
Subversion Repositories spi_master_slave

[/] [spi_master_slave/] [trunk/] [syn/] [spi_master_atlys_top.vhd] - Diff between revs 20 and 22

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Rev 20 Rev 22
Line 35... Line 35...
library ieee;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity spi_master_atlys_top is
entity spi_master_atlys_top is
    Generic (
        N : positive := 8;                              -- 8bit serial word length is default
        CPOL : std_logic := '0';                        -- SPI mode selection (mode 0 default)
        CPHA : std_logic := '0';                        -- CPOL = clock polarity, CPHA = clock phase.
        PREFETCH : positive := 3;                       -- prefetch lookahead cycles
        CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns;                     -- clock period for gclk_i (default 100MHz)
        DEBOUNCE_TIME : time := 200 us);                -- switch debounce time (use 200 us for silicon, 2 us for simulation)
    Port (
    Port (
        gclk_i : in std_logic := 'X';                           -- board clock input 100MHz
        gclk_i : in std_logic := 'X';                           -- board clock input 100MHz
        --- SPI interface ---           
        --- SPI interface ---           
        spi_ssel_o : out std_logic;                             -- spi port SSEL
        spi_ssel_o : out std_logic;                             -- spi port SSEL
        spi_sck_o : out std_logic;                              -- spi port SCK
        spi_sck_o : out std_logic;                              -- spi port SCK
Line 57... Line 64...
        s_state_o : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);          -- slave spi fsm state
        s_state_o : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);          -- slave spi fsm state
        dbg_o : out std_logic_vector (11 downto 0)              -- 12 generic debug pins
        dbg_o : out std_logic_vector (11 downto 0)              -- 12 generic debug pins
end spi_master_atlys_top;
end spi_master_atlys_top;
architecture behavioral of spi_master_atlys_top is
architecture rtl of spi_master_atlys_top is
    -- Constants
    -- Constants
    -- clock divider count values from gclk_i (100MHz board clock)
    -- clock divider count values from gclk_i (100MHz board clock)
    -- these constants shall not be zero
    -- these constants shall not be zero
    constant FSM_CE_DIV         : integer := 1;     -- fsm operates at 100MHz
    constant FSM_CE_DIV         : integer := 1;     -- fsm operates at 100MHz
    constant SPI_2X_CLK_DIV     : integer := 1;     -- 50MHz SPI clock
    constant SPI_2X_CLK_DIV     : integer := 1;     -- 50MHz SPI clock
    constant SAMP_CE_DIV        : integer := 1;     -- board signals sampled at 100MHz
    constant SAMP_CE_DIV        : integer := 1;     -- board signals sampled at 100MHz
    -- spi port generics
    constant N      : integer   := 8;               -- 8 bits
    constant CPOL   : std_logic := '0';
    constant CPHA   : std_logic := '0';
    -- button definitions
    -- button definitions
    constant btRESET    : integer := 0;             -- these are constants to use as btn_i(x)
    constant btRESET    : integer := 0;             -- these are constants to use as btn_i(x)
    constant btUP       : integer := 1;
    constant btUP       : integer := 1;
    constant btLEFT     : integer := 2;
    constant btLEFT     : integer := 2;
Line 177... Line 180...
    -- spi master port: data and control signals driven by the master fsm
    -- spi master port: data and control signals driven by the master fsm
    Inst_spi_master_port: entity work.spi_master(rtl)
    Inst_spi_master_port: entity work.spi_master(rtl)
        generic map (N => N, CPOL => CPOL, CPHA => CPHA, PREFETCH => 3, SPI_2X_CLK_DIV => SPI_2X_CLK_DIV)
        generic map (N => N, CPOL => CPOL, CPHA => CPHA, PREFETCH => PREFETCH, SPI_2X_CLK_DIV => SPI_2X_CLK_DIV)
        port map(
        port map(
            sclk_i => gclk_i,                   -- system clock is used for serial and parallel ports
            sclk_i => gclk_i,                   -- system clock is used for serial and parallel ports
            pclk_i => gclk_i,
            pclk_i => gclk_i,
            rst_i => spi_rst_reg,
            rst_i => spi_rst_reg,
            spi_ssel_o => spi_ssel,
            spi_ssel_o => spi_ssel,
Line 198... Line 201...
            state_dbg_o => spi_state_m          -- debug: internal state register
            state_dbg_o => spi_state_m          -- debug: internal state register
    -- spi slave port: data and control signals driven by the slave fsm
    -- spi slave port: data and control signals driven by the slave fsm
    Inst_spi_slave_port: entity work.spi_slave(rtl)
    Inst_spi_slave_port: entity work.spi_slave(rtl)
        generic map (N => N, CPOL => CPOL, CPHA => CPHA, PREFETCH => 3)
        generic map (N => N, CPOL => CPOL, CPHA => CPHA, PREFETCH => PREFETCH)
        port map(
        port map(
            clk_i => gclk_i,
            clk_i => gclk_i,
            spi_ssel_i => spi_ssel,             -- driven by the spi master
            spi_ssel_i => spi_ssel,             -- driven by the spi master
            spi_sck_i => spi_sck,               -- driven by the spi master
            spi_sck_i => spi_sck,               -- driven by the spi master
            spi_mosi_i => spi_mosi,             -- driven by the spi master
            spi_mosi_i => spi_mosi,             -- driven by the spi master
Line 217... Line 220...
            state_dbg_o => spi_state_s          -- debug: internal state register
            state_dbg_o => spi_state_s          -- debug: internal state register
    -- debounce for the input switches, with new data strobe output
    -- debounce for the input switches, with new data strobe output
    Inst_sw_debouncer: entity work.grp_debouncer(rtl)
    Inst_sw_debouncer: entity work.grp_debouncer(rtl)
        generic map (N => 8, CNT_VAL => 200)  -- debounce 8 inputs with 200 us settling time
        generic map (N => 8, CNT_VAL => DEBOUNCE_TIME / CLK_PERIOD) -- debounce 8 inputs with selected settling time
        port map(
        port map(
            clk_i => gclk_i,                    -- system clock
            clk_i => gclk_i,                    -- system clock
            data_i => sw_i,                     -- noisy input data
            data_i => sw_i,                     -- noisy input data
            data_o => sw_data                   -- registered stable output data
            data_o => sw_data                   -- registered stable output data
    -- debounce for the input pushbuttons, with new data strobe output
    -- debounce for the input pushbuttons, with new data strobe output
    Inst_btn_debouncer: entity work.grp_debouncer(rtl)
    Inst_btn_debouncer: entity work.grp_debouncer(rtl)
        generic map (N => 6, CNT_VAL => 200)  -- debounce 6 inputs with 200 us settling time
        generic map (N => 6, CNT_VAL => DEBOUNCE_TIME / CLK_PERIOD) -- debounce 6 inputs with selected settling time
        port map(
        port map(
            clk_i => gclk_i,                    -- system clock
            clk_i => gclk_i,                    -- system clock
            data_i => btn_i,                    -- noisy input data
            data_i => btn_i,                    -- noisy input data
            data_o => btn_data                  -- registered stable output data
            data_o => btn_data                  -- registered stable output data
Line 354... Line 357...
    -- edge detector for new switch data
    -- edge detector for new switch data
    new_switch_proc: new_switch <= '1' when sw_data /= sw_reg else '0';     -- '1' for edge
    new_switch_proc: new_switch <= '1' when sw_data /= sw_reg else '0';     -- '1' for change edge
    -- edge detector for new button data
    -- edge detector for new button data
    new_button_proc: new_button <= '1' when btn_data /= btn_reg else '0';   -- '1' for edge
    new_button_proc: new_button <= '1' when btn_data /= btn_reg else '0';   -- '1' for change edge
    -- master port fsm state and combinatorial logic
    -- master port write fsmd logic
    fsm_m_wr_combi_proc: process ( m_wr_st_reg, spi_wren_reg_m, spi_di_reg_m, spi_di_req_m, spi_wr_ack_m,
    fsm_m_wr_combi_proc: process ( m_wr_st_reg, spi_wren_reg_m, spi_di_reg_m, spi_di_req_m, spi_wr_ack_m,
                                spi_ssel_reg, spi_rst_reg, sw_data, sw_reg, new_switch, btn_data, btn_reg,
                                spi_ssel_reg, spi_rst_reg, sw_data, sw_reg, new_switch, btn_data, btn_reg,
                                new_button, clear) is
                                new_button, clear) is
        spi_rst_next <= spi_rst_reg;
        spi_rst_next <= spi_rst_reg;
Line 457... Line 460...
                m_wr_st_next <= st_reset;                   -- state st_reset is safe state
                m_wr_st_next <= st_reset;                   -- state st_reset is safe state
        end case;
        end case;
    end process fsm_m_wr_combi_proc;
    end process fsm_m_wr_combi_proc;
    -- slave port fsm state and combinatorial logic
    -- slave port write fsmd logic
    fsm_s_wr_combi_proc: process (  s_wr_st_reg, spi_di_req_s, spi_wr_ack_s, spi_do_valid_s,
    fsm_s_wr_combi_proc: process (  s_wr_st_reg, spi_di_req_s, spi_wr_ack_s, spi_do_valid_s,
                                    spi_di_reg_s, spi_wren_reg_s, spi_ssel_reg) is
                                    spi_di_reg_s, spi_wren_reg_s, spi_ssel_reg) is
        spi_wren_next_s <= spi_wren_reg_s;
        spi_wren_next_s <= spi_wren_reg_s;
        spi_di_next_s <= spi_di_reg_s;
        spi_di_next_s <= spi_di_reg_s;
        s_wr_st_next <= s_wr_st_reg;
        s_wr_st_next <= s_wr_st_reg;
        case s_wr_st_reg is
        case s_wr_st_reg is
            when st_reset =>
            when st_reset =>
                spi_di_next_s <= X"D1";                     -- write first data word
                spi_di_next_s <= X"51";                     -- write first data word
                spi_wren_next_s <= '1';                     -- set write enable
                spi_wren_next_s <= '1';                     -- set write enable
                s_wr_st_next <= st_wait_spi_start;
                s_wr_st_next <= st_wait_spi_start;
            when st_wait_spi_start =>
            when st_wait_spi_start =>
                if spi_ssel_reg = '0' then                  -- wait for slave select
                if spi_ssel_reg = '0' then                  -- wait for slave select
Line 480... Line 483...
            when st_wait_spi_di_req_2 =>
            when st_wait_spi_di_req_2 =>
                if spi_di_req_s = '1' then
                if spi_di_req_s = '1' then
--                    spi_di_next_s <= X"D2";               -- do not write on this cycle (cycle miss)
--                    spi_di_next_s <= X"D2";               -- do not write on this cycle (cycle miss)
--                    spi_wren_next_s <= '1';
--                    spi_wren_next_s <= '1';
--                    s_wr_st_next <= st_wait_spi_ack_2;
                    s_wr_st_next <= st_wait_spi_do_valid_1;
                    s_wr_st_next <= st_wait_spi_do_valid_1;
                end if;
                end if;
            when st_wait_spi_ack_2 =>                       -- the actual write happens on this state
            when st_wait_spi_ack_2 =>                       -- the actual write happens on this state
                if spi_wr_ack_s = '1' then
                if spi_wr_ack_s = '1' then
Line 518... Line 522...
                s_wr_st_next <= st_reset;                   -- state st_reset is safe state
                s_wr_st_next <= st_reset;                   -- state st_reset is safe state
        end case;
        end case;
    end process fsm_s_wr_combi_proc;
    end process fsm_s_wr_combi_proc;
    -- slave port fsm state and combinatorial logic
    -- slave port read fsmd logic
    fsm_s_rd_combi_proc: process ( s_rd_st_reg, spi_do_valid_s, spi_do_s, s_do_1_reg, s_do_2_reg, s_do_3_reg) is
    fsm_s_rd_combi_proc: process ( s_rd_st_reg, spi_do_valid_s, spi_do_s, s_do_1_reg, s_do_2_reg, s_do_3_reg) is
        s_do_1_next <= s_do_1_reg;
        s_do_1_next <= s_do_1_reg;
        s_do_2_next <= s_do_2_reg;
        s_do_2_next <= s_do_2_reg;
        s_do_3_next <= s_do_3_reg;
        s_do_3_next <= s_do_3_reg;
Line 605... Line 609...
    -- master signals mapped on dbg
    -- master signals mapped on dbg
    dbg(11) <= spi_wren_reg_m;
    dbg(11) <= spi_wren_reg_m;
    dbg(10) <= spi_wr_ack_m;
    dbg(10) <= spi_wr_ack_m;
    dbg(9)  <= spi_di_req_m;
    dbg(9)  <= spi_di_req_m;
    dbg(8)  <= spi_do_valid_m;
    dbg(8)  <= spi_do_valid_m;
--    dbg(11 downto 8) <= spi_state_s;
    -- slave signals mapped on dbg
    -- slave signals mapped on dbg
    dbg(7)  <= spi_wren_reg_s;
    dbg(7)  <= spi_wren_reg_s;
    dbg(6)  <= spi_wr_ack_s;
    dbg(6)  <= spi_wr_ack_s;
    dbg(5)  <= spi_di_req_s;
    dbg(5)  <= spi_di_req_s;
    dbg(4)  <= spi_do_valid_s;
    dbg(4)  <= spi_do_valid_s;
    dbg(3 downto 0) <= spi_state_s;
    -- specific ports to test on testbench
    -- specific ports to test on testbench
    s_do_o <= spi_do_s;
    s_do_o <= spi_do_s;
    m_do_o <= spi_do_m;
    m_do_o <= spi_do_m;
    m_state_o <= spi_state_m;  -- master spi fsm state
    m_state_o <= spi_state_m;  -- master spi fsm state
    s_state_o <= spi_state_s;  -- slave spi fsm state
    s_state_o <= spi_state_s;  -- slave spi fsm state
end behavioral;
end rtl;
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 No newline at end of file

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