Subversion Repositories qaz_libs
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 11 to Rev 12
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 11 → Rev 12
65,6 → 65,13
input int max_mismatches, |
ref video_frame_class to |
); |
extern virtual function void print_line |
( |
input int line, |
input int pixel, |
input int count |
); |
endclass: video_frame_class |
77,9 → 84,15
input int lines_per_frame, |
input int bits_per_pixel |
); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
this.pixels_per_line = pixels_per_line; |
this.lines_per_frame = lines_per_frame; |
this.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel; |
this.make_constant( 0 ); |
endfunction: init |
89,6 → 102,8
( |
input int pixel |
); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame]; |
108,6 → 123,8
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
function void video_frame_class::make_counting(); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame]; |
127,6 → 144,8
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
function void video_frame_class::make_random(); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame]; |
149,6 → 168,8
( |
ref video_frame_class to |
); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
to.frame_id = this.frame_id; |
to.pixels_per_line = this.pixels_per_line; |
177,45 → 198,64
ref video_frame_class to |
); |
int mismatch_count = 0; |
int mismatch_count = 0; |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
if( to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line", $time ); |
return( -1 ); |
end |
if( to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line", $time ); |
return( -1 ); |
end |
if( to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame", $time ); |
return( -2 ); |
end |
if( to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame", $time ); |
return( -2 ); |
end |
if( to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel", $time ); |
return( -3 ); |
end |
foreach( this.lines[l] ) |
if( to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel ) |
begin |
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] ) |
if( to.lines[l].pixel[p] != this.lines[l].pixel[p] ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel", $time ); |
return( -3 ); |
end |
if( max_mismatches > 0 ) |
mismatch_count++; |
foreach( this.lines[l] ) |
begin |
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] ) |
if( to.lines[l].pixel[p] != this.lines[l].pixel[p] ) |
begin |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h ", $time, l, p, to.lines[l].pixel[p], this.lines[l].pixel[p] ); |
if( max_mismatches > 0 ) |
mismatch_count++; |
if( mismatch_count > max_mismatches ) |
return( -4 ); |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h ", $time, l, p, to.lines[l].pixel[p], this.lines[l].pixel[p] ); |
end |
end |
if( mismatch_count > max_mismatches ) |
return( mismatch_count ); |
return( mismatch_count ); |
end |
end |
return( mismatch_count ); |
endfunction: compare |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
function void video_frame_class::print_line |
( |
input int line, |
input int pixel, |
input int count |
); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time); |
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) |
$display( "^^^ %16.t | %4h @ frame[%4h][%4h]", $time, this.lines[line].pixel[(pixel + i)], line, pixel ); |
endfunction: print_line |
3,13 → 3,14
# ------------------------------------ |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_compile_all { target } { |
global env |
# sim_make_version |
set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../.. |
set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../.. |
set env(SIM_TARGET) $target |
if {[file exists work/_info]} { |
21,21 → 22,41
vlib work |
} |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/sim_files.txt |
if { [file exists ../../libs/altera_sim.f] } { |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/altera_sim.f |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f]} { |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f |
} |
if {[file exists ../../libs/libs_files.txt]} { |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/libs_files.txt |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/FPGA_verilog/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vlog -O0 -f $filename |
} |
if {[file exists ../../libs/opencores_files.txt]} { |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/opencores_files.txt |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/FPGA_VHDL/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vcom -explicit -O0 -f $filename |
} |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/sim_verilog/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vlog -O0 -f $filename |
} |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/sim_VHDL/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vcom -explicit -O0 -f $filename |
} |
switch $target { |
"rtl" { |
echo "INFO: compiling FPGA rtl" |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/fpga_files.txt |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/FPGA/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
# vlog -O0 -f $filename |
vcom -93 -explicit -O0 -f $filename |
} |
} |
default { |
46,6 → 67,28
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_run_sim { } { |
if {[file exists ./sim.do]} { |
do ./sim.do |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/sim.do]} { |
do ../../libs/sim.do |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/altera_sim.f]} { |
vsim -novopt -f ../../libs/altera_sim.f -l transcript.txt work.tb_top |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f]} { |
vsim -novopt -f ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f -l transcript.txt work.tb_top work.glbl |
} |
if { [file exists ./wave.do] } { |
do ./wave.do |
} |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_run_test { } { |
global env |
56,8 → 99,6
vlib work |
} |
vlog ./the_test.sv |
# unique setup |
if { [file exists ./setup_test.do] } { |
do ./setup_test.do |
68,44 → 109,36
vlog +define+MAKEFILE_TEST_RUN ../../src/tb_top.v |
} else { |
vlog ../../src/tb_top.v |
vsim -novopt -t 1ps -f ../../libs/altera_sim_files.txt -l transcript.txt work.tb_top |
if { [file exists ./wave.do] } { |
do ./wave.do |
} |
sim_run_sim |
} |
radix -hexadecimal |
run -all |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_restart { } { |
global env |
# unique setup |
if { [file exists ./setup_test.do] } { |
do ./setup_test.do |
} |
# work in progress files to compile |
if { [file exists ./wip.do] } { |
echo "INFO: found ./wip.do" |
do ./wip.do |
} else { |
# sim_make_version |
sim_compile_all $::env(SIM_TARGET) |
vlog ./the_test.sv |
vlog ../../src/tb_top.v |
} |
restart -force |
if { [string equal nodesign [runStatus]] } { |
sim_run_sim |
} else { |
restart -force |
} |
run -all |
} |
8,9 → 8,11
set env(SIM_TARGET) rtl |
radix -hexadecimal |
sim_compile_all rtl |
# do ./setup_test.do |
# sim_compile_all rtl |
sim_run_test |
0,0 → 1,38
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
module the_test( |
input tb_clk, |
input tb_rst |
); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
task run_the_test; |
begin |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// insert test below |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
$display("^^^---------------------------------"); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench begun.\n", $time); |
$display("^^^---------------------------------"); |
repeat(1000) @(posedge tb_clk); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// insert test above |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
end |
endtask |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,146
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
# ------------------------------------ |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_compile_all { target } { |
global env |
set env(ROOT_DIR) ../../../.. |
set env(PROJECT_DIR) ../../.. |
set env(SIM_TARGET) $target |
if {[file exists work/_info]} { |
echo "INFO: Simulation library work already exists" |
echo "INFO: deleting ./work and recompiling all" |
file delete -force ./work |
vlib work |
} else { |
vlib work |
} |
if { [file exists ../../libs/altera_sim.f] } { |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/altera_sim.f |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f]} { |
vlog -O0 -f ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f |
} |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/FPGA_verilog/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vlog -O0 -f $filename |
} |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/FPGA_VHDL/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vcom -explicit -O0 -f $filename |
} |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/sim_verilog/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vlog -O0 -f $filename |
} |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/sim_VHDL/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
vcom -explicit -O0 -f $filename |
} |
switch $target { |
"rtl" { |
echo "INFO: compiling FPGA rtl" |
foreach filename [glob -nocomplain -directory ../../libs/FPGA/ *.f] { |
echo "INFO: compiling $filename" |
# vlog -O0 -f $filename |
vcom -93 -explicit -O0 -f $filename |
} |
} |
default { |
echo "ERROR: <$target> Target not suported!!!" |
} |
} |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_run_sim { } { |
if {[file exists ./sim.do]} { |
do ./sim.do |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/sim.do]} { |
do ../../libs/sim.do |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/altera_sim.f]} { |
vsim -novopt -f ../../libs/altera_sim.f -l transcript.txt work.tb_top |
} elseif {[file exists ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f]} { |
vsim -novopt -f ../../libs/xilinx_sim.f -l transcript.txt work.tb_top work.glbl |
} |
if { [file exists ./wave.do] } { |
do ./wave.do |
} |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_run_test { } { |
global env |
if { [file exists work/_info] } { |
echo "INFO: Simulation library work already exists" |
} else { |
vlib work |
} |
# unique setup |
if { [file exists ./setup_test.do] } { |
do ./setup_test.do |
} |
if { [info exists env(MAKEFILE_TEST_RUN)] } { |
vlog +define+MAKEFILE_TEST_RUN ../../src/tb_top.v |
} else { |
sim_run_sim |
} |
run -all |
} |
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
proc sim_restart { } { |
global env |
# work in progress files to compile |
if { [file exists ./wip.do] } { |
echo "INFO: found ./wip.do" |
do ./wip.do |
} else { |
sim_compile_all $::env(SIM_TARGET) |
} |
if { [string equal nodesign [runStatus]] } { |
sim_run_sim |
} else { |
restart -force |
} |
run -all |
} |
0,0 → 1,19
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
# ------------------------------------ |
do ../../scripts/sim_procs.do |
global env |
set env(SIM_TARGET) rtl |
radix -hexadecimal |
# do ./setup_test.do |
# sim_compile_all rtl |
sim_run_test |
0,0 → 1,13
# ------------------------------------ |
# |
# ------------------------------------ |
do ../../scripts/sim_procs.do |
sim_run_test |
quit |
0,0 → 1,100
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
`timescale 1ps/1ps |
module tb_top(); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// system wires |
wire CLK_20; |
wire CLK_50; |
wire CLK_100; |
wire CLK_125; |
wire CLK_156_25; |
wire tb_clk = CLK_50; |
wire tb_rst; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// clock & reset |
parameter CLK_PERIOD = 2000; |
tb_clk #( .CLK_PERIOD(5000) ) i_CLK_20 ( CLK_20 ); |
tb_clk #( .CLK_PERIOD(2000) ) i_CLK_50 ( CLK_50 ); |
tb_clk #( .CLK_PERIOD(1000) ) i_CLK_100 ( CLK_100 ); |
tb_clk #( .CLK_PERIOD(640) ) i_CLK_156_25 ( CLK_156_25 ); |
tb_clk #( .CLK_PERIOD(800) ) i_CLK_125 ( CLK_125 ); |
tb_reset #( .ASSERT_TIME(CLK_PERIOD*10) ) i_tb_rst( tb_rst ); |
initial |
begin |
$display("\n^^^---------------------------------"); |
i_tb_rst.assert_delayed_reset(CLK_PERIOD/3); |
end |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// sim models |
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// \|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/ |
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
tb_log log(); |
// ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' |
// /|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\ |
// | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
// sim models |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// debug wires |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// test |
the_test test( tb_clk, tb_rst ); |
initial |
begin |
test.run_the_test(); |
$display("^^^---------------------------------"); |
$display("^^^ %16.t | Testbench done.", $time); |
$display("^^^---------------------------------"); |
log.log_fail_count(); |
$display("^^^---------------------------------"); |
$finish(); |
`else |
$stop(); |
`endif |
end |
endmodule |