Subversion Repositories qaz_libs
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 38 to Rev 39
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 38 → Rev 39
40,7 → 40,6
riffa_transaction_class #(N) tr_h; |
rp_tx_bfm_class #(N) tx_h; |
rp_rx_bfm_class #(N) rx_h; |
// mailbox #(riffa_transaction_class #(N)) tx_q, rx_q; |
mailbox #(riffa_transaction_class #(N)) tx_q; |
72,6 → 71,15
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
task queue_tx_hex(string str, int off, bit last); |
tr_h = new(1, off, last); |
tr_h.hex(str, off, last); |
queue_tx(tr_h); |
endtask: queue_tx_hex |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
task queue_tx_random(int len, int off, bit last); |
tr_h = new(len, off, last); |
tr_h.random(len, off, last); |
84,7 → 92,6
task queue_rx(int len, int off, bit last); |
tr_h = new(len, off, last); |
rx_h.put(tr_h); |
// rx_q.put(tr_h); |
endtask: queue_rx |
108,7 → 115,6
tx_h = new(chnl_bus); |
rx_h = new(chnl_bus); |
this.tx_q = new; |
// this.rx_q = new; |
endfunction: new |
46,8 → 46,10
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
function int get_data_size(int len); |
// int words = $ceil(len/(N/4)); // need to fix |
int words = len/(N/4); |
int words = ((len * 4) % N == 0) ? ((len * 4) / N) : ((len * 4) / N) + 1; |
// $display("^^^ %16.t | N = %d", $time, N); |
// $display("^^^ %16.t | len = %d", $time, len); |
// $display("^^^ %16.t | mod = %d", $time, (len * 4) % N); |
// $display("^^^ %16.t | words = %d", $time, words); |
return(words); |
endfunction: get_data_size |
79,6 → 81,31
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
function void hex(string str, int off, bit last); |
string rev_str; |
string char; |
int w, c; |
this.len = (str.len() % (2 * 4)) == 0 |
? (str.len() / (2 * 4)) |
: (str.len() / (2 * 4)) + 1; |
this.data = new[get_data_size(this.len)]; |
this.off = off; |
this.last = last; |
rev_str = {<<8{str}}; // reverse string |
for(w = 0; w < rev_str.len(); w += (N * 2)) |
for(c = 0; c < (N * 2); c++) |
begin |
char = string'(rev_str.getc(w + c)); |
if(char == "") |
this.data[w / (N * 2)][(c * 4) +: 4] = 0; |
else |
this.data[w / (N * 2)][(c * 4) +: 4] = char.atohex(); |
end |
endfunction: hex |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
function void random(int len, int off, bit last); |
this.data = new[get_data_size(len)]; |
assert(this.randomize() with |
252,20 → 279,16
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_ren <= 1; |
fork |
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx) |
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx) |
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_ack <= 0; |
join_none |
// foreach(tr_h.data[i]) |
// @(chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx) |
// if(~chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx) |
// break; |
// else if(chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_valid) |
// tr_h.data[i] <= chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data; |
foreach(tr_h.data[i]) |
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx iff chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_valid) |
begin |
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx iff chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_valid) |
tr_h.data[i] <= chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data; |
// $display("^^^ %16.t | %d | %h", $time, i, chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data); |
end |
rx_q.put(tr_h); |
set_default(); |
0,0 → 1,78
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module |
axis_to_riffa_tx |
#( |
N // RIFFA data bus width in bytes |
) |
( |
axis_if axis_in, |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_bus, |
input [31:0] tx_len, |
input [30:0] tx_off, |
input tx_ready, |
input tx_last, |
input clk, |
input reset |
); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
localparam RW = (N/4); // width of the RIFFA bus in 32 bit words |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
wire acked; |
wire [30:0] tx_index; |
wire tx_done = (tx_index >= tx_len - RW) & tx_ready; |
riffa_chn_tx #(.N(N)) |
riffa_chn_tx_i(.*); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
assign axis_in.tready = chnl_bus.tx_data_ren & acked; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_last = tx_last; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_len = tx_len; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_off = tx_off; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_data_valid = axis_in.tvalid & acked; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_data = axis_in.tdata; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
endmodule |
34,7 → 34,7
WPB = N / W // number of words per beat |
) |
( |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_in, |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_bus, |
input [31:0] tx_len, |
input clk, |
input reset |
77,20 → 77,20
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
assign axis_out.tready = chnl_in.tx_data_ren & acked; |
assign axis_out.tready = chnl_bus.tx_data_ren & acked; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
assign chnl_in.rx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_in.tx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_in.rx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_in.tx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_in.tx_last = tx_last; |
assign chnl_in.tx_len = tx_len; |
assign chnl_in.tx_off = tx_off; |
assign chnl_in.tx_data_valid = axis_out.tvalid & acked; |
assign chnl_in.tx_data = axis_out.tdata; |
assign chnl_bus.rx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_bus.rx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_last = tx_last; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_len = tx_len; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_off = tx_off; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_data_valid = axis_out.tvalid & acked; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_data = axis_out.tdata; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
1,6 → 1,6
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
31,7 → 31,7
N // data bus width in bytes |
) |
( |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_in, |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_bus, |
input tx_ready, |
input tx_done, |
output acked, |
45,12 → 45,12
); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// |
riffa_chnl_tx_fsm |
riffa_chnl_tx_fsm_i |
( |
.tx(chnl_in.tx), |
.tx_ack(chnl_in.tx_ack), |
.tx(chnl_bus.tx), |
.tx_ack(chnl_bus.tx_ack), |
.* |
); |
58,9 → 58,9
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
always_ff @(posedge clk) |
if(reset | ~chnl_in.tx | tx_done) |
if(reset | ~chnl_bus.tx | tx_done) |
tx_index = 0; |
else if(chnl_in.tx_data_valid & chnl_in.tx_data_ren) |
else if(chnl_bus.tx_data_valid & chnl_bus.tx_data_ren) |
tx_index <= tx_index + (N/4); // increment by 32 bit words |
56,7 → 56,7
output [C_NUM_CHNL-1:0] CHNL_TX_DATA_VALID, // Channel write data valid |
input [C_NUM_CHNL-1:0] CHNL_TX_DATA_REN, // Channel write data has been received |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_in[C_NUM_CHNL] |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_bus[C_NUM_CHNL] |
); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
65,25 → 65,25
generate |
for (i = 0; i < C_NUM_CHNL; i = i + 1) |
begin : channels |
assign CHNL_RX_CLK[i] = chnl_in[i].rx_clk; |
assign chnl_in[i].rx = CHNL_RX[i]; |
assign CHNL_RX_ACK[i] = chnl_in[i].rx_ack; |
assign chnl_in[i].rx_last = CHNL_RX_LAST[i]; |
assign chnl_in[i].rx_len = CHNL_RX_LEN[SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W]; |
assign chnl_in[i].rx_off = CHNL_RX_OFF[SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W]; |
assign chnl_in[i].rx_data = CHNL_RX_DATA[C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH*i +:C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH]; |
assign chnl_in[i].rx_data_valid = CHNL_RX_DATA_VALID[i]; |
assign CHNL_RX_DATA_REN[i] = chnl_in[i].rx_data_ren; |
assign CHNL_RX_CLK[i] = chnl_bus[i].rx_clk; |
assign chnl_bus[i].rx = CHNL_RX[i]; |
assign CHNL_RX_ACK[i] = chnl_bus[i].rx_ack; |
assign chnl_bus[i].rx_last = CHNL_RX_LAST[i]; |
assign chnl_bus[i].rx_len = CHNL_RX_LEN[SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W]; |
assign chnl_bus[i].rx_off = CHNL_RX_OFF[SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W]; |
assign chnl_bus[i].rx_data = CHNL_RX_DATA[C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH*i +:C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH]; |
assign chnl_bus[i].rx_data_valid = CHNL_RX_DATA_VALID[i]; |
assign CHNL_RX_DATA_REN[i] = chnl_bus[i].rx_data_ren; |
assign CHNL_TX_CLK[i] = chnl_in[i].tx_clk; |
assign CHNL_TX[i] = chnl_in[i].tx; |
assign chnl_in[i].tx_ack = CHNL_TX_ACK[i]; |
assign CHNL_TX_LAST[i] = chnl_in[i].tx_last; |
assign CHNL_TX_LEN[SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W] = chnl_in[i].tx_len; |
assign CHNL_TX_OFF[SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W] = chnl_in[i].tx_off; |
assign CHNL_TX_DATA[C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH*i +:C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH] = chnl_in[i].tx_data; |
assign CHNL_TX_DATA_VALID[i] = chnl_in[i].tx_data_valid; |
assign chnl_in[i].tx_data_ren = CHNL_TX_DATA_REN[i]; |
assign CHNL_TX_CLK[i] = chnl_bus[i].tx_clk; |
assign CHNL_TX[i] = chnl_bus[i].tx; |
assign chnl_bus[i].tx_ack = CHNL_TX_ACK[i]; |
assign CHNL_TX_LAST[i] = chnl_bus[i].tx_last; |
assign CHNL_TX_LEN[SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_LENGTH_W] = chnl_bus[i].tx_len; |
assign CHNL_TX_OFF[SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W*i +:SIG_CHNL_OFFSET_W] = chnl_bus[i].tx_off; |
assign CHNL_TX_DATA[C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH*i +:C_PCI_DATA_WIDTH] = chnl_bus[i].tx_data; |
assign CHNL_TX_DATA_VALID[i] = chnl_bus[i].tx_data_valid; |
assign chnl_bus[i].tx_data_ren = CHNL_TX_DATA_REN[i]; |
end |
endgenerate |
32,7 → 32,7
B // number of register banks |
) |
( |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_in, |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_bus, |
riffa_register_if r_if, |
input clk, // must be same clock domain as rx_clk & tx_clk |
input reset // must be same clock domain as rx_clk & tx_clk |
69,7 → 69,7
wire rd_en; |
riffa_chn_rx #(.N(N)) |
riffa_chn_rx_i(.chnl_bus(chnl_in), .*); |
riffa_chn_rx_i(.chnl_bus(chnl_bus), .*); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
97,7 → 97,7
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// assign chnl_in.rx_data_ren = rx_data_ren; |
// assign chnl_bus.rx_data_ren = rx_data_ren; |
assign rd_en = ~rd_empty; |
104,13 → 104,13
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// write to register[0][0] to enable reading |
wire tx_ready = r_if.wr_en[0] & rd_data[0]; |
wire tx_ready = r_if.wr_en[0] & rd_data[0]; |
wire tx_last = 1; |
wire acked; |
wire [31:0] tx_len = RC; |
wire [30:0] tx_off = 0; |
wire [30:0] tx_index; |
wire tx_done = (tx_index >= chnl_in.tx_len - RW); |
wire tx_done = (tx_index >= chnl_bus.tx_len - RW); |
riffa_chn_tx #(.N(N)) |
riffa_chn_tx_i(.*); |
137,7 → 137,7
recursive_mux_i |
( |
.select(tx_index[$clog2(B) + $clog2(RW) - 1:$clog2(RW)]), |
.data_out(chnl_in.tx_data), |
.data_out(chnl_bus.tx_data), |
.* |
); |
144,14 → 144,14
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
assign chnl_in.rx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_in.tx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_in.rx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_in.tx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_in.tx_last = 1; |
assign chnl_in.tx_len = RC; |
assign chnl_in.tx_off = 0; |
assign chnl_in.tx_data_valid = acked; |
assign chnl_bus.rx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_bus.rx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_reset = reset; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_last = 1; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_len = RC; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_off = 0; |
assign chnl_bus.tx_data_valid = acked; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
0,0 → 1,70
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module |
riffa_rx_to_axis |
#( |
N // RIFFA bus width in bytes |
) |
( |
axis_if axis_out, |
riffa_chnl_if chnl_bus, |
input rx_ready, |
output rx_done, |
output [30:0] rx_index, |
output rx_last, |
output [31:0] rx_len, |
output [30:0] rx_off, |
input clk, |
input reset |
); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
wire rd_empty; |
wire [(8*N)-1:0] rd_data; |
wire rd_en = axis_out.tvalid & axis_out.tready; |
riffa_chn_rx #(.N(N)) |
riffa_chn_rx_i(.*); |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
assign chnl_bus.rx_clk = clk; |
assign chnl_bus.rx_reset = reset; |
assign axis_out.tvalid = ~rd_empty; |
assign axis_out.tdata = rd_data; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
endmodule |
5,7 → 5,6
${LIB_BASE_DIR}/basal/src/FIFOs/bc_sync_fifo.v |
${LIB_BASE_DIR}/basal/src/FIFOs/sync_fifo.sv |
${LIB_BASE_DIR}/basal/src/FIFOs/tiny_async_fifo.sv |
${LIB_BASE_DIR}/basal/src/FIFOs/tiny_sync_fifo.sv |
${LIB_BASE_DIR}/basal/src/misc/bit_connect_big_to_little.v |