
Subversion Repositories System09

[/] [System09/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [System09_Digilent_ZyboZ20/] [system09.vhd] - Diff between revs 178 and 187

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Rev 178 Rev 187
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--  S Y N T H E Z I A B L E    System09 - SOC.
--  S Y N T H E Z I A B L E    System09 - SOC.
--  www.OpenCores.Org - February 2007
--  www.OpenCores.Org - February 2007
--  This core adheres to the GNU public license  
--  This core adheres to the GNU public license  
-- File name      : System09_Xess_XSA-3S1000.vhd
-- File name      : system09.vhd
-- Purpose        : Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chip
-- Purpose        : Top level file for 6809 compatible system on a chip
--                  Designed with Xilinx XC3S1000 Spartan 3 FPGA.
--                  Designed with Digilent Zybo Z20.
--                  Implemented With XESS XSA-3S1000 FPGA board.
-- ==========================================================================
--                  *** Note ***
-- Setup/Buttons
--                  This configuration can run Flex9 however it only has
--    RS232 - connect a RS-232 Pmod to JE (upper row)
--                  32k bytes of user memory and the VDU is monochrome
--    Configure terminal for 57600 baud 8-N-1, hardware handshake
--                  The design needs to be updated to use the SDRAM on 
--                  the XSA-3S1000 board.
-- Slide Switches - selects the nibble to display on the 4 LEDs
--                  This configuration also lacks a DAT so cannot use
--    0000 - CPU Address 3 to 0
--                  the RAM Disk features of SYS09BUG.
--    0001 - CPU Address 7 to 4
--    0010 - CPU Address 11 to 8
--    0011 - CPU Address 15 to 12
--    0100 - CPU Data 3 to 0
--    0101 - CPU Data 7 to 4
-- Push buttons
--     BTN3     BTN2     BTN1     BTN0
--    (unused)  Single   NMI      RESET
--              Step
-- Single-Step functionality is controlled by the CLOCK_MODE constant below
-- Memory Map     :
-- $0000 - User program RAM (32K Bytes)
-- $8000 - User program RAM (16K Bytes)
-- $C000 - Flex Operating System memory (8K Bytes)
-- $E000 - ACIA (SWTPc)
-- $E050 - Timer
-- $E060 - Bus trap
-- $F000 - Sys09Bug monitor Program (4K Bytes)
-- ==========================================================================
-- Dependencies   : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- Dependencies   : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
--                  ieee.std_logic_unsigned
--                  ieee.std_logic_unsigned
--                  ieee.std_logic_arith
--                  ieee.std_logic_arith
--                  ieee.numeric_std
--                  ieee.numeric_std
--                  unisim.vcomponents
--                  unisim.vcomponents
-- Uses           : mon_rom    (sys09bug_rom4k_b16.vhd) Sys09Bug Monitor ROM
-- Uses           : mon_rom    (sys09swt.vhd)         SWTPc S-Bug 1.7 Monitor ROM 
--                  cpu09      (cpu09.vhd)          CPU core
--                  cpu09      (cpu09.vhd)          CPU core
--                  ACIA_6850  (acia6850.vhd)      ACIA / UART
--                  ACIA_6850  (acia6850.vhd)      ACIA / UART
--                  ACIA_Clock (ACIA_Clock.vhd)      ACIA clock.
--                  ACIA_Clock (ACIA_Clock.vhd)      ACIA clock.
--                  timer      (timer.vhd)            Interrupt timer
--                  timer      (timer.vhd)            Interrupt timer
--                  trap       (trap.vhd)             Bus condition trap logic
--                  trap       (trap.vhd)             Bus condition trap logic
--                  flex_ram   (flex9_ram8k_b16.vhd)  Flex operating system
--                  flex_ram   (flex9ram.vhd)         Flex operating system
--                  ram_16K    (ram16k_b16.vhd)       32 KBytes of Block RAM
--                  ram_32K    (ram32k_b16.vhd)       32 KBytes of Block RAM
--                  ram_32K    (ram32k_b16.vhd)       32 KBytes of Block RAM
-- Author         : John E. Kent      
-- Memory Map     :
-- $0000 - User program RAM (32K Bytes)
-- $C000 - Flex Operating System memory (8K Bytes)
-- $E000 - ACIA (SWTPc)
-- $E010 - Reserved for FD1771 FDC (SWTPc)
-- $E050 - Timer
-- $E060 - Bus trap
-- $E070 - Reserced for Parallel I/O (B5-X300)
-- $E080 - Reserved for 6821 PIA (?) (SWTPc)
-- $E090 - Reserved for 6840 PTM (?) (SWTPc)
-- $F000 - Sys09Bug monitor Program (4K Bytes)
-- Revision History:
-- Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 20 March 2003
-- Version 0.1 - Jan 20, 2021
-- Version 0.2 - 30 March 2003
--    Copied from the System09_Xess-XSA3S1000 vhdl
-- Version 0.3 - 29 April 2003
-- Version 0.4 - 29 June 2003
-- Version 0.5 - 19 July 2003
-- prints out "Hello World"
-- Version 0.6 - 5 September 2003
-- Runs SBUG
-- Version 1.0- 6 Sep 2003 - John Kent
-- Inverted SysClk
-- Initial release to Open Cores
-- Version 1.1 - 17 Jan 2004 - John Kent
-- Updated miniUart.
-- Version 1.2 - 25 Jan 2004 - John Kent
-- removed signals "test_alu" and "test_cc" 
-- Trap hardware re-instated.
-- Version 1.3 - 11 Feb 2004 - John Kent
-- Designed forked off to produce System09_VDU
-- Added VDU component
-- VDU runs at 25MHz and divides the clock by 2 for the CPU
-- UART Runs at 57.6 Kbps
-- Version 2.0 - 2 September 2004 - John Kent
-- ported to Digilent Xilinx Spartan3 starter board
-- removed Compact Flash and Trap Logic.
-- Replaced SBUG with KBug9s
-- Version 3.0 - 29th August 2006 - John Kent
-- Adapted to XSA-3S1000 board.
-- Removed DAT and miniUART.
-- Used 32KBytes of Block RAM.
-- Version 3.1 - 15th January 2007 - John Kent
-- Modified vdu8 interface
-- Added a clock divider
-- Version 3.2 - 25th February 2007 - John Kent
-- reinstated ACIA_6850 and ACIA_Clock
-- Updated VDU8 & Keyboard with generic parameters
-- Defined Constants for clock speed calculations
-- Version 3.3 - 1st July 2007 - John Kent
-- Made VDU mono to save on one RAMB16
-- Used distributed memory for Key Map ROM to save one RAMB16
-- Added Flex RAM at $C000 to $DFFF using 4 spare RAMB16s
-- Added timer and trap logic
-- Added IDE Interface for Compact Flash
-- Replaced KBug9s and stack with Sys09Bug.
-- Version 4.0 - 1st February 2008 - John kent
-- Replaced Block RAM with SDRAM Interface
-- Modified Hold timing for SDRAM
-- Added CF and Ethernet interface 
-- via the 16 bit peripheral bus at $E100
library ieee;
library ieee;
   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
   use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Line 126... Line 73...
library unisim;
library unisim;
   use unisim.vcomponents.all;
   use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity system09 is
entity system09 is
    sysclk         : in  Std_Logic;  -- 125MHz Clock input
    CLKA         : in  Std_Logic;  -- 125 MHz Clock input
    RESET_N      : in  Std_logic;  -- Master Reset input (active low)
    NMI_N        : in  Std_logic;  -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low)
    -- RS232 Port
    -- RS232 Port
  --RS232_CTS    : in  std_logic;       
    RS232_RTS    : out std_logic;
  --RS232_RTS    : out std_logic;  
         RS232_CTS    : in  std_logic;
    RS232_RXD    : in  Std_Logic;  -- RS-232 data in
    RS232_RXD    : in  Std_Logic;
    RS232_TXD    : out Std_Logic   -- RS-232 data out
    RS232_TXD    : out Std_Logic;
-- CPU Debug Interface signals
    -- slide switches
--    cpu_reset_o     : out Std_Logic;
         sw           : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--    cpu_clk_o       : out Std_Logic;
         -- push buttons [Unused, Single-Step, NMI, RESET]
--    cpu_rw_o        : out std_logic;
         btn          : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--    cpu_vma_o       : out std_logic;
    -- Status 4 LEDs
--    cpu_halt_o      : out std_logic;
    led          : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
--    cpu_hold_o      : out std_logic;
--    cpu_firq_o      : out std_logic;
--    cpu_irq_o       : out std_logic;
--    cpu_nmi_o       : out std_logic;
--    cpu_addr_o      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
--    cpu_data_in_o   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
--    cpu_data_out_o  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
end system09;
end system09;
-- Architecture for System09
-- Architecture for System09
Line 161... Line 98...
architecture rtl of system09 is
architecture rtl of system09 is
  -- constants
  -- constants
  constant CLOCK_MODE           : natural := 0; -- 0 means normal, 1 means single-step
  constant SYS_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 125_000_000; -- FPGA System Clock (in Hz)
  constant SYS_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 125_000_000; -- FPGA System Clock (in Hz)
  constant CPU_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 25_000_000;  -- CPU Clock (Hz)
  constant CPU_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 25_000_000;  -- CPU Clock (Hz)
  constant CPU_CLK_DIV          : natural := (SYS_CLK_FREQ/CPU_CLK_FREQ);
  constant CPU_CLK_DIV          : natural := (SYS_CLK_FREQ/CPU_CLK_FREQ);
  constant BAUD_RATE            : integer := 57600;     -- Baud Rate
  constant BAUD_RATE            : integer := 57600;     -- Baud Rate
  constant ACIA_CLK_FREQ        : integer := BAUD_RATE * 16;
  constant ACIA_CLK_FREQ        : integer := BAUD_RATE * 16;
  -- Signals
  -- Signals
  signal pbtn           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal NMI_N          : std_logic;
  signal RESET_N        : std_logic;
  signal SINGLE_STEP    : std_logic;
  signal rom_cs         : Std_logic;
  signal rom_cs         : Std_logic;
  signal rom_data_out   : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
  signal rom_data_out   : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
Line 228... Line 171...
  signal trap_irq       : std_logic;
  signal trap_irq       : std_logic;
  signal rst_i         : std_logic;     -- internal reset signal
  signal rst_i         : std_logic;     -- internal reset signal
  signal clk_i         : std_logic;     -- internal master clock signal
  signal clk_i         : std_logic;     -- internal master clock signal
  signal rs232_cts    :  Std_Logic;
  signal CountL        : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  signal rs232_rts    :  Std_Logic;
  signal clk_count     : natural range 0 to CPU_CLK_DIV;
  signal clk_count     : natural range 0 to CPU_CLK_DIV;
  signal Clk25         : std_logic;
  signal Clk25         : std_logic;
component btn_debounce
    Port ( BTN_I : in  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
           CLK : in  STD_LOGIC;
           BTN_O : out  STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0));
end component;
-- CPU09 CPU core
-- CPU09 CPU core
Line 435... Line 384...
    data_in  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    data_in  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
    data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
end component;
-- Clock buffer
-- Clock buffer
component BUFG
component BUFG
   Port (
   Port (
     i: in std_logic;
     i: in std_logic;
     o: out std_logic
     o: out std_logic
end component;
end component;
  clk_i <= sysclk;
  -- pushbutton debounce
  my_singlestep: btn_debounce
    port map ( BTN_I => btn, CLK => CLKA, BTN_O => pbtn);
  RESET_N     <= pbtn(0); -- Right PB
  NMI_N       <= pbtn(1); -- Center PB
  SINGLE_STEP <= pbtn(2); -- Left PB
  -- Generate CPU & Pixel Clock from Memory Clock
  NORMAL: if CLOCK_MODE = 0 generate
    my_prescaler : process( clk_i, clk_count )
      if rising_edge( clk_i ) then
        if clk_count = 0 then
          clk_count <= CPU_CLK_DIV-1;
          clk_count <= clk_count - 1;
        end if;
        if clk_count = 0 then
           clk25 <= '0';
        elsif clk_count = (CPU_CLK_DIV/2) then
           clk25 <= '1';
        end if;
      end if;
    end process;
  end generate;
  SS: if CLOCK_MODE = 1 generate
    clk25 <= SINGLE_STEP;
  end generate;
  -- Reset button and reset timer
  my_switch_assignments : process( rst_i, RESET_N)
    rst_i <= RESET_N;
    cpu_reset <= rst_i;
  end process;
  clk_i <= CLKA;
  -- Instantiation of internal components
  -- Instantiation of internal components
  my_cpu : cpu09
  my_cpu : cpu09
Line 527... Line 518...
      data_in   => cpu_data_out,
      data_in   => cpu_data_out,
      data_out  => acia_data_out,
      data_out  => acia_data_out,
      irq       => acia_irq,
      irq       => acia_irq,
      RxC       => acia_clk,
      RxC       => acia_clk,
      TxC       => acia_clk,
      TxC       => acia_clk,
      RxD       => rxd,
      RxD       => RS232_RXD,
      TxD       => txd,
      TxD       => RS232_TXD,
      DCD_n     => dcd_n,
      DCD_n     => dcd_n,
      CTS_n     => cts_n,
      CTS_n     => RS232_CTS,
      RTS_n     => rts_n
      RTS_n     => RS232_RTS
  dcd_n <= '0';
  my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
  my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
    generic map(
    generic map(
Line 747... Line 739...
    cpu_halt   <= '0';
    cpu_halt   <= '0';
    cpu_hold   <= '0'; -- pb_hold or ram_hold;
    cpu_hold   <= '0'; -- pb_hold or ram_hold;
  end process;
  end process;
  -- Generate CPU & Pixel Clock from Memory Clock
  -- Flash 7 segment LEDS
  my_prescaler : process( clk_i, clk_count )
  my_led_flasher: process( clk_i, rst_i, CountL )
    if rising_edge( clk_i ) then
    if rst_i = '1' then
      if clk_count = 0 then
         CountL <= "000000000000000000000000";
        clk_count <= CPU_CLK_DIV-1;
    elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
         CountL <= CountL + 1;
        clk_count <= clk_count - 1;
      end if;
      if clk_count = 0 then
         clk25 <= '0';
      elsif clk_count = (CPU_CLK_DIV/2) then
         clk25 <= '1';
      end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    --S(7 downto 0) <= CountL(23 downto 16);
  end process;
  end process;
  -- Reset button and reset timer
  my_switch_assignments : process( rst_i, RESET_N)
    rst_i <= RESET_N;
    cpu_reset <= rst_i;
  end process;
  -- RS232 signals:
  status_leds : process( rst_i, cpu_reset,cpu_addr, cpu_rw, sw)
  my_acia_assignments : process( RS232_RXD, RS232_CTS, txd, rts_n )
    rxd       <= RS232_RXD;
    case sw is
    cts_n     <= RS232_CTS;
         when "0000" =>
    dcd_n     <= '0';
           led(3 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(3 downto 0);
    RS232_TXD <= txd;
    when "0001" =>
    RS232_RTS <= rts_n;
           led(3 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(7 downto 4);
         when "0010" =>
           led(3 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(11 downto 8);
    when "0011" =>
           led(3 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(15 downto 12);
    when "0100" =>
           led(3 downto 0) <= cpu_data_in(3 downto 0);
    when "0101" =>
           led(3 downto 0) <= cpu_data_in(7 downto 4);
    when others => led(3 downto 0) <= (others => '0');
         end case;
  end process;
  end process;
--  debug_proc : process( cpu_reset, cpu_clk, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
--  debug_proc : process( cpu_reset, cpu_clk, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
--                      cpu_halt, cpu_hold,
--                      cpu_halt, cpu_hold,
--                      cpu_firq, cpu_irq, cpu_nmi,
--                      cpu_firq, cpu_irq, cpu_nmi,

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