Subversion Repositories versatile_library
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 17 to Rev 18
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 17 → Rev 18
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_bin_ce_clear,binary,,,, |
vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear,binary,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
1,0,1,0,, |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1,LFSR,,,, |
vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,1,, |
328,7 → 328,7
endcase |
dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
`endif |
342,8 → 342,8
assign async_empty = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_empty); |
assign async_full = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_full); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
/* |
always @ (posedge wclk or posedge rst or posedge async_full) |
359,8 → 359,8
{fifo_empty, fifo_empty2} <= 2'b11; |
else |
{fifo_empty,fifo_empty2} <= {fifo_empty2,async_empty}; */ |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
endmodule // async_comp |
392,11 → 392,11
q, rd, fifo_empty, rd_clk, rd_rst |
); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_wr_adr( .cke(wr), .q(wadr), .q_bin(wadr_bin), .rst(wr_rst), .clk(wr_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_rd_adr( .cke(wr), .q(radr), .q_bin(radr_bin), .rst(rd_rst), .clk(rd_rst)); |
498,19 → 498,19
// dpram |
wire [addr_width:0] a_dpram_adr, b_dpram_adr; |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_wr_adr( .cke(a_wr), .q(a_wadr), .q_bin(a_wadr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_rd_adr( .cke(a_rd), .q(a_radr), .q_bin(a_radr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_wr_adr( .cke(b_wr), .q(b_wadr), .q_bin(b_wadr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_rd_adr( .cke(b_rd), .q(b_radr), .q_bin(b_radr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr_ce_zq,LFSR,,,, |
vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_zq,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
90,7 → 90,7
module vl_sync_rst ( rst_n_i, rst_o, clk); |
input rst_n_i, clk; |
output rst_o; |
reg [0:1] tmp; |
reg [1:0] tmp; |
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n_i) |
if (!rst_n_i) |
tmp <= 2'b11; |
285,7 → 285,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
302,7 → 302,7
endmodule |
module dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter depth = 2; |
327,7 → 327,7
endmodule |
module dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
345,7 → 345,7
endmodule |
module dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
405,7 → 405,7
// synopsys translate_off |
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps |
// synopsys translate_on |
module dff_sr ( |
module vl_dff_sr ( |
aclr, |
aset, |
clock, |
490,7 → 490,7
`else |
module dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
module vl_dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
input aclr; |
input aset; |
513,7 → 513,7
// LATCH |
// For targtes not supporting LATCH use dff_sr with clk=1 and data=1 |
`ifdef ALTERA |
module latch ( d, le, q, clk); |
module vl_latch ( d, le, q, clk); |
input d, le; |
output q; |
input clk; |
532,7 → 532,7
endmodule |
`endif |
module shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
548,7 → 548,7
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d, ce; |
output q; |
565,7 → 565,7
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
581,7 → 581,7
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q, emptyflag; |
599,6 → 599,116
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Logic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Logic functions such as multiplexers //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module vl_mux4_andor ( a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 4; |
input [width-1:0] a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mux5_andor ( a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 5; |
input [width-1:0] a4, a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
assign tmp[4] = {width{sel[4]}} & a4; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[4] | tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mux6_andor ( a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 6; |
input [width-1:0] a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
assign tmp[4] = {width{sel[4]}} & a4; |
assign tmp[5] = {width{sel[5]}} & a5; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[5] | tmp[4] | tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Versatile counter //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
640,7 → 750,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
710,7 → 820,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_clear ( clear, cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear ( clear, cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input clear; |
781,7 → 891,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew ( clear, set, cke, rew, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew ( clear, set, cke, rew, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input clear; |
856,7 → 966,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
938,7 → 1048,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_zq ( zq, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_zq ( zq, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg zq; |
1057,7 → 1167,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_ce_zq ( cke, zq, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_zq ( cke, zq, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
1179,7 → 1289,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
1353,7 → 1463,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
1425,7 → 1535,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
1500,7 → 1610,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray_ce_bin ( cke, q, q_bin, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin ( cke, q, q_bin, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
1577,7 → 1687,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1592,7 → 1702,7
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
1609,7 → 1719,7
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
1629,7 → 1739,7
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
1978,7 → 2088,7
endcase |
dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
`endif |
1992,8 → 2102,8
assign async_empty = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_empty); |
assign async_full = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_full); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
/* |
always @ (posedge wclk or posedge rst or posedge async_full) |
2009,8 → 2119,8
{fifo_empty, fifo_empty2} <= 2'b11; |
else |
{fifo_empty,fifo_empty2} <= {fifo_empty2,async_empty}; */ |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
endmodule // async_comp |
2042,11 → 2152,11
q, rd, fifo_empty, rd_clk, rd_rst |
); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_wr_adr( .cke(wr), .q(wadr), .q_bin(wadr_bin), .rst(wr_rst), .clk(wr_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_rd_adr( .cke(wr), .q(radr), .q_bin(radr_bin), .rst(rd_rst), .clk(rd_rst)); |
2148,19 → 2258,19
// dpram |
wire [addr_width:0] a_dpram_adr, b_dpram_adr; |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_wr_adr( .cke(a_wr), .q(a_wadr), .q_bin(a_wadr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_rd_adr( .cke(a_rd), .q(a_radr), .q_bin(a_radr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_wr_adr( .cke(b_wr), .q(b_wadr), .q_bin(b_wadr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_rd_adr( .cke(b_rd), .q(b_radr), .q_bin(b_radr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
2226,7 → 2336,7
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge |
`timescale 1ns/1ns |
module wb3wb3_bridge ( |
module vl_wb3wb3_bridge ( |
// wishbone slave side |
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wbs_clk, wbs_rst, |
// wishbone master side |
2302,7 → 2412,7
else if (wbs_eoc_alert & (a_rd | a_wr)) |
wbs_eoc <= 1'b1; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt0 ( |
.cke(wbs_ack_o), |
.clear(wbs_eoc), |
2369,12 → 2479,12
1'b0; |
assign b_rd = b_rd_adr | b_rd_data; |
dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
assign {wbm_dat_o,wbm_sel_o} = (b_rd_data_reg) ? b_q : temp; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt1 ( |
.cke(wbm_ack_i), |
.clear(wbm_eoc), |
2424,39 → 2534,50
endmodule |
// WB ROM |
module wb_boot_rom ( |
module vl_wb_boot_rom ( |
wb_adr_i, wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i, |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, hit_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
parameter adr_hi = 31; |
parameter adr_lo = 28; |
parameter adr_sel = 4'hf; |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
`ifndef BOOT_ROM |
`define BOOT_ROM "boot_rom.v" |
`endif |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
input [(addr_width+2)-1:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output reg wb_ack_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
input [adr_hi:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output wb_ack_o; |
output hit_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
wire hit; |
reg [31:0] wb_dat; |
reg wb_ack; |
assign hit = wb_adr_i[adr_hi:adr_lo] == adr_sel; |
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
else |
case (wb_adr_i) |
case (wb_adr_i[addr_width-1:2]) |
`include `BOOT_ROM |
/* |
// Zero r0 and jump to 0x00000100 |
0 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
0 : wb_dat <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
*/ |
default: |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h00000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h00000000; |
endcase // case (wb_adr_i) |
2463,8 → 2584,223
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; |
wb_ack <= 1'b0; |
else |
wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & !wb_ack_o; |
wb_ack <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & hit & !wb_ack; |
assign hit_o = hit; |
assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat & {32{wb_ack}}; |
assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack; |
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Arithmetic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Arithmetic functions for ALU and DSP //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// signed multiplication |
module vl_mults (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_lo] p; |
wire signed [operand_a_width-1:0] ai; |
wire signed [operand_b_width-1:0] bi; |
wire signed [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign ai = a; |
assign bi = b; |
assign result = ai * bi; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mults18x18 (a,b,p); |
input [17:0] a,b; |
output [35:0] p; |
vl_mult |
# (.operand_a_width(18), .operand_b_width(18)) |
mult0 (.a(a), .b(b), .p(p)); |
endmodule |
// unsigned multiplication |
module vl_mult (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_hi] p; |
wire [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign result = a * b; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
// shift unit |
// supporting the following shift functions |
// SLL |
// SRL |
// SRA |
`define SHIFT_UNIT_MULT # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) |
module vl_shift_unit_32( din, s, dout, opcode); |
input [31:0] din; // data in operand |
input [4:0] s; // shift operand |
input [1:0] opcode; |
output [31:0] dout; |
parameter opcode_sll = 2'b00; |
//parameter opcode_srl = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_sra = 2'b10; |
//parameter opcode_ror = 2'b11; |
wire sll, sra; |
assign sll = opcode == opcode_sll; |
assign sra = opcode == opcode_sra; |
wire [15:1] s1; |
wire [3:0] sign; |
wire [7:0] tmp [0:3]; |
// first stage is multiplier based |
// shift operand as fractional 8.7 |
assign s1[15] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign s1[14] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[13] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[12] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[11] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[10] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 9] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 8] = s[2:0]==3'd0; |
assign s1[ 7] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 6] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 5] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[ 4] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[ 3] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[ 2] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[ 1] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign sign[3] = din[31] & sra; |
assign sign[2] = sign[3] & (&din[31:24]); |
assign sign[1] = sign[2] & (&din[23:16]); |
assign sign[0] = sign[1] & (&din[15:8]); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte3 ( .a({sign[3], {8{sign[3]}},din[31:24], din[23:16]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[3])); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte2 ( .a({sign[2], din[31:24] ,din[23:16], din[15:8]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[2])); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte1 ( .a({sign[1], din[23:16] ,din[15:8], din[7:0]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[1])); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte0 ( .a({sign[0], din[15:8] ,din[7:0], 8'h00}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[0])); |
// second stage is multiplexer based |
// shift on byte level |
// mux byte 3 |
assign dout[31:24] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[3] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? tmp[0] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 2 |
assign dout[23:16] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 1 |
assign dout[15:8] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 0 |
assign dout[7:0] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll) ? {8{1'b0}}: |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[2] : |
tmp[3]; |
endmodule |
// logic unit |
// supporting the following logic functions |
// a and b |
// a or b |
// a xor b |
// not b |
module vl_logic_unit( a, b, result, opcode); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_and = 2'b00; |
parameter opcode_or = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_xor = 2'b10; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
input [1:0] opcode; |
assign result = (opcode==opcode_and) ? a & b : |
(opcode==opcode_or) ? a | b : |
(opcode==opcode_xor) ? a ^ b : |
b; |
endmodule |
module vl_arith_unit ( a, b, c_in, add_sub, sign, result, c_out, z, ovfl); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_add = 1'b0; |
parameter opcode_sub = 1'b1; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
input c_in, add_sub, sign; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
output c_out, z, ovfl; |
assign {c_out,result} = {(a[width-1] & sign),a} + ({a[width-1] & sign,b} ^ {(width+1){(add_sub==opcode_sub)}}) + {{(width-1){1'b0}},(c_in | (add_sub==opcode_sub))}; |
assign z = (result=={width{1'b0}}); |
assign ovfl = ( a[width-1] & b[width-1] & ~result[width-1]) | |
(~a[width-1] & ~b[width-1] & result[width-1]); |
endmodule |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1,binary,,,, |
vl_cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1,binary,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,1,, |
70,7 → 70,7
module vl_sync_rst ( rst_n_i, rst_o, clk); |
input rst_n_i, clk; |
output rst_o; |
reg [0:1] tmp; |
reg [1:0] tmp; |
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n_i) |
if (!rst_n_i) |
tmp <= 2'b11; |
207,7 → 207,7
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
219,7 → 219,7
else |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
module dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter depth = 2; |
parameter reset_value = 1'b0; |
239,7 → 239,7
end |
assign q = q_tmp[depth-1]; |
endmodule |
module dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
252,7 → 252,7
if (ce) |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
module dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
268,7 → 268,7
else |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
module dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
module vl_dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
input aclr; |
input aset; |
input clock; |
294,7 → 294,7
else |
direction <= going_full;*/ |
endmodule |
module shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
307,7 → 307,7
dffs <= {d,dffs[1:depth-1]}; |
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d, ce; |
output q; |
321,7 → 321,7
dffs <= {d,dffs[1:depth-1]}; |
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
334,7 → 334,7
dffs <= {d,dffs[1:depth-1]}; |
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q, emptyflag; |
350,6 → 350,98
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Logic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Logic functions such as multiplexers //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module vl_mux4_andor ( a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 4; |
input [width-1:0] a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mux5_andor ( a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 5; |
input [width-1:0] a4, a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
assign tmp[4] = {width{sel[4]}} & a4; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[4] | tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mux6_andor ( a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 6; |
input [width-1:0] a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
assign tmp[4] = {width{sel[4]}} & a4; |
assign tmp[5] = {width{sel[5]}} & a5; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[5] | tmp[4] | tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Versatile counter //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
390,7 → 482,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output [length:1] q; |
453,7 → 545,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_clear ( clear, cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear ( clear, cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input clear; |
input cke; |
517,7 → 609,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew ( clear, set, cke, rew, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew ( clear, set, cke, rew, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input clear; |
input set; |
585,7 → 677,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
input rew; |
659,7 → 751,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_zq ( zq, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_zq ( zq, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg zq; |
input rst; |
769,7 → 861,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_ce_zq ( cke, zq, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_zq ( cke, zq, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg zq; |
882,7 → 974,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
input rew; |
1047,7 → 1139,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
input rst; |
1112,7 → 1204,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
1180,7 → 1272,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray_ce_bin ( cke, q, q_bin, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin ( cke, q, q_bin, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
1249,7 → 1341,7
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
input rst; |
1260,7 → 1352,7
else |
q <= {q[length-1],q[0:length-2]}; |
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1273,7 → 1365,7
if (cke) |
q <= {q[length-1],q[0:length-2]}; |
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1289,7 → 1381,7
else |
q <= q >> 1; |
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1581,11 → 1673,11
{Q1,Q4} : direction_clr <= 1'b1; |
default : direction_clr <= 1'b0; |
endcase |
dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
assign async_empty = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_empty); |
assign async_full = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_full); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
/* |
always @ (posedge wclk or posedge rst or posedge async_full) |
if (rst) |
1600,8 → 1692,8
{fifo_empty, fifo_empty2} <= 2'b11; |
else |
{fifo_empty,fifo_empty2} <= {fifo_empty2,async_empty}; */ |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
endmodule // async_comp |
module vl_fifo_1r1w_async ( |
d, wr, fifo_full, wr_clk, wr_rst, |
1626,10 → 1718,10
d, wr, fifo_full, wr_clk, wr_rst, |
q, rd, fifo_empty, rd_clk, rd_rst |
); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_wr_adr( .cke(wr), .q(wadr), .q_bin(wadr_bin), .rst(wr_rst), .clk(wr_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_rd_adr( .cke(wr), .q(radr), .q_bin(radr_bin), .rst(rd_rst), .clk(rd_rst)); |
vl_dpram_1r1w |
1715,16 → 1807,16
wire [addr_width:1] b_wadr, b_wadr_bin, b_radr, b_radr_bin; |
// dpram |
wire [addr_width:0] a_dpram_adr, b_dpram_adr; |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_wr_adr( .cke(a_wr), .q(a_wadr), .q_bin(a_wadr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_rd_adr( .cke(a_rd), .q(a_radr), .q_bin(a_radr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_wr_adr( .cke(b_wr), .q(b_wadr), .q_bin(b_wadr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_rd_adr( .cke(b_rd), .q(b_radr), .q_bin(b_radr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
// mux read or write adr to DPRAM |
1784,7 → 1876,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge |
`timescale 1ns/1ns |
module wb3wb3_bridge ( |
module vl_wb3wb3_bridge ( |
// wishbone slave side |
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wbs_clk, wbs_rst, |
// wishbone master side |
1845,7 → 1937,7
wbs_eoc <= wbs_bte_i==linear; |
else if (wbs_eoc_alert & (a_rd | a_wr)) |
wbs_eoc <= 1'b1; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt0 ( |
.cke(wbs_ack_o), |
.clear(wbs_eoc), |
1904,10 → 1996,10
(wbm==wbm_data & !b_fifo_empty & wbm_we_o & wbm_ack_i & !wbm_eoc) ? 1'b1 : |
1'b0; |
assign b_rd = b_rd_adr | b_rd_data; |
dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
assign {wbm_dat_o,wbm_sel_o} = (b_rd_data_reg) ? b_q : temp; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt1 ( |
.cke(wbm_ack_i), |
.clear(wbm_eoc), |
1952,40 → 2044,236
); |
endmodule |
// WB ROM |
module wb_boot_rom ( |
module vl_wb_boot_rom ( |
wb_adr_i, wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i, |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, hit_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
parameter adr_hi = 31; |
parameter adr_lo = 28; |
parameter adr_sel = 4'hf; |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
`ifndef BOOT_ROM |
`define BOOT_ROM "boot_rom.v" |
`endif |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
input [(addr_width+2)-1:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output reg wb_ack_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
input [adr_hi:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output wb_ack_o; |
output hit_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
wire hit; |
reg [31:0] wb_dat; |
reg wb_ack; |
assign hit = wb_adr_i[adr_hi:adr_lo] == adr_sel; |
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
else |
case (wb_adr_i) |
case (wb_adr_i[addr_width-1:2]) |
`include `BOOT_ROM |
/* |
// Zero r0 and jump to 0x00000100 |
0 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
0 : wb_dat <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
*/ |
default: |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h00000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h00000000; |
endcase // case (wb_adr_i) |
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; |
wb_ack <= 1'b0; |
else |
wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & !wb_ack_o; |
wb_ack <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & hit & !wb_ack; |
assign hit_o = hit; |
assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat & {32{wb_ack}}; |
assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack; |
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Arithmetic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Arithmetic functions for ALU and DSP //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// signed multiplication |
module vl_mults (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_lo] p; |
wire signed [operand_a_width-1:0] ai; |
wire signed [operand_b_width-1:0] bi; |
wire signed [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign ai = a; |
assign bi = b; |
assign result = ai * bi; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mults18x18 (a,b,p); |
input [17:0] a,b; |
output [35:0] p; |
vl_mult |
# (.operand_a_width(18), .operand_b_width(18)) |
mult0 (.a(a), .b(b), .p(p)); |
endmodule |
// unsigned multiplication |
module vl_mult (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_hi] p; |
wire [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign result = a * b; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
// shift unit |
// supporting the following shift functions |
// SLL |
// SRL |
// SRA |
module vl_shift_unit_32( din, s, dout, opcode); |
input [31:0] din; // data in operand |
input [4:0] s; // shift operand |
input [1:0] opcode; |
output [31:0] dout; |
parameter opcode_sll = 2'b00; |
//parameter opcode_srl = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_sra = 2'b10; |
//parameter opcode_ror = 2'b11; |
wire sll, sra; |
assign sll = opcode == opcode_sll; |
assign sra = opcode == opcode_sra; |
wire [15:1] s1; |
wire [3:0] sign; |
wire [7:0] tmp [0:3]; |
// first stage is multiplier based |
// shift operand as fractional 8.7 |
assign s1[15] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign s1[14] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[13] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[12] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[11] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[10] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 9] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 8] = s[2:0]==3'd0; |
assign s1[ 7] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 6] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 5] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[ 4] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[ 3] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[ 2] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[ 1] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign sign[3] = din[31] & sra; |
assign sign[2] = sign[3] & (&din[31:24]); |
assign sign[1] = sign[2] & (&din[23:16]); |
assign sign[0] = sign[1] & (&din[15:8]); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte3 ( .a({sign[3], {8{sign[3]}},din[31:24], din[23:16]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[3])); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte2 ( .a({sign[2], din[31:24] ,din[23:16], din[15:8]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[2])); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte1 ( .a({sign[1], din[23:16] ,din[15:8], din[7:0]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[1])); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte0 ( .a({sign[0], din[15:8] ,din[7:0], 8'h00}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[0])); |
// second stage is multiplexer based |
// shift on byte level |
// mux byte 3 |
assign dout[31:24] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[3] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? tmp[0] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 2 |
assign dout[23:16] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 1 |
assign dout[15:8] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 0 |
assign dout[7:0] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll) ? {8{1'b0}}: |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[2] : |
tmp[3]; |
endmodule |
// logic unit |
// supporting the following logic functions |
// a and b |
// a or b |
// a xor b |
// not b |
module vl_logic_unit( a, b, result, opcode); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_and = 2'b00; |
parameter opcode_or = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_xor = 2'b10; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
input [1:0] opcode; |
assign result = (opcode==opcode_and) ? a & b : |
(opcode==opcode_or) ? a | b : |
(opcode==opcode_xor) ? a ^ b : |
b; |
endmodule |
module vl_arith_unit ( a, b, c_in, add_sub, sign, result, c_out, z, ovfl); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_add = 1'b0; |
parameter opcode_sub = 1'b1; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
input c_in, add_sub, sign; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
output c_out, z, ovfl; |
assign {c_out,result} = {(a[width-1] & sign),a} + ({a[width-1] & sign,b} ^ {(width+1){(add_sub==opcode_sub)}}) + {{(width-1){1'b0}},(c_in | (add_sub==opcode_sub))}; |
assign z = (result=={width{1'b0}}); |
assign ovfl = ( a[width-1] & b[width-1] & ~result[width-1]) | |
(~a[width-1] & ~b[width-1] & result[width-1]); |
endmodule |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_gray_ce_bin,GRAY,,,, |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin,GRAY,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
0,0 → 1,14
Name,type,,,, |
vl_cnt_gray,GRAY,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,0,0,, |
,,,,, |
q,q_bin,z,zq,level1,level2 |
1,0,0,0,0,0 |
,,,,, |
wrap,wrap_around,,,, |
0,1,,,, |
,,,,, |
length,clear_value,set_value,wrap_value,level1,level2 |
4,0,1,8,15, |
90,7 → 90,7
module vl_sync_rst ( rst_n_i, rst_o, clk); |
input rst_n_i, clk; |
output rst_o; |
reg [0:1] tmp; |
reg [1:0] tmp; |
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n_i) |
if (!rst_n_i) |
tmp <= 2'b11; |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr,LFSR,,,, |
vl_cnt_lfsr,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,0,0,, |
40,7 → 40,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
55,7 → 55,7
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
72,7 → 72,7
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
92,7 → 92,7
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_gray_ce,GRAY,,,, |
vl_cnt_gray_ce,GRAY,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr_ce,LFSR,,,, |
vl_cnt_lfsr_ce,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
40,7 → 40,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
57,7 → 57,7
endmodule |
module dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter depth = 2; |
82,7 → 82,7
endmodule |
module dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
100,7 → 100,7
endmodule |
module dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
160,7 → 160,7
// synopsys translate_off |
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps |
// synopsys translate_on |
module dff_sr ( |
module vl_dff_sr ( |
aclr, |
aset, |
clock, |
245,7 → 245,7
`else |
module dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
module vl_dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
input aclr; |
input aset; |
268,7 → 268,7
// LATCH |
// For targtes not supporting LATCH use dff_sr with clk=1 and data=1 |
`ifdef ALTERA |
module latch ( d, le, q, clk); |
module vl_latch ( d, le, q, clk); |
input d, le; |
output q; |
input clk; |
287,7 → 287,7
endmodule |
`endif |
module shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
303,7 → 303,7
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d, ce; |
output q; |
320,7 → 320,7
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
336,7 → 336,7
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q, emptyflag; |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew,binary,,,, |
vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew,binary,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
1,1,1,1,, |
0,0 → 1,211
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Arithmetic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Arithmetic functions for ALU and DSP //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// signed multiplication |
module vl_mults (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_lo] p; |
wire signed [operand_a_width-1:0] ai; |
wire signed [operand_b_width-1:0] bi; |
wire signed [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign ai = a; |
assign bi = b; |
assign result = ai * bi; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mults18x18 (a,b,p); |
input [17:0] a,b; |
output [35:0] p; |
vl_mult |
# (.operand_a_width(18), .operand_b_width(18)) |
mult0 (.a(a), .b(b), .p(p)); |
endmodule |
// unsigned multiplication |
module vl_mult (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_hi] p; |
wire [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign result = a * b; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
// shift unit |
// supporting the following shift functions |
// SLL |
// SRL |
// SRA |
`define SHIFT_UNIT_MULT # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) |
module vl_shift_unit_32( din, s, dout, opcode); |
input [31:0] din; // data in operand |
input [4:0] s; // shift operand |
input [1:0] opcode; |
output [31:0] dout; |
parameter opcode_sll = 2'b00; |
//parameter opcode_srl = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_sra = 2'b10; |
//parameter opcode_ror = 2'b11; |
wire sll, sra; |
assign sll = opcode == opcode_sll; |
assign sra = opcode == opcode_sra; |
wire [15:1] s1; |
wire [3:0] sign; |
wire [7:0] tmp [0:3]; |
// first stage is multiplier based |
// shift operand as fractional 8.7 |
assign s1[15] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign s1[14] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[13] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[12] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[11] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[10] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 9] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 8] = s[2:0]==3'd0; |
assign s1[ 7] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 6] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 5] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[ 4] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[ 3] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[ 2] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[ 1] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign sign[3] = din[31] & sra; |
assign sign[2] = sign[3] & (&din[31:24]); |
assign sign[1] = sign[2] & (&din[23:16]); |
assign sign[0] = sign[1] & (&din[15:8]); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte3 ( .a({sign[3], {8{sign[3]}},din[31:24], din[23:16]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[3])); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte2 ( .a({sign[2], din[31:24] ,din[23:16], din[15:8]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[2])); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte1 ( .a({sign[1], din[23:16] ,din[15:8], din[7:0]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[1])); |
vl_mults `SHIFT_UNIT_MULT mult_byte0 ( .a({sign[0], din[15:8] ,din[7:0], 8'h00}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[0])); |
// second stage is multiplexer based |
// shift on byte level |
// mux byte 3 |
assign dout[31:24] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[3] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? tmp[0] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 2 |
assign dout[23:16] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 1 |
assign dout[15:8] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 0 |
assign dout[7:0] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll) ? {8{1'b0}}: |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[2] : |
tmp[3]; |
endmodule |
// logic unit |
// supporting the following logic functions |
// a and b |
// a or b |
// a xor b |
// not b |
module vl_logic_unit( a, b, result, opcode); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_and = 2'b00; |
parameter opcode_or = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_xor = 2'b10; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
input [1:0] opcode; |
assign result = (opcode==opcode_and) ? a & b : |
(opcode==opcode_or) ? a | b : |
(opcode==opcode_xor) ? a ^ b : |
b; |
endmodule |
module vl_arith_unit ( a, b, c_in, add_sub, sign, result, c_out, z, ovfl); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_add = 1'b0; |
parameter opcode_sub = 1'b1; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
input c_in, add_sub, sign; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
output c_out, z, ovfl; |
assign {c_out,result} = {(a[width-1] & sign),a} + ({a[width-1] & sign,b} ^ {(width+1){(add_sub==opcode_sub)}}) + {{(width-1){1'b0}},(c_in | (add_sub==opcode_sub))}; |
assign z = (result=={width{1'b0}}); |
assign ovfl = ( a[width-1] & b[width-1] & ~result[width-1]) | |
(~a[width-1] & ~b[width-1] & result[width-1]); |
endmodule |
42,7 → 42,7
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge |
`timescale 1ns/1ns |
module wb3wb3_bridge ( |
module vl_wb3wb3_bridge ( |
// wishbone slave side |
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wbs_clk, wbs_rst, |
// wishbone master side |
118,7 → 118,7
else if (wbs_eoc_alert & (a_rd | a_wr)) |
wbs_eoc <= 1'b1; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt0 ( |
.cke(wbs_ack_o), |
.clear(wbs_eoc), |
185,12 → 185,12
1'b0; |
assign b_rd = b_rd_adr | b_rd_data; |
dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
assign {wbm_dat_o,wbm_sel_o} = (b_rd_data_reg) ? b_q : temp; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt1 ( |
.cke(wbm_ack_i), |
.clear(wbm_eoc), |
240,39 → 240,50
endmodule |
// WB ROM |
module wb_boot_rom ( |
module vl_wb_boot_rom ( |
wb_adr_i, wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i, |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, hit_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
parameter adr_hi = 31; |
parameter adr_lo = 28; |
parameter adr_sel = 4'hf; |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
//E2_ifndef BOOT_ROM |
//E2_define BOOT_ROM "boot_rom.v" |
//E2_endif |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
input [(addr_width+2)-1:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output reg wb_ack_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
input [adr_hi:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output wb_ack_o; |
output hit_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
wire hit; |
reg [31:0] wb_dat; |
reg wb_ack; |
assign hit = wb_adr_i[adr_hi:adr_lo] == adr_sel; |
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
else |
case (wb_adr_i) |
case (wb_adr_i[addr_width-1:2]) |
//E2_include `BOOT_ROM |
/* |
// Zero r0 and jump to 0x00000100 |
0 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
0 : wb_dat <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
*/ |
default: |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h00000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h00000000; |
endcase // case (wb_adr_i) |
279,8 → 290,12
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; |
wb_ack <= 1'b0; |
else |
wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & !wb_ack_o; |
wb_ack <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & hit & !wb_ack; |
assign hit_o = hit; |
assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat & {32{wb_ack}}; |
assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack; |
endmodule |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_bin_ce,binary,,,, |
vl_cnt_bin_ce,binary,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
1,21 → 1,23
VERILOG_FILES = clk_and_reset.v |
VERILOG_FILES += registers.v |
VERILOG_FILES += logic.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT = cnt_bin_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_bin_ce_clear.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_lfsr_zq.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_lfsr_ce_zq.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_gray.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_gray_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_gray_ce_bin.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT = vl_cnt_bin_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_lfsr_zq.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_zq.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_gray.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_gray_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin.v |
VERILOG_FILES += counters.v |
VERILOG_FILES += memories.v |
VERILOG_FILES += arith.v |
VERSATILE_LIBRARIES = versatile_library.v |
VERSATILE_LIBRARIES += versatile_library_actel.v |
27,15 → 29,16
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce.csv > cnt_bin_ce.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce_clear.csv > cnt_bin_ce_clear.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew.csv > cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1.csv > cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_zq.csv > cnt_lfsr_zq.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_ce_zq.csv > cnt_lfsr_ce_zq.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1.csv > cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray_ce.csv > cnt_gray_ce.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray_ce_bin.csv > cnt_gray_ce_bin.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce.csv > vl_cnt_bin_ce.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce_clear.csv > vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew.csv > vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1.csv > vl_cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_zq.csv > vl_cnt_lfsr_zq.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_ce_zq.csv > vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_zq.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1.csv > vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray.csv > vl_cnt_gray.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray_ce.csv > vl_cnt_gray_ce.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray_ce_bin.csv > vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin.v |
versatile_library.v: $(VERILOG_FILES) |
cat $(VERILOG_FILES) | sed -r -e 's/\/\/E2_([a-z]+)/`\1/' > versatile_library.v |
1,5 → 1,5
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr_zq,LFSR,,,, |
vl_cnt_lfsr_zq,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,0,0,, |
52,7 → 52,7
module vl_sync_rst ( rst_n_i, rst_o, clk); |
input rst_n_i, clk; |
output rst_o; |
reg [0:1] tmp; |
reg [1:0] tmp; |
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n_i) |
if (!rst_n_i) |
tmp <= 2'b11; |
104,7 → 104,7
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
116,7 → 116,7
else |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
module dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_array ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter depth = 2; |
parameter reset_value = 1'b0; |
136,7 → 136,7
end |
assign q = q_tmp[depth-1]; |
endmodule |
module dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
149,7 → 149,7
if (ce) |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
module dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_dff_ce_clear ( d, ce, clear, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
198,7 → 198,7
// synopsys translate_off |
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps |
// synopsys translate_on |
module dff_sr ( |
module vl_dff_sr ( |
aclr, |
aset, |
clock, |
274,13 → 274,13
// Retrieval info: LIB_FILE: lpm |
// LATCH |
// For targtes not supporting LATCH use dff_sr with clk=1 and data=1 |
module latch ( d, le, q, clk); |
module vl_latch ( d, le, q, clk); |
input d, le; |
output q; |
input clk; |
dff_sr i0 (.aclr(), .aset(), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(q)); |
endmodule |
module shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
293,7 → 293,7
dffs <= {d,dffs[1:depth-1]}; |
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_shreg_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d, ce; |
output q; |
307,7 → 307,7
dffs <= {d,dffs[1:depth-1]}; |
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q; |
320,7 → 320,7
dffs <= {d,dffs[1:depth-1]}; |
assign q = dffs[depth]; |
endmodule |
module delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
module vl_delay_emptyflag ( d, q, emptyflag, clk, rst); |
parameter depth = 10; |
input d; |
output q, emptyflag; |
336,6 → 336,98
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Logic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Logic functions such as multiplexers //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module vl_mux4_andor ( a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 4; |
input [width-1:0] a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mux5_andor ( a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 5; |
input [width-1:0] a4, a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
assign tmp[4] = {width{sel[4]}} & a4; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[4] | tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mux6_andor ( a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0, sel, dout); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter nr_of_ports = 6; |
input [width-1:0] a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0; |
input [nr_of_ports-1:0] sel; |
output reg [width-1:0] dout; |
reg [width-1:0] tmp [nr_of_ports-1:0]; |
integer i; |
// and |
assign tmp[0] = {width{sel[0]}} & a0; |
assign tmp[1] = {width{sel[1]}} & a1; |
assign tmp[2] = {width{sel[2]}} & a2; |
assign tmp[3] = {width{sel[3]}} & a3; |
assign tmp[4] = {width{sel[4]}} & a4; |
assign tmp[5] = {width{sel[5]}} & a5; |
// or |
assign dout = tmp[5] | tmp[4] | tmp[3] | tmp[2] | tmp[1] | tmp[0]; |
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Versatile counter //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
376,7 → 468,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output [length:1] q; |
439,7 → 531,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_clear ( clear, cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear ( clear, cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input clear; |
input cke; |
503,7 → 595,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew ( clear, set, cke, rew, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_clear_set_rew ( clear, set, cke, rew, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input clear; |
input set; |
571,7 → 663,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// binary counter |
module cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_bin_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
input rew; |
645,7 → 737,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_zq ( zq, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_zq ( zq, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg zq; |
input rst; |
755,7 → 847,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_ce_zq ( cke, zq, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_zq ( cke, zq, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg zq; |
868,7 → 960,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// LFSR counter |
module cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_lfsr_ce_rew_l1 ( cke, rew, level1, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
input rew; |
1033,7 → 1125,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
input rst; |
1098,7 → 1190,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray_ce ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
1166,7 → 1258,7
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// GRAY counter |
module cnt_gray_ce_bin ( cke, q, q_bin, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin ( cke, q, q_bin, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg [length:1] q; |
1235,7 → 1327,7
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_wrap ( q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
input rst; |
1246,7 → 1338,7
else |
q <= {q[length-1],q[0:length-2]}; |
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_wrap ( cke, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1259,7 → 1351,7
if (cke) |
q <= {q[length-1],q[0:length-2]}; |
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1275,7 → 1367,7
else |
q <= q >> 1; |
endmodule |
module cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
module vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear_wrap ( cke, clear, q, rst, clk); |
parameter length = 4; |
input cke, clear; |
output reg [0:length-1] q; |
1567,11 → 1659,11
{Q1,Q4} : direction_clr <= 1'b1; |
default : direction_clr <= 1'b0; |
endcase |
dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_dir( .aclr(direction_clr), .aset(direction_set), .clock(1'b1), .data(1'b1), .q(direction)); |
assign async_empty = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_empty); |
assign async_full = (wptr == rptr) && (direction==going_full); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty0( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(async_full), .q(fifo_full2)); |
vl_dff_sr dff_sr_empty1( .aclr(rst), .aset(async_full), .clock(wclk), .data(fifo_full2), .q(fifo_full)); |
/* |
always @ (posedge wclk or posedge rst or posedge async_full) |
if (rst) |
1586,8 → 1678,8
{fifo_empty, fifo_empty2} <= 2'b11; |
else |
{fifo_empty,fifo_empty2} <= {fifo_empty2,async_empty}; */ |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff0 ( .d(async_empty), .q(fifo_empty2), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
vl_dff # ( .reset_value(1'b1)) dff1 ( .d(fifo_empty2), .q(fifo_empty), .clk(rclk), .rst(async_empty)); |
endmodule // async_comp |
module vl_fifo_1r1w_async ( |
d, wr, fifo_full, wr_clk, wr_rst, |
1612,10 → 1704,10
d, wr, fifo_full, wr_clk, wr_rst, |
q, rd, fifo_empty, rd_clk, rd_rst |
); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_wr_adr( .cke(wr), .q(wadr), .q_bin(wadr_bin), .rst(wr_rst), .clk(wr_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_rd_adr( .cke(wr), .q(radr), .q_bin(radr_bin), .rst(rd_rst), .clk(rd_rst)); |
vl_dpram_1r1w |
1701,16 → 1793,16
wire [addr_width:1] b_wadr, b_wadr_bin, b_radr, b_radr_bin; |
// dpram |
wire [addr_width:0] a_dpram_adr, b_dpram_adr; |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_wr_adr( .cke(a_wr), .q(a_wadr), .q_bin(a_wadr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_a_rd_adr( .cke(a_rd), .q(a_radr), .q_bin(a_radr_bin), .rst(a_rst), .clk(a_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# ( .length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_wr_adr( .cke(b_wr), .q(b_wadr), .q_bin(b_wadr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
cnt_gray_ce_bin |
vl_cnt_gray_ce_bin |
# (.length(addr_width)) |
fifo_b_rd_adr( .cke(b_rd), .q(b_radr), .q_bin(b_radr_bin), .rst(b_rst), .clk(b_clk)); |
// mux read or write adr to DPRAM |
1770,7 → 1862,7
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge |
`timescale 1ns/1ns |
module wb3wb3_bridge ( |
module vl_wb3wb3_bridge ( |
// wishbone slave side |
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wbs_clk, wbs_rst, |
// wishbone master side |
1831,7 → 1923,7
wbs_eoc <= wbs_bte_i==linear; |
else if (wbs_eoc_alert & (a_rd | a_wr)) |
wbs_eoc <= 1'b1; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt0 ( |
.cke(wbs_ack_o), |
.clear(wbs_eoc), |
1890,10 → 1982,10
(wbm==wbm_data & !b_fifo_empty & wbm_we_o & wbm_ack_i & !wbm_eoc) ? 1'b1 : |
1'b0; |
assign b_rd = b_rd_adr | b_rd_data; |
dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff dff1 ( .d(b_rd_data), .q(b_rd_data_reg), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
vl_dff_ce # ( .width(36)) dff2 ( .d(b_q), .ce(b_rd_data_reg), .q(temp), .clk(wbm_clk), .rst(wbm_rst)); |
assign {wbm_dat_o,wbm_sel_o} = (b_rd_data_reg) ? b_q : temp; |
cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
vl_cnt_shreg_ce_clear # ( .length(16)) |
cnt1 ( |
.cke(wbm_ack_i), |
.clear(wbm_eoc), |
1938,40 → 2030,236
); |
endmodule |
// WB ROM |
module wb_boot_rom ( |
module vl_wb_boot_rom ( |
wb_adr_i, wb_stb_i, wb_cyc_i, |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
wb_dat_o, wb_ack_o, hit_o, wb_clk, wb_rst); |
parameter adr_hi = 31; |
parameter adr_lo = 28; |
parameter adr_sel = 4'hf; |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
//E2_ifndef BOOT_ROM |
//E2_define BOOT_ROM "boot_rom.v" |
//E2_endif |
parameter addr_width = 5; |
input [(addr_width+2)-1:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output reg wb_ack_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
input [adr_hi:2] wb_adr_i; |
input wb_stb_i; |
input wb_cyc_i; |
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; |
output wb_ack_o; |
output hit_o; |
input wb_clk; |
input wb_rst; |
wire hit; |
reg [31:0] wb_dat; |
reg wb_ack; |
assign hit = wb_adr_i[adr_hi:adr_lo] == adr_sel; |
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
else |
case (wb_adr_i) |
case (wb_adr_i[addr_width-1:2]) |
//E2_include `BOOT_ROM |
/* |
// Zero r0 and jump to 0x00000100 |
0 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat_o <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat_o <= 32'h15000000; |
0 : wb_dat <= 32'h18000000; |
1 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8200000; |
2 : wb_dat <= 32'hA8C00100; |
3 : wb_dat <= 32'h44003000; |
4 : wb_dat <= 32'h15000000; |
*/ |
default: |
wb_dat_o <= 32'h00000000; |
wb_dat <= 32'h00000000; |
endcase // case (wb_adr_i) |
always @ (posedge wb_clk or posedge wb_rst) |
if (wb_rst) |
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; |
wb_ack <= 1'b0; |
else |
wb_ack_o <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & !wb_ack_o; |
wb_ack <= wb_stb_i & wb_cyc_i & hit & !wb_ack; |
assign hit_o = hit; |
assign wb_dat_o = wb_dat & {32{wb_ack}}; |
assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack; |
endmodule |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Arithmetic functions //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Arithmetic functions for ALU and DSP //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// signed multiplication |
module vl_mults (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_lo] p; |
wire signed [operand_a_width-1:0] ai; |
wire signed [operand_b_width-1:0] bi; |
wire signed [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign ai = a; |
assign bi = b; |
assign result = ai * bi; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
module vl_mults18x18 (a,b,p); |
input [17:0] a,b; |
output [35:0] p; |
vl_mult |
# (.operand_a_width(18), .operand_b_width(18)) |
mult0 (.a(a), .b(b), .p(p)); |
endmodule |
// unsigned multiplication |
module vl_mult (a,b,p); |
parameter operand_a_width = 18; |
parameter operand_b_width = 18; |
parameter result_hi = 35; |
parameter result_lo = 0; |
input [operand_a_width-1:0] a; |
input [operand_b_width-1:0] b; |
output [result_hi:result_hi] p; |
wire [operand_a_width+operand_b_width-1:0] result; |
assign result = a * b; |
assign p = result[result_hi:result_lo]; |
endmodule |
// shift unit |
// supporting the following shift functions |
// SLL |
// SRL |
// SRA |
module vl_shift_unit_32( din, s, dout, opcode); |
input [31:0] din; // data in operand |
input [4:0] s; // shift operand |
input [1:0] opcode; |
output [31:0] dout; |
parameter opcode_sll = 2'b00; |
//parameter opcode_srl = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_sra = 2'b10; |
//parameter opcode_ror = 2'b11; |
wire sll, sra; |
assign sll = opcode == opcode_sll; |
assign sra = opcode == opcode_sra; |
wire [15:1] s1; |
wire [3:0] sign; |
wire [7:0] tmp [0:3]; |
// first stage is multiplier based |
// shift operand as fractional 8.7 |
assign s1[15] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign s1[14] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[13] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[12] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[11] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[10] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 9] = sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 8] = s[2:0]==3'd0; |
assign s1[ 7] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd1; |
assign s1[ 6] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd2; |
assign s1[ 5] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd3; |
assign s1[ 4] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd4; |
assign s1[ 3] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd5; |
assign s1[ 2] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd6; |
assign s1[ 1] = !sll & s[2:0]==3'd7; |
assign sign[3] = din[31] & sra; |
assign sign[2] = sign[3] & (&din[31:24]); |
assign sign[1] = sign[2] & (&din[23:16]); |
assign sign[0] = sign[1] & (&din[15:8]); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte3 ( .a({sign[3], {8{sign[3]}},din[31:24], din[23:16]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[3])); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte2 ( .a({sign[2], din[31:24] ,din[23:16], din[15:8]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[2])); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte1 ( .a({sign[1], din[23:16] ,din[15:8], din[7:0]}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[1])); |
vl_mults # ( .operand_a_width(25), .operand_b_width(16), .result_hi(14), .result_lo(7)) mult_byte0 ( .a({sign[0], din[15:8] ,din[7:0], 8'h00}), .b({1'b0,s1}), .p(tmp[0])); |
// second stage is multiplexer based |
// shift on byte level |
// mux byte 3 |
assign dout[31:24] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[3] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? tmp[0] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 2 |
assign dout[23:16] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[2] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 1 |
assign dout[15:8] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[1] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b10) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(sll & s[4:3]==2'b11) ? {8{1'b0}} : |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[2] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[3] : |
{8{sign[3]}}; |
// mux byte 0 |
assign dout[7:0] = (s[4:3]==2'b00) ? tmp[0] : |
(sll) ? {8{1'b0}}: |
(s[4:3]==2'b01) ? tmp[1] : |
(s[4:3]==2'b10) ? tmp[2] : |
tmp[3]; |
endmodule |
// logic unit |
// supporting the following logic functions |
// a and b |
// a or b |
// a xor b |
// not b |
module vl_logic_unit( a, b, result, opcode); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_and = 2'b00; |
parameter opcode_or = 2'b01; |
parameter opcode_xor = 2'b10; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
input [1:0] opcode; |
assign result = (opcode==opcode_and) ? a & b : |
(opcode==opcode_or) ? a | b : |
(opcode==opcode_xor) ? a ^ b : |
b; |
endmodule |
module vl_arith_unit ( a, b, c_in, add_sub, sign, result, c_out, z, ovfl); |
parameter width = 32; |
parameter opcode_add = 1'b0; |
parameter opcode_sub = 1'b1; |
input [width-1:0] a,b; |
input c_in, add_sub, sign; |
output [width-1:0] result; |
output c_out, z, ovfl; |
assign {c_out,result} = {(a[width-1] & sign),a} + ({a[width-1] & sign,b} ^ {(width+1){(add_sub==opcode_sub)}}) + {{(width-1){1'b0}},(c_in | (add_sub==opcode_sub))}; |
assign z = (result=={width{1'b0}}); |
assign ovfl = ( a[width-1] & b[width-1] & ~result[width-1]) | |
(~a[width-1] & ~b[width-1] & result[width-1]); |
endmodule |