Subversion Repositories versatile_library
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 2 to Rev 3
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 2 → Rev 3
0,0 → 1,14
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_gray_bin_ce,GRAY,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
,,,,, |
q,q_bin,z,zq,level1,level2 |
1,1,0,0,0,0 |
,,,,, |
wrap,wrap_around,,,, |
0,1,,,, |
,,,,, |
length,clear_value,set_value,wrap_value,level1,level2 |
4,0,1,8,15, |
0,0 → 1,14
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_gray,GRAY,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,0,0,, |
,,,,, |
q,q_bin,z,zq,level1,level2 |
1,0,0,0,0,0 |
,,,,, |
wrap,wrap_around,,,, |
0,1,,,, |
,,,,, |
length,clear_value,set_value,wrap_value,level1,level2 |
4,0,1,8,15, |
0,0 → 1,224
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Versatile library, clock and reset //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Logic related to clock and reset //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - add more different registers //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
`define EXPAND_TO_IFDEF `ifdef |
`define EXPAND_TO_ELSE `else |
`define EXPAND_TO_ENDIF `endif |
// Global buffer |
// usage: |
// use to enable global buffers for high fan out signal such as clock and reset |
`ifdef ACTEL |
`timescale 1 ns/100 ps |
// Version: 8.4 |
module gbuf(GL,CLK); |
output GL; |
input CLK; |
wire GND; |
GND GND_1_net(.Y(GND)); |
.DLYGL2(GND), .DLYGL3(GND), .DLYGL4(GND)) /* synthesis black_box */; |
endmodule |
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns |
module vl_gbuf ( i, o); |
input i; |
output o; |
gbuf gbuf_i0 ( .CLK(i), .GL(o)); |
endmodule |
`else |
`ifdef ALTERA |
altera |
`else |
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns |
module vl_gbuf ( i, o); |
input i; |
output o; |
assign o = i; |
endmodule |
`endif // ALTERA |
`endif //ACTEL |
// sync reset |
// input active lo async reset, normally from external reset generetaor and/or switch |
// output active high global reset sync with two DFFs |
`timescale 1 ns/1 ns |
module vl_sync_rst ( rst_n_i, rst_o, clk); |
input rst_n_i, clk; |
output rst_o; |
reg [0:1] tmp; |
always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n_i) |
if (!rst_n_i) |
tmp <= 2'b00; |
else |
tmp <= {1'b1,tmp[0]}; |
vl_gbuf buf_i0( .i(tmp[1]), .o(rst_o)); |
endmodule |
// vl_pll |
`ifdef ACTEL |
module vl_pll ( clk_i, rst_n_i, lock, clk_o, rst_o); |
parameter index = 0; |
parameter number_of_clk = 3; |
parameter clk_i_period_time = 20; |
parameter [0:number_of_clk-1] mult = {32'd1,32'd2,32'd2}; |
parameter [0:number_of_clk-1] div = {32'd1,32'd3,32'd3}; |
parameter lock_delay = 200; |
input clk_i, rst_n_i; |
output lock; |
output reg [0:number_of_clk-1] clk_o; |
output [0:number_of_clk-1] rst_o; |
//E2_ifdef SIM_PLL |
genvar i; |
generate for (i=0;i<number_of_clk;i=i+1) begin: clock |
always |
#((clk_i_period_time*div[i]/mult[i])/2) clk_o[i] <= (!rst_n_i) ? 0 : ~clk_o[i]; |
vl_sync_rst rst_i0 ( .rst_n_i(rst_n_i | lock), .rst_o(rst_o[i]), .clk(clk_o[i])); |
end |
endgenerate |
assign #lock_delay lock = rst_n_i; |
endmodule |
//E2_else |
generate if (number_of_clk==1 & index==0) begin |
pll0 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==0 |
generate if (number_of_clk==1 & index==1) begin |
pll1 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==1 |
generate if (number_of_clk==1 & index==2) begin |
pll2 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==2 |
generate if (number_of_clk==1 & index==3) begin |
pll3 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==0 |
generate if (number_of_clk==2 & index==0) begin |
pll0 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==0 |
generate if (number_of_clk==2 & index==1) begin |
pll1 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==1 |
generate if (number_of_clk==2 & index==2) begin |
pll2 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==2 |
generate if (number_of_clk==2 & index==3) begin |
pll3 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==0 |
generate if (number_of_clk==3 & index==0) begin |
pll0 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1]), .GLC(clk_o[2])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==0 |
generate if (number_of_clk==3 & index==1) begin |
pll1 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1]), .GLC(clk_o[2])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==1 |
generate if (number_of_clk==3 & index==2) begin |
pll2 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1]), .GLC(clk_o[2])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==2 |
generate if (number_of_clk==3 & index==3) begin |
pll3 pll_i0 (.POWERDOWN(1'b1), .CLKA(clk_i), .LOCK(lock), .GLA(clk_o[0]), .GLB(clk_o[1]), .GLC(clk_o[2])); |
end |
endgenerate // index==0 |
genvar i; |
generate for (i=0;i<number_of_clk;i=i+1) begin: clock |
vl_sync_rst rst_i0 ( .rst_n_i(rst_n_i | lock), .rst_o(rst_o), .clk(clk_o[i])); |
end |
endgenerate |
endmodule |
//E2_endif |
`else |
`ifdef ALTERA |
`else |
// generic PLL |
module vl_pll ( clk_i, rst_n_i, lock, clk_o, rst_o); |
parameter index = 0; |
parameter number_of_clk = 3; |
parameter clk_i_period_time = 20; |
parameter clk0_feedthrough = 0; |
parameter mult = 1; |
parameter div = 1; |
parameter [0:number_of_clk-1] post_div = {32'd1,32'd3,32'd3}; |
parameter lock_delay = 2000; |
input clk_i, rst_n_i; |
output lock; |
output reg [0:number_of_clk-1] clk_o; |
output [0:number_of_clk-1] rst_o; |
genvar i; |
generate if (clk0_feedthrough==1) begin: clk0_feedthrough |
always #(clk_i_period_time/2+0.200) clk_o[0] <= (!rst_n_i) ? 0 : ~clk_o[0]; |
generate for (i=clk0_feedthrough;i<number_of_clk;i=i+1) begin: clock |
always |
#((clk_i_period_time*div/mult*post_div[i])/2) clk_o[i] <= (!rst_n_i) ? 0 : ~clk_o[i]; |
vl_sync_rst rst_i0 ( .rst_n_i(rst_n_i | lock), .rst_o(rst_o[i]), .clk(clk_o[i])); |
end |
endgenerate |
assign #lock_delay lock = rst_n_i; |
endmodule |
`endif //altera |
`endif //actel |
0,0 → 1,14
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,0,0,, |
,,,,, |
q,q_bin,z,zq,level1,level2 |
0,1,0,1,0,0 |
,,,,, |
wrap,wrap_around,,,, |
1,1,,,, |
,,,,, |
length,clear_value,set_value,wrap_value,level1,level2 |
4,0,1,8,15, |
0,0 → 1,42
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Versatile library, counters //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// counters //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - add more counters //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
0,0 → 1,14
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_gray_ce,GRAY,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
,,,,, |
q,q_bin,z,zq,level1,level2 |
1,0,0,0,0,0 |
,,,,, |
wrap,wrap_around,,,, |
0,1,,,, |
,,,,, |
length,clear_value,set_value,wrap_value,level1,level2 |
4,0,1,8,15, |
0,0 → 1,14
Name,type,,,, |
cnt_lfsr_ce,LFSR,,,, |
,,,,, |
clear,set,cke,rew,, |
0,0,1,0,, |
,,,,, |
q,q_bin,z,zq,level1,level2 |
0,1,0,1,0,0 |
,,,,, |
wrap,wrap_around,,,, |
1,1,,,, |
,,,,, |
length,clear_value,set_value,wrap_value,level1,level2 |
4,0,1,0,15, |
0,0 → 1,220
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Versatile library, registers //// |
//// //// |
//// Description //// |
//// Different type of registers //// |
//// //// |
//// //// |
//// To Do: //// |
//// - add more different registers //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Michael Unneback, unneback@opencores.org //// |
//// ORSoC AB //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2010 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
module dff ( d, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
input clk, rst; |
output reg [width-1:0] q; |
always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) |
if (rst) |
q <= reset_value; |
else |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
module dff_ce ( d, ce, q, clk, rst); |
parameter width = 1; |
parameter reset_value = 0; |
input [width-1:0] d; |
input ce, clk, rst; |
output reg [width-1:0] q; |
always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) |
if (rst) |
q <= reset_value; |
else |
if (ce) |
q <= d; |
endmodule |
`ifdef ALTERA |
// megafunction wizard: %LPM_FF% |
// VERSION: WM1.0 |
// MODULE: lpm_ff |
// ============================================================ |
// File Name: dff_sr.v |
// Megafunction Name(s): |
// lpm_ff |
// |
// Simulation Library Files(s): |
// lpm |
// ============================================================ |
// ************************************************************ |
// |
// 9.1 Build 304 01/25/2010 SP 1 SJ Full Version |
// ************************************************************ |
//Copyright (C) 1991-2010 Altera Corporation |
//Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions |
//and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic |
//functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing |
//(including device programming or simulation files), and any |
//associated documentation or information are expressly subject |
//to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License |
//Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License |
//Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, |
//without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of |
//programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by |
//Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the |
//applicable agreement for further details. |
// synopsys translate_off |
`timescale 1 ps / 1 ps |
// synopsys translate_on |
module dff_sr ( |
aclr, |
aset, |
clock, |
data, |
q); |
input aclr; |
input aset; |
input clock; |
input data; |
output q; |
wire [0:0] sub_wire0; |
wire [0:0] sub_wire1 = sub_wire0[0:0]; |
wire q = sub_wire1; |
wire sub_wire2 = data; |
wire sub_wire3 = sub_wire2; |
lpm_ff lpm_ff_component ( |
.aclr (aclr), |
.clock (clock), |
.data (sub_wire3), |
.aset (aset), |
.q (sub_wire0) |
// synopsys translate_off |
, |
.aload (), |
.enable (), |
.sclr (), |
.sload (), |
.sset () |
// synopsys translate_on |
); |
defparam |
lpm_ff_component.lpm_fftype = "DFF", |
lpm_ff_component.lpm_type = "LPM_FF", |
lpm_ff_component.lpm_width = 1; |
endmodule |
// ============================================================ |
// CNX file retrieval info |
// ============================================================ |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: ACLR NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: ALOAD NUMERIC "0" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: ASET NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: ASET_ALL1 NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: CLK_EN NUMERIC "0" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: DFF NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: SCLR NUMERIC "0" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: SLOAD NUMERIC "0" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: SSET NUMERIC "0" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: SSET_ALL1 NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: UseTFFdataPort NUMERIC "0" |
// Retrieval info: PRIVATE: nBit NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_FFTYPE STRING "DFF" |
// Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_TYPE STRING "LPM_FF" |
// Retrieval info: CONSTANT: LPM_WIDTH NUMERIC "1" |
// Retrieval info: USED_PORT: aclr 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL aclr |
// Retrieval info: USED_PORT: aset 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL aset |
// Retrieval info: USED_PORT: clock 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL clock |
// Retrieval info: USED_PORT: data 0 0 0 0 INPUT NODEFVAL data |
// Retrieval info: USED_PORT: q 0 0 0 0 OUTPUT NODEFVAL q |
// Retrieval info: CONNECT: @clock 0 0 0 0 clock 0 0 0 0 |
// Retrieval info: CONNECT: q 0 0 0 0 @q 0 0 1 0 |
// Retrieval info: CONNECT: @aclr 0 0 0 0 aclr 0 0 0 0 |
// Retrieval info: CONNECT: @aset 0 0 0 0 aset 0 0 0 0 |
// Retrieval info: CONNECT: @data 0 0 1 0 data 0 0 0 0 |
// Retrieval info: LIBRARY: lpm lpm.lpm_components.all |
// Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL dff_sr.v TRUE |
// Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL dff_sr.inc FALSE |
// Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL dff_sr.cmp FALSE |
// Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL dff_sr.bsf FALSE |
// Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL dff_sr_inst.v FALSE |
// Retrieval info: GEN_FILE: TYPE_NORMAL dff_sr_bb.v FALSE |
// Retrieval info: LIB_FILE: lpm |
`else |
module dff_sr ( aclr, aset, clock, data, q); |
input aclr; |
input aset; |
input clock; |
input data; |
output reg q; |
always @ (posedge clock or posedge aclr or posedge aset) |
if (aclr) |
q <= 1'b0; |
else if (aset) |
q <= 1'b1; |
else |
q <= data; |
endmodule |
`endif |
0,0 → 1,42
VERILOG_FILES = clk_and_reset.v |
VERILOG_FILES += registers.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT = cnt_lfsr.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_lfsr_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_gray.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_gray_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES_CNT += cnt_gray_bin_ce.v |
VERILOG_FILES += counters.v |
VERSATILE_LIBRARIES = versatile_library.v |
VERSATILE_LIBRARIES += versatile_library_actel.v |
VERSATILE_LIBRARIES += versatile_library_altera.v |
svn_export: |
svn export http://opencores.org/ocsvn/versatile_counter/versatile_counter/trunk/rtl/verilog/versatile_counter_generator.php |
svn export http://opencores.org/ocsvn/versatile_counter/versatile_counter/trunk/rtl/verilog/CSV.class.php |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr.csv > cnt_lfsr.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_lfsr_ce.csv > cnt_lfsr_ce.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray.csv > cnt_gray.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray_ce.csv > cnt_gray_ce.v |
./versatile_counter_generator.php cnt_gray_bin_ce.csv > cnt_gray_bin_ce.v |
versatile_library.v: $(VERILOG_FILES) |
cat $(VERILOG_FILES) | sed -r -e 's/\/\/E2_([a-z]+)/`\1/' > versatile_library.v |
versatile_library_actel.v: $(VERILOG_FILES) |
vppreproc --noline --noblank +define+ACTEL $(VERILOG_FILES) | sed -r -e 's/\/\/E2_([a-z]+)/`\1/' > versatile_library_actel.v |
versatile_library_altera.v: $(VERILOG_FILES) |
vppreproc --noline --noblank +define+ALTERA $(VERILOG_FILES) > versatile_library_altera.v |
clean: |
0,0 → 1,42
// defines from cmd |