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---- This file is part of the ----
---- This file is part of the ----
---- Modular Simultaneous Exponentiation Core project ----
---- Modular Simultaneous Exponentiation Core project ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
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---- Description ----
---- Description ----
---- stepping logic for the pipelined montgomery multiplier ----
---- stepping logic to control the pipeline for one ----
---- montgommery multiplication ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- Dependencies: ----
---- Dependencies: ----
---- - d_flip_flop ----
---- - d_flip_flop ----
---- - counter_sync ----
---- - counter_sync ----
---- ----
---- ----
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library mod_sim_exp;
library mod_sim_exp;
use mod_sim_exp.mod_sim_exp_pkg.all;
use mod_sim_exp.mod_sim_exp_pkg.all;
-- stepping logic for the pipeline, generates the start pulses for the
-- first stage and keeps track of when the last stages are done
entity stepping_logic is
entity stepping_logic is
n : integer := 1536; -- max nr of steps required to complete a multiplication
n : integer := 1536; -- max nr of steps required to complete a multiplication
t : integer := 192 -- total nr of steps in the pipeline
t : integer := 192 -- total nr of steps in the pipeline
core_clk : in std_logic;
core_clk : in std_logic; -- clock input
start : in std_logic;
start : in std_logic; -- start signal for pipeline (one multiplication)
reset : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic; -- reset signal
t_sel : in integer range 0 to t; -- nr of stages in the pipeline piece
t_sel : in integer range 0 to t; -- nr of stages in the pipeline piece
n_sel : in integer range 0 to n; -- nr of steps required for a complete multiplication
n_sel : in integer range 0 to n; -- nr of steps(bits in operands) required for a complete multiplication
start_first_stage : out std_logic;
start_first_stage : out std_logic; -- start pulse output for first stage
stepping_done : out std_logic
stepping_done : out std_logic -- done signal
end stepping_logic;
end stepping_logic;
architecture Behavioral of stepping_logic is
architecture Behavioral of stepping_logic is
signal laststeps_in_i : std_logic := '0';
signal laststeps_out_i : std_logic := '0';
-- signals for the first stage control, pulses and counters
signal start_stop_in_i : std_logic := '0';
signal first_stage_done : std_logic; -- indicates the first stage is done running for this multiplication
signal start_stop_out_i : std_logic := '0';
signal first_stage_active : std_logic; -- indicates the first stage is active
signal steps_in_i : std_logic := '0';
signal first_stage_active_d : std_logic; -- delayed version of first_stage_active
signal steps_out_i : std_logic := '0';
signal start_first_stage_i : std_logic; -- internal version of start_first_stage output
signal substeps_in_i : std_logic := '0';
signal substeps_out_i : std_logic := '0';
-- signals for the last stages control and counter
signal done_reg_in_i : std_logic := '0';
signal last_stages_done : std_logic; -- indicates the last stages are done running for this multiplication
signal done_reg_out_i : std_logic := '0';
signal last_stages_active : std_logic; -- indicates the last stages are active
signal start_first_stage_i : std_logic := '0';
signal last_stages_active_d : std_logic; -- delayed version of last_stages_active
signal start_i : std_logic := '0';
start_i <= start;
-- map outputs
-- map outputs
start_first_stage <= start_first_stage_i;
stepping_done <= last_stages_done;
stepping_done <= laststeps_out_i;
-- internal signals
-- internal signals
start_stop_in_i <= start_i or (start_stop_out_i and not steps_out_i);
substeps_in_i <= start_stop_in_i;
-- first_stage_active signal gets active from a start pulse
steps_in_i <= substeps_out_i;
-- inactive from first_stage_done pulse
done_reg_in_i <= steps_out_i or (done_reg_out_i and not laststeps_out_i);
first_stage_active <= start or (first_stage_active_d and not first_stage_done);
laststeps_in_i <= done_reg_in_i;
start_first_stage_i <= start_i or steps_in_i;
-- done signal gets active from a first_stage_done pulse
--start_first_stage_i <= steps_in_i;
-- inactive from last_stages_done pulse
last_stages_active <= first_stage_done or (last_stages_active_d and not last_stages_done);
-- map start_first_stage_i to output, but also use the initial start pulse
start_first_stage <= start or start_first_stage_i;
done_reg : d_flip_flop
last_stages_active_delay : d_flip_flop
port map(
port map(
core_clk => core_clk,
core_clk => core_clk,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
din => done_reg_in_i,
din => last_stages_active,
dout => done_reg_out_i
dout => last_stages_active_d
start_stop_reg : d_flip_flop
first_stage_active_delay : d_flip_flop
port map(
port map(
core_clk => core_clk,
core_clk => core_clk,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
din => start_stop_in_i,
din => first_stage_active,
dout => start_stop_out_i
dout => first_stage_active_d
-- for counting the last steps
-- the counters
-- for counting the last steps (waiting for the other stages to stop)
-- counter for keeping track of how many stages are done
laststeps_counter : counter_sync
laststeps_counter : counter_sync
generic map(
generic map(
max_value => t
max_value => t
port map(
port map(
reset_value => t_sel,
reset_value => t_sel,
core_clk => core_clk,
core_clk => core_clk,
ce => laststeps_in_i,
ce => last_stages_active,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
overflow => laststeps_out_i
overflow => last_stages_done
-- counter for keeping track of the steps
-- counter for keeping track of how many times the first stage is started
-- counts bits in operand x till operand width then generates pulse on first_stage_done
steps_counter : counter_sync
steps_counter : counter_sync
generic map(
generic map(
max_value => n
max_value => n
port map(
port map(
reset_value => (n_sel),
reset_value => (n_sel),
core_clk => core_clk,
core_clk => core_clk,
ce => steps_in_i,
ce => start_first_stage_i,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
overflow => steps_out_i
overflow => first_stage_done
-- makes sure we don't start too early with a new step
-- the output (overflow) of this counter starts the first stage every 2 clock cycles
substeps_counter : counter_sync
substeps_counter : counter_sync
generic map(
generic map(
max_value => 2
max_value => 2
port map(
port map(
reset_value => 2,
reset_value => 2,
core_clk => core_clk,
core_clk => core_clk,
ce => substeps_in_i,
ce => first_stage_active,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
overflow => substeps_out_i
overflow => start_first_stage_i
end Behavioral;
end Behavioral;
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