Subversion Repositories uart2bus
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 11 to Rev 12
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 11 → Rev 12
/doc/UART to Bus Core Specifications.pdf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
55,10 → 55,6
#100; |
send_serial (8'h20, `BAUD_115200, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_OFF, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_8, 0); |
#100; |
send_serial (8'h34, `BAUD_115200, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_OFF, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_8, 0); |
#100; |
send_serial (8'h63, `BAUD_115200, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_OFF, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_8, 0); |
#100; |
send_serial (8'h64, `BAUD_115200, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_OFF, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_8, 0); |
#100; |
send_serial (8'h39, `BAUD_115200, `PARITY_EVEN, `PARITY_OFF, `NSTOPS_1, `NBITS_8, 0); |
136,6 → 132,8
wire int_write; // write control to register file |
wire int_read; // read control to register file |
wire [7:0] int_rd_data; // data read from register file |
wire int_req; // bus access request signal |
wire int_gnt; // bus access grant signal |
wire ser_in; // DUT serial input |
wire ser_out; // DUT serial output |
150,8 → 148,12
.int_wr_data(int_wr_data), |
.int_write(int_write), |
.int_rd_data(int_rd_data), |
.int_read(int_read) |
.int_read(int_read), |
.int_req(int_req), |
.int_gnt(int_gnt) |
); |
// bus grant is always active |
assign int_gnt = 1'b1; |
// serial interface to test bench |
assign ser_in = serial_out; |
137,6 → 137,8
wire int_write; // write control to register file |
wire int_read; // read control to register file |
wire [7:0] int_rd_data; // data read from register file |
wire int_req; // bus access request signal |
wire int_gnt; // bus access grant signal |
wire ser_in; // DUT serial input |
wire ser_out; // DUT serial output |
146,8 → 148,11
.clock(clock), .reset(reset), |
.ser_in(ser_in), .ser_out(ser_out), |
.int_address(int_address), .int_wr_data(int_wr_data), .int_write(int_write), |
.int_rd_data(int_rd_data), .int_read(int_read) |
.int_rd_data(int_rd_data), .int_read(int_read), |
.int_req(int_req), .int_gnt(int_gnt) |
); |
// bus grant is always active |
assign int_gnt = 1'b1; |
// serial interface to test bench |
assign ser_in = serial_out; |
238,7 → 238,6
if (serial_in != 1) |
get_serial_status = get_serial_status | `RECEIVE_RESULT_BADSTOP; |
end |
#(bit_time/2); |
end |
end |
end |
191,6 → 191,8
wire int_write; // write control to register file |
wire int_read; // read control to register file |
wire [7:0] int_rd_data; // data read from register file |
wire int_req; // bus access request signal |
wire int_gnt; // bus access grant signal |
wire ser_in; // DUT serial input |
wire ser_out; // DUT serial output |
205,8 → 207,12
.int_wr_data(int_wr_data), |
.int_write(int_write), |
.int_rd_data(int_rd_data), |
.int_read(int_read) |
.int_read(int_read), |
.int_req(int_req), |
.int_gnt(int_gnt) |
); |
// bus grant is always active |
assign int_gnt = 1'b1; |
// serial interface to test bench |
assign ser_in = serial_out; |
12,7 → 12,8
tx_data, new_tx_data, tx_busy, |
// internal bus to register file |
int_address, int_wr_data, int_write, |
int_rd_data, int_read |
int_rd_data, int_read, |
int_req, int_gnt |
); |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// parameters |
32,6 → 33,8
output int_write; // write control to register file |
output int_read; // read control to register file |
input [7:0] int_rd_data; // data read from register file |
output int_req; // bus access request signal |
input int_gnt; // bus access grant signal |
// registered outputs |
reg [7:0] tx_data; |
38,7 → 41,7
reg new_tx_data; |
reg [AW-1:0] int_address; |
reg [7:0] int_wr_data; |
reg int_write, int_read; |
reg write_req, read_req, int_write, int_read; |
// internal constants |
// define characters used by the parser |
403,20 → 406,27
begin |
if (reset) |
begin |
write_req <= 1'b0; |
int_write <= 1'b0; |
int_wr_data <= 0; |
end |
else if (write_op && (main_sm == `MAIN_ADDR) && new_rx_data && !data_in_hex_range) |
begin |
int_write <= 1'b1; |
write_req <= 1'b1; |
int_wr_data <= data_param; |
end |
// binary extension mode |
else if (bin_write_op && (main_sm == `MAIN_BIN_DATA) && new_rx_data) |
begin |
int_write <= 1'b1; |
write_req <= 1'b1; |
int_wr_data <= rx_data; |
end |
else if (int_gnt && write_req) |
begin |
// set internal bus write and clear the write request flag |
int_write <= 1'b1; |
write_req <= 1'b0; |
end |
else |
int_write <= 1'b0; |
end |
425,21 → 435,33
always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) |
begin |
if (reset) |
begin |
int_read <= 1'b0; |
read_req <= 1'b0; |
end |
else if (read_op && (main_sm == `MAIN_ADDR) && new_rx_data && !data_in_hex_range) |
int_read <= 1'b1; |
read_req <= 1'b1; |
// binary extension |
else if (bin_read_op && (main_sm == `MAIN_BIN_LEN) && new_rx_data) |
// the first read request is issued on reception of the length byte |
int_read <= 1'b1; |
read_req <= 1'b1; |
else if (bin_read_op && tx_end_p && !bin_last_byte) |
// the next read requests are issued after the previous read value was transmitted and |
// this is not the last byte to be read. |
read_req <= 1'b1; |
else if (int_gnt && read_req) |
begin |
// set internal bus read and clear the read request flag |
int_read <= 1'b1; |
read_req <= 1'b0; |
end |
else |
int_read <= 1'b0; |
end |
// external request signal is active on read or write request |
assign int_req = write_req | read_req; |
// internal address |
always @ (posedge clock or posedge reset) |
begin |
453,7 → 475,6
int_address <= addr_param[AW-1:0]; |
else if (addr_auto_inc && |
((bin_read_op && tx_end_p && !bin_last_byte) || |
// (bin_write_op && (main_sm == `MAIN_BIN_DATA) && new_rx_data))) |
(bin_write_op && int_write))) |
// address is incremented on every read or write if enabled |
int_address <= int_address + 1; |
11,7 → 11,8
ser_in, ser_out, |
// internal bus to register file |
int_address, int_wr_data, int_write, |
int_rd_data, int_read |
int_rd_data, int_read, |
int_req, int_gnt |
); |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// modules inputs and outputs |
24,6 → 25,8
output int_write; // write control to register file |
output int_read; // read control to register file |
input [7:0] int_rd_data; // data read from register file |
output int_req; // bus access request signal |
input int_gnt; // bus access grant signal |
// baud rate configuration, see baud_gen.v for more details. |
// baud rate generator parameters for 115200 baud on 40MHz clock |
70,7 → 73,8
.rx_data(rx_data), .new_rx_data(new_rx_data), |
.tx_data(tx_data), .new_tx_data(new_tx_data), .tx_busy(tx_busy), |
.int_address(int_address), .int_wr_data(int_wr_data), .int_write(int_write), |
.int_rd_data(int_rd_data), .int_read(int_read) |
.int_rd_data(int_rd_data), .int_read(int_read), |
.int_req(int_req), .int_gnt(int_gnt) |
); |
endmodule |