
Subversion Repositories qaz_libs

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 22 to Rev 21
    Reverse comparison

Rev 22 → Rev 21

0,0 → 1,261
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct
int pixel[];
} line_s;
class video_frame_class;
rand int frame_id;
rand int pixels_per_line;
rand int lines_per_frame;
rand int bits_per_pixel;
line_s lines[];
constraint default_pixels_per_line
pixels_per_line >= 4;
pixels_per_line % 2 == 0;
pixels_per_line <= 16384;
constraint default_lines_per_frame
lines_per_frame >= 4;
lines_per_frame % 2 == 0;
lines_per_frame <= 16384;
constraint default_bits_per_pixel
bits_per_pixel >= 1 && bits_per_pixel <= 16;
function new;
this.frame_id = 0;
endfunction: new
extern virtual function void init
input int pixels_per_line,
input int lines_per_frame,
input int bits_per_pixel
extern virtual function void make_constant
input int pixel
extern virtual function void make_counting();
extern virtual function void make_random();
extern virtual function void copy
ref video_frame_class to
extern virtual function int compare
input int max_mismatches,
ref video_frame_class to
extern virtual function void print_line
input int line,
input int pixel,
input int count
endclass: video_frame_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void video_frame_class::init
input int pixels_per_line,
input int lines_per_frame,
input int bits_per_pixel
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
this.pixels_per_line = pixels_per_line;
this.lines_per_frame = lines_per_frame;
this.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
this.make_constant( 0 );
endfunction: init
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void video_frame_class::make_constant
input int pixel
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
foreach( this.lines[l] )
this.lines[l].pixel = new[pixels_per_line];
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] )
this.lines[l].pixel[p] = pixel;
endfunction: make_constant
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void video_frame_class::make_counting();
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
foreach( this.lines[l] )
this.lines[l].pixel = new[pixels_per_line];
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] )
this.lines[l].pixel[p] = (pixels_per_line * l) + p;
endfunction: make_counting
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void video_frame_class::make_random();
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
this.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
foreach( this.lines[l] )
this.lines[l].pixel = new[pixels_per_line];
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] )
this.lines[l].pixel[p] = $urandom_range( ((2 ** bits_per_pixel) - 1), 0 );
endfunction: make_random
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void video_frame_class::copy
ref video_frame_class to
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
to.frame_id = this.frame_id;
to.pixels_per_line = this.pixels_per_line;
to.lines_per_frame = this.lines_per_frame;
to.bits_per_pixel =this.bits_per_pixel ;
to.lines = new[lines_per_frame];
foreach( this.lines[l] )
to.lines[l].pixel = new[pixels_per_line];
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] )
to.lines[l].pixel[p] = this.lines[l].pixel[p];
endfunction: copy
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function int video_frame_class::compare
input int max_mismatches,
ref video_frame_class to
int mismatch_count = 0;
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
if( to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line )
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.pixels_per_line != this.pixels_per_line", $time );
return( -1 );
if( to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame )
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.lines_per_frame != this.lines_per_frame", $time );
return( -2 );
if( to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel )
$display( "^^^ %16.t | to.bits_per_pixel != this.bits_per_pixel", $time );
return( -3 );
foreach( this.lines[l] )
foreach( this.lines[l].pixel[p] )
if( to.lines[l].pixel[p] != this.lines[l].pixel[p] )
if( max_mismatches > 0 )
$display( "^^^ %16.t | mismatch @ frame[%4h][%4h] | to == %4h | this == %4h ", $time, l, p, to.lines[l].pixel[p], this.lines[l].pixel[p] );
if( mismatch_count > max_mismatches )
return( mismatch_count );
return( mismatch_count );
endfunction: compare
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void video_frame_class::print_line
input int line,
input int pixel,
input int count
$display("^^^ %16.t | %m", $time);
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
$display( "^^^ %16.t | %4h @ frame[%4h][%4h]", $time, this.lines[line].pixel[(pixel + i)], line, (pixel + i) );
endfunction: print_line
/cli/cli/sys_cmd.h File deleted
/cli/cli/sys_error.c File deleted
/cli/cli/sys_error.h File deleted
/cli/cli/memtest.c File deleted
/cli/cli/sys_cmd.c File deleted
/cli/cli/memtest.h File deleted
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0,0 → 1,136
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sys_cmd.h"
static unsigned int cli_no_of_commands;
void cli_init( void )
int i;
for(i = 0; cli_commands[i].func != NULL; i++);
cli_no_of_commands = i;
static int cmd_cmp( const void *e1, const void *e2 )
struct cli_cmd_tab_t *p_cmd_1 = (struct cli_cmd_tab_t *)e1;
struct cli_cmd_tab_t *p_cmd_2 = (struct cli_cmd_tab_t *)e2;
return strncmp( p_cmd_1->cmd, p_cmd_2->cmd, MAX_CMD_LENGTH );
cli_cmd_tab_t *cli_find_command( cli_cmd_tab_t *cmd_to_check )
struct cli_cmd_tab_t *cli_cmd;
cli_cmd = (struct cli_cmd_tab_t *) bsearch( cmd_to_check, cli_commands, cli_no_of_commands, sizeof(struct cli_cmd_tab_t), cmd_cmp );
static char func_help( const unsigned char argc, const char *argv[] )
unsigned int i;
PRINTF_MACRO( "Usage: cmd <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> ...\r\n" );
PRINTF_MACRO( "\r\n" );
PRINTF_MACRO( "Commands:\r\n" );
for( i = 0; i < cli_no_of_commands; i++ )
puts( cli_commands[i].help_string );
static char func_peek( const unsigned char argc, const char *argv[] )
volatile unsigned int *address = (volatile unsigned int *)( strtoul( argv[1], (char **)NULL, 16 ) );
PRINTF_MACRO( "peek: %s => 0x%08x \r\n", argv[1], *address );
static char func_poke( const unsigned char argc, const char *argv[] )
volatile unsigned int *address = (volatile unsigned int *)( strtoul( argv[1], (char **)NULL, 16 ) );
unsigned int value = strtoul( argv[2], (char **)NULL, 16 );
*((volatile unsigned int *)address) = value;
PRINTF_MACRO( "poke: %s <= %s \r\n", argv[1], argv[2] );
#include "memtest.h"
static char func_memtest( const unsigned char argc, const char *argv[] )
datum *address = (datum *)( strtoul( argv[1], (char **)NULL, 16 ) );
unsigned long nBytes = strtoul( argv[2], (char **)NULL, 16 );
if( argc != 3 || address == NULL || nBytes == 0 )
PRINTF_MACRO( "memtest: bad args \r\n" );
return( EXIT_FAILURE );
PRINTF_MACRO( "running memTestDataBus() ... " );
if( memTestDataBus( address ) )
PRINTF_MACRO( "running memTestAddressBus() ... " );
if( memTestAddressBus( address, nBytes ) )
PRINTF_MACRO( "running memTestDevice() ... " );
if( memTestDevice( address, nBytes ) )
/* put in alphabetical order by command name */
struct cli_cmd_tab_t cli_commands[] =
{ "help", func_help, " help print this help message\r" },
{ "memtest", func_memtest, " memtest memtest 0x<base_address> 0x<size>\r" },
{ "peek", func_peek, " peek peek <address>\r" },
{ "poke", func_poke, " poke poke <address> <value> \r" },
{ "", NULL, NULL }
0,0 → 1,251
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sys_cmd.h"
#include "sys_error.h"
#define ASCII_ESC '\x1b'
static void send_csi( char c )
putchar( ASCII_ESC );
putchar( '[' );
putchar( c );
static void send_csi( char c ) {};
static char *cli_edit_buffer( char *in_buffer, char *out_buffer, unsigned int line_length )
static char *out_ptr;
static char *begin_ptr;
static char *end_ptr;
static char prev_char;
static unsigned int csi;
unsigned int i;
if( out_buffer != NULL )
out_ptr = out_buffer;
begin_ptr = out_buffer;
end_ptr = out_buffer + INPUT_LINE_LENGTH;
prev_char = 0;
csi = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < line_length ; i++ )
if( out_ptr >= end_ptr )
*end_ptr = '\0';
return( NULL );
if( out_ptr < begin_ptr )
sys_error_fatal( FATAL_ERROR_CLI );
switch( in_buffer[i] )
case '\0':
return( NULL );
case '\n':
*out_ptr = '\0';
return( NULL );
case '\r':
*out_ptr = '\0';
return( NULL );
case '\b':
if( out_ptr != begin_ptr )
send_csi( 'P' );
} else
putchar( ' ' );
send_csi( '\a' );
case '[':
if( prev_char == ASCII_ESC )
csi = 1;
} else
*out_ptr = in_buffer[i];
case 'A':
if( csi )
send_csi( 'B' );
send_csi( '\a' );
csi = 0;
} else
*out_ptr = in_buffer[i];
case 'B':
if( csi == 0 )
*out_ptr = in_buffer[i];
case 'C':
if( csi )
send_csi( 'D' );
send_csi( '\a' );
csi = 0;
} else
*out_ptr = in_buffer[i];
case 'D':
if( csi )
send_csi( 'C' );
send_csi( '\a' );
csi = 0;
} else
*out_ptr = in_buffer[i];
*out_ptr = in_buffer[i];
prev_char = in_buffer[i];
return( out_ptr );
void sys_cli_task( void )
char last_return_value = EXIT_SUCCESS;
char in_buffer[INPUT_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
char out_buffer[INPUT_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
char *cli_ptr;
struct cli_cmd_tab_t cmd_to_check = { "", NULL, NULL };
unsigned char cli_argc;
char *cli_argv[MAX_CLI_ARGC];
struct cli_cmd_tab_t *cli_cmd;
unsigned int bytes_read;
PRINTF_MACRO( "\r\n" );
for( ;; )
PRINTF_MACRO( "%d > ", last_return_value );
cli_argc = 0;
last_return_value = EXIT_SUCCESS;
bytes_read = (unsigned int)read( STDIN_FILENO, (void *)in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer) );
cli_ptr = cli_edit_buffer( in_buffer, out_buffer, bytes_read );
while( cli_ptr != NULL )
bytes_read = (unsigned int)read( STDIN_FILENO, (void *)in_buffer, sizeof(in_buffer) );
cli_ptr = cli_edit_buffer( in_buffer, NULL, bytes_read );
if( out_buffer[0] == '\0' )
PRINTF_MACRO( " NULL String! Command ignored\r\n" );
last_return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
while( last_return_value != EXIT_FAILURE )
cli_ptr = strtok( out_buffer, " \t" );
strncpy( cmd_to_check.cmd, out_buffer, MAX_CMD_LENGTH );
cli_cmd = cli_find_command( &cmd_to_check );
if ( cli_cmd == NULL )
PRINTF_MACRO( "\r\n Command not found!\r\n" );
last_return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
if( cli_ptr == NULL )
cli_argv[cli_argc] = out_buffer;
} else
while( cli_ptr != NULL )
cli_argv[cli_argc] = cli_ptr;
cli_ptr = strtok( NULL, " \t" );
PRINTF_MACRO( "\r\n" );
last_return_value = cli_cmd->func( cli_argc, (const char **)cli_argv );
0,0 → 1,35
#ifndef _QAZ_SYS_CMD_H_
#define _QAZ_SYS_CMD_H_
#define MAX_CMD_LENGTH 20
#define MAX_CLI_ARGC 6
#include <xil_printf.h>
#define PRINTF_MACRO xil_printf
// #define PRINTF_MACRO iprintf
typedef char (*cli_cmd_func)( const unsigned char argc, const char * argv[] );
typedef struct cli_cmd_tab_t
char cmd[MAX_CMD_LENGTH];
cli_cmd_func func;
const char *help_string;
} cli_cmd_tab_t;
extern struct cli_cmd_tab_t cli_commands[];
extern void sys_cli_task(void);
extern cli_cmd_tab_t *cli_find_command( cli_cmd_tab_t *cmd_to_check );
extern void cli_init( void );
#endif // _QAZ_SYS_CMD_H_
0,0 → 1,222
* Filename: memtest.c
* Description: General-purpose memory testing functions.
* Notes: This software can be easily ported to systems with
* different data bus widths by redefining 'datum'.
* Copyright (c) 1998 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#include "memtest.h"
* Function: memTestDataBus()
* Description: Test the data bus wiring in a memory region by
* performing a walking 1's test at a fixed address
* within that region. The address (and hence the
* memory region) is selected by the caller.
* Notes:
* Returns: 0 if the test succeeds.
* A non-zero result is the first pattern that failed.
memTestDataBus(volatile datum * address)
datum pattern;
* Perform a walking 1's test at the given address.
for (pattern = 1; pattern != 0; pattern <<= 1)
* Write the test pattern.
*address = pattern;
* Read it back (immediately is okay for this test).
if (*address != pattern)
return (pattern);
return (0);
} /* memTestDataBus() */
* Function: memTestAddressBus()
* Description: Test the address bus wiring in a memory region by
* performing a walking 1's test on the relevant bits
* of the address and checking for aliasing. This test
* will find single-bit address failures such as stuck
* -high, stuck-low, and shorted pins. The base address
* and size of the region are selected by the caller.
* Notes: For best results, the selected base address should
* have enough LSB 0's to guarantee single address bit
* changes. For example, to test a 64-Kbyte region,
* select a base address on a 64-Kbyte boundary. Also,
* select the region size as a power-of-two--if at all
* possible.
* Returns: NULL if the test succeeds.
* A non-zero result is the first address at which an
* aliasing problem was uncovered. By examining the
* contents of memory, it may be possible to gather
* additional information about the problem.
datum *
memTestAddressBus(volatile datum * baseAddress, unsigned long nBytes)
unsigned long addressMask = (nBytes/sizeof(datum) - 1);
unsigned long offset;
unsigned long testOffset;
datum pattern = (datum) 0xAAAAAAAA;
datum antipattern = (datum) 0x55555555;
* Write the default pattern at each of the power-of-two offsets.
for (offset = 1; (offset & addressMask) != 0; offset <<= 1)
baseAddress[offset] = pattern;
* Check for address bits stuck high.
testOffset = 0;
baseAddress[testOffset] = antipattern;
for (offset = 1; (offset & addressMask) != 0; offset <<= 1)
if (baseAddress[offset] != pattern)
return ((datum *) &baseAddress[offset]);
baseAddress[testOffset] = pattern;
* Check for address bits stuck low or shorted.
for (testOffset = 1; (testOffset & addressMask) != 0; testOffset <<= 1)
baseAddress[testOffset] = antipattern;
if (baseAddress[0] != pattern)
return ((datum *) &baseAddress[testOffset]);
for (offset = 1; (offset & addressMask) != 0; offset <<= 1)
if ((baseAddress[offset] != pattern) && (offset != testOffset))
return ((datum *) &baseAddress[testOffset]);
baseAddress[testOffset] = pattern;
return (NULL);
} /* memTestAddressBus() */
* Function: memTestDevice()
* Description: Test the integrity of a physical memory device by
* performing an increment/decrement test over the
* entire region. In the process every storage bit
* in the device is tested as a zero and a one. The
* base address and the size of the region are
* selected by the caller.
* Notes:
* Returns: NULL if the test succeeds.
* A non-zero result is the first address at which an
* incorrect value was read back. By examining the
* contents of memory, it may be possible to gather
* additional information about the problem.
datum *
memTestDevice(volatile datum * baseAddress, unsigned long nBytes)
unsigned long offset;
unsigned long nWords = nBytes / sizeof(datum);
datum pattern;
datum antipattern;
* Fill memory with a known pattern.
for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < nWords; pattern++, offset++)
baseAddress[offset] = pattern;
* Check each location and invert it for the second pass.
for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < nWords; pattern++, offset++)
if (baseAddress[offset] != pattern)
return ((datum *) &baseAddress[offset]);
antipattern = ~pattern;
baseAddress[offset] = antipattern;
* Check each location for the inverted pattern and zero it.
for (pattern = 1, offset = 0; offset < nWords; pattern++, offset++)
antipattern = ~pattern;
if (baseAddress[offset] != antipattern)
return ((datum *) &baseAddress[offset]);
return (NULL);
} /* memTestDevice() */
0,0 → 1,41
* Filename: memtest.h
* Description: Memory-testing module API.
* Notes: The memory tests can be easily ported to systems with
* different data bus widths by redefining 'datum' type.
* Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr. This software is placed into
* the public domain and may be used for any purpose. However, this
* notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
* expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#ifndef _memtest_h
#define _memtest_h
* Define NULL pointer value.
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL (void *) 0
* Set the data bus width.
typedef unsigned long datum;
* Function prototypes.
datum memTestDataBus(volatile datum * address);
datum * memTestAddressBus(volatile datum * baseAddress, unsigned long nBytes);
datum * memTestDevice(volatile datum * baseAddress, unsigned long nBytes);
#endif /* _memtest_h */
0,0 → 1,9
void sys_error_fatal( unsigned int error )
// (*( (volatile unsigned int *) (0x8000003c) )) = error; // write to scratch pad reg in FPGA
while(1) {};
0,0 → 1,17
#ifndef _QAZ_SYS_ERROR_H_
#define _QAZ_SYS_ERROR_H_
typedef enum
} sys_error_fatal_type;
void sys_error_fatal( unsigned int error );
#endif // _QAZ_SYS_ERROR_H_
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