Single 14 Segment Display Driver with Limited ASCII Decoder  0.1
14-segment Display Driver Info


 The main purpose of this module is to be fed with ASCI symbol codes and it will output word lighting up the exact segments 
 on the 14-segment display to visualize the ASCII character. Current implementation uses input register to store the input code. 

 ASCII symbols are coded in Byte having values from 0x00 to 0x7F. This range covers all the symbols in the decoding table.
 The range is doubled because the symbols may be lit with DP on or off. More information may be found in MAX6955 datasheet.
 Follows small revised quote of the most descriptive part related to decoding. Not applicable words are removed.

 ... includes 104-character ASCII font maps for 14-segment... . The characters follow the standard ASCII font, with the
 addition of the following common symbols: GBP, EUR, Yen, degree, micro, plus/minus, arrow up, and arrow down. 
 Seven bits represent the 104-character font map; an 8th bit is used to select whether the decimal point (DP) is lit.

Display Data Out

 Typically the data fed to display (single or multiple) is provided for single display at a time.
 If multiple displays are required disp_sel signal must be provided (according typical dynamic display indication).

Display Segment Bit Mapping

Bit Number 14131211109876543210
Display Segmentdpmlkjihg2g1fedcba

Note that there is no standard way to name the segments. Current data bits correspondt to display segments according this picture:
