
Subversion Repositories s6soc

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
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Rev 11 → Rev 12

60,4 → 60,17
@bash -c 'if [ -e dev/Makefile ]; then make --no-print-directory -C dev depends; fi'
@bash -c 'if [ -e zipos/Makefile ]; then make --no-print-directory -C zipos depends; fi'
.PHONY: doorbell
@bash -c "if [ ! -e doorbell.wav ]; then mpg321 $(SNDFILE) -w doorbell.wav; fi"
sox doorbell.wav -t raw -e signed -b 16 -c 1 -r 8k doorbell.16t
doorbell.16t: doorbell
dev/samples.c: doorbell.16t host/buildsamples
host/buildsamples doorbell.16t > dev/samples.c
play -q -t raw -e signed -b 16 -c 1 -r 8k doorbell.16t
0,0 → 1,103
// Filename: buildsamples.cpp
// Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
// Purpose:
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SLEN 512
#define ILEN (SLEN/2)
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *fp, *legal;
char cbuf[SLEN];
short sbuf[SLEN];
int nread = 0, nr;
fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s for reading\n", argv[1]);
legal = fopen("../legal.txt", "r");
if (!legal)
legal = fopen("../../legal.txt", "r");
legal = NULL;
if (legal) {
while(fgets(cbuf, SLEN, legal)) {
if (strncmp(cbuf, "// Filename:", 12)==0)
printf("// Filename:\tsamples.c\n");
else printf("%s", cbuf);
} fclose(legal);
} else {
printf("// This file should be copyrighted but I can't find\n");
printf("// the copyright statement.\n//\n");
"// This file is computer generated--DO NOT EDIT IT! The generator file can\n"
"// be found in trunk/sw/host/%s\n"
"const\tint\tsound_data[] = {\n", __FILE__);
while((nr = fread(sbuf, sizeof(short), SLEN, fp))>0) {
int pos = 0;
nread += nr;
while(pos < nr) {
for(int i=0; (pos<((nr+1)&-2))&&(i<8); i+=2) {
int iv = (sbuf[pos]<<16)|(sbuf[pos+1] & 0x0ffff);
printf("0x%08x, ", iv);
} printf("\n");
} printf("\t0\n};\n");
"\n\n#endif\n", nread, 1+((nread+1)>>1));
114,9 → 114,9
// Interrupt control constants
#define GIE 0x80000000 // Enable all interrupts
#define SCOPEN 0x80040004 // Enable WBSCOPE interrupts
#define ISPIF_EN 0x90001000 // Enable SPI Flash interrupts
#define ISPIF_DIS 0x10000000 // Disable SPI Flash interrupts
#define ISPIF_CLR 0x10001000 // Clear pending SPI Flash interrupt
#define ISPIF_EN 0x88000800 // Enable SPI Flash interrupts
#define ISPIF_DIS 0x08000000 // Disable SPI Flash interrupts
#define ISPIF_CLR 0x08000800 // Clear pending SPI Flash interrupt
// Flash control constants
#define ERASEFLAG 0x80000000
1,5 → 1,45
## Filename: Makefile (sw/host)
## Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
## Purpose: Supports the building of the various host (i.e. PC) software
## that will be used to support the Cmod S6 board. None of this
## software will actually run on the board, but it may be used for
## communicating with and configuring the board.
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <> for a copy.
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
PROGRAMS := wbregs readflash zipload
PROGRAMS := wbregs readflash zipload buildsamples
all: $(PROGRAMS)
CXX := g++
31,6 → 71,9
zipload: $(OBJDIR)/zipload.o $(OBJDIR)/flashdrvr.o $(BUSOBJS)
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $^ $(LIBS) -lelf -o $@
buildsamples: buildsamples.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@
define build-depends
@echo "Building dependency file(s)"
@$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) -MM $(SOURCES) $(BUSSRCS) > $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
0,0 → 1,51
* Filename: zipcmod.x
* Project: Cmod S6 ZipCPU demonstration
* Purpose: This script provides a description of the Cmod S6 Zip CPU
* build for the purposes of where to place memory when linking.
* Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
* Gisselquist Technology, LLC
* Copyright (C) 2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
* This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
blkram (wx) : ORIGIN = 0x002000, LENGTH = 0x001000
flash (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x400000, LENGTH = 0x400000
_top_of_stack = ORIGIN(blkram) + LENGTH(blkram) - 1;
. = 0x0480000;
.rocode 0x0480000 : { *(.start) *(.text)
*(.strings) } > flash
.data : { *(.data) *(COMMON) *(.bss) } > blkram
_top_of_heap = .;
0,0 → 1,106
// Filename: doorbell.c
// Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
// Purpose: To test the PWM device by playing a doorbell sound every five
// seconds.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include "asmstartup.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "samples.c"
const char msg[] = "Doorbell!\r\n\r\n";
void entry(void) {
register IOSPACE *sys = (IOSPACE *)0x0100;
sys->io_timb = 0;
sys->io_pic = 0x07fffffff; // Acknowledge and turn off all interrupts
sys->io_spio = 0x0f4;
sys->io_pwm_audio = 0x0110000;
while(1) {
int seconds = 0, pic;
const int *ptr;
const char *mptr = msg;
sys->io_tima = TM_ONE_SECOND | TM_REPEAT; // Ticks per second, 80M
sys->io_spio = 0x0f0;
ptr = sound_data;
sys->io_pwm_audio = 0x0310000;
if (ptr == sound_data)
sys->io_spio = 0x0f1;
while(ptr < &sound_data[NSAMPLE_WORDS]) {
sys->io_spio = 0x022;
do {
pic = sys->io_pic;
if (pic & INT_TIMA)
if ((pic & INT_UARTTX)&&(*mptr))
sys->io_uart = *mptr++;
sys->io_pic = (pic & 0x07fff);
} while((pic & INT_AUDIO)==0);
sys->io_pwm_audio = (*ptr >> 16)&0x0ffff;
// Now, turn off the audio interrupt since it doesn't
// reset itself ...
sys->io_pic = INT_AUDIO;
do {
pic = sys->io_pic;
if (pic & INT_TIMA)
if ((pic & INT_UARTTX)&&(*mptr))
sys->io_uart = *mptr++;
sys->io_pic = (pic & 0x07fff);
} while((pic & INT_AUDIO)==0);
sys->io_pwm_audio = (*ptr++) & 0x0ffff;
// and turn off the audio interrupt again ...
sys->io_pic = INT_AUDIO;
} if (ptr >= &sound_data[NSAMPLE_WORDS])
sys->io_spio = 0x044;
sys->io_spio = 0x088;
sys->io_pwm_audio = 0;
while(seconds < 10) {
pic = sys->io_pic;
if (pic & INT_TIMA)
sys->io_pic = (pic & 0x07fff);
sys->io_spio = 0x0ff;
0,0 → 1,1614
// This file should be copyrighted but I can't find
// the copyright statement.
// This file is computer generated--DO NOT EDIT IT! The generator file can
// be found in trunk/sw/host/host/buildsamples.cpp
#ifndef SOUND_DATA_H
#define SOUND_DATA_H
const int sound_data[] = {
0x00000000, 0x0000ffff, 0x00000000, 0x0000ffff,
0x0000ffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00010001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00010000, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffff0001, 0x00000000,
0x0001ffff, 0x00010000, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff,
0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0x0000ffff, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x0000ffff, 0x0000ffff,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00010000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000001,
0x00010000, 0x0000ffff, 0xffff0001, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xffff0001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001,
0x00010000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00010000, 0xffffffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0000ffff,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffff0001, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x0000ffff,
0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff,
0x00010000, 0x00000000, 0xffff0001, 0xffffffff,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffff0000,
0x0000ffff, 0xffff0000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000,
0x00010000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00010000,
0x0000ffff, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000001,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00010000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00010000,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x00010001, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0xffff0000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00010000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000,
0x00010000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0xffff0001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0xffff0000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xffffffff, 0xffff0000, 0x00010000, 0x00010001,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000001,
0xfffffffe, 0xfffc0001, 0x00010000, 0x00030003,
0xfff7fffc, 0xfffd0005, 0xfffdffff, 0x00030002,
0x00000000, 0xffff0006, 0xfffdfffb, 0x000ffffc,
0xffeeffdb, 0x00070015, 0x0005000e, 0x001effda,
0xffdbffe7, 0x0022fffb, 0xffda0010, 0x0010fffc,
0xfffffffe, 0x002a0017, 0xffdd0030, 0xfff6ffa8,
0xff18ffc7, 0x00c30038, 0x003800b0, 0xff45fec6,
0xff3a0091, 0x00a2ff65, 0x006a0090, 0xffac0016,
0xfff600dd, 0xffe1fda5, 0x005f0140, 0xfe6afecb,
0x00b2009f, 0x000300f5, 0x0215ffd2, 0xfdcfff3c,
0xff89fd94, 0xff090188, 0x01d200d7, 0xff74fedb,
0x0052014a, 0x033f01e4, 0xfe77ffa2, 0x0013fca7,
0xfd7400f9, 0x0156fee4, 0xfe78029f, 0x0145fd72,
0x02b30427, 0xfcdbfe0b, 0xffe1feeb, 0x005eff99,
0x0011ff57, 0xfa27fdb5, 0x03bc03e6, 0x00fbfd1c,
0xfe6bfe62, 0xfc0dfe56, 0xfcbbf907, 0xfb92f59b,
0xf60bfbda, 0x01510866, 0x0238f9cd, 0xfbf702fc,
0x037afeb0, 0xfec10462, 0xfefdfb06, 0xfdcff461,
0xb8d0d21d, 0x4f195ff8, 0x251e018b, 0xe058c045,
0xc924ed7f, 0x0da91088, 0x141432d2, 0x2199ee71,
0xd406d240, 0xd9b1d716, 0xf8841695, 0x251a2240,
0x1eeb0522, 0xd02bc9b8, 0xca02dffe, 0xfbc61929,
0x381b396e, 0x1e44098d, 0xf6e0e0c5, 0xc389c8c2,
0xf91613c4, 0x32383c90, 0x3c7819cc, 0xdaedce05,
0xcfa0d99a, 0xe37f036d, 0x2b012bc6, 0x21811463,
0x0383d658, 0xc419cfbf, 0xe21ff3e7, 0x14282976,
0x2dda1c1d, 0xfb98e786, 0xc4d3c791, 0xd573fd7f,
0x1c6e2b67, 0x329a1c12, 0x0a4eea33, 0xd1add23b,
0xd376eb17, 0x0bb124d3, 0x3c053323, 0x1498f14c,
0xce4fd159, 0xda08ea13, 0x07f12819, 0x3fde2a87,
0x13adf0b0, 0xdca7c5cc, 0xc148e5fd, 0xfb3213ea,
0x2e9d351f, 0x2021f568, 0xd957d5de, 0xc9b1cb69,
0xf3591948, 0x2fd12d1b, 0x21ff130b, 0xf178d511,
0xcfdcd906, 0xec0d0b40, 0x24a53812, 0x29891230,
0xf638d9b7, 0xc2d0c566, 0xe0790128, 0x1fcf311c,
0x342f1be7, 0xf51bdbb1, 0xcc40c213, 0xd54df95e,
0x23023314, 0x33ce237e, 0x04a6e178, 0xcde9cd84,
0xd727f0e6, 0x12b93332, 0x37872dc0, 0x0f99ec26,
0xd448c91b, 0xd615ecb1, 0x0ad02706, 0x333328b6,
0x15c8f768, 0xd9dcc218, 0xc0eddb49, 0xfbce1f0d,
0x2e543156, 0x1e0afea7, 0xe01fcc96, 0xc61fd804,
0xfa3b1b4e, 0x33e5362a, 0x2cbf0ae0, 0xe2cbc719,
0xc203d012, 0xe8840e80, 0x2d4936c4, 0x2a5611f2,
0xf274d5f2, 0xc7c8d3f7, 0xef580779, 0x24023574,
0x35101c0c, 0xf907dbee, 0xc8e6c734, 0xda1bff02,
0x1d0d2f8f, 0x2f171d3c, 0xfc8ddc29, 0xca39c701,
0xd79cf541, 0x19723207, 0x34de2433, 0x0a49e81e,
0xc998c067, 0xcdaaec2d, 0x0dc728ed, 0x33cb2ce4,
0x1434f5dd, 0xdbb6ca97, 0xcdcce58f, 0x082023f4,
0x33f332e0, 0x1d97fbd5, 0xd86ec87d, 0xcd3adfd3,
0x00a71fc9, 0x328431f0, 0x1edd05df, 0xe63dcd0b,
0xca7dda99, 0xf7931600, 0x2d8833da, 0x250f082a,
0xe633cdc2, 0xc354cc8a, 0xec470cff, 0x23ff306a,
0x29ea1245, 0xf120d581, 0xc906cd1d, 0xe32a0710,
0x26863536, 0x314f1bc4, 0xfa5bd893, 0xc75bca8e,
0xdf23013d, 0x236035fa, 0x34a521b7, 0x047de1fa,
0xcabec946, 0xdb23fa22, 0x191830c1, 0x3884272e,
0x064de44d, 0xcd1fc61d, 0xd1ebefd2, 0x107c2970,
0x31d4298e, 0x0f76eb88, 0xce2ac482, 0xce56e6a0,
0x07db25f6, 0x3646326b, 0x1c3ff8bd, 0xd986c66b,
0xca3ce3f3, 0x028a22f4, 0x38c539db, 0x2021fd92,
0xe1d7cb65, 0xc31cd560, 0xf9411931, 0x2cb63293,
0x264f0576, 0xe13dca97, 0xc538cef2, 0xeca711c4,
0x2ec53799, 0x2d6013d3, 0xf0e0d2c0, 0xc5cdcf07,
0xe93607a1, 0x2717399f, 0x340d1af9, 0xf882dd5a,
0xcabecb7b, 0xdedc00e3, 0x1f5e3182, 0x312b1f32,
0xfe07dc7c, 0xc9d7c865, 0xd6c0f3f9, 0x19232f7d,
0x35b925a7, 0x0885e650, 0xcb57c568, 0xd321ef86,
0x11182b7c, 0x34fb2a94, 0x0f6aed8d, 0xd162c493,
0xccc0e674, 0x080525a7, 0x33812ebe, 0x1888f702,
0xd754c4fd, 0xc7acddab, 0xfdec1f39, 0x3395331d,
0x207f0224, 0xe289cd8a, 0xc97edaec, 0xf95b17f7,
0x2fb63575, 0x26c10877, 0xe66ece7e, 0xc6f7d3ac,
0xef48125d, 0x2e803757, 0x2c771252, 0xf0bbd1c6,
0xc584ce0e, 0xe6350616, 0x236d3445, 0x2e361577,
0xf533d806, 0xc6d4c78a, 0xdda50011, 0x1df52fea,
0x31291ddc, 0xfc1cdb67, 0xc7bdc681, 0xd7aaf717,
0x18b730db, 0x36b327be, 0x09fae6c6, 0xcdbec75a,
0xd4a2efbf, 0x11b92cb4, 0x36732ccc, 0x1187f033,
0xd2f7c3f7, 0xcb23e4df, 0x06b324fb, 0x36f3343a,
0x1baffab2, 0xdbe3c9fe, 0xcc85dff8, 0xff5f1f72,
0x3351326a, 0x209d0158, 0xdf6ccb54, 0xc8cbda42,
0xf6e61753, 0x3011357e, 0x24b105ba, 0xe4f8ccae,
0xc4dccffc, 0xedb90e9d, 0x27e03209, 0x275a0d5d,
0xede1d29d, 0xc741cf95, 0xe84308a6, 0x24f0338e,
0x2e691888, 0xf753da6a, 0xca56cbda, 0xe044007a,
0x209b3288, 0x33be21fc, 0x01abe19c, 0xcc8bca2b,
0xd9dbf678, 0x17dc2ef0, 0x3515264a, 0x08d3e73a,
0xce8bc78a, 0xd3c6f02f, 0x11312bd2, 0x355629ec,
0x0f0beda2, 0xd249c6d0, 0xcd21e528, 0x05c0244b,
0x32fa2ef7, 0x1852f6ec, 0xda85c8ab, 0xcaaae09c,
0xffd51f4a, 0x32ad3248, 0x1f77000f, 0xe0d2cbbd,
0xc9a7dabd, 0xf9851a82, 0x2ffc3423, 0x251b082a,
0xe71bced2, 0xc7e0d4e6, 0xf0821135, 0x2af0349e,
0x2b250fd2, 0xef25d379, 0xc7cfcfb3, 0xe99409c1,
0x258e32e5, 0x2ca91561, 0xf425d6c7, 0xc6c2cad6,
0xdf140040, 0x1ee93193, 0x30f91e95, 0xfe94dec4,
0xcc14cac0, 0xdd4efb00, 0x1b24303e, 0x32982264,
0x04efe4b3, 0xcdaec7fe, 0xd6e3f29f, 0x14392d2b,
0x35452978, 0x0f98eebe, 0xd2d9c86a, 0xd0e1e96e,
0x09d225b5, 0x328b2c63, 0x154bf568, 0xd7afc888,
0xcc34e460, 0x02ff1ffd, 0x31bc3052, 0x1cfbfd64,
0xdebacb1c, 0xca41dc83, 0xfaa61958, 0x2e4e3261,
0x22530490, 0xe399cc89, 0xc896d6d9, 0xf28b1242,
0x2b923386, 0x287d0da9, 0xecddd345, 0xc8d2d22c,
0xeb7e0a32, 0x267434b6, 0x2e711636, 0xf5cbd8df,
0xc938cc8d, 0xe1fa024d, 0x211433c1, 0x321b1d4d,
0xfd9edf0f, 0xcb53cbdc, 0xddc4fbed, 0x1b202e8f,
0x3214216e, 0x03dee431, 0xccd1c6ad, 0xd451f0cc,
0x11f82bd9, 0x347f2946, 0x0dc8ec37, 0xd13ec640,
0xcffeea0f, 0x0a64268c, 0x343b2e84, 0x17c9f672,
0xd9d2caed, 0xcf3de4e1, 0x03f521ee, 0x32a230da,
0x1bfdfcf0, 0xddfdcaf8, 0xca8ddd0d, 0xfaa71948,
0x2f2a3320, 0x22fa0546, 0xe549ce12, 0xc988d7b6,
0xf2e2132d, 0x2c4e3437, 0x28430c62, 0xec03d292,
0xc7cad111, 0xeb530c04, 0x27db34b7, 0x2d85155f,
0xf569d916, 0xcb0acf56, 0xe519048e, 0x1fa32f75,
0x2dd31a35, 0xfb9ddd42, 0xcbb1cb85, 0xdea7fca0,
0x1b7e2fd8, 0x323621b5, 0x0270e25b, 0xcc73c894,
0xd7e1f418, 0x138f2c2f, 0x33b3274a, 0x0bd0eb09,
0xd231c90c, 0xd2ceecb0, 0x0d3528d0, 0x33e12bb5,
0x1354f2d3, 0xd67ec8f9, 0xce7de504, 0x04e72261,
0x32ac309b, 0x1c19fc53, 0xde26cae4, 0xcc39dfa1,
0xfe0f1cfc, 0x30f032ef, 0x20d90299, 0xe381ce15,
0xc9ebd968, 0xf559143e, 0x2b8e3245, 0x24e70842,
0xe855cf3e, 0xc621d1df, 0xed120d9b, 0x291b34a8,
0x2b871251, 0xf29ad5ab, 0xc83dcef4, 0xe57f05e8,
0x213830e4, 0x2e2f190f, 0xfabedcde, 0xcb02cce3,
0xe0d8fe6b, 0x1d843172, 0x335b21e2, 0x0353e366,
0xcc6dc756, 0xd68ff372, 0x13582bc7, 0x31d92527,
0x0a3ce9ab, 0xd111c94a, 0xd55bef62, 0x0f6e2930,
0x34652b2d, 0x10eff070, 0xd3d3c74e, 0xce7ce5f3,
0x06a8256b, 0x34aa312d, 0x1b04fa45, 0xdc1ccad4,
0xcc55e003, 0xfdd21a16, 0x2df62ed0, 0x1dc0ffb8,
0xe0a0cc63, 0xc840d923, 0xf65017da, 0x2ec0348c,
0x26bb0a1c, 0xe9afcfc7, 0xc8ccd2c8, 0xed420e1c,
0x27953267, 0x28b80fd1, 0xf044d4bf, 0xc8d2cf5e,
0xe7450862, 0x253933cb, 0x2eab18cf, 0xf8d7da83,
0xcb14cc8d, 0xe002fea9, 0x1def3081, 0x31261ff1,
0x015fe2ec, 0xcc85ca21, 0xdab5f727, 0x16352d01,
0x327e2529, 0x09b1e913, 0xcfe1c79d, 0xd379ee3d,
0x0e1927cf, 0x32fd291b, 0x0f92eef6, 0xd390c6b1,
0xcd90e658, 0x0736240d, 0x33362fb8, 0x19fbfa97,
0xdc63cb04, 0xcd2de0bd, 0xfe0f1bd3, 0x2f093008,
0x1daf0041, 0xe0b8cc2d, 0xc951d899, 0xf5b21675,
0x2d9d345f, 0x27110ad5, 0xeb01d1d4, 0xc9cdd44f,
0xeeef0d30, 0x269731a0, 0x293c0f98, 0xeff0d583,
0xc9a0cfd3, 0xe7c8083d, 0x24803369, 0x2dc3185b,
0xf874db58, 0xca82cc38, 0xe0c4fe69, 0x1c4e2ffd,
0x30be1f03, 0x011be288, 0xcd13c9be, 0xd933f672,
0x14bc29f5, 0x30642299, 0x072ce7bb, 0xd01bc7a4,
0xd335ee16, 0x0e7b27af, 0x31cb2909, 0x100ef040,
0xd4e8c92a, 0xd0cee801, 0x06da2340, 0x31742cca,
0x16d1f866, 0xdb57cafc, 0xcdb2e14c, 0xfffd1ed0,
0x30c531b3, 0x1ec60008, 0xe131cc6e, 0xc9ffd9ca,
0xf65d1449, 0x2c36323e, 0x252909ab, 0xe9b6d16a,
0xc94fd4a7, 0xee560cf7, 0x267a3193, 0x285f1010,
0xf0dfd5ce, 0xca55d08c, 0xe78107c1, 0x23b93261,
0x2cf016cf, 0xf76eda29, 0xc91dcb22, 0xdff3fec1,
0x1cdf2f7b, 0x2f9e1de1, 0x0027e1f8, 0xceefcc0d,
0xdbcdf850, 0x17442c9b, 0x32782434, 0x079ce823,
0xd032ca85, 0xd506f012, 0x0fb72929, 0x344d2a18,
0x1248f2a4, 0xd771cb71, 0xd16de86a, 0x06a62156,
0x2fc52bcc, 0x16a2f769, 0xda4aca09, 0xce07e26b,
0x0233206c, 0x32783312, 0x1f4e0118, 0xe19ccd70,
0xcaedda78, 0xf72715d2, 0x2c803263, 0x24be08e0,
0xe8dcd202, 0xc9cad556, 0xf0340f0b, 0x27dc318d,
0x27b20de1, 0xee8cd44f, 0xc918cfda, 0xe7e0069c,
0x22c330a2, 0x2cca177d, 0xf776dabc, 0xc9b3ccad,
0xe195ffb2, 0x1d203051, 0x30261db6, 0xff4de14e,
0xcd8ccbfb, 0xdc1ef8a9, 0x18392d7a, 0x325423bb,
0x07abe814, 0xcf83c861, 0xd48eef95, 0x0f1d27ce,
0x324f27da, 0x0eeaefea, 0xd580c9e1, 0xd250ea78,
0x0916241e, 0x31922d05, 0x170ff6e5, 0xda3fcafd,
0xce9de347, 0x01d320cf, 0x315830a3, 0x1ce2fdc7,
0xdef5cac4, 0xc8d4d948, 0xf75a169c, 0x2c593186,
0x246b0894, 0xe92cd112, 0xca5ed6a1, 0xf0861084,
0x27a8310c, 0x279f0de1, 0xee26d3d9, 0xc99bd1c5,
0xe9e60993, 0x24a8324f, 0x2db8173d, 0xf901dc07,
0xcbf8cdc0, 0xe2850170, 0x1e1b2f80, 0x2ecd1b2f,
0xfcfbdf42, 0xcbf4cb31, 0xdd32facd, 0x19b22f00,
0x32e224c2, 0x095de932, 0xd0c5cb26, 0xd5d5f0ac,
0x0ecd273b, 0x30fc27b4, 0x0e10ef2f, 0xd55bca0f,
0xd220e93d, 0x088d2273, 0x2fbb2a71, 0x157ff6ef,
0xdbd1ca82, 0xcda5e2a6, 0x01921dfc, 0x2fbd2f59,
0x1c45ffb8, 0xe1c9cec8, 0xcd43de8d, 0xfa761893,
0x2d543299, 0x22bb0719, 0xe81fd0c5, 0xcb50d669,
0xf1171093, 0x284f31fc, 0x27f90f86, 0xefecd54f,
0xca59d1e5, 0xea910941, 0x243531fa, 0x2d2116bd,
0xf924dc5b, 0xcc44cef7, 0xe3e80268, 0x1e342fdb,
0x2f031cf8, 0xff71e1a5, 0xce2cccea, 0xdd3df9c8,
0x19762e69, 0x329822c1, 0x0651e775, 0xd039c9c7,
0xd5fdf031, 0x0ee12772, 0x30a3277e, 0x0eeaeffb,
0xd651cba7, 0xd39aebc1, 0x0a2d2413, 0x31192d20,
0x172bf860, 0xdbaacbb3, 0xcddae239, 0x00a51d69,
0x2feb2ea7, 0x1d2aff98, 0xe1decf65, 0xceeadf6f,
0xfc271a22, 0x2df530fe, 0x204e057e, 0xe6dad048,
0xcabcd706, 0xf2b01116, 0x29ed32d4, 0x28cb0fbf,
0xef67d639, 0xcb65d4d7, 0xec890a05, 0x240e30bf,
0x2a9f1409, 0xf53cd8a9, 0xca78ce4c, 0xe28e01b8,
0x1e5c2f46, 0x2e641b81, 0xff08e14b, 0xcda0cbe7,
0xdce3f9a5, 0x177e2c52, 0x2f7e2031, 0x046ae4e5,
0xce24c9af, 0xd717f1e1, 0x118628c6, 0x317e2685,
0x0d0feecb, 0xd4afcae5, 0xd383eb67, 0x0a882574,
0x32d82cd0, 0x15dff6cc, 0xd9ffcae9, 0xce2ee3f4,
0x02381ec5, 0x30222e3b, 0x1c5cfeed, 0xe156cd98,
0xcd09dd8b, 0xf9d51811, 0x2b7c300c, 0x20e0052b,
0xe754d111, 0xcbbbd821, 0xf24f1173, 0x28bd3173,
0x26ee0dab, 0xedf6d3ee, 0xca18d2a7, 0xea570957,
0x242f3028, 0x29bc135a, 0xf51bd8c9, 0xc9d3cdb9,
0xe27a009a, 0x1d3b2ec5, 0x2e611c99, 0xff0de041,
0xccd2cb8e, 0xdccaf8cf, 0x17932d06, 0x31b522ab,
0x07e3eaac, 0xd309cd74, 0xd943f351, 0x118228b0,
0x3154260c, 0x0c6feda5, 0xd41dc907, 0xd053e846,
0x08632321, 0x2fbf2be5, 0x160ef7a0, 0xdbe5cc1c,
0xd08ae4b7, 0x01791ded, 0x2f262e5e, 0x1b91fe82,
0xe0e1cd64, 0xcca6dc1b, 0xf72a1512, 0x29782dc4,
0x1fe205e9, 0xe7fad1e1, 0xcb87d710, 0xf0ba0e8c,
0x25432ca7, 0x234e0c0f, 0xed56d3b3, 0xc906d111,
0xe8fe07ce, 0x22762fea, 0x2a021431, 0xf6bbdad7,
0xcc26ced9, 0xe3d10177, 0x1d0c2da4, 0x2d171a82,
0xfd95e0a2, 0xcd84cc18, 0xdc23f83f, 0x15fe2af7,
0x2f73217e, 0x06bee8eb, 0xd248cc1c, 0xd721f156,
0x0efd2609, 0x2fd82617, 0x0f9df094, 0xd62bcb1b,
0xd244e986, 0x07ba22f2, 0x2f382ada, 0x149ef612,
0xd9d9c98d, 0xcda6e194, 0x00b11ca6, 0x2ce32c27,
0x1ad8feaa, 0xe034cd5f, 0xcb04db5b, 0xf7e71574,
0x2a6c3021, 0x225407f9, 0xe9f7d2af, 0xcbe3d7cc,
0xf17f0f42, 0x27122fd4, 0x26870d89, 0xeff0d6de,
0xcbf1d423, 0xebe70a24, 0x237830e7, 0x2c3e15a2,
0xf74edbee, 0xcc4fcf26, 0xe3c701ee, 0x1d492d88,
0x2dd21c3c, 0x0007e18a, 0xce4ecdf0, 0xde7bfa60,
0x17352bdf, 0x306f2233, 0x064be894, 0xd219cb39,
0xd785f119, 0x0ede26fa, 0x2fda26ca, 0x0ebbf1ea,
0xd94ecda7, 0xd4beeb3c, 0x09b622a6, 0x2f692aca,
0x14c7f69f, 0xdae0cc20, 0xcf70e2ef, 0x00a21d0a,
0x2e0e2e19, 0x1c2aff7e, 0xe29acfcc, 0xce0ede10,
0xf977168d, 0x2b623051, 0x220e06bb, 0xe84bd1cb,
0xcbbdd67b, 0xf07b0ff0, 0x2781300a, 0x26a40f9d,
0xf159d72a, 0xcbd9d2fc, 0xe9e60714, 0x21e12f94,
0x2a5e1562, 0xf80adcc4, 0xccf1ce77, 0xe28e004f,
0x1ca82d65, 0x2d201b9b, 0xfea8e219, 0xce98ccbe,
0xdce1f80c, 0x165c2bb9, 0x2fbc225d, 0x0780e9ba,
0xd223cb39, 0xd658efec, 0x0e55258b, 0x2fb6276f,
0x0fd8f0b6, 0xd7f4cc34, 0xd33de97a, 0x0731217f,
0x2ea92ab2, 0x15b9f7e6, 0xdc72cd80, 0xcf39e30f,
0x01311ddb, 0x2df72ea4, 0x1d350120, 0xe3d8cf66,
0xccf2dd4a, 0xf92315a5, 0x29cd2f7e, 0x2243071a,
0xe99bd2df, 0xcda9d8a2, 0xf1650f2d, 0x2792308a,
0x26f50edb, 0xf114d715, 0xcb99d214, 0xe71b051e,
0x1f032da5, 0x2a1a14bb, 0xf846dd6e, 0xcd6dcf83,
0xe2c00097, 0x1acf2be9, 0x2c5b1b1b, 0xfe54dfe4,
0xcd66cba9, 0xdbdff6b9, 0x13ed29dd, 0x2ee62186,
0x07d9e9ee, 0xd3b6ccc7, 0xd6f9efb6, 0x0d9325fd,
0x2ede2602, 0x0eb9f0f3, 0xd82fcc5f, 0xd1fde8d8,
0x074520f0, 0x2e332a69, 0x15daf8f7, 0xdd9ecdb1,
0xcf9de235, 0xfe861a40, 0x2c342cbf, 0x1be700d1,
0xe4acd111, 0xcf30ddf4, 0xf843153a, 0x2a102ee4,
0x2193079e, 0xea2ad2ff, 0xcba8d6ce, 0xeec30d70,
0x25312e2b, 0x25e90e96, 0xf155d7dd, 0xcb8bd12b,
0xe7f40584, 0x1fc62e3d, 0x2bf81882, 0xfb16dfab,
0xce57cfea, 0xe246ff58, 0x1aab2c2f, 0x2de31d2d,
0x01afe487, 0xd08bcd3a, 0xdc09f6aa, 0x142a299d,
0x2ea721d9, 0x08a1eb58, 0xd3f9ccef, 0xd799f02e,
0x0eda25b4, 0x2fc326ff, 0x0f95f1c5, 0xd848ccce,
0xd302e9bc, 0x079f2266, 0x2f342cb5, 0x1744f969,
0xddf2cd51, 0xcedbe064, 0xfc0c16f6, 0x29842b38,
0x1c12007b, 0xe482d11d, 0xce42dde4, 0xf87115a8,
0x29552e9b, 0x21750751, 0xea71d38a, 0xcbdbd6e9,
0xeeeb0cb5, 0x24b62d6f, 0x25a40f3c, 0xf22dd8c0,
0xcd93d2eb, 0xe8750629, 0x20352e36, 0x2b7d17da,
0xfae1dfe8, 0xcef4d028, 0xe0acfcae, 0x19c62b2f,
0x2d5a1d7b, 0x0227e636, 0xd1f1cf00, 0xdcecf62c,
0x129e276a, 0x2e182266, 0x09a3eccc, 0xd4e1cc2a,
0xd726ef0d, 0x0cb42469, 0x2d86266b, 0x0f06f117,
0xd7decc59, 0xd27ee70c, 0x058b2185, 0x2efb2bbf,
0x1816fc5e, 0xdf7dcd7b, 0xcf02e024, 0xfc2f1886,
0x2aec2da5, 0x1e170214, 0xe5d2d1ba, 0xce5adca8,
0xf63f148d, 0x2ac030ae, 0x24f10b12, 0xecb4d543,
0xccfbd73a, 0xef0d0c6b, 0x247b2e69, 0x281a12cb,
0xf50ddb7d, 0xcecad315, 0xe94106bc, 0x208e2e46,
0x2bab1852, 0xfaf8df89, 0xd020d129, 0xe174fd44,
0x19f62c61, 0x2eb31f06, 0x04c1e848, 0xd376cf3c,
0xda90f398, 0x0fbb255a, 0x2cbb21da, 0x0a6aed53,
0xd610cde2, 0xd707ee14, 0x0b572375, 0x2ee328a1,
0x12d3f524, 0xda2dcd17, 0xd21fe638, 0x02a21cda,
0x2ac62a0a, 0x17e1fc99, 0xe23bd0b1, 0xd0cae153,
0xfc441870, 0x2b222d5e, 0x1e2c0367, 0xe777d2d1,
0xce9adaf6, 0xf4331116, 0x262d2dee, 0x23490b54,
0xee59d70b, 0xce5bd73c, 0xeccb08fb, 0x217c2d37,
0x26a81183, 0xf582dc41, 0xcfa0d263, 0xe6f102ad,
0x1c962b68, 0x2a2117b0, 0xfc33e097, 0xce77ce87,
0xdea8fa2d, 0x160d2903, 0x2c591fac, 0x05a0e8ef,
0xd3afce6f, 0xd99df131, 0x0e23238e, 0x2c6c230f,
0x0b0bee5d, 0xd6dbcd64, 0xd519eb8e, 0x084c2146,
0x2cfb27c1, 0x1376f6df, 0xdcabceae, 0xd202e4d6,
0x01021bef, 0x2b1f29c6, 0x186dfcd3, 0xe220d0d0,
0xcfb9e04b, 0xfb3417e1, 0x2b1f2e64, 0x1fed05ba,
0xe94ad320, 0xcdced991, 0xf2100e42, 0x25132d5a,
0x24a40dd3, 0xf0f6d959, 0xcf1bd635, 0xebce06dd,
0x1e532b2c, 0x25de122e, 0xf59adc48, 0xce57d1cf,
0xe5cf01bd, 0x1bcb2bc0, 0x2afb193d, 0xfe46e241,
0xd083cf61, 0xde5af8fd, 0x15cc28a3, 0x2beb1e0a,
0x0507e8be, 0xd3ecceff, 0xda03f2cc, 0x0fe525e4,
0x2d52240c, 0x0d7bf00c, 0xd875cef4, 0xd4f9ea9d,
0x07161e7e, 0x2bbf2757, 0x1465f8ff, 0xdf21d14d,
0xd336e636, 0x00351a2d, 0x2a2f2b01, 0x1a76ffa0,
0xe4b1d23e, 0xd071deb8, 0xf8e3140a, 0x268a2b52,
0x1e100477, 0xe867d2fc, 0xcda5d85f, 0xf0750d80,
0x24312c89, 0x25300e24, 0xf298db2e, 0xcf52d545,
0xeab10668, 0x1e192b4e, 0x26b01457, 0xf8ccdea0,
0xd016d270, 0xe41effb4, 0x1a842a92, 0x2a951b94,
0x0138e55c, 0xd3ebd0d5, 0xde87f817, 0x13a326e0,
0x2c191f3e, 0x05faeaca, 0xd556cfba, 0xdab0f2ec,
0x0ef024f2, 0x2e5b260a, 0x1018f2da, 0xdb19cf7e,
0xd54dea23, 0x055b1dd5, 0x2b7127d1, 0x1574fab5,
0xe078d144, 0xd1a5e300, 0xfd9917b5, 0x27d5291a,
0x18acffc5, 0xe5d4d2fa, 0xd00fdd85, 0xf81d1313,
0x27292c63, 0x206108b2, 0xec54d66c, 0xcfafda5b,
0xf08c0cea, 0x23942c6e, 0x24bb0ec3, 0xf367db61,
0xd07fd62c, 0xe9f20576, 0x1ea52cc5, 0x29b31776,
0xfc47e22e, 0xd1b6d250, 0xe322fcbb, 0x17cb27f7,
0x2a2a1b4a, 0x0311e7ce, 0xd502d179, 0xddaef65d,
0x113925aa, 0x2b82214a, 0x098eef1f, 0xd920d0ec,
0xd967efe8, 0x0b3e2294, 0x2cec2537, 0x101bf351,
0xdb43cf78, 0xd3cbe7b5, 0x02a71c71, 0x29df2880,
0x1726fc5d, 0xe31ed1e6, 0xd2a4e32b, 0xfc3b1622,
0x2761292f, 0x1b3601dc, 0xe6d1d3ae, 0xcfe7db5c,
0xf3a20f4d, 0x24862b51, 0x222c0cad, 0xf0eddaff,
0xd20cd9c8, 0xef090956, 0x20f62abc, 0x2424111c,
0xf52fdc9f, 0xd03cd4d6, 0xe7f9041b, 0x1e1a2be4,
0x2a5d1909, 0xfd99e362, 0xd2fbd309, 0xe1fefbfa,
0x15c1278c, 0x2a631cb6, 0x04d2e8d5, 0xd631d16c,
0xdcaff411, 0x0ecc2242, 0x290b2026, 0x0a19eec8,
0xd7edceb2, 0xd6c3ecc5, 0x09661fc8, 0x2995247a,
0x11dcf723, 0xddb7d20c, 0xd571e82a, 0x034b1b9d,
0x29dd28b1, 0x17c6fd58, 0xe31ed291, 0xd14ae17d,
0xfaa61538, 0x27f72a7c, 0x1d220518, 0xeaded66d,
0xd0d1db1a, 0xf2a00dcd, 0x219028d6, 0x20900c13,
0xf122da1c, 0xd18ed8a7, 0xecc10792, 0x1ef52a7b,
0x25e512cb, 0xf8e7dfd7, 0xd296d542, 0xe6b500f8,
0x19ce27ef, 0x26af17c8, 0xfe28e334, 0xd187d05d,
0xdda2f7a7, 0x12b424d5, 0x28a11cc2, 0x05b4eb97,
0xd79cd0f0, 0xdb96f1ed, 0x0d0b2109, 0x290c219b,
0x0c26f135, 0xdb2bd144, 0xd6feeb64, 0x065a1dd4,
0x2a562622, 0x13a6f9f8, 0xe1fbd501, 0xd61ae775,
0x007a19bf, 0x277425e1, 0x1750fdee, 0xe441d28b,
0xd1bbdfb3, 0xf9ab1385, 0x265c2b69, 0x1f4507fa,
0xeb4bd82a, 0xd24bdc4d, 0xf2bc0ca1, 0x20dc28ee,
0x218a0be4, 0xf0fadb10, 0xd20ad80b, 0xeb0804c8,
0x1bd52795, 0x23ba11af, 0xf836dfe8, 0xd216d440,
0xe54cff16, 0x17ac2684, 0x27ab17fa, 0xffade6c7,
0xd5b9d489, 0xe18af9e1, 0x134d25b6, 0x2a1b1df8,
0x0695ec6b, 0xd870d255, 0xdb97f123, 0x0c75216b,
0x29a122c4, 0x0e52f37a, 0xdc41d209, 0xd780eaf3,
0x05581c18, 0x277e247f, 0x13f2faa4, 0xe313d497,
0xd690e6ca, 0xffc01820, 0x267f2790, 0x190501a6,
0xe84fd64b, 0xd3e6e0d4, 0xf7fd11a8, 0x239c2853,
0x1d4e06b3, 0xebfad6c0, 0xd0f8daa8, 0xeffd099f,
0x1ea827dc, 0x20fc0e0e, 0xf3dddd32, 0xd2ded7bc,
0xebe50539, 0x1be027dd, 0x263a1508, 0xfb99e32b,
0xd443d59b, 0xe4c3fda8, 0x165a25c6, 0x26d21936,
0x0180e940, 0xd740d57a, 0xe111f77c, 0x12742468,
0x28f41de8, 0x081eedcc, 0xd8e5d149, 0xda01f047,
0x0ac2205a, 0x2b0a244e, 0x1082f6f7, 0xdfacd441,
0xd86aeb43, 0x03d61b0b, 0x276a2524, 0x154afb73,
0xe3c3d53c, 0xd618e493, 0xfbfe14d0, 0x246b2671,
0x18cb0181, 0xe870d736, 0xd339df01, 0xf67f1013,
0x2332277d, 0x1da308fa, 0xeeddda7d, 0xd3a1dba5,
0xf1370b38, 0x209c2913, 0x22670f6f, 0xf624df06,
0xd3b5d7ef, 0xe92e02e5, 0x19f02702, 0x249b14d7,
0xfc87e512, 0xd5e4d5ab, 0xe458fb67, 0x13f6238f,
0x25b71977, 0x0398eb15, 0xd901d542, 0xe0daf6e5,
0x0f5a2227, 0x28521f6f, 0x0a73f08a, 0xdbe8d32e,
0xdb4aef47, 0x08001d6d, 0x276921dd, 0x0e44f565,
0xdef8d314, 0xd610e797, 0x017918c4, 0x258f2428,
0x1528fdb1, 0xe5f4d527, 0xd456e39d, 0xface13ab,
0x24982803, 0x1c7506a4, 0xeca3da50, 0xd501deb6,
0xf48c0cae, 0x1fb626a8, 0x1ec20a11, 0xf12cdcf3,
0xd569dbcc, 0xef4107b1, 0x1d3827c7, 0x21f0104c,
0xf805e094, 0xd46fd789, 0xe8a60168, 0x187b265a,
0x252c16b3, 0xfe42e622, 0xd665d500, 0xe338fa09,
0x13092324, 0x25d01b03, 0x04a6ebb7, 0xd8f7d37f,
0xdd2af346, 0x0c911fd7, 0x280520fa, 0x0cddf407,
0xdf46d53d, 0xda4bed72, 0x06761beb, 0x26e3220d,
0x10b7f80a, 0xe0c2d4db, 0xd812e851, 0x001517ae,
0x263725fa, 0x18630067, 0xe774d762, 0xd455e09f,
0xf79a1086, 0x21de2622, 0x1a9a0515, 0xece8da1d,
0xd467dde8, 0xf2f20b9f, 0x1eb3273c, 0x1faf0c68,
0xf447deef, 0xd593da67, 0xec6304a5, 0x1a6f2655,
0x24a41362, 0xf9cde289, 0xd5bad739, 0xe6ccfdb2,
0x14de2323, 0x23c11747, 0xfff7e7a3, 0xd8e5d7a1,
0xe4d7fa49, 0x11fb21ff, 0x25d21b3a, 0x05afef67,
0xdbdcd68f, 0xdfeef432, 0x0c1d1ea6, 0x25e81f96,
0x0c26f39f, 0xde7fd58d, 0xdb5eed78, 0x04ee1a6e,
0x2541217a, 0x114ff87c, 0xe189d3ee, 0xd727e74e,
0xfe7d1509, 0x234324c7, 0x19310198, 0xe998d86b,
0xd57ee160, 0xf6ce0eb5, 0x1ec9234d, 0x1aef0998,
0xf172de6f, 0xd7a0ddd8, 0xf0bf096a, 0x1caf2438,
0x1d200bb6, 0xf4c3dfb7, 0xd56dd978, 0xea0c0371,
0x18fd2510, 0x23241307, 0xfccee604, 0xda6cd8c9,
0xe5f1fb34, 0x10e52218, 0x244818d0, 0x01e7e96c,
0xd979d5ad, 0xe214f637, 0x0e541eaf, 0x235b1b1f,
0x0760f2ac, 0xde2bd8b3, 0xde90ef13, 0x07031a27,
0x254d201f, 0x0da7f655, 0xe00fd6a6, 0xdadcec07,
0x033b188d, 0x24f4237b, 0x137dfc04, 0xe5b2d715,
0xd8f0e60d, 0xfd3613b8, 0x21f9248e, 0x180101a1,
0xead0db73, 0xd8fde3a7, 0xf7440d06, 0x1fc124f8,
0x1b4d0720, 0xefcfddd5, 0xd6a1de27, 0xef8d0715,
0x1b2c25f8, 0x20690e94, 0xf63fe173, 0xd742da48,
0xeb290312, 0x18b52301, 0x21521361, 0xfd8fe7e7,
0xda32db14, 0xe841fcc7, 0x12402259, 0x2532185a,
0x026ee8e3, 0xdaa9d7e5, 0xe2dbf7f3, 0x0e26203c,
0x25a71dc7, 0x0a16f1d2, 0xded8d764, 0xdd2fef52,
0x07ba1da5, 0x26dd20cb, 0x0ebaf88d, 0xe38cd93a,
0xdb20ea4c, 0x03a11858, 0x25f824cc, 0x14befd2a,
0xe5b1d8f6, 0xd7dfe52b, 0xfb3b136d, 0x23632395,
0x17990150, 0xea69d9bc, 0xd942e41d, 0xfa2710cf,
0x20bf263c, 0x1b7b08a8, 0xefffdc7c, 0xd462dbb5,
0xedee07e3, 0x1cd22625, 0x25a414eb, 0xfcc3e208,
0xd3cfd6b9, 0xe668023e, 0x185f280a, 0x25a41710,
0xfee6e57c, 0xd880d724, 0xe4a6f8c4, 0x106d2052,
0x246d19e9, 0x05c9eecd, 0xde7fd9ca, 0xe128f36a,
0x08321a81, 0x211e1bcd, 0x0d28ea23, 0xd915e815,
0xfe980cf9, 0xfe24f909, 0xfb84f7d4, 0x01d9fa04,
0xf946ee46, 0xe8351980, 0x2e9f2102, 0x0aeafb83,
0xe615d195, 0xcee4cecb, 0xe7940359, 0x29a14654,
0x408c3591, 0x0d34e46e, 0xc7f8aeeb, 0xb792cc07,
0xf0f6212f, 0x3eae4a27, 0x3ea12754, 0xfedbd252,
0xc061bb79, 0xd39af6ea, 0x1659241a, 0x20de1cee,
0x087ff7e7, 0xea20eaad, 0xf2f3f6f2, 0x05910999,
0x070b021e, 0xef93deb5, 0xd9a9e629, 0xffd015e5,
0x26d72d88, 0x288612c6, 0xeafbcd9c, 0xb969c09d,
0xda27f912, 0x1ec7383f, 0x4a7d3dd1, 0x1cf5f377,
0xc863b518, 0xb4cbcd0a, 0xf37d15b1, 0x328839b3,
0x313d2425, 0x0718e8e1, 0xd454d136, 0xdecfecae,
0x03560fa1, 0x1218108b, 0x03f7fd20, 0xfeef0393,
0x0db415a8, 0x0f7c0522, 0xf46ee339, 0xd152cb6f,
0xd555eda3, 0x187336a9, 0x4ae845ba, 0x27100249,
0xd7c4b4ea, 0x9f52afdb, 0xda680e73, 0x361d43dd,
0x4e573db8, 0x11a7e23f, 0xbe49b5a7, 0xc2d8dcd1,
0xf9d7141b, 0x2ad1309a, 0x26220ca5, 0xf2fbe62e,
0xe06ce585, 0xe8f6f6f4, 0x021c07e8, 0x0dd7ff04,
0xf680f711, 0x03370fd6, 0x15ff1b0f, 0x10bf0035,
0xe417d1de, 0xcbb9cd60, 0xe37303ef, 0x29f73e16,
0x3d532c31, 0x0aeae88b, 0xcb7fb9d1, 0xbb30d24e,
0xf9e21980, 0x2eb437a2, 0x2dc61a4a, 0xfb20df87,
0xd0a1d1b0, 0xe116f301, 0x072813c6, 0x19251425,
0x08affffa, 0xf85cf5de, 0xf6f5fc17, 0x014d05ed,
0x01f1f934, 0xf1daed01, 0xeccdf56e, 0x09e21ff5,
0x2ba52401, 0x12d7f7bf, 0xda00cbc6, 0xc737d168,
0xee7b1210, 0x301e3d74, 0x37ee2262, 0x01e0df09,
0xc3c6b73d, 0xc148df60, 0x0458204c, 0x354e3aaa,
0x28900c72, 0xef58db43, 0xd498d9d5, 0xe7aafa92,
0x0c17175e, 0x14bc09d1, 0xfedaf430, 0xf0abf81d,
0x02410583, 0x06830280, 0xf3cee6ae, 0xe0e3e629,
0xf21d0461, 0x197828bb, 0x2ebb221c, 0x05d7e5ac,
0xce10c293, 0xc6e9dd12, 0xff5522da, 0x39833e78,
0x318f133c, 0xef3dce63, 0xbb6cbd2d, 0xd09fef0b,
0x10082a17, 0x33c82b89, 0x171afffe, 0xea90db09,
0xdac5e3e3, 0xf14f00c2, 0x06f60745, 0x04720051,
0xfc05fbab, 0x02190afa, 0x11c30e44, 0x0369f5ab,
0xe300d666, 0xd4f1e1ea, 0xfb401731, 0x2f98382f,
0x305f1a12, 0xf8b3d865, 0xc1e0bdf5, 0xcd4debe3,
0x12cb3170, 0x42a73f2b, 0x27280532, 0xe06cc7f0,
0xc162ca52, 0xe198fdab, 0x175327ef, 0x2a001f89,
0x0abbf715, 0xeaf2e5f8, 0xe914f1de, 0xfc4900b1,
0xffe9fc42, 0xf585f42c, 0xfa9706e6, 0x125d17f6,
0x18eb0e4d, 0xfa50e479, 0xd30acbf2, 0xd3dfeac3,
0x091f28a6, 0x3c383a92, 0x295c0931, 0xe374c593,
0xb65ebdc6, 0xd6e3fc6c, 0x20ad39c6, 0x425f34b2,
0x18b6f5ec, 0xd883c961, 0xc8b9d866, 0xf1bc0adc,
0x1c311f60, 0x1afe0fb4, 0x00a6f49a, 0xef90f31b,
0xf98b0003, 0x00fafd92, 0xf6bff14f, 0xefa4f299,
0xff1710e5, 0x1e42231a, 0x1d530b14, 0xf1dad921,
0xc8f2c779, 0xd8e7f68e, 0x18d73414, 0x40cb38e7,
0x1dbaf971, 0xd549bed6, 0xbbbccbfa, 0xea3e0ba9,
0x281e3910, 0x37b62557, 0x07eaea67, 0xd62dd05f,
0xd79fe91e, 0xff23113b, 0x19bd179b, 0x0d9303b3,
0xfc1ef8b8, 0xfbb00129, 0x054a0278, 0xfb82f1ca,
0xe8dbe4c1, 0xe847f5e4, 0x0a5d1eee, 0x2c532a85,
0x1a1fff1f, 0xe1cbcb72, 0xc160ca9e, 0xe40f0699,
0x288a3d05, 0x3fe62e20, 0x0e5aeac5, 0xcc40be90,
0xc418db14, 0xf9ea1955, 0x2e26338d, 0x29fc13af,
0xf954e38d, 0xda94dcca, 0xe640f6bb, 0x05c80d5d,
0x0d730772, 0x008efc2d, 0xfe6a0376, 0x09d10d61,
0x08dfff59, 0xf112e2c2, 0xdb89de04, 0xec1a0274,
0x1b662f75, 0x353f2844, 0x0e17ece4, 0xd008bf5f,
0xbeefd290, 0xf3d71906, 0x34c23fe5, 0x38aa1feb,
0xfd39dc5f, 0xc60dc0ea, 0xce65e88e, 0x06911fd5,
0x2bfc2a3f, 0x1b99070e, 0xf2dfe5e3, 0xe380e818,
0xf22efc18, 0x0379042f, 0x011dfbc1, 0xf905fc86,
0x05280f22, 0x14ff135e, 0x0820f78e, 0xe4ecd50c,
0xd099da57, 0xf2230f98, 0x29163909, 0x365522e2,
0x0271deab, 0xc548bc8b, 0xc5cbdf39, 0x03b42719,
0x3ca84017, 0x2ed711dd, 0xf0c5d625, 0xc7bdc9ca,
0xdba8f521, 0x0e7e1d13, 0x21de1b15, 0x0d4cfdb9,
0xf26ced7e, 0xef7bf5db, 0xfbaefdb5, 0xfb4bf62c,
0xf295f2e3, 0xf8b30599, 0x15721ffe, 0x20cb1638,
0x01cfea5e, 0xd4d0c97b, 0xcd21e02a, 0xfe60200f,
0x375c3e72, 0x325d1669, 0xf310d04f, 0xbc33bc08,
0xcf23ef48, 0x12582de6, 0x3a2d3450, 0x1fe70299,
0xe6fbd49e, 0xd00bd99a, 0xeafd0116, 0x110818b7,
0x150d0c5c, 0x03e2fbdb, 0xf8f8fa8c, 0xff72014c,
0x00e6fa31, 0xf0ebe842, 0xe531ec8d, 0xfb8e0ff5,
0x22612a4e, 0x24b812fe, 0xf87bdc90, 0xc866c418,
0xd004ebd8, 0x0da32c45, 0x3ea83c9c, 0x27c206cd,
0xe387c919, 0xbe44c547, 0xde2efe57, 0x1d3d3066,
0x327d2618, 0x1033f698, 0xe217d883, 0xda68e6f9,
0xf7750509, 0x0b6a0b1d, 0x0627ffb5, 0xfc53fe20,
0x01c30848, 0x0a0b0550, 0xfc35ef0b, 0xe32ddc87,
0xe0a1eeac, 0x05e31d9f, 0x2e763044, 0x229a087e,
0xe7e9cd61, 0xbefbc2c4, 0xd7c1f835, 0x1aa73504,
0x3e9d34ef, 0x1a7ef79d, 0xd847c462, 0xc2aed2aa,
0xec9a0945, 0x202a2a8a, 0x273817d5, 0x03f6f1bc,
0xe6f2e512, 0xeb3bf56c, 0xfebe03aa, 0x01e9fd38,
0xf980f969, 0xfe1b0691, 0x0f8415ff, 0x12b306c4,
0xf463e0b4, 0xd44dd219, 0xddfbf5b9, 0x11222a11,
0x370e3185, 0x1ab5fa68, 0xda81c463, 0xbdf8ca7a,
0xe7a909c4, 0x297f3b09, 0x3b0e29e3, 0x0c09eb46,
0xd223c8c2, 0xcf66e31f, 0xfb7c11fb, 0x2016214c,
0x18b10b1f, 0xfcfff2db, 0xef0df100, 0xf6bffc48,
0xfd39fa2a, 0xf4d0f185, 0xf279f9d9, 0x05cb1430,
0x1dca1da3, 0x13ffff70, 0xe884d5b0, 0xccd3d1eb,
0xe5c6034a, 0x20ca35a3, 0x3a732bd0, 0x0ebced2e,
0xceb7bdf2, 0xc017d4af, 0xf45d150f, 0x2e17373a,
0x30eb1a1b, 0xfcace2d4, 0xd219d010, 0xdb4eef58,
0x035c1310, 0x18f515a1, 0x0c420167, 0xfa49f6e2,
0xf93afd17, 0xff3bfe92, 0xf8a0f0b9, 0xea00e9d8,
0xf23b0058, 0x126e21ec, 0x26161ef8, 0x0c63f244,
0xd921c86f, 0xc7fdd68c, 0xf20f1276, 0x2e193c38,
0x371c2198, 0x0079dedf, 0xc739bf7d, 0xcadce360,
0x02a51e99, 0x2f6f3012, 0x22340cac, 0xf474e1da,
0xd9edddb2, 0xeabbfaf1, 0x08400ead, 0x0dfa0a0e,
0x0213fde4, 0xfe55016e, 0x05bd05c7, 0x02e5fa8e,
0xee8ae3f8, 0xe0bae6ab, 0xf57f0aca, 0x1fb22c8b,
0x2bc01d0a, 0x02cee4ad, 0xcd83c3a6, 0xca4ae124,
0x00f72122, 0x370f3c70, 0x2fdd1408, 0xf224d587,
0xc4b8c64a, 0xd827f353, 0x0fdf237e, 0x2be324e8,
0x1350fed2, 0xecc3e25a, 0xe21fe97a, 0xf63f0187,
0x066c05e8, 0x0180fd90, 0xfbf1fef7, 0x05000ce9,
0x10d90d09, 0x00e5f1d3, 0xe2efd848, 0xd975e545,
0xfc0b1643, 0x2a2d3245, 0x2ac81475, 0xf6bdd88a,
0xc4bac2cb, 0xd1beedad, 0x0d5c287d, 0x3695333c,
0x20ba03ae, 0xe5e4d133, 0xca22d453, 0xe8710096,
0x16192229, 0x21921731, 0x0892f8a3, 0xeef3ebff,
0xf077f789, 0xfe7001fa, 0xffa0faee, 0xf5d8f486,
0xfa8a0464, 0x0f4617ea, 0x174f0e40, 0xfd2be992,
0xd8a9d277, 0xd9f4ed2f, 0x0899228f, 0x33aa34ef,
0x251607f6, 0xe7d9cd2f, 0xc144c7bb, 0xde3bfd7f,
0x1c1631dd, 0x37342be1, 0x1459f809, 0xdf0ad16f,
0xd179de3d, 0xf2d307c0, 0x155d1949, 0x15330a13,
0xfe46f6c0, 0xf3a2f6dd, 0xfc31ffaa, 0xffe9faff,
0xf496ee4f, 0xed71f487, 0x016b1102, 0x1c601fe5,
0x185905fa, 0xef08da48, 0xcdfad00d, 0xe104fbd2,
0x190c302e, 0x38d62fc0, 0x176af75c, 0xd954c51a,
0xc352d218, 0xeb820a20, 0x233b30a4, 0x2da51ce3,
0x05aded42, 0xde16d964, 0xdf63ee49, 0xfee20bd2,
0x11a40fcb, 0x08e400fa, 0xfb87fade, 0xfed8041c,
0x05a3023b, 0xfb06f118, 0xe78ce432, 0xe861f6da,
0x0aa31c84, 0x262b2334, 0x136dfbfb, 0xe290cea6,
0xc806d199, 0xe9b60809, 0x244235e1, 0x365a266f,
0x0aa9ead3, 0xd285c778, 0xccf6defe, 0xfa7214bb,
0x262b2abd, 0x21c90f33, 0xf952e8ac, 0xe00be200,
0xea01f60b, 0x020106f0, 0x05e501e6, 0xfd2cfc9b,
0xff4304bd, 0x0a430c35, 0x08fafe88, 0xf034e2f3,
0xdc64df4c, 0xecf601ce, 0x18972a2b, 0x2e372367,
0x0bdbef2e, 0xd53dc6af, 0xc8d4dae2, 0xf71f1638,
0x2e013716, 0x2f3e1833, 0xfa9cdd9d, 0xcc6eca13,
0xd693ede7, 0x07081a74, 0x236220fd, 0x15140489,
0xf55aeb7d, 0xea1aef4d, 0xf620fd6b, 0x00cc007b,
0xfc4bf803, 0xf843fe38, 0x06c4102d, 0x14f7120e,
0x07e3f5cd, 0xe4c6d823, 0xd563e039, 0xf4e80eeb,
0x252e30ce, 0x2d051a2f, 0xfe14dfb5, 0xca55c39d,
0xce0be6c9, 0x04ab1fb1, 0x30c231fe, 0x242f0bc6,
0xeef6d909, 0xcf80d34a, 0xe40cf9f4, 0x0d99195a,
0x1af114ae, 0x0831fc63, 0xf4d2f1bb, 0xf37ef82f,
0xfc8ffcd4, 0xf99ef45e, 0xf091f1a8, 0xf91c04d1,
0x126d1c73, 0x1ce113cc, 0x011bea92, 0xd7ffcf18,
0xd4dfe769, 0x01e51de7, 0x31323695, 0x2ab9116c,
0xf229d613, 0xc66fc7ea, 0xd921f3e0, 0x108d2630,
0x2fa229a0, 0x1747fe9c, 0xe72cd9ae, 0xd7b2e0c6,
0xf1ef0323, 0x0f76144c, 0x10b0086e, 0x0068fa90,
0xf9fcfc77, 0xffad01a9, 0x0013f9a7, 0xf168ead2,
0xe8e4f0b8, 0xfeea1023, 0x1fa025ab, 0x1f8a0e51,
0xf538dd5d, 0xcd76ca78, 0xd738f01f, 0x0e97285d,
0x365d3471, 0x218304ae, 0xe528cee5, 0xc7d5d050,
0xe6a40132, 0x19a82897, 0x29c71e09, 0x0a5af4f4,
0xe4f6def6, 0xe211ed47, 0xfb7f0645, 0x0b3d0957,
0x03fafecd, 0xfcaffe51, 0x02100721, 0x08280448,
0xfaffef12, 0xe4a9e03b, 0xe4e2f3bf, 0x08941c91,
0x2abd2a49, 0x1c1403ce, 0xe8c0d1c4, 0xc845cddd,
0xe160feed, 0x1bb63019, 0x35142a6a, 0x12ebf545,
0xda66cc5c, 0xce35dd1f, 0xf4600bb4, 0x1ce22450,
0x1ec61134, 0x0063f161, 0xe951e8f7, 0xef1ef83d,
0xffc802c2, 0x01f5fdc3, 0xf9e6fb4e, 0x00720859,
0x103c12c7, 0x0ea103b6, 0xf392e433, 0xdaabda7c,
0xe683fb21, 0x131c26ee, 0x2f94278a, 0x12e3f723,
0xdb98c959, 0xc755d469, 0xed390c3f, 0x256c336a,
0x31ef215e, 0x0741ebb5, 0xd7aed0b1, 0xd691e867,
0xfdad1014, 0x1a241b0a, 0x13c20748, 0xfaf7f3a7,
0xf1e1f415, 0xfa6efe72, 0xff6efca7, 0xf78bf2db,
0xf37afa87, 0x069312dc, 0x1a32197f, 0x0edefcda,
0xe94fd969, 0xd2e2dab9, 0xee2607ea, 0x20b3312f,
0x31a42329, 0x097aeac3, 0xd1b1c55d, 0xcb5cdf2b,
0xfa5c1765, 0x2b40307b, 0x27d11449, 0xfaafe499,
0xd8cbd8c5, 0xe36ff44f, 0x0536107f, 0x13790fd0,
0x082dffaf, 0xfa8ff925, 0xfbd6ffe6, 0x0164fea5,
0xf98ef178, 0xebbfebc0, 0xf2c1011e, 0x10511c91,
0x20901a92, 0x08b7f160, 0xdcd5d042, 0xd05bdeb5,
0xf77412e1, 0x29e53443, 0x2e171978, 0xfc43e047,
0xcd34c8a7, 0xd4a5eb30, 0x06341d4f, 0x2a2e28f0,
0x1b7606ff, 0xf1d6e37f, 0xdedbe3b6, 0xef14fd33,
0x07b90bc3, 0x0a4905b2, 0x0102fe3b, 0xffec02e6,
0x068f0792, 0x0223f97b, 0xef0fe5b3, 0xe21ee861,
0xf6e90a6b, 0x1bc02628, 0x2533172f, 0xfffae5c3,
0xd322cbd9, 0xd32be7bd, 0x03971e68, 0x2fc232a0,
0x25370c6c, 0xf040d90d, 0xccead070, 0xe0aaf83c,
0x0fcf1fc1, 0x248e1d7d, 0x0e99fcf6, 0xee77e6ad,
0xe7eaef0c, 0xf816000e, 0x03c902fe, 0xff51fcea,
0xfd3801c6, 0x08200e28, 0x105e0ba9, 0x00b7f132,
0xe3abdba0, 0xdd83ea17, 0xfedc1579, 0x273e2d0c,
0x23e70f80, 0xf464dbee, 0xcce7cc3a, 0xda47f418,
0x10052688, 0x30392b24, 0x1960fee9, 0xe66cd645,
0xd263db14, 0xed960262, 0x132d1abd, 0x19581002,
0x02dff75b, 0xf0eef055, 0xf41dfa17, 0xfee6ffed,
0xfc99f6d7, 0xf3b2f5f9, 0xfc380638, 0x0faf16a0,
0x144d098e, 0xf89ee6c8, 0xda4ad716, 0xdfd8f33d,
0x0ba021af, 0x2e642bf4, 0x1d200352, 0xe7ded205,
0xca28d15f, 0xe60200ff, 0x19a529c2, 0x2bbd21d1,
0x0cf7f53b, 0xe2f9da1e, 0xdca1e86a, 0xf93708ea,
0x1248141f, 0x0ea705d9, 0xfcdbf780, 0xf72dfa9b,
0xfe2ffffe, 0xfdb1f846, 0xf2f3ee5c, 0xef7af7e4,
0x04931240, 0x1c441e20, 0x152d0377, 0xedb9dacd,
0xd0d8d3ed, 0xe523fd4c, 0x17b82b1a, 0x31942903,
0x12e1f75d, 0xdcfacd8a, 0xcc11d8dd, 0xf0840a0c,
0x1f0f2885, 0x24d81699, 0x0218ee7c, 0xe2c0dfef,
0xe51cf13b, 0xfe8a084e, 0x0c9e0ae5, 0x05a7001d,
0xfdbcfe50, 0x004f03af, 0x03edffb2, 0xf763ee6e,
0xe6f4e666, 0xede9fbfb, 0x0db41bd1, 0x23b31f85,
0x103ef9d8, 0xe23ed1d1, 0xcdedd789, 0xecc1082d,
0x20af2f60, 0x2fa320f6, 0x0906ed68, 0xd844cdbb,
0xd1eee287, 0xf8f10fe4, 0x1f27244b, 0x1b920d7b,
0xfc66ee23, 0xe695e747, 0xee19f796, 0x006103da,
0x037a005b, 0xfe79fd26, 0x00350572, 0x0abc0bcb,
0x070afd61, 0xefd7e4ee, 0xdfafe266, 0xefd40408,
0x176a250c, 0x27871cc4, 0x0804ee25, 0xd7bfcc26,
0xcf21e01d, 0xf93d147c, 0x28832f70, 0x27c8136c,
0xf9aee26f, 0xd3c3d2e7, 0xdda0f0f4, 0x05d315de,
0x1d3e1a13, 0x0f9301c6, 0xf6a4ef84, 0xef1df307,
0xf8f2fe1e, 0xff07fc46, 0xf8e4f70c, 0xf860fe9b,
0x07c81129, 0x147c115d, 0x0656f5c6, 0xe648db7d,
0xda49e413, 0xf7e30efe, 0x22492c40, 0x280d1634,
0xfcb8e259, 0xd04dcb87, 0xd5bceb6d, 0x064d1f1c,
0x2c522c4b, 0x1e99090d, 0xf174df35, 0xd809dc58,
0xe987fb4f, 0x0b3713d9, 0x15d40fad, 0x05e2fc40,
0xf6c1f54f, 0xf821fc3d, 0xfd30fd25, 0xf88ef352,
0xefb3f0ef, 0xf88503b0, 0x10ab189d, 0x1943106a,
0xff04eaf4, 0xdb6ed4a4, 0xda7ceb68, 0x02501a76,
0x29a02d47, 0x22a40bd3, 0xf0c6d933, 0xcce5cf20,
0xdf89f736, 0x0fdb22ab, 0x29bc22ff, 0x129efdb1,
0xeb20e07e, 0xde8fe618, 0xf385016d, 0x0ace0d45,
0x0b77058e, 0xffaafc98, 0xfcc4fffa, 0x02360319,
0xfe45f794, 0xefc3e9e3, 0xe97ef13e, 0xff200dc7,
0x1c1221ac, 0x1ca90cf4, 0xf747e207, 0xd478d2b2,
0xdea2f388, 0x0cc22293, 0x2cc72924, 0x18ed00c8,
0xe6efd510, 0xcf8fd8ac, 0xeb63038c, 0x164420f4,
0x222b1813, 0x0893f762, 0xea1ee4fd, 0xe906f12f,
0xfb880307, 0x05b60578, 0x02d1fefb, 0xfdb200b3,
0x04be081d, 0x091a04f9, 0xfb23ef06, 0xe55ee1fb,
0xe760f4b6, 0x07b819ba, 0x247224b9, 0x18c303a5,
0xec46d88a, 0xd01dd581, 0xe6c1ff9d, 0x177b280f,
0x2c12227b, 0x0ebcf69e, 0xe0c1d510, 0xd713e44f,
0xf72f0b6a, 0x184c1cce, 0x17b40bdb, 0xfe28f252,
0xed17ed62, 0xf356fb57, 0x00420116, 0xfedefa73,
0xf9affac6, 0x000e06f9, 0x0e2b11a1, 0x0cf502d8,
0xf362e4a8, 0xdd30deab, 0xea24fcc7, 0x11c122c7,
0x29362429, 0x1163f941, 0xe160d199, 0xd00edb60,
0xf12d09c9, 0x1ee929e9, 0x274418f2, 0x0405ed9a,
0xde09d9ce, 0xe057efba, 0x00ea0ecd, 0x15de1494,
0x0dd3035e, 0xf9e5f44a, 0xf422f7cd, 0xfbf3ff43,
0xfe08fa3f, 0xf4e0f25f, 0xf411faf4, 0x05760f72,
0x166a154d, 0x0b51fac9, 0xe914daff, 0xd706de3d,
0xeee105d0, 0x1b2b288d, 0x2a2b1d64, 0x06aaec8f,
0xd865cf0b, 0xd4a2e638, 0xfcd71302, 0x226326ea,
0x1eaf0ef6, 0xfa32e980, 0xe107e198, 0xeaf3f8ad,
0x052d0d0d, 0x0e690aa7, 0x04a5fd6e, 0xfa07f9b6,
0xfc28005e, 0x00c1fce0, 0xf734f03b, 0xebb0ed15,
0xf4970043, 0x0e241930, 0x1ce015d5, 0x05bef1b5,
0xdeebd4d7, 0xd693e3f4, 0xfa2612cc, 0x25792c79,
0x25cf14a4, 0xfbfae49a, 0xd607d2a3, 0xdcf9f118,
0x06391800, 0x20f81ea1, 0x146c038b, 0xf347e81f,
0xe559ea67, 0xf460feaf, 0x0521077f, 0x05d90299,
0xffb1fe3f, 0x000f04bf, 0x07c407e0, 0x0298f9fe,
0xefade763, 0xe581eb69, 0xf9430ac2, 0x1a6621d9,
0x20231320, 0xfddae7cc, 0xd7a4d1d9, 0xd95febdd,
0x04131a78, 0x289a29b7, 0x1db00967, 0xf0a1dd50,
0xd3e7d8af, 0xe6befa1a, 0x0dcf18d7, 0x1c9e1617,
0x0941fb01, 0xefc5eb8b, 0xecdaf28b, 0xf9ffff7c,
0x0104fe1d, 0xfa2ff8f0, 0xf97aff0d, 0x05ff0b66,
0x0d9a09ae, 0x001bf284, 0xe5c1dfd3, 0xe21ced56,
0x006a129d, 0x20bb24d1, 0x1c710a3d, 0xf36ade40,
0xd261d337, 0xe0b3f6be, 0x0ebd21ce, 0x28d72471,
0x1407fe29, 0xe8fcdbb2, 0xd998e1db, 0xf07b016b,
0x0ec614e6, 0x141b0c45, 0x0275f926, 0xf439f413,
0xf814fbb6, 0xfedfff05, 0xfbaff7da, 0xf462f78b,
0xfdc70685, 0x103514df, 0x1335087b, 0xf9deea6b,
0xdee0dc83, 0xe362f4ea, 0x09ec1cc0, 0x26bb2444,
0x16bb0094, 0xea1cd875, 0xd20bd941, 0xea410119,
0x1634230d, 0x25331c53, 0x0a2af54c, 0xe61edfb0,
0xe1daeba6, 0xfab00722, 0x0ea01005, 0x0b1a045d,
0xfd4bf98d, 0xf929fca5, 0xffd90095, 0xfe23f900,
0xf333ef9e, 0xf098f7dc, 0x03a01059, 0x197f19f9,
0x12ab0321, 0xf071e0bb, 0xd8c1db02, 0xe8e6fd9b,
0x13b62476, 0x287a208e, 0x0f60f799, 0xe228d5bf,
0xd5f0e1c9, 0xf4880950, 0x197a20bb, 0x1d9010e7,
0xfefbf016, 0xe68ae4ee, 0xeab1f4be, 0xffe20731,
0x0a0007ce, 0x0312ff0b, 0xfd5cfe64, 0x01e7050d,
0x0402005e, 0xf8bdf03d, 0xea27e95e, 0xefe7fd4e,
0x0d2d19ea, 0x20661c07, 0x0efbfb1c, 0xe673d93a,
0xd53cddd7, 0xefb9065e, 0x1b412654, 0x25a718a3,
0x0571eeba, 0xde41d822, 0xdd78eb98, 0xfedd1075,
0x1a2e1c16, 0x1420074f, 0xf946ef21, 0xeaf4ecfb,
0xf2e8fb0e, 0x012d0385, 0x029dff5e, 0xfd59fdb2,
0x01510749, 0x0b990b9a, 0x066ffd9c, 0xf18ce834,
0xe300e5ce, 0xf1c201d4, 0x131b1f28, 0x20b617b1,
0x05aaeffb, 0xde91d44d, 0xd82ee55c, 0xfa721175,
0x2115265b, 0x1ff20f34, 0xf979e6ac, 0xdc3edb45,
0xe514f503, 0x056c11af, 0x16f014ae, 0x0a930061,
0xf64cf244, 0xf263f678, 0xfb50fea4, 0xffbdfce5,
0xf939f6fa, 0xf905fe05, 0x06310d46, 0x11fa0f51,
0x0580f804, 0xea42e153, 0xe02ae904, 0xf9f60d9c,
0x1dcc2511, 0x208d11a6, 0xfc25e644, 0xd6b1d2c3,
0xdb6aedaf, 0x03881703, 0x22fa22b5, 0x17bb06a4,
0xf2e2e51f, 0xe039e349, 0xef30fc68, 0x08d70f50,
0x0f890b30, 0x0304fc5b, 0xf91bf90a, 0xfabcfe4c,
0xffe9fe31, 0xf9a3f519, 0xf1fef3df, 0xfae2046b,
0x0df61528, 0x14d80ccc, 0xfddaed09, 0xe0e5db52,
0xe0eceefb, 0x036316ec, 0x250227a5, 0x1da70b5e,
0xf406e006, 0xd6c1d8a7, 0xe4eef891, 0x0c291b2b,
0x1f601a89, 0x0e09fd46, 0xee76e5a6, 0xe4e3eaa5,
0xf64700da, 0x076b0847, 0x058c0150, 0xfce0fb22,
0xfc8dfff8, 0x029303db, 0xff83f8ed, 0xf152ec63,
0xecfff35e, 0xfeaf0c61, 0x171f1ae1, 0x1687086b,
0xf651e467, 0xda65d973, 0xe32bf5cb, 0x0b9b1d72,
0x25bd22b0, 0x13e6ff34, 0xead1dbce, 0xd773df3a,
0xef96024b, 0x12551b59, 0x1bcb138f, 0x055ef7b7,
0xeea2eb78, 0xec5ef2db, 0xfb3600f5, 0x020a014f,
0xfeeafd2c, 0xfd6b006d, 0x05c108b9, 0x0939053d,
0xfcadf1b9, 0xe956e5dc, 0xe934f4d5, 0x05381432,
0x1d7d1db1, 0x133500e4, 0xed5addc9, 0xd6fcdc38,
0xead3ff74, 0x14b322ae, 0x258d1c9e, 0x0b80f61d,
0xe450db50, 0xdbd6e713, 0xf77a080b, 0x135a1834,
0x146c0b20, 0xffe0f635, 0xf250f247, 0xf511fa1f,
0xfe06fded, 0xfcf8f9a2, 0xf88cfa5d, 0xff93073d,
0x0d961024, 0x0bdc028d, 0xf58ee960, 0xe25ae259,
0xebc3fc8c, 0x0ded1c77, 0x213e1bf4, 0x0d4df93e,
0xe614d9d7, 0xd86de1d8, 0xf3f9080c, 0x18d720e6,
0x1ff31352, 0x00ffef8c, 0xe331dfaa, 0xe3feefd1,
0xfe2e0a3a, 0x0f220f32, 0x0a2401a3, 0xfaeef6f3,
0xf775fa7c, 0xfd21fdff, 0xfd9cf9dc, 0xf593f370,
0xf606fd07, 0x058c0e9c, 0x13da1261, 0x094cfb12,
0xebfae175, 0xddcae3b5, 0xf2c30600, 0x175b22a6,
0x221c1723, 0x054df080, 0xdfa2d764, 0xdbfeea60,
0xfd5f0fb8, 0x1c5d1f16, 0x18770a5c, 0xfa05ec6f,
0xe5a7e5ce, 0xecaef85c, 0x02d4095a, 0x0ae607df,
0x0312ff2a, 0xfb5ffb93, 0xff1f014f, 0x00b0fd08,
0xf7c1f150, 0xed4cee7c, 0xf5d4017f, 0x0d671744,
0x19471291, 0x04ebf2f7, 0xe398db17, 0xdbf1e6fd,
0xf9520e02, 0x1e6324dc, 0x1fbe10ac, 0xfceee9e8,
0xdcc1da62, 0xe30af388, 0x05791475, 0x1ac41984,
0x10fc0234, 0xf549ebb2, 0xe9aaecf8, 0xf494fdaf,
0x03ea05e4, 0x044d01eb, 0xff5bfe15, 0x000b03e3,
0x05a805d6, 0x01a1f993, 0xf1c3eb3d, 0xe8f3edea,
0xf939084a, 0x15df1cca, 0x1b781012, 0xfe22ea82,
0xdcc3d8bb, 0xddf8ee90, 0x026315fe, 0x21722276,
0x19880710, 0xf392e30d, 0xdbebde3c, 0xea21fac1,
0x0a7114a8, 0x17a71246, 0x0838fd29, 0xf3f8effc,
0xf0f5f600, 0xfb860079, 0x0130ffb0, 0xfc8afa95,
0xfb9a0034, 0x05990abf, 0x0c0207a3, 0xff0ff3bc,
0xe9abe406, 0xe5d3eff2, 0x000c0fd5, 0x1c941fb3,
0x19f609d8, 0xf5d7e3a2, 0xd93fdad2, 0xe5d4f8be,
0x0c921bfb, 0x225a1e96, 0x10dcfe7d, 0xed77e2b0,
0xe005e663, 0xf31b007e, 0x0ba1105e, 0x0ee30924,
0x007efa0c, 0xf65bf671, 0xf963fc4b, 0xfe81fdf7,
0xfaecf7b1, 0xf666f8a4, 0xfead063c, 0x0dd111f2,
0x0f5506fc, 0xfa3ceca5, 0xe32fe1a6, 0xe8b8f7e8,
0x09b11951, 0x211e1f45, 0x133400b0, 0xed77ddb3,
0xd910ddf7, 0xed8d0081, 0x12201d42, 0x1e8f1732,
0x079ff6fa, 0xea0fe489, 0xe62feee0, 0xfaab04d6,
0x0b000b71, 0x083a02a2, 0xfda8fabf, 0xfb11fd95,
0x006100a5, 0xfdd6f972, 0xf3c8f04d, 0xf16ef834,
0x024a0e0b, 0x152f15ae, 0x0ee301a2, 0xf10de3bb,
0xdd73e076, 0xecb7ff52, 0x120c1ece, 0x23751be6,
0x0be3f760, 0xe5f4db89, 0xdb81e58b, 0xf6c3080f,
0x15861bf4, 0x18630e37, 0xffbef320, 0xeb1ae9f9,
0xee2af6a4, 0xff630491, 0x0625046c, 0x0141fdbb,
0xfd78ff12, 0x021304a5, 0x041b0068, 0xf946f138,
0xeba3eb77, 0xf0fffc33, 0x0a0f161c, 0x1a8f1748,
0x0ba6fa39, 0xe9c5dd80, 0xdaf2e22f, 0xf24605bf,
0x16e320dd, 0x1faa14bb, 0x01c5efaf, 0xe101db8d,
0xe074ed4d, 0xfe540ca4, 0x16c717cd, 0x114905c6,
0xfa88f255, 0xef07f0b7, 0xf5d3fbd1, 0x00bc018c,
0x007efe76, 0xfccdfe11, 0x019906d1, 0x0b030b3b,
0x0613fe04, 0xf28be9cf, 0xe5b3e8b3, 0xf2e401c6,
0x10de1bbf, 0x1d9614d8, 0x05b6f314, 0xe2dfdb44,
0xde59ea01, 0xfc800f6d, 0x1d86212a, 0x1b9b0cfc,
0xfa7ceacf, 0xe189e15d, 0xe934f6ec, 0x04c30f96,
0x132610a4, 0x09a00074, 0xf934f571, 0xf52df841,
0xfb38fd34, 0xfd0dfae0, 0xf86ff6a5, 0xf946feea,
0x061a0cdb, 0x0fcc0d18, 0x0498f7dc, 0xeb37e379,
0xe305eb75, 0xfa600bd2, 0x19ed1f39, 0x1b2a0ea8,
0xfc68e9fc, 0xdde4db0a, 0xe22cf1ae, 0x0501144b,
0x1dd61da1, 0x13740443, 0xf374e7db, 0xe3d3e70d,
0xf05dfc5b, 0x06fd0c97, 0x0cc008c7, 0x0243fd70,
0xfa2afaa7, 0xfd07ffcd, 0xffd5fd40, 0xf962f479,
0xf2aaf4a2, 0xfb260475, 0x0e2613ea, 0x133c0b92,
0xfe88eeea, 0xe2eade25, 0xe2b3ef52, 0x012a1376,
0x1ead201b, 0x17a90765, 0xf474e425, 0xdb63dd7c,
0xe88efa3e, 0x0be91818, 0x1b7516bb, 0x0be4fcfb,
0xf0e7ea0a, 0xea92ef94, 0xf87c01f6, 0x06b4088b,
0x06190211, 0xfe8afd56, 0xfe100095, 0x02050201,
0xfeadf827, 0xf250eda7, 0xeda4f407, 0xff550bd0,
0x160c197a, 0x14070713, 0xf740e730, 0xde43de00,
0xe6b5f6e1, 0x09b219e8, 0x20f21e09, 0x113d0070,
0xeddde0f9, 0xde0ae3af, 0xf17f0128, 0x0e8f1626,
0x15340e2d, 0x034cf780, 0xeff6ecab, 0xefa7f634,
0xfcc60179, 0x01e7011a, 0xff4ffd54, 0xfd800096,
0x042b0750, 0x077a0381, 0xfb19f131, 0xeabae8bb,
0xece7f7dd, 0x062b135a, 0x1b0b1a58, 0x10bf009b,
0xefb8e11c, 0xdb9ce033, 0xed29ff78, 0x11371cd2,
0x1ec4183c, 0x08cdf676, 0xe85ce0f9, 0xe1e9ea3f,
0xf889057e, 0x0e9c12d8, 0x0f6b07b7, 0xfe87f73f,
0xf412f4c0, 0xf7f8fc09, 0xfdc2fdfb, 0xfc1bf96b,
0xf91cfb6b, 0xffac064a, 0x0b4d0cdb, 0x09b30092,
0xf661eb70, 0xe528e6c7, 0xef74fdb5, 0x0d1d19c8,
0x1d9e184f, 0x0aa5f815, 0xe7cbdd28, 0xdc37e537,
0xf50807c3, 0x16ed1e31, 0x1cbd11d8, 0x0203f1d2,
0xe75be417, 0xe81bf21b, 0xfe8d07fd, 0x0c1a0c3d,
0x07f101f8, 0xfbd0f9b9, 0xf9f8fbd8, 0xfd30fe90,
0xfd3ff9c5, 0xf5ddf3ad, 0xf652fb9f, 0x05050c7c,
0x10d50fde, 0x081bfc13, 0xee5de465, 0xe1f1e710,
0xf46a0584, 0x14d71dba, 0x1d7a134b, 0x01baf00a,
0xe1eedba7, 0xdf06eb62, 0xfcdf0db2, 0x18c81adb,
0x149708cd, 0xfa9bef8a, 0xea3aeacf, 0xf062fa0c,
0x021707ba, 0x08b10668, 0x02a4fe99, 0xfd68fded,
0x00c30122, 0x0139fd9c, 0xf7c5f27d, 0xeee9f045,
0xf62000d6, 0x0ba012d8, 0x15930fdf, 0x02eef474,
0xe703df42, 0xe098eb09, 0xfae90c2b, 0x1a351e81,
0x1a120d28, 0xfae6eab2, 0xe048de94, 0xe5dbf45e,
0x04fd1176, 0x171d1535, 0x0cf6016e, 0xf575eeca,
0xec7deecf, 0xf5e4fcf6, 0x01b203e2, 0x0259ffb8,
0xfdf3fdf2, 0x006703f6, 0x05db05ab, 0x01e4fa2e,
0xf1e0ec2f, 0xeb83efd6, 0xfb5707d5, 0x14431a47,
0x185c0e03, 0xfe7bee48, 0xe236dfb7, 0xe418f2b5,
0x04501474, 0x1de81da5, 0x14dc04eb, 0xf393e658,
0xe0d0e372, 0xee26fcf3, 0x0a2e1220, 0x13f71057,
0x0795fd31, 0xf5bbf2c4, 0xf35df743, 0xfb87fe69,
0xfe82fd40, 0xfb00fa1d, 0xfd020137, 0x05b70a61,
0x0b800681, 0xfe79f3f5, 0xeb29e653, 0xe867f231,
0x00760e87, 0x18611b60, 0x14840720, 0xf5cde667,
0xdefbdecc, 0xe988f9d6, 0x0b471928, 0x1dcb1a35,
0x0dd4fde5, 0xeeece619, 0xe48eea5f, 0xf68901e5,
0x0aa20eba, 0x0d780896, 0x00f5fadf, 0xf782f7c1,
0xf9eafca3, 0xfda4fcb3, 0xfa11f6b7, 0xf5dff845,
0xfeee06d2, 0x0ddc105c, 0x0e1905b7, 0xf9f1ed27,
0xe50fe3f2, 0xe9f5f892, 0x084916ec, 0x1d931b62,
0x0ffcff45, 0xedd6e0bd, 0xdce4e280, 0xef48ffe8,
0x0f95186c, 0x19fe11ca, 0x052bf6eb, 0xec4ae84e,
0xea49f1e1, 0xfc0804ae, 0x09ba0a0a, 0x060b01f4,
0xfdd2fb1b, 0xfb7efe9b, 0xffceff7f, 0xfd0df839,
0xf469f1a7, 0xf3acf9ea, 0x03e50d9f, 0x134b1426,
0x0d2600dc, 0xf1dce551, 0xdfeee2a7, 0xede3fe61,
0x0f251bda, 0x1ecf17e3, 0x0a0ff8bf, 0xe8fee092,
0xe01ce831, 0xf77506db, 0x123d16ae, 0x13780ae4,
0xfed5f353, 0xed2eec2b, 0xf0ddf841, 0xff320379,
0x05720303, 0x0096fdad, 0xfca4ff40, 0x013803f9,
0x0348ff83, 0xf951f299, 0xed4dedaa, 0xf323fd5b,
0x09fa1372, 0x17c21486, 0x09abfae7, 0xeba5e1a7,
0xdff0e71e, 0xf56c06a5, 0x154d1da8, 0x1cd011e1,
0x01adf051, 0xe4abe040, 0xe478efc2, 0xfe510aef,
0x11f9135e, 0x0d5403e3, 0xfab5f361, 0xf199f353,
0xf7ecfd36, 0x005f0125, 0xff4cfc19, 0xfad9fc64,
0x0093054f, 0x084808b8, 0x04cafd56, 0xf3c1ecd0,
0xe924ec90, 0xf6d60346, 0x10541892, 0x18af10aa,
0x0215f272, 0xe423ddcc, 0xe12beb86, 0xfcf20dd3,
0x198b1d5e, 0x179f0b1b, 0xfb88ecaa, 0xe4f6e44a,
0xeb52f7ef, 0x03360c33, 0x0ff60ddb, 0x07cefff2,
0xfa00f68a, 0xf750fa59, 0xfcdafe42, 0xfdcbfb6d,
0xf7eff751, 0xf986fe8a, 0x05050b23, 0x0d340b00,
0x02aef7cb, 0xee09e68e, 0xe6e7ee04, 0xfb1b0a2b,
0x16741b10, 0x17850abf, 0xfae8eaad, 0xe058dec8,
0xe591f432, 0x03b01303, 0x1a331923, 0x10140287,
0xf471eb48, 0xe7e7e9ef, 0xf298fcf9, 0x05310918,
0x094c056a, 0x00f9fc3f, 0xfa2ffb4d, 0xfd42ff62,
0xff65fcb4, 0xf92df502, 0xf2edf4f8, 0xfaf503e1,
0x0b791197, 0x10700982, 0xfe8ff08b, 0xe75ee3d0,
0xe6bcf229, 0x01fa1120, 0x1a051b61, 0x140304be,
0xf458e6e6, 0xe03be225, 0xec2ffaa0, 0x0a0a1378,
0x17401331, 0x0879fbe0, 0xf165ec59, 0xec73f13e,
0xf83f00a4, 0x04af0570, 0x040f00b3, 0xfdc5fd7d,
0xff980134, 0x024301a2, 0xfdbaf824, 0xf178eefa,
0xef69f4f9, 0xffb409db, 0x1210140a, 0x100b05d6,
0xf7a4eac8, 0xe320e2e2, 0xeb26f960, 0x09d41630,
0x1bef18a3, 0x0d34fd9e, 0xef04e53a, 0xe2aee8e3,
0xf4c00211, 0x0d2e1335, 0x11ef0bc4, 0x01faf824,
0xf1cfefb8, 0xf201f70c, 0xfca0ffe0, 0x00cbff75,
0xfd67fcfd, 0xfdbc00be, 0x047f075f, 0x06da02fc,
0xfb10f279, 0xecd1eb14, 0xeeebf8bd, 0x0572103a,
0x169b155e, 0x0d960009, 0xf176e56b, 0xe0e7e51b,
0xf0ad006b, 0x0ee11914, 0x192812e5, 0x059df6ac,
0xeb3ce509, 0xe71eee76, 0xfb020583, 0x0d0a0f23,
0x0c1a05dd, 0xfdbef7ad, 0xf560f6a6, 0xf972fd32,
0xff06ff31, 0xfcc0fa6b, 0xf9c0fb72, 0xffb60503,
0x0a340b48, 0x082d00af, 0xf640ed9e, 0xe8c7e985,
0xf202feca, 0x0be815d3, 0x196a1451, 0x07a0f8d9,
0xeb1ee25f, 0xe172e962, 0xf6cd062e, 0x126b17d5,
0x152d0ba4, 0xfed5f1fe, 0xea7ce8a1, 0xec93f4ed,
0xffa407a7, 0x0b0f092b, 0x0469fff9, 0xfb57f9d6,
0xfac7fd4c, 0xff5c000f, 0xfde8fb10, 0xf749f629,
0xf926fe5f, 0x06350c3c, 0x0fb90d78, 0x05e0fb02,
0xf003e774, 0xe53beac3, 0xf70905e5, 0x13031a29,
0x1929106e, 0x01adf2c0, 0xe6d3e205, 0xe4d3f086,
0xfe580aa8, 0x13f01530, 0x0fa80573, 0xfa5df1e6,
0xedecef8c, 0xf514fd0f, 0x037605f8, 0x05c50396,
0xfff7fd0c, 0xfc9cfd61, 0x004f0145, 0x0171fe8b,
0xf95ff501, 0xf26df33b, 0xf90401fd, 0x0a041122,
0x11870c72, 0x022ef426, 0xe989e3e4, 0xe5e2ee6c,
0xfb970a7c, 0x15a41a13, 0x158809e2, 0xfb86eecd,
0xe6a1e5d4, 0xebd6f793, 0x04480ddb, 0x1255110f,
0x098c0042, 0xf7cdf311, 0xf27df522, 0xf9dffea8,
0x01e10190, 0x0063fdc9, 0xfc84fd14, 0xffc102f8,
0x04c90454, 0x00ecfa0a, 0xf3e4eec4, 0xee55f2b0,
0xfb6f0690, 0x0fd8144c, 0x11c6091f, 0xfbdeef30,
0xe634e479, 0xe8f9f4f4, 0x0353107e, 0x181d17d9,
0x0f3e01e3, 0xf491e9ff, 0xe57ee853, 0xf184fd13,
0x06950d12, 0x0eb10a74, 0x0408fc5e, 0xf7cbf5fd,
0xf820fa6b, 0xfd27ffbc, 0xfebffced, 0xfab6f9fd,
0xfb920006, 0x053a0902, 0x096c05d5, 0xfee8f619,
0xee8fec21, 0xed50f554, 0x00f50bfd, 0x145a15eb,
0x0fb90408, 0xf73dea67, 0xe468e569, 0xeecdfbde,
0x0938131c, 0x1757138c, 0x08c4fc7b, 0xf07eeade,
0xe925ee28, 0xf70700e2, 0x077e0a61, 0x092e0439,
0xff53fa47, 0xf93ff9a6, 0xfc4ffde2, 0xfe75fd26,
0xfa3bf7aa, 0xf5ecf810, 0xfca803cf, 0x09200bc4,
0x0aa103bd, 0xfa11f103, 0xea53e89f, 0xee8cf984,
0x06021149, 0x16de1579, 0x0c02fe62, 0xf15ae778,
0xe3fee969, 0xf42e013a, 0x0dc91343, 0x13770c4a,
0x0221f811, 0xef2aec13, 0xee72f452, 0xfc2402ed,
0x054704f6, 0x0285ffa0, 0xfcbdfbb3, 0xfd91ffcf,
0x00bc007b, 0xfe23f8ea, 0xf410f2c7, 0xf4c5fabe,
0x022d0a05, 0x0f870f74, 0x0a30ff23, 0xf3aaea2c,
0xe615e91a, 0xf214ff10, 0x0bec1494, 0x16f11188,
0x0613f88d, 0xed27e61c, 0xe727eeac, 0xfa680656,
0x0e8e121c, 0x0e360729, 0xfd39f586, 0xf0c4f0ff,
0xf55bfa9f, 0xff8f02c8, 0x037c00e5, 0xff31fd8a,
0xfea1008a, 0x021b0407, 0x0377ffe5, 0xf9acf3f4,
0xefcdf068, 0xf582fe0b, 0x08010fb0, 0x133e1093,
0x07a5fabc, 0xef76e71e, 0xe577ec36, 0xf75d04ca,
0x0f9315a6, 0x14120aa9, 0xff09f218, 0xea12e7b8,
0xebe1f4f5, 0x009409f1, 0x0eb10e5a, 0x08d20206,
0xfa92f5d7, 0xf3b1f6ba, 0xfa6efdfb, 0x005d00ee,
0xff04fd9a, 0xfd4bfe14, 0x01d50589, 0x0833077e,
0x038cfd44, 0xf64cee7b, 0xec48ef45, 0xf7130323,
0x0d26135a, 0x13c50db9, 0x0298f5b0, 0xea9ae508,
0xe80ef1a1, 0xfe4f0b2d, 0x141a15ae, 0x0f810555,
0xf9f2eff1, 0xea4eeac0, 0xf0e5fa86, 0x031f0843,
0x0a4a085d, 0x0411fdc3, 0xf9caf953, 0xf96cfbbc,
0xfdfbffcb, 0xfe9bfb77, 0xf98bf90f, 0xfa53ff8a,
0x04d2090f, 0x0b3407e7, 0x01f7f7cd, 0xef2aea17,
0xea85f182, 0xfcfc091b, 0x12cb15fc, 0x11e8089b,
0xfc00f030, 0xe79ce5ec, 0xec06f7fd, 0x04b20f22,
0x13dd12d6, 0x0ba0018d, 0xf75bf076, 0xeebef093,
0xf73bff86, 0x04b6065c, 0x061802d2, 0xfed0fc0a,
0xfa9ffc3a, 0xfe860057, 0xffd7fd68, 0xfa5ff706,
0xf5def75c, 0xfc5b02fc, 0x09060d35, 0x0bb50579,
0xfd49f25d, 0xeafce7f5, 0xec4ef633, 0x02c60e0a,
0x14dc163c, 0x0ee00382, 0xf610ebca, 0xe64de87a,
0xf0f4fcee, 0x07d60e81, 0x10ad0d6e, 0x0582fbfe,
0xf50af17d, 0xf2aaf68c, 0xfc480195, 0x045803fd,
0x01eeff57, 0xfd5bfd53, 0xff550160, 0x020801da,
0xfefbf956, 0xf475f23a, 0xf298f797, 0xffa10845,
0x0e541081, 0x0cb70304, 0xf822ed8c, 0xe82ee87e,
0xefc2fbc2, 0x080411cb, 0x15fc11f2, 0x0897fd03,
0xf0eeea24, 0xe88eee9c, 0xf80e02ee, 0x0ad20e5d,
0x0d7a077d, 0x006bf95b, 0xf49af409, 0xf6bdfa2c,
0xfdd7000d, 0x0029fe1d, 0xfc73fba3, 0xfdb800f2,
0x042e062b, 0x05620260, 0xfc37f5d0, 0xf10bef8b,
0xf2fefb25, 0x04c70d8b, 0x133910f0, 0x09f3ff69,
0xf34feafa, 0xe7f7ec30, 0xf57f01ee, 0x0d0f133f,
0x13b60dfb, 0x0376f834, 0xef48ea75, 0xec4ff26f,
0xfbc60430, 0x094a0b37, 0x07b30359, 0xfe21fa44,
0xf92afa74, 0xfc1bfe60, 0xff35fd98, 0xfbd3f9a5,
0xf96bfaf1, 0xff980455, 0x082c0985, 0x0733002f,
0xf816f0eb, 0xecafee50, 0xf49dff4f, 0x092710bf,
0x128b0da8, 0x051ef932, 0xeea0e8c5, 0xe8a6ef81,
0xfa76060c, 0x0ede134a, 0x10d008de, 0xfe06f562,
0xefcdee07, 0xf23bf8ac, 0x00b504db, 0x06ff063e,
0x0319ff93, 0xfb59fb05, 0xfc7bfe1f, 0xffeaff77,
0xfcf9f9e2, 0xf6f9f61c, 0xf81efd65, 0x038008cc,
0x0c3b0ab3, 0x0482fc33, 0xf2b3ec36, 0xeb2bef02,
0xf8ea0382, 0x0d6212eb, 0x12110ae8, 0xff73f44c,
0xeb8ee8e6, 0xec50f4ec, 0xff9f09cb, 0x0f250f61,
0x0a460287, 0xfa0af313, 0xf0ecf265, 0xf6d3fcf1,
0x01ad048f, 0x042f0247, 0xffb0fe1f, 0xfe04fe8b,
0x00ae0119, 0x0069fcc7, 0xf8f6f4e2, 0xf312f4bb,
0xfa1701ea, 0x095f0e68, 0x0eb00a1f, 0x01e2f76c,
0xee08ea95, 0xebc0f271, 0xfd420891, 0x10b712fe,
0x0f0f05fb, 0xfa4bf024, 0xeb38ebbb, 0xf0c6fa65,
0x041f0ad3, 0x0d060ba3, 0x059bfe5e, 0xf881f465,
0xf4eaf716, 0xfc0f0005, 0x01720168, 0x000dfe58,
0xfd7cff24, 0x01170370, 0x049e036c, 0x0082fa91,
0xf4d6f0b3, 0xf00bf400, 0xfc050542, 0x0c711008,
0x0dad0687, 0xfc3df241, 0xeabde8fb, 0xedf3f773,
0x02180c83, 0x127611a8, 0x0b570152, 0xf714eeca,
0xec1ceef8, 0xf5ecfed5, 0x05ef09a9, 0x09b205e0,
0x0123fb87, 0xf7a4f702, 0xf882fb90, 0xfddcfe40,
0xfdf7fc9b, 0xfa8cfae7, 0xfc6b003f, 0x04a6073e,
0x073d0432, 0xfe4ff726, 0xf122ef25, 0xf0daf7ee,
0x01190928, 0x104410cf, 0x0bf501e3, 0xf6b4edbf,
0xe8d2ea1d, 0xf1e7fc5e, 0x06c80eed, 0x11720dc4,
0x06b4fcdd, 0xf406ef65, 0xef55f43b, 0xfb4501f3,
0x05ef0827, 0x062902ec, 0xfef0fb5b, 0xf9fdfb7b,
0xfd63ff8f, 0x001bfe2e, 0xfb3cf909, 0xf8effa8b,
0xfeda02ed, 0x078308b5, 0x06d801b7, 0xf9fef237,
0xed76ee3d, 0xf32bfc4d, 0x06490e97, 0x12ff1020,
0x0883fdac, 0xf2deec11, 0xea7aeea3, 0xf75101a7,
0x09fa0f39, 0x0ebd08e8, 0x0166f9c9, 0xf382f21e,
0xf3fff88c, 0xfe780289, 0x0488036b, 0x0179fe7f,
0xfcfdfd09, 0xfe060074, 0x011600b7, 0xfdd8f98e,
0xf686f5c2, 0xf74dfc06, 0x01d507d7, 0x0bf00b88,
0x06e9feb5, 0xf5beee9b, 0xeb74ee3d, 0xf5d600c3,
0x0a6f1117, 0x12750c64, 0x0340f83c, 0xeffeeb45,
0xebccf1f1, 0xfbcc049b, 0x0a8b0c51, 0x0a070466,
0xfd52f79f, 0xf41df421, 0xf758fc04, 0xff330111,
0x00bb000f, 0xfe1efd56, 0xfe020064, 0x02f50427,
0x0349ffea, 0xfb7ff567, 0xf31ef2f3, 0xf6d1fde3,
0x05cb0c50, 0x0de60b76, 0x0486fa17, 0xf118ec50,
0xebf7f182, 0xfa39058c, 0x0d3611a5, 0x0f0607ad,
0xfea6f498, 0xedffec79, 0xf098f78c, 0x00d907a6,
0x0a9a099d, 0x060a0069, 0xfb80f7f9, 0xf725f8da,
0xfc14fddf, 0xff7efe69, 0xfc84fb21, 0xfb59fdc8,
0x000a0444, 0x06210620, 0x032bfdbc, 0xf6cbf252,
0xf091f307, 0xf9d50245, 0x0a3b0edf, 0x0e5308a4,
0xff57f62b, 0xee8eeb62, 0xee60f5f7, 0xff8b08b7,
0x0f690f50, 0x0ab702cc, 0xf9a8f2bf, 0xef55f01d,
0xf584fbd9, 0x030906d5, 0x07ee059a, 0x01d3fe11,
0xfb2bfae9, 0xfb5bfd70, 0xfebbff42, 0xfdbefb45,
0xf968f9a2, 0xfb630032, 0x04d80878, 0x09700753,
0x01a8f97e, 0xf2e4eed4, 0xef0cf49a, 0xfd2c05e6,
0x0d6a0f5f, 0x0c0b040f, 0xfa4af0ce, 0xeb83ec07,
0xf164faaa, 0x03ff0afc, 0x0e7d0cd9, 0x0669fead,
0xf750f2e2, 0xf233f4f3, 0xfb0f00f7, 0x042e0513,
0x0462026e, 0xfebefcc7, 0xfcabfd89, 0xffc90011,
0xff58fcba, 0xf9f3f785, 0xf654f8cc, 0xfde1030a,
0x07e00b1b, 0x09970524, 0xfca8f3e6, 0xeeafed5a,
0xf095f873, 0x01bc0ae6, 0x10520fe5, 0x0a0800c3,
0xf74aefee, 0xed2aef47, 0xf6e7fe6b, 0x06500be9,
0x0bdc085c, 0x016bfb3f, 0xf633f415, 0xf542f888,
0xfdad010b, 0x024b01ef, 0x00b2fe61, 0xfdaafe03,
0xffcb01a2, 0x01e90103, 0xfd9cf9d4, 0xf608f3a7,
0xf51cf9f3, 0x006106e6, 0x0b950c61, 0x08d20160,
0xf84cf0a6, 0xebdbed33, 0xf3bcfd3a, 0x06820d79,
0x103f0cfb, 0x05cafcfc, 0xf47eefdf, 0xef58f3a8,
0xfa580216, 0x080c0958, 0x086203c9, 0xfe61fa1d,
0xf73cf730, 0xf968fc24, 0xff41002b, 0xffd9fd90,
0xfcb7fcea, 0xfd8d0030, 0x0289040e, 0x03eb00b0,
0xfb75f688, 0xf2d7f287, 0xf5cffcf2, 0x047e0ac4,
0x0d8d0c0b, 0x05cbfd8c, 0xf4afee24, 0xec14f039,
0xf88f0132, 0x0a300ea9, 0x0ec80962, 0x0139f931,
0xf293f07a, 0xf221f70f, 0xfdb803b3, 0x05d305d3,
0x03f5fff3, 0xfc24fa4b, 0xfa5dfb28, 0xfd4dff01,
0xffcdfe05, 0xfbd4fa96, 0xfa6dfcb5, 0x00a7045e,
0x06cc06f7, 0x041eff48, 0xf8b0f338, 0xf1caf35a,
0xf8e400eb, 0x08470dc6, 0x0e600a37, 0x0298f8c2,
0xf02dec6d, 0xecccf350, 0xfc3b0528, 0x0b780d47,
0x0b480503, 0xfd97f678, 0xf38ef324, 0xf632fb45,
0xfff5039e, 0x04b503a5, 0x0139feb1, 0xfd2cfda2,
0xfe93006d, 0x014f004d, 0xfe20fac2, 0xf8bdf8b3,
0xf9d9fe33, 0x029d071d, 0x093606b3, 0x0289fad8,
0xf3dcefe6, 0xef58f37c, 0xfbaa042b, 0x0b570f03,
0x0ceb076b, 0xfe1bf52d, 0xef9ced2a, 0xf0c7f7d0,
0xffae0763, 0x0bcc0b5a, 0x074c011f, 0xfb01f61a,
0xf459f5b6, 0xf940fdf3, 0x00b001c4, 0x0132ff7f,
0xfd55fcf2, 0xfd51ff68, 0x013d015c, 0x00befde3,
0xfa96f6df, 0xf59cf6ed, 0xfaf8010e, 0x06a70a7b,
0x0ab306ce, 0x0036f88c, 0xf1e3eef0, 0xf084f6d2,
0xff140791, 0x0c960d64, 0x09b90260, 0xf9c7f32c,
0xef65ef8e, 0xf557fd5f, 0x041908b7, 0x0afd0776,
0x039ffe6e, 0xf96df747, 0xf7a3fa2e, 0xfceeffc4,
0x00d90052, 0xff5afe20, 0xfdd2ff60, 0x013f03b1,
0x04c30333, 0xff8dfb35, 0xf6f9f39d, 0xf324f76d,
0xfd52045c, 0x0a570c59, 0x0a68042b, 0xfc61f494,
0xefe1ef80, 0xf2d4fb37, 0x037809e0, 0x0d500bab,
0x066dfe6d, 0xf767f202, 0xf120f3a7, 0xf9620067,
0x054107d1, 0x07a6047a, 0x00c0fca0, 0xf9d2fa00,
0xfaf7fd16, 0xfdeafe18, 0xfdc0fc38, 0xfae4fb4a,
0xfdaa0118, 0x038d059d, 0x057202b1, 0xfdfcf7f1,
0xf3bef209, 0xf3ecf9f8, 0x017d0875, 0x0ca40c63,
0x087e00b1, 0xf7b3f0fc, 0xeeeef0a4, 0xf689ff13,
0x06260b13, 0x0bea0903, 0x026afadb, 0xf5a7f29d,
0xf306f77a, 0xfcb50228, 0x04bc0540, 0x03d200cb,
0xfe44fbe6, 0xfcd4fcf9, 0xff620071, 0x002afddb,
0xfad2fa17, 0xf9f1fb58, 0xffa40426, 0x06b0080c,
0x05560161, 0xf9b0f42a, 0xf0bef17e, 0xf5c6fce9,
0x05e10b7b, 0x0d390a75, 0x04cbfcce, 0xf5a2f073,
0xf096f3de, 0xfabd02a7, 0x07e30b17, 0x0a4b04c4,
0xfea8f971, 0xf62af645, 0xf75afbd0, 0x0072020d,
0x024701c5, 0x0000fd78, 0xfcadfce8, 0xfd8fff94,
0x0041ff14, 0xfd29fa6b, 0xf7c1f6fc, 0xf94dfd3a,
0x024d073a, 0x09ae0890, 0x04b2fdba, 0xf65bf13e,
0xf010f2a3, 0xf867016f, 0x08a90cb8, 0x0c91085b,
0x018af9c0, 0xf369f085, 0xf298f719, 0xfe8f0456,
0x07bc0901, 0x0598013c, 0xfc45f8be, 0xf6b2f80b,
0xfaaffe0b, 0x00ed0130, 0x00e3febc, 0xfd6bfce1,
0xfe04fffc, 0x01ca0214, 0x015afe9f, 0xfa5ef777,
0xf4a3f63d, 0xf950ff48, 0x054608ff, 0x0aac072a,
0x01cdfa4a, 0xf3fef058, 0xf0fff4fc, 0xfc4c0454,
0x0a380c97, 0x09df04ef, 0xfd0af605, 0xf240f241,
0xf4bbfa93, 0x00a0051c, 0x07130618, 0x03e2ff34,
0xfb94f9f6, 0xfa50fbf2, 0xfe65ffb9, 0x0078fece,
0xfd43fc4b, 0xfc19fdca, 0x000b02ff, 0x04d004a6,
0x020bfd3e, 0xf8bbf515, 0xf40bf7b3, 0xfc83030c,
0x08c40c09, 0x0abb05d6, 0xfe4df6cc, 0xf154ef7a,
0xf298f937, 0x01200733, 0x0bbf0b8b, 0x07ca0134,
0xfa23f4cb, 0xf2c3f34c, 0xf780fd7e, 0x01910439,
0x04ab0312, 0x0011fdde, 0xfc57fc9e, 0xfd93ff27,
0x0022ff8f, 0xfddbfb96, 0xfa32fa21, 0xfbcaff92,
0x0352058d, 0x060803d8, 0xffc4f9aa, 0xf507f273,
0xf3e3f877, 0xfefd0644, 0x0ad70c7a, 0x08d602d8,
0xfa53f362, 0xf026f097, 0xf4f1fc07, 0x03940868,
0x0b440917, 0x03f2fe5b, 0xf91cf67b, 0xf636f7a9,
0xfb90ffc1, 0x02610272, 0x0197ffd4, 0xfda5fd48,
0xfd65feba, 0x0036003e, 0xffa0fd3e, 0xfabbf85d,
0xf79bf9e6, 0xfd9801cd, 0x057f07cd, 0x06ca0270,
0xfca9f64a, 0xf277f220, 0xf481fb3a, 0x01f207f0,
0x0b8d0a97, 0x0546fee8, 0xf7dbf2b8, 0xf1d6f397,
0xf9920000, 0x058908d3, 0x087c0578, 0x0099fc27,
0xf87ff6f0, 0xf83afa6e, 0xfd94004a, 0x00be006d,
0xfee0fdd6, 0xfe4ffebc, 0x00b9019a, 0x0277010b,
0xfe4cfb34, 0xf775f5f4, 0xf6ebfb29, 0x009804ed,
0x08110945, 0x05c10098, 0xfa0ef468, 0xf219f30f,
0xf78bff25, 0x05640a1d, 0x0b4f078c, 0x0223fb15,
0xf55af221, 0xf318f71f, 0xfc8d0296, 0x0670075d,
0x056f01fd, 0xfe54fa67, 0xfa64f9d9, 0xfb80fd9a,
0xfed70054, 0xfeabfdd4, 0xfd35fd31, 0xfe9300bc,
0x025e0422, 0x02bbffdb, 0xfc08f815, 0xf4a2f4c6,
0xf88bfc9d, 0x032b07aa, 0x0930086b, 0x03b3fd31,
0xf69ff258, 0xf232f524, 0xfb68020f, 0x06e70a87,
0x09830500, 0xff5ff8e6, 0xf4a9f399, 0xf631fa48,
0xff69039e, 0x051a04e3, 0x026cfeee, 0xfc3afa6f,
0xfa4afc2f, 0xfdfafe2d, 0xfe49fdc4, 0xfb74fb2c,
0xfb35fce4, 0xfffa02ce, 0x048904d7, 0x0332fde1,
0xf956f53a, 0xf3e6f60d, 0xfab8005a, 0x06de0a90,
0x0a4a0679, 0x00bafa27, 0xf3bef216, 0xf2d3f795,
0xfe4f03db, 0x079b093e, 0x062b0172, 0xfbf3f7d8,
0xf599f6a3, 0xf9cafdbd, 0x00f40274, 0x038a0142,
0xff73fd19, 0xfd01fcde, 0xfe9affd3, 0x003cffa4,
0xfdd0fb72, 0xfa15f9df, 0xfbc2ffa1, 0x022605c9,
0x060704ee, 0x008ffb6f, 0xf5b1f2f7, 0xf32ff6db,
0xfd7c03a5, 0x09380b21, 0x0906041e, 0xfdbbf798,
0xf3a3f275, 0xf5ddfacb, 0x0094059f, 0x082306c3,
0x0424ff95, 0xfad7f908, 0xf8c1f995, 0xfc79ffb0,
0x013f01d4, 0x0116ff61, 0xfda3fd61, 0xfdafff3d,
0x00c50131, 0x003afdc4, 0xfb01f88c, 0xf8aaf91d,
0xfc8e017b, 0x054e080d, 0x07050382, 0xfe44f865,
0xf37bf2a8, 0xf466f953, 0xffc2057a, 0x08dd0999,
0x067500d5, 0xfabaf586, 0xf328f3ad, 0xf84efd54,
0x027e0546, 0x063204a0, 0x0156fd46, 0xf9d6f9b9,
0xf9e8fc0b, 0xfe530005, 0x0052ff76, 0xfe12fd18,
0xfd73fec4, 0x00f601fa, 0x020f01da, 0x001bfc5e,
0xf887f618, 0xf700fa16, 0xfe650357, 0x06c9084a,
0x066d0105, 0xfb85f57e, 0xf2bcf326, 0xf692fd51,
0x03180785, 0x0a4d087e, 0x03affdfd, 0xf80ff4c7,
0xf3dbf712, 0xfad3ffe7, 0x03cb0548, 0x048601da,
0xff0dfcb2, 0xfb2ffbc2, 0xfd97fe79, 0x006aff91,
0xfe0ffc4d, 0xfabdfb7f, 0xfd3bff7b, 0x027603f4,
0x03d1011d, 0xfce6f921, 0xf66bf62e, 0xf717fc22,
0x018c05f7, 0x08c507fb, 0x0466ff34, 0xf89ff3d7,
0xf329f4fc, 0xfa58ffb2, 0x05100869, 0x086c0596,
0x0158fbf7, 0xf789f5f0, 0xf746f9bf, 0xfd2300c2,
0x01f901de, 0x0133ff85, 0xfd71fcdd, 0xfd16fdbd,
0xfe4d0004, 0xfe4afcb5, 0xfb08f9a4, 0xfa64fc20,
0xff500289, 0x04dc04eb, 0x039affce, 0xfa96f66b,
0xf3fbf4be, 0xf8e6fdfa, 0x04190806, 0x08ed0641,
0x0224fc19, 0xf6c7f34d, 0xf39af795, 0xfbf901df,
0x05560763, 0x063d02b8, 0xfe8efac6, 0xf890f87c,
0xf9f3fd3a, 0xffd00135, 0x01e000ac, 0x0001fe9f,
0xfd8afe8d, 0xffcc009c, 0x009ffeda, 0xfcb6fa28,
0xf8eaf8ff, 0xf9f8fc99, 0x014804e6, 0x06110571,
0x029cfdda, 0xf985f572, 0xf3aff6b5, 0xfbca01bf,
0x062a08ec, 0x083004a6, 0xffe1fa28, 0xf5c4f469,
0xf621fa5e, 0xff310386, 0x05a0055d, 0x02d4ff4a,
0xfb9cf9b2, 0xf950f9a6, 0xfba8fdc5, 0xffb8ffc7,
0xffe9feca, 0xfdfffe51, 0xff6400df, 0x01c10208,
0x0143feb2, 0xfbe1f8e9, 0xf744f8f0, 0xfaabffc3,
0x03b8067f, 0x076f0403, 0x00a5fb12, 0xf619f3d8,
0xf4d6f8a7, 0xfdf1031a, 0x069d07f5, 0x05e201fa,
0xfcbdf85e, 0xf5d6f60e, 0xf8cefcd0, 0x009403b9,
0x04bb0316, 0x00e4fe10, 0xfb77fa52, 0xfab6fbf0,
0xfde0fdfa, 0xfdbffd8e, 0xfcd6fd2f, 0xfcadfe56,
0x00470209, 0x03fb0277, 0x007dfca1, 0xf8a7f64c,
0xf64af8e0, 0xfd4d0257, 0x05ce086b, 0x06b30301,
0xfe57f837, 0xf45cf356, 0xf67cfaff, 0x009c04fb,
0x082d0769, 0x03a50013, 0xfabef829, 0xf6aff84f,
0xfa81ff02, 0x01930360, 0x033400dd, 0xff4afd1d,
0xfd1efce2, 0xfdb8fdcc, 0xff99fe3b, 0xfd70fc55,
0xfae2fb8d, 0xfd37ffb8, 0x024d0436, 0x03f60252,
0xfe6efa7a, 0xf6fbf607, 0xf753fb0b, 0xfffd054a,
0x0786080e, 0x05c9011b, 0xfbadf6d5, 0xf492f475,
0xf8d9fd61, 0x02c505fc, 0x0609053d, 0x01b1fdc5,
0xf9fbf8b0, 0xf922fa57, 0xfdb20044, 0x01ac013e,
0x00ffffcb, 0xfdfdfe3b, 0xfdc4ff0e, 0x0009fffa,
0xffe9fdf9, 0xfbe5fa2a, 0xfa08fb84, 0xfe2f0138,
0x03e80501, 0x03a200d7, 0xfc54f7e6, 0xf4c2f4dc,
0xf78dfc90, 0x016d0572, 0x07df0699, 0x0320fe34,
0xf9b8f641, 0xf5b4f760, 0xfb32ffbd, 0x038c0529,
0x05150271, 0xffbbfc27, 0xfa17fa6b, 0xfa83fd2d,
0xfeef00b2, 0x00f800b1, 0xff1dfe07, 0xfe06fe67,
0x007300e5, 0x01260056, 0xfe42fbab, 0xf993f953,
0xf9a5fcc5, 0x00e303e1, 0x056605e9, 0x03e3ff07,
0xfb0cf786, 0xf601f702, 0xfaa0ffa6, 0x0428073c,
0x07bf04d8, 0x0114fc3d, 0xf7f3f649, 0xf69df9c2,
0xfdb90168, 0x035a044b, 0x031b005b, 0xfdd4fbba,
0xfadafbe2, 0xfd78fe02, 0xffecffbb, 0xfe32fd81,
0xfd00fd79, 0xfe660024, 0x01b201fa, 0x0181ffcf,
0xfc9cfa1e, 0xf777f7b9, 0xfa6afd36, 0x027c0500,
0x060704cf, 0x0101fcc0, 0xf7cdf61e, 0xf603f87a,
0xfd1d01ff, 0x0528078f, 0x05f1032b, 0xfed3fa3b,
0xf7b6f6cb, 0xf902fb99, 0xffc0019d, 0x040302d0,
0x0165ff9c, 0xfd30fcf1, 0xfcb3fde9, 0xfdf7fe5a,
0xfe27fd79, 0xfb32fb17, 0xfb34fd04, 0x002400d4,
0x03930276, 0x0117fdd6, 0xf9dff7a7, 0xf6bbf8e0,
0xfc08009a, 0x046a060f, 0x05c30393, 0xff0bfa23,
0xf6c0f5ff, 0xf6c7fa5b, 0xfe740357, 0x057805ac,
0x0390ffae, 0xfbe2f95c, 0xf8fff91c, 0xfae3fdb9,
0x008e0135, 0x014000ff, 0xff46fdc8, 0xfe50fdb1,
0xff1dfff3, 0xfff5fe4b, 0xfd46fbec, 0xfab3fb15,
0xfbf3ff78, 0x012703f1, 0x04c90307, 0xffc2fbb7,
0xf811f5d1, 0xf6cbf9a6, 0xfd810277, 0x05cb0605,
0x051101f2, 0xfcc0f90a, 0xf620f6ac, 0xf8dcfc6a,
0x018a03ba, 0x056903f9, 0x015bfde4, 0xfa7ef9ca,
0xf9a7faf7, 0xfd09ff01, 0x010e0129, 0x00bfff49,
0xfdfbfdc0, 0xfea7000c, 0x009200fb, 0xff4ffd0f,
0xfb41f9df, 0xf974fa93, 0xfd9c0158, 0x03b5055f,
0x04ca02e2, 0xff06fa86, 0xf7ccf657, 0xf7bafb35,
0x008c0421, 0x062405e7, 0x03ec000c, 0xfb44f804,
0xf713f8b0, 0xfba9ff5e, 0x025303ef, 0x042502ae,
0x001afd39, 0xfae4fadb, 0xfad9fcb6, 0xfe2dfff9,
0x0016fe57, 0xfe27fdd1, 0xfdf0feef, 0x0080013f,
0x020300fb, 0xff49fc32, 0xf97bf8ef, 0xf951fbb5,
0xff960316, 0x057a05da, 0x03df0009, 0xfbeaf837,
0xf591f6bd, 0xf95ffd76, 0x022b0520, 0x0601042d,
0x00e1fcb9, 0xf9d2f883, 0xf84dfa39, 0xfcd6006e,
0x02220237, 0x01e80062, 0xfe68fccb, 0xfcfefcca,
0xfd8cfe60, 0x0055ffc9, 0xfde6fd5e, 0xfcd5fced,
0xfde4005c, 0x0154027d, 0x01c60061, 0xfcdff9c0,
0xf7d3f712, 0xf9f4fd75, 0x01b804b7, 0x06380521,
0x01dffe17, 0xf9f1f6a7, 0xf594f7c0, 0xfb10fff3,
0x03d60564, 0x055802df, 0x008cfc93, 0xfa33f9e7,
0xf9c1fc46, 0xff3b013e, 0x01af0120, 0x0052fef2,
0xfd49fceb, 0xfd91fe0f, 0xff27002a, 0xff2ffd8a,
0xfc99fab3, 0xfb91fd79, 0x001a01ab, 0x037203c1,
0x017fff27, 0xfb50f85d, 0xf694f873, 0xfb6dff6e,
0x034a05c4, 0x062a0440, 0x003ffc4b, 0xf86af68e,
0xf772f91b, 0xfce000ea, 0x03a1047a, 0x031300d2,
0xfe17fb2f, 0xfa12f9e0, 0xfb63fda3, 0xff2a004a,
0x0063fff4, 0xff20fdf1, 0xfe31fdfe, 0xff760007,
0xfff6ffcb, 0xfd97fb93, 0xfa3efa22, 0xfb21fe6b,
0x0122032e, 0x049a0335, 0x00c4fd8e, 0xf999f76d,
0xf72df991, 0xfd190158, 0x04ab0623, 0x053f026a,
0xfe03fa88, 0xf84ff737, 0xf8bdfc32, 0xffac01f2,
0x04380372, 0x019effb0, 0xfcd6fb22, 0xfadbfb42,
0xfcfcfe14, 0xffe4ff46, 0xfdd4fdbd, 0xfcd1fd4e,
0xfe7f003c, 0x00e600f1, 0x00cefebd, 0xfc61fa7f,
0xfa14fa64, 0xfc67000d, 0x023304da, 0x04800270,
0xff76fb4f, 0xf85af6c7, 0xf825fb47, 0xff1d02cf,
0x04f10543, 0x03e1007c, 0xfc26f97f, 0xf7c8f876,
0xfa8bfd34, 0x0098020b, 0x023d01c1, 0x00f1feca,
0xfd2ffc7d, 0xfd1efdd4, 0xff6a0035, 0xfed4fe23,
0xfd73fcef, 0xfd11fec9, 0x00530159, 0x02390196,
0xfffefd24, 0xfa89f915, 0xf931faf9, 0xfe0701e3,
0x03b4054c, 0x03910154, 0xfd7ff995, 0xf795f710,
0xf9c7fd22, 0x0102031c, 0x051d03af, 0x01e3fe64,
0xfaf1f965, 0xf906fa02, 0xfc25fecd, 0x00b901af,
0x016e00a1, 0xfe78fd7c, 0xfd03fda3, 0xfe35ffd5,
0x000cfe8b, 0xfdadfcb3, 0xfb15fc6b, 0xfe0d0009,
0x01a30237, 0x02620109, 0xfeb9facb, 0xf986f8ea,
0xf9e9fc4d, 0xfff6035e, 0x04cf04c0, 0x0343ff63,
0xfba1f921, 0xf781f878, 0xfb29ff2c, 0x01760384,
0x03e601ff, 0x0000fc74, 0xfa25f9ad, 0xfa45fc53,
0xfebb003e, 0x016f00fd, 0x0062feaf, 0xfdc4fdc0,
0xfdadffa1, 0xffe10056, 0xfebffda2, 0xfc46fae9,
0xfb72fcd0, 0xff6a0116, 0x03590442, 0x02b00062,
0xfc85f9af, 0xf8f0f922, 0xfa74fe08, 0x01490383,
0x055103d7, 0x01e0fd7d, 0xfaaff922, 0xf8f2f9d3,
0xfcbe007e, 0x0252043d, 0x02b9010b, 0xfeebfc73,
0xfb25fae0, 0xfc2ffdff, 0xff90003f, 0xffedffbb,
0xfdf1fe2f, 0xfddbfe27, 0xffd60054, 0x00bbff9c,
0xfdb7fb53, 0xfa12f99f, 0xfb4cfd7c, 0x00430250,
0x044a036b, 0x0171fef9, 0xfa99f915, 0xf8e8f960,
0xfbd50009, 0x038c050b, 0x04980338, 0xffd4fcb2,
0xfa0cf953, 0xf9c4fb57, 0xfe3000b1, 0x022e0230,
0x0141ff47, 0xfdebfc47, 0xfcaffd08, 0xfda0ff29,
0x0028ff86, 0xfdedfd4c, 0xfd11fdfe, 0xfe9a0084,
0x010a011d, 0x00f2ff80, 0xfd0afa2c, 0xf9f1fa16,
0xfc54ff50, 0x01e003c2, 0x041c02d3, 0xfff3fc8d,
0xf94ff7eb, 0xf833fa22, 0xfd9b00e1, 0x03460451,
0x036400f7, 0xfe1cfb42, 0xf9bcf9d0, 0xfac5fdb2,
0x00660130, 0x010700d4, 0xff7dfdcc, 0xfd4afd1e,
0xfde9fe3a, 0xff780053, 0xfea6fd7a, 0xfcdbfcfb,
0xfd08fde2, 0xffab014f, 0x021201de, 0x002efdd6,
0xfb89f9d5, 0xf9d0fadc, 0xfe1a011a, 0x03b705a6,
0x0405025b, 0xff09fb10, 0xf972f8bd, 0xf964fbf4,
0xffbb01b5, 0x0415040a, 0x01fbffe6, 0xfd25fb1f,
0xfa4afb39, 0xfd10feb9, 0x002c0098, 0x0073ff78,
0xfe53fd91, 0xfd28fdae, 0xfebd0016, 0x001cff19,
0xfd9bfceb, 0xfb4efb65, 0xfd5cffb1, 0x011e01d7,
0x0214013c, 0xff1efc06, 0xfa13f8c7, 0xf9c0fb26,
0xfe8601e7, 0x03c00491, 0x03080090, 0xfcf2fa4f,
0xf953f97f, 0xfaeefdec, 0x00b201d0, 0x01f301ca,
0x0052fe75, 0xfc37fabd, 0xfb5afd46, 0xfe7bffd2,
0x003c0025, 0xffb9fdf8, 0xfe29fd7d, 0xfee30018,
0x00f700c4, 0xffc9feb3, 0xfc09fb23, 0xfacafb9e,
0xfd98002d, 0x019f023a, 0x01df008c, 0xfdd4faa5,
0xf977f908, 0xfa6cfd45, 0x004102c3, 0x04280346,
0x013cfed9, 0xfb56f9da, 0xf934fa80, 0xfce1ffab,
0x01a40210, 0x01d200a2, 0xff8bfd1a, 0xfcdffccb,
0xfd26fe12, 0xff1f0049, 0xfec9fdd8, 0xfe14fdc4,
0xfe48ff83, 0x008a00d4, 0x00d20116, 0xff16fd2c,
0xfb49fa4c, 0xfb11fc8a, 0xff9f015c, 0x03120404,
0x01daffc2, 0xfc7ff9e0, 0xf907f9af, 0xfba7fee3,
0x01870338, 0x04130176, 0x004dfcb9, 0xfa95fa0a,
0xfa4dfbc2, 0xfdd100d4, 0x00e50112, 0x00f7ffc5,
0xfde3fd7e, 0xfcaffddf, 0xfdadfeb3, 0xffadfe1d,
0xfdebfd24, 0xfd33fd35, 0xfe790042, 0x00e200e5,
0x012fff80, 0xfd71fb56, 0xfa14fa07, 0xfb3dfde5,
0x00410275, 0x04150321, 0x010dfeb8, 0xfb4df9f4,
0xfa14faf3, 0xfd60008b, 0x019b0386, 0x02df00b6,
0xff24fc9a, 0xfb53fa80, 0xfc2afdb4, 0xff5600db,
0x012b00d5, 0xffbcfe39, 0xfdbbfd60, 0xfe10fdc3,
0xfeee0017, 0xfdf4fdfc, 0xfcdffd07, 0xfceefd88,
0xffde0131, 0x01e301e9, 0x00dcfe63, 0xfc3ffa44,
0xf9e2fa87, 0xfcddffa6, 0x0187039c, 0x043f0252,
0x0014fd3c, 0xfa8bf9f6, 0xfa73fc27, 0xfef400f2,
0x01e201e5, 0x0151ff6d, 0xfd55fc57, 0xfac7fbba,
0xfd8cfe53, 0xffef0025, 0xffd5001b, 0xfe3dfdfe,
0xfddffebf, 0x003bffe3, 0x006bfed5, 0xfd9dfc33,
0xfadffb80, 0xfd3dfebb, 0x00ed0201, 0x01f201b3,
0x0033fdcd, 0xfab9f9d9, 0xfa0bfaea, 0xfd7b00af,
0x022d03d6, 0x026f00db, 0xfec5fbb3, 0xfa73f9d2,
0xfbeafda4, 0x00040108, 0x015a010f, 0xfffefe6b,
0xfd21fcf7, 0xfcccfd73, 0xfdd7ff24, 0x0049ff8d,
0xfe13fdc6, 0xfe18fdcc, 0xfeb7003b, 0x006600af,
0xffbdfe61, 0xfc97fafd, 0xfaeafc1a, 0xfd91ffa4,
0x01f301e4, 0x021f0114, 0xff28fc6d, 0xfa3cf9b9,
0xfa0dfc78, 0xff1f0104, 0x02e302dd, 0x0180fff8,
0xfcf8fafa, 0xf9d4fa9b, 0xfcc2fece, 0x006300e7,
0x00fa0066, 0xff51fddd, 0xfcfefd2f, 0xfd92fea2,
0x00140067, 0xfec5fdfa, 0xfdf2fd4f, 0xfddafe8d,
0x001100bc, 0x012900cc, 0xff44fda9, 0xfb84fa99,
0xfae2fc65, 0xfeb40162, 0x020c020a, 0x01ec001d,
0xfd74face, 0xf9d7f9ea, 0xfaf0fdc4, 0x006601c8,
0x0222019e, 0x00b3feb2, 0xfcadfae3, 0xfb36fcb9,
0xfdffff7a, 0x007a0046, 0xffe4ff81, 0xfe00fe0a,
0xfe3ffe03, 0xfed9ffed, 0x0000ff05, 0xfe0ffd63,
0xfd0bfd48, 0xfe4bffd1, 0x00b700dd, 0x00ff0060,
0xfe2cfbe5, 0xfab1fa3c, 0xfb85fd62, 0xfffb01c9,
0x01ce01d7, 0x0114ff7b, 0xfc6efa53, 0xf9cefaf5,
0xfd17ff41, 0x0124020f, 0x01e600f8, 0xff20fd47,
0xfd2afbab, 0xfc7ffdb7, 0xfe7e0059, 0xffde0015,
0xff5cfdfc, 0xfe20fe13, 0xfdffff95, 0xfff40022,
0xff84fdb3, 0xfd31fcff, 0xfd18fcff, 0xfec20069,
0x01430183, 0x012fff2f, 0xfcf4fb16, 0xfa09faa6,
0xfc3cfe6d, 0x0077022f, 0x021e015d, 0xffabfda8,
0xfb97fa64, 0xfaa7fc11, 0xfdfb0047, 0x011101db,
0x011f004e, 0xfee9fcd9, 0xfd4cfcd5, 0xfddffe45,
0xffeb004d, 0xffd3fe5f, 0xfdb8fe34, 0xfe88002b,
0xfff40138, 0x008bfff8, 0xfe97fdad, 0xfbf1fb19,
0xfcbffdf2, 0xffee0109, 0x01d401cb, 0x0104fed3,
0xfc95fb3c, 0xfafafb17, 0xfdeb0033, 0x014e01ea,
0x01e200cc, 0xfea4fd02, 0xfbaefad3, 0xfbb5fdb1,
0xff0200e0, 0x00c600fe, 0x0098ff09, 0xfe1efd91,
0xfcd8fde1, 0xfe65fe14, 0xfe22fe1d, 0xfe40fdf8,
0xfe5cfdd0, 0xfe9effac, 0x005c00e7, 0x007cfead,
0xfd97fc7b, 0xfb0dfbc0, 0xfdb4ff87, 0x00ab01c6,
0x01f90153, 0x0016fd91, 0xfb48fb2b, 0xfb31fc59,
0xff2d00e4, 0x01a40208, 0x0169008c, 0xfe62fcf3,
0xfb1cfb2b, 0xfcfbfe26, 0xfffe00b1, 0x00b8fffe,
0xff42fe0f, 0xfe0ffdfd, 0xfe34fe7d, 0xffdeffd2,
0xfe45fe43, 0xfd45fd6c, 0xfdecfe9c, 0xffd100a9,
0x00df00d5, 0xff94fdcc, 0xfc26faf2, 0xfaf6fbcc,
0xfe14ffe4, 0x0188021d, 0x01c800a6, 0xff1ffd00,
0xfaf9fad4, 0xfb54fd71, 0xff6a0104, 0x01a7014f,
0x0082fec2, 0xfd5bfd02, 0xfcc7fce1, 0xfddaff8f,
0x002affea, 0xffd1ff64, 0xfe24fdbe, 0xfe02fdf6,
0xffbcffc1, 0xfff5ff15, 0xfddefd68, 0xfccafd10,
0xfdf0ffdd, 0x009900c9, 0x00db00be, 0xff7efd72,
0xfb54fad6, 0xfb76fd36, 0xfed500cb, 0x01a8018d,
0x012dff66, 0xfdb9fc02, 0xfae0fb36, 0xfd17fe72,
0x0068010c, 0x012500c5, 0xffbcfe0a, 0xfd3dfcd3,
0xfce2fd9d, 0xfebd002c, 0xffd10020, 0xfe8cfde4,
0xfe17fdba, 0xfe93001d, 0xffee0009, 0x0011fe2e,
0xfd1afcbc, 0xfceffd16, 0xfeac0047, 0x00ea010b,
0x010afffe, 0xfdeefc7e, 0xfaf8faf0, 0xfc39fde8,
0xffad0111, 0x01c000fb, 0x0050fe3a, 0xfce8fb8b,
0xfb19fcd9, 0xfda6ff41, 0x00a10128, 0x00a90028,
0xfe8bfdd3, 0xfdeefdaa, 0xfe4dfe38, 0xff8b0046,
0xfec1fdea, 0xfde9fde3, 0xfe0efe20, 0xffef002a,
0x000b0025, 0xfe49fdb5, 0xfcc5fcec, 0xfca4fdd9,
0xfff100d1, 0x00d80103, 0x00dbfeef, 0xfd2afbba,
0xfacdfb97, 0xfcdffe8e, 0x007a00fd, 0x012a00ff,
0xffeffdf0, 0xfd06fbed, 0xfc84fd46, 0xfe68ffde,
0xffceffe3, 0x0013fee3, 0xfde9fe12, 0xfe0ffddf,
0xff910000, 0x0019ff2f, 0xfda7fe05, 0xfdccfe28,
0xfe4aff81, 0x004400be, 0x006bff9c, 0xfd89fd29,
0xfc08fbeb, 0xfd43fe89, 0x005c00d1, 0x01010112,
0x0049fdb3, 0xfbe9fb06, 0xfaf4fc0a, 0xfdd3ff61,
0x00f20106, 0x01230045, 0xfea0fd34, 0xfd39fcea,
0xfd12fdcc, 0xff170027, 0xffbe0067, 0xff46fe08,
0xfdfefe11, 0xfde1ffbd, 0xffd5ffef, 0xfea2fdcd,
0xfdd5fcc1, 0xfdd8fddc, 0xff820048, 0x013b00b1,
0x003dfe8e, 0xfd4dfc15, 0xfaa4fcdd, 0xfd88ff63,
0x00ee010f, 0x00b500ec, 0xfec2fd9a, 0xfc12fafe,
0xfcd9fd83, 0xff6100de, 0x010900e0, 0x009dff6e,
0xfe03fd4f, 0xfd05fd0d, 0xfd96fe44, 0x0003ffe0,
0x0013ff4c, 0xfd95fe62, 0xfde4fef8, 0x0046ffdc,
0x003ffef7, 0xfde2fd7c, 0xfcd9fcf8, 0xfd9aff58,
0x0035013c, 0x010c0104, 0xffaefd7a, 0xfd13fb33,
0xfbf5fd40, 0xfe1c0081, 0x013b00e6, 0x009effe0,
0xfe00fce5, 0xfce3fce6, 0xfd11fe59, 0x005200d9,
0x010d00d9, 0xfffbfe7f, 0xfe14fe23, 0xfde5fe0d,
0xfe03ffd9, 0x0015fe47, 0xfdfffdee, 0xfe17fdd0,
0xfed40099, 0x00050016, 0xffc1fe5c, 0xfd53fd1e,
0xfd2dfd1a, 0xfe25ffa4, 0x00e000f1, 0x00c90044,
0xfe33fd74, 0xfc4dfc06, 0xfcf3fdab, 0xfff900bf,
0x00ff00b8, 0x0047fec5, 0xfd62fd4a, 0xfce8fcfd,
0xfd8fff7a, 0x002f000d, 0x0038ffe0, 0xfea0fddb,
0xfe05fde5, 0xfe76fe05, 0xff9affed, 0xfdedfe06,
0xfe02fe02, 0xfdfbff16, 0x00180027, 0xffd9ffe6,
0xff46fd77, 0xfce9fcd7, 0xfce1fd38, 0xfea50098,
0x01210112, 0x00b6ff7d, 0xfd8cfd31, 0xfb8dfc24,
0xfd82fe1e, 0xffdd007d, 0x013f00a5, 0xffb6fe29,
0xfd83fcf7, 0xfcfdfdae, 0xfea4fffc, 0x0006ffbf,
0x001bfede, 0xfdf5fe09, 0xfe12fdbd, 0xfeadffec,
0xfff8ff0a, 0xfdc4fe37, 0xfe10fdcf, 0xff0d0034,
0x004a00e6, 0x0077ffed, 0xfe3dfd04, 0xfd20fd17,
0xfd1bfdb4, 0xffaf0120, 0x014d0122, 0x0046fe67,
0xfd42fd0d, 0xfcf5fcff, 0xfddaff68, 0x00340122,
0x0098002f, 0xff16fdb9, 0xfd7cfcff, 0xfe59fddb,
0xff780011, 0xffffffcb, 0xfe30fe06, 0xfe30fe45,
0xfe44ffeb, 0xffaf0007, 0xfe87fe09, 0xfe0ffd0d,
0xfdc5fe6c, 0x00360046, 0x010b010f, 0x004eff37,
0xfd79fcfd, 0xfd54fd04, 0xfda0ff60, 0x0090012d,
0x012100c9, 0xff54fdd7, 0xfd06fd10, 0xfd32fd99,
0xfe59ffa0, 0x003fffe5, 0xffefffc7, 0xfe4afe0b,
0xfdfffe24, 0xfe15ff0c, 0x001cffee, 0xffb4fded,
0xfe2ffe24, 0xfdd5fec8, 0xffe7ffd6, 0x0020ff9f,
0xfe18fe12, 0xfd17fcfe, 0xfdc7fe96, 0xffbd004b,
0x00fc00ab, 0xff40fe0c, 0xfd4bfcfd, 0xfcfbfd3b,
0xfe6affea, 0x00bc014d, 0x00d80038, 0xfe92fda8,
0xfcf7fcde, 0xfd7cfdfa, 0xffb50019, 0xfff5000e,
0x0023feff, 0xfe07fe2f, 0xfe52fe1c, 0xff520017,
0xffecfe93, 0xfdf2fe5d, 0xfe1bfdf5, 0xfe07ffdb,
0x003c0005, 0x0046fedf, 0xfde1fd58, 0xfce7fd4b,
0xfde8ffbc, 0x001a00b6, 0x00bf0001, 0xfedffd9a,
0xfd05fcfe, 0xfcecfd55, 0xff800061, 0x010d010a,
0x00a2ffa8, 0xfe0bfd24, 0xfd1ffce6, 0xfdb5fe62,
0xffed0028, 0xfff0000d, 0xfe13fdcb, 0xfe0bfdf0,
0xfdf0ff2e, 0x005fffd0, 0xfe26fe19, 0xfde8fe11,
0xfdfffe77, 0xffddffef, 0xffec002d, 0xffccfe0b,
0xfdd6fd18, 0xfd06fd8c, 0xfee20020, 0x003b0112,
0x002effeb, 0xfe80fd04, 0xfd04fcf3, 0xfdaefe5d,
0xffb4006c, 0x01120097, 0xfff2feb3, 0xfde7fd7d,
0xfd38fe3c, 0xfd79ff34, 0x002e001c, 0x000bfe68,
0xfdbffe02, 0xfdeffdf9, 0xff98007c, 0xff9efdfe,
0xfdfcfdf3, 0xfdebfdf3, 0xfddaff3f, 0x00380044,
0x000d0028, 0xfedffdba, 0xfd3efcfc, 0xfd4ffded,
0xff85fff2, 0x011d00e4, 0x0024ff7f, 0xfdc3fd43,
0xfce8fdad, 0xfe00ff4c, 0x0066fffc, 0x00070015,
0xff12fde3, 0xfe4afdc8, 0xfe26fe11, 0xfebd004a,
0x00040039, 0xfe77fdce, 0xfe04fe55, 0xffc50010,
0x001e004f, 0xff5dfe02, 0xfe0efde0, 0xfe08fdc9,
0xfe6dffe3, 0x007b0132, 0x0024ff9c, 0xfe27fdad,
0xfd18fcd7, 0xfda6fe89, 0x00220011, 0x00fa002a,
0xfff9fe56, 0xfdb3fd46, 0xfceefde1, 0xfe880009,
0x0024fffa, 0x0017ffe0, 0xfe20fde0, 0xfe12fe13,
0xfdc0ff27, 0x0053001b, 0xff83fdfb, 0xfe05fdcd,
0xfdeeffb3, 0xfff5fff4, 0x001c0001, 0xfe8cfdf1,
0xfd5ffd01, 0xfe4efdaf, 0xff6e0004, 0xffdd001e,
0xffedff22, 0xfd9ffd5e, 0xfccbfd57, 0xfdf5ff9b,
0xffeb001a, 0x00310019, 0xff31fdaf, 0xfe31fd7b,
0xfde4fe16, 0xff220048, 0xffce0007, 0xffe1fe57,
0xfdb9fde4, 0xfe42fde9, 0xfedd0019, 0x0011ff07,
0xfdf6fe0a, 0xfe02fdd2, 0xfee20016, 0xffe7000c,
0x0011ff3b, 0xfdcafe14, 0xfcd5fdc7, 0xfdd7ff06,
0x00310009, 0x00c0ffb8, 0xffd6fe11, 0xfdc2fcfa,
0xfce9fda2, 0xfe16ff91, 0x0006fff0, 0x00030001,
0xfe7cfe0d, 0xfe43fdcd, 0xfddefed5, 0x0050ffc1,
0x0012ffee, 0xfe1bfdc3, 0xfdf7fe2f, 0xfdecfefc,
0x0029ffe3, 0xfe30fde3, 0xfe01fde4, 0xfe0dfe2f,
0xffc0ffe4, 0xffe6000c, 0xffa6fdfd, 0xfdb1fd39,
0xfcbcfde0, 0xfe4d0008, 0xffdb000d, 0xffe10009,
0xfefbfda7, 0xfde4fcc1, 0xfe01fdd2, 0xff780013,
0x001a000d, 0xffefff7a, 0xfdb8fe4b, 0xfdacfe29,
0xfdc8ff24, 0xfffa0006, 0xff7afe0a, 0xfe29fdc7,
0xfddafee1, 0x0018ffd7, 0x003afee9, 0xfdc5fe3a,
0xfdc9fe25, 0xfd91fead, 0xfff4fffd, 0xffedffd0,
0xff52fde6, 0xfdbafd16, 0xfe41fe11, 0xff04000d,
0xffb4ffd3, 0xffcaffc5, 0xfdf5fe06, 0xfd2bfdc2,
0xfe21fdda, 0xffa40027, 0xffe60048, 0xffb3fe37,
0xfe0ffdd2, 0xfddefe09, 0xfe76000d, 0xff6dfe1f,
0xfdf5fe2c, 0xfdfbfe1e, 0xffcfffe4, 0x0017fff0,
0x0019fee9, 0xfe02fe33, 0xfdf2fe0a, 0xfe64002a,
0x0014fffc, 0xffce0025, 0xfea9fdd7, 0xfe2ffe16,
0xfe05fdea, 0xfff6ffe3, 0xffd7fff1, 0x002cff00,
0xfdecfe68, 0xfe2dfe03, 0xfdd6feb3, 0xffc7fff3,
0x003a0014, 0xfe7efdc2, 0xfdcdfdf7, 0xfdc9fede,
0x0005ff44, 0xfd9bfdf5, 0xfe0dfddc, 0xfdeafe50,
0xffc9fffa, 0x0003000d, 0xff54fddd, 0xfe20fde4,
0xfe08fdcc, 0xff620021, 0xffeb0024, 0xfff7ff80,
0xfe1dfe08, 0xfdb4fe5b, 0xfd9afef7, 0xffc3ffef,
0x0008ffe8, 0xff6afd97, 0xfe53fdc6, 0xfe17fdac,
0xfe66ffef, 0xffea002b, 0xfff0fe79, 0xfda8fe6d,
0xfd54fe36, 0xfe520069, 0xff1cfe76, 0xfd94ff63,
0x0376ff8a, 0x000dffd4, 0x0020001e, 0xffebfff9,
0xffdf0037, 0xffecfff4, 0x000bfff7, 0xffbdffe6,
0x00010031, 0xffcf000b, 0xffb9ffe2, 0xfff8ffd3,
0x00270001, 0xfff00014, 0x0011ffea, 0xffd7ffd9,
0xfff70072, 0x00350009, 0x001a005d, 0x000dffda,
0xffebfff1, 0x00390015, 0xffe5ffd6, 0xfff8fff0,
0xfff2fff4, 0xffd7ffd2, 0x00170017, 0xffdb0010,
0xfffefffa, 0xffeb0012, 0x0005ffcb, 0x0008fff2,
0xfff5fff9, 0x001c0013, 0xfff9ffd6, 0x00180037,
0x00220000, 0x00000026, 0xfff40009, 0x0019ffed,
0x000d000f, 0xffffffd0, 0xffd80012, 0x0005fffd,
0xffedfff9, 0xfff5fff9, 0xfff20021, 0xfffefff7,
0xfffb0005, 0x0004fff1, 0x0009fffe, 0xfff8fffd,
0x0003fffe, 0x0001fff5, 0x00000001, 0x00080005,
0xfffffffb, 0xffff0004, 0x00070000, 0xffffffff,
0x00000003, 0xfffe0000, 0x00010001, 0xffff0001,
0xffff0001, 0xfffd0000, 0xffff0001, 0x00010000,
0xfffeffff, 0x00000001, 0x0001ffff, 0x0001ffff,
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x0001ffff,
0x00000000, 0x0000ffff, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0x00000000, 0x0001ffff,
#define NSAMPLES 12748
#define NSAMPLE_WORDS 6375
0,0 → 1,59
// Filename: asmstartup.h
// Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
// Purpose: A small assembly routine, included from C via the "asm"
// statement, to place startup code into the very beginning of
// the program space. This startup code *must* start at the RESET_ADDRESS
// of the ZipCPU. It does two things: 1) loads a valid stack pointer, and
// 2) jumps to the entry point in the program which (as a result of this
// startup code) may be anywhere in the address space.
// Sadly, the main program often follows this code, leading to a long jump
// to the main program entry. This isn't that efficient, but ... on a
// non-pipelined machine it shouldn't cost more than one extra flash
// access.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
0,0 → 1,96
// Filename: helloworld.c
// Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
// Purpose: A very simple program. This program tests the LEDs, buttons,
// and UART. Specifically, if run, this program will cycle through
// the LEDs at one change per second. If one button is pressed, it will
// cycle through turning one LED off once per second while turning the
// rest on. If the other button is pressed, two LED's will never turn on.
// To test the UART, the message "Hello, world!" will be sent to the UART
// at the top of each second.
// This program is simple. Although it uses the interrupt controller,
// interrupts are disabled throughout the program. The interrupt
// controller is only used to determine when events have taken place.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include "asmstartup.h"
#include "board.h"
const char msg[] = "Hello, world!\r\n";
void entry(void) {
register IOSPACE *sys = (IOSPACE *)IOADDR;
int ledset = 0;
sys->io_spio = 0x0f0;
/// Turn off timer B
sys->io_timb = 0;
while(1) {
const char *ptr;
sys->io_tima = TM_ONE_SECOND; // Ticks per second, 80M
sys->io_pic = 0x07fffffff; // Acknowledge and turn off all ints
ptr = msg;
while(*ptr) {
// Wait while our transmitter is busy
while((sys->io_pic & INT_UARTTX)==0)
sys->io_uart = *ptr++; // Transmit our character
sys->io_pic = INT_UARTTX; // Clear the int flag
// Now, wait for the top of the second
while((sys->io_pic & INT_TIMA)==0)
ledset <<= 1;
ledset &= 15;
if (ledset == 0)
ledset = 1;
ledset |= 0xf0;
int btn = sys->io_spio;
if (btn&0x10)
sys->io_spio = ledset^0x0f;
else if (btn&0x20)
sys->io_spio = ledset&0x0f5;
sys->io_spio = ledset;
0,0 → 1,98
// Filename: board.h
// Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
// Purpose: To define the interfaces to the peripherals on the board, as
// given by the ZipCPU's view of the board.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#ifndef BOARD_H
#define BOARD_H
#define INT_BUTTON 0x001
#define INT_BUSERR 0x002 // Kind of useless, a buserr will kill us anyway
#define INT_SCOPE 0x004
#define INT_RTC 0x008
#define INT_TIMA 0x010
#define INT_TIMB 0x020
#define INT_UARTRX 0x040
#define INT_UARTTX 0x080
#define INT_KEYPAD 0x100
#define INT_AUDIO 0x200
#define INT_GPIO 0x400
// #define INT_FLASH 0x800
// Clocks per second, for use with the timer
#define TM_ONE_SECOND 80000000
#define TM_REPEAT 0x80000000
typedef struct {
volatile int io_pic;
volatile unsigned *io_buserr;
volatile int io_tima, io_timb;
volatile unsigned io_pwm_audio;
volatile unsigned io_spio; // aka keypad, buttons, and keyboard
volatile unsigned io_gpio;
volatile unsigned io_uart;
volatile unsigned io_version;
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned s_control, s_data;
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned f_crc, f_far_maj, f_far_min, f_fdri,
f_fdro, f_cmd, f_ctl, f_mask,
f_stat, f_lout, f_cor1, f_cor2,
f_pwrdn, f_flr, f_idcode, f_cwdt,
f_hcopt, f_csbo, f_gen1, f_gen2,
f_gen3, f_gen4, f_gen5, f_mode,
f_gwe, f_mfwr, f_cclk, f_seu, f_exp, f_rdbk,
f_bootsts, f_eye, f_cbc;
typedef struct {
volatile unsigned c_clock, c_timer, c_stopwatch, c_alarm;
#define IOADDR 0x000100
#define SCOPEADDR 0x000200
// #define FCTLADDR 0x000300 // Flash control, depends upon write capability
#define CONFIGADDR 0x000400
// #define RTCADDR 0x000800 // Disabled for lack of space on device
#define RAMADDR 0x002000
#define FLASHADDR 0x400000
#define RESET_ADDR 0x480000
0,0 → 1,111
## Filename: Makefile (sw/dev)
## Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project
## Purpose: This makefile supports (directs) the building of the various
## software for the S6 Cmod board.
## Targets:
## (all) Builds all of the program files
## clean Removes all object files, the dependency file,
## and any programs that have been built.
## depends Builds a master dependency file
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <> for a copy.
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
PROGRAMS := helloworld
OBJDIR := obj-zip
CROSS := zip
CC := $(CROSS)-gcc
AS := $(CROSS)-as
LD := $(CROSS)-ld
SED := sed
OBJDUMP := $(CROSS)-objdump
# Not for build, for for building tags and dependency files, we need to know
# what the sources and headers are
SOURCES:= helloworld.c doorbell.c
HEADERS:= board.h
# OBJECTS:= $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(subst .cpp,.o,$(SOURCES)))
CPPFLAGS := -I../zipos -I.
CFLAGS := -O3 -Wall -Wextra -nostdlib -fno-builtin
LDFLAGS = -T cmod.ld -Wl,-Map,$(OBJDIR)/$ -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=report-all -nostdlib
@bash -c "if [ ! -e $(OBJDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(OBJDIR); fi"
%.o: $(OBJDIR)/%.o
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/%.s: %.c
$(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/%.txt: $(OBJDIR)/%.o
$(OBJDUMP) -dr $^ > $@
helloworld: $(OBJDIR)/ $(OBJDIR)/helloworld.o cmod.ld
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/helloworld.o -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/helloworld.txt: helloworld
$(OBJDUMP) -dr $^ > $@
define build-depends
@echo "Building dependency file(s)"
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM $(SOURCES) > $(OBJDIR)/xdep.txt
$(SED) -e 's/^.*.o: /$(OBJDIR)\/&/' < $(OBJDIR)/xdep.txt > $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt
@rm $(OBJDIR)/xdep.txt
.PHONY: depends
depends: $(OBJDIR)/ tags
@echo "Generating tags"
@ctags $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/ $(PROGRAMS)
-include $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt

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