
Subversion Repositories qaz_libs

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 31 to Rev 32
    Reverse comparison

Rev 31 → Rev 32

0,0 → 1,331
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
package pcie_bfm_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import pcie_common_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class altera_pcie_transaction;
tlp_header_class hd_h;
byte packet[];
function new(tlp_header_class hd_h, bit qword_aligned);
this.hd_h = hd_h;
if(qword_aligned & hd_h.fmt_type[5] == 0)
if(hd_h.length == 0)
this.packet = new[1024 + 1];
this.packet = new[hd_h.length + 1];
if(hd_h.length == 0)
this.packet = new[1024];
this.packet = new[hd_h.length];
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: altera_pcie_transaction
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// class base_tlp_packet_class;
// tlp_type_t header_type = Reserved;
// tlp_routing_t routing_type = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// tlp_transaction_t transaction_type = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// logic [7:0] fmt_type;
// logic [2:0] tc;
// logic th;
// logic [2:0] attr;
// logic td;
// logic ep;
// logic [9:0] length;
// logic [7:0] header [16];
// logic header_is_4_dw;
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function tlp_type_t get_tlp_type(logic [7:0] fmt_type);
// casez(fmt_type)
// 8'b000_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
// 8'b001_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
// 8'b000_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
// 8'b001_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
// 8'b010_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
// 8'b011_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
// 8'b000_00010: get_tlp_type = IORd;
// 8'b010_00010: get_tlp_type = IOWr;
// 8'b000_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgRd0;
// 8'b010_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgWr0;
// 8'b000_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgRd1;
// 8'b010_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgWr1;
// 8'b000_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgRd;
// 8'b010_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgWr;
// 8'b001_10???: get_tlp_type = Msg;
// 8'b011_10???: get_tlp_type = MsgD;
// 8'b000_01010: get_tlp_type = Cpl;
// 8'b010_01010: get_tlp_type = CplD;
// 8'b000_01011: get_tlp_type = CplLk;
// 8'b010_01011: get_tlp_type = CplDLk;
// 8'b010_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
// 8'b011_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
// 8'b010_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
// 8'b011_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
// 8'b010_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
// 8'b011_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
// 8'b100_0????: get_tlp_type = LPrfx;
// 8'b100_1????: get_tlp_type = EPrfx;
// default: get_tlp_type = Reserved;
// endcase
// endfunction: get_tlp_type
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function tlp_routing_t get_tlp_routing(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// case(tlp_type)
// MRd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// MRdLk: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// MWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// IORd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// IOWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// CfgRd0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CfgWr0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CfgRd1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CfgWr1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// TCfgRd: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// TCfgWr: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// Msg: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// MsgD: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// Cpl: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CplD: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CplLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CplDLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// FetchAdd: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// Swap: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// CAS: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// LPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// EPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// default: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// endcase
// endfunction: get_tlp_routing
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function tlp_transaction_t get_tlp_transaction(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// case(tlp_type)
// MRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// MRdLk: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// MWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// IORd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// IOWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgRd0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgWr0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgRd1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgWr1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// TCfgRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// TCfgWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// Msg: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// MsgD: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// Cpl: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// CplD: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// CplLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// CplDLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// FetchAdd: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// Swap: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// CAS: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// LPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// EPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// default: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// endcase
// endfunction: get_tlp_transaction
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// logic [5:0] Register_Number = header[11][7:2];
// logic [3:0] Extended_Register_Number = header[10][3:0];
// // $display("??? %16.t | Register_Number = %b", $time, Register_Number);
// // $display("??? %16.t | Extended_Register_Number = %b", $time, Extended_Register_Number);
// $display("??? %16.t | config offset = 0x%5.x",
// $time, {Extended_Register_Number, Register_Number, 2'b00});
// endfunction: display_tlp_cfg
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void display_tlp_type(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// case(tlp_type)
// // MRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // MRdLk: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // MWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // IORd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // IOWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgRd0: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgWr0: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgRd1: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgWr1: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// TCfgRd: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// TCfgWr: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// // Msg: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // MsgD: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // Cpl: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // CplD: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // CplLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // CplDLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // FetchAdd: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // Swap: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // CAS: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // LPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // EPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// default: return;
// endcase
// endfunction: display_tlp_type
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void set_little_endian_header( logic [127:0] data);
// logic [2:0] fmt = data[7:5];
// if(fmt > 3'b011)
// begin
// $display("!!! %16.t | fmt 3'b%b not supported", $time, fmt);
// $stop;
// end
// header_is_4_dw = data[5];
// for(int i = 0; i < (header_is_4_dw ? 16 : 12); i += 4)
// {header[i + 0], header[i + 1], header[i + 2], header[i + 3]} = data[i*8 +: 32];
// header_type = get_tlp_type(header[0]);
// routing_type = get_tlp_routing(header_type);
// transaction_type = get_tlp_transaction(header_type);
// fmt_type = header[0];
// tc = header[1][6:4];
// th = header[1][0];
// attr = {header[1][2], header[2][5:4]};
// td = header[2][7];
// ep = header[2][6];
// length = {header[2][1:0], header[3]};
// endfunction: set_little_endian_header
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void display_header(string str);
// $display("??? %16.t | .....................", $time);
// $display("??? %16.t | %s | TLP type | %s", $time, str,;
// // $display("??? %16.t | fmt = %b | type = %b", $time, fmt_type[7:5], fmt_type[4:0]);
// $display("??? %16.t | length = %d", $time, length);
// $display("??? %16.t | tc = %b | th = %b | attr = %b | td = %b | ep = %b",
// $time, tc, th, attr, td, ep);
// if(routing_type == ADDRESS)
// if(header_is_4_dw)
// $display("??? %16.t | address[63:0] = 0x%16.x", $time,
// { header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11],
// header[12], header[13], header[14], header[15][7:2], 2'b00});
// else
// $display("??? %16.t | address[31:0] = 0x%8.x", $time,
// { header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11][7:2], 2'b00});
// else if(routing_type == ID)
// $display("??? %16.t | bus = 0x%2.x | device = 0x%x | function = 0x%x", $time,
// header[8], header[9][7:3], header[9][2:0]);
// if(transaction_type == COMPLETER)
// begin
// $display("??? %16.t | Completer ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
// $display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[8], header[9]});
// $display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[10]);
// end
// else
// begin
// $display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
// $display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[6]);
// $display("??? %16.t | last DW BE = %b | first DW BE = %b",
// $time, header[7][7:4], header[7][3:0]);
// end
// display_tlp_type(header_type);
// $display("??? %16.t | ---------------------", $time);
// endfunction: display_header
// // //--------------------------------------------------------------------
// // //
// // function new;
// // endfunction: new
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// endclass: base_tlp_packet_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: pcie_bfm_pkg
0,0 → 1,303
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2015 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
package pcie_common_pkg;
typedef enum
MRd, // Memory Read Request
MRdLk, // Memory Read Request-Locked
MWr, // Memory Write Request
IORd, // I/O Read Request
IOWr, // I/O Write Request
CfgRd0, // Configuration Read Type
CfgWr0, // Configuration Write Type
CfgRd1, // Configuration Read Type
CfgWr1, // Configuration Write Type
TCfgRd, // Deprecated TLP Type3
TCfgWr, // Deprecated TLP Type3
Msg, // Message Request
MsgD, // Message Request with data payload
Cpl, // Completion without Data
CplD, // Completion with Data
CplLk, // Completion for Locked Memory Read without Data
CplDLk, // Completion for Locked Memory Read
FetchAdd, // Fetch and Add AtomicOp Request
Swap, // Unconditional Swap AtomicOp Request
CAS, // Compare and Swap AtomicOp Request
LPrfx, // Local TLP Prefix
EPrfx, // End-End TLP Prefix
} tlp_type_t;
typedef enum
} tlp_routing_t;
typedef enum
} tlp_transaction_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class tlp_header_class;
tlp_type_t header_type;
logic [7:0] fmt_type;
logic [2:0] tc;
logic th;
logic [2:0] attr;
logic td;
logic ep;
logic [9:0] length;
logic [7:0] header[16];
logic header_is_4_dw;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function logic [7:0] get_fmt_type(tlp_type_t header_type);
function logic [7:0] get_fmt_type;
MRd: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_00000;
MRd: get_fmt_type = 8'b001_00000;
MRdLk: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_00001;
MRdLk: get_fmt_type = 8'b001_00001;
MWr: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_00000;
MWr: get_fmt_type = 8'b011_00000;
IORd: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_00010;
IOWr: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_00010;
CfgRd0: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_00100;
CfgWr0: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_00100;
CfgRd1: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_00101;
CfgWr1: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_00101;
TCfgRd: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_11011;
TCfgWr: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_11011;
Msg: get_fmt_type = 8'b001_10xxx;
MsgD: get_fmt_type = 8'b011_10xxx;
Cpl: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_01010;
CplD: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_01010;
CplLk: get_fmt_type = 8'b000_01011;
CplDLk: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_01011;
FetchAdd: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_01100;
FetchAdd: get_fmt_type = 8'b011_01100;
Swap: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_01101;
Swap: get_fmt_type = 8'b011_01101;
CAS: get_fmt_type = 8'b010_01110;
CAS: get_fmt_type = 8'b011_01110;
LPrfx: get_fmt_type = 8'b100_0xxxx;
EPrfx: get_fmt_type = 8'b100_1xxxx;
default: get_fmt_type = Reserved;
endfunction: get_fmt_type
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function tlp_type_t get_tlp_type(logic [7:0] fmt_type);
8'b000_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
8'b001_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
8'b000_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
8'b001_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
8'b010_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
8'b011_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
8'b000_00010: get_tlp_type = IORd;
8'b010_00010: get_tlp_type = IOWr;
8'b000_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgRd0;
8'b010_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgWr0;
8'b000_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgRd1;
8'b010_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgWr1;
8'b000_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgRd;
8'b010_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgWr;
8'b001_10???: get_tlp_type = Msg;
8'b011_10???: get_tlp_type = MsgD;
8'b000_01010: get_tlp_type = Cpl;
8'b010_01010: get_tlp_type = CplD;
8'b000_01011: get_tlp_type = CplLk;
8'b010_01011: get_tlp_type = CplDLk;
8'b010_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
8'b011_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
8'b010_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
8'b011_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
8'b010_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
8'b011_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
8'b100_0????: get_tlp_type = LPrfx;
8'b100_1????: get_tlp_type = EPrfx;
default: get_tlp_type = Reserved;
endfunction: get_tlp_type
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function tlp_routing_t get_tlp_routing(tlp_type_t header_type);
function tlp_routing_t get_tlp_routing;
MRd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
MRdLk: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
MWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
IORd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
IOWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
CfgRd0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CfgWr0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CfgRd1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CfgWr1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
TCfgRd: get_tlp_routing = ID;
TCfgWr: get_tlp_routing = ID;
Msg: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
MsgD: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
Cpl: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CplD: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CplLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CplDLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
FetchAdd: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
Swap: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
CAS: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
LPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
EPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
default: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
endfunction: get_tlp_routing
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// function tlp_transaction_t get_tlp_transaction(tlp_type_t header_type);
function tlp_transaction_t get_tlp_transaction;
MRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
MRdLk: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
MWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
IORd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
IOWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgRd0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgWr0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgRd1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgWr1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
TCfgRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
TCfgWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
Msg: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
MsgD: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
Cpl: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
CplD: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
CplLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
CplDLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
FetchAdd: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
Swap: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
CAS: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
LPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
EPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
default: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
endfunction: get_tlp_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void display_header(string str);
tlp_routing_t routing_type = get_tlp_routing;
tlp_transaction_t transaction_type = get_tlp_transaction;
$display("??? %16.t | .....................", $time);
$display("??? %16.t | %s | TLP type | %s", $time, str,;
// $display("??? %16.t | fmt = %b | type = %b", $time, fmt_type[7:5], fmt_type[4:0]);
$display("??? %16.t | length = %d", $time, length);
$display("??? %16.t | tc = %b | th = %b | attr = %b | td = %b | ep = %b",
$time, tc, th, attr, td, ep);
if(routing_type == ADDRESS)
$display("??? %16.t | address[63:0] = 0x%16.x", $time,
{ header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11],
header[12], header[13], header[14], header[15][7:2], 2'b00});
$display("??? %16.t | address[31:0] = 0x%8.x", $time,
{ header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11][7:2], 2'b00});
else if(routing_type == ID)
$display("??? %16.t | bus = 0x%2.x | device = 0x%x | function = 0x%x", $time,
header[8], header[9][7:3], header[9][2:0]);
if(transaction_type == COMPLETER)
$display("??? %16.t | Completer ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
$display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[8], header[9]});
$display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[10]);
$display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
$display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[6]);
$display("??? %16.t | last DW BE = %b | first DW BE = %b",
$time, header[7][7:4], header[7][3:0]);
// display_tlp_type(header_type);
$display("??? %16.t | ---------------------", $time);
endfunction: display_header
function new(tlp_type_t header_type, logic [9:0] length);
this.header_type = header_type;
this.fmt_type = get_fmt_type;
this.length = length;
this.header_is_4_dw = fmt_type[5];
this.header[0] = fmt_type;
this.header[3] = length[7:0];
this.header[2][1:0] = length[9:8];
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: tlp_header_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: pcie_common_pkg
30,203 → 30,117
package pcie_monitor_pkg;
typedef enum
MRd, // Memory Read Request
MRdLk, // Memory Read Request-Locked
MWr, // Memory Write Request
IORd, // I/O Read Request
IOWr, // I/O Write Request
CfgRd0, // Configuration Read Type
CfgWr0, // Configuration Write Type
CfgRd1, // Configuration Read Type
CfgWr1, // Configuration Write Type
TCfgRd, // Deprecated TLP Type3
TCfgWr, // Deprecated TLP Type3
Msg, // Message Request
MsgD, // Message Request with data payload
Cpl, // Completion without Data
CplD, // Completion with Data
CplLk, // Completion for Locked Memory Read without Data
CplDLk, // Completion for Locked Memory Read
FetchAdd, // Fetch and Add AtomicOp Request
Swap, // Unconditional Swap AtomicOp Request
CAS, // Compare and Swap AtomicOp Request
LPrfx, // Local TLP Prefix
EPrfx, // End-End TLP Prefix
} tlp_type_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import pcie_common_pkg::*;
typedef enum
} tlp_routing_t;
typedef enum
} tlp_transaction_t;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class base_tlp_packet_class;
class tlp_monitor_class;
tlp_type_t header_type = Reserved;
tlp_routing_t routing_type = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
tlp_transaction_t transaction_type = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
logic [7:0] fmt_type;
logic [2:0] tc;
logic th;
logic [2:0] attr;
logic td;
logic ep;
logic [9:0] length;
logic [7:0] header [16];
logic header_is_4_dw;
// tlp_type_t header_type = Reserved;
// tlp_routing_t routing_type = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// tlp_transaction_t transaction_type = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// logic [7:0] fmt_type;
// logic [2:0] tc;
// logic th;
// logic [2:0] attr;
// logic td;
// logic ep;
// logic [9:0] length;
// logic [7:0] header [16];
// logic header_is_4_dw;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function tlp_type_t get_tlp_type(logic [7:0] fmt_type);
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function tlp_type_t get_tlp_type(logic [7:0] fmt_type);
8'b000_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
8'b001_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
8'b000_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
8'b001_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
8'b010_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
8'b011_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
8'b000_00010: get_tlp_type = IORd;
8'b010_00010: get_tlp_type = IOWr;
8'b000_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgRd0;
8'b010_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgWr0;
8'b000_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgRd1;
8'b010_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgWr1;
8'b000_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgRd;
8'b010_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgWr;
8'b001_10???: get_tlp_type = Msg;
8'b011_10???: get_tlp_type = MsgD;
8'b000_01010: get_tlp_type = Cpl;
8'b010_01010: get_tlp_type = CplD;
8'b000_01011: get_tlp_type = CplLk;
8'b010_01011: get_tlp_type = CplDLk;
8'b010_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
8'b011_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
8'b010_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
8'b011_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
8'b010_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
8'b011_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
8'b100_0????: get_tlp_type = LPrfx;
8'b100_1????: get_tlp_type = EPrfx;
default: get_tlp_type = Reserved;
// casez(fmt_type)
// 8'b000_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
// 8'b001_00000: get_tlp_type = MRd;
// 8'b000_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
// 8'b001_00001: get_tlp_type = MRdLk;
// 8'b010_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
// 8'b011_00000: get_tlp_type = MWr;
// 8'b000_00010: get_tlp_type = IORd;
// 8'b010_00010: get_tlp_type = IOWr;
// 8'b000_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgRd0;
// 8'b010_00100: get_tlp_type = CfgWr0;
// 8'b000_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgRd1;
// 8'b010_00101: get_tlp_type = CfgWr1;
// 8'b000_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgRd;
// 8'b010_11011: get_tlp_type = TCfgWr;
// 8'b001_10???: get_tlp_type = Msg;
// 8'b011_10???: get_tlp_type = MsgD;
// 8'b000_01010: get_tlp_type = Cpl;
// 8'b010_01010: get_tlp_type = CplD;
// 8'b000_01011: get_tlp_type = CplLk;
// 8'b010_01011: get_tlp_type = CplDLk;
// 8'b010_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
// 8'b011_01100: get_tlp_type = FetchAdd;
// 8'b010_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
// 8'b011_01101: get_tlp_type = Swap;
// 8'b010_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
// 8'b011_01110: get_tlp_type = CAS;
// 8'b100_0????: get_tlp_type = LPrfx;
// 8'b100_1????: get_tlp_type = EPrfx;
// default: get_tlp_type = Reserved;
// endcase
endfunction: get_tlp_type
// endfunction: get_tlp_type
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function tlp_routing_t get_tlp_routing(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function tlp_routing_t get_tlp_routing(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
MRd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
MRdLk: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
MWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
IORd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
IOWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
CfgRd0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CfgWr0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CfgRd1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CfgWr1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
TCfgRd: get_tlp_routing = ID;
TCfgWr: get_tlp_routing = ID;
Msg: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
MsgD: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
Cpl: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CplD: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CplLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
CplDLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
FetchAdd: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
Swap: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
CAS: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
LPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
EPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
default: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// case(tlp_type)
// MRd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// MRdLk: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// MWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// IORd: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// IOWr: get_tlp_routing = ADDRESS;
// CfgRd0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CfgWr0: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CfgRd1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CfgWr1: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// TCfgRd: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// TCfgWr: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// Msg: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// MsgD: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// Cpl: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CplD: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CplLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// CplDLk: get_tlp_routing = ID;
// FetchAdd: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// Swap: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// CAS: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// LPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// EPrfx: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// default: get_tlp_routing = ROUTING_UNKNOWN;
// endcase
endfunction: get_tlp_routing
// endfunction: get_tlp_routing
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function tlp_transaction_t get_tlp_transaction(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function tlp_transaction_t get_tlp_transaction(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
MRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
MRdLk: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
MWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
IORd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
IOWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgRd0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgWr0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgRd1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgWr1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
TCfgRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
TCfgWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
Msg: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
MsgD: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
Cpl: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
CplD: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
CplLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
CplDLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
FetchAdd: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
Swap: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
CAS: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
LPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
EPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
default: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
endfunction: get_tlp_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
logic [5:0] Register_Number = header[11][7:2];
logic [3:0] Extended_Register_Number = header[10][3:0];
// $display("??? %16.t | Register_Number = %b", $time, Register_Number);
// $display("??? %16.t | Extended_Register_Number = %b", $time, Extended_Register_Number);
$display("??? %16.t | config offset = 0x%5.x",
$time, {Extended_Register_Number, Register_Number, 2'b00});
endfunction: display_tlp_cfg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void display_tlp_type(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// case(tlp_type)
// MRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// MRdLk: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// MWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// IORd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// IOWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
CfgRd0: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
CfgWr0: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
CfgRd1: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
CfgWr1: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
TCfgRd: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
TCfgWr: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgRd0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgWr0: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgRd1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgWr1: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// TCfgRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// TCfgWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// Msg: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// MsgD: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// Cpl: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
238,86 → 152,134
// CAS: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// LPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// EPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
default: return;
// default: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// endcase
endfunction: display_tlp_type
// endfunction: get_tlp_transaction
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void set_little_endian_header( logic [127:0] data);
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void display_tlp_cfg(tlp_header_class hd_h);
// logic [5:0] Register_Number = hd_h.header[11][7:2];
// logic [3:0] Extended_Register_Number = hd_h.header[10][3:0];
// // $display("??? %16.t | Register_Number = %b", $time, Register_Number);
// // $display("??? %16.t | Extended_Register_Number = %b", $time, Extended_Register_Number);
// $display("??? %16.t | config offset = 0x%5.x",
// $time, {Extended_Register_Number, Register_Number, 2'b00});
// endfunction: display_tlp_cfg
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void display_tlp_type(tlp_type_t tlp_type);
// case(tlp_type)
// // MRd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // MRdLk: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // MWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // IORd: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // IOWr: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// CfgRd0: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgWr0: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgRd1: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// CfgWr1: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// TCfgRd: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// TCfgWr: display_tlp_cfg(tlp_type);
// // Msg: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // MsgD: get_tlp_transaction = REQUESTER;
// // Cpl: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // CplD: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // CplLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // CplDLk: get_tlp_transaction = COMPLETER;
// // FetchAdd: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // Swap: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // CAS: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // LPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// // EPrfx: get_tlp_transaction = TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN;
// default: return;
// endcase
logic [2:0] fmt = data[7:5];
// endfunction: display_tlp_type
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void set_little_endian_header( logic [127:0] data);
// logic [2:0] fmt = data[7:5];
if(fmt > 3'b011)
$display("!!! %16.t | fmt 3'b%b not supported", $time, fmt);
// if(fmt > 3'b011)
// begin
// $display("!!! %16.t | fmt 3'b%b not supported", $time, fmt);
// $stop;
// end
header_is_4_dw = data[5];
// header_is_4_dw = data[5];
for(int i = 0; i < (header_is_4_dw ? 16 : 12); i += 4)
{header[i + 0], header[i + 1], header[i + 2], header[i + 3]} = data[i*8 +: 32];
// for(int i = 0; i < (header_is_4_dw ? 16 : 12); i += 4)
// {header[i + 0], header[i + 1], header[i + 2], header[i + 3]} = data[i*8 +: 32];
header_type = get_tlp_type(header[0]);
routing_type = get_tlp_routing(header_type);
transaction_type = get_tlp_transaction(header_type);
// header_type = get_tlp_type(header[0]);
// routing_type = get_tlp_routing(header_type);
// transaction_type = get_tlp_transaction(header_type);
fmt_type = header[0];
tc = header[1][6:4];
th = header[1][0];
attr = {header[1][2], header[2][5:4]};
td = header[2][7];
ep = header[2][6];
length = {header[2][1:0], header[3]};
// fmt_type = header[0];
// tc = header[1][6:4];
// th = header[1][0];
// attr = {header[1][2], header[2][5:4]};
// td = header[2][7];
// ep = header[2][6];
// length = {header[2][1:0], header[3]};
endfunction: set_little_endian_header
// endfunction: set_little_endian_header
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function void display_header(string str);
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void display_header(string str);
$display("??? %16.t | .....................", $time);
$display("??? %16.t | %s | TLP type | %s", $time, str,;
// $display("??? %16.t | fmt = %b | type = %b", $time, fmt_type[7:5], fmt_type[4:0]);
$display("??? %16.t | length = %d", $time, length);
$display("??? %16.t | tc = %b | th = %b | attr = %b | td = %b | ep = %b",
$time, tc, th, attr, td, ep);
// $display("??? %16.t | .....................", $time);
// $display("??? %16.t | %s | TLP type | %s", $time, str,;
// // $display("??? %16.t | fmt = %b | type = %b", $time, fmt_type[7:5], fmt_type[4:0]);
// $display("??? %16.t | length = %d", $time, length);
// $display("??? %16.t | tc = %b | th = %b | attr = %b | td = %b | ep = %b",
// $time, tc, th, attr, td, ep);
if(routing_type == ADDRESS)
$display("??? %16.t | address[63:0] = 0x%16.x", $time,
{ header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11],
header[12], header[13], header[14], header[15][7:2], 2'b00});
$display("??? %16.t | address[31:0] = 0x%8.x", $time,
{ header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11][7:2], 2'b00});
else if(routing_type == ID)
$display("??? %16.t | bus = 0x%2.x | device = 0x%x | function = 0x%x", $time,
header[8], header[9][7:3], header[9][2:0]);
// if(routing_type == ADDRESS)
// if(header_is_4_dw)
// $display("??? %16.t | address[63:0] = 0x%16.x", $time,
// { header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11],
// header[12], header[13], header[14], header[15][7:2], 2'b00});
// else
// $display("??? %16.t | address[31:0] = 0x%8.x", $time,
// { header[8], header[9], header[10], header[11][7:2], 2'b00});
// else if(routing_type == ID)
// $display("??? %16.t | bus = 0x%2.x | device = 0x%x | function = 0x%x", $time,
// header[8], header[9][7:3], header[9][2:0]);
if(transaction_type == COMPLETER)
$display("??? %16.t | Completer ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
$display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[8], header[9]});
$display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[10]);
$display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
$display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[6]);
$display("??? %16.t | last DW BE = %b | first DW BE = %b",
$time, header[7][7:4], header[7][3:0]);
// if(transaction_type == COMPLETER)
// begin
// $display("??? %16.t | Completer ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
// $display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[8], header[9]});
// $display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[10]);
// end
// else
// begin
// $display("??? %16.t | requester ID = %b", $time, {header[4], header[5]});
// $display("??? %16.t | tag = %b", $time, header[6]);
// $display("??? %16.t | last DW BE = %b | first DW BE = %b",
// $time, header[7][7:4], header[7][3:0]);
// end
// display_tlp_type(header_type);
$display("??? %16.t | ---------------------", $time);
// $display("??? %16.t | ---------------------", $time);
endfunction: display_header
// endfunction: display_header
// //--------------------------------------------------------------------
329,7 → 291,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: base_tlp_packet_class
endclass: tlp_monitor_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,107
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package riffa_agent_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import riffa_bfm_class_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class riffa_agent_class #(N);
riffa_transaction_class #(N) tr_h;
rp_tx_bfm_class #(N) tx_h;
rp_rx_bfm_class #(N) rx_h;
mailbox #(riffa_transaction_class #(N)) q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task queue_tx(riffa_transaction_class #(N) tr_h);
endtask: queue_tx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task queue_tx_random(int len, int off, bit last);
tr_h = new(len, off, last);
tr_h.random(len, off, last);
endtask: queue_tx_random
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task queue_rx(int len, int off, bit last);
tr_h = new(len, off, last);
endtask: queue_rx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task wait_for_tx;
endtask: wait_for_tx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task wait_for_rx;
endtask: wait_for_rx
function new(virtual riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus);
tx_h = new(chnl_bus);
rx_h = new(chnl_bus);
this.q = new;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: riffa_agent_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: riffa_agent_class_pkg
0,0 → 1,239
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2017 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
package riffa_bfm_class_pkg;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import q_pkg::*;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class riffa_transaction_class #(N);
rand logic [31:0] len;
rand logic [30:0] off;
rand logic last;
rand logic [(8*N)-1:0] data[];
function int get_data_size(int len);
// int words = $ceil(len/(N/4)); // need to fix
int words = len/(N/4);
// $display("^^^ %16.t | words = %d", $time, words);
endfunction: get_data_size
function void random(int len, int off, bit last); = new[get_data_size(len)];
assert(this.randomize() with
this.len == len; // why not working? == off;
this.last == last;
this.len = len; = off;
this.last = last;
endfunction: random
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function void copy(ref riffa_transaction_class #(N) from);
// this.len = from.len;
// =;
// this.last = from.last;
// endfunction: copy
// // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// //
// function riffa_transaction_class #(N) clone();
// clone = new(0, 0, 0);
// clone.copy(this);
// endfunction: clone
function new(int len, int off, bit last); = new[get_data_size(len)];
this.len = len; = off;
this.last = last;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: riffa_transaction_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// root port tx
class rp_tx_bfm_class #(N)
extends blocking_transmission_q_class #(riffa_transaction_class #(N));
virtual riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task set_default;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx <= 0;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_last <= 'bx;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_len <= 'bx;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_off <= 'bx;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_data <= 'bx;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_data_valid <= 0;
endtask: set_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event tx_done;
task transmit(ref Q_T tr_h);
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_len <= tr_h.len; // must be => 4
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_off <=;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_last <= tr_h.last;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx <= 1;
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx iff chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_ack);
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_data_valid <= 1;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_data <=[i];
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx iff chnl_bus.cb_rp_tx.rx_data_ren);
endtask: transmit
function new(virtual riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus);
this.chnl_bus = chnl_bus;
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: rp_tx_bfm_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// root port rx
class rp_rx_bfm_class #(N)
extends blocking_transmission_q_class #(riffa_transaction_class #(N));
virtual riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus;
mailbox #(riffa_transaction_class #(N)) rx_q;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
task set_default;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_ack <= 0;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_ren <= 0;
endtask: set_default
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
event rx_done;
task automatic transmit(ref Q_T tr_h);
int last;
int len;
int off;
@(chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx iff chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx);
last = chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_last;
len = chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_len; // must be => 4
off = chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_off;
tr_h = new(len, off, last);
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_ack <= 1;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_ren <= 1;
chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_ack <= 0;
else if(chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data_valid)[i] <= chnl_bus.cb_rp_rx.tx_data;
endtask: transmit
function new(virtual riffa_chnl_if #(.N(N)) chnl_bus);
this.chnl_bus = chnl_bus;
this.rx_q = new();
endfunction: new
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endclass: rp_rx_bfm_class
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
endpackage: riffa_bfm_class_pkg

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