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[/] [fp_log/] [trunk/] [LAU/] [Virtex 5/] [DP-LAU/] [comp_eq_11ones.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 1995-2008 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ____ ____ -- / /\/ / -- /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx -- \ \ \/ Version: K.39 -- \ \ Application: netgen -- / / Filename: comp_eq_11ones.vhd -- /___/ /\ Timestamp: Tue Jun 23 15:23:30 2009 -- \ \ / \ -- \___\/\___\ -- -- Command : -intstyle ise -w -sim -ofmt vhdl "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Felsenstein Coprocessor\Logarithm LUT based\HW Implementation\Coregen\tmp\_cg\comp_eq_11ones.ngc" "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Felsenstein Coprocessor\Logarithm LUT based\HW Implementation\Coregen\tmp\_cg\comp_eq_11ones.vhd" -- Device : 5vsx95tff1136-2 -- Input file : C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Felsenstein Coprocessor/Logarithm LUT based/HW Implementation/Coregen/tmp/_cg/comp_eq_11ones.ngc -- Output file : C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Felsenstein Coprocessor/Logarithm LUT based/HW Implementation/Coregen/tmp/_cg/comp_eq_11ones.vhd -- # of Entities : 1 -- Design Name : comp_eq_11ones -- Xilinx : C:\Xilinx\10.1\ISE -- -- Purpose: -- This VHDL netlist is a verification model and uses simulation -- primitives which may not represent the true implementation of the -- device, however the netlist is functionally correct and should not -- be modified. This file cannot be synthesized and should only be used -- with supported simulation tools. -- -- Reference: -- Development System Reference Guide, Chapter 23 -- Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide, Chapter 6 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- synthesis translate_off library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.ALL; use UNISIM.VPKG.ALL; entity comp_eq_11ones is port ( sclr : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; qa_eq_b : out STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC := 'X'; a : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 10 downto 0 ) ); end comp_eq_11ones; architecture STRUCTURE of comp_eq_11ones is signal BU2_N01 : STD_LOGIC; signal BU2_U0_gen_structure_logic_gen_nonpipelined_a_equal_notequal_b_i_a_eq_ne_b_temp_result : STD_LOGIC; signal BU2_a_ge_b : STD_LOGIC; signal NLW_VCC_P_UNCONNECTED : STD_LOGIC; signal NLW_GND_G_UNCONNECTED : STD_LOGIC; signal a_2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ( 10 downto 0 ); begin a_2(10) <= a(10); a_2(9) <= a(9); a_2(8) <= a(8); a_2(7) <= a(7); a_2(6) <= a(6); a_2(5) <= a(5); a_2(4) <= a(4); a_2(3) <= a(3); a_2(2) <= a(2); a_2(1) <= a(1); a_2(0) <= a(0); VCC_0 : VCC port map ( P => NLW_VCC_P_UNCONNECTED ); GND_1 : GND port map ( G => NLW_GND_G_UNCONNECTED ); BU2_U0_gen_structure_logic_gen_nonpipelined_a_equal_notequal_b_i_a_eq_ne_b_i_use_carry_plus_luts_lut_and_i_gate_bit_tier_gen_1_i_tier_loop_tiles_0_i_tile_o : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"8000000000000000" ) port map ( I0 => a_2(9), I1 => a_2(8), I2 => a_2(7), I3 => a_2(6), I4 => a_2(5), I5 => BU2_N01, O => BU2_U0_gen_structure_logic_gen_nonpipelined_a_equal_notequal_b_i_a_eq_ne_b_temp_result ); BU2_U0_gen_structure_logic_gen_nonpipelined_a_equal_notequal_b_i_a_eq_ne_b_i_use_carry_plus_luts_lut_and_i_gate_bit_tier_gen_1_i_tier_loop_tiles_0_i_tile_o_SW0 : LUT6 generic map( INIT => X"8000000000000000" ) port map ( I0 => a_2(4), I1 => a_2(3), I2 => a_2(2), I3 => a_2(1), I4 => a_2(10), I5 => a_2(0), O => BU2_N01 ); BU2_U0_gen_structure_logic_gen_nonpipelined_a_equal_notequal_b_i_a_eq_ne_b_gen_output_reg_output_reg_fd_output_1 : FDR generic map( INIT => '0' ) port map ( C => clk, D => BU2_U0_gen_structure_logic_gen_nonpipelined_a_equal_notequal_b_i_a_eq_ne_b_temp_result, R => sclr, Q => qa_eq_b ); BU2_XST_GND : GND port map ( G => BU2_a_ge_b ); end STRUCTURE; -- synthesis translate_on