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module xgate_top #(parameter ARST_LVL = 1'b0, // asynchronous reset level
module xgate_top #(parameter ARST_LVL = 1'b0, // asynchronous reset level
parameter SINGLE_CYCLE = 1'b0, //
parameter SINGLE_CYCLE = 1'b0, //
parameter MAX_CHANNEL = 127, // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
parameter MAX_CHANNEL = 127, // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
parameter DWIDTH = 16) // Data bus width
parameter DWIDTH = 16) // Data bus width
// Wishbone Signals
// Wishbone Slave Signals
output [DWIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_o, // databus output
output [DWIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_o, // databus output
output wbs_ack_o, // bus cycle acknowledge output
output wbs_ack_o, // bus cycle acknowledge output
input wbs_clk_i, // master clock input
input wbs_clk_i, // master clock input
input wbs_rst_i, // synchronous active high reset
input wbs_rst_i, // synchronous active high reset
input arst_i, // asynchronous reset
input arst_i, // asynchronous reset
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input [DWIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_i, // databus input
input [DWIDTH-1:0] wbs_dat_i, // databus input
input wbs_we_i, // write enable input
input wbs_we_i, // write enable input
input wbs_stb_i, // stobe/core select signal
input wbs_stb_i, // stobe/core select signal
input wbs_cyc_i, // valid bus cycle input
input wbs_cyc_i, // valid bus cycle input
input [1:0] wbs_sel_i, // Select byte in word bus transaction
input [1:0] wbs_sel_i, // Select byte in word bus transaction
// Wishbone Master Signals
output [DWIDTH-1:0] wbm_dat_o, // databus output
output wbm_we_o, // write enable output
output wbm_stb_o, // stobe/core select signal
output wbm_cyc_o, // valid bus cycle output
output [ 1:0] wbm_sel_o, // Select byte in word bus transaction
output [15:0] wbm_adr_o, // Address bits
input [DWIDTH-1:0] wbm_dat_i, // databus input
input wbm_ack_i, // bus cycle acknowledge input
// XGATE IO Signals
// XGATE IO Signals
output [ 7:0] xgswt, // XGATE Software Trigger Register
output [ 7:0] xgswt, // XGATE Software Trigger Register
output [15:0] xgate_address,
output write_mem_strb_l, // Strobe for writing low data byte
output write_mem_strb_l, // Strobe for writing low data byte
output write_mem_strb_h, // Strobe for writing high data bye
output write_mem_strb_h, // Strobe for writing high data bye
output [15:0] write_mem_data,
output [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif, // XGATE Interrupt Flag
output [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif, // XGATE Interrupt Flag
input [15:0] read_mem_data,
input [MAX_CHANNEL:0] chan_req_i, // XGATE Interrupt request
input [MAX_CHANNEL:0] chan_req_i, // XGATE Interrupt request
input risc_clk, // Clock for RISC core
input risc_clk, // Clock for RISC core
input scantestmode // Chip in in scan test mode
input scantestmode // Chip in in scan test mode
wire zero_flag;
wire zero_flag;
wire negative_flag;
wire negative_flag;
wire carry_flag;
wire carry_flag;
wire overflow_flag;
wire overflow_flag;
wire [15:0] xgr1; // XGATE Register #1
wire [15:0] xgr1; // XGATE Register #1
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wire xgie; // XGATE Interrupt Enable
wire xgie; // XGATE Interrupt Enable
wire [ 6:0] int_req; // Encoded interrupt request
wire [ 6:0] int_req; // Encoded interrupt request
wire [ 6:0] xgchid; // Channel actively being processed
wire [ 6:0] xgchid; // Channel actively being processed
wire [15:1] xgvbr; // XGATE vector Base Address Register
wire [15:1] xgvbr; // XGATE vector Base Address Register
wire [ 2:0] semaph_risc; // Semaphore register select from RISC
wire [15:0] xgate_address; //
wire [15:0] write_mem_data; //
wire [15:0] read_mem_data; //
wire mem_req_ack; //
wire [ 7:0] host_semap; // Semaphore status for host
wire [ 7:0] host_semap; // Semaphore status for host
// wire [15:0] write_mem_data;
// wire [15:0] write_mem_data;
// wire [15:0] read_mem_data;
// wire [15:0] read_mem_data;
// wire [15:0] perif_data;
// wire [15:0] perif_data;
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// inputs
// inputs
.risc_clk( risc_clk ),
.risc_clk( risc_clk ),
.perif_data( wbs_dat_i ),
.perif_data( wbs_dat_i ),
.async_rst_b( async_rst_b ),
.async_rst_b( async_rst_b ),
.read_mem_data( read_mem_data ),
.read_mem_data( read_mem_data ),
.mem_req_ack( mem_req_ack ),
.xge( xge ),
.xge( xge ),
.xgfrz( xgfrz ),
.xgfrz( xgfrz ),
.xgdbg( xgdbg ),
.xgdbg( xgdbg ),
.xgss( xgss ),
.xgss( xgss ),
.xgvbr( xgvbr ),
.xgvbr( xgvbr ),
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.int_req( int_req ),
.int_req( int_req ),
// inputs
// inputs
.chan_req_i( chan_req_i )
.chan_req_i( chan_req_i )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wishbone Master Bus interface
xgate_wbm_bus #(.ARST_LVL(ARST_LVL))
// Wishbone Master Signals
.wbm_dat_o( wbm_dat_o ),
.wbm_we_o( wbm_we_o ),
.wbm_stb_o( wbm_stb_o ),
.wbm_cyc_o( wbm_cyc_o ),
.wbm_sel_o( wbm_sel_o ),
.wbm_adr_o( wbm_adr_o ),
.wbm_dat_i( wbm_dat_i ),
.wbm_ack_i( wbm_ack_i ),
.wbs_clk_i( wbs_clk_i ),
.wbs_rst_i( wbs_rst_i ),
.arst_i( arst_i ),
// XGATE Control Signals
.read_mem_data( read_mem_data ),
.xgate_address( xgate_address ),
.mem_req_ack( mem_req_ack ),
.write_mem_strb_l( write_mem_strb_l ),
.write_mem_strb_h( write_mem_strb_h ),
.write_mem_data( write_mem_data )
endmodule // xgate_top
endmodule // xgate_top
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