-- Company:
-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 16:53:03 06/10/2011
-- Create Date: 16:53:03 06/10/2011
-- Design Name:
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: C:/Users/pjf/Documents/projects/fpga/xilinx/Network/ip1/UDP_RX_tb.vhd
-- Module Name: C:/Users/pjf/Documents/projects/fpga/xilinx/Network/ip1/UDP_RX_tb.vhd
-- Project Name: ip1
-- Project Name: ip1
-- Target Device:
-- Target Device:
-- Tool versions:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description:
-- Description:
-- VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for module: UDP_RX
-- VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for module: UDP_RX
-- Dependencies:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
-- Additional Comments:
-- Notes:
-- Notes:
-- This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and
-- This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and
-- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends
-- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends
-- that these types always be used for the top-level I/O of a design in order
-- that these types always be used for the top-level I/O of a design in order
-- to guarantee that the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation
-- to guarantee that the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation
-- simulation model.
-- simulation model.
library IEEE;
library IEEE;
use work.axi.all;
use work.axi.all;
use work.ipv4_types.all;
use work.ipv4_types.all;
-- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)
-- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)
-- UDP Layer signals
-- UDP Layer signals
udp_rxo : inout udp_rx_type;
udp_rxo : inout udp_rx_type;
udp_rx_start : out std_logic; -- indicates receipt of udp header
udp_rx_start : out std_logic; -- indicates receipt of udp header
-- system signals
-- system signals
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
-- IP layer RX signals
-- IP layer RX signals
ip_rx_start : in std_logic; -- indicates receipt of ip header
ip_rx_start : in std_logic; -- indicates receipt of ip header
ip_rx : inout ipv4_rx_type
ip_rx : inout ipv4_rx_type
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '0';
signal ip_rx_start : std_logic := '0';
signal ip_rx_start : std_logic := '0';
signal udp_rxo : udp_rx_type;
signal udp_rxo : udp_rx_type;
signal ip_rx : ipv4_rx_type;
signal ip_rx : ipv4_rx_type;
signal udp_rx_start : std_logic;
signal udp_rx_start : std_logic;
-- Clock period definitions
-- Clock period definitions
constant clk_period : time := 8 ns;
constant clk_period : time := 8 ns;
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
udp_rxo => udp_rxo,
udp_rxo => udp_rxo,
udp_rx_start => udp_rx_start,
udp_rx_start => udp_rx_start,
clk => clk,
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
reset => reset,
ip_rx_start => ip_rx_start,
ip_rx_start => ip_rx_start,
ip_rx => ip_rx
ip_rx => ip_rx
-- Clock process definitions
-- Clock process definitions
clk_process :process
clk_process :process
clk <= '0';
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2;
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= '1';
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2;
wait for clk_period/2;
end process;
end process;
-- Stimulus process
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
stim_proc: process
-- hold reset state for 100 ns.
-- hold reset state for 100 ns.
wait for 100 ns;
wait for 100 ns;
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= (others => '0');
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= (others => '0');
ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors <= (others => '0');
ip_rx.hdr.num_frame_errors <= (others => '0');
ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code <= (others => '0');
ip_rx.hdr.last_error_code <= (others => '0');
ip_rx.hdr.is_broadcast <= '0';
reset <= '1';
reset <= '1';
wait for clk_period*10;
wait for clk_period*10;
reset <= '0';
reset <= '0';
wait for clk_period*5;
wait for clk_period*5;
reset <= '0';
reset <= '0';
-- check reset conditions
-- check reset conditions
assert udp_rx_start = '0' report "udp_rx_start not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rx_start = '0' report "udp_rx_start not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '0' report "udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '0' report "udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "udp_rxo.data.data_in not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "udp_rxo.data.data_in not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not initialised correctly on reset";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not initialised correctly on reset";
-- insert stimulus here
-- insert stimulus here
-- TEST 1 -- basic functional rx test with received ip pkt
-- TEST 1 -- basic functional rx test with received ip pkt
report "T1: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, udp protocol from port x1498 to port x8724 and 3 bytes data";
report "T1: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, udp protocol from port x1498 to port x8724 and 3 bytes data";
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
wait for clk_period*3;
wait for clk_period*3;
-- now send the data
-- now send the data
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"14"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"14"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"98"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"98"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"87"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"87"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"24"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"24"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0b"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0b"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
-- udp hdr should be valid
-- udp hdr should be valid
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"41"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"41"; wait for clk_period; -- data
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_port = x"1498" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.src_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_port = x"1498" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.src_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port = x"8724" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port = x"8724" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.data_length = x"0003" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.data_length not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.data_length = x"0003" report "T1: udp_rxo.hdr.data_length not set correctly";
assert udp_rx_start = '1' report "T1: udp_rx_start not set";
assert udp_rx_start = '1' report "T1: udp_rx_start not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"49"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"49"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not set";
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T1: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
-- TEST 2 -- ability to receive 2nd ip pkt
-- TEST 2 -- ability to receive 2nd ip pkt
report "T2: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, udp protocol from port x7623 to port x0365 and 5 bytes data";
report "T2: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, udp protocol from port x7623 to port x0365 and 5 bytes data";
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
wait for clk_period*3;
wait for clk_period*3;
-- now send the data
-- now send the data
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"76"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"76"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"23"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"23"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"03"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"03"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"65"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"65"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
-- udp hdr should be valid
-- udp hdr should be valid
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"17"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"17"; wait for clk_period; -- data
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_port = x"7623" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.src_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_port = x"7623" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.src_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port = x"0365" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port = x"0365" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.data_length = x"0005" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.data_length not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.data_length = x"0005" report "T2: udp_rxo.hdr.data_length not set correctly";
assert udp_rx_start = '1' report "T2: udp_rx_start not set";
assert udp_rx_start = '1' report "T2: udp_rx_start not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"37"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"37"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"57"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"57"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"73"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"73"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"f9"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"f9"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not set";
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T2: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
-- TEST 3 -- ability to reject non-udp protocols
-- TEST 3 -- ability to reject non-udp protocols
report "T3: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, protocol x12 from port x7623 to port x0365 and 5 bytes data";
report "T3: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, protocol x12 from port x7623 to port x0365 and 5 bytes data";
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"12"; -- non-UDP
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"12"; -- non-UDP
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
wait for clk_period*3;
wait for clk_period*3;
-- now send the data
-- now send the data
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"76"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"76"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"23"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"23"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"03"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"03"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"65"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"65"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0d"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
-- udp hdr should be valid
-- udp hdr should be valid
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid incorrectly set";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid incorrectly set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"17"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"17"; wait for clk_period; -- data
assert udp_rx_start = '0' report "T3: udp_rx_start incorrectly set";
assert udp_rx_start = '0' report "T3: udp_rx_start incorrectly set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"37"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"37"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"57"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"57"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"73"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"73"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"f9"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"f9"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last incorrectly set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last incorrectly set";
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T3: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
-- TEST 4 -- Ability to receive UDP pkt after non-UDP pkt
-- TEST 4 -- Ability to receive UDP pkt after non-UDP pkt
report "T4: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, udp protocol from port x1498 to port x8724 and 3 bytes data";
report "T4: Send an ip frame with IP src ip_address c0a80501, udp protocol from port x1498 to port x8724 and 3 bytes data";
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx_start <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP
ip_rx.hdr.protocol <= x"11"; -- UDP
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.data_length <= x"000b";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
ip_rx.hdr.src_ip_addr<= x"c0a80501";
wait for clk_period*3;
wait for clk_period*3;
-- now send the data
-- now send the data
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '1';
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"14"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"14"; wait for clk_period; -- src port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"98"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"98"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"87"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"87"; wait for clk_period; -- dst port
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"24"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"24"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- len (hdr + data)
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0b"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"0b"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period; -- mty cks
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"00"; wait for clk_period;
-- udp hdr should be valid
-- udp hdr should be valid
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid = '1' report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.is_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"41"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"41"; wait for clk_period; -- data
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr = x"c0a80501" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.src_ip_addr not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_port = x"1498" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.src_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.src_port = x"1498" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.src_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port = x"8724" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port = x"8724" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.dst_port not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.data_length = x"0003" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.data_length not set correctly";
assert udp_rxo.hdr.data_length = x"0003" report "T4: udp_rxo.hdr.data_length not set correctly";
assert udp_rx_start = '1' report "T4: udp_rx_start not set";
assert udp_rx_start = '1' report "T4: udp_rx_start not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '1' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not set";
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"45"; wait for clk_period; -- data
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"49"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
ip_rx.data.data_in <= x"49"; ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '1'; wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not set";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '1' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not set";
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx_start <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.data.data_in_last <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
ip_rx.hdr.is_valid <= '0';
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in = x"00" report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid = '0' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_valid not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
assert udp_rxo.data.data_in_last = '0' report "T4: udp_rxo.data.data_in_last not cleared";
wait for clk_period;
wait for clk_period;
report "--- end of tests ---";
report "--- end of tests ---";
end process;
end process;