
Subversion Repositories versatile_library

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 85 to Rev 84
    Reverse comparison

Rev 85 → Rev 84

140,10 → 140,10
always_ff@(posedge clk)
if(we) begin // note: we should have a for statement to support any bus width
if(be[3]) ram[adr[3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[0] <= d[7:0];
if(be[3]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][0] <= d[7:0];
q <= ram[adr];
3726,12 → 3726,10
output reg [(data_width-1):0] q;
input clk;
logic [data_width/8-1:0][7:0] ram[0:mem_size-1];// # words = 1 << address width
reg [data_width-1:0] ram [mem_size-1:0];
wire [data_width/8-1:0] cke;
reg [data_width-1:0] ram [mem_size-1:0];
parameter memory_init = 0;
3751,10 → 3749,10
always_ff@(posedge clk)
if(we) begin // note: we should have a for statement to support any bus width
if(be[3]) ram[adr[3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[0] <= d[7:0];
if(be[3]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][0] <= d[7:0];
q <= ram[adr];
3761,11 → 3759,10
assign cke = {data_width/8{we}} & be;
genvar i;
generate for (i=0;i<data_width/8;i=i+1) begin : be_ram
generate for (i=0;i<addr_width/4;i=i+1) begin : be_ram
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cke[i])
if (we & be[i])
ram[adr][(i+1)*8-1:i*8] <= d[(i+1)*8-1:i*8];
3775,21 → 3772,6
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator).
function [31:0] get_mem;
// verilator public
input [aw-1:0] addr;
get_mem = ram[addr];
endfunction // get_mem
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator).
function set_mem;
// verilator public
input [aw-1:0] addr;
input [dw-1:0] data;
ram[addr] = data;
endfunction // set_mem
4670,11 → 4652,11
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge
`timescale 1ns/1ns
`define MODULE wb_adr_inc
module `BASE`MODULE ( cyc_i, stb_i, cti_i, bte_i, adr_i, we_i, ack_o, adr_o, clk, rst);
module `BASE`MODULE ( cyc_i, stb_i, cti_i, bte_i, adr_i, ack_o, adr_o, clk, rst);
`undef MODULE
parameter adr_width = 10;
parameter max_burst_width = 4;
input cyc_i, stb_i, we_i;
input cyc_i, stb_i;
input [2:0] cti_i;
input [1:0] bte_i;
input [adr_width-1:0] adr_i;
4711,9 → 4693,7
(cyc_i & !stb_i) ? ws :
assign to_adr = (last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : adr[max_burst_width-1:0];
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] :
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] :
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : adr[max_burst_width-1:0];
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc;
5016,8 → 4996,6
// avalon master side
readdata, readdatavalid, address, read, be, write, burstcount, writedata, waitrequest, beginbursttransfer, clk, rst);
parameter linewrapburst = 1'b0;
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i;
input [31:2] wbs_adr_i;
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i;
5079,7 → 5057,7
end else
if (wbm_we_o) begin
if (!waitrequest & !last_cyc & wbm_cyc_o) begin
counter <= burstcount -4'd1;
counter <= burstcount -1;
end else if (waitrequest & !last_cyc & wbm_cyc_o) begin
counter <= burstcount;
end else if (!waitrequest & wbm_stb_o) begin
5429,13 → 5407,14
wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst);
parameter adr_size = 16;
parameter mem_size = 1<<adr_size;
parameter adr_lo = 2;
parameter mem_size = 1<<16;
parameter dat_size = 32;
parameter max_burst_width = 4;
parameter memory_init = 1;
parameter memory_file = "vl_ram.vmem";
localparam aw = (adr_size);
localparam aw = (adr_size - adr_lo);
localparam dw = dat_size;
localparam sw = dat_size/8;
localparam cw = 3;
5450,6 → 5429,7
output [dw-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
output wbs_ack_o;
input wb_clk, wb_rst;
reg wbs_ack_o;
wire [aw-1:0] adr;
5465,7 → 5445,7
.we(wbs_we_i & wb_ack_o),
5477,7 → 5457,6
1248,8 → 1248,7
logic [data_width/8-1:0][7:0] ram[0:mem_size-1];// # words = 1 << address width
reg [data_width-1:0] ram [mem_size-1:0];
wire [data_width/8-1:0] cke;
reg [data_width-1:0] ram [mem_size-1:0];
parameter memory_init = 0;
parameter memory_file = "vl_ram.vmem";
1266,19 → 1265,18
always_ff@(posedge clk)
if(we) begin // note: we should have a for statement to support any bus width
if(be[3]) ram[adr[3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[0] <= d[7:0];
if(be[3]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][0] <= d[7:0];
q <= ram[adr];
assign cke = {data_width/8{we}} & be;
genvar i;
generate for (i=0;i<data_width/8;i=i+1) begin : be_ram
generate for (i=0;i<addr_width/4;i=i+1) begin : be_ram
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cke[i])
if (we & be[i])
ram[adr][(i+1)*8-1:i*8] <= d[(i+1)*8-1:i*8];
1285,19 → 1283,6
always @ (posedge clk)
q <= ram[adr];
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator).
function [31:0] get_mem;
// verilator public
input [aw-1:0] addr;
get_mem = ram[addr];
endfunction // get_mem
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator).
function set_mem;
// verilator public
input [aw-1:0] addr;
input [dw-1:0] data;
ram[addr] = data;
endfunction // set_mem
// ACTEL FPGA should not use logic to handle rw collision
module vl_dpram_1r1w ( d_a, adr_a, we_a, clk_a, q_b, adr_b, clk_b );
1947,10 → 1932,10
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module vl_wb_adr_inc ( cyc_i, stb_i, cti_i, bte_i, adr_i, we_i, ack_o, adr_o, clk, rst);
module vl_wb_adr_inc ( cyc_i, stb_i, cti_i, bte_i, adr_i, ack_o, adr_o, clk, rst);
parameter adr_width = 10;
parameter max_burst_width = 4;
input cyc_i, stb_i, we_i;
input cyc_i, stb_i;
input [2:0] cti_i;
input [1:0] bte_i;
input [adr_width-1:0] adr_i;
1983,9 → 1968,7
(cyc_i & !stb_i) ? ws :
assign to_adr = (last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : adr[max_burst_width-1:0];
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] :
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] :
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : adr[max_burst_width-1:0];
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc;
2230,7 → 2213,6
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wbs_clk, wbs_rst,
// avalon master side
readdata, readdatavalid, address, read, be, write, burstcount, writedata, waitrequest, beginbursttransfer, clk, rst);
parameter linewrapburst = 1'b0;
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i;
input [31:2] wbs_adr_i;
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i;
2286,7 → 2268,7
end else
if (wbm_we_o) begin
if (!waitrequest & !last_cyc & wbm_cyc_o) begin
counter <= burstcount -4'd1;
counter <= burstcount -1;
end else if (waitrequest & !last_cyc & wbm_cyc_o) begin
counter <= burstcount;
end else if (!waitrequest & wbm_stb_o) begin
2555,12 → 2537,13
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_cyc_i,
wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst);
parameter adr_size = 16;
parameter mem_size = 1<<adr_size;
parameter adr_lo = 2;
parameter mem_size = 1<<16;
parameter dat_size = 32;
parameter max_burst_width = 4;
parameter memory_init = 1;
parameter memory_file = "vl_ram.vmem";
localparam aw = (adr_size);
localparam aw = (adr_size - adr_lo);
localparam dw = dat_size;
localparam sw = dat_size/8;
localparam cw = 3;
2574,6 → 2557,7
output [dw-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
output wbs_ack_o;
input wb_clk, wb_rst;
reg wbs_ack_o;
wire [aw-1:0] adr;
vl_ram_be # (
2585,7 → 2569,7
.we(wbs_we_i & wb_ack_o),
2595,7 → 2579,6
1356,8 → 1356,7
logic [data_width/8-1:0][7:0] ram[0:mem_size-1];// # words = 1 << address width
reg [data_width-1:0] ram [mem_size-1:0];
wire [data_width/8-1:0] cke;
reg [data_width-1:0] ram [mem_size-1:0];
parameter memory_init = 0;
parameter memory_file = "vl_ram.vmem";
1374,19 → 1373,18
always_ff@(posedge clk)
if(we) begin // note: we should have a for statement to support any bus width
if(be[3]) ram[adr[3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[0] <= d[7:0];
if(be[3]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][3] <= d[31:24];
if(be[2]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][2] <= d[23:16];
if(be[1]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][1] <= d[15:8];
if(be[0]) ram[adr[addr_width-2:0]][0] <= d[7:0];
q <= ram[adr];
assign cke = {data_width/8{we}} & be;
genvar i;
generate for (i=0;i<data_width/8;i=i+1) begin : be_ram
generate for (i=0;i<addr_width/4;i=i+1) begin : be_ram
always @ (posedge clk)
if (cke[i])
if (we & be[i])
ram[adr][(i+1)*8-1:i*8] <= d[(i+1)*8-1:i*8];
1393,19 → 1391,6
always @ (posedge clk)
q <= ram[adr];
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator).
function [31:0] get_mem;
// verilator public
input [aw-1:0] addr;
get_mem = ram[addr];
endfunction // get_mem
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator).
function set_mem;
// verilator public
input [aw-1:0] addr;
input [dw-1:0] data;
ram[addr] = data;
endfunction // set_mem
module vl_dpram_1r1w ( d_a, adr_a, we_a, clk_a, q_b, adr_b, clk_b );
parameter data_width = 32;
2052,10 → 2037,10
// async wb3 - wb3 bridge
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module vl_wb_adr_inc ( cyc_i, stb_i, cti_i, bte_i, adr_i, we_i, ack_o, adr_o, clk, rst);
module vl_wb_adr_inc ( cyc_i, stb_i, cti_i, bte_i, adr_i, ack_o, adr_o, clk, rst);
parameter adr_width = 10;
parameter max_burst_width = 4;
input cyc_i, stb_i, we_i;
input cyc_i, stb_i;
input [2:0] cti_i;
input [1:0] bte_i;
input [adr_width-1:0] adr_i;
2088,9 → 2073,7
(cyc_i & !stb_i) ? ws :
assign to_adr = (last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : adr[max_burst_width-1:0];
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] :
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] :
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : adr[max_burst_width-1:0];
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc;
2335,7 → 2318,6
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wbs_clk, wbs_rst,
// avalon master side
readdata, readdatavalid, address, read, be, write, burstcount, writedata, waitrequest, beginbursttransfer, clk, rst);
parameter linewrapburst = 1'b0;
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i;
input [31:2] wbs_adr_i;
input [3:0] wbs_sel_i;
2391,7 → 2373,7
end else
if (wbm_we_o) begin
if (!waitrequest & !last_cyc & wbm_cyc_o) begin
counter <= burstcount -4'd1;
counter <= burstcount -1;
end else if (waitrequest & !last_cyc & wbm_cyc_o) begin
counter <= burstcount;
end else if (!waitrequest & wbm_stb_o) begin
2660,12 → 2642,13
wbs_dat_i, wbs_adr_i, wbs_cti_i, wbs_bte_i, wbs_sel_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_cyc_i,
wbs_dat_o, wbs_ack_o, wb_clk, wb_rst);
parameter adr_size = 16;
parameter mem_size = 1<<adr_size;
parameter adr_lo = 2;
parameter mem_size = 1<<16;
parameter dat_size = 32;
parameter max_burst_width = 4;
parameter memory_init = 1;
parameter memory_file = "vl_ram.vmem";
localparam aw = (adr_size);
localparam aw = (adr_size - adr_lo);
localparam dw = dat_size;
localparam sw = dat_size/8;
localparam cw = 3;
2679,6 → 2662,7
output [dw-1:0] wbs_dat_o;
output wbs_ack_o;
input wb_clk, wb_rst;
reg wbs_ack_o;
wire [aw-1:0] adr;
vl_ram_be # (
2690,7 → 2674,7
.we(wbs_we_i & wb_ack_o),
2700,7 → 2684,6

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