###################################################################### #### #### #### ORPSoC Xilinx backend Makefile #### #### #### #### Author(s): #### #### - Julius Baxter, julius@opencores.org #### #### #### #### #### ###################################################################### #### #### #### Copyright (C) 2009,2010,2011 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG #### #### #### #### This source file may be used and distributed without #### #### restriction provided that this copyright statement is not #### #### removed from the file and that any derivative work contains #### #### the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. #### #### #### #### This source file is free software; you can redistribute it #### #### and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General #### #### Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; #### #### either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any #### #### later version. #### #### #### #### This source is distributed in the hope that it will be #### #### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied #### #### warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR #### #### PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more #### #### details. #### #### #### #### You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General #### #### Public License along with this source; if not, download it #### #### from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml #### #### #### ###################################################################### # Name of the directory we're currently in CUR_DIR=$(shell pwd) # The root path of the board build BOARD_ROOT ?=$(CUR_DIR)/../../.. include $(BOARD_ROOT)/Makefile.inc # # Options for Xilinx PAR tools # FPGA_PART=xc6slx45-2-csg324 ifeq ($(V), 1) XILINX_FLAGS ?= else XILINX_FLAGS ?=-intstyle silent endif XILINX_MAP_FLAGS=-logic_opt off XILINX_AREA_TARGET = speed TIMING_REPORT_OPTIONS = -u 1000 -e 1000 SPI_FLASH_SIZE_KBYTES ?=16384 SPI_BOOTLOADER_SW_OFFSET_HEX ?=1c0000 print-config: $(Q)echo; echo "\t### Backend make configuration ###"; echo $(Q)echo "\tFPGA_PART="$(FPGA_PART) $(Q)echo "\tXILINX_FLAGS="$(XILINX_FLAGS) $(Q)echo "\tXILINX_MAP_FLAGS="$(XILINX_MAP_FLAGS) $(Q)echo "\tXILINX_AREA_TARGET="$(XILINX_AREA_TARGET) $(Q)echo "\tTIMING_REPORT_OPTIONS="$(TIMING_REPORT_OPTIONS) $(Q)echo "\tSPI_FLASH_SIZE_KBYTES="$(SPI_FLASH_SIZE_KBYTES) $(Q)echo "\tSPI_BOOTLOADER_SW_OFFSET_HEX="$(SPI_BOOTLOADER_SW_OFFSET_HEX) NGC_FILE=$(BOARD_SYN_RUN_DIR)/$(DESIGN_NAME).ngc NGD_FILE=$(DESIGN_NAME).ngd UCF_FILE=../bin/$(BOARD_NAME).ucf MAPPED_NCD=$(DESIGN_NAME)_mapped.ncd PARRED_NCD=$(DESIGN_NAME).ncd PCF_FILE=$(DESIGN_NAME).pcf BIT_FILE=$(DESIGN_NAME).bit BIT_FILE_FOR_SPI=$(DESIGN_NAME)_spiboot.bit BATCH_FILE=$(DESIGN_NAME).batch MCS_FILE=$(DESIGN_NAME).mcs $(NGC_FILE): $(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(BOARD_SYN_RUN_DIR) $(DESIGN_NAME).ngc $(NGD_FILE): $(UCF_FILE) $(NGC_FILE) @echo; echo "\t#### Running NGDBuild ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ ngdbuild -p $(FPGA_PART) -sd $(BOARD_BACKEND_BIN_DIR) -uc $(UCF_FILE) \ $(NGC_FILE) $@ ) #This target uses Xilinx tools to perform Mapping $(MAPPED_NCD): $(NGD_FILE) @echo; echo "\t#### Mapping ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ map -p $(FPGA_PART) -detail -pr b \ -timing -ol high -w $(XILINX_FLAGS) -o $@ -xe n $(NGD_FILE) $(PCF_FILE)) #This target uses Xilinx tools to Place & Route the design $(PARRED_NCD): $(MAPPED_NCD) @echo; echo "\t#### PAR'ing ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ par -w -ol high -xe n $(XILINX_FLAGS) $< $@ $(PCD_FILE) ) #This target uses Xilinx tools to generate a bitstream for download $(BIT_FILE): $(PARRED_NCD) @echo; echo "\t#### Generating .bit file ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ bitgen -w $(XILINX_FLAGS) -g StartUpClk:JtagClk $< $@ ) $(BIT_FILE_FOR_SPI): $(PARRED_NCD) @echo; echo "\t#### Generating .bit file for SPI load ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ bitgen -w $(XILINX_FLAGS) -g StartUpClk:CClk $< $@ ) # Generate MCS with bootloader specified by user, if BOOTLOADER_BIN defined. ifeq ($(BOOTLOADER_BIN),) $(MCS_FILE): $(BIT_FILE_FOR_SPI) @echo; echo "\t#### Generating .mcs file for SPI load ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ promgen -spi -p mcs -w -o $@ -s $(SPI_FLASH_SIZE_KBYTES) -u 0 $< ) else $(MCS_FILE): $(BIT_FILE_FOR_SPI) @echo; echo "\t#### Generating .mcs file with bootloader for SPI load ####"; $(Q)( . $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ promgen -spi -p mcs -w -o $@ -s $(SPI_FLASH_SIZE_KBYTES) -u 0 $< \ -data_file up $(SPI_BOOTLOADER_SW_OFFSET_HEX) $(BOOTLOADER_BIN) \ ) endif #this target downloads the bitstream to the target fpga download: $(BIT_FILE) $(BATCH_FILE) $(Q)( . ${XILINX_PATH}/settings32.sh && \ impact -batch $(BATCH_FILE) ) #This target uses netgen to make a simulation netlist netlist: $(PARRED_NCD) @echo; echo "\t#### Generating netlist ####"; $(Q)(. $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ netgen -ofmt verilog -sim -dir netlist -pcf $(PCF_FILE) $<) #This one uses TRCE to make a timing report timingreport: $(PARRED_NCD) @echo; echo "\t#### Generating timing report ####"; $(Q)(. $(XILINX_SETTINGS_SCRIPT) && \ trce $(TIMING_REPORT_OPTIONS) $< ) clean: $(Q)rm -rf *.* xlnx_auto* clean-syn: $(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(BOARD_SYN_RUN_DIR) distclean distclean: clean-syn clean .PRECIOUS : $(PARRED_NCD) $(MAPPED_NCD) $(NGC_FILE) $(NGD_FILE) $(BIT_FILE) $(BIT_FILE_FOR_SPI)

Error running this command: diff -w -U 5 "" "/tmp/zr5QzK"

diff: : No such file or directory