Subversion Repositories qspiflash
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 18 to Rev 19
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 18 → Rev 19
54,6 → 54,14
`define QSPI_MOD_QOUT 2'b10 |
`define QSPI_MOD_QIN 2'b11 |
// Which level of formal proofs will we be doing? As a component, or a |
// top-level? |
`ifdef LLQSPI_TOP |
`define ASSUME assume |
`else |
`define ASSUME assert |
`endif |
// |
module llqspi(i_clk, |
// Module interface |
i_wr, i_hold, i_word, i_len, i_spd, i_dir, |
78,7 → 86,7
output reg o_cs_n; |
output reg [1:0] o_mod; |
output reg [3:0] o_dat; |
input [3:0] i_dat; |
input wire [3:0] i_dat; |
// output wire [22:0] o_dbg; |
// assign o_dbg = { state, spi_len, |
194,6 → 202,7
initial o_busy = 1'b0; |
initial r_input = 31'h000; |
initial o_mod = `QSPI_MOD_SPI; |
initial o_word = 0; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if ((state == `QSPI_IDLE)&&(o_sck)) |
begin |
204,7 → 213,7
r_word <= i_word; |
r_spd <= i_spd; |
r_dir <= i_dir; |
if (i_wr) |
if ((i_wr)&&(!o_busy)) |
begin |
state <= `QSPI_START; |
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8; |
232,10 → 241,10
o_dat <= r_word[31:28]; |
else |
o_dat <= { 3'b110, r_word[31] }; |
end else if (~o_sck) |
end else if (!o_sck) |
begin |
o_sck <= 1'b1; |
o_busy <= ((state != `QSPI_READY)||(~i_wr)); |
o_busy <= ((state != `QSPI_READY)||(!i_wr)); |
o_valid <= 1'b0; |
end else if (state == `QSPI_BITS) |
begin |
259,7 → 268,7
end |
o_valid <= 1'b0; |
if (~o_mod[1]) |
if (!o_mod[1]) |
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso }; |
else if (o_mod[1]) |
r_input <= { r_input[26:0], i_dat }; |
283,7 → 292,7
r_word <= { i_word[30:0], 1'b0 }; |
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b000 } + 6'h8 - 6'h1; |
end |
if((~o_busy)&&(i_wr))// Acknowledge a new request |
if((!o_busy)&&(i_wr))// Acknowledge a new request |
begin |
state <= `QSPI_BITS; |
o_busy <= 1'b1; |
300,12 → 309,12
end else begin |
o_sck <= 1'b1; |
state <= (i_hold)?`QSPI_HOLDING : `QSPI_STOP; |
o_busy <= (~i_hold); |
o_busy <= (!i_hold); |
end |
// Read a bit upon any transition |
o_valid <= 1'b1; |
if (~o_mod[1]) |
if (!o_mod[1]) |
begin |
r_input <= { r_input[29:0], i_miso }; |
o_word <= { r_input[30:0], i_miso }; |
327,31 → 336,33
o_valid <= 1'b0; |
o_cs_n <= 1'b0; |
o_busy <= 1'b0; |
if((~o_busy)&&(i_wr))// Acknowledge a new request |
r_spd <= i_spd; |
r_dir <= i_dir; |
if (i_spd) |
begin |
r_word <= { i_word[27:0], 4'h0 }; |
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b100 }; |
end else begin |
r_word <= { i_word[30:0], 1'b0 }; |
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b111 }; |
end |
if((!o_busy)&&(i_wr))// Acknowledge a new request |
begin |
state <= `QSPI_BITS; |
o_busy <= 1'b1; |
o_sck <= 1'b0; |
// Read the new request off the bus |
r_spd <= i_spd; |
r_dir <= i_dir; |
// Set up the first bits on the bus |
o_mod<=(i_spd)?{ 1'b1, i_dir } : `QSPI_MOD_SPI; |
if (i_spd) |
begin |
o_dat <= i_word[31:28]; |
r_word <= { i_word[27:0], 4'h0 }; |
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b100 }; |
end else begin |
else |
o_dat <= { 3'b110, i_word[31] }; |
r_word <= { i_word[30:0], 1'b0 }; |
spi_len<= { 1'b0, i_len, 3'b111 }; |
end |
end else begin |
o_sck <= 1'b1; |
state <= (i_hold)?`QSPI_HOLDING : `QSPI_STOP; |
o_busy <= (~i_hold); |
o_busy <= (!i_hold); |
end |
end else if (state == `QSPI_STOP) |
begin |
380,5 → 391,222
o_dat <= 4'hd; |
end |
`ifdef FORMAL |
reg prev_i_clk, past_valid; |
initial `ASSUME(i_clk == 1'b0); |
initial prev_i_clk = 1; |
always @($global_clock) |
begin |
prev_i_clk <= i_clk; |
`ASSUME(i_clk != prev_i_clk); |
end |
reg past_valid; |
initial past_valid = 1'b0; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
past_valid <= 1'b1; |
/* |
always @(*) |
if (!$stable(i_spd)) |
assert($rose(i_clk)); |
*/ |
always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
if ((past_valid)&&($past(i_wr))&&($past(o_busy))) |
begin |
// any time i_wr and o_busy are true, nothing changes |
// of spd, len, word or dir |
`ASSUME(i_wr); |
`ASSUME(i_spd == $past(i_spd)); |
`ASSUME(i_len == $past(i_len)); |
`ASSUME(i_word == $past(i_word)); |
`ASSUME(i_dir == $past(i_dir)); |
`ASSUME(i_hold == $past(i_hold)); |
end |
if ((past_valid)&&($past(i_wr))&&($past(o_busy))&&($past(state == `QSPI_IDLE))) |
assert($past(state)==state); |
if (i_hold == $past(i_hold)) |
assert($stable(i_hold)); |
end |
always @(*) begin |
if (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_QOUT) |
`ASSUME(i_dat == o_dat); |
if (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_SPI) |
`ASSUME(i_dat[3:2] == 2'b11); |
if (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_SPI) |
`ASSUME(i_dat[0] == o_dat[0]); |
end |
initial `ASSUME(i_wr == 1'b0); |
initial `ASSUME(i_word == 0); |
always @($global_clock) |
if (!$rose(i_clk)) |
begin |
`ASSUME($stable(i_wr)); |
// |
`ASSUME($stable(i_len)); |
`ASSUME($stable(i_dir)); |
`ASSUME($stable(i_spd)); |
`ASSUME($stable(i_word)); |
// |
`ASSUME($stable(i_hold)); |
end |
always @($global_clock) |
if (!$fell(o_sck)) |
assume($stable(i_dat)); |
// This is ... not as believable. There might be a delay here. |
// For now, we'll just assume (not necessarily true) that the |
// output |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if (past_valid) |
`ASSUME( (i_dat == $past(i_dat)) || (o_sck != $past(o_sck)) ); |
reg f_last_sck; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
f_last_sck <= o_sck; |
reg [31:0] f_shiftreg, f_goal; |
initial f_shiftreg = 0; |
initial f_goal = 0; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if ((o_sck)&&(!f_last_sck)) |
begin |
if (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_QOUT) |
f_shiftreg <= { f_shiftreg[28:0], o_dat }; |
else if (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_SPI) |
f_shiftreg <= { f_shiftreg[30:0], o_dat[0] }; |
end |
reg [5:0] f_nsent, f_vsent; |
reg [2:0] f_nbits_r; |
wire [5:0] f_nbits; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if ((i_wr)&&(!o_busy)) |
begin |
f_goal <= i_word; |
f_nbits_r <= { 1'b0, i_len } + 3'h1; |
end |
assign f_nbits = { f_nbits_r, 3'b000 }; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if ((!o_sck)||(!o_cs_n)) |
assert(f_nbits != 0); |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if (o_cs_n) |
f_nsent <= 0; |
else if ((!o_busy)&&(i_wr)) |
f_nsent <= 0; |
else if ((!f_last_sck)&&(o_sck)) |
begin |
if (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_SPI) |
f_nsent <= f_nsent + 6'h1; |
else |
f_nsent <= f_nsent + 6'h4; |
end |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if (o_cs_n) |
f_vsent <= 0; |
else |
f_vsent <= f_nsent; |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
if ((!o_cs_n)&&(state == `QSPI_BITS)&&(!o_sck)) |
begin |
if (o_mod != `QSPI_MOD_SPI) |
assert(f_nsent + spi_len + 6'h4 == f_nbits); |
else |
assert(f_nsent + spi_len + 6'h1 == f_nbits); |
end |
always @(posedge i_clk) |
assert((o_busy)||(f_goal[(f_nbits-1):0] == f_shiftreg[(f_nbits-1):0])); |
always @(posedge i_clk) begin |
// We are only ever in one of three speed modes, fourth mode |
// isn't allowed |
assert( (o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_SPI) |
||(o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_QIN) |
||(o_mod == `QSPI_MOD_QOUT)); |
if ((past_valid)&&($past(i_wr))&&(!$past(o_busy))) |
begin |
// Any accepted request leaves us in an active state |
assert(!o_cs_n); |
// Any accepted request allows us to set our speed |
assert(r_spd == $past(i_spd)); |
end |
// We're either busy, or idle with the clock high |
// or pausing (upon a request) mid-transaction |
assert((o_busy) |
||((state == `QSPI_IDLE)&&(o_sck)&&(o_cs_n)) |
||((state == `QSPI_READY)&&(o_sck)&&(!o_cs_n)) |
||((state == `QSPI_HOLDING)&&(o_sck)&&(!o_cs_n)) |
); |
// Anytime CS is idle, SCK is high |
if (o_cs_n) |
assert(o_sck); |
// What can we assert about i_hold? |
// When i_hold is asserted before a transaction completes, |
// the transaction will "hold" and wait for a next input. |
// i.e. the clock will stop |
// First assert that o_busy will be deasserted any time the |
// currently requested word has been sent |
// |
//if ((($past(i_wr))||(i_hold)) |
// &&(f_nsent == f_nbits)&&(!o_sck)&&(!o_cs_n)) |
// assert(!o_busy); |
// First, assert of i_hold that !o_busy will be set. |
if ((past_valid)&&($past(i_hold))&&(f_nsent == f_nbits)&&(!o_cs_n)) |
begin |
assert((!o_busy)||(o_sck)); |
end |
if ((past_valid)&&($past(i_hold))&&(!$past(i_wr)) |
&&(!$past(o_busy))&&(!$past(o_cs_n))) |
begin |
assert(!o_cs_n); |
assert($past(o_sck)==o_sck); |
end |
// DATA only changes on the falling edge of SCK |
if ((past_valid)&&(o_sck)) |
assert(o_dat==$past(o_dat)); |
// Valid is only ever true for one clock |
if ((past_valid)&&(o_valid)) |
assert(!$past(o_valid)); |
// Valid is only ever true after receiving a full number of bits |
if ((past_valid)&&(o_valid)) |
begin |
if ((!$past(i_wr))||($past(o_busy))) |
assert(f_nsent == f_nbits); |
end |
// In SPI mode, the top bits of o_dat are always 3'b110 |
// |
// This should be true, but there's a problem holding this |
// true |
// assert( (o_mod != `QSPI_MOD_SPI)||(o_dat[3:1] == 3'b110) ); |
// Either valid is true (this clock), or our output word is |
// identical to what it was on the last clock |
if (past_valid) |
assert((o_valid) || (o_word == $past(o_word))); |
end |
`endif |
endmodule |