Subversion Repositories sdr_ctrl
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 29 to Rev 30
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 29 → Rev 30
0,0 → 1,372
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// This file is part of the SDRAM Controller project //// |
//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/sdr_ctrl/ //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// SDRAM CTRL definitions. //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// nothing //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Dinesh Annayya, dinesha@opencores.org //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// This testbench stand-alone verify the sdram core |
`timescale 1ns/1ps |
module tb_core; |
parameter P_SYS = 10; // 100MHz |
// General |
reg RESETN; |
reg sdram_clk; |
initial sdram_clk = 0; |
always #(P_SYS/2) sdram_clk = !sdram_clk; |
parameter dw = 32; // data width |
parameter tw = 8; // tag id width |
parameter bl = 5; // burst_lenght_width |
//------------------------------------------- |
// Application Interface bus |
//------------------------------------------- |
reg app_req ; // Application Request |
reg [8:0] app_req_len ; // Burst Request length |
wire app_req_ack ; // Application Request Ack |
reg [29:0] app_req_addr ; // Application Address |
reg app_req_wr_n ; // 1 -> Read, 0 -> Write |
reg [dw-1:0] app_wr_data ; // Write Data |
reg [dw/8-1:0] app_wr_en_n ; // Write Enable, Active Low |
wire app_rd_valid ; // Read Valid |
wire app_last_rd ; // Last Read Valid |
wire [dw-1:0] app_rd_data ; // Read Data |
//-------------------------------------------- |
// SDRAM I/F |
//-------------------------------------------- |
`ifdef SDR_32BIT |
wire [31:0] Dq ; // SDRAM Read/Write Data Bus |
wire [31:0] sdr_dout ; // SDRAM Data Out |
wire [31:0] pad_sdr_din ; // SDRAM Data Input |
wire [3:0] sdr_den_n ; // SDRAM Data Enable |
wire [3:0] sdr_dqm ; // SDRAM DATA Mask |
`elsif SDR_16BIT |
wire [15:0] Dq ; // SDRAM Read/Write Data Bus |
wire [15:0] sdr_dout ; // SDRAM Data Out |
wire [15:0] pad_sdr_din ; // SDRAM Data Input |
wire [1:0] sdr_den_n ; // SDRAM Data Enable |
wire [1:0] sdr_dqm ; // SDRAM DATA Mask |
`else |
wire [7:0] Dq ; // SDRAM Read/Write Data Bus |
wire [7:0] sdr_dout ; // SDRAM Data Out |
wire [7:0] pad_sdr_din ; // SDRAM Data Input |
wire [0:0] sdr_den_n ; // SDRAM Data Enable |
wire [0:0] sdr_dqm ; // SDRAM DATA Mask |
`endif |
wire [1:0] sdr_ba ; // SDRAM Bank Select |
wire [11:0] sdr_addr ; // SDRAM ADRESS |
wire sdr_init_done ; // SDRAM Init Done |
// to fix the sdram interface timing issue |
wire #(2.0) sdram_clk_d = sdram_clk; |
wire #(1.0) pad_clk = sdram_clk_d; |
`ifdef SDR_32BIT |
sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(32),.SDR_BW(4)) u_dut( |
`elsif SDR_16BIT |
sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(16),.SDR_BW(2)) u_dut( |
`else // 8 BIT SDRAM |
sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(8),.SDR_BW(1)) u_dut( |
`endif |
// System |
.clk (sdram_clk ), |
.reset_n (RESETN ), |
.pad_clk (pad_clk ), |
`ifdef SDR_32BIT |
.sdr_width (2'b00 ), // 32 BIT SDRAM |
`elsif SDR_16BIT |
.sdr_width (2'b01 ), // 16 BIT SDRAM |
`else |
.sdr_width (2'b10 ), // 8 BIT SDRAM |
`endif |
.cfg_colbits (2'b00 ), // 8 Bit Column Address |
/* Request from app */ |
.app_req (app_req ), // Transfer Request |
.app_req_addr (app_req_addr ), // SDRAM Address |
.app_req_addr_mask (29'h1FFF_FFFF ), // Address mask for queue wrap |
.app_req_len (app_req_len ), // Burst Length (in 16 bit words) |
.app_req_wrap (1'b0 ), // Wrap mode request (xfr_len = 4) |
.app_req_wr_n (app_req_wr_n ), // 0 => Write request, 1 => read req |
.app_req_ack (app_req_ack ), // Request has been accepted |
.sdr_core_busy_n ( ), // OK to arbitrate next request |
.app_wr_data (app_wr_data ), |
.app_wr_en_n (app_wr_en_n ), |
.app_rd_data (app_rd_data ), |
.app_last_rd (app_last_rd ), |
.app_rd_valid (app_rd_valid ), |
.app_wr_next_req (app_wr_next_req ), |
.app_req_dma_last (app_req ), |
/* Interface to SDRAMs */ |
.sdr_cs_n (sdr_cs_n ), |
.sdr_cke (sdr_cke ), |
.sdr_ras_n (sdr_ras_n ), |
.sdr_cas_n (sdr_cas_n ), |
.sdr_we_n (sdr_we_n ), |
.sdr_dqm (sdr_dqm ), |
.sdr_ba (sdr_ba ), |
.sdr_addr (sdr_addr ), |
.pad_sdr_din (Dq ), |
.sdr_dout (sdr_dout ), |
.sdr_den_n (sdr_den_n ), |
/* Parameters */ |
.sdr_init_done (sdr_init_done ), |
.cfg_req_depth (2'h2 ), //how many req. buffer should hold |
.cfg_sdr_en (1'b1 ), |
.cfg_sdr_mode_reg (12'h033 ), |
.cfg_sdr_tras_d (4'h4 ), |
.cfg_sdr_trp_d (4'h2 ), |
.cfg_sdr_trcd_d (4'h2 ), |
.cfg_sdr_cas (3'h3 ), |
.cfg_sdr_trcar_d (4'h7 ), |
.cfg_sdr_twr_d (4'h1 ), |
.cfg_sdr_rfsh (12'hC35 ), |
.cfg_sdr_rfmax (3'h6 ) |
); |
`ifdef SDR_32BIT |
assign Dq[7:0] = (sdr_den_n[0] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[7:0] : 8'hZZ; |
assign Dq[15:8] = (sdr_den_n[1] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[15:8] : 8'hZZ; |
assign Dq[23:16] = (sdr_den_n[2] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[23:16] : 8'hZZ; |
assign Dq[31:24] = (sdr_den_n[3] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[31:24] : 8'hZZ; |
mt48lc2m32b2 #(.data_bits(32)) u_sdram32 ( |
.Dq (Dq ) , |
.Addr (sdr_addr ), |
.Ba (sdr_ba ), |
.Clk (sdram_clk_d ), |
.Cke (sdr_cke ), |
.Cs_n (sdr_cs_n ), |
.Ras_n (sdr_ras_n ), |
.Cas_n (sdr_cas_n ), |
.We_n (sdr_we_n ), |
.Dqm (sdr_dqm ) |
); |
`elsif SDR_16BIT |
assign Dq[7:0] = (sdr_den_n[0] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[7:0] : 8'hZZ; |
assign Dq[15:8] = (sdr_den_n[1] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[15:8] : 8'hZZ; |
IS42VM16400K u_sdram16 ( |
.dq (Dq ), |
.addr (sdr_addr ), |
.ba (sdr_ba ), |
.clk (sdram_clk_d ), |
.cke (sdr_cke ), |
.csb (sdr_cs_n ), |
.rasb (sdr_ras_n ), |
.casb (sdr_cas_n ), |
.web (sdr_we_n ), |
.dqm (sdr_dqm ) |
); |
`else |
assign Dq[7:0] = (sdr_den_n[0] == 1'b0) ? sdr_dout[7:0] : 8'hZZ; |
mt48lc8m8a2 #(.data_bits(8)) u_sdram8 ( |
.Dq (Dq ) , |
.Addr (sdr_addr ), |
.Ba (sdr_ba ), |
.Clk (sdram_clk_d ), |
.Cke (sdr_cke ), |
.Cs_n (sdr_cs_n ), |
.Ras_n (sdr_ras_n ), |
.Cas_n (sdr_cas_n ), |
.We_n (sdr_we_n ), |
.Dqm (sdr_dqm ) |
); |
`endif |
//-------------------- |
// Write/Read Burst FIFO |
//-------------------- |
int wrdfifo[$]; // write data fifo |
int rddfifo[$]; // read data fifo |
reg [31:0] read_data; |
reg [31:0] ErrCnt; |
int k; |
reg [31:0] StartAddr; |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Test Case |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
initial begin //{ |
ErrCnt = 0; |
app_req_addr = 0; |
app_wr_data = 0; |
app_wr_en_n = 4'hF; |
app_req_wr_n = 0; |
app_req = 0; |
app_req_len = 0; |
RESETN = 1'h1; |
#100 |
// Applying reset |
RESETN = 1'h0; |
#10000; |
// Releasing reset |
RESETN = 1'h1; |
#1000; |
wait(u_dut.sdr_init_done == 1); |
#1000; |
wrdfifo.push_back(32'h11223344); |
wrdfifo.push_back(32'h22334455); |
wrdfifo.push_back(32'h33445566); |
wrdfifo.push_back(32'h44556677); |
wrdfifo.push_back(32'h55667788); |
burst_write(32'h40000); |
#1000; |
burst_read(32'h40000); |
#1000; |
burst_write(32'h7000_0000); |
#1000; |
burst_read(32'h7000_0000); |
for(k=0; k < 20; k++) begin |
StartAddr = $random & 32'h07FFFFFF; |
burst_write(StartAddr); |
#1000; |
burst_read(StartAddr); |
end |
#10000; |
$display("###############################"); |
if(ErrCnt == 0) |
$display("STATUS: SDRAM Write/Read TEST PASSED"); |
else |
$display("ERROR: SDRAM Write/Read TEST FAILED"); |
$display("###############################"); |
$finish; |
end |
task burst_write; |
input [31:0] Address; |
int i; |
begin |
@ (negedge sdram_clk); |
app_req = 1; |
app_wr_en_n = 0; |
app_req_wr_n = 1'b0; |
$display("Write Address: %x, Burst Size: %d",Address,wrdfifo.size); |
app_req_addr = Address[31:2]; |
app_req_len = wrdfifo.size; |
// wait for app_req_ack == 1 |
do begin |
@ (posedge sdram_clk); |
end while(app_req_ack == 1'b0); |
@ (negedge sdram_clk); |
app_req = 0; |
for(i=0; i < wrdfifo.size; i++) begin |
app_wr_data = wrdfifo[i]; |
do begin |
@ (posedge sdram_clk); |
end while(app_wr_next_req == 1'b0); |
@ (negedge sdram_clk); |
$display("Status: Burst-No: %d Write Address: %x WriteData: %x ",i,Address,app_wr_data); |
end |
app_req = 0; |
app_wr_en_n = 4'hF; |
end |
endtask |
task burst_read; |
input [31:0] Address; |
int i,j; |
reg [31:0] rd_data; |
begin |
@ (negedge sdram_clk); |
app_req = 1; |
app_wr_en_n = 0; |
app_req_wr_n = 1; |
app_req_addr = Address[29:2]; |
app_req_len = wrdfifo.size; |
// wait for app_req_ack == 1 |
do begin |
@ (posedge sdram_clk); |
end while(app_req_ack == 1'b0); |
@ (negedge sdram_clk); |
app_req = 0; |
for(j=0; j < wrdfifo.size; j++) begin |
wait(app_rd_valid == 1); |
if(app_rd_data !== wrdfifo[j]) begin |
$display("READ ERROR: Burst-No: %d Addr: %x Rxp: %x Exd: %x",j,Address+(j*2),app_rd_data,wrdfifo[j]); |
ErrCnt = ErrCnt+1; |
end else begin |
$display("READ STATUS: Burst-No: %d Addr: %x Rxd: %x",j,Address+(j*2),app_rd_data); |
end |
@ (posedge sdram_clk); |
@ (negedge sdram_clk); |
end |
end |
endtask |
endmodule |
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/verif/tb/tb_top.sv
--- trunk/verif/tb/tb_top.sv (revision 29)
+++ trunk/verif/tb/tb_top.sv (revision 30)
@@ -47,15 +47,19 @@
module tb_top;
-parameter P_SYS = 10; // 100MHz
+parameter P_SYS = 10; // 200MHz
+parameter P_SDR = 20; // 100MHz
// General
reg sdram_clk;
+reg sys_clk;
+initial sys_clk = 0;
initial sdram_clk = 0;
-always #(P_SYS/2) sdram_clk = !sdram_clk;
+always #(P_SYS/2) sys_clk = !sys_clk;
+always #(P_SDR/2) sdram_clk = !sdram_clk;
parameter dw = 32; // data width
parameter tw = 8; // tag id width
@@ -62,18 +66,23 @@
parameter bl = 5; // burst_lenght_width
-// Application Interface bus
+// WISH BONE Interface
-reg app_req ; // Application Request
-reg [8:0] app_req_len ; // Burst Request length
-wire app_req_ack ; // Application Request Ack
-reg [29:0] app_req_addr ; // Application Address
-reg app_req_wr_n ; // 1 -> Read, 0 -> Write
-reg [dw-1:0] app_wr_data ; // Write Data
-reg [dw/8-1:0] app_wr_en_n ; // Write Enable, Active Low
-wire app_rd_valid ; // Read Valid
-wire [dw-1:0] app_rd_data ; // Read Data
+// Wish Bone Interface
+// -------------------------------------
+reg wb_stb_i ;
+wire wb_ack_o ;
+reg [29:0] wb_addr_i ;
+reg wb_we_i ; // 1 - Write, 0 - Read
+reg [dw-1:0] wb_dat_i ;
+reg [dw/8-1:0] wb_sel_i ; // Byte enable
+wire [dw-1:0] wb_dat_o ;
+reg wb_cyc_i ;
+reg [2:0] wb_cti_i ;
@@ -103,21 +112,18 @@
wire sdr_init_done ; // SDRAM Init Done
// to fix the sdram interface timing issue
-wire #(2.0) sdram_clk_d = sdram_clk;
-wire #(1.0) pad_clk = sdram_clk_d;
+wire #(2.0) sdram_clk_d = sdram_clk;
+wire #(1.0) sdram_pad_clk = sdram_clk_d;
`ifdef SDR_32BIT
- sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(32),.SDR_BW(4)) u_dut(
+ sdrc_top #(.SDR_DW(32),.SDR_BW(4)) u_dut(
`elsif SDR_16BIT
- sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(16),.SDR_BW(2)) u_dut(
+ sdrc_top #(.SDR_DW(16),.SDR_BW(2)) u_dut(
`else // 8 BIT SDRAM
- sdrc_core #(.SDR_DW(8),.SDR_BW(1)) u_dut(
+ sdrc_top #(.SDR_DW(8),.SDR_BW(1)) u_dut(
// System
- .clk (sdram_clk ),
- .reset_n (RESETN ),
- .pad_clk (pad_clk ),
`ifdef SDR_32BIT
.sdr_width (2'b00 ), // 32 BIT SDRAM
`elsif SDR_16BIT
@@ -127,25 +133,24 @@
.cfg_colbits (2'b00 ), // 8 Bit Column Address
+/* WISH BONE */
+ .wb_rst_i (!RESETN ),
+ .wb_clk_i (sys_clk ),
-/* Request from app */
- .app_req (app_req ), // Transfer Request
- .app_req_addr (app_req_addr ), // SDRAM Address
- .app_req_addr_mask (29'h1FFF_FFFF ), // Address mask for queue wrap
- .app_req_len (app_req_len ), // Burst Length (in 16 bit words)
- .app_req_wrap (1'b0 ), // Wrap mode request (xfr_len = 4)
- .app_req_wr_n (app_req_wr_n ), // 0 => Write request, 1 => read req
- .app_req_ack (app_req_ack ), // Request has been accepted
- .sdr_core_busy_n ( ), // OK to arbitrate next request
- .app_wr_data (app_wr_data ),
- .app_wr_en_n (app_wr_en_n ),
- .app_rd_data (app_rd_data ),
- .app_rd_valid (app_rd_valid ),
- .app_wr_next_req (app_wr_next_req ),
- .app_req_dma_last (app_req ),
+ .wb_stb_i (wb_stb_i ),
+ .wb_ack_o (wb_ack_o ),
+ .wb_addr_i (wb_addr_i ),
+ .wb_we_i (wb_we_i ),
+ .wb_dat_i (wb_dat_i ),
+ .wb_sel_i (wb_sel_i ),
+ .wb_dat_o (wb_dat_o ),
+ .wb_cyc_i (wb_cyc_i ),
+ .wb_cti_i (wb_cti_i ),
/* Interface to SDRAMs */
+ .sdram_clk (sdram_clk ),
+ .sdram_pad_clk (sdram_pad_clk ),
+ .sdram_resetn (RESETN ),
.sdr_cs_n (sdr_cs_n ),
.sdr_cke (sdr_cke ),
.sdr_ras_n (sdr_ras_n ),
@@ -244,12 +249,12 @@
initial begin //{
ErrCnt = 0;
- app_req_addr = 0;
- app_wr_data = 0;
- app_wr_en_n = 4'hF;
- app_req_wr_n = 0;
- app_req = 0;
- app_req_len = 0;
+ wb_addr_i = 0;
+ wb_dat_i = 0;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'h0;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
RESETN = 1'h1;
@@ -303,33 +308,26 @@
input [31:0] Address;
int i;
- @ (negedge sdram_clk);
- app_req = 1;
- app_wr_en_n = 0;
- app_req_wr_n = 1'b0;
+ @ (negedge sys_clk);
$display("Write Address: %x, Burst Size: %d",Address,wrdfifo.size);
- app_req_addr = Address[31:2];
- app_req_len = wrdfifo.size;
- // wait for app_req_ack == 1
- do begin
- @ (posedge sdram_clk);
- end while(app_req_ack == 1'b0);
- @ (negedge sdram_clk);
- app_req = 0;
for(i=0; i < wrdfifo.size; i++) begin
- app_wr_data = wrdfifo[i];
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 1;
+ wb_sel_i = 4'b1111;
+ wb_addr_i = Address[31:2]+i;
+ wb_dat_i = wrdfifo[i];
do begin
- @ (posedge sdram_clk);
- end while(app_wr_next_req == 1'b0);
- @ (negedge sdram_clk);
+ @ (posedge sys_clk);
+ end while(wb_ack_o == 1'b0);
+ @ (negedge sys_clk);
- $display("Status: Burst-No: %d Write Address: %x WriteData: %x ",i,Address,app_wr_data);
+ $display("Status: Burst-No: %d Write Address: %x WriteData: %x ",i,wb_addr_i,wb_dat_i);
- app_req = 0;
- app_wr_en_n = 4'hF;
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;
@@ -339,31 +337,27 @@
int i,j;
reg [31:0] rd_data;
- @ (negedge sdram_clk);
+ @ (negedge sys_clk);
- app_req = 1;
- app_wr_en_n = 0;
- app_req_wr_n = 1;
- app_req_addr = Address[29:2];
- app_req_len = wrdfifo.size;
- // wait for app_req_ack == 1
- do begin
- @ (posedge sdram_clk);
- end while(app_req_ack == 1'b0);
- @ (negedge sdram_clk);
- app_req = 0;
+ for(j=0; j < wrdfifo.size; j++) begin
+ wb_stb_i = 1;
+ wb_cyc_i = 1;
+ wb_we_i = 0;
+ wb_addr_i = Address[31:2]+j;
- for(j=0; j < wrdfifo.size; j++) begin
- wait(app_rd_valid == 1);
- if(app_rd_data !== wrdfifo[j]) begin
- $display("READ ERROR: Burst-No: %d Addr: %x Rxp: %x Exd: %x",j,Address+(j*2),app_rd_data,wrdfifo[j]);
+ do begin
+ @ (posedge sys_clk);
+ end while(wb_ack_o == 1'b0);
+ if(wb_dat_o !== wrdfifo[j]) begin
+ $display("READ ERROR: Burst-No: %d Addr: %x Rxp: %x Exd: %x",j,wb_addr_i,wb_dat_o,wrdfifo[j]);
ErrCnt = ErrCnt+1;
end else begin
- $display("READ STATUS: Burst-No: %d Addr: %x Rxd: %x",j,Address+(j*2),app_rd_data);
+ $display("READ STATUS: Burst-No: %d Addr: %x Rxd: %x",j,wb_addr_i,wb_dat_o);
- @ (posedge sdram_clk);
@ (negedge sdram_clk);
+ wb_stb_i = 0;
+ wb_cyc_i = 0;