
Subversion Repositories zipcpu

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Rev 18 → Rev 19

0,0 → 1,300
// Filename: zipdbg.cpp
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Provide a simple debugger for the Zip CPU. This allows you
// to halt the CPU, examine the registers, and even single step
// the CPU. It's not fully functional yet, as I would like to implement
// breakpoints and the ability to modify registers, but it's a good
// start.
// Commands while in the debugger are:
// 'r' - RESET the CPU
// 'g' - Go. Release the CPU and exit the debugger.
// 'q' - Quit. Leave the debugger, while leaving the CPU halted.
// 's' - Single Step. Allows the CPU to advance by one instruction.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
// #include "twoc.h"
// #include "qspiflashsim.h"
#include "zopcodes.h"
#include "zparser.h"
#include "devbus.h"
#include "regdefs.h"
// #include "port.h"
// No particular "parameters" need definition or redefinition here.
class ZIPPY : public DEVBUS {
DEVBUS *m_fpga;
ZIPPY(DEVBUS *fpga) : m_fpga(fpga) {}
void kill(void) { m_fpga->kill(); }
void close(void) { m_fpga->close(); }
void writeio(const BUSW a, const BUSW v) { m_fpga->writeio(a, v); }
BUSW readio(const BUSW a) { return m_fpga->readio(a); }
void readi(const BUSW a, const int len, BUSW *buf) {
return m_fpga->readi(a, len, buf); }
void readz(const BUSW a, const int len, BUSW *buf) {
return m_fpga->readz(a, len, buf); }
void writei(const BUSW a, const int len, const BUSW *buf) {
return m_fpga->writei(a, len, buf); }
void writez(const BUSW a, const int len, const BUSW *buf) {
return m_fpga->writez(a, len, buf); }
bool poll(void) { return m_fpga->poll(); }
void usleep(unsigned ms) { m_fpga->usleep(ms); }
void wait(void) { m_fpga->wait(); }
bool bus_err(void) const { return m_fpga->bus_err(); }
void reset_err(void) { m_fpga->reset_err(); }
void clear(void) { m_fpga->clear(); }
void reset(void) { writeio(R_ZIPCTRL, CPU_RESET|CPU_HALT); }
void step(void) { writeio(R_ZIPCTRL, CPU_STEP); }
void go(void) { writeio(R_ZIPCTRL, CPU_GO); }
void halt(void) { writeio(R_ZIPCTRL, CPU_HALT); }
bool stalled(void) { return ((readio(R_ZIPCTRL)&CPU_STALL)==0); }
void showval(int y, int x, const char *lbl, unsigned int v) {
mvprintw(y,x, "%s: 0x%08x", lbl, v);
void dispreg(int y, int x, const char *n, unsigned int v) {
// 4,4,8,1 = 17 of 20, +3 = 19
mvprintw(y, x, "%s: 0x%08x", n, v);
void showins(int y, const char *lbl,
const int gie, const unsigned int pc) {
char line[80];
unsigned int v;
mvprintw(y, 0, "%s: 0x%08x", lbl, pc);
if (gie) attroff(A_BOLD);
else attron(A_BOLD);
line[0] = '\0';
try {
v= readio(pc);
zipi_to_string(v, line);
printw(" 0x%08x", v);
printw(" %-24s", &line[1]);
} catch(BUSERR b) {
printw(" 0x%08x %-24s", b.addr, "(Bus Error)");
unsigned int cmd_read(unsigned int a) {
writeio(R_ZIPCTRL, CPU_HALT|(a&0x3f));
while((readio(R_ZIPCTRL) & CPU_STALL) == 0)
return readio(R_ZIPDATA);
void read_state(void) {
int ln= 0;
bool gie;
mvprintw(ln,0, "Peripherals");
mvprintw(ln,40, "CPU State: ");
unsigned int v = readio(R_ZIPDATA);
if (v & 0x010000)
printw("EXT-INT ");
if (v & 0x002000)
printw("Supervisor Mod ");
if (v & 0x001000)
printw("Sleeping ");
if (v & 0x008000)
printw("Break-Enabled ");
showval(ln, 1, "PIC ", cmd_read(32+ 0));
showval(ln,21, "WDT ", cmd_read(32+ 1));
showval(ln,41, "CACH", cmd_read(32+ 2));
showval(ln,61, "PIC2", cmd_read(32+ 3));
showval(ln, 1, "TMRA", cmd_read(32+ 4));
showval(ln,21, "TMRB", cmd_read(32+ 5));
showval(ln,41, "TMRC", cmd_read(32+ 6));
showval(ln,61, "JIF ", cmd_read(32+ 7));
showval(ln, 1, "UTSK", cmd_read(32+12));
showval(ln,21, "UMST", cmd_read(32+13));
showval(ln,41, "UPST", cmd_read(32+14));
showval(ln,61, "UAST", cmd_read(32+15));
unsigned int cc = cmd_read(14);
gie = (cc & 0x020);
if (gie)
mvprintw(ln, 0, "Supervisor Registers");
dispreg(ln, 1, "sR0 ", cmd_read(0));
dispreg(ln,21, "sR1 ", cmd_read(1));
dispreg(ln,41, "sR2 ", cmd_read(2));
dispreg(ln,61, "sR3 ", cmd_read(3)); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "sR4 ", cmd_read(4));
dispreg(ln,21, "sR5 ", cmd_read(5));
dispreg(ln,41, "sR6 ", cmd_read(6));
dispreg(ln,61, "sR7 ", cmd_read(7)); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "sR8 ", cmd_read( 8));
dispreg(ln,21, "sR9 ", cmd_read( 9));
dispreg(ln,41, "sR10", cmd_read(10));
dispreg(ln,61, "sR11", cmd_read(11)); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "sR12", cmd_read(12));
dispreg(ln,21, "sSP ", cmd_read(13));
mvprintw(ln,41, "sCC :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
(cc & 0x040)?"STP":" ",
(cc & 0x020)?"GIE":" ",
(cc & 0x010)?"SLP":" ",
(cc&8)?"V":" ",
(cc&4)?"N":" ",
(cc&2)?"C":" ",
(cc&1)?"Z":" ");
mvprintw(ln,61, "sPC : 0x%08x", cmd_read(15));
if (gie)
mvprintw(ln, 0, "User Registers"); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "uR0 ", cmd_read(16));
dispreg(ln,21, "uR1 ", cmd_read(17));
dispreg(ln,41, "uR2 ", cmd_read(18));
dispreg(ln,61, "uR3 ", cmd_read(19)); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "uR4 ", cmd_read(20));
dispreg(ln,21, "uR5 ", cmd_read(21));
dispreg(ln,41, "uR6 ", cmd_read(22));
dispreg(ln,61, "uR7 ", cmd_read(23)); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "uR8 ", cmd_read(24));
dispreg(ln,21, "uR9 ", cmd_read(25));
dispreg(ln,41, "uR10", cmd_read(26));
dispreg(ln,61, "uR11", cmd_read(27)); ln++;
dispreg(ln, 1, "uR12", cmd_read(28));
dispreg(ln,21, "uSP ", cmd_read(29));
cc = cmd_read(30);
mvprintw(ln,41, "uCC :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
(cc&0x040)?"STP":" ",
(cc&0x020)?"GIE":" ",
(cc&0x010)?"SLP":" ",
(cc&8)?"V":" ",
(cc&4)?"N":" ",
(cc&2)?"C":" ",
(cc&1)?"Z":" ");
mvprintw(ln,61, "uPC : 0x%08x", cmd_read(31));
BUSW pc = cmd_read((gie)?31:15);
showins(ln, "I ", gie, pc+2); ln++;
showins(ln, "Dc", gie, pc+1); ln++;
showins(ln, "Op", gie, pc ); ln++;
showins(ln, "Al", gie, pc-1); ln++;
DEVBUS *m_fpga;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// FPGAOPEN(m_fpga);
ZIPPY *zip = new ZIPPY(m_fpga);
keypad(stdscr, true);
int chv;
bool done = false;
for(int i=0; (i<5)&&(zip->stalled()); i++)
if (!zip->stalled())
while(!done) {
chv = getch();
switch(chv) {
case 'g': case 'G':
m_fpga->writeio(R_ZIPCTRL, CPU_GO);
// We just released the CPU, so we're now done.
done = true;
case 'q': case 'Q':
done = true;
case 'r': case 'R':
case 's': case 'S':
case ERR:
if (zip->stalled())
0,0 → 1,70
// Filename: regdefs.h
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: This is a generic file that will need to be modified from one
// board implementation of the ZIP CPU to another. Specifically,
// this file defines where items are on a WISHBONE bus. In this
// case, the Zip CPU debug addresses are found at 0x060 and 0x61.
// The Zip Debugger needs to know these addresses in order to
// know what addresses to peek and poke to control and access the
// Zip CPU.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#ifndef REGDEFS_H
#define REGDEFS_H
// Zip CPU Control and Debug registers
#define R_ZIPCTRL 0x00000060
#define R_ZIPDATA 0x00000061
// RAM memory space
#define RAMBASE 0x00008000
// Flash memory space
#define QSPIFLASH 0x00100000
#define RAMLEN 0x08000
#define CPU_GO 0x0000
#define CPU_RESET 0x0040
#define CPU_INT 0x0080
#define CPU_STEP 0x0100
#define CPU_STALL 0x0200
#define CPU_HALT 0x0400
#define CPU_CLRCACHE 0x0800
#define CPU_sR0 (0x0000|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_sSP (0x000d|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_sCC (0x000e|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_sPC (0x000f|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_uR0 (0x0010|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_uSP (0x001d|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_uCC (0x001e|CPU_HALT)
#define CPU_uPC (0x001f|CPU_HALT)
0,0 → 1,95
// Filename: devbus.h
// Project: UART to WISHBONE FPGA library
// Purpose: The purpose of this file is to document an interface which
// any devic with a bus, whether it be implemented over a UART,
// an ethernet, or a PCI express bus, must implement. This
// describes only an interface, and not how that interface is
// to be accomplished.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#ifndef DEVBUS_H
#define DEVBUS_H
#include <unistd.h>
typedef unsigned int uint32;
class BUSERR {
uint32 addr;
BUSERR(const uint32 a) : addr(a) {};
class DEVBUS {
typedef uint32 BUSW;
virtual void kill(void) = 0;
virtual void close(void) = 0;
// Write a single value to a single address
virtual void writeio(const BUSW a, const BUSW v) = 0;
// Read a single value to a single address
virtual BUSW readio(const BUSW a) = 0;
// Read a series of values from values from a block of memory
virtual void readi(const BUSW a, const int len, BUSW *buf) = 0;
// Read a series of values from the same address in memory
virtual void readz(const BUSW a, const int len, BUSW *buf) = 0;
virtual void writei(const BUSW a, const int len, const BUSW *buf) = 0;
virtual void writez(const BUSW a, const int len, const BUSW *buf) = 0;
// Query whether or not an interrupt has taken place
virtual bool poll(void) = 0;
// Sleep until interrupt, but sleep no longer than msec milliseconds
virtual void usleep(unsigned msec) = 0;
// Sleep until an interrupt, no matter how long it takes for that
// interrupt to take place
virtual void wait(void) = 0;
// Query whether or not a bus error has taken place. This is somewhat
// of a misnomer, as my current bus error detection code exits any
// interface, but ... it is what it is.
virtual bool bus_err(void) const = 0;
// Clear any bus error condition.
virtual void reset_err(void) = 0;
// Clear any interrupt condition that has already been noticed by
// the interface, does not check for further interrupt
virtual void clear(void) = 0;
11,6 → 11,20
; Status: As of August, 2015, this file assembles, builds, and passes
; all of its tests in the Verilator simulator.
; Okay, as of 15 August, there are now some tests that don't pass.
; In particular, the #include test used to pass but didn't pass today.
; Likewise the PUSH() macro test hasn't passed yet. Finally, be aware
; that this implementation is specific to where it loads on a board.
; I tried loading it on my Basys development board, where I had placed
; RAM in a different location and ... things didn't work out so well.
; So grep the __here__ line and adjust it for where you intend to load
; this file.
; In general, as I'm building the CPU, I'm modifying this file to place
; more and more capability tests within the file. If the Lord is
; willing, this will become the proof that the CPU completely works.
; Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
; Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
34,7 → 48,7
#include "sys.i"
// #include "sys.i"
sys.bus equ 0xc0000000
sys.breaken equ 0x080
sys.step equ 0x040
108,6 → 122,7
mov R0,uCC
; Don't clear the user PC register
; Now, let's try loading some constants into registers
; Specifically, we're testing the LDI, LDIHI, and LDILO instructions
dead_beef equ 0xdeadbeef
ldi 0x0dead,r5
ldi 0x0beef,r6
372,6 → 387,19
cmp $5,r2 r11
// Let's test whether LSL works
ldi $0x0b00,r11
ldi 0x035,r2
lsl 8,r2
ldi 0x03500,r1
cmp r2,r1 r11
ldi 0x074,r0
and 0x0ff,r0
or r0,r2
cmp 0x03574,r2 r11
// Return success / Test the trap interrupt
clr r11
trap r11
384,6 → 412,7
// Now, let's test whether or not we can handle a subroutine
#ifdef PUSH_TEST
398,6 → 427,7
fill 512,0
word 0

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