Subversion Repositories rf6809
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 15 to Rev 16
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 15 → Rev 16
0,0 → 1,165
## This file is a general .xdc for the CmodA7 rev. B |
## To use it in a project: |
## - uncomment the lines corresponding to used pins |
## - rename the used ports (in each line, after get_ports) according to the top level signal names in the project |
## Clock signal 12 MHz |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sysclk }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_14 Sch=gclk |
create_clock -add -name sys_clk_pin -period 83.33 -waveform {0 41.66} [get_ports {sysclk}]; |
set_clock_groups -asynchronous \ |
-group { \ |
clk14p7_cs02clkgen \ |
clk14p7_cs02clkgen_1 \ |
} \ |
-group { \ |
clk120_cs02clkgen \ |
clk80_cs02clkgen \ |
clk80_cs02clkgen_1 \ |
clk40_cs02clkgen \ |
clk40_cs02clkgen_1 \ |
clk20_cs02clkgen \ |
clk20_cs02clkgen_1 \ |
} |
## LEDs |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[0] }]; #IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_16 Sch=led[1] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led[1] }]; #IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_16 Sch=led[2] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_b }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_16 Sch=led0_b |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_g }]; #IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_16 Sch=led0_g |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { led0_r }]; #IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_16 Sch=led0_r |
## Buttons |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[0] }]; #IO_L19N_T3_VREF_16 Sch=btn[0] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { btn[1] }]; #IO_L19P_T3_16 Sch=btn[1] |
## Pmod Header JA |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[0] }]; #IO_L5N_T0_D07_14 Sch=ja[1] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[1] }]; #IO_L4N_T0_D05_14 Sch=ja[2] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[2] }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_14 Sch=ja[3] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[3] }]; #IO_L8P_T1_D11_14 Sch=ja[4] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[4] }]; #IO_L5P_T0_D06_14 Sch=ja[7] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[5] }]; #IO_L4P_T0_D04_14 Sch=ja[8] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[6] }]; #IO_L6N_T0_D08_VREF_14 Sch=ja[9] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { ja[7] }]; #IO_L8N_T1_D12_14 Sch=ja[10] |
## Analog XADC Pins |
## Only declare these if you want to use pins 15 and 16 as single ended analog inputs. pin 15 -> vaux4, pin16 -> vaux12 |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { xa_n[0] }]; #IO_L1N_T0_AD4N_35 Sch=ain_n[15] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { xa_p[0] }]; #IO_L1P_T0_AD4P_35 Sch=ain_p[15] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { xa_n[1] }]; #IO_L2N_T0_AD12N_35 Sch=ain_n[16] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { xa_p[1] }]; #IO_L2P_T0_AD12P_35 Sch=ain_p[16] |
## GPIO Pins |
## Pins 15 and 16 should remain commented if using them as analog inputs |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { red[0] }]; #IO_L8N_T1_AD14N_35 Sch=pio[01] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { red[1] }]; #IO_L8P_T1_AD14P_35 Sch=pio[02] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { red[2] }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_16 Sch=pio[03] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { red[3] }]; #IO_L7N_T1_AD6N_35 Sch=pio[04] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN C15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { green[0] }]; #IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_16 Sch=pio[05] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN H1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { green[1] }]; #IO_L3P_T0_DQS_AD5P_35 Sch=pio[06] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { green[2] }]; #IO_L6N_T0_VREF_16 Sch=pio[07] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN B15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { green[3] }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_16 Sch=pio[08] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN A14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { blue[0] }]; #IO_L6P_T0_16 Sch=pio[09] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { blue[1] }]; #IO_L7P_T1_AD6P_35 Sch=pio[10] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { blue[2] }]; #IO_L3N_T0_DQS_AD5N_35 Sch=pio[11] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { blue[3] }]; #IO_L5P_T0_AD13P_35 Sch=pio[12] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { hsync }]; #IO_L6N_T0_VREF_35 Sch=pio[13] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN L2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { vsync }]; #IO_L5N_T0_AD13N_35 Sch=pio[14] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[0] }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_AD7N_35 Sch=pio[17] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[1] }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_35 Sch=pio[18] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[2] }]; #IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_35 Sch=pio[19] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[3] }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_AD7P_35 Sch=pio[20] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[4] }]; #IO_L10N_T1_AD15N_35 Sch=pio[21] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[5] }]; #IO_L10P_T1_AD15P_35 Sch=pio[22] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio2[6] }]; #IO_L19N_T3_VREF_35 Sch=pio[23] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[0] }]; #IO_L2P_T0_34 Sch=pio[26] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[1] }]; #IO_L2N_T0_34 Sch=pio[27] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[2] }]; #IO_L1P_T0_34 Sch=pio[28] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[3] }]; #IO_L3P_T0_DQS_34 Sch=pio[29] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[4] }]; #IO_L1N_T0_34 Sch=pio[30] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[5] }]; #IO_L3N_T0_DQS_34 Sch=pio[31] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[6] }]; #IO_L5N_T0_34 Sch=pio[32] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[7] }]; #IO_L5P_T0_34 Sch=pio[33] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[8] }]; #IO_L6N_T0_VREF_34 Sch=pio[34] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[9] }]; #IO_L6P_T0_34 Sch=pio[35] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W5 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[10] }]; #IO_L12P_T1_MRCC_34 Sch=pio[36] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[11] }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_34 Sch=pio[37] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[12] }]; #IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_34 Sch=pio[38] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V5 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[13] }]; #IO_L16N_T2_34 Sch=pio[39] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W4 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[14] }]; #IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_34 Sch=pio[40] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U5 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[15] }]; #IO_L16P_T2_34 Sch=pio[41] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U2 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[16] }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_34 Sch=pio[42] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W6 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[17] }]; #IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_34 Sch=pio[43] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U3 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[18] }]; #IO_L9P_T1_DQS_34 Sch=pio[44] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U7 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[19] }]; #IO_L19P_T3_34 Sch=pio[45] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W7 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[20] }]; #IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_34 Sch=pio[46] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U8 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[21] }]; #IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_34 Sch=pio[47] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V8 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { pio3[22] }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_34 Sch=pio[48] |
## UART |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_rxd_out }]; #IO_L7N_T1_D10_14 Sch=uart_rxd_out |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN J17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { uart_txd_in }]; #IO_L7P_T1_D09_14 Sch=uart_txd_in |
## Crypto 1 Wire Interface |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { crypto_sda }]; #IO_0_14 Sch=crypto_sda |
## QSPI |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_cs }]; #IO_L6P_T0_FCS_B_14 Sch=qspi_cs |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[0] }]; #IO_L1P_T0_D00_MOSI_14 Sch=qspi_dq[0] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN D19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[1] }]; #IO_L1N_T0_D01_DIN_14 Sch=qspi_dq[1] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN G18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[2] }]; #IO_L2P_T0_D02_14 Sch=qspi_dq[2] |
#set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN F18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { qspi_dq[3] }]; #IO_L2N_T0_D03_14 Sch=qspi_dq[3] |
## Cellular RAM |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[0] }]; #IO_L11P_T1_SRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[0] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN M19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[1] }]; #IO_L11N_T1_SRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[1] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN K17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[2] }]; #IO_L12N_T1_MRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[2] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[3] }]; #IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[3] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[4] }]; #IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[4] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[5] }]; #IO_L14P_T2_SRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[5] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[6] }]; #IO_L14N_T2_SRCC_14 Sch=sram- a[6] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[7] }]; #IO_L16N_T2_A15_D31_14 Sch=sram- a[7] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[8] }]; #IO_L15P_T2_DQS_RDWR_B_14 Sch=sram- a[8] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[9] }]; #IO_L15N_T2_DQS_DOUT_CSO_B_14 Sch=sram- a[9] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[10] }]; #IO_L16P_T2_CSI_B_14 Sch=sram- a[10] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[11] }]; #IO_L17P_T2_A14_D30_14 Sch=sram- a[11] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN T18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[12] }]; #IO_L17N_T2_A13_D29_14 Sch=sram- a[12] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[13] }]; #IO_L18P_T2_A12_D28_14 Sch=sram- a[13] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U18 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[14] }]; #IO_L18N_T2_A11_D27_14 Sch=sram- a[14] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[15] }]; #IO_L19P_T3_A10_D26_14 Sch=sram- a[15] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[16] }]; #IO_L20P_T3_A08_D24_14 Sch=sram- a[16] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[17] }]; #IO_L20N_T3_A07_D23_14 Sch=sram- a[17] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemAdr[18] }]; #IO_L21P_T3_DQS_14 Sch=sram- a[18] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[0] }]; #IO_L21N_T3_DQS_A06_D22_14 Sch=sram-dq[0] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[1] }]; #IO_L22P_T3_A05_D21_14 Sch=sram-dq[1] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[2] }]; #IO_L22N_T3_A04_D20_14 Sch=sram-dq[2] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U15 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[3] }]; #IO_L23P_T3_A03_D19_14 Sch=sram-dq[3] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[4] }]; #IO_L23N_T3_A02_D18_14 Sch=sram-dq[4] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V13 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[5] }]; #IO_L24P_T3_A01_D17_14 Sch=sram-dq[5] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[6] }]; #IO_L24N_T3_A00_D16_14 Sch=sram-dq[6] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U14 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { MemDB[7] }]; #IO_25_14 Sch=sram-dq[7] |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN P19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { RamOEn }]; #IO_L10P_T1_D14_14 Sch=sram-oe |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN R19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { RamWEn }]; #IO_L10N_T1_D15_14 Sch=sram-we |
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN N19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { RamCEn }]; #IO_L9N_T1_DQS_D13_14 Sch=sram-ce |
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {MemAdr[*]} ] |
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {MemDB[*]} ] |
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {RamOEn} ] |
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {RamWEn} ] |
set_output_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {RamCEn} ] |
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {MemAdr[*]} ] |
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {MemDB[*]} ] |
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {RamOEn} ] |
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {RamWEn} ] |
set_input_delay -clock [ get_clocks clk120_cs02clkgen ] -max 2.0 [get_ports {RamCEn} ] |
0,0 → 1,484
// ============================================================================ |
// __ |
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2019-2022 Robert Finch, Waterloo |
// \ __ / All rights reserved. |
// \/_// robfinch<remove>@finitron.ca |
// || |
// |
// |
// BSD 3-Clause License |
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
// |
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
// |
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
// |
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its |
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
// this software without specific prior written permission. |
// |
// |
// ============================================================================ |
// |
`define DEBUG 1'b1 |
//`define SIM 1'b1 |
module SocCS02(sysclk, btn, |
pio2, pio3, |
led, led0_r, led0_g, led0_b, |
uart_rxd_out, uart_txd_in, |
MemAdr, MemDB, RamOEn, RamWEn, RamCEn); |
input sysclk; |
input [1:0] btn; |
inout tri [6:0] pio2; |
inout tri [22:0] pio3; |
output [1:0] led; |
output reg led0_r; |
output reg led0_g; |
output reg led0_b; |
output uart_rxd_out; |
input uart_txd_in; |
output reg [18:0] MemAdr; |
inout tri [7:0] MemDB; |
output reg RamOEn; |
output reg RamWEn; |
output reg RamCEn; |
parameter SYNC = 8'hFF; |
parameter HIGH = 1'b1; |
parameter LOW = 1'b0; |
assign pio2 = 7'bz; |
assign pio3 = 23'bz; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Signals and registers |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
wire xrst; // external reset (push button) |
wire rst; // internal reset |
wire clk120; |
wire clk80; |
wire clk40; |
wire clk; // system clock (50MHz) |
wire clk14p7; // uart clock 14.746 MHz |
wire clk20; // 20MHz for wall clock time |
wire cpuclk; |
wire locked; // clock generation is locked |
wire [1:0] btn_db; // debounced button output |
reg irq; |
wire vpa; |
wire cyc; // cpu cycle is active |
wire stb; // cpu transfer strobe |
reg ack; // cpu transfer acknowledge |
wire we; // cpu write cycle |
wire [23:0] adr; // cpu address |
reg [11:0] dat_i; // cpu data input |
wire [11:0] dat_o; // cpu data output |
reg [11:0] dati; // memory data input |
wire cs_rom0, cs_rom1; |
wire cs_io; |
wire cs_mem; |
wire cs_via; |
wire cs_sema; |
wire ack_rom0, ack_rom1; |
wire ack_mem; |
wire uart_irq, via_irq; |
wire ack_uart, ack_via, ack_sema, rnd_ack; |
wire xal; |
wire [11:0] rom0_dato; |
wire [11:0] rom1_dato; |
wire [11:0] uart_dato; |
wire [11:0] via_dato; |
wire [11:0] mem_dato; |
wire [11:0] sema_dato; |
wire [11:0] rnd_dato; |
wire [11:0] pa; |
wire [11:0] pa_i; |
wire [11:0] pa_o; |
wire badram; |
wire t3_if; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Clock generation |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
cs02clkgen ucg1 |
( |
// Clock out ports |
.clk120(clk120), |
.clk80(clk80), |
.clk40(clk40), |
.clk14p7(clk14p7), |
.clk20(clk20), |
// Status and control signals |
.reset(xrst), |
.locked(locked), |
// Clock in ports |
.clk_in1(sysclk) |
); |
assign rst = !locked; |
assign irq = uart_irq|via_irq; |
assign clk = clk40; |
assign cpuclk = clk40; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Circuit select logic |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Memory map |
// |
// 000000 +---------------+ |
// | | |
// | Ram 256kB | (12 bits wide) |
// | | |
// 040000 +---------------+ |
// | unused | |
// E00000 +---------------+ |
// | I/O | |
// EFFFFF +---------------+ |
// | unused | |
// FF8000 +---------------+ |
// | ROM | |
// FFFFFF +---------------+ |
// |
// I/O Map |
// |
// E3010x +---------------+ |
// | Uart6551 | |
// +---------------+ |
// |
// E3060x +---------------+ |
// | PRNG | |
// +---------------+ |
// |
// E600xx +---------------+ |
// | VIA6522 | |
// +---------------+ |
// |
// EF0xxx +---------------+ |
// | semaphores | |
// +---------------+ |
// |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
assign cs_rom0 = adr[23:14]==10'h3FF; // $FFFExxxxx to $FFFFxxxxx |
assign cs_rom1 = adr[23:14]==10'h3FE; // $FFFExxxxx to $FFFFxxxxx |
//assign cs_basrom = cyc && stb && adr[31:16]==16'b1111_1111_1111_1101; // $FFFCxxxx to $FFFFxxxx |
assign cs_mem = adr[23:20]==4'h0; |
assign cs_via = adr[23:8]==16'hE600; |
assign cs_uart = adr[23:8]==16'hE301; |
assign cs_sema = adr[23:16]==8'hEF; |
reg cs_rnd; |
always_comb cs_rnd = adr[23:8]==16'hE306; // PRNG random number generator |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Input debouncing |
// Pressing both buttons at the same time resets the system. |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BtnDebounce udbu (sysclk, btn[0], btn_db[0]); |
BtnDebounce udbd (sysclk, btn[1], btn_db[1]); |
`ifdef SIM |
assign xrst = btn[0];// & btn[1]; |
`else |
assign xrst = btn_db[0] & btn_db[1]; |
`endif |
assign pa_i[8] = btn_db[0]; |
assign pa_i[9] = btn_db[1]; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// clock divider |
// Used to pulse width modulate (PWM) the led signals to reduce the brightness. |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
reg [31:0] dvd; |
always @(posedge clk) |
if (rst) |
dvd <= 32'd1; |
else begin |
if (dvd==32'd50000000) |
dvd <= 32'd1; |
else |
dvd <= dvd + 32'd1; |
end |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// LED output |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
assign led[0] = pa_o[3] & ~dvd[26] & dvd[12]; |
assign led[1] = pa_o[4] & dvd[12]; |
assign led0_r = ~irq; // pa[0] |
assign led0_g = ~cyc; // pa[1] |
assign led0_b = ~(pa_o[2] & dvd[12]); // PWM 50% at about 12kHz. |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Memory interface |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
wire MemT; |
wire [7:0] MemDBo; |
cs02memInterface umi1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(clk40), |
.cpuclk_i(cpuclk), |
.cs_i(cs_mem), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(ack_mem), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(mem_dato), |
.RamCEn(RamCEn), |
.RamWEn(RamWEn), |
.RamOEn(RamOEn), |
.MemAdr(MemAdr), |
.MemDBo(MemDBo), |
.MemDBi(MemDB) |
); |
assign MemDB = {8{RamWEn}} ? 8'bz : MemDBo; |
//assign mem_dato = cs_mem ? mem_dato1 : 32'd0; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
random uprg1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.cs_i(cs_rnd), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(rnd_ack), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr[3:0]), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(rnd_dato) |
); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
semamem usema1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.cs_i(cs_sema), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(ack_sema), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr[12:0]), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(sema_dato) |
); |
scratchmem uscr2 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.cti_i(3'b000), |
.bok_o(), |
.cs_i(cs_rom0), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(ack_rom0), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr[13:0]), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(rom0_dato) |
`ifdef SIM |
,.sp(24'h0) |
`else |
,.sp(24'h0) |
`endif |
); |
demomem uscr2a |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.cti_i(3'b000), |
.bok_o(), |
.cs_i(cs_rom1), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(ack_rom1), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr[13:0]), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(rom1_dato) |
`ifdef SIM |
,.sp(24'h0) |
`else |
,.sp(24'h0) |
`endif |
); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
via6522_x12 uvia1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.wc_clk_i(clk40), |
.irq_o(via_irq), |
.cs_i(cs_via), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(ack_via), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr[6:0]), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(via_dato), |
.pa_i(pa_i), |
.pa_o(pa_o), |
.pa_t(), |
.pb_i(), |
.pb_o(), |
.pb_t(), |
.ca1(), |
.ca2_i(), |
.ca2_o(), |
.ca2_t(), |
.cb1_i(), |
.cb1_o(), |
.cb1_t(), |
.cb2_i(), |
.cb2_o(), |
.cb2_t(), |
.t1_if(), |
.t2_if(), |
.t3_if(t3_if) |
); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// UART |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
uart6551_x12 #(.CLK_FREQ(40)) uuart1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(clk40), |
.cs_i(cs_uart), |
.irq_o(uart_irq), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.ack_o(ack_uart), |
.we_i(we), |
.adr_i(adr[3:0]), |
.dat_i(dat_o), |
.dat_o(uart_dato), |
.cts_ni(1'b0), |
.rts_no(), |
.dsr_ni(1'b0), |
.dcd_ni(1'b0), |
.dtr_no(), |
.ri_ni(1'b1), |
.rxd_i(uart_txd_in), |
.txd_o(uart_rxd_out), |
.data_present(), |
.rxDRQ_o(), |
.txDRQ_o(), |
.xclk_i(clk20), |
.RxC_i(1'b0) |
); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
wire err; |
BusError ube1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.cyc_i(cyc), |
.ack_i(ack), |
.stb_i(stb), |
.adr_i(adr), |
.err_o(err) |
); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CPU |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
always @(posedge cpuclk) |
ack <= ack_rom0|ack_rom1|ack_mem|ack_via|ack_uart|ack_sema|rnd_ack; |
always @(posedge cpuclk) |
dat_i <= rom0_dato|rom1_dato|mem_dato|via_dato|uart_dato|sema_dato|rnd_dato; |
rf6809 ucpu1 |
( |
.id(6'h20), |
.rst_i(rst), |
.clk_i(cpuclk), |
.halt_i(1'b0), |
.nmi_i(1'b0), |
.irq_i(via_irq), |
.firq_i(1'b0), |
.vec_i(24'h0), |
.ba_o(), |
.bs_o(), |
.lic_o(), |
.tsc_i(1'b0), |
.rty_i(1'b0), |
.bte_o(), |
.cti_o(cti), |
.bl_o(), |
.lock_o(), |
.cyc_o(cyc), |
.stb_o(stb), |
.we_o(we), |
.ack_i(ack), |
.aack_i(ack), |
.atag_i(adr[3:0]), |
.adr_o(adr), |
.dat_i(dat_i), |
.dat_o(dat_o), |
.state() |
); |
CS02_ILA uila1 ( |
.clk(clk80), // input wire clk |
.probe0(ucpu1.pc), // input wire [31:0] probe0 |
.probe1(ucpu1.dat_i), // input wire [31:0] probe1 |
.probe2(ucpu1.cyc_o), // input wire [0:0] probe2 |
.probe3(ucpu1.we_o), // input wire [0:0] probe3 |
.probe4(ucpu1.adr_o), // input wire [31:0] probe4 |
.probe5(MemDB), // input wire [31:0] probe5 |
.probe6({umi1.ack_o,RamCEn,RamOEn,RamWEn,umi1.state}), |
.probe7(MemAdr) |
// .probe6({ucpu1.to_done,ucpu1.state,ucpu1.crs,ucpu1.regset}) |
); |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,40
module cs02SoC_tb(); |
reg clk; |
reg rst; |
reg [1:0] btn; |
wire [7:0] MemDB; |
wire [18:0] adr; |
wire RamCEn; |
wire RamOEn; |
wire RamWEn; |
reg [7:0] mainmem [0:524287]; |
always @(posedge clk) |
if (!RamCEn && !RamWEn) |
mainmem[adr] <= MemDB; |
assign MemDB = (!RamCEn && !RamOEn && RamWEn) ? mainmem[adr] : 8'bz; |
initial begin |
rst = 1'b0; |
btn = 2'b00; |
clk = 1'b0; |
#100 btn = 2'b11; |
#1500 btn = 2'b00; |
#20 rst = 1'b1; |
#1000 rst = 1'b0; |
end |
always #42.6667 clk = ~clk; |
SocCS02 usoc1 |
( |
.sysclk(clk), |
.btn(btn), |
.MemAdr(adr), |
.RamCEn(RamCEn), |
.RamOEn(RamOEn), |
.RamWEn(RamWEn), |
.MemDB(MemDB) |
); |
endmodule |
0,0 → 1,290
// ============================================================================ |
// __ |
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2019-2022 Robert Finch, Waterloo |
// \ __ / All rights reserved. |
// \/_// robfinch<remove>@finitron.ca |
// || |
// |
// |
// BSD 3-Clause License |
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
// |
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
// list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
// |
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
// |
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its |
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
// this software without specific prior written permission. |
// |
// |
// ============================================================================ |
// |
module cs02memInterface(rst_i, clk_i, cpuclk_i, |
cs_i, cyc_i, stb_i, ack_o, we_i, adr_i, dat_i, dat_o, |
RamCEn, RamWEn, RamOEn, MemAdr, MemDBo, MemDBi); |
input rst_i; |
input clk_i; // 100 MHz |
input cpuclk_i; |
input cs_i; |
input cyc_i; |
input stb_i; |
output ack_o; |
input we_i; |
input [23:0] adr_i; |
input [11:0] dat_i; |
output reg [11:0] dat_o; |
output reg RamCEn; |
output reg RamWEn; |
output reg RamOEn; |
output reg [18:0] MemAdr; |
output reg [7:0] MemDBo; |
input [7:0] MemDBi; |
parameter HIGH = 1'b1; |
parameter LOW = 1'b0; |
reg [3:0] state; |
parameter IDLE = 4'd0; |
parameter WRF1 = 4'd1; |
parameter WRF2 = 4'd2; |
parameter WRF3 = 4'd3; |
parameter WRF4 = 4'd4; |
parameter WRF5 = 4'd5; |
parameter WRF6 = 4'd6; |
parameter WRF7 = 4'd7; |
parameter WRF8 = 4'd8; |
parameter RRF1 = 4'd9; |
parameter RRF2 = 4'd10; |
parameter RRF3 = 4'd11; |
parameter RRF4 = 4'd12; |
wire cs = cs_i & stb_i & cyc_i; |
reg ack; |
wire hit; |
ack_gen #( |
) uag1 |
( |
.rst_i(rst_i), |
.clk_i(cpuclk_i), |
.ce_i(1'b1), |
.i(cs & hit & ~we_i), |
.we_i(cs & ack), |
.o(ack_o), |
.rid_i(0), |
.wid_i(0), |
.rid_o(), |
.wid_o() |
); |
reg wrc, inv; |
wire [11:0] rdat; |
A709_ReadCache urc1 |
( |
.rst(rst_i), |
.wclk(clk_i), |
.wr(wrc), |
.wa({5'h0,MemAdr[18:0]}), |
.wd(MemDBi[5:0]), |
.rclk(cpuclk_i), |
.ra(adr_i), |
.rd(rdat), |
.hit(hit), |
.inv(inv), |
.ia(adr_i) |
); |
always_ff @(posedge cpuclk_i) |
if (cs) |
dat_o <= rdat; |
else |
dat_o <= 12'h0; |
reg [31:0] ctr; // ring counter |
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) |
if (rst_i) begin |
state <= IDLE; |
RamWEn <= HIGH; |
RamOEn <= HIGH; |
RamCEn <= HIGH; |
wrc <= 1'b0; |
ack <= 1'b0; |
inv <= 1'b0; |
ctr <= 33'h1; |
end |
else begin |
wrc <= 1'b0; |
inv <= 1'b0; |
case(state) |
begin |
RamWEn <= HIGH; |
RamCEn <= HIGH; |
RamOEn <= HIGH; |
MemAdr[18:0] <= {adr_i[17:0],1'b0}; |
MemDBo <= {2'b0,dat_i[5:0]}; |
if (cs & we_i) begin |
inv <= 1'b1; |
RamCEn <= LOW; |
state <= WRF1; |
end |
// Initiate a read, it might take several cycles before hit goes high, |
// so test for a hit at each stage. |
else if (cs & !hit) begin |
RamCEn <= LOW; |
RamOEn <= LOW; |
MemAdr[4:0] <= 5'h0; |
ctr <= 33'h1; |
state <= RRF1; |
end |
end |
WRF1: |
begin |
RamWEn <= LOW; |
state <= WRF2; |
end |
WRF2: |
begin |
state <= WRF3; |
end |
WRF3: |
begin |
RamWEn <= HIGH; |
state <= WRF4; |
end |
WRF4: |
begin |
MemAdr[0] <= 1'b1; |
MemDBo <= {2'b0,dat_i[11:6]}; |
state <= WRF5; |
end |
WRF5: |
begin |
RamWEn <= LOW; |
state <= WRF6; |
end |
WRF6: |
begin |
state <= WRF7; |
end |
WRF7: |
begin |
RamWEn <= HIGH; |
ack <= 1'b1; |
state <= WRF8; |
end |
WRF8: |
if (!cs) begin |
ack <= 1'b0; |
state <= IDLE; |
end |
RRF1: |
begin |
if (hit) |
state <= IDLE; |
else |
state <= RRF2; |
end |
RRF2: |
begin |
wrc <= 1'b1; |
if (hit) |
state <= IDLE; |
else if (ctr[31]) |
state <= RRF4; |
else |
state <= RRF3; |
end |
RRF3: |
begin |
MemAdr[4:0] <= MemAdr[4:0] + 2'd1; |
ctr <= {ctr[30:0],ctr[31]}; |
if (hit) |
state <= IDLE; |
else |
state <= RRF1; |
end |
RRF4: |
begin |
wrc <= 1'b1; |
state <= IDLE; |
end |
default: |
state <= IDLE; |
endcase |
end |
endmodule |
module A709_ReadCache(rst, wclk, wr, wa, wd, rclk, ra, rd, hit, inv, ia); |
input rst; |
input wclk; |
input wr; |
input [24:0] wa; |
input [5:0] wd; |
input rclk; |
input [23:0] ra; |
output reg [11:0] rd; |
output reg hit; |
input inv; |
input [23:0] ia; |
reg [11:0] mem [0:2047]; |
reg [10:0] rra; |
always_ff @(posedge rclk) |
rra <= ra[10:0]; |
always_ff @(posedge rclk) |
rd <= mem[rra]; |
always_ff @(posedge wclk) |
if (wr & ~wa[0]) mem[wa[11:1]][5:0] <= wd; |
always_ff @(posedge wclk) |
if (wr & wa[0]) mem[wa[11:1]][11:6] <= wd; |
reg [19:0] tagmem [127:0]; |
reg [127:0] valid; |
reg [23:0] iar; |
reg invr; |
// register onto wclk domain |
always_ff @(posedge wclk) |
iar <= ia; |
always_ff @(posedge wclk) |
invr <= inv; |
always_ff @(posedge wclk) |
if (wr && wa[4:0]==5'h1F) |
tagmem[wa[11:5]] <= wa[24:5]; |
always_ff @(posedge wclk) |
if (rst) |
valid <= 128'd0; |
else begin |
if (invr) |
valid[iar[10:4]] <= tagmem[iar[10:4]]!=iar[23:4]; |
else if (wr && wa[4:0]==5'h1F) |
valid[wa[11:5]] <= 1'b1; |
end |
always_ff @(posedge rclk) |
hit <= valid[ra[10:4]] && tagmem[ra[10:4]]==ra[23:4]; |
endmodule |
1463,7 → 1463,7
int nRepNext = 0; /* # repetitions for REP pseudo-op */ |
int nSkipCount = 0; /* # lines to skip */ |
unsigned short tfradr = 0; |
unsigned tfradr = 0; |
int tfradrset = 0; |
int nCurLine = 0; /* current output line on page */ |
7010,8 → 7010,8
break; |
case OUT_SREC : /* Motorola S51-09 */ |
flushhex(); |
chksum = (tfradr & 0xff) + ((tfradr >> 8) & 0xff) + 3; |
fprintf(objfile, "S903%04X%02X\n", tfradr, 0xff - (chksum & 0xff)); |
chksum = (tfradr & 0xfff) + ((tfradr >> 12) & 0xfff) + 3; |
fprintf(objfile, "S9003%06X%03X\n", tfradr, 0xfff - (chksum & 0xfff)); |
break; |
case OUT_IHEX : /* Intel Hex */ |
flushihex(); |
92,6 → 92,7
IrqSource EQU $FFC011 |
IRQFlag EQU $FFC012 |
RunningID EQU $FFC013 |
; Top of boot stack is at $FFC0FF |
; These variables use direct page access |
CursorRow EQU $110 |
158,6 → 159,8
mon_r1 EQU $920 |
mon_r2 EQU $924 |
jmpvec EQU $928 |
mon_init EQU $92C |
mon_retflag EQU $930 |
; The ORG directive must set an address a multiple of 4 in order for the Verilog |
; output to work correctly. |
243,59 → 246,17
ramerr: |
lda #$80 |
sta LEDS |
ldb COREID |
cmpb #$20 |
beq ramerr1 |
ldx #TEXTSCR |
ldb COREID |
abx |
lda #'F' |
sta ,x |
sync |
ramerr1: |
jmp ,u |
dramtest: |
ldy #$10000 ; DRAM starts here |
lda #1 |
sta LEDS |
ldu #$AAA555 |
lbsr CRLF |
dramtest1: |
deca |
bne dramtest4 |
tfr y,d |
lbsr DispWordAsHex |
ldb #CR |
lbsr OUTCH |
dramtest4: |
stu ,y++ |
cmpy #$E00000 ; DRAM ends here |
blo dramtest1 |
; now readback values and compare |
ldy #$10000 |
lda #1 |
lbsr CRLF |
dramtest3: |
deca |
bne dramtest5 |
tfr y,d |
lbsr DispWordAsHex |
ldb #CR |
lbsr OUTCH |
dramtest5: |
cmpu ,y++ |
bne dramerr |
cmpy #$E00000 |
blo dramtest3 |
lda #2 |
sta LEDS |
lbra Monitor |
dramerr: |
lda #$80 |
sta LEDS |
ldx #TEXTSCR |
ldb COREID |
abx |
lda #'F' |
sta ,x |
lbra Monitor |
org $FFE000 |
FDB Monitor |
331,7 → 292,7
sta OSSEMA+$1000 |
sta OUTSEMA+$1000 |
ldu #st6 ; U = return address |
jmp ramtest ; JMP dont JSR |
; jmp ramtest ; JMP dont JSR |
st6: |
lds #$6FFF ; boot up stack area |
lda COREID |
350,7 → 311,11
clr NumSetBreakpoints |
lda #$AA |
sta LEDS |
lda COREID |
cmpa #$20 |
beq st11 |
st11: |
sta IOFocusID ; core #2 has focus |
sta RunningID |
; Clear IO focus list |
377,6 → 342,8
ldb COREID |
cmpb #FIRST_CORE |
beq init |
cmpb #$20 ; CmodA709 core? |
beq init2 |
bra skip_init |
bra multi_sieve |
st3: |
394,11 → 361,6
clr ,x+ |
decb |
bne init1 |
lbsr TimerInit |
lbsr InitSerial |
ldx #128 |
lda #1 ; set irq(bit0), clear firq (bit1), disable int (bit 6), clear edge sense(bit 7) |
ldb #FIRST_CORE ; serving core id |
st1: |
clr PIC,x ; cause code |
sta PIC+1,x |
406,17 → 368,10
leax 4,x |
cmpx #256 |
blo st1 |
; lda #4 ; make the timer interrupt edge sensitive |
; sta PIC+4 ; reg #4 is the edge sensitivity setting |
; sta PIC ; reg #0 is interrupt enable |
lda #$81 ; make irq edge sensitive |
sta PIC+$FD |
lda #31 ; enable timer interrupt |
sta PIC+9 |
ldb #1 |
stb OUTSEMA+SEMAABS ; set semaphore to 1 available slot |
skip_init: |
andcc #$EF ; unmask irq |
lda #COLS |
lda #ROWS |
423,10 → 378,6
bsr ClearScreen |
bsr HomeCursor |
lda #5 |
sta LEDS |
ldd #msgStartup |
bsr DisplayString |
ldx #0 |
ldd #0 |
lbsr ShowSprites |
433,7 → 384,27
lbsr KeybdInit |
ldd KeybdID |
bsr DispWordAsHex |
jmp MonitorStart |
init2: |
lbsr TimerInit |
lbsr InitSerial |
ldx #128 |
lda #1 ; set irq(bit0), clear firq (bit1), disable int (bit 6), clear edge sense(bit 7) |
ldb #FIRST_CORE ; serving core id |
; lda #4 ; make the timer interrupt edge sensitive |
; sta PIC+4 ; reg #4 is the edge sensitivity setting |
; sta PIC ; reg #0 is interrupt enable |
ldb #1 |
stb OUTSEMA+SEMAABS ; set semaphore to 1 available slot |
skip_init: |
andcc #$EF ; unmask irq |
lda #5 |
sta LEDS |
ldd #msgStartup |
bsr DisplayString |
st10: |
swi |
fcb MF_Monitor |
bra st10 |
msgStartup |
fcb "rf6809 12-bit System Starting.",CR,LF,0 |
739,6 → 710,8
lda COREID ; which core are we? |
cmpa IOFocusID ; do we have the IO focus |
bne gsl1 ; no, go pick virtual screen address |
cmpa #$20 ; CmodA709? |
beq gsl1 |
ldd #TEXTSCR ; yes, we update the real screen |
rts |
gsl1: |
760,6 → 733,8
ldb COREID |
cmpb IOFocusID |
bne hc1 |
cmpb #$20 |
beq hc1 |
clra |
hc1: |
777,7 → 752,9
pshs d,x |
ldb COREID ; update cursor position in text controller |
cmpb IOFocusID ; only for the task with the output focus |
bne ucp1 |
bne ucp1 |
cmpb #$20 ; and not for CmodA709 |
beq ucp1 |
lda CursorRow |
anda #$3F ; limit of 63 rows |
810,6 → 787,8
ldb COREID ; update cursor position in text controller |
cmpb IOFocusID ; only for the task with the output focus |
bne csl1 |
cmpb #$20 |
beq csl1 |
csl1: |
bsr GetScreenLocation |
972,6 → 951,9
DisplayString: |
pshs d,x |
tfr d,x |
lda COREID |
cmpa #$20 |
beq dspj1B |
dspj2: ; lock semaphore for access |
lda OUTSEMA+1 |
beq dspj2 |
1112,6 → 1094,7
;============================================================================== |
OPT INCLUDE "d:\cores2022\rf6809\software\boot\serial.asm" |
OPT INCLUDE "d:\cores2022\rf6809\software\boot\S19Loader.asm" |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Check if there is a keyboard character available. If so return true (<0) |
1326,12 → 1309,14
fcb "exi",'t'+$800 |
fcb '?'+$800 |
fcb "CL",'S'+$800 |
fcb "S1",'9'+$800 |
fcb "JD",'4'+$800 |
fcw 0 |
cmdTable2: |
fcw Redirect |
fcw ArmBreakpoint |
fcw DisarmBreakpoint |
fcw MonArmBreakpoint |
fcw MonDisarmBreakpoint |
fcw DumpRegs |
fcw DumpMemory |
fcw EditMemory |
1339,7 → 1324,7
fcw FillMemory |
fcw DumpIOFocusList |
fcw jump_to_code |
fcw dramtest |
fcw $FFD400 |
fcw $FF8000 ; sprite demo |
fcw rtc_read |
fcw $FF8003 ; unassembler |
1346,6 → 1331,8
fcw xitMonitor |
fcw PromptHelp |
fcw PromptClearscreen |
fcw S19Loader |
fcw $FFD400 |
CmdPrompt: |
lbsr CRLF |
1356,7 → 1343,10
msgF09Starting: |
fcb "Femtiki F09 Multi-core OS Starting",CR,LF,0 |
MonitorStart: |
Monitor: |
ldd mon_init ; check special code to see if monitor has been initialized |
cmpd #1234567 |
beq mon1 |
clr BreakpointFlag |
clr NumSetBreakpoints |
ldd #123 |
1381,7 → 1371,9
clr mon_XSAVE |
clr mon_YSAVE |
clr mon_USAVE |
Monitor: |
ldd #1234567 |
std mon_init |
mon1: |
leas $6FFF ; reset stack pointer |
clrb ; turn off keyboard echo |
lbsr SetKeyboardEcho |
1489,6 → 1481,15
beq MonGetNonSpace |
rts |
MonArmBreakpoint: |
lbsr ArmBreakpoint |
ldb #$FFF |
stb BreakpointFlag |
lbra Monitor |
MonDisarmBreakpoint: |
lbsr DisarmBreakpoint |
lbra Monitor |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Ignore blanks in the input |
; Y = text pointer |
1507,18 → 1508,13
; Multiply number in work area by 10. |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Times10: |
pshs d |
ldd mon_numwka ; make a copy of the number |
std mon_numwka+8 |
ldd mon_numwka+2 |
std mon_numwka+10 |
asl mon_numwka+3 ; shift left = *2 |
rol mon_numwka+2 |
rol mon_numwka+1 |
rol mon_numwka+0 |
asl mon_numwka+3 ; shift left = *4 |
rol mon_numwka+2 |
rol mon_numwka+1 |
rol mon_numwka+0 |
bsr shl_numwka ; shift left = *2 |
bsr shl_numwka ; shift left = *4 |
ldd mon_numwka+2 ; add in original value |
addd mon_numwka+10 ; = *5 |
ldb mon_numwka+1 |
1527,23 → 1523,20
lda mon_numwka+0 |
adca mon_numwka+8 |
sta mon_numwka+0 |
asl mon_numwka+3 ; shift left = * 10 |
rol mon_numwka+2 |
rol mon_numwka+1 |
rol mon_numwka+0 |
rts |
bsr shl_numwka ; shift left = * 10 |
puls d,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
GetTwoParams: |
bsr ignBlanks |
bsr GetHexNumber ; get start address of dump |
bsr GetNumber ; get start address of dump |
ldd mon_numwka |
std mon_r1 |
ldd mon_numwka+2 |
std mon_r1+2 |
bsr ignBlanks |
bsr GetHexNumber ; get end address of dump |
bsr GetNumber ; get end address of dump |
ldd mon_numwka |
std mon_r2 |
ldd mon_numwka+2 |
1607,7 → 1600,66
tfr x,d |
puls x,pc |
;GetDecNumber: |
GetBinNumber: |
clrd |
std mon_numwka |
std mon_numwka+2 |
pshs x |
ldx #0 |
gtbin2: |
bsr MonGetch |
bsr AsciiToBinDigit |
tstb |
bmi gtbin1 |
bsr shl_numwka |
orb mon_numwka+3 |
stb mon_numwka+3 |
inx |
cpx #48 |
blo gtbin2 |
gtbin1: |
tfr x,d |
puls x,pc |
GetDecNumber: |
clrd |
std mon_numwka |
std mon_numwka+2 |
pshs x |
ldx #0 |
gtdec2: |
bsr MonGetch |
bsr AsciiToDecDigit |
tstb |
bmi gtdec1 |
bsr Times10 |
addb mon_numwka+3 |
stb mon_numwka+3 |
ldb mon_numwka+2 |
adcb #0 |
stb mon_numwka+2 |
ldb mon_numwka+1 |
adcb #0 |
stb mon_numwka+1 |
ldb mon_numwka+0 |
adcb #0 |
stb mon_numwka+0 |
inx |
cpx #15 |
blo gtdec2 |
gtdec1: |
tfr x,d |
puls x,pc |
GetNumber: |
bsr MonGetch |
cmpb #'+' |
beq GetDecNumber |
cmpb #'%' |
beq GetBinNumber |
dey |
bra GetHexNumber |
; phx |
; push r4 |
; push r5 |
1662,11 → 1714,11
ldb #-1 ; not a hex number |
rts |
AsciiToDecNybble: |
AsciiToDecDigit: |
cmpb #'0' |
bcc gtdc3 |
cmpb #'9'+1 |
bcs gtdc3 |
blo gtdc3 |
cmpb #'9' |
bhi gtdc3 |
subb #'0' |
rts |
gtdc3: |
1673,6 → 1725,20
ldb #-1 |
rts |
AsciiToBinDigit: |
cmpb #'0' |
bne abd1 |
clrb |
rts |
abd1: |
cmpb #'1' |
bne abd2 |
ldb #1 |
rts |
abd2: |
ldb #-1 |
rts |
DisplayErr: |
ldd #msgErr |
lbsr DisplayString |
1700,16 → 1766,18
fcb "D = Dump memory",CR,LF |
fcb "F = Fill memory",CR,LF |
fcb "FL = Dump I/O Focus List",CR,LF |
fcb "FIG = start FIG Forth",CR,LF |
; fcb "FIG = start FIG Forth",CR,LF |
; db "KILL n = kill task #n",CR,LF |
; db "B = start tiny basic",CR,LF |
; db "b = start EhBasic 6502",CR,LF |
fcb "J = Jump to code",CR,LF |
fcb "RAM = test RAM",CR,LF |
fcb "JD4 = Jump to $FFD400",CR,LF |
fcb "RAMTEST = test RAM",CR,LF |
; db "R[n] = Set register value",CR,LF |
; db "r = random lines - test bitmap",CR,LF |
; db "e = ethernet test",CR,LF |
fcb "s = serial output test",CR,LF |
fcb "S19 = run S19 loader",CR,LF |
fcb "SP = sprite demo",CR,LF |
; db "T = Dump task list",CR,LF |
; db "TO = Dump timeout list",CR,LF |
1919,12 → 1987,12
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
jump_to_code: |
bsr GetHexNumber |
bsr GetNumber |
sei |
lds mon_SSAVE |
ldd #<jtc_exit ; setup stack for RTS back to monitor |
ldd #jtc_exit ; setup stack for RTS back to monitor |
pshs d |
ldb #>jtc_exit |
ldb #0 |
pshs b |
ldd mon_numwka+2 ; get the address parameter |
pshs d |
1992,7 → 2060,7
bootpg: |
fcb $000 |
boot_stack: |
fcw $006FFF |
fcw $FFC0FF |
numBreakpoints: |
fcb 8 |
mon_rom_vectab: |
2010,9 → 2078,28
fcw mon_rand |
fcw 0 ; operating system call |
fcw GetRange |
fcw GetNumber |
NumFuncs EQU (*-mon_rom_vectab)/2 |
; The following table indicates which routines need to return values in the |
; D and possibly X registers. |
mon_rettab: |
fcb 0 ; monitor |
fcb $800 ; INCH |
fcb 0 ; OUTCH |
fcb 0 ; CRLF |
fcb 0 ; DisplayString |
fcb 0 ; DisplayByte |
fcb 0 ; DisplayWord |
fcb 0 ; show sprites |
fcb 0 ; srand |
fcb $C00 ; rand |
fcb $C00 ; OS call |
fcb 0 ; GetRange |
fcb $800 ; GetNumber |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; SWI routine. |
; |
2051,6 → 2138,11
abx |
ldx ,x |
stx jmpvec |
lsrb |
ldx #mon_rettab |
abx |
ldb ,x |
stb mon_retflag |
sts mon_SSAVE ; save the stack pointer |
ldd 1,s ; get back D |
ldx 4,s ; get back X |
2060,6 → 2152,13
jsr [jmpvec] ; call the routine |
swi_rout3: |
lds mon_SSAVE ; restore stack |
tst mon_retflag |
bpl swi_rout4 |
std 1,s ; return value in D |
asl mon_retflag |
bpl swi_rout4 |
stx 4,s ; return value in X |
swi_rout4: |
rti |
processBreakpoint: |
2085,8 → 2184,7
lbra DumpRegs |
xitMonitor: |
bsr ArmAllBreakpoints |
rts |
bra ArmAllBreakpoints |
swiCallOS: |
leau 1,u ; next byte is func number |
2152,9 → 2250,9
ldy mon_numwka+2 ; get address |
lda ,y ; get byte at address |
ldx #BreakpointBytes ; and store byte in a table |
sta b,x ; record |
lda #OPC_SWI ; put a SWI instruction in place |
sta ,y |
sta b,x |
ldx #Breakpoints ; also store the address in a table |
aslb ; index for 2 byte values |
sty b,x |
83,6 → 83,7
XON EQU $11 |
XOFF EQU $13 |
103,7 → 104,8
MF_Srand EQU 8 |
MF_Random EQU 9 |
MF_GetRange EQU 11 |
MF_GetRange EQU 11 ; gets a pair of numbers last>first |
MF_GetNumber EQU 12 |
mon_numwka EQU $910 |
mon_r1 EQU $920 |
184,6 → 186,7
ScreenLocation EQU $10 |
ColorCodeLocation EQU $14 |
ScreenLocation2 EQU $18 |
238,6 → 241,7
IrqSource EQU $FFC011 |
IRQFlag EQU $FFC012 |
RunningID EQU $FFC013 |
; Top of boot stack is at $FFC0FF |
; These variables use direct page access |
CursorRow EQU $110 |
304,6 → 308,8
mon_r1 EQU $920 |
mon_r2 EQU $924 |
jmpvec EQU $928 |
mon_init EQU $92C |
mon_retflag EQU $930 |
; The ORG directive must set an address a multiple of 4 in order for the Verilog |
; output to work correctly. |
314,7 → 320,7
00FFD0AE 012 nop |
00FFD0AF 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFD0B1 017001C5E lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD0B1 017001E2D lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD0B4 039 rts |
org $FFD0D0 |
323,9 → 329,9
CRLF1: |
00FFD0D2 0C600D ldb #CR |
00FFD0D4 017001C3B lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD0D4 017001E0A lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD0D7 0C600A ldb #LF |
00FFD0D9 017001C36 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD0D9 017001E05 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD0DC 039 rts |
org $FFD0F0 |
339,7 → 345,7
org $FFD2C0 |
00FFD2C0 012 nop |
00FFD2C1 017001A4E lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD2C1 017001C1D lbsr OUTCH |
00FFD2C4 039 rts |
org $FFD2CC |
346,18 → 352,18
00FFD2CC 012 nop |
00FFD2CD 012 nop |
HEX2 |
00FFD2CE 017001142 lbsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFD2CE 017001166 lbsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFD2D1 039 rts |
HEX4 |
00FFD2D2 017001135 lbsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFD2D2 017001159 lbsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFD2D5 039 rts |
org $FFD300 |
ClearScreenJmp |
00FFD300 016000F2B lbra ClearScreen |
00FFD300 016000F36 lbra ClearScreen |
org $FFD308 |
HomeCursorJmp |
00FFD308 016000F96 lbra HomeCursor |
00FFD308 016000FA5 lbra HomeCursor |
org $FFD400 |
389,78 → 395,34
ramerr: |
00FFD42C 086080 lda #$80 |
00FFD42E 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFD433 08EE00000 ldx #TEXTSCR |
00FFD436 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID |
00FFD43B 03A abx |
00FFD43C 086046 lda #'F' |
00FFD43E 0A7804 sta ,x |
00FFD440 013 sync |
00FFD441 06EC04 jmp ,u |
00FFD433 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID |
00FFD438 0C1020 cmpb #$20 |
00FFD43A 027009 beq ramerr1 |
00FFD43C 08EE00000 ldx #TEXTSCR |
00FFD43F 03A abx |
00FFD440 086046 lda #'F' |
00FFD442 0A7804 sta ,x |
00FFD444 013 sync |
ramerr1: |
00FFD445 06EC04 jmp ,u |
dramtest: |
00FFD443 18E010000 ldy #$10000 ; DRAM starts here |
00FFD446 086001 lda #1 |
00FFD448 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFD44D 0CEAAA555 ldu #$AAA555 |
00FFD450 017FFFC7F lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
dramtest1: |
00FFD453 04A deca |
00FFD454 02600A bne dramtest4 |
00FFD456 01F020 tfr y,d |
00FFD458 017000FAF lbsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFD45B 0C600D ldb #CR |
00FFD45D 0170018B2 lbsr OUTCH |
dramtest4: |
00FFD460 0EFA01 stu ,y++ |
00FFD462 18CE00000 cmpy #$E00000 ; DRAM ends here |
00FFD465 025FEC blo dramtest1 |
; now readback values and compare |
00FFD467 18E010000 ldy #$10000 |
00FFD46A 086001 lda #1 |
00FFD46C 017FFFC63 lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
dramtest3: |
00FFD46F 04A deca |
00FFD470 02600A bne dramtest5 |
00FFD472 01F020 tfr y,d |
00FFD474 017000F93 lbsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFD477 0C600D ldb #CR |
00FFD479 017001896 lbsr OUTCH |
dramtest5: |
00FFD47C 2A3A01 cmpu ,y++ |
00FFD47E 02600F bne dramerr |
00FFD480 18CE00000 cmpy #$E00000 |
00FFD483 025FEA blo dramtest3 |
00FFD485 086002 lda #2 |
00FFD487 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFD48C 016001A18 lbra Monitor |
dramerr: |
00FFD48F 086080 lda #$80 |
00FFD491 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFD496 08EE00000 ldx #TEXTSCR |
00FFD499 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID |
00FFD49E 03A abx |
00FFD49F 086046 lda #'F' |
00FFD4A1 0A7804 sta ,x |
00FFD4A3 016001A01 lbra Monitor |
org $FFE000 |
00FFE000 FFEEA7 FDB Monitor |
00FFE000 FFF039 FDB Monitor |
00FFE002 FFE022 FDB DumRts ; NEXTCMD |
00FFE012 FFE022 FDB DumRts ; LRA |
00FFE014 FFE022 FDB DumRts |
00FFE016 FFE022 FDB DumRts |
00FFE018 FFE022 FDB DumRts |
00FFE01A FFE022 FDB DumRts ; VINIZ |
00FFE01C FFE2FE FDB DisplayChar ; VOUTCH |
00FFE01C FFE319 FDB DisplayChar ; VOUTCH |
00FFE01E FFE022 FDB DumRts ; ACINIZ |
00FFE020 FFE022 FDB DumRts ; AOUTCH |
478,12 → 440,12
00FFE031 086001 lda #1 ; prime OS semaphore |
00FFE033 0B7EF1010 sta OSSEMA+$1000 |
00FFE036 0B7EF1000 sta OUTSEMA+$1000 |
00FFE039 0CEFFE03F ldu #st6 ; U = return address |
00FFE03C 07EFFD400 jmp ramtest ; JMP dont JSR |
00FFE039 0CEFFE03C ldu #st6 ; U = return address |
; jmp ramtest ; JMP dont JSR |
st6: |
00FFE03F 1CE006FFF lds #$6FFF ; boot up stack area |
00FFE042 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID |
00FFE047 081001 cmpa #FIRST_CORE |
00FFE03C 1CE006FFF lds #$6FFF ; boot up stack area |
00FFE044 081001 cmpa #FIRST_CORE |
; beq st8 |
; sync ; halt cores other than 2 |
st8: |
493,102 → 455,112
; tfr d,x |
; jmp ,x ; jump to the BIOS now in local RAM |
st7: |
00FFE049 08D15F bsr Delay3s ; give some time for devices to reset |
00FFE04B 07F000810 clr BreakpointFlag |
00FFE04E 07F000811 clr NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFE051 0860AA lda #$AA |
00FFE053 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE058 086001 lda #FIRST_CORE |
00FFE05A 0B7FFC010 sta IOFocusID ; core #2 has focus |
00FFE05D 0B7FFC013 sta RunningID |
00FFE046 08D16D bsr Delay3s ; give some time for devices to reset |
00FFE048 07F000810 clr BreakpointFlag |
00FFE04B 07F000811 clr NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFE04E 0860AA lda #$AA |
00FFE050 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE055 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID |
00FFE05A 081020 cmpa #$20 |
00FFE05C 027002 beq st11 |
00FFE05E 086001 lda #FIRST_CORE |
st11: |
00FFE060 0B7FFC010 sta IOFocusID ; core #2 has focus |
00FFE063 0B7FFC013 sta RunningID |
; Clear IO focus list |
00FFE060 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE066 08E000000 ldx #0 |
st9: |
00FFE063 06F80A000FFC000 clr IOFocusList,x |
00FFE068 030001 inx |
00FFE06A 08C000010 cmpx #16 |
00FFE06D 025FF4 blo st9 |
00FFE06F 086018 lda #24 |
00FFE071 0B7FFC001 sta IOFocusList+FIRST_CORE |
00FFE069 06F80A000FFC000 clr IOFocusList,x |
00FFE06E 030001 inx |
00FFE070 08C000010 cmpx #16 |
00FFE073 025FF4 blo st9 |
00FFE075 086018 lda #24 |
00FFE077 0B7FFC001 sta IOFocusList+FIRST_CORE |
00FFE074 0860CE lda #$0CE |
00FFE076 097113 sta ScreenColor |
00FFE078 097112 sta CharColor |
00FFE07A 08D1B2 bsr ClearScreen |
00FFE07C 0CCFFE2FE ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFE07F 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFE082 0CCFFEBE4 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFE085 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFE07A 0860CE lda #$0CE |
00FFE07C 097113 sta ScreenColor |
00FFE07E 097112 sta CharColor |
00FFE080 08D1B7 bsr ClearScreen |
00FFE082 0CCFFE319 ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFE085 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFE088 0CCFFEC64 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFE08B 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
; swi |
; fcb MF_OSCALL |
; fcb 24 ; request IO focus |
00FFE088 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID |
00FFE08D 0C1001 cmpb #FIRST_CORE |
00FFE08F 02700D beq init |
00FFE091 02004B bra skip_init |
00FFE093 0200B3 bra multi_sieve |
00FFE093 0C1001 cmpb #FIRST_CORE |
00FFE095 027011 beq init |
00FFE097 0C1020 cmpb #$20 ; CmodA709 core? |
00FFE099 02705D beq init2 |
00FFE09B 02006D bra skip_init |
00FFE09D 0200B4 bra multi_sieve |
st3: |
00FFE095 0860FF lda #$FF |
00FFE097 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE09C 020FF7 bra st3 |
00FFE09F 0860FF lda #$FF |
00FFE0A1 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE0A6 020FF7 bra st3 |
; initialize interrupt controller |
; first, zero out all the vectors |
init: |
00FFE09E 01700042F lbsr rtc_read ; get clock values |
00FFE0A1 08E000127 ldx #kbdHeadRcv |
00FFE0A4 0C6020 ldb #32 ; number of bytes to zero out |
00FFE0A8 017000449 lbsr rtc_read ; get clock values |
00FFE0AB 08E000127 ldx #kbdHeadRcv |
00FFE0AE 0C6020 ldb #32 ; number of bytes to zero out |
init1: |
00FFE0A6 06F800 clr ,x+ |
00FFE0A8 05A decb |
00FFE0A9 026FFB bne init1 |
00FFE0AB 017000393 lbsr TimerInit |
00FFE0AE 017000ABE lbsr InitSerial |
00FFE0B1 08E000080 ldx #128 |
00FFE0B4 086001 lda #1 ; set irq(bit0), clear firq (bit1), disable int (bit 6), clear edge sense(bit 7) |
00FFE0B6 0C6001 ldb #FIRST_CORE ; serving core id |
00FFE0B0 06F800 clr ,x+ |
00FFE0B2 05A decb |
00FFE0B3 026FFB bne init1 |
st1: |
00FFE0B8 06F809E3F000 clr PIC,x ; cause code |
00FFE0BC 0A7809E3F001 sta PIC+1,x |
00FFE0C0 0E7809E3F002 stb PIC+2,x |
00FFE0C4 030004 leax 4,x |
00FFE0C6 08C000100 cmpx #256 |
00FFE0C9 025FED blo st1 |
00FFE0B5 06F809E3F000 clr PIC,x ; cause code |
00FFE0B9 0A7809E3F001 sta PIC+1,x |
00FFE0BD 0E7809E3F002 stb PIC+2,x |
00FFE0C1 030004 leax 4,x |
00FFE0C3 08C000100 cmpx #256 |
00FFE0C6 025FED blo st1 |
00FFE0C8 086081 lda #$81 ; make irq edge sensitive |
00FFE0CA 0150B7FFFE3F0FD sta PIC+$FD |
00FFE0CF 08601F lda #31 ; enable timer interrupt |
00FFE0D1 0150B7FFFE3F009 sta PIC+9 |
00FFE0D6 086040 lda #COLS |
00FFE0DD 086020 lda #ROWS |
00FFE0E4 08D153 bsr ClearScreen |
00FFE0E6 08D1C8 bsr HomeCursor |
00FFE0E8 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE0EB 0CC000000 ldd #0 |
00FFE0EE 017000DFA lbsr ShowSprites |
00FFE0F1 0170008CC lbsr KeybdInit |
00FFE0F4 0DC124 ldd KeybdID |
00FFE0F6 08D336 bsr DispWordAsHex |
init2: |
00FFE0F8 01700036A lbsr TimerInit |
00FFE0FB 017000AF1 lbsr InitSerial |
00FFE0FE 08E000080 ldx #128 |
00FFE101 086001 lda #1 ; set irq(bit0), clear firq (bit1), disable int (bit 6), clear edge sense(bit 7) |
00FFE103 0C6001 ldb #FIRST_CORE ; serving core id |
; lda #4 ; make the timer interrupt edge sensitive |
; sta PIC+4 ; reg #4 is the edge sensitivity setting |
; sta PIC ; reg #0 is interrupt enable |
00FFE0CB 086081 lda #$81 ; make irq edge sensitive |
00FFE0CD 0150B7FFFE3F0FD sta PIC+$FD |
00FFE0D2 08601F lda #31 ; enable timer interrupt |
00FFE0D4 0150B7FFFE3F009 sta PIC+9 |
00FFE0D9 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFE0DB 0F7EF1000 stb OUTSEMA+SEMAABS ; set semaphore to 1 available slot |
00FFE105 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFE107 0F7EF1000 stb OUTSEMA+SEMAABS ; set semaphore to 1 available slot |
skip_init: |
00FFE0DE 01C0EF andcc #$EF ; unmask irq |
00FFE0E0 086040 lda #COLS |
00FFE0E7 086020 lda #ROWS |
00FFE0EE 08D13E bsr ClearScreen |
00FFE0F0 08D1AF bsr HomeCursor |
00FFE0F2 086005 lda #5 |
00FFE0F4 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE0F9 0CCFFE111 ldd #msgStartup |
00FFE0FC 08D2C1 bsr DisplayString |
00FFE0FE 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE101 0CC000000 ldd #0 |
00FFE104 017000C15 lbsr ShowSprites |
00FFE107 017000836 lbsr KeybdInit |
00FFE10A 0DC124 ldd KeybdID |
00FFE10C 08D2FC bsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFE10E 07EFFEE60 jmp MonitorStart |
00FFE10A 01C0EF andcc #$EF ; unmask irq |
00FFE10C 086005 lda #5 |
00FFE10E 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE113 0CCFFE11C ldd #msgStartup |
00FFE116 08D2C2 bsr DisplayString |
st10: |
00FFE118 03F swi |
00FFE119 000 fcb MF_Monitor |
00FFE11A 020FFC bra st10 |
msgStartup |
00FFE111 072066036038030039020 fcb "rf6809 12-bit System Starting.",CR,LF,0 |
00FFE118 03103202D062069074020 |
00FFE11F 05307907307406506D020 |
00FFE126 05307406107207406906E |
00FFE12D 06702E00D00A000 |
00FFE11C 072066036038030039020 fcb "rf6809 12-bit System Starting.",CR,LF,0 |
00FFE123 03103202D062069074020 |
00FFE12A 05307907307406506D020 |
00FFE131 05307406107207406906E |
00FFE138 06702E00D00A000 |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; The checkpoint register must be cleared within 1 second or a NMI interrupt |
600,8 → 572,8
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
checkpoint: |
00FFE132 01507FFFFFFFFE1 clr $FFFFFFFE1 ; writing any value will do |
00FFE137 039 rts |
00FFE13D 01507FFFFFFFFE1 clr $FFFFFFFE1 ; writing any value will do |
00FFE142 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Copy the system ROM to local RAM |
614,14 → 586,14
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
romToRam: |
00FFE138 08EFFC000 ldx #$FFC000 |
00FFE13B 18E00C000 ldy #$00C000 |
00FFE143 08EFFC000 ldx #$FFC000 |
00FFE146 18E00C000 ldy #$00C000 |
romToRam1: |
00FFE13E 0EC801 ldd ,x++ |
00FFE140 0EDA01 std ,y++ |
00FFE142 08C000000 cmpx #0 |
00FFE145 026FF7 bne romToRam1 |
00FFE147 039 rts |
00FFE149 0EC801 ldd ,x++ |
00FFE14B 0EDA01 std ,y++ |
00FFE14D 08C000000 cmpx #0 |
00FFE150 026FF7 bne romToRam1 |
00FFE152 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Multi-core sieve program. |
632,36 → 604,36
; core number minus two. |
; |
multi_sieve: |
00FFE148 086050 lda #'P' ; indicate prime |
00FFE14A 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; find out which core we are |
00FFE14F 0C0001 subb #FIRST_CORE |
00FFE151 08E000000 ldx #0 ; start at first char of screen |
00FFE154 03A abx |
00FFE153 086050 lda #'P' ; indicate prime |
00FFE155 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; find out which core we are |
00FFE15A 0C0001 subb #FIRST_CORE |
00FFE15C 08E000000 ldx #0 ; start at first char of screen |
00FFE15F 03A abx |
multi_sieve3: |
00FFE155 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x ; store 'P' |
00FFE159 030008 leax 8,x ; advance to next position |
00FFE15B 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE15E 025FF5 blo multi_sieve3 |
00FFE160 0BDFFE132 jsr checkpoint |
00FFE160 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x ; store 'P' |
00FFE164 030008 leax 8,x ; advance to next position |
00FFE166 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE169 025FF5 blo multi_sieve3 |
00FFE16B 0BDFFE13D jsr checkpoint |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFE163 0CB002 addb #2 ; start sieve at 2 (core id) |
00FFE165 08604E lda #'N' ; flag position value of 'N' for non-prime |
00FFE16E 0CB002 addb #2 ; start sieve at 2 (core id) |
00FFE170 08604E lda #'N' ; flag position value of 'N' for non-prime |
multi_sieve2: |
00FFE167 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE16A 03A abx ; skip the first position - might be prime |
00FFE172 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE175 03A abx ; skip the first position - might be prime |
multi_sieve1: |
00FFE16B 03A abx ; increment |
00FFE16C 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x |
00FFE170 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE173 025FF6 blo multi_sieve1 |
00FFE175 0BDFFE132 jsr checkpoint |
00FFE176 03A abx ; increment |
00FFE177 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x |
00FFE17B 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE17E 025FF6 blo multi_sieve1 |
00FFE180 0BDFFE13D jsr checkpoint |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFE178 0CB008 addb #8 ; number of cores working on it |
00FFE17A 0C1FF0 cmpb #4080 |
00FFE17C 025FE9 blo multi_sieve2 |
00FFE183 0CB008 addb #8 ; number of cores working on it |
00FFE185 0C1FF0 cmpb #4080 |
00FFE187 025FE9 blo multi_sieve2 |
multi_sieve4: ; hang machine |
00FFE17E 013 sync |
00FFE17F 016000D25 lbra Monitor |
00FFE189 013 sync |
00FFE18A 016000EAC lbra Monitor |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Single core sieve. |
668,28 → 640,28
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
sieve: |
00FFE182 086050 lda #'P' ; indicate prime |
00FFE184 08E000000 ldx #0 ; start at first char of screen |
00FFE18D 086050 lda #'P' ; indicate prime |
00FFE18F 08E000000 ldx #0 ; start at first char of screen |
sieve3: |
00FFE187 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x ; store 'P' |
00FFE18B 030001 inx ; advance to next position |
00FFE18D 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE190 025FF5 blo sieve3 |
00FFE192 0C6002 ldb #2 ; start sieve at 2 |
00FFE194 08604E lda #'N' ; flag position value of 'N' for non-prime |
00FFE192 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x ; store 'P' |
00FFE196 030001 inx ; advance to next position |
00FFE198 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE19B 025FF5 blo sieve3 |
00FFE19D 0C6002 ldb #2 ; start sieve at 2 |
00FFE19F 08604E lda #'N' ; flag position value of 'N' for non-prime |
sieve2: |
00FFE196 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE199 03A abx ; skip the first position - might be prime |
00FFE1A1 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFE1A4 03A abx ; skip the first position - might be prime |
sieve1: |
00FFE19A 03A abx ; increment |
00FFE19B 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x |
00FFE19F 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE1A2 025FC7 blo multi_sieve1 |
00FFE1A4 05C incb ; number of cores working on it |
00FFE1A5 0C1FF0 cmpb #4080 |
00FFE1A7 025FED blo sieve2 |
00FFE1A5 03A abx ; increment |
00FFE1A6 0A7809E00000 sta TEXTSCR,x |
00FFE1AA 08C000FFF cmpx #4095 |
00FFE1AD 025FC7 blo multi_sieve1 |
00FFE1AF 05C incb ; number of cores working on it |
00FFE1B0 0C1FF0 cmpb #4080 |
00FFE1B2 025FED blo sieve2 |
sieve4: ; hang machine |
00FFE1A9 039 rts |
00FFE1B4 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Three second delay for user convenience and to allow some devices time to |
697,30 → 669,30
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Delay3s: |
00FFE1AA 0CC895440 ldd #9000000 |
00FFE1B5 0CC895440 ldd #9000000 |
dly3s1: |
00FFE1AD 0C10FF cmpb #$FF |
00FFE1AF 026000 bne dly3s2 |
00FFE1B8 0C10FF cmpb #$FF |
00FFE1BA 026000 bne dly3s2 |
dly3s2: |
00FFE1B1 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE1B6 083000001 subd #1 |
00FFE1B9 026FF2 bne dly3s1 |
00FFE1BB 039 rts |
00FFE1BC 0150B7FFFE60001 sta LEDS |
00FFE1C1 083000001 subd #1 |
00FFE1C4 026FF2 bne dly3s1 |
00FFE1C6 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
ShiftLeft5: |
00FFE1BC 058 aslb |
00FFE1BD 049 rola |
00FFE1BE 058 aslb |
00FFE1BF 049 rola |
00FFE1C0 058 aslb |
00FFE1C1 049 rola |
00FFE1C2 058 aslb |
00FFE1C3 049 rola |
00FFE1C4 058 aslb |
00FFE1C5 049 rola |
00FFE1C6 039 rts |
00FFE1C7 058 aslb |
00FFE1C8 049 rola |
00FFE1C9 058 aslb |
00FFE1CA 049 rola |
00FFE1CB 058 aslb |
00FFE1CC 049 rola |
00FFE1CD 058 aslb |
00FFE1CE 049 rola |
00FFE1CF 058 aslb |
00FFE1D0 049 rola |
00FFE1D1 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Parameters: |
728,74 → 700,74
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
CopyVirtualScreenToScreen: |
00FFE1C7 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE1D2 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
; Compute virtual screen location for core passed in accb. |
00FFE1C9 01F098 tfr b,a |
00FFE1CB 048 asla |
00FFE1CC 048 asla |
00FFE1CD 048 asla |
00FFE1CE 048 asla |
00FFE1CF 08AC00 ora #$C00 |
00FFE1D1 05F clrb |
00FFE1D2 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE1D4 034006 pshs d |
00FFE1D6 18EE00000 ldy #TEXTSCR |
00FFE1D9 0CE000400 ldu #COLS*ROWS/2 |
00FFE1D4 01F098 tfr b,a |
00FFE1D6 048 asla |
00FFE1D7 048 asla |
00FFE1D8 048 asla |
00FFE1D9 048 asla |
00FFE1DA 08AC00 ora #$C00 |
00FFE1DC 05F clrb |
00FFE1DD 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE1DF 034006 pshs d |
00FFE1E1 18EE00000 ldy #TEXTSCR |
00FFE1E4 0CE000400 ldu #COLS*ROWS/2 |
cv2s1: |
00FFE1DC 0EC801 ldd ,x++ |
00FFE1DE 0EDA01 std ,y++ |
00FFE1E0 0335FF leau -1,u |
00FFE1E2 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFE1E5 026FF5 bne cv2s1 |
00FFE1E7 0EC801 ldd ,x++ |
00FFE1E9 0EDA01 std ,y++ |
00FFE1EB 0335FF leau -1,u |
00FFE1ED 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFE1F0 026FF5 bne cv2s1 |
; reset the cursor position in the text controller |
00FFE1E7 035010 puls x |
00FFE1E9 0E6808110 ldb CursorRow,x |
00FFE1EC 086040 lda #COLS |
00FFE1EE 03D mul |
00FFE1EF 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFE1F1 0E6808111 ldb CursorCol,x |
00FFE1F4 01F021 tfr y,x |
00FFE1F6 03A abx |
00FFE1FC 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
00FFE1F2 035010 puls x |
00FFE1F4 0E6808110 ldb CursorRow,x |
00FFE1F7 086040 lda #COLS |
00FFE1F9 03D mul |
00FFE1FA 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFE1FC 0E6808111 ldb CursorCol,x |
00FFE1FF 01F021 tfr y,x |
00FFE201 03A abx |
00FFE207 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
CopyScreenToVirtualScreen: |
00FFE1FE 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE200 08D08D bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE202 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFE204 08EE00000 ldx #TEXTSCR |
00FFE207 0CE000400 ldu #COLS*ROWS/2 |
00FFE209 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE20B 08D08D bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE20D 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFE20F 08EE00000 ldx #TEXTSCR |
00FFE212 0CE000400 ldu #COLS*ROWS/2 |
cs2v1: |
00FFE20A 0EC801 ldd ,x++ |
00FFE20C 0EDA01 std ,y++ |
00FFE20E 0335FF leau -1,u |
00FFE210 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFE213 026FF5 bne cs2v1 |
00FFE215 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
00FFE215 0EC801 ldd ,x++ |
00FFE217 0EDA01 std ,y++ |
00FFE219 0335FF leau -1,u |
00FFE21B 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFE21E 026FF5 bne cs2v1 |
00FFE220 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
00FFE217 054045058054053043052 fcb "TEXTSCR " |
00FFE21E 020 |
00FFE21F FFE229 fcw TextOpen |
00FFE221 FFE22A fcw TextClose |
00FFE223 FFE22B fcw TextRead |
00FFE225 FFE22C fcw TextWrite |
00FFE227 FFE22D fcw TextSeek |
00FFE222 054045058054053043052 fcb "TEXTSCR " |
00FFE229 020 |
00FFE22A FFE234 fcw TextOpen |
00FFE22C FFE235 fcw TextClose |
00FFE22E FFE236 fcw TextRead |
00FFE230 FFE237 fcw TextWrite |
00FFE232 FFE238 fcw TextSeek |
TextOpen: |
00FFE229 039 rts |
00FFE234 039 rts |
TextClose: |
00FFE22A 039 rts |
00FFE235 039 rts |
TextRead: |
00FFE22B 039 rts |
00FFE236 039 rts |
TextWrite: |
00FFE22C 039 rts |
00FFE237 039 rts |
TextSeek: |
00FFE22D 039 rts |
00FFE238 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Clear the screen and the screen color memory |
807,29 → 779,29
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
ClearScreen: |
00FFE22E 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE230 08E000800 ldx #COLS*ROWS |
00FFE233 01F013 tfr x,u |
00FFE235 08D058 bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE237 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFE239 0C6020 ldb #' ' ; space char |
00FFE239 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE23B 08E000800 ldx #COLS*ROWS |
00FFE23E 01F013 tfr x,u |
00FFE240 08D058 bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE242 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFE244 0C6020 ldb #' ' ; space char |
cs1: |
00FFE23B 0E7A00 stb ,y+ ; set text to space |
00FFE23D 0301FF leax -1,x ; decrement x |
00FFE23F 026FFA bne cs1 |
00FFE241 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; update colors only if we have focus |
00FFE246 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID |
00FFE249 02000D bra cs3 |
00FFE24B 18EE02000 ldy #TEXTSCR+$2000 |
00FFE246 0E7A00 stb ,y+ ; set text to space |
00FFE248 0301FF leax -1,x ; decrement x |
00FFE24A 026FFA bne cs1 |
00FFE24C 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; update colors only if we have focus |
00FFE251 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID |
00FFE254 02000D bra cs3 |
00FFE256 18EE02000 ldy #TEXTSCR+$2000 |
; lda CharColor |
00FFE24E 0860CE lda #$0CE |
00FFE250 01F031 tfr u,x ; get back count |
00FFE259 0860CE lda #$0CE |
00FFE25B 01F031 tfr u,x ; get back count |
cs2: |
00FFE252 0A7A00 sta ,y+ |
00FFE254 0301FF dex ; decrement x |
00FFE256 026FFA bne cs2 |
00FFE25D 0A7A00 sta ,y+ |
00FFE25F 0301FF dex ; decrement x |
00FFE261 026FFA bne cs2 |
cs3: |
00FFE258 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
00FFE263 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Scroll text on the screen upwards |
839,20 → 811,20
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
ScrollUp: |
00FFE25A 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE25C 18E0003FF ldy #(COLS*ROWS-1)/2 ; y = num chars/2 to move |
00FFE25F 08D02E bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE261 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE263 01F003 tfr d,u |
00FFE265 030040 leax COLS,x ; x = index to source row |
00FFE265 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFE267 18E0003FF ldy #(COLS*ROWS-1)/2 ; y = num chars/2 to move |
00FFE26A 08D02E bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE26C 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE26E 01F003 tfr d,u |
00FFE270 030040 leax COLS,x ; x = index to source row |
scrup1: |
00FFE267 0EC801 ldd ,x++ ; move 2 characters |
00FFE269 0EDC01 std ,u++ |
00FFE26B 0313FF dey |
00FFE26D 026FF8 bne scrup1 |
00FFE26F 08601F lda #ROWS-1 |
00FFE271 08D002 bsr BlankLine |
00FFE273 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
00FFE272 0EC801 ldd ,x++ ; move 2 characters |
00FFE274 0EDC01 std ,u++ |
00FFE276 0313FF dey |
00FFE278 026FF8 bne scrup1 |
00FFE27A 08601F lda #ROWS-1 |
00FFE27C 08D002 bsr BlankLine |
00FFE27E 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Blank out a line on the display |
864,21 → 836,21
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
BlankLine: |
00FFE275 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE277 034002 pshs a |
00FFE279 08D014 bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE27B 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE27D 035002 puls a |
00FFE27F 0C6040 ldb #COLS ; b = # chars to blank out from video controller |
00FFE281 03D mul ; d = screen index (row# * #cols) |
00FFE282 03080B leax d,x |
00FFE284 086020 lda #' ' |
00FFE286 0C6040 ldb #COLS ; b = # chars to blank out from video controller |
00FFE280 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE282 034002 pshs a |
00FFE284 08D014 bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE286 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE288 035002 puls a |
00FFE28A 0C6040 ldb #COLS ; b = # chars to blank out from video controller |
00FFE28C 03D mul ; d = screen index (row# * #cols) |
00FFE28D 03080B leax d,x |
00FFE28F 086020 lda #' ' |
00FFE291 0C6040 ldb #COLS ; b = # chars to blank out from video controller |
blnkln1: |
00FFE288 0A7800 sta ,x+ |
00FFE28A 05A decb |
00FFE28B 026FFB bne blnkln1 |
00FFE28D 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE293 0A7800 sta ,x+ |
00FFE295 05A decb |
00FFE296 026FFB bne blnkln1 |
00FFE298 035096 puls d,x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Get the location of the screen memory. The location |
891,14 → 863,16
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
GetScreenLocation: |
00FFE28F 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; which core are we? |
00FFE294 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID ; do we have the IO focus |
00FFE297 026004 bne gsl1 ; no, go pick virtual screen address |
00FFE299 0CCE00000 ldd #TEXTSCR ; yes, we update the real screen |
00FFE29C 039 rts |
00FFE29A 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; which core are we? |
00FFE29F 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID ; do we have the IO focus |
00FFE2A2 026008 bne gsl1 ; no, go pick virtual screen address |
00FFE2A4 081020 cmpa #$20 ; CmodA709? |
00FFE2A6 027004 beq gsl1 |
00FFE2A8 0CCE00000 ldd #TEXTSCR ; yes, we update the real screen |
00FFE2AB 039 rts |
gsl1: |
00FFE29D 0CC007800 ldd #$7800 |
00FFE2A0 039 rts |
00FFE2AC 0CC007800 ldd #$7800 |
00FFE2AF 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; HomeCursor |
909,16 → 883,18
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
HomeCursor: |
00FFE2A1 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE2A3 00F110 clr CursorRow |
00FFE2A5 00F111 clr CursorCol |
00FFE2AC 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID |
00FFE2AF 026006 bne hc1 |
00FFE2B1 04F clra |
00FFE2B0 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE2B2 00F110 clr CursorRow |
00FFE2B4 00F111 clr CursorCol |
00FFE2BB 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID |
00FFE2BE 02600A bne hc1 |
00FFE2C0 0C1020 cmpb #$20 |
00FFE2C2 027006 beq hc1 |
00FFE2C4 04F clra |
hc1: |
00FFE2B7 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE2CA 035096 puls d,x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Update the cursor position in the text controller based on the |
929,20 → 905,22
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
UpdateCursorPos: |
00FFE2B9 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE2BB 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; update cursor position in text controller |
00FFE2C0 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; only for the task with the output focus |
00FFE2C3 026014 bne ucp1 |
00FFE2C5 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE2C7 08403F anda #$3F ; limit of 63 rows |
00FFE2CE 03D mul |
00FFE2CF 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE2D1 0D6111 ldb CursorCol |
00FFE2D3 03A abx |
00FFE2CC 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE2CE 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; update cursor position in text controller |
00FFE2D3 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; only for the task with the output focus |
00FFE2D6 026018 bne ucp1 |
00FFE2D8 0C1020 cmpb #$20 ; and not for CmodA709 |
00FFE2DA 027014 beq ucp1 |
00FFE2DC 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE2DE 08403F anda #$3F ; limit of 63 rows |
00FFE2E5 03D mul |
00FFE2E6 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE2E8 0D6111 ldb CursorCol |
00FFE2EA 03A abx |
ucp1: |
00FFE2D9 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE2F0 035096 puls d,x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Calculate screen memory location from CursorRow,CursorCol. |
955,22 → 933,24
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
CalcScreenLoc: |
00FFE2DB 034010 pshs x |
00FFE2DD 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE2DF 0C6040 ldb #COLS |
00FFE2E1 03D mul |
00FFE2E2 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE2E4 0D6111 ldb CursorCol |
00FFE2E6 03A abx |
00FFE2E7 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; update cursor position in text controller |
00FFE2EC 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; only for the task with the output focus |
00FFE2EF 026005 bne csl1 |
00FFE2F2 034010 pshs x |
00FFE2F4 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE2F6 0C6040 ldb #COLS |
00FFE2F8 03D mul |
00FFE2F9 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE2FB 0D6111 ldb CursorCol |
00FFE2FD 03A abx |
00FFE2FE 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID ; update cursor position in text controller |
00FFE303 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; only for the task with the output focus |
00FFE306 026009 bne csl1 |
00FFE308 0C1020 cmpb #$20 |
00FFE30A 027005 beq csl1 |
csl1: |
00FFE2F6 08DF97 bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE2F8 03080B leax d,x |
00FFE2FA 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFE2FC 035090 puls x,pc |
00FFE311 08DF87 bsr GetScreenLocation |
00FFE313 03080B leax d,x |
00FFE315 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFE317 035090 puls x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Display a character on the screen. |
984,104 → 964,104
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
DisplayChar: |
00FFE2FE 017000907 lbsr SerialPutChar |
00FFE301 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE303 0C100D cmpb #CR ; carriage return ? |
00FFE305 026007 bne dccr |
00FFE307 00F111 clr CursorCol ; just set cursor column to zero on a CR |
00FFE309 08DFAE bsr UpdateCursorPos |
00FFE319 01700096C lbsr SerialPutChar |
00FFE31C 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE31E 0C100D cmpb #CR ; carriage return ? |
00FFE320 026007 bne dccr |
00FFE322 00F111 clr CursorCol ; just set cursor column to zero on a CR |
00FFE324 08DFA6 bsr UpdateCursorPos |
dcx14: |
00FFE30B 01600008C lbra dcx4 |
00FFE326 01600008C lbra dcx4 |
dccr: |
00FFE30E 0C1091 cmpb #$91 ; cursor right ? |
00FFE310 02600D bne dcx6 |
00FFE312 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE314 081040 cmpa #COLS |
00FFE316 024003 bhs dcx7 |
00FFE318 04C inca |
00FFE319 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE329 0C1091 cmpb #$91 ; cursor right ? |
00FFE32B 02600D bne dcx6 |
00FFE32D 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE32F 081040 cmpa #COLS |
00FFE331 024003 bhs dcx7 |
00FFE333 04C inca |
00FFE334 097111 sta CursorCol |
dcx7: |
00FFE31B 08DF9C bsr UpdateCursorPos |
00FFE31D 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE336 08DF94 bsr UpdateCursorPos |
00FFE338 035096 puls d,x,pc |
dcx6: |
00FFE31F 0C1090 cmpb #$90 ; cursor up ? |
00FFE321 026009 bne dcx8 |
00FFE323 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE325 027FF4 beq dcx7 |
00FFE327 04A deca |
00FFE328 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE32A 020FEF bra dcx7 |
00FFE33A 0C1090 cmpb #$90 ; cursor up ? |
00FFE33C 026009 bne dcx8 |
00FFE33E 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE340 027FF4 beq dcx7 |
00FFE342 04A deca |
00FFE343 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE345 020FEF bra dcx7 |
dcx8: |
00FFE32C 0C1093 cmpb #$93 ; cursor left ? |
00FFE32E 026009 bne dcx9 |
00FFE330 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE332 027FE7 beq dcx7 |
00FFE334 04A deca |
00FFE335 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE337 020FE2 bra dcx7 |
00FFE347 0C1093 cmpb #$93 ; cursor left ? |
00FFE349 026009 bne dcx9 |
00FFE34B 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE34D 027FE7 beq dcx7 |
00FFE34F 04A deca |
00FFE350 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE352 020FE2 bra dcx7 |
dcx9: |
00FFE339 0C1092 cmpb #$92 ; cursor down ? |
00FFE33B 02600B bne dcx10 |
00FFE33D 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE33F 081020 cmpa #ROWS |
00FFE341 027FD8 beq dcx7 |
00FFE343 04C inca |
00FFE344 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE346 020FD3 bra dcx7 |
00FFE354 0C1092 cmpb #$92 ; cursor down ? |
00FFE356 02600B bne dcx10 |
00FFE358 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE35A 081020 cmpa #ROWS |
00FFE35C 027FD8 beq dcx7 |
00FFE35E 04C inca |
00FFE35F 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE361 020FD3 bra dcx7 |
dcx10: |
00FFE348 0C1094 cmpb #$94 ; cursor home ? |
00FFE34A 02600C bne dcx11 |
00FFE34C 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE34E 027004 beq dcx12 |
00FFE350 00F111 clr CursorCol |
00FFE352 020FC7 bra dcx7 |
00FFE363 0C1094 cmpb #$94 ; cursor home ? |
00FFE365 02600C bne dcx11 |
00FFE367 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE369 027004 beq dcx12 |
00FFE36B 00F111 clr CursorCol |
00FFE36D 020FC7 bra dcx7 |
dcx12: |
00FFE354 00F110 clr CursorRow |
00FFE356 020FC3 bra dcx7 |
00FFE36F 00F110 clr CursorRow |
00FFE371 020FC3 bra dcx7 |
dcx11: |
00FFE358 0C1099 cmpb #$99 ; delete ? |
00FFE35A 026008 bne dcx13 |
00FFE35C 08DF7D bsr CalcScreenLoc |
00FFE35E 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE360 096111 lda CursorCol ; acc = cursor column |
00FFE362 020011 bra dcx5 |
00FFE373 0C1099 cmpb #$99 ; delete ? |
00FFE375 026008 bne dcx13 |
00FFE377 08DF79 bsr CalcScreenLoc |
00FFE379 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE37B 096111 lda CursorCol ; acc = cursor column |
00FFE37D 020011 bra dcx5 |
dcx13 |
00FFE364 0C1008 cmpb #CTRLH ; backspace ? |
00FFE366 02601E bne dcx3 |
00FFE368 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE36A 02702E beq dcx4 |
00FFE36C 04A deca |
00FFE36D 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE36F 08DF6A bsr CalcScreenLoc |
00FFE371 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE373 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE37F 0C1008 cmpb #CTRLH ; backspace ? |
00FFE381 02601E bne dcx3 |
00FFE383 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE385 02702E beq dcx4 |
00FFE387 04A deca |
00FFE388 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE38A 08DF66 bsr CalcScreenLoc |
00FFE38C 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE38E 096111 lda CursorCol |
dcx5: |
00FFE375 0E6001 ldb 1,x |
00FFE377 0E7801 stb ,x++ |
00FFE379 04C inca |
00FFE37A 081040 cmpa #COLS |
00FFE37C 025FF7 blo dcx5 |
00FFE37E 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFE380 0301FF dex |
00FFE382 0E7804 stb ,x |
00FFE384 020014 bra dcx4 |
00FFE390 0E6001 ldb 1,x |
00FFE392 0E7801 stb ,x++ |
00FFE394 04C inca |
00FFE395 081040 cmpa #COLS |
00FFE397 025FF7 blo dcx5 |
00FFE399 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFE39B 0301FF dex |
00FFE39D 0E7804 stb ,x |
00FFE39F 020014 bra dcx4 |
dcx3: |
00FFE386 0C100A cmpb #LF ; linefeed ? |
00FFE388 02700E beq dclf |
00FFE38A 034004 pshs b |
00FFE38C 08DF4D bsr CalcScreenLoc |
00FFE38E 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE390 035004 puls b |
00FFE392 0E7804 stb ,x |
00FFE3A1 0C100A cmpb #LF ; linefeed ? |
00FFE3A3 02700E beq dclf |
00FFE3A5 034004 pshs b |
00FFE3A7 08DF49 bsr CalcScreenLoc |
00FFE3A9 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE3AB 035004 puls b |
00FFE3AD 0E7804 stb ,x |
; ToDo character color |
; lda CharColor |
; sta $2000,x |
00FFE394 08D006 bsr IncCursorPos |
00FFE396 020002 bra dcx4 |
00FFE3AF 08D006 bsr IncCursorPos |
00FFE3B1 020002 bra dcx4 |
dclf: |
00FFE398 08D011 bsr IncCursorRow |
00FFE3B3 08D011 bsr IncCursorRow |
dcx4: |
00FFE39A 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE3B5 035096 puls d,x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Increment the cursor position, scroll the screen if needed. |
1091,29 → 1071,29
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
IncCursorPos: |
00FFE39C 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE39E 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE3A0 04C inca |
00FFE3A1 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE3A3 081040 cmpa #COLS |
00FFE3A5 025014 blo icc1 |
00FFE3A7 00F111 clr CursorCol ; column = 0 |
00FFE3A9 020002 bra icr1 |
00FFE3B7 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE3B9 096111 lda CursorCol |
00FFE3BB 04C inca |
00FFE3BC 097111 sta CursorCol |
00FFE3BE 081040 cmpa #COLS |
00FFE3C0 025014 blo icc1 |
00FFE3C2 00F111 clr CursorCol ; column = 0 |
00FFE3C4 020002 bra icr1 |
IncCursorRow: |
00FFE3AB 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE3C6 034016 pshs d,x |
icr1: |
00FFE3AD 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE3AF 04C inca |
00FFE3B0 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE3B2 081020 cmpa #ROWS |
00FFE3B4 025005 blo icc1 |
00FFE3B6 04A deca ; backup the cursor row, we are scrolling up |
00FFE3B7 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE3B9 08DE9F bsr ScrollUp |
00FFE3C8 096110 lda CursorRow |
00FFE3CA 04C inca |
00FFE3CB 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE3CD 081020 cmpa #ROWS |
00FFE3CF 025005 blo icc1 |
00FFE3D1 04A deca ; backup the cursor row, we are scrolling up |
00FFE3D2 097110 sta CursorRow |
00FFE3D4 08DE8F bsr ScrollUp |
icc1: |
00FFE3BB 08DEFC bsr UpdateCursorPos |
00FFE3D6 08DEF4 bsr UpdateCursorPos |
icc2: |
00FFE3BD 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE3D8 035096 puls d,x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Display a string on the screen. |
1125,99 → 1105,102
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
DisplayString: |
00FFE3BF 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE3C1 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE3DA 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFE3DC 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFE3E3 081020 cmpa #$20 |
00FFE3E5 027005 beq dspj1B |
dspj2: ; lock semaphore for access |
00FFE3C3 0B6EF0001 lda OUTSEMA+1 |
00FFE3C6 027FFB beq dspj2 |
00FFE3E7 0B6EF0001 lda OUTSEMA+1 |
00FFE3EA 027FFB beq dspj2 |
dspj1B: |
00FFE3C8 0E6800 ldb ,x+ ; move string char into acc |
00FFE3CA 027005 beq dsretB ; is it end of string ? |
00FFE3CC 017000943 lbsr OUTCH ; display character |
00FFE3CF 020FF7 bra dspj1B |
00FFE3EC 0E6800 ldb ,x+ ; move string char into acc |
00FFE3EE 027005 beq dsretB ; is it end of string ? |
00FFE3F0 017000AEE lbsr OUTCH ; display character |
00FFE3F3 020FF7 bra dspj1B |
dsretB: |
00FFE3D1 07FEF0001 clr OUTSEMA+1 ; unlock semaphore |
00FFE3D4 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFE3F5 07FEF0001 clr OUTSEMA+1 ; unlock semaphore |
00FFE3F8 035096 puls d,x,pc |
DisplayStringCRLF: |
00FFE3D6 034006 pshs d |
00FFE3D8 08DFE5 bsr DisplayString |
00FFE3DA 0C600D ldb #CR |
00FFE3DC 017000933 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE3DF 0C600A ldb #LF |
00FFE3E1 01700092E lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE3E4 035086 puls d,pc |
00FFE3FA 034006 pshs d |
00FFE3FC 08DFDC bsr DisplayString |
00FFE3FE 0C600D ldb #CR |
00FFE400 017000ADE lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE403 0C600A ldb #LF |
00FFE405 017000AD9 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE408 035086 puls d,pc |
; |
; |
00FFE3E6 08D002 BSR PCRLF |
00FFE3E8 02000D BRA PDATA |
00FFE40A 08D002 BSR PCRLF |
00FFE40C 02000D BRA PDATA |
00FFE3EA 034010 PSHS X |
00FFE3F1 035010 PULS X |
00FFE3F3 039 RTS |
00FFE40E 034010 PSHS X |
00FFE410 08EFFE422 LDX #CRLFST |
00FFE413 08D006 BSR PDATA |
00FFE415 035010 PULS X |
00FFE417 039 RTS |
00FFE3F7 0E6800 LDB ,X+ |
00FFE3F9 0C1004 CMPB #$04 |
00FFE3FD 039 RTS |
00FFE41B 0E6800 LDB ,X+ |
00FFE41D 0C1004 CMPB #$04 |
00FFE421 039 RTS |
00FFE3FE 00D00A004 fcb CR,LF,4 |
00FFE422 00D00A004 fcb CR,LF,4 |
DispDWordAsHex: |
00FFE401 08D007 bsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFE403 01E001 exg d,x |
00FFE405 08D003 bsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFE407 01E001 exg d,x |
00FFE409 039 rts |
00FFE425 08D007 bsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFE427 01E001 exg d,x |
00FFE429 08D003 bsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFE42B 01E001 exg d,x |
00FFE42D 039 rts |
DispWordAsHex: |
00FFE40A 01E089 exg a,b |
00FFE40C 08D005 bsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFE40E 01E089 exg a,b |
00FFE410 08D001 bsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFE412 039 rts |
00FFE42E 01E089 exg a,b |
00FFE430 08D005 bsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFE432 01E089 exg a,b |
00FFE434 08D001 bsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFE436 039 rts |
DispByteAsHex: |
00FFE413 034004 pshs b |
00FFE415 054 lsrb |
00FFE416 054 lsrb |
00FFE417 054 lsrb |
00FFE418 054 lsrb |
00FFE419 054 lsrb |
00FFE41A 054 lsrb |
00FFE41B 054 lsrb |
00FFE41C 054 lsrb |
00FFE41D 08D00C bsr DispNyb |
00FFE41F 035004 puls b |
00FFE421 034004 pshs b |
00FFE423 054 lsrb |
00FFE424 054 lsrb |
00FFE425 054 lsrb |
00FFE426 054 lsrb |
00FFE427 08D002 bsr DispNyb |
00FFE429 035004 puls b |
00FFE437 034004 pshs b |
00FFE439 054 lsrb |
00FFE43A 054 lsrb |
00FFE43B 054 lsrb |
00FFE43C 054 lsrb |
00FFE43D 054 lsrb |
00FFE43E 054 lsrb |
00FFE43F 054 lsrb |
00FFE440 054 lsrb |
00FFE441 08D00C bsr DispNyb |
00FFE443 035004 puls b |
00FFE445 034004 pshs b |
00FFE447 054 lsrb |
00FFE448 054 lsrb |
00FFE449 054 lsrb |
00FFE44A 054 lsrb |
00FFE44B 08D002 bsr DispNyb |
00FFE44D 035004 puls b |
DispNyb |
00FFE42B 034004 pshs b |
00FFE42D 0C400F andb #$0F |
00FFE42F 0C100A cmpb #10 |
00FFE431 025007 blo DispNyb1 |
00FFE433 0CB037 addb #'A'-10 |
00FFE435 0170008DA lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE438 035084 puls b,pc |
00FFE44F 034004 pshs b |
00FFE451 0C400F andb #$0F |
00FFE453 0C100A cmpb #10 |
00FFE455 025007 blo DispNyb1 |
00FFE457 0CB037 addb #'A'-10 |
00FFE459 017000A85 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE45C 035084 puls b,pc |
DispNyb1 |
00FFE43A 0CB030 addb #'0' |
00FFE43C 0170008D3 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE43F 035084 puls b,pc |
00FFE45E 0CB030 addb #'0' |
00FFE460 017000A7E lbsr OUTCH |
00FFE463 035084 puls b,pc |
;============================================================================== |
; Timer |
1249,32 → 1232,32
; ============================================================================ |
; |
TimerInit: |
00FFE441 0CC061A80 ldd #$61A80 ; compare to 400000 (100 Hz assuming 40MHz clock) |
00FFE444 0150F7FFFE60014 stb VIA+VIA_T3CMPL |
00FFE449 0150B7FFFE60015 sta VIA+VIA_T3CMPH |
00FFE44E 01507FFFFE60012 clr VIA+VIA_T3LL |
00FFE453 01507FFFFE60013 clr VIA+VIA_T3LH |
00FFE458 0150B6FFFE6000B lda VIA+VIA_ACR ; set continuous mode for timer |
00FFE45D 08A100 ora #$100 |
00FFE45F 0150B7FFFE6000B sta VIA+VIA_ACR ; enable timer #3 interrupts |
00FFE464 086810 lda #$810 |
00FFE466 0150B7FFFE6000E sta VIA+VIA_IER |
00FFE46B 039 rts |
00FFE465 0CC061A80 ldd #$61A80 ; compare to 400000 (100 Hz assuming 40MHz clock) |
00FFE468 0150F7FFFE60014 stb VIA+VIA_T3CMPL |
00FFE46D 0150B7FFFE60015 sta VIA+VIA_T3CMPH |
00FFE472 01507FFFFE60012 clr VIA+VIA_T3LL |
00FFE477 01507FFFFE60013 clr VIA+VIA_T3LH |
00FFE47C 0150B6FFFE6000B lda VIA+VIA_ACR ; set continuous mode for timer |
00FFE481 08A100 ora #$100 |
00FFE483 0150B7FFFE6000B sta VIA+VIA_ACR ; enable timer #3 interrupts |
00FFE488 086810 lda #$810 |
00FFE48A 0150B7FFFE6000E sta VIA+VIA_IER |
00FFE48F 039 rts |
TimerIRQ: |
; Reset the edge sense circuit in the PIC |
00FFE46C 08601F lda #31 ; Timer is IRQ #31 |
00FFE46E 0B7FFC011 sta IrqSource ; stuff a byte indicating the IRQ source for PEEK() |
00FFE471 0150B7FFFE3F010 sta PIC+16 ; register 16 is edge sense reset reg |
00FFE476 0150B6FFFE6000D lda VIA+VIA_IFR |
00FFE47B 02A011 bpl notTimerIRQ |
00FFE47D 085080 bita #$80 ; timer3 irq is bit 7 |
00FFE47F 02700D beq notTimerIRQ |
00FFE481 01507FFFFE60012 clr VIA+VIA_T3LL |
00FFE486 01507FFFFE60013 clr VIA+VIA_T3LH |
00FFE48B 07CE00037 inc $E00037 ; update timer IRQ screen flag |
00FFE490 08601F lda #31 ; Timer is IRQ #31 |
00FFE492 0B7FFC011 sta IrqSource ; stuff a byte indicating the IRQ source for PEEK() |
00FFE495 0150B7FFFE3F010 sta PIC+16 ; register 16 is edge sense reset reg |
00FFE49A 0150B6FFFE6000D lda VIA+VIA_IFR |
00FFE49F 02A011 bpl notTimerIRQ |
00FFE4A1 085080 bita #$80 ; timer3 irq is bit 7 |
00FFE4A3 02700D beq notTimerIRQ |
00FFE4A5 01507FFFFE60012 clr VIA+VIA_T3LL |
00FFE4AA 01507FFFFE60013 clr VIA+VIA_T3LH |
00FFE4AF 07CE00037 inc $E00037 ; update timer IRQ screen flag |
notTimerIRQ: |
00FFE48E 039 rts |
00FFE4B2 039 rts |
1338,11 → 1321,11
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
i2c_init: |
00FFE48F 034004 pshs b |
00FFE491 0C6004 ldb #4 ; setup prescale for 400kHz clock |
00FFE493 0E7804 stb I2C_PREL,x |
00FFE495 06F001 clr I2C_PREH,x |
00FFE497 035084 puls b,pc |
00FFE4B3 034004 pshs b |
00FFE4B5 0C6004 ldb #4 ; setup prescale for 400kHz clock |
00FFE4B7 0E7804 stb I2C_PREL,x |
00FFE4B9 06F001 clr I2C_PREH,x |
00FFE4BB 035084 puls b,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Wait for I2C transfer to complete |
1352,12 → 1335,12
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
i2c_wait_tip: |
00FFE499 034004 pshs b |
00FFE4BD 034004 pshs b |
i2cw1: |
00FFE49B 0E6004 ldb I2C_STAT,x ; would use lvb, but lb is okay since its the I/O area |
00FFE49D 0C5001 bitb #1 ; wait for tip to clear |
00FFE49F 026FFA bne i2cw1 |
00FFE4A1 035084 puls b,pc |
00FFE4BF 0E6004 ldb I2C_STAT,x ; would use lvb, but lb is okay since its the I/O area |
00FFE4C1 0C5001 bitb #1 ; wait for tip to clear |
00FFE4C3 026FFA bne i2cw1 |
00FFE4C5 035084 puls b,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Write command to i2c |
1369,11 → 1352,11
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
i2c_wr_cmd: |
00FFE4A3 0E7003 stb I2C_TXR,x |
00FFE4A5 0A7004 sta I2C_CMD,x |
00FFE4A7 08DFF0 bsr i2c_wait_tip |
00FFE4A9 0E6004 ldb I2C_STAT,x |
00FFE4AB 039 rts |
00FFE4C7 0E7003 stb I2C_TXR,x |
00FFE4C9 0A7004 sta I2C_CMD,x |
00FFE4CB 08DFF0 bsr i2c_wait_tip |
00FFE4CD 0E6004 ldb I2C_STAT,x |
00FFE4CF 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Parameters |
1384,30 → 1367,30
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
i2c_xmit1: |
00FFE4AC 034006 pshs d ; save data value |
00FFE4AE 034006 pshs d ; and save it again |
00FFE4B0 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFE4B2 0E7002 stb I2C_CTRL,x ; enable the core |
00FFE4B4 0C6076 ldb #$76 ; set slave address = %0111011 |
00FFE4B6 086090 lda #$90 ; set STA, WR |
00FFE4B8 08DFE9 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4BA 08D00A bsr i2c_wait_rx_nack |
00FFE4BC 035006 puls d ; get back data value |
00FFE4BE 086050 lda #$50 ; set STO, WR |
00FFE4C0 08DFE1 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4C2 08D002 bsr i2c_wait_rx_nack |
00FFE4C4 035086 puls d,pc |
00FFE4D0 034006 pshs d ; save data value |
00FFE4D2 034006 pshs d ; and save it again |
00FFE4D4 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFE4D6 0E7002 stb I2C_CTRL,x ; enable the core |
00FFE4D8 0C6076 ldb #$76 ; set slave address = %0111011 |
00FFE4DA 086090 lda #$90 ; set STA, WR |
00FFE4DC 08DFE9 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4DE 08D00A bsr i2c_wait_rx_nack |
00FFE4E0 035006 puls d ; get back data value |
00FFE4E2 086050 lda #$50 ; set STO, WR |
00FFE4E4 08DFE1 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4E6 08D002 bsr i2c_wait_rx_nack |
00FFE4E8 035086 puls d,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
i2c_wait_rx_nack: |
00FFE4C6 034004 pshs b ; save off accb |
00FFE4EA 034004 pshs b ; save off accb |
i2cwr1: |
00FFE4C8 0E6004 ldb I2C_STAT,x ; wait for RXack = 0 |
00FFE4CA 0C5080 bitb #$80 ; test for nack |
00FFE4CC 026FFA bne i2cwr1 |
00FFE4CE 035084 puls b,pc |
00FFE4EC 0E6004 ldb I2C_STAT,x ; wait for RXack = 0 |
00FFE4EE 0C5080 bitb #$80 ; test for nack |
00FFE4F0 026FFA bne i2cwr1 |
00FFE4F2 035084 puls b,pc |
; ============================================================================ |
; __ |
1462,50 → 1445,50
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
rtc_read: |
00FFE4D0 08EE30500 ldx #RTC |
00FFE4D3 18E007FC0 ldy #RTCBuf |
00FFE4D6 0C6080 ldb #$80 |
00FFE4D8 0E7002 stb I2C_CTRL,x ; enable I2C |
00FFE4DA 0CC0900DE ldd #$900DE ; read address, write op, STA + wr bit |
00FFE4DD 08DFC4 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4DF 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE4E1 02603C bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE4E3 0CC010000 ldd #$10000 ; address zero, wr bit |
00FFE4E6 08DFBB bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4E8 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE4EA 026033 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE4EC 0CC0900DF ldd #$900DF ; read address, read op, STA + wr bit |
00FFE4EF 08DFB2 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE4F1 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE4F3 02602A bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE4F4 08EE30500 ldx #RTC |
00FFE4F7 18E007FC0 ldy #RTCBuf |
00FFE4FA 0C6080 ldb #$80 |
00FFE4FC 0E7002 stb I2C_CTRL,x ; enable I2C |
00FFE4FE 0CC0900DE ldd #$900DE ; read address, write op, STA + wr bit |
00FFE501 08DFC4 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE503 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE505 02603C bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE507 0CC010000 ldd #$10000 ; address zero, wr bit |
00FFE50A 08DFBB bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE50C 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE50E 026033 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE510 0CC0900DF ldd #$900DF ; read address, read op, STA + wr bit |
00FFE513 08DFB2 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE515 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE517 02602A bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE4F5 05F clrb |
00FFE519 05F clrb |
rtcr0001: |
00FFE4F6 086020 lda #$20 |
00FFE4F8 0A7004 sta I2C_CMD,x ; rd bit |
00FFE4FA 08DF9D bsr i2c_wait_tip |
00FFE4FC 08DFC8 bsr i2c_wait_rx_nack |
00FFE4FE 0A6004 lda I2C_STAT,x |
00FFE500 085080 bita #$80 |
00FFE502 02601B bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE504 0A6003 lda I2C_RXR,x |
00FFE506 0A7A07 sta b,y |
00FFE508 05C incb |
00FFE509 0C105F cmpb #$5F |
00FFE50B 025FE9 blo rtcr0001 |
00FFE50D 086068 lda #$68 |
00FFE50F 0A7004 sta I2C_CMD,x ; STO, rd bit + nack |
00FFE511 08DF86 bsr i2c_wait_tip |
00FFE513 0A6004 lda I2C_STAT,x |
00FFE515 085080 bita #$80 |
00FFE517 026006 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE519 0A6003 lda I2C_RXR,x |
00FFE51B 0A7A07 sta b,y |
00FFE51D 04F05F clrd ; return 0 |
00FFE51A 086020 lda #$20 |
00FFE51C 0A7004 sta I2C_CMD,x ; rd bit |
00FFE51E 08DF9D bsr i2c_wait_tip |
00FFE520 08DFC8 bsr i2c_wait_rx_nack |
00FFE522 0A6004 lda I2C_STAT,x |
00FFE524 085080 bita #$80 |
00FFE526 02601B bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE528 0A6003 lda I2C_RXR,x |
00FFE52A 0A7A07 sta b,y |
00FFE52C 05C incb |
00FFE52D 0C105F cmpb #$5F |
00FFE52F 025FE9 blo rtcr0001 |
00FFE531 086068 lda #$68 |
00FFE533 0A7004 sta I2C_CMD,x ; STO, rd bit + nack |
00FFE535 08DF86 bsr i2c_wait_tip |
00FFE537 0A6004 lda I2C_STAT,x |
00FFE539 085080 bita #$80 |
00FFE53B 026006 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE53D 0A6003 lda I2C_RXR,x |
00FFE53F 0A7A07 sta b,y |
00FFE541 04F05F clrd ; return 0 |
rtc_rxerr: |
00FFE51F 06F002 clr I2C_CTRL,x ; disable I2C and return status |
00FFE521 04F clra |
00FFE522 039 rts |
00FFE543 06F002 clr I2C_CTRL,x ; disable I2C and return status |
00FFE545 04F clra |
00FFE546 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Write the real-time-clock chip. |
1520,40 → 1503,40
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
rtc_write: |
00FFE523 08EE30500 ldx #RTC |
00FFE526 18E007FC0 ldy #RTCBuf |
00FFE547 08EE30500 ldx #RTC |
00FFE54A 18E007FC0 ldy #RTCBuf |
00FFE529 0C6080 ldb #$80 |
00FFE52B 0E7002 stb I2C_CTRL,x ; enable I2C |
00FFE52D 0CC0900DE ldd #$900DE ; read address, write op, STA + wr bit |
00FFE530 08DF71 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE532 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE534 026FE9 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE536 0CC010000 ldd #$10000 ; address zero, wr bit |
00FFE539 08DF68 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE53B 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE53D 026FE0 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE54D 0C6080 ldb #$80 |
00FFE54F 0E7002 stb I2C_CTRL,x ; enable I2C |
00FFE551 0CC0900DE ldd #$900DE ; read address, write op, STA + wr bit |
00FFE554 08DF71 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE556 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE558 026FE9 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE55A 0CC010000 ldd #$10000 ; address zero, wr bit |
00FFE55D 08DF68 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE55F 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE561 026FE0 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE53F 0C6000 ldb #0 |
00FFE563 0C6000 ldb #0 |
rtcw0001: |
00FFE541 034004 pshs b |
00FFE543 0E6A05 ldb b,y |
00FFE545 086010 lda #$10 |
00FFE547 08DF5A bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE549 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE54B 035004 puls b |
00FFE54D 026FD0 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE54F 05C incb |
00FFE550 0C105F cmpb #$5F |
00FFE552 025FED blo rtcw0001 |
00FFE554 0E6A05 ldb b,y |
00FFE556 086050 lda #$50 ; STO, wr bit |
00FFE558 08DF49 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE55A 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE55C 026FC1 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE55E 04F05F clrd ; return 0 |
00FFE560 06F002 clr I2C_CTRL,x ; disable I2C and return status |
00FFE562 039 rts |
00FFE565 034004 pshs b |
00FFE567 0E6A05 ldb b,y |
00FFE569 086010 lda #$10 |
00FFE56B 08DF5A bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE56D 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE56F 035004 puls b |
00FFE571 026FD0 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE573 05C incb |
00FFE574 0C105F cmpb #$5F |
00FFE576 025FED blo rtcw0001 |
00FFE578 0E6A05 ldb b,y |
00FFE57A 086050 lda #$50 ; STO, wr bit |
00FFE57C 08DF49 bsr i2c_wr_cmd |
00FFE57E 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE580 026FC1 bne rtc_rxerr |
00FFE582 04F05F clrd ; return 0 |
00FFE584 06F002 clr I2C_CTRL,x ; disable I2C and return status |
00FFE586 039 rts |
;============================================================================== |
; Keyboard I/O |
1566,208 → 1549,208
org (* + 127) & $FFFFFF80 |
unshiftedScanCodes: |
00FFE580 02E0A902E0A50A30A10A2 fcb $2e,$a9,$2e,$a5,$a3,$a1,$a2,$ac |
00FFE587 0AC |
00FFE588 02E0AA0A80A60A4009060 fcb $2e,$aa,$a8,$a6,$a4,$09,$60,$2e |
00FFE58F 02E |
00FFE590 02E02E02E02E02E071031 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$71,$31,$2e |
00FFE597 02E |
00FFE598 02E02E07A073061077032 fcb $2e,$2e,$7a,$73,$61,$77,$32,$2e |
00FFE59F 02E |
00FFE5A0 02E063078064065034033 fcb $2e,$63,$78,$64,$65,$34,$33,$2e |
00FFE5A7 02E |
00FFE5A8 02E020076066074072035 fcb $2e,$20,$76,$66,$74,$72,$35,$2e |
00FFE5AF 02E |
00FFE5B0 02E06E062068067079036 fcb $2e,$6e,$62,$68,$67,$79,$36,$2e |
00FFE5B7 02E |
00FFE5B8 02E02E06D06A075037038 fcb $2e,$2e,$6d,$6a,$75,$37,$38,$2e |
00FFE5BF 02E |
00FFE5C0 02E02C06B06906F030039 fcb $2e,$2c,$6b,$69,$6f,$30,$39,$2e |
00FFE5C7 02E |
00FFE5C8 02E02E02F06C03B07002D fcb $2e,$2e,$2f,$6c,$3b,$70,$2d,$2e |
00FFE5CF 02E |
00FFE5D0 02E02E02702E05B03D02E fcb $2e,$2e,$27,$2e,$5b,$3d,$2e,$2e |
00FFE5D7 02E |
00FFE5D8 0AD02E00D05D02E05C02E fcb $ad,$2e,$0d,$5d,$2e,$5c,$2e,$2e |
00FFE5DF 02E |
00FFE5E0 02E02E02E02E02E02E008 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$08,$2e |
00FFE5E7 02E |
00FFE5E8 02E09502E09309402E02E fcb $2e,$95,$2e,$93,$94,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE5EF 02E |
00FFE5F0 09807F09202E09109001B fcb $98,$7f,$92,$2e,$91,$90,$1b,$af |
00FFE5F7 0AF |
00FFE5F8 0AB02E09702E02E0960AE fcb $ab,$2e,$97,$2e,$2e,$96,$ae,$2e |
00FFE5FF 02E |
00FFE600 02E02E02E0A702E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$a7,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE607 02E |
00FFE608 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE600 02E0A902E0A50A30A10A2 fcb $2e,$a9,$2e,$a5,$a3,$a1,$a2,$ac |
00FFE607 0AC |
00FFE608 02E0AA0A80A60A4009060 fcb $2e,$aa,$a8,$a6,$a4,$09,$60,$2e |
00FFE60F 02E |
00FFE610 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE610 02E02E02E02E02E071031 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$71,$31,$2e |
00FFE617 02E |
00FFE618 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE618 02E02E07A073061077032 fcb $2e,$2e,$7a,$73,$61,$77,$32,$2e |
00FFE61F 02E |
00FFE620 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE620 02E063078064065034033 fcb $2e,$63,$78,$64,$65,$34,$33,$2e |
00FFE627 02E |
00FFE628 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE628 02E020076066074072035 fcb $2e,$20,$76,$66,$74,$72,$35,$2e |
00FFE62F 02E |
00FFE630 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE630 02E06E062068067079036 fcb $2e,$6e,$62,$68,$67,$79,$36,$2e |
00FFE637 02E |
00FFE638 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE638 02E02E06D06A075037038 fcb $2e,$2e,$6d,$6a,$75,$37,$38,$2e |
00FFE63F 02E |
00FFE640 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE640 02E02C06B06906F030039 fcb $2e,$2c,$6b,$69,$6f,$30,$39,$2e |
00FFE647 02E |
00FFE648 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE648 02E02E02F06C03B07002D fcb $2e,$2e,$2f,$6c,$3b,$70,$2d,$2e |
00FFE64F 02E |
00FFE650 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE650 02E02E02702E05B03D02E fcb $2e,$2e,$27,$2e,$5b,$3d,$2e,$2e |
00FFE657 02E |
00FFE658 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE658 0AD02E00D05D02E05C02E fcb $ad,$2e,$0d,$5d,$2e,$5c,$2e,$2e |
00FFE65F 02E |
00FFE660 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE660 02E02E02E02E02E02E008 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$08,$2e |
00FFE667 02E |
00FFE668 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE668 02E09502E09309402E02E fcb $2e,$95,$2e,$93,$94,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE66F 02E |
00FFE670 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE677 02E |
00FFE678 02E02E0FA02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$fa,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE670 09807F09202E09109001B fcb $98,$7f,$92,$2e,$91,$90,$1b,$af |
00FFE677 0AF |
00FFE678 0AB02E09702E02E0960AE fcb $ab,$2e,$97,$2e,$2e,$96,$ae,$2e |
00FFE67F 02E |
shiftedScanCodes: |
00FFE680 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE680 02E02E02E0A702E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$a7,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE687 02E |
00FFE688 02E02E02E02E02E00907E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$09,$7e,$2e |
00FFE688 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE68F 02E |
00FFE690 02E02E02E02E02E051021 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$51,$21,$2e |
00FFE690 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE697 02E |
00FFE698 02E02E05A053041057040 fcb $2e,$2e,$5a,$53,$41,$57,$40,$2e |
00FFE698 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE69F 02E |
00FFE6A0 02E043058044045024023 fcb $2e,$43,$58,$44,$45,$24,$23,$2e |
00FFE6A0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6A7 02E |
00FFE6A8 02E020056046054052025 fcb $2e,$20,$56,$46,$54,$52,$25,$2e |
00FFE6A8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6AF 02E |
00FFE6B0 02E04E04204804705905E fcb $2e,$4e,$42,$48,$47,$59,$5e,$2e |
00FFE6B0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6B7 02E |
00FFE6B8 02E02E04D04A05502602A fcb $2e,$2e,$4d,$4a,$55,$26,$2a,$2e |
00FFE6B8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6BF 02E |
00FFE6C0 02E03C04B04904F029028 fcb $2e,$3c,$4b,$49,$4f,$29,$28,$2e |
00FFE6C0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6C7 02E |
00FFE6C8 02E03E03F04C03A05005F fcb $2e,$3e,$3f,$4c,$3a,$50,$5f,$2e |
00FFE6C8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6CF 02E |
00FFE6D0 02E02E02202E07B02B02E fcb $2e,$2e,$22,$2e,$7b,$2b,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6D0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6D7 02E |
00FFE6D8 02E02E00D07D02E07C02E fcb $2e,$2e,$0d,$7d,$2e,$7c,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6D8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6DF 02E |
00FFE6E0 02E02E02E02E02E02E008 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$08,$2e |
00FFE6E0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6E7 02E |
00FFE6E8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6EF 02E |
00FFE6F0 02E07F02E02E02E02E01B fcb $2e,$7f,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$1b,$2e |
00FFE6F0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6F7 02E |
00FFE6F8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6F8 02E02E0FA02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$fa,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE6FF 02E |
shiftedScanCodes: |
00FFE700 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE707 02E |
00FFE708 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE708 02E02E02E02E02E00907E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$09,$7e,$2e |
00FFE70F 02E |
00FFE710 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE710 02E02E02E02E02E051021 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$51,$21,$2e |
00FFE717 02E |
00FFE718 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE718 02E02E05A053041057040 fcb $2e,$2e,$5a,$53,$41,$57,$40,$2e |
00FFE71F 02E |
00FFE720 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE720 02E043058044045024023 fcb $2e,$43,$58,$44,$45,$24,$23,$2e |
00FFE727 02E |
00FFE728 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE728 02E020056046054052025 fcb $2e,$20,$56,$46,$54,$52,$25,$2e |
00FFE72F 02E |
00FFE730 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE730 02E04E04204804705905E fcb $2e,$4e,$42,$48,$47,$59,$5e,$2e |
00FFE737 02E |
00FFE738 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE738 02E02E04D04A05502602A fcb $2e,$2e,$4d,$4a,$55,$26,$2a,$2e |
00FFE73F 02E |
00FFE740 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE740 02E03C04B04904F029028 fcb $2e,$3c,$4b,$49,$4f,$29,$28,$2e |
00FFE747 02E |
00FFE748 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE748 02E03E03F04C03A05005F fcb $2e,$3e,$3f,$4c,$3a,$50,$5f,$2e |
00FFE74F 02E |
00FFE750 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE750 02E02E02202E07B02B02E fcb $2e,$2e,$22,$2e,$7b,$2b,$2e,$2e |
00FFE757 02E |
00FFE758 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE758 02E02E00D07D02E07C02E fcb $2e,$2e,$0d,$7d,$2e,$7c,$2e,$2e |
00FFE75F 02E |
00FFE760 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE760 02E02E02E02E02E02E008 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$08,$2e |
00FFE767 02E |
00FFE768 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE76F 02E |
00FFE770 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE770 02E07F02E02E02E02E01B fcb $2e,$7f,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$1b,$2e |
00FFE777 02E |
00FFE778 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE77F 02E |
; control |
keybdControlCodes: |
00FFE780 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE787 02E |
00FFE788 02E02E02E02E02E00907E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$09,$7e,$2e |
00FFE788 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE78F 02E |
00FFE790 02E02E02E02E02E011021 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$11,$21,$2e |
00FFE790 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE797 02E |
00FFE798 02E02E01A013001017040 fcb $2e,$2e,$1a,$13,$01,$17,$40,$2e |
00FFE798 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE79F 02E |
00FFE7A0 02E003018004005024023 fcb $2e,$03,$18,$04,$05,$24,$23,$2e |
00FFE7A0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7A7 02E |
00FFE7A8 02E020016006014012025 fcb $2e,$20,$16,$06,$14,$12,$25,$2e |
00FFE7A8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7AF 02E |
00FFE7B0 02E00E00200800701905E fcb $2e,$0e,$02,$08,$07,$19,$5e,$2e |
00FFE7B0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7B7 02E |
00FFE7B8 02E02E00D00A01502602A fcb $2e,$2e,$0d,$0a,$15,$26,$2a,$2e |
00FFE7B8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7BF 02E |
00FFE7C0 02E03C00B00900F029028 fcb $2e,$3c,$0b,$09,$0f,$29,$28,$2e |
00FFE7C0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7C7 02E |
00FFE7C8 02E03E03F00C03A01005F fcb $2e,$3e,$3f,$0c,$3a,$10,$5f,$2e |
00FFE7C8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7CF 02E |
00FFE7D0 02E02E02202E07B02B02E fcb $2e,$2e,$22,$2e,$7b,$2b,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7D0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7D7 02E |
00FFE7D8 02E02E00D07D02E07C02E fcb $2e,$2e,$0d,$7d,$2e,$7c,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7D8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7DF 02E |
00FFE7E0 02E02E02E02E02E02E008 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$08,$2e |
00FFE7E0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7E7 02E |
00FFE7E8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7EF 02E |
00FFE7F0 02E07F02E02E02E02E01B fcb $2e,$7f,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$1b,$2e |
00FFE7F0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7F7 02E |
00FFE7F8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE7FF 02E |
keybdExtendedCodes: |
00FFE800 02E02E02E02E0A30A10A2 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$a3,$a1,$a2,$2e |
; control |
keybdControlCodes: |
00FFE800 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE807 02E |
00FFE808 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE808 02E02E02E02E02E00907E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$09,$7e,$2e |
00FFE80F 02E |
00FFE810 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE810 02E02E02E02E02E011021 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$11,$21,$2e |
00FFE817 02E |
00FFE818 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE818 02E02E01A013001017040 fcb $2e,$2e,$1a,$13,$01,$17,$40,$2e |
00FFE81F 02E |
00FFE820 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE820 02E003018004005024023 fcb $2e,$03,$18,$04,$05,$24,$23,$2e |
00FFE827 02E |
00FFE828 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE828 02E020016006014012025 fcb $2e,$20,$16,$06,$14,$12,$25,$2e |
00FFE82F 02E |
00FFE830 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE830 02E00E00200800701905E fcb $2e,$0e,$02,$08,$07,$19,$5e,$2e |
00FFE837 02E |
00FFE838 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE838 02E02E00D00A01502602A fcb $2e,$2e,$0d,$0a,$15,$26,$2a,$2e |
00FFE83F 02E |
00FFE840 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE840 02E03C00B00900F029028 fcb $2e,$3c,$0b,$09,$0f,$29,$28,$2e |
00FFE847 02E |
00FFE848 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE848 02E03E03F00C03A01005F fcb $2e,$3e,$3f,$0c,$3a,$10,$5f,$2e |
00FFE84F 02E |
00FFE850 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE850 02E02E02202E07B02B02E fcb $2e,$2e,$22,$2e,$7b,$2b,$2e,$2e |
00FFE857 02E |
00FFE858 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE858 02E02E00D07D02E07C02E fcb $2e,$2e,$0d,$7d,$2e,$7c,$2e,$2e |
00FFE85F 02E |
00FFE860 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE860 02E02E02E02E02E02E008 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$08,$2e |
00FFE867 02E |
00FFE868 02E09502E09309402E02E fcb $2e,$95,$2e,$93,$94,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE868 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE86F 02E |
00FFE870 09809909202E09109002E fcb $98,$99,$92,$2e,$91,$90,$2e,$2e |
00FFE870 02E07F02E02E02E02E01B fcb $2e,$7f,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$1b,$2e |
00FFE877 02E |
00FFE878 02E02E09702E02E09602E fcb $2e,$2e,$97,$2e,$2e,$96,$2e,$2e |
00FFE878 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE87F 02E |
keybdExtendedCodes: |
00FFE880 02E02E02E02E0A30A10A2 fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$a3,$a1,$a2,$2e |
00FFE887 02E |
00FFE888 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE88F 02E |
00FFE890 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE897 02E |
00FFE898 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE89F 02E |
00FFE8A0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8A7 02E |
00FFE8A8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8AF 02E |
00FFE8B0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8B7 02E |
00FFE8B8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8BF 02E |
00FFE8C0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8C7 02E |
00FFE8C8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8CF 02E |
00FFE8D0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8D7 02E |
00FFE8D8 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8DF 02E |
00FFE8E0 02E02E02E02E02E02E02E fcb $2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8E7 02E |
00FFE8E8 02E09502E09309402E02E fcb $2e,$95,$2e,$93,$94,$2e,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8EF 02E |
00FFE8F0 09809909202E09109002E fcb $98,$99,$92,$2e,$91,$90,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8F7 02E |
00FFE8F8 02E02E09702E02E09602E fcb $2e,$2e,$97,$2e,$2e,$96,$2e,$2e |
00FFE8FF 02E |
; ============================================================================ |
; __ |
; \\__/ o\ (C) 2013-2022 Robert Finch, Waterloo |
1825,20 → 1808,20
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdRecvByte: |
00FFE880 034010 pshs x |
00FFE882 08E000064 ldx #100 ; wait up to 1s |
00FFE900 034010 pshs x |
00FFE902 08E000064 ldx #100 ; wait up to 1s |
krb3: |
00FFE885 08D05A bsr KeybdGetStatus ; wait for response from keyboard |
00FFE887 05D tstb |
00FFE888 02B00B bmi krb4 ; is input buffer full ? yes, branch |
00FFE88A 08D02D bsr Wait10ms ; wait a bit |
00FFE88C 0301FF dex |
00FFE88E 026FF5 bne krb3 ; go back and try again |
00FFE890 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; return -1 |
00FFE893 035090 puls x,pc |
00FFE905 08D05A bsr KeybdGetStatus ; wait for response from keyboard |
00FFE907 05D tstb |
00FFE908 02B00B bmi krb4 ; is input buffer full ? yes, branch |
00FFE90A 08D02D bsr Wait10ms ; wait a bit |
00FFE90C 0301FF dex |
00FFE90E 026FF5 bne krb3 ; go back and try again |
00FFE910 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; return -1 |
00FFE913 035090 puls x,pc |
krb4: |
00FFE895 08D066 bsr KeybdGetScancode |
00FFE897 035090 puls x,pc |
00FFE915 08D066 bsr KeybdGetScancode |
00FFE917 035090 puls x,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Send a byte to the keyboard. |
1850,8 → 1833,8
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdSendByte: |
00FFE899 0150F7FFFE30400 stb KEYBD |
00FFE89E 039 rts |
00FFE919 0150F7FFFE30400 stb KEYBD |
00FFE91E 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Wait until the keyboard transmit is complete |
1863,21 → 1846,21
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdWaitTx: |
00FFE89F 034010 pshs x |
00FFE8A1 08E000064 ldx #100 ; wait a max of 1s |
00FFE91F 034010 pshs x |
00FFE921 08E000064 ldx #100 ; wait a max of 1s |
kwt1: |
00FFE8A4 08D03B bsr KeybdGetStatus |
00FFE8A6 0C4040 andb #$40 ; check for transmit complete bit; branch if bit set |
00FFE8A8 02600B bne kwt2 |
00FFE8AA 08D00D bsr Wait10ms ; delay a little bit |
00FFE8AC 0301FF dex |
00FFE8AE 026FF4 bne kwt1 ; go back and try again |
00FFE8B0 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; timed out, return -1 |
00FFE8B3 035090 puls x,pc |
00FFE924 08D03B bsr KeybdGetStatus |
00FFE926 0C4040 andb #$40 ; check for transmit complete bit; branch if bit set |
00FFE928 02600B bne kwt2 |
00FFE92A 08D00D bsr Wait10ms ; delay a little bit |
00FFE92C 0301FF dex |
00FFE92E 026FF4 bne kwt1 ; go back and try again |
00FFE930 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; timed out, return -1 |
00FFE933 035090 puls x,pc |
kwt2: |
00FFE8B5 04F clra ; wait complete, return 0 |
00FFE8B6 05F clrb |
00FFE8B7 035090 puls x,pc |
00FFE935 04F clra ; wait complete, return 0 |
00FFE936 05F clrb |
00FFE937 035090 puls x,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Wait for 10 ms |
1889,14 → 1872,14
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
Wait10ms: |
00FFE8B9 034006 pshs d |
00FFE939 034006 pshs d |
00FFE93B 0150B6FFFFFFFE7 lda MSCOUNT+3 |
W10_0001: |
00FFE8C0 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFE8C2 0150F0FFFFFFFE7 subb MSCOUNT+3 |
00FFE8C7 0C1FFA cmpb #$FFA |
00FFE8C9 022FF5 bhi W10_0001 |
00FFE8CB 035086 puls d,pc |
00FFE940 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFE942 0150F0FFFFFFFE7 subb MSCOUNT+3 |
00FFE947 0C1FFA cmpb #$FFA |
00FFE949 022FF5 bhi W10_0001 |
00FFE94B 035086 puls d,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Wait for 300 ms (256 ms) |
1908,14 → 1891,14
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
Wait300ms: |
00FFE8CD 034006 pshs d |
00FFE94D 034006 pshs d |
00FFE94F 0150B6FFFFFFFE7 lda MSCOUNT+3 |
W300_0001: |
00FFE8D4 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFE8D6 0150F0FFFFFFFE7 subb MSCOUNT+3 |
00FFE8DB 0C1F00 cmpb #$F00 |
00FFE8DD 022FF5 bhi W300_0001 |
00FFE8DF 035086 puls d,pc |
00FFE954 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFE956 0150F0FFFFFFFE7 subb MSCOUNT+3 |
00FFE95B 0C1F00 cmpb #$F00 |
00FFE95D 022FF5 bhi W300_0001 |
00FFE95F 035086 puls d,pc |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Get the keyboard status |
1926,22 → 1909,22
KeybdGetStatus: |
kbgs3: |
00FFE8E1 0150F6FFFE30401 ldb KEYBD+1 |
00FFE8E6 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE8E8 02600E bne kbgs1 |
00FFE8EA 0C5001 bitb #$01 ; check parity error flag |
00FFE8EC 026002 bne kbgs2 |
00FFE8EE 04F clra |
00FFE8EF 039 rts |
00FFE961 0150F6FFFE30401 ldb KEYBD+1 |
00FFE966 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE968 02600E bne kbgs1 |
00FFE96A 0C5001 bitb #$01 ; check parity error flag |
00FFE96C 026002 bne kbgs2 |
00FFE96E 04F clra |
00FFE96F 039 rts |
kbgs2: |
00FFE8F0 0C60FE ldb #$FE ; request resend |
00FFE8F2 08DFA5 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE8F4 08DFA9 bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE8F6 020FE9 bra kbgs3 |
00FFE970 0C60FE ldb #$FE ; request resend |
00FFE972 08DFA5 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE974 08DFA9 bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE976 020FE9 bra kbgs3 |
kbgs1: ; return negative status |
00FFE8F8 0CAF00 orb #$F00 |
00FFE8FA 086FFF lda #-1 |
00FFE8FC 039 rts |
00FFE978 0CAF00 orb #$F00 |
00FFE97A 086FFF lda #-1 |
00FFE97C 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Get the scancode from the keyboard port |
1951,10 → 1934,10
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdGetScancode: |
00FFE8FD 04F clra |
00FFE8FE 0150F6FFFE30400 ldb KEYBD ; get the scan code |
00FFE903 01507FFFFE30401 clr KEYBD+1 ; clear receive register (write $00 to status reg) |
00FFE908 039 rts |
00FFE97D 04F clra |
00FFE97E 0150F6FFFE30400 ldb KEYBD ; get the scan code |
00FFE983 01507FFFFE30401 clr KEYBD+1 ; clear receive register (write $00 to status reg) |
00FFE988 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Set the LEDs on the keyboard. |
1966,16 → 1949,16
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdSetLED: |
00FFE909 034004 pshs b |
00FFE90B 0C60ED ldb #$ED ; set LEDs command |
00FFE90D 08DF8A bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE90F 08DF8E bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE911 08DF6D bsr KeybdRecvByte ; should be an ack |
00FFE913 035004 puls b |
00FFE915 08DF82 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE917 08DF86 bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE919 08DF65 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; should be an ack |
00FFE91B 039 rts |
00FFE989 034004 pshs b |
00FFE98B 0C60ED ldb #$ED ; set LEDs command |
00FFE98D 08DF8A bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE98F 08DF8E bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE991 08DF6D bsr KeybdRecvByte ; should be an ack |
00FFE993 035004 puls b |
00FFE995 08DF82 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE997 08DF86 bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE999 08DF65 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; should be an ack |
00FFE99B 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Get ID - get the keyboards identifier code. |
1987,27 → 1970,27
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdGetID: |
00FFE91C 0C60F2 ldb #$F2 |
00FFE91E 08DF79 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE920 08DF7D bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE922 08DF5C bsr KeybdRecvByte |
00FFE924 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE926 026014 bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE928 0C10AB cmpb #$AB |
00FFE92A 026010 bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE92C 08DF52 bsr KeybdRecvByte |
00FFE92E 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE930 02600A bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE932 0C1083 cmpb #$83 |
00FFE934 026006 bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE936 0CC00AB83 ldd #$AB83 |
00FFE99C 0C60F2 ldb #$F2 |
00FFE99E 08DF79 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE9A0 08DF7D bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE9A2 08DF5C bsr KeybdRecvByte |
00FFE9A4 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE9A6 026014 bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE9A8 0C10AB cmpb #$AB |
00FFE9AA 026010 bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE9AC 08DF52 bsr KeybdRecvByte |
00FFE9AE 0C5080 bitb #$80 |
00FFE9B0 02600A bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE9B2 0C1083 cmpb #$83 |
00FFE9B4 026006 bne kgnotKbd |
00FFE9B6 0CC00AB83 ldd #$AB83 |
kgid1: |
00FFE939 0DD124 std KeybdID |
00FFE93B 039 rts |
00FFE9B9 0DD124 std KeybdID |
00FFE9BB 039 rts |
kgnotKbd: |
00FFE93C 04F clra |
00FFE93D 05F clrb |
00FFE93E 020FF9 bra kgid1 |
00FFE9BC 04F clra |
00FFE9BD 05F clrb |
00FFE9BE 020FF9 bra kgid1 |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; Initialize the keyboard. |
2021,71 → 2004,71
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdInit: |
00FFE940 034026 pshs d,y |
00FFE942 18E000005 ldy #5 |
00FFE945 00F120 clr KeyState1 ; records key up/down state |
00FFE947 00F121 clr KeyState2 ; records shift,ctrl,alt state |
00FFE9C0 034026 pshs d,y |
00FFE9C2 18E000005 ldy #5 |
00FFE9C5 00F120 clr KeyState1 ; records key up/down state |
00FFE9C7 00F121 clr KeyState2 ; records shift,ctrl,alt state |
kbdi0002: |
00FFE949 08DF6E bsr Wait10ms |
00FFE94B 01507FFFFE30401 clr KEYBD+1 ; clear receive register (write $00 to status reg) |
00FFE950 0C6FFF ldb #-1 ; send reset code to keyboard |
00FFE952 0150F7FFFE30401 stb KEYBD+1 ; write $FF to status reg to clear TX state |
00FFE957 08DF40 bsr KeybdSendByte ; now write to transmit register |
00FFE959 08DF44 bsr KeybdWaitTx ; wait until no longer busy |
00FFE95B 08DF23 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; look for an ACK ($FA) |
00FFE95D 0C10FA cmpb #$FA |
00FFE95F 026021 bne kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE961 08DF1D bsr KeybdRecvByte ; look for BAT completion code ($AA) |
00FFE963 0C10FC cmpb #$FC ; reset error ? |
00FFE965 02701B beq kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE967 0C10AA cmpb #$AA ; reset complete okay ? |
00FFE969 026017 bne kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE9C9 08DF6E bsr Wait10ms |
00FFE9CB 01507FFFFE30401 clr KEYBD+1 ; clear receive register (write $00 to status reg) |
00FFE9D0 0C6FFF ldb #-1 ; send reset code to keyboard |
00FFE9D2 0150F7FFFE30401 stb KEYBD+1 ; write $FF to status reg to clear TX state |
00FFE9D7 08DF40 bsr KeybdSendByte ; now write to transmit register |
00FFE9D9 08DF44 bsr KeybdWaitTx ; wait until no longer busy |
00FFE9DB 08DF23 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; look for an ACK ($FA) |
00FFE9DD 0C10FA cmpb #$FA |
00FFE9DF 026021 bne kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE9E1 08DF1D bsr KeybdRecvByte ; look for BAT completion code ($AA) |
00FFE9E3 0C10FC cmpb #$FC ; reset error ? |
00FFE9E5 02701B beq kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE9E7 0C10AA cmpb #$AA ; reset complete okay ? |
00FFE9E9 026017 bne kbdiTryAgain |
; After a reset, scan code set #2 should be active |
.config: |
00FFE96B 0C60F0 ldb #$F0 ; send scan code select |
00FFE96D 0150F7FFFE60001 stb LEDS |
00FFE972 08DF25 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE974 08DF29 bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE976 05D tstb |
00FFE977 02B009 bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE979 08DF05 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; wait for response from keyboard |
00FFE97B 04D tsta |
00FFE97C 02B004 bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE97E 0C10FA cmpb #$FA ; ACK |
00FFE980 02700C beq kbdi0004 |
00FFE9EB 0C60F0 ldb #$F0 ; send scan code select |
00FFE9ED 0150F7FFFE60001 stb LEDS |
00FFE9F2 08DF25 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE9F4 08DF29 bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE9F6 05D tstb |
00FFE9F7 02B009 bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE9F9 08DF05 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; wait for response from keyboard |
00FFE9FB 04D tsta |
00FFE9FC 02B004 bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE9FE 0C10FA cmpb #$FA ; ACK |
00FFEA00 02700C beq kbdi0004 |
kbdiTryAgain: |
00FFE982 0313FF dey |
00FFE984 026FC3 bne kbdi0002 |
00FFEA02 0313FF dey |
00FFEA04 026FC3 bne kbdi0002 |
.keybdErr: |
00FFE986 0CCFFE9AE ldd #msgBadKeybd |
00FFE989 017FFFA4A lbsr DisplayStringCRLF |
00FFEA06 0CCFFEA2E ldd #msgBadKeybd |
00FFEA09 017FFF9EE lbsr DisplayStringCRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFE98C 020014 bra ledxit |
00FFEA0C 020014 bra ledxit |
kbdi0004: |
00FFE98E 0C6002 ldb #2 ; select scan code set #2 |
00FFE990 08DF07 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFE992 08DF0B bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFE994 05D tstb |
00FFE995 02BFEB bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE997 08DEE7 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; wait for response from keyboard |
00FFE999 04D tsta |
00FFE99A 02BFE6 bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE99C 0C10FA cmpb #$FA |
00FFE99E 026FE2 bne kbdiTryAgain |
00FFE9A0 08DF7A bsr KeybdGetID |
00FFEA0E 0C6002 ldb #2 ; select scan code set #2 |
00FFEA10 08DF07 bsr KeybdSendByte |
00FFEA12 08DF0B bsr KeybdWaitTx |
00FFEA14 05D tstb |
00FFEA15 02BFEB bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFEA17 08DEE7 bsr KeybdRecvByte ; wait for response from keyboard |
00FFEA19 04D tsta |
00FFEA1A 02BFE6 bmi kbdiTryAgain |
00FFEA1C 0C10FA cmpb #$FA |
00FFEA1E 026FE2 bne kbdiTryAgain |
00FFEA20 08DF7A bsr KeybdGetID |
ledxit: |
00FFE9A2 0C6007 ldb #$07 |
00FFE9A4 08DF63 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFE9A6 08DF25 bsr Wait300ms |
00FFE9A8 0C6000 ldb #$00 |
00FFE9AA 08DF5D bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFE9AC 0350A6 puls d,y,pc |
00FFEA22 0C6007 ldb #$07 |
00FFEA24 08DF63 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEA26 08DF25 bsr Wait300ms |
00FFEA28 0C6000 ldb #$00 |
00FFEA2A 08DF5D bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEA2C 0350A6 puls d,y,pc |
msgBadKeybd: |
00FFE9AE 04B06507906206F061072 fcb "Keyboard error",0 |
00FFE9B5 06402006507207206F072 |
00FFE9BC 000 |
00FFEA2E 04B06507906206F061072 fcb "Keyboard error",0 |
00FFEA35 06402006507207206F072 |
00FFEA3C 000 |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Calculate number of character in input buffer |
2097,15 → 2080,15
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
kbdRcvCount: |
00FFE9BD 04F clra |
00FFE9BE 0E6A08128 ldb kbdTailRcv,y |
00FFE9C1 0E0A08127 subb kbdHeadRcv,y |
00FFE9C4 02C008 bge krcXit |
00FFE9C6 0C6040 ldb #$40 |
00FFE9C8 0E0A08127 subb kbdHeadRcv,y |
00FFE9CB 0EBA08128 addb kbdTailRcv,y |
00FFEA3D 04F clra |
00FFEA3E 0E6A08128 ldb kbdTailRcv,y |
00FFEA41 0E0A08127 subb kbdHeadRcv,y |
00FFEA44 02C008 bge krcXit |
00FFEA46 0C6040 ldb #$40 |
00FFEA48 0E0A08127 subb kbdHeadRcv,y |
00FFEA4B 0EBA08128 addb kbdTailRcv,y |
krcXit: |
00FFE9CE 039 rts |
00FFEA4E 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
2112,44 → 2095,44
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
KeybdIRQ: |
00FFE9CF 0150B6FFFE30401 lda KEYBD+1 ; check status |
00FFE9D4 085080 bita #$80 ; was key pressed? |
00FFE9D6 027034 beq notKbdIRQ ; if not, exit |
00FFE9D8 0150F6FFFE30400 ldb KEYBD ; get the scan code |
00FFE9DD 01507FFFFE30401 clr KEYBD+1 ; clear receive register (write $00 to status reg) |
00FFE9E2 034004 pshs b ; save it off |
00FFE9E4 0B6FFC010 lda IOFocusID ; compute core memory address $Cn0000 |
00FFE9E7 05F clrb |
00FFE9E8 048 asla |
00FFE9E9 048 asla |
00FFE9EA 048 asla |
00FFE9EB 048 asla |
00FFE9EC 08AC00 ora #$C00 ; address $Cn0000 |
00FFE9EE 01F002 tfr d,y ; y = |
00FFE9F0 08DFCB bsr kbdRcvCount ; get count of scan codes in buffer |
00FFE9F2 0C1040 cmpb #64 ; check if buffer full? |
00FFE9F4 024017 bhs kbdBufFull ; if buffer full, ignore new keystroke |
00FFE9F6 01F021 tfr y,x ; compute fifo address |
00FFE9F8 0E6A08128 ldb kbdTailRcv,y ; b = buffer index |
00FFE9FB 035002 puls a ; get back scancode |
00FFE9FD 030040 leax kbdFifo,x ; x = base address for fifo |
00FFE9FF 0A7845 sta b,x ; store in buffer |
00FFEA01 05C incb ; increment buffer index |
00FFEA02 0C403F andb #$3f ; wrap around at 64 chars |
00FFEA04 0E7A08128 stb kbdTailRcv,y ; update it |
00FFEA07 08601C lda #28 ; Keyboard is IRQ #28 |
00FFEA09 0B7FFC011 sta IrqSource ; stuff a byte indicating the IRQ source for PEEK() |
00FFEA4F 0150B6FFFE30401 lda KEYBD+1 ; check status |
00FFEA54 085080 bita #$80 ; was key pressed? |
00FFEA56 027034 beq notKbdIRQ ; if not, exit |
00FFEA58 0150F6FFFE30400 ldb KEYBD ; get the scan code |
00FFEA5D 01507FFFFE30401 clr KEYBD+1 ; clear receive register (write $00 to status reg) |
00FFEA62 034004 pshs b ; save it off |
00FFEA64 0B6FFC010 lda IOFocusID ; compute core memory address $Cn0000 |
00FFEA67 05F clrb |
00FFEA68 048 asla |
00FFEA69 048 asla |
00FFEA6A 048 asla |
00FFEA6B 048 asla |
00FFEA6C 08AC00 ora #$C00 ; address $Cn0000 |
00FFEA6E 01F002 tfr d,y ; y = |
00FFEA70 08DFCB bsr kbdRcvCount ; get count of scan codes in buffer |
00FFEA72 0C1040 cmpb #64 ; check if buffer full? |
00FFEA74 024017 bhs kbdBufFull ; if buffer full, ignore new keystroke |
00FFEA76 01F021 tfr y,x ; compute fifo address |
00FFEA78 0E6A08128 ldb kbdTailRcv,y ; b = buffer index |
00FFEA7B 035002 puls a ; get back scancode |
00FFEA7D 030040 leax kbdFifo,x ; x = base address for fifo |
00FFEA7F 0A7845 sta b,x ; store in buffer |
00FFEA81 05C incb ; increment buffer index |
00FFEA82 0C403F andb #$3f ; wrap around at 64 chars |
00FFEA84 0E7A08128 stb kbdTailRcv,y ; update it |
00FFEA87 08601C lda #28 ; Keyboard is IRQ #28 |
00FFEA89 0B7FFC011 sta IrqSource ; stuff a byte indicating the IRQ source for PEEK() |
notKbdIRQ: |
00FFEA0C 039 rts |
00FFEA8C 039 rts |
kbdBufFull: |
00FFEA0D 032601 leas 1,s ; get rid of saved scancode |
00FFEA0F 039 rts |
00FFEA8D 032601 leas 1,s ; get rid of saved scancode |
00FFEA8F 039 rts |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
DBGCheckForKey: |
00FFEA10 020ECF bra KeybdGetStatus |
00FFEA90 020ECF bra KeybdGetStatus |
; KeyState2 variable bit meanings |
2179,228 → 2162,228
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
GetKey: |
00FFEA12 034030 pshs x,y |
00FFEA14 0D7126 stb KeybdBlock ; save off blocking status |
00FFEA92 034030 pshs x,y |
00FFEA94 0D7126 stb KeybdBlock ; save off blocking status |
dbgk2: |
00FFEA16 0D6126 ldb KeybdBlock |
00FFEA18 034004 pshs b |
00FFEA1A 0C5001 bitb #1 ; what is the scancode source |
00FFEA1C 02701A beq dbgk20 ; branch if direct read |
00FFEA1E 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; compute core memory address |
00FFEA23 05F clrb |
00FFEA24 048 asla |
00FFEA25 048 asla |
00FFEA26 048 asla |
00FFEA27 048 asla |
00FFEA28 08AC00 ora #$C00 |
00FFEA2A 01F002 tfr d,y ; y = $Cn0000 |
00FFEA2C 08DF8F bsr kbdRcvCount |
00FFEA2E 05D tstb ; anything in buffer? |
00FFEA2F 035004 puls b |
00FFEA31 026018 bne dbgk1 ; branch if something in buffer |
00FFEA33 05D tstb |
00FFEA34 02BFE0 bmi dbgk2 ; if no key and blocking - loop |
00FFEA36 02000E bra dbgk24 |
00FFEA96 0D6126 ldb KeybdBlock |
00FFEA98 034004 pshs b |
00FFEA9A 0C5001 bitb #1 ; what is the scancode source |
00FFEA9C 02701A beq dbgk20 ; branch if direct read |
00FFEA9E 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; compute core memory address |
00FFEAA3 05F clrb |
00FFEAA4 048 asla |
00FFEAA5 048 asla |
00FFEAA6 048 asla |
00FFEAA7 048 asla |
00FFEAA8 08AC00 ora #$C00 |
00FFEAAA 01F002 tfr d,y ; y = $Cn0000 |
00FFEAAC 08DF8F bsr kbdRcvCount |
00FFEAAE 05D tstb ; anything in buffer? |
00FFEAAF 035004 puls b |
00FFEAB1 026018 bne dbgk1 ; branch if something in buffer |
00FFEAB3 05D tstb |
00FFEAB4 02BFE0 bmi dbgk2 ; if no key and blocking - loop |
00FFEAB6 02000E bra dbgk24 |
dbgk20: |
00FFEA38 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFEA3B 08DEA4 bsr KeybdGetStatus |
00FFEA3D 0C4080 andb #$80 ; is key available? |
00FFEA3F 035004 puls b |
00FFEA41 026008 bne dbgk1 ; branch if key |
00FFEA43 05D tstb ; block? |
00FFEA44 02BFD0 bmi dbgk2 ; If no key and blocking - loop |
00FFEAB8 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFEABB 08DEA4 bsr KeybdGetStatus |
00FFEABD 0C4080 andb #$80 ; is key available? |
00FFEABF 035004 puls b |
00FFEAC1 026008 bne dbgk1 ; branch if key |
00FFEAC3 05D tstb ; block? |
00FFEAC4 02BFD0 bmi dbgk2 ; If no key and blocking - loop |
dbgk24: |
00FFEA46 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; return -1 if no block and no key |
00FFEA49 0350B0 puls x,y,pc |
00FFEAC6 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; return -1 if no block and no key |
00FFEAC9 0350B0 puls x,y,pc |
dbgk1: |
00FFEA4B 18C000000 cmpy #0 |
00FFEA4E 026004 bne dbgk22 |
00FFEA50 08DEAB bsr KeybdGetScancode ; get scancode directly |
00FFEA52 020011 bra dbgk23 |
00FFEACB 18C000000 cmpy #0 |
00FFEACE 026004 bne dbgk22 |
00FFEAD0 08DEAB bsr KeybdGetScancode ; get scancode directly |
00FFEAD2 020011 bra dbgk23 |
dbgk22: |
; Retrieve value from scancode buffer |
00FFEA54 01F021 tfr y,x |
00FFEA56 030040 leax kbdFifo,x ; x = fifo address |
00FFEA58 0E6A08127 ldb kbdHeadRcv,y ; b = buffer index |
00FFEA5B 0A6A0D lda b,x ; get the scancode |
00FFEA5D 05C incb ; increment fifo index |
00FFEA5E 0C403F andb #$3f ; and wrap around |
00FFEA60 0E7A08127 stb kbdHeadRcv,y ; save it back |
00FFEA63 01F089 tfr a,b ; the scancode is needed in accb |
00FFEAD4 01F021 tfr y,x |
00FFEAD6 030040 leax kbdFifo,x ; x = fifo address |
00FFEAD8 0E6A08127 ldb kbdHeadRcv,y ; b = buffer index |
00FFEADB 0A6A0D lda b,x ; get the scancode |
00FFEADD 05C incb ; increment fifo index |
00FFEADE 0C403F andb #$3f ; and wrap around |
00FFEAE0 0E7A08127 stb kbdHeadRcv,y ; save it back |
00FFEAE3 01F089 tfr a,b ; the scancode is needed in accb |
dbgk23: |
; lbsr DispByteAsHex |
; Make sure there is a small delay between scancode reads |
00FFEA65 08E000014 ldx #20 |
00FFEAE5 08E000014 ldx #20 |
dbgk3: |
00FFEA68 0301FF dex |
00FFEA6A 026FFC bne dbgk3 |
00FFEAE8 0301FF dex |
00FFEAEA 026FFC bne dbgk3 |
; switch on scan code |
00FFEA6C 0C10F0 cmpb #SC_KEYUP |
00FFEA6E 026004 bne dbgk4 |
00FFEA70 0D7120 stb KeyState1 ; make KeyState1 <> 0 |
00FFEA72 020FA2 bra dbgk2 ; loop back |
00FFEAEC 0C10F0 cmpb #SC_KEYUP |
00FFEAEE 026004 bne dbgk4 |
00FFEAF0 0D7120 stb KeyState1 ; make KeyState1 <> 0 |
00FFEAF2 020FA2 bra dbgk2 ; loop back |
dbgk4: |
00FFEA74 0C10E0 cmpb #SC_EXTEND |
00FFEA76 026008 bne dbgk5 |
00FFEA78 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEA7A 08A800 ora #$800 |
00FFEA7C 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEA7E 020F96 bra dbgk2 |
00FFEAF4 0C10E0 cmpb #SC_EXTEND |
00FFEAF6 026008 bne dbgk5 |
00FFEAF8 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEAFA 08A800 ora #$800 |
00FFEAFC 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEAFE 020F96 bra dbgk2 |
dbgk5: |
00FFEA80 0C1014 cmpb #SC_CTRL |
00FFEA82 026016 bne dbgkNotCtrl |
00FFEA84 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEA86 026008 bne dbgk7 |
00FFEA88 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEA8A 08A004 ora #4 |
00FFEA8C 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEA8E 020006 bra dbgk8 |
00FFEB00 0C1014 cmpb #SC_CTRL |
00FFEB02 026016 bne dbgkNotCtrl |
00FFEB04 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEB06 026008 bne dbgk7 |
00FFEB08 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB0A 08A004 ora #4 |
00FFEB0C 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB0E 020006 bra dbgk8 |
dbgk7: |
00FFEA90 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEA92 084FFB anda #~4 |
00FFEA94 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB10 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB12 084FFB anda #~4 |
00FFEB14 097121 sta KeyState2 |
dbgk8: |
00FFEA96 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEA98 020F7C bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB16 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEB18 020F7C bra dbgk2 |
dbgkNotCtrl: |
00FFEA9A 0C1059 cmpb #SC_RSHIFT |
00FFEA9C 026016 bne dbgkNotRshift |
00FFEA9E 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEAA0 026008 bne dbgk9 |
00FFEAA2 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEAA4 08A001 ora #1 |
00FFEAA6 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEAA8 020006 bra dbgk10 |
00FFEB1A 0C1059 cmpb #SC_RSHIFT |
00FFEB1C 026016 bne dbgkNotRshift |
00FFEB1E 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEB20 026008 bne dbgk9 |
00FFEB22 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB24 08A001 ora #1 |
00FFEB26 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB28 020006 bra dbgk10 |
dbgk9: |
00FFEAAA 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEAAC 084FFE anda #~1 |
00FFEAAE 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB2A 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB2C 084FFE anda #~1 |
00FFEB2E 097121 sta KeyState2 |
dbgk10: |
00FFEAB0 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEAB2 020F62 bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB30 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEB32 020F62 bra dbgk2 |
dbgkNotRshift: |
00FFEAB4 0C1077 cmpb #SC_NUMLOCK |
00FFEAB6 026013 bne dbgkNotNumlock |
00FFEAB8 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEABA 088010 eora #16 |
00FFEABC 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEABE 096122 lda KeyLED |
00FFEAC0 088002 eora #2 |
00FFEAC2 097122 sta KeyLED |
00FFEAC4 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFEAC6 04F clra |
00FFEAC7 08DE40 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEAC9 020F4B bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB34 0C1077 cmpb #SC_NUMLOCK |
00FFEB36 026013 bne dbgkNotNumlock |
00FFEB38 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB3A 088010 eora #16 |
00FFEB3C 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB3E 096122 lda KeyLED |
00FFEB40 088002 eora #2 |
00FFEB42 097122 sta KeyLED |
00FFEB44 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFEB46 04F clra |
00FFEB47 08DE40 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEB49 020F4B bra dbgk2 |
dbgkNotNumlock: |
00FFEACB 0C1058 cmpb #SC_CAPSLOCK |
00FFEACD 026013 bne dbgkNotCapslock |
00FFEACF 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEAD1 088020 eora #32 |
00FFEAD3 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEAD5 096122 lda KeyLED |
00FFEAD7 088004 eora #4 |
00FFEAD9 097122 sta KeyLED |
00FFEADB 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFEADD 04F clra |
00FFEADE 08DE29 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEAE0 020F34 bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB4B 0C1058 cmpb #SC_CAPSLOCK |
00FFEB4D 026013 bne dbgkNotCapslock |
00FFEB4F 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB51 088020 eora #32 |
00FFEB53 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB55 096122 lda KeyLED |
00FFEB57 088004 eora #4 |
00FFEB59 097122 sta KeyLED |
00FFEB5B 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFEB5D 04F clra |
00FFEB5E 08DE29 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEB60 020F34 bra dbgk2 |
dbgkNotCapslock: |
00FFEAE4 026013 bne dbgkNotScrolllock |
00FFEAE6 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEAE8 088040 eora #64 |
00FFEAEA 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEAEC 096122 lda KeyLED |
00FFEAEE 088001 eora #1 |
00FFEAF0 097122 sta KeyLED |
00FFEAF2 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFEAF4 04F clra |
00FFEAF5 08DE12 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEAF7 020F1D bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB62 0C107E cmpb #SC_SCROLLLOCK |
00FFEB64 026013 bne dbgkNotScrolllock |
00FFEB66 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB68 088040 eora #64 |
00FFEB6A 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB6C 096122 lda KeyLED |
00FFEB6E 088001 eora #1 |
00FFEB70 097122 sta KeyLED |
00FFEB72 01F089 tfr a,b |
00FFEB74 04F clra |
00FFEB75 08DE12 bsr KeybdSetLED |
00FFEB77 020F1D bra dbgk2 |
dbgkNotScrolllock: |
00FFEAF9 0C1011 cmpb #SC_ALT |
00FFEAFB 026016 bne dbgkNotAlt |
00FFEAFD 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEAFF 026008 bne dbgk11 |
00FFEB01 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB03 08A002 ora #2 |
00FFEB05 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB07 020006 bra dbgk12 |
00FFEB79 0C1011 cmpb #SC_ALT |
00FFEB7B 026016 bne dbgkNotAlt |
00FFEB7D 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEB7F 026008 bne dbgk11 |
00FFEB81 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB83 08A002 ora #2 |
00FFEB85 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB87 020006 bra dbgk12 |
dbgk11: |
00FFEB09 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB0B 084FFD anda #~2 |
00FFEB0D 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB89 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB8B 084FFD anda #~2 |
00FFEB8D 097121 sta KeyState2 |
dbgk12: |
00FFEB0F 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEB11 020F03 bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB8F 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEB91 020F03 bra dbgk2 |
dbgkNotAlt: |
00FFEB13 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEB15 027004 beq dbgk13 |
00FFEB17 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEB19 020EFB bra dbgk2 |
00FFEB93 00D120 tst KeyState1 |
00FFEB95 027004 beq dbgk13 |
00FFEB97 00F120 clr KeyState1 |
00FFEB99 020EFB bra dbgk2 |
dbgk13: |
00FFEB1B 096121 lda KeyState2 ; Check for CTRL-ALT-DEL |
00FFEB1D 084006 anda #6 |
00FFEB1F 081006 cmpa #6 |
00FFEB21 026008 bne dbgk14 |
00FFEB23 0C1071 cmpb #SC_DEL |
00FFEB25 026004 bne dbgk14 |
00FFEB27 06E90FFFFFFC jmp [$FFFFFC] ; jump to NMI vector |
00FFEB9B 096121 lda KeyState2 ; Check for CTRL-ALT-DEL |
00FFEB9D 084006 anda #6 |
00FFEB9F 081006 cmpa #6 |
00FFEBA1 026008 bne dbgk14 |
00FFEBA3 0C1071 cmpb #SC_DEL |
00FFEBA5 026004 bne dbgk14 |
00FFEBA7 06E90FFFFFFC jmp [$FFFFFC] ; jump to NMI vector |
dbgk14: |
00FFEB2B 00D121 tst KeyState2 ; extended code? |
00FFEB2D 02A00B bpl dbgk15 |
00FFEB2F 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEB31 0847FF anda #$7FF |
00FFEB33 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEB35 08EFFE800 ldx #keybdExtendedCodes |
00FFEB38 020017 bra dbgk18 |
00FFEBAB 00D121 tst KeyState2 ; extended code? |
00FFEBAD 02A00B bpl dbgk15 |
00FFEBAF 096121 lda KeyState2 |
00FFEBB1 0847FF anda #$7FF |
00FFEBB3 097121 sta KeyState2 |
00FFEBB5 08EFFE880 ldx #keybdExtendedCodes |
00FFEBB8 020017 bra dbgk18 |
dbgk15: |
00FFEB3A 096121 lda KeyState2 ; Is CTRL down? |
00FFEB3C 085004 bita #4 |
00FFEB3E 027005 beq dbgk16 |
00FFEB40 08EFFE780 ldx #keybdControlCodes |
00FFEB43 02000C bra dbgk18 |
00FFEBBA 096121 lda KeyState2 ; Is CTRL down? |
00FFEBBC 085004 bita #4 |
00FFEBBE 027005 beq dbgk16 |
00FFEBC0 08EFFE800 ldx #keybdControlCodes |
00FFEBC3 02000C bra dbgk18 |
dbgk16: |
00FFEB45 085001 bita #1 ; Is shift down? |
00FFEB47 027005 beq dbgk17 |
00FFEB49 08EFFE680 ldx #shiftedScanCodes |
00FFEB4C 020003 bra dbgk18 |
00FFEBC5 085001 bita #1 ; Is shift down? |
00FFEBC7 027005 beq dbgk17 |
00FFEBC9 08EFFE700 ldx #shiftedScanCodes |
00FFEBCC 020003 bra dbgk18 |
dbgk17: |
00FFEB4E 08EFFE580 ldx #unshiftedScanCodes |
00FFEBCE 08EFFE600 ldx #unshiftedScanCodes |
dbgk18: |
00FFEB51 0E690FFFE580 ldb b,x ; load accb with ascii from table |
00FFEB55 04F clra |
00FFEB56 0350B0 puls x,y,pc ; and return |
00FFEBD1 0E690FFFE600 ldb b,x ; load accb with ascii from table |
00FFEBD5 04F clra |
00FFEBD6 0350B0 puls x,y,pc ; and return |
00FFEB58 04B04505904204F041052 fcb "KEYBOARD" |
00FFEB5F 044 |
00FFEB60 FFEB6A fcw KeybdOpen |
00FFEB62 FFEB6B fcw KeybdClose |
00FFEB64 FFEB6C fcw KeybdRead |
00FFEB66 FFEB6D fcw KeybdWrite |
00FFEB68 FFEB6E fcw KeybdSeek |
00FFEBD8 04B04505904204F041052 fcb "KEYBOARD" |
00FFEBDF 044 |
00FFEBE0 FFEBEA fcw KeybdOpen |
00FFEBE2 FFEBEB fcw KeybdClose |
00FFEBE4 FFEBEC fcw KeybdRead |
00FFEBE6 FFEBED fcw KeybdWrite |
00FFEBE8 FFEBEE fcw KeybdSeek |
; Keyboard Open: |
; Initialize the keyboard buffer head and tail indexes |
; |
KeybdOpen: |
00FFEB6A 039 rts |
00FFEBEA 039 rts |
; Keyboard Close: |
; Nothing to do except maybe clear the keyboard buffer |
; |
KeybdClose: |
00FFEB6B 039 rts |
00FFEBEB 039 rts |
; |
KeybdRead: |
00FFEB6C 039 rts |
00FFEBEC 039 rts |
; |
KeybdWrite: |
00FFEB6D 039 rts |
00FFEBED 039 rts |
KeybdSeek: |
00FFEB6E 039 rts |
00FFEBEE 039 rts |
;============================================================================== |
; Serial I/O |
2451,25 → 2434,25
InitSerial: |
SerialInit: |
00FFEB6F 04F clra |
00FFEB70 05F clrb |
00FFEB71 0DD130 std SerHeadRcv-1 |
00FFEB73 0DD132 std SerTailRcv-1 |
00FFEB75 0DD135 std SerHeadXmit-1 |
00FFEB77 0DD137 std SerTailXmit-1 |
00FFEB79 00F139 clr SerRcvXon |
00FFEB7B 00F140 clr SerRcvXoff |
00FFEBEF 04F clra |
00FFEBF0 05F clrb |
00FFEBF1 0DD130 std SerHeadRcv-1 |
00FFEBF3 0DD132 std SerTailRcv-1 |
00FFEBF5 0DD135 std SerHeadXmit-1 |
00FFEBF7 0DD137 std SerTailXmit-1 |
00FFEBF9 00F139 clr SerRcvXon |
00FFEBFB 00F140 clr SerRcvXoff |
sini1: |
00FFEB82 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID |
00FFEB85 026FFB bne sini1 |
00FFEB87 0C6009 ldb #$09 ; dtr,rts active, rxint enabled, no parity |
00FFEB89 0150F7FFFE30102 stb ACIA+ACIA_CMD |
00FFEB8E 0C601F ldb #$1F ; baud 9600, 1 stop bit, 8 bit, internal baud gen |
00FFEB90 0150F7FFFE30103 stb ACIA+ACIA_CTRL |
00FFEB95 0C60A6 ldb #$0A6 ; diable fifos, reset fifos |
00FFEB97 0150F7FFFE3010B stb ACIA+ACIA_CTRL2 |
00FFEB9C 039 rts |
00FFEC02 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID |
00FFEC05 026FFB bne sini1 |
00FFEC07 0C6009 ldb #$09 ; dtr,rts active, rxint enabled, no parity |
00FFEC09 0150F7FFFE30102 stb ACIA+ACIA_CMD |
00FFEC0E 0C601E ldb #$1E ; baud 9600, 1 stop bit, 8 bit, internal baud gen |
00FFEC10 0150F7FFFE30103 stb ACIA+ACIA_CTRL |
00FFEC15 0C60A6 ldb #$0A6 ; diable fifos, reset fifos |
00FFEC17 0150F7FFFE3010B stb ACIA+ACIA_CTRL2 |
00FFEC1C 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; SerialGetChar |
2489,32 → 2472,32
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialGetChar: |
00FFEB9D 034030 pshs x,y |
00FFEB9F 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFEBA2 01A010 sei ; disable interrupts |
00FFEBA4 08D082 bsr SerialRcvCount ; check number of chars in receive buffer |
00FFEBA6 0C1008 cmpb #8 ; less than 8? |
00FFEBA8 02200C bhi sgc2 |
00FFEBAA 0D6139 ldb SerRcvXon ; skip sending XON if already sent |
00FFEBAC 026008 bne sgc2 ; XON already sent? |
00FFEBAE 0C6011 ldb #XON ; if <8 send an XON |
00FFEBB0 00F140 clr SerRcvXoff ; clear XOFF status |
00FFEBB2 0D7139 stb SerRcvXon ; flag so we don't send it multiple times |
00FFEBB4 08D052 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFEC1D 034030 pshs x,y |
00FFEC1F 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFEC22 01A010 sei ; disable interrupts |
00FFEC24 08D082 bsr SerialRcvCount ; check number of chars in receive buffer |
00FFEC26 0C1008 cmpb #8 ; less than 8? |
00FFEC28 02200C bhi sgc2 |
00FFEC2A 0D6139 ldb SerRcvXon ; skip sending XON if already sent |
00FFEC2C 026008 bne sgc2 ; XON already sent? |
00FFEC2E 0C6011 ldb #XON ; if <8 send an XON |
00FFEC30 00F140 clr SerRcvXoff ; clear XOFF status |
00FFEC32 0D7139 stb SerRcvXon ; flag so we don't send it multiple times |
00FFEC34 08D052 bsr SerialPutChar |
sgc2: |
00FFEBB6 0D6131 ldb SerHeadRcv ; check if anything is in buffer |
00FFEBB8 0D1133 cmpb SerTailRcv |
00FFEBBA 02700A beq sgcNoChars ; no? |
00FFEBBC 08EBFF000 ldx #SerRcvBuf |
00FFEBBF 04F clra |
00FFEBC0 0E6835 ldb b,x ; get byte from buffer |
00FFEBC2 00C131 inc SerHeadRcv ; 4k wrap around |
00FFEBC4 020003 bra sgcXit |
00FFEC36 0D6131 ldb SerHeadRcv ; check if anything is in buffer |
00FFEC38 0D1133 cmpb SerTailRcv |
00FFEC3A 02700A beq sgcNoChars ; no? |
00FFEC3C 08EBFF000 ldx #SerRcvBuf |
00FFEC3F 04F clra |
00FFEC40 0E6835 ldb b,x ; get byte from buffer |
00FFEC42 00C131 inc SerHeadRcv ; 4k wrap around |
00FFEC44 020003 bra sgcXit |
sgcNoChars: |
00FFEBC6 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 |
00FFEC46 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 |
sgcXit: |
00FFEBC9 01C0EF cli |
00FFEBCB 0350B0 puls x,y,pc |
00FFEC49 01C0EF cli |
00FFEC4B 0350B0 puls x,y,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; SerialPeekChar |
2534,19 → 2517,19
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialPeekChar: |
00FFEBCD 034011 pshs x,ccr |
00FFEBCF 01A010 sei |
00FFEBD1 0D6131 ldb SerHeadRcv ; check if anything is in buffer |
00FFEBD3 0D1133 cmpb SerTailRcv |
00FFEBD5 027008 beq spcNoChars ; no? |
00FFEBD7 08EBFF000 ldx #SerRcvBuf |
00FFEBDA 04F clra |
00FFEBDB 0E6815 ldb b,x ; get byte from buffer |
00FFEBDD 020003 bra spcXit |
00FFEC4D 034011 pshs x,ccr |
00FFEC4F 01A010 sei |
00FFEC51 0D6131 ldb SerHeadRcv ; check if anything is in buffer |
00FFEC53 0D1133 cmpb SerTailRcv |
00FFEC55 027008 beq spcNoChars ; no? |
00FFEC57 08EBFF000 ldx #SerRcvBuf |
00FFEC5A 04F clra |
00FFEC5B 0E6815 ldb b,x ; get byte from buffer |
00FFEC5D 020003 bra spcXit |
spcNoChars: |
00FFEBDF 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 |
00FFEC5F 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 |
spcXit: |
00FFEBE2 035091 puls x,ccr,pc |
00FFEC62 035091 puls x,ccr,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; SerialPeekChar |
2564,22 → 2547,22
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialPeekCharDirect: |
00FFEBE4 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; Ensure we have the IO Focus |
00FFEBE9 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID |
00FFEBEC 026014 bne spcd0001 |
00FFEC64 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; Ensure we have the IO Focus |
00FFEC69 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID |
00FFEC6C 026014 bne spcd0001 |
; Disallow interrupts between status read and rx read. |
00FFEBEE 01A010 sei |
00FFEBF0 0150F6FFFE30101 ldb ACIA+ACIA_STAT |
00FFEBF5 0C5008 bitb #8 ; look for Rx not empty |
00FFEBF7 027009 beq spcd0001 |
00FFEBF9 04F clra |
00FFEBFA 0150F6FFFE30100 ldb ACIA+ACIA_RX |
00FFEBFF 01C0EF cli |
00FFEC01 039 rts |
00FFEC6E 01A010 sei |
00FFEC70 0150F6FFFE30101 ldb ACIA+ACIA_STAT |
00FFEC75 0C5008 bitb #8 ; look for Rx not empty |
00FFEC77 027009 beq spcd0001 |
00FFEC79 04F clra |
00FFEC7A 0150F6FFFE30100 ldb ACIA+ACIA_RX |
00FFEC7F 01C0EF cli |
00FFEC81 039 rts |
spcd0001: |
00FFEC02 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 |
00FFEC05 01C0EF cli |
00FFEC07 039 rts |
00FFEC82 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 |
00FFEC85 01C0EF cli |
00FFEC87 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; SerialPutChar |
2595,20 → 2578,20
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialPutChar: |
00FFEC08 034003 pshs a,ccr |
00FFEC88 034003 pshs a,ccr |
spc0001: |
00FFEC0A 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; Ensure we have the IO Focus |
00FFEC0F 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID |
00FFEC12 026FF6 bne spc0001 |
00FFEC14 01C0EF cli ; provide a window for an interrupt to occur |
00FFEC16 01A010 sei |
00FFEC8A 0150B6FFFFFFFE0 lda COREID ; Ensure we have the IO Focus |
00FFEC8F 0B1FFC010 cmpa IOFocusID |
00FFEC92 026FF6 bne spc0001 |
00FFEC94 01C0EF cli ; provide a window for an interrupt to occur |
00FFEC96 01A010 sei |
; Between the status read and the transmit do not allow an |
; intervening interrupt. |
00FFEC18 0150B6FFFE30101 lda ACIA+ACIA_STAT ; wait until the uart indicates tx empty |
00FFEC1D 085010 bita #16 ; bit #4 of the status reg |
00FFEC1F 027FE9 beq spc0001 ; branch if transmitter is not empty |
00FFEC21 0150F7FFFE30100 stb ACIA+ACIA_TX ; send the byte |
00FFEC26 035083 puls a,ccr,pc |
00FFEC98 0150B6FFFE30101 lda ACIA+ACIA_STAT ; wait until the uart indicates tx empty |
00FFEC9D 085010 bita #16 ; bit #4 of the status reg |
00FFEC9F 027FE9 beq spc0001 ; branch if transmitter is not empty |
00FFECA1 0150F7FFFE30100 stb ACIA+ACIA_TX ; send the byte |
00FFECA6 035083 puls a,ccr,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Calculate number of character in input buffer |
2620,15 → 2603,15
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialRcvCount: |
00FFEC28 04F clra |
00FFEC29 0E6A08133 ldb SerTailRcv,y |
00FFEC2C 0E0A08131 subb SerHeadRcv,y |
00FFEC2F 02C009 bge srcXit |
00FFEC31 0CC001000 ldd #$1000 |
00FFEC34 0A3A08131 subd SerHeadRcv,y |
00FFEC37 0E3A08133 addd SerTailRcv,y |
00FFECA8 04F clra |
00FFECA9 0E6A08133 ldb SerTailRcv,y |
00FFECAC 0E0A08131 subb SerHeadRcv,y |
00FFECAF 02C009 bge srcXit |
00FFECB1 0CC001000 ldd #$1000 |
00FFECB4 0A3A08131 subd SerHeadRcv,y |
00FFECB7 0E3A08133 addd SerTailRcv,y |
srcXit: |
00FFEC3A 039 rts |
00FFECBA 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Serial IRQ routine |
2647,50 → 2630,50
SerialIRQ: |
sirqNxtByte: |
00FFEC3B 0150F6FFFE30101 ldb ACIA+ACIA_STAT ; check the status |
00FFEC40 0C5008 bitb #$08 ; bit 3 = rx full |
00FFEC42 027049 beq notRxInt |
00FFEC44 0150F6FFFE30100 ldb ACIA+ACIA_RX ; get data from Rx buffer to clear interrupt |
00FFEC49 0C1014 cmpb #CTRLT ; detect special keystroke |
00FFEC4B 026000 bne sirq0001 |
00FFECBB 0150F6FFFE30101 ldb ACIA+ACIA_STAT ; check the status |
00FFECC0 0C5008 bitb #$08 ; bit 3 = rx full |
00FFECC2 027049 beq notRxInt |
00FFECC4 0150F6FFFE30100 ldb ACIA+ACIA_RX ; get data from Rx buffer to clear interrupt |
00FFECC9 0C1014 cmpb #CTRLT ; detect special keystroke |
00FFECCB 026000 bne sirq0001 |
; bsr DumpTraceQueue |
sirq0001: |
00FFEC4D 034004 pshs b |
00FFECCD 034004 pshs b |
; Compute receive buffer address |
00FFEC4F 0B6FFC010 lda IOFocusID |
00FFEC52 048 asla |
00FFEC53 048 asla |
00FFEC54 048 asla |
00FFEC55 048 asla |
00FFEC56 08AC00 ora #$C00 |
00FFEC58 05F clrb |
00FFEC59 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFEC5B 035004 puls b |
00FFEC5D 0A6A08133 lda SerTailRcv,y ; check if recieve buffer full |
00FFEC60 04C inca |
00FFEC61 0A1A08131 cmpa SerHeadRcv,y |
00FFEC64 027027 beq sirqRxFull |
00FFEC66 0A7A08133 sta SerTailRcv,y ; update tail pointer |
00FFEC69 04A deca ; backup |
00FFEC6A 01E089 exg a,b |
00FFEC6C 030A0A000BFF000 leax SerRcvBuf,y ; x = buffer address |
00FFEC71 0A7A0F sta b,x ; store recieved byte in buffer |
00FFEC73 06DA08140 tst SerRcvXoff,y ; check if xoff already sent |
00FFEC76 026FC3 bne sirqNxtByte |
00FFEC78 08DFAE bsr SerialRcvCount ; if more than 4080 chars in buffer |
00FFEC7A 0C1FF0 cmpb #4080 |
00FFEC7C 025FBD blo sirqNxtByte |
00FFEC7E 0C6013 ldb #XOFF ; send an XOFF |
00FFEC80 06FA08139 clr SerRcvXon,y ; clear XON status |
00FFEC83 0E7A08140 stb SerRcvXoff,y ; set XOFF status |
00FFEC86 0150F7FFFE30100 stb ACIA+ACIA_TX |
00FFEC8B 020FAE bra sirqNxtByte ; check the status for another byte |
00FFECCF 0B6FFC010 lda IOFocusID |
00FFECD2 048 asla |
00FFECD3 048 asla |
00FFECD4 048 asla |
00FFECD5 048 asla |
00FFECD6 08AC00 ora #$C00 |
00FFECD8 05F clrb |
00FFECD9 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFECDB 035004 puls b |
00FFECDD 0A6A08133 lda SerTailRcv,y ; check if recieve buffer full |
00FFECE0 04C inca |
00FFECE1 0A1A08131 cmpa SerHeadRcv,y |
00FFECE4 027027 beq sirqRxFull |
00FFECE6 0A7A08133 sta SerTailRcv,y ; update tail pointer |
00FFECE9 04A deca ; backup |
00FFECEA 01E089 exg a,b |
00FFECEC 030A0A000BFF000 leax SerRcvBuf,y ; x = buffer address |
00FFECF1 0A7A0F sta b,x ; store recieved byte in buffer |
00FFECF3 06DA08140 tst SerRcvXoff,y ; check if xoff already sent |
00FFECF6 026FC3 bne sirqNxtByte |
00FFECF8 08DFAE bsr SerialRcvCount ; if more than 4080 chars in buffer |
00FFECFA 0C1FF0 cmpb #4080 |
00FFECFC 025FBD blo sirqNxtByte |
00FFECFE 0C6013 ldb #XOFF ; send an XOFF |
00FFED00 06FA08139 clr SerRcvXon,y ; clear XON status |
00FFED03 0E7A08140 stb SerRcvXoff,y ; set XOFF status |
00FFED06 0150F7FFFE30100 stb ACIA+ACIA_TX |
00FFED0B 020FAE bra sirqNxtByte ; check the status for another byte |
sirqRxFull: |
notRxInt: |
00FFEC8D 039 rts |
00FFED0D 039 rts |
nmeSerial: |
00FFEC8E 05306507206906106C000 fcb "Serial",0 |
00FFED0E 05306507206906106C000 fcb "Serial",0 |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Put a string to the serial port. |
2704,16 → 2687,16
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialPutString: |
00FFEC95 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFEC97 01F001 tfr d,x |
00FFED15 034016 pshs d,x |
00FFED17 01F001 tfr d,x |
sps2: |
00FFEC99 0E6804 ldb ,x |
00FFEC9B 027006 beq spsXit |
00FFEC9D 030001 inx |
00FFEC9F 08DF67 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFECA1 020FF6 bra sps2 |
00FFED19 0E6804 ldb ,x |
00FFED1B 027006 beq spsXit |
00FFED1D 030001 inx |
00FFED1F 08DF67 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFED21 020FF6 bra sps2 |
spsXit: |
00FFECA3 035096 puls d,x,pc |
00FFED23 035096 puls d,x,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; A little routine to test serial output. |
2727,29 → 2710,328
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
SerialOutputTest: |
00FFECA5 034006 pshs d |
00FFECA7 0CCFFECC5 ldd #msgSerialTest |
00FFECAA 017FFF712 lbsr DisplayString |
00FFED25 034006 pshs d |
00FFED27 0CCFFED45 ldd #msgSerialTest |
00FFED2A 017FFF6AD lbsr DisplayString |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFECAD 08DEC0 bsr SerialInit |
00FFED2D 08DEC0 bsr SerialInit |
sotst1: |
00FFECAF 0C6011 ldb #XON |
00FFECB1 08DF55 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFECB3 08DF53 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFECB5 08DF51 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFECB7 0CCFFECC5 ldd #msgSerialTest |
00FFECBA 08DFD9 bsr SerialPutString |
00FFECBC 01700001B lbsr INCH |
00FFECBF 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC |
00FFECC1 026FEC bne sotst1 |
00FFECC3 035086 puls d,pc |
00FFED2F 0C6011 ldb #XON |
00FFED31 08DF55 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFED33 08DF53 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFED35 08DF51 bsr SerialPutChar |
00FFED37 0CCFFED45 ldd #msgSerialTest |
00FFED3A 08DFD9 bsr SerialPutString |
00FFED3C 01700016A lbsr INCH |
00FFED3F 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC |
00FFED41 026FEC bne sotst1 |
00FFED43 035086 puls d,pc |
msgSerialTest: |
00FFECC5 05306507206906106C020 fcb "Serial port test",CR,LF,0 |
00FFECCC 07006F072074020074065 |
00FFECD3 07307400D00A000 |
00FFED45 05306507206906106C020 fcb "Serial port test",CR,LF,0 |
00FFED4C 07006F072074020074065 |
00FFED53 07307400D00A000 |
; ============================================================================ |
; __ |
; \\__/ o\ (C) 2022 Robert Finch, Waterloo |
; \ __ / All rights reserved. |
; \/_// robfinch<remove>@opencores.org |
; || |
; |
; |
; BSD 3-Clause License |
; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
; |
; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
; list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
; |
; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
; and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
; |
; 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its |
; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from |
; this software without specific prior written permission. |
; |
; |
; ============================================================================ |
; |
s19Address EQU $940 ; to $943 |
s19StartAddress EQU $944 ; to $947 |
s19Rectype EQU $948 |
s19Reclen EQU $949 |
s19Abort EQU $94A |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Skip over input to the next record. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19NextRecord: |
00FFED58 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; block until input is available |
00FFED5B 03F swi |
00FFED5C 001 fcb MF_INCH ; monitor input rout |
00FFED5D 0C100A cmpb #LF ; line feed marks end of record |
00FFED5F 027013 beq s19nr1 |
00FFED61 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC ; should not get this in a file transfer |
00FFED63 026003 bne s19nr2 |
00FFED65 0F700094A stb s19Abort |
s19nr2: |
00FFED68 0C101A cmpb #CTRLZ ; end of file marker? |
00FFED6A 026003 bne s19nr3 |
00FFED6C 0F700094A stb s19Abort |
s19nr3: |
00FFED6F 07D00094A tst s19Abort |
00FFED72 027FE4 beq s19NextRecord |
s19nr1: |
00FFED74 039 rts |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Input a byte. There are three characters per byte since things are 12-bit. |
; |
; Parameters: |
; none |
; Returns: |
; accb = byte value converted from text |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19GetByte: |
00FFED75 03F swi |
00FFED76 001 fcb MF_INCH ; get the first character |
00FFED77 0170004F6 lbsr AsciiToHexNybble ; convert to nybble |
00FFED7A 07D00094A tst s19Abort ; check for abort |
00FFED7D 027002 beq s19gb1 |
00FFED7F 04F clra |
00FFED80 039 rts |
s19gb1: ; shift the value four bits |
00FFED81 058 aslb |
00FFED82 058 aslb |
00FFED83 058 aslb |
00FFED84 058 aslb |
00FFED85 034004 pshs b ; save off value |
00FFED87 03F swi |
00FFED88 001 fcb MF_INCH ; get the second character |
00FFED89 0170004E4 lbsr AsciiToHexNybble ; convert to nybble |
00FFED8C 07D00094A tst s19Abort ; check for abort |
00FFED8F 026011 bne s19gb2 |
00FFED91 0EAE00 orb ,s+ ; merge new nybble into value |
00FFED93 058 aslb ; shift the value four more bits |
00FFED94 058 aslb |
00FFED95 058 aslb |
00FFED96 058 aslb |
00FFED97 034004 pshs b ; save off value |
00FFED99 03F swi |
00FFED9A 001 fcb MF_INCH ; get third character |
00FFED9B 0170004D2 lbsr AsciiToHexNybble ; convert to nybble |
00FFED9E 0EAE00 orb ,s+ ; merge in value |
00FFEDA0 04F clra ; make byte 000 to FFF in D |
00FFEDA1 039 rts |
s19gb2: |
00FFEDA2 032601 leas 1,s ; discard saved byte |
00FFEDA4 04F clra |
00FFEDA5 039 rts |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Zero out address |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19ClearAddress: |
00FFEDA6 07F000940 clr s19Address |
00FFEDA9 07F000941 clr s19Address+1 |
00FFEDAC 07F000942 clr s19Address+2 |
00FFEDAF 07F000943 clr s19Address+3 |
00FFEDB2 039 rts |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Get an address composed of two bytes (24 bit) |
; |
; Side Effects: |
; updates s19Address variable |
; Returns: |
; none |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19GetAddress2: |
00FFEDB3 08DFF1 bsr s19ClearAddress |
00FFEDB5 08DFBE bsr s19GetByte |
00FFEDB7 0F7000942 stb s19Address+2 |
00FFEDBA 07D00094A tst s19Abort |
00FFEDBD 026005 bne s19ga1 |
00FFEDBF 08DFB4 bsr s19GetByte |
00FFEDC1 0F7000943 stb s19Address+3 |
s19ga1: |
00FFEDC4 039 rts |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Get an address composed of three bytes (36 bit) |
; |
; Side Effects: |
; updates s19Address variable |
; Returns: |
; none |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19GetAddress3: |
00FFEDC5 08DFDF bsr s19ClearAddress |
00FFEDC7 08DFAC bsr s19GetByte |
00FFEDC9 0F7000941 stb s19Address+1 |
00FFEDCC 07D00094A tst s19Abort |
00FFEDCF 02600F bne s19ga2 |
00FFEDD1 08DFA2 bsr s19GetByte |
00FFEDD3 0F7000942 stb s19Address+2 |
00FFEDD6 07D00094A tst s19Abort |
00FFEDD9 026005 bne s19ga2 |
00FFEDDB 08DF98 bsr s19GetByte |
00FFEDDD 0F7000943 stb s19Address+3 |
s19ga2: |
00FFEDE0 039 rts |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Put a byte to memory. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19PutMem: |
00FFEDE1 05F clrb ; accb = current byte count |
s19pm3: |
00FFEDE2 034004 pshs b ; save byte count |
00FFEDE4 08DF8F bsr s19GetByte |
00FFEDE6 07D00094A tst s19Abort |
00FFEDE9 02601C bne s19pm1 |
00FFEDEB 0150E790F000941 stb far [s19Address+1] ; store the byte using far addressing |
00FFEDF0 07C000943 inc s19Address+3 |
00FFEDF3 026008 bne s19pm2 |
00FFEDF5 07C000942 inc s19Address+2 |
00FFEDF8 026003 bne s19pm2 |
00FFEDFA 07C000941 inc s19Address+1 |
s19pm2: |
00FFEDFD 035004 puls b ; get back byte count |
00FFEDFF 05C incb ; increment and |
00FFEE00 0F1000949 cmpb s19Reclen ; compare to record length |
00FFEE03 025FDD blo s19pm3 |
00FFEE05 020F6E bra s19GetByte ; get the checksum byte |
s19pm1: |
00FFEE07 032601 leas 1,s ; faster than actual pull |
00FFEE09 020F6A bra s19GetByte ; get the checksum byte |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Processing for S1 record type. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19ProcessS1: |
00FFEE0B 08DFA6 bsr s19GetAddress2 |
00FFEE0D 08DFD2 bsr s19PutMem |
00FFEE0F 020072 bra s19lnr |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Processing for S2 record type. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19ProcessS2: |
00FFEE11 08DFB2 bsr s19GetAddress3 |
00FFEE13 08DFCC bsr s19PutMem |
00FFEE15 02006C bra s19lnr |
; S3,4,5,6 not processed |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Processing for S7 record type. Gets a two byte (24 bit) start address. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19ProcessS9: |
00FFEE17 08DF9A bsr s19GetAddress2 |
00FFEE19 0FC000942 ldd s19Address+2 |
00FFEE1C 0FD000946 std s19StartAddress+2 |
00FFEE1F 0FC000940 ldd s19Address+0 |
00FFEE22 0FD000944 std s19StartAddress+0 |
00FFEE25 020069 bra s19l2 |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Processing for S8 record type. Gets a three byte (36 bit) start address. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
s19ProcessS8: |
00FFEE27 08DF9C bsr s19GetAddress3 |
00FFEE29 0FC000942 ldd s19Address+2 |
00FFEE2C 0FD000946 std s19StartAddress+2 |
00FFEE2F 0FC000940 ldd s19Address+0 |
00FFEE32 0FD000944 std s19StartAddress+0 |
00FFEE35 020059 bra s19l2 |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; S19 Loader |
; |
; Not all record types are processed. Some are skipped over. |
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
S19Loader: |
00FFEE37 07F00094A clr s19Abort ; clear the abort flag |
00FFEE3A 0CCFFEE93 ldd #msgS19Loader ; signon banner |
00FFEE3D 03F swi |
00FFEE3E 004 fcb MF_DisplayString |
s19l3: |
00FFEE3F 03F swi ; get a character from input |
00FFEE40 001 fcb MF_INCH |
00FFEE41 0C101A cmpb #CTRLZ ; is it CTRL-Z? |
00FFEE43 02704B beq s19l2 |
00FFEE45 0C1053 cmpb #'S' ; records must start with the letter S |
00FFEE47 02603A bne s19lnr |
00FFEE49 03F swi ; get the next character |
00FFEE4A 001 fcb MF_INCH |
00FFEE4B 0C1030 cmpb #'0' ; must be a numeric digit |
00FFEE4D 025034 blo s19lnr |
00FFEE4F 0C1039 cmpb #'9' |
00FFEE51 022030 bhi s19lnr |
00FFEE53 0F7000948 stb s19Rectype ; save off in record type |
00FFEE56 08DF1D bsr s19GetByte ; get a byte indicating record length |
00FFEE58 0F7000949 stb s19Reclen |
00FFEE5B 07D00094A tst s19Abort ; check for abort |
00FFEE5E 026030 bne s19l2 |
00FFEE60 0F6000948 ldb s19Rectype ; process according to record type |
00FFEE63 0C1030 cmpb #'0' |
00FFEE65 02701C beq s19lnr |
00FFEE67 0C1031 cmpb #'1' |
00FFEE69 027FA0 beq s19ProcessS1 ; data record with a two byte address |
00FFEE6B 0C1032 cmpb #'2' |
00FFEE6D 027FA2 beq s19ProcessS2 ; data record with a three byte address |
00FFEE6F 0C1033 cmpb #'3' |
00FFEE71 027010 beq s19lnr |
00FFEE73 0C1035 cmpb #'5' ; record count? ignore |
00FFEE75 02700C beq s19lnr |
00FFEE77 0C1037 cmpb #'7' ; ignore record with 48 bit address |
00FFEE79 027015 beq s19l2 |
00FFEE7B 0C1038 cmpb #'8' |
00FFEE7D 027FA8 beq s19ProcessS8 ; two byte start address |
00FFEE7F 0C1039 cmpb #'9' |
00FFEE81 027F94 beq s19ProcessS9 ; three byte start address |
s19lnr: |
00FFEE83 0C602E ldb #'.' ; output a progress indicator |
00FFEE85 03F swi |
00FFEE86 002 fcb MF_OUTCH |
00FFEE87 08DECF bsr s19NextRecord ; skip to the next record |
00FFEE89 07D00094A tst S19Abort ; check for abort |
00FFEE8C 026002 bne s19l2 |
00FFEE8E 020FAF bra s19l3 ; loop back to process more records |
s19l2: |
00FFEE90 0160001A6 lbra Monitor |
msgS19Loader: |
00FFEE93 05303103902004C06F061 fcb "S19 Loader Active",CR,LF,0 |
00FFEE9A 064065072020041063074 |
00FFEEA1 06907606500D00A000 |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Check if there is a keyboard character available. If so return true (<0) |
; otherwise return false (0) in accb. |
2756,54 → 3038,54
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
KeybdCheckForKeyDirect: |
00FFECD8 020D36 bra DBGCheckForKey |
00FFEEA7 020BE7 bra DBGCheckForKey |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
00FFECDA 034004 pshs b |
00FFEEA9 034004 pshs b |
INCH2: |
00FFECE1 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; if we do not have focus, block |
00FFECE4 026FF6 bne INCH2 |
00FFEEB0 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; if we do not have focus, block |
00FFEEB3 026FF6 bne INCH2 |
; ldb #$800 ; block if no key available, get scancode directly |
; bra GetKey |
; jsr [CharInVec] ; vector is being overwritten somehow |
00FFECE6 017FFFEFB lbsr SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFEEB5 017FFFDAC lbsr SerialPeekCharDirect |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFECE9 04D tsta |
00FFECEA 02B003 bmi INCH1 ; block if no key available |
00FFECEC 032601 leas 1,s ; get rid of blocking status |
00FFECEE 039 rts |
00FFEEB8 04D tsta |
00FFEEB9 02B003 bmi INCH1 ; block if no key available |
00FFEEBB 032601 leas 1,s ; get rid of blocking status |
00FFEEBD 039 rts |
INCH1: |
00FFECEF 035004 puls b ; check blocking status |
00FFECF1 05D tstb |
00FFECF2 02BFE6 bmi INCH ; if blocking, loop |
00FFECF4 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; return -1 if no char available |
00FFECF7 039 rts |
00FFEEBE 035004 puls b ; check blocking status |
00FFEEC0 05D tstb |
00FFEEC1 02BFE6 bmi INCH ; if blocking, loop |
00FFEEC3 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; return -1 if no char available |
00FFEEC6 039 rts |
00FFECF8 08DFE0 bsr INCH |
00FFECFA 020009 bra INCHEK3 |
00FFEEC7 08DFE0 bsr INCH |
00FFEEC9 020009 bra INCHEK3 |
00FFECFE 01507DFFFFFCA00 tst KeybdEcho |
00FFED03 02700C beq INCHEK1 |
00FFEECD 01507DFFFFFCA00 tst KeybdEcho |
00FFEED2 02700C beq INCHEK1 |
00FFED05 08100D cmpa #CR |
00FFED07 026005 bne INCHEK2 |
00FFED09 017FFE3C6 lbsr CRLF |
00FFEED4 08100D cmpa #CR |
00FFEED6 026005 bne INCHEK2 |
00FFEED8 017FFE1F7 lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFED0C 020003 bra INCHEK1 |
00FFEEDB 020003 bra INCHEK1 |
00FFED0E 017FFF5ED lbsr DisplayChar |
00FFEEDD 017FFF439 lbsr DisplayChar |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFED11 039 rts |
00FFEEE0 039 rts |
00FFED12 06E90F000800 jmp [CharOutVec] |
00FFEEE1 06E90F000800 jmp [CharOutVec] |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; r1 0=echo off, non-zero = echo on |
2810,8 → 3092,8
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
SetKeyboardEcho: |
00FFED16 0150F7FFFFFCA00 stb KeybdEcho |
00FFED1B 039 rts |
00FFEEE5 0150F7FFFFFCA00 stb KeybdEcho |
00FFEEEA 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
2820,9 → 3102,9
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
ShowSprites: |
00FFED26 039 rts |
00FFEEF5 039 rts |
;============================================================================== |
; Femtiki Operating System. |
2829,74 → 3111,74
;============================================================================== |
OSCallTbl: |
00FFED27 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED29 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED2B 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED2D 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED2F 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED31 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED33 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED35 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED37 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED39 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED3B 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED3D 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED3F 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED41 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED43 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED45 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED47 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED49 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED4B 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED4D 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED4F 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED51 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED53 FFED70 fcw ReleaseIOFocus |
00FFED55 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFED57 FFED59 fcw RequestIOFocus |
00FFEEF6 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEEF8 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEEFA 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEEFC 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEEFE 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF00 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF02 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF04 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF06 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF08 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF0A 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF0C 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF0E 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF10 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF12 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF14 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF16 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF18 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF1A 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF1C 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF1E 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF20 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF22 FFEF3F fcw ReleaseIOFocus |
00FFEF24 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEF26 FFEF28 fcw RequestIOFocus |
NumOSFuncs EQU (*-OSCallTbl)/2 |
RequestIOFocus: |
00FFED5E 08EFFC000 ldx #IOFocusList |
00FFED61 03A abx |
00FFED62 0A7804 sta ,x |
00FFED64 07DFFC010 tst IOFocusID |
00FFED67 1260006FF lbne oscx |
00FFED6A 0F7FFC010 stb IOFocusID |
00FFED6D 0160006F9 lbra oscx |
00FFEF2D 08EFFC000 ldx #IOFocusList |
00FFEF30 03A abx |
00FFEF31 0A7804 sta ,x |
00FFEF33 07DFFC010 tst IOFocusID |
00FFEF36 1260007D1 lbne oscx |
00FFEF39 0F7FFC010 stb IOFocusID |
00FFEF3C 0160007CB lbra oscx |
ReleaseIOFocus: |
00FFED75 08EFFC000 ldx #IOFocusList |
00FFED78 03A abx |
00FFED79 06F804 clr ,x ; clear the request indicator |
00FFED7B 017FFF480 lbsr CopyScreenToVirtualScreen |
00FFEF44 08EFFC000 ldx #IOFocusList |
00FFEF47 03A abx |
00FFEF48 06F804 clr ,x ; clear the request indicator |
00FFEF4A 017FFF2BC lbsr CopyScreenToVirtualScreen |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFED7E 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; are we the one with the focus? |
00FFED81 1260006E5 lbne oscx |
00FFEF4D 0F1FFC010 cmpb IOFocusID ; are we the one with the focus? |
00FFEF50 1260007B7 lbne oscx |
; We had the focus, so now a new core needs the focus. |
; Search the focus list for a requestor. If no requester |
; is found, give focus to core #1. |
00FFED84 08600F lda #15 |
00FFEF53 08600F lda #15 |
riof2: |
00FFED86 05C incb |
00FFED87 0C400F andb #15 |
00FFED89 03A abx |
00FFED8A 06D804 tst ,x |
00FFED8C 026009 bne riof1 |
00FFED8E 04A deca |
00FFED8F 026FF5 bne riof2 |
00FFEF55 05C incb |
00FFEF56 0C400F andb #15 |
00FFEF58 03A abx |
00FFEF59 06D804 tst ,x |
00FFEF5B 026009 bne riof1 |
00FFEF5D 04A deca |
00FFEF5E 026FF5 bne riof2 |
; If no focus is requested by anyone, give to core #1 |
00FFED91 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFED93 086018 lda #24 |
00FFED95 0A7804 sta ,x |
00FFEF60 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFEF62 086018 lda #24 |
00FFEF64 0A7804 sta ,x |
riof1: |
00FFED97 0F7FFC010 stb IOFocusID |
00FFED9A 017FFF42A lbsr CopyVirtualScreenToScreen |
00FFEF66 0F7FFC010 stb IOFocusID |
00FFEF69 017FFF266 lbsr CopyVirtualScreenToScreen |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFED9D 0160006C9 lbra oscx |
00FFEF6C 01600079B lbra oscx |
;============================================================================== |
2914,19 → 3196,19
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
mon_srand: |
00FFEDA0 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFEF6F 18E000000 ldy #0 |
mon_srand1: |
00FFEDA3 0151BFFFFE30604 sty PRNG+4 ; select channel |
00FFEDA8 01507FFFFE30608 clr PRNG+8 |
00FFEDAD 01507FFFFE30609 clr PRNG+9 |
00FFEDB2 0150FDFFFE3060A std PRNG+10 ; update low half of value |
00FFEDB7 01507FFFFE3060C clr PRNG+12 |
00FFEDBC 01507FFFFE3060D clr PRNG+13 |
00FFEDC1 0150BFFFFE3060E stx PRNG+14 ; update low half of value |
00FFEDC6 031201 iny |
00FFEDC8 18C000400 cmpy #$400 ; 1k channels |
00FFEDCB 025FD6 blo mon_srand1 |
00FFEDCD 039 rts |
00FFEF72 0151BFFFFE30604 sty PRNG+4 ; select channel |
00FFEF77 01507FFFFE30608 clr PRNG+8 |
00FFEF7C 01507FFFFE30609 clr PRNG+9 |
00FFEF81 0150FDFFFE3060A std PRNG+10 ; update low half of value |
00FFEF86 01507FFFFE3060C clr PRNG+12 |
00FFEF8B 01507FFFFE3060D clr PRNG+13 |
00FFEF90 0150BFFFFE3060E stx PRNG+14 ; update low half of value |
00FFEF95 031201 iny |
00FFEF97 18C000400 cmpy #$400 ; 1k channels |
00FFEF9A 025FD6 blo mon_srand1 |
00FFEF9C 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Get a random number and generate the next one. |
2938,217 → 3220,237
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
mon_rand: |
00FFEDCE 0150FDFFFE30604 std PRNG+4 ; select channel |
00FFEDD3 0150BEFFFE30600 ldx PRNG+0 |
00FFEDD8 0150FCFFFE30602 ldd PRNG+2 |
00FFEDDD 0150F7FFFE30603 stb PRNG+3 ; trigger calc of next number |
00FFEDE2 039 rts |
00FFEF9D 0150FDFFFE30604 std PRNG+4 ; select channel |
00FFEFA2 0150BEFFFE30600 ldx PRNG+0 |
00FFEFA7 0150FCFFFE30602 ldd PRNG+2 |
00FFEFAC 0150F7FFFE30603 stb PRNG+3 ; trigger calc of next number |
00FFEFB1 039 rts |
;============================================================================== |
; System Monitor |
;============================================================================== |
; Command Table |
; Command Tables |
cmdTable1: |
00FFEDE3 03C83E fcb '<','>'+$800 |
00FFEDE5 062873 fcb 'b','s'+$800 |
00FFEDE7 062863 fcb 'b','c'+$800 |
00FFEDE9 044852 fcb 'D','R'+$800 |
00FFEDEB 844 fcb 'D'+$800 |
00FFEDEC 83A fcb ':'+$800 |
00FFEDED 046049847 fcb "FI",'G'+$800 |
00FFEDF0 04604984C fcb "FI",'L'+$800 |
00FFEDF3 04684C fcb 'F','L'+$800 |
00FFEDF5 84A fcb 'J'+$800 |
00FFEDF6 05204104D054045053854 fcb "RAMTES",'T'+$800 |
00FFEDFD 053050844 fcb "SP",'D'+$800 |
00FFEE00 054049852 fcb "TI",'R'+$800 |
00FFEE03 855 fcb 'U'+$800 |
00FFEE04 065078069874 fcb "exi",'t'+$800 |
00FFEE08 83F fcb '?'+$800 |
00FFEE09 04304C853 fcb "CL",'S'+$800 |
00FFEE0C 000000 fcw 0 |
00FFEFB2 03C83E fcb '<','>'+$800 |
00FFEFB4 062873 fcb 'b','s'+$800 |
00FFEFB6 062863 fcb 'b','c'+$800 |
00FFEFB8 044852 fcb 'D','R'+$800 |
00FFEFBA 844 fcb 'D'+$800 |
00FFEFBB 83A fcb ':'+$800 |
00FFEFBC 046049847 fcb "FI",'G'+$800 |
00FFEFBF 04604984C fcb "FI",'L'+$800 |
00FFEFC2 04684C fcb 'F','L'+$800 |
00FFEFC4 84A fcb 'J'+$800 |
00FFEFC5 05204104D054045053854 fcb "RAMTES",'T'+$800 |
00FFEFCC 053050844 fcb "SP",'D'+$800 |
00FFEFCF 054049852 fcb "TI",'R'+$800 |
00FFEFD2 855 fcb 'U'+$800 |
00FFEFD3 065078069874 fcb "exi",'t'+$800 |
00FFEFD7 83F fcb '?'+$800 |
00FFEFD8 04304C853 fcb "CL",'S'+$800 |
00FFEFDB 053031839 fcb "S1",'9'+$800 |
00FFEFDE 04A044834 fcb "JD",'4'+$800 |
00FFEFE1 000000 fcw 0 |
cmdTable2: |
00FFEE0E FFEF11 fcw Redirect |
00FFEE10 FFF4AC fcw ArmBreakpoint |
00FFEE12 FFF4D3 fcw DisarmBreakpoint |
00FFEE14 FFF2CF fcw DumpRegs |
00FFEE16 FFF209 fcw DumpMemory |
00FFEE18 FFF265 fcw EditMemory |
00FFEE1A FE0000 fcw $FE0000 ; FIG forth |
00FFEE1C FFF2A5 fcw FillMemory |
00FFEE1E FFF390 fcw DumpIOFocusList |
00FFEE20 FFF31A fcw jump_to_code |
00FFEE22 FFD443 fcw dramtest |
00FFEE24 FF8000 fcw $FF8000 ; sprite demo |
00FFEE26 FFE4D0 fcw rtc_read |
00FFEE28 FF8003 fcw $FF8003 ; unassembler |
00FFEE2A FFF451 fcw xitMonitor |
00FFEE2C FFEF37 fcw PromptHelp |
00FFEE2E FFEF3F fcw PromptClearscreen |
00FFEFE3 FFF0F8 fcw Redirect |
00FFEFE5 FFF13A fcw MonArmBreakpoint |
00FFEFE7 FFF145 fcw MonDisarmBreakpoint |
00FFEFE9 FFF54A fcw DumpRegs |
00FFEFEB FFF484 fcw DumpMemory |
00FFEFED FFF4E0 fcw EditMemory |
00FFEFEF FE0000 fcw $FE0000 ; FIG forth |
00FFEFF1 FFF520 fcw FillMemory |
00FFEFF3 FFF60B fcw DumpIOFocusList |
00FFEFF5 FFF595 fcw jump_to_code |
00FFEFF7 FFD400 fcw $FFD400 |
00FFEFF9 FF8000 fcw $FF8000 ; sprite demo |
00FFEFFB FFE4F4 fcw rtc_read |
00FFEFFD FF8003 fcw $FF8003 ; unassembler |
00FFEFFF FFF6F3 fcw xitMonitor |
00FFF001 FFF11E fcw PromptHelp |
00FFF003 FFF126 fcw PromptClearscreen |
00FFF005 FFEE37 fcw S19Loader |
00FFF007 FFD400 fcw $FFD400 |
CmdPrompt: |
00FFEE30 017FFE29F lbsr CRLF |
00FFF009 017FFE0C6 lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEE33 0C6024 ldb #'$' |
00FFEE35 017FFFEDA lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF00C 0C6024 ldb #'$' |
00FFF00E 017FFFED0 lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEE38 016FFFED7 lbra OUTCH |
00FFF011 016FFFECD lbra OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
msgF09Starting: |
00FFEE3B 04606506D07406906B069 fcb "Femtiki F09 Multi-core OS Starting",CR,LF,0 |
00FFEE42 02004603003902004D075 |
00FFEE49 06C07406902D06306F072 |
00FFEE50 06502004F053020053074 |
00FFEE57 06107207406906E06700D |
00FFEE5E 00A000 |
00FFF014 04606506D07406906B069 fcb "Femtiki F09 Multi-core OS Starting",CR,LF,0 |
00FFF01B 02004603003902004D075 |
00FFF022 06C07406902D06306F072 |
00FFF029 06502004F053020053074 |
00FFF030 06107207406906E06700D |
00FFF037 00A000 |
MonitorStart: |
00FFEE60 07F000810 clr BreakpointFlag |
00FFEE63 07F000811 clr NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFEE66 0CC00007B ldd #123 |
00FFEE69 08E00028E ldx #654 |
00FFEE6C 017FFFF31 lbsr mon_srand |
Monitor: |
00FFF039 0FC00092C ldd mon_init ; check special code to see if monitor has been initialized |
00FFF03C 18312D687 cmpd #1234567 |
00FFF03F 02704D beq mon1 |
00FFF041 07F000810 clr BreakpointFlag |
00FFF044 07F000811 clr NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF047 0CC00007B ldd #123 |
00FFF04A 08E00028E ldx #654 |
00FFF04D 017FFFF1F lbsr mon_srand |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEE6F 0CCFFEE3B ldd #msgF09Starting |
00FFEE72 017FFF54A lbsr DisplayString |
00FFF050 0CCFFF014 ldd #msgF09Starting |
00FFF053 017FFF384 lbsr DisplayString |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEE75 0CCFFF06E ldd #HelpMsg |
00FFEE78 017FFF544 lbsr DisplayString |
00FFF056 0CCFFF2CF ldd #HelpMsg |
00FFF059 017FFF37E lbsr DisplayString |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEE7B 0CCFFEE30 ldd #CmdPrompt |
00FFEE7E 0FD000808 std CmdPromptJI |
00FFEE81 0CCFFF055 ldd #DisplayErr |
00FFEE84 0FD00080C std MonErrVec |
00FFEE87 0CC0063FF ldd #$63FF ; default app stack |
00FFEE8A 0FD000908 std mon_SSAVE |
00FFEE8D 07F00090E clr mon_DPRSAVE ; |
00FFEE90 01F0A8 tfr ccr,a |
00FFEE92 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFEE95 07F00090A clr mon_PCSAVE |
00FFEE98 0CCFFEEA7 ldd #Monitor |
00FFEE9B 0FD00090B std mon_PCSAVE+1 |
00FFEE9E 07F000902 clr mon_XSAVE |
00FFEEA1 07F000904 clr mon_YSAVE |
00FFEEA4 07F000906 clr mon_USAVE |
Monitor: |
00FFEEA7 03280F006FFF leas $6FFF ; reset stack pointer |
00FFEEAB 05F clrb ; turn off keyboard echo |
00FFEEAC 017FFFE67 lbsr SetKeyboardEcho |
00FFF05C 0CCFFF009 ldd #CmdPrompt |
00FFF05F 0FD000808 std CmdPromptJI |
00FFF062 0CCFFF2B6 ldd #DisplayErr |
00FFF065 0FD00080C std MonErrVec |
00FFF068 0CC0063FF ldd #$63FF ; default app stack |
00FFF06B 0FD000908 std mon_SSAVE |
00FFF06E 07F00090E clr mon_DPRSAVE ; |
00FFF071 01F0A8 tfr ccr,a |
00FFF073 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF076 07F00090A clr mon_PCSAVE |
00FFF079 0CCFFF039 ldd #Monitor |
00FFF07C 0FD00090B std mon_PCSAVE+1 |
00FFF07F 07F000902 clr mon_XSAVE |
00FFF082 07F000904 clr mon_YSAVE |
00FFF085 07F000906 clr mon_USAVE |
00FFF088 0CC12D687 ldd #1234567 |
00FFF08B 0FD00092C std mon_init |
mon1: |
00FFF08E 03280F006FFF leas $6FFF ; reset stack pointer |
00FFF092 05F clrb ; turn off keyboard echo |
00FFF093 017FFFE4F lbsr SetKeyboardEcho |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
; Reset IO vectors |
00FFEEAF 0CCFFEBE4 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFEEB2 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFEEB5 0CCFFE2FE ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFEEB8 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFEEBB 0CCFFEE30 ldd #CmdPrompt |
00FFEEBE 0FD000808 std CmdPromptJI |
00FFF096 0CCFFEC64 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFF099 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFF09C 0CCFFE319 ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFF09F 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFF0A2 0CCFFF009 ldd #CmdPrompt |
00FFF0A5 0FD000808 std CmdPromptJI |
; jsr RequestIOFocus |
PromptLn: |
00FFEEC1 0AD90F000808 jsr [CmdPromptJI] |
00FFF0A8 0AD90F000808 jsr [CmdPromptJI] |
; Get characters until a CR is keyed |
Prompt3: |
00FFEEC5 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; block until key present |
00FFEEC8 017FFFE0F lbsr INCH |
00FFF0AC 0CCFFFFFF ldd #-1 ; block until key present |
00FFF0AF 017FFFDF7 lbsr INCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEECB 0C100D cmpb #CR ; carriage return? |
00FFEECD 027005 beq Prompt1 |
00FFEECF 017FFFE40 lbsr OUTCH ; spit out the character |
00FFF0B2 0C100D cmpb #CR ; carriage return? |
00FFF0B4 027005 beq Prompt1 |
00FFF0B6 017FFFE28 lbsr OUTCH ; spit out the character |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEED2 020FF1 bra Prompt3 ; and keep going |
00FFF0B9 020FF1 bra Prompt3 ; and keep going |
; Process the screen line that the CR was keyed on |
; |
Prompt1: |
00FFEED4 0CC005050 ldd #$5050 |
00FFEED7 0150FDFFFE60001 std LEDS |
00FFF0BB 0CC005050 ldd #$5050 |
00FFF0BE 0150FDFFFE60001 std LEDS |
; ldb RunningID |
; cmpb #61 |
; bhi Prompt3 |
00FFEEDC 00F111 clr CursorCol ; go back to the start of the line |
00FFEEDE 017FFF3FA lbsr CalcScreenLoc ; calc screen memory location |
00FFF0C3 00F111 clr CursorCol ; go back to the start of the line |
00FFF0C5 017FFF22A lbsr CalcScreenLoc ; calc screen memory location |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEEE1 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFF0C8 01F002 tfr d,y |
skipDollar: |
00FFEEE3 08D067 bsr MonGetNonSpace |
00FFEEE5 0C1024 cmpb #'$' |
00FFEEE7 027FFA beq skipDollar ; skip over '$' prompt character |
00FFF0CA 08D067 bsr MonGetNonSpace |
00FFF0CC 0C1024 cmpb #'$' |
00FFF0CE 027FFA beq skipDollar ; skip over '$' prompt character |
; Dispatch based on command |
; |
00FFEEE9 0313FF dey |
00FFEEEB 01F023 tfr y,u ; save off input position |
00FFEEED 05F clrb |
00FFEEEE 08EFFEDE3 ldx #cmdTable1 |
00FFF0D0 0313FF dey |
00FFF0D2 01F023 tfr y,u ; save off input position |
00FFF0D4 05F clrb |
00FFF0D5 08EFFEFB2 ldx #cmdTable1 |
parseCmd1: |
00FFEEF1 0A6A00 lda ,y+ ; get input character |
00FFEEF3 06D804 tst ,x ; test for end of command |
00FFEEF5 02B00F bmi endOfWord ; |
00FFEEF7 0A1800 cmpa ,x+ ; does input match command? |
00FFEEF9 027FF6 beq parseCmd1 |
00FFF0D8 0A6A00 lda ,y+ ; get input character |
00FFF0DA 06D804 tst ,x ; test for end of command |
00FFF0DC 02B00F bmi endOfWord ; |
00FFF0DE 0A1800 cmpa ,x+ ; does input match command? |
00FFF0E0 027FF6 beq parseCmd1 |
scanNextWord: |
00FFEEFB 06D800 tst ,x+ |
00FFEEFD 027FA8 beq Monitor ; if end of table reached, not a command |
00FFEEFF 02AFFA bpl scanNextWord |
00FFEF01 05C incb |
00FFEF02 01F032 tfr u,y ; reset input pointer |
00FFEF04 020FEB bra parseCmd1 ; try again |
00FFF0E2 06D800 tst ,x+ |
00FFF0E4 027F53 beq Monitor ; if end of table reached, not a command |
00FFF0E6 02AFFA bpl scanNextWord |
00FFF0E8 05C incb |
00FFF0E9 01F032 tfr u,y ; reset input pointer |
00FFF0EB 020FEB bra parseCmd1 ; try again |
endOfWord: |
00FFEF06 0A8804 eora ,x |
00FFEF08 048 asla |
00FFEF09 026FF0 bne scanNextWord |
00FFF0ED 0A8804 eora ,x |
00FFF0EF 048 asla |
00FFF0F0 026FF0 bne scanNextWord |
; we found the command in the table |
00FFEF0B 058 aslb ; b = word index |
00FFEF0C 08EFFEE0E ldx #cmdTable2 |
00FFEF0F 06E905 jmp [b,x] ; execute command |
00FFF0F2 058 aslb ; b = word index |
00FFF0F3 08EFFEFE3 ldx #cmdTable2 |
00FFF0F6 06E905 jmp [b,x] ; execute command |
Redirect: |
00FFEF11 08D034 bsr MonGetch |
00FFEF13 0C1073 cmpb #'s' |
00FFEF15 02600E bne Prompt2a |
00FFEF17 0CCFFEBE4 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFEF1A 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFEF1D 0CCFFEC08 ldd #SerialPutChar |
00FFEF20 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFEF23 020F82 bra Monitor |
00FFF0F8 08D034 bsr MonGetch |
00FFF0FA 0C1073 cmpb #'s' |
00FFF0FC 02600E bne Prompt2a |
00FFF0FE 0CCFFEC64 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFF101 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFF104 0CCFFEC88 ldd #SerialPutChar |
00FFF107 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFF10A 020F2D bra Monitor |
Prompt2a: |
00FFEF25 0C1063 cmpb #'c' |
00FFEF27 026F7E bne Monitor |
00FFEF29 0CCFFEA12 ldd #GetKey |
00FFEF2C 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFEF2F 0CCFFE2FE ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFEF32 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFEF35 020F70 bra Monitor |
00FFF10C 0C1063 cmpb #'c' |
00FFF10E 026F29 bne Monitor |
00FFF110 0CCFFEA92 ldd #GetKey |
00FFF113 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFF116 0CCFFE319 ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFF119 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFF11C 020F1B bra Monitor |
PromptHelp: |
00FFEF37 0CCFFF06E ldd #HelpMsg |
00FFEF3A 017FFF482 lbsr DisplayString |
00FFF11E 0CCFFF2CF ldd #HelpMsg |
00FFF121 017FFF2B6 lbsr DisplayString |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEF3D 020F68 bra Monitor |
00FFF124 020F13 bra Monitor |
PromptClearscreen: |
00FFEF3F 017FFF2EC lbsr ClearScreen |
00FFF126 017FFF110 lbsr ClearScreen |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEF42 017FFF35C lbsr HomeCursor |
00FFF129 017FFF184 lbsr HomeCursor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFEF45 020F60 bra Monitor |
00FFF12C 020F0B bra Monitor |
MonGetch: |
00FFEF47 0E6A04 ldb ,y |
00FFEF49 031201 iny |
00FFEF4B 039 rts |
00FFF12E 0E6A04 ldb ,y |
00FFF130 031201 iny |
00FFF132 039 rts |
MonGetNonSpace: |
00FFEF4C 08DFF9 bsr MonGetCh |
00FFEF4E 0C1020 cmpb #' ' |
00FFEF50 027FFA beq MonGetNonSpace |
00FFEF52 039 rts |
00FFF133 08DFF9 bsr MonGetCh |
00FFF135 0C1020 cmpb #' ' |
00FFF137 027FFA beq MonGetNonSpace |
00FFF139 039 rts |
MonArmBreakpoint: |
00FFF13A 017000611 lbsr ArmBreakpoint |
00FFF13D 0C6FFF ldb #$FFF |
00FFF13F 0F7000810 stb BreakpointFlag |
00FFF142 016FFFEF4 lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
MonDisarmBreakpoint: |
00FFF145 017000632 lbsr DisarmBreakpoint |
00FFF148 016FFFEEE lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Ignore blanks in the input |
; Y = text pointer |
3157,82 → 3459,74
; |
ignBlanks: |
ignBlanks1: |
00FFEF53 08DFF2 bsr MonGetch |
00FFEF55 0C1020 cmpb #' ' |
00FFEF57 027FFA beq ignBlanks1 |
00FFEF59 0313FF dey |
00FFEF5B 039 rts |
00FFF14B 08DFE1 bsr MonGetch |
00FFF14D 0C1020 cmpb #' ' |
00FFF14F 027FFA beq ignBlanks1 |
00FFF151 0313FF dey |
00FFF153 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Multiply number in work area by 10. |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Times10: |
00FFEF5C 0FC000910 ldd mon_numwka ; make a copy of the number |
00FFEF5F 0FD000918 std mon_numwka+8 |
00FFEF62 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEF65 0FD00091A std mon_numwka+10 |
00FFEF68 078000913 asl mon_numwka+3 ; shift left = *2 |
00FFEF6B 079000912 rol mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEF6E 079000911 rol mon_numwka+1 |
00FFEF71 079000910 rol mon_numwka+0 |
00FFEF74 078000913 asl mon_numwka+3 ; shift left = *4 |
00FFEF77 079000912 rol mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEF7A 079000911 rol mon_numwka+1 |
00FFEF7D 079000910 rol mon_numwka+0 |
00FFEF80 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 ; add in original value |
00FFEF83 0F300091A addd mon_numwka+10 ; = *5 |
00FFEF86 0F6000911 ldb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFEF89 0F9000919 adcb mon_numwka+9 |
00FFEF8C 0F7000911 stb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFEF8F 0B6000910 lda mon_numwka+0 |
00FFEF92 0B9000918 adca mon_numwka+8 |
00FFEF95 0B7000910 sta mon_numwka+0 |
00FFEF98 078000913 asl mon_numwka+3 ; shift left = * 10 |
00FFEF9B 079000912 rol mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEF9E 079000911 rol mon_numwka+1 |
00FFEFA1 079000910 rol mon_numwka+0 |
00FFEFA4 039 rts |
00FFF154 034006 pshs d |
00FFF156 0FC000910 ldd mon_numwka ; make a copy of the number |
00FFF159 0FD000918 std mon_numwka+8 |
00FFF15C 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF15F 0FD00091A std mon_numwka+10 |
00FFF162 08D05B bsr shl_numwka ; shift left = *2 |
00FFF164 08D059 bsr shl_numwka ; shift left = *4 |
00FFF166 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 ; add in original value |
00FFF169 0F300091A addd mon_numwka+10 ; = *5 |
00FFF16C 0F6000911 ldb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF16F 0F9000919 adcb mon_numwka+9 |
00FFF172 0F7000911 stb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF175 0B6000910 lda mon_numwka+0 |
00FFF178 0B9000918 adca mon_numwka+8 |
00FFF17B 0B7000910 sta mon_numwka+0 |
00FFF17E 08D03F bsr shl_numwka ; shift left = * 10 |
00FFF180 035086 puls d,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
GetTwoParams: |
00FFEFA5 08DFAC bsr ignBlanks |
00FFEFA7 08D046 bsr GetHexNumber ; get start address of dump |
00FFEFA9 0FC000910 ldd mon_numwka |
00FFEFAC 0FD000920 std mon_r1 |
00FFEFAF 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEFB2 0FD000922 std mon_r1+2 |
00FFEFB5 08DF9C bsr ignBlanks |
00FFEFB7 08D036 bsr GetHexNumber ; get end address of dump |
00FFEFB9 0FC000910 ldd mon_numwka |
00FFEFBC 0FD000924 std mon_r2 |
00FFEFBF 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEFC2 0FD000926 std mon_r2+2 |
00FFEFC5 039 rts |
00FFF182 08DFC7 bsr ignBlanks |
00FFF184 08D0DC bsr GetNumber ; get start address of dump |
00FFF186 0FC000910 ldd mon_numwka |
00FFF189 0FD000920 std mon_r1 |
00FFF18C 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF18F 0FD000922 std mon_r1+2 |
00FFF192 08DFB7 bsr ignBlanks |
00FFF194 08D0CC bsr GetNumber ; get end address of dump |
00FFF196 0FC000910 ldd mon_numwka |
00FFF199 0FD000924 std mon_r2 |
00FFF19C 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF19F 0FD000926 std mon_r2+2 |
00FFF1A2 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Get a range, the end must be greater or equal to the start. |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
GetRange: |
00FFEFC6 08DFDD bsr GetTwoParams |
00FFEFC8 0FC000926 ldd mon_r2+2 |
00FFEFCB 0B3000922 subd mon_r1+2 |
00FFEFCE 0FC000924 ldd mon_r2 |
00FFEFD1 0F2000921 sbcb mon_r1+1 |
00FFEFD4 0B2000920 sbca mon_r1 |
00FFEFD7 124000007 lbcc grng1 |
00FFEFDA 0AD90F00080C jsr [MonErrVec] |
00FFEFDE 016FFFEC6 lbra Monitor |
00FFF1A3 08DFDD bsr GetTwoParams |
00FFF1A5 0FC000926 ldd mon_r2+2 |
00FFF1A8 0B3000922 subd mon_r1+2 |
00FFF1AB 0FC000924 ldd mon_r2 |
00FFF1AE 0F2000921 sbcb mon_r1+1 |
00FFF1B1 0B2000920 sbca mon_r1 |
00FFF1B4 124000007 lbcc grng1 |
00FFF1B7 0AD90F00080C jsr [MonErrVec] |
00FFF1BB 016FFFE7B lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
grng1: |
00FFEFE1 039 rts |
00FFF1BE 039 rts |
shl_numwka: |
00FFEFE2 078000913 asl mon_numwka+3 |
00FFEFE5 079000912 rol mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEFE8 079000911 rol mon_numwka+1 |
00FFEFEB 079000910 rol mon_numwka |
00FFEFEE 039 rts |
00FFF1BF 078000913 asl mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF1C2 079000912 rol mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF1C5 079000911 rol mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF1C8 079000910 rol mon_numwka |
00FFF1CB 039 rts |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; Get a hexidecimal number. Maximum of twelve digits. |
3244,31 → 3538,90
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
GetHexNumber: |
00FFEFEF 04F05F clrd |
00FFEFF1 0FD000910 std mon_numwka ; zero out work area |
00FFEFF4 0FD000912 std mon_numwka+2 |
00FFEFF7 034010 pshs x |
00FFEFF9 08E000000 ldx #0 ; max 12 eight digits |
00FFF1CC 04F05F clrd |
00FFF1CE 0FD000910 std mon_numwka ; zero out work area |
00FFF1D1 0FD000912 std mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF1D4 034010 pshs x |
00FFF1D6 08E000000 ldx #0 ; max 12 eight digits |
gthxn2: |
00FFEFFC 08DF49 bsr MonGetch |
00FFEFFE 08D01F bsr AsciiToHexNybble |
00FFF000 0C1FFF cmpb #-1 |
00FFF002 027017 beq gthxn1 |
00FFF004 08DFDC bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF006 08DFDA bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF008 08DFD8 bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF00A 08DFD6 bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF00C 0C400F andb #$0f |
00FFF00E 0FA000913 orb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF011 0F7000913 stb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF014 030001 inx |
00FFF016 08C00000C cmpx #12 |
00FFF019 025FE1 blo gthxn2 |
00FFF1D9 08DF53 bsr MonGetch |
00FFF1DB 08D093 bsr AsciiToHexNybble |
00FFF1DD 0C1FFF cmpb #-1 |
00FFF1DF 027017 beq gthxn1 |
00FFF1E1 08DFDC bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF1E3 08DFDA bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF1E5 08DFD8 bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF1E7 08DFD6 bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF1E9 0C400F andb #$0f |
00FFF1EB 0FA000913 orb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF1EE 0F7000913 stb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF1F1 030001 inx |
00FFF1F3 08C00000C cmpx #12 |
00FFF1F6 025FE1 blo gthxn2 |
gthxn1: |
00FFF01B 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFF01D 035090 puls x,pc |
00FFF1F8 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFF1FA 035090 puls x,pc |
;GetDecNumber: |
GetBinNumber: |
00FFF1FC 04F05F clrd |
00FFF1FE 0FD000910 std mon_numwka |
00FFF201 0FD000912 std mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF204 034010 pshs x |
00FFF206 08E000000 ldx #0 |
gtbin2: |
00FFF209 08DF23 bsr MonGetch |
00FFF20B 08D099 bsr AsciiToBinDigit |
00FFF20D 05D tstb |
00FFF20E 02B00F bmi gtbin1 |
00FFF210 08DFAD bsr shl_numwka |
00FFF212 0FA000913 orb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF215 0F7000913 stb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF218 030001 inx |
00FFF21A 08C000030 cpx #48 |
00FFF21D 025FEA blo gtbin2 |
gtbin1: |
00FFF21F 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFF221 035090 puls x,pc |
GetDecNumber: |
00FFF223 04F05F clrd |
00FFF225 0FD000910 std mon_numwka |
00FFF228 0FD000912 std mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF22B 034010 pshs x |
00FFF22D 08E000000 ldx #0 |
gtdec2: |
00FFF230 08DEFC bsr MonGetch |
00FFF232 08D064 bsr AsciiToDecDigit |
00FFF234 05D tstb |
00FFF235 02B027 bmi gtdec1 |
00FFF237 08DF1B bsr Times10 |
00FFF239 0FB000913 addb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF23C 0F7000913 stb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF23F 0F6000912 ldb mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF242 0C9000 adcb #0 |
00FFF244 0F7000912 stb mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF247 0F6000911 ldb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF24A 0C9000 adcb #0 |
00FFF24C 0F7000911 stb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF24F 0F6000910 ldb mon_numwka+0 |
00FFF252 0C9000 adcb #0 |
00FFF254 0F7000910 stb mon_numwka+0 |
00FFF257 030001 inx |
00FFF259 08C00000F cpx #15 |
00FFF25C 025FD2 blo gtdec2 |
gtdec1: |
00FFF25E 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFF260 035090 puls x,pc |
GetNumber: |
00FFF262 08DECA bsr MonGetch |
00FFF264 0C102B cmpb #'+' |
00FFF266 027FBB beq GetDecNumber |
00FFF268 0C1025 cmpb #'%' |
00FFF26A 027F90 beq GetBinNumber |
00FFF26C 0313FF dey |
00FFF26E 020F5C bra GetHexNumber |
; phx |
; push r4 |
; push r5 |
3297,150 → 3650,169
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; |
AsciiToHexNybble: |
00FFF01F 0C1030 cmpb #'0' |
00FFF021 025021 blo gthx3 |
00FFF023 0C1039 cmpb #'9' |
00FFF025 022003 bhi gthx5 |
00FFF027 0C0030 subb #'0' |
00FFF029 039 rts |
00FFF270 0C1030 cmpb #'0' |
00FFF272 025021 blo gthx3 |
00FFF274 0C1039 cmpb #'9' |
00FFF276 022003 bhi gthx5 |
00FFF278 0C0030 subb #'0' |
00FFF27A 039 rts |
gthx5: |
00FFF02A 0C1041 cmpb #'A' |
00FFF02C 025016 blo gthx3 |
00FFF02E 0C1046 cmpb #'F' |
00FFF030 022005 bhi gthx6 |
00FFF032 0C0041 subb #'A' |
00FFF034 0CB00A addb #10 |
00FFF036 039 rts |
00FFF27B 0C1041 cmpb #'A' |
00FFF27D 025016 blo gthx3 |
00FFF27F 0C1046 cmpb #'F' |
00FFF281 022005 bhi gthx6 |
00FFF283 0C0041 subb #'A' |
00FFF285 0CB00A addb #10 |
00FFF287 039 rts |
gthx6: |
00FFF037 0C1061 cmpb #'a' |
00FFF039 025009 blo gthx3 |
00FFF03B 0C107A cmpb #'z' |
00FFF03D 022005 bhi gthx3 |
00FFF03F 0C0061 subb #'a' |
00FFF041 0CB00A addb #10 |
00FFF043 039 rts |
00FFF288 0C1061 cmpb #'a' |
00FFF28A 025009 blo gthx3 |
00FFF28C 0C107A cmpb #'z' |
00FFF28E 022005 bhi gthx3 |
00FFF290 0C0061 subb #'a' |
00FFF292 0CB00A addb #10 |
00FFF294 039 rts |
gthx3: |
00FFF044 0C6FFF ldb #-1 ; not a hex number |
00FFF046 039 rts |
00FFF295 0C6FFF ldb #-1 ; not a hex number |
00FFF297 039 rts |
AsciiToDecNybble: |
00FFF047 0C1030 cmpb #'0' |
00FFF049 024007 bcc gtdc3 |
00FFF04B 0C103A cmpb #'9'+1 |
00FFF04D 025003 bcs gtdc3 |
00FFF04F 0C0030 subb #'0' |
00FFF051 039 rts |
AsciiToDecDigit: |
00FFF298 0C1030 cmpb #'0' |
00FFF29A 025007 blo gtdc3 |
00FFF29C 0C1039 cmpb #'9' |
00FFF29E 022003 bhi gtdc3 |
00FFF2A0 0C0030 subb #'0' |
00FFF2A2 039 rts |
gtdc3: |
00FFF052 0C6FFF ldb #-1 |
00FFF054 039 rts |
00FFF2A3 0C6FFF ldb #-1 |
00FFF2A5 039 rts |
AsciiToBinDigit: |
00FFF2A6 0C1030 cmpb #'0' |
00FFF2A8 026002 bne abd1 |
00FFF2AA 05F clrb |
00FFF2AB 039 rts |
abd1: |
00FFF2AC 0C1031 cmpb #'1' |
00FFF2AE 026003 bne abd2 |
00FFF2B0 0C6001 ldb #1 |
00FFF2B2 039 rts |
abd2: |
00FFF2B3 0C6FFF ldb #-1 |
00FFF2B5 039 rts |
DisplayErr: |
00FFF055 0CCFFF066 ldd #msgErr |
00FFF058 017FFF364 lbsr DisplayString |
00FFF2B6 0CCFFF2C7 ldd #msgErr |
00FFF2B9 017FFF11E lbsr DisplayString |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF05B 07EFFEEA7 jmp Monitor |
00FFF2BC 07EFFF039 jmp Monitor |
DisplayStringDX |
00FFF05E 0DD024 std Strptr |
00FFF060 09F026 stx Strptr+2 |
00FFF062 0BDFFE3BF jsr DisplayString |
00FFF065 039 rts |
00FFF2BF 0DD024 std Strptr |
00FFF2C1 09F026 stx Strptr+2 |
00FFF2C3 0BDFFE3DA jsr DisplayString |
00FFF2C6 039 rts |
msgErr: |
00FFF066 02A02A04507207200D00A fcb "**Err",CR,LF,0 |
00FFF06D 000 |
00FFF2C7 02A02A04507207200D00A fcb "**Err",CR,LF,0 |
00FFF2CE 000 |
HelpMsg: |
00FFF06E 03F02003D020044069073 fcb "? = Display help",CR,LF |
00FFF075 07006C061079020068065 |
00FFF07C 06C07000D00A |
00FFF080 04304C05302003D020063 fcb "CLS = clear screen",CR,LF |
00FFF087 06C065061072020073063 |
00FFF08E 07206506506E00D00A |
00FFF094 06207302003D020073065 fcb "bs = set breakpoint",CR,LF |
00FFF09B 07402006207206506106B |
00FFF0A2 07006F06906E07400D00A |
00FFF0A9 06206302003D02006306C fcb "bc = clear breakpoint",CR,LF |
00FFF0B0 065061072020062072065 |
00FFF0B7 06106B07006F06906E074 |
00FFF0BE 00D00A |
00FFF2CF 03F02003D020044069073 fcb "? = Display help",CR,LF |
00FFF2D6 07006C061079020068065 |
00FFF2DD 06C07000D00A |
00FFF2E1 04304C05302003D020063 fcb "CLS = clear screen",CR,LF |
00FFF2E8 06C065061072020073063 |
00FFF2EF 07206506506E00D00A |
00FFF2F5 06207302003D020073065 fcb "bs = set breakpoint",CR,LF |
00FFF2FC 07402006207206506106B |
00FFF303 07006F06906E07400D00A |
00FFF30A 06206302003D02006306C fcb "bc = clear breakpoint",CR,LF |
00FFF311 065061072020062072065 |
00FFF318 06106B07006F06906E074 |
00FFF31F 00D00A |
; db "S = Boot from SD Card",CR,LF |
00FFF0C0 03A02003D020045064069 fcb ": = Edit memory bytes",CR,LF |
00FFF0C7 07402006D06506D06F072 |
00FFF0CE 079020062079074065073 |
00FFF0D5 00D00A |
00FFF321 03A02003D020045064069 fcb ": = Edit memory bytes",CR,LF |
00FFF328 07402006D06506D06F072 |
00FFF32F 079020062079074065073 |
00FFF336 00D00A |
; db "L = Load sector",CR,LF |
; db "W = Write sector",CR,LF |
00FFF0D7 04405202003D020044075 fcb "DR = Dump registers",CR,LF |
00FFF0DE 06D070020072065067069 |
00FFF0E5 07307406507207300D00A |
00FFF0EC 04402003D02004407506D fcb "D = Dump memory",CR,LF |
00FFF0F3 07002006D06506D06F072 |
00FFF0FA 07900D00A |
00FFF0FD 04602003D02004606906C fcb "F = Fill memory",CR,LF |
00FFF104 06C02006D06506D06F072 |
00FFF10B 07900D00A |
00FFF10E 04604C02003D020044075 fcb "FL = Dump I/O Focus List",CR,LF |
00FFF115 06D07002004902F04F020 |
00FFF11C 04606F06307507302004C |
00FFF123 06907307400D00A |
00FFF128 04604904702003D020073 fcb "FIG = start FIG Forth",CR,LF |
00FFF12F 074061072074020046049 |
00FFF136 04702004606F072074068 |
00FFF13D 00D00A |
00FFF338 04405202003D020044075 fcb "DR = Dump registers",CR,LF |
00FFF33F 06D070020072065067069 |
00FFF346 07307406507207300D00A |
00FFF34D 04402003D02004407506D fcb "D = Dump memory",CR,LF |
00FFF354 07002006D06506D06F072 |
00FFF35B 07900D00A |
00FFF35E 04602003D02004606906C fcb "F = Fill memory",CR,LF |
00FFF365 06C02006D06506D06F072 |
00FFF36C 07900D00A |
00FFF36F 04604C02003D020044075 fcb "FL = Dump I/O Focus List",CR,LF |
00FFF376 06D07002004902F04F020 |
00FFF37D 04606F06307507302004C |
00FFF384 06907307400D00A |
; fcb "FIG = start FIG Forth",CR,LF |
; db "KILL n = kill task #n",CR,LF |
; db "B = start tiny basic",CR,LF |
; db "b = start EhBasic 6502",CR,LF |
00FFF13F 04A02003D02004A07506D fcb "J = Jump to code",CR,LF |
00FFF146 07002007406F02006306F |
00FFF14D 06406500D00A |
00FFF151 05204104D02003D020074 fcb "RAM = test RAM",CR,LF |
00FFF158 06507307402005204104D |
00FFF15F 00D00A |
00FFF389 04A02003D02004A07506D fcb "J = Jump to code",CR,LF |
00FFF390 07002007406F02006306F |
00FFF397 06406500D00A |
00FFF39B 04A04403402003D02004A fcb "JD4 = Jump to $FFD400",CR,LF |
00FFF3A2 07506D07002007406F020 |
00FFF3A9 024046046044034030030 |
00FFF3B0 00D00A |
00FFF3B2 05204104D054045053054 fcb "RAMTEST = test RAM",CR,LF |
00FFF3B9 02003D020074065073074 |
00FFF3C0 02005204104D00D00A |
; db "R[n] = Set register value",CR,LF |
; db "r = random lines - test bitmap",CR,LF |
; db "e = ethernet test",CR,LF |
00FFF161 07302003D020073065072 fcb "s = serial output test",CR,LF |
00FFF168 06906106C02006F075074 |
00FFF16F 070075074020074065073 |
00FFF176 07400D00A |
00FFF179 05305002003D020073070 fcb "SP = sprite demo",CR,LF |
00FFF180 072069074065020064065 |
00FFF187 06D06F00D00A |
00FFF3C6 07302003D020073065072 fcb "s = serial output test",CR,LF |
00FFF3CD 06906106C02006F075074 |
00FFF3D4 070075074020074065073 |
00FFF3DB 07400D00A |
00FFF3DE 05303103902003D020072 fcb "S19 = run S19 loader",CR,LF |
00FFF3E5 07506E020053031039020 |
00FFF3EC 06C06F06106406507200D |
00FFF3F3 00A |
00FFF3F4 05305002003D020073070 fcb "SP = sprite demo",CR,LF |
00FFF3FB 072069074065020064065 |
00FFF402 06D06F00D00A |
; db "T = Dump task list",CR,LF |
; db "TO = Dump timeout list",CR,LF |
00FFF18B 05404902003D020064069 fcb "TI = display date/time",CR,LF |
00FFF192 07307006C061079020064 |
00FFF199 06107406502F07406906D |
00FFF1A0 06500D00A |
00FFF406 05404902003D020064069 fcb "TI = display date/time",CR,LF |
00FFF40D 07307006C061079020064 |
00FFF414 06107406502F07406906D |
00FFF41B 06500D00A |
; db "TEMP = display temperature",CR,LF |
00FFF1A3 05502003D02007506E061 fcb "U = unassemble",CR,LF |
00FFF1AA 07307306506D06206C065 |
00FFF1B1 00D00A |
00FFF41E 05502003D02007506E061 fcb "U = unassemble",CR,LF |
00FFF425 07307306506D06206C065 |
00FFF42C 00D00A |
; db "P = Piano",CR,LF |
00FFF1B3 07802003D020065078069 fcb "x = exit monitor",CR,LF |
00FFF1BA 07402006D06F06E069074 |
00FFF1C1 06F07200D00A |
00FFF1C5 000 fcb 0 |
00FFF42E 07802003D020065078069 fcb "x = exit monitor",CR,LF |
00FFF435 07402006D06F06E069074 |
00FFF43C 06F07200D00A |
00FFF440 000 fcb 0 |
msgRegHeadings |
00FFF1C6 00D00A02002004402F041 fcb CR,LF," D/AB X Y U S PC DP CCR",CR,LF,0 |
00FFF1CD 042020020020020020058 |
00FFF1D4 020020020020020020059 |
00FFF1DB 020020020020020020055 |
00FFF1E2 020020020020020020053 |
00FFF1E9 020020020020020020020 |
00FFF1F0 050043020020020020044 |
00FFF1F7 05002002004304305200D |
00FFF1FE 00A000 |
00FFF441 00D00A02002004402F041 fcb CR,LF," D/AB X Y U S PC DP CCR",CR,LF,0 |
00FFF448 042020020020020020058 |
00FFF44F 020020020020020020059 |
00FFF456 020020020020020020055 |
00FFF45D 020020020020020020053 |
00FFF464 020020020020020020020 |
00FFF46B 050043020020020020044 |
00FFF472 05002002004304305200D |
00FFF479 00A000 |
nHEX4: |
00FFF200 0BDFFD2D2 jsr HEX4 |
00FFF203 039 rts |
00FFF47B 0BDFFD2D2 jsr HEX4 |
00FFF47E 039 rts |
00FFF204 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF206 016FFFB09 lbra OUTCH |
00FFF47F 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF481 016FFFA5D lbra OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3455,66 → 3827,66
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
DumpMemory: |
00FFF209 08DDBB bsr GetRange |
00FFF20B 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFF20E 1BE000922 ldy mon_r1+2 |
00FFF484 08DD1D bsr GetRange |
00FFF486 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFF489 1BE000922 ldy mon_r1+2 |
dmpm2: |
00FFF211 017FFDEBE lbsr CRLF |
00FFF48C 017FFDC43 lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF214 0C603A ldb #':' |
00FFF216 017FFFAF9 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF48F 0C603A ldb #':' |
00FFF491 017FFFA4D lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF219 01F020 tfr y,d |
00FFF494 01F020 tfr y,d |
;addd mon_r1+2 ; output the address |
00FFF21B 017FFF1EC lbsr DispWordAsHex |
00FFF496 017FFEF95 lbsr DispWordAsHex |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF21E 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF220 017FFFAEF lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF499 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF49B 017FFFA43 lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF223 08E000008 ldx #8 ; number of bytes to display |
00FFF49E 08E000008 ldx #8 ; number of bytes to display |
dmpm1: |
; ldb far [mon_r1+1],y |
;ldb [mon_r1+2],y |
00FFF226 0E6A04 ldb ,y |
00FFF228 031201 iny |
00FFF22A 017FFF1E6 lbsr DispByteAsHex ; display byte |
00FFF4A1 0E6A04 ldb ,y |
00FFF4A3 031201 iny |
00FFF4A5 017FFEF8F lbsr DispByteAsHex ; display byte |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF22D 0C6020 ldb #' ' ; followed by a space |
00FFF22F 017FFFAE0 lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF4A8 0C6020 ldb #' ' ; followed by a space |
00FFF4AA 017FFFA34 lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF232 05F clrb |
00FFF233 04F clra |
00FFF234 017FFFAA3 lbsr INCH |
00FFF4AD 05F clrb |
00FFF4AE 04F clra |
00FFF4AF 017FFF9F7 lbsr INCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF237 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC |
00FFF239 027024 beq dmpm3 |
00FFF23B 0301FF dex |
00FFF23D 026FE7 bne dmpm1 |
00FFF4B2 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC |
00FFF4B4 027024 beq dmpm3 |
00FFF4B6 0301FF dex |
00FFF4B8 026FE7 bne dmpm1 |
; Now output ascii |
00FFF23F 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF241 017FFFACE lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF4BA 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF4BC 017FFFA22 lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF244 08E000008 ldx #8 ; 8 chars to output |
00FFF247 0313F8 leay -8,y ; backup pointer |
00FFF4BF 08E000008 ldx #8 ; 8 chars to output |
00FFF4C2 0313F8 leay -8,y ; backup pointer |
dmpm5: |
; ldb far [mon_r1+1],y ; get the char |
; ldb [mon_r1+2],y ; get the char |
00FFF249 0E6A04 ldb ,y |
00FFF24B 0C1020 cmpb #$20 ; is it a control char? |
00FFF24D 024002 bhs dmpm4 |
00FFF24F 0C602E ldb #'.' |
00FFF4C4 0E6A04 ldb ,y |
00FFF4C6 0C1020 cmpb #$20 ; is it a control char? |
00FFF4C8 024002 bhs dmpm4 |
00FFF4CA 0C602E ldb #'.' |
dmpm4: |
00FFF251 017FFFABE lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF4CC 017FFFA12 lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF254 031201 iny |
00FFF256 0301FF dex |
00FFF258 026FEF bne dmpm5 |
00FFF25A 1BC000926 cmpy mon_r2+2 |
00FFF25D 025FB2 blo dmpm2 |
00FFF4CF 031201 iny |
00FFF4D1 0301FF dex |
00FFF4D3 026FEF bne dmpm5 |
00FFF4D5 1BC000926 cmpy mon_r2+2 |
00FFF4D8 025FB2 blo dmpm2 |
dmpm3: |
00FFF25F 017FFDE70 lbsr CRLF |
00FFF4DA 017FFDBF5 lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF262 016FFFC42 lbra Monitor |
00FFF4DD 016FFFB59 lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3529,42 → 3901,42
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
EditMemory: |
00FFF265 0CE000008 ldu #8 ; set max byte count |
00FFF268 017FFFD84 lbsr GetHexNumber ; get the start address |
00FFF4E0 0CE000008 ldu #8 ; set max byte count |
00FFF4E3 017FFFCE6 lbsr GetHexNumber ; get the start address |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF26B 0BE000912 ldx mon_numwka+2 |
00FFF4E6 0BE000912 ldx mon_numwka+2 |
EditMem2: |
00FFF26E 017FFFCE2 lbsr ignBlanks ; skip over blanks |
00FFF4E9 017FFFC5F lbsr ignBlanks ; skip over blanks |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF271 017FFFD7B lbsr GetHexNumber ; get the byte value |
00FFF4EC 017FFFCDD lbsr GetHexNumber ; get the byte value |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF274 05D tstb ; check for valid value |
00FFF275 02700C beq EditMem1 ; if invalid, quit |
00FFF277 0F6000913 ldb mon_numwka+3 ; get value |
00FFF27A 0E7800 stb ,x+ ; update memory at address |
00FFF27C 0335FF leau -1,u ; decremeent byte count |
00FFF27E 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFF281 026FEB bne EditMem2 ; go back for annother byte |
00FFF4EF 05D tstb ; check for valid value |
00FFF4F0 02700C beq EditMem1 ; if invalid, quit |
00FFF4F2 0F6000913 ldb mon_numwka+3 ; get value |
00FFF4F5 0E7800 stb ,x+ ; update memory at address |
00FFF4F7 0335FF leau -1,u ; decremeent byte count |
00FFF4F9 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFF4FC 026FEB bne EditMem2 ; go back for annother byte |
EditMem1: |
00FFF283 017FFFCC1 lbsr MonGetch ; see if a string is being entered |
00FFF4FE 017FFFC2D lbsr MonGetch ; see if a string is being entered |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF286 0C1022 cmpb #'"' |
00FFF288 026018 bne EditMem3 ; no string, we're done |
00FFF28A 0CE000028 ldu #40 ; string must be less than 40 chars |
00FFF501 0C1022 cmpb #'"' |
00FFF503 026018 bne EditMem3 ; no string, we're done |
00FFF505 0CE000028 ldu #40 ; string must be less than 40 chars |
EditMem4: |
00FFF28D 017FFFCB7 lbsr MonGetch ; look for close quote |
00FFF508 017FFFC23 lbsr MonGetch ; look for close quote |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF290 0C1022 cmpb #'"' |
00FFF292 026005 bne EditMem6 ; end of string? |
00FFF294 0CE000008 ldu #8 ; reset the byte count |
00FFF297 020FD5 bra EditMem2 |
00FFF50B 0C1022 cmpb #'"' |
00FFF50D 026005 bne EditMem6 ; end of string? |
00FFF50F 0CE000008 ldu #8 ; reset the byte count |
00FFF512 020FD5 bra EditMem2 |
EditMem6: |
00FFF299 0E7800 stb ,x+ ; store the character in memory |
00FFF29B 0335FF leau -1,u ; decrement byte count |
00FFF29D 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFF2A0 022FEB bhi EditMem4 ; max 40 chars |
00FFF514 0E7800 stb ,x+ ; store the character in memory |
00FFF516 0335FF leau -1,u ; decrement byte count |
00FFF518 283000000 cmpu #0 |
00FFF51B 022FEB bhi EditMem4 ; max 40 chars |
EditMem3: |
00FFF2A2 016FFFC02 lbra Monitor |
00FFF51D 016FFFB19 lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
3577,32 → 3949,32
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
FillMemory: |
00FFF2A5 017FFFD1E lbsr GetRange ; get address range to fill |
00FFF520 017FFFC80 lbsr GetRange ; get address range to fill |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF2A8 017FFFCA8 lbsr ignBlanks |
00FFF523 017FFFC25 lbsr ignBlanks |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF2AB 017FFFD41 lbsr GetHexNumber ; get target byte to write |
00FFF526 017FFFCA3 lbsr GetHexNumber ; get target byte to write |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF2AE 0F6000913 ldb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF2B1 0BE000922 ldx mon_r1+2 |
00FFF2B4 04F clra |
00FFF529 0F6000913 ldb mon_numwka+3 |
00FFF52C 0BE000922 ldx mon_r1+2 |
00FFF52F 04F clra |
fillm1: ; Check for a CTRL-C every page of memory |
00FFF2B5 04D tsta |
00FFF2B6 02600D bne fillm2 |
00FFF2B8 05F clrb ; we want a non-blocking check |
00FFF2B9 04F clra |
00FFF2BA 017FFFA1D lbsr INCH |
00FFF530 04D tsta |
00FFF531 02600D bne fillm2 |
00FFF533 05F clrb ; we want a non-blocking check |
00FFF534 04F clra |
00FFF535 017FFF971 lbsr INCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF2BD 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC |
00FFF2BF 127FFFBE5 lbeq Monitor |
00FFF538 0C1003 cmpb #CTRLC |
00FFF53A 127FFFAFC lbeq Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF2C2 0F6000913 ldb mon_numwka+3 ; reset target byte |
00FFF53D 0F6000913 ldb mon_numwka+3 ; reset target byte |
fillm2: |
00FFF2C5 0E7800 stb ,x+ |
00FFF2C7 0BC000926 cmpx mon_r2+2 |
00FFF2CA 023FE9 bls fillm1 |
00FFF540 0E7800 stb ,x+ |
00FFF542 0BC000926 cmpx mon_r2+2 |
00FFF545 023FE9 bls fillm1 |
fillm3: |
00FFF2CC 016FFFBD8 lbra Monitor |
00FFF547 016FFFAEF lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3613,39 → 3985,39
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
DumpRegs: |
00FFF2CF 0CCFFF1C6 ldd #msgRegHeadings |
00FFF2D2 017FFF0EA lbsr DisplayString |
00FFF54A 0CCFFF441 ldd #msgRegHeadings |
00FFF54D 017FFEE8A lbsr DisplayString |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF2D5 08DF2D bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF2D7 0FC000900 ldd mon_DSAVE |
00FFF2DA 08DF24 bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF2DC 08DF26 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF2DE 0FC000902 ldd mon_XSAVE |
00FFF2E1 08DF1D bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF2E3 08DF1F bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF2E5 0FC000904 ldd mon_YSAVE |
00FFF2E8 08DF16 bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF2EA 08DF18 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF2EC 0FC000906 ldd mon_USAVE |
00FFF2EF 08DF0F bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF2F1 08DF11 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF2F3 0FC000908 ldd mon_SSAVE |
00FFF2F6 08DF08 bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF2F8 08DF0A bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF2FA 0F600090B ldb mon_PCSAVE+1 |
00FFF2FD 017FFF113 lbsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFF550 08DF2D bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF552 0FC000900 ldd mon_DSAVE |
00FFF555 08DF24 bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF557 08DF26 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF559 0FC000902 ldd mon_XSAVE |
00FFF55C 08DF1D bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF55E 08DF1F bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF560 0FC000904 ldd mon_YSAVE |
00FFF563 08DF16 bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF565 08DF18 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF567 0FC000906 ldd mon_USAVE |
00FFF56A 08DF0F bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF56C 08DF11 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF56E 0FC000908 ldd mon_SSAVE |
00FFF571 08DF08 bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF573 08DF0A bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF575 0F600090B ldb mon_PCSAVE+1 |
00FFF578 017FFEEBC lbsr DispByteAsHex |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF300 0FC00090C ldd mon_PCSAVE+2 |
00FFF303 08DEFB bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF305 08DEFD bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF307 0FC00090E ldd mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF30A 0BDFFD2CE jsr HEX2 |
00FFF30D 08DEF5 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF30F 0B600090F lda mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF312 017FFDFB9 lbsr HEX2 |
00FFF57B 0FC00090C ldd mon_PCSAVE+2 |
00FFF57E 08DEFB bsr nHEX4 |
00FFF580 08DEFD bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF582 0FC00090E ldd mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF585 0BDFFD2CE jsr HEX2 |
00FFF588 08DEF5 bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF58A 0B600090F lda mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF58D 017FFDD3E lbsr HEX2 |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF315 08DEED bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF317 016FFFB8D lbra Monitor |
00FFF590 08DEED bsr nXBLANK |
00FFF592 016FFFAA4 lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3658,55 → 4030,55
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
jump_to_code: |
00FFF31A 08DCD3 bsr GetHexNumber |
00FFF31C 01A010 sei |
00FFF31E 1FE000908 lds mon_SSAVE |
00FFF321 0CCFFF355 ldd #<jtc_exit ; setup stack for RTS back to monitor |
00FFF324 034006 pshs d |
00FFF326 0C6000 ldb #>jtc_exit |
00FFF328 034004 pshs b |
00FFF32A 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 ; get the address parameter |
00FFF32D 034006 pshs d |
00FFF32F 0F6000911 ldb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF332 034004 pshs b |
00FFF334 0FC000906 ldd mon_USAVE |
00FFF337 034006 pshs d |
00FFF339 0FC000904 ldd mon_YSAVE |
00FFF33C 034006 pshs d |
00FFF33E 0FC000902 ldd mon_XSAVE |
00FFF341 034006 pshs d |
00FFF343 0B600090E lda mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF346 034002 pshs a |
00FFF348 0FC000900 ldd mon_DSAVE |
00FFF34B 034006 pshs d |
00FFF34D 0B600090F lda mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF350 034002 pshs a |
00FFF352 0150350FF puls far ccr,d,dpr,x,y,u,pc |
00FFF595 08DCCB bsr GetNumber |
00FFF597 01A010 sei |
00FFF599 1FE000908 lds mon_SSAVE |
00FFF59C 0CCFFF5D0 ldd #jtc_exit ; setup stack for RTS back to monitor |
00FFF59F 034006 pshs d |
00FFF5A1 0C6000 ldb #0 |
00FFF5A3 034004 pshs b |
00FFF5A5 0FC000912 ldd mon_numwka+2 ; get the address parameter |
00FFF5A8 034006 pshs d |
00FFF5AA 0F6000911 ldb mon_numwka+1 |
00FFF5AD 034004 pshs b |
00FFF5AF 0FC000906 ldd mon_USAVE |
00FFF5B2 034006 pshs d |
00FFF5B4 0FC000904 ldd mon_YSAVE |
00FFF5B7 034006 pshs d |
00FFF5B9 0FC000902 ldd mon_XSAVE |
00FFF5BC 034006 pshs d |
00FFF5BE 0B600090E lda mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF5C1 034002 pshs a |
00FFF5C3 0FC000900 ldd mon_DSAVE |
00FFF5C6 034006 pshs d |
00FFF5C8 0B600090F lda mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF5CB 034002 pshs a |
00FFF5CD 0150350FF puls far ccr,d,dpr,x,y,u,pc |
jtc_exit: |
00FFF355 1FF000908 sts >mon_SSAVE ; need to use extended addressing, no direct page setting |
00FFF358 03280F006FFF leas $6FFF ; reset stack to system area, dont modify flags register! |
00FFF35C 034001 pshs ccr ; now the stack can be used |
00FFF35E 034002 pshs a ; save acca register so we can use it |
00FFF360 01F0B8 tfr dpr,a ; a = outgoing dpr value |
00FFF362 0B700090E sta >mon_DPRSAVE ; force extended addressing mode usage here dpr is not set |
00FFF365 04F clra ; dpg register must be set to zero before values are |
00FFF366 01F08B tfr a,dpr ; saved in the monitor register save area. |
00FFF368 035002 puls a ; get back acca |
00FFF36A 0FD000900 std mon_DSAVE ; save regsters, can use direct addressing now |
00FFF36D 0BF000902 stx mon_XSAVE |
00FFF370 1BF000904 sty mon_YSAVE |
00FFF373 0FF000906 stu mon_USAVE |
00FFF376 035002 puls a ; get back ccr |
00FFF378 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE ; and save it too |
00FFF5D0 1FF000908 sts >mon_SSAVE ; need to use extended addressing, no direct page setting |
00FFF5D3 03280F006FFF leas $6FFF ; reset stack to system area, dont modify flags register! |
00FFF5D7 034001 pshs ccr ; now the stack can be used |
00FFF5D9 034002 pshs a ; save acca register so we can use it |
00FFF5DB 01F0B8 tfr dpr,a ; a = outgoing dpr value |
00FFF5DD 0B700090E sta >mon_DPRSAVE ; force extended addressing mode usage here dpr is not set |
00FFF5E0 04F clra ; dpg register must be set to zero before values are |
00FFF5E1 01F08B tfr a,dpr ; saved in the monitor register save area. |
00FFF5E3 035002 puls a ; get back acca |
00FFF5E5 0FD000900 std mon_DSAVE ; save regsters, can use direct addressing now |
00FFF5E8 0BF000902 stx mon_XSAVE |
00FFF5EB 1BF000904 sty mon_YSAVE |
00FFF5EE 0FF000906 stu mon_USAVE |
00FFF5F1 035002 puls a ; get back ccr |
00FFF5F3 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE ; and save it too |
; Reset vectors in case they got toasted. |
00FFF37B 0CCFFEBE4 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFF37E 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFF381 0CCFFE2FE ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFF384 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFF387 0FCFFF055 ldd DisplayErr |
00FFF38A 0FD00080C std MonErrVec |
00FFF5F6 0CCFFEC64 ldd #SerialPeekCharDirect |
00FFF5F9 0FD000804 std CharInVec |
00FFF5FC 0CCFFE319 ldd #DisplayChar |
00FFF5FF 0FD000800 std CharOutVec |
00FFF602 0FCFFF2B6 ldd DisplayErr |
00FFF605 0FD00080C std MonErrVec |
; todo set according to coreid |
00FFF38D 016FFFF3F lbra DumpRegs ; now go do a register dump |
00FFF608 016FFFF3F lbra DumpRegs ; now go do a register dump |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3713,50 → 4085,69
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
DumpIOFocusList: |
00FFF390 08E000000 ldx #0 |
00FFF60B 08E000000 ldx #0 |
dfl2: |
00FFF393 0E680A000FFC000 ldb IOFocusList,x |
00FFF398 0C1018 cmpb #24 |
00FFF39A 02600A bne dfl1 |
00FFF39C 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFF39E 017FFF072 lbsr DispByteAsHex |
00FFF60E 0E680A000FFC000 ldb IOFocusList,x |
00FFF613 0C1018 cmpb #24 |
00FFF615 02600A bne dfl1 |
00FFF617 01F010 tfr x,d |
00FFF619 017FFEE1B lbsr DispByteAsHex |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF3A1 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF3A3 017FFF96C lbsr OUTCH |
00FFF61C 0C6020 ldb #' ' |
00FFF61E 017FFF8C0 lbsr OUTCH |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
dfl1: |
00FFF3A6 030001 inx |
00FFF3A8 08C000010 cmpx #16 |
00FFF3AB 025FE6 blo dfl2 |
00FFF3AD 017FFDD22 lbsr CRLF |
00FFF621 030001 inx |
00FFF623 08C000010 cmpx #16 |
00FFF626 025FE6 blo dfl2 |
00FFF628 017FFDAA7 lbsr CRLF |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF3B0 016FFFAF4 lbra Monitor |
00FFF62B 016FFFA0B lbra Monitor |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
bootpg: |
00FFF3B3 000 fcb $000 |
00FFF62E 000 fcb $000 |
boot_stack: |
00FFF3B4 006FFF fcw $006FFF |
00FFF62F FFC0FF fcw $FFC0FF |
numBreakpoints: |
00FFF3B6 008 fcb 8 |
00FFF631 008 fcb 8 |
mon_rom_vectab: |
00FFF3B7 FFF3B9 fcw mon_rom_vecs |
00FFF632 FFF634 fcw mon_rom_vecs |
mon_rom_vecs: |
00FFF3B9 FFEEA7 fcw Monitor ; enter monitor program |
00FFF3BB FFECDA fcw INCH ; input a character |
00FFF3BD FFED12 fcw OUTCH ; output a character |
00FFF3BF FFD0D2 fcw CRLF ; output carriage-return, line feed |
00FFF3C1 FFE3BF fcw DisplayString |
00FFF3C3 FFE413 fcw DispByteAsHex |
00FFF3C5 FFE40A fcw DispWordAsHex |
00FFF3C7 FFED1C fcw ShowSprites |
00FFF3C9 FFEDA0 fcw mon_srand |
00FFF3CB FFEDCE fcw mon_rand |
00FFF3CD 000000 fcw 0 ; operating system call |
00FFF3CF FFEFC6 fcw GetRange |
00FFF634 FFF039 fcw Monitor ; enter monitor program |
00FFF636 FFEEA9 fcw INCH ; input a character |
00FFF638 FFEEE1 fcw OUTCH ; output a character |
00FFF63A FFD0D2 fcw CRLF ; output carriage-return, line feed |
00FFF63C FFE3DA fcw DisplayString |
00FFF63E FFE437 fcw DispByteAsHex |
00FFF640 FFE42E fcw DispWordAsHex |
00FFF642 FFEEEB fcw ShowSprites |
00FFF644 FFEF6F fcw mon_srand |
00FFF646 FFEF9D fcw mon_rand |
00FFF648 000000 fcw 0 ; operating system call |
00FFF64A FFF1A3 fcw GetRange |
00FFF64C FFF262 fcw GetNumber |
NumFuncs EQU (*-mon_rom_vectab)/2 |
; The following table indicates which routines need to return values in the |
; D and possibly X registers. |
mon_rettab: |
00FFF64E 000 fcb 0 ; monitor |
00FFF64F 800 fcb $800 ; INCH |
00FFF650 000 fcb 0 ; OUTCH |
00FFF651 000 fcb 0 ; CRLF |
00FFF652 000 fcb 0 ; DisplayString |
00FFF653 000 fcb 0 ; DisplayByte |
00FFF654 000 fcb 0 ; DisplayWord |
00FFF655 000 fcb 0 ; show sprites |
00FFF656 000 fcb 0 ; srand |
00FFF657 C00 fcb $C00 ; rand |
00FFF658 C00 fcb $C00 ; OS call |
00FFF659 000 fcb 0 ; GetRange |
00FFF65A 800 fcb $800 ; GetNumber |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
; SWI routine. |
; |
3767,235 → 4158,248
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
swi_rout: |
00FFF3D1 0E680CFDF ldb bootpg,pcr ; reset direct page |
00FFF3D4 01F09B tfr b,dp |
00FFF65B 0E680CFD0 ldb bootpg,pcr ; reset direct page |
00FFF65E 01F09B tfr b,dp |
swi_rout1: |
00FFF3D6 0EE60B ldu 11,s ; get program counter (low order 2 bytes) |
00FFF3D8 0335FF leau -1,u ; backup a byte |
00FFF3DA 07D000810 tst BreakpointFlag ; are we in breakpoint mode? |
00FFF3DD 02700F beq swiNotBkpt |
00FFF3DF 0CE000820 ldu #Breakpoints |
00FFF3E2 0F6000811 ldb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF3E5 027007 beq swiNotBkpt |
00FFF660 0EE60B ldu 11,s ; get program counter (low order 2 bytes) |
00FFF662 0335FF leau -1,u ; backup a byte |
00FFF664 07D000810 tst BreakpointFlag ; are we in breakpoint mode? |
00FFF667 02700F beq swiNotBkpt |
00FFF669 0CE000820 ldu #Breakpoints |
00FFF66C 0F6000811 ldb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF66F 027007 beq swiNotBkpt |
swi_rout2: |
00FFF3E7 2A3A01 cmpu ,y++ |
00FFF3E9 027033 beq processBreakpoint |
00FFF3EB 05A decb |
00FFF3EC 026FF9 bne swi_rout2 |
00FFF671 2A3A01 cmpu ,y++ |
00FFF673 02704B beq processBreakpoint |
00FFF675 05A decb |
00FFF676 026FF9 bne swi_rout2 |
swiNotBkpt: |
00FFF3EE 07F000810 clr BreakpointFlag |
00FFF3F1 037006 pulu d ; get function #, increment PC |
00FFF3F3 0C100D cmpb #NumFuncs |
00FFF3F5 122FFFC5D lbhi DisplayErr |
00FFF678 07F000810 clr BreakpointFlag |
00FFF67B 037006 pulu d ; get function #, increment PC |
00FFF67D 0C100E cmpb #NumFuncs |
00FFF67F 122FFFC34 lbhi DisplayErr |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF3F8 0EF60B stu 11,s ; save updated PC on stack |
00FFF3FA 0C100A cmpb #MF_OSCALL |
00FFF3FC 027056 beq swiCallOS |
00FFF3FE 058 aslb ; 2 bytes per vector |
00FFF3FF 0AE80CFB5 ldx mon_rom_vectab,pcr |
00FFF402 03A abx |
00FFF403 0AE804 ldx ,x |
00FFF405 0BF000928 stx jmpvec |
00FFF408 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE ; save the stack pointer |
00FFF40B 0EC601 ldd 1,s ; get back D |
00FFF40D 0AE604 ldx 4,s ; get back X |
00FFF40F 1AE606 ldy 6,s ; get back Y |
00FFF411 0EE608 ldu 8,s ; get back U |
00FFF413 1EE80CF9E lds boot_stack,pcr ; and use our own stack |
00FFF416 0AD90F000928 jsr [jmpvec] ; call the routine |
00FFF682 0EF60B stu 11,s ; save updated PC on stack |
00FFF684 0C100A cmpb #MF_OSCALL |
00FFF686 02706D beq swiCallOS |
00FFF688 058 aslb ; 2 bytes per vector |
00FFF689 0AE80CFA6 ldx mon_rom_vectab,pcr |
00FFF68C 03A abx |
00FFF68D 0AE804 ldx ,x |
00FFF68F 0BF000928 stx jmpvec |
00FFF692 054 lsrb |
00FFF693 08EFFF64E ldx #mon_rettab |
00FFF696 03A abx |
00FFF697 0E6804 ldb ,x |
00FFF699 0F7000930 stb mon_retflag |
00FFF69C 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE ; save the stack pointer |
00FFF69F 0EC601 ldd 1,s ; get back D |
00FFF6A1 0AE604 ldx 4,s ; get back X |
00FFF6A3 1AE606 ldy 6,s ; get back Y |
00FFF6A5 0EE608 ldu 8,s ; get back U |
00FFF6A7 1EE80CF85 lds boot_stack,pcr ; and use our own stack |
00FFF6AA 0AD90F000928 jsr [jmpvec] ; call the routine |
swi_rout3: |
00FFF41A 1FE000908 lds mon_SSAVE ; restore stack |
00FFF41D 03B rti |
00FFF6AE 1FE000908 lds mon_SSAVE ; restore stack |
00FFF6B1 07D000930 tst mon_retflag |
00FFF6B4 02A009 bpl swi_rout4 |
00FFF6B6 0ED601 std 1,s ; return value in D |
00FFF6B8 078000930 asl mon_retflag |
00FFF6BB 02A002 bpl swi_rout4 |
00FFF6BD 0AF604 stx 4,s ; return value in X |
swi_rout4: |
00FFF6BF 03B rti |
processBreakpoint: |
00FFF41E 0A6E04 lda ,s |
00FFF420 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF423 0EC601 ldd 1,s |
00FFF425 0FD000900 std mon_DSAVE |
00FFF428 0E6603 ldb 3,s |
00FFF42A 0F700090E stb mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF42D 0EC604 ldd 4,s |
00FFF42F 0FD000902 std mon_XSAVE |
00FFF432 0EC606 ldd 6,s |
00FFF434 0FD000904 std mon_YSAVE |
00FFF437 0EC608 ldd 8,s |
00FFF439 0FD000906 std mon_USAVE |
00FFF43C 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE |
00FFF43F 0EC60B ldd 11,s |
00FFF441 0FD00090A std mon_PCSAVE |
00FFF444 1EE80CF6D lds boot_stack,pcr |
00FFF447 0CCFFF41A ldd #swi_rout3 ; setup so monitor can return |
00FFF44A 034006 pshs d |
00FFF44C 08D020 bsr DisarmAllBreakpoints |
00FFF44E 016FFFE7E lbra DumpRegs |
00FFF6C0 0A6E04 lda ,s |
00FFF6C2 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF6C5 0EC601 ldd 1,s |
00FFF6C7 0FD000900 std mon_DSAVE |
00FFF6CA 0E6603 ldb 3,s |
00FFF6CC 0F700090E stb mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF6CF 0EC604 ldd 4,s |
00FFF6D1 0FD000902 std mon_XSAVE |
00FFF6D4 0EC606 ldd 6,s |
00FFF6D6 0FD000904 std mon_YSAVE |
00FFF6D9 0EC608 ldd 8,s |
00FFF6DB 0FD000906 std mon_USAVE |
00FFF6DE 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE |
00FFF6E1 0EC60B ldd 11,s |
00FFF6E3 0FD00090A std mon_PCSAVE |
00FFF6E6 1EE80CF46 lds boot_stack,pcr |
00FFF6E9 0CCFFF6AE ldd #swi_rout3 ; setup so monitor can return |
00FFF6EC 034006 pshs d |
00FFF6EE 08D01F bsr DisarmAllBreakpoints |
00FFF6F0 016FFFE57 lbra DumpRegs |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
xitMonitor: |
00FFF451 08D03A bsr ArmAllBreakpoints |
00FFF453 039 rts |
00FFF6F3 020039 bra ArmAllBreakpoints |
swiCallOS: |
00FFF454 033401 leau 1,u ; next byte is func number |
00FFF456 0E6C00 ldb ,u+ |
00FFF458 0C1019 cmpb #NumOSFuncs ; check for valid range |
00FFF45A 122FFFBF8 lbhi DisplayErr |
00FFF6F5 033401 leau 1,u ; next byte is func number |
00FFF6F7 0E6C00 ldb ,u+ |
00FFF6F9 0C1019 cmpb #NumOSFuncs ; check for valid range |
00FFF6FB 122FFFBB8 lbhi DisplayErr |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF45D 0EF60B stu 11,s ; save updateed PC on stack |
00FFF45F 058 aslb ; compute vector address |
00FFF460 08EFFED27 ldx #OSCallTbl |
00FFF463 06DE0F tst b,x ; check for non-zero vector |
00FFF465 027FB3 beq swi_rout3 |
00FFF6FE 0EF60B stu 11,s ; save updateed PC on stack |
00FFF700 058 aslb ; compute vector address |
00FFF701 08EFFEEF6 ldx #OSCallTbl |
00FFF704 06DE0F tst b,x ; check for non-zero vector |
00FFF706 027FA6 beq swi_rout3 |
osc1: |
; tst OSSEMA+1 ; wait for availability |
; beq osc1 |
00FFF467 0ADF0F jsr [b,x] ; call the OS routine |
00FFF708 0ADF0F jsr [b,x] ; call the OS routine |
oscx: |
00FFF469 07FEF0011 clr OSSEMA+1 |
00FFF46C 020FAC bra swi_rout3 |
00FFF70A 07FEF0011 clr OSSEMA+1 |
00FFF70D 020F9F bra swi_rout3 |
DisarmAllBreakpoints: |
00FFF46E 034036 pshs d,x,y |
00FFF470 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFF473 05F clrb |
00FFF474 08E000830 ldx #BreakpointBytes ; x = breakpoint byte table address |
00FFF70F 034036 pshs d,x,y |
00FFF711 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFF714 05F clrb |
00FFF715 08E000830 ldx #BreakpointBytes ; x = breakpoint byte table address |
disarm2: |
00FFF477 0C13B6 cmpb #numBreakpoints ; safety check |
00FFF479 024010 bhs disarm1 |
00FFF47B 0F1000811 cmpb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF47E 02400B bhs disarm1 |
00FFF480 0A6837 lda b,x ; get memory byte |
00FFF482 0A7B09000820 sta [Breakpoints,y] ; and store it back to memory |
00FFF486 031202 leay 2,y ; increment for next address |
00FFF488 05C incb ; increment to next byte |
00FFF489 020FEC bra disarm2 ; loop back |
00FFF718 0C1631 cmpb #numBreakpoints ; safety check |
00FFF71A 024010 bhs disarm1 |
00FFF71C 0F1000811 cmpb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF71F 02400B bhs disarm1 |
00FFF721 0A6837 lda b,x ; get memory byte |
00FFF723 0A7B09000820 sta [Breakpoints,y] ; and store it back to memory |
00FFF727 031202 leay 2,y ; increment for next address |
00FFF729 05C incb ; increment to next byte |
00FFF72A 020FEC bra disarm2 ; loop back |
disarm1: |
00FFF48B 0350B6 puls d,x,y,pc |
00FFF72C 0350B6 puls d,x,y,pc |
ArmAllBreakpoints: |
00FFF48D 034036 pshs d,x,y |
00FFF48F 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFF492 05F clrb |
00FFF493 08E000830 ldx #BreakpointBytes ; x = breakpoint byte table address |
00FFF72E 034036 pshs d,x,y |
00FFF730 18E000000 ldy #0 |
00FFF733 05F clrb |
00FFF734 08E000830 ldx #BreakpointBytes ; x = breakpoint byte table address |
arm2: |
00FFF496 0C13B6 cmpb #numBreakpoints ; safety check |
00FFF498 024010 bhs arm1 |
00FFF49A 0F1000811 cmpb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF49D 02400B bhs arm1 |
00FFF49F 0A6B09000820 lda [Breakpoints,y] ; load byte at memory address |
00FFF4A3 0A7B0D sta b,x ; save in table |
00FFF4A5 031202 leay 2,y ; increment for next address |
00FFF4A7 05C incb ; increment to next byte |
00FFF4A8 020FEC bra arm2 ; loop back |
00FFF737 0F1FFF631 cmpb numBreakpoints ; safety check |
00FFF73A 024010 bhs arm1 |
00FFF73C 0F1000811 cmpb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF73F 02400B bhs arm1 |
00FFF741 0A6B09000820 lda [Breakpoints,y] ; load byte at memory address |
00FFF745 0A7B0D sta b,x ; save in table |
00FFF747 031202 leay 2,y ; increment for next address |
00FFF749 05C incb ; increment to next byte |
00FFF74A 020FEB bra arm2 ; loop back |
arm1: |
00FFF4AA 0350B6 puls d,x,y,pc |
00FFF74C 0350B6 puls d,x,y,pc |
ArmBreakpoint: |
00FFF4AC 034036 pshs d,x,y |
00FFF4AE 0B6000811 lda NumSetBreakpoints ; check if too many breakpoints set |
00FFF4B1 0813B6 cmpa #numBreakpoints |
00FFF4B3 124FFFB9F lbhs DisplayErr |
00FFF74E 034036 pshs d,x,y |
00FFF750 0B6000811 lda NumSetBreakpoints ; check if too many breakpoints set |
00FFF753 0B1FFF631 cmpa numBreakpoints |
00FFF756 124FFFB5D lbhs DisplayErr |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF4B6 017FFFB36 lbsr GetHexNumber ; get address parameter |
00FFF759 017FFFA70 lbsr GetHexNumber ; get address parameter |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF4B9 0F6000811 ldb NumSetBreakpoints ; bv= number of set breakpoints |
00FFF4BC 1BE000912 ldy mon_numwka+2 ; get address |
00FFF4BF 0A6A04 lda ,y ; get byte at address |
00FFF4C1 08E000830 ldx #BreakpointBytes ; and store byte in a table |
00FFF4C4 0A7A05 sta b,x |
00FFF4C6 08E000820 ldx #Breakpoints ; also store the address in a table |
00FFF4C9 058 aslb ; index for 2 byte values |
00FFF4CA 1AFA05 sty b,x |
00FFF4CC 054 lsrb ; size back to single byte |
00FFF4CD 05C incb |
00FFF4CE 0F7000811 stb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF4D1 0350B6 puls d,x,y,pc |
00FFF75C 0F6000811 ldb NumSetBreakpoints ; bv= number of set breakpoints |
00FFF75F 1BE000912 ldy mon_numwka+2 ; get address |
00FFF762 0A6A04 lda ,y ; get byte at address |
00FFF764 08E000830 ldx #BreakpointBytes ; and store byte in a table |
00FFF767 0A7A05 sta b,x ; record |
00FFF769 08603F lda #OPC_SWI ; put a SWI instruction in place |
00FFF76B 0A7A04 sta ,y |
00FFF76D 08E000820 ldx #Breakpoints ; also store the address in a table |
00FFF770 058 aslb ; index for 2 byte values |
00FFF771 1AFA05 sty b,x |
00FFF773 054 lsrb ; size back to single byte |
00FFF774 05C incb |
00FFF775 0F7000811 stb NumSetBreakpoints |
00FFF778 0350B6 puls d,x,y,pc |
DisarmBreakpoint: |
00FFF4D3 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFF4D5 017FFFB17 lbsr GetHexNumber |
00FFF77A 034076 pshs d,x,y,u |
00FFF77C 017FFFA4D lbsr GetHexNumber |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
00FFF4D8 05F clrb |
00FFF4D9 05F clrb |
00FFF4DA 01F001 tfr d,x ; x = zero too |
00FFF77F 05F clrb |
00FFF780 05F clrb |
00FFF781 01F001 tfr d,x ; x = zero too |
disarm6: |
00FFF4DC 0C13B6 cmpb #numBreakpoints ; no more than this many may be set |
00FFF4DE 02403F bhs disarm4 |
00FFF4E0 0F1000811 cmpb NumSetBreakpoints ; number actually set |
00FFF4E3 02403A bhs disarm4 |
00FFF4E5 1AE809000820 ldy Breakpoints,x ; y = breakpoint address |
00FFF4E9 1BC000912 cmpy mon_numwka+2 ; is it the one we want? |
00FFF4EC 02602C bne disarm3 ; if not, go increment to next |
00FFF4EE 0BE000912 ldx mon_numwka+2 ; x = memory address |
00FFF4F1 18E000830 ldy #BreakpointBytes |
00FFF4F4 0A6A0D lda b,y ; get saved byte from table |
00FFF4F6 0A7804 sta ,x ; set the byte at the memory address |
00FFF783 0F1FFF631 cmpb numBreakpoints ; no more than this many may be set |
00FFF786 024041 bhs disarm4 |
00FFF788 0F1000811 cmpb NumSetBreakpoints ; number actually set |
00FFF78B 02403C bhs disarm4 |
00FFF78D 1AE809000820 ldy Breakpoints,x ; y = breakpoint address |
00FFF791 1BC000912 cmpy mon_numwka+2 ; is it the one we want? |
00FFF794 02602E bne disarm3 ; if not, go increment to next |
00FFF796 0BE000912 ldx mon_numwka+2 ; x = memory address |
00FFF799 18E000830 ldy #BreakpointBytes |
00FFF79C 0A6A0D lda b,y ; get saved byte from table |
00FFF79E 0A7804 sta ,x ; set the byte at the memory address |
; compress breakpoint table by removing breakpoint |
00FFF4F8 07A000811 dec NumSetBreakpoints ; set the new number of set breakpoints |
00FFF4FB 034004 pshs b ; save the position we're removing from |
00FFF7A0 07A000811 dec NumSetBreakpoints ; set the new number of set breakpoints |
00FFF7A3 034004 pshs b ; save the position we're removing from |
disarm7: |
00FFF4FD 05C incb ; set index for next byte |
00FFF4FE 0A6A05 lda b,y ; get byte |
00FFF500 05A decb ; and store it back |
00FFF501 0A7A05 sta b,y |
00FFF503 05C incb ; move to next position |
00FFF504 0C13B6 cmpb #numBreakpoints ; hit end of table? |
00FFF506 025FF5 blo disarm7 |
00FFF508 035004 puls b ; get back position |
00FFF50A 058 aslb ; times two for word index |
00FFF50B 04F clra |
00FFF50C 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFF50E 054 lsrb ; back to byte index value |
00FFF7A5 05C incb ; set index for next byte |
00FFF7A6 0A6A05 lda b,y ; get byte |
00FFF7A8 05A decb ; and store it back |
00FFF7A9 0A7A05 sta b,y |
00FFF7AB 05C incb ; move to next position |
00FFF7AC 0F1FFF631 cmpb numBreakpoints ; hit end of table? |
00FFF7AF 025FF4 blo disarm7 |
00FFF7B1 035004 puls b ; get back position |
00FFF7B3 058 aslb ; times two for word index |
00FFF7B4 04F clra |
00FFF7B5 01F002 tfr d,y |
00FFF7B7 054 lsrb ; back to byte index value |
disarm8: |
00FFF50F 0EE202 ldu 2,y ; get next breakpoint address |
00FFF511 0EFA01 stu ,y++ ; store in current pos, increment |
00FFF513 05C incb ; increment count |
00FFF514 0C13B6 cmpb #numBreakpoints ; hit end of table? |
00FFF516 025FF7 blo disarm8 |
00FFF518 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
00FFF7B8 0EE202 ldu 2,y ; get next breakpoint address |
00FFF7BA 0EFA01 stu ,y++ ; store in current pos, increment |
00FFF7BC 05C incb ; increment count |
00FFF7BD 0F1FFF631 cmpb numBreakpoints ; hit end of table? |
00FFF7C0 025FF6 blo disarm8 |
00FFF7C2 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
disarm3: |
00FFF51A 030002 leax 2,x |
00FFF51C 05C incb |
00FFF51D 020FBD bra disarm6 |
00FFF7C4 030002 leax 2,x |
00FFF7C6 05C incb |
00FFF7C7 020FBA bra disarm6 |
disarm4: |
00FFF51F 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
00FFF7C9 0350F6 puls d,x,y,u,pc |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
swi3_rout: |
00FFF521 01A010 sei |
00FFF523 0A6E04 lda ,s |
00FFF525 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF528 0EC601 ldd 1,s |
00FFF52A 0FD000900 std mon_DSAVE |
00FFF52D 0E6603 ldb 3,s |
00FFF52F 0F700090E stb mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF532 0EC604 ldd 4,s |
00FFF534 0FD000902 std mon_XSAVE |
00FFF537 0EC606 ldd 6,s |
00FFF539 0FD000904 std mon_YSAVE |
00FFF53C 0EC608 ldd 8,s |
00FFF53E 0FD000906 std mon_USAVE |
00FFF541 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE |
00FFF544 0EC60B ldd 11,s |
00FFF546 0FD00090A std mon_PCSAVE |
00FFF549 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE |
00FFF54C 1CE003FFF lds #$3FFF |
00FFF54F 0CCFFF559 ldd #swi3_exit |
00FFF552 034006 pshs d |
00FFF554 01C0EF cli |
00FFF556 07EFFF2CF jmp DumpRegs |
00FFF7CB 01A010 sei |
00FFF7CD 0A6E04 lda ,s |
00FFF7CF 0B700090F sta mon_CCRSAVE |
00FFF7D2 0EC601 ldd 1,s |
00FFF7D4 0FD000900 std mon_DSAVE |
00FFF7D7 0E6603 ldb 3,s |
00FFF7D9 0F700090E stb mon_DPRSAVE |
00FFF7DC 0EC604 ldd 4,s |
00FFF7DE 0FD000902 std mon_XSAVE |
00FFF7E1 0EC606 ldd 6,s |
00FFF7E3 0FD000904 std mon_YSAVE |
00FFF7E6 0EC608 ldd 8,s |
00FFF7E8 0FD000906 std mon_USAVE |
00FFF7EB 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE |
00FFF7EE 0EC60B ldd 11,s |
00FFF7F0 0FD00090A std mon_PCSAVE |
00FFF7F3 1FF000908 sts mon_SSAVE |
00FFF7F6 1CE003FFF lds #$3FFF |
00FFF7F9 0CCFFF803 ldd #swi3_exit |
00FFF7FC 034006 pshs d |
00FFF7FE 01C0EF cli |
00FFF800 07EFFF54A jmp DumpRegs |
swi3_exit: |
00FFF559 1FE000908 lds mon_SSAVE |
00FFF55C 03B rti |
00FFF803 1FE000908 lds mon_SSAVE |
00FFF806 03B rti |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
firq_rout: |
00FFF55D 03B rti |
00FFF807 03B rti |
irq_rout: |
; lbsr SerialIRQ ; check for recieved character |
00FFF55E 017FFEF0B lbsr TimerIRQ |
00FFF808 017FFEC85 lbsr TimerIRQ |
*** warning 1: Long branch within short branch range could be optimized |
; Reset the edge sense circuit in the PIC |
4011,11 → 4415,11
; inc $E00037 ; update timer IRQ screen flag |
;notTimerIRQ2: |
00FFF561 0B6FFC014 lda IrqBase ; get the IRQ flag byte |
00FFF564 044 lsra |
00FFF565 0BAFFC014 ora IrqBase |
00FFF568 084FE0 anda #$FE0 |
00FFF56A 0B7FFC014 sta IrqBase |
00FFF80B 0B6FFC014 lda IrqBase ; get the IRQ flag byte |
00FFF80E 044 lsra |
00FFF80F 0BAFFC014 ora IrqBase |
00FFF812 084FE0 anda #$FE0 |
00FFF814 0B7FFC014 sta IrqBase |
; inc TEXTSCR+54 ; update IRQ live indicator on screen |
4045,17 → 4449,17
; rola |
; sta $E00000,y ; store the color code back to memory |
tr1a: |
00FFF56D 03B rti |
00FFF817 03B rti |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
nmi_rout: |
00FFF573 086049 lda #'I' |
00FFF575 08EE00028 ldx #TEXTSCR+40 |
00FFF578 0A7807 sta b,x |
00FFF818 0150F6FFFFFFFE0 ldb COREID |
00FFF81D 086049 lda #'I' |
00FFF81F 08EE00028 ldx #TEXTSCR+40 |
00FFF822 0A7807 sta b,x |
rti_insn: |
00FFF57A 03B rti |
00FFF824 03B rti |
; Special Register Area |
org $FFFFE0 |
4063,150 → 4467,162
; Interrupt vector table |
org $FFFFF0 |
00FFFFF0 FFF57A fcw rti_insn ; reserved |
00FFFFF2 FFF521 fcw swi3_rout ; SWI3 |
00FFFFF4 FFF57A fcw rti_insn ; SWI2 |
00FFFFF6 FFF55D fcw firq_rout ; FIRQ |
00FFFFF8 FFF55E fcw irq_rout ; IRQ |
00FFFFFA FFF3D1 fcw swi_rout ; SWI |
00FFFFFC FFF56E fcw nmi_rout ; NMI |
00FFFFF0 FFF824 fcw rti_insn ; reserved |
00FFFFF2 FFF7CB fcw swi3_rout ; SWI3 |
00FFFFF4 FFF824 fcw rti_insn ; SWI2 |
00FFFFF6 FFF807 fcw firq_rout ; FIRQ |
00FFFFF8 FFF808 fcw irq_rout ; IRQ |
00FFFFFA FFF65B fcw swi_rout ; SWI |
00FFFFFC FFF818 fcw nmi_rout ; NMI |
00FFFFFE FFE023 fcw start ; RST |
66 warning(s) in pass 2. |
ACIA 00 FFE30100 ACIA_CMD 00 00000002 ACIA_CTRL 00 00000003 ACIA_CTRL2 00 0000000B |
ACIA_RX 00 00000000 ACIA_STAT 00 00000001 ACIA_TX 00 00000000 ARM1 02 00FFF4AA |
BLKCPYDST 00 00000020 BLKCPYSRC 00 0000001C BLNKLN1 02 00FFE288 BOOTPG 02 00FFF3B3 |
CALCSCREENLOC 02 00FFE2DB CHARCOLOR 00 00000112 CHARINVEC 00 00000804 CHAROUTVEC 00 00000800 |
CR 00 0000000D CRLF 02 00FFD0D2 CRLF1 02 00FFD0D2 CRLFST 02 00FFE3FE |
CS1 02 00FFE23B CS2 02 00FFE252 CS2V1 02 00FFE20A CS3 02 00FFE258 |
CSL1 02 00FFE2F6 CTRLC 00 00000003 CTRLH 00 00000008 CTRLI 00 00000009 |
CTRLJ 00 0000000A CTRLK 00 0000000B CTRLM 00 0000000D CTRLS 00 00000013 |
CTRLT 00 00000014 CTRLX 00 00000018 CURSORCOL 00 00000111 CURSORFLASH 00 00000114 |
DBGK10 02 00FFEAB0 DBGK11 02 00FFEB09 DBGK12 02 00FFEB0F DBGK13 02 00FFEB1B |
DBGK14 02 00FFEB2B DBGK15 02 00FFEB3A DBGK16 02 00FFEB45 DBGK17 02 00FFEB4E |
DBGK18 02 00FFEB51 DBGK2 02 00FFEA16 DBGK20 02 00FFEA38 DBGK22 02 00FFEA54 |
DBGK23 02 00FFEA65 DBGK24 02 00FFEA46 DBGK3 02 00FFEA68 DBGK4 02 00FFEA74 |
DBGK5 02 00FFEA80 DBGK7 02 00FFEA90 DBGK8 02 00FFEA96 DBGK9 02 00FFEAAA |
DCX10 02 00FFE348 DCX11 02 00FFE358 DCX12 02 00FFE354 DCX13 02 00FFE364 |
DCX14 02 00FFE30B DCX3 02 00FFE386 DCX4 02 00FFE39A DCX5 02 00FFE375 |
DCX6 02 00FFE31F DCX7 02 00FFE31B DCX8 02 00FFE32C DCX9 02 00FFE339 |
DELAY3S 02 00FFE1AA DFL1 02 00FFF3A6 DFL2 02 00FFF393 DISARM1 02 00FFF48B |
DISARM2 02 00FFF477 DISARM3 02 00FFF51A DISARM4 02 00FFF51F DISARM6 02 00FFF4DC |
DMPM1 02 00FFF226 DMPM2 02 00FFF211 DMPM3 02 00FFF25F DMPM4 02 00FFF251 |
DMPM5 02 00FFF249 DRAMERR 02 00FFD48F DRAMTEST 02 00FFD443 DRAMTEST1 02 00FFD453 |
DRAMTEST3 02 00FFD46F DRAMTEST4 02 00FFD460 DRAMTEST5 02 00FFD47C DRAM_BASE 00 10000000 |
FIRST_CORE 00 00000001 FREEMBX 02 00000002 FREEMSG 02 00000006 FREETCB 00 0000078A |
GTHX3 02 00FFF044 GTHX5 02 00FFF02A GTHX6 02 00FFF037 GTHXN1 02 00FFF01B |
GTHXN2 02 00FFEFFC HC1 02 00FFE2B7 HELPMSG 02 00FFF06E HEX2 02 00FFD2CE |
I2CWR1 02 00FFE4C8 I2C_CMD 00 00000004 I2C_CTRL 00 00000002 I2C_INIT 02 00FFE48F |
I2C_PREH 00 00000001 I2C_PREL 00 00000000 I2C_RXR 00 00000003 I2C_STAT 00 00000004 |
I2C_TXR 00 00000003 I2C_WAIT_RX_NACK 02 00FFE4C6 I2C_WAIT_TIP 02 00FFE499 I2C_WR_CMD 02 00FFE4A3 |
I2C_XMIT1 02 00FFE4AC ICC1 02 00FFE3BB ICC2 02 00FFE3BD ICR1 02 00FFE3AD |
IOFOCUSLIST 00 00FFC000 IOFOCUSNDX 00 00000100 IRQBASE 00 00FFC014 IRQFLAG 00 00FFC012 |
IRQSOURCE 00 00FFC011 IRQ_ROUT 02 00FFF55E JMPVEC 00 00000928 JTC_EXIT 02 00FFF355 |
KBDHEADRCV 00 00000127 KBDI0002 02 00FFE949 KBDI0004 02 00FFE98E KBDITRYAGAIN 02 00FFE982 |
KBDRCVCOUNT 02 00FFE9BD KBDTAILRCV 00 00000128 KBGS1 02 00FFE8F8 KBGS2 02 00FFE8F0 |