Subversion Repositories udp_ip_stack
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 4 to Rev 6
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 4 → Rev 6
193,6 → 193,9
if arp_req_req.lookup_req = '1' and arp_req_req.ip = arp_entry.ip and arp_entry.is_valid = '1' then |
arp_req_rslt.got_mac <= '1'; |
arp_req_rslt.mac <= arp_entry.mac; |
elsif arp_req_req.lookup_req = '1' then |
arp_req_rslt.got_mac <= '0'; -- hold off got_mac while req is there as arp_entry will not be correct yet |
arp_req_rslt.mac <= arp_entry.mac; |
else |
arp_req_rslt.got_mac <= mac_addr_valid_reg; |
arp_req_rslt.mac <= mac_addr_found; |
141,6 → 141,7
signal set_tx_started : set_clr_type; |
signal set_tx_fin : set_clr_type; |
signal set_udp_rx_start_reg : set_clr_type; |
signal first_byte_rx : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); |
begin |
171,17 → 172,18
end process; |
-- AUTO TX process - on receipt of any UDP pkt, send a response |
-- AUTO TX process - on receipt of any UDP pkt, send a response, |
-- TX response process - COMB |
tx_proc_combinatorial: process( |
-- inputs |
udp_rx_start_int, udp_tx_data_out_ready_int, udp_tx_int.data.data_out_valid, PBTX, reset_leds, |
udp_rx_start_int, udp_tx_data_out_ready_int, udp_tx_int.data.data_out_valid, |
udp_rx_int, PBTX, reset_leds, |
-- state |
state, count, tx_hdr, tx_start_reg, tx_started_reg, tx_fin_reg, udp_rx_start_reg, |
-- controls |
next_state, set_state, set_count, set_hdr, set_tx_start, set_last, |
set_tx_started, set_tx_fin, set_udp_rx_start_reg |
set_tx_started, set_tx_fin, set_udp_rx_start_reg, first_byte_rx |
) |
begin |
-- set output_followers |
199,6 → 201,7
set_tx_started <= HOLD; |
set_tx_fin <= HOLD; |
set_udp_rx_start_reg <= HOLD; |
first_byte_rx <= (others => '0'); |
-- FSM |
case state is |
207,6 → 210,11
udp_tx_int.data.data_out <= (others => '0'); |
udp_tx_int.data.data_out_valid <= '0'; |
if udp_rx_start_int = '1' or PBTX = '1' then |
if udp_rx_start_int = '1' then |
first_byte_rx <= udp_rx_int.data.data_in; |
else |
first_byte_rx <= x"00"; |
end if; |
set_udp_rx_start_reg <= SET; |
set_tx_started <= SET; |
set_hdr <= '1'; |
278,7 → 286,12
-- set tx hdr |
if set_hdr = '1' then |
tx_hdr.dst_ip_addr <= udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr; |
-- if the first byte of the rx pkt is 'B' then send to broadcast, otherwise send to reply IP |
if first_byte_rx = x"42" then |
tx_hdr.dst_ip_addr <= IP_BC_ADDR; |
else |
tx_hdr.dst_ip_addr <= udp_rx_int.hdr.src_ip_addr; |
end if; |
tx_hdr.dst_port <= udp_rx_int.hdr.src_port; |
tx_hdr.src_port <= udp_rx_int.hdr.dst_port; |
tx_hdr.data_length <= x"0004"; |
9,6 → 9,9
package ipv4_types is |
constant IP_BC_ADDR : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0) := x"ffffffff"; |
constant MAC_BC_ADDR : std_logic_vector (47 downto 0) := x"ffffffffffff"; |
-------------- |
-- IPv4 TX -- |
-------------- |
48,6 → 51,7
src_ip_addr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); |
num_frame_errors : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); |
last_error_code : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); -- see RX_EC_xxx constants |
is_broadcast : std_logic; -- set if the msg received is a broadcast |
end record; |
type ipv4_rx_type is record |
19,6 → 19,7
-- Revision: |
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created |
-- Revision 0.02 - Improved error handling |
-- Revision 0.03 - Added handling of broadcast address |
-- Additional Comments: |
-- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
60,6 → 61,8
signal rx_state : rx_state_type; |
signal rx_count : unsigned (15 downto 0); |
signal src_ip : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); -- src IP captured from input |
signal dst_ip : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0); -- 1st 3 bytes of dst IP captured from input |
signal is_broadcast_reg : std_logic; |
signal protocol : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- src protocol captured from input |
signal data_len : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); -- src data length captured from input |
signal ip_rx_start_reg : std_logic; -- indicates start of user data |
66,7 → 69,7
signal hdr_valid_reg : std_logic; -- indicates that hdr data is valid |
signal frame_err_cnt : unsigned (7 downto 0); -- number of frame errors |
signal error_code_reg : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); |
signal rx_pkt_counter : unsigned (7 downto 0); -- number of rx frames received for us |
signal rx_pkt_counter : unsigned (7 downto 0); -- number of rx frames received for us |
-- rx control signals |
signal next_rx_state : rx_state_type; |
73,6 → 76,9
signal set_rx_state : std_logic; |
signal rx_event : rx_event_type; |
signal rx_count_mode : settable_count_mode_type; |
signal set_dst_ip3 : std_logic; |
signal set_dst_ip2 : std_logic; |
signal set_dst_ip1 : std_logic; |
signal set_ip3 : std_logic; |
signal set_ip2 : std_logic; |
signal set_ip1 : std_logic; |
89,6 → 95,8
signal error_code_val : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); |
signal set_pkt_cnt : count_mode_type; |
signal set_data_last : std_logic; |
signal dst_ip_rx : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); |
signal set_is_broadcast : set_clr_type; |
-- IP datagram header format |
132,12 → 140,14
-- input signals |
mac_data_in, mac_data_in_valid, mac_data_in_last, our_ip_address, |
-- state variables |
rx_state, rx_count, src_ip, protocol, data_len, ip_rx_start_reg, hdr_valid_reg, frame_err_cnt, error_code_reg, rx_pkt_counter, |
rx_state, rx_count, src_ip, dst_ip, protocol, data_len, ip_rx_start_reg, hdr_valid_reg, |
frame_err_cnt, error_code_reg, rx_pkt_counter, is_broadcast_reg, |
-- control signals |
next_rx_state, set_rx_state, rx_event, rx_count_mode, |
set_ip3, set_ip2, set_ip1, set_ip0, set_protocol, set_len_H, set_len_L, |
set_dst_ip3, set_dst_ip2, set_dst_ip1, |
set_ip_rx_start, set_hdr_valid, set_frame_err_cnt, dataval, rx_count_val, |
set_error_code, error_code_val, set_pkt_cnt, set_data_last |
set_error_code, error_code_val, set_pkt_cnt, set_data_last, dst_ip_rx, set_is_broadcast |
) |
begin |
-- set output followers |
148,6 → 158,7
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr <= src_ip; |
ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors <= std_logic_vector(frame_err_cnt); |
ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code <= error_code_reg; |
ip_rx.hdr.is_broadcast <= is_broadcast_reg; |
rx_pkt_count <= STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(rx_pkt_counter); |
-- transfer data upstream if in user data phase |
170,6 → 181,9
set_ip2 <= '0'; |
set_ip1 <= '0'; |
set_ip0 <= '0'; |
set_dst_ip3 <= '0'; |
set_dst_ip2 <= '0'; |
set_dst_ip1 <= '0'; |
set_protocol <= '0'; |
set_len_H <= '0'; |
set_len_L <= '0'; |
182,6 → 196,8
set_pkt_cnt <= HOLD; |
dataval <= (others => '0'); |
set_data_last <= '0'; |
dst_ip_rx <= (others => '0'); |
set_is_broadcast <= HOLD; |
-- determine event (if any) |
if mac_data_in_valid = '1' then |
289,37 → 305,32
when x"000c" => set_ip3 <= '1'; |
when x"000d" => set_ip2 <= '1'; |
when x"000e" => set_ip1 <= '1'; |
when x"000f" => set_ip0 <= '1'; set_hdr_valid <= SET; -- header values are now valid, although the pkt may not be for us |
when x"000f" => set_ip0 <= '1'; |
when x"0010" => |
if mac_data_in /= our_ip_address(31 downto 24) then -- ignore pkts that are not addressed to us |
next_rx_state <= WAIT_END; |
set_rx_state <= '1'; |
end if; |
when x"0011" => |
if mac_data_in /= our_ip_address(23 downto 16) then -- ignore pkts that are not addressed to us |
next_rx_state <= WAIT_END; |
set_rx_state <= '1'; |
end if; |
when x"0012" => |
if mac_data_in /= our_ip_address(15 downto 8) then -- ignore pkts that are not addressed to us |
next_rx_state <= WAIT_END; |
set_rx_state <= '1'; |
end if; |
when x"0010" => set_dst_ip3 <= '1'; |
when x"0011" => set_dst_ip2 <= '1'; |
when x"0012" => set_dst_ip1 <= '1'; |
when x"0013" => |
if mac_data_in /= our_ip_address(7 downto 0) then -- ignore pkts that are not addressed to us |
next_rx_state <= WAIT_END; |
set_rx_state <= '1'; |
-- now have the dst IP addr |
dst_ip_rx <= dst_ip & mac_data_in; |
if dst_ip_rx = IP_BC_ADDR then |
set_is_broadcast <= SET; |
else |
set_is_broadcast <= CLR; |
end if; |
set_hdr_valid <= SET; -- header values are now valid, although the pkt may not be for us |
if dst_ip_rx = our_ip_address or dst_ip_rx = IP_BC_ADDR then |
next_rx_state <= USER_DATA; |
set_pkt_cnt <= INCR; -- count another pkt |
set_pkt_cnt <= INCR; -- count another pkt received |
set_rx_state <= '1'; |
set_ip_rx_start <= SET; |
else |
next_rx_state <= WAIT_END; |
set_rx_state <= '1'; |
end if; |
when others => -- ignore other bytes in ip header |
end case; |
end if; |
397,10 → 408,12
rx_state <= IDLE; |
rx_count <= x"0000"; |
src_ip <= (others => '0'); |
dst_ip <= (others => '0'); |
protocol <= (others => '0'); |
data_len <= (others => '0'); |
ip_rx_start_reg <= '0'; |
hdr_valid_reg <= '0'; |
is_broadcast_reg <= '0'; |
frame_err_cnt <= (others => '0'); |
error_code_reg <= RX_EC_NONE; |
rx_pkt_counter <= x"00"; |
441,6 → 454,11
if (set_ip1 = '1') then src_ip(15 downto 8) <= dataval; end if; |
if (set_ip0 = '1') then src_ip(7 downto 0) <= dataval; end if; |
-- dst ip capture |
if (set_dst_ip3 = '1') then dst_ip(23 downto 16) <= dataval; end if; |
if (set_dst_ip2 = '1') then dst_ip(15 downto 8) <= dataval; end if; |
if (set_dst_ip1 = '1') then dst_ip(7 downto 0) <= dataval; end if; |
if (set_protocol = '1') then |
protocol <= dataval; |
else |
462,6 → 480,12
when CLR => ip_rx_start_reg <= '0'; |
when HOLD => ip_rx_start_reg <= ip_rx_start_reg; |
end case; |
case set_is_broadcast is |
when SET => is_broadcast_reg <= '1'; |
when CLR => is_broadcast_reg <= '0'; |
when HOLD => is_broadcast_reg <= is_broadcast_reg; |
end case; |
case set_hdr_valid is |
when SET => hdr_valid_reg <= '1'; |
19,6 → 19,7
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created |
-- Revision 0.02 - fixed up setting of tx_result control defaults |
-- Revision 0.03 - Added data_out_first |
-- Revision 0.04 - Added handling of broadcast address |
-- Additional Comments: |
-- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
75,7 → 76,7
-- Configuration |
constant IP_TTL : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := x"80"; |
constant IP_TTL : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := x"80"; |
-- TX state variables |
signal tx_state : tx_state_type; |
94,6 → 95,7
signal set_tx_state : std_logic; |
signal next_tx_result : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); |
signal set_tx_result : std_logic; |
signal tx_mac_value : std_logic_vector (47 downto 0); |
signal set_tx_mac : std_logic; |
signal tx_count_val : unsigned (11 downto 0); |
signal tx_count_mode : settable_cnt_type; |
163,7 → 165,7
tx_state, tx_count, tx_result_reg, tx_mac, tx_mac_chn_reqd, |
mac_lookup_req, tx_hdr_cks, arp_req_ip_reg, mac_data_out_ready_reg, |
-- control signals |
next_tx_state, set_tx_state, next_tx_result, set_tx_result, set_tx_mac, tx_count_mode, |
next_tx_state, set_tx_state, next_tx_result, set_tx_result, tx_mac_value, set_tx_mac, tx_count_mode, |
tx_data, set_last, set_chn_reqd, set_mac_lku_req, total_length, |
tx_data_valid, tx_count_val |
) |
208,6 → 210,7
next_tx_result <= IPTX_RESULT_NONE; |
set_tx_result <= '0'; |
tx_count_val <= (others => '0'); |
tx_mac_value <= (others => '0'); |
-- set temp signals |
total_length <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ip_tx.hdr.data_length) + 20); -- total length = user data length + header length (bytes) |
224,14 → 227,23
next_tx_result <= IPTX_RESULT_ERR; |
set_tx_result <= '1'; |
else |
next_tx_result <= IPTX_RESULT_SENDING; |
set_tx_result <= '1'; |
-- TODO - check if we already have the mac addr for this ip, if so, bypass the WAIT_MAC state |
-- req the mac address for this ip |
set_mac_lku_req <= SET; |
next_tx_result <= IPTX_RESULT_SENDING; |
set_tx_result <= '1'; |
next_tx_state <= WAIT_MAC; |
set_tx_state <= '1'; |
if ip_tx.hdr.dst_ip_addr = IP_BC_ADDR then |
-- for IP broadcast, dont need to look up the MAC addr |
tx_mac_value <= MAC_BC_ADDR; |
set_tx_mac <= '1'; |
next_tx_state <= WAIT_CHN; |
set_tx_state <= '1'; |
else |
-- need to req the mac address for this ip |
set_mac_lku_req <= SET; |
next_tx_state <= WAIT_MAC; |
set_tx_state <= '1'; |
end if; |
end if; |
else |
set_mac_lku_req <= CLR; |
241,6 → 253,7
ip_tx_data_out_ready <= '0'; -- in this state, we are unable to accept user data for tx |
if arp_req_rslt.got_mac = '1' then |
-- save the MAC we got back from the ARP lookup |
tx_mac_value <= arp_req_rslt.mac; |
set_tx_mac <= '1'; |
set_chn_reqd <= SET; |
set_mac_lku_req <= CLR; |
425,7 → 438,7
-- save MAC |
if set_tx_mac = '1' then |
tx_mac <= arp_req_rslt.mac; |
tx_mac <= tx_mac_value; |
else |
tx_mac <= tx_mac; |
end if; |