer_class_pkg
0,0 → 1,159
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_200mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_200mhz;
wire tb_rst;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst;
tb_base #( .PERIOD(5_000) ) tb( clk_200mhz, tb_rst );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam TILES = 1;
localparam WIDTH = 32; // tile width
localparam HEIGHT = 16; // tile height
localparam OUTPUTS_PER_TILE = 1; // outputs per tile
localparam BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 2;
localparam BITS_PER_PIXEL = 16;
localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = 20;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam AVF_N = BYTES_PER_PIXEL * OUTPUTS_PER_TILE; // data bus width in bytes
localparam AVF_U = 1; // TUSER width
axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) axis_in[TILES](.*);
axis_if #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U)) axis_out[TILES](.*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axis_register_slice #(.N(AVF_N), .U(AVF_U))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*;
import avf_agent_class_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
avf_agent_config_class avf_agent_config_h;
avf_agent_class #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE) avf_agent_h;
avf_agent_config_h = new
avf_agent_config_h.tile[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN;
avf_agent_h = new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
for(genvar j = 0; j < TILES; j++)
axis_video_debug #(BYTES_PER_PIXEL, OUTPUTS_PER_TILE) avf_debug(axis_out[j]);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
/qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/ Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/ Property changes : Deleted: svn:mime-type ## -1 +0,0 ## -application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -# ------------------------------------ -# -# ------------------------------------ - -global env - -set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../../.. -set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../.. -set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga - -# load sim procedures -do $env(ROOT_DIR)/qaz_libs/scripts/ - -radix -hexadecimal - -make_lib work 1 - -sim_compile_all tb_packages -sim_compile_all bfm_packages -sim_compile_all axi4_lib -sim_compile_all qaz_libs -sim_compile_all sim -vlog -f ./tb_axis_upsizer.f - -# simulation $root -vlog $env(PROJECT_DIR)/sim/src/ - -# compile test last -vlog ./ - -# vopt work.glbl tb_top -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver -f opt_tb_top.f -o opt_tb_top - -# run the sim -sim_run_test - - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -`timescale 1ps/1ps - - -module - the_test( - input tb_clk, - input tb_rst - ); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - int mismatch_count = 0; - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - task run_the_test; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // insert test below - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time); - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(50us); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - wait(tb_top.aresetn); - #1us; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); - repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - tb_top.a_h.tx_h.make_frame("constant", 16'habba); - tb_top.a_h.queue_frame(); - tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); - tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'hbeef); - tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); - tb_top.a_h.rx_h.wait_for_rx_frames(1); - tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); - tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); - repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - #1us; - // #6us; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // insert test above - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - endtask - - -endmodule - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -# -# - - -quit -sim - -# vsim opt_tb_top -vsim -novopt work.tb_top -# vsim -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top - -# log all signals -log -r * - -# run -all - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/tb_axis_upsizer.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/tb_axis_upsizer.f (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_upsizer/tb_axis_upsizer.f (nonexistent) @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -# - -${PROJECT_DIR}/sim/src/ -${PROJECT_DIR}/sim/src/ - -${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -# -# - -quit -sim - -vsim -novopt work.tb_top -# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top - -# log all signals -log -r * - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/tb_axis_switch_allocator.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/tb_axis_switch_allocator.f (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/tb_axis_switch_allocator.f (nonexistent) @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -# - -${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ -${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ - -${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -module tb_top(); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // test bench clock & reset - wire clk_100mhz; - wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; - wire tb_rst; - - tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - wire tb_rst_s; - wire aclk = tb_clk; - wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; - wire clk = tb_clk; - wire reset = tb_rst_s; - - sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg::*; - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in(.*); - axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out[SD-1:0](.*); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - axis_switch_allocator #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U), .U_IS_EOP(U_IS_EOP), .SA(SA)) - dut(.*); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // sim models - // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - // \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ - // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - tb_axis_switch_allocator_class a_h; - - initial - a_h = new(axis_in, axis_out); - - - - // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - // /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ - // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - // sim models - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // debug wires - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // test - the_test test(tb_clk, tb_rst); - - initial - begin - - test.run_the_test(); - - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - - $stop(); - - end - -endmodule - - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - -package tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import video_frame_pkg::*; - import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*; - import avf_agent_class_pkg::*; - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - localparam AW = 32; // active width - localparam AH = 16; // active height - localparam B = 2; // bytes per pixel - localparam T = 1; // pixels per clock - localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = AW * 4; - localparam N = B * T; // data bus width in bytes - localparam I = 1; // TID width - localparam D = 1; // TDEST width - localparam U = 3; // TUSER width - localparam U_IS_EOP = 2; - localparam SA = 3; - localparam SD = 2 ** SA; - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class tb_axis_switch_allocator_class; - - avf_config_class c_h; - avf_tile_config_t tile_config[]; - - virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out[]; - virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in; - - avf_tx_class #(B, T, U) tx_h; - avf_rx_class #(B, T, U) rx_h; - - // video_frame_class clone_h; - // video_frame_class sent_f_h; - // video_frame_class rx_f_h; - - // mailbox #(video_frame_class) q[]; - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - task automatic - queue_frame - ( - string pattern = "", - int pixel = 0 - ); - video_frame_class clone_h; - - if(pattern != "") - tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel); - - foreach(tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i]) - begin - clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.clone(); - tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].put(clone_h); - // q[i].put(clone_h); - end - - $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern); - - endtask: queue_frame - - - //-------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new - ( - virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_in, - virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_out[] - ); - - this.axis_out = axis_out; - this.axis_in = axis_in; - - this.tile_config = new[T]; - this.tile_config[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN; - - this.c_h = new - ( - .width(AW), - .height(AH), - .bytes_per_pixel(B), - .bits_per_pixel(B * 8), - .pixels_per_clk(T), - .name("AVR_"), - .vertical_blanking(VERTICAL_BLANKING), - .tile(tile_config) - ); - - rx_h = new(c_h, axis_out); - tx_h = new(c_h, '{axis_in}); - - endfunction: new - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass: tb_axis_switch_allocator_class - - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endpackage: tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg - - - - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -# ------------------------------------ -# -# ------------------------------------ - -global env - -# setup environment -do ../../../../scripts/ -set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga -set env(SIM_TB) tb_axis_switch_allocator - -radix -hexadecimal - -make_lib work 1 - -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim - -# compile simulation files -vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f - -# simulation $root -vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) -vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv - -# compile test last -vlog ./ - -# run the sim -sim_run_test - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -`timescale 1ps/1ps - - -module the_test(input tb_clk, input tb_rst); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg::*; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - int i = 0; - - task automatic run_the_test; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // insert test below - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.", $time); - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(2ms); - wait(~tb_rst); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - #1us; - - // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); - - // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // repeat(1) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); - // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); - // repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); - // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'habba); - - // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // for(i = 0; i < SD; i++) - // begin - // #1us; - // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); - // #8us; - // end - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - repeat(SD * 2) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - #100us; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // insert test above - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - endtask - - -endmodule - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -# - - -vlog -f ../../libs/axi4_stream_lib_verilog/axi4_stream_lib.f - -# simulation $root -vlog ../../src/ - -# compile test last -vlog ./ - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -# ------------------------------------ -# -# ------------------------------------ - -global env - -set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../../.. -set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../.. -set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga - -# load sim procedures -do $env(ROOT_DIR)/qaz_libs/scripts/ - -radix -hexadecimal - -make_lib work 1 - -# sim_compile_all FPGA -sim_compile_all sim -sim_compile_all sync_fifo -sim_compile_all axi4_stream_lib - -# simulation $root -vlog $env(PROJECT_DIR)/sim/src/ - -# compile test last -vlog ./ - -# vopt work.glbl tb_top -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver -f opt_tb_top.f -o opt_tb_top - -# run the sim -sim_run_test - - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -`timescale 1ps/1ps - - -module - the_test( - input tb_clk, - input tb_rst - ); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - int mismatch_count = 0; - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - task run_the_test; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // insert test below - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time); - $display("^^^---------------------------------"); - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(4us); - wait(~tb_rst); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - repeat(100) @(posedge tb_clk); - tb_top.avf_agent_h.make_frame("counting"); - tb_top.avf_agent_h.get_frame(); - tb_top.avf_agent_h.put_frame(); - - wait(~tb_top.avf_agent_h.put_frame_active); - wait(~tb_top.avf_agent_h.get_frame_active); - - mismatch_count = tb_top.avf_agent_h.compare_frame(); - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // insert test above - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - endtask - - -endmodule - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -# -# - - -quit -sim - -# vsim opt_tb_top - -vsim -novopt work.tb_top -# vsim -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top - -# vsim -voptargs="+acc=rn+/tb_top/dut" -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top -# vsim -pli "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/lib/win64.o/libxil_vsim.dll" -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top - - -# # log all signals -# log -r * - -# run -all - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,328 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -package axis_pkg; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import uvm_pkg::*; - `include "uvm_macros.svh" - import bfm_pkg::*; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - typedef struct - { - int unsigned N; // data bus width in bytes - int unsigned I; // TID width - int unsigned D; // TDEST width - int unsigned U; // TUSER width - bit USE_TSTRB; // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable - bit USE_TKEEP; // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable - bit USE_ROUTING; // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable - } axis_config_t; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class axis_sequence_item #(axis_config_t cfg) - extends uvm_sequence_item; - `uvm_object_param_utils(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - localparam N = cfg.N; - localparam I = cfg.I; - localparam D = cfg.D; - localparam U = cfg.U; - localparam USE_TSTRB = cfg.USE_TSTRB; - localparam USE_TKEEP = cfg.USE_TKEEP; - localparam USE_ROUTING = cfg.USE_ROUTING; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - delay_class delay_h; - rand logic [(8*N)-1:0] tdata; - rand logic [N-1:0] tstrb; - rand logic [N-1:0] tkeep; - rand logic tlast; - rand logic [I-1:0] tid; - rand logic [D-1:0] tdest; - rand logic [U-1:0] tuser; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name = ""); -; - delay_h = new; - endfunction : new - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer); - axis_sequence_item #(cfg) tested; - bit same; - - if (rhs==null) - `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | comparison to a null pointer"); - - if (!$cast(tested,rhs)) - same = 0; - else - same = super.do_compare(rhs, comparer) - & (tested.tdata == tdata) - & (USE_TSTRB ? (tested.tstrb == tstrb) : 1) - & (USE_TKEEP ? (tested.tkeep == tkeep) : 1) - & (tested.tlast == tlast) - & (USE_ROUTING ? (tested.tid == tid) : 1) - & (USE_ROUTING ? (tested.tdest == tdest) : 1) - & (tested.tuser == tuser); - return same; - endfunction : do_compare - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs); - axis_sequence_item #(cfg) item; - assert(rhs != null) else - `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | copy null transaction"); - super.do_copy(rhs); - assert($cast(item,rhs)) else - `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | failed cast"); - tdata = item.tdata; - tstrb = item.tstrb; - tkeep = item.tkeep; - tlast = item.tlast; - tid = item.tid; - tdest = item.tdest; - tuser = item.tuser; - endfunction : do_copy - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function string convert2string(); - string s0, s1; - s0 = $sformatf("| tdata: %h\n" ,tdata); - s1 = $sformatf("| tlast: %1h | tuser: %h" , tlast, tuser); - return {s1, s0}; - endfunction : convert2string - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : axis_sequence_item - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class axis_driver #(parameter axis_config_t cfg) - extends uvm_driver #(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)); - `uvm_component_param_utils(axis_driver#(cfg)) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - localparam N = cfg.N; - localparam I = cfg.I; - localparam D = cfg.D; - localparam U = cfg.U; - localparam USE_TSTRB = cfg.USE_TSTRB; - localparam USE_TKEEP = cfg.USE_TKEEP; - localparam USE_ROUTING = cfg.USE_ROUTING; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_bus; - - //-------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function void set_default; - axis_bus.cb_m.tvalid <= 0; - axis_bus.cb_m.tdata <= 'bx; - axis_bus.cb_m.tstrb <= 'bx; - axis_bus.cb_m.tkeep <= 'bx; - axis_bus.cb_m.tlast <= 'bx; - axis_bus.cb_m.tid <= 'bx; - axis_bus.cb_m.tdest <= 'bx; - axis_bus.cb_m.tuser <= 'bx; - endfunction: set_default - - //-------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); - axis_sequence_item #(cfg) item; - super.run_phase(phase); - - set_default(); - wait(~axis_bus.aresetn); - @(axis_bus.cb_m); - - forever - begin - // seq_item_port.try_next_item(item); - seq_item_port.get_next_item(item); - - axis_bus.cb_m.tvalid <= 1; - axis_bus.cb_m.tdata <= item.tdata; - axis_bus.cb_m.tstrb <= 0; - axis_bus.cb_m.tkeep <= 0; - axis_bus.cb_m.tlast <= item.tlast; - axis_bus.cb_m.tid <= 0; - axis_bus.cb_m.tdest <= 0; - axis_bus.cb_m.tuser <= item.tuser; - - @(axis_bus.cb_m); - wait(axis_bus.cb_m.tready); - // @(axis_bus.cb_m iff axis_bus.cb_m.tready); - - set_default(); - repeat( @(axis_bus.cb_m); - - seq_item_port.item_done(); - end - endtask : run_phase - - //-------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name, uvm_component parent); -, parent); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : axis_driver - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class axis_sequencer #(axis_config_t cfg) - extends uvm_sequencer #(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)); - `uvm_component_param_utils(axis_sequencer #(cfg)) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name, uvm_component parent); -, parent); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : axis_sequencer - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class axis_counting_sequence #(axis_config_t cfg) - extends uvm_sequence #(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)); - `uvm_object_param_utils(axis_counting_sequence #(cfg)) - - rand int length = 16; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual task body(); - axis_sequence_item #(cfg) item; - - for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) - begin - item = axis_sequence_item #(cfg)::type_id::create("axis_sequence_item"); - - item.tdata = i; - item.tlast = (i == length - 1); - - start_item (item); - finish_item(item); - end - endtask - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name = "axis_counting_sequence"); -; - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : axis_counting_sequence - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class axis_agent #(axis_config_t cfg) - extends uvm_agent; - `uvm_component_param_utils(axis_agent #(cfg)) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - localparam N = cfg.N; - localparam I = cfg.I; - localparam D = cfg.D; - localparam U = cfg.U; - localparam USE_TSTRB = cfg.USE_TSTRB; - localparam USE_TKEEP = cfg.USE_TKEEP; - localparam USE_ROUTING = cfg.USE_ROUTING; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_bus; - - axis_driver #(cfg) driver; - // my_monitor #(cfg) monitor; - axis_sequencer #(cfg) sequencer; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); - super.build_phase(phase); - - if(!uvm_config_db #(virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)))::get(this, "", "axis_bus", axis_bus)) - `uvm_fatal(get_name(), "Couldn't get virtual interface!") - - driver = axis_driver #(cfg)::type_id::create("driver", this); - // monitor = my_monitor #(cfg)::type_id::create("monitor" , this); - sequencer = axis_sequencer #(cfg)::type_id::create("sequencer", this); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); - super.connect_phase(phase); - - driver.axis_bus = axis_bus; - // monitor.vif = vif; - - driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name, uvm_component parent); -, parent); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : axis_agent - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endpackage: axis_pkg Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -# - -# compile simulation files -vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f - -vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) -vlog ./ - -# simulation $root -vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -# ------------------------------------ -# -# ------------------------------------ - -global env - -# setup environment -do ../../../../scripts/ -set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga -set env(SIM_TB) tb_axis_gear_box - -radix -hexadecimal - -make_lib work 1 - -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib -sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim - -# AXI4 streaming package -vlog ./ - -vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) -vlog ./ -vlog ./ -vlog ./ - -# simulation $root -vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv - -# compile simulation files -vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f - -# # compile test last -# vlog ./ - -# run the sim -sim_run_test - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/tb_axis_gear_box.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/tb_axis_gear_box.f (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/tb_axis_gear_box.f (nonexistent) @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -# - -./ - -${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -package tests_base_pkg; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import uvm_pkg::*; - `include "uvm_macros.svh" - import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual class test_base extends uvm_test; - `uvm_component_utils(test_base); - tb_env env_h; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); - env_h = tb_env::type_id::create("env_h",this); - endfunction : build_phase - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new (string name, uvm_component parent); -,parent); - endfunction : new - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : test_base - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class test_debug_base extends test_base; - `uvm_component_utils(test_debug_base) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new (string name, uvm_component parent); -,parent); - endfunction : new - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function void final_phase(uvm_phase phase); - super.final_phase(phase); - $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | Test Done!!!", $time); - $stop; - endfunction : final_phase - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : test_debug_base - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endpackage: tests_base_pkg Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; - -interface - tb_dut_if #(dut_config_t dut_cfg) - ( - input aclk, - input aresetn - ); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - axis_if - #( - .N(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.N), - .I(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.I), - .D(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.D), - .U(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.U) - ) - axis_in(.*); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - axis_if - #( - .N(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.N), - .I(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.I), - .D(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.D), - .U(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.U) - ) - axis_out(.*); - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endinterface: tb_dut_if - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; -import tests_pkg::*; -import uvm_pkg::*; -`include "uvm_macros.svh" - -module tb_top(); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // test bench clock & reset - wire clk_100mhz; - wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; - wire tb_rst; - - tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - wire tb_rst_s; - wire aclk = tb_clk; - wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; - wire clk = tb_clk; - wire reset = tb_rst_s; - - sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - tb_dut_if #(dut_cfg) dut_bus(.*); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - axis_gear_box - dut - ( - .axis_in(dut_bus.axis_in), - .axis_out(dut_bus.axis_out), - .aclk(dut_bus.aclk), - .aresetn(dut_bus.aresetn) - ); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - assign dut_bus.axis_out.tready = 1; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg) cfg_h; - - initial - begin - cfg_h = new(dut_bus); - uvm_config_db #(tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg))::set(null, "*env_h", "tb_dut_config", cfg_h); - run_test("t_debug"); - end - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endmodule Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -package tb_axis_gear_box_pkg; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import uvm_pkg::*; - `include "uvm_macros.svh" - import axis_pkg::*; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - typedef struct - { - axis_config_t axis_cfg_in; - axis_config_t axis_cfg_out; - } dut_config_t; - - localparam dut_config_t dut_cfg = - '{ - '{ N : 2 // data bus width in bytes. - , I : 1 // TID width - , D : 1 // TDEST width - , U : 1 // TUSER width - , USE_TSTRB : 0 - , USE_TKEEP : 0 - , USE_ROUTING : 0 - }, - '{ N : 2 // data bus width in bytes. - , I : 1 // TID width - , D : 1 // TDEST width - , U : 1 // TUSER width - , USE_TSTRB : 0 - , USE_TKEEP : 0 - , USE_ROUTING : 0 - } - }; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class tb_dut_config #(dut_config_t dut_cfg); - - virtual tb_dut_if #(dut_cfg) dut_bus; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(virtual tb_dut_if #(dut_cfg) dut_bus); - this.dut_bus = dut_bus; - endfunction : new - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : tb_dut_config - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class tb_env extends uvm_env; - `uvm_component_utils(tb_env); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - // coverage coverage_h; - // scoreboard scoreboard_h; - axis_agent #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in) agent_h; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new (string name, uvm_component parent); -,parent); - endfunction : new - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); - tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg) cfg_h; - if (!uvm_config_db#(tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg))::get(this, "", "tb_dut_config", cfg_h)) - `uvm_fatal(get_name(), "Couldn't get config object!") - - uvm_config_db - #( - virtual axis_if - #( .N(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.N) - , .I(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.I) - , .D(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.D) - , .U(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.U) - ) - )::set(this, "*agent_h", "axis_bus", cfg_h.dut_bus.axis_in); - - // // analysis - // coverage_h = coverage::type_id::create ("coverage_h",this); - // scoreboard_h = scoreboard::type_id::create("scoreboard",this); - - agent_h = axis_agent #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)::type_id::create("agent_h", this); - - endfunction : build_phase - - // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // // - // function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); - - // endfunction : connect_phase - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endclass : tb_env - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endpackage: tb_axis_gear_box_pkg - - - - - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -# -# - -quit -sim - -vsim -novopt work.tb_top -# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top - -# # log all signals -# log -r * - Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/legacy/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -package tests_pkg; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - import uvm_pkg::*; - `include "uvm_macros.svh" - import axis_pkg::*; - import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; - import tests_base_pkg::*; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class t_counting extends test_base; - `uvm_component_utils(t_counting) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name = "my_test", uvm_component parent); -, parent); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase); - uvm_phase run_phase = uvm_run_phase::get(); - run_phase.phase_done.set_drain_time(this, 300ns); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); - axis_counting_sequence #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in) seq_h; - super.run_phase(phase); - phase.raise_objection(this); - fork - repeat(3) - begin - seq_h = axis_counting_sequence #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)::type_id::create("seq_h"); - seq_h.start(env_h.agent_h.sequencer); - end - join - phase.drop_objection(this); - endtask : run_phase - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : t_counting - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class gear_box_sequence #(dut_config_t dut_cfg) - extends uvm_sequence #(axis_sequence_item #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)); - `uvm_object_param_utils(gear_box_sequence #(dut_cfg)) - - rand int length = 7 * 3; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - typedef logic [15:0] packed_data_t[7]; - - function packed_data_t next_data(int init); - static logic [15:0] previous_value; - logic [13:0] unpacked_data[8]; - logic [15:0] packed_data[7]; - - if(init == 0) - previous_value = 0; - - foreach(unpacked_data[i]) - begin - unpacked_data[i] = previous_value; - // $display("^^^ %16.t | unpacked_data[%0.d] = %h", $time, i, unpacked_data[i]); - previous_value++; - end - - packed_data = {<<16{{<<14{unpacked_data}}}}; - - // $display("^^^ %16.t | %p", $time, packed_data); - - // foreach(packed_data[i]) - // $display("^^^ %16.t | packed_data[%0.d] = %h", $time, i, packed_data[i]); - - next_data = packed_data; - endfunction - - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual task body(); - localparam CHUNKS = 3; - axis_sequence_item #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in) item; - logic [15:0] data[7]; - - item = axis_sequence_item #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)::type_id::create("axis_sequence_item"); - - for(int i = 0; i < CHUNKS; i++) - begin - data = next_data(i); - - foreach(data[k]) - begin - start_item(item); - item.tdata = data[k]; - item.tlast = (i == CHUNKS - 1) & (k == 0); - item.tuser = 0; - finish_item(item); - // $display("^^^ %16.t | %d | %x", $time, (i * 7) + k, item.tdata); - end - end - - endtask - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name = "gear_box_sequence"); -; - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : gear_box_sequence - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - class t_debug extends test_debug_base; - `uvm_component_utils(t_debug) - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function new(string name = "t_debug", uvm_component parent); -, parent); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase); - uvm_phase run_phase = uvm_run_phase::get(); - run_phase.phase_done.set_drain_time(this, 300ns); - endfunction - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); - gear_box_sequence #(dut_cfg) seq_h; - super.run_phase(phase); - phase.raise_objection(this); - - fork - repeat(3) - begin - seq_h = gear_box_sequence #(dut_cfg)::type_id::create("seq_h"); - seq_h.start(env_h.agent_h.sequencer); - end - join - - phase.drop_objection(this); - endtask : run_phase - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // - endclass : t_debug - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -// -endpackage: tests_pkg Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +package axis_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import uvm_pkg::*; + `include "uvm_macros.svh" + import bfm_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + typedef struct + { + int unsigned N; // data bus width in bytes + int unsigned I; // TID width + int unsigned D; // TDEST width + int unsigned U; // TUSER width + bit USE_TSTRB; // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable + bit USE_TKEEP; // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable + bit USE_ROUTING; // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable + } axis_config_t; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class axis_sequence_item #(axis_config_t cfg) + extends uvm_sequence_item; + `uvm_object_param_utils(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam N = cfg.N; + localparam I = cfg.I; + localparam D = cfg.D; + localparam U = cfg.U; + localparam USE_TSTRB = cfg.USE_TSTRB; + localparam USE_TKEEP = cfg.USE_TKEEP; + localparam USE_ROUTING = cfg.USE_ROUTING; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + delay_class delay_h; + rand logic [(8*N)-1:0] tdata; + rand logic [N-1:0] tstrb; + rand logic [N-1:0] tkeep; + rand logic tlast; + rand logic [I-1:0] tid; + rand logic [D-1:0] tdest; + rand logic [U-1:0] tuser; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name = ""); +; + delay_h = new; + endfunction : new + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function bit do_compare(uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer); + axis_sequence_item #(cfg) tested; + bit same; + + if (rhs==null) + `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | comparison to a null pointer"); + + if (!$cast(tested,rhs)) + same = 0; + else + same = super.do_compare(rhs, comparer) + & (tested.tdata == tdata) + & (USE_TSTRB ? (tested.tstrb == tstrb) : 1) + & (USE_TKEEP ? (tested.tkeep == tkeep) : 1) + & (tested.tlast == tlast) + & (USE_ROUTING ? (tested.tid == tid) : 1) + & (USE_ROUTING ? (tested.tdest == tdest) : 1) + & (tested.tuser == tuser); + return same; + endfunction : do_compare + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function void do_copy(uvm_object rhs); + axis_sequence_item #(cfg) item; + assert(rhs != null) else + `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | copy null transaction"); + super.do_copy(rhs); + assert($cast(item,rhs)) else + `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "| %m | failed cast"); + tdata = item.tdata; + tstrb = item.tstrb; + tkeep = item.tkeep; + tlast = item.tlast; + tid = item.tid; + tdest = item.tdest; + tuser = item.tuser; + endfunction : do_copy + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function string convert2string(); + string s0, s1; + s0 = $sformatf("| tdata: %h\n" ,tdata); + s1 = $sformatf("| tlast: %1h | tuser: %h" , tlast, tuser); + return {s1, s0}; + endfunction : convert2string + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : axis_sequence_item + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class axis_driver #(parameter axis_config_t cfg) + extends uvm_driver #(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)); + `uvm_component_param_utils(axis_driver#(cfg)) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam N = cfg.N; + localparam I = cfg.I; + localparam D = cfg.D; + localparam U = cfg.U; + localparam USE_TSTRB = cfg.USE_TSTRB; + localparam USE_TKEEP = cfg.USE_TKEEP; + localparam USE_ROUTING = cfg.USE_ROUTING; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_bus; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function void set_default; + axis_bus.cb_m.tvalid <= 0; + axis_bus.cb_m.tdata <= 'bx; + axis_bus.cb_m.tstrb <= 'bx; + axis_bus.cb_m.tkeep <= 'bx; + axis_bus.cb_m.tlast <= 'bx; + axis_bus.cb_m.tid <= 'bx; + axis_bus.cb_m.tdest <= 'bx; + axis_bus.cb_m.tuser <= 'bx; + endfunction: set_default + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); + axis_sequence_item #(cfg) item; + super.run_phase(phase); + + set_default(); + wait(~axis_bus.aresetn); + @(axis_bus.cb_m); + + forever + begin + // seq_item_port.try_next_item(item); + seq_item_port.get_next_item(item); + + axis_bus.cb_m.tvalid <= 1; + axis_bus.cb_m.tdata <= item.tdata; + axis_bus.cb_m.tstrb <= 0; + axis_bus.cb_m.tkeep <= 0; + axis_bus.cb_m.tlast <= item.tlast; + axis_bus.cb_m.tid <= 0; + axis_bus.cb_m.tdest <= 0; + axis_bus.cb_m.tuser <= item.tuser; + + @(axis_bus.cb_m); + wait(axis_bus.cb_m.tready); + // @(axis_bus.cb_m iff axis_bus.cb_m.tready); + + set_default(); + repeat( @(axis_bus.cb_m); + + seq_item_port.item_done(); + end + endtask : run_phase + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name, uvm_component parent); +, parent); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : axis_driver + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class axis_sequencer #(axis_config_t cfg) + extends uvm_sequencer #(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)); + `uvm_component_param_utils(axis_sequencer #(cfg)) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name, uvm_component parent); +, parent); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : axis_sequencer + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class axis_counting_sequence #(axis_config_t cfg) + extends uvm_sequence #(axis_sequence_item #(cfg)); + `uvm_object_param_utils(axis_counting_sequence #(cfg)) + + rand int length = 16; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual task body(); + axis_sequence_item #(cfg) item; + + for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) + begin + item = axis_sequence_item #(cfg)::type_id::create("axis_sequence_item"); + + item.tdata = i; + item.tlast = (i == length - 1); + + start_item (item); + finish_item(item); + end + endtask + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name = "axis_counting_sequence"); +; + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : axis_counting_sequence + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class axis_agent #(axis_config_t cfg) + extends uvm_agent; + `uvm_component_param_utils(axis_agent #(cfg)) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam N = cfg.N; + localparam I = cfg.I; + localparam D = cfg.D; + localparam U = cfg.U; + localparam USE_TSTRB = cfg.USE_TSTRB; + localparam USE_TKEEP = cfg.USE_TKEEP; + localparam USE_ROUTING = cfg.USE_ROUTING; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_bus; + + axis_driver #(cfg) driver; + // my_monitor #(cfg) monitor; + axis_sequencer #(cfg) sequencer; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); + super.build_phase(phase); + + if(!uvm_config_db #(virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)))::get(this, "", "axis_bus", axis_bus)) + `uvm_fatal(get_name(), "Couldn't get virtual interface!") + + driver = axis_driver #(cfg)::type_id::create("driver", this); + // monitor = my_monitor #(cfg)::type_id::create("monitor" , this); + sequencer = axis_sequencer #(cfg)::type_id::create("sequencer", this); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); + super.connect_phase(phase); + + driver.axis_bus = axis_bus; + // monitor.vif = vif; + + driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name, uvm_component parent); +, parent); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : axis_agent + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: axis_pkg Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +# setup environment +do ../../../../scripts/ +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga +set env(SIM_TB) tb_axis_gear_box + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim + +# AXI4 streaming package +vlog ./ + +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./ +vlog ./ +vlog ./ + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +# # compile test last +# vlog ./ + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/tb_axis_gear_box.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/tb_axis_gear_box.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/tb_axis_gear_box.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# + +./ + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; +import tests_pkg::*; +import uvm_pkg::*; +`include "uvm_macros.svh" + +module tb_top(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test bench clock & reset + wire clk_100mhz; + wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; + wire tb_rst; + + tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire tb_rst_s; + wire aclk = tb_clk; + wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; + wire clk = tb_clk; + wire reset = tb_rst_s; + + sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_dut_if #(dut_cfg) dut_bus(.*); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_gear_box + dut + ( + .axis_in(dut_bus.axis_in), + .axis_out(dut_bus.axis_out), + .aclk(dut_bus.aclk), + .aresetn(dut_bus.aresetn) + ); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + assign dut_bus.axis_out.tready = 1; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg) cfg_h; + + initial + begin + cfg_h = new(dut_bus); + uvm_config_db #(tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg))::set(null, "*env_h", "tb_dut_config", cfg_h); + run_test("t_debug"); + end + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endmodule Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package tb_axis_gear_box_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import uvm_pkg::*; + `include "uvm_macros.svh" + import axis_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + typedef struct + { + axis_config_t axis_cfg_in; + axis_config_t axis_cfg_out; + } dut_config_t; + + localparam dut_config_t dut_cfg = + '{ + '{ N : 2 // data bus width in bytes. + , I : 1 // TID width + , D : 1 // TDEST width + , U : 1 // TUSER width + , USE_TSTRB : 0 + , USE_TKEEP : 0 + , USE_ROUTING : 0 + }, + '{ N : 2 // data bus width in bytes. + , I : 1 // TID width + , D : 1 // TDEST width + , U : 1 // TUSER width + , USE_TSTRB : 0 + , USE_TKEEP : 0 + , USE_ROUTING : 0 + } + }; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_dut_config #(dut_config_t dut_cfg); + + virtual tb_dut_if #(dut_cfg) dut_bus; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(virtual tb_dut_if #(dut_cfg) dut_bus); + this.dut_bus = dut_bus; + endfunction : new + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : tb_dut_config + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_env extends uvm_env; + `uvm_component_utils(tb_env); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + // coverage coverage_h; + // scoreboard scoreboard_h; + axis_agent #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in) agent_h; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new (string name, uvm_component parent); +,parent); + endfunction : new + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); + tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg) cfg_h; + if (!uvm_config_db#(tb_dut_config #(dut_cfg))::get(this, "", "tb_dut_config", cfg_h)) + `uvm_fatal(get_name(), "Couldn't get config object!") + + uvm_config_db + #( + virtual axis_if + #( .N(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.N) + , .I(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.I) + , .D(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.D) + , .U(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.U) + ) + )::set(this, "*agent_h", "axis_bus", cfg_h.dut_bus.axis_in); + + // // analysis + // coverage_h = coverage::type_id::create ("coverage_h",this); + // scoreboard_h = scoreboard::type_id::create("scoreboard",this); + + agent_h = axis_agent #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)::type_id::create("agent_h", this); + + endfunction : build_phase + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // // + // function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); + + // endfunction : connect_phase + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endclass : tb_env + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tb_axis_gear_box_pkg + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; + +interface + tb_dut_if #(dut_config_t dut_cfg) + ( + input aclk, + input aresetn + ); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_if + #( + .N(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.N), + .I(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.I), + .D(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.D), + .U(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in.U) + ) + axis_in(.*); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_if + #( + .N(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.N), + .I(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.I), + .D(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.D), + .U(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_out.U) + ) + axis_out(.*); + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endinterface: tb_dut_if + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +package tests_base_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import uvm_pkg::*; + `include "uvm_macros.svh" + import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual class test_base extends uvm_test; + `uvm_component_utils(test_base); + tb_env env_h; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); + env_h = tb_env::type_id::create("env_h",this); + endfunction : build_phase + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new (string name, uvm_component parent); +,parent); + endfunction : new + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : test_base + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class test_debug_base extends test_base; + `uvm_component_utils(test_debug_base) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new (string name, uvm_component parent); +,parent); + endfunction : new + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function void final_phase(uvm_phase phase); + super.final_phase(phase); + $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | Test Done!!!", $time); + $stop; + endfunction : final_phase + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : test_debug_base + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tests_base_pkg Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +package tests_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import uvm_pkg::*; + `include "uvm_macros.svh" + import axis_pkg::*; + import tb_axis_gear_box_pkg::*; + import tests_base_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class t_counting extends test_base; + `uvm_component_utils(t_counting) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name = "my_test", uvm_component parent); +, parent); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase); + uvm_phase run_phase = uvm_run_phase::get(); + run_phase.phase_done.set_drain_time(this, 300ns); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); + axis_counting_sequence #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in) seq_h; + super.run_phase(phase); + phase.raise_objection(this); + fork + repeat(3) + begin + seq_h = axis_counting_sequence #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)::type_id::create("seq_h"); + seq_h.start(env_h.agent_h.sequencer); + end + join + phase.drop_objection(this); + endtask : run_phase + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : t_counting + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class gear_box_sequence #(dut_config_t dut_cfg) + extends uvm_sequence #(axis_sequence_item #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)); + `uvm_object_param_utils(gear_box_sequence #(dut_cfg)) + + rand int length = 7 * 3; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + typedef logic [15:0] packed_data_t[7]; + + function packed_data_t next_data(int init); + static logic [15:0] previous_value; + logic [13:0] unpacked_data[8]; + logic [15:0] packed_data[7]; + + if(init == 0) + previous_value = 0; + + foreach(unpacked_data[i]) + begin + unpacked_data[i] = previous_value; + // $display("^^^ %16.t | unpacked_data[%0.d] = %h", $time, i, unpacked_data[i]); + previous_value++; + end + + packed_data = {<<16{{<<14{unpacked_data}}}}; + + // $display("^^^ %16.t | %p", $time, packed_data); + + // foreach(packed_data[i]) + // $display("^^^ %16.t | packed_data[%0.d] = %h", $time, i, packed_data[i]); + + next_data = packed_data; + endfunction + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual task body(); + localparam CHUNKS = 3; + axis_sequence_item #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in) item; + logic [15:0] data[7]; + + item = axis_sequence_item #(dut_cfg.axis_cfg_in)::type_id::create("axis_sequence_item"); + + for(int i = 0; i < CHUNKS; i++) + begin + data = next_data(i); + + foreach(data[k]) + begin + start_item(item); + item.tdata = data[k]; + item.tlast = (i == CHUNKS - 1) & (k == 0); + item.tuser = 0; + finish_item(item); + // $display("^^^ %16.t | %d | %x", $time, (i * 7) + k, item.tdata); + end + end + + endtask + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name = "gear_box_sequence"); +; + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : gear_box_sequence + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class t_debug extends test_debug_base; + `uvm_component_utils(t_debug) + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new(string name = "t_debug", uvm_component parent); +, parent); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase); + uvm_phase run_phase = uvm_run_phase::get(); + run_phase.phase_done.set_drain_time(this, 300ns); + endfunction + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); + gear_box_sequence #(dut_cfg) seq_h; + super.run_phase(phase); + phase.raise_objection(this); + + fork + repeat(3) + begin + seq_h = gear_box_sequence #(dut_cfg)::type_id::create("seq_h"); + seq_h.start(env_h.agent_h.sequencer); + end + join + + phase.drop_objection(this); + endtask : run_phase + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass : t_debug + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tests_pkg Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# +# + +quit -sim + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top + +# # log all signals +# log -r * + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_gear_box/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./ + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/ =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/ (revision 49)
qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/ Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +# setup environment +do ../../../../scripts/ +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga +set env(SIM_TB) tb_axis_switch_allocator + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# +# + +quit -sim + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top + +# log all signals +log -r * + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/tb_axis_switch_allocator.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/tb_axis_switch_allocator.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/tb_axis_switch_allocator.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +module tb_top(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test bench clock & reset + wire clk_100mhz; + wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; + wire tb_rst; + + tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire tb_rst_s; + wire aclk = tb_clk; + wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; + wire clk = tb_clk; + wire reset = tb_rst_s; + + sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in(.*); + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out[SD-1:0](.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_switch_allocator #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U), .U_IS_EOP(U_IS_EOP), .SA(SA)) + dut(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // sim models + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_axis_switch_allocator_class a_h; + + initial + a_h = new(axis_in, axis_out); + + + + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + // /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // sim models + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // debug wires + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test + the_test test(tb_clk, tb_rst); + + initial + begin + + test.run_the_test(); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $stop(); + + end + +endmodule + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +package tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import video_frame_pkg::*; + import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*; + import avf_agent_class_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam AW = 32; // active width + localparam AH = 16; // active height + localparam B = 2; // bytes per pixel + localparam T = 1; // pixels per clock + localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = AW * 4; + localparam N = B * T; // data bus width in bytes + localparam I = 1; // TID width + localparam D = 1; // TDEST width + localparam U = 3; // TUSER width + localparam U_IS_EOP = 2; + localparam SA = 3; + localparam SD = 2 ** SA; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_axis_switch_allocator_class; + + avf_config_class c_h; + avf_tile_config_t tile_config[]; + + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out[]; + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in; + + avf_tx_class #(B, T, U) tx_h; + avf_rx_class #(B, T, U) rx_h; + + // video_frame_class clone_h; + // video_frame_class sent_f_h; + // video_frame_class rx_f_h; + + // mailbox #(video_frame_class) q[]; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task automatic + queue_frame + ( + string pattern = "", + int pixel = 0 + ); + video_frame_class clone_h; + + if(pattern != "") + tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel); + + foreach(tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i]) + begin + clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.clone(); + tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].put(clone_h); + // q[i].put(clone_h); + end + + $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern); + + endtask: queue_frame + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new + ( + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_in, + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_out[] + ); + + this.axis_out = axis_out; + this.axis_in = axis_in; + + this.tile_config = new[T]; + this.tile_config[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN; + + this.c_h = new + ( + .width(AW), + .height(AH), + .bytes_per_pixel(B), + .bits_per_pixel(B * 8), + .pixels_per_clk(T), + .name("AVR_"), + .vertical_blanking(VERTICAL_BLANKING), + .tile(tile_config) + ); + + rx_h = new(c_h, axis_out); + tx_h = new(c_h, '{axis_in}); + + endfunction: new + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass: tb_axis_switch_allocator_class + + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_switch_allocator/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module the_test(input tb_clk, input tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_axis_switch_allocator_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + int i = 0; + + task automatic run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(2ms); + wait(~tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #1us; + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // repeat(1) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + // repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'habba); + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // for(i = 0; i < SD; i++) + // begin + // #1us; + // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + // #8us; + // end + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + repeat(SD * 2) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #100us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +# setup environment +do ../../../../scripts/ +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga +set env(SIM_TB) tb_recursive_axis_catenate + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# +# + +quit -sim + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top + +# log all signals +log -r * + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/tb_recursive_axis_catenate.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/tb_recursive_axis_catenate.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/tb_recursive_axis_catenate.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +module tb_top(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test bench clock & reset + wire clk_100mhz; + wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; + wire tb_rst; + + tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire tb_rst_s; + wire aclk = tb_clk; + wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; + wire clk = tb_clk; + wire reset = tb_rst_s; + + sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_recursive_axis_catenate_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in[MD-1:0](.*); + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + recursive_axis_catenate + #( + .N(N), + .I(I), + .D(D), + .U(U), + .U_IS_EOP(U_IS_EOP), + .MA(MA) + ) + dut(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // sim models + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_recursive_axis_catenate_class a_h; + + initial + a_h = new(axis_in, axis_out); + + + + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + // /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // sim models + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // debug wires + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test + the_test test(tb_clk, tb_rst); + + initial + begin + + test.run_the_test(); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $stop(); + + end + +endmodule + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +package tb_recursive_axis_catenate_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import video_frame_pkg::*; + import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*; + import avf_agent_class_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam AW = 32; // active width + localparam AH = 16; // active height + localparam B = 2; // bytes per pixel + localparam T = 1; // pixels per clock + localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = AW * 4; + localparam N = B * T; // data bus width in bytes + localparam I = 1; // TID width + localparam D = 1; // TDEST width + localparam U = 3; // TUSER width + // localparam U_IS_EOP = 2; + localparam U_IS_EOP = -1; + localparam MA = 2; + localparam MD = 2 ** MA; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_recursive_axis_catenate_class; + + avf_config_class c_h; + avf_tile_config_t tile_config[]; + + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out; + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in[]; + + avf_tx_class #(B, T, U) tx_h; + avf_rx_class #(B, T, U) rx_h; + + // video_frame_class clone_h; + // video_frame_class sent_f_h; + // video_frame_class rx_f_h; + + // mailbox #(video_frame_class) q[]; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task automatic + queue_frame + ( + string pattern = "", + int pixel = 0 + ); + video_frame_class clone_h; + + if(pattern != "") + tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel); + + foreach(tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i]) + begin + clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.clone(); + tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].put(clone_h); + // q[i].put(clone_h); + end + + $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern); + + endtask: queue_frame + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new + ( + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_in[], + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_out + ); + + this.axis_out = axis_out; + this.axis_in = axis_in; + + this.tile_config = new[T]; + this.tile_config[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN; + + this.c_h = new + ( + .width(AW), + .height(AH), + .bytes_per_pixel(B), + .bits_per_pixel(B * 8), + .pixels_per_clk(T), + .name("AVR_"), + .vertical_blanking(VERTICAL_BLANKING), + .tile(tile_config) + ); + + rx_h = new(c_h, '{axis_out}); + tx_h = new(c_h, axis_in); + + endfunction: new + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass: tb_recursive_axis_catenate_class + + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tb_recursive_axis_catenate_pkg + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_catenate/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module the_test(input tb_clk, input tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_recursive_axis_catenate_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + int i = 0; + + task automatic run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(2ms); + wait(~tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #1us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + repeat(10)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // repeat(1) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + // repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'habba); + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // for(i = 0; i < MD; i++) + // begin + // force = i; + // #20us; + // end + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #100us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +# setup environment +do ../../../../scripts/ +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga +set env(SIM_TB) tb_recursive_axis_mux + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# +# + +quit -sim + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top + +# log all signals +log -r * + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/tb_recursive_axis_mux.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/tb_recursive_axis_mux.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/tb_recursive_axis_mux.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +module tb_top(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test bench clock & reset + wire clk_100mhz; + wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; + wire tb_rst; + + tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire tb_rst_s; + wire aclk = tb_clk; + wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; + wire clk = tb_clk; + wire reset = tb_rst_s; + + sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_recursive_axis_mux_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in[MD-1:0](.*); + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire [MA-1:0] select = 0; + + recursive_axis_mux #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U), .MA(MA)) + dut(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // sim models + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + initial + axis_out.cb_s.tready <= 1; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_recursive_axis_mux_class a_h; + + initial + a_h = new(axis_in, axis_out); + + + + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + // /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // sim models + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // debug wires + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test + the_test test(tb_clk, tb_rst); + + initial + begin + + test.run_the_test(); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $stop(); + + end + +endmodule + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +package tb_recursive_axis_mux_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import video_frame_pkg::*; + import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*; + import avf_agent_class_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam AW = 32; // active width + localparam AH = 16; // active height + localparam B = 2; // bytes per pixel + localparam T = 1; // pixels per clock + localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = AW * 4; + localparam N = B * T; // data bus width in bytes + localparam I = 1; // TID width + localparam D = 1; // TDEST width + localparam U = 3; // TUSER width + localparam MA = 5; + localparam MD = 2 ** MA; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_recursive_axis_mux_class; + + avf_config_class c_h; + avf_tile_config_t tile_config[]; + + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out; + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in[]; + + avf_tx_class #(B, T, U) tx_h; + avf_rx_class #(B, T, U) rx_h; + + // video_frame_class clone_h; + // video_frame_class sent_f_h; + // video_frame_class rx_f_h; + + // mailbox #(video_frame_class) q[]; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task automatic + queue_frame + ( + string pattern = "", + int pixel = 0 + ); + video_frame_class clone_h; + + if(pattern != "") + tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel); + + foreach(tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i]) + begin + clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.clone(); + tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].put(clone_h); + // q[i].put(clone_h); + end + + $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern); + + endtask: queue_frame + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new + ( + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_in[], + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_out + ); + + this.axis_out = axis_out; + this.axis_in = axis_in; + + this.tile_config = new[T]; + this.tile_config[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN; + + this.c_h = new + ( + .width(AW), + .height(AH), + .bytes_per_pixel(B), + .bits_per_pixel(B * 8), + .pixels_per_clk(T), + .name("AVR_"), + .vertical_blanking(VERTICAL_BLANKING), + .tile(tile_config) + ); + + rx_h = new(c_h, '{axis_out}); + tx_h = new(c_h, axis_in); + + endfunction: new + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass: tb_recursive_axis_mux_class + + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tb_recursive_axis_mux_pkg + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_mux/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module the_test(input tb_clk, input tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_recursive_axis_mux_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + int i = 0; + + task automatic run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(2ms); + wait(~tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #1us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // repeat(1) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + // repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'habba); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + for(i = 0; i < MD; i++) + begin + force = i; + #20us; + end + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #10us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +# setup environment +do ../../../../scripts/ +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga +set env(SIM_TB) tb_recursive_axis_switch + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) tb_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) bfm_packages +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) axi4_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) qaz_lib +sim_compile_lib $env(LIB_BASE_DIR) sim + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# +# + +quit -sim + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -f ./sim.f work.tb_top + +# log all signals +log -r * + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/tb_recursive_axis_switch.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/tb_recursive_axis_switch.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/tb_recursive_axis_switch.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + +module tb_top(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test bench clock & reset + wire clk_100mhz; + wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz; + wire tb_rst; + + tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire tb_rst_s; + wire aclk = tb_clk; + wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; + wire clk = tb_clk; + wire reset = tb_rst_s; + + sync_reset sync_reset_i(tb_clk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_recursive_axis_switch_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in(.*); + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out[SD-1:0](.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire [SA-1:0] select = 0; + + recursive_axis_switch #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U), .SA(SA)) + dut(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // sim models + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // // + // initial + // axis_out.cb_s.tready <= 1; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_recursive_axis_switch_class a_h; + + initial + a_h = new(axis_in, axis_out); + + + + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + // /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // sim models + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // debug wires + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test + the_test test(tb_clk, tb_rst); + + initial + begin + + test.run_the_test(); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $stop(); + + end + +endmodule + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +package tb_recursive_axis_switch_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import video_frame_pkg::*; + import axis_video_frame_bfm_pkg::*; + import avf_agent_class_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam AW = 32; // active width + localparam AH = 16; // active height + localparam B = 2; // bytes per pixel + localparam T = 1; // pixels per clock + localparam VERTICAL_BLANKING = AW * 4; + localparam N = B * T; // data bus width in bytes + localparam I = 1; // TID width + localparam D = 1; // TDEST width + localparam U = 3; // TUSER width + localparam SA = 2; + localparam SD = 2 ** SA; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_recursive_axis_switch_class; + + avf_config_class c_h; + avf_tile_config_t tile_config[]; + + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out[]; + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in; + + avf_tx_class #(B, T, U) tx_h; + avf_rx_class #(B, T, U) rx_h; + + // video_frame_class clone_h; + // video_frame_class sent_f_h; + // video_frame_class rx_f_h; + + // mailbox #(video_frame_class) q[]; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task automatic + queue_frame + ( + string pattern = "", + int pixel = 0 + ); + video_frame_class clone_h; + + if(pattern != "") + tx_h.make_frame(pattern, pixel); + + foreach(tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i]) + begin + clone_h = tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].f_h.clone(); + tx_h.tx_bfm_h[i].put(clone_h); + // q[i].put(clone_h); + end + + $display("^^^ %16.t | %m | using %s pattern", $time, pattern); + + endtask: queue_frame + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new + ( + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_in, + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .U(U)) axis_out[] + ); + + this.axis_out = axis_out; + this.axis_in = axis_in; + + this.tile_config = new[T]; + this.tile_config[0].direction = RIGHT_DOWN; + + this.c_h = new + ( + .width(AW), + .height(AH), + .bytes_per_pixel(B), + .bits_per_pixel(B * 8), + .pixels_per_clk(T), + .name("AVR_"), + .vertical_blanking(VERTICAL_BLANKING), + .tile(tile_config) + ); + + rx_h = new(c_h, axis_out); + tx_h = new(c_h, '{axis_in}); + + endfunction: new + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass: tb_recursive_axis_switch_class + + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tb_recursive_axis_switch_pkg + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_recursive_axis_switch/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module the_test(input tb_clk, input tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_recursive_axis_switch_pkg::*; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + int i = 0; + + task automatic run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(2ms); + wait(~tb_rst); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #1us; + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + + // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // repeat(1) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // repeat(1)tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + // repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + // tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'habba); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + for(i = 0; i < SD; i++) + begin + force = i; + #1us; + tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + #8us; + end + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #5us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +# setup environment +do ../../../../scripts/ +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga +set env(SIM_TB) tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_all tb_packages +sim_compile_all bfm_packages +sim_compile_all axi4_lib +sim_compile_all qaz_lib +sim_compile_all sim + +# compile simulation files +vlog -f ./$env(SIM_TB).f + +# simulation $root +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB) +vlog ./$env(SIM_TB).sv + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# +# + +quit -sim + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top + +# log all signals +log -r * + +# run -all + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# + +${LIB_BASE_DIR}/axi4_stream_lib/sim/src/ +${LIB_BASE_DIR}/axi4_lib/sim/src/axi4_models/ + +${PROJECT_DIR}/sim/src/ + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ + +./${SIM_TB} +./${SIM_TB}.sv + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +module tb_top(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test bench clock & reset + wire clk_200mhz; + wire tb_clk = clk_200mhz; + wire tb_rst; + + tb_base #(.PERIOD(5_000)) tb(clk_200mhz, tb_rst); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire tb_rst_s; + wire aclk = tb_clk; + wire aresetn = ~tb_rst_s; + + sync_reset + sync_reset_i(aclk, tb_rst, tb_rst_s); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m(.*); + axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + logic dma_enable = 0; + + axis_to_axi4_basic_dma + #( + .A(A), + .N(N), + .I(I), + .BASE_ADDRESS(BASE_ADDRESS), + .BUFFER_SIZE(BUFFER_SIZE), + .BURST_LENGTH(BURST_LENGTH), + .MAX_BURSTS(MAX_BURSTS), + .BYTES_PER_TUSER(BYTES_PER_TUSER) + ) + dut(.*); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // sim models + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N), .MAXWAITS(64)) + axi4_checker_i(.axi4_in(axi4_m)); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + axis_checker #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U), .MAXWAITS(64)) + axis_checker_i(.axis_in(axis_in)); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_class a_h; + + initial + a_h = new(axi4_m, axis_in); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + + // ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' + // /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ + // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | + // sim models + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // debug wires + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // test + the_test test(tb_clk, tb_rst); + + initial + begin + + test.run_the_test(); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + $stop(); + + end + +endmodule Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +package tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_pkg; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_axis_to_axi4_agent_class_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam BASE_ADDRESS = 32'h0000_0000; // must be on 4K boundry + localparam BUFFER_SIZE = 'h800; + localparam BURST_LENGTH = 8'h08; + localparam MAX_BURSTS = 4; + localparam BYTES_PER_TUSER = 2; // bytes per tuser bit. Set to 0 for transfer based. + + localparam N = 8; // data bus width in bytes + localparam A = 32; // address bus width + localparam I = 1; // ID width + localparam D = 1; // TDEST width + localparam U = N / BYTES_PER_TUSER; // TUSER width + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + class tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_class + extends tb_axis_to_axi4_agent_class #(N, A, I, D, U); + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + function new + ( + virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m, + virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_in + ); + +, .axis_in(axis_in)); + + endfunction: new + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + endclass: tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_class + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endpackage: tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_pkg + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module + the_test( + input tb_clk, + input tb_rst + ); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + import tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma_pkg::*; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(50us); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + wait(tb_top.aresetn); + #200ns; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + force tb_top.dma_enable = 1; + #100ns; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + repeat(8) + begin + tb_top.a_h.random_transaction(BASE_ADDRESS, BUFFER_SIZE, N * BURST_LENGTH); +; + end + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #200ns; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# + +vlog -f ./tb_axis_to_axi4_basic_dma.f + +# simulation $root +vlog ./ + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../../.. +set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../.. +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga + +# load sim procedures +do $env(ROOT_DIR)/qaz_libs/scripts/ + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +sim_compile_all tb_packages +sim_compile_all bfm_packages +sim_compile_all axi4_lib +sim_compile_all qaz_libs +sim_compile_all sim +vlog -f ./tb_axis_upsizer.f + +# simulation $root +vlog $env(PROJECT_DIR)/sim/src/ + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# vopt work.glbl tb_top -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver -f opt_tb_top.f -o opt_tb_top + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# +# + + +quit -sim + +# vsim opt_tb_top +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top + +# log all signals +log -r * + +# run -all + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/tb_axis_upsizer.f =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/tb_axis_upsizer.f (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/tb_axis_upsizer.f (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# + +${PROJECT_DIR}/sim/src/ +${PROJECT_DIR}/sim/src/ + +${PROJECT_DIR}/src/ Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_upsizer/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module + the_test( + input tb_clk, + input tb_rst + ); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + int mismatch_count = 0; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(50us); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + wait(tb_top.aresetn); + #1us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.a_h.tx_h.make_frame("constant", 16'habba); + tb_top.a_h.queue_frame(); + tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("constant", 16'hbeef); + tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + tb_top.a_h.rx_h.wait_for_rx_frames(1); + tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("counting"); + tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.queue_frame("random"); + repeat(3) tb_top.a_h.compare_frame(); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + #1us; + // #6us; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# ------------------------------------ +# +# ------------------------------------ + +global env + +set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../../.. +set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../.. +set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga + +# load sim procedures +do $env(ROOT_DIR)/qaz_libs/scripts/ + +radix -hexadecimal + +make_lib work 1 + +# sim_compile_all FPGA +sim_compile_all sim +sim_compile_all sync_fifo +sim_compile_all axi4_stream_lib + +# simulation $root +vlog $env(PROJECT_DIR)/sim/src/ + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + +# vopt work.glbl tb_top -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver -f opt_tb_top.f -o opt_tb_top + +# run the sim +sim_run_test + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# +# + + +quit -sim + +# vsim opt_tb_top + +vsim -novopt work.tb_top +# vsim -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top + +# vsim -voptargs="+acc=rn+/tb_top/dut" -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top +# vsim -pli "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/lib/win64.o/libxil_vsim.dll" -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top + + +# # log all signals +# log -r * + +# run -all + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +`timescale 1ps/1ps + + +module + the_test( + input tb_clk, + input tb_rst + ); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + int mismatch_count = 0; + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + task run_the_test; + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test below + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + $display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time); + $display("^^^---------------------------------"); + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + tb_top.tb.timeout_stop(4us); + wait(~tb_rst); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + repeat(100) @(posedge tb_clk); + tb_top.avf_agent_h.make_frame("counting"); + tb_top.avf_agent_h.get_frame(); + tb_top.avf_agent_h.put_frame(); + + wait(~tb_top.avf_agent_h.put_frame_active); + wait(~tb_top.avf_agent_h.get_frame_active); + + mismatch_count = tb_top.avf_agent_h.compare_frame(); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // insert test above + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + endtask + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/sim/tests/tb_axis_register_slice/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# + + +vlog -f ../../libs/axi4_stream_lib_verilog/axi4_stream_lib.f + +# simulation $root +vlog ../../src/ + +# compile test last +vlog ./ + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ (nonexistent) @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -//// //// -//// Copyright (C) 2019 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// -//// //// -//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// -//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// -//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// -//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// -//// //// -//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// -//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// -//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// -//// later version. //// -//// //// -//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// -//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// -//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// -//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// -//// details. //// -//// //// -//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// -//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// -//// from //// -//// //// -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -module - axis_to_memory - #( - W, // data width in bits - A, // address width in bits - P = 1 // pipeline delay - ) - ( - axis_if axis_ar, - axis_if axis_r, - output wr, - output [A-1:0] addr, - output [W-1:0] din, - input [W-1:0] dout, - input aclk, - input aresetn - ); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - localparam CW = ($clog2(P) == 0) ? 1 : $clog2(P); - localparam D = 2 ** CW; - localparam UB = $clog2(D); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - reg [P-1:0] pipeline; - wire ar = axis_ar.tready & axis_ar.tvalid; - wire rd_ready = pipeline[0]; - wire bypass; - - generate - if(P > 1) begin: pipeline_gen - always_ff @(posedge aclk) - if(~aresetn) - pipeline <= 0; - else - pipeline <= {ar, pipeline[P-1:1]}; - end - else begin: min_pipeline_gen // P == 1 - always_ff @(posedge aclk) - if(~aresetn) - pipeline <= 0; - else - pipeline <= ar; - end - endgenerate - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - wire wr_full; - wire [W-1:0] wr_data = dout; - wire wr_en = bypass ? 0 : rd_ready; - wire rd_empty; - wire [W-1:0] rd_data; - wire rd_en = axis_r.tready & axis_r.tvalid & ~bypass; - wire [UB:0] count; - - sync_fifo #(W, D) fifo_i(.clk(aclk), .reset(~aresetn), .*); - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // assign bypass = rd_empty & (count != 0) & rd_ready; - assign bypass = 0; - - // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - // logic [$clog2($bits(pipeline)+1)-1:0] in_pipeline; - - // always_comb begin - // in_pipeline = '0; - - // foreach(pipeline[idx]) begin - // in_pipeline += pipeline[idx]; - // end - // end - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - reg [$clog2($bits(pipeline)+1)-1:0] pipeline_count; - reg [$clog2($bits(pipeline)+1)-1:0] next_pipeline_count; - - always_comb - case({rd_ready, ar}) - 2'b0_0: next_pipeline_count = pipeline_count; - 2'b0_1: next_pipeline_count = pipeline_count + 1; - 2'b1_0: next_pipeline_count = pipeline_count - 1; - 2'b1_1: next_pipeline_count = pipeline_count; - endcase - - always_ff @(posedge aclk) - if(~aresetn) - pipeline_count <= 0; - else - pipeline_count <= next_pipeline_count; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - assign axis_ar.tready = (pipeline_count + count < D) | rd_en; - assign axis_r.tdata = bypass ? dout : rd_data; - assign axis_r.tlast = 1; - assign axis_r.tvalid = ~rd_empty | bypass; - - // -------------------------------------------------------------------- - assign wr = 0; - // assign addr = axis_ar.tdata; - -// -------------------------------------------------------------------- -endmodule Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +module + data_to_axis_fsm + ( + input axis_en, + output axis_tvalid, + input axis_tready, + + input fifo_watermark, // OK to use fifo_almost_full if FIFO is synchronous, assert to flush also + input fifo_empty, + output fifo_rd_en, + + output data_to_axis_fsm_error, + + input aclk, + input aresetn + ); + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // state machine binary definitions + enum reg [3:0] { + IDLE_STATE = 4'b0001, + TVALID = 4'b0010, + TREADY = 4'b0100, + ERROR_STATE = 4'b1000 + } state, next_state; + + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // state machine flop + always_ff @(posedge aclk) + if(~aresetn) + state <= IDLE_STATE; + else + state <= next_state; + + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // state machine + always_comb + case(state) + IDLE_STATE: if(axis_en & fifo_watermark & ~fifo_empty) + if(axis_tready) + next_state <= TREADY; + else + next_state <= TVALID; + else + next_state <= IDLE_STATE; + + TVALID: if(axis_tready) // wait for slave to be ready + next_state <= TREADY; + else + next_state <= TVALID; + + TREADY: if(fifo_empty) // slave can accept data + next_state <= IDLE_STATE; + else if(axis_tready) + next_state <= TREADY; + else + next_state <= TVALID; + + ERROR_STATE: next_state <= IDLE_STATE; + + default: next_state <= ERROR_STATE; + + endcase + + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // outputs + assign axis_tvalid = (next_state == TVALID) | (next_state == TREADY); + assign fifo_rd_en = axis_tvalid & axis_tready; + assign data_to_axis_fsm_error = (state == ERROR_STATE); + + +endmodule + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/src/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +module + axis_flow_control + #( + N = 8, // data bus width in bytes + I = 0, // TID width + D = 0, // TDEST width + U = 1, // TUSER width + USE_TSTRB = 0, // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable + USE_TKEEP = 0 // set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable + ) + ( + input axis_en, + input flow_enable, // enable / disable incoming tready & tvalid + input [1:0] tready_to_master_select, // 00:force 0, 01:force 1, 1X:from_slave + input [1:0] tvalid_to_master_select, // 00:force 0, 01:force 1, 1X:from_slave + output tready_from_slave, // from input of mux + output tvalid_from_slave, // from input of mux + axis_if.slave axis_in, + axis_if.master axis_out, + input aclk, + input aresetn + ); + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + localparam W = (N * 8) + (N * USE_TSTRB) + (N * USE_TKEEP) + I + D + U + 1; + + fifo_write_if #(.W(W)) fifo_sink(aclk, ~aresetn); + fifo_read_if #(.W(W)) fifo_source(aclk, ~aresetn); + + tiny_sync_fifo #(.W(W)) + tiny_sync_fifo_i(.source(fifo_sink.fifo), .sink(fifo_source.fifo)); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + wire data_to_axis_fsm_error; + + data_to_axis_fsm + data_to_axis_fsm_i + ( + .axis_tvalid(tvalid_from_slave), // axis_out.tvalid + .axis_tready(flow_enable & axis_out.tready), + .fifo_empty(fifo_source.empty), + .fifo_rd_en(fifo_source.rd_en), + .fifo_watermark(1'b1), + .* + ); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + reg axis_in_tready_r; + assign axis_in.tready = axis_in_tready_r; + + always_comb + case(tready_to_master_select) + 2'b00: axis_in_tready_r = 0; + 2'b01: axis_in_tready_r = 1; + 2'b10: axis_in_tready_r = tready_from_slave; + 2'b11: axis_in_tready_r = tready_from_slave; + endcase + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + reg axis_out_tvalid_r; + assign axis_out.tvalid = axis_out_tvalid_r; + + always_comb + case(tvalid_to_master_select) + 2'b00: axis_out_tvalid_r = 0; + 2'b01: axis_out_tvalid_r = 1; + 2'b10: axis_out_tvalid_r = tvalid_from_slave; + 2'b11: axis_out_tvalid_r = tvalid_from_slave; + endcase + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + assign tready_from_slave = ~fifo_sink.full; // axis_in.tready + + assign fifo_sink.wr_en = flow_enable & axis_in.tvalid & ~fifo_sink.full; + assign fifo_sink.wr_data = + { + axis_in.tdata, + axis_in.tlast, + axis_in.tuser + }; + + assign + { + axis_out.tdata, + axis_out.tlast, + axis_out.tuser + } = fifo_source.rd_data; + + +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/syn/src/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/syn/src/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/axi4_stream_lib/syn/src/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +interface + axis_if + #( + N = 8, // data bus width in bytes + I = 1, // TID width + D = 1, // TDEST width + U = 1 // TUSER width + ) + ( + input aclk, + input aresetn + ); + wire tvalid; + wire tready; + wire [(8*N)-1:0] tdata; + wire [N-1:0] tstrb; + wire [N-1:0] tkeep; + wire tlast; + wire [I-1:0] tid; + wire [D-1:0] tdest; + wire [U-1:0] tuser; + + +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// synthesis translate_off + default clocking cb_m @(posedge aclk iff aresetn); + output tvalid; + input tready; + output tdata; + output tstrb; + output tkeep; + output tlast; + output tid; + output tdest; + output tuser; + endclocking + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + clocking cb_s @(posedge aclk iff aresetn); + input tvalid; + output tready; + input tdata; + input tstrb; + input tkeep; + input tlast; + input tid; + input tdest; + input tuser; + endclocking + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + modport + master + ( + input aresetn, + input aclk, + output tvalid, + input tready, + output tdata, + output tstrb, + output tkeep, + output tlast, + output tid, + output tdest, + output tuser, + clocking cb_m + ); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // + modport + slave + ( + input aresetn, + input aclk, + input tvalid, + output tready, + input tdata, + input tstrb, + input tkeep, + input tlast, + input tid, + input tdest, + input tuser, + clocking cb_s + ); + + +// synthesis translate_on +// -------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +endinterface: axis_if + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/basal/src/FIFOs/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/basal/src/FIFOs/ (revision 50) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/basal/src/FIFOs/ (revision 49) @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + module sync_fifo #( @@ -36,9 +37,11 @@ output wr_full, input [W-1:0] wr_data, input wr_en, + output rd_empty, output [W-1:0] rd_data, input rd_en, + output [UB:0] count, input clk, input reset @@ -45,21 +48,12 @@ ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // generate begin: fifo_gen if(D == 2) begin - reg [UB:0] count_r; - assign count = count_r; - - always_comb - case({wr_full, rd_empty}) - 2'b0_0: count_r = 1; - 2'b0_1: count_r = 0; - 2'b1_0: count_r = 2; - 2'b1_1: count_r = 'x; // should never happen - endcase - + assign count = 0; tiny_sync_fifo #(.W(W)) tiny_sync_fifo_i(.*); end @@ -79,6 +73,7 @@ end endgenerate + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // synthesis translate_off always_ff @(posedge clk) @@ -90,5 +85,9 @@ // synthesis translate_on // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- +// endmodule + +
0,0 → 1,189
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
parameter W = 8
output wr_full,
input [W-1:0] wr_data,
input wr_en,
input wr_clk,
input wr_reset,
output rd_empty,
output [W-1:0] rd_data,
input rd_en,
input rd_clk,
input rd_reset
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire writing = wr_en && ~wr_full;
wire reading = rd_en && ~rd_empty;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function logic [1:0]
input logic [1:0] count
2'b00: grey_counter_2_bit = 2'b00;
2'b01: grey_counter_2_bit = 2'b01;
2'b10: grey_counter_2_bit = 2'b11;
2'b11: grey_counter_2_bit = 2'b10;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sync grey_wr_ptr to rd clk domain
reg [1:0] grey_wr_ptr;
reg [1:0] grey_wr_ptr_r;
reg [1:0] grey_wr_ptr_s;
always_ff @(posedge rd_clk)
{grey_wr_ptr_s, grey_wr_ptr_r} <= 0;
{grey_wr_ptr_s, grey_wr_ptr_r} <= {grey_wr_ptr_r, grey_wr_ptr};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sync grey_rd_ptr to wr clk domain
reg [1:0] grey_rd_ptr;
reg [1:0] grey_rd_ptr_r;
reg [1:0] grey_rd_ptr_s;
always_ff @(posedge wr_clk)
{grey_rd_ptr_s, grey_rd_ptr_r} <= 0;
{grey_rd_ptr_s, grey_rd_ptr_r} <= {grey_rd_ptr_r, grey_rd_ptr};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
reg [1:0] bin_rd_ptr;
wire [1:0] bin_rd_ptr_next = bin_rd_ptr + reading;
always_ff @(posedge rd_clk)
bin_rd_ptr <= 0;
bin_rd_ptr <= bin_rd_ptr_next;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [1:0] grey_rd_ptr_next = grey_counter_2_bit(bin_rd_ptr_next);
always_ff @(posedge rd_clk)
grey_rd_ptr <= 0;
grey_rd_ptr <= grey_rd_ptr_next;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
reg asf_empty_r;
always_ff @(posedge rd_clk)
asf_empty_r <= 1;
asf_empty_r <= (grey_rd_ptr_next == grey_wr_ptr_s);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
reg [1:0] bin_wr_ptr;
wire [1:0] bin_wr_ptr_next = bin_wr_ptr + writing;
always_ff @(posedge wr_clk)
bin_wr_ptr <= 0;
bin_wr_ptr <= bin_wr_ptr_next;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
wire [1:0] grey_wr_ptr_next = grey_counter_2_bit(bin_wr_ptr_next);
always_ff @(posedge wr_clk)
grey_wr_ptr <= 0;
grey_wr_ptr <= grey_wr_ptr_next;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
reg asf_full_r;
always_ff @(posedge wr_clk)
asf_full_r <= 1;
asf_full_r <= (grey_wr_ptr_next == ~grey_rd_ptr_s);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
reg [W-1:0] data_0_r;
reg [W-1:0] data_1_r;
wire [W-1:0] rd_data_mux = bin_rd_ptr[0] ? data_1_r : data_0_r;
assign rd_data = rd_data_mux;
always_ff @(posedge wr_clk)
if (writing)
data_1_r <= wr_data;
data_0_r <= wr_data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
assign rd_empty = asf_empty_r;
assign wr_full = asf_full_r;
0,0 → 1,33
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
global env
set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../../..
set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../..
set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga
# load sim procedures
do $env(ROOT_DIR)/qaz_libs/scripts/
radix -hexadecimal
make_lib work 1
sim_compile_all async_fifo
sim_compile_all sim
# simulation $root
vlog $env(PROJECT_DIR)/sim/src/
# compile test last
vlog ./
# vopt work.glbl tb_top -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver -f opt_tb_top.f -o opt_tb_top
# run the sim
0,0 → 1,21
quit -sim
# vsim opt_tb_top
vsim -novopt work.tb_top
# vsim -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top
# vsim -voptargs="+acc=rn+/tb_top/dut" -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top
# vsim -pli "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/lib/win64.o/libxil_vsim.dll" -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top
# # log all signals
# log -r *
# run -all
0,0 → 1,122
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_200mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_200mhz;
wire tb_rst;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(5_000)) tb(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
// wire clk_100mhz;
// tb_clk #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb_100mhz_clk(clk_100mhz);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam W = 8;
fifo_write_if #(.W(W)) source(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
fifo_read_if #(.W(W)) sink(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// import fifo_bfm_pkg::*;
// fifo_bfm_class bfm = new(source, sink);
// initial
// bfm.init("", BOTH);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import fifo_agent_pkg::*;
fifo_agent_class bfm = new(source, sink);
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
0,0 → 1,77
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
`timescale 1ps/1ps
input tb_clk,
input tb_rst
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_the_test;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert test below
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
repeat(20) @(posedge tb_clk);
repeat(100) tb_top.bfm.queue_random();
repeat(500) @(posedge tb_clk);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert test above
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,13
vlog -f ../../libs/async_fifo_verilog/tiny_async_fifo.f
# vlog -f ../../libs/sim_verilog/fifo_bfm.f
# simulation $root
vlog ../../src/
# compile test last
vlog ./
0,0 → 1,33
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
global env
set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../../..
set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../..
set env(SIM_TARGET) fpga
# load sim procedures
do $env(ROOT_DIR)/qaz_libs/scripts/
radix -hexadecimal
make_lib work 1
sim_compile_all sync_fifo
sim_compile_all sim
# simulation $root
vlog $env(PROJECT_DIR)/sim/src/
# compile test last
vlog ./
# vopt work.glbl tb_top -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver -f opt_tb_top.f -o opt_tb_top
# run the sim
0,0 → 1,21
quit -sim
# vsim opt_tb_top
vsim -novopt work.tb_top
# vsim -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top
# vsim -voptargs="+acc=rn+/tb_top/dut" -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top
# vsim -pli "C:/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.4/lib/win64.o/libxil_vsim.dll" -novopt -L secureip -L simprims_ver -L unisims_ver work.glbl work.tb_top
# # log all signals
# log -r *
# run -all
0,0 → 1,122
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_200mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_200mhz;
wire tb_rst;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(5_000)) tb(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
// wire clk_100mhz;
// tb_clk #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb_100mhz_clk(clk_100mhz);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam W = 8;
fifo_write_if #(.W(W)) source(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
fifo_read_if #(.W(W)) sink(clk_200mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// import fifo_bfm_pkg::*;
// fifo_bfm_class bfm = new(source, sink);
// initial
// bfm.init("", BOTH);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import fifo_agent_pkg::*;
fifo_agent_class bfm = new(source, sink);
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
0,0 → 1,88
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
`timescale 1ps/1ps
input tb_clk,
input tb_rst
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
int data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_the_test;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert test below
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
repeat(10) @(posedge tb_clk);
repeat(100) tb_top.bfm.queue_random();
// tb_top.bfm.write(8'h22, 0);
// tb_top.bfm.write(8'haa, 0);
// tb_top.bfm.write(8'hff, 5);
// tb_top.bfm.write(8'h11, 1);
repeat(1000) @(posedge tb_clk);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// insert test above
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,13
vlog -f ../../libs/FPGA_verilog/tiny_fifo.f
vlog -f ../../libs/sim_verilog/fifo_bfm.f
# simulation $root
vlog ../../src/
# compile test last
vlog ./
0,0 → 1,102
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package fifo_agent_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import fifo_bfm_pkg::*;
class fifo_agent_class #(W = 8);
fifo_bfm_class source_fifo;
fifo_bfm_class sink_fifo;
fifo_transaction_class tr_h;
fifo_transaction_class clone_h;
virtual fifo_write_if #(.W(W)) source,
virtual fifo_read_if #(.W(W)) sink
this.source_fifo = new(.source(source));
this.sink_fifo = new(.sink(sink));
this.tr_h = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void init;
source_fifo.init("source", SOURCE);
sink_fifo.init("sink", SINK);
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
endtask: start_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
if (!tr_h.randomize())
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! randomize error", $time);
clone_h = tr_h.clone();
endtask: queue_random
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: fifo_agent_class
endpackage: fifo_agent_pkg
0,0 → 1,380
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package fifo_bfm_pkg;
typedef enum
} fifo_type_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class fifo_transaction_class;
rand int data;
rand int write_delay = 0;
rand int read_delay = 0;
constraint default_write_delay
write_delay >= 0 && write_delay <= 4;
write_delay dist {0 := 60, [1:4] :=40 };
constraint default_read_delay
read_delay >= 0 && read_delay <= 4;
read_delay dist {0 := 60, [1:4] :=40 };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy
ref fifo_transaction_class from
// $display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); =;
this.write_delay = from.write_delay;
this.read_delay = from.read_delay;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
extern virtual function fifo_transaction_class clone();
// virtual function fifo_transaction_class clone();
// $display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
// clone = new();
// clone.copy(this);
// return(clone);
// endfunction: clone
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: fifo_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function fifo_transaction_class fifo_transaction_class::clone();
// $display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
clone = new();
endfunction: clone
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class fifo_bfm_class #(W = 8);
string fifo_name;
fifo_type_t fifo_type;
virtual fifo_write_if #(.W(W)) source = null;
virtual fifo_read_if #(.W(W)) sink = null;
fifo_transaction_class fifo_tr = new();
function new
virtual fifo_write_if #(.W(W)) source = null,
virtual fifo_read_if #(.W(W)) sink = null
if(source != null)
this.source = source;
if(sink != null)
this.sink = sink;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
input string fifo_name,
input fifo_type_t fifo_type
this.fifo_name = fifo_name;
this.fifo_type = fifo_type;
if(fifo_type == SOURCE)
source.cb_s.wr_en <= 0;
else if(fifo_type == SINK)
sink.cb_s.rd_en <= 0;
else if(fifo_type == BOTH)
if((this.source == null) | (this.sink == null))
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! %s fifo_type == BOTH with null class", $time,;
source.cb_s.wr_en <= 0;
sink.cb_s.rd_en <= 0;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! fifo_type %s is invalid", $time,;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | initialization of %s for %s", $time, fifo_name,;
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input [W-1:0] wr_data,
input int write_delay = 0
source.cb_s.wr_data <= wr_data;
source.cb_s.wr_en <= 0;
if(write_delay != 0)
repeat(write_delay) @(source.cb_s);
@(source.cb_s iff (source.cb_s.full == 0));
// @(source.cb_s iff (~source.cb_s.full));
source.cb_s.wr_en <= 1;
@(posedge source.clk);
source.cb_s.wr_en <= 0;
endtask: write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input [W-1:0] wr_data,
input int write_delay = 0
write(wr_data, write_delay);
endtask: fork_write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
mailbox #(int) rd_data_q = new();
input int read_delay = 0
sink.cb_s.rd_en <= 0;
if(read_delay != 0)
repeat(read_delay) @(sink.cb_s);
@(sink.cb_s iff (sink.cb_s.empty == 0));
// @(sink.cb_s iff (~sink.cb_s.empty));
sink.cb_s.rd_en <= 1;
@(posedge sink.clk);
sink.cb_s.rd_en <= 0;
endtask: read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
input int read_delay = 0
endtask: fork_read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
mailbox #(fifo_transaction_class) fifo_tr_q;
semaphore fifo_tr_q_semaphore = new(1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event fifo_write_done;
task automatic
if((fifo_type != SOURCE) & (fifo_type == BOTH))
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! wrong fifo_type |", $time);
if(fifo_tr_q_semaphore.try_get() == 0)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! fifo_tr_q_semaphore.try_get() == 0 |", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m is active |", $time);
this.fifo_tr_q = new();
fifo_write_fork : fork
fork_write(, fifo_tr.write_delay);
wait fork;
endtask: fifo_write_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
fifo_transaction_class fifo_tr_clone;
event fifo_read_done;
logic [W - 1:0] rd_data;
logic [W - 1:0] rd_result;
int compare_result;
int compare_errors = 0;
task automatic
if((fifo_type != SINK) & (fifo_type == BOTH))
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! wrong fifo_type |", $time);
if(fifo_tr_q_semaphore.try_get() == 0)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! fifo_tr_q_semaphore.try_get() == 0 |", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m is active |", $time);
this.fifo_tr_q = new();
fifo_tr_clone = fifo_tr.clone();
fifo_read_q_fork : fork
wait fork;
rd_data =;
if(rd_result != rd_data)
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | ERROR! rd_result != |", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | rd_result = %h |", $time, rd_result);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | = %h |", $time,;
// compare_result =, f_h);
// compare_errors += compare_result;
endtask: fifo_read_q
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: fifo_bfm_class
endpackage: fifo_bfm_pkg
1,3 → 1,4
0,0 → 1,6
0,0 → 1,9
1,5 → 1,5
# ${LIB_BASE_DIR}/BFM/src/tb/
# ${LIB_BASE_DIR}/BFM/src/tb/
0,0 → 1,4
1,15 → 1,38
1,5 → 1,8
# ${LIB_BASE_DIR}/BFM/src/tb/
0,0 → 1,563
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
package axi4_bfm_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import tb_bfm_pkg::*;
import axi4_transaction_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class ar_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
axi4_m.cb_m.araddr <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arburst <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arcache <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arid <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arlen <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arlock <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arprot <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arqos <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arregion <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arsize <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.arvalid <= 0;
endfunction: ar_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
repeat( @(axi4_m.cb_m);
axi4_m.cb_m.araddr <= tr_h.addr;
axi4_m.cb_m.arid <=;
axi4_m.cb_m.arlen <= tr_h.len;
axi4_m.cb_m.arsize <= tr_h.size;
axi4_m.cb_m.arburst <= tr_h.burst;
axi4_m.cb_m.arcache <= tr_h.cache;
axi4_m.cb_m.arlock <= tr_h.lock;
axi4_m.cb_m.arprot <= tr_h.prot;
axi4_m.cb_m.arqos <= tr_h.qos;
axi4_m.cb_m.arregion <= tr_h.region;
axi4_m.cb_m.arvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master AR transaction @ 0x%08x |", $time, tr_h.addr);
repeat(1) @(axi4_m.cb_m);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: ar_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class r_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
axi4_m.cb_m.rready <= 0;
endfunction: r_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
tr_h.data_h = new(tr_h.len);
repeat( @(axi4_m.cb_m);
axi4_m.cb_m.rready <= 1;
repeat(1) @(axi4_m.cb_m);
tr_h.data_h.w[i] = axi4_m.cb_m.rdata;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master R transaction | %d | 0x%016x |", $time, i, tr_h.data_h.w[i]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: r_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class aw_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
axi4_m.cb_m.awaddr <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awburst <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awcache <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awid <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awlen <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awlock <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awprot <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awqos <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awregion <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awsize <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.awvalid <= 0;
endfunction: aw_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
repeat( @(axi4_m.cb_m);
axi4_m.cb_m.awaddr <= tr_h.addr;
axi4_m.cb_m.awid <=;
axi4_m.cb_m.awlen <= tr_h.len;
axi4_m.cb_m.awsize <= tr_h.size;
axi4_m.cb_m.awburst <= tr_h.burst;
axi4_m.cb_m.awcache <= tr_h.cache;
axi4_m.cb_m.awlock <= tr_h.lock;
axi4_m.cb_m.awprot <= tr_h.prot;
axi4_m.cb_m.awqos <= tr_h.qos;
axi4_m.cb_m.awregion <= tr_h.region;
axi4_m.cb_m.awvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master AW transaction @ 0x%08x |", $time, tr_h.addr);
repeat(1) @(axi4_m.cb_m);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: aw_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class w_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
axi4_m.cb_m.wdata <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.wlast <= 'bx;
axi4_m.cb_m.wstrb <= {N{1'b1}};
axi4_m.cb_m.wvalid <= 0;
endfunction: w_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
repeat( @(axi4_m.cb_m);
axi4_m.cb_m.wdata <= tr_h.payload_h.w[i];
// axi4_m.cb_m.wstrb <= tr_h.strb; // need to fix
if(i < tr_h.payload_h.w.size - 1)
axi4_m.cb_m.wlast <= 0;
axi4_m.cb_m.wlast <= 1;
axi4_m.cb_m.wvalid <= 1;
repeat(1) @(axi4_m.cb_m);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master W transaction | %d | 0x%016x |", $time, i, tr_h.payload_h.w[i]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: w_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class b_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
axi4_m.cb_m.bready <= 0;
endfunction: b_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
repeat( @(axi4_m.cb_m);
axi4_m.cb_m.bready <= 1;
repeat(1) @(axi4_m.cb_m);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master B transaction | 0x%x |", $time, axi4_m.cb_m.bresp);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: b_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_master_bfm_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1);
ar_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) ar_h;
r_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) r_h;
aw_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) aw_h;
w_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) w_h;
b_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) b_h;
axi4_transaction_class tr_h;
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
ar_h = new(axi4_m);
r_h = new(axi4_m);
aw_h = new(axi4_m);
w_h = new(axi4_m);
b_h = new(axi4_m);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input logic [(A-1):0] araddr,
input logic [7:0] arlen,
output logic [(8*N)-1:0] data[],
output logic [1:0] rresp
this.tr_h = new;
this.tr_h.basic_read(araddr, arlen);
data = tr_h.data_h.w;
rresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
output logic [(8*N)-1:0] data[],
output logic [1:0] rresp
this.tr_h = new;
data = tr_h.data_h.w;
rresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_random_read_burst
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input logic [(A-1):0] awaddr,
input logic [7:0] awlen,
input logic [(8*N)-1:0] data[],
output logic [1:0] bresp
this.tr_h = new;
this.tr_h.basic_write(awaddr, awlen);
this.tr_h.payload_h.w[i] = data[i];
bresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
output logic [1:0] bresp
this.tr_h = new;
bresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_random_write_burst
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_master_bfm_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axi4_bfm_pkg
0,0 → 1,474
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package axi4_arbiter_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_models_pkg::*;
import bfm_pkg::*;
import logger_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class base_request_class #(A, N, I);
string kind;
int id = -1;
pure virtual function void write_ax_if(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) channel);
pure virtual function void copy_ax_if(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) channel);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: base_request_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class write_request_class #(A, N, I)
extends base_request_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(A-1):0] awaddr;
logic [1:0] awburst;
logic [(I-1):0] awid;
logic [7:0] awlen;
logic [2:0] awsize;
logic [3:0] awcache;
logic awlock;
logic [2:0] awprot;
logic [3:0] awqos;
logic [3:0] awregion;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void write_ax_if(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) channel);
axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I) aw_if_h;
$cast(aw_if_h, channel);
aw_if_h.awaddr = awaddr;
aw_if_h.awburst = awburst;
aw_if_h.awid = awid;
aw_if_h.awlen = awlen;
aw_if_h.awsize = awsize;
aw_if_h.awcache = awcache;
aw_if_h.awlock = awlock;
aw_if_h.awprot = awprot;
aw_if_h.awqos = awqos;
aw_if_h.awregion = awregion;
endfunction: write_ax_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy_ax_if(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) channel);
axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I) aw_if_h;
$cast(aw_if_h, channel);
awaddr = aw_if_h.awaddr;
awburst = aw_if_h.awburst;
awid = aw_if_h.awid;
awlen = aw_if_h.awlen;
awsize = aw_if_h.awsize;
awcache = aw_if_h.awcache;
awlock = aw_if_h.awlock;
awprot = aw_if_h.awprot;
awqos = aw_if_h.awqos;
awregion = aw_if_h.awregion;
endfunction: copy_ax_if
function new(int id);;
this.kind = "WRITE"; = id;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: write_request_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class read_request_class #(A, N, I)
extends base_request_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(A-1):0] araddr;
logic [1:0] arburst;
logic [(I-1):0] arid;
logic [7:0] arlen;
logic [2:0] arsize;
logic [3:0] arcache;
logic arlock;
logic [2:0] arprot;
logic [3:0] arqos;
logic [3:0] arregion;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void write_ax_if(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) channel);
axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I) ar_if_h;
$cast(ar_if_h, channel);
ar_if_h.araddr = araddr;
ar_if_h.arburst = arburst;
ar_if_h.arid = arid;
ar_if_h.arlen = arlen;
ar_if_h.arsize = arsize;
ar_if_h.arcache = arcache;
ar_if_h.arlock = arlock;
ar_if_h.arprot = arprot;
ar_if_h.arqos = arqos;
ar_if_h.arregion = arregion;
endfunction: write_ax_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy_ax_if(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) channel);
axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I) ar_if_h;
$cast(ar_if_h, channel);
araddr = ar_if_h.araddr;
arburst = ar_if_h.arburst;
arid = ar_if_h.arid;
arlen = ar_if_h.arlen;
arsize = ar_if_h.arsize;
arcache = ar_if_h.arcache;
arlock = ar_if_h.arlock;
arprot = ar_if_h.arprot;
arqos = ar_if_h.arqos;
arregion = ar_if_h.arregion;
endfunction: copy_ax_if
function new(int id);;
this.kind = "READ"; = id;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: read_request_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class requester_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_slave_model_class #(A, N, I);
mailbox #(base_request_class #(A, N, I)) q;
semaphore read_done;
semaphore write_done;
int id = -1;
logger_class log;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic run_read_interface;
read_request_class #(A, N, I) r_req_h;
read_done = new;
log.debug($sformatf("%m | start"));
log.debug($sformatf("%m | araddr = 0x%h", ar_if_h.araddr));
log.debug($sformatf("%m | arlen = 0x%h", ar_if_h.arlen));
r_req_h = new(id);
log.debug($sformatf("%m | done"));
endtask: run_read_interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_write_interface;
write_request_class #(A, N, I) w_req_h;
write_done = new;
log.debug($sformatf("%m | start"));
log.debug($sformatf("%m | awaddr = 0x%h", aw_if_h.awaddr));
log.debug($sformatf("%m | awlen = 0x%h", aw_if_h.awlen));
w_req_h = new(id);
log.debug($sformatf("%m | done"));
endtask: run_write_interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_model;
endtask: run_model
function new(int id, virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_s);;
this.aw_q_h = new(axi4_s, 2);
this.w_q_h = new(axi4_s, 16);
this.b_q_h = new(axi4_s, 2);
this.ar_q_h = new(axi4_s, 2);
this.r_q_h = new(axi4_s, 16); = id;
this.q = new(1);
this.log = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: requester_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_granter_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_master_model_class #(A, N, I);
logger_class log;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_model;
endtask: run_model
function new(virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m);;
this.aw_q_h = new(axi4_m, 2);
this.w_q_h = new(axi4_m, 16);
this.b_q_h = new(axi4_m, 2);
this.ar_q_h = new(axi4_m, 2);
this.r_q_h = new(axi4_m, 16);
this.log = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_granter_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_arbiter_class #(A, N, I);
axi4_granter_class #(A, N, I) g_h;
requester_class #(A, N, I) r_h[];
mailbox #(int) grant;
int count = -1;
int current = 0, previous;
logger_class log;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic do_read(requester_class #(A, N, I) r_h);
int id;
read_request_class #(A, N, I) r_req_h;
base_request_class #(A, N, I) request;
log.debug($sformatf("%m | read grant for %d",;
$cast(r_req_h, request);
g_h.ar_if_h = new(g_h.axi4_m);
for(int i = 0; i < r_h.ar_if_h.arlen + 1; i++)
g_h.r_if_h = new(g_h.axi4_m);
r_h.r_if_h = new(r_h.axi4_s);
log.debug($sformatf("%m | read grant for %d done", id));
endtask: do_read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic do_write(requester_class #(A, N, I) r_h);
int id;
write_request_class #(A, N, I) w_req_h;
base_request_class #(A, N, I) request;
log.debug($sformatf("%m | write grant for %d",;
$cast(w_req_h, request);
g_h.aw_if_h = new(g_h.axi4_m);
for(int i = 0; i < r_h.aw_if_h.awlen + 1; i++)
r_h.w_if_h = new(r_h.axi4_s);
g_h.w_if_h = new(g_h.axi4_m);
r_h.b_if_h = new(r_h.axi4_s);
log.debug($sformatf("%m | write grant for %d done", id));
endtask: do_write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic give_grant(requester_class #(A, N, I) r_h);
base_request_class #(A, N, I) request;
log.debug($sformatf("%m | %d got grant for %s",, request.kind));
if(request.kind.toupper == "WRITE")
else if(request.kind.toupper == "READ")
current = (current + count + 1) % count;
log.debug($sformatf("%m | new current = %d", current));
endtask: give_grant
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic do_arbitration;
for(int i = current; i < current + count; i++)
if(r_h[i % count].q.num > 0)
give_grant(r_h[i % count]);
endtask: do_arbitration
function void debug_enable;
endfunction: debug_enable
function new
virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_s[],
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m
this.grant = new(1);
this.g_h = new(axi4_m);
this.count = axi4_s.size;
this.r_h = new[axi4_s.size];
this.log = new;
r_h[i] = new(i, axi4_s[i]);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_arbiter_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axi4_arbiter_pkg
0,0 → 1,369
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package axi4_memory_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_models_pkg::*;
import bfm_pkg::*;
import logger_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class memory_tr_class #(A, N, I, type WORD_T = byte)
extends transaction_class #(memory_tr_class #(A, N, I));
rand int addr;
rand int size;
rand byte data[];
constraint default_addr
addr[$clog2(N*8)-1:0] == 0;
constraint default_size
size dist {N := 40, [N*2:N*15] := 40, [N*16:N*255] := 20};
function void init(int addr, int size); = new[size];
this.addr = addr;
this.size = size;
endfunction: init
function void random(int addr, int size); = new[size];
assert(this.randomize() with
this.addr == addr; // why not working?
this.size == size;
this.addr = addr;
this.size = size;
endfunction: random
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task constant(int addr, int size, byte value[]);
init(addr, size); = new[size];
for(int i = 0; i < size; i += value.size)
data[i + k] = value[k];
endtask: constant
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic counting(int addr, int count);
byte word[];
int word_size = $bits(WORD_T) / 8; // word size in bytes
init(addr, count * word_size);
for(WORD_T i = 0; i < count; i++)
word = {<< byte{i}};
data[addr + (i * word_size) + k] = word[k];
endtask: counting
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(TR_T from);
init(from.addr, from.size); = new[from.size];
foreach([i])[i] =[i];
endfunction: copy
function new;
a_word_t_mod_n: assert($bits(WORD_T) % 8 == 0) else $fatal;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: memory_tr_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_memory_class #(A, N, I, type WORD_T = byte)
extends axi4_slave_model_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I));
logger_class log;
byte memory [*];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void clear_all;
endfunction: clear_all
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void compare(memory_tr_class #(A, N, I, WORD_T) tr_h);
if(memory.exists(tr_h.addr + i))
if(memory[tr_h.addr + i] !=[i])
log.error($sformatf("%m | 1 memory[0x%8.h] = 0x%2.h | 0x%2.h", tr_h.addr + i, memory[tr_h.addr + i],[i]));
log.error($sformatf("%m | 2 memory[0x%8.h] = 0x%2.h | 0x%2.h", tr_h.addr + i, 'bx,[i]));
endfunction: compare
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task display_memory(int offset, int count);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if(memory.exists(offset + i))
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | memory[0x%8.x] = 0x%2.x", $time, offset + i, memory[offset + i]);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | memory[0x%8.x] = 0x%2.x", $time, offset + i, 8'hxx);
endtask: display_memory
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task constant_fill(int offset, int count, int value);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
memory[offset + i] = value;
endtask: constant_fill
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task counting_fill(int offset, int count);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
memory[offset + i] = i;
endtask: counting_fill
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task dump_words(int offset, ref byte data[]);
if(memory.exists(offset + i))
data[i] = memory[offset + i];
data[i] = 'bx;
endtask: dump_words
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function reg [7:0] dump(int offset);
endfunction: dump
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task load_words(int offset, byte data[]);
memory[offset + i] = data[i];
endtask: load_words
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task load(int offset, reg [7:0] data);
memory[offset] = data;
endtask: load
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_read_interface;
int result;
logic [9:0] delay = 0;
int memory_addr;
result = ar_q_h.q.try_peek(ar_if_h);
if(result != 0)
log.debug($sformatf("araddr = 0x%h", ar_if_h.araddr));
log.debug($sformatf("arlen = 0x%h", ar_if_h.arlen));
delay = $urandom_range(9, 0);
if(delay > 6)
repeat($urandom_range(50, 1))
for(int i = 0; i < ar_if_h.arlen + 1; i++)
memory_addr = ar_if_h.araddr + (i * (2 ** ar_if_h.arsize));
for(int i = 0; i < ar_if_h.N; i++)
r_if_h.rdata[i*8 +: 8] = memory[memory_addr];
r_if_h.rdata[i*8 +: 8] = 8'hxx;
log.debug($sformatf("rdata = 0x%h", r_if_h.rdata));
if(i == ar_if_h.arlen)
r_if_h.rlast = 1;
r_if_h.rlast = 0;
r_if_h.rid = 0;
r_if_h.rresp = 0;
r_if_h = new(axi4_s);
r_if_h.rlast = 0;
endtask: run_read_interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_write_interface;
int result;
logic [9:0] delay = 0;
int memory_addr;
result = aw_q_h.q.try_peek(aw_if_h);
if(result != 0)
memory_addr = aw_if_h.awaddr;
log.debug($sformatf("awaddr = 0x%h", aw_if_h.awaddr));
delay = $urandom_range(9, 0);
if(delay > 6)
repeat($urandom_range(8, 1))
for(int i = 0; i < aw_if_h.awlen + 1; i++)
log.debug($sformatf("wdata = 0x%h", w_if_h.wdata));
for(int k = 0; k < aw_if_h.N; k++)
memory[memory_addr] = w_if_h.wdata[k*8 +: 8];
if(i == aw_if_h.awlen)
b_if_h.bresp = 0; = aw_if_h.awid;
b_if_h = new(axi4_s);
endtask: run_write_interface
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task run_model;
endtask: run_model
function new(virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_s);;
a_word_t_mod_n: assert($bits(WORD_T) % 8 == 0) else $fatal;
this.aw_q_h = new(axi4_s, 2);
this.w_q_h = new(axi4_s, 16);
this.b_q_h = new(axi4_s, 2);
this.ar_q_h = new(axi4_s, 2);
this.r_q_h = new(axi4_s, 16);
this.log = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_memory_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axi4_memory_pkg
0,0 → 1,822
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
package axi4_models_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I);
virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus;
event valid;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual function void set_master_default;
pure virtual function void set_slave_default;
pure virtual function void copy(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) from);
pure virtual function void copy_if;
pure virtual function void drive_if;
pure virtual function void set_ready(bit value);
pure virtual function bit is_valid;
pure virtual function void set_valid(bit value);
pure virtual function bit is_ready;
pure virtual function bit is_transfer;
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus);
this.axi4_bus = axi4_bus;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_channel_if_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_channel_sink_q_class #(A, N, I, type T = logic);
virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus;
T c_if_h;
int q_size;
mailbox #(T) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function automatic void run_q;
int result;
result = q.try_put(c_if_h);
if(result == 0)
c_if_h = new(axi4_bus);
if(q.num >= q_size)
endfunction: run_q
function new( virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus, int q_size);
this.axi4_bus = axi4_bus;
this.q_size = q_size;
this.q = new(q_size);
this.c_if_h = new(axi4_bus);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_channel_sink_q_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_channel_source_q_class #(A, N, I, type T = logic);
virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus;
T c_if_h;
int q_size;
mailbox #(T) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function automatic void run_q;
int result;
result = q.try_get(c_if_h);
if(result == 0)
result = q.try_peek(c_if_h);
if(result == 0)
endfunction: run_q
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus, int q_size);
this.axi4_bus = axi4_bus;
this.q_size = q_size;
this.q = new(q_size);
this.c_if_h = new(axi4_bus);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_channel_source_q_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(A-1):0] awaddr;
logic [1:0] awburst;
logic [(I-1):0] awid;
logic [7:0] awlen;
logic [2:0] awsize;
logic [3:0] awcache;
logic awlock;
logic [2:0] awprot;
logic [3:0] awqos;
logic [3:0] awregion;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_master_default;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awvalid <= 0;
endfunction: set_master_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_slave_default;
axi4_bus.cb_s.awready <= 0;
endfunction: set_slave_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) from);
axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I) child;
$cast(child, from);
awaddr = child.awaddr;
awburst = child.awburst;
awid = child.awid;
awlen = child.awlen;
awsize = child.awsize;
awcache = child.awcache;
awlock = child.awlock;
awprot = child.awprot;
awqos = child.awqos;
awregion = child.awregion;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy_if;
awaddr = axi4_bus.cb_s.awaddr;
awburst = axi4_bus.cb_s.awburst;
awid = axi4_bus.cb_s.awid;
awlen = axi4_bus.cb_s.awlen;
awsize = axi4_bus.cb_s.awsize;
awcache = axi4_bus.cb_s.awcache;
awlock = axi4_bus.cb_s.awlock;
awprot = axi4_bus.cb_s.awprot;
awqos = axi4_bus.cb_s.awqos;
awregion = axi4_bus.cb_s.awregion;
endfunction: copy_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void drive_if;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awaddr <= awaddr;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awburst <= awburst;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awid <= awid;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awlen <= awlen;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awsize <= awsize;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awcache <= awcache;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awlock <= awlock;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awprot <= awprot;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awqos <= awqos;
axi4_bus.cb_m.awregion <= awregion;
endfunction: drive_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_ready(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_s.awready <= value;
endfunction: set_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_valid;
endfunction: is_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_valid(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_m.awvalid <= value;
endfunction: set_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_ready;
endfunction: is_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_transfer;
return(axi4_bus.cb_m.awready & axi4_bus.cb_s.awvalid);
endfunction: is_transfer
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus);;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_aw_if_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(A-1):0] araddr;
logic [1:0] arburst;
logic [(I-1):0] arid;
logic [7:0] arlen;
logic [2:0] arsize;
logic [3:0] arcache;
logic arlock;
logic [2:0] arprot;
logic [3:0] arqos;
logic [3:0] arregion;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void set_master_default;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arvalid <= 0;
endfunction: set_master_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void set_slave_default;
axi4_bus.cb_s.arready <= 0;
endfunction: set_slave_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void copy(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) from);
axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I) child;
$cast(child, from);
araddr = child.araddr;
arburst = child.arburst;
arid = child.arid;
arlen = child.arlen;
arsize = child.arsize;
arcache = child.arcache;
arlock = child.arlock;
arprot = child.arprot;
arqos = child.arqos;
arregion = child.arregion;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void copy_if;
araddr = axi4_bus.cb_s.araddr;
arburst = axi4_bus.cb_s.arburst;
arid = axi4_bus.cb_s.arid;
arlen = axi4_bus.cb_s.arlen;
arsize = axi4_bus.cb_s.arsize;
arcache = axi4_bus.cb_s.arcache;
arlock = axi4_bus.cb_s.arlock;
arprot = axi4_bus.cb_s.arprot;
arqos = axi4_bus.cb_s.arqos;
arregion = axi4_bus.cb_s.arregion;
endfunction: copy_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void drive_if;
axi4_bus.cb_m.araddr <= araddr;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arburst <= arburst;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arid <= arid;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arlen <= arlen;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arsize <= arsize;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arcache <= arcache;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arlock <= arlock;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arprot <= arprot;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arqos <= arqos;
axi4_bus.cb_m.arregion <= arregion;
endfunction: drive_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function void set_ready(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_s.arready <= value;
endfunction: set_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function bit is_valid;
endfunction: is_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_valid(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_m.arvalid <= value;
endfunction: set_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_ready;
endfunction: is_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_transfer;
return(axi4_bus.cb_m.arready & axi4_bus.cb_s.arvalid);
endfunction: is_transfer
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus);;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_ar_if_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_w_if_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(8*N)-1:0] wdata;
logic [(I-1):0] wid;
logic wlast;
logic [N-1:0] wstrb;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_master_default;
axi4_bus.cb_m.wvalid <= 0;
endfunction: set_master_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_slave_default;
axi4_bus.cb_s.wready <= 0;
endfunction: set_slave_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) from);
axi4_w_if_class #(A, N, I) child;
$cast(child, from);
wdata = child.wdata;
wid = child.wid;
wlast = child.wlast;
wstrb = child.wstrb;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy_if;
wdata = axi4_bus.cb_s.wdata;
wid = axi4_bus.cb_s.wid;
wlast = axi4_bus.cb_s.wlast;
wstrb = axi4_bus.cb_s.wstrb;
endfunction: copy_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void drive_if;
axi4_bus.cb_m.wdata <= wdata;
axi4_bus.cb_m.wid <= wid;
axi4_bus.cb_m.wlast <= wlast;
axi4_bus.cb_m.wstrb <= wstrb;
endfunction: drive_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_ready(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_s.wready <= value;
endfunction: set_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_valid;
endfunction: is_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_valid(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_m.wvalid <= value;
endfunction: set_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_ready;
endfunction: is_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_transfer;
return(axi4_bus.cb_m.wready & axi4_bus.cb_s.wvalid);
endfunction: is_transfer
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus);;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_w_if_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_b_if_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(I-1):0] bid;
logic [1:0] bresp;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_master_default;
axi4_bus.cb_m.bready <= 0;
endfunction: set_master_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_slave_default;
axi4_bus.cb_s.bvalid <= 0;
endfunction: set_slave_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) from);
axi4_b_if_class #(A, N, I) child;
$cast(child, from);
bid =;
bresp = child.bresp;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy_if;
bid =;
bresp = axi4_bus.cb_m.bresp;
endfunction: copy_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void drive_if; <= bid;
axi4_bus.cb_s.bresp <= bresp;
endfunction: drive_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_ready(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_m.bready <= value;
endfunction: set_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_valid;
endfunction: is_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_valid(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_s.bvalid <= value;
endfunction: set_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_ready;
endfunction: is_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_transfer;
return(axi4_bus.cb_s.bready & axi4_bus.cb_m.bvalid);
endfunction: is_transfer
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus);;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_b_if_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_r_if_class #(A, N, I)
extends axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I);
logic [(8*N)-1:0] rdata;
logic [(I-1):0] rid;
logic rlast;
logic [1:0] rresp;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_master_default;
axi4_bus.cb_m.rready <= 0;
endfunction: set_master_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_slave_default;
axi4_bus.cb_s.rvalid <= 0;
endfunction: set_slave_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy(axi4_channel_if_class #(A, N, I) from);
axi4_r_if_class #(A, N, I) child;
$cast(child, from);
rdata = child.rdata;
rid = child.rid;
rlast = child.rlast;
rresp = child.rresp;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy_if;
rdata = axi4_bus.cb_m.rdata;
rid = axi4_bus.cb_m.rid;
rlast = axi4_bus.cb_m.rlast;
rresp = axi4_bus.cb_m.rresp;
endfunction: copy_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void drive_if;
axi4_bus.cb_s.rdata <= rdata;
axi4_bus.cb_s.rid <= rid;
axi4_bus.cb_s.rlast <= rlast;
axi4_bus.cb_s.rresp <= rresp;
endfunction: drive_if
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_ready(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_m.rready <= value;
endfunction: set_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_valid;
endfunction: is_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_valid(bit value);
axi4_bus.cb_s.rvalid <= value;
endfunction: set_valid
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_ready;
endfunction: is_ready
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function bit is_transfer;
return(axi4_bus.cb_s.rready & axi4_bus.cb_m.rvalid);
endfunction: is_transfer
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_bus);;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_r_if_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class axi4_master_model_class #(A, N, I);
virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_m;
axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I) aw_if_h;
axi4_channel_source_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I)) aw_q_h;
axi4_w_if_class #(A, N, I) w_if_h;
axi4_channel_source_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_w_if_class #(A, N, I)) w_q_h;
axi4_b_if_class #(A, N, I) b_if_h;
axi4_channel_sink_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_b_if_class #(A, N, I)) b_q_h;
axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I) ar_if_h;
axi4_channel_source_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I)) ar_q_h;
axi4_r_if_class #(A, N, I) r_if_h;
axi4_channel_sink_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_r_if_class #(A, N, I)) r_q_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual task run_model;
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_m);
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
this.aw_if_h = new(axi4_m);
this.w_if_h = new(axi4_m);
this.b_if_h = new(axi4_m);
this.ar_if_h = new(axi4_m);
this.r_if_h = new(axi4_m);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_master_model_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual class axi4_slave_model_class #(A, N, I);
virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_s;
axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I) aw_if_h;
axi4_channel_sink_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_aw_if_class #(A, N, I)) aw_q_h;
axi4_w_if_class #(A, N, I) w_if_h;
axi4_channel_sink_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_w_if_class #(A, N, I)) w_q_h;
axi4_b_if_class #(A, N, I) b_if_h;
axi4_channel_source_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_b_if_class #(A, N, I)) b_q_h;
axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I) ar_if_h;
axi4_channel_sink_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_ar_if_class #(A, N, I)) ar_q_h;
axi4_r_if_class #(A, N, I) r_if_h;
axi4_channel_source_q_class #(A, N, I, axi4_r_if_class #(A, N, I)) r_q_h;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
pure virtual task run_model;
function new(virtual axi4_if #(A, N, I) axi4_s);
this.axi4_s = axi4_s;
this.aw_if_h = new(axi4_s);
this.w_if_h = new(axi4_s);
this.b_if_h = new(axi4_s);
this.ar_if_h = new(axi4_s);
this.r_if_h = new(axi4_s);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_slave_model_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axi4_models_pkg
0,0 → 1,89
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
A = 32, // address bus width
N = 8, // data bus width in bytes
I = 1, // ID width
type WORD_T = byte
axi4_if axi4_s[PORTS],
input aclk,
input aresetn
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axis_bfm_pkg::*;
import axi4_memory_pkg::*;
import axi4_arbiter_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_bus(.*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_arbiter_class #(A, N, I) arb_h;
axi4_memory_class #(A, N, I, WORD_T) m_h;
arb_h = new(axi4_s, axi4_bus);
m_h = new(axi4_bus);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N), .MAXWAITS(MAXWAITS))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
begin: axi4_s_cherkers
for(genvar j = 0; j < PORTS; j++)
axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N), .MAXWAITS(MAXWAITS))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,129
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_100mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz;
wire tb_rst;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam A = 32;
localparam N = 8;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N))
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// axi4_master_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
// tb_axi4_m(.axi4_s(axi4_s), .*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_bfm_pkg::*;
axi4_master_bfm_class bfm;
bfm = new(axi4_s);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_memory_pkg::*;
axi4_memory_class axi4_memory;
axi4_memory = new(axi4_s);
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
0,0 → 1,130
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package tb_axi4_to_axis_agent_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_memory_pkg::*;
import axis_bfm_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tb_axi4_to_axis_agent_class #(N, A, I, D, U);
axi4_memory_class #(A, N, I) m_h;
axis_rx_bfm_class #(N, I, D, U) s_h;
memory_tr_class #(A, N, I) m_tr_h, m_tr_clone_h;
axis_tr_class #(N, I, D, U) s_tr_h;
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out;
mailbox #(memory_tr_class #(A, N, I)) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task wait_for_sof;
@(posedge axis_out.cb_s.tuser);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
endtask: wait_for_sof
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task random_transaction(int addr, int size);
m_tr_h = new();
m_tr_h.random(addr, size);
m_tr_clone_h = m_tr_h.clone();
endtask: random_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
$display("^^^ %16.t | q.num = %d", $time, q.num);
$display("^^^ %16.t | s_h.q.num = %d", $time, s_h.q.num);
$display("^^^ %16.t | = %d", $time,;
for(int i = 0; i <; i += N)
if(s_h.q.try_get(s_tr_h) == 0)
$display("!!! %16.t | ERROR!!! try_get(s_tr_h) == 0", $time);
for(int k = 0; k < N; k++)
if(s_tr_h.tdata[k*8 +: 8] !=[i + k])
$display("!!! %16.t | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^", $time);
$display("!!! %16.t | ERROR!!! mismatch | i = %d | k = %d", $time, i, k);
$display("!!! %16.t | %x | %x |", $time, s_tr_h.tdata[k*8 +: 8],[i + k]);
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | done!", $time);
endtask: compare
function new
virtual axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m,
virtual axis_if #(.N(N), .I(I), .D(D), .U(U)) axis_out
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
this.axis_out = axis_out;
m_h = new(axi4_m);
s_h = new(axis_out);
q = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tb_axi4_to_axis_agent_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: tb_axi4_to_axis_agent_class_pkg
0,0 → 1,526
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
A = 32, // address bus width
N = 8, // data bus width in bytes
I = 1 // ID width
axi4_if axi4_s,
input aresetn,
input aclk
logic [(A-1):0] araddr;
logic [1:0] arburst;
logic [3:0] arcache;
logic [(I-1):0] arid;
logic [7:0] arlen;
logic arlock;
logic [2:0] arprot;
logic [3:0] arqos;
logic arready;
logic [3:0] arregion;
logic [2:0] arsize;
logic arvalid;
logic [(A-1):0] awaddr;
logic [1:0] awburst;
logic [3:0] awcache;
logic [(I-1):0] awid;
logic [7:0] awlen;
logic awlock;
logic [2:0] awprot;
logic [3:0] awqos;
logic awready;
logic [3:0] awregion;
logic [2:0] awsize;
logic awvalid;
logic [(I-1):0] bid;
logic bready;
logic [1:0] bresp;
logic bvalid;
logic [(8*N)-1:0] rdata;
logic [(I-1):0] rid;
logic rlast;
logic rready;
logic [1:0] rresp;
logic rvalid;
logic [(8*N)-1:0] wdata;
logic [(I-1):0] wid;
logic wlast;
logic wready;
logic [N-1:0] wstrb;
logic wvalid;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
default clocking cb @(posedge aclk);
output arid;
output araddr;
output arburst;
output arcache;
output awid;
output arlen;
output arlock;
output arprot;
output arqos;
input arready;
output arregion;
output arsize;
output arvalid;
output awaddr;
output awburst;
output awcache;
output awlen;
output awlock;
output awprot;
output awqos;
input awready;
output awregion;
output awsize;
output awvalid;
output bready;
input bid;
input bresp;
input bvalid;
input rdata;
input rid;
input rlast;
output rready;
input rresp;
input rvalid;
output wdata;
output wlast;
input wready;
output wstrb;
output wvalid;
input aresetn;
input aclk;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
assign axi4_s.arid = arid;
assign axi4_s.araddr = araddr;
assign axi4_s.arburst = arburst;
assign axi4_s.arcache = arcache;
assign axi4_s.awid = awid;
assign axi4_s.arlen = arlen;
assign axi4_s.arlock = arlock;
assign axi4_s.arprot = arprot;
assign axi4_s.arqos = arqos;
assign arready = axi4_s.arready;
assign axi4_s.arregion = arregion;
assign axi4_s.arsize = arsize;
assign axi4_s.arvalid = arvalid;
assign axi4_s.awaddr = awaddr;
assign axi4_s.awburst = awburst;
assign axi4_s.awcache = awcache;
assign axi4_s.awlen = awlen;
assign axi4_s.awlock = awlock;
assign axi4_s.awprot = awprot;
assign axi4_s.awqos = awqos;
assign awready = axi4_s.awready;
assign axi4_s.awregion = awregion;
assign axi4_s.awsize = awsize;
assign axi4_s.awvalid = awvalid;
assign axi4_s.bready = bready;
assign bid =;
assign bresp = axi4_s.bresp;
assign bvalid = axi4_s.bvalid;
assign rdata = axi4_s.rdata;
assign rid = axi4_s.rid;
assign rlast = axi4_s.rlast;
assign axi4_s.rready = rready;
assign rresp = axi4_s.rresp;
assign rvalid = axi4_s.rvalid;
assign axi4_s.wdata = wdata;
assign axi4_s.wlast = wlast;
assign wready = axi4_s.wready;
assign axi4_s.wstrb = wstrb;
assign axi4_s.wvalid = wvalid;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.araddr <= 'bx;
cb.arburst <= 'bx;
cb.arcache <= 'bx;
cb.arid <= 'bx;
cb.arlen <= 'bx;
cb.arlock <= 'bx;
cb.arprot <= 'bx;
cb.arqos <= 'bx;
cb.arregion <= 'bx;
cb.arsize <= 'bx;
cb.arvalid <= 0;
endfunction: ar_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.awaddr <= 'bx;
cb.awburst <= 'bx;
cb.awcache <= 'bx;
cb.awid <= 'bx;
cb.awlen <= 'bx;
cb.awlock <= 'bx;
cb.awprot <= 'bx;
cb.awqos <= 'bx;
cb.awregion <= 'bx;
cb.awsize <= 'bx;
cb.awvalid <= 0;
endfunction: aw_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.rready <= 0;
endfunction: r_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.wdata <= 'bx;
cb.wlast <= 'bx;
cb.wstrb <= {N{1'b1}};
cb.wvalid <= 0;
endfunction: w_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.bready <= 0;
endfunction: b_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endtask: zero_cycle_delay
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import tb_bfm_pkg::*;
import axi4_transaction_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class ar_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.araddr <= tr_h.addr;
cb.arid <=;
cb.arlen <= tr_h.len;
cb.arsize <= tr_h.size;
cb.arburst <= tr_h.burst;
cb.arcache <= tr_h.cache;
cb.arlock <= tr_h.lock;
cb.arprot <= tr_h.prot;
cb.arqos <= tr_h.qos;
cb.arregion <= tr_h.region;
cb.arvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master AR transaction @ 0x%08x |", $time, tr_h.addr);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: ar_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class r_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
tr_h.data_h = new(tr_h.len);
cb.rready <= 1;
tr_h.data_h.w[i] = cb.rdata;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master R transaction | %d | 0x%016x |", $time, i, tr_h.data_h.w[i]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: r_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class aw_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.awaddr <= tr_h.addr;
cb.awid <=;
cb.awlen <= tr_h.len;
cb.awsize <= tr_h.size;
cb.awburst <= tr_h.burst;
cb.awcache <= tr_h.cache;
cb.awlock <= tr_h.lock;
cb.awprot <= tr_h.prot;
cb.awqos <= tr_h.qos;
cb.awregion <= tr_h.region;
cb.awvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master AW transaction @ 0x%08x |", $time, tr_h.addr);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: aw_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class w_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.wdata <= tr_h.payload_h.w[i];
// cb.wstrb <= tr_h.strb; // need to fix
if(i < tr_h.payload_h.w.size - 1)
cb.wlast <= 0;
cb.wlast <= 1;
cb.wvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master W transaction | %d | 0x%016x |", $time, i, tr_h.payload_h.w[i]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: w_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class b_master_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.bready <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | master B transaction | 0x%x |", $time, cb.bresp);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: b_master_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ar_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) ar_h;
r_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) r_h;
aw_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) aw_h;
w_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) w_h;
b_master_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) b_h;
ar_h = new;
r_h = new;
aw_h = new;
w_h = new;
b_h = new;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,153
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package axi4_simple_agent_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_transaction_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_simple_agent_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1);
axi4_transaction_class tr_h;
virtual axi4_master_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m;
virtual axi4_slave_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_s;
function new
virtual axi4_master_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_m,
virtual axi4_slave_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) axi4_s
this.axi4_m = axi4_m;
this.axi4_s = axi4_s;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input logic [(A-1):0] araddr,
input logic [7:0] arlen,
output logic [(8*N)-1:0] data[],
output logic [1:0] rresp
this.tr_h = new;
this.tr_h.basic_read(araddr, arlen);
data = tr_h.data_h.w;
rresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input logic [(A-1):0] awaddr,
input logic [7:0] awlen,
input logic [(8*N)-1:0] data[],
output logic [1:0] bresp
this.tr_h = new;
this.tr_h.basic_write(awaddr, awlen);
this.tr_h.payload_h.w[i] = data[i];
bresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
input logic [(A-1):0] awaddr,
input logic [7:0] awlen,
output logic [1:0] bresp
this.tr_h = new;
this.tr_h.basic_write(awaddr, awlen);
bresp = tr_h.resp;
endtask: basic_random_write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_simple_agent_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axi4_simple_agent_pkg
0,0 → 1,514
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
A = 32, // address bus width
N = 8, // data bus width in bytes
I = 1 // ID width
axi4_if axi4_m,
input aresetn,
input aclk
logic [(A-1):0] araddr;
logic [1:0] arburst;
logic [3:0] arcache;
logic [(I-1):0] arid;
logic [7:0] arlen;
logic arlock;
logic [2:0] arprot;
logic [3:0] arqos;
logic arready;
logic [3:0] arregion;
logic [2:0] arsize;
logic arvalid;
logic [(A-1):0] awaddr;
logic [1:0] awburst;
logic [3:0] awcache;
logic [(I-1):0] awid;
logic [7:0] awlen;
logic awlock;
logic [2:0] awprot;
logic [3:0] awqos;
logic awready;
logic [3:0] awregion;
logic [2:0] awsize;
logic awvalid;
logic [(I-1):0] bid;
logic bready;
logic [1:0] bresp;
logic bvalid;
logic [(8*N)-1:0] rdata;
logic [(I-1):0] rid;
logic rlast;
logic rready;
logic [1:0] rresp;
logic rvalid;
logic [(8*N)-1:0] wdata;
logic [(I-1):0] wid;
logic wlast;
logic wready;
logic [N-1:0] wstrb;
logic wvalid;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
default clocking cb @(posedge aclk);
input arid;
input araddr;
input arburst;
input arcache;
input awid;
input arlen;
input arlock;
input arprot;
input arqos;
output arready;
input arregion;
input arsize;
input arvalid;
input awaddr;
input awburst;
input awcache;
input awlen;
input awlock;
input awprot;
input awqos;
output awready;
input awregion;
input awsize;
input awvalid;
input bready;
output bid;
output bresp;
output bvalid;
output rdata;
output rid;
output rlast;
input rready;
output rresp;
output rvalid;
input wdata;
input wid;
input wlast;
output wready;
input wstrb;
input wvalid;
input aresetn;
input aclk;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
assign arid = axi4_m.arid;
assign araddr = axi4_m.araddr;
assign arburst = axi4_m.arburst;
assign arcache = axi4_m.arcache;
assign awid = axi4_m.awid;
assign arlen = axi4_m.arlen;
assign arlock = axi4_m.arlock;
assign arprot = axi4_m.arprot;
assign arqos = axi4_m.arqos;
assign axi4_m.arready = arready;
assign arregion = axi4_m.arregion;
assign arsize = axi4_m.arsize;
assign arvalid = axi4_m.arvalid;
assign awaddr = axi4_m.awaddr;
assign awburst = axi4_m.awburst;
assign awcache = axi4_m.awcache;
assign awlen = axi4_m.awlen;
assign awlock = axi4_m.awlock;
assign awprot = axi4_m.awprot;
assign awqos = axi4_m.awqos;
assign axi4_m.awready = awready;
assign awregion = axi4_m.awregion;
assign awsize = axi4_m.awsize;
assign awvalid = axi4_m.awvalid;
assign bready = axi4_m.bready;
assign = bid;
assign axi4_m.bresp = bresp;
assign axi4_m.bvalid = bvalid;
assign axi4_m.rdata = rdata;
assign axi4_m.rid = rid;
assign axi4_m.rlast = rlast;
assign rready = axi4_m.rready;
assign axi4_m.rresp = rresp;
assign axi4_m.rvalid = rvalid;
assign wdata = axi4_m.wdata;
assign wlast = axi4_m.wlast;
assign axi4_m.wready = wready;
assign wstrb = axi4_m.wstrb;
assign wvalid = axi4_m.wvalid;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.arready <= 0;
endfunction: ar_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.awready <= 0;
endfunction: aw_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.rdata <= 'bx;
cb.rid <= 'bx;
cb.rlast <= 'bx;
cb.rresp <= 0;
cb.rvalid <= 0;
endfunction: r_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
cb.wready <= 0;
endfunction: w_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
b_default; <= 0;
cb.bresp <= 0;
cb.bvalid <= 0;
endfunction: b_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endtask: zero_cycle_delay
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import tb_bfm_pkg::*;
import axi4_transaction_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class r_slave_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.rdata <= tr_h.payload_h.w[i];
cb.rresp <= tr_h.resp;
cb.rid <=;
if(i < tr_h.payload_h.w.size - 1)
cb.rlast <= 0;
cb.rlast <= 1;
cb.rvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | slave R transaction | %d | 0x%016x |", $time, i, tr_h.payload_h.w[i]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: r_slave_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
r_slave_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) r_h;
class ar_slave_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.arready <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | slave AR transaction @ 0x%08x | 0x%016x |", $time, tr_h.addr, tr_h.payload_h.w[0]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: ar_slave_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class aw_slave_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
semaphore aw_semaphore;
function new;;
this.aw_semaphore = new(0);
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
cb.awready <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | slave AW transaction @ 0x%08x | 0x%016x |", $time, tr_h.addr, tr_h.payload_h.w[0]);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: aw_slave_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
aw_slave_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) aw_h;
class b_slave_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
// Error: AXI4_ERRS_BRESP_AW: A slave must not give a write response before the write address.
// Spec: section A3.3.1 and figure A3-7.
aw_h.aw_semaphore.get(); // better way to do this???
cb.bresp <= tr_h.resp; <=;
cb.bvalid <= 1;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | slave B transaction |", $time);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: b_slave_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
b_slave_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) b_h;
class w_slave_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1)
extends tb_blocking_transaction_q_class #(axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task automatic
ref T tr_h
tr_h.data_h = new(tr_h.len);
cb.wready <= 1;
tr_h.data_h.w[i] <= cb.wdata;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m | slave W transaction | %d | 0x%016x |", $time, i, cb.wdata);
endtask: transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: w_slave_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ar_slave_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) ar_h;
w_slave_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) w_h;
ar_h = new;
r_h = new;
aw_h = new;
w_h = new;
b_h = new;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,253
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package axi4_transaction_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_delay_class;
rand int unsigned delay;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function int unsigned
assert(this.randomize() with{delay dist {0 := 40, [1:3] := 40, [4:7] := 20};});
endfunction: next
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_delay_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_payload_class #(N = 8);
rand logic [(8*N)-1:0] w[];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic [7:0] len = 0
this.w = new[len + 1];
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
logic [7:0] len = 0
this.w = new[len + 1];
endfunction: random
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_payload_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class axi4_transaction_class #(A = 32, N = 8, I = 1);
axi4_delay_class delay_h;
axi4_payload_class #(.N(N)) payload_h;
axi4_payload_class #(.N(N)) data_h;
rand logic [(A-1):0] addr = 'bz;
rand logic [1:0] burst = 2'b01;
rand logic [7:0] len = 0;
rand logic [2:0] size = $clog2(N);
rand logic [(I-1):0] id = 0;
rand logic [1:0] resp = 0;
logic [3:0] cache = 0;
logic lock = 0;
logic [2:0] prot = 0;
logic [3:0] qos = 0;
logic [3:0] region = 0;
constraint default_len
len dist {0 := 40, [1:15] := 40, [16:255] := 20};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
logic [7:0] len = 0
this.payload_h = new(len + 1);
this.delay_h = new;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
assert(this.randomize() with
{ == 0;
this.resp == 0;
this.burst == 2'b01;
this.len == 0;
this.size == $clog2(N);
endfunction: basic_random
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
assert(this.randomize() with
this.addr[$clog2(N*8)-1:0] == 0; == 0;
this.resp == 0;
this.burst == 2'b01;
this.size == $clog2(N);
this.len dist {0 := 40, [1:3] := 40, [4:15] := 20};
endfunction: basic_random_burst
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
logic [(A-1):0] addr,
logic [7:0] len = 0
); = 0;
this.resp = 0;
this.burst = 2'b01;
this.size = $clog2(N);
this.addr = addr;
this.len = len;
endfunction: basic_read
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void
logic [(A-1):0] addr,
logic [7:0] len = 0
); = 0;
this.resp = 0;
this.burst = 2'b01;
this.size = $clog2(N);
this.addr = addr;
this.len = len;
endfunction: basic_write
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void copy
axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) from
this.addr = from.addr;
this.burst = from.burst;
this.len = from.len;
this.size = from.size; =;
this.resp = from.resp;
this.cache = from.cache;
this.lock = from.lock;
this.prot = from.prot;
this.qos = from.qos;
this.region = from.region;
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual function axi4_transaction_class #(.A(A), .N(N), .I(I)) clone;
clone = new();
endfunction: clone
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: axi4_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: axi4_transaction_pkg
0,0 → 1,119
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_100mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz;
wire tb_rst;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam A = 32;
localparam N = 8;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_simple_agent_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_master_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
axi4_m(.axi4_s(axi4_bus), .*);
axi4_slave_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
axi4_s(.axi4_m(axi4_bus), .*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_simple_agent_class bfm;
bfm = new(axi4_m, axi4_s);
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
0,0 → 1,133
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
module tb_top();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test bench clock & reset
wire clk_100mhz;
wire tb_clk = clk_100mhz;
wire tb_rst;
wire aclk = tb_clk;
wire aresetn = ~tb_rst;
tb_base #(.PERIOD(10_000)) tb(clk_100mhz, tb_rst);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
localparam A = 32;
localparam N = 8;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
axi4_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_register_slice #(.A(A), .N(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// sim models
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N))
axi4_checker #(.A(A), .N(N))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import axi4_simple_agent_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_master_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
tb_axi4_m(.axi4_s(axi4_s), .*);
axi4_slave_bfm_if #(.A(A), .N(N))
tb_axi4_s(.axi4_m(axi4_m), .*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
axi4_simple_agent_class bfm;
bfm = new(tb_axi4_m, tb_axi4_s);
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// debug wires
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// test
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst );
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time);
/qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/Avalon Verification IP Suite User Guide .pdf Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/Avalon Verification IP Suite User Guide .pdf Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/mnl_avalon_spec.pdf =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/mnl_avalon_spec.pdf =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/mnl_avalon_spec.pdf (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/mnl_avalon_spec.pdf (revision 49)
qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/docs/mnl_avalon_spec.pdf Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/src/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/src/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/src/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + +module + ast_ready_cycle_fsm + ( + input axis_en, + output axis_tvalid, + input axis_tready, + + input fifo_watermark, // OK to use fifo_almost_full if FIFO is synchronous, assert to flush also + input fifo_empty, + output fifo_rd_en, + + output data_to_axis_fsm_error, + + input aclk, + input aresetn + ); + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // state machine binary definitions + enum reg [3:0] { + IDLE_STATE = 4'b0001, + TVALID = 4'b0010, + TREADY = 4'b0100, + ERROR_STATE = 4'b1000 + } state, next_state; + + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // state machine flop + always_ff @(posedge aclk) + if(~aresetn) + state <= IDLE_STATE; + else + state <= next_state; + + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // state machine + always_comb + case(state) + IDLE_STATE: if(axis_en & fifo_watermark & ~fifo_empty) + if(axis_tready) + next_state <= TREADY; + else + next_state <= TVALID; + else + next_state <= IDLE_STATE; + + TVALID: if(axis_tready) // wait for slave to be ready + next_state <= TREADY; + else + next_state <= TVALID; + + TREADY: if(fifo_empty) // slave can accept data + next_state <= IDLE_STATE; + else if(axis_tready) + next_state <= TREADY; + else + next_state <= TVALID; + + ERROR_STATE: next_state <= IDLE_STATE; + + default: next_state <= ERROR_STATE; + + endcase + + + //--------------------------------------------------- + // outputs + assign axis_tvalid = (next_state == TVALID) | (next_state == TREADY); + assign fifo_rd_en = axis_tvalid & axis_tready; + assign data_to_axis_fsm_error = (state == ERROR_STATE); + + +//--------------------------------------------------- +// +endmodule + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $Id: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/altera_avalon_st_monitor_bfm/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// altera_avalon_st_monitor +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Bridge with Avalon Bus Protocol Assertion Checker +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module implements Avalon ST protocol assertion checking for simulation. +// The component acts as a simple repeater with Avalon bus signals +// passed through from the sink to source interface. +// The instantiated altera_avalon_st_monitor snoops all passing Avalon +// bus signals and performs assertion checking and measures coverage on +// Avalon Streaming protocol properties. +// Transactions in transit may also be captured in a transaction buffer and +// extracted from the monitor via the API. +// The macro ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA is defined to disable SVA processing +// The macro ENABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_TRANSACTION_RECORDING must be defined to +// enable transaction monitoring +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ps / 1ps + +module altera_avalon_st_monitor( + clk, + reset, + + sink_data, + sink_channel, + sink_valid, + sink_startofpacket, + sink_endofpacket, + sink_error, + sink_empty, + sink_ready, + + src_data, + src_channel, + src_valid, + src_startofpacket, + src_endofpacket, + src_error, + src_empty, + src_ready + ); + + // =head1 PARAMETERS + parameter ST_SYMBOL_W = 8; // number of bits in one symbols + parameter ST_NUMSYMBOLS = 4; // number of symbols in one data + parameter ST_CHANNEL_W = 0; // width of channel signal + parameter ST_ERROR_W = 0; // width of error signal + parameter ST_EMPTY_W = 0; // width of empty signal, ST_EMPTY_W = log2(`ST_NUMSYMBOLS) + + parameter ST_READY_LATENCY = 0; // fixed ready latency in cycles + parameter ST_MAX_CHANNELS = 1; // maximum number of channels + + parameter USE_PACKET = 0; // data transfer in packet format + parameter USE_CHANNEL = 0; // use channel port + parameter USE_ERROR = 0; // use error port + parameter USE_READY = 1; // use ready port + parameter USE_VALID = 1; // use valid port + parameter USE_EMPTY = 0; // use empty port + parameter ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = 1; // Max number of packets per cycle + + parameter ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1; // Max number of packet size covered + parameter VHDL_ID = 0; // VHDL BFM ID number + + localparam ST_DATA_W = ST_SYMBOL_W * ST_NUMSYMBOLS; + localparam ST_MDATA_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_DATA_W; + localparam ST_MCHANNEL_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_CHANNEL_W; + localparam ST_MERROR_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_ERROR_W; + localparam ST_MEMPTY_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_EMPTY_W; + + localparam TAP_W = ((ST_DATA_W == 0)? 1:ST_DATA_W) + // data + ((ST_CHANNEL_W == 0)? 1:ST_CHANNEL_W) + // channel + 1 + // valid + 1 + // startofpacket + 1 + // endofpacket + ((ST_ERROR_W == 0)? 1:ST_ERROR_W) + // error + ((ST_EMPTY_W == 0)? 1:ST_EMPTY_W) + // empty + 1; // ready + + localparam MTAP_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE*TAP_W; + + // =head1 PINS + // =head2 Clock Interface + input clk; + input reset; + + // =head2 Avalon Streaming Sink Interface + input [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) : 0] sink_data; + input [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) : 0] sink_channel; + input [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] sink_valid; + input [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] sink_startofpacket; + input [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] sink_endofpacket; + input [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) : 0] sink_error; + input [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) : 0] sink_empty; + output sink_ready; + + // =head2 Avalon Streaming Source Interface + output [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) : 0] src_data; + output [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) : 0] src_channel; + output [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] src_valid; + output [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] src_startofpacket; + output [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] src_endofpacket; + output [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) : 0] src_error; + output [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) : 0] src_empty; + input src_ready; + + // =cut + + function int lindex; + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + input [31:0] width; + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + // outputs + logic sink_ready; + logic [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) : 0] src_data; + logic [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) : 0] src_channel; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] src_valid; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] src_startofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) : 0] src_endofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) : 0] src_error; + logic [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) : 0] src_empty; + + logic [(MTAP_W)-ST_BEATSPERCYCLE : 0] tap; + + always @(*) begin + sink_ready <= src_ready; + src_data <= sink_data; + src_channel <= sink_channel; + src_valid <= sink_valid; + src_startofpacket <= sink_startofpacket; + src_endofpacket <= sink_endofpacket; + src_error <= sink_error; + src_empty <= sink_empty; + + tap <= { + sink_data, + sink_channel, + sink_valid, + sink_startofpacket, + sink_endofpacket, + sink_error, + sink_empty, + src_ready + }; + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 ALTERA_AVALON_ST_MONITOR_ASSERTION + // This module implements Avalon-ST protocol simulation assertion checkers + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + altera_avalon_st_monitor_assertion + #( + .ST_SYMBOL_W (ST_SYMBOL_W), + .ST_NUMSYMBOLS (ST_NUMSYMBOLS), + .ST_CHANNEL_W (ST_CHANNEL_W), + .ST_ERROR_W (ST_ERROR_W), + .ST_EMPTY_W (ST_EMPTY_W), + + .ST_READY_LATENCY(ST_READY_LATENCY), + .ST_MAX_CHANNELS (ST_MAX_CHANNELS), + .ST_BEATSPERCYCLE(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE), + + .USE_PACKET (USE_PACKET), + .USE_CHANNEL (USE_CHANNEL), + .USE_ERROR (USE_ERROR), + .USE_READY (USE_READY), + .USE_VALID (USE_VALID), + .USE_EMPTY (USE_EMPTY) + ) + monitor_assertion ( + .clk (clk), + .reset (reset), + .tap (tap) + ); + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 ALTERA_AVALON_ST_MONITOR_COVERAGE + // This module implements Avalon-ST protocol functional coverage measurements + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + altera_avalon_st_monitor_coverage + #( + .ST_SYMBOL_W (ST_SYMBOL_W), + .ST_NUMSYMBOLS (ST_NUMSYMBOLS), + .ST_CHANNEL_W (ST_CHANNEL_W), + .ST_ERROR_W (ST_ERROR_W), + .ST_EMPTY_W (ST_EMPTY_W), + .ST_BEATSPERCYCLE (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE), + + .ST_READY_LATENCY (ST_READY_LATENCY), + .ST_MAX_CHANNELS (ST_MAX_CHANNELS), + + .USE_PACKET (USE_PACKET), + .USE_CHANNEL (USE_CHANNEL), + .USE_ERROR (USE_ERROR), + .USE_READY (USE_READY), + .USE_VALID (USE_VALID), + .USE_EMPTY (USE_EMPTY), + .ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) + ) + monitor_coverage ( + .clk (clk), + .reset (reset), + .tap (tap) + ); + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 ALTERA_AVALON_ST_MONITOR_TRANSACTIONS + // This module implements Avalon-ST the transaction recorder. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + `ifdef ENABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_TRANSACTION_RECORDING + altera_avalon_st_monitor_transactions + #( + .ST_SYMBOL_W (ST_SYMBOL_W), + .ST_NUMSYMBOLS (ST_NUMSYMBOLS), + .ST_CHANNEL_W (ST_CHANNEL_W), + .ST_ERROR_W (ST_ERROR_W), + .ST_EMPTY_W (ST_EMPTY_W), + .ST_BEATSPERCYCLE (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE), + + .ST_READY_LATENCY (ST_READY_LATENCY), + .ST_MAX_CHANNELS (ST_MAX_CHANNELS), + + .USE_PACKET (USE_PACKET), + .USE_CHANNEL (USE_CHANNEL), + .USE_ERROR (USE_ERROR), + .USE_READY (USE_READY), + .USE_VALID (USE_VALID), + .USE_EMPTY (USE_EMPTY), + .ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) + ) + monitor_trans ( + .clk (clk), + .reset (reset), + .tap (tap) + ); + `endif + + // synthesis translate_off + import verbosity_pkg::*; + + localparam VERSION = "17.1"; + + function automatic void hello(); + // introduction message to the console + string message; + $sformat(message, "%m: - Hello from altera_avalon_st_monitor"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + `ifdef DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA + $sformat(message, "%m: - Assertions disabled (DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA defined)"); + `else + $sformat(message, "%m: - Assertions enabled (DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA undefined)"); + `endif + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - $Revision: #1 $"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - $Date: 2017/07/30 $"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + print_divider(VERBOSITY_INFO); + endfunction + + initial begin + hello(); + end + + // synthesis translate_on + +endmodule Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $File: //acds/main/ip/sopc/components/verification/altera_avalon_st_monitor_bfm/ $ +// $Revision: #7 $ +// $Date: 2009/04/16 $ +// $Author: pscheidt $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// altera_avalon_st_monitor_assertion +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Streaming Avalon Bus Protocol Checker +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module implements Avalon ST protocol assertion checking for simulation. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ns / 1ns + +module altera_avalon_st_monitor_assertion( + clk, + reset, + tap + ); + + // =head1 PARAMETERS + parameter ST_SYMBOL_W = 8; // number of bits in one symbols + parameter ST_NUMSYMBOLS = 4; // number of symbols in one data + parameter ST_CHANNEL_W = 0; // width of channel signal + parameter ST_ERROR_W = 0; // width of error signal + parameter ST_EMPTY_W = 0; // width of empty signal, ST_EMPTY_W = log2(`ST_NUMSYMBOLS) + + parameter ST_READY_LATENCY = 0; // fixed ready latency in cycles + parameter ST_MAX_CHANNELS = 1; // maximum number of channels + + parameter USE_PACKET = 0; // data transfer in packet format + parameter USE_CHANNEL = 0; // use channel port + parameter USE_ERROR = 0; // use error port + parameter USE_READY = 1; // use ready port + parameter USE_VALID = 1; // use valid port + parameter USE_EMPTY = 0; // use empty port + parameter ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = 1; // Max number of packets per cycle + + localparam ST_DATA_W = ST_SYMBOL_W * ST_NUMSYMBOLS; + localparam ST_MAX_EMPTY = 2**(ST_EMPTY_W) - 1; + localparam NUM_CHANNEL = ST_MAX_CHANNELS+1; + + localparam TAP_W = ((ST_DATA_W == 0)? 1:ST_DATA_W) + // data + ((ST_CHANNEL_W == 0)? 1:ST_CHANNEL_W) + // channel + 1 + // valid + 1 + // startofpacket + 1 + // endofpacket + ((ST_ERROR_W == 0)? 1:ST_ERROR_W) + // error + ((ST_EMPTY_W == 0)? 1:ST_EMPTY_W) + // empty + 1; // ready + + // =head1 PINS + // =head2 Clock Interface + input clk; + input reset; + + // =head2 Avalon Monitor Interface - will be defined as Streaming Sink + input [(TAP_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)-ST_BEATSPERCYCLE:0] tap; + + // =cut + + function int lindex; + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + input [31:0] width; + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // synthesis translate_off + + import verbosity_pkg::*; + + typedef bit [lindex(ST_DATA_W) :0] STData_t; + typedef bit [lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W) :0] STChannel_t; + typedef bit [lindex(ST_EMPTY_W) :0] STEmpty_t; + typedef bit [lindex(ST_ERROR_W) :0] STError_t; + + event signal_fatal_error; + + event event_a_valid_legal; + event event_a_empty_legal; + event event_a_no_data_outside_packet; + event event_a_non_missing_endofpacket; + event event_a_non_missing_startofpacket; + event event_a_less_than_max_channel; + + string fatal_message = "*unitialized*"; + string message = "*unitialized*"; + + bit enable_a_valid_legal = 1; + bit enable_a_empty_legal = 1; + bit enable_a_no_data_outside_packet = 1; + bit enable_a_non_missing_endofpacket = 1; + bit enable_a_non_missing_startofpacket = 1; + bit enable_a_less_than_max_channel = 1; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // unpack Avalon bus interface tap into individual port signals + logic ready; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_DATA_W):0] data; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W):0] channel; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] valid; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] startofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] endofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_ERROR_W):0] error; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_EMPTY_W):0] empty; + + always_comb begin + data <= tap[lindex(ST_DATA_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+4: + lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+4]; + + channel <= (USE_CHANNEL == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ + lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3] : 0; + + valid <= (USE_VALID == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+2: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3] : 1; + + startofpacket <= (USE_PACKET == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+2: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3] : 0; + + endofpacket <= (USE_PACKET == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+2: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3] : 0; + + error <= (USE_ERROR == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2: + lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2] : 0; + + empty <= (USE_EMPTY == 1)? tap[lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+1:1] : 0; + + ready <= (USE_READY == 1)? tap[0:0] : 1; + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // General Statistics Counters + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + logic [31:0] clock_counter; + logic [31:0] sop_counter; + logic [31:0] eop_counter; + + logic sop_counter_reset = 0; + logic eop_counter_reset = 0; + logic [255:0] sop_channel_used = '0; + logic [255:0] eop_channel_used = '1; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] sop_error_in_channel = '0; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] eop_error_in_channel = '0; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] data_outside_packet = '0; + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (reset) + clock_counter <= 0; + else + clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1; + end + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (reset) begin + sop_counter <= 0; + end else if (sop_counter_reset) begin + sop_counter_reset <= 0; + sop_counter <= 0; + end else begin + for (int i=0; i 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + sop_counter <= (USE_PACKET && valid[i] && startofpacket[i]) ? sop_counter + 1 : sop_counter; + end + end + end + end + end + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (reset) begin + eop_counter <= 0; + end else if (eop_counter_reset) begin + eop_counter_reset <= 0; + eop_counter <= 0; + end else begin + for (int i=0; i 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + eop_counter <= (USE_PACKET && valid[i] && endofpacket[i]) ? eop_counter + 1 : eop_counter; + end + end + end + end + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Methods + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // which instantiates and controls and queries state of this component. + // Test programs must only use these public access methods and events to + // communicate with this BFM component. The API and the module pins + // are the only interfaces in this component that are guaranteed to be + // stable. The API will be maintained for the life of the product. + // While we cannot prevent a test program from directly accessing internal + // tasks, functions, or data private to the BFM, there is no guarantee that + // these will be present in the future. In fact, it is best for the user + // to assume that the underlying implementation of this component can + // and will change. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Master Assertions API + function automatic void set_enable_a_valid_legal( // public + bit assert_enable + ); + // enable or disable a_valid_legal assertion + + enable_a_valid_legal = assert_enable; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_a_empty_legal( // public + bit assert_enable + ); + // enable or disable a_empty_legal assertion + + enable_a_empty_legal = assert_enable; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_a_no_data_outside_packet( // public + bit assert_enable + ); + // enable or disable a_no_data_outside_packet assertion + + enable_a_no_data_outside_packet = assert_enable; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_a_non_missing_endofpacket( // public + bit assert_enable + ); + // enable or disable a_non_missing_endofpacket assertion + + enable_a_non_missing_endofpacket = assert_enable; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_a_non_missing_startofpacket( // public + bit assert_enable + ); + // enable or disable a_non_missing_startofpacket assertion + + enable_a_non_missing_startofpacket = assert_enable; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_a_less_than_max_channel( // public + bit assert_enable + ); + // enable or disable a_less_than_max_channel assertion + + enable_a_less_than_max_channel = assert_enable; + endfunction + // =cut + + function automatic logic [31:0] get_sop_counter(); + return sop_counter; + if (USE_PACKET == 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No packet signals in this stream (USE_PACKET=0)."); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void reset_sop_counter(); + sop_counter_reset = 1'b1; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [31:0] get_eop_counter(); + return eop_counter; + if (USE_PACKET == 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No packet signals in this stream (USE_PACKET=0)."); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void reset_eop_counter(); + eop_counter_reset = 1'b1; + endfunction + + // remaining API declarations will go here + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + event fatal_error; + + always @(fatal_error) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Terminate simulation."); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message); + abort_simulation(); + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Assertion Checkers and Coverage Monitors + // The assertion checkers in this module are only executable on simulators + // supporting the SystemVerilog Assertion (SVA) language. + // Mentor Modelsim AE and SE do not support this. + // Simulators that are supported include: Synopsys VCS and Mentor questasim. + // The assertion checking logic in this module must be explicitly enabled + // so that designs using this module can still be compiled on Modelsim without + // changes. To disable assertions define the following macro in the testbench + // or on the command line with: +define+DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + function automatic void print_assertion( + string message_in + ); + string message_out; + $sformat(message_out, "ASSERTION: %s", message_in); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message_out); + endfunction + + + // Counter for general assertion counters + always @(posedge clk) + begin + for (int i=0; i 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + check_sop_eop_valid(i); + end + end else begin + data_outside_packet[i] = 0; + end + end + end + + always @(posedge clk) + begin + if (reset) begin + sop_channel_used = '0; + eop_channel_used = '1; + sop_error_in_channel = '0; + eop_error_in_channel = '0; + data_outside_packet = '0; + end + end + + task automatic check_sop_eop_valid(int current_beat); + if (startofpacket[current_beat]) begin + if (sop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]] == 1) + sop_error_in_channel[current_beat] = 1; + else begin + sop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]] = 1; + sop_error_in_channel[current_beat] = 0; + end + eop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]] = 0; + end + + if (endofpacket[current_beat]) begin + if (eop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]] == 1) + eop_error_in_channel[current_beat] = 1; + else begin + eop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]] = 1; + eop_error_in_channel[current_beat] = 0; + end + sop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]] = 0; + end + + if (!startofpacket[current_beat] && !endofpacket[current_beat]) begin + if (!sop_channel_used[channel[current_beat]]) begin + data_outside_packet[current_beat] = 1; + end else begin + data_outside_packet[current_beat] = 0; + end + end else begin + data_outside_packet[current_beat] = 0; + end + + endtask + + + // SVA assertion code lives within the following section block + // which is disabled when the macro DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA is defined + + `ifdef DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA + // SVA assertion code has been disabled + + `else + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // ASSERTION CODE BEGIN + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head2 Avalon Streaming Assertions + // The following are the assertions code focus on Streaming Source and Sink + // component checking + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // =head3 p_valid_legal + // This property check if valid is not deasserted ST_READY_LATENCY cycle after ready + // is deasserted. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + property p_valid_legal(current_beat); + @(posedge clk && enable_a_valid_legal && USE_VALID && USE_READY && ST_READY_LATENCY > 0) + disable iff (reset) + !ready |-> ##ST_READY_LATENCY !valid[current_beat]; + endproperty + + genvar i; + for (i=0; i event_a_valid_legal; + print_assertion("valid asserted after ready deasserted"); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // =head3 p_empty_legal + // This property check if empty non zero while endofpacket is asserted or empty value + // larger or equal to ST_NUMSYMBOLS + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + property p_empty_legal(current_beat); + @(posedge clk && enable_a_empty_legal && USE_EMPTY && USE_PACKET) + disable iff (reset) + valid[current_beat] && (empty[current_beat] > 0) && (clock_counter > 0) && + ((USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || + !USE_READY || (ST_READY_LATENCY > 0)) + |-> endofpacket[current_beat] && (empty[current_beat] < ST_NUMSYMBOLS); + endproperty + + for (i=0; i event_a_empty_legal; + print_assertion("illegal empty value"); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // =head3 p_no_data_outside_packet + // This property check if that valid is asserted outside the packet transfer + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + property p_no_data_outside_packet(current_beat); + @(posedge clk && enable_a_no_data_outside_packet && USE_VALID && USE_PACKET) + disable iff (reset) + valid[current_beat] && !startofpacket[current_beat] && !endofpacket[current_beat] && + ((USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || + !USE_READY || (ST_READY_LATENCY > 0)) + |-> ##1 !data_outside_packet[current_beat]; + endproperty + + for (i=0; i event_a_no_data_outside_packet; + print_assertion("valid is asserted outside the packet transfer"); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // =head3 p_non_missing_endofpacket + // This property check if consecutive startofpacket without endofpacket occurs + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + property p_non_missing_endofpacket(current_beat); + @(posedge clk && enable_a_non_missing_endofpacket && USE_PACKET) + disable iff (reset) + startofpacket[current_beat] && valid[current_beat] && + ((USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || + !USE_READY || (ST_READY_LATENCY > 0)) + |-> ##1 !sop_error_in_channel[current_beat]; + endproperty + + for (i=0; i event_a_non_missing_endofpacket; + print_assertion("consecutive startofpacket without endofpacket"); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // =head3 p_non_missing_startofpacket + // This property check if consecutive endofpacket without endofpacket occurs + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + property p_non_missing_startofpacket(current_beat); + @(posedge clk && enable_a_non_missing_startofpacket && USE_PACKET) + disable iff (reset) + endofpacket[current_beat] && valid[current_beat] && !startofpacket[current_beat] && + ((USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || + !USE_READY || (ST_READY_LATENCY > 0)) + |-> ##1 !eop_error_in_channel[current_beat]; + endproperty + + for (i=0; i event_a_non_missing_startofpacket; + print_assertion("consecutive endofpacket without startofpacket"); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // =head3 p_less_than_max_channel + // This property checks if channel size is less than ST_MAX_CHANNELS + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + property p_less_than_max_channel(current_beat); + @(posedge clk && enable_a_less_than_max_channel && USE_CHANNEL) + disable iff (reset) + valid[current_beat] && (channel[current_beat] > 0) && (clock_counter > 0) && + ((USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || + !USE_READY || (ST_READY_LATENCY > 0)) + |-> (channel[current_beat] <= ST_MAX_CHANNELS); + endproperty + + for (i=0; i event_a_less_than_max_channel; + print_assertion("channel size must be within ST_MAX_CHANNELS"); + end + end + + // =cut + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // ASSERTION CODE END + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + `endif + + // synthesis translate_on + +endmodule + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,1651 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $File: //acds/main/ip/sopc/components/verification/altera_avalon_st_monitor_bfm/ $ +// $Revision: #7 $ +// $Date: 2009/04/16 $ +// $Author: klong $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// altera_avalon_st_monitor_coverage +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Streaming Avalon Bus Protocol Checker +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module implements Avalon ST protocol coverage processing for simulation. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ns / 1ns + +module altera_avalon_st_monitor_coverage( + clk, + reset, + tap + ); + + // =head1 PARAMETERS + parameter ST_SYMBOL_W = 8; // number of bits in one symbols + parameter ST_NUMSYMBOLS = 4; // number of symbols in one data + parameter ST_CHANNEL_W = 0; // width of channel signal + parameter ST_ERROR_W = 0; // width of error signal + parameter ST_EMPTY_W = 0; // width of empty signal + + parameter ST_READY_LATENCY = 0; // fixed ready latency in cycles + parameter ST_MAX_CHANNELS = 1; // maximum number of channels + + parameter USE_PACKET = 0; // data transfer in packet format + parameter USE_CHANNEL = 0; // use channel port + parameter USE_ERROR = 0; // use error port + parameter USE_READY = 1; // use ready port + parameter USE_VALID = 1; // use valid port + parameter USE_EMPTY = 0; // use empty port + parameter ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = 1; // Max number of packets per cycle + + parameter ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1; // Max number of packet size covered + + localparam ST_DATA_W = ST_SYMBOL_W * ST_NUMSYMBOLS; + localparam ST_MAX_EMPTY = 2**(ST_EMPTY_W) - 1; + localparam NUM_CHANNEL = ST_MAX_CHANNELS+1; + + + localparam TAP_W = ((ST_DATA_W == 0)? 1:ST_DATA_W) + // data + ((ST_CHANNEL_W == 0)? 1:ST_CHANNEL_W) + // channel + 1 + // valid + 1 + // startofpacket + 1 + // endofpacket + ((ST_ERROR_W == 0)? 1:ST_ERROR_W) + // error + ((ST_EMPTY_W == 0)? 1:ST_EMPTY_W) + // empty + 1; // ready + + // =head1 PINS + // =head2 Clock Interface + input clk; + input reset; + + // =head2 Avalon Monitor Interface - will be defined as Streaming Sink + input [(TAP_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)-ST_BEATSPERCYCLE:0] tap; + + // =cut + + function int lindex; + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + input [31:0] width; + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + function automatic int __floor1( + bit [31:0] arg + ); + __floor1 = (arg <1) ? 1 : arg; + endfunction + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // synthesis translate_off + + import verbosity_pkg::*; + + typedef bit [lindex(ST_DATA_W) :0] STData_t; + typedef bit [lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W) :0] STChannel_t; + typedef bit [lindex(ST_EMPTY_W) :0] STEmpty_t; + typedef bit [lindex(ST_ERROR_W) :0] STError_t; + + string message = "*unitialized*"; + + bit covergroup_settings_changed_flag = 0; + bit enable_c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure = 1; + bit enable_c_packet_with_idles = 1; + bit enable_c_packet_with_back_pressure = 1; + bit enable_c_channel_change_in_packet = 1; + bit enable_c_empty = 1; + bit enable_c_transfer = 1; + bit enable_c_error = 1; + bit enable_c_packet = 1; + bit enable_c_b2b_packet_different_channel = 1; + bit enable_c_b2b_packet_same_channel = 1; + bit enable_c_b2b_data_different_channel = 1; + bit enable_c_b2b_data_same_channel = 1; + bit enable_c_valid_non_ready = 1; + bit enable_c_non_valid_ready = 1; + bit enable_c_non_valid_non_ready = 1; + bit enable_c_transaction_after_reset = 1; + bit enable_c_packet_size = 1; + bit enable_c_multiple_packet_per_cycle = 1; + bit enable_c_single_packet_per_cycle = 1; + bit enable_c_idle_beat_between_packet = 1; + bit enable_c_all_idle_beats = 1; + bit enable_c_all_valid_beats = 1; + bit enable_c_partial_valid_beats = 1; + bit enable_c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle = 1; + bit enable_c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle = 1; + bit enable_c_error_in_middle_of_packet = 1; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // unpack Avalon bus interface tap into individual port signals + logic ready; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_DATA_W):0] data; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W):0] channel; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] valid; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] startofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] endofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_ERROR_W):0] error; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_EMPTY_W):0] empty; + + always_comb begin + data <= tap[lindex(ST_DATA_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+4: + lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+4]; + + channel <= (USE_CHANNEL == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ + lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3] : 0; + + valid <= (USE_VALID == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+2: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3] : + (reset == 1)? 'x: 1; + + startofpacket <= (USE_PACKET == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+2: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+3] : 0; + + endofpacket <= (USE_PACKET == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+ST_BEATSPERCYCLE+2: + lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+3] : 0; + + error <= (USE_ERROR == 1)? + tap[lindex(ST_ERROR_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2: + lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+2] : 0; + + empty <= (USE_EMPTY == 1)? tap[lindex(ST_EMPTY_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)+1:1] : 0; + + ready <= (USE_READY == 1)? tap[0:0] : 1; + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // General Statistics Counters + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + logic [31:0] clock_counter; + logic [31:0] sop_counter; + logic [31:0] eop_counter; + + logic sop_counter_reset = 0; + logic eop_counter_reset = 0; + + logic [lindex(NUM_CHANNEL):0] packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure_flag = '1; + logic [lindex(NUM_CHANNEL):0] packet_with_back_pressure_flag = 0; + logic [lindex(NUM_CHANNEL):0] channel_change_in_packet_flag = 0; + logic [lindex(NUM_CHANNEL):0] packet_with_idles_flag = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_b2b_packet_same_channel_counter = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_b2b_packet_different_channel_counter = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_b2b_data_same_channel_counter = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_b2b_data_different_channel_counter = 0; + logic [lindex(NUM_CHANNEL):0] current_packet = 0; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0][lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W):0] past_channel = 0; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] past_endofpacket = 0; + logic idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 0; + logic idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 0; + logic non_valid_ready_sampled = 0; + logic non_valid_non_ready_sampled = 0; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] current_beat = 0; + logic [lindex(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE):0] current_beat_2 = 0; + logic [31:0] error_bit_num = 0; + logic [31:0] changed_channel = 0; + logic transaction_after_reset = 0; + logic all_valid_beats_flag = 0; + logic all_invalid_beats_flag = 0; + logic partial_valid_beats_flag = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_b2b_packet_transaction_counter = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 0; + logic [31:0] packet_per_transaction = 0; + logic [lindex(NUM_CHANNEL):0][31:0] packet_size = 0; + logic [31:0] error_in_middle_of_packet = 0; + logic [31:0] idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 0; + logic [31:0] invalid_beat_between_packet = 0; + logic packet_per_transaction_flag = 0; + logic channel_change = 0; + logic reset_status = 0; + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (reset) + clock_counter <= 0; + else + clock_counter <= clock_counter + 1; + end + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (reset) begin + sop_counter <= 0; + end else if (sop_counter_reset) begin + sop_counter_reset <= 0; + sop_counter <= 0; + end else begin + sop_counter <= (USE_PACKET && valid && startofpacket) ? + sop_counter + 1 : + sop_counter; + end + end + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (reset) begin + eop_counter <= 0; + end else if (eop_counter_reset) begin + eop_counter_reset <= 0; + eop_counter <= 0; + end else begin + eop_counter <= (USE_PACKET && valid && endofpacket) ? + eop_counter + 1 : eop_counter; + end + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // which instantiates and controls and queries state of this component. + // Test programs must only use these public access methods and events to + // communicate with this BFM component. The API and the module pins + // are the only interfaces in this component that are guaranteed to be + // stable. The API will be maintained for the life of the product. + // While we cannot prevent a test program from directly accessing internal + // tasks, functions, or data private to the BFM, there is no guarantee that + // these will be present in the future. In fact, it is best for the user + // to assume that the underlying implementation of this component can + // and will change. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + // ST Coverage API + function automatic void set_enable_c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure cover group + + enable_c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_packet_with_idles( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_packet_with_idles cover group + + enable_c_packet_with_idles = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_packet_with_idles"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_packet_with_back_pressure( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_packet_with_back_pressure cover group + + enable_c_packet_with_back_pressure = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_packet_with_back_pressure"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_channel_change_in_packet( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_channel_change_in_packet cover group + + enable_c_channel_change_in_packet = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_channel_change_in_packet"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_empty( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_empty cover group + + enable_c_empty = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_empty"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_transfer( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_transfer cover group + + enable_c_transfer = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_transfer"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_error( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_error cover group + + enable_c_error = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_error"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_packet( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_packet cover group + + enable_c_packet = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_packet"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_b2b_packet_different_channel( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_b2b_packet_different_channel cover group + + enable_c_b2b_packet_different_channel = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_b2b_packet_different_channel"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_b2b_packet_same_channel( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_b2b_packet_same_channel cover group + + enable_c_b2b_packet_same_channel = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_b2b_packet_same_channel"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_b2b_data_different_channel( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_b2b_data_different_channel cover group + + enable_c_b2b_data_different_channel = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_b2b_data_different_channel"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_b2b_data_same_channel( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_b2b_data_same_channel cover group + + enable_c_b2b_data_same_channel = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_b2b_data_same_channel"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_valid_non_ready( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_valid_non_ready cover group + + enable_c_valid_non_ready = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_valid_non_ready"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_non_valid_ready( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_non_valid_ready cover group + + enable_c_non_valid_ready = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_non_valid_ready"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_non_valid_non_ready( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_non_valid_non_ready cover group + + enable_c_non_valid_non_ready = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_non_valid_non_ready"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_transaction_after_reset( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable transaction_after_reset cover group + + enable_c_transaction_after_reset = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_transaction_after_reset"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_packet_size( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_packet_size cover group + + enable_c_packet_size = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_packet_size"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_multiple_packet_per_cycle( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_multiple_packet_per_cycle cover group + + enable_c_multiple_packet_per_cycle = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_multiple_packet_per_cycle"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_single_packet_per_cycle( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_single_packet_per_cycle cover group + + enable_c_single_packet_per_cycle = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_single_packet_per_cycle"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_idle_beat_between_packet( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_idle_beat_between_packet cover group + + enable_c_idle_beat_between_packet = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_idle_beat_between_packet"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_all_valid_beats( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_all_valid_beats cover group + + enable_c_all_valid_beats = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_all_valid_beats"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_all_idle_beats( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_all_idle_beats cover group + + enable_c_all_idle_beats = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_all_idle_beats"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_partial_valid_beats( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_partial_valid_beats cover group + + enable_c_partial_valid_beats = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_partial_valid_beats"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle cover group + + enable_c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_b2b_packet_in_different_transaction( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_b2b_packet_in_different_transaction cover group + + enable_c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle"); + endfunction + + function automatic void set_enable_c_error_in_middle_of_packet( // public + bit cover_enable + ); + // enable or disable c_error_in_middle_of_packet cover group + + enable_c_error_in_middle_of_packet = cover_enable; + coverage_settings_check(covergroup_settings_changed_flag, "c_error_in_middle_of_packet"); + endfunction + + // =cut + + function automatic logic [31:0] get_sop_counter(); + return sop_counter; + if (USE_PACKET == 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No packet signals in this stream (USE_PACKET = 0)."); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void reset_sop_counter(); + sop_counter_reset = 1'b1; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [31:0] get_eop_counter(); + return eop_counter; + if (USE_PACKET == 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No packet signals in this stream (USE_PACKET = 0)."); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void reset_eop_counter(); + eop_counter_reset = 1'b1; + endfunction + + function void coverage_settings_check( + bit cover_flag, + string cover_name + ); + string message; + if (cover_flag) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: - Changing %s covergroup settings during run-time will not be reflected", + cover_name); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + end + endfunction + + `ifdef DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA + // SVA coverage code is disabled when this macro is defined + `else + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // COVERAGE CODE BEGIN + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + function automatic void print_assertion( //private + string message_in + ); + string message_out; + $sformat(message_out, "ASSERTION: %s", message_in); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message_out); + endfunction + + function logic [1023:0] pow( //private + input int power_value + ); + // This method return the maximum supported value for the port width. + pow = (2**(power_value) - 1); + endfunction + + function automatic logic [31:0] count_ones ( //private + input logic [1023:0] value + ); + // This method return number of 1 bits + if (value == 0) + count_ones = 0; + else if (value == 'x) begin + count_ones = 'x; + end else begin + for( count_ones = 0; value!= 0; value = value >> 1 ) + count_ones += value & 1'b1; + end + endfunction + + function integer log2( //private + input int value + ); + // Mathematic logarithm function with base as 2. + value = value-1; + for (log2=0; value>0; log2=log2+1) + begin + value = value>>1; + end + endfunction + + task sample_non_valid_ready(); + fork + begin + repeat(ST_READY_LATENCY) begin + @(posedge clk); + end + non_valid_ready_sampled = 1; + end + join_none + endtask + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Assertion Checkers and Coverage Monitors + // The assertion checkers in this module are only executable on simulators + // supporting the SystemVerilog Assertion (SVA) language. + // Mentor Modelsim AE and SE do not support this. + // Simulators that are supported include: Synopsys VCS and Mentor questasim. + // The assertion checking logic in this module must be explicitly enabled + // so that designs using this module can still be compiled on Modelsim without + // changes. To disable assertions define the following macro in the testbench + // or on the command line with: +define+DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + always @(posedge clk) + begin + if (!reset) begin + for (int i=0; i 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + + if (enable_c_transaction_after_reset && USE_VALID) begin + c_transaction_after_reset.sample(); + transaction_after_reset = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_transfer && USE_VALID && USE_READY) begin + c_transfer.sample(); + end + + if (enable_c_empty && USE_EMPTY) begin + c_empty.sample(); + end + + if (enable_c_error && USE_ERROR) begin + for (int j = 0; j < ST_ERROR_W; j++) begin + if (error[current_beat][j] == 1) begin + error_bit_num = j; + c_error.sample(); + end + end + end + + if (startofpacket[i]) begin + if (!endofpacket[i]) begin + current_packet[channel[i]] = 1; + end else begin + packet_size[channel[i]]++; + end + + if (error[i] > 0) begin + error_in_middle_of_packet = 1; + end else begin + error_in_middle_of_packet = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_error_in_middle_of_packet && USE_ERROR && USE_PACKET) begin + c_error_in_middle_of_packet.sample(); + error_in_middle_of_packet = 0; + end + + packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure_flag[channel[i]] = 1; + + //counter to determine time to sample signal + if (i == 0) begin + if (channel[i] != past_channel[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1]) begin + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 0; + if (past_endofpacket[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1] == 1) begin + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 1; + idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 1; + end else begin + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 0; + idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 0; + end + end else begin + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 0; + if (past_endofpacket[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1] == 1) begin + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 1; + idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 1; + end else begin + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 0; + idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 0; + end + end + idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 0; + end else begin + if (channel[i] != channel[i-1]) begin + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 0; + if (endofpacket[i-1] == 1) begin + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 1; + idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 1; + end else begin + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 0; + idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 0; + end + end else begin + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 0; + if (endofpacket[i-1] == 1) begin + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 1; + idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 1; + end else begin + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 0; + idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 0; + end + end + idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_b2b_packet_different_channel && USE_CHANNEL && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_MAX_CHANNELS > 0)) begin + if (idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled) begin + c_b2b_packet_different_channel.sample(); + end + end + + if (enable_c_b2b_packet_same_channel && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID) begin + if (idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled) begin + c_b2b_packet_same_channel.sample(); + end + end + + if (enable_c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + if (idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled) begin + c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle.sample(); + end + end + + if (enable_c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + if (idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled) begin + c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle.sample(); + end + end + + if ((count_ones(current_packet) == 1) || ((count_ones(current_packet) == 0) &&(endofpacket[i]))) begin + if (enable_c_idle_beat_between_packet && USE_VALID && USE_PACKET && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_idle_beat_between_packet.sample(); + invalid_beat_between_packet = 0; + end + end + end + + for (int j = 0; j 0)) begin + c_channel_change_in_packet.sample(); + channel_change_in_packet_flag[channel[i]] = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_packet_with_back_pressure && USE_READY && USE_PACKET) begin + c_packet_with_back_pressure.sample(); + packet_with_back_pressure_flag[channel[i]] = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_packet_size && USE_PACKET) begin + c_packet_size.sample(); + packet_size[channel[i]] = 0; + end + + end + + if (i == 0) begin + if (channel[i] != past_channel[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1]) begin + if (((count_ones(current_packet) == 1) && !startofpacket[i]) || + (count_ones(current_packet) > 1)) begin + if(current_packet[past_channel[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1]] == 1) begin + channel_change_in_packet_flag[past_channel[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1]] = 1; + end + end + end + end else begin + if (channel[i] != channel[i-1]) begin + if (((count_ones(current_packet) == 1) && !startofpacket[i]) || + (count_ones(current_packet) > 1)) begin + if(current_packet[channel[i-1]] == 1) begin + channel_change_in_packet_flag[channel[i-1]] = 1; + end + end + end + end + + end else begin + if (count_ones(current_packet) == 0) begin + invalid_beat_between_packet = 1; + end + end + end else if (USE_VALID && (valid[i] == 0)) begin + if (count_ones(current_packet) == 0) begin + invalid_beat_between_packet = 1; + end + end + + //counter for idles transaction + if (!valid[i]) begin + for (int j = 0; j 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + if (endofpacket[i]) begin + idles_between_b2b_packet_same_channel_counter = 0; + idles_between_b2b_packet_different_channel_counter = 0; + idles_between_b2b_packet_transaction_counter = 0; + end + end + + if ((!startofpacket[i] && !endofpacket[i]) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && !ready)) begin + idles_between_b2b_packet_different_channel_counter++; + idles_between_b2b_packet_transaction_counter++; + end + end + + if (((USE_VALID && valid[i]) || !USE_VALID)) begin + if ((ST_READY_LATENCY > 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + if (enable_c_b2b_data_different_channel && USE_CHANNEL && USE_VALID && (ST_MAX_CHANNELS > 0)) begin + c_b2b_data_different_channel.sample(); + idles_between_b2b_data_different_channel_counter = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_b2b_data_same_channel && USE_VALID) begin + c_b2b_data_same_channel.sample(); + idles_between_b2b_data_same_channel_counter = 0; + end + end + end + + if (!reset_status) + transaction_after_reset = 0; + end + + // counter to capture previous cycle signal value + for (int i=0; i 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + past_endofpacket[i] <= endofpacket[i]; + for (int k = i; k < ST_BEATSPERCYCLE; k++) begin + past_channel[k] <= channel[k]; + end + end else + past_endofpacket[i] <= 0; + end else begin + past_endofpacket[i] <= 0; + end + end + reset_status = 0; + end + end + + always @(posedge clk) + begin + if (!reset) begin + if (ready) begin + if (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) begin + non_valid_ready_sampled = 1; + end else begin + sample_non_valid_ready(); + end + end + + if (enable_c_valid_non_ready && USE_READY && USE_VALID && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0)) begin + for (int i=0; i 1)) begin + if ((ST_READY_LATENCY > 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + if (count_ones(valid) == ST_BEATSPERCYCLE) begin + all_valid_beats_flag = 1; + end else begin + all_valid_beats_flag = 0; + end + + if ((count_ones(valid) == 0) && (valid[0] == 0)) begin + all_invalid_beats_flag = 1; + end else begin + all_invalid_beats_flag = 0; + end + + if ((count_ones(valid) > 0) && (count_ones(valid) < ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)) begin + partial_valid_beats_flag = 1; + end else begin + partial_valid_beats_flag = 0; + end + + if (enable_c_all_valid_beats && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_all_valid_beats.sample(); + end + if (enable_c_all_idle_beats && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_all_idle_beats.sample(); + end + if (enable_c_partial_valid_beats && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_partial_valid_beats.sample(); + end + end + end + + if (USE_PACKET && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + for (int i=0; i 0) || (USE_READY && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) && ready) || !USE_READY) begin + if (((USE_VALID && valid[i]) || !USE_VALID)) begin + if (i > 0) begin + for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) begin + if (valid[j] == 1) begin + packet_per_transaction_flag = 1; + end + if ((channel[i] != channel[j]) && valid[j]) begin + channel_change = 1; + end + end + if (channel_change && packet_per_transaction_flag) begin + packet_per_transaction++; + end else begin + if ((startofpacket[i]) && packet_per_transaction_flag) begin + packet_per_transaction++; + end + end + channel_change = 0; + end + end + + if (i == (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1)) begin + if (enable_c_multiple_packet_per_cycle && USE_PACKET && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_multiple_packet_per_cycle.sample(); + end + + if (enable_c_single_packet_per_cycle && USE_PACKET && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + if ((valid > 0)) begin + c_single_packet_per_cycle.sample(); + end + end + packet_per_transaction = 0; + end + end + end + packet_per_transaction_flag = 0; + end + end + end + + + always @(negedge reset) + begin + non_valid_non_ready_sampled = 1; + end + + //counter while reset + always @(posedge clk) + begin + if (reset) begin + non_valid_ready_sampled = 0; + non_valid_non_ready_sampled = 0; + packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure_flag = '1; + packet_with_back_pressure_flag = 0; + idles_between_b2b_packet_same_channel_counter = 0; + idles_between_b2b_packet_different_channel_counter = 0; + channel_change_in_packet_flag = 0; + packet_with_idles_flag = 0; + idles_between_packet_same_channel_sampled = 0; + idles_between_packet_different_channel_sampled = 0; + current_packet = 0; + idles_between_b2b_data_same_channel_counter = 0; + idles_between_b2b_data_different_channel_counter = 0; + past_channel = 0; + past_endofpacket = 0; + transaction_after_reset = 1; + current_beat = 0; + current_beat_2 = 0; + changed_channel = 0; + all_valid_beats_flag = 0; + all_invalid_beats_flag = 0; + partial_valid_beats_flag = 0; + idles_between_b2b_packet_transaction_counter = 0; + idles_between_packet_within_single_transaction_sampled = 0; + packet_per_transaction = 0; + packet_size = 0; + error_in_middle_of_packet = 0; + idles_between_packet_in_different_transaction_sampled = 0; + invalid_beat_between_packet = 0; + packet_per_transaction_flag = 0; + reset_status = 1; + channel_change = 0; + end + end + + // Flag for initial coverage settings + initial begin + #1 covergroup_settings_changed_flag = 1; + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head2 Streaming Coverages + // The following are the cover group code focus on ST Monitor component coverage + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_empty + // This cover group covers the different empty value + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_empty; + cp_empty: coverpoint empty[current_beat] + { + bins cg_empty_cp_empty [] = {[0:ST_MAX_EMPTY]}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_empty c_empty; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_empty && USE_EMPTY) begin + c_empty = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_error + // This cover group covers the different error value + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_error; + cp_error: coverpoint error_bit_num + { + bins cg_error_cp_error [] = {[0:lindex(ST_ERROR_W)]}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_error c_error; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_error && USE_ERROR) begin + c_error = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_transfer + // This cover group covers valid is asserted for different channel. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_transfer; + cp_transfer: coverpoint (channel[current_beat]) + { + bins cg_transfer_cp_transfer [] = {[0:(USE_CHANNEL == 0? 0:lindex(NUM_CHANNEL))]}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_transfer c_transfer; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_transfer && USE_VALID && USE_READY) begin + c_transfer = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_packet + // This cover group covers packet transfer for different channel. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_packet; + cp_packet: coverpoint (channel[current_beat]) + { + bins cg_packet_cp_packet [] = {[0:(USE_CHANNEL == 0? 0:lindex(NUM_CHANNEL))]}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_packet c_packet; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_packet && USE_PACKET) begin + c_packet = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_valid_non_ready + // This cover group covers valid is asserted while ready is deasserted. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_valid_non_ready; + cp_valid_non_ready: coverpoint ready + { + bins cg_valid_non_ready_cp_valid_non_ready = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_valid_non_ready c_valid_non_ready; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_valid_non_ready && USE_READY + && USE_VALID && (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0)) begin + c_valid_non_ready = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_non_valid_ready + // This cover group covers valid is deasserted at the N+ST_READ_LATENCY + // clock cycle if ready is asserted at N clock cycle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_non_valid_ready; + cp_non_valid_ready: coverpoint valid[current_beat_2] + { + bins cg_non_valid_ready_cp_non_valid_ready = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_non_valid_ready c_non_valid_ready; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_non_valid_ready && USE_READY && USE_VALID) begin + c_non_valid_ready = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_non_valid_non_ready + // This cover group covers idle cycle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_non_valid_non_ready; + cp_non_valid_non_ready: coverpoint ready + { + bins cg_non_valid_non_ready_cp_non_valid_non_ready = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_non_valid_non_ready c_non_valid_non_ready; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_non_valid_non_ready && USE_READY && USE_VALID) begin + c_non_valid_non_ready = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure + // This cover group covers packet transaction without back pressure and idle + // cycles. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure; + cp_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure: coverpoint packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure_flag[channel[current_beat]] + { + bins cg_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure_cp_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure && USE_READY && USE_VALID && USE_PACKET) begin + c_packet_no_idles_no_back_pressure = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_packet_with_back_pressure + // This cover group covers packet transaction being back pressured. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_packet_with_back_pressure; + cp_packet_with_back_pressure: coverpoint packet_with_back_pressure_flag[channel[current_beat]] + { + bins cg_packet_with_back_pressure_cp_packet_with_back_pressure = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_packet_with_back_pressure c_packet_with_back_pressure; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_packet_with_back_pressure && USE_READY && USE_PACKET) begin + c_packet_with_back_pressure = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_packet_with_idles + // This cover group covers covers packet transaction with idle cycles + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_packet_with_idles; + cp_packet_with_idles: coverpoint packet_with_idles_flag[channel[current_beat]] + { + bins cg_packet_with_idles_cp_packet_with_idles = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_packet_with_idles c_packet_with_idles; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_packet_with_idles && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID) begin + c_packet_with_idles = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_channel_change_in_packet + // This cover group covers changing channel within a packet transaction. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_channel_change_in_packet; + cp_channel_change_in_packet: coverpoint channel_change_in_packet_flag[channel[current_beat]] + { + bins cg_channel_change_in_packet_cp_channel_change_in_packet = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_channel_change_in_packet c_channel_change_in_packet; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_channel_change_in_packet && USE_CHANNEL && USE_PACKET && (ST_MAX_CHANNELS > 0)) begin + c_channel_change_in_packet = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_b2b_packet_different_channel + // This cover group covers back to back packet transfer for different channel. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_b2b_packet_different_channel; + cp_b2b_packet_different_channel: coverpoint idles_between_b2b_packet_different_channel_counter + { + bins cg_b2b_packet_different_channel_cp_b2b_packet_different_channel = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_b2b_packet_different_channel c_b2b_packet_different_channel; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_b2b_packet_different_channel && USE_CHANNEL && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_MAX_CHANNELS > 0)) begin + c_b2b_packet_different_channel = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_b2b_packet_same_channel + // This cover group covers back to back packet transfer for same channel. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_b2b_packet_same_channel; + cp_b2b_packet_same_channel: coverpoint idles_between_b2b_packet_same_channel_counter + { + bins cg_b2b_packet_same_channel_cp_b2b_packet_same_channel = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_b2b_packet_same_channel c_b2b_packet_same_channel; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_b2b_packet_same_channel && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID) begin + c_b2b_packet_same_channel = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_b2b_data_different_channel + // This cover group covers back to back data transfer for different channel. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_b2b_data_different_channel; + cp_b2b_data_different_channel: coverpoint idles_between_b2b_data_different_channel_counter + { + bins cg_b2b_data_different_channel_cp_b2b_data_different_channel = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_b2b_data_different_channel c_b2b_data_different_channel; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_b2b_data_different_channel && USE_CHANNEL && USE_VALID && (ST_MAX_CHANNELS > 0)) begin + c_b2b_data_different_channel = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_b2b_data_same_channel + // This cover group covers back to back data transfer for same channel. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_b2b_data_same_channel; + cp_b2b_data_same_channel: coverpoint idles_between_b2b_data_same_channel_counter + { + bins cg_b2b_data_same_channel_cp_b2b_data_same_channel = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_b2b_data_same_channel c_b2b_data_same_channel; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_b2b_data_same_channel && USE_VALID) begin + c_b2b_data_same_channel = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_transaction_after_reset + // This cover group covers first transaction after reset. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_transaction_after_reset; + cp_transaction_after_reset: coverpoint transaction_after_reset + { + bins cg_transaction_after_reset_cp_transaction_after_reset = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_transaction_after_reset c_transaction_after_reset; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_transaction_after_reset && USE_VALID) begin + c_transaction_after_reset = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_packet_size + // This covers different size of packet from one until parameter + // ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE. For the transaction larger than ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE will + // count into another bin. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_packet_size; + cp_packet_size: coverpoint packet_size[channel[current_beat]] + { + bins cg_packet_size_cp_packet_size [] = {[1:(ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE < 1)? 1:ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]}; + bins cg_packet_size_cp_packet_size_high = {[(ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE < 1)? 2:ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE+1:$]}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_packet_size c_packet_size; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_packet_size && USE_PACKET) begin + c_packet_size = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_multiple_packet_per_cycle + // This cover group covers number of transactions that carry multiple packets + // per single cycle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_multiple_packet_per_cycle; + cp_multiple_packet_per_cycle: coverpoint packet_per_transaction + { + bins cg_multiple_packet_per_cycle_cp_multiple_packet_per_cycle = {[1:(ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)?ST_BEATSPERCYCLE:1]}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_multiple_packet_per_cycle c_multiple_packet_per_cycle; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_multiple_packet_per_cycle && USE_PACKET && ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1) begin + c_multiple_packet_per_cycle = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_single_packet_per_cycle + // This cover group covers number of transactions that carry one packet + // per single cycle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_single_packet_per_cycle; + cp_single_packet_per_cycle: coverpoint packet_per_transaction + { + bins cg_single_packet_per_cycle_cp_single_packet_per_cycle = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_single_packet_per_cycle c_single_packet_per_cycle; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_single_packet_per_cycle && USE_PACKET && ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1) begin + c_single_packet_per_cycle = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_idle_beat_between_packet + // This cover group covers packet transaction that owns idle beats in between. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_idle_beat_between_packet; + cp_idle_beat_between_packet: coverpoint invalid_beat_between_packet + { + bins cg_idle_beat_between_packet_cp_idle_beat_between_packet = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_idle_beat_between_packet c_idle_beat_between_packet; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_idle_beat_between_packet && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_idle_beat_between_packet = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_all_valid_beats + // This cover group covers number of transaction with all beats are valid. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_all_valid_beats; + cp_all_valid_beats: coverpoint all_valid_beats_flag + { + bins cg_all_valid_beats_cp_all_valid_beats = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_all_valid_beats c_all_valid_beats; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_all_valid_beats && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_all_valid_beats = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_all_idle_beats + // This cover group covers number of transaction with all beats are idle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_all_idle_beats; + cp_all_idle_beats: coverpoint all_invalid_beats_flag + { + bins cg_all_idle_beats_cp_all_idle_beats = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_all_idle_beats c_all_idle_beats; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_all_idle_beats && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_all_idle_beats = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_partial_valid_beats + // This cover group covers number of transaction with some beats are invalid and + // some beats are valid. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_partial_valid_beats; + cp_partial_valid_beats: coverpoint partial_valid_beats_flag + { + bins cg_partial_valid_beats_cp_partial_valid_beats = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_partial_valid_beats c_partial_valid_beats; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_partial_valid_beats && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_partial_valid_beats = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle + // This cover group covers back to back packet transfer within single cycle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle; + cp_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle: coverpoint idles_between_b2b_packet_transaction_counter + { + bins cg_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle_cp_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_b2b_packet_within_single_cycle = new(); + end + end + + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle + // This cover group covers back to back packet transfer in different cycle. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle; + cp_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle: coverpoint idles_between_b2b_packet_transaction_counter + { + bins cg_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle_cp_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle = {0}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle && USE_PACKET && USE_VALID && (ST_BEATSPERCYCLE > 1)) begin + c_b2b_packet_in_different_cycle = new(); + end + end + + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head3 c_error_in_middle_of_packet + // This cover group covers assert error in the middle of a packet. + //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + covergroup cg_error_in_middle_of_packet; + cp_error_in_middle_of_packet: coverpoint error_in_middle_of_packet + { + bins cg_error_in_middle_of_packet_cp_error_in_middle_of_packet = {1}; + } + option.per_instance = 1; + endgroup + + cg_error_in_middle_of_packet c_error_in_middle_of_packet; + + initial begin + #1 if (enable_c_error_in_middle_of_packet && USE_PACKET && USE_ERROR) begin + c_error_in_middle_of_packet = new(); + end + end + + // =cut + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // COVERAGE CODE END + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + `endif + // synthesis translate_on + +endmodule + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $File: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/altera_avalon_st_monitor_bfm/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +// $Author: swbranch $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// altera_avalon_st_monitor_transactions +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Streaming Avalon Bus Protocol Checker +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module implements Avalon ST protocol transaction recording. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ns / 1ns + +module altera_avalon_st_monitor_transactions( + clk, + reset, + tap + ); + + // =head1 PARAMETERS + parameter ST_SYMBOL_W = 8; // number of bits in one symbols + parameter ST_NUMSYMBOLS = 4; // number of symbols in one data + parameter ST_CHANNEL_W = 0; // width of channel signal + parameter ST_ERROR_W = 0; // width of error signal + parameter ST_EMPTY_W = 0; // width of empty signal + + parameter ST_READY_LATENCY = 0; // fixed ready latency in cycles + parameter ST_MAX_CHANNELS = 1; // maximum number of channels + + parameter USE_PACKET = 0; // data transfer in packet format + parameter USE_CHANNEL = 0; // use channel port + parameter USE_ERROR = 0; // use error port + parameter USE_READY = 1; // use ready port + parameter USE_VALID = 1; // use valid port + parameter USE_EMPTY = 0; // use empty port + parameter ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = 1; // Max number of packets per cycle + + parameter ST_MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1; // Max number of packet size covered + + localparam ST_DATA_W = ST_SYMBOL_W * ST_NUMSYMBOLS; + localparam ST_MDATA_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_DATA_W; + localparam ST_MCHANNEL_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_CHANNEL_W; + localparam ST_MERROR_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_ERROR_W; + localparam ST_MEMPTY_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_EMPTY_W; + + localparam ST_MAX_EMPTY = 2**(ST_EMPTY_W) - 1; + localparam NUM_CHANNEL = (ST_MAX_CHANNELS > 1)? ST_MAX_CHANNELS:1; + localparam FIFO_MAX_LEVEL = 100; + localparam FIFO_THRESHOLD = 50; + + localparam TAP_W = ((ST_DATA_W == 0)? 1:ST_DATA_W) + // data + ((ST_CHANNEL_W == 0)? 1:ST_CHANNEL_W) + // channel + 1 + // valid + 1 + // startofpacket + 1 + // endofpacket + ((ST_ERROR_W == 0)? 1:ST_ERROR_W) + // error + ((ST_EMPTY_W == 0)? 1:ST_EMPTY_W) + // empty + 1; // ready + + // =head1 PINS + // =head2 Clock Interface + input clk; + input reset; + + // =head2 Avalon Monitor Interface - will be defined as Streaming Sink + input [(TAP_W*ST_BEATSPERCYCLE)-ST_BEATSPERCYCLE:0] tap; + + // =cut + + function int lindex; + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + input [31:0] width; + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // synthesis translate_off + + import verbosity_pkg::*; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Types and Variables + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + typedef logic [lindex(ST_DATA_W) :0] STData_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W) :0] STChannel_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_EMPTY_W) :0] STEmpty_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_ERROR_W) :0] STError_t; + + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) :0] STMData_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) :0] STMChannel_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) :0] STMEmpty_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) :0] STMError_t; + typedef logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] STBeats_t; + + typedef struct packed + { + bit [31:0] idles; + logic startofpacket; + logic endofpacket; + STChannel_t channel; + STData_t data; + STError_t error; + STEmpty_t empty; + } Transaction_t; + + Transaction_t current_transaction[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE]; + Transaction_t query_transaction; + Transaction_t transaction_queue[$]; + + // unpack Avalon bus interface tap into individual port signals + logic [lindex(ST_MDATA_W): 0] sink_data; + logic [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W): 0] sink_channel; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] sink_valid; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] sink_startofpacket; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] sink_endofpacket; + logic [lindex(ST_MERROR_W): 0] sink_error; + logic [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W): 0] sink_empty; + logic sink_ready; + + string message = "*uninitialized*"; + logic ready = 0; + int idle_ctr = 0; + int transaction_fifo_max = FIFO_MAX_LEVEL; + int transaction_fifo_threshold = FIFO_THRESHOLD; + + STBeats_t sink_valid_qualified; + logic sink_ready_qualified; + + localparam MAX_READY_DELAY = 8; + logic [MAX_READY_DELAY-1:0] sink_ready_delayed; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Functions + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + function int __floor(int arg); + // returns the arg if it is greater than 0, else returns 0 + return (arg > 0) ? arg : 0; + endfunction + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // which instantiates and controls and queries state of this component. + // Test programs must only use these public access methods and events to + // communicate with this BFM component. The API and the module pins + // are the only interfaces in this component that are guaranteed to be + // stable. The API will be maintained for the life of the product. + // While we cannot prevent a test program from directly accessing internal + // tasks, functions, or data private to the BFM, there is no guarantee that + // these will be present in the future. In fact, it is best for the user + // to assume that the underlying implementation of this component can + // and will change. + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + event signal_fatal_error; // public + // Signal that a fatal error has occurred. Terminates simulation. + + event signal_transaction_received; //public + // Signal that a transaction has been received and queued. + + event signal_transaction_fifo_threshold; // public + // Signal that the transaction FIFO threshold level has been exceeded + + event signal_transaction_fifo_overflow; // public + // Signal that the FIFO is full and further transactions are being dropped + + function automatic string get_version(); // public + // Return component version as a string of three integers separated by periods. + // For example, version 9.1 sp1 is encoded as "9.1.1". + string ret_version = "17.1"; + return ret_version; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_transaction_fifo_max( // public + int level + ); + // Set the maximum fullness level of the FIFO. The event + // signal_transaction_fifo_max is triggered when this + // level is exceeded. + transaction_fifo_max = level; + endfunction + + function automatic int get_transaction_fifo_max(); + // Get the maximum transaction FIFO depth. + return transaction_fifo_max; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_transaction_fifo_threshold( // public + int level + ); + // Set the threshold alert level of the FIFO. The event + // signal_transaction_fifo_threshold is triggered when this + // level is exceeded. + transaction_fifo_threshold = level; + endfunction + + function automatic int get_transaction_fifo_threshold(); + // Get the transaction FIFO threshold level. + return transaction_fifo_threshold; + endfunction + + function automatic void pop_transaction(); // public + // Pop the transaction descriptor from the queue so that it can be + // queried with the get_transaction methods by the test bench. + if (reset) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Illegal command while reset asserted"); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + ->signal_fatal_error; + end + + query_transaction = transaction_queue.pop_back(); + + $sformat(message, "%m: called pop_transaction"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: Data: %x",; + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: Channel: %0d",; + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: SOP: %0d EOP: %0d", + query_transaction.startofpacket, + query_transaction.endofpacket); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + endfunction + + function automatic bit[31:0] get_transaction_idles(); // public + // Return the number of idle cycles in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_idles"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.idles; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_DATA_W-1:0] get_transaction_data(); // public + // Return the data in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_data"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_CHANNEL_W-1:0] get_transaction_channel(); // public + // Return the channel identifier in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_channel"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return; + endfunction + + function automatic logic get_transaction_sop(); // public + // Return the start of packet status in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_sop"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.startofpacket; + endfunction + + function automatic logic get_transaction_eop(); // public + // Return the end of packet status in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_eop"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.endofpacket; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_ERROR_W-1:0] get_transaction_error(); // public + // Return the error status in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_error"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.error; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_EMPTY_W-1:0] get_transaction_empty(); // public + // Return the number of empty symbols in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_empty"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.empty; + endfunction + + function automatic int get_transaction_queue_size(); // public + // Return the length of the queue holding received transactions + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_queue_size"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + // Return the number of transactions in the internal queues. + return transaction_queue.size(); + endfunction + + // =cut + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Local Machinery + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + always @(signal_fatal_error) abort_simulation(); + + always @(*) begin + { + sink_data, + sink_channel, + sink_valid, + sink_startofpacket, + sink_endofpacket, + sink_error, + sink_empty, + sink_ready + } <= tap; + end + + // delay chain for sink_ready back pressure output to account for latency + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + sink_ready_delayed <= 0; + end else begin + sink_ready_delayed <= {sink_ready_delayed[6:0], sink_ready}; + end + end + + always @(*) begin + if (USE_READY == 0) + sink_ready_qualified = 1'b1; + else begin + if (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) + sink_ready_qualified = sink_ready; + else + sink_ready_qualified = sink_ready_delayed[__floor(ST_READY_LATENCY-1)]; + end + end + + always @(sink_valid) begin + if (USE_VALID > 0) + sink_valid_qualified = sink_valid; + else + sink_valid_qualified = '1; + end + + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + for (int i=0; i 0; clog2 = clog2 + 1) + i = i >> 1; + + return clog2; + endfunction + + function automatic int max( + bit [31:0] one, + bit [31:0] two + ); + if(one > two) + return one; + else + return two; + endfunction + + function automatic int lindex( + bit [31:0] width + ); + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + typedef enum int { + LOW = 0, + HIGH = 1, + RANDOM = 2, + UNKNOWN = 3 + } IdleOutputValue_t; + +endpackage + +`endif + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor/altera_avalon_st_monitor_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $Id: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/lib/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// verbosity_pkg +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Package for controlling verbosity of messages sent to the console +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 COPYRIGHT +// Copyright (c) 2008 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved. +// The information contained in this file is the property of Altera +// Corporation. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Altera +// Corporation, the holder of this file shall keep all information +// contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part +// from disclosure and dissemination to all third parties. Use of this +// program confirms your agreement with the terms of this license. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module will dump diagnostic messages to the console during +// simulation. The level of verbosity can be controlled in the test +// bench by using the *set_verbosity* method in the imported package +// verbosity_pkg. For a given setting, message at that level and all +// lower levels are dumped. For example, setting VERBOSITY_DEBUG level +// causes all messages to be dumped, while VERBOSITY_FAILURE restricts +// only failure messages and those tagged as VERBOSITY_NONE to be +// dumped. +// The different levels are: +// =over 4 +// =item 1 VERBOSITY_NONE +// Messages tagged with this level are always dumped to the console. +// =item 2 VERBOSITY_FAILURE +// A fatal simulation error has occurred and the simulator will exit. +// =item 3 VERBOSITY_ERROR +// A non-fatal error has occured. An example is a data comparison mismatch. +// =item 4 VERBOSITY_WARNING +// Warn the user that a potential error has occurred. +// =item 5 VERBOSITY_INFO +// Informational message. +// =item 6 VERBOSITY_DEBUG +// Dump enough state to diagnose problem scenarios. +// =back + + +`ifndef _AVALON_VERBOSITY_PKG_ +`define _AVALON_VERBOSITY_PKG_ + +package verbosity_pkg; + + timeunit 1ps; + timeprecision 1ps; + + typedef enum int {VERBOSITY_NONE, + VERBOSITY_FAILURE, + VERBOSITY_ERROR, + VERBOSITY_WARNING, + VERBOSITY_INFO, + VERBOSITY_DEBUG} Verbosity_t; + + Verbosity_t verbosity = VERBOSITY_INFO; + string message = ""; + int dump_file; + int dump = 0; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // =pod + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // or component which imports this package. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + function automatic Verbosity_t get_verbosity(); // public + // Returns the global verbosity setting. + return verbosity; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_verbosity ( // public + Verbosity_t v + ); + // Sets the global verbosity setting. + + string verbosity_str; + verbosity = v; + + case(verbosity) + VERBOSITY_NONE: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_"; + VERBOSITY_FAILURE: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_FAILURE"; + VERBOSITY_ERROR: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_ERROR"; + VERBOSITY_WARNING: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_WARNING"; + VERBOSITY_INFO: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_INFO"; + VERBOSITY_DEBUG: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_DEBUG"; + default: verbosity_str = "UNKNOWN"; + endcase + $sformat(message, "%m: Setting Verbosity level=%0d (%s)", + verbosity, verbosity_str); + print(VERBOSITY_NONE, message); + endfunction + + function automatic void print( // public + Verbosity_t level, + string message + ); + // Print a message to the console if the verbosity argument + // is less than or equal to the global verbosity setting. + string level_str; + + if (level <= verbosity) begin + case(level) + VERBOSITY_NONE: level_str = ""; + VERBOSITY_FAILURE: level_str = "FAILURE:"; + VERBOSITY_ERROR: level_str = "ERROR:"; + VERBOSITY_WARNING: level_str = "WARNING:"; + VERBOSITY_INFO: level_str = "INFO:"; + VERBOSITY_DEBUG: level_str = "DEBUG:"; + default: level_str = "UNKNOWN:"; + endcase + + $display("%t: %s %s",$time, level_str, message); + if (dump) begin + $fdisplay(dump_file, "%t: %s %s",$time, level_str, message); + end + end + endfunction + + function automatic void print_divider( // public + Verbosity_t level + ); + // Prints a divider line to the console to make a block of related text + // easier to identify and read. + string message; + $sformat(message, + "------------------------------------------------------------"); + print(level, message); + endfunction + + function automatic void open_dump_file ( // public + string dump_file_name = "avalon_bfm_sim.log" + ); + // Opens a dump file which collects console messages. + + if (dump) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Dump file already open - ignoring open."); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + end else begin + dump_file = $fopen(dump_file_name, "w"); + $fdisplay(dump_file, "testing dump file"); + $sformat(message, "%m: Opening dump file: %s", dump_file_name); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + dump = 1; + end + endfunction + + function automatic void close_dump_file(); // public + // Close the console message dump file. + if (!dump) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No open dump file - ignoring close."); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + end else begin + dump = 0; + $fclose(dump_file); + $sformat(message, "%m: Closing dump file"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void abort_simulation(); + string message; + $sformat(message, "%m: Abort the simulation due to fatal error incident."); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message); + $stop; + endfunction + +endpackage + +// =cut + +`endif + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor.qsys =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor.qsys (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_monitor.qsys (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $File: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +// $Author: swbranch $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Bus Functional Model (BFM) for a Avalon Streaming Sink +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This is a Bus Functional Model (BFM) for a Avalon Streaming Sink. +// The behavior of each clock cycle of the ST protocol on the interface +// is governed by a transaction. Received bus cycles are captured as +// transactions and pushed into a response queue. Clients query received +// transactions by popping them off the queue one by one and extract +// information using the public API methods provided. Back pressure to +// a driving source is also applied using the API method set_ready. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +`timescale 1ps / 1ps + +module altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm( + clk, + reset, + + sink_data, + sink_channel, + sink_valid, + sink_startofpacket, + sink_endofpacket, + sink_error, + sink_empty, + sink_ready + ); + + // =head1 PARAMETERS + parameter ST_SYMBOL_W = 8; // Data symbol width in bits + parameter ST_NUMSYMBOLS = 4; // Number of symbols per word + parameter ST_CHANNEL_W = 0; // Channel width in bits + parameter ST_ERROR_W = 0; // Error width in bits + parameter ST_EMPTY_W = 0; // Empty width in bits + + parameter ST_READY_LATENCY = 0; // Number of cycles latency after ready (0 or 1 only) + parameter ST_MAX_CHANNELS = 1; // Maximum number of channels + + parameter USE_PACKET = 0; // Use packet pins on interface + parameter USE_CHANNEL = 0; // Use channel pins on interface + parameter USE_ERROR = 0; // Use error pin on interface + parameter USE_READY = 1; // Use ready pin on interface + parameter USE_VALID = 1; // Use valid pin on interface + parameter USE_EMPTY = 0; // Use empty pin on interface + + parameter ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = 1; // Max number of packets per cycle + parameter VHDL_ID = 0; // VHDL BFM ID number + + localparam ST_DATA_W = ST_SYMBOL_W * ST_NUMSYMBOLS; + localparam ST_MDATA_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_DATA_W; + localparam ST_MCHANNEL_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_CHANNEL_W; + localparam ST_MERROR_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_ERROR_W; + localparam ST_MEMPTY_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_EMPTY_W; + + // =head1 PINS + // =head2 Clock Interface + input clk; + input reset; + + // =head2 Avalon Streaming Source Interface + input [lindex(ST_MDATA_W): 0] sink_data; + input [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W): 0] sink_channel; + input [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] sink_valid; + input [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] sink_startofpacket; + input [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] sink_endofpacket; + input [lindex(ST_MERROR_W): 0] sink_error; + input [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W): 0] sink_empty; + output sink_ready; + + // =cut + + function integer lindex; + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + input [31:0] width; + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + +// synthesis translate_off + import verbosity_pkg::*; + + logic sink_ready; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Types and Variables + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + typedef logic [lindex(ST_DATA_W) :0] STData_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W) :0] STChannel_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_EMPTY_W) :0] STEmpty_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_ERROR_W) :0] STError_t; + + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) :0] STMData_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) :0] STMChannel_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) :0] STMEmpty_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) :0] STMError_t; + typedef logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] STBeats_t; + + typedef struct packed + { + bit [31:0] idles; + logic startofpacket; + logic endofpacket; + STChannel_t channel; + STData_t data; + STError_t error; + STEmpty_t empty; + } Transaction_t; + + Transaction_t current_transaction[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE]; + Transaction_t query_transaction; + + Transaction_t transaction_queue[$]; + + string message = "*uninitialized*"; + logic ready = 0; + int idle_ctr = 0; + + STBeats_t sink_valid_qualified; + logic sink_ready_qualified; + + localparam MAX_READY_DELAY = 8; + logic [MAX_READY_DELAY-1:0] sink_ready_delayed; + + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // =pod + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // which instantiates and controls and queries state in this BFM component. + // Test programs must only use these public access methods and events to + // communicate with this BFM component. The API and the module pins + // are the only interfaces in this component that are guaranteed to be + // stable. The API will be maintained for the life of the product. + // While we cannot prevent a test program from directly accessing internal + // tasks, functions, or data private to the BFM, there is no guarantee that + // these will be present in the future. In fact, it is best for the user + // to assume that the underlying implementation of this component can + // and will change. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + event signal_fatal_error; // public + // Signal that a fatal error has occurred. Terminates simulation. + + event signal_transaction_received; //public + // Signal that a transaction has been received and queued. + + event signal_sink_ready_assert; // public + // Signal that sink_ready is asserted thereby turning off back pressure. + + event signal_sink_ready_deassert; // public + // Signal that sink_ready is deasserted thereby turning on back pressure. + + function automatic string get_version(); // public + // Return BFM version string. For example, version 9.1 sp1 is "9.1sp1" + string ret_version = "__ACDS_VERSION_SHORT__"; + return ret_version; + endfunction + + task automatic init(); // public + // Drive interface to idle state. + $sformat(message, "%m: called init"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + drive_interface_idle(); + endtask + + task automatic set_ready( // public + bit state + ); + // Set the value of the interface ready signal. To assert back + // pressure, the state argument is set to 0 i.e. not ready. + // The parameter USE_READY must be set to 1 to enable this signal. + + if (USE_READY > 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_ready"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + sink_ready <= state; + + if (state == 1'b1) + ->signal_sink_ready_assert; + else + ->signal_sink_ready_deassert; + end else begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Ignore set_ready() when USE_READY == 0"); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + sink_ready <= 0; + end + endtask + + function automatic void pop_transaction(); // public + // Pop the transaction descriptor from the queue so that it can be + // queried with the get_transaction methods by the test bench. + if (reset) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Illegal command while reset asserted"); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + ->signal_fatal_error; + end + + query_transaction = transaction_queue.pop_back(); + + $sformat(message, "%m: called pop_transaction"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: Data: %x",; + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: Channel: %0d",; + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: SOP: %0d EOP: %0d", + query_transaction.startofpacket, + query_transaction.endofpacket); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + endfunction + + function automatic bit[31:0] get_transaction_idles(); // public + // Return the number of idle cycles in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_idles"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.idles; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_DATA_W-1:0] get_transaction_data(); // public + // Return the data in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_data"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_CHANNEL_W-1:0] get_transaction_channel(); // public + // Return the channel identifier in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_channel"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return; + endfunction + + function automatic logic get_transaction_sop(); // public + // Return the start of packet status in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_sop"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.startofpacket; + endfunction + + function automatic logic get_transaction_eop(); // public + // Return the end of packet status in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_eop"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.endofpacket; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_ERROR_W-1:0] get_transaction_error(); // public + // Return the error status in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_error"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.error; + endfunction + + function automatic logic [ST_EMPTY_W-1:0] get_transaction_empty(); // public + // Return the number of empty symbols in the transaction + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_empty"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return query_transaction.empty; + endfunction + + function automatic int get_transaction_queue_size(); // public + // Return the length of the queue holding received transactions + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_transaction_queue_size"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + // Return the number of transactions in the internal queues. + return transaction_queue.size(); + endfunction + + // =cut + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Methods + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function int __floor( + int arg + ); + // returns the arg if it is greater than 0, else returns 0 + return (arg > 0) ? arg : 0; + endfunction + + task automatic drive_interface_idle(); + set_ready(0); + endtask + + function automatic void __hello(); + // Introduction Message to console + $sformat(message, "%m: - Hello from altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm."); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - $Revision: #1 $"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - $Date: 2017/07/30 $"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_SYMBOL_W = %0d", + ST_SYMBOL_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_NUMSYMBOLS = %0d", + ST_NUMSYMBOLS); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_CHANNEL_W = %0d", + ST_CHANNEL_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_ERROR_W = %0d", + ST_ERROR_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_EMPTY_W = %0d", + ST_EMPTY_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_READY_LATENCY = %0d", + ST_READY_LATENCY); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_MAX_CHANNELS = %0d", + ST_MAX_CHANNELS); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = %0d", + ST_BEATSPERCYCLE); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_PACKET = %0d", + USE_PACKET); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_CHANNEL = %0d", + USE_CHANNEL); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_ERROR = %0d", + USE_ERROR); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_READY = %0d", + USE_READY); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_VALID = %0d", + USE_VALID); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_EMPTY = %0d", + USE_EMPTY); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + print_divider(VERBOSITY_INFO); + endfunction + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + initial begin + __hello(); + end + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Local Machinery + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + always @(signal_fatal_error) abort_simulation(); + + // delay chain for sink_ready back pressure output to account for latency + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + sink_ready_delayed <= 0; + end else begin + sink_ready_delayed <= {sink_ready_delayed[6:0], sink_ready}; + end + end + + assign sink_ready_qualified = (USE_READY == 0)? 1'b1 : + (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0)? sink_ready : + sink_ready_delayed[__floor(ST_READY_LATENCY-1)]; + + assign sink_valid_qualified = (USE_VALID == 0)? 1'b1 : sink_valid; + + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + transaction_queue = {}; + query_transaction = 0; + for (int i=0; i 0; clog2 = clog2 + 1) + i = i >> 1; + + return clog2; + endfunction + + function automatic int max( + bit [31:0] one, + bit [31:0] two + ); + if(one > two) + return one; + else + return two; + endfunction + + function automatic int lindex( + bit [31:0] width + ); + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + typedef enum int { + LOW = 0, + HIGH = 1, + RANDOM = 2, + UNKNOWN = 3 + } IdleOutputValue_t; + +endpackage + +`endif + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink/altera_avalon_st_sink_bfm_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $Id: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/lib/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// verbosity_pkg +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Package for controlling verbosity of messages sent to the console +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 COPYRIGHT +// Copyright (c) 2008 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved. +// The information contained in this file is the property of Altera +// Corporation. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Altera +// Corporation, the holder of this file shall keep all information +// contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part +// from disclosure and dissemination to all third parties. Use of this +// program confirms your agreement with the terms of this license. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module will dump diagnostic messages to the console during +// simulation. The level of verbosity can be controlled in the test +// bench by using the *set_verbosity* method in the imported package +// verbosity_pkg. For a given setting, message at that level and all +// lower levels are dumped. For example, setting VERBOSITY_DEBUG level +// causes all messages to be dumped, while VERBOSITY_FAILURE restricts +// only failure messages and those tagged as VERBOSITY_NONE to be +// dumped. +// The different levels are: +// =over 4 +// =item 1 VERBOSITY_NONE +// Messages tagged with this level are always dumped to the console. +// =item 2 VERBOSITY_FAILURE +// A fatal simulation error has occurred and the simulator will exit. +// =item 3 VERBOSITY_ERROR +// A non-fatal error has occured. An example is a data comparison mismatch. +// =item 4 VERBOSITY_WARNING +// Warn the user that a potential error has occurred. +// =item 5 VERBOSITY_INFO +// Informational message. +// =item 6 VERBOSITY_DEBUG +// Dump enough state to diagnose problem scenarios. +// =back + + +`ifndef _AVALON_VERBOSITY_PKG_ +`define _AVALON_VERBOSITY_PKG_ + +package verbosity_pkg; + + timeunit 1ps; + timeprecision 1ps; + + typedef enum int {VERBOSITY_NONE, + VERBOSITY_FAILURE, + VERBOSITY_ERROR, + VERBOSITY_WARNING, + VERBOSITY_INFO, + VERBOSITY_DEBUG} Verbosity_t; + + Verbosity_t verbosity = VERBOSITY_INFO; + string message = ""; + int dump_file; + int dump = 0; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // =pod + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // or component which imports this package. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + function automatic Verbosity_t get_verbosity(); // public + // Returns the global verbosity setting. + return verbosity; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_verbosity ( // public + Verbosity_t v + ); + // Sets the global verbosity setting. + + string verbosity_str; + verbosity = v; + + case(verbosity) + VERBOSITY_NONE: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_"; + VERBOSITY_FAILURE: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_FAILURE"; + VERBOSITY_ERROR: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_ERROR"; + VERBOSITY_WARNING: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_WARNING"; + VERBOSITY_INFO: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_INFO"; + VERBOSITY_DEBUG: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_DEBUG"; + default: verbosity_str = "UNKNOWN"; + endcase + $sformat(message, "%m: Setting Verbosity level=%0d (%s)", + verbosity, verbosity_str); + print(VERBOSITY_NONE, message); + endfunction + + function automatic void print( // public + Verbosity_t level, + string message + ); + // Print a message to the console if the verbosity argument + // is less than or equal to the global verbosity setting. + string level_str; + + if (level <= verbosity) begin + case(level) + VERBOSITY_NONE: level_str = ""; + VERBOSITY_FAILURE: level_str = "FAILURE:"; + VERBOSITY_ERROR: level_str = "ERROR:"; + VERBOSITY_WARNING: level_str = "WARNING:"; + VERBOSITY_INFO: level_str = "INFO:"; + VERBOSITY_DEBUG: level_str = "DEBUG:"; + default: level_str = "UNKNOWN:"; + endcase + + $display("%t: %s %s",$time, level_str, message); + if (dump) begin + $fdisplay(dump_file, "%t: %s %s",$time, level_str, message); + end + end + endfunction + + function automatic void print_divider( // public + Verbosity_t level + ); + // Prints a divider line to the console to make a block of related text + // easier to identify and read. + string message; + $sformat(message, + "------------------------------------------------------------"); + print(level, message); + endfunction + + function automatic void open_dump_file ( // public + string dump_file_name = "avalon_bfm_sim.log" + ); + // Opens a dump file which collects console messages. + + if (dump) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Dump file already open - ignoring open."); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + end else begin + dump_file = $fopen(dump_file_name, "w"); + $fdisplay(dump_file, "testing dump file"); + $sformat(message, "%m: Opening dump file: %s", dump_file_name); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + dump = 1; + end + endfunction + + function automatic void close_dump_file(); // public + // Close the console message dump file. + if (!dump) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No open dump file - ignoring close."); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + end else begin + dump = 0; + $fclose(dump_file); + $sformat(message, "%m: Closing dump file"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void abort_simulation(); + string message; + $sformat(message, "%m: Abort the simulation due to fatal error incident."); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message); + $stop; + endfunction + +endpackage + +// =cut + +`endif + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink.qsys =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink.qsys (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_sink.qsys (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,908 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $File: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +// $Author: swbranch $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// altera_avalon_st_source_bfm +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Bus Functional Model (BFM) for a Avalon Streaming Source +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This is a Bus Functional Model (BFM) for a Avalon Streaming Source. +// The behavior of each clock cycle of the ST protocol on the interface +// is governed by a transaction. Transactions are constructed using the +// the public API methods provided and are then pushed into a dispatch +// queue, either one at a time or as entire sequences. Response transactions +// are popped out of a separate response queue and inform the client of +// statistics such as back pressure latency. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +`timescale 1ps / 1ps + +module altera_avalon_st_source_bfm ( + clk, + reset, + + src_data, + src_channel, + src_valid, + src_startofpacket, + src_endofpacket, + src_error, + src_empty, + src_ready + ); + + // =head1 PARAMETERS + parameter ST_SYMBOL_W = 8; // Data symbol width in bits + parameter ST_NUMSYMBOLS = 4; // Number of symbols per word + parameter ST_CHANNEL_W = 0; // Channel width in bits + parameter ST_ERROR_W = 0; // Error width in bits + parameter ST_EMPTY_W = 0; // Empty width in bits + + parameter ST_READY_LATENCY = 0; // Number of cycles latency after ready + parameter ST_MAX_CHANNELS = 1; // Maximum number of channels + + parameter USE_PACKET = 0; // Use packet pins on interface + parameter USE_CHANNEL = 0; // Use channel pins on interface + parameter USE_ERROR = 0; // Use error pin on interface + parameter USE_READY = 1; // Use ready pin on interface + parameter USE_VALID = 1; // Use valid pin on interface + parameter USE_EMPTY = 0; // Use empty pin on interface + + parameter ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = 1; // Max number of packets per cycle + parameter VHDL_ID = 0; // VHDL BFM ID number + + localparam ST_DATA_W = ST_SYMBOL_W * ST_NUMSYMBOLS; + localparam ST_MDATA_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_DATA_W; + localparam ST_MCHANNEL_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_CHANNEL_W; + localparam ST_MERROR_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_ERROR_W; + localparam ST_MEMPTY_W = ST_BEATSPERCYCLE * ST_EMPTY_W; + + // =head1 PINS + // =head2 Clock Interface + input clk; + input reset; + + // =head2 Avalon Streaming Source Interface + output [lindex(ST_MDATA_W): 0] src_data; + output [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W): 0] src_channel; + output [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] src_valid; + output [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] src_startofpacket; + output [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1: 0] src_endofpacket; + output [lindex(ST_MERROR_W): 0] src_error; + output [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W): 0] src_empty; + input src_ready; + + // =cut + + function int lindex; + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + input [31:0] width; + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + +// synthesis translate_off + import verbosity_pkg::*; + import avalon_utilities_pkg::*; + + typedef logic [lindex(ST_DATA_W) :0] STData_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_CHANNEL_W) :0] STChannel_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_EMPTY_W) :0] STEmpty_t; + typedef logic [lindex(ST_ERROR_W) :0] STError_t; + typedef logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] STBeats_t; + + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] src_valid; + logic [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) :0] src_data; + logic [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) :0] src_channel; + logic [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) :0] src_error; + logic [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) :0] src_empty; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] src_startofpacket; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] src_endofpacket; + + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] src_valid_temp; + logic [lindex(ST_MDATA_W) :0] src_data_temp, src_data_slices; + logic [lindex(ST_MCHANNEL_W) :0] src_channel_temp, src_channel_slices; + logic [lindex(ST_MERROR_W) :0] src_error_temp, src_error_slices; + logic [lindex(ST_MEMPTY_W) :0] src_empty_temp, src_empty_slices; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] src_startofpacket_temp; + logic [ST_BEATSPERCYCLE-1 :0] src_endofpacket_temp; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Types and Variables + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + typedef struct packed + { + bit [31:0] idles; + logic startofpacket; + logic endofpacket; + STChannel_t channel; + STData_t data; + STError_t error; + STEmpty_t empty; + bit valid; + } Transaction_t; + + typedef struct packed + { + int latency; + int count; + } Response_t; + + Transaction_t new_transaction; + Transaction_t current_transaction[ST_BEATSPERCYCLE]; + Transaction_t transaction_queue[$]; + + Response_t current_response; + Response_t new_response; + Response_t response_queue[$]; + + int response_timeout = 100; + string message = ""; + + int idle_ctr = 0; + bit idle_state = 0; + int ready_latency_ctr = 0; + bit transaction_pending = 0; + int transaction_queue_size = 0; + int transaction_ctr = 0; + int max_transaction_queue_size = 256; + int min_transaction_queue_size = 2; + + bit start = 0; + bit complete = 0; + + logic src_ready_qualified; + logic src_is_now_ready; + logic load_transaction = 0; + STBeats_t src_valid_local; + + IdleOutputValue_t idle_output_config = UNKNOWN; + + localparam MAX_READY_DELAY = 8; + logic [MAX_READY_DELAY-1:0] src_ready_delayed; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // Private Methods + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + function int __floor( + int arg + ); + // returns the arg if it is greater than 0, else returns 0 + return (arg > 0) ? arg : 0; + endfunction + + task __drive_temp_interface_idle(); + case (idle_output_config) + LOW: begin + src_valid_temp <= 0; + src_startofpacket_temp <= '0; + src_endofpacket_temp <= '0; + src_channel_temp <= '0; + src_data_temp <= '0; + src_error_temp <= '0; + src_empty_temp <= '0; + end + HIGH: begin + src_valid_temp <= 0; + src_startofpacket_temp <= '1; + src_endofpacket_temp <= '1; + src_channel_temp <= '1; + src_data_temp <= '1; + src_error_temp <= '1; + src_empty_temp <= '1; + end + RANDOM: begin + src_valid_temp <= 0; + src_startofpacket_temp <= $random; + src_endofpacket_temp <= $random; + src_channel_temp <= $random; + src_data_temp <= $random; + src_error_temp <= $random; + src_empty_temp <= $random; + end + UNKNOWN: begin + src_valid_temp <= 0; + src_startofpacket_temp <= 'x; + src_endofpacket_temp <= 'x; + src_channel_temp <= 'x; + src_data_temp <= 'x; + src_error_temp <= 'x; + src_empty_temp <= 'x; + end + default: begin + src_valid_temp <= 0; + src_startofpacket_temp <= 'x; + src_endofpacket_temp <= 'x; + src_channel_temp <= 'x; + src_data_temp <= 'x; + src_error_temp <= 'x; + src_empty_temp <= 'x; + end + endcase + endtask + + task __drive_interface_idle(); + case (idle_output_config) + LOW: begin + src_valid = '0; + src_startofpacket = '0; + src_endofpacket = '0; + src_data = '0; + src_channel = '0; + src_error = '0; + src_empty = '0; + end + HIGH: begin + src_valid = '0; + src_startofpacket = '1; + src_endofpacket = '1; + src_data = '1; + src_channel = '1; + src_error = '1; + src_empty = '1; + end + RANDOM: begin + src_valid = '0; + src_startofpacket = $random; + src_endofpacket = $random; + src_data = $random; + src_channel = $random; + src_error = $random; + src_empty = $random; + end + UNKNOWN: begin + src_valid = '0; + src_startofpacket = 'x; + src_endofpacket = 'x; + src_data = 'x; + src_channel = 'x; + src_error = 'x; + src_empty = 'x; + end + default: begin + src_valid = '0; + src_startofpacket = 'x; + src_endofpacket = 'x; + src_data = 'x; + src_channel = 'x; + src_error = 'x; + src_empty = 'x; + end + endcase + endtask + + function automatic void __hello(); + // Introduction Message to console + $sformat(message, "%m: - Hello from altera_avalon_st_source_bfm."); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - $Revision: #1 $"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - $Date: 2017/07/30 $"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_SYMBOL_W = %0d", + ST_SYMBOL_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_NUMSYMBOLS = %0d", + ST_NUMSYMBOLS); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_CHANNEL_W = %0d", + ST_CHANNEL_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_ERROR_W = %0d", + ST_ERROR_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_EMPTY_W = %0d", + ST_EMPTY_W); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_READY_LATENCY = %0d", + ST_READY_LATENCY); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_MAX_CHANNELS = %0d", + ST_MAX_CHANNELS); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - ST_BEATSPERCYCLE = %0d", + ST_BEATSPERCYCLE); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_PACKET = %0d", + USE_PACKET); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_CHANNEL = %0d", + USE_CHANNEL); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_ERROR = %0d", + USE_ERROR); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_READY = %0d", + USE_READY); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_VALID = %0d", + USE_VALID); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + $sformat(message, "%m: - USE_EMPTY = %0d", + USE_EMPTY); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + print_divider(VERBOSITY_INFO); + endfunction + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // =pod + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // which instantiates and controls and queries state in this BFM component. + // Test programs must only use these public access methods and events to + // communicate with this BFM component. The API and the module pins + // are the only interfaces in this component that are guaranteed to be + // stable. The API will be maintained for the life of the product. + // While we cannot prevent a test program from directly accessing local + // tasks, functions, or data private to the BFM, there is no guarantee that + // these will be present in the future. In fact, it is best for the user + // to assume that the underlying implementation of this component can + // and will change. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + event signal_fatal_error; // public + // Signal that a fatal error has occurred. Terminates simulation. + + event signal_response_done; // public + // Signal + + event signal_src_ready; // public + // Signal the assertion of the src_ready port. + + event signal_src_not_ready; // public + // Signal the deassertion of the src_ready port implying sink backpressure + + event signal_src_transaction_complete; // public + // Signal that all pending transactions have completed + + event signal_src_transaction_almost_complete; // public + // Signal that BFM is driving the last pending transaction + + event signal_src_driving_transaction; // public + // Signal that the source is driving the transaction onto the bus + + event signal_max_transaction_queue_size; // public + // This event signals that the pending transaction queue size + // threshold has been exceeded + + event signal_min_transaction_queue_size; // public + // This event signals that the pending transaction queue size + // is below the minimum threshold + + function automatic string get_version(); // public + // Return BFM version string. For example, version 9.1 sp1 is "9.1sp1" + string ret_version = "17.1"; + return ret_version; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_idle_state_output_configuration( // public + // Set the configuration of output signal value during interface idle + IdleOutputValue_t output_config + ); + $sformat(message, "%m: method called"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + idle_output_config = output_config; + endfunction + + function automatic IdleOutputValue_t get_idle_state_output_configuration(); + // Get the configuration of output signal value during interface idle + $sformat(message, "%m: method called"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + return idle_output_config; + endfunction + + function automatic bit get_src_transaction_complete(); // public + // Return the transaction complete status + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_src_transaction_complete"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + return complete; + endfunction + + function automatic logic get_src_ready(); // public + // Return the value of the src_ready port. + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_src_ready"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + return src_ready; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_response_timeout( // public + int cycles = 100 + ); + // Set the number of cycles that may elapse during backpressure before + // the time out error is asserted. Disable the timeout by setting + // the cycles argument to zero. + response_timeout = cycles; + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_response_timeout"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + $sformat(message, "%m: Response timeout set to %0d cycles", response_timeout); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + endfunction + + task automatic init(); // public + // Drive interface to idle state. + $sformat(message, "%m: called init"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + __drive_temp_interface_idle(); + endtask + + function automatic void push_transaction(); // public + // Push a new transaction into the local transaction queue. + // The BFM will drive the appropriate signals on the ST bus + // according to the transaction field values. + Transaction_t idle_transaction; + + $sformat(message, "%m: called push_transaction"); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + if (reset) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Illegal command while reset asserted"); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + ->signal_fatal_error; + end + + // Idle cycles, defined as preceding the actual transaction are + // converted to an equal number of dummy transactions with the + // valid field set to 0. These are pushed into the queue before + // the actual transaction. + + if (USE_VALID == 1) begin + idle_transaction.idles = 0; + idle_transaction.valid = 1'b0; + for (int i=0; i 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_transaction_idles - %h", + idle_cycles); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + new_transaction.idles = idle_cycles; + end else begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Ignored. Idles set to 0 when USE_VALID == 0"); + print(VERBOSITY_WARNING, message); + new_transaction.idles = 0; + end + endfunction + + function automatic void set_transaction_sop( // public + bit sop + ); + // Set the transaction start of packet value + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_transaction_sop - %b", sop); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + new_transaction.startofpacket = sop; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_transaction_eop( // public + bit eop + ); + // Set the transaction end of packet value + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_transaction_eop - %b", eop); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + new_transaction.endofpacket = eop; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_transaction_error( // public + bit [ST_ERROR_W-1:0] error + ); + // Set the transaction error value + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_transaction_error - %h", error); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + new_transaction.error = error; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_transaction_empty( // public + bit [ST_EMPTY_W-1:0] empty + ); + // Set the transaction empty value + $sformat(message, "%m: called set_transaction_empty - %h", empty); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + new_transaction.empty = empty; + endfunction + + function automatic void pop_response(); // public + // Pop the response transaction from the queue before querying contents + string message; + + $sformat(message, "%m: called pop_response - queue depth %0d", + response_queue.size()); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + + if (response_queue.size() == 0) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Illegal command: response queue is empty"); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + ->signal_fatal_error; + end + + current_response = response_queue.pop_front(); + endfunction + + function automatic int get_response_latency(); // public + // Return the response latency due to back pressure for a + // transaction. The value is in terms of clock cycles. + $sformat(message, "%m: called get_response_latency - %0d", + current_response.latency); + print(VERBOSITY_DEBUG, message); + return current_response.latency; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_max_transaction_queue_size( // public + int size + ); + // Set the pending transaction maximum queue size threshold. + // The public event signal_max_transaction_queue_size + // will fire when the threshold is exceeded. + max_transaction_queue_size = size; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_min_transaction_queue_size( // public + int size + ); + // Set the pending transaction minimum queue size threshold. + // The public event signal_min_transaction_queue_size + // will fire when the queue level is below this threshold. + min_transaction_queue_size = size; + endfunction + + //=cut + + initial begin + __hello(); + end + + always @(posedge clk) begin + if (transaction_queue.size() > max_transaction_queue_size) begin + ->signal_max_transaction_queue_size; + end else if (transaction_queue.size() < min_transaction_queue_size) begin + ->signal_min_transaction_queue_size; + end + end + + always @(signal_fatal_error) abort_simulation(); + + + // The ST_BEATSPERCYCLE parameter complicates the driving of transactions + // somewhat as not all beats in a given cycle need to be valid. + // The following scenarios are possible: + // Transactions with no idle cycles: + // 1 There are an integral multiple of ST_BEATSPERCYCLE transactions + // in the pending transaction queue: + // All transactions fit neatly into an integral number of cycles + // with all beats valid and no resulting bubbles. + // 2 There are a non integral multiple of ST_BEATSPERCYCLE transactions + // in the pending transaction queue: + // The final pending transaction(s) in the queue need to be driven + // out with unused beats being marked as invalid i.e. there are one + // or more bubbles (invalid beats) at the end of the transaction + // sequence. + // A transaction with idle cycles defined is decomposed into a sequence of + // transactions. First there is a sequence of non valid, empty transaction + // beats which define the idle cycles or bubbles. And finally, there is + // one valid transaction beat. + + // delay chain for src_ready back pressure input to account for latency + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + src_ready_delayed <= 0; + end else begin + src_ready_delayed <= {src_ready_delayed[6:0], src_ready}; + end + end + + assign src_ready_qualified = (USE_READY == 0)? 1'b1 : + (ST_READY_LATENCY == 0)? src_ready : + src_ready_delayed[__floor(ST_READY_LATENCY-1)]; + + assign src_is_now_ready = (USE_READY == 0)? 1'b1 : + (ST_READY_LATENCY <= 1)? src_ready : + src_ready_delayed[__floor(ST_READY_LATENCY-2)]; + + always @(*) begin + src_valid_local = src_valid_temp; + + if (USE_VALID > 0) begin + if (USE_READY == 0 || ST_READY_LATENCY == 0) begin + src_valid = src_valid_temp; + src_startofpacket = src_startofpacket_temp; + src_endofpacket = src_endofpacket_temp; + src_data = src_data_temp; + src_channel = src_channel_temp; + src_error = src_error_temp; + src_empty = src_empty_temp; + end else begin + if (src_ready_qualified) begin + src_valid = src_valid_temp; + src_startofpacket = src_startofpacket_temp; + src_endofpacket = src_endofpacket_temp; + src_data = src_data_temp; + src_channel = src_channel_temp; + src_error = src_error_temp; + src_empty = src_empty_temp; + end else begin + __drive_interface_idle(); + end + end + end else begin + src_valid = 0; + src_startofpacket = src_startofpacket_temp; + src_endofpacket = src_endofpacket_temp; + src_data = src_data_temp; + src_channel = src_channel_temp; + src_error = src_error_temp; + src_empty = src_empty_temp; + end + + end + + bit pending; + int response_transaction_ctr; + + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + ready_latency_ctr <= 0; + complete <= 0; + response_transaction_ctr = 0; + new_response = 0; + current_response = 0; + response_queue = {}; + end else begin + if (src_ready_qualified && ((src_valid != 0) || (USE_VALID == 0))) begin + ready_latency_ctr <= 0; + + if (transaction_pending) begin + new_response.count = response_transaction_ctr++; + new_response.latency = ready_latency_ctr; + response_queue.push_back(new_response); + ->signal_response_done; + end + + end else begin + if (transaction_pending && ((src_valid != 0) || (USE_VALID == 0))) + ready_latency_ctr <= ready_latency_ctr + 1; + end + + if ((get_transaction_queue_size() == 0) && src_ready_qualified && + (USE_READY == 0 || src_valid != 0)) begin + complete <= 1; + ->signal_src_transaction_complete; + end else if (complete && + ((get_transaction_queue_size() > 0) || transaction_pending)) begin + complete <= 0; + end + + if ((response_timeout != 0) && (ready_latency_ctr > response_timeout)) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Response Timeout"); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message); + ->signal_fatal_error; + end + + end + end + + always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin + if (reset) begin + idle_ctr <= 0; + transaction_pending = 0; // keep blocking + + __drive_temp_interface_idle(); + + new_transaction = 0; + transaction_queue = {}; + for (int i=0; i 0 && src_ready_qualified == 1) begin + transaction_pending = 0; + end + + if (~transaction_pending && get_transaction_queue_size() > 0) begin + transaction_pending = 1; + load_transaction = 1; + + // initialize all beats to be invalid + for (int i=0; isignal_src_driving_transaction; + load_transaction = 0; + end else if (ST_READY_LATENCY > 0 && src_is_now_ready == 1) begin + ->signal_src_driving_transaction; + load_transaction = 0; + end + end + end + end + join_none + end else begin + idle_ctr = idle_ctr - 1; + end + end + + end + end + + always@(signal_src_driving_transaction) begin + if (get_transaction_queue_size() == 0) + -> signal_src_transaction_almost_complete; + end + + always @(posedge src_ready_qualified or negedge src_ready_qualified) begin + if (src_ready_qualified) + ->signal_src_ready; + else + ->signal_src_not_ready; + end +// synthesis translate_on + +endmodule + +// =head1 SEE ALSO +// avalon_st_sink_bfm +// =cut + + + + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $Id: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/lib/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// avalon_utilities_pkg +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Package for shared types and functions +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 COPYRIGHT +// Copyright (c) 2008 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved. +// The information contained in this file is the property of Altera +// Corporation. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Altera +// Corporation, the holder of this file shall keep all information +// contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part +// from disclosure and dissemination to all third parties. Use of this +// program confirms your agreement with the terms of this license. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This package contains shared types and functions. +// =cut +`timescale 1ns / 1ns + +`ifndef _AVALON_UTILITIES_PKG_ +`define _AVALON_UTILITIES_PKG_ + +package avalon_utilities_pkg; + + function automatic int clog2( + bit [31:0] Depth + ); + int i= Depth; + for(clog2 = 0; i > 0; clog2 = clog2 + 1) + i = i >> 1; + + return clog2; + endfunction + + function automatic int max( + bit [31:0] one, + bit [31:0] two + ); + if(one > two) + return one; + else + return two; + endfunction + + function automatic int lindex( + bit [31:0] width + ); + // returns the left index for a vector having a declared width + // when width is 0, then the left index is set to 0 rather than -1 + lindex = (width > 0) ? (width-1) : 0; + endfunction + + typedef enum int { + LOW = 0, + HIGH = 1, + RANDOM = 2, + UNKNOWN = 3 + } IdleOutputValue_t; + +endpackage + +`endif + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source/altera_avalon_st_source_bfm_171/sim/ (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +// (C) 2001-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other +// software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output +// files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation +// files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject +// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License Subscription +// Agreement, Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable +// license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the +// sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Intel and sold by +// Intel or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable +// agreement for further details. + + +// $Id: //acds/rel/17.1std/ip/sopc/components/verification/lib/ $ +// $Revision: #1 $ +// $Date: 2017/07/30 $ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 NAME +// verbosity_pkg +// =head1 SYNOPSIS +// Package for controlling verbosity of messages sent to the console +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 COPYRIGHT +// Copyright (c) 2008 Altera Corporation. All Rights Reserved. +// The information contained in this file is the property of Altera +// Corporation. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Altera +// Corporation, the holder of this file shall keep all information +// contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in part +// from disclosure and dissemination to all third parties. Use of this +// program confirms your agreement with the terms of this license. +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// =head1 DESCRIPTION +// This module will dump diagnostic messages to the console during +// simulation. The level of verbosity can be controlled in the test +// bench by using the *set_verbosity* method in the imported package +// verbosity_pkg. For a given setting, message at that level and all +// lower levels are dumped. For example, setting VERBOSITY_DEBUG level +// causes all messages to be dumped, while VERBOSITY_FAILURE restricts +// only failure messages and those tagged as VERBOSITY_NONE to be +// dumped. +// The different levels are: +// =over 4 +// =item 1 VERBOSITY_NONE +// Messages tagged with this level are always dumped to the console. +// =item 2 VERBOSITY_FAILURE +// A fatal simulation error has occurred and the simulator will exit. +// =item 3 VERBOSITY_ERROR +// A non-fatal error has occured. An example is a data comparison mismatch. +// =item 4 VERBOSITY_WARNING +// Warn the user that a potential error has occurred. +// =item 5 VERBOSITY_INFO +// Informational message. +// =item 6 VERBOSITY_DEBUG +// Dump enough state to diagnose problem scenarios. +// =back + + +`ifndef _AVALON_VERBOSITY_PKG_ +`define _AVALON_VERBOSITY_PKG_ + +package verbosity_pkg; + + timeunit 1ps; + timeprecision 1ps; + + typedef enum int {VERBOSITY_NONE, + VERBOSITY_FAILURE, + VERBOSITY_ERROR, + VERBOSITY_WARNING, + VERBOSITY_INFO, + VERBOSITY_DEBUG} Verbosity_t; + + Verbosity_t verbosity = VERBOSITY_INFO; + string message = ""; + int dump_file; + int dump = 0; + + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + // =head1 Public Methods API + // =pod + // This section describes the public methods in the application programming + // interface (API). In this case the application program is the test bench + // or component which imports this package. + // =cut + //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + function automatic Verbosity_t get_verbosity(); // public + // Returns the global verbosity setting. + return verbosity; + endfunction + + function automatic void set_verbosity ( // public + Verbosity_t v + ); + // Sets the global verbosity setting. + + string verbosity_str; + verbosity = v; + + case(verbosity) + VERBOSITY_NONE: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_"; + VERBOSITY_FAILURE: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_FAILURE"; + VERBOSITY_ERROR: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_ERROR"; + VERBOSITY_WARNING: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_WARNING"; + VERBOSITY_INFO: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_INFO"; + VERBOSITY_DEBUG: verbosity_str = "VERBOSITY_DEBUG"; + default: verbosity_str = "UNKNOWN"; + endcase + $sformat(message, "%m: Setting Verbosity level=%0d (%s)", + verbosity, verbosity_str); + print(VERBOSITY_NONE, message); + endfunction + + function automatic void print( // public + Verbosity_t level, + string message + ); + // Print a message to the console if the verbosity argument + // is less than or equal to the global verbosity setting. + string level_str; + + if (level <= verbosity) begin + case(level) + VERBOSITY_NONE: level_str = ""; + VERBOSITY_FAILURE: level_str = "FAILURE:"; + VERBOSITY_ERROR: level_str = "ERROR:"; + VERBOSITY_WARNING: level_str = "WARNING:"; + VERBOSITY_INFO: level_str = "INFO:"; + VERBOSITY_DEBUG: level_str = "DEBUG:"; + default: level_str = "UNKNOWN:"; + endcase + + $display("%t: %s %s",$time, level_str, message); + if (dump) begin + $fdisplay(dump_file, "%t: %s %s",$time, level_str, message); + end + end + endfunction + + function automatic void print_divider( // public + Verbosity_t level + ); + // Prints a divider line to the console to make a block of related text + // easier to identify and read. + string message; + $sformat(message, + "------------------------------------------------------------"); + print(level, message); + endfunction + + function automatic void open_dump_file ( // public + string dump_file_name = "avalon_bfm_sim.log" + ); + // Opens a dump file which collects console messages. + + if (dump) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: Dump file already open - ignoring open."); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + end else begin + dump_file = $fopen(dump_file_name, "w"); + $fdisplay(dump_file, "testing dump file"); + $sformat(message, "%m: Opening dump file: %s", dump_file_name); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + dump = 1; + end + endfunction + + function automatic void close_dump_file(); // public + // Close the console message dump file. + if (!dump) begin + $sformat(message, "%m: No open dump file - ignoring close."); + print(VERBOSITY_ERROR, message); + end else begin + dump = 0; + $fclose(dump_file); + $sformat(message, "%m: Closing dump file"); + print(VERBOSITY_INFO, message); + end + endfunction + + function automatic void abort_simulation(); + string message; + $sformat(message, "%m: Abort the simulation due to fatal error incident."); + print(VERBOSITY_FAILURE, message); + $stop; + endfunction + +endpackage + +// =cut + +`endif + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source.qsys =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source.qsys (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/avalon_lib/syn/ast_source.qsys (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Index: qaz_libs/trunk/camera_link/docs/CameraLink5.pdf =================================================================== --- qaz_libs/trunk/camera_link/docs/CameraLink5.pdf (nonexistent) +++ qaz_libs/trunk/camera_link/docs/CameraLink5.pdf (revision 49) @@ -0,0 +1,13633 @@ +%PDF-1.3 +% +1729 0 obj +<< +/Linearized 1 +/O 1735 +/H [ 3218 904 ] +/L 293444 +/E 27744 +/N 34 +/T 258744 +>> +endobj + xref +1729 119 +0000000016 00000 n +0000002755 00000 n +0000002940 00000 n +0000003083 00000 n +0000003116 00000 n +0000003175 00000 n +0000004122 00000 n +0000004457 00000 n +0000004527 00000 n +0000004737 00000 n +0000004838 00000 n +0000004971 00000 n +0000005108 00000 n +0000005251 00000 n +0000005307 00000 n +0000005457 00000 n +0000005592 00000 n +0000005725 00000 n +0000005781 00000 n +0000005929 00000 n +0000006087 00000 n +0000006259 00000 n +0000006389 00000 n +0000006472 00000 n +0000006652 00000 n +0000006782 00000 n +0000006891 00000 n +0000007003 00000 n +0000007130 00000 n +0000007303 00000 n +0000007487 00000 n +0000007575 00000 n +0000007743 00000 n +0000007841 00000 n +0000007934 00000 n +0000008050 00000 n +0000008175 00000 n +0000008275 00000 n +0000008425 00000 n +0000008543 00000 n +0000008658 00000 n +0000008713 00000 n +0000008768 00000 n +0000008884 00000 n +0000008999 00000 n +0000009114 00000 n +0000009245 00000 n +0000009417 00000 n 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+311 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 327 null ] +>> +endobj +312 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 310 null ] +>> +endobj +313 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 292 null ] +>> +endobj +314 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 269 null ] +>> +endobj +315 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 252 null ] +>> +endobj +316 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 223 null ] +>> +endobj +317 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 206 null ] +>> +endobj +318 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 188 null ] +>> +endobj +319 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 176 null ] +>> +endobj +320 0 obj +<< +/D [ 10 0 R /XYZ 107 164 null ] +>> +endobj +321 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +322 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +323 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 468 null ] +>> +endobj +324 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 444 null ] +>> +endobj +325 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 432 null ] +>> +endobj +326 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 408 null ] +>> +endobj +327 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 384 null ] +>> +endobj +328 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 372 null ] +>> +endobj +329 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 331 null ] +>> +endobj +330 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 669 null ] +>> +endobj +331 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 307 null ] +>> +endobj +332 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 652 null ] +>> +endobj +333 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 283 null ] +>> +endobj +334 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 259 null ] +>> +endobj +335 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 247 null ] +>> +endobj +336 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 235 null ] +>> +endobj +337 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 211 null ] +>> +endobj +338 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 199 null ] +>> +endobj +339 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 623 null ] +>> +endobj +340 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 606 null ] +>> +endobj +341 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 577 null ] +>> +endobj +342 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 560 null ] +>> +endobj +343 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 531 null ] +>> +endobj +344 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 514 null ] +>> +endobj +345 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 134 468 null ] +>> +endobj +346 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +347 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +348 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 665 null ] +>> +endobj +349 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 648 null ] +>> +endobj +350 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 619 null ] +>> +endobj +351 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 602 null ] +>> +endobj +352 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 573 null ] +>> +endobj +353 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 556 null ] +>> +endobj +354 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 527 null ] +>> +endobj +355 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 510 null ] +>> +endobj +356 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 481 null ] +>> +endobj +357 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 462 null ] +>> +endobj +358 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 450 null ] +>> +endobj +359 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 438 null ] +>> +endobj +360 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 426 null ] +>> +endobj +361 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 414 null ] +>> +endobj +362 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 402 null ] +>> +endobj +363 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 390 null ] +>> +endobj +364 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 378 null ] +>> +endobj +365 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 366 null ] +>> +endobj +366 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 344 null ] +>> +endobj +367 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 325 null ] +>> +endobj +368 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 313 null ] +>> +endobj +369 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 301 null ] +>> +endobj +370 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 289 null ] +>> +endobj +371 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 277 null ] +>> +endobj +372 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 265 null ] +>> +endobj +373 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 253 null ] +>> +endobj +374 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 241 null ] +>> +endobj +375 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 229 null ] +>> +endobj +376 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 217 null ] +>> +endobj +377 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 205 null ] +>> +endobj +378 0 obj +<< +/D [ 46 0 R /XYZ 98 193 null ] +>> +endobj +379 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +380 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +381 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +382 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +383 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +384 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +385 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +386 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 582 null ] +>> +endobj +387 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 549 null ] +>> +endobj +388 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 503 null ] +>> +endobj +389 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 409 null ] +>> +endobj +390 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 326 null ] +>> +endobj +391 0 obj +<< +/D [ 74 0 R /XYZ 107 293 null ] +>> +endobj +392 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +393 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 355 531 null ] +>> +endobj +394 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +395 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +396 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 98 666 null ] +>> +endobj +397 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 98 633 null ] +>> +endobj +398 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 98 525 null ] +>> +endobj +399 0 obj +<< +/D [ 78 0 R /XYZ 98 216 null ] +>> +endobj +400 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +401 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 695 null ] +>> +endobj +402 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +403 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 666 null ] +>> +endobj +404 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 621 null ] +>> +endobj +405 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 600 null ] +>> +endobj +406 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 540 null ] +>> +endobj +407 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 519 null ] +>> +endobj +408 0 obj +<< +/D [ 82 0 R /XYZ 107 485 null ] +>> +endobj +409 0 obj +<< +/D [ 1786 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +410 0 obj +<< +/D [ 1786 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +411 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +412 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +413 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +414 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 641 null ] +>> +endobj +415 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 641 null ] +>> +endobj +416 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +417 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +418 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +419 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 579 null ] +>> +endobj +420 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 531 null ] +>> +endobj +421 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 510 null ] +>> +endobj +422 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 470 null ] +>> +endobj +423 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 454 null ] +>> +endobj +424 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 438 null ] +>> +endobj +425 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 422 null ] +>> +endobj +426 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 400 null ] +>> +endobj +427 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 366 null ] +>> +endobj +428 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 318 null ] +>> +endobj +429 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 297 null ] +>> +endobj +430 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 245 null ] +>> +endobj +431 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 229 null ] +>> +endobj +432 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 213 null ] +>> +endobj +433 0 obj +<< +/D [ 86 0 R /XYZ 107 197 null ] +>> +endobj +434 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +435 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +436 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +437 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 665 null ] +>> +endobj +438 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 644 null ] +>> +endobj +439 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 604 null ] +>> +endobj +440 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 576 null ] +>> +endobj +441 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 554 null ] +>> +endobj +442 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 520 null ] +>> +endobj +443 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 412 null ] +>> +endobj +444 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 391 null ] +>> +endobj +445 0 obj +<< +/D [ 90 0 R /XYZ 98 345 null ] +>> +endobj +446 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +447 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +448 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +449 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +450 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +451 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +452 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 579 null ] +>> +endobj +453 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 527 null ] +>> +endobj +454 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 511 null ] +>> +endobj +455 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 495 null ] +>> +endobj +456 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 471 null ] +>> +endobj +457 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 450 null ] +>> +endobj +458 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 404 null ] +>> +endobj +459 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 381 null ] +>> +endobj +460 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 368 null ] +>> +endobj +461 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 336 null ] +>> +endobj +462 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 208 336 null ] +>> +endobj +463 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 310 336 null ] +>> +endobj +464 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 411 348 null ] +>> +endobj +465 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 317 null ] +>> +endobj +466 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 208 317 null ] +>> +endobj +467 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 310 317 null ] +>> +endobj +468 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 411 317 null ] +>> +endobj +469 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 298 null ] +>> +endobj +470 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 208 298 null ] +>> +endobj +471 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 310 298 null ] +>> +endobj +472 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 411 298 null ] +>> +endobj +473 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 107 279 null ] +>> +endobj +474 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 208 279 null ] +>> +endobj +475 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 310 279 null ] +>> +endobj +476 0 obj +<< +/D [ 94 0 R /XYZ 411 279 null ] +>> +endobj +477 0 obj +<< +/D [ 98 0 R /XYZ 355 669 null ] +>> +endobj +478 0 obj +<< +/D [ 98 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +479 0 obj +<< +/D [ 98 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +480 0 obj +<< +/D [ 98 0 R /XYZ 98 663 null ] +>> +endobj +481 0 obj +<< +/D [ 98 0 R /XYZ 98 305 null ] +>> +endobj +482 0 obj +<< +/D [ 98 0 R /XYZ 98 285 null ] +>> +endobj +483 0 obj +<< +/D [ 102 0 R /XYZ 364 669 null ] +>> +endobj +484 0 obj +<< +/D [ 102 0 R /XYZ 107 695 null ] +>> +endobj +485 0 obj +<< +/D [ 102 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +486 0 obj +<< +/D [ 102 0 R /XYZ 107 663 null ] +>> +endobj +487 0 obj +<< +/D [ 102 0 R /XYZ 107 229 null ] +>> +endobj +488 0 obj +<< +/D [ 102 0 R /XYZ 107 208 null ] +>> +endobj +489 0 obj +<< +/D [ 1769 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +490 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +491 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +492 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +493 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +494 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +495 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +496 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 107 579 null ] +>> +endobj +497 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 107 553 null ] +>> +endobj +498 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 491 null ] +>> +endobj +499 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 485 null ] +>> +endobj +500 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 465 null ] +>> +endobj +501 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 465 null ] +>> +endobj +502 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 446 null ] +>> +endobj +503 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 446 null ] +>> +endobj +504 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 427 null ] +>> +endobj +505 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 427 null ] +>> +endobj +506 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 408 null ] +>> +endobj +507 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 408 null ] +>> +endobj +508 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 389 null ] +>> +endobj +509 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 389 null ] +>> +endobj +510 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 370 null ] +>> +endobj +511 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 370 null ] +>> +endobj +512 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 351 null ] +>> +endobj +513 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 351 null ] +>> +endobj +514 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 332 null ] +>> +endobj +515 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 332 null ] +>> +endobj +516 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 313 null ] +>> +endobj +517 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 313 null ] +>> +endobj +518 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 294 null ] +>> +endobj +519 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 294 null ] +>> +endobj +520 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 275 null ] +>> +endobj +521 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 275 null ] +>> +endobj +522 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 256 null ] +>> +endobj +523 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 256 null ] +>> +endobj +524 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 237 null ] +>> +endobj +525 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 237 null ] +>> +endobj +526 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 218 null ] +>> +endobj +527 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 218 null ] +>> +endobj +528 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 199 null ] +>> +endobj +529 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 199 null ] +>> +endobj +530 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 180 null ] +>> +endobj +531 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 180 null ] +>> +endobj +532 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 215 161 null ] +>> +endobj +533 0 obj +<< +/D [ 106 0 R /XYZ 364 161 null ] +>> +endobj +534 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +535 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +536 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +537 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 98 361 null ] +>> +endobj +538 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 616 null ] +>> +endobj +539 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 616 null ] +>> +endobj +540 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 597 null ] +>> +endobj +541 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 597 null ] +>> +endobj +542 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 578 null ] +>> +endobj +543 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 578 null ] +>> +endobj +544 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 559 null ] +>> +endobj +545 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 559 null ] +>> +endobj +546 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 540 null ] +>> +endobj +547 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 540 null ] +>> +endobj +548 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 521 null ] +>> +endobj +549 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 521 null ] +>> +endobj +550 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 502 null ] +>> +endobj +551 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 502 null ] +>> +endobj +552 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 483 null ] +>> +endobj +553 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 483 null ] +>> +endobj +554 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 464 null ] +>> +endobj +555 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 464 null ] +>> +endobj +556 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 445 null ] +>> +endobj +557 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 445 null ] +>> +endobj +558 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 426 null ] +>> +endobj +559 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 426 null ] +>> +endobj +560 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 407 null ] +>> +endobj +561 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 407 null ] +>> +endobj +562 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 206 388 null ] +>> +endobj +563 0 obj +<< +/D [ 110 0 R /XYZ 355 388 null ] +>> +endobj +564 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +565 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +566 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 513 701 null ] +>> +endobj +567 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 364 506 null ] +>> +endobj +568 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +569 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +570 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +571 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 107 581 null ] +>> +endobj +572 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 107 560 null ] +>> +endobj +573 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 107 500 null ] +>> +endobj +574 0 obj +<< +/D [ 114 0 R /XYZ 107 337 null ] +>> +endobj +575 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 265 632 null ] +>> +endobj +576 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 265 632 null ] +>> +endobj +577 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +578 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +579 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 665 null ] +>> +endobj +580 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 644 null ] +>> +endobj +581 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 632 null ] +>> +endobj +582 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 626 null ] +>> +endobj +583 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 594 null ] +>> +endobj +584 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 594 null ] +>> +endobj +585 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 606 null ] +>> +endobj +586 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 563 null ] +>> +endobj +587 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 575 null ] +>> +endobj +588 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 575 null ] +>> +endobj +589 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 563 null ] +>> +endobj +590 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 563 null ] +>> +endobj +591 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 575 null ] +>> +endobj +592 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 575 null ] +>> +endobj +593 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 532 null ] +>> +endobj +594 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 532 null ] +>> +endobj +595 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 532 null ] +>> +endobj +596 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 532 null ] +>> +endobj +597 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 532 null ] +>> +endobj +598 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 532 null ] +>> +endobj +599 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 532 null ] +>> +endobj +600 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 501 null ] +>> +endobj +601 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 501 null ] +>> +endobj +602 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 501 null ] +>> +endobj +603 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 501 null ] +>> +endobj +604 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 501 null ] +>> +endobj +605 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 501 null ] +>> +endobj +606 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 501 null ] +>> +endobj +607 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 470 null ] +>> +endobj +608 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 470 null ] +>> +endobj +609 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 470 null ] +>> +endobj +610 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 470 null ] +>> +endobj +611 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 470 null ] +>> +endobj +612 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 470 null ] +>> +endobj +613 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 470 null ] +>> +endobj +614 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 451 null ] +>> +endobj +615 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 451 null ] +>> +endobj +616 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 451 null ] +>> +endobj +617 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 451 null ] +>> +endobj +618 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 451 null ] +>> +endobj +619 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 451 null ] +>> +endobj +620 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 451 null ] +>> +endobj +621 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 432 null ] +>> +endobj +622 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 432 null ] +>> +endobj +623 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 432 null ] +>> +endobj +624 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 432 null ] +>> +endobj +625 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 432 null ] +>> +endobj +626 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 432 null ] +>> +endobj +627 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 432 null ] +>> +endobj +628 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 413 null ] +>> +endobj +629 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 413 null ] +>> +endobj +630 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 413 null ] +>> +endobj +631 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 413 null ] +>> +endobj +632 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 413 null ] +>> +endobj +633 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 413 null ] +>> +endobj +634 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 413 null ] +>> +endobj +635 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 394 null ] +>> +endobj +636 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 394 null ] +>> +endobj +637 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 394 null ] +>> +endobj +638 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 394 null ] +>> +endobj +639 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 394 null ] +>> +endobj +640 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 394 null ] +>> +endobj +641 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 394 null ] +>> +endobj +642 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 375 null ] +>> +endobj +643 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 375 null ] +>> +endobj +644 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 375 null ] +>> +endobj +645 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 375 null ] +>> +endobj +646 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 375 null ] +>> +endobj +647 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 375 null ] +>> +endobj +648 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 375 null ] +>> +endobj +649 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 356 null ] +>> +endobj +650 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 356 null ] +>> +endobj +651 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 356 null ] +>> +endobj +652 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 356 null ] +>> +endobj +653 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 356 null ] +>> +endobj +654 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 356 null ] +>> +endobj +655 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 356 null ] +>> +endobj +656 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 337 null ] +>> +endobj +657 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 337 null ] +>> +endobj +658 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 337 null ] +>> +endobj +659 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 337 null ] +>> +endobj +660 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 337 null ] +>> +endobj +661 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 337 null ] +>> +endobj +662 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 337 null ] +>> +endobj +663 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 318 null ] +>> +endobj +664 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 318 null ] +>> +endobj +665 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 318 null ] +>> +endobj +666 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 318 null ] +>> +endobj +667 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 318 null ] +>> +endobj +668 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 318 null ] +>> +endobj +669 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 318 null ] +>> +endobj +670 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 299 null ] +>> +endobj +671 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 299 null ] +>> +endobj +672 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 299 null ] +>> +endobj +673 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 299 null ] +>> +endobj +674 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 299 null ] +>> +endobj +675 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 299 null ] +>> +endobj +676 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 299 null ] +>> +endobj +677 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 280 null ] +>> +endobj +678 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 280 null ] +>> +endobj +679 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 280 null ] +>> +endobj +680 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 280 null ] +>> +endobj +681 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 280 null ] +>> +endobj +682 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 280 null ] +>> +endobj +683 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 280 null ] +>> +endobj +684 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 261 null ] +>> +endobj +685 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 261 null ] +>> +endobj +686 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 261 null ] +>> +endobj +687 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 261 null ] +>> +endobj +688 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 261 null ] +>> +endobj +689 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 261 null ] +>> +endobj +690 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 261 null ] +>> +endobj +691 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 242 null ] +>> +endobj +692 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 242 null ] +>> +endobj +693 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 242 null ] +>> +endobj +694 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 242 null ] +>> +endobj +695 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 242 null ] +>> +endobj +696 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 242 null ] +>> +endobj +697 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 242 null ] +>> +endobj +698 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 223 null ] +>> +endobj +699 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 223 null ] +>> +endobj +700 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 223 null ] +>> +endobj +701 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 223 null ] +>> +endobj +702 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 223 null ] +>> +endobj +703 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 223 null ] +>> +endobj +704 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 223 null ] +>> +endobj +705 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 204 null ] +>> +endobj +706 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 204 null ] +>> +endobj +707 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 204 null ] +>> +endobj +708 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 204 null ] +>> +endobj +709 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 204 null ] +>> +endobj +710 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 204 null ] +>> +endobj +711 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 204 null ] +>> +endobj +712 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 185 null ] +>> +endobj +713 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 185 null ] +>> +endobj +714 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 185 null ] +>> +endobj +715 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 185 null ] +>> +endobj +716 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 185 null ] +>> +endobj +717 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 185 null ] +>> +endobj +718 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 185 null ] +>> +endobj +719 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 166 null ] +>> +endobj +720 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 166 null ] +>> +endobj +721 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 166 null ] +>> +endobj +722 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 166 null ] +>> +endobj +723 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 166 null ] +>> +endobj +724 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 166 null ] +>> +endobj +725 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 166 null ] +>> +endobj +726 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 98 147 null ] +>> +endobj +727 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 156 147 null ] +>> +endobj +728 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 214 147 null ] +>> +endobj +729 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 272 147 null ] +>> +endobj +730 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 330 147 null ] +>> +endobj +731 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 387 147 null ] +>> +endobj +732 0 obj +<< +/D [ 118 0 R /XYZ 445 147 null ] +>> +endobj +733 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 695 null ] +>> +endobj +734 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +735 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 398 null ] +>> +endobj +736 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 377 null ] +>> +endobj +737 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 279 null ] +>> +endobj +738 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 229 null ] +>> +endobj +739 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 561 null ] +>> +endobj +740 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 561 null ] +>> +endobj +741 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 561 null ] +>> +endobj +742 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 561 null ] +>> +endobj +743 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 561 null ] +>> +endobj +744 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 561 null ] +>> +endobj +745 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 561 null ] +>> +endobj +746 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 542 null ] +>> +endobj +747 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 542 null ] +>> +endobj +748 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 542 null ] +>> +endobj +749 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 542 null ] +>> +endobj +750 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 542 null ] +>> +endobj +751 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 542 null ] +>> +endobj +752 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 542 null ] +>> +endobj +753 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 523 null ] +>> +endobj +754 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 523 null ] +>> +endobj +755 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 523 null ] +>> +endobj +756 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 523 null ] +>> +endobj +757 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 523 null ] +>> +endobj +758 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 523 null ] +>> +endobj +759 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 523 null ] +>> +endobj +760 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 504 null ] +>> +endobj +761 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 504 null ] +>> +endobj +762 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 504 null ] +>> +endobj +763 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 504 null ] +>> +endobj +764 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 504 null ] +>> +endobj +765 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 504 null ] +>> +endobj +766 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 504 null ] +>> +endobj +767 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 485 null ] +>> +endobj +768 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 485 null ] +>> +endobj +769 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 485 null ] +>> +endobj +770 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 485 null ] +>> +endobj +771 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 485 null ] +>> +endobj +772 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 485 null ] +>> +endobj +773 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 485 null ] +>> +endobj +774 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 466 null ] +>> +endobj +775 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 466 null ] +>> +endobj +776 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 466 null ] +>> +endobj +777 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 466 null ] +>> +endobj +778 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 466 null ] +>> +endobj +779 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 466 null ] +>> +endobj +780 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 466 null ] +>> +endobj +781 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 107 435 null ] +>> +endobj +782 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 165 435 null ] +>> +endobj +783 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 223 435 null ] +>> +endobj +784 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 281 435 null ] +>> +endobj +785 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 339 435 null ] +>> +endobj +786 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 396 435 null ] +>> +endobj +787 0 obj +<< +/D [ 122 0 R /XYZ 454 435 null ] +>> +endobj +788 0 obj +<< +/D [ 1721 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +789 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +790 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +791 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +792 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +793 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 579 null ] +>> +endobj +794 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 495 null ] +>> +endobj +795 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 246 null ] +>> +endobj +796 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 200 null ] +>> +endobj +797 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 107 185 null ] +>> +endobj +798 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 485 null ] +>> +endobj +799 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 465 null ] +>> +endobj +800 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 465 null ] +>> +endobj +801 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 465 null ] +>> +endobj +802 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 446 null ] +>> +endobj +803 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 446 null ] +>> +endobj +804 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 446 null ] +>> +endobj +805 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 427 null ] +>> +endobj +806 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 427 null ] +>> +endobj +807 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 427 null ] +>> +endobj +808 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 408 null ] +>> +endobj +809 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 408 null ] +>> +endobj +810 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 408 null ] +>> +endobj +811 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 389 null ] +>> +endobj +812 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 389 null ] +>> +endobj +813 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 389 null ] +>> +endobj +814 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 370 null ] +>> +endobj +815 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 370 null ] +>> +endobj +816 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 370 null ] +>> +endobj +817 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 351 null ] +>> +endobj +818 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 351 null ] +>> +endobj +819 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 351 null ] +>> +endobj +820 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 332 null ] +>> +endobj +821 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 332 null ] +>> +endobj +822 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 332 null ] +>> +endobj +823 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 313 null ] +>> +endobj +824 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 313 null ] +>> +endobj +825 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 313 null ] +>> +endobj +826 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 294 null ] +>> +endobj +827 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 294 null ] +>> +endobj +828 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 294 null ] +>> +endobj +829 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 215 275 null ] +>> +endobj +830 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 314 275 null ] +>> +endobj +831 0 obj +<< +/D [ 126 0 R /XYZ 413 275 null ] +>> +endobj +832 0 obj +<< +/D [ null /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +833 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +834 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 641 null ] +>> +endobj +835 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 641 null ] +>> +endobj +836 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +837 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +838 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +839 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 579 null ] +>> +endobj +840 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 497 null ] +>> +endobj +841 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 457 null ] +>> +endobj +842 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 429 null ] +>> +endobj +843 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 413 null ] +>> +endobj +844 0 obj +<< +/D [ 130 0 R /XYZ 107 397 null ] +>> +endobj +845 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +846 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +847 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 665 null ] +>> +endobj +848 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 628 null ] +>> +endobj +849 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 612 null ] +>> +endobj +850 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 590 null ] +>> +endobj +851 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 574 null ] +>> +endobj +852 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 539 null ] +>> +endobj +853 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 516 null ] +>> +endobj +854 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 331 null ] +>> +endobj +855 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 315 null ] +>> +endobj +856 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 299 null ] +>> +endobj +857 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 283 null ] +>> +endobj +858 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 98 267 null ] +>> +endobj +859 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 134 489 null ] +>> +endobj +860 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 242 489 null ] +>> +endobj +861 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 350 489 null ] +>> +endobj +862 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 134 467 null ] +>> +endobj +863 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 242 467 null ] +>> +endobj +864 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 350 467 null ] +>> +endobj +865 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 134 397 null ] +>> +endobj +866 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 242 397 null ] +>> +endobj +867 0 obj +<< +/D [ 134 0 R /XYZ 350 397 null ] +>> +endobj +868 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 695 null ] +>> +endobj +869 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +870 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 665 null ] +>> +endobj +871 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 628 null ] +>> +endobj +872 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 612 null ] +>> +endobj +873 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 579 null ] +>> +endobj +874 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 563 null ] +>> +endobj +875 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 540 null ] +>> +endobj +876 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 524 null ] +>> +endobj +877 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 259 null ] +>> +endobj +878 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 243 null ] +>> +endobj +879 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 227 null ] +>> +endobj +880 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 211 null ] +>> +endobj +881 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 107 195 null ] +>> +endobj +882 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 143 497 null ] +>> +endobj +883 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 251 497 null ] +>> +endobj +884 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 359 497 null ] +>> +endobj +885 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 143 475 null ] +>> +endobj +886 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 251 475 null ] +>> +endobj +887 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 359 475 null ] +>> +endobj +888 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 143 441 null ] +>> +endobj +889 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 251 441 null ] +>> +endobj +890 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 359 441 null ] +>> +endobj +891 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 143 383 null ] +>> +endobj +892 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 251 383 null ] +>> +endobj +893 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 359 383 null ] +>> +endobj +894 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 143 301 null ] +>> +endobj +895 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 251 301 null ] +>> +endobj +896 0 obj +<< +/D [ 138 0 R /XYZ 359 301 null ] +>> +endobj +897 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 665 null ] +>> +endobj +898 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 628 null ] +>> +endobj +899 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 612 null ] +>> +endobj +900 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 579 null ] +>> +endobj +901 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 563 null ] +>> +endobj +902 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 540 null ] +>> +endobj +903 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 524 null ] +>> +endobj +904 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 98 283 null 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+/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 134 325 null ] +>> +endobj +922 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 242 325 null ] +>> +endobj +923 0 obj +<< +/D [ 142 0 R /XYZ 350 325 null ] +>> +endobj +924 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +925 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 665 null ] +>> +endobj +926 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 628 null ] +>> +endobj +927 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 612 null ] +>> +endobj +928 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 590 null ] +>> +endobj +929 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 574 null ] +>> +endobj +930 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 539 null ] +>> +endobj +931 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 523 null ] +>> +endobj +932 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 420 null ] +>> +endobj +933 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 404 null ] +>> +endobj +934 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 388 null ] +>> +endobj +935 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 372 null ] +>> +endobj +936 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 107 356 null ] +>> +endobj +937 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 143 496 null ] +>> +endobj +938 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 251 496 null ] +>> +endobj +939 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 359 496 null ] +>> +endobj +940 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 143 474 null ] +>> +endobj +941 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 251 474 null ] +>> +endobj +942 0 obj +<< +/D [ 146 0 R /XYZ 359 474 null ] +>> +endobj +943 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +944 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 666 null ] +>> +endobj +945 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 633 null ] +>> +endobj +946 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 621 null ] +>> +endobj +947 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 610 null ] +>> +endobj +948 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 599 null ] +>> +endobj +949 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 588 null ] +>> +endobj +950 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 577 null ] +>> +endobj +951 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 566 null ] +>> +endobj +952 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 555 null ] +>> +endobj +953 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 544 null ] +>> +endobj +954 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 533 null ] +>> +endobj +955 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 522 null ] +>> +endobj +956 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 511 null ] +>> +endobj +957 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 500 null ] +>> +endobj +958 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 489 null ] +>> +endobj +959 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 478 null ] +>> +endobj +960 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 467 null ] +>> +endobj +961 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 456 null ] +>> +endobj +962 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 445 null ] +>> +endobj +963 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 434 null ] +>> +endobj +964 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 423 null ] +>> +endobj +965 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 412 null ] +>> +endobj +966 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 401 null ] +>> +endobj +967 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 390 null ] +>> +endobj +968 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 379 null ] +>> +endobj +969 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 368 null ] +>> +endobj +970 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 357 null ] +>> +endobj +971 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 346 null ] +>> +endobj +972 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 335 null ] +>> +endobj +973 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 324 null ] +>> +endobj +974 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 313 null ] +>> +endobj +975 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 302 null ] +>> +endobj +976 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 291 null ] +>> +endobj +977 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 280 null ] +>> +endobj +978 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 269 null ] +>> +endobj +979 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 258 null ] +>> +endobj +980 0 obj +<< +/D [ 150 0 R /XYZ 98 247 null ] +>> +endobj +981 0 obj +<< +/D [ 154 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +982 0 obj +<< +/D [ 154 0 R /XYZ 107 663 null ] +>> +endobj +983 0 obj +<< +/D [ null /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +984 0 obj +<< +/D [ null /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +985 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +986 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +987 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 464 717 null ] +>> +endobj +988 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 640 null ] +>> +endobj +989 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 551 null ] +>> +endobj +990 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 541 null ] +>> +endobj +991 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 521 null ] +>> +endobj +992 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 490 null ] +>> +endobj +993 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 502 null ] +>> +endobj +994 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 502 null ] +>> +endobj +995 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 502 null ] +>> +endobj +996 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 490 null ] +>> +endobj +997 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 490 null ] +>> +endobj +998 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 502 null ] +>> +endobj +999 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1000 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1001 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1002 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1003 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1004 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1005 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 471 null ] +>> +endobj +1006 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1007 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1008 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1009 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1010 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1011 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1012 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 452 null ] +>> +endobj +1013 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1014 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1015 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1016 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1017 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1018 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1019 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 433 null ] +>> +endobj +1020 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1021 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1022 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1023 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1024 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1025 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1026 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 414 null ] +>> +endobj +1027 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1028 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1029 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1030 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1031 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1032 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1033 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 395 null ] +>> +endobj +1034 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1035 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1036 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1037 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1038 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1039 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1040 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1041 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1042 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1043 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1044 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1045 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1046 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1047 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1048 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1049 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1050 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1051 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1052 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1053 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1054 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1055 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1056 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1057 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1058 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1059 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1060 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1061 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1062 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 300 null ] +>> +endobj +1063 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 300 null ] +>> +endobj +1064 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 300 null ] +>> +endobj +1065 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 300 null ] +>> +endobj +1066 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 300 null ] +>> +endobj +1067 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 300 null ] +>> +endobj +1068 0 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+/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1085 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1086 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1087 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1088 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1089 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1090 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1091 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1092 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1093 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1094 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1095 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1096 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1097 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1098 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1099 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1100 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1101 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1102 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1103 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1104 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1105 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1106 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1107 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1108 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1109 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1110 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1111 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1112 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1113 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1114 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1115 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1116 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1117 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 167 null ] +>> +endobj +1118 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 107 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1119 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 165 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1120 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 223 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1121 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 281 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1122 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 339 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1123 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 396 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1124 0 obj +<< +/D [ 158 0 R /XYZ 454 148 null ] +>> +endobj +1125 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 695 null ] +>> +endobj +1126 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 110 null ] +>> +endobj +1127 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 454 null ] +>> +endobj +1128 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1129 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 156 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1130 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 214 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1131 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 272 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1132 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 330 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1133 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 387 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1134 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 445 593 null ] +>> +endobj +1135 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1136 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 156 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1137 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 214 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1138 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 272 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1139 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 330 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1140 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 387 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1141 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 445 574 null ] +>> +endobj +1142 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 555 null ] +>> +endobj +1143 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 156 555 null ] +>> +endobj +1144 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 214 555 null ] +>> +endobj +1145 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 272 555 null ] +>> +endobj +1146 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 330 555 null ] +>> +endobj +1147 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 387 555 null ] +>> +endobj +1148 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 445 555 null ] +>> 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+1165 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 214 498 null ] +>> +endobj +1166 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 272 498 null ] +>> +endobj +1167 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 330 498 null ] +>> +endobj +1168 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 387 498 null ] +>> +endobj +1169 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 445 498 null ] +>> +endobj +1170 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 98 479 null ] +>> +endobj +1171 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 444 null ] +>> +endobj +1172 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 424 null ] +>> +endobj +1173 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 405 null ] +>> +endobj +1174 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 405 null ] +>> +endobj +1175 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 405 null ] +>> +endobj +1176 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 405 null ] +>> +endobj +1177 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 405 null ] +>> +endobj +1178 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 405 null ] +>> +endobj +1179 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 386 null ] +>> +endobj +1180 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 386 null ] +>> +endobj +1181 0 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162 0 R /XYZ 371 291 null ] +>> +endobj +1214 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 291 null ] +>> +endobj +1215 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 272 null ] +>> +endobj +1216 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 272 null ] +>> +endobj +1217 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 272 null ] +>> +endobj +1218 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 272 null ] +>> +endobj +1219 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 272 null ] +>> +endobj +1220 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 272 null ] +>> +endobj +1221 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 253 null ] +>> +endobj +1222 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 253 null ] +>> +endobj +1223 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 253 null ] +>> +endobj +1224 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 253 null ] +>> +endobj +1225 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 253 null ] +>> +endobj +1226 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 253 null ] +>> +endobj +1227 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 234 null ] +>> +endobj +1228 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 234 null ] +>> +endobj +1229 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 234 null ] +>> +endobj +1230 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 234 null ] +>> +endobj +1231 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 234 null ] +>> +endobj +1232 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 234 null ] +>> +endobj +1233 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 215 null ] +>> +endobj +1234 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 215 null ] +>> +endobj +1235 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 215 null ] +>> +endobj +1236 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 215 null ] +>> +endobj +1237 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 215 null ] +>> +endobj +1238 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 215 null ] +>> +endobj +1239 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 196 null ] +>> +endobj +1240 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 196 null ] +>> +endobj +1241 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 196 null ] +>> +endobj +1242 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 196 null ] +>> +endobj +1243 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 196 null ] +>> +endobj +1244 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 196 null ] +>> +endobj +1245 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 177 null ] +>> +endobj +1246 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 177 null ] +>> +endobj +1247 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 177 null ] +>> +endobj +1248 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 177 null ] +>> +endobj +1249 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 177 null ] +>> +endobj +1250 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 177 null ] +>> +endobj +1251 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 118 158 null ] +>> +endobj +1252 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 176 158 null ] +>> +endobj +1253 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 233 158 null ] +>> +endobj +1254 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 304 158 null ] +>> +endobj +1255 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 371 158 null ] +>> +endobj +1256 0 obj +<< +/D [ 162 0 R /XYZ 437 158 null ] +>> +endobj +1257 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 107 695 null ] +>> +endobj +1258 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +1259 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 605 null ] +>> +endobj +1260 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 605 null ] +>> +endobj +1261 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 605 null 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+endobj +1278 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 548 null ] +>> +endobj +1279 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 548 null ] +>> +endobj +1280 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 548 null ] +>> +endobj +1281 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 548 null ] +>> +endobj +1282 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 548 null ] +>> +endobj +1283 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 529 null ] +>> +endobj +1284 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 529 null ] +>> +endobj +1285 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 529 null ] +>> +endobj +1286 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 529 null ] +>> +endobj +1287 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 529 null ] +>> +endobj +1288 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 529 null ] +>> +endobj +1289 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 510 null ] +>> +endobj +1290 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 510 null ] +>> +endobj +1291 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 510 null ] +>> +endobj +1292 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 510 null ] +>> +endobj +1293 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 510 null ] +>> +endobj +1294 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 510 null ] +>> +endobj +1295 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 491 null ] +>> +endobj +1296 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 491 null ] +>> +endobj +1297 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 491 null ] +>> +endobj +1298 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 491 null ] +>> +endobj +1299 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 491 null ] +>> +endobj +1300 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 491 null ] +>> +endobj +1301 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 472 null ] +>> +endobj +1302 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 472 null ] +>> +endobj +1303 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 472 null ] +>> +endobj +1304 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 472 null ] +>> +endobj +1305 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 472 null ] +>> +endobj +1306 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 472 null ] +>> +endobj +1307 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 453 null ] +>> +endobj +1308 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 453 null ] +>> +endobj +1309 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 453 null ] +>> +endobj +1310 0 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+/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 396 null ] +>> +endobj +1327 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 396 null ] +>> +endobj +1328 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 396 null ] +>> +endobj +1329 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 396 null ] +>> +endobj +1330 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 396 null ] +>> +endobj +1331 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 377 null ] +>> +endobj +1332 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 377 null ] +>> +endobj +1333 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 377 null ] +>> +endobj +1334 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 377 null ] +>> +endobj +1335 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 377 null ] +>> +endobj +1336 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 377 null ] +>> +endobj +1337 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 358 null ] +>> +endobj +1338 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 358 null ] +>> +endobj +1339 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 358 null ] +>> +endobj +1340 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 358 null ] +>> +endobj +1341 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 358 null ] +>> +endobj +1342 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 358 null ] +>> +endobj +1343 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 339 null ] +>> +endobj +1344 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 339 null ] +>> +endobj +1345 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 339 null ] +>> +endobj +1346 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 339 null ] +>> +endobj +1347 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 339 null ] +>> +endobj +1348 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 339 null ] +>> +endobj +1349 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 320 null ] +>> +endobj +1350 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 320 null ] +>> +endobj +1351 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 320 null ] +>> +endobj +1352 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 320 null ] +>> +endobj +1353 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 320 null ] +>> +endobj +1354 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 320 null ] +>> +endobj +1355 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 301 null ] +>> +endobj +1356 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 301 null ] +>> +endobj +1357 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 301 null ] +>> +endobj +1358 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R 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244 null ] +>> +endobj +1375 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 244 null ] +>> +endobj +1376 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 244 null ] +>> +endobj +1377 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 244 null ] +>> +endobj +1378 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 244 null ] +>> +endobj +1379 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 225 null ] +>> +endobj +1380 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 225 null ] +>> +endobj +1381 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 225 null ] +>> +endobj +1382 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 225 null ] +>> +endobj +1383 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 225 null ] +>> +endobj +1384 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 225 null ] +>> +endobj +1385 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 206 null ] +>> +endobj +1386 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 206 null ] +>> +endobj +1387 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 206 null ] +>> +endobj +1388 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 206 null ] +>> +endobj +1389 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 206 null ] +>> +endobj +1390 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 206 null ] +>> +endobj +1391 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 187 null ] +>> +endobj +1392 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 187 null ] +>> +endobj +1393 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 187 null ] +>> +endobj +1394 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 187 null ] +>> +endobj +1395 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 187 null ] +>> +endobj +1396 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 187 null ] +>> +endobj +1397 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 168 null ] +>> +endobj +1398 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 168 null ] +>> +endobj +1399 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 168 null ] +>> +endobj +1400 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 168 null ] +>> +endobj +1401 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 380 168 null ] +>> +endobj +1402 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 446 168 null ] +>> +endobj +1403 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 127 149 null ] +>> +endobj +1404 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 185 149 null ] +>> +endobj +1405 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 242 149 null ] +>> +endobj +1406 0 obj +<< +/D [ 166 0 R /XYZ 313 149 null ] +>> 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170 0 R /XYZ 206 376 null ] +>> +endobj +1472 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 206 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1473 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 275 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1474 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1475 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 365 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1476 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 434 357 null ] +>> +endobj +1477 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 206 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1478 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 275 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1479 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1480 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 365 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1481 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 434 338 null ] +>> +endobj +1482 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 206 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1483 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 275 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1484 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1485 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 365 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1486 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 434 319 null ] +>> +endobj +1487 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R 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243 null ] +>> +endobj +1504 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1505 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 365 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1506 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 434 243 null ] +>> +endobj +1507 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 206 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1508 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 275 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1509 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1510 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 365 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1511 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 434 224 null ] +>> +endobj +1512 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 206 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1513 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 275 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1514 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1515 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 365 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1516 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 434 205 null ] +>> +endobj +1517 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 206 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1518 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 275 186 null ] +>> +endobj +1519 0 obj +<< +/D [ 170 0 R /XYZ 344 186 null 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+1552 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 443 547 null ] +>> +endobj +1553 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 215 528 null ] +>> +endobj +1554 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 284 528 null ] +>> +endobj +1555 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 353 528 null ] +>> +endobj +1556 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 374 528 null ] +>> +endobj +1557 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 443 528 null ] +>> +endobj +1558 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 215 509 null ] +>> +endobj +1559 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 284 509 null ] +>> +endobj +1560 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 353 509 null ] +>> +endobj +1561 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 374 509 null ] +>> +endobj +1562 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 443 509 null ] +>> +endobj +1563 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 215 490 null ] +>> +endobj +1564 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 284 490 null ] +>> +endobj +1565 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 353 490 null ] +>> +endobj +1566 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 374 490 null ] +>> +endobj +1567 0 obj +<< +/D [ 174 0 R /XYZ 443 490 null ] +>> +endobj +1568 0 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+endobj +1665 0 obj +<< +/D [ 182 0 R /XYZ 296 614 null ] +>> +endobj +1666 0 obj +<< +/D [ 182 0 R /XYZ 386 614 null ] +>> +endobj +1667 0 obj +<< +/D [ 182 0 R /XYZ 206 583 null ] +>> +endobj +1668 0 obj +<< +/D [ 182 0 R /XYZ 296 583 null ] +>> +endobj +1669 0 obj +<< +/D [ 182 0 R /XYZ 386 583 null ] +>> +endobj +1670 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 107 695 null ] +>> +endobj +1671 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 107 110 null ] +>> +endobj +1672 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 107 665 null ] +>> +endobj +1673 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 107 644 null ] +>> +endobj +1674 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 107 632 null ] +>> +endobj +1675 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 107 478 null ] +>> +endobj +1676 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 622 null ] +>> +endobj +1677 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 602 null ] +>> +endobj +1678 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 274 602 null ] +>> +endobj +1679 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 407 602 null ] +>> +endobj +1680 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 583 null ] +>> +endobj +1681 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 274 583 null ] +>> +endobj +1682 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 407 583 null ] +>> +endobj +1683 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 564 null ] +>> +endobj +1684 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 274 564 null ] +>> +endobj +1685 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 407 564 null ] +>> +endobj +1686 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 545 null ] +>> +endobj +1687 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 274 545 null ] +>> +endobj +1688 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 407 545 null ] +>> +endobj +1689 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 526 null ] +>> +endobj +1690 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 274 526 null ] +>> +endobj +1691 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 407 526 null ] +>> +endobj +1692 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 133 507 null ] +>> +endobj +1693 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 274 507 null ] +>> +endobj +1694 0 obj +<< +/D [ 186 0 R /XYZ 407 507 null ] +>> +endobj +1695 0 obj +<< +/D [ null /XYZ null null null ] +>> +endobj +1696 0 obj +<< +/Limits [ (on)(nnTz##)] +/Names [ (on)212 0 R (onT)833 0 R (onU)985 0 R (onV)1639 0 R (om)253 0 R (ol) +261 0 R (ok)380 0 R (oj)411 0 R (oi)446 0 R (oh)490 0 R (og)564 0 R +(of)789 0 R (nnJz)218 0 R (nnJz)219 0 R (nnJz)220 0 R (nnJz) +221 0 R (nnJ)224 0 R (nnJ)225 0 R (nnJ)226 0 R (nnJ) +227 0 R (nnJ)215 0 R (nnJ)216 0 R (nnJ)217 0 R (nnJ) +222 0 R (nnJ~)230 0 R (nnJ})223 0 R (nnJ})232 0 R (nnJ}) +233 0 R (nnJ})234 0 R (nnJ})235 0 R (nnJ})236 0 R (nnJ}) +237 0 R (nnJ})238 0 R (nnJ})239 0 R (nnJ})240 0 R (nnJ}) +241 0 R (nnJ})242 0 R (nnJ})243 0 R (nnJ})244 0 R (nnJ}) +245 0 R (nnJ})246 0 R (nnJ})247 0 R (nnJ})248 0 R (nnJ}) +249 0 R (nnJ})250 0 R (nnJ})251 0 R (nnJ})231 0 R (nnTz"/) +839 0 R (nnTz".)840 0 R (nnTz+.)841 0 R (nnTz* )842 0 R +(nnTz*/)843 0 R (nnTz*.)844 0 R (nnTz\(&)847 0 R (nnTz\(/) +848 0 R (nnTz/%)852 0 R (nnTz# )853 0 R (nnTz"$)854 0 R +(nnTz+')855 0 R (nnTz+&)856 0 R (nnTz+")857 0 R (nnTz+.) +858 0 R (nnTz#')851 0 R (nnTz##)849 0 R ] +>> +endobj +1697 0 obj +<< +/Limits [ (Mׅ)(Mׅ)] +/Names [ (Mׅ)850 0 R (Mׅ)870 0 R (Mׅ)871 0 R (Mׅ) +872 0 R (Mׅ)873 0 R (Mׅ)874 0 R (Mׅ)875 0 R +(Mׅ)876 0 R (Mׅ)878 0 R (Mׅ)879 0 R (Mׅ) +880 0 R (Mׅ)881 0 R (Mׅ)897 0 R (Mׅ)898 0 R +(Mׅ)899 0 R (Mׅ)900 0 R (Mׅ)901 0 R (Mׅ) +902 0 R (Mׅ)903 0 R (Mׅ)925 0 R (Mׅ)905 0 R +(Mׅ)906 0 R (Mׅ)907 0 R (Mׅ)908 0 R (Mׅ) +926 0 R (Mׅ)927 0 R (Mׅ)928 0 R (Mׅ)929 0 R +(Mׅ)930 0 R (Mׅ)931 0 R (Mׅ)944 0 R (Mׅ) +933 0 R (Mׅ)934 0 R (Mׅ)935 0 R (Mׅ)936 0 R +(Mׅ)982 0 R (Mׅ)945 0 R (Mׅ)952 0 R (Mׅ) +953 0 R (Mׅ)954 0 R (Mׅ)955 0 R (Mׅ)956 0 R +(Mׅ)957 0 R (Mׅ)958 0 R (Mׅ)959 0 R (Mׅ) +960 0 R (Mׅ)961 0 R (Mׅ)962 0 R (Mׅ)963 0 R +(Mׅ)964 0 R (Mׅ)965 0 R (Mׅ)966 0 R (Mׅ) +967 0 R (Mׅ)968 0 R (Mׅ)969 0 R (Mׅ)970 0 R +(Mׅ)971 0 R (Mׅ)976 0 R (Mׅ)977 0 R (Mׅ) +978 0 R (Mׅ)980 0 R (Mׅ)979 0 R (Mׅ)975 0 R +(Mׅ)972 0 R ] +>> +endobj +1698 0 obj +<< +/Limits [ (fcs)(fcs)] +/Names [ (fcs)973 0 R (fcs)974 0 R (fcr)949 0 R (fcr) +950 0 R (fcr)951 0 R (fcr)946 0 R (fcr)947 0 R +(fcr)948 0 R (fcv)837 0 R (fcv)838 0 R (fc{) +845 0 R (fc{)846 0 R (fcs)868 0 R (fcs)869 0 R +(fcw)836 0 R (fct)859 0 R (fct)860 0 R (fct) +861 0 R (fct)862 0 R (fct)863 0 R (fc{)864 0 R +(fc{)865 0 R (fc{)866 0 R (fc{)867 0 R (fcz) +882 0 R (fcz)883 0 R (fcz)884 0 R (fcz)885 0 R +(fcz)886 0 R (fcs)887 0 R (fcs)888 0 R (fcs) +889 0 R (fcs)890 0 R (fcr)909 0 R (fcr)910 0 R +(fcr)911 0 R (fcr)912 0 R (fcq)913 0 R (fcq) +914 0 R (fcq)915 0 R (fcq)916 0 R (fcq)917 0 R +(fcp)937 0 R (fcp)938 0 R (fcw)939 0 R (fcw) +940 0 R (fcw)941 0 R (fcw)942 0 R (fcu)894 0 R +(fcu)895 0 R (fcu)896 0 R (fcu)891 0 R (fcu) +892 0 R (fct)893 0 R (fcs)877 0 R (fc{)921 0 R +(fc{)922 0 R (fc{)923 0 R (fcz)918 0 R (fcz) +919 0 R (fcz)920 0 R (fcw)904 0 R (fc{)932 0 R +(fcs)987 0 R ] +>> +endobj +1699 0 obj +<< +/Limits [ (I*L)(I*J)] +/Names [ (I*L)988 0 R (I*I)991 0 R (I*H)999 0 R (I*J) +1000 0 R (I*D)1001 0 R (I*L)1002 0 R (I*N)1003 0 R +(I*H)1004 0 R (I*J)1005 0 R (I*D)1006 0 R (I*L) +1007 0 R (I*N)1008 0 R (I*H)1009 0 R (I*J)1010 0 R +(I*D)1011 0 R (I*L)1012 0 R (I*N)1013 0 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+/Limits [ (M2`|3)(M2`r5)] +/Names [ (M2`|3)1387 0 R (M2`|1)1388 0 R (M2`|7)1389 0 R (M2`|5) +1390 0 R (M2`|;)1391 0 R (M2`s3)1392 0 R (M2`s1)1393 0 R +(M2`s7)1394 0 R (M2`s5)1395 0 R (M2`s;)1396 0 R (M2`r3) +1397 0 R (M2`r1)1398 0 R (M2`r7)1399 0 R (M2`r5)1400 0 R +(M2`r;)1401 0 R (M2`{3)1402 0 R (M2`{1)1403 0 R (M2`{7) +1404 0 R (M2`{5)1405 0 R (M2`{;)1406 0 R (M2`z3)1407 0 R +(M2`z1)1408 0 R (M2`z7)1410 0 R (M2`z5)1411 0 R (M2`z;) +1412 0 R (M2`y3)1413 0 R (M2`y1)1414 0 R (M2`y7)1415 0 R +(M2`y5)1416 0 R (M2`y;)1417 0 R (M2`x3)1418 0 R (M2`x1) +1419 0 R (M2`x7)1420 0 R (M2`x5)1421 0 R (M2`x;)1422 0 R +(M2`3)1423 0 R (M2`1)1424 0 R (M2`7)1425 0 R (M2`5) +1426 0 R (M2`;)1427 0 R (M2`~3)1428 0 R (M2`~1)1429 0 R +(M2`~7)1430 0 R (M2`~5)1431 0 R (M2`~;)1432 0 R (M2`}3) +1433 0 R (M2`}1)1434 0 R (M2`}7)1435 0 R (M2`}5)1436 0 R +(M2`};)1437 0 R (M2`|3)1438 0 R (M2`|1)1439 0 R (M2`|7) +1440 0 R (M2`|5)1441 0 R (M2`|;)1442 0 R (M2`s3)1443 0 R +(M2`s1)1444 0 R (M2`s7)1445 0 R (M2`s5)1446 0 R 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