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##      File: single_port_ram.IP
##      Copyright (C) 2014-2016  Alireza Monemi
##      This file is part of ProNoC 1.8.0 

$ipgen = bless( {
                  'description_pdf' => '/mpsoc/src_peripheral/ram/RAM.pdf',
                  'unused' => undef,
                  'gui_status' => {
                                    'timeout' => 0,
                                    'status' => 'ideal'
                  'modules' => {
                                 'wb_single_port_ram' => {}
                  'parameters' => {
                                    'Aw' => {
                                              'global_param' => 'Parameter',
                                              'info' => 'Memory address width',
                                              'type' => 'Spin-button',
                                              'redefine_param' => 1,
                                              'default' => '12',
                                              'content' => '4,31,1'
                                    'INITIAL_EN' => {
                                                      'content' => '"YES","NO"',
                                                      'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                      'default' => '"NO"',
                                                      'info' => 'If selected as "ENABLED", the memory content will be initialized at compilation time using MEM_CONTENT_FILE_NAME.',
                                                      'type' => 'Combo-box',
                                                      'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'WB_Aw' => {
                                                 'global_param' => 'Don\'t include',
                                                 'info' => undef,
                                                 'type' => 'Fixed',
                                                 'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                 'default' => 'Aw+2',
                                                 'content' => ''
                                    'BYTE_WR_EN' => {
                                                      'info' => 'Byte enable',
                                                      'type' => 'Combo-box',
                                                      'global_param' => 'Localparam',
                                                      'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                      'content' => '"YES","NO"',
                                                      'default' => '"YES"'
                                    'TAGw' => {
                                                'global_param' => 'Localparam',
                                                'info' => 'Parameter',
                                                'type' => 'Fixed',
                                                'content' => '',
                                                'default' => '3',
                                                'redefine_param' => 1
                                    'FPGA_VENDOR' => {
                                                       'content' => '"ALTERA","GENERIC"',
                                                       'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                       'default' => '"GENERIC"',
                                                       'info' => '',
                                                       'type' => 'Combo-box',
                                                       'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'MEM_CONTENT_FILE_NAME' => {
                                                                 'default' => '"ram0"',
                                                                 'content' => '',
                                                                 'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                                 'type' => 'Entry',
                                                                 'info' => 'MEM_FILE_NAME:
The memory file name (without file type extension ) that is used for writting the memory content either at run time or at initialization time. 

File Path: 
For bus-based SoC the file path is {ProNoC_work}/SOC/{soc_name}/sw/RAM/{file_type}/{MEM_FILE_NAME}.
For NoC-based MPSoC the file path is {ProNoC_work}/MPSOC/{mpsoc_name}/sw/tile{tile_num}/RAM/{file_type}/{MEM_FILE_NAME} 

bin: raw binary format . It will be used by JTAG_WB to change the memory content at runtime.
memh: hexadecimal-string format . It will be used for initialing the Generic RAM using $readmemh command.
mif: memory initialization file format. This file can be used to initialize Altera FPGA memory. Also if the JTAG_CONECT is selected as ALTERA_IEMC it can be used for changing memory content at run time . ',
                                                                 'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'Dw' => {
                                              'content' => '8,1024,1',
                                              'redefine_param' => 1,
                                              'default' => '32',
                                              'global_param' => 'Parameter',
                                              'info' => 'Memory data width in Bits.',
                                              'type' => 'Spin-button'
                                    'JTAG_INDEX' => {
                                                      'content' => '',
                                                      'default' => 'CORE_ID',
                                                      'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                      'info' => '   A unique index number which will be used for accessing to the memory content using JTAG cable.The default value is the processing tile id (CORE_ID) . You can also inter a unique number for each individula memory.

   In case you have \'n\' memory in each processing core you can define their index as "n*CORE_ID+1 , n*CORE_ID+2 ...n*CORE_ID+n-1). 

   You also can disabled JTAG access here and connect one jtag to wb interface (jtag_wb) to the wishbone bus. Using single jtag index number, a jtag_wb module can read/wr any IP that is connected to wishbone bus slave port (including all memory units).

                                                      'type' => 'Entry',
                                                      'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'CTIw' => {
                                                'content' => '',
                                                'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                'default' => '3',
                                                'global_param' => 'Localparam',
                                                'type' => 'Fixed',
                                                'info' => 'Parameter'
                                    'SELw' => {
                                                'content' => '',
                                                'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                'default' => 'Dw/8',
                                                'info' => 'Parameter',
                                                'type' => 'Fixed',
                                                'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'BURST_MODE' => {
                                                      'default' => '"ENABLED"',
                                                      'content' => '"DISABLED","ENABLED"',
                                                      'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                      'info' => 'Enable the Wishbone bus Incrementing burst mode data transfer. Support Linear burst and 4,8,16-beat wrap burst types. ',
                                                      'type' => 'Combo-box',
                                                      'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'BTEw' => {
                                                'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                'default' => '2',
                                                'content' => '',
                                                'type' => 'Fixed',
                                                'info' => 'Parameter',
                                                'global_param' => 'Localparam'
                                    'INIT_FILE_PATH' => {
                                                          'type' => 'Fixed',
                                                          'info' => undef,
                                                          'global_param' => 'Localparam',
                                                          'content' => '',
                                                          'default' => 'SW_LOC',
                                                          'redefine_param' => 1
                                    'JTAG_CONNECT' => {
                                                        'type' => 'Combo-box',
                                                        'info' => 'JTAG_CONNECT:
if it is not disabled then the actual memory is implemented as a dual port RAM with the second port is connected either to In-System Memory Content Editor or Jtag_to_wb. This allows that the memory content can be read/written using JTAG.   ',
                                                        'global_param' => 'Localparam',
                                                        'default' => '"DISABLED"',
                                                        'redefine_param' => 1,
                                                        'content' => '"DISABLED", "JTAG_WB" , "ALTERA_IMCE"'
                  'version' => 22,
                  'ports' => {
                               'reset' => {
                                            'type' => 'input',
                                            'range' => '',
                                            'intfc_port' => 'reset_i',
                                            'intfc_name' => 'plug:reset[0]'
                               'sa_bte_i' => {
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'bte_i',
                                               'type' => 'input',
                                               'range' => 'BTEw-1     :   0'
                               'sa_ack_o' => {
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'ack_o',
                                               'range' => '',
                                               'type' => 'output'
                               'sa_sel_i' => {
                                               'intfc_port' => 'sel_i',
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'range' => 'SELw-1     :   0',
                                               'type' => 'input'
                               'sa_err_o' => {
                                               'type' => 'output',
                                               'range' => '',
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'err_o'
                               'sa_tag_i' => {
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'tag_i',
                                               'type' => 'input',
                                               'range' => 'TAGw-1     :   0'
                               'sa_dat_i' => {
                                               'type' => 'input',
                                               'range' => 'Dw-1       :   0',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'dat_i',
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]'
                               'sa_cyc_i' => {
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'cyc_i',
                                               'type' => 'input',
                                               'range' => ''
                               'sa_rty_o' => {
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'rty_o',
                                               'range' => '',
                                               'type' => 'output'
                               'sa_cti_i' => {
                                               'range' => 'CTIw-1     :   0',
                                               'type' => 'input',
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'cti_i'
                               'sa_we_i' => {
                                              'type' => 'input',
                                              'range' => '',
                                              'intfc_port' => 'we_i',
                                              'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]'
                               'sa_dat_o' => {
                                               'intfc_port' => 'dat_o',
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'type' => 'output',
                                               'range' => 'Dw-1       :   0'
                               'clk' => {
                                          'type' => 'input',
                                          'range' => '',
                                          'intfc_name' => 'plug:clk[0]',
                                          'intfc_port' => 'clk_i'
                               'sa_stb_i' => {
                                               'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                               'intfc_port' => 'stb_i',
                                               'range' => '',
                                               'type' => 'input'
                               'sa_addr_i' => {
                                                'intfc_port' => 'adr_i',
                                                'intfc_name' => 'plug:wb_slave[0]',
                                                'range' => 'Aw-1       :   0',
                                                'type' => 'input'
                  'parameters_order' => [
                  'plugs' => {
                               'reset' => {
                                            '0' => {
                                                     'name' => 'reset'
                                            'type' => 'num',
                                            'value' => 1,
                                            'reset' => {}
                               'wb_slave' => {
                                               'type' => 'num',
                                               '0' => {
                                                        'name' => 'wb',
                                                        'addr' => '0x0000_0000  0x3fff_ffff             RAM',
                                                        'width' => 'WB_Aw'
                                               'wb_slave' => {},
                                               'value' => 1
                               'clk' => {
                                          'value' => 1,
                                          'clk' => {},
                                          'type' => 'num',
                                          '0' => {
                                                   'name' => 'clk'
                  'hdl_files' => [
                  'ip_name' => 'single_port_ram',
                  'ports_order' => [
                  'module_name' => 'wb_single_port_ram',
                  'description' => 'Single port ram with wishbone bus interface.',
                  'file_name' => '/home/alireza/Mywork/mpsoc/src_peripheral/ram/wb_single_port_ram.v',
                  'category' => 'RAM'
                }, 'ip_gen' );

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