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-- mips_cache_stub.vhdl -- cache module with no actual cache memory.
-- mips_cache_stub.vhdl -- 1-word cache module
-- FOR SIMULATION ONLY! does not resemble structure of final cache
-- This module has the same interface and logic as a real cache but the cache
-- memory is just 1 word for each of code and data.
-- This module has the same interface as a real cache but has no cache memory.
-- It interfaces the CPU to the following:
-- It just interfaces the CPU to the following:
-- 1.- Internal 32-bit-wide BRAM for read and write
-- 1.- Internal 32-bit-wide BRAM for read only
-- 2.- Internal 32-bit I/O bus
-- 2.- Internal 32-bit I/O bus
-- 3.- External 16-bit wide SRAM
-- 3.- External 16-bit wide SRAM
-- The purpose of this module is just to test the SRAM interface in simulation.
-- The SRAM memory interface signals are meant to connect directly to FPGA pins
-- It will evolve to a real cache as the project goes on.
-- and all outputs are registered (tco should be minimal).
-- SRAM data inputs are NOT registered, though. They go through a couple muxes
-- before reaching the first register so watch out for tsetup.
-- The SRAM is assumed to be fast enough to read or write in a clock cycle.
-- Obviously this module provides no performance gain; on the contrary, by
-- coupling the CPU to slow external memory (16 bit bus) it actually slows it
-- down. The purpose of this module is just to test the SRAM interface and the
-- cache logic and timing.
-- Apart from the very rough looks of the code, there's a few known faults with
-- it:
-- 1.- Access to unmapped areas wil crash the CPU
-- A couple states are missing in the state machine for handling accesses
-- to unmapped areas. I haven't yet decided how to handle that (return
-- zero, trigger trap, mirror another mapped area...)
-- 2.- Address decoding is hardcoded in mips_pkg
-- It should be done here using module generics and not package constants.
-- 3.- Does not work as a real 1-word cache yet
-- That functionality is still missing, all accesses 'miss'. It should be
-- implemented, as a way to test the real cache logic on a small scale.
library ieee;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
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data_wr_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
data_wr_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
byte_we : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
byte_we : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
data_wr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
data_wr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
mem_wait : out std_logic;
mem_wait : out std_logic;
cache_enable : in std_logic;
-- interface to FPGA i/o devices
-- interface to FPGA i/o devices
io_rd_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
io_rd_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
io_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
io_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
io_wr_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
io_wr_addr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 2);
Line 57... |
Line 82... |
bram_rd_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
bram_rd_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
bram_wr_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
bram_wr_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
bram_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
bram_rd_addr : out std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
bram_wr_addr : out std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
bram_wr_addr : out std_logic_vector(BRAM_ADDR_SIZE+1 downto 2);
bram_byte_we : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
bram_byte_we : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
bram_data_rd_vma: out std_logic;
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide EXTERNAL SRAM
-- interface to asynchronous 16-bit-wide EXTERNAL SRAM
sram_address : out std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 1);
sram_address : out std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 1);
sram_databus : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
sram_databus : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
sram_byte_we_n : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
sram_byte_we_n : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
sram_oe_n : out std_logic
sram_oe_n : out std_logic
end entity mips_cache_stub;
end entity mips_cache_stub;
architecture stub of mips_cache_stub is
architecture stub of mips_cache_stub is
type t_cache_state is (
type t_code_cache_state is (
code_refill_bram_0, -- pc in bram_rd_addr
code_refill_bram_1, -- op in bram_rd
code_refill_bram_2, -- op in code_rd
signal cps, cns : t_code_cache_state;
type t_data_cache_state is (
data_refill_bram_0, -- rd addr in bram_rd_addr
data_refill_bram_1, -- rd data in bram_rd_data
data_read_io_0, -- rd addr on io_rd_addr, io_vma active
data_read_io_1, -- rd data on io_rd_data
signal ps, ns : t_cache_state;
signal dps, dns : t_data_cache_state;
signal use_sram_wr : std_logic;
signal use_sram_wr : std_logic;
signal use_sram_rd : std_logic;
signal use_sram_rd : std_logic;
signal use_io_wr : std_logic;
signal use_io_wr : std_logic;
signal use_io_rd : std_logic;
signal use_io_rd : std_logic;
signal data_addr_reg : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE-1 downto 2);
signal data_addr_reg : std_logic_vector(SRAM_ADDR_SIZE downto 2);
signal data_wr_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal data_wr_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal data_input_reg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal data_input_reg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal bram_rd_data_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal bram_rd_data_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal io_rd_data_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal byte_we_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal byte_we_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal code_rd_addr_reg : t_pc;
subtype t_code_tag is std_logic_vector(23 downto 2);
signal code_cache_tag : t_code_tag;
signal code_cache_tag_store : t_code_tag;
signal code_cache_store : t_word;
signal code_cache_rd : t_word;
signal code_miss : std_logic;
signal data_rd_addr_reg : t_pc;
signal data_wr_addr_reg : t_pc;
subtype t_data_tag is std_logic_vector(23 downto 2);
signal data_cache_tag : t_data_tag;
signal data_cache_tag_store : t_data_tag;
signal data_cache_store : t_word;
-- Stores first (high) HW read from SRAM
signal sram_rd_data_reg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 16);
-- Data read from SRAM, valid in refill_1
signal sram_rd_data : t_word;
signal write_pending : std_logic;
signal read_pending : std_logic;
signal data_cache_rd : t_word;
signal data_miss : std_logic;
signal code_wait : std_logic;
signal data_wait : std_logic;
signal code_rd_addr_mask : t_addr_decode;
signal data_rd_addr_mask : t_addr_decode;
signal data_wr_addr_mask : t_addr_decode;
signal code_rd_area : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal data_rd_area : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal data_wr_area : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
if reset='1' then
ps <= idle; --wait_idle;
cps <= code_normal;
dps <= data_normal;
ps <= ns;
cps <= cns;
dps <= dns;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process cache_state_machine_reg;
end process cache_state_machine_regs;
process(cps, dps, code_rd_vma, code_miss, code_rd_area, write_pending, read_pending)
case ps is
case cps is
when idle =>
when code_normal =>
ns <= ps;
if code_rd_vma='1' and code_miss='1' and read_pending='0' and write_pending='0' then
cns <= code_refill_bram_0; -- FIXME check memory area
if code_rd_vma='1' and use_sram_rd='1' then
ns <= read_code_0;
elsif data_rd_vma='1' and use_sram_rd='1' then
ns <= read_data_0;
elsif data_rd_vma='1' and use_sram_rd='0' then
ns <= read_bram_data_0;
elsif byte_we/="0000" and use_sram_wr='1' then
ns <= write_0;
ns <= ps;
cns <= cps;
end if;
end if;
when read_bram_data_0 =>
when code_refill_bram_0 =>
ns <= read_bram_data_1;
cns <= code_refill_bram_1;
when code_refill_bram_1 =>
cns <= code_refill_bram_2;
when read_bram_data_1 =>
when code_refill_bram_2 =>
ns <= idle;
if dps/=data_normal and read_pending='0' and write_pending='0' then
cns <= code_wait_for_dcache;
cns <= code_normal;
end if;
when read_code_0 =>
when code_refill_bram_3 =>
ns <= read_code_1;
cns <= code_normal;
when read_code_1 =>
when code_wait_for_dcache =>
if data_rd_vma='1' and use_sram_rd='1' then
-- if D-cache is busy, wait for it to become idle
ns <= read_data_0;
if dps/=data_normal then
elsif byte_we/="0000" and use_sram_wr='1' then
cns <= cps;
ns <= write_0;
elsif code_miss='1' then
cns <= code_refill_bram_1; -- FIXME check memory area
ns <= idle;
cns <= code_normal;
end if;
end if;
when read_data_0 =>
when code_bug =>
ns <= read_data_1;
cns <= code_normal;
when others =>
cns <= code_bug;
end case;
end process code_state_machine_transitions;
process(dps, write_pending, read_pending, data_rd_area, data_wr_area)
case dps is
when data_normal =>
if write_pending='1' then
case data_wr_area is
when "00" => dns <= data_ignore_write; -- Write to BRAM ignored
when "01" => dns <= data_writethrough_sram_0;
when "10" => dns <= data_write_io_0;
when others => dns <= dps; -- Write to undecoded area ignored
end case;
when read_data_1 =>
elsif read_pending='1' then
if byte_we/="0000" and use_sram_wr='1' then
case data_rd_area is
ns <= write_0;
when "00" => dns <= data_refill_bram_0;
when "01" => dns <= data_refill_sram_0;
when "10" => dns <= data_read_io_0;
when others => dns <= dps; -- ignore read from undecoded area
-- FIXME should raise debug flag
end case;
ns <= idle;
dns <= dps;
end if;
end if;
when write_0 =>
when data_write_io_0 =>
ns <= write_1;
dns <= data_normal;
when data_read_io_0 =>
dns <= data_read_io_1;
when data_read_io_1 =>
dns <= data_normal;
when data_refill_sram_0 =>
dns <= data_refill_sram_1;
when data_refill_sram_1 =>
dns <= data_normal;
when write_1 =>
when data_refill_bram_0 =>
ns <= idle;
dns <= data_refill_bram_1;
when data_refill_bram_1 =>
dns <= data_normal;
when data_writethrough_sram_0 =>
dns <= data_writethrough_sram_1;
when data_writethrough_sram_1 =>
dns <= data_normal;
when data_ignore_write =>
dns <= data_normal;
when data_bug =>
dns <= data_normal;
when others =>
when others =>
-- BUG: should raise some debug signal
dns <= data_bug;
ns <= idle;
end case;
end case;
end process cache_state_machine_transitions;
end process data_state_machine_transitions;
sram_address(sram_address'high downto 2) <=
data_addr_reg(sram_address'high downto 2);
-- CPU interface registers and address decoding --------------------------------
with ps select sram_address(1) <=
'0' when read_data_0,
'1' when read_data_1,
'0' when read_code_0,
'1' when read_code_1,
'0' when write_0,
'1' when write_1,
'0' when others;
with ps select sram_oe_n <=
-- Everything coming and going to the CPU is registered, so that the CPU has
'0' when read_data_0,
-- some timing marging.
'0' when read_data_1,
'0' when read_code_0,
'0' when read_code_1,
'1' when others;
with ps select sram_byte_we_n <=
not byte_we_reg(3 downto 2) when write_0,
not byte_we_reg(1 downto 0) when write_1,
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
write_pending <= '0';
read_pending <= '0';
byte_we_reg <= "0000";
-- Raise 'read_pending' at the 1st cycle of a read, clear it when
-- the read (and/or refill) operation has been done.
-- data_rd_addr_reg always has the addr of any pending read
if data_rd_vma='1' then
read_pending <= '1';
data_rd_addr_reg <= data_rd_addr(31 downto 2);
elsif dps=data_refill_sram_1 or
dps=data_refill_bram_1 or
dps=data_read_io_0 then
read_pending <= '0';
end if;
-- Raise 'write_pending' at the 1st cycle of a read, clear it when
-- the write (writethrough actually) operation has been done.
-- data_wr_addr_reg always has the addr of any pending write
if byte_we/="0000" and dps=data_normal then
byte_we_reg <= byte_we;
data_wr_reg <= data_wr;
data_wr_addr_reg <= data_wr_addr;
write_pending <= '1';
elsif dps=data_writethrough_sram_1 or
dps=data_write_io_0 or
dps=data_ignore_write then
write_pending <= '0';
byte_we_reg <= "0000";
end if;
-- Register code fetch addresses only when they are valid; so that
-- code_rd_addr_reg always holds the last fetch address.
if (cps=code_normal and code_rd_vma='1') or cps=code_refill_bram_2 then
code_rd_addr_reg <= code_rd_addr;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process cpu_interface_registers;
-- Address decoding ------------------------------------------------------------
-- Decoding is done on the high bits of the address only, there'll be mirroring.
-- Write to areas not explicitly decoded will be silently ignored. Reads will
-- get undefined data.
code_rd_addr_mask <= code_rd_addr_reg(31 downto t_addr_decode'low);
data_rd_addr_mask <= data_rd_addr_reg(31 downto t_addr_decode'low);
data_wr_addr_mask <= data_wr_addr_reg(31 downto t_addr_decode'low);
with code_rd_addr_mask select code_rd_area <=
"00" when ADDR_BOOT,
"01" when ADDR_XRAM,
"11" when others;
"11" when others;
with ps select sram_databus <=
with data_rd_addr_mask select data_rd_area <=
data_wr_reg(31 downto 16) when write_0,
"00" when ADDR_BOOT,
data_wr_reg(15 downto 0) when write_1,
"01" when ADDR_XRAM,
(others => 'Z') when others;
"10" when ADDR_IO,
"11" when others;
with data_wr_addr_mask select data_wr_area <=
"01" when ADDR_XRAM,
"10" when ADDR_IO,
"11" when others;
-- Code cache
bram_rd_addr <= data_rd_addr_reg(bram_rd_addr'high downto 2)
when dps=data_refill_bram_0
else code_rd_addr_reg(bram_rd_addr'high downto 2) ;
code_rd <= code_cache_rd;
-- FIXME Actual 1-word cache functionality is unimplemented yet
code_miss <= '1'; --code_rd_vma;
-- Read cache code and tag from code store
code_cache_rd <= code_cache_store;
code_cache_tag <= code_cache_tag_store;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
if reset='1' then
data_addr_reg <= (others => '0');
-- in the real hardware the tag store can't be reset and it's up
-- to the SW to initialize the cache.
code_cache_tag_store <= (others => '0');
code_cache_store <= (others => '0');
if data_rd_vma='1' then
-- Refill cache if necessary
data_addr_reg <= data_rd_addr(sram_address'high downto 2);
if cps=code_refill_bram_1 then
elsif byte_we/="0000" then
code_cache_tag_store <=
data_addr_reg <= data_wr_addr(sram_address'high downto 2);
"01" & code_rd_addr_reg(t_code_tag'high-2 downto t_code_tag'low);
code_cache_store <= bram_rd_data;
--elsif cps=code_refill_sram_2 then
-- code_cache_tag_store <=
-- "01" & code_rd_addr_reg(t_code_tag'high-2 downto t_code_tag'low);
-- code_cache_store <= sram_rd_data;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process sdram_address_register;
end process code_cache_memory;
-- Data cache
with dps select data_rd <=
io_rd_data when data_read_io_1,
data_cache_rd when others;
data_cache_rd <= data_cache_store;
data_cache_tag <= data_cache_tag_store;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if reset='1' then
if reset='1' then
data_input_reg <= (others => '0');
-- in the real hardware the tag store can't be reset and it's up
-- to the SW to initialize the cache.
data_cache_tag_store <= (others => '0');
data_cache_store <= (others => '0');
if ps=read_data_0 then
-- Refill data cache if necessary
data_input_reg <= sram_databus;
if dps=data_refill_sram_1 then
data_cache_tag_store <=
"01" & data_rd_addr_reg(t_data_tag'high-2 downto t_data_tag'low);
data_cache_store <= sram_rd_data;
elsif dps=data_refill_bram_1 then
data_cache_tag_store <=
"01" & data_rd_addr_reg(t_data_tag'high-2 downto t_data_tag'low);
data_cache_store <= bram_rd_data;
end if;
end if;
bram_rd_data_reg <= bram_rd_data;
if byte_we/="0000" then
byte_we_reg <= byte_we;
data_wr_reg <= data_wr;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process data_cache_memory;
with dps select sram_address(sram_address'high downto 2) <=
data_rd_addr_reg(sram_address'high downto 2) when data_refill_sram_0,
data_rd_addr_reg(sram_address'high downto 2) when data_refill_sram_1,
data_wr_addr_reg(sram_address'high downto 2) when others;
with dps select sram_address(1) <=
'0' when data_writethrough_sram_0,
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_1,
'0' when data_refill_sram_0,
'1' when data_refill_sram_1,
'0' when others;
with dps select sram_databus <=
data_wr_reg(31 downto 16) when data_writethrough_sram_0,
data_wr_reg(15 downto 0) when data_writethrough_sram_1,
(others => 'Z') when others;
with dps select sram_byte_we_n <=
not byte_we_reg(3 downto 2) when data_writethrough_sram_0,
not byte_we_reg(1 downto 0) when data_writethrough_sram_1,
"11" when others;
with dps select sram_oe_n <=
'0' when data_refill_sram_0,
'0' when data_refill_sram_1,
'1' when others;
sram_rd_data <= sram_rd_data_reg & sram_databus;
if clk'event and clk='1' then
--if ps=xxx then
sram_rd_data_reg <= sram_databus;
--end if;
end if;
end if;
end process data_input_register;
end process;
bram_data_rd_vma <= '1' when dps=data_refill_bram_1 else '0';
with ps select code_rd <=
io_byte_we <= byte_we_reg when dps=data_write_io_0 else "0000";
data_input_reg & sram_databus when read_code_1,
io_rd_addr <= data_rd_addr_reg;
bram_rd_data when others;
io_wr_addr <= data_wr_addr_reg;
io_wr_data <= data_wr_reg;
io_rd_vma <= '1' when dps=data_read_io_0 else '0';
data_rd <=
data_input_reg & sram_databus when ps=read_data_1 else
-- FIXME IO RD data missing
--io_rd_data when (ps=idle and use_io_rd='1') else
mem_wait <= '1' when
ps=read_bram_data_0 or
ps=read_data_0 or
ps=write_0 or
(ps=idle and use_sram_wr='1' and byte_we/="0000")
else '0';
use_sram_rd <= '1'
when (addr_decode(data_rd_addr,ADDR_XRAM)='1' and data_rd_vma='1') or
(addr_decode(code_rd_addr,ADDR_XRAM)='1' and code_rd_vma='1')
else '0';
use_sram_wr <= '1'
when addr_decode(data_wr_addr,ADDR_XRAM)='1'
else '0';
use_io_rd <= '1'
when addr_decode(data_rd_addr,ADDR_IO)='1' and data_rd_vma='1'
else '0';
use_io_wr <= '1'
when addr_decode(data_wr_addr,ADDR_IO)='1' and byte_we/="0000"
else '0';
bram_rd_addr <= data_rd_addr(bram_rd_addr'high downto 2) when
mem_wait <= (code_wait or data_wait) and not reset;
(ps=idle and use_sram_rd='0' and data_rd_vma='1')
else code_rd_addr(bram_rd_addr'high downto 2);
bram_wr_addr <= data_wr_addr(bram_wr_addr'high downto 2);
bram_byte_we <= byte_we when addr_decode(data_wr_addr,ADDR_BOOT)='1' else "0000";
with cps select code_wait <=
'1' when code_refill_bram_0,
'1' when code_refill_bram_1,
'1' when code_refill_bram_2,
'1' when code_wait_for_dcache,
'0' when others;
io_wr_addr <= data_wr_addr;
with dps select data_wait <=
io_rd_addr <= data_rd_addr(31 downto 2);
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_0,
io_wr_data <= data_wr;
'1' when data_writethrough_sram_1,
io_byte_we <= byte_we when addr_decode(data_wr_addr,ADDR_IO)='1' else "0000";
'1' when data_refill_sram_0,
'1' when data_refill_sram_1,
'1' when data_refill_bram_0,
'1' when data_refill_bram_1,
'1' when data_read_io_0,
'0' when others;
end architecture stub;
end architecture stub;
No newline at end of file
No newline at end of file